April 2018 Family News

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APRIL 2018

Fantastic activities

Kid-Friendly Gadgets & Gizmos

for children

Fairs &fests



around the state


and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Lee County’s

Summer CAMP


Miracle Baseball Opener

Disney on Ice

Reach for the Stars

Aviation Day

Celebrate Bonita

CONTENTS April 2018

FEATURES Frost Science Museum


Golden Apple Teachers


News from our partners


Summer Camps


On The Cover

Creative food ideas



Piper Musselman, 7, daughter of Gary & Jaime Musselman of Estero Photo provided by Making MemoriesPortraits.com

Gidgets & Gadgets


Fairs & Festivals


Special picks & events


Things to do in April


Health & Wellness


10 How to reach us:

Publisher/Owner Kathy M. Kuser Editor/Owner Jamie K. Kuser

Arts & Entertainment

Sales/Marketing Lisa Doyle Mitchell

Party resource guide

P.O. Box 9285 Fort Myers, FL 33902

58 60

Too Cute photos


4 - April 2018




Columnist Mandy Carter 239-278-5236


e-mail us at

leefamilynews@earthlink.net Lee County Family News is published 12 times a year. Š 2018 by KMK Publishing Inc. www.leefamilynews.net

Audra Niles of Fort Myers Picked up the magazine at Lakes Regional Library Family News

A fun day learning at the

Frost Science Museum

By Mandy Carter Take a drive to the east coast for a unique museum experience that the entire family will enjoy. The Phillip and Patricia Frost Science Museum is located on Biscayne Boulevard in Miami. The museum mission is to help connect people of all ages and backgrounds to enjoy the unique world of science and technology. Their vision is to create compelling STEM education (science, technology, engineering, and math) that inspires learning and innovation. The unique exhibits enable people to explore real, rigorous science. We spent several hours here and could have easily spent more (especially if my kids were a little older). Here are three reasons why you don’t want to skip this museum:

Rooftop experience

There is a birds of prey exhibit on the roof. Located in a shady canopy on the roof, with amazing views of the city, shore and marsh birds flock together in with other wild critters.It is home to mostly injured rescues undergoing rehab. Plus the views from the museum roof are fantastic.

Aquarium is cool

There are three levels of tanks with both indoor and outdoor exhibits that mimic a variety of Florida ecosystems. You get all sorts of views of sea life from above, beside and below. My favorite part is the 31-foot-wide oculus that gives you the vantage point of peering up into the ocean-looking tank!

Planetarium is 1 of 13 in the world

If you enjoy planetariums then you will be impressed with this one. The Frost Science Museum Planetarium is an upgrade compared to other planetariums I have enjoyed. It is one of only 13 like it in the world, using a 16-million-color 8K visual system with an almost 360-degree screen view! The shows range from space trips to deep dives and feel so real. This museum is open every day of the year from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., so you could plan to take a day trip across Alligator Alley at anytime to immerse your family in the mysterious and magical world of science!

Mandy Carter is a Fort Myers mother of two. She owns her own freelance marketing business, is a travel writer, speaker and mommy blogger who loves to share her passion for family travel. Follow her family adventures at acupful.com and connect with her on Instagram @mandymcarter 6 - April 2018

Family News

Family News

April 2018 - 7

2018 Golden Apple

Teacher Recognition Award The Foundation for Lee County Public Schools hit the road on March 9 and surprised the six recipients with the eminent Golden Apple Teacher Award. Golden Apple sponsors, the selection committee and Foundation Board members took part in shining the spotlight on the outstanding performance these profound teachers do for the education system and their students. “Once again, the six recipients of the prestigious Golden Apple Award are representatives of all the outstanding educators we have in the School District of Lee County. I can think of no more important profession than teaching. The impact of the teaching profession is felt throughout the entire community and deserves to be applauded,� said Marshall T. Bower, Esq., president and CEO of The Foundation for Lee County Public Schools. The Golden Apple recipients are chosen after going through an extensive selection process which began in September with a community-wide invitation to nominate teachers from the School District of Lee County. The six finalists were selected after completing a three-step process, which included a Matthew Bourbina blind comprehensive applicaFort Myers High tion, observations in their classroom of their teaching style and skill, and personal interviews with the Golden Apple Selection Committee. Golden Apple Teacher Recognition Program was the first major project funded and developed by the Foundation for Lee County Public Schools, Inc. Recipients of the Golden Apple Teacher Award will be honored at a black-tie affair held at the Hyatt Regency at Coconut Point on Friday, April 6 at 5:30 p.m. The banquet will be broadcasted via NBC-2 on Sunday, April 8 at 7 p.m. Tickets for the Golden Apple Banquet can be purchased for $160 per person by contacting the foundation Esteban Jaramillo office at 239-337-0433. 8 - April 2018

Mariner High

The 2018 Golden Apple Teacher recipients: Matthew Bourbina - Fort Myers High School Dr. Patrick Hanrahan - Ida S. Baker High School Samantha Hutchinson - Island Coast High School Esteban Jaramillo - Mariner High School Brooke Przespolewski - Gulf Elementary School Maria Rose - Edison Park Creative & Expressive Arts School

Dr. Patrick Hanrahan Ida S. Baker High

Samantha Hutchinson Island Coast High

Brooke Przespolewski Gulf Elementary

Edison Park Creative & Expressive Arts

Maria Rose Family News

Family News

April 2018 - 9

News from our Magazine Partners Celebrate Bonita will be held on Saturday, April 7 from 4 to 9 p.m., with High Voltage and Sarah Hadeka as this year’s entertainers. For those who are new to the area, Celebrate Bonita is an event held at Riverside Park located at 10450 Reynolds Street to celebrate the beautiful city of Bonita Springs. Families will enjoy music, food, drinks and kids amusement for the duration of this event. Interested in being a sponsor for this event? Contact Bonita Springs City Hall at 239949-6262 for more information.

Intensive reading program demo April 9 and 3 Come find out how your child can gain one to three years in their reading skills while playing computer games. Don't let the summer go by without taking advantage of this highly successful clinically proven Reading Program. Program presentation and questions will be answered Monday, April 9 or Monday, April 30 at 7 p.m. at Trafford Speech, Language and Literacy Services, 15050 Elderberry Lane in Fort Myers. The program brings fast change with life long results. No other reading intervention program has been as thoroughly researched and tested. Registration is required. Visit Trafford Speech’s website at www.speechlanguageliteracy.net or call 508-269-0252 for more information.

Grandparents breakfast April 7

Grandparents can come in and enjoy breakfast and a fun craft with their grandchildren Saturday, April 7 at Chick-fil-A Cypress Lake, 13610 S. Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers. Spend the morning (from 8:30 – 10 a.m.) enjoying special time with your favorite little people. For more details, call 239-433-9030. 10 - April 2018

A Chorus Line dancer to teach local class April 7

Trevor Michael Schmidt returns home to Southwest Florida to teach a master class at Curtain Call Studios. Trevor is a 2013 graduate of North Fort Myers High School and attended the highly competitive music theatre program at Florida State University. He is currently a cast member on the national tour of A Chorus Line as

the assistant dance captain. Trevor will be teaching choreography from the show at a master class on Saturday, April 7 from 2 - 4:30 p.m. at Curtain Call Studios, 15250 S. Tamiami Trail in Fort Myers. This class is for ages 13 and older and is $50 to participate and $25 to observe. Open to the public, enroll online at www.curtaincallstudios.com.

