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Volume 1 English as a second language.

Bespoke material

written, designed and produced in-house.

Role Play Tasks

Assume a different character in every task.

English Study online English as a second language

Written by Sanj Saigal


Scripts Role play lesson plans from one2one.

A series of lesson plans designed to promote interaction, reduce translation time, develop grammatical awareness and build vocabulary.

Follow the script that has been written for you, your tutor will play the character of your friend.

You are part of a story, in this scene, you will be seated in a coffee shop and whilst standing in the queue, meet an old friend who you haven’t seen for five years. You will learn the key vocabulary needed to start, maintain and end a conversation.


Coffee Please

Just Talk




The Meeting 27

I Want That Car 22


Coffee Please

This is an intermediate task. Try your best to improvise.

Staff: Here you go, can I get you

You take your coffee and slowly walk

anything else?

to the nearest table. Placing your

Staff: Hi, may I take your order,

coffee down carefully, you pull your




Staff: Ok that’s; $2.25 please.

book out of your bag and begin flicking through the pages trying to find the last page you read.

Staff: Sure, would you like a small, medium or large cup? You:

You: Staff: Thank you, enjoy your coffee. You:

As you sip your coffee, you notice a man ordering a coffee, from behind, he looked very familiar but you can’t be sure that you know him. Coffee in

The member of staff turns and

hand he is approaching your table.

walks towards the coffee machine,

You smile because you now recognise

various noises can be heard. He


walks back towards you with a cup in hand. He places the cup slowly on the cash desk.


You met James when you were working for your previous company some 5 years ago, he left the company and you haven’t seen him since. Interact with him, invite him to sit with you.

You: James: Wow, I haven’t seen you in such a long time. How are you?

Scene 2

James: What’s your job title these

Catching Up


James will now ask you some


questions, your task is to answer You:

them using your real job and real

James: Did you move house?

personal life. You realise that James is at the coffee shop alone, why don’t you ask

James: Are you still working in the same place?

him to join you?

You: “You need to now ask James 3 questions of your choice”.

You: You: James: How’s your brother/ sisJames: Thanks



The Art Of Conversation Scene 3 Arranging to meet again

You and James would like to meet up again, it’s up to you to exchange contact details and set up a date to meet again.

James: It’s getting late, I had better get back to the office before I get into trouble. Are you free next week? You: James: Great! Give me your phone number. You: James: Ok, I have just added you to WhatsApp, I will get in touch on Monday and we will set something up. You:

James: Great to see you after all these years, see you next week!


. Conversation Section 1.

We never keep in touch with friends from our past, we simply make new ones.


It’s harder to make friends over the age of 40.


Social lives used to be physical but are now virtual.


Work colleagues make the best friends.


It’s not easy to hide your private lives anymore.


Most people would prefer to keep in touch online rather than physical interaction.


Modern society is too competitive to make real friends who are not materialistic.


Going out is expensive, most people prefer to stay I rather than go out.


The Meeting You will participate in a conference call between a client and your department. Playing the part of a project manager, your task is to successfully navigate through problems that you are having during your call. Follow the script and improvise.

Press here

Client - Maria Johnstone

Maria: Yes ok, would you like me to call you?


You call Maria back, interact with your

Maria: Good morning, pleased to

client to assess if you can continue

meet you too, sorry but I can’t see

your meeting or cancel and reschedule

you on screen.

it for another time.



Maria: No, I can’t hear you very

Maria: No, your voice keeps cutting


out now but I can see you.


*Inform the client that the meeting needs to be rescheduled. 10





A conversation script has been written for you, participate using the context of this conversation a hint would be to look at the way in which your client reacts to what you're saying.

Client: Could you tell her that I phoned and to call me back after 5 pm if possible?

Client: Thanks so much, oh sorry I didn’t catch your name.

Your office phone is ringing, pick it up. Interact with whoever is on the line and react accordingly.

You: You: Client: My name is Thomas Grey

Client: Sorry could you spell your surname for me, I am terrible with names?



Client: It’s regarding the loan approval from Barclays Bank for the S3 Project in London.

Client: Thank you again, bye.

You: You: Client: Oh, good morning, could I speak to Carla, please. You: Client: Oh, can I leave a message for her in that case?

Client: Yes, of course, she can reach me on my mobile today, the number is 675 763 213.

