Oki Flyer - Education

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0 K l a n dE d u c a t i o n OKIPrintingSolutions' publicsectorteamhave dedicated beenworkingin partnership with the education marketfor over20 years.Thiscloserelationship hasidentified that costeffectiveness is a l<eyfactorin all decisionsthat are madewithinthe educational marl<etplace. Additionatly, clear stakeholder generation communication, revenue andyouth engagement areotherkeyfactorswhereprintingcanptaya significant role.OKIcansupporta widerangeof activities and alsoexceedobjectivesto managecostseffectivety. productsandservices Ouraward-winning consistently achievea high[eve[of customer satisfaction and havewon i n d e p e n d e innt d u s t r a y w a r d sW . i t ha c o m b i n a t i oonf t h e , e d i aa n dO K I ' s ' i nb o x ' T e m p l aM r i g h tO K Ip r i n t e rm t ea n a g e r youcancreatehigh-impact designsoftware printswith versatile messages youwant. whenever



LookWhatYouCanDo As wetlas takingcareof everyday printingrequirements, OKI'suniqueproposition will enableyouto coverallyour educationaI needsfromstationery, g signage,marketin communication f isn,a n c e a n da d m i n i s t r a t i oTnh. eb r o a d rangeof OKIprintersandmultifunction productsarebuilt to handlea widerangeof mediacovering manydifferent sizes,thicl<nesses andfinishes. Together with OKI's'in box' Temptate Manager youcanproducea varietyof software essential materiaI easilywithoutneedingcomplexdesign - savingvaluabte sl<ilts timeand resultingin significantly less waste. Lookhowyoucanmal<e yourprintedcommunications standout:

FortheClassroom g printouts Professional-lookin for thousands of uses Attention-grabbing projects Colourfullabels National Curriculum supportdocuments Sportsdaybanners and posters Wristbands

ForyourAdministration Team Giveyoureducation establishment the rightimpression Timetables for staff Newsletters prospectuses & school/college Calendars Centraladministration Colourfulreports

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ForyourOffice Printwhatyouneed, whenyou needit


Lettersto parents PTAand staffmeetingnotes Testand Exampapers Secureandconfidential documents Reportcards

LookHowYouCanDolt range Therightprinterandmultifunction productsandservices cater OKI'srangeof award-winning for schoolsandeducationa[ establishments of all sizes.Our producehigh-quatity machines outputquicktyandarerobust C3000Series printing for economicaI

fromlTsuites enoughto workin a varietyof environments; and labs. andeducationatadministration to classrooms noiselevelsalsomeanstheyeasitybtendin with Reduced quieterworkingareas[ikestudyareasand libraries. on the pagemore OKIhighdefinitiontonermakesplacement with finerlines,greatergradation andglossiness accurate with reducedgrain.And,combined with OKIProMutti-tevel technotogy, ensures the bestprintquality.

Therightdesigns withTemplate Manager Youshouldn'thaveto wastetimeatigningyourprintsto fit perfectty Manager witttakecare on the page.OKI'sTemplate of the printersettingsfor you.Ouruniquesoftwareletsyou createdocuments on screenas theywouldappearprintedon medialikelabelsand banners. OKlTemptate non-standard Manageris easyto useandeveryone caninstallit fromCDor to a handful download the latestversion,so its not restricted software of users.Youdo notevenneedto haveadditional installed to useatlthe functionality.


for print,scan,copyandfax

OKI'smachines usea widerangeof mediato addvalueand to yourschoo[;providing essentialprinting convenience printalmost for so manydifferentuses.Youcanconfidently

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Wu. for A4 andA3 printing of someof the OKI Productsillustratedare representative range.PleasecontactyourOKIresellerfor full details.

anythingyou need,fromverytightto veryheavymedia.

