Fabulous First Five Minutes
Happy Thinking
What is something you are happy about this week?
Describe or draw something that you are looking forward to this week.
Take learning risks: to be curious try new things, make mistakes and fix them to improve how I learn. Describe or draw a time you have done this.
WHY: by being caring and friendly with other people and having fun with them, you will be able to build healthy relationships with them. HOW: when you enjoy being with other people, you will be rewarded with the feel good brain chemicals, which make you feel that you are special, they trust you and like you for you. Acknowledgement: Diener & Biswas-Diener
DO: what is something that you can do to show you are a caring and friendly person? Acknowledgement: Reivich & Shatte
...................................................................... ...................................................................... Caring Feeling – who are three people you have a healthy relationship with? 1....................................................................
MINDFULNESS TIME Favourite song – while singing your favourite song to yourself, write out some of the words that you like. Think about what the words mean to you and how they make you feel.
2.................................................................... 3.................................................................... Strengths for Values – which strength could you use for Caring and Friendly? (see page 6) Strength: ....................................................... “Being caring and friendly feels good.” MW
Acknowledgement: Kabat-Zinn & Baer