Austin Faith and Family January 2012

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The Center for Healing And Regenerative Medicine Changing the Future of our Healthcare for the Best

Do You See What I See?


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Publisher EDCO Media 512.584.6888 Editor Marcy Lytle Art Director Kyle Akers Advertising Sales Ricca Keepers | 512.550.6508 Miranda Bradley | 512.924.3911 Contributing Writers Marcy Lytle, Ginny Hurley, Mark Trice, John Pound, Georganne Schuch, David & Lynn Cherry, Al Jones, Tom Coker, Gary Sinclair, Laura Bezden, Paul Tsui, Mike Giles, Joe Rodriguez, and Deborah Begley. Cover Photos by Karin McCannon Austin Faith and Family is committed to encouraging individuals in their daily lives by presenting the faith stories of others and providing information that will point every person, at every stage of life, to a deeper, authentic, personal and life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ. Views expressed in Austin Faith & Family do not necessarily represent those of the publisher. Every effort has been made by the Austin Faith & Family staff to ensure accuracy of the publication contents. However, we do not guarantee the accuracy of all information, nor the absences of errors and omissions; hence, no responsibility can be, or is assumed. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2010 by 1633 Ministries 501 (c) (3). Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version, copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of International Bible Society. Austin Faith & Family PO Box 2496 • Round Rock, TX 78680 512.584.6888 (P) 512.501.6760 (F) Austin Faith & Family is published monthly and is available at high traffic locations throughout the metropolitan area. Copies are also available by subscription, $35 for one year. Single issues available for $3 an issue.

Volume 3, Issue 8

contents features Cover Story: 12 CHARM

The Center for Healing and Regenetive Medicine

columns 04 Journey for Two 06 Head to Heart Body Life 10

passages 08 The Studio Kitchen

Editor's Note


14 Healthy Indeed 15 A Few Good Men 16 Living to the Max 17 Ladies Top Ten 18 Spend Life Well 19 Practical Parenting 21 Helpful Hints

monthly faves 20 The Source Directory 20 Rave Reviews 22 Community Calendar

Here We Go Again....

2012 is here. It seems like just a few days ago we were longing for cooler temperatures and more rain – and it happened! In the heat of things it often seems as though we will never experience a reprieve. However, time marches on (and quite fast, I might add), the seasons change, a year comes to an end, and here we go all over again with a new year, new beginnings, and new resolve. That’s the best part of a new year – the stimulus to begin again – to reach new goals!

We are more than excited about our cover story this month – which I hope you’ll read in its entirety. With uncertain times in the healthcare field, this new business – CHARM – is thriving due to their success in facilitating health and regeneration by helping their patients avoid hospitals and harmful medications. What about starting a “revolution” as your New Year’s resolution? Intriguing? Read about it in A Few Good Men. With the fires in Bastrop coloring the landscape of 2011, along with the prolonged drought, a new beginning is welcome, right? Head to Heart writer Tom Coker shares his reflections and observations in making 2012 a great year! And Body Life shares the absolute necessity of gaining spiritual sight, when Pastor John Pound asks, “Do you see what I see?” Whatever your experience in 2011, whether your business thrived or barely survived, if you put on a few extra pounds or lost a few inches, or even if you stumbled in your relationships with others, a new year is here. Sure, January 1, 2012 is just another day, like all of the others. Or is it? You can start again, forget last year, and press on with new energy from above. We at AFF wish you all a Happy and Joyous New Year! Please continue reading and supporting Austin’s faith and family publication that brings you inspiration and hope each month and pray for our continued success… in bringing you the best… Yours truly,

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Marcy Lytle AUSTIN



Journey for Two

21 Days of Desperation Sizzling fajita meat

David & Lynn Cherry Staff Shoreline Church

cooled under an aluminum foil tent. David had grilled it to perfection. The savory scent filled our kitchen. My mouth watered. We fixed plates for the boys and then sat down to our sautéed vegetables. Now that is just plain wrong! What were we thinking? At least we were in it together. We were following a Daniel fast. So for 21 days we ate no meat, bread, or sweets, and drank only water. (See Daniel 10) The ancient spiritual discipline of fasting is gaining attention again, thanks in part to Jentezen Franklin and his best selling book Fasting. Now, this is not dieting or just skip-

Here are a few benefits of fasting as a couple: Togetherness Fasting is not easy. There were days when we both wanted to quit. It was hard and we struggled, but we struggled together. There is something powerful about that kind of togetherness. We need each other’s support. When one is weak the other is strong. We find both individual and corporate fasting in the Bible. When groups of people fasted together, they were desperate for God’s help and desperate for change. They were united in their suffering and their seeking. Fasting together brings both physical and spiritual unity. Hearing God’s Voice

There were days when we both wanted to quit. It was hard and we struggled, but we struggled together. ” ping meals. A spiritual fast always involves prayer and seeking God. Every January Pastor Franklin leads his congregation in a season of fasting. They dedicate their lives in the New Year to honoring the Lord. We want to encourage couples to consider fasting, partnering in prayer, and seeking God together for 2012.




You will undoubtedly find times in your marriage when you are faced with a decision and need God’s direction. Fasting is like tuning a radio dial. It eliminates the static and allows you to focus on hearing from heaven. As Job wrestled with understanding the circumstances of his life he said I have not departed from the commandment of His lips; I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food. (Job 23:12) When we fast we are telling God we care more about hearing his word than satisfying our appetite. Fasting wakes us up out of the complacency of a full stomach and we are more alert. We have ears to hear. When we fast together, we have an extra pair of ears. For Our Families As Ezra was leading Israel out of captivity and back into the promised land, he was concerned about their safety. So he called a fast. “Then I proclaimed a fast there at the river of Ahava, that we might humble ourselves before our God, to seek from Him the right way for us and our little

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ones and all our possessions.” (Ezra 8:21) I love the tenderness of this passage. We fast for the right way for us. We also fast for our little ones. Do you have little ones? Consider fasting and seeking God together for the right way for your children. I wish I could wrap this up by saying something miraculous happened during our 21 days – that we heard God saying do this or do that – but we didn’t. However, we did notice a change in the weeks that followed. A seed of hope was planted. Months later as I look back over my fasting journal, I know we are seeing the fruit of prayers we prayed during our fast. We are not sure if it will become an annual activity for us, but we do know that we will fast together again. Honestly, we wouldn’t want to do it any other way.

Try This

If you decide to do a Daniel fast, you can find a great resource online at The website includes some vital information about what to eat, what not to eat, and even some recipes to try.

Jentezen Franklin also has a lot of free information available online including a 21 day video journal and 21 day fasting blog. As you fast together, remember Matthew 18:19. Focus on specific prayer requests and areas needing change in your marriage and family.

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New Beginnings It is hard to believe that Christmas has come and gone and we

have begun a new year! While some of you might have been sad to see 2011 go, most of you were probably more than ready to say goodbye and welcome in 2012. 2011 will probably be best remembered for the drought, wildfires, and a sluggish economy. That doesn’t bring warm and fuzzy memories does it? For me, 2011 also marked the passing of my 30’s and my official entry into midlife.