0 u r E d u c a t i oM n edia number Banngr paper (part 0poo*oz s) Attractattention withOKI'sspecialeye-catching banner paperup to 1.2min tengthin eitherA4 or A3.Printstaff planners, classroom schedules, NationaI Curriculum supporting noticesor evenadvertsfor upcoming events.Our rangealsoincludes water/tear-resistant media.

as4sane) MembefSh i p CafdS {partnumber membership Create singleor double-sided cardswhen newmembers ioininterestclubsor after-schoolactivities - no needto outsource the designandprint!Alsousethis mediafor ticketproduction, fundraising versatile eventsor productions. seasonal

number Pfe-CfeaSedA3-A4 papef (part 0s4sa2s0) Thismediacannotonlybe usedto createschoolbrochures butalsoinduction documents for pupils andnewsletters mal<ing that firstdayjust a little bit easier.Equally, add professionalism to parentopendaysandoccasions when guestsareon site.

number 0s4s02ss) 44 watef/teaf-fesistant papef (part Thisrangeof mediacanbe usedoutdoors aswellas indoors. paperis idealforhealthandsafetysigns, Waterresistant postersandnoticesandcanbe usedoutsideat eventssuchas sportsdays.Furthermore, it's evenmoredurableas it doesn't tear.

a945a90a Wf istban dS ?sartnumber ) lf you'reworriedaboutlosingtracl< of students on excursions whynotgiveeachstudenta wristband withcontactdetails Manager on...justin case.WithOKI'sTemplate thesecanbe changed for eachoccasion. Wristbands canalsobe usedfor sportsdaysandteameventsto identifygroups.

number Pre-creasedbrochure, tri-fold (part as4so241) papercanbe usedto createconcert Thisheavyweight song programmes, menus report sheets,event lunch or cards.The pre-setcreasesensureyou get a professiona[-looking result timeaftertime. lntereste d in oiherOKImediaavailable? Visitwww.askoki.co. uk/education

LookWhyYouShoutdDolt Createprinton demandandeliminate wastage. Savemoney b yp r i n t i n g w h a ty o un e e dw h e ny o un e e di t . P r i n t i n o gnO K I ' s s p e c i am l e d i aw i t ha n O K Ip r i n t eor r m u l t i f u n c t i opnr o d u c t y o r ee c o n o m i c a l t h a i n - h o u s ies g e n e r a l lm on utsourcing. Producing outputlocallyalsodeliverscrucialbenefits[ike a d m i n i s t r a t i cv oe n t r oaI n df l e x i b i l i teyn s u r i n eg l i m i n a t i oonf lastminuteerrorsbeforefinaIproduction. printing In-house alsogivesyouthe ftexibility to alterexistingdesignsor tailor c o m m u n i c a t i ofnosrv o u rd i f f e r e nat u d i e n c e s . OKI'sTemplate Manager softwareremoves the hassleof p r i n t i n go u tm u l t i p t ter i a l r u n st o e n s u r e y o u rp r i n t sa r e[ i n e d up correctly. OKI'suniquesoftwareletsusersl<eep printed c o m m u n i c a t i ovni s u a l l cy o n s i s t e nuts i n gs a v e dt e m p l a t e designs. D o w n l o aTde m p l a tM e a n a g ear n df i n do u t m o r ea b o u tO K I ' s media solutionsat www.asl<ol<i.co. ul</ed ucation

H o wm u c hm o r ee c o n o m i c a i sl i t t o p r i n tw i t ha n O K I ? No.of timescheaper to printwithanOKI r













A3 Poster100


DirectMait 1,O00

OKIPRTNflNG Soluflons e o a dS, l o u g h 5 5 0D u n d e R Berkshire, SL14LE T+44(0)7753879879 F+44(0)7753879 899 wwwAsKoKr.co.u r/ rouclrrot

O K I P r i n t i n gS o l u t j o n si s t h e t r a d i n g n a m e o f Oki Europe Ltd., part of the Ol(i Etectricgroup.

O 2007 Oki Systems(UK) Ltd.

/'-\. !"///Wf.< As an INERGYSTARPartner,Oki has determinedthat this productmeetsthe ENERGY STARgujdelinesfor energyefficjencV.


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