Austin Faith & Family- July 2009

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July 2009

Todd Agnew Concert Highlights

Will Matthews

The Lion that Shepherds the Lambs


His Shoes Night at Dell Diamond


Publisher: Lee Eddins, H.O.T. Publishing, LLC

Editor’s Note

4 City Scene

Welcome Rain

6 Back Talk 7 Health Matters

Editor: Marcy Lytle Contributing Writers: Lee Eddins, Mike Giles, Lauren Lacy, Marcy Lytle, Megan & Miranda, Dr. John Tuggle Cover Photo: Cody Davis Art Direction/Graphic Design: Cody Davis Sales: Lee Eddins (512) 689-2717 Austin Faith & Family is committed to encouraging individuals in their daily lives by presenting the faith stories of others and providing information that will point every person, at every stage of life, to a deeper, authentic, personal and life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ. Views expressed in Austin Faith & Family do not necessarily represent those of the publisher. Every effort has been made by the Austin Faith & Family staff to ensure accuracy of the publication contents. However, we do not guarantee the accuracy of all information, nor the absences of errors and omissions; hence, no responsibility can be, or is assumed. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 by H.O.T. Publishing, LLC. Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version, copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of International Bible Society.

5 Life on the Rock

If your yard is thirsty and dry like mine, I know you too would like to see some much needed rain. A good soaking rain would be nice, one that falls steadily over several hours, soaking deep beneath the roots of the grass, bringing life and refreshment to our tired and weary plants. However, since it’s the month of July and you live in Austin, you are invited to experience a different kind of rain.

I hope you find this month’s edition of Austin Faith & Family to be a welcome refreshment to your busy, hot days, as you sit and relax, savoring the stories and information in each article. Our cover story will interest you, as you read about Will Matthews and his connection with young kids. Reading the articles “Life on the Rock” and “His Shoes Shod the Feet of the Needy”, you will be encouraged during these hard economic times. After you’ve been refreshed, inspired and informed, and after you’ve read the magazine from cover to cover, hopefully you can swing by Planks for pizza and a drive-in movie!

I am excited to be the new editor for Austin Faith & Family and hope to continue to bring you articles that make you thirsty for more. If you know of stories like this, let us know. We’re praying for a good soaking rain to fall on the families we serve as you enjoy our monthly ideas, stories and information. Enjoy the rain… Marcy Lytle Editor Austin Faith & Family

8 Focus: Business

Austin Floors & Windows

9 Focus: Doctors

Cook Hearing & Balance

10 & 11 Feature Story

Will Matthews The Lion That Shepherds the Lambs

12 Focus: Kids

The Alliance for Affordable Services & Mark Cohen

13 Focus: Restaurants Plank’s Pizza

14 Focus: Church

First Baptist Church of Pflugerville

15 Focus: Non-Profit

His Shoes Shod Feet of the Helpless

16 Upcoming Events 17 Rave Reviews 18 The Back Pew

Austin Faith & Family is published monthly and is available at high traffic locations throughout the metropolitan area. Copies are also available by subscription, $25 for one year. Single issues available for $3 an issue.

Volume 1, Number 2



Plank’s Pizza has a car show

Success. How do you measure someone’s success? Some would say that the measure of one’s success lies in the amount of money in their bank account. Others may say that success is measured by fame or notoriety. Of course, money makes things a whole lot easier, and with “easy”, a lot of times, comes “happy”. So money is not necessarily buying happiness, but it definitely donates much happiness to those who have it. Fame and notoriety are other reasons many people would say are a measure of one’s success. Once someone is recognizable, then they are a success. visited the Plank’s Car Show

PGA Golfer J.L.Lewis stops by local clothing store to sign book J.L. Lewis stopped by John Ryan’s clothing store in Lakeway to promote his new book, Pocket Pro - Tips From the Tour on May 8, 2009. John Ryan’s Clothing has been in Lakeway for almost two years and serves John from John Ryan’s Lakeway and the greater Austin area with comfortClothing in Lakeway with J.L. able casual men’s clothing. J.L. signed books and met Lewis, PGA Tour Golf Pro fans while at John Ryan’s. ESPN radio also attended with a live broadcast from inside the store.

Plank’s Pizza held its 1st Annual Car Show on May 30th 2009. The show drew car enthusiasts from around the state.

As life goes on, our benchmarks for success change. As an elementary student, the benchmark for success may have been the order in which we were picked for the kickball team. As a junior high or high school student, our benchmark may have been

So many people who have attained what the world measures as success, or one of the world’s benchmarks for success, often find themselves alone at the top, or very miserable. I heard it said by Chuck Swindoll that misery and loneliness are the brothers of success. Once success is found in the eyes of the world, we see that many find they are still unsatisfied or empty inside. This is evidenced by the staggering number of divorce rates among those celebrities and ultra wealthy and their constant search for happiness by looking to the stars for spiritual guidance or to the gurus of our day for answers. Why is this?

Classic cars were on display and many muscle cars from the new generation as well

Lee Eddins

Tyson Foods, Inc. holds event at Southpark Meadows for Capital Area Food Bank

On May 29, 2009 Lift Up America Austin and Southpark Meadows Shopping Center teamed up with Tyson Foods, Inc. to help bring the gift of food to the areas less fortunate by donating food to the Capital Area Food Bank. Heisman trophy winners and current players from the Austin Toros and Austin Aztex were on hand to help unload the food during the donation announcement. The event was held at Southpark MeadDerrick Johnson with the KC Chiefs, ows in S. Austin and was promoted by 102.3 Angie Ray and Roxanne Wilson the River as well with a special appearance by from the River and Will Matthews, Derrick Johnson, KC Chiefs, Will Matthews, former UT and Detroit Lion former UT Football player from 2000-2005 and Roxanne Wilson, morning show host on 102.3 the River. Lee Eddins