Tom Coker Licensed Pastoral Counselor Head-to-Heart Ministry

Now that I am 40, I feel that somehow my perspective on things should be different and, in some ways, I believe this is true. While I don’t feel different physically (probably because I have felt 40 for a long time), this milestone has allowed me to examine my life and reflect on what I would do differently, if I had to do life over again. Since going back isn’t an option, we settle for learning from the past and trying to improve in the future. Isn’t this what we all typically do when we make a New Year’s resolution? We reflect on the past year, determine what we would change and try to do it better next time. We also come into the year with a renewed optimism because it is a fresh start, a new beginning. I, like most of you, make resolutions every year to do something to better myself and contribute to society. This year, however, will be a little bit different for me. As I said earlier, I have been reflecting on the last 40 years, not just 2011. I love remembering back to the good memories. I fondly look back at Christmas with my family,


watching football on Thanksgiving, and playing with my brothers at halftime. I remember long car rides from our hometown of Woodville, Texas all the way to Maine to visit my grandparents. It was even more interesting the years that our family car only held five adults and we would pack all seven of us in (I am the youngest of five). Most of you probably think that I’m crazy for calling that a good memory, but I wouldn’t trade riding 4000 miles round trip, sitting on a pillow that sat on top of the emergency brake, for anything! We all love the good memories. It is the painful, wounding memories that we avoid. We shy away from them because it is scary to go back and face the pain. Because it hurts, we tend to stuff these memories and feelings down deep. Most of these wounds are a result of being rejected, abandoned, or ashamed. We bottle up our anger, resentment, and bitterness and believe that time will heal the wound. This is one of the greatest myths ever known to man. Time doesn’t heal wounds; it gives them time to become deep-rooted. This also becomes the foundation on which walls of selfpreservation are built. We build these walls as a defense mechanism to keep from being hurt again. The problem with walls is that they skew our vision of ourselves and those who love us. They are our prison. So, how do we tear down the walls? It starts with repenting for holding on to the anger, bitterness, and resentment. Paul tells us in Ephesians 4:26, “’In your anger do not sin.’ Do

not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.” As this scripture says, holding on to anger is sinful and it gives the enemy access to our lives. We need to forgive the person who hurt us. Forgiveness isn’t a feeling, it is a choice. We are commanded to forgive. Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:1617, “For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” Again, when we don’t forgive, we are in sin and sin separates us from God and gives access to the enemy. Also, forgiveness isn’t a gift to the person who offended you. It is a gift to yourself. We are the one imprisoned by unforgiveness – not the person who offended us. We need to ask God to forgive, as well. When Jesus was on the cross, He didn’t say, “I forgive you.” Jesus said, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” Only our Heavenly Father can remove anger, bitterness, and resentment. Do you want to experience a new beginning? Are you still in bondage by the chains of unforgiveness? If you want to let go of the past and experience true freedom and a fresh start on this New Year, I encourage you to step out in faith, see a pastor or a Christian counselor who can walk you through forgiveness, and begin experiencing the fullness of God’s love. If you will do this, you can be assured that 2012 will be a year to remember.


Luncheon Series

January 3rd 11:30-12:45

Successful people like you are finding it hard to remain positive in these trying times. Want to learn tips and techniques that others are using to be more successful than ever? You’re invited to take a brown bag lunch break on January 3rd from 11:30-12:45 to hear international business consultant Lewis Timberlake tell you why you should “Never Surrender to Fear.”

Bag lunches will be available for $5 but must be reserved in advance by emailing We look forward to seeing you! 6



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The Studio Kitchen

by Laura Bezden

Using the Ultimate Grocery Shopping List

Have you found yourself at the

grocery checkout counter, surprised at the amount you’re spending, only to return a few days later for the same experience? From what I’ve seen, most people don’t track their food expenses very closely. But, they do realize that they’re spending more to get less. The people who do track things closely will tell you that the cost of food has gone up – a lot! Regardless of whether you track your expenses or not, the two things everyone can agree on are: (1) They wish grocery shopping could be faster and (2) They wish they could get by with going to the store less often. It is our purpose at The Studio Kitchen to help busy families eat together. Apart from providing our delicious entrees and sides, we thought a grocery shopping list would help our customers to take care of planning for additional purchases they need. My husband, (who is responsible for our website design and marketing) set out to create a really comprehensive list. What he found was quite surprising. For one, the lists that he found at grocery store websites were not very good at all. “Clearly the stores would rather you don’t have a list. What they provide is a joke,” he explained. He found there were many “list makers” – software that helps you compile a list - but who has time for that?

This list will save you time and it will definitely save you money. Just take a few minutes to mark what you need before you head out to the store. As we say at – “Plan a little. Save a lot.” Try it. It works. But, hey, don’t just try it – make it a habit out of it. Simply commit to always using it and then use it – always. A great way to ensure that everyone in the family is committed to using the list is to put it up on the fridge. This way, your spouse and kids can help plan your next trip and everyone can get on board with the new habit. Use your list to shop once a week. Never stop in after work to “pick up a few things.” That’s how bad buying habits are formed, and it’s never a good idea to shop when you’re hungry! Finally (do I really need to say this?) – stay on the list! The fact is; this has to be part of your strategy. A good incentive is to allow yourself one impulse buy: a chocolate, a magazine, a bottle of wine. Treat yourself – but limit it to just one item. Plan a little. Save a lot. Happy shopping!

So, after doing extensive work on it, he created a list that is comprehensive enough so that anyone can sit down, take a few minutes to mark what they want without getting home saying “Oh, no! I forgot to get…” His list is published at




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Open the Eyes of My Heart

Body Life

The Absolute Necessity of Spiritual Sight “Do you see what I see?”

John Pound Pastor New Hope Community Church

I know Christmas has passed, but this question still lingers for me. I sometimes hear God asking me this question. I really want to get the big picture, and yet not miss the details along the way. I don’t want to get to heaven some day and realize that I missed seeing the things that I needed to see and what God wanted to show me. I want to see my life the way God sees it. I want to see my wife, my kids, the people, and the situations around me the way God does. And I don’t want to be so blind that I miss things coming my way. Leaders especially need good vision. Jesus warned us about blindness. He said the religious leaders of the day were blind guides and cautioned, “If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.” (Matthew 15:14) One of the reasons that Jesus came was to restore sight to the blind. (see Luke 4:18) And I don’t believe He was talking only about natural sight. I believe that spiritual sight is absolutely vital to living the Christian life the way God designed it.

