Flex Flyer

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t5.85* perStudent

MotionCoachFbX- a world leadingvisual analysissoftwaredesignedby teachers and coachesto aid the learningof movement. MotionGoach\kX provides schools with a completelyflexible solution at an affordableprice allowing students access to this leadingvisual analysis software both at home and at school. It can enhanceand add valueto the learningof manycurriculumsubjectssuch as PE and Dance,Music and the Sciencesat GCSE,AS and 42 levels. The Benefits of MotionGoach 1bX . flex your costs accordingto the levelof demand in your school each year o â‚Ź?sy to use and integrateswith other softwareprogrammessuch as MicrosoftWord & Excel . each student has two licensesfor t5.85. providingaccessto MotionCoachat school and at home No other motion analysissoftwarecan offer you such flexibilityat such a low price.

a dynamic Piece of innovation"' ...engagePuPils of all abilities'

ii"lu-oiig ino"" with learningdifficulties' College Sports Directorof Sport,ArbourValeSpecialist

of MotionCoachthere is now a Piece softwareat the cutting edge!"' ...raisestandardsand raiseasRilations'. , marks studentswill be ableto gain higher iiii"gltthe applicationof visual analysis techniques."

Norfolk LEA County Adviserfor PhysicatEducation'

-Onlyt5.85 per term. Totalannualcost e17.55per student

A moving imageempowersthe imagination

'W;k t-?;9"F.



(O I cuRRrcuLUMoNi'Nrr www.currric!lumcnline.gov.uk -'

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The use of VisualAnalysisin educationis enhancingthe way movementis taughtand learnt. It is a powerfulteachingaid and is now availableto everyoneat an affordableprice. The concept of MotionCoach rcl2ffevolvedfrom teacherand coach feedbackwhich highlightedthe need for this valuabletool to be availableat the right price.Thereare two groups of peoplewho need to be ableto accessthe full functionality of MotionCoachProfessional. Some userswill needcontinued accessothers will only need accessfor the durationof the coursethey are studying. The solutionofferstotal flexibilityand providesthe right levelsof securityand control. 'a,



Whetheryou need to have accessto MotionCoachon a dedicateddesktop PC, a laptop or throughthe school serverthen MotionCoach FkX can provideyou with the most economicand cost effective solution. I ireSrudent Studentsare activelyencouragedto take responsibilityfor their own learningand often now work remotelyincludingat home. To providestudentswith completeflexibilityMotionCoachProfessionalis now availableto them both at home and at school on a per student basis. Each student is granted2 licensesfor the durationof the coursethey are studying.lf they have their own laptop computerthen this will furtherextendthe advantageof using MotionCoach f,?,{. Access to Learning Material Havingdesigneda solutionto enableTeachers,Coachesand Studentsto have accessto MotionCoach Professional, the final elementto fulfil was to allow all usersto be able to accessthe learningmaterial that they need.This could be on the schoolservel througha sportingbody or a specialeducation facilitysuch as LearnOnline COMmunicate. Secruityand controlare important.Technicalsupporl is availableto help set up the requiredsystemsto allow secureaccessto data. To discoverhow MotionCoachFbK can help your school,what it would cost and when you could starl to enjoyits many advantagespleasevisitour educationalweb site - www.motioncoach.co.uk.

Fo r f u r t h e r i n f orma ti o no n th e Mo ti o nCoachpr oduct r ange p f e a s es e e o u r o th e r p ro mo ti o n a lma ter ialor call 01494671333 M o t i o n C o a c h( U K ) L i m i t e d B D o w e rC l o s e B e a c o n s f i e l dB u c k i n g h a m s h iH r eP 9 1 X Z T e l :0 1 4 9 46 7 1 3 3 3 E - m a i le: d u c a t i o n @ m o t i o n c o a c h . c o n r

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