Lee Kids Tag Art program honors students, teachers The Foundation for Lee County Public Schools and the Lee County Tax Collector’s office held a ceremony March 5 at The Lee County Public Education Center to honor the two finalists each from 49 different elementary schools in Lee County. The 49 art teachers from the participating schools received $800 each in grant money to utilize in their classrooms. Each participating elementary school submitted artwork for decorative front-end license plates and were chosen by a panel of art jurors from the community. The creative front-end license plates were displayed around the room at the awards ceremony as

The Foundation for Lee County Public Schools, president & CEO Marshall Bower, and Lee County Tax Collector Larry Hart distributed award certificates and shared a few words about the program. The Lee County Kids Tag Art program’s mission is to help enhance art education with supplies and resources for the classroom. Additional in-kind sponsorships offset costs and provide additional recognition and rewards for the students. Members of the public can support art in education by purchasing a Kids Tag Art decorative front-end license plate by visiting www.leetc.com. Family News

Family News

April 2018 - 11


Cape Coral Yacht Club

Summer Fun

Camps, Destinations, VBS, Activities & Enhancements 5 Star Stables

5 Star Stables is your one Stop Shop for all your Equestrian Dreams. June Horse Camp for ages 5 - 9 will run from June 4 – 8 and for ages 10 - 18 will be June 18 - 22.. Camp is designed to develop 5 Star horsemanship. Learn new skills to enhance that bond between you and your horse. We practice natural horsemanship skills. One on one training to gain the respect of your horse, both on the ground and in saddle. You can bring your own horse in for the week or utilize one of 5 Star Stables horses. English horse camp for all ages will be June 25 – 29. This camp has limited space and will fill up, don't miss out call and reserve your space. This camp is strictly English riding instruction. We are excited to have this opportunity to have this camp and know it will be a blast whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced rider. July’ horse camp for ages 5 – 9 will be July 9 – 13 and for ages 10 – 18 will run July 16 – 20. An all ages camp will run July 30 – Aug. 3. The August Horse Camp is for all ages and will be Aug. 6 – 9. This is "Fun Camp" where kids get to be kids with a horse. Horseback games, bareback, waterfun filled week. Must have riding experience. There is not any formal lessons in this camp. Riders must be able to saddle, bridle and care for their horse. 1835 The Thompsons Way, Lehigh 239-337-STAR (7827) www.StableandTack.com

12 - April 2018

All Aboard Preschool

Summer Camp includes free meals and field trips are offered. The summer camp is $33 per day or $100 for the week. This is the price for school age children. When enrolling and paying the registration the children can come any school off day, spring break, Christmas break, and summer. We also offer a Free summer VPK for children that are entering Kindergarten this August. The VPK hours are from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Friday and includes lunch. Sign up now to ensure a spot! 1918 SE Santa Barbara Place, Cape Coral (Near Midpoint Bridge Access) 239-574 5220 or 239-574-2904

Alliance for the Arts

Discover the artist and star within. The Alliance for the Arts camps fill the summer with color, music, art and acting with a different theme each week. This ultimate summer experience includes an art exhibition and final stage performance each Friday. Make new friends and get creative during the best summer ever! For more information on camps, teen volunteer opportunities and scholarships or to register, visit online or call. Camps fill quickly, enroll today! 10091 McGregor Blvd., Fort Myers 239-939-2787 www.ArtInLee.org/SummerCamp Family News

Summer Theatre Camp at CULTURAL PARK THEATER Only r $285 pek e e w 3 session

June 4 - June 23 Early drop off and late pickup available for fee!

Sessions run 9 am - 4 pm. Multiple child, session discounts!

June 25 - July 14


for children ages 7 to 15

July 16 - August 4

528 Cultural Park Blvd., Cape Coral

239-772-5862 www.CulturalParkTheater.com

Family News

April 2018 - 13

SummerCamps Bobbie Noonan’s Child Care

A place to come … to be liked and encouraged to be yourself and be with friends to explore and discover to learn, to stretch, to grow … through play. Come join us for a fun filled summer, water days, special visitors, field trips, music, art, science, exciting weekly themes and a nutritious food policy. Please call or stop by at one of our four locations, two in Cape Coral, Fort Myers and Bonita. Please stop by our website for our Summer Camp calendars, special events and visitors, menus, enrollment information and much more. 8560 Crystal Court, Fort Myers www.bobbienoonans.com 239-939-2255

Brown Academy - Gateway

Brown Academy offers a new adventure each and every day for children ages 2 to 10! Exciting activities include arts and crafts, sing-a-longs, sports, cooking activities and picnics. Each week your child will participate in an in-house field trip enjoying special events such as puppet shows, magic shows, wild life exhibits, bounce houses and pony rides. As part of our commitment in keeping your child safe, every day the children will have a scheduled time in the pool for water safety instruction. For children ages 11 to 15, we offer a special Counselor in Training Program. 12211 Towne Lake Dr., Fort Myers www.brownacademy.net 239-332-1900

Cape Coral Arts Studio

Fine Arts for Kids Camp (7-12 yrs) June 4 - July 27; M-F, 9 am – 4 pm A rewarding opportunity for children to express themselves through art and enjoy hours of productive fun as the Cape Coral Arts Studio presents its 19th annual full day art camp! Kids will experience creative processes and learn new techniques for fine arts and fine crafts. Exciting activities include pottery, drawing, painting, mixed media, gallery exhibiting and much more! Each week is dedicated to a unique theme with artist study and special techniques. $120 Cape Resident / $131.50 Non-Resident per week (discount for multi-child &/or multi-week) Cape Coral Arts Studio 4533 Coronado Pkwy, Cape Coral 239-574-0802 www.CapeParks.com

Cape Coral Parks & Recreation Staycation Camp

(K-8th) June 4 - Aug. 3; M-F, 6:30 am – 6 pm During this non-traveling camp, participants will enjoy weekly guest speakers, special events, themed arts and crafts, indoor and outdoor recreational activities, and Jim Jeffers Park with amenities including basketball courts, tennis courts, soccer fields, softball field and more. Breakfast and lunch will be provided daily. Parents should pack a healthy afternoon snack. $75 per week Held at Christa McAuliffe Elementary 2817 SW 3rd Ln, Cape Coral www.CapeParks.com Register through Wm. Austen Youth Center at 239-242-3950

Cape Coral Parks & Recreation Summer CAMPtacular

(K-8th) June 4 – Aug. 3; M-F, 6:45 am – 6 pm For a summer full of energy and excitement, sign up for Cape Coral Parks and Recreation's Summer CAMPtacular! Each week is jampacked with field trips, events and activities with a different theme featured each week. Breakfast and lunch are provided on non-travel days. Parents should pack a healthy afternoon snack. $99 per week Wm. Austen Youth Center (5-11 yrs, Elementary) 315 SW 2nd Ave, Cape Coral 239-242-3950 www.CapeParks.com Oasis Elementary (K-8th) 3415 Oasis Blvd, Cape Coral 239-242-3950 (Youth Center) www.CapeParks.com

Kick’s School of Dance

14 - April 2018

Family News

Creative Theater Workshop

Weekly Fort Myers Theater Camp will be held for two age groups (ages 6 - 12 and 12 - 16) and run 9 am – 4 pm (before and after care available) June 11 – July 27. Join us and take singing, dancing & acting lessons. Play theater games and take workshops in the theater arts (costumes, makeup, set design, stage combat, etc). Students and staff will work together to create a fantastic show for friends and family at the end of each week. $160 per week. Limited space, sign up today online. 239-738-3525 www.CTW.Life

Creative World School

USA Taekwondo Center

Centers for the Arts Bonita Springs

Always something new and fun for budding artists, actors, chefs and dancers. Age specific classes of 15 students of less offer students individual attention while they explore the exciting learning adventures available in the arts. Creative classes engage students in activities that use abstract and tactile problem solving skills both individual and cooperatively while having fun. Opportunities for ages 4-18 include painting, cooking, cartooning, sewing, dance, theater, music and more. 2018 Summer Camp Highlights include Oriental Watercolor Painting, Music Camp, 3D Design & Printing, Musical Theater Master Class, Mini Musical, Fun with Glass and more to choose from. Camp Sessions are 9 am - noon & 1 – 4 pm. Supervised early morning care, lunch and after care are available. Generous discounts and scholarships are available to ensure art, music, theater and dance are affordable for all. 10150 Bonita Beach Road, Bonita Springs 239-495-8989 www.artcenterbonita.org

Coast Elite Gymnastics Academy

Summer camp runs May 31 - Aug. 10 Programs for all ages. Check out the fun at Coast Elite Gymnastics Academy, a USA Gymnastics training facility in Fort Myers. Join us this summer for an action-packed good time! Trampoline, movies, crafts, gymnastics, bounce house and more! We have weekly, daily, and half day programs available. Other programs featured this month are cheer-tumbling classes, classes and teams for all ages, birthday parties 6360 Arc Way, Fort Myers www.coastelite.com 239-936-8467

