MotionCoach Flyer

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The easyto use affordableteachingaid Analysing and perfecting performan

Speciallycreatedto simplifythe learningof moveme Studentslearnvisually,making movementinteractiv . Interactivevideo on your PC screen . Visualcommunication with studentsenhanceslearning . Seamlessinteractionwith MicrosoftWord and Excel . Developedby teachers and coaches . Print exactly what you see on the screen . Saved files can be opened in seconds showing all moving images, lines, symbols


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and text areas without having to re-draw or ' ' , , ,.:,.,,.t im p o r t o r i g i n a l i ma g e s' .

. Multi mediacapture,live video, instantreplay,and extractbaek

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. The image opposite shows part of an actual lesson plan . Lines can be drawn through im ages . Add text using Microsoft Word

This is a very good example of a Benl Hand Spdng. Please liEt 3 points you would like to work on to this vaslt. Refer to the lines and shapes on lhe images. fo help I have made a voice commentary, which you lklen to as you play the movinq, image@,

. Still shots can be taken from the moving image . A voice-over can be added to make learning more interesting and informative

The most effective affordable visual analysis software in the world

A movingimageemp The TemplateSolution Savevaluablelessontime withoutcompromising content.Instantlyload any student'svideo directlyinto the lessontemplate.


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Pre-setkey learningpointsand notesinto lesson templateto maximiseteachingtime by avoiding duplication. savecommonlyusedshapesin the uniqueCataloguefeaturefor instantavailability. Customiselessontemplatefor each student,saveto CD or MemoryStickfor studentto useat home. Printor savefor futurereference.

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Enhancethe enjoymentof learningby usingvisual effectsand specialfunctionssuch as speedanalysis.

VideoAnalysis Livevideocombinedwith reference linesprovidesthe studentwith instantaccuratefeedback. Videocaptureis simplethroughMotionCoach. Oncesavedyou can utilisevariousvisualeffectsto enhanceand analysethe footage. Othertoolsenableyou to positionlines,circlesand othershapes exactlywherethey needto be to demonstratecleadythe key learningpoints.Thesecan all be repositioned easily. Youcan alsomeasureangles,speedand add notes. An initialanalysiscan be simplymade into a template usedin the future.

SpeedAnalysis Measurethe speedof a studentor any movingobject eas1y. .i from the video.Comparedifferentperforma-nces, print, the data. At the click of a button,receivg speedat contactpoint.

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)wersthe imagination FreeLessonViewer MotionCoach FS is the freelesson for students. Any lessonplan in MotionCoach Anal can be savedto CD or memorvstick. UsingMotionCoach FS the studentcan playvideos,voiceclips,printinformation and createmotionsequenceson any PC. Empoweryour studentsand platformthat will stimulatethp i,'1.i 1,.J of learning. rlJda1.,+ . ,lt

Visual Effects Use key tools to demonstratethe importanceof movement throughvarioussimpleto usevisualeffects. MotionCoachallowsyou to blendtwo imagestogether,; the backgroundor freezeeach frameof thg .:

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View movementand compare progressionof a studentls Manymore'.ea$y


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Add notes,linesand voicecommentsat a clickof a button. Cut and pasteexistingteachingnotesor createnew ones usingWordand Excelto enhancethe lessonplan. An additionalfeatureis to be ableto add voicecommentary to supportthe learningnotes. Saveregularlyusedinstructional shapesand linesin the Catalogueso they can be re-usedsimplyand efficiently Useframeby framestillshotsto clearlydemonstrate movement.

VisualAnalysisthat's right for you The main benefit of the MotionCoachsoftware is that it has been designed by teachers and coaches specificallyfor education. Our packagesare priced with the knowledge that more than one person will require use of the software.The special MotionCoachPro Plus price includes six licences,one Motioncoach Pro and five Motioncoach Analysis. That's less than f120* per licence! The power of analysing movement does not only rest with the PE teaching team but can be used wherever there is movement. We have schools throughout the UK using our software in Music, Drama,Art, the Sciencesand PE & Sport. a dynamic piece of innovation'.. ...engagepupils of all abilities' including those with learning difficulties. Director of Sport, Arbour Vale Specialr:sf Sports College

of Motion0oach there is now a Piece edge!"' cutting the at software ..,raise standards and raise aspirations' marks students will be able to gain higher analysis through the application of visual

MotionCoach Pro and Pro Plus Benefits include: techniques... LEA . capturefootageusingone or more cameradevices CountyAdviserfor PhysicatEducation'Nortolk . import footage from TV,video, existingvideo/CD libraryor live feed . videofilescan be compressedautomatically . edit footageto show key teachingpointsand techniquesthat requireanalysis . blendtwo clips together,extractbackgroundand show videoframe by frame



MotionCoach Analysis benefits include: r pre-setkey teachingpointson video i.e contactpoint . show pre-recordedfootagealongsidelivevideo . anglescan be calculatedand shown with a seriesof simpleclicks . movablelinesand shapescan be drawnthroughall framesto demonstrateteachingpoints . add voice comment,Word or Excelto the page,cut and pasteexistingnotesto enhanceteachingpoints o savetime - Open savedfile to show images,stills,lines& shapesinstantlyalongwith teachingand any voice recording . use pre-setpitch and court layoutsto aid teachingi.e tenniscourt,footballpitch

MotionGoachAnalysis is simple to use and is compatiblewith other visual analysis programs. lt provides a template or you can create your own layout style by adding logo's, changing colours, sizes and fonts. Once completed,you can save your work to your preferredstorage device or area. You can also print exactly what is on the screen without losing any content. Compare our six licence price and the range of benefits with our competitors and see how much you will gain.

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Y' MotionCoachis the most easy-to-useand value-for-money visualanalysissoftwareavailable: . MotionCoachPro Plus(Sixprogramsuite including5 MotionAnalysis Use you elearning credits licences)only €680 . lf you alreadyhave analysissoftware in place but you requirethe versatilityand advantages with MotionCoachyou can simplypurchaseMotionCoachAnalysis(fivelicences)for only €420 o MotionCoach Pro, idealfor a schoolrequiringone user licenseonly f485 r Flexibletrainingtimes are availableincludingtwilightsessions.maximumcost 8350

We are proud to be working in associationwith Canon UK and ACER computers,to providea completeservrce.We can thereforesupply you with professionaladvicefor any componentsthat you may requireat competitiveeducationalprices. Pleasecall us for further information


Canon Visitour web sitefor moreinformation MotionCoach(UK) Limited 8 DowerClose BeaconsfieldBuckinghamshire HPg lXZ Tel:01494671333 . Price based on purchasing one MotionCoachPro Plus suite.Allinformationcorrectat time of going to press.January2005.

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