YEAR 3 MY WELLBEING JOURNAL EXPLORING MY BEST ME To explore what you can do to grow into a happy and caring young person, have fun joining in with your friends, classmates, parents and teachers doing the lessons and activities in this journal. Class brainstorms are good ways to have fun sharing your thoughts.
My photo
Name My Class My Teacher Draw a picture of your class. Add classmates as you get to know them.
STRENGTHS WEEKS There are eight strengths weeks throughout the year and they are placed on the right hand page for that week. You and your classmates can draw or describe how you could use one of the strengths below to build your wellbeing and healthy friendships. The order of these weeks are: Being Grateful, Being Curious, Being in a Team, Love of Learning, Being Kind, Perseverance (Trying Hard), Being a Leader, Zest. Download these activity sheets and award certificates from the Wellbeing Program/Individual Resources/Strengths Weeks or Wellbeing Awards sections of Acknowledgement: Sonja Lyubirmorsky & Tal Ben Shahar “TEAM – Together Everyone Achieves More.” MW
YEAR 3 RESILIENT WELLBEING INDEX Enjoy doing the following lessons and activities to explore and learn about yourself, friends and classmates. Exploring My Best Me.......................................................1 Index ...................................................................................2 Exploring Me......................................................................3 My Circle of Safety .........................................................4 Me Doing the S.A.M.E. ......................................................5 Strengths for Values .......................................................6 My Strengths Backpack...................................................7 Strengths Word Search .................................................. 8 Using My Strengths .........................................................9 Dolphin Thinking or Crocodile Thinking ........................10 I Can and I Will Self-Talk ................................................ 11 Class Happy Search......................................................... 12 Challenges, Confidence and Me .................................... 13
Being Grateful Week ...................................................... 19 Being Curious Week......................................................... 31 Being in a Team Week .................................................... 43 Love of Learning Week ..................................................55 Being Kind Week ............................................................. 67 Perseverance (Trying Hard) Week .............................. 79 Being a Leader Week ...................................................... 91 Zest Week......................................................................103
Feeling Happy................................................................... 14 You Matter ..................................................................... 26 Positive Attitudes ......................................................... 38 What Went Well.............................................................50 Times to Enjoy ............................................................... 62 Laughing and Fun ........................................................... 74 Feelings and Thinking.....................................................86 Friendship Groups ..........................................................98
Brain Messages................................................................ 16 Bouncing Back ................................................................. 28 Tunes In ...........................................................................40 Using Grit.........................................................................52 Firm Clear Speaking ...................................................... 64 Getting Started ............................................................ 76 Ways to Relax ................................................................88 No To Bullying ............................................................... 100
Caring and Friendly......................................................... 18 Interested Listening .....................................................30 Your Teacher .................................................................. 42 Screen Time .................................................................... 54 Sharing Ideas .................................................................. 66 Others Matter .............................................................. 78
Feeling You Belong..........................................................90 Learning Together ........................................................102
Trying Together ............................................................. 20 Positive Learning ............................................................32 Right Thing To Do .......................................................... 44 Kindness .......................................................................... 56 Sorry and Forgiveness ..................................................68 Helping Out.....................................................................80 Accepting and Enjoying................................................. 92 Fair and Right................................................................104
Getting Organised..........................................................22 Ready to Learn .............................................................. 34 Writing and Drawing ..................................................... 46 Mistakes Grow You........................................................ 58 Projects ..........................................................................70 Brain Exercise ................................................................. 82 Reading and Writing...................................................... 94 Problem Solving ............................................................106
Habits to be Healthy ..................................................... 24 Special Habits ................................................................. 36 Healthy Living .................................................................48 Sleeping Well...................................................................60 Calming Breathing ...........................................................72 Kind Talk to Yourself ....................................................84 There For You ................................................................. 96 Wellbeing and You ........................................................ 108
My Body Language .........................................................110 Exploring My Best Me....................................................111 Kindness In Action ......................................................... 112 Kind Me ...........................................................................113 Me Feeling Safe..............................................................114 Problems, Help and Me ................................................. 115 My Healthy Eating .........................................................116 My Healthy Hygiene .......................................................117 My Feelings and Emotions ............................................118 Glad, Mad, Sad Feelings ................................................119 Happy Ways to Look ....................................................120 Happy Ways to Look X-Diagram ................................. 121 Firm and Clear Me ........................................................ 122 What Do I Want For Me? ............................................ 123 Multiplication Times Tables......................................... 124 Books I Have Read ......................................................... 125 My Friends ..................................................................... 126
Acknowledgement: Martin Seligman & Chris Peterson “You are the sunshine of my life.” Stevie Wonder
EXPLORING ME This Lesson: Wellbeing Learning Intention is for you to enjoy thinking about and sharing different things about yourself. You can write, draw, stick in pictures or do something else to share your thoughts.