Bill “the Mailman” Martin shows up in honor of National Nursing Assistant’s Week Rosy Health Care Services and the Word radio station held an appearance with radio legend Bill “The Mailman Martin” in honor of National Nursing A s s i s t a n t ’s Week. RoseBill “The Mailman” Martin thanks mary and Sun“Sunny” the employees of Rosy Health day Care Services Uzuh, the ownSauls Jr., sings Amazing ers, wanted to Maurice Grace, River and Will Matthews, honor their nursing assistants with blessings and acformer UT and Detroit Lion knowledgement for their service to the elderly and disabled. Maurice Sauls Jr., a long-time employee, sang a beautiful rendition of “Amazing Grace” for the crowd. Lee Eddins


whether or not we got a car at age 16 or whether we were part of the incrowd. As we get older, or at least is the case for me, I realize that the incrowd was not at all who I wanted to be like as I got older and matured. Of course in college and right after college, we have different benchmarks as well. What we thought made us cool or successful yesterday may not be what is true for today, and most certainly will be different tomorrow. Our goal should be to find a constant measure of success and let that be our benchmark. What is that benchmark for success?

Aflac shows up to support KVET’s radiothon

Why would a person who has everything money can buy, one who is recognized and noticed everywhere they go, who has outwardly beauty or one who holds some of the most prestigious job titles at the best companies in the world, feel empty inside and lacking in self worth? They measure their success differently than someone whose life is on the rock.

KVET radio station recently surpassed its goal and attained a new record by raising $400,693 during the 10th annual Radiothon for Kids, benefiting the Dell Children’s

Success, when measured correctly, does not leave feelings of emptiness inside of a person. When your life is on the rock, you have a different benchmark or measurement for success. A life on the rock does not take comfort in a title or recognition. A life on the rock is one that is happy in a Honda or a Hummer, because these people know the source of their belongings. A life on the rock does not look to the stars for happiness. A life on the rock looks to the one who made the stars for our happiness and solace. Their source for happiness, and benchmark for success, is a life led to the fullest by a relationship with Christ Jesus and the satisfaction that only that relationship can bring.

Al Marzullo- Aflac District Sales Coordinator, Danny Allen-Roush Fenway Rep., Robert Seibert- Aflac Regional Sales Coordinator and Carter May-Aflac Special Projects Coordinator & # 1 Aflac Associate in TX-Central

Please give us your story or example of your life on the rock. Email Lee Eddins

Medical Center of Central Texas. Radiothons nationwide are currently down 30% in this unique economy while KVET’s locally produced Radiothon hit a 10-year record high, exemplifying the station’s unwavering commitment to community service. Aflac attended the radiothon and had their Roush Fenway race car on display for families and even took pictures for them in front of the car.



Me, Lift Weights? What comes to your mind when you think of lifting weights? Body builders, bulky muscles, “I’m going to pump you up”? There are many forms of training when it comes to weights; weight lifting, weight training, body building and resistance training. Resistance training is so vital to our health and preventative care and has such great benefits both now and as we age. When done properly, it is effective and won’t bulk you up. How does resistance training work? When lifting weights muscle fibers get microscopic tears. When these tears heal, the muscles get bigger and stronger. Resistance training should be done two to three times a week with at least 24 hours healing time in between workouts. Proper nutrition is key in this process. If our body does not receive enough nutrition, it will pull nutrients from our muscles. Taking multi vitamins is a great aid in getting all of the nutrients you need. Let’s talk about our bones. Bones react similar to muscles when lifting weights. When the muscles pull on the bones compressed by weights, they get very small cracks in the bone structure on a microscopic level. This process stimulates bone formation. As the cracks heal, the bone becomes stronger with more bone formation. This bone formation benefit accumulates over time. The longer a person lifts weights, the stronger their bones will get. When done in moderation it is both harmless and painless. As you age, resistance training can also help you improve your balance and prevent injury if you fall. A stronger muscle around your joints and bones means better balance. The more you improve your balance, the less likely you are to fall. Stronger muscles protect your bones. So if you do fall, your bones are better protected and less likely to fracture. Another great benefit is getting rid of pain. Most of us have some kind of ailment that bothers us rather periodically or consistently. These can range from a bad knee or shoulder, sore neck or limited range of motion in your joints. Safe and proper strength training promotes strength in your joints which can help you with ease of movement. After suffering a bad knee injury I noticed the increase of pain in my knee as I became less active in strength training for my leg. What I found was that as my leg muscles weakened my knee was less supported, therefore leading to knee pain and discomfort. As I worked to strengthen my leg muscles I noticed quickly the reduction of pain and increase in range of motion. Be sure to check with your doctor before strengthening muscles in an area that has given you some pain.

Well, we’re half way through the year and summer is upon us. Now is a good time to evaluate how you are doing with your 2009 goals. Are you keeping up on your exercise program? Have you kept to your commitment to eat better this year? Are you maintaining a positive attitude? Are you moving toward your ideal weight? If you find yourself off target, then this is a great time to revisit your goals and get recommitted to improving your health. Have you ever noticed that most people wait for some event to occur before making a change? Perhaps you’ve heard people say, “I’ll start exercising after the holidays.” A new year is always filled with good intentions. Why do most people start diets on Mondays? Is it necessary to gorge ourselves one more time before we can become fully committed to eating better and exercising? Believe me, I’m not passing judgment, I’m just as guilty as many of you. Don’t wait. You can change the path you are on anytime you want to. All you have to do is decide to make a change and commit yourself to the process. If you are one of those people who loves to exercise or you simply have the discipline to stick to a wellness program on your own, I congratulate you. What are the rest of us to do? I suggest getting a coach or an accountability partner. Sit down, write your goals, give your goals a timeline, and come up with strategies to achieve your goals. Once you have a handle on your goals, share them with someone who will help hold you accountable. It could be a personal trainer, an exercise partner, or someone you know and trust who will support you without allowing you to make excuses. If your coach allows you to slip without calling you out, then you need a new coach. I have personally made some goals this year to lose weight, to help with my distance running. I am close to 30 pounds lighter than when the year started. I still have to stay on top of my health. I need to continue my workouts and I have several people that hold me accountable for my training. I have expectations for myself and I challenge you to do the same. Make sure that your ‘09 goals are obtainable and then go after them. If they are unrealistic, then you will just have a reason to quit. Reassess if necessary, re-adjust and then go after them. If you have health challenges that you need help with, give us a call. We help people every day either directly with the care we provide in our office or indirectly by helping our patients connect with the appropriate health and wellness experts in our community. We can be reached at Wellness & Better Health Chiropractic, P.A.. 512-257-2225. Good Luck.