4:18, “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” Fixing our eyes on the unseen things can only be done with spiritual sight. Spiritual sight has several benefits. It enables us to experience God. The Bible is an excellent guide to telling us about God, and God can show us many wonderful things in it, but we need more. I would never really get to know my wife by reading a book about her! I need to be near her, hearing her, and seeing things with her. And spiritual sight is akin to spiritual hearing. God heals the blind and the deaf so they can know Him. Spiritual sight keeps us from being “blind-sided” by the enemy. How many times have I heard people say, “I never saw it coming,” in reference to a problem in their lives? Spiritual sight can give us the wisdom to see what God sees. Spiritual sight enables us to walk by faith. “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him –but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit.” What a wonderful promise! God will reveal by His Holy Spirit what He has prepared for us. We won’t see these things with our physical eyes, but with spiritual eyes. And once we see, we will always be looking forward. How do we receive our sight? By crying out to God. Like blind Bartimaeus sitting by the road, we can call out to the Lord and He will answer. And just like ole’ Bart we can receive our sight.

From the very first day of the Church it has been promised that we would see! “Your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams.” (Acts 2:17) The Apostle Paul had this ability, as he described it in II Corinthians

Jesus is still in the business of bringing recovery of sight to the blind. Once we begin to see, we have to grow and learn to discern when God is showing us things. Like everyone else, I was born blind, seeing only what I could through these natural eyes. But though I was blind, now, I see. “Do you see what I see?”

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Cover Story

by Marcy Lytle Editor of AFF •

Injuries occur, and we

all desire complete healing from them. However, after multiple surgeries, complications with those surgeries, and medicines that cause more side effects than healing, we often end up discouraged, frustrated, and less than completely healed. In fact, many times we end up worse off than when we arrived at the hospital for treatment! This is a far too common occurrence, and now in Austin there is hope for a better way…


The Center for Healing and Regenerative Medicine (CHARM) opened its doors on August 1, 2011 and has been “growing, busy, and blessed” ever since. Dr. David Harris and his wife, Michele Harris, are the founders of CHARM, a multi-disciplinary medical practice utilizing state of the art non-surgical techniques and innovative therapeutic strategies to facilitate the body’s innate capacity to heal. This last phrase “innate capacity to heal” is intriguing, to say AUSTIN


the least, and sounds right, doesn’t it? After all, the Creator made us and “installed,” if you will, the ability within our body to take care of itself in more ways than most realize.

Michele states that over a lifetime, a body incurs injuries, both large and small. “Many times this accumulation

of daily trauma leads to incomplete healing. All incomplete healing will lead to a cascade of imbalance and degeneration over time.” The mission at the Center for Healing and Regenerative Medicine is to provide comprehensive, integrated, and progressive non-surgical therapeutic solutions to promote tissue regeneration, repair function, and pain relief for those with neuromuscular conditions or musculoskeletal injury. That’s a mouthful, isn’t it? So basically the team at CHARM, made up of a diverse group of practitioners, believes their role in a patient’s recovery is “to assist in the removal of barriers and facilitate the body’s natural regenerative process.” What a concept! Doctors that assist the body’s natural processes, rather than hurrying to scribble prescriptions… David Harris, MD, Medical Director at CHARM, is board certified in both Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Pain Medicine. His wife Michele

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is co-founder, and she is a physical therapist and movement specialist. This couple began working at St. David’s Rehabilitation Center in the early 1990’s taking care of trauma patients (spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, stroke, etc.) Michele says, “We have always had a collective respect and appreciation for a human being’s ability to recover from enormous trauma on all levels, physical, emotional, and spiritual. This background has humbled us to both the fragility of life and the extraordinary resolve of the human spirit. Great healing occurs when a practitioner can meet an individual within our common vulnerability as human beings.” Michele continues by stating, “Over the years David has been drawn more and more into the growing field of regenerative medicine and I have gravitated toward myoskeletal balance and movement analysis.” She explains that regenerative medicine combines techniques that “stimulate

the natural cascade of healing” which include the injection of growth factors that stimulate the patient’s own adult stem cells to the area of injury and actually repair the damaged tissue. “Historically, people have been told that a torn ligament or damaged tendon must be surgically repaired and worn out cartilage within a joint will eventually require replacement. These connective tissues have a fairly poor blood supply and heal slowly and incompletely on their own. However, with proper stimulation, these tissues can be induced to repair back to normal strength and function, using 4-6 injections of natural growth factors over a period of a few months, proper nutrition, and guided balancing and exercise techniques.” All of this to say – often CHARM patients avoid unnecessary surgery and medications! Eliminating the need for surgery or medication allows patients to experience minimal downtime from exercise, work, and activities of daily living. Again, CHARM strives to keep patients out of the operating room and in their normal routine – all through assisting the body in what it already knows to do! Michele goes on to state that Regenerative Medicine, proper nutrition, hormonal balance, skeletal alignment, unrestricted motion, and self-awareness are examples of the way she and her husband address the needs of their patients.

stays in the hospital, and unplanned ICU utilization, there are other options available that are minimally invasive, less complex, less expensive, and less risky. Regenerative Medicine provides the tools needed to keep complications minimized, while patient outcomes are optimized.

Regenerative Medicine will play a huge part in the future of health care, something we are all concerned about. “The future is indeed exciting for patients suffering from musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction. Spine and joint pain is already being resolved or improved in many cases with minimally invasive techniques, without surgery and with minimal downtime. Current research projects have recently demonstrated that Regenerative Medicine significantly improved the quality of life of patients with cardiac disease. Kidney disease, diabetes, and neurodegenerative disease research are in early stage research as well,” states Dr. Harris. With costs skyrocketing due to complex surgeries, long

Michele shares that she and her husband David both stay grounded in their role as facilitator, through their faith in God. “We are very aware that no human being heals another human being. We stand in great wonder and admiration of the miraculous and complex system that is the human body. We strive for cutting edge knowledge and the most innovative techniques and strategies in Regenerative Medicine, but humbly take our place as facilitator and barrier removal team as the work of healing is a mysterious and multi-factorial weave of the mind, body, and spirit of each individual. Our role is to help unlock the healing potential in every patient who chooses to partner with us in their recovery.” And yes, there are obstacles, as there are in any new venture. However, Michele states, “Obstacles are simply opportunities when you have truth on your side.” Thousands of people have already experienced the benefits of being treated in Austin by Dr. Harris, evidenced by the fact that 80% of new referrals to CHARM come from patient word of mouth to friends, family members, and coworkers. What a testimony to the effectiveness of regenerative medicine!

“Last November (2010), it was obvious that God’s hand was on this business endeavor, as one person after another entered our lives or recommitted their belief in CHARM.” Besides Dr. Harris and his wife, there are a number of other practitioners on the CHARM team: Philip C. Wallace, MD (Fellowship trained in both interventional spine and sports medicine. He recently moved his family from Oregon to follow his interest in Regenerative Medicine and a strong belief in the CHARM model of care); Craig R. Dubois, MD (Neurologist and Founding President of the Austin Pain Society); Michelle M. Hall, PA (interventional pain management); and Bill Blakely, LAc (electro acupuncture). CHARM also has an extraordinary manager, a talented staff of medical assistants, and delightful front office personnel who “truly understand the healing process begins as you walk in the front door. Michele states, “Every smile and interaction of compassion and respect leads us all one step closer to healing.”

state of the art Regenerative Medicine to Central Texas.” CHARM provides both conventional and complementary treatments, combining therapies which are often more powerful and effective than any singular approach alone.