Family News

CampTastic 2018: Summer Camp for ages 6-12. Looking for an incredible summer day camp? Have you heard about CampTastic? Full of zany adventures and 5 awesome themes, our camp is where the action is at this summer! Every day will feature something new as we explore the arts, the great outdoors, cool inventions, fun and games! We’ll go on FUNderful field trips and have action-packed special event days each week. Join all of our exciting summer adventures by saving your spot today! In Estero: 19671 Cypress View Drive, Fort Myers 239-415-7845 In Gateway: 11961 Fairway Lakes Drive, Fort Myers 239-208-8842 www.creativeworldcamp.com

Cultural Park Theater

June 4 - Aug. 4 7 to 15 years Step on stage and shine with the excitement and magic of live musical theater. The Cultural Park Theatre Education Department offers a fun-filled summer theater camp for campers to gain hands-on experience in musical theater, acting, dance, voice and technical production. With three sessions and three musical theater productions, there is no reason to miss out on the fun. Each session culminates with a live performance on stage. Plus, every camper performs because everyone is cast in the show. As they experience the joy of live musical theater, campers build self-confidence, engage their imaginations and learn the importance of teamwork. Three-week sesssions (only $285 each) are School House Rock Jr. June 4 - 23, Suessical Jr. June 25 - July 14 and Bye Bye Birdie Juy 16 - Aug. 4. 528 Cultural Park Blvd., Cape Coral www.culturalparktheater.com 239-772-5862 April 2018 - 15

SummerCamps Enhancements & Destinations

Broadway Palm Children’s Theatre

This summer, the Broadway Palm Childrenʼs Theatre can be a perfect destination for your summer campers as they are offering another wonderful show this year. Enjoy some summer fun with Seussical June 2 – 22. Broadway Palm will present the main stage production of Annie June 28 Aug. 11. Broadway Palm 1380 Colonial Blvd., Fort Myers www.broadwaypalm.com 239-278-4422

Curtain Call Studios

Curtain Call Studios is thrilled to announce its spectacular summer of Triple Threat Camps! Your young performer will have a magical summer creating, growing, learning, imagining, and improving with our unique summer camps. Join us for Tiny Triple Threat half-day camps for ages 4-7: "Tiny Triple Threat Fairytales" (June 11-15) and "Tiny Triple Threat Circus" (July 16-20). Performers ages 8-12 will enjoy full-day camps: "Triple Threat Adventures: Build your own Broadway show" (June 18-22) and "Triple Threat Broadway Stars: Audition edition" (July 23-27). Camps run Monday-Friday with a final performance each Friday. For more information and to enroll visit online. 15250 S. Tamiami Trail #119-120, Fort Myers 239-208-9138 www.curtaincallstudios.com

Dance Warehouse

Already thinking about your summer? Us too! Join us and the amazing staff of The Dance Warehouse, right here in Fort Myers! We pride ourselves on providing excellence in dance education, so whether you are a seasoned student or a newcomer, there's something for you at the studio this summer! For the best summer yet, we have Intensives (featuring guest teachers Creative Theatre Workshop, Aubrey Cheek, Desiree Robbins, Tyler Muhlenkamp and more!), Camps, and Evening Classes throughout the summer months. Whatever you're looking for, The Dance Warehouse is your one stop studio for all your summer training or fun. (Specials are in place, so sign up now and take advantage of those discounts offered for early registration!) Give us a call for more information or drop by the studio. See you soon. 10650 Metro Parkway, Fort Myers 239-275-5678 www.thedancewarehouse.org

Gulf Coast Music

Eagle Skate Park Chick-fil-A @ Cypress Lake

Day camps love coming to Chick-fil-a @ Cypress Lake for lunch. Discounted kids meals, Enclosed play area, a visit from the Chick-fil-A Cow! Book your field trip today. Chick-fil-A @ Cypress Lake, 13610 S. Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers 239-433-9030 16 - April 2018

(8-13 yrs) June 4 – Aug. 3; M-F, 7:30 am - 3:30 pm This fun-filled camp will feature instructional skate times, three field trips per week, group games and access to the new and improved Skate Park! Breakfast is included daily and lunch is included on non-travel days. Participants have access to the park free of charge each day after camp ends. $129 per week Eagle Skate Park 325 SW 2nd Ave, Cape Coral 239-574-0490 www.CapeParks.com

Edison & Ford Winter Estates

Edison & Ford Winter Estates’ Inventor’s Summer Camp is unlike any other camp in Southwest Florida. Students are able to experience the “living laboratory” that Thomas Edison created more than 100 years ago. Taught by the “Wild Wizards,” the camps cover numerous topics including Film Making, Chemistry, Engineering, Robotics, Video Game Development, and 3-D Art & Design. Camp starts May 31 and runs through Aug. 9. Registration is available online or call. 2350 McGregor Blvd., Fort Myers 239-334-7419 www.EdisonFordWinterEstates.org

Family News

Family News

April 2018 - 17


Zion Lutheran

Family Music Time

Summer Music Classes – Babies (0 - 8 months) Mixed Ages (0 - 4 years) and Rhythm Kids (4 - 8 years) Our summer registration will open up mid-April and the six-week semester will start the third week in June. Music Together exposes children to a rich assortment of music that they would not ordinarily hear. The development of basic music competency is encouraged by introducing the building blocks of music through tonal and rhythm play. Sharing this class with your child is a wonderful way to bond and create lifetime memories, as well as meet other people. www.familymusictime.com 239-671-5693

FGCU Aquatics

FGCU Aquatics will be offering swim lessons for ages 6 months through adult all summer long. They are three-week sessions with 6 lessons in each session for $50. Summer registrations will begin in May and open throughout the summer for each session. Dates and times can be found on our website. Private lessons are also available. Florida Gulf Coast University 239-590-7629 www.fgcu.edu/CampusRec/Aquatics.com

Florida Repertory Theatre

Camp Florida Rep is a theatre intensive summer camp for ages 8 - 17. Campers attend classes in music, dance, drama, and stage crafts to produce a full musical at the end of each two-week session. This in-depth involvement gives campers a true sense of ownership and pride in their work, resulting in increased confidence and creativity. This year’s Camp Florida Rep themes are The Addams Family June 4 - 15 and Singin in The Rain June 18 - 29. Camp Mini-Stars (for ages 4 8) is designed for young performers who might not be ready for the bright stage lights yet. Throughout the course of each day, campers will use their imagination and work on scenes, songs, choreography, and art which will culminate in an informal presentation on the final afternoon of camp: Tales of Aladdin June 4 - 15, Jurassic Journey June 18 - 29, Once Upon A Time July 2 - 13 and Island Adventure July 16 - 27. 2268 Bay Street, Fort Myers www.FloridaRepEducation.org 239-332-4665 ext. 2020 18 - April 2018

Four Freedoms Park Preschool Summer Camps & Super Science Camps

Preschool Summer Camps (3-6 yrs) & Super Science Camps (6-12 yrs)June 4 - Aug. 3; M-F, times vary by camp. During these fun-filled specialty camps, participants will enjoy crafts, games and other activities focused on a different interesting theme each week. Super Science & Amazing Art will be conducting the Science Camps (9am - 4 pm) and, new this summer, the Preschool camps will have part-day morning (9 am - 1:30 pm) and afternoon (1:30 - 3:30 pm) camps available. Prices vary by camp. Four Freedoms Park 4818 Tarpon Court, Cape Coral 239-574-0804 www.CapeParks.com

G-Force Dance

Join us this summer for our five-week summer lessons schedule. We will be holding classes Monday through Thursday for the five weeks of June 18, June 25, July 9, July 16 and July 23 to include all of your favorite classes; Combo classes for ages 3-4; Mini Ballet, Jazz and Lyrical; Junior Ballet, Jazz and Lyrical; Teen/Senior Ballet, Jazz and Lyrical; Hip Hop and Tap. Our Summer 2018 class schedule will be posted on our website on April 1st, so check it out. 1400 Colonial Blvd, Suite 14, Fort Myers 239-288-6188 or 239-980-0860 www.g-forcedance.com