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As you can see, there are many reasons why resistance training should be a part of your life. We shouldn’t wait until we are older or until we are diagnosed with low bone density or osteoporosis. In this society we are all busy. Let’s take the time to fit weights into our lives and into our workout routine. As listed above, the benefits are definitely worth it. Lauren Lacy Fitness Coordinator CHASCO Family YMCA (512) 246-9622

Wellness & Better Health Chiropractic, P. A (512) 257-2225 One coupon per patient Expires 06/30/2009


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Cook Hearing & Balance

Austin Floors and Windows

Bringing Quality Hearing to the Community

Taking the Hassle Out of the Showroom

Why is it that we live in a world that is noisier than it has ever been, our kids are losing their hearing at a rate that is two and a half times their parents, yet no one is talking about hearing loss? At 40, we know to get our vision tested because our arms just aren’t long enough, yet after grade school, no one tells us when to get our hearing checked. Unfortunately, often times when we finally address our hearing or lack of understanding, it can be after permanent damage has been done. Over time, in the frequencies where the brain is not hearing, it can lose its ability to process those sounds. “The result is one of the most difficult things we have to address with our Dr. Cook patients,” says Lori Cook of Cook Hearing & Balance in the Cedar Park Office. Early prevention and detection is the key. This is something where the cost of doing nothing can be much greater than the cost of detection and prevention. God made us to be social creatures and to lose one’s ability to effectively communicate with other human beings does not have to happen. The debilitating effects of untreated or undetected hearing loss can be far reaching, affecting patients physically, emotionally, socially and professionally.

The last time I replaced the flooring in my house it was a nightmare. Going to the flooring store and picking out samples to bring home to see how it matched our décor was a grueling process. Does this wood look better than that wood? Maybe tile would look better there. Hmmmm, what about slate…

What about when you remember a sample you saw at the showroom but thought it would not look good, only to discover once you are at home, it just may have been the perfect tone to match your couch or walls. You just have to go back and get it because you cannot decide until you see it at home, next to your burgundy walls or red couch you just love… Thank goodness for a company called Austin Floors and Windows. Ron Mackey started Austin Floors and Windows back in 2001 and thought he’d take a different approach to putting flooring in your home. He recognizes the fact that with all of life’s obstacles and hurdles to overcome, putting new floors in your home should not be one of them. This is why he started a new way of adding new floors to your home, without all the hassle. The way Austin Floors and Windows works is that they make it easy on you. You do not have to go to the showroom and look around all day and drive from showroom to showroom to find what you are looking for. All you have to do is call 512-3360900 and Ron will bring the showroom to the comfort of your living room. What about the last time you bought flooring for your home? Remember having to wait three days to a week to have someone come out and measure, and then another day or two to get the pricing? Not with Ron and Austin Floors and Windows. Once you have picked something out from his mobile Ron Mackey showroom, he can take the measurements and give you an estimate right then and there. They carry a full line of hardwood, laminate, tile and stone. Additionally, they carry window coverings including blinds, shutters, plantation shutters, honey comb and Roman shades.

Hearing is something that Dr. Cook and Lori at Cook Hearing and Balance are passionate about and they have taken their experience and expertise to serving the hearing impaired community. Dr. Cook has spent the past 20 years evaluating and treating patients with hearing and balance issues. He graduated from Texas Tech University with a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Zoology in 1985. He then received his Master’s of Science in Audiology from the University of North Texas in 1991 and in 2001 he graduated from the University of Florida after earning his Au.D., a clinical doctorate in Audiology. His work experience includes ten years working for two ear nose and throat physicians as well as consulting for two of the major hearing aid manufactures.

Lori Cook

Lori Cook, co-owner of Cook Hearing and Balance has worked in the hearing industry for over 7 years. She was a Territory Manager for a hearing aid manufacturer and a consultant for another major hearing aid manufacturer. She is very passionate about hearing loss and after 5 minutes of conversation with her, it comes through very loud and clear. You will have no doubt that when she says she believes that EVERY person deserves to hear no matter what their economic status, she means it.

5 FACTS ABOUT HEALTHY HEARING 1. People today are losing their hearing two-and-a-half times faster than their parents and grandparents 2. It’s not just old people at risk of hearing problems

Ron Mackey can be reached at (512) 336- 0900 for all of your flooring needs. He takes the hassle out of floor shopping and will be happy to “bring the showroom to you!” Lee Eddins

3. Hearing Problems can contribute to many health problems including depression, hypertension, and a diminished immune system. 4. In most cases, hearing problems develop slowly and imperceptibility. 5. Most hearing loss can be prevented by using just a little common sense. * The Cook’s now have three offices. Their main office is in Cedar Park and they have two satellite offices, one in Georgetown and the other in Round Rock. Please call them at (512) 260- 2665 if you know someone who may be suffering from hearing loss or need to have a complimentary hearing test. Lee Eddins



those kids know that their hearts are the issue and not the latest fashion, or latest music album or car they drive.

The Lion that Shepherds the Lambs T here are so many stigmas that come to mind when you think about a football player… an artist, musician and youth mentor are not typically included in them. That’s because you have not met Mr. Will Matthews; Full Back, University of Texas from 2000-2005 and up until a knee injury, Full Back for the Detroit Lions.