We asked what types of injuries and conditions can be improved or healed with Regenerative Medicine. Below is a list: • Ligament and tendon injury associated with all joints of the body • Degenerative joint disease (aka arthritis) • Acute and chronic neck and back pain • Headache • Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Pain • Joints that crack, pop, or feel unstable If you’ve been injured lately or experienced a long stay at the hospital, it was surely obvious that there are relatively few healthcare practitioners who embrace the body’s design to heal on its own, or with proper stimulation. When prescriptions are being filled at the pharmacy, these medicines often block and defy natural healing processes within the body. Dr. Harris states that the excessive use of antibiotics has led to severe bacterial resistance, outbreak of disease, and again…surgery. “We address these issues by not settling for the status quo. We have faith that God has designed the mechanisms of the human body to self-repair when provided the proper nutrients, stimulation, and movement. Education is the key to empowerment. We strive to empower our patients and partner with the healthcare community as we bring Available at area Taco Bells

Besides her work at CHARM, Michele is involved in a global ministry to help put an end to the practice of disabled child abandonment in China. She serves on the Board of Directors of International China Concern, committed to helping soften the heart of China so He can change them. Michele has also authored two children’s books, God’s Spirit in the Heart of Every Child, and The Plain Little Yellow Pencil – Leading by Placing Yourself Below, both brilliantly written and illustrated. The books are available on Amazon and all author proceeds go to support the mission of International China Concern. Michele states, “I write to bring myself more in touch with our common vulnerabilities as human beings. Whether we are people or Plain Little Yellow Pencils we all struggle with the same insecurities and fears. We need to remember healing occurs when we come together in our weakness and then share freely our greatest gifts.” Dr. and Mrs. Harris, along with the team at CHARM, look forward to sharing their talents, expertise, humility, and heart with those in need of pain relief and functional recovery in the greater Austin area. Michele and David Harris have three young sons, AJ -12, Kyle – 9, and Joshua – 6. Their practice is located at 7307 Creekbluff Drive in Austin, phone (512)614-3300, or fax (512)614-3301. You can read more about CHARM at AUSTIN



Healthy Indeed

Lose Weight and Gain Health A Sustainable New Year’s Resolution? A good place to start is to get into an exercise routine that is not too aggressive and keep it fun so that it will last for the long haul. But how do we change our dietary habits when everything around us offers foods that are not “good” for us? Here is a simple guideline:

Paul Tsui, N.D. Natural Wellness Round Rock

The million dollar question

is, “Can you lose weight and attain health at the same time and stay that way?” We are all trying to find the answer to that “ultimate” health question. (If you expect me to give you that answer in a few paragraphs on this page, please contact me because I have a property in the Florida swamp land to sell you…) Truth be told, there are a myriad of factors that can affect your personal health and weight. Let’s take a look at some of the key factors. Get the Right Perspective Most of us are so focused on the weight we carry and the feeling of defeat with each failed attempt at losing weight that we are always looking for the latest and greatest weight loss product or program. We go through periods of deprivation, counting the calories, eating pre-packaged foods, cutting entire groups of foods, even enduring severe exercise regimens. But all too soon we stop the “diet” plan and get right back to our old lifestyle and habits again. Instead of focusing on losing weight, we should focus on gaining health. Adjusting our lifestyle, in manageable increments, is the key is sticking to it so that it becomes a habit and develops it into a healthy lifestyle. We are Over-Fed and Under-Nourished It is no secret that more than half of the adult population is overweight or obese. The statistics don’t favor our next generation either, as about one-third of our children are already overweight or obese. The main culprit? Poor dietary habits (low nutrient and high calorie foods) and sedentary lifestyle.




Look for foods that are nutrient dense. Raw milk, raw cultured dairy, and raw cheese belong to that category. Eat foods that are rich in fiber, which has been proven to be good for your fatelimination, including lowering of cholesterols. If our food sources are only partially rich in nutrients, then the next best thing is to supplement. In my “7 Pillars of Health” talk, I list the following foundational and essential supplements we all need daily: pure, unadulterated water; wholefood based multivitamins and minerals; anti-aging antioxidants; soluble and insoluble fibers; digestive enzymes; powerful probiotics; abundance of good fats – omega-3 essential fatty acids (DHA and EPA). Diabesity – The New American Epidemic Among all the health hazards of obesity, diabetes is the most prevalent. Their association is unmistakable. Previously known as “adult onset” diabetes, it is now preferably called Type 2 Diabetes, because younger and younger kids are now being diagnosed with it. Some natural means to combat this issue: Chromium GTF – essential for protein, carbohydrate, and fat metabolism; Banaba Extract – shown to exert insulin-like properties and helps activate transport of glucose across the cell membranes; Gymnena Sylvestre – helps to regulate elevated and/or fluctuating blood glucose levels; Vanadium – ability to mimic the effects of insulin, enhance insulin sensitivity, and lower cholesterol. You might have a hard time finding each of these in a product individually, but we have a combination formula called Sugar-Reg that has all of these components and more. Toxicity – Help your body get rid of harmful toxins before a weight loss program One of the important roles played by fat and cholesterol is the transportation, storage, and elimination of certain toxins. Toxic foods and a toxic environment compromise the normal digestion and elimination process, which itself leads to self-intoxication. When your body is exposed to these toxins, and cannot eliminate them well, it will store them in your fat cells in order to protect your other tissues.

Available at area Taco Bells

Every day, we are assaulted with a combination of food additives and preservatives, fertilizers, industrial chemicals, insecticides, prescription medications, over-the-counter drugs, air pollution, and a plethora of heavy metal exposure, including aluminum, cadmium, lead, and mercury. The cumulative effect of toxins can alter metabolism, resulting in enzyme dysfunction, hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, and various psychological and neurological symptoms – and, of course, the weight gain. The best way to stop this cycle is to help your eliminatory systems function efficiently by cleansing the colon, liver, and kidneys. We recommend the use of herbal cleansers, purified water, and fiber to decongest your liver and lymphatic system. Elimination of accumulated fluids and wastes before starting any weight loss program helps to ensure optimum results. For more information on gaining health through weight loss, please contact one of our stores – Cedar Park (512-528-0130), Round Rock (512-310-8880). “Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.” 3 John 1:2 (NIV)

This article is written for information and education purposes only. It is not to be used as diagnosis, treatment or prescription. The products and information described herein are natural foods which are NOT meant to treat, cure, diagnose, or prevent any disease. Please seek for medical help immediately for any health concerns.

A Few Good Men

by Gary Sinclair

Start a New Year ’s Revolution This Year

Recently, my wife and

I spent some time at my sister-in-law’s home enjoying several days of family time. I found myself thinking a lot about how blessed I’ve been to first, have lived this many decades (don’t ask); and second, to have the family I’ve enjoyed for so many years.