Family News

Ages 5 - 12 welcome SUMMER


June 4 - Aug. 9

Fun weekly themes! Camp hours 7:30 am - 6 pm

$45 daily, 3 days $125, full week $175


GymnasticWorldFlorida.com 239.482.4440 15989 Old US 41, Fort Myers

Family News

April 2018 - 19

SummerCamps Enhancements & Destinations

31 Produce

You can pick or we can pick strawberries, tomatoes, zucchini & more. We have lots of fun things for the family to do from showing kids how fruit and vegetables are grown while being able to pick you own food to take home to cook. Go mining for gems and fossils and finish the day up with some ice cream while sitting on the front porch! Call for an appointment for your field trip or group tour. Come see our new addition - Sulcata Tortoises. We also have a cafe for breakfast and lunch starting at 7:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. We now have a farm animal petting zoo. No admission charges and food is available for feeding. www.31PRODUCE.com Open every day 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 18672 State Road 31, Alva 239-313-8213

Growing Room Child Development Center

When your kids think of awesome, they will think of Growing Room’s Summer Camp! Movies, Skating, Jumping Jacks, Petting Zoo, Sky Zone, Nutty Professor, trips to Lakes Park and Estero Park and more! In addition, they will get to enjoy water play each Friday! This will be a summer your child will never forget! Tuition includes breakfast, lunch and one snack, field trips, arts & crafts, music, and games. You can sign up for one week or the whole summer – it is up to you! 2018 Summer Camp dates are June 4 - Aug 9. Register now. Space is limited. 25151 Bernwood Drive, Bonita Springs 239-495-0045 8950 Gladiolus Drive, Fort Myers 239-466-6646 www.growingroomchilddevelopment.com

Gulf Coast Music Strings Camp

July 9 - 13 for all ages from beginners – advanced players. Introduction to Violin Class for ages 4 to 6 • This camp was developed to provide violin, viola, and cello students an opportunity to learn from accomplished local musicians and musicians from outside Southwest Florida. Through focused classes, students gain motivation, build on prior knowledge, and have fun. The instruction received during camp will help students sustain success throughout the following school year. We will have activities such as percussion class, drama, singing, crafts, and a final concert on Friday at 2:30 p.m. Parents and guests are invited and encouraged to attend this special performance. We are also offering our Chamber Music Program for advanced violin, viola, and cello students throughout the summer. www.gulfcoastmusic.org 239-590-0059

Gymnastic World


Bring your camp to Zoomers for a day of fun! School, group or organization must be tax exempt. June 4 - August 3, Monday through Friday. Package includes unlimited rides, mini golf and video games. Package does not include redemption and prizes, mining or water wars. Minimum 10 children per group. One chaperone per 10 children. Height requirements apply for all rides and attractions. Groups must call ahead to reserve date. Zoomers Amusement Park 17455 Summerlin Road, Fort Myers www.ZoomersAmusementPark.com 239-481-ZOOM (9666) 20 - April 2018

Join the fun at Gymnastic World’s summer camp! Your children will have fun, learn and get exercise, all within our safe and secure environment. Summer camp starts June 4 and goes through Aug. 9. Ages 5-12 are welcome. We will be offering fun weekly themes. Hours for camp are 7:30 am – 6 pm. $45 a day, three days for $125 and the full week at $175. Please register online. 15989 Old US 41, Fort Myers www.gymnasticworldflorida.com 239-482-4440

IMAG History & Science Center

IMAG Summer Camp from June 4 – Aug. 9 is open for registration. All camp sessions include fun and educational handson activities, games, crafts, special guests, and exhibit exploration! An innovative curriculum integrating science, history, technology, engineering, art, and math, encouraging an overall love of learning! Camps are designed for rising 1st – 8th graders. Register online. 2000 Cranford Avenue, Fort Myers 239-243-0043 www.theIMAG.org

Kick’s School of Dance

Your kids can dance their way through summer at Kicks School of Dance! Our Musical Theater camp will develop your child’s acting, singing, and dancing abilities. Intensive Dance camps allow your child to strengthen their dance technique as they participate in daily ballet, jazz/hip hop, modern, acro, and choreography classes. Each two-week camp ends with a performance for parents. Camp hours are 9-3 for kids ages 5-16. 8750 Gladiolus Drive, Fort Myers 239-217-4917 www.KicksSchoolofDance.net.

Kid's World Preschool

Our Kid’s Club offers a fun filled summer program for children that have completed VPK thru 5th grade. Children are divided into ageappropriate groups. Each week the children jump into action, participating in fun and exciting activities, field trips and special events based on weekly themes. Only pay for the weeks you attend. No need to pack lunch or snacks… they’re included. Call to reserve your child’s spot. 1126 NE 16th Terrace, Cape Coral www.kidsworldpreschool.com 239-573-7233

Kings Kidz Academy

Come join our Kidz Klub Team, for a fun filled, Christ centered adventurous week during summer break! We will have a full week of exciting field trips, bounce houses and crafts! Stop by and visit us. 330 W. Mariana Ave., North Fort Myers 239-656-1551

Lake Kennedy Center Fantasy/Comic Book & Diva Design

(10-15 yearrs) July 16 - 27; M-F, 8 am - noon & 12:30 – 4 pm. Two, half-day specialty camps will be offered from July 16-27. Participants in Fantasy & Comic Book Camp (8 amnoon) will develop amazing characters and plots and complete hands-on art projects including creating books with art and illustrations. Participants in Diva Design Camp (12:30 - 4 pm) will learn from a master seamstress how to select fabric, design and sew clothing that can be worn by the end of camp. Both camps will conclude with an end of camp showcase. $100 Cape Coral Resident / $115 Non-Resident per camp Lake Kennedy Center 400 Santa Barbara Blvd, Cape Coral 239-574-0575 www.CapeParks.com

Family News

Family News

April 2018 - 21

SummerCamps Music Foundation of SW Florida

Cape Coral Arts Studio

The Music Foundation of Southwest Florida is happy to announce some new and exciting Summer Arts Camps. Starting June 18 and running through July 21, there will be approximately 20 different camps offered in all areas of instrumental and vocal music, including piano, guitar and ukulele as well as theater, visual arts and even creative writing, digital arts and culinary arts this year! Most of the camps are designed for middle school students with several for older elementary students and will include special master classes and exciting activities during break times. Camps run from 9 am until 4 pm with a final program each Friday afternoon. Cost is $150 per week, which includes breakfast, lunch and a T-shirt. Scholarships are available! The camps will take place at Paul Laurence Dunbar Middle School, centrally located just south of Colonial Blvd. off of Six Mile Cypress in Fort Myers. www.music-foundation.org 239-275-0057

New Hope Presbyterian VBS

June 4 - 8 from 9 am – noon. VBS for kids who have completed pk4* - 5th grade (*must be 5 by Sept. 1, 2018) Kids are invited on a white water rafting adventure to experience the ride of a lifetime with God! Along the river, children discover that life with God is an adventure full of wonder and surprise, and that they can trust God to be with them through anything. Memorable Bible stories, exciting science, creative crafts, fun games, and lively music will help kids know that God is always with them as they ride the rapids of His amazing grace. $20 (Includes T-shirt, music CD). Register online at before May 14 or when space is full New Hope Presbyterian Church, 10051 Plantation Road, Fort Myers 239-274-1230 www.newhopefortmyers.org/vbs

22 - April 2018

Providence Equestrian

Daily riding lessons are just the beginning of this fun and comprehensive camper experience. Everything "hands on" with horses, horsey games, horsey crafts, and horsey water activities. Enjoy interaction with our small animals including goats, pig, ducks, and chickens - yes we'll collect eggs! Beginner’s welcome, and special sessions for intermediate and advanced riders. Weekly sessions Monday - Friday 8:30 am to noon. We’re so easy to get to! Call or visit website for more info & Reservations. Bonita Springs 239-948-7669 www.ProvidenceEquestrianCenter.com

Renaissance Montessori School

June 11 - July 27 for 15 months to 6 years. Each week of “Summer of Fun” is designed to provide relaxed & interesting enrichment opportunities for children (12 months – 6 years old) utilizing our Montessori curriculum, in a safe, nurturing environment with caring adults. This summer your child can … explore individual talents & creativity; increase cultural awareness; discover a sense of wonder & appreciation for nature; and learn how to resolve conflicts easily & make new friends. If you’ve always wanted to “try” Montessori, this summer is a great opportunity! 37 Barkley Circle, Fort Myers www.montessorichild.org 239-275-2022