I got the chance to sit down with Will Matthews at Dominican Joes on Riverside and Congress over a cup of coffee and was very impressed with what this young man had to say. He had a backpack and a guitar, and for the next few hours we got to know Will, what he is passionate about, what his favorite bible verse is and why and who his mentors are. He brought along some artwork and oh yeah, what interview in Austin is not complete without a little strumming on the guitar. The normal clichés that come to mind do not in anyway apply to this young man. All of the accomplishments that Will has had thus far in his lifetime have had one great benefit as far as he is concerned, and it is not being in the limelight or getting some notoriety for playing football at UT, or going on to do what so many athletes dream of doing by playing football at a professional level. The greatest benefit he gets out of those accomplishments and experiences is having a platform to be able to really connect with the kids he serves everyday at an organization called Young Life.

Will sings and plays guitar

Young Life is an organization that meets kids where they are in life and seeks to make

a difference to them by becoming involved with their lives. Many of the kids that Young Life mentors are the kids sitting at the end of the lunch table by themselves or those kids who may be going down the wrong path. Not only does Young Life get involved with the troubled kids, they are there for any kid, no matter what socioeconomic background they may be from, just to help, support or just talk with them. Young Life believes that kids deserve to know the best of what life has to offer and that there is a purpose and a meaning to their lives. Growing up in Austin, Will was always the first to jump off the cliff if he thought it would get a reaction from people. He was the student who was far out, outgoing and fun. However, he says he never shared his faith with people at an early age, although he came from a Christian home and both of his parents were ministers. Something that he gets to do at Young Life is mentor those kids to an understanding of what it means to have a meaningful relationship with God and then showing them how to be strong in their faith and share the good news with others. Whether attending a football game of a teenager whose father cannot attend, or one who’s never met his father, Young Life is there. Young Life becomes the friend, the father or even the big brother; whatever these kids need. When asked what he thought were the biggest challenges facing our youth today, the answer was somewhat different than expected. One might expect to hear that it’s the television shows or the music, which is what we so often hear people say. Will, however, says this, “Society and the media in general just downplay your heartkids think that if they just think they are a good person, then that makes them good- they don’t know where to go to fix their hearts and society is just telling them its okay.” The passion that Will expressed when answering this question was moving and inspiring. After he said this to me, I knew that what Will wanted was to find his place in helping

Young Life has about 20 schools where they have mentoring programs, and by 2020 their goal is to have 20 middle schools and 20 high schools. Will is specifically assigned to Reagan High School where he gets to develop those one-on-one relationships with kids who need him. I asked Will who he looked up to and if he had any mentors in his life, and in keeping with the theme of being surprised at all the answers he had given me so far, he did not falter on this one. He explained to me that he was mentored by two people and admired them throughout his life: Brett RogDrawing by Will ers and Gerald Garcia. What was surprising to me was that with all of Will’s accomplishments and all the famous people he’s met, with the accomplished coachers and players he’s worked with, these were not the ones who played the role of a mentor or who he admired most. It was two staff members at Young Life. I asked why he admired them so much. He told me that it was because these two guys have both worked over 20 years in selfless ministries. Will Matthews is most definitely an Austinite. Being born and raised here, he loves his city! He went to Westwood High and attended the University of Texas and got to play football while attending there. He played with Vince Young and was just leaving the team when a young redshirt freshman kid from Graham, Texas was aspiring to be the quarterback for UT, a young man we’ve all come to know and love…one Daniel “Colt” McCoy. Will went on to play at a professional level with the Detroit Lions. Of his time with the Lions, he said that being in Detroit without all of his friends and family was a trying time in his life. People think that once you’ve made it in the eyes of so many people, everything is just great, but that is not always the case. In 2007, Will suffered a knee injury and was cut from the team. What a humbling experience Will says, but he has no regrets. He loved playing football at a professional level and says he feels honDrawing by Will ored to have been there. He knows he is doing what the Lord wants him to be doing right now. I asked Will where he saw himself ten years from now. He told me he saw himself leading a revolution for Christ that may be a little edgy and out of the box. He wants to share the gospel, to feed the sheep and reach the lost. He wants everyone to know the true meaning of his favorite bible verse, John 1:14, which says the God who created the earth and spoke life and time into existence did the most humbling and awesome act of kindness and grace ever, and became flesh and died for his sins and now lives inside of him. I had to ask him if he would like to, or planned on ever trying to, play in the NFL again. He said that if the Lord had that in mind for him in the future, he would be happy to do it, but right now he’ll be happy working to make a difference in kids’ lives at Young Life. Lee Eddins.







Plank’s Pizza

The Alliance for Affordable Services and Mark Cohen

A Return to the Local, Family & Fun Pizza Place Pizza, originated in Italy, perfected in the U.S. If you even question that statement, you have not been to Plank’s Pizza & Grinders. We’ll talk about grinders in a minute, but right now, I want to tell you about some of the best pizza in Austin. Plank’s Pizza is not like just any ole pizza. Plank’s pizza has a variety of specialty pizzas as well as the standard pepperoni that will never let you down. Pizzas are served on wooden planks, where the “small” is big enough to fill you up, and a “large” will easily feed a family of four, with some pizza left over.

Caring About Kids Health

The Alliance for Affordable Services is urging parents to "Lead the Way: Choose Fruits, Vegetables, and Physical Activity." Parents can help reverse the trends in childhood obesity, high blood pressure, and type II diabetes by leading the way at home, at their children's schools and when eating out. All Americans should eat 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day for better health and get at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity most days of the week. "Most people do not realize how easy it is to get their 5 to 9 daily servings of fruits and veggies," said Mark Cohen, the local Alliance representative for Austin, TX. "A large salad can add up to 2 to 3 servings of vegetables."