However, while some of my life’s journey was beyond my control, I’m also grateful that at various turns on my journey people have encouraged me to both evaluate where I’ve been and to regularly reconsider where I’m going. In fact, there have been several key watershed moments in my life that have radically changed my direction. Life could have been far less meaningful, interesting, and impacting, without those vital times that helped me gain new perspective. Unfortunately, we men are less likely than the women in our lives to stop and ponder, reflect, and take inventory. We’d rather just get on to the next challenge or activity. So during this New Year season I want to encourage you and/or your spouse to not just make casual resolutions that you will probably forget about in a week or two. What if this year you think and pray about just one major new direction that you will take in your marriage, parenting, or life in general?

What if you said, “I’m not going to settle for this being just one more year of my life? Instead, I’m going to do something different, something more life-changing that will make a difference in the life of someone else and matter more for eternity.” Maybe it will involve the fulfillment of a personal dream. Dreams are often those things that will best use our skills and resources anyway, while breathing new life into our everyday world. Perhaps you can serve others in a new or fresh way through giving your time and talents in the community, your church or city. Maybe there is a local or foreign missions project that needs your specific skill set and passion where hundreds, even thousands of people, will be changed as a result. The possibilities are endless. You see, most of us tend to get into ruts that are comfortable in many ways but that have stymied our personal and family growth. It’s hard to find a new way to look at life and your future when all you see are the walls of the long bunker you’ve lived in for a long time. Our marriages and families can discover new energy and excitement if we just take time to ponder how our direction might change and our purposes can be fulfilled. In Matthew 13, Jesus tells a parable about a mustard seed. He explains that it’s a very small seed capable

of producing astounding growth, growth into a tree-like bush that will someday sustain many birds in its branches. Mustard seed plants also grow wildly and can go in all sorts of directions. Nonetheless, Jesus says that His kingdom is like that mustard seed and its growth. That means you and I have the potential to grow something eternal that can have impact we never dream possible. But if we don’t stop and think, pray and ponder where to plant that seed, we may never see the growth. That’s why I want to encourage you to consider a New Year’s revolution this year. Where would you begin? Well, you might start by simply answering these questions: What have I always wanted to do that I’ve never done before? Develop a Bucket List! Sometimes goals can lead to creative and intriguing ideas that God can use to do ministry through you. What passions and talents do I have that can be used to help someone

else? Don’t limit yourself to the usual ministry jobs – teaching, preaching, etc. There are places waiting for your specific skills all over the world or right at home. I just returned from my 14th trip to Russia where musicians, artists, technicians, and leaders all shared their skills for 11 days. Has anything - a cause, need, or person - been gnawing away at me lately and occupied a lot of my thinking? The thing that breaks your heart may be something that also breaks God’s heart. Some careful thinking, pondering, and praying with a spouse, friend, and even older children can help give you a whole new direction and turn your former resolutions into a life revolution. Whatever you do, start somewhere! Don’t let this next year just be another 365 days of the same. God made you and me to be difference-makers, so dare to be different! You won’t regret your decision, I promise.



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12/12/2011 3:01:06 PM

Living to the Max

Dr. Joe Henry Rodriguez Pure Chiropractic Wellness

How did it happen?

How did America become the land of

the Holidays? The Holiday season does not just run from Halloween to New Years, but what used to be small holidays has turned into allout celebrations. Surely retail has something to do with holiday expectations from Valentines to Saint Patrick’s, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, graduation parties, July 4th, and weekly tailgating parties at ball games. Wedding celebrations seem to be over-the-top too. All of these celebrations and cultural traditions are giving us the excuses we need to party more often, binge on mass quantities of festive food and drink, exercise less (if at all), spend too much money on elaborate preparations, and put self-improvement off until after “The Holidays.” Fun and pleasure are such the norm, that we expect it every day. In essence we end up neglecting our health for up




Health Doesn’t Take a Holiday to three months out of every year. By the time a person turns 40 and has been living this way year after year, he or she will have spent 10 years doing serious, possibly irreparable, damage to the body. We know we need to change, so we make the typical New Year’s Resolution and January becomes the month when we attempt to make good on our intentions to lose weight and exercise more. Every year gym memberships skyrocket in January and fizzle out month by month, until only the committed remain. Americans are in desperate need of a new way to view and manage their health. We need a revolution in the healthcare system. All of America has been under the control and exclusivity of only the pathological way of treating disease with drugs and the push for surgery instead of understanding the cause of disease and focusing on investing in health using spiritual truths, the corrective chiropractic model, healthy nutrition and exercise, and reducing and eliminating cellular toxicity and deficiency. The current widespread belief system of pathology is propagated by the pharmaceutical and insurance companies along with the plethora of drug commercials and advertisements. We are lulled into believing that a magical drug, potion, or lotion is going to save us. We have a society where the first response by virtually every doctor is to prescribe a drug. The United States consumes 60% of the world’s drugs,

yet ranks 37th out of 39 industrialized countries in terms of the health of the population. There are 25 million pills consumed every hour of every day, of every week of every year! We have more medical doctors, more nurses, more drugs, more hospitals, and more money spent per person, and yet we have more chronic sickness and preventable deaths. Now we are told we need drugs upon drugs.

Every year gym memberships sky-rocket in January and fizzle out month by month, until only the committed remain.

We need exposure to a new message in America. Drugs cannot be the answer to restoring health. According to one M.D., Daniel Kress, “Drugs never cure disease. They merely hush the voice of nature’s protest and pull down the danger signals she erects along the pathway of transgression. Any poison taken into the system has to be reckoned with later on even though it palliates present symptoms. Symptoms may disappear, but the patient is left in a worse condition, though unconscious of it at the time.” Prevention of disease long before any symptoms appear should be the new paradigm.

Available at area Taco Bells

Enough is enough! The American healthcare system is really a sick care system. Medicine treats the symptoms and signals of disease and can save lives in crisis with its many innovations and marvels, but it should not be the only authority allowed to determine all treatment. Its methods destroy, not rebuild. Wellness practitioners study the health of the body and teach that the body is genetically programmed with the perfect recipe for health and that it is our choices and the body’s inward cellular environment that contribute to health or lack of function. A helpful analogy is to see that pathology practitioners are like firemen who put out house fires with axes and hoses, and wellness practitioners are restoration and building experts with paintbrushes and hammers. When your house is on fire, who are you going to call? And when you need to rebuild and restore function, who should be called? It’s time to admit we are not getting good results! We need a revolution in thinking and acting. If we are doing the same things as everyone else and making the same destructive lifestyle choices, we will end up with the same results every time. Health does not take holidays off. If we do not decide to prepare today for a better tomorrow, then tomorrow will require a more costly repair. True health requires an investment of continual, healthy choices and a return to diligence and the fruit of self-control. We must wake up to the “promises” of pathology.