Family News

Family News

April 2018 - 23


Unity Peace Camp

Rotary Park Environmental Center Eco-Adventure Nature Camp

(7-12 years) June 4 - July 27; M-F, 8 am – 5 pm Children will experience tons of fun at this nature camp with plenty of indoor and outdoor activities such as hiking and exploring in the swamp, learning about the creatures that inhabit the park, and engaging in cooperative games, sports and crafts. A different nature-related theme will be featured each week. $100 per week Rotary Park 5505 Rose Garden Road, Cape Coral 239-549-4606 www.CapeParks.com

Saddlewood Horse Club

Longest running horse Camp in Cape Coral. CHA certified Riding Instructor, Staff Trained & Certified, all staff DCF fingerprinted and background checked!. Fun-filled days with English, Western, vaulting - gymnastic on horseback, games on horseback and foot, daily riding in our Covered Riding Arena, horsemanship, skill building, Game Day, and so much more. Take care of your horse for an amazing week! All camps are running from 9am-3pm with our traditional parent presentation on Friday with trophies! Before and after camp available (nominal fee). Fee $225 first week, $210 for each additional. Sibling discount available. $50 to reserve spot, Credit cards accepted. 16111 Saddlewood Lane, Cape Coral www.CapeHorses.com 239-738-9300


24 - April 2018

Family News

Saint Michael School

June 4 – July 27 Pre-K 3 - 9th grade A Sensational Summer Awaits! A variety of camps are offered in academics, athletics, cooking, drama and fencing. Over 20 Camps! Extended care before and after program is offered. We believe that giving youth safe, fun, meaningful experiences is important to building character. Summer camp at St. Michael is a chance for your child to spend a part of their summer making memories, and forming lifelong friendships. 3595 Broadway, Fort Myers www.smlcs.org 239-939-1218 ext. 229

New Hope VBS

Sky Zone

Have an epic summer at SkyCamp! Kids can have fun while staying active, with instructorled activities like Free Style Jump, Dodgeball SkySlam and our New Challenge Zone. SkyCamp combines fun and fitness for pure happiness! With different themes each week, your kids will never be bored! Including super community heroes, science of Sky Zone and so much more. It's easy and hassle-free for parents: Drop 'em off and we'll make sure they have the best experience ever. 14181 S. Tamiami Trail, #140, Fort Myers 239-313-5448 www.skyzone.com/fortmyers

Southern Starz

Flip into Southern Starz Gymnastics for summer camp. We will be offering Summer Camp for boys and girls ages 4-14. The day will start with gymnastics, trampoline time, bars and ropes, and the rock wall, after lunch its games, arts and crafts, and open gym. We open at 7:30 a.m. and offer extended care until 6 p.m. daily and weekly rates as well as sibling discounts are available. 915 SE 14th Place, Cape Coral www.southernstarzgymnastics.org 239-574-0034

Family News

Summer SON-Sation Day Camp

June 13 through Aug. 5 5 years through Grade 6. We are a Christian Summer Day Camp designed for children that need care during summer break. Each morning we have a time of Christian Education, and celebrate weekly themes such as an Under the Sea, or Wacky Olympic units in the afternoon. Our camp is open Monday through Friday between 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 pm. Snacks, beverages and field trips are included in our low weekly cost of $75. One day a week we visit the Fort Myers Beach pool. We offer quality child care at an affordable price. Faith United Methodist Church, 15690 McGregor Blvd., Fort Myers www.faithum.com 239-482-2030


Splash into summer with swim lessons – Here at Swimtastic we are open 6 days a week combined at Cape Coral, Fort Myers, Bonita Springs and Naples locations. Our professional teachers use unique teaching methods to help infants through adults learn to swim. We offer easy registration, flexible class times, small class sizes, professional, loving teachers, and indoor pools! Experience the difference, where "Smart Fish Swim in Schools." 239-471-3035 www.swimtastic.com/location/fortmyers

April 2018 - 25

SummerCamps Enhancements & Destinations

Sun Splash Family Waterpark

Sun Splash Family Waterpark in Cape Coral is open weekends from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. from April 1 through May 28. The park goes to daily hours of operation for the summer on May 31. The 14-acre park features 3 thrilling speed slides, several open and enclosed flumes, a lazy river, Family Pool and Pirates Cove, an interactive water play structure with a tipping bucket. Visit www.SunSplashWaterpark.com for full hours of operation; to purchase season passes; book birthday parties or group events; and swim lessons. 239-574-0558

Sylvan Learning

Make this summer count with summer learning at Sylvan! Kids can lose up to 2 ½ months of learning in the summer. Stay ahead of the curve with Sylvan’s summer sessions. With STEM camps, Reading and Writing programs, Study Skills or ACT/SAT Boot Camp and Math EDGE classes, Sylvan has your summer educational needs covered. Call and schedule your free consultation today so we can find the right solution for your family this summer! Check out our Summer Camp schedule in the Family News ad. And don’t miss our Summer Camp 2day sale April 23 & 24 if you book any June full-day camp and receive $100 off. 239-228-8854 www.sylvanlearning.com

Unitarian School of Wizardry

Unitarian Universalist School of Wizardry runs June 11 – 15. Looking for a summer camp that explores character development through the lens of Harry Potter World? We offer a magical alternative to the typical summer camp classes. Come to Wizard Camp! Kids can take Potions, Charms, and Defense Against the Dark Arts -- just to name a few! Ages: 5 – 13. Hours 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. with special feast for campers & families Friday at 6 p.m. Ask for Krista or email camp@uucfm.org Unitarian Universalist Church 13411 Shire Lane, Fort Myers 239-464-1333 www.UUCFMwizardcamp.webs.com

The Shell Factory & Nature Park

The Shell Factory & Nature Park continues to evolve as the No. 1 family entertainment destination in SW Florida. Start by discovering all there is to do in our 68,000 square foot retail store. The retail store also has four free museums along with two free exhibits. Head over to The Nature Park where you find over 400 critters. Both educational and informative, The Nature Park provides an up close and personal experience with all types of birds, reptiles and mammals. Top off your day with a round of Mini Golf or Bumper Boat ride. The Shell Factory is also home to The Soaring Eagle Zip Line. Introducing “Snoars & Roars” Overnight Camping Adventure. 2787 N. Tamiami Trail, North Fort Myers 239-995-2141 www.shellfactory.com

26 - April 2018

Curtain Call Studios

Unity of Fort Myers

Unity Peace Camp Summer 2018 for Boys and girls ages 4 to 13 is July 16 to July 20 from 9 am to 4 pm. Breakfast, lunch, snacks and drinks provided. We have the opportunity to give our children the habit of being peaceful, kind and accepting! At our week long Unity Peace Camp we will be learning some of these skills while having lots of fun. We will engage in storytelling, art, crafts, mindfulness, meditation, yoga and dance, acting skits, drumming and acting skits. Here, we offer basic tips for children of all ages, as well as several activities that develop compassion, focus, curiosity and empathy! $ 135 a child. $110 additional child. Unity of Fort Myers, 11120 Ranchette Road, Fort Myers 239-278-1511 www.unityoffortmyers.org

USA Taekwondo Center

Usa Taekwondo Center Summer Camp runs June 4 – Aug 10, Monday – Friday 7.30 am – 6 pm. $130 a week. Our program teaches children how to stand up against bullying and every day peer pressure. Our Taekwondo classes and other daily activities are great way to stay fit and active while out of school. Enroll today for a summer of Taekwondo. 6251 Commerce Park Drive, Fort Myers 239-561-9470 www.UsaTaekwondoCenter.com

Family News

Family News

April 2018 - 27


Kings Kidz Academy

Wellington Academy

Birth - 9 years Monday - Friday 6:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Wellington Academy is one of Lee county’s local providers of quality child care for children ages birth through 9 years of age. Wellington Academy has three convenient locations that have been serving families since 1985. Our program offers a variety of summertime fun activities that include arts and crafts, sports, dance, cooking classes, science experiments, games, guest speakers, & more! Come STEAM with Wellington Academy this summer!! Fort Myers (Near Sam’s Club Plaza - 275-8818) South Cape Coral (Near CC Parkway Bridge – 549-8818) North Cape Coral (Near Cape Coral Hospital – 574-8818) www.wellingtonacademyschools.com


