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NOIR CV Writing

Presentation is everything. Questions


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Established 2011

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Noir CV Format

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The Interview Course Learn about CBI question formats. Business English English you would use in a work environment.

Noir CV Format ................................................. 4

Exam Preparation Prepare for IELTS/ FCE/ CAE / CPE / PTE/A

Profile Questions .................................................. 6

Conversation Gain confidence, learn about voice tones, speed of speech, grammar, pronunciation and build vocabulary. Kids And Teens Create interest in a fun online environment.

Learn about some of the questions that can originate from your CV profile.

Key Skills .....9 Defining your CV.

Training And Development ................................................. 10 one2one academy

Our Service .....12

Formed in 2011 by two

We want to give you the best service possible while providing a very confidential and personal.

teachers who wanted to embrace technology and offer a service built on reputation not advertising. “Work smarter, not harder!”

Responsibilities .....13 What to do next ….. 15 Book a free test class!

The CV Centre

Profile Most people copy and paste a profile from social media platforms such as LinkedIn however there is so much to be said for profiles that truthfully reflect your individual professional traits. There are two schools of thought on how a profile can impact at an interview, some believing that it’s nothing more than a formality whilst others believing that it forms the basis for questions. Having spent 5 years as a recruitment consultant in London, I provide a mix between being a teacher and having an insight into the structure of a CV.

make a significant difference to the selection process. Icons for social media, contact information and location have been personally sourced and sized in line with the layout. I have chosen the left corner for ease of use. You will be provided with 2 versions of your CV in PDF format, the first contains interactive links so the HR Manager can click away making your CV interactive and user friendly. The second will be static so that you can apply for jobs online. One2one will keep a copy and we charge to alter the original whenever needed.

Noir was created from scratch using IOS technology which although does not make light work out of changing text, does offer eye catching designs that I believe can

Profile Questions

1. Provide an example of a situation where you had to be proactive.

2. Give me an example of how you had to think about possible problems that could occur and how you planned to avoid them.

3. You state that you are both proactive and forward thinking in your CV could you give me examples of situations where you can demonstrate these traits.

4. Provide an example of a situation where you demonstrated being both proactive and forward thinking. 5. You have described yourself as being both proactive and forward thinking, how would your team describe you? 6. They say that being both proactive a n d f o r w a rd t h i n k i n g re q u i re s planning, please provide an example of this.

The Cv Centre

In the example CV, the profile states that this person is forward thinking and proactive. Lets us take a look at some of the questions that could be asked about this statement.

Profile continued O n t h e p ro fi l e i t s t a t e s t h a t y o u consistently deliver results within set deadlines. Here are some possible interview questions. 1. Could you indicate your work ethic to wards demonstrating how you consistently achieve. 2. How do you remain motivated during challenging time scales? 3. Indicate when you work alone or as a component to a team. 4. H o w w o u l d y o u m e a s u r e y o u r performance, like for like against last year? 5. If someone wanted your advice about how to work more efficiently, what advice would you give them?

Profiles count, they depict unique traits that separate you from the competition. We use different professional profiles on CV’s than we do on social media sites since these indicate our professional wants and needs.

A CV tells a story based on your professional experience and your qualifications, what’s your story?

Key Skills Every position has a list of very unique skills for example let us look at the key skills shown on the Noir template. Bellow is a list of possible questions based on that list . IT Strategic Planning 1. Did you plan on your own or with others please indicate an example of both scenarios. 2. How often did you plan? 3. Did you sanction decisions or was that done on a higher level? 4. What technology did you use in order to plan eectively? 5. Provide an example of a success and a failure.

Training and development 1. Who did you report to? 2. Who reported to you? 3. How often did you participate in training sessions? 4. Provide an example of a successful training session and how it influenced an outcome. 5. What type of training sessions did you attend? 6. How have training courses influenced your professional performance? 7. What strength and weaknesses were highlighted at your last appraisal? 8. If I was to ask your manager about your time management skills, what do you think they would say?

Lead Conversion 1. D e s c r i b e h o w y o u r p ro f e s s i o n a l performance influenced your companies profitability. 2. Provide me with an example of a challenging lead conversion. 3. Give an example of a company failure that you have learnt something from. have been p r o d u c i n g h i g h q u a l i t y C V ’s f o r immigration, and the UK employment sector since 2011.

Threat Management 1. Describe a situation where you were able to avoid a problem by anticipation an outcome. 2. Demonstrate how you played a critical part in providing your skill base to a process? 3. What protocols did you have to adhere to and how did you enforce them? 4. In a situation where a threat had been detected, what actions did you take and who was the decision maker? 5. How do you keep up to date with this topic? 6. What professional lessons have you learnt with regard to

Quality Control 1. What protocols have you identified with the most in your professional career? 2. Do you interpret guidelines, policies and procedures or follow them? Provide a specific example. 3. If your manager was not available and there was a QC issue, what action would you take in order to find a

Your CV is a tool used by HR personnel to make an informed judgement about how suitable you are to fill a position. Looking great on paper can make the dierence between an average salary and a fantastic one.

We want you to have a personal service over 3 Skype classes. In each class, a CV writer will listen to you talk about your job and translate it over to text in real time. You are included throughout this process so that you can express exactly what you want to say. These details that you provide help you to look better than the other candidates who are applying for the same position. The CV is approved by you and then you will receive a version in PDF version. Two versions are included, one with links from your CV to social media profiles, contact details and any other links you wish to include. This version is normally used for direct applications. The other contains no links so that you can apply for a position online. You can always copy the text onto any format including immigration formats such as Canada or Australia. Noir is fully adaptable. Our one2one CV writer has been producing CV’s since 1995 and specifically for students who are learning English as a second language from 2011.

“It’s not what we do, it’s how we do it!”

Duties or responsibilities One of the most important features of a CV. Using the example let’s look at some of the questions that you could be asked. 1. Provide a scenario of where you have had to interpret policies and procedures. 2. How did you communicate with other departments in 3. 4. 5. 6.

order to conduct a server migration? What was your approach towards security and it’s protocols? How often did you interact with clients? What were the principle differences between national and international clients? How did you keep up to date with your sector?

one2one helps you to look different. “Look like a manager, paid like a manager�

Want to know more about how we can make a difference to the interview process? It doesn’t matter where you are in the world we can help you. Book a free test class today, our interactive calendar means that you can book a class in your own time zone. Our service is confidential so we will always wait to be contacted by you and you will be asked which email address you want us to contact you on.


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