Ladies Top Ten

by Marcy Lytle

Editor of AFF •

Christmas is Over... Now What? Either you’re sad that all of

the festivities are over, and you feel a bit de-

pressed; or you’re thankful that everything’s back to normal. However, many of us feel a bit lost and have hit the January blues. What to do? Here are my top ten ways to make January not so boring…


If you enjoy after-Christmas sales, about mid-January is a good time to hit the mall and just visit each store and see what’s left. Sometimes it’s so exciting to come home with a bag of new stuff for next year. You may find stocking gifts, office presents, and new home decorations.


It’s time to start thinking about that summer vacation. Go out to the bookstore (or spend time online) and take a look at day trips in the Central Texas area, or peruse the shelves for a book about a state you’ve never visited. Sip something while you sit and make a list of places you’d like to go. Make reservations now!


While you’re at the bookstore, check out the calendars. They’re usually 50% off in January. There are calendars with stickers, ones for family planning, and many with cool scenes you can’t want to turn and see each month. Purchase two, and start filling out your fun events.


This is the month that’s usually our coldest of the winter, so why not try a hot beverage and read a good book? Have you visited Check out Carla Hall’s de-stress chai recipe and curl up with a classic, such as Pride and Prejudice.


Did you know that January is the best time to buy linens and bed sheets? Sales abound, so toss those dingy old sheets and towels, and enjoy the feel of new Egyptian cotton, and the softness of a fluffy new bath towel.


Putting away all of the Christmas decorations is a huge chore, and not nearly as fun as getting them out and putting them up. This year, label your boxes and organize your goods before you pack them up. You’ll pat yourself on the back next Christmas, when you see what you’ve done!


Perhaps with all of your baking over the holidays, you noticed your spice cabinet and pantry needs a makeover. Make a list of organizers you might need and purchase them. Spend a few hours and completely clean out everything, and sigh with pleasure when you’re finished. Take a picture and post it on Facebook!


Turkey dinners, green bean casseroles, and pecan pies are not sounding so delicious any more, and if you eat one more leftover turkey sandwich, you just might cry. Why not try a new soup recipe in the crockpot? Hit the bargain book aisle at Barnes & Noble and see if you don’t find an inexpensive cookbook for slow cookers. Buy it for yourself, just for fun!

Available at area Taco Bells


Catch up on your movie watching. Instead of just watching the hit movies, why not try an independent film, a foreign film, or a documentary? Sarah’s Key is a great film, as well as Forks over Knives. Both create great discussions after viewing.


Finally, January is a great time to reflect on the good things in your life from the previous year. Take one night to get together with friends or family and remember something fun from each month of 2011. Write down what you share. Then look forward to more blessings in 2012. In fact, make a Blessings Jar, with strips of paper inside, for writing down the surprises that await you this coming year!




Spend Life Well by Mark Trice

Don’t Ride the “Runaway Mine Train” Take Control of Your Investments I recently attended

my high school reunion where I was reminded of an experience I had during a trip to Six Flags over Texas. It was a warm, early summer day and a group of high school friends and I stood in line for what seemed like hours to ride roller coasters with names like “Judge Roy Scream,” “Shockwave,” and my personal favorite, “The Cliffhanger.”

For some investors, the past four years may feel more like you were taking a ride on the “Runaway Mine Train.” This particular coaster violently whips you around as you go up, down and sideways. The coaster then surprisingly quiets down near the end of the ride. The calmness is only a momentary illusion as it gets pitch dark, confusing your senses as you drop down a shaft for the final thrill. Yet, the past few years in the financial markets for average investors have been far from thrilling. Manage the Volatility Perhaps you have seen financial pundits on the cable channels purporting their picks for stocks or approaches to achieve financial greatness. Many seem to have crystal ball prediction capabilities. But ask yourself how they performed in 2008 or even as recent as 2011. What is the best approach to managing your investments? Is it “Buy and Hold,” “Market Timing,” “Technical Analysis,” or “Fundamental Analysis?” Whatever your approach, the title of Kenneth Solow’s recent book Buy and Hold is Dead (again) sums up the views of a number of investors post 2008. A new approach to managing your investments may be needed. The S&P 500 peaked on October 10, 2007, nearly a full year before the violent swings and decline in prices during the fall of 2008. By the time it was all over, the S&P 500 was down more




than 56%. Of course, some may consider hindsight to be 20/20 but if you are nearing retirement or a particular investment goal you may not be able to afford the luxury of hindsight.

financial loss than we experience pleasure with an equal financial gain. There is an entire academic field, Behavioral Finance, dedicated to studying how investors behave with their money.

This roller coaster effect on security prices is what might be considered volatility. In its simplest form, volatility refers to the deviation of the returns of a financial instrument during a specific time period. The measurement of volatility may be used to quantify the level of risk an investor may be taking with a security relative to other securities. In today’s market, a buy and hold investor may experience significant volatility, and therefore face greater risk.

Dalbar, Inc. completes an annual study of investor behavior and finds that the average equity investor consistently

We are living in what seems an everincreasing volatile financial market. To give you some perspective, from 2003-2007 the S&P 500 never experienced a market correction of more than 10%. In 2011 alone, we have experienced three market corrections of more than 10% as of the time of this writing. Volatility and unpredictability may be here for a while.

Review your retirement accounts at work. Make sure you are invested in the right funds for your investment objectives and goals. Be consistent with your investing. Make sure you make saving for the future one of your top priorities.

...we experience 2.5 times more pain with a financial loss than we experience pleasure with an equal financial gain.

Avoid Irrational Behavior We know there is an element of risk associated with any investment and that no investment is risk free. But could an investor take actions to help minimize their risk as compared to a buy and hold approach? Perhaps. Regardless of whether you prescribe to the view that markets are efficient or are inefficient, we believe that managing risk is one of the critical aspects of long-term investment success. Another danger facing investors might be their own, sometimes irrational, actions. Each of us processes information in different ways and each of us has unique tendencies when dealing with finances. According to researchers, we experience 2.5 times more pain with a

underperforms the broad markets. How much? According to a previous study completed by the same firm, from 1987-2007 the average annual return for the S&P was 11.8% while the return of the average equity investor was just 4.5% annually. Some investors fall victim to their own worst behaviors and panic just when the going gets tough. Better Results As you begin 2012, there are a few things you can do to manage the ups and downs. Seek advice from a professional. Ask for help in managing your risk and these challenging markets.

Available at area Taco Bells

Set financial goals for your family. Seek the wisdom of God. Read your Bible for financial insight. There are more than 2000 scriptures that deal with money and possessions. Start with Proverbs and Ecclesiastes if you want to hear what a wise king has to say. There is an old saying which says, “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.” Be diligent and deliberate in 2012. Develop a plan for your finances. And remember, no matter what happens in the financial world, God has a plan for you.

Practical Parenting

by Georganne Schuch

Ditch It…and Dream Big One mom’s resolution The New Year is synonymous with new resolutions. Some people like to dream big. Like lose 100 pounds or climb Mt. Everest. Most big resolutions kind of sputter out by February. I usually don’t make too many resolutions at once because I know I won’t keep them all. Life always has a way of interfering. I’m not saying don’t make changes where changes are needed. I totally believe in dreaming big. I’m just thinking, “Why shoot myself in the foot by committing to things I can’t keep?”