Summer Means More at the Y! At our YMCA camps, kids become stronger, smarter and they learn how capable they are – all while having fun! School-age campers experience everything the Y offers, from traditional day camp games and crafts to active pursuits like sports and swimming. Also offering a Teen Camp in both locations. Camp rate vary per camp, financial aid is available. 239-221-7560 in Bonita Springs 239-275-9622 in Fort Myers www.swflymca.org 28 - April 2018

Yacht Club Community Park & Pool

Beach Exploration, Camp Neptune, Kayak, Paddleboard & Jr Lifeguard Camps (4-15 years based on camp) June 4 – Aug. 3 (select weeks only); M-F, Times vary by camp This collection of full and part-day specialty camps is perfect for children who love the water! Featured activities include beach exploration, swimming, water games and more. During Paddleboard and Kayak Camps, participants will also learn basic paddle strokes, how to read the tide and water safety. Prices vary by camp Yacht Club Community Park 5819 Driftwood Pkwy, Cape Coral 239-574-0806 www.CapeParks.com

Zion Lutheran Early Childhood Center

Knowing, Growing, and Going! The mission of Zion Lutheran Early Childhood Center is to help young children to know Jesus as their friend and Savior, grow in His love and grace, and go forth to share His gospel Educated, Loving and Dedicated Christian Teaching Staff. Part-time Preschool with Extended Day Options available for children ages 2-5 years old. Open Year Round-Monday through Friday- 7am-6pm. Fun and Exciting Summer Camps available for all ages! Reserve a spot today! Zion Lutheran Church 7401 Winkler Road, Fort Myers, www.zionfm.org 239-481-4040 ext. 208 Family News

Family News

April 2018 - 29


Sausage Meatball Mummies Ingredients: 21 cooked meatballs 1 roll of refrigerated pizza crust dough Skewers (spaghetti sticks or skewers)

Eyeballs: String cheese Olives

Instructions: Step 1: If your Meatballs are frozen, make sure they are all thawed before preparing. Carefully skewer three of them together. Step 2: Cut your pizza dough into thin strips (about 1/4'') and wrap your meatballs by criss-crossing to your mummy liking. Make sure to leave a space at the top for the eyes though! Step 3: Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, place your mummies on it, and carefully remove your skewers. Bake at 350 degrees for 17-22 minutes or until crust is golden brown and your meat is heated all the way through. Step 4: Poke through your mozzarella cheese with a straw and "glue" on your eyeballs with ketchup. www.upliftingmayhem.com

Loaded Tater Tot Skewer Bag of Tater Tots 8 slices of cooked Bacon, chopped 1 cup of cheese, grated 1 tbsp ranch seasoning Skewers Cook your tater tots according to directions. Cool for approximately 2-5 minutes. Once on the skewers and on the pan, sprinkle ranch seasoning over each of tater tots. Then sprinkle the bacon and then the cheese. Place in oven for an additional 10 minutes. www.madewithhappy.com

Cheeseburger Tot Slider 32 frozen coin-shape tots 2 tbsp vegetable oil 1/2 lb ground beef Kosher salt and pepper 4 slices American cheese Ketchup and mustard, 16 gherkins Preheat the oven to 450°F. Drizzle the tots with the oil. Toss the tots gently to coat then bake as directed. Meanwhile, form and cook the min-cheeseburgers. Layer additional items having the coin-shaped tots as the buns. Season to taste. Serve hot.


Mini Burger Potato Bites 16 frozen waffle-cut fries 2 medium onions, salt & pepper 1 pound ground beef 4 slices cheddar cheese sliced pickles Sliced tomatoes Bake waffle fries as directed. cook mini-cheeseburgers in skillet. Layer additional items. Season to taste. Serve hot. www.tasteofhome.com Family News

April 2018 - 31

TrendingBookstoGoogle Publisher’s top picks

Baking Class: 50 Fun Recipes Kids Will Love to Bake This delightful baking companion for kids ages 8–12 features 50 easy-to-follow recipes. Bonus goodie bag stickers, pop-out gift tags, and bake sale signs encourage kids to share their homemade delights with pride.

Do Not Open This Book Oh! You opened the book. I assume that was an accident? No problem, accidents happen. I'm not even angry. Just please don't turn the page! Monster will do anything for you to not open this book, but what will happen if you do? Young readers will love doing everything they are asked not to and turning the pages to discover Monster's hilarious secret at the end of this funny picture book.

If My Dog Could Talk Personalized Book

Imagine—your very own family dog as the star of an adorable hardcover storybook! Bailey, Buster, Daisy (or whatever your sweet pup's name may be) is featured on the cute cover, as well as in the rhyming story and playful illustrations. From Bas Bleu Gifts For Book Lovers

The Meiya & Alvin Collection

Based on two charming characters from the storybook, “A Day at the Park with Meiya & Alvin.” The collection embodies the values of the world in which these adorable characters dwell.

32 - April 2018

Consider Love

Children and adults alike will adore this reissue of the playful, illustrated ode to love in its many forms from bestselling humorist Sandra Boynton. Family News

Family News

April 2018 - 33


Pop Up Basketball Game

fine toys

Cheshire Cat Fine Toy Shop Bell Tower Shops, 13499 S. Cleveland Ave., Fort Myers 239-482-8697

Big Box of Easy to Read Words www.barnesandnoble.com

Build a bot

Spy Code Operation Escape Room www.target.com





Daniel Tiger App pbskids.org

Twangled Board Game 34 - April 2018



Daniel Tiger Sing Along www.jet.com


Family News

smART Sketcher Drawing Projector www.qvc.com

Crayola Silly Scents Marker Maker www.amazon.com



Unbored Time Capsule www.amazon.com


The Ultimate Baby Teething Mitten

4-in-1 Stroll & Grow Tek Trike www.toysrus.com

Family News



$28.95 April 2018 - 35

FestivalsFairs around the state

Miami-Dade County Fair

Strawberry Fest

Ocala International Horse Fest

Arcadia April Rodeo

Expo Center 10901 SW 24th St., Miami Through April 8

Volusia County Fairgrounds 3150 E. New York Ave., Deland April 7 - 8

124 S W Heard Street Arcadia, FL April 28

It is one of the nation's largest county fairs with over 90 heart pounding rides, two giant Kiddielands, yummy fair food, livestock & agricultural competitions, live concerts, shows & vendors. www.thefair.me

Family fun &festivities, delicious food, Plant City strawberries, art & crafts, bounce houses, strawberry shortcake, live entertainment, strawberry fudge, pony rides, classic cars, face painting, hula hoop contest, chocolate covered strawberries, rock painting, strawberry ice cream, petting zoo, Berry Cute Baby Contest, sack races, train rides, bean bag toss, inside toddler play area & much more. www.DelandFestival.com

Florida Horse Park 11008 County Rd 475, Ocala April 12 - 15

Seven Seas Food Festival SeaWorld Orlando 7007 Sea World Dr, Orlando Through April 15 While new flavors tempt guests’ taste buds throughout the park, live entertainment will have guests out of their seats, dancing and singing to the beat. www.SeaWorldOrlando.com

Flagler County Fair Flagler County Fairgrounds 50 Sawgrass Road, Bunnell April 4 - 8 Activities will include shoe box float contest, arts and crafts, canning, baking, cooking, quilting, sewing exhibits, horticulture exhibits, community vendors, BBQ, entertainment, livestock exhibits and shows, amusement rides, silent auction and more. www.flaglercountyfair.com

Lake County Fair Lake County Fairgrounds 2101 County Road 452, Eustis April 5 - 14 Fair will include 4-h/livestock shows and exhibits, pageants, talent shows, horticulture, photography, fair food, entertainment, kids activities, vendors and more. www.lakecofair.com

