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Chinese club interview

Yiran S

Hi!I’mYixuanQ,presidentofthe ChineseclubandI’mcurrentlyin 2nde. I love cats and have one namedRay. I was born in Beijing and my parentsandIcametoFrancewhen Iwas8.IchoseLatinintheschool becauseIspeak/read/writeChinese fluently, and now I thank my parents for forcing me to write Chinese when I first came here, otherwise I would've likely forgotten. Although I’ ve come to consider Paris as a second home, we never lost touch with our Chinese roots. I realized that the happiness of Chinese festivals like the new year comes from being with my family and I’m always very happy when I go back to Chinatoseemygrandparentsand cousins. I haven’t been back to Chinaforquitesometimebecause ofCovidbutinthemeantime,I’d lovetosharemyChineseheritage withyou!


What are the objectives of the Chinese Club?

To grow people's interest in the Chinese language and culture and make their learning experience easier.

What activities do you do during club hours?

We propose hands-on activities to make learning Chinese fun and interesting. Previously, we did a workshop on calligraphy, Chinese riddles, games and songs! We also tryto talk with our club members in Chinese to help them practice their listening and speaking skills.

Why did you want to lead the club?

I wasn’t initially the president of Chinese Club, although I was one of its founders. The previous president, Jade J, is now in Terminale so I’m succeeding her. I believe that the more understanding you have of any culture, the less prejudices you carry. Since I’m Chinese, I love sharing Chinese culture and helping people on their Chinese journey: it’s a hard language after all!

Why do you think people should join the club?

It’s free, we have food, the people running the club are nice, I don’t see why not. On a more serious note, it’s a great way to practice the Chinese language and learn about Chinese culture with native speakers.

Who should join?

Everyone! We even have a few members who do Latin in the school. Your Chinese level doesn’t matter, as long as you’re interested, you’re welcome in the club.

Describe the Chinese Club in one sentence. A cool and fun club where you learn about interesting Chinese culture and practice Chinese with native speakers.

The Chinese Club is a fantastic opportunity for you to immerse yourself into Chinese culture. I highly recommend attending their fun and engaging sessions on Fridays (Week A) at 5.15 at K12. You can check out their website using this link! https://sites.google.com/ejm.org/chineseclub/home

Dear Bilingue reader,

We are excited to introduce a new section of the student newspaper…food recommendations! We thought it would be fun to share a fewof our favorite places to eat lunch near school, and hopefully help out any of you looking for new places to check out! If you decide to eat at any of the places we’ve mentioned, make sure to send us photos and tell us what you thought of them! Also, we’d love to hear some of your recommendations. We’ll be sure to include them in futureeditions….So, what are your favorite lunch spots? Let us know on Instagram @lebilingue!

From, Camila and Audrey

Audrey R and Camila V

Picture Credits: Audrey R, Camila V

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