Since any resolution I make affects my family, I weigh all my potential changes against how they will affect my husband and kids, and my role as a parent. Super-mom is a myth, after all. Plainold mom is the dream, here. In fact, the plainer I get, the better mom I become. So, I boil down my resolutions to what will make my family life better. Life in a large family is always changing. Contemplating life with a teenager and a toddler for too long may lead to a nervous breakdown. However, there are many resolutions which still can be achieved. I may not be a fitness guru, but how much I exercise and how I eat will set the tone for choices my kids make in the future. I, for one, need more exercise, so I’m going to include my children in a walking/biking weekly workout. While I cook primarily from scratch, I plan to add more vegetables and use less meat in our diet. My biggest challenge is a teenager who bakes yummy treats. It’s no secret that stress affects health and relationships. As appealing as it might sound to move to a deserted South Pacific island, it’s not very practical. So, let’s look at a typical stressor for most families, large and small. Money. Some would have you believe that just not spending what you don’t have is the answer. Well, it is, until a kid breaks her arm once (or twice) or a vehicle breaks down. Ever feel like you’ve got a target painted on you? Yeah, me too.

stuff pared down, then I can move on to bigger waste, like the chest freezer in the garage. We use it, but if I was better organized, we could probably squeeze by with the freezer sections in our two refrigerators. After all, a bigger family does require a certain amount of extra space, but not as much as some think. Once I’ve stopped needing more money, what do I do with the time I was spending making it? The nice thing about spending time is that it’s virtually free! Unless you have a teenager with a shopping fetish. I plan to use the extra time having fun with my family. Central Texas has tons of stuff to do that only cost a tank of gas. Okay, that’s not necessarily cheap, but it beats the entrance fee to a theme park. Old-fashioned playgrounds for the younger children give you a two-for-one deal. Burn excess energy with lots of laughs.

Hike and bike trails with older children serve the same purpose. For me, this year, it all boils down to this question, “What do I ditch to gain the time I want to be a better parent?” If something doesn’t add value to my family or my role as a parent, is it worth it? No. If it adds financial or mental stress to maintain, I’m not even going to open the door. My family comes first, and my number one New Year’s resolution is to be plain-old mom.




weekends in January

Austin Christian Fellowship 6401 River Place Blvd., Austin, TX 78730 | 512-381-5700

Instead of spending more time trying to make more money, which reduces quality and quantity family time, how about just reducing the overhead which causes the aforementioned dog-chasingthe-tail syndrome? When I say overhead, I don’t mean the roof, but the stuff under the roof. If I have less stuff, I spend less taking care of it or storing it. Makes sense. I’m going to start simple. How many baking sheets do I really need? Probably not six, like I have now. Once I have the little

Available at area Taco Bells




Rave Reviews

Recommendations the SOURCE for the New Year connecting you to what God is doing in Your City

THE GOOD BOOKS Made to Crave by Lysa Terkeurst

-Children Services

Ah, it’s January again. Time to regroup from a great Christmas and begin the January diet that is the #1 New Year’s resolution for most people. This year, may I recommend reading Made to Crave by Lysa Terkeurst to find out why we struggle with this diet issue and what to do about it. Each chapter has questions for personal reflection and would be great alone or with a group. Lysa’s comfortable style and straight to the heart message is written to help us want to make healthy lifestyle changes and for the right reasons, for only God is able to meet our deepest cravings. - Deborah Begley • LifeWay Christian Store

You May All Prophesy by Steve Thompson Jesus knew someone had touched Him when the lady with the issue of blood received her healing. Through our five senses God can speak to us. Interpreting revelation is not an overnight happening but takes growth and maturation to develop. Honoring the Lord and the people He sends us to minister to, is the only way to prophesy His heart. It is not just sharing His mind and thoughts, but also His love. We prophesy because we love people and we always want to leave them with hope. Always asking permission and showing the true heart of God to others changes hearts and minds for His kingdom. I learned many helpful things and was reminded of much while reading this book. I want to recognize that God wants to speak to me in many ways and to be open to new things. I must deal with insecurity and the need for human approval. Mostly, I want to always follow His presence and heart, with a fresh fear of the Lord ever present. - Ginny Hurley


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2011 has come and gone, and with it came some great music. Before we get into the hot new releases of 2012, let’s look back – here are my top 10 Christian music CD’s from the past year.

Matt Hammitt – Every Falling Tear Peter Furler – On Fire Burlap To Cashmere – Burlap To Cashmere Needtobreathe – The Reckoning Newsboys – God’s Not Dead Brandon Heath – Leaving Eden Downhere – On The Altar of Love Mat Kearney – Young Love Leigh Nash – Hymns & Sacred Songs Switchfoot – Vice Verses

WMI Thermography



-Assembly of God

- Mike Giles Available at area Taco Bells

Helpful Hints

Forget Resolutions.

Let’s Set Goals! Establish timelines for your goals. Have a set start date and pre-determined evaluation time and a completion date (as appropriate) to help you get started as well as keep you motivated. Procrastination is deadly to setting and accomplishing goals.

The New Year brings

about the season to make resolutions for change. Lose weight, exercise more, reduce stress, follow a budget are all common New Year’s resolutions. Take your resolutions to the next step by turning them into goals.

Albert Einstein said, “If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.” Setting goals helps you develop a road map designed to move you forward towards obtaining your life’s hopes, dreams, and visions. Without goals you will have a difficult time improving any area of your life. Start out by brainstorming ideas regarding changes you would like to see. Then select one or two of the ideas and write them down as goals. Your goals need to be specific in order to be effective. For example, the goal of improving communication in your marriage may be important but is too broad to be effective. Instead, the goal could read, improve communication in my marriage by setting aside one evening every two weeks for a “date” and time away from the house to talk, share ideas, concerns, and spend time together. Make your goals challenging yet realistic. Goals that are too simplistic or unrealistic are most easily tossed aside. Simplistic goals become routine tasks while unrealistic goals become too overwhelming and lead to frustration and self-doubt.

For goals to be effective they need to include a step-by-step plan. Often goals do not get accomplished if we do not have a clear understanding of what needs to be done. Step-by-step goals also give you natural points of evaluation and reflection. Measuring your progress keeps up your motivation. Reward your efforts! If you accomplish small steps or the entire goal, celebrate your success. Celebrations can be as simple as dinner out with your family or taking an afternoon off to do something you enjoy. Goals need to be viewed as fluid and changeable. If you set a goal and are not able to meet it because it was not realistic or “life” gets in the way, take time to revise it and set a new goal. Set individual and family goals. If we deal with family goals from a positive perspective, children can transfer these skills into life situations as they grow up. Always remember that our worth and value is never based on “performance” and ability meet goals. Love for each other should always be unconditional and not tied to what we can or cannot do. Let’s join together to take on 2012 with goals and visions for the future, being reminded that we “can do all things through Christ” who gives us strength. Philippians 4:13.