My family call me:
My family, pets and their names:
My birthday is:
My age is
years old
My friends and their names:
My hobbies and interests:
My Teacher’s name:
Acknowledgement: Sonja Lyubomirsky & Tal Ben Shahar “Enjoy the journey of good, better, best, never rest.” MW
This Lesson: Wellbeing Learning Intention is for you to learn about how your feelings can affect how you are thinking. When you are calm, you think sensibly, called Dolphin Thinking, because they are calm. When you are tense, you think in a snappy way, called Crocodile Thinking, because they are snappy. Ask yourself often, “am I thinking like a dolphin or a crocodile.” If you feel you are using crocodile thinking, use positive self-talk to change it to dolphin thinking, e.g. I can and I will listen more and control my feelings to not let them affect my thinking. Doing this every day will build your self-control to make good choices. Draw a little dolphin
Draw a little crocodile
Describe or draw what you would act like for one of the situations below using dolphin thinking and then crocodile thinking. 1. Your parents have asked you to clean up your room a number of times because it is messy. 2. You and your friends are playing a game at lunchtime and two older students want to join in. 3. In class your teacher has asked you to stop talking and to listen more. 4. Your friend has borrowed your bike without asking you and you want to ride it. 5. Some of your class is playing a fun game at lunchtime and they haven’t asked you to join in.
Dolphin Thinking
Crocodile Thinking
Acknowledgement: RRRR, Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne “Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness.” Seneca
I CAN AND I WILL SELF-TALK This Lesson: The Wellbeing Learning Intention is for you to learn how to use I can and I will selftalk to help you face challenges and to spur yourself on. It is a great way to change how you are thinking from not so positive to really positive. Practise saying self-talk over and over again in your head to be in charge of your feelings. Below are positive self-talk words that you could use. Make up your own self-talk words for each section.
To Be Happy – I can and I will
To Be Friendly – I can and I will
• Smile at the person I see in the mirror every morning • Smile and look for what is good • Learn the best ways to stay safe • Ask for help when I feel unsafe or upset • Be kind to my family, friends and classmates.
• Listen to others carefully • Say “hello” to every morning with a smile • Keep my promises to others • Ask others on their own to play with me • Say “sorry” when I do something wrong. My own self-talk: I can and I will ...
My own self-talk: I can and I will ...
To Learn Well – I can and I will
To Be Sharing – I can and I will
• Keep trying, even when it’s hard • Ask when I don’t understand something • Enjoy learning new things • Learn from things that go wrong • Try new ways to do things.
• Be in charge of my feelings • Do good to feel good • Have fun and laugh with others • Feel great by helping others • Ignore unfriendly people.
My own self-talk: I can and I will ...
My own self-talk: I can and I will ...
Acknowledgement: ACARA 3-4 HPE “The deeper we dig for answers, the more we uncover new questions.” Ashleigh Brilliant.
Fabulous First Five Minutes
Happy Thinking
What is something you are happy about this week?
Describe or draw something that you are looking forward to this week.
Take learning risks: to be curious try new things, make mistakes and fix them to improve how I learn. Describe or draw a time you have done this.
WHY: by being caring and friendly with other people and having fun with them, you will be able to build healthy relationships with them. HOW: when you enjoy being with other people, you will be rewarded with the feel good brain chemicals, which make you feel that you are special, they trust you and like you for you. Acknowledgement: Diener & Biswas-Diener
DO: what is something that you can do to show you are a caring and friendly person? Acknowledgement: Reivich & Shatte
...................................................................... ...................................................................... Caring Feeling – who are three people you have a healthy relationship with? 1....................................................................
MINDFULNESS TIME Favourite song – while singing your favourite song to yourself, write out some of the words that you like. Think about what the words mean to you and how they make you feel.
2.................................................................... 3.................................................................... Strengths for Values – which strength could you use for Caring and Friendly? (see page 6) Strength: ....................................................... “Being caring and friendly feels good.” MW
Acknowledgement: Kabat-Zinn & Baer
BEING GRATEFUL WEEK This Lesson: Wellbeing Learning Intention is for you to focus this week on being grateful for special people and what you have in your life. Have a class brainstorm about being grateful about the many kind things that other people do to help you to be healthy and happy. You can write, draw, stick in pictures or do something else to explain your thoughts below. Make a Being Grateful Wall in the classroom to draw or describe things that you are grateful for. Also, at home, encourage your family to make a Being Grateful Wall on the fridge, to participate as well. Me being grateful.
Acknowledgement: RRRR, Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne
Week Beginning ____ / ____ / ____
Book Title
No. pages:
Book Title
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Book Title
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Book Title
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Book Title
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Book Title
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Fabulous First Five Minutes
Happy Thinking
Who do you enjoy playing with at playtime?
Describe or draw something that you are looking forward to this week.
To feel good, you need to know who to contact and where to go when you feel unsafe. Make a list of emergency numbers and put it on the fridge at home. Start with Kids Help Line 1800 55 1800.
WHY: by understanding that you have your own strengths, interests and talents, you will feel good about yourself because you matter. HOW: accept that every person is special in their own ways and they matter too. Every morning when you wake up, think about what you are looking forward to during the day and try hard to make it happen. Acknowledgement: Bandura & Rotter
DO: what is something about you that you are proud of? Acknowledgement: Morcombe Foundation, ACARA 3-4 HPE
...................................................................... ...................................................................... Grateful Feeling – what is something special about your family that you are grateful for? ...................................................................... ...................................................................... Strengths for Values – which strength could you use for You Matter? (see page 6) Strength: ....................................................... “Look forward to something every day.” MW
Week Beginning _____ / _____ / _____
Book Title
How did you enjoy reading today?