You might say pizza is pizza, right? Please humbly allow me to tell you my pizza story. A long time ago in a city far away, I met my princess named Amanda. The one thing about my princess Amanda was that she loved pizza. She could eat pizza for every meal of the day. I am not exaggerating here. When we first started dating, it was around Christmas time. I was at her house, and in the mail came a Christmas card from the local pizza delivery establishment addressed to her by name. I Plank’s Pizza looked in her checkbook and there were 30 consecutive days of checks to that same local pizza delivery establishment, as well. That is a lot of pizza and cheese sticks! Well, I said all that to say that the one food I loved more than anything before I met my wife, I have grown to want maybe twice a year. I ate pizza so much for the first year of our marriage that I gained 25 pounds and lost the third love of my life, pizza.

Serving size examples: --1 medium-size fruit --3/4 cup (6 oz.) of 100 percent fruit or vegetable juice --1/2 cup of fresh, frozen, or canned fruit (in 100% juice) or vegetables --1 cup of raw leafy vegetables --1/2 cup cooked dry peas or beans --1/4 cup dried fruit By including a mix of fruits and vegetables in your low-fat diet, you can help maintain a healthy heart, memory function, vision health, strong bones and teeth, and can lower the risk of some cancers*. Now is the perfect time for the whole family to learn more about the importance of eating fruits and vegetables and work together to meet the 5 to 9 a Day recommendations. For more information, visit the National Cancer Institute's 5 A Day Web site at

that they have all the favorite games you grew up with, to enjoy while you eat. Connect Four, Dominoes, Yahtzee, UNO and Battleship, just to name a few. They make the lunch hour fun, and with the average pizza only taking five minutes to cook, there is plenty of time for a very fun lunch! They also have Drive-In movie night every Saturday. How cool would it be to go tune your radio to a movie being played on a big projection screen outside of a restaurant and hear it inside your car through the advent of modern day technology, all while a bellhop on roller skates serves pizza or a chilicheese burger right to your car door! They play movies like Night at the Museum and other favorites. Go see my friends at Planks Pizza & Grinders. also has a very special offer available to the Faith & Family readers. Kids eat free after 5pm on Family Night Tuesdays and every Sunday they offer a 10% Discount with a church bulletin. I promise you will love their pizza as much as I do! Oh, and in case you were wondering what the second love of my life was before I had my kids…it was my dog Boudreaux. Lee Eddins

Having said that, I went to Plank’s Pizza the other day with my wife and I can honestly say that I have had Plank’s Pizza four times this month. This may sound silly, but Plank’s has returned a long lost third love of my life - pizza. I even brought a couple pieces home to put in the fridge so I could have it cold the next morning like the goods ole days when you could always find a couple of crust-filled pizza boxes by my trash can on trash day.

The purpose of the Alliance for Affordable Services is to put money back in its members' pockets by using the power of the group to negotiate significant savings on a variety of benefits.

Plank’s also has grinders. If you are trying to figure out what in the world a grinder is, like I was, it is a sandwich that is served hot. They have a variety of them, as well as grinder dogs, which are awesome too, and even a wide variety of burgers. If you are thinking that this sounds too good to be true, I promise you it isn’t!

For more information on the Alliance, please contact Mark Cohen at 512-633-3336, or visit the Alliance Web site at

Plank’s is located at 12901 N. IH-35 in front of Family Christian Bookstore and you can go enjoy this place just as much as I do! Plank’s is also very unique in the sense

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First Baptist Church of Pflugerville

His Shoes Shod Feet of the Needy

On Father’s Day, June 21, 2009 First Baptist Church Pflugerville celebrated its first service in their new sanctuary. The sanctuary is a State of the Art facility that has a capacity to seat 2,000 people, all on one level without stairs.

The very first His Shoes Night was held at the Dell Diamond on June 11th 2009. There were over 500 pair of shoes and over 400 pair of socks collected for His Shoes that evening. The Round Rock Express donated a general admission ticket to the game against the Albuquerque Isotopes for any bag of socks or gently worn pair of shoes donated.

A Sanctuary for the Community

Obviously, with the facility being new and State of the Art, it is a sight to behold. However, what makes this facility grand is the dedication by its members to build God’s church in the city with the labor and much of the material being bought and donated by the members in the church. One of their members is a concrete contractor and he donated materials and labor to get the sidewalks done. One member is a painter and another a Roger & John Hankins- Charter Members drywall installer, and all the texture and paint on of First Baptist Church of Pflugerville the walls were done by them. Another member is a wood smith and he did all the wood work in the new sanctuary. From the financial support to erecting the building, to the cleaning and preparation for the opening service, the true body of Christ came together to achieve their goals. Even the kiosks in the lobby were donated by a family in the church. This is truly a testament to the philosophy of their church’s dedication to being the shining light on a hill in their community.

His Shoes was joined with their corporate sponsors H & H Plumbing and who brought out their promotional vehicles and staff to help in the collection and handing out of tickets to the game that evening. Overall there were about 350 tickets handed out. The community came out in droves to support this new organization.

His Shoes is an organization that collects shoes and socks for the homeless, the helpless and the fatherless. Shoes and socks that are donated at the various drop off locations are then sorted and catalogued. Those shoes are then donated to the various children’s homes and missions in our area that are in need and hopefully around the nation soon. So far since its inception and formation in March, His Shoes has collected more than a thousand shoes from the readers of the Austin Faith & Family and the listeners of 99.3 the Word radio station.

I had the pleasure of attending their first service in their new sanctuary. It was a beautiful service with lots of praise and singing. I had heard that there would just be the elements one would expect for the first service in a new sanctuary, like dedications and pictures and things of that nature and not a sermon. However, I have been a Baptist long enough to know this would not be the case. Senior Pastor Dr. Washburn delivered a beautiful “mini” sermon defining what First Baptist Church Pflugerville’s place in their community would be: A House of Prayer, a House of Light, a House of Love and a House of Praise. These are the four “houses” that First Baptist Church Pflugerville plan on being to their community. Also in attendance that morning were Pflugerville Mayor Jeff Coleman and Pflugerville ISD Superintendent Charles Dupree.