Al H. Jones, Ph.D. Head to Heart Restoration Ministries

Available at area Taco Bells






January 2012

www 'LIKE' US on Facebook! /Austinfaith andfamily

January 9

January 16

Beth Moore Study – James: Mercy Triumphs – 12:45p in the sanctuary at Lakeway Church – runs for seven consecutive weeks – Visit FMI.

ADDICTION: A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY – six consecutive Mondays - 7:0p -8:30p at the Lakeway Church. Visit FMI.

Reasons for Our Hope – a DVD bible study on the gospel of Luke – for young moms – 10:00a – 11:30a – St John Neumann Catholic Church – 5455 Bee Cave Road. Contact Jen at jcrowley@ FMI. FREE MAXT3 CLASS, 6:00p-7:00p - Change your hormones in our unique 12-minute work-out! Pure Chiropractic Wellness Office, 3107 S. IH35 #787, Round Rock RSVP 512-246-9355.

January 10 January 4 Sarah’s Hope — Fertility and Recurrent Miscarriage Support - A free spiritual support program through the Vitae Clinic for couples struggling to conceive or with pregnancy loss - 1600 W. 38th St., Suite 115. Email SarahsHopeAustin@gmail. com to sign up.

January 5 CENTERSHOT – 6:00 p -7:30p at Lakeway Church – program of archery and bible study for kids 34rd grade – through adults – meets for eight consecutive weeks. Register on line at http://

January 6 Open Mic For Jesus – at Gateway Baptist Church – 7:00p – 10:00p – Showcase your talent, develop your stage presence, listen to music - FMI call Billie at 339-6407 or email openmicforjesus@

January 7 Seussical the Musical - 7:30p at Center Stage Texas Theatre - Join us in Whoville for this fantastical, magical, musical extravaganza! First Saturdays - 2:00p to 6:00p Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum - FREE admission to the exhibits. Family Story Time from 2:00p – 3:00p.




DIVORCECARE and DIVORCECARE for KIDS – a 13-week biblically based support group – no charge – 7:00p – 8:30p at the Lakeway Church. Visit FMI. COMMUNITY DINNER AT SALTGRASS STEAKHOUSE - Learn how your life can be Revolutionized by the 5 Essentials of True Health & Wellness – 6:30p – 8:00p – call Pure Chiropractic Wellness to reserve a spot - 512-246-9355.

January 12 Pediatric Center of Round Rock offers newborn and prenatal classes every month for new or expectant parents. 6:00p – 7:00p at 7700 Cat Hollow. Space is limited; please call (512) 7335437. FMI visit

January 13 Travis County Youth Show - 8:00a to 8:00p at Travis County Expo Center FREE -75TH Annual Livestock Show & Youth Fair.

January 19 TOTAL FOOD MAKEOVER: 6:15p – 8:15p - Learn how thousands of people have transformed the way they look at food, grocery shop, & eat with real quality & nutritious food! Call 512-246-9355 to register.

January 21 Women’s High Tea & Retreat with Sally Robb – 10:00a – 4:00p - Bring your favorite teacup for the “high tea,” which will be served during the course of the retreat. Registration is $40 and is available at

January 23 COMMUNITY DINNER AT SALTGRASS STEAKHOUSE - Learn how your life can be revolutionized by the 5 Essentials of True Health & Wellness – 6:30p – 8:00p – call Pure Chiropractic Wellness to reserve a spot - 512-246-9355.

January 27 Harlem Globetrotters - 7:00p at University of Texas at Austin: Frank Erwin Center.

January 28 Jack Hanna’s Into the Wild Live – 2:00p and 8:00p at Paramount Theatre, Austin.

Austin family’s 14th Annual Summer Camp Fair - 10:00a to 5:00p at Palmer Events Center Families are invited to this FREE event to explore a variety of summer programs under one roof. Camps for kids 3-18, and family camps. There will be entertainment, food, and fun. Christian Step Team Competition Offers Community Outreach for Youth – 11:30a – 2:00p – at Old Settlers in Round Rock. The show offers an opportunity for youth to showcase their passion for stepping while witnessing to other youth and adults in a spirited, fun-filled environment. FMI to enter a team, or to secure group seating for youth, visit www. Zetas Announce Their 13th Annual High School Step Team Competition – 6:00p – 9:00p at Old Settlers in Round Rock – a family-friendly event – including merchants and vendors. For tickets, to compete, or to reserve space, visit www.

January 30 FREE MOVIE AND HEALTHY RECIPE POTLUCK NIGHT - 6:00p - Watch the “funny and outrageous” Food Documentary Super Size Me - Pure Chiropractic Wellness Office, 3107 S. IH35 #787, Round Rock - RSVP 512-246-9355

January 31 Financial Peace University – 13 week study – 7:00p – 9:00p – put together by Dave Ramsey, held on 2nd floor of Student & Children’s Center at the Lakeway Church – Call 261-6331 to register or visit

January 16 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Austin Shrine Circus - 7:30p at Cedar Park Center.

January 14 Couples of Faith at St. John Neumann Catholic Church - 7:00p – enrichment program for married couples. FMI visit Available at area Taco Bells

A Multi-generational Foster/Adoptive Camp and Retirement Community

Children Need Adoptive & Foster Homes! We receive calls day and night for children needing a family. There are many children waiting to be adopted and siblings will be separated if we don’t find a family soon. Reimbursement for care is provided. Adoption is FREE and children receive FREE insurance and FREE college tuition.

At FamilyLink we have placed over 600 children in loving foster families, but we are having to turn away up to 25 children a day! We have a vision of a place called Legacy Ranch. Here, children who need a family and are hurting will not be turned away and Seniors will be cherished for their wisdom, love and care they seek to give; a beautiful place of healing and hope where children and seniors can minister to and draw strength from each other.

“Life Matters! with Mariah� Tune in and hear stories that will inspire and encourage you to live out your destiny and purpose! Get advice on everything from relationships, work, parenting and more!

Available at area Taco Bells






ve InLive Concert Thursday March 1, 2012-7:00 In Concert Thursday March 1, 2012-7:00pm pm Covenant Church9431 JollyvilleRd Rd Grace Grace Covenant Church9431 Jollyville March 1, 2012-7:0 n Live Concert Thursday 2012-7:00pm In Concert March 1,Thursday Austin,Texas Austin,Texas ace Covenant Church-9431 Jollyville Rd Park, Church offices or online at Tickets available at Mardels-Cedar

Grace Covenant Church-9431 Rd Austin,Texas Tickets available at Mardels-Cedar Park, Church offices or on 24 Live In Concert Thursday March 1, 2012-7:00pm

kets at Mardels-Cedar Park, Church offices orJollyville online at available Austin,Texas vailable at Mardels-Cedar Park, Church offices at For more info orortoonline charge by phone call 210-858-5904 For more info or to charge by phone call 210-858-5904 For more info or to charge by phone call 210-858-5904 AUSTIN

Grace Covenant Church-9431 Jollyville Rd


Available at area Taco Bells

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