Opinions 7

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Opinions 7 WWW.ONE2ONEACADEMY.COM The 7th edition to a series of conversation based lesson plans. Learn how to express yourself in English as a second language.

Objectives:! • Reduce translation time! • Increase Vocabulary ! • Improve grammar structures! • Develop confidence!

! Conversation Skills! We advise students to not prepare for this class. These questions are have been designed to help reduce translation time.!


“Work smarter not harder!”

AGREE OR DISAGREE? 1. China’s Economy is slowing, is this due to rising labour costs and improved working conditions or is consumerism slowing?



1. Are internet businesses setting a trend towards internet stocks and shares?!

! 2. Do these types of shares hold the same value as traditional forms?! ! 3. Would you buy internet shares? Why?! !

Technology has changed society forever, we will never return to basics when we get bored of social networking platforms.

Herbal medicines are defying science. They have become an alternative to buying expensive medicines.

Web: http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/ bhcarticles.nsf/pages/Herbal_medicine!

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People often live by the clock an expression used to describe people who always need to look at the time. ! * Does this concept exist in your country?! * In your opinion, why do people need to live this way?

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“Living by the clock”

Climate Change

Climate change is not man made, it’s inevitable.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2569215/ Humans-not-blame-global-warming-says-Greenpeacefounder-Patrick-Moore.html

Link:http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/ femail/article-2478374/ Sorry-guys-life-doesntbegin-40-Most-menfeel-settled-54-SimonCowell.html!


People claim that life begins at 40, is this statement true?!

! Can this be attributed to high divorce rates and separations?! !

Your best friends are the people that you work with. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why?

Taking a holiday is not important if you live in a hot country.

Is email dying?


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Google Eyewear

Google has launched a new product:!

! http://www.techradar.com/reviews/gadgets/google-glass-1152283/review! !




https://onlinedr.netdoctor.co.uk/talk_to_a_doctor/skype_a_doctor/ talk_to_a_doctor_via_skype

Doctors are now available on Skype, is this one step too far or is it going to prove very beneficial?

! Does this concept exist in your Country?



http://issuu.com/learnenglishonline001.com/docs/ intense_interview_course_pdf

“Work smarter not harder!�

1.If you were offered twice your salary to move country, what would you do?! 2.If there was 25 hours in a day, not 24 what would you do with the extra hour?

If there was one song that could describe your life, what would it be? Why?

If you could be invisible for just one day what would you do? Why?

Is technology a time waster or a time saver?

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