Jesse Sr, Andrew and Jesse with H & H Plumbing collection shoes

family as well.

They’d like to go ahead and say a big thank you to their collection partners. The businesses and churches who have been key to their success thus far are all area Christian Brothers Automotives, Texas Jumping Bean in Round Rock and Anderson Mill Baptist Church in Austin . They have added Lake Travis Podiatry in Lakeway and Wellness and Better Health Chiropractic in Cedar Park as collection points to the His Shoes

If you would like to become involved with His Shoes or find out how you can help support their efforts, please visit There are corporate sponsorship levels available as well general donations accepted Lee Eddins

Back in 1972, Pflugerville was beginning to grow and no Southern Baptist church existed to meet the spiritual needs of the community. In October 1972, First Baptist Church of Round Rock, elected to lay the cornerstone of faith for Pflugerville Baptist Mission. In May 1973, the mission began and the first service was held Back Row - John Woods - Children’s Pastor, Stephanie Rascoe - Middle School Student June 17, 1973 in Pfluger Fire Hall. The small Minister, Tom Cottar - Minister of Students & Worship, Stan Burnet - Media Pastor mission grew quickly and in August of that Front Row - Daniel Roucloux - Worship & same year, land at Pfluger Street & 10th Street Senior Adult Pastor, Douggie Royer - High was purchased. That December, First Baptist School Student Minister, Dr. Steve Washburn - Sr. Pastor, Mike Northern - Education & Church of Round Rock voted to underwrite a Administration Pastor building program, and by the following July of 1974, the first of many buildings was dedicated to the Lord. Only fourteen months later, September 26, 1976, with 101 members, Pflugerville Baptist Mission was constituted as Pflugerville Baptist Church. On July 10 of that year, Pflugerville Baptist Church became First Baptist Church of Pflugerville. Dr. Washburn became the Senior Pastor in 1990 and under his leadership they have experienced exponential growth. Today that vision and leadership has grown to a weekly attendance of around 1,200 in two different worship services. “We are the best kept secret in Austin “, says Mike Northern, Associate Pastor and Minster of Education and Administration. “You just don’t expect to see a church like ours in Pflugerville and we are proud of that.”

Splash for Cash: Benefiting the Austin State School

The Volunteer Services Council for the Austin State Supported Living Center is extending an invitation to all community members to participate in their 30th annual Splash for Cash event. Anyone who raises $35 or more gets a Splash for Cash! T-shirt. Anyone raising over $800 is eligible for a drawing for one of three great prizes – including a Beach Towel hand signed by Michael Phelps, Katie Hoff and Scott Spann! This event will be held on Saturday, July 18th from 8 – 10a.m. at four Austin pools: Dick Nichols, Canyon Vista, Murchison and Balcones. This year the Council is raising money to buy backpacks for wheelchairs and enough life jackets for the pool so everyone gets a chance to swim. There are many other small but important projects planned that would improve the life of the people who live at the Austin State Supported Living Center. The council has raised enough money to build a chapel, an aquadome and a duplex where parents, visiting their children can stay. Participants ask their friends and relatives to sponsor them by paying them for swimming laps or just by giving a flat donation. Prizes are awarded at an ice cream party (ice cream donated by Blue Bell!). Prizes will include private swim lessons from national and world champion Coach Bonnie, professional massages, in addition to the three special prizes! Door prizes from local restaurants will be given out. Volunteers are also invited to this event, for people who are not swimmers. To donate, swim, volunteer, or for more information, please go to (click on Special Events) or call 512-374-6048.

Service times can be found on their website, as well as a host of other information such as Bible Fellowship group times, areas of ministry, directions and more. They can also be reached by telephone at (512) 251-3052. Lee Eddins


Andrew, Jesse Sr. and Jesse with H & H Plumbing and Lee and Mike with Austin Faith & Family outside the Dell Diamond for His Shoes Night

The Austin State Supported Living Center, located on West 35th Street, provides 24 hour / 7 days per week services to over 400 individuals with developmental disabilities. Lee Eddins


July 1 -30 – Masterkids at Austin Children’s Museum

Gone to Camp…..

July 1-5,8-12,15-19,22-26– Camp Timberwolf at Naumann Elementary School and Cedar Park Recreation Center from 7:15am – 8:15pm

Do you look forward to the summer? Well we do! We start off the summer by going to Camp. We go to a Christian based Camp for a week every summer. We get to have so much fun. We do a lot of different things from arts & crafts to riding horses and archery. Every year when Miranda and I go, we get so excited to meet new friends and to just get to be with some of our close friends. Making new friends at camp is great and it is always a lot of fun to see them the next year, and catch up. While we are doing all of the super cool activities at camp we are also getting to learn about Jesus. We go to Church every night to learn more about Christ, and what He does for us. You know even though we are away from our families, we still have Jesus right there with us to comfort us when we need Him. Sometimes making new friends can be a little scary and hard to do. But, you know what? God brings people into our lives for a reason. Some of those reasons could be that you really need someone positive in your life, maybe your regular friends are leaving you out. We should always be open to making a new friend. You never know they just might become your new BFF. You should always remember to be kind to everyone, God may have just put a new friend in your life because they really need a good friend, and God picked you. We hope that even if you’re not going to camp maybe you will get to make some new friends this summer. There may be a new adventure waiting for you and your friends to find!