Time (mins.)
Book Title
No. pages
How did you enjoy reading today?
Time (mins.)
Book Title
No. pages
How did you enjoy reading today?
Time (mins.)
Book Title
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How did you enjoy reading today?
Time (mins.)
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How did you enjoy reading today?
Time (mins.)
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How did you enjoy reading today?
Time (mins.)
Parent/Carer Signature:
HOW DID YOU FEEL THIS WEEK? Gratitude: what went well that you were grateful for?
Who was I kind to? 27
Fabulous First Five Minutes
Happy Thinking
What is something good happening at home?
Describe or draw something that you are looking forward to this week.
THERE FOR YOU WHY: by understanding that everyone has problems sometimes, you will feel happy to ask your Circle of Safety for help.
LIFE’S TREASURE I will make a list of the people and things that I treasure in my life and read it every morning and every night. Describe or draw this.
HOW: problems don’t go away on their own, you need to first ask for help to fix them. Learn who is the best person from your Circle of Safety to ask for different problems. Use your strengths to ask for help. Acknowledgement: Gulliver, Griffiths & Christensen
DO: when is a time you asked for help and who did you ask?
Acknowledgement: RRRR, Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne
...................................................................... ...................................................................... Healthy Feeling – what is something that you could ask for help with today? ...................................................................... ...................................................................... Strengths for Values – which strength could you use for There For You? (see page 6) Strength: ....................................................... “Be strong to ask for help when you are worried.” MW
Week Beginning _____ / _____ / _____
Book Title
How did you enjoy reading today?
Time (mins.)
Book Title
No. pages
How did you enjoy reading today?
Time (mins.)
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How did you enjoy reading today?
Time (mins.)
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How did you enjoy reading today?
Time (mins.)
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No. pages
How did you enjoy reading today?
Time (mins.)
Book Title
No. pages
How did you enjoy reading today?
Time (mins.)
Parent/Carer Signature:
HOW DID YOU FEEL THIS WEEK? Gratitude: what went well that you were grateful for?
What is a good choice I made? 97
KINDNESS IN ACTION This Lesson: The Wellbeing Learning Intention is for you to learn that being kind shows that you have the courage to do good to feel good and to feel good to do good. Every week make a big effort to do some of these kind things for family friends and classmates. Draw a circle around those that you do often to be kind. Make a card thanking someone for all they do for me.
Smile at and say “hello” to people I meet.
Read a funny book with my family.
Hold the door open for others.
Say “Hi!” to someone I don’t normally talk to.
Give someone a compliment.
Make “Be Happy” notes and pass them out.
Play with someone I don’t usually play with.
Make my bed every morning.
Put my toys away every night.
Be a good sport when playing games.
Say “hello” to the person with the stop sign at the crossing.
Pick up rubbish at school and at home.
Draw a picture of my family and give it to them.
Think of three good things that happened every day.
Tell someone, “Great job!”
Be kind to my body by drinking water.
Help younger students around the school.
Say “hello” with a happy face to my neighbours.
Help my teacher make the chairs and tables look neat.
Make a bookmark for a friend.
Give someone a hug when they really need it.
Help with a job at home without being asked.
Clean up my bedroom by putting my toys away.
Acknowledgement: RRRR, Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne “You live by what you give.” MW
KIND ME This Lesson: The Wellbeing Learning Intention is for you to learn that when you treat other people with kindness, you are helping them to feel good about themselves. Also, you need to be kind to yourself so that you can keep growing into a young person who makes a difference in the world. You can write, draw or stick in pictures or do something else to share your thoughts. Me being kind at home
Me being kind in the playground
Me being kind in class
Me being kind to myself
Acknowledgement: RRRR, Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne “Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.” James M Barrie
HAPPY WAYS TO LOOK This Lesson: The Wellbeing Learning Intention is for you to understand that life is so much better when you are happy and smiling and there are many words to describe feeling like this. Below are happy ways to look. Circle ten you think that you look like often. Draw yourself showing a happy way to look.
Sourced from Philosophy 101: Critical Thinking and Reachout “Give yourself permission to shine.” MW
HAPPY WAYS TO LOOK X-DIAGRAM This Lesson: The Wellbeing Learning Intention is for your class to select a number of the happy ways to look and have fun role playing them together. While classmates are showing happy ways to look, as a class describe on the X- diagram what you think they act like, look like, sound like and feel like. Your teacher may wish to use X-Diagram from Thinking Tools from the website.
ACT LIKE Describe or draw what you think they are acting like.
Describe or draw what you think they are looking like.
Describe or draw what you think they are feeling like.
SOUND LIKE Describe or draw what you think they are sounding like.
Acknowledgement: RRRR, Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne “To a young heart everything is fun.” Charles Dickens