Marvel of Flight 2018

Strawberry Festival Historic Downtown 100 E Call Street, Starke April 7 - 8 The festival will feature strawberries, BBQ, seafood, shortcake, country cooking, smoothies, kitchenware, jewelry, pet accessories, entertainment, helicopter rides, food and craft vendors, kidz zone, carnival rides, games and much more. www.bradfordcountystrawberryfestival.com

International Fly-In Expo SUN ' FUN Convention Campus-Lakeland Linder Regional Airport, Lakeland April 10 - 15 The event will feature jet teams, aerospace related exhibits; educational forums, aircraft static displays, a veterans plaza and women in aviation arenas. The daily and evening air shows will feature adrenaline pumping aerobatics. There will be activities for the young ones, vendors, evening entertainment, women's pavilions, and much more. www.flysnf.org

Palm Harbor Citrus Festival

DeFuniak Springs Municipal Airport 1931 U.S. 90, Defuniak Springs April 6 -7

Historic Downtown Main Street at Florida Avenue Palm Harbor, FL April 12 - 15

Over 100 different aircraft on display. Seminars, unique aircraft ride experiences, vendors, car show, BBQ & live entertainment and more. www.marvelofflight.com

There will be live concerts, carnival rides and games, dancing, vendors, kid's activities, food, craft beer and more. www.palmharborcc.org

36 - April 2018

Featuring horse show and time trials, music, craft vendors, food vendors, inflatables, carnival, entertainment and more. www.bestfloridafest.com

2018 Ocean Fest NOAA's Eco-Discovery Center and Truman Waterfront, Key West April 14 Featuring environmental exhibits, live animals, touch tanks, wares from local marine artists and vendors, music, silent auction items, food, children's fishing clinic and more. www.mote.org/oceanfest

Tampa Bay Blueberry Festival Keel and Curley Winery 5210 Thonotosassa Rd, Plant City April 14 - 15 There will be more than 100 food and craft vendors, kid's area live music and more. Free admission. www.keelandcurleywinery.com

Hatsume Fair Morikami Museum, 4000 Morikami Park Rd, Delray Beach April 21 - 22 This Japanese spring festival will feature many activities on two stages including taiko drumming shows, martial arts demos, annual costume and fashion show contest. Artisan booths, craft and plant vendors, Japanese street fair food vendors, and children's activities. www.morikami.org

11th Annual 2018 Blueberry Festival Keel and Curley Winery 5210 Thonotosassa Rd, Plant City April 14 - 15 & 21 - 22 There will be more than 100 food and craft vendors, kid's area, live music & more. Free admission. 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. www.keelandcurleywinery.com

Activities will include mutton busting, calf riding, steer riding, bull riding, team roping, bronc riding, calf riding, chute dogging, steer riding and much more. Free admission. www.arcadiarodeo.com

Avon Park Blueberry Festival Donaldson Park 109 E. Main Street, Avon Park April 28 There will be live entertainment, vendors, raffles, bbq, kid's zone and much more. www.avonparkrotaryblueberryfestival.com

Bostwick Blueberry Festival Bostwick Community Center 125 Tillman Street, Bostwick April 28 There will be delicious blueberry pancake breakfast; blueberry ice cream; homemade blueberry pies; arts and crafts; blueberry and tropical plants; cook books; library used-book sale; pet adoptions; free live entertainment and much more. www.bostwickblueberryfestival.com

Pioneer Days James Paul Park area 120 NW 2nd Avenue, High Springs April 28 - 29 Family event with handmade crafts & art, expanded Kids Korral including pony rides, costume contests, pie baking contest, western/pioneer themed entertainment with a shoot out twice daily, pioneer heritage village with demonstrations, vendors and food. www.highsprings.com

Punta Gorda Block Party Historic Downtown Punta Gorda, FL April 28 There will be lots of local bands, delicious food, fun and games. Noon - 10 p.m. www.puntagordablockparty.info Family News

TouchofFun Two “don’t miss” events! This 3rd annual family friendly event taking place on Saturday, April 7 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. is where kids of all ages can explore and ask questions about their favorite vehicles such as a Fire truck, Grapple truck, Car carrier, Excavator, Dump truck, and Swamp Buggy just to name a few. All participants will receive a passport, and can visit the designated locations for a chance to win a prize. Quiet zone for those sensitive ears, live entertainment, food and snacks, local vendors and more! Parent supervision is required. Admission is free and all donations support the EHL Fragile X Foundation. EHLFragileX@gmail.com Touch-a-Truck is located at Lafayette Street between Cape Coral Street and Vincennes Street, Cape Coral

Family News

Pediatric Dentistry of Florida, Dr. Tim Verwest, DMD & Associates is hosting the second annual family-friendly Touch-a-Truck’ event on Saturday, April 21 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. This free interactive experience is geared towards reducing the number of injuries and fatalities due to children approaching large work vehicles in the community. Touch-a-Truck is a hands-on experience where children will be able to learn about their favorite trucks and vehicles, plus interact with those who drive them. Additional activities include train rides, face painting, Photo Booth, Painting with a Twist kids art projects, food and more! Featured vehicles will include emergency service, law enforcement, military, public service and commercial businesses. Touch-a-Truck is located at Pediatric Dentistry of Florida, 8016 Summerlin Lakes Drive, Fort Myers

April 2018 - 37


Discover the ‘Pinta’ and the ‘Nina’ Fishermen’s Village, 1200 West Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda April 6 – 16

On Friday, April 6, the ‘Pinta’ and the ‘Nina’, replicas of Columbus’ Ships, will open in Punta Gorda. While in port, the general public is invited to visit the ships for a walk-aboard, self-guided tour. Admission charges are $8.50 for adults, $7.50 for seniors, and $6.50 for students 5 – 16. Children 4 and under are Free. The ships are open every day from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. No reservations necessary. Both ships tour together as a new and enhanced ‘sailing museum’ for the purpose of educating the public and school children on the ‘caravel’, a Portuguese ship used by Columbus and many early explorers to discover the world. Before him, the Old World and the New remained separate and distinct continents and ever since their fates have been bound together for better or for worse. 787-672-2152

Aladdin Jr Easter Celebration The Shell Factory 2787 N Tamiami Trl (US 41), N. Fort Myers Sunday, April 1 • 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Photos with the Easter Bunny, kid friendly Easter Buffet 12:30-4 p.m., petting farm for the kids, free Easter Egg Trail 10-noon for Kids 12 & under in the Nature Park, 10% off All toys in toy dept., live entertainment in the Dolphin Room for the Kids with the Easter Bunny, Special Fun Park Packages. 239-995-3999

38 - April 2018

Sanibel Community House 2173 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel April 5 – 8

Join us for the production of Disney's Aladdin Jr! This unique theater in the round offers a fun way to have you become part of the show! Watch as the action unfolds around you and a character might even sit next to you! Don't miss the magic as Aladdin and Jasmine fly on their carpet in a "Whole New World." Limited seating. Tickets available at SanibelTickets.com. 239-738-3525

5200 Captain Channing Page Drive in Fort Myers Saturday, April 7 • 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Aviation aircraft exhibits, airplane & helicopter rides, children’s activities, bounce houses, clowns, face painting, demonstrations by airport police and fire departments, aviation-themed shopping and exhibitors, refreshments and more. 239-275-1769 Family News

Family News

April 2018 - 39


Movie in the Park- Jumanji Jaycee Park, 4215 SE 20 Place, Cape Coral Saturday, April 7 • 6:30 pm

The City of Cape Coral Parks and Recreation department is proud to bring you a FREE “Movie in the Park” on our giant inflatable screen. Enjoy the movie and a free family night out. Bring a blanket, chairs! Come early for a good seat and giveaways! Movie starts after sun goes down. Sunset is approximately 7:45 p.m., but get there early for a good spot, food trucks, our giveaways and a fun activity prior to the movie! 239-573-3128

Freckleface Strawberry Charter Authority Rally German American Club of Cape Coral, 2101 Pine Island Rd S.W. Saturday, April 7 • 2 - 8 p.m.

