Telephone 2

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Telephone 2

Business English

“Work smarter, not harder�

Waiting ❖

Asking someone to wait while you check a document or transfer a call needs to be very polite.

Client’s and customers are the reason that you have a job.

Voice tones need to reflect empathetic voice tone qualities.

Could I ask you to hold for just a moment please

Could I ask you to hold for just a minute please

Please hold while I check

Please hold while I transfer your call

Let me check if he/she is available, please hold

On the next page you will role play a task where you will practice putting someone on hold using these forms.

Good morning TC Distributions, David speaking how can I help you?

Good morning, could I speak to Mr Williams please

How will you respond?

Informal version


In order to demonstrate formality it’s important to show you how to be informal on a telephone when you want someone to wait.


We do not apply formality to people who are familiar to us such as friends, family and colleagues.

Hi ………. is Sarah available?

Hi……….. Hold on

Hi……….. Hang on

Practice this form with your teacher.

Hi ……… it’s John from accounts, is Jen there? Hi ……… Hang on, let me check. Hi ……… Hold on, let me check.

Asking someone to speak ❖

This must be extremely polite so that you don’t appear arrogant towards the client.

To ask a client to speak we use “Go ahead”

This is the formal way and we normally add the word please to add effect.

You can add “please” at the front or at the back of the construction.

Role Play Task 1 ❖

Answer the phone for your department

A client will ask to speak to Mr Davis

Check if he is available, ask the client to wait while you check

Tell the client that Mr Davis is in a meeting

The client will ask if he can leave a message

How will you ask the client to start speaking so that he can leave a message?

Answering the phone Company Format: ❖


The name of your company

Your name


Answering the phone ❖

Department Format



Your name


Role play task 2 Answer the phone:



Connected ❖

I am just transferring you now

I am just going to transfer you to their extension

Just transferring you now

Let me transfer you to their extension

Let me put you through to their extension

You are the intermediate between the client and your colleague, be polite, your objective is to provide your client with a service that will give return custom. Transferring a call is not an inconvenience, it’s part of your responsibilities as an employee. Being polite on a phone provides both you and your company with more opportunity to be referred.

Busy ❖

Their extension is busy

They are engaged at the moment

They are on another call at the moment

You have the voice of the company, the client has been inconvenienced so we use: ❖

I’m sorry but ….

I’m afraid that …..

Your clients have value to the business therefore you must apologise at the beginning of the construction.

Excuses ❖

I’m sorry he/she is not at their desk at the moment

I’m afraid they are in a meeting at the moment

He/she is on holiday till the ……. (Date)

I’m afraid they are on a client visit at the moment

I’m sorry but their line is engaged at the moment

I’m sorry but they are on another call

I’m sorry but he/ she is out of the office at the moment.

Excuses are important to a business as sometimes they are used to conserve time in a more effective way having a direct input on productivity and output. There are often times when they are used in genuine circumstances but either way they way in which you sound to others must reflect empathetic voice tone qualities that demonstrate a want and need to do business.

Role Play Task 3 ❖

Answer the phone

A client will ask to speak to Mrs Claire Stevens

Tell the client that you will transfer the call to their extension

Claire’s line is busy, inform the client

Gathering information Having good attention for detail means that you will have to source information. When you take a message on the phone you must gather as much information as possible in a short period of time. â?–

In business we always ask for the name of the client and the reason why they phoned. Taking accurate contact details are essential.

We always give a client 2 options where possible: â?–

Would you like to leave a message or can I help at all?

Can I have your full name please?

Could I have the name of the company that you are calling from?

May I ask what it’s regarding?

May I ask what it’s in connection with?

Could I have a contact telephone number?

You should never assume that a client want’s to be contacted on a mobile phone so this is why we use “contact number”.


You have been put through to the wrong extension and have been transferred back to reception

You were speaking to someone and got disconnected

The person spoke too fast and you want them to repeat what they said

You want to leave a message

You want the receptionist to give you the Mr Jacobs mobile telephone number

You don’t know which department to speak to regarding an overpayment

You have a bad signal on your mobile, tell the client

You don’t know Mr Patterson’s extension interact with the receptionist

Leave a message for Mr James to phone you back, use your real name and job title it’s regarding a meeting that you have to cancel

Your mobile battery is running out

Arranging a

Meeting We use certain sentence constructions to arrange meetings. These can be used face to face or on the phone as they follow the same rules.

Are you available on the………..

Are you free on the …………..

Could we arrange to meet on the……….

Have you got time to meet …………..

Is the …………… a good day to meet?

If you are free on the ……… we could arrange to meet

Is there a chance that we could meet on the …………

Role Play Task 4 ❖

Answer the phone for your department

The client wants to speak to Mr Davis

Try and put the call through

His line is busy

Inform the client and ask them if they would like to leave a message or offer assistance.

The client wants to leave a message for Mr Davis

Take the message for Mr Davis

You will be provided with real information. Use a pen and paper or note feature on your device to actually take the message. At the end of this task Mr Davis will ask you if there were any messages while he was out of the office, give him the message.

If you enjoyed this lesson plan try our “English For Work Course” check our website for more information.

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