Note: There is a formula to answer a business phone. Every company tries to uniform the way in which the phone is answered so that there is a set standard. *Key

Greeting - Company name -Your name - Offer 11

“It’s not what we do, it’s how we do it!” 12

Profile CV Writing - English For Work - Conversation - Exam Preparation - Immigration - Interview Practice

13 Established in 2011



Interview Date Task 2 In this task, you are expecting a call from an HR manager. Your partner Claire Gold or Mark Gold is out and it’s up to you to interact. Remember that your objective is to record vital information such as dates and times. Your house phone is ringing, pick up the phone. You: HR: Good afternoon, I wonder if I could speak to a Mr/ Mrs ………… Gold, please. You:

HR: Oh, not a problem, perhaps I could leave a message for him/her?

HR: That’s correct. You:

You: HR: Thanks, goodbye HR: I am calling from a Company called ZANA Holdings, Claire/ Mark applied for a position and I have a provisional interview date. You:

*Your partner returns to the house, using the principles behind reported speech, tell your partner about the call.

HR: I have provisionally reserved the 19th of this month at 3:25 in the afternoon. The interview will be held at our office. You: ( You will need to repeat the details to ensure that you have taken the details down correctly). 16

Task 3 Your mobile phone is ringing; it’s a social call.

You: Sam: Hi, can you talk? You: Sam: Just a quick call, wondering if you're free this Friday? You: Sam: Everyone wants to grab a Pizza after work, you up for it? You: Sam: We were thinking about the place near your office, you know on Blue Avenue. You: Sam: Straight after work, we will wait for you outside at 5:30 ish, don’t rush because Sarah will probably be late. You: Sam: Great, see you on Friday!


Task 4

You are not feeling very well, phone a medical centre and make an appointment to see a Doctor for today or tomorrow. You will need to interact with the receptionist.

Clinic: Sorry, could you repeat the last three numbers for me again? You: Clinic: What time would you like your appointment? You:


Clinic: I can offer you 5:45 this evening.

Your Doctor: Dr Steven Shaw


Clinic Reference Number: 0974S - 419H 5GJ - 939

Clinic: Thanks for calling You:

Clinic: Good afternoon, Dr Johnstone’s Clinic, Andrew speaking how can I help you? You: Clinic: Are you registered at this Clinic? You: Clinic: Can I have your reference number, please? You: 18


Established 2011

Online Academy

Native teachers


Immigration If you are preparing for English Exams contact us today.

CV Writing & Interview Preparation We will design and write a CV that will appeal internationally.

Conversation Voice tones - speed of speech pronunciation - vocabulary building


Task 5 Designed for students who are relocating and need to practice interacting with people. Car Showroom You enter a car showroom; below, you will find information for this task. Car budget: $8.500.00 Guarantee period: You want a year Payment plan needed but only for a year Ideal car: 4x4 any brand Deposit for a vehicle: $5,600.00 Salesperson: Good afternoon and welcome to excelsior used cars, if you should need anything, I will be over there. * He points to a desk located at the far end of the showroom. You walk around the showroom and spot a Nissan 4x4 priced at $9,450.00. It's slightly over your budget, but you want to see if you can cut a deal on it with the salesperson. You smile at the salesperson who approaches you. Salesperson: What type of car are you looking for? You: Salesperson: We have these two in stock at the moment, may I ask what your budget is? ( He extends his hand towards the two vehicles directly in front of you, both are 4x4's. You: Salesperson: Hmm, both of our 4x4's are a little over your budget, but we can talk about it. You: Salesperson: Firstly, how much deposit do you have? You: Salesperson: That changes things as it's more than 50%, tell you what, if you can put the rest on finance, I am prepared to give you the car for $8,500.00 meeting your budget requirements. You: Salesperson: We offer a standard one-year guarantee which you can extend at the very end of the contract. You: Salesperson: Yes, we do have a payment plan, how long would you like? You: Salesperson: Let me see, that would be a balance of $2,900.00, so that works out to 241.66 per month plus 4% APR. You: Salesperson: Yes of course. That will be exactly $251.32 per month. You: Salesperson: Yes, it comes fully loaded with heated seats, cruise control, ABS, power steering etc. You: Salesperson: Yes, if you leave me a deposit I can secure the vehicle for you.

You: Salesperson: I need a bank transfer certificate to show the balance transfer and the car is yours. You: Salesperson: We close at 6 pm You: Salesperson: Great, please follow me and we can complete all the paperwork.




We offer flexible class times and you can learn English at your speed. Our materials are captivating and assist with the learning process. 24


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