July 1-3 – Summer Gospel Jamaboree and Fill a Box Food Campaign with United Deliverance Tabernacle at 6pm July 2 -3,9-10,16-17,23-24,30– Regal Cinemas Free Family Film Festival at Westgate 11, Lakeline Cinemas 9, or Arbor at Great Hills from 10am – 12pm July 3,10,17,24 – Austin Children’s Museum Community Night from 5pm – 8pm July 3 – “Jonas Brothers the Concert Experience” – free movie at FROOTS at 7pm July 4 – Cedar Park 4th of July Celebration in Milburn Park from 4pm – 10:40pm July 4 – City of Elgin Annual 4th of July Celebration at City Hall from 10am – 1pm July 4 – Frontier Days Celebration at Old Settlers Park at 10am July 4 – Frontier Days Celebration at Round Rock Amphitheater from 7pm – 10pm July 4 – The Heros of Texas at the Alamo in San Antonio from 10am – 3pm July 4 – Independence Day Celebration at Pioneer Farms from 10am – 2pm July 4 – Southside 4th of July Jubilee in Elgin from 6pm -10pm July 4 – Pet Dog Manners/Alerting-Taught in Sign Language at the Austin Dog Alliance Training Center from 7:30pm – 8:30pm July 9 -10 – Football Camp hosted by BJ Johnson, Sloan Thomas and Michael Huff at St. Michaels Catholic Academy from 9am – 3pm July 9 – Origami Exhibit at Lady Bird Johnson Wildfire Center from 9am – 4pm July 10 – “Madagascar 2 Escape to Africa” free movie at FROOTS at 7pm www. July 11 – Taco Shack Freddie Frijole Fun Run 5K and Kids Triathlon at Ramsey Park, 1400 W 42nd St at 7am July 11 – Texas Renaissance Festival Wedding Tours at 9:45am July 11 – Volleyball Double Elimination Tournament at Northwest Recreation Center July 13 – 17 – Austin Toro’s Summer Basketball Camps at YMCA East Communities from 8:30am -12:30pm July 16 – Austin Responds: Feast of Memories 3809 W 35th St. from 6pm – 8pm July 17 – “Bedtime Stories” – free movie at FROOTS at 7pm July 18 – Bunko for Blessings at Phillips Pavillion 1504 E 51st ST from 5pm -10pm July 18 - 19 – Spikefest 2009 at Old Settlers Park in Round Rock July 19 – 2009 Round Rock Concert Series at Round Rock Amphitheater at 7pm July 22 – Austin Children’s Shelter Summer Bowl at 300 Austin Bowling Center from 6:30pm – 9:30pm July 23 -25 – Women’s Independent Football League Championship at Round Rock ISD Athletic Complex July 24 – “Coraline” – free movie at FROOTS at 7pm July 24 – “Iron Man” - Movies in the Park at Old Settlers Park at 7:30pm July 25 – Green Expo 2009 at Dell Diamond from 10am – 6pm July 26 – 9th Annual Candlelight Family Bowl Fundraiser at Westgate Bowl at 2701 William Cannon from 1pm – 4pm


How to have a Fun and Super Safe Summer: Here are some tips on how Miranda & I will be making sure our Summer is Safe, but tons of FUN, with some of our favorite things to do during the Summer!

1. Swimming: A great way to beat the HEAT!

Step 1: Sunscreen is a must! Step 2: NEVER ever go without an ADULT! Step 3: NO Running!- it is very dangerous to run around a Pool! Step 4: Make Sure you get to SPLASH your Friends! But always Play NICE!!


Camping: Time for an adventure! Step 1: Bug SPRAY! Step 2: Take a Friend Step 3: Don’t forget BUG SPRAY! Step 4: Don’t forget Marshmallows!

3. Boating: Fun with the Family!

Step 1: Life Jacket, remember safety 1st! Step 2: Must have an Adult…We are too young to drive the Jet ski! Step 3: Use your head and don’t be crazy, boats/ jet- ski’s can be very dangerous! Step 4: Be CAREFUL!!!!

4. Beach: A Day in God’s Swimming Pool!

Step 1: Sunscreen Always! Step 2: Check the Flags before you go in the Water *Note Green means GO! Red means STOP! Step 3: Keep an eye out for Jellyfish! Ouch! Step 4: When you get home you’ll have a little bit of the beach still with you….. in your SWIMSUIT! Have Fun with the sand! Hey and if you forgot to make a sandcastle well now you can! HA! Ha! HA! Just kidding that’s gross!


Playing Outside: Step 1: Drink LOTS of H2O…that’s WATER Step 2: Stay inside in a cool Area during the hottest part of the day which is between 12-3, unless you are in the water then you’ll be ok! Step 4: Make some great memories with your Friends and Family! Take lots of pictures! Megan & Miranda The Megan and Miranda Show!


Movies: Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian It’s a new “Night” and “Museum” for Larry Daley, who is joined by several other characters from the original film, including cowboy Jedediah and Teddy Roosevelt, as well as new characters from history like Amelia Earhart, villainous Egyptian pharaoh Kahmunrah, Russian tyrant Ivan the Terrible and Napoleon. The film will be bringing to life the Smithsonian Institution, which houses the world’s largest museum complex with more than 136 million items in its collections, ranging from the plane Amelia Earhart flew on her nonstop solo flight across the Atlantic and Al Capone’s rap sheet and mug shot to Dorothy’s ruby red slippers and Archie Bunker’s lounge chair. Lee Eddins

Music: Todd Agnew

BOLD - That is how I would describe Todd Agnew. The album has been out for awhile but after seeing him at Anderson Mill Baptist Church on the 13th of last month, I decided it would be fitting to do a review on his CD, Better Questions, while telling you about his awesome concert. Better Questions asks the questions that we either wish we could put into words or had the guts to ask. If you ever get the opportunity to see Todd, you’ll understand that he has the guts to be difTodd Agnew and the band ferent and challenge each of perform at Anderson Mill us to be different as well. He Baptist Church does not do any sugar coating and as usual, his lyrics are unbeatable. As with so many Christian artists today, the line between secular and Christian is blurred, but with Todd, you’ll never question who or what he is Todd Agnew singing about. The show Saturday evening was wonderful. The Austin Faith & Family attended and gave out our magazine to concert attendees. Anderson Mill Baptist was a great host and very hospitable to us. We got to spend a few minutes with Todd and the band and take some wonderful pictures of the concert. Hope you enjoy!