The Charter Authority Rally is a fundraising event held in support of the four (4) Cape Coral Charter Authority Schools and the Charter Authority Foundation. The event includes; Rides and Games (including rock wall, mechanical bull, bounce houses, and more!), Food Vendors, 4 Professional Bands, Entertainment from our many School Clubs, Vendor Marketplace, City of Cape Coral Special Operations Vehicles & Online Auction. Admission and parking are free for this event! Wristbands for rides and games are available for purchase in advance. www.charterauthorityrally.org

40 - April 2018

Alliance for the Arts 10091 McGregor Blvd, Fort Myers April 13 at 8 p.m., April 14 at 3 p.m. & 8 p.m. and April 15 at 3 p.m.

Freckleface Strawberry will do anything to get rid of her freckles – from scrubbing them with soap to caking on makeup... and even wearing a ski mask to school! Will her schoolmates realize that it's her under the mask? Will Freckleface be brave enough to finally face her complexion in the mirror? With the help of her loveable schoolmates, including an amazingly talented ballerina, a cutie jock, a charming ditz and a totally kooky teacher, Freckleface learns that everyone is different – and that's what makes everyone special. An Alliance for the Arts Youth Theatre production. 239-939-2787

Little Mermaid JR Cultural Park Theater 528 Cultural Park Blvd, Cape Coral April 17 - 18 • 6:30 p.m.

Based on the animated 1989 Disney film, this classic tale is about a mermaid who dreams of the world above the sea and gives up her voice to find love. Ariel and friends will bring to life this tale with all the beautiful music many have grown up singing! Students ages 8-15 will be performing this heart warming production! 239-220-9527 Family News

Family News

April 2018 - 41


Movie in the Park Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead men tell no tales Riverside Park, 10450 Reynolds St., Bonita Springs Saturday, April 14• Dusk www.cityofbonitasprings.org

Hook Kids On Fishing Cookie with a Cop Chick-Fil-A at Cypress Lake 13610 S. Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers Thursday, April 19 • 6 - 7:30 p.m.

Join us for partnering with the Lee County Sheriffs Office. Come in and meet Officers, decorate a cookie, and participate in some fun activities. 239-433-9030 42 - April 2018

Fishermen’s Village 1200 West Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda Saturday, April 28 • 10 a.m. - Noon

Kids ages 6 to 16, are welcome along with their parents. The first 80 kids registered may receive a free rod and reel. Hook Kids on Fishing programs teach casting, fishing safety, knot tying, the tackle box, catch and release tactics, fishing habitat and conservation; and are taught by professional guides and knowledgeable anglers. Registration is mandatory by calling Ralph Allen Kingfisher Fleet at 941-639-2628.

Fun at the Fair and Luncheon Unity of Fort Myers 11120 Ranchette Rd., Ft Myers Sunday, April 29 • 11 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Food, live music, games, arts & crafts, bounce house, silent auction, 50/50 raffle, face painting and more! 239-278-1511

Family News

Family News

April 2018 - 43

Miracle Opening Nights & Fireworks Hammond Stadium, 14100 Six Mile Cypress Rd., Fort Myers April 5 - 6 • 7 p.m.

Celebrate the beginning of the 2018 Miracle season with Southwest Florida's most spectacular fireworks show! Fireworks begin after the games. Miracle vs Stone Crabs. 239-768-4210

Sun - 1 Easter Celebration The Shell Factory 2787 N Tamiami Trl (US 41), N. Fort Myers 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Photos with the Easter Bunny, Kid Friendly Easter Buffet 12:30-4 p.m., Petting Farm for the Kids, Free Easter Egg Trail 10-12 for Kids 12 & Under in the Nature Park, 10% Off All Toys in Toy Dept., Live Entertainment in the Dolphin Room for the Kids with the Easter Bunny, Special Fun Park Packages. 239-995-3999 Dunbar Easter Parade Martin Luther King Blvd, Fort Myers 3 p.m. 239-823-2153 Free Beach Easter Egg Hunt Lani Kai Island Resort 1400 Estero Blvd, Ft. Myers Beach 10 a.m. - Noon The Easter Bunny is on the beach again this year after our great turn out last year! Children will be split up into age categories! Over 2,000 eggs!! 239-463-3111

Mon - 2 Chess Anyone? East County Regional Library 881 Gunnery Rd., Lehigh Acres 2 p.m. April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Rise to the chess challenge and join the fun. Chess enthusiasts of all ages are welcome. Bring your own chess set or use one of ours. 239-479-4636 44 - April 2018

Chess Anyone? Fort Myers Regional Library 2450 First St., Fort Myers 5 p.m. Rise to the challenge. Sets provided, but players are welcome to bring their own. Play indoors or play with our 12’x12’ outdoor set. 239-479-4636

Tue - 3

Music Together South County Regional Library 21100 Three Oaks Pkwy, Estero 9:30 & 10:30 a.m. A highly interactive musical experience designed for young children and their caregivers, presented by Family Music Time. Registration required. 239-479-4636

Family Night Chick-fil-A Cypress Lake 13610 S. Tamiami Trail Fort Myers 5 - 7 p.m. Family Night-Join us for a fun night making a great Spring craft. 239-433-9030

Kindness Club South County Regional Library 21100 Three Oaks Pkwy, Estero 3:30 p.m. Kids can participate in fun activities designed to encourage kindness and help make the world a better place. Grades 2-6. Registration required. 239-479-4636 Baby Rhyme Time Lakes Regional Library 15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers 10 a.m. April 2, 9, 16, 23 For ages 0 to 18 months. Pick up a Storytime Ticket at the Youth Services desk. Space is limited. During this special storytime, you and your baby will learn new nursery rhymes and fingerplays, interact with puppets, sing, read books and dance. 239-479-4636

Chess Anyone? Cape Coral Lee County Public Library 921 S.W. 39th Ter., Cape Coral 5:30 p.m., April 3, 10, 17, 24 Rise to the chess challenge and join in the fun. Bring a personal chess set. 239-479-4636

Teen Tuesday: Fun Fiction Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library 3095 Blount St., Fort Myers 6 p.m. April 3, 10, 17, 24 Do you enjoy writing fan fiction? Bring samples of your own fan fiction for sharing and feedback then talk about your favorite books and fan fiction. Make buttons for your favorite fandom. Materials will be provided. If it's Tuesday night, there is something going on at the library for teens. 239-479-4636 DIY Teen Crafts East County Regional Library 881 Gunnery Rd., Lehigh Acres 2 p.m. Celebrate National Poetry Month with blackout poetry by transforming old book pages into poems. Program limited to high school students. 239-479-4636

Family Fun Movie Night Riverdale Branch Library 2421 Buckingham Rd., Fort Myers 5:30 p.m. Families are invited to enjoy a space adventure. This movie has a PG rating. 239-479-4636 April Showers Bring May Flowers Captiva Memorial Library 11560 Chapin Lane, Captiva April 3 - 7 Available during normal library operating hours. Drop-in anytime and enjoy reading and creating in our Children's Room. See a picture book display about rain and have fun making an umbrella craft. 239-479-4636 Checkers Captiva Memorial Library 11560 Chapin Lane, Captiva April 3 - 28 Play classic checkers or try other versions such as Fox and Geese, Give Away, Shifting Pyramids, Corner Checkers or Goban. Instructions included. Alternatively, reverse the field and play Tic Tac Toe or Super Tic Tac Toe. 239-479-4636 Drop-In Teen Activities: National Poetry Month Lakes Regional Library 15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers April 3 – 30 Drop in all month long to add to our poet-tree in celebration of National Poetry Month. 239-479-4636

Wed - 4 Baby Rhyme Time Bonita Springs Public Library 26876 Pine Ave., Bonita Springs 10:30 a.m. , April 4, 11, 18, 25 During this special storytime, you and your baby will learn new nursery rhymes and fingerplays, interact with puppets, sing, read books and dance. First come, first served. For ages birth to 18 months. Please check in at the Youth Services desk upon arrival, as space is limited. 239-479-4636 Teen Anime Drawing Fan Club Fort Myers Regional Library 2450 First St., Fort Myers 5 p.m. Anime drawing fans share what they have created, discover content and connect with other fans. Colored pencils, pens and paper supplies provided. 239-479-4636 TAG - Teen Advisory Group Northwest Regional Library 519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral 4:15 p.m. Be the change you want to see in the world. Learn about issues that affect our community and inspire change through monthly community service projects at the library. Guest speakers, materials for the service projects and snacks provided. For teens in grades 6-