Opinions 6
www.one2oneacademy.com! Lesson Plan
Online English Classes The 6th edition to a series of lesson plans that has a real focus on a students need to express or defend an opinion. www.one2oneacademy.com “It’s not what we do, it’s how we do it!”.
Opinions 6
You will be expected to expand on your answers when answering questions. Voice tones are key as a measure to how passionately you fell about a topic or a subject. Where possible your class will be recorded, you are expected to listen to these audio recordings as part of your homework.
! 1. Do you agree or disagree with the statement shown above? Why?
Refer to these keywords: In general Generally
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I think that most people believe that…… Majority of people believe that…..
1. Job satisfaction is more important than money.
Statement 2 Money will always play a part in how much you like your job. Hints: I think From my perspective I believe I would say that….. In my opinion…
We add words to constructions that demonstrate how passionately we feel about something an example is shown bellow: I like running I really like running
Expressing how passionately you feel about something can often mean that you stress points of a sentence. In the example shown above we would stress “really” and this would convey this concept.
Your teacher will demonstrate this concept by providing alternative sentences to the ones that you provide.
! 3. Job satisfaction is based on your circumstances.
4. Job satisfaction depends on the sector that you work in.
Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why?
Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why?
Comparing situations can often mean that you are faced with referring to the past an example is shown below:
I think that money used to be more important than it is today.
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5. You know that your career is coming to an end when your manager is younger than you are.
6. A salary is linked to the level of freedom that you have. The higher you are on the corporate ladder, the less time you have.
Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why?
Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why?
8. I would let my child have any job they wanted.
9. There is no such thing as a perfect job.
• Parents should not influence
• We always want what others have
• Money should not influence • Distance should not influence • Tradition should not influence
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• It’s human nature to never be content with what we have. • The world is too competitive and this is an influence.
7. People who display too much importance towards work are usually depressed.
Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why?
10. Climbing up the corporate ladder takes too long it’s better to change jobs every few years. • Younger people have more opportunity. • Your career has a shelf life. • The more you put in the more you get out.
“It’s better to be a leader than a follower”.
• Do you agree with the statement shown?! • Is it better to always have a Manager?! • Does a career have limitations if you don’t accept more and more responsibilities?! • At what point do you draw a line on responsibility? Why?! • Are earnings capped if you are a follower?
It’s human nature to attempt something if you knew that you couldn’t fail?
Do you agree with this statement? Why?
Defending an opinion often means that you will have to demonstrate the use of an example, bellow are some useful phrases:!
1. For example! 2. Looking back you can see that‌.! 3. There have been many examples of where this concept has succeeded or failed.! 4. Currently there are plenty of examples which illustrates this point.! 5. You only have to look at ‌.. for example !
Learning how to express an opinion or thought is a topic that you can relate to in your own mother tongue as we often have to do this in both work and social environments.!
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