Penny Shaw

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Penny Shaw


“It’s not what we do, it’s how we do it!”

Business English

The Penny Shaw Stories

Role play tasks that have been designed for you to practice Business English. Business stories created by

Business English Penny Shaw Lesson Plan •

Module Find yourself placed into a short story based on a young accountant, Penny Shaw joining your team at Bridge accountants.In this role play which had input from both an HR assistant and a project manager, you will need to:

Introduce yourself Introduce your team Answer a business phone Interact with members of your team Complete business tasks Organise a business meeting

Created By Sanj Saigal

Objectives: Story By To develop voice tones which reflect empathy Pronunciation improvement Vocabulary improvement

Contributing Writer Amanda Saigal

Increased grammar awareness Application of Business English

Thanks to José/ Sophie and Nigel

A challenging Business English module aimed at an intermediate level. Fun and very effective it's based on application rather than theory.

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Penny Shaw Lesson Plan •

PENNY Role play tasks designed for professionals to apply Business English to realistic situations. Learn through application rather than theory.

Task 1

It's Monday morning and you are at work. Your first task is to phone a client to arrange a meeting date and time:

Your task is to call Mr Peter Sinclair. There are 3 available meeting times: Monday the 19th of April at 2:45 pm Tuesday the 20th of April at 4:20 pm Wednesday the 21st of April at 5 pm The meeting will take place at your office: No9 Kraybourne Avenue Red Square London Nll 3NL Tel: 0207 678 543 208


Practice Script This script is designed to help establish a set standard for voice tone and speed of speech.

* Good morning, this is Zana PLC, Mike speaking how can I help you?

- Good morning, my name is ...................... and I am calling from ....................... could I speak to Mr Sinclair, please?

* May I ask what it's regarding?

- Yes, it's about a meeting that I need to arrange with him.

* Please hold while I check if he is available.

- Thank you.

* Hello

- Yes

* His line is available, I am just going to transfer you to his extension.

- Thank you

* Good morning, Mr Sinclair speaking.

- Good morning Mr Sinclair, it's ............... from .............. I'm calling to arrange a meeting date and time with you for next week if possible.

* Good morning, thank you for getting back to me, when can we meet?

- Well, I can oer you 3 dates and times:

Monday the 19th at 2:45 pm

Tuesday the 20th at 4:20 pm

Wednesday the 21st at 5 pm

* I think that Tuesday the 20th at 4:20 would be better for me.

- Great, do you know where our oďŹƒce is?

* I think it's on Kraybourne Avenue isn't it?

- Yes, that's right.

* Great, see you on Tuesday and thank you for getting back to me so quickly.

STORIES - Your welcome Mr Sinclair, goodbye.

Your meeting with Mr Sinclair has now been arranged. There is a knock at the door, it's your Manager; Sarah Cohen. Ask Sarah to come in and find out how you can help her.

Task Sarah enters the room and asks you to phone The Mayfair restaurant to book a table for 4 under the name Cohen for 7:45 pm on the 22nd of April, she would prefer a window seat if possible. Your task is to phone the restaurant and book a table for the date and time shown above. When you have completed this task, you will need to phone Sarah and let her know that it's done. Note: Sarah may not be available when you call so you will need to leave a message with David, her Personal assistant.

Task It's now 11:30 am and you have a meeting with David Evans, the HR manager. David will introduce you to a new trainee who is starting today.

You knock at the door and David asks you to come in. As you enter the room you can see a woman sitting down at David's desk. Your task is to introduce yourself to the trainee.


* good morning David, I understand that someone is starting in Accounts today.

- That's right, this is Penny Shaw who is our latest addition to our team.

* Hello Penny, my name is .................... and I oversee the Accounts Department, pleased to meet you.

Try this task unscripted and then scripted so that you can compare and identify with areas that need development.

Task You need to show Penny your department and introduce her to your team. You need to let David know your intention to show penny around the department.

Leave the room, now it's time to introduce your team to Penny.


- Accounts Assistant Manager


- Senior Auditor

Jeremy - Assistant Auditor

* Remember that Penny is an accountant who has just joined the team.


“It’s not what we do, it’s how we do it”

Just got in Sarah, your manager is calling your extension. Pick up the phone using the following format.

Greeting (It’s 1pm) Department (Accounts) Name (Your name) Offer (Offer to help)

Penny Shaw Lesson Plan•

The CV Centre - Your CV tells a story, let us help you to write yours.

“The accounts department” Pick up the phone!

Task - Pick up Sarah Cohen (Your manager) will interact with you. Find out why she is calling and respond accordingly.

Task - The Business Cards Sarah wants you to organize some business cards to be printed for Penny. She wants you to call; Tip Top printing and order them.

* Get a price for 150 double sided business cards. * Get an order reference number. * Find out when the business cards will be ready to collect. * Get the name of the person you are speaking to. * Provide them with the information shown on the next page.

Penny Shaw Lesson Plan •

Side 1

Penny Shaw Accountant

Tel: 0044 207 676 525 Email:

Side 2

Bridge Accountants 15 Kensington Way London N11 3NL

Penny Shaw Lesson Plan •

Task Phone Sarah Cohen

You will be asked questions by a member of staff from the printing company, interact with them and improvise. When you have completed this task, you have to phone Sarah Cohen and give her a description of the cards, price, printing completion date, quantity and order reference number.

“Proud to be different!�

“Business English with” Penny Shaw Lesson Plan •

Penny’s Diary

Penny Shaw Lesson Plan •

Penny Shaw Date




HR Induction

9:30 am - 2:00 pm


Client Introductions

11:00 am - 4:00 pm



**All Day**


Client Visit

4:30 pm - 6:45 pm


Review With Sarah


TASK Put numbers into words eg. 14.01.16 at 2pm would be the fourteenth of January at two in the afternoon. Explain what events and times are indicated in Penny’s diary.

“Words speak louder than actions”

End Of the It’s the end of the day and everyone is leaving the office. You need to interact with Sarah and let her know that you are going home too.

“Business English” - The official language of Business.

Penny Shaw Lesson Plan •

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Penny Shaw Lesson Plan


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