Todd Agnew Picture- Sam Weaver-bass, Todd Agnew- lead and guitar, Brian Wilsondrums, Aaron Franklin- Anderson Mill Baptist Church , Lee Eddins- Publisher, Austin Faith & Family

Lee Eddins

y name is Izzy and my daddy publishes this great magazine. He doesn’t normally take me to meet the people he gets to meet but this month was different. I got to hang out with him some and meet some pretty cool people and I wanted to share some pictures with you. First off, I am a big football fan. I normally like to watch the Saints play with my daddy, but when I want to watch a winning team, we change Izzy rocks out with the channel. Since Todd Agnew Izzy with the Tim Cooka quarterback I Defensive Linebacker for the used to watch back Austin Turfcats and Chris in Alabama plays Duliban- Head Coach. for the Kansas City Chiefs, I was familiar with Derrick Johnson who is a linebacker for them. He was reIzzy with members of the ally nice and took Austin Aztex some pictures with me and Angie Ray and Roxanne from 102.3 the River. I was pretty excited to be able to take my picture with Izzy and Gary from The them and even Will River 102.3. Matthews who I am Izzy Eddins with Derrick sure you already read about a couple of pages back. Johnson, Angie Ray, Roxanne I also got to meet some players from the new soccer Wilson and Will Matthews team here, the Austin Aztex and meet a big guy from the Austin Turfcats named Tim. Roxanne, Susie and Gary from the River all invited me up to see their studios too. It was really fun. My daddy has a face for radio so he was able to relate really well when we visited them. I also got to rock out with Todd Agnew at his concert at Anderson Mill Baptist Church. Since I am an aspiring drummer, I really enjoyed the concert. Hope you enjoyed the pictures. See you next time.

Izzy Eddins

ART LESSONS $7 PER HOUR Taught at Hobby Lobby, Northwest Austin 1-3pm Saturdays Watercolor, oil, acrylic, and/or pencil drawing 7 years old and up, beginning and experienced Call


Over 14 years art instruction experience, Fine Arts Degree, 35 years painting experience

painted by a 17 year old student


Advertiser Directory

The Back Pew Quips and Quotes The wit makes fun of other persons; the satirist makes fun of the world; the humorist makes fun of himself. - James Thurber A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs. It’s jolted by every pebble on the road. - Henry Ward Beecher

Husband: A man who buys his football tickets four months in advance and waits until December 24 to do his Christmas shopping.

The other day I bought a wastebasket and brought it home in a paper bag. And when I got home, I put the paper bag in the wastebasket. - Lily Tomlin

2 Brothers Financial Concordia University 3 Jeremy Camp Concert 4 Plank’s Pizza 5 Christian Brothers Automotive 6 Wellness & Better Health Chiropractic Hughes Amalgamated Smokey Mo’s BBQ 7 Main Street Grill Lake Travis Podiatry Tres Amigos 8 Catching Fireflies 9 Cook Hearing & Balance 10 Terra Toys 11 Wellness & Better Health Chiropractic Bush’s Chicken 12 Elegance Photography 620 Café and Bakery Austin Floors & Windows Fuddruckers 13 Chasco Family YMCA Your Local City 14 Texas Hillfest The Word 99.3 15 Round Rock Area Serving Center H&H Plumbing 16 17 Art Lessons 19 Celebration Church 20 His Shoes

A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawn mower is broken. - James Dent

Bible Trivia 1) The fruit of the spirit is made up of how many traits? 1. seven 2. eight 3. nine 4. ten 2) First bird Noah sent forth from the ark. 1. dove 2. raven 3. nuthatch 4. eagle

4.) Who is the oldest person in the Bible. 1. Enos 2. Mahalaleel 3. Enoch 4. Methuselah

5.) The first person to go to heaven that did not die in the flesh. 1. Enoch 2. Elijah 3. Shem 4. Moses


Lord of Life Lutheran Church 9700 Neenah Avenue, Austin Texas 79717 512.671.6100 Sunday Worship Services 8:15 and 10:45 am Sunday School 10:45 am,,

First Baptist Round Rock Answers 1. Answer- C. nine Galatians 5:22-26 2. Answer- B. raven Genesis 8:7 3. Answer- D. Noah Genesis 8:20 4. Answer- D. Methuselah Genesis 5:27 5. Answer- A. Enoch Genesis 5:24 and Hebrew 11:5

3.) First person to build an altar unto the Lord. 1. Abraham 2. Isaac 3. Jacob 4. Noah

Local Church LIstings

Sunday - 8:30 Children & Student Worship, Bible Study | 9:45 am Family Worship, Bible Study | 11:00 am Family Worship | 6:00 Evening Worship | Wednesday - 5:00 - 6:15 pm | Wednesday Supper 6:00 - 8:30 pm AWANA, Youth Activities

Freedom Home Baptist Church 3405 Oak Springs Rd, Austin, TX 78723 512-928-9744 Rev. Oscar B Howard, Jr. Pastor Sunday School - 9:45 am Family Worship -11:00 am Bible Study - 7:00 pm Wednesday

Celebration Church Sunday Service Times - 9:30 am 11:30 am 1:30 pm (Spanish) 6:30 pm Wednesday Service - 7:00 pm

First Baptist Pflugerville Sunday: Bible Fellowship Groups - 9 am* & 10:30 am Worship Services - 9 am & 10:30 am AWANA Club - 4 pm Evening Service - 6:15 pm *Sign Language Interpretation Provided

Family of God Worship Center International in Hutto Nadine Johnson Elementary School Address: 955 Carl Stern Sunday Morning Worship Service Times: Sunday, 10:00 AM Morning Worship Thursday, 7:15 PM Bible Study Bring your Bible and let’s have some fun! Pastor Christopher Ross (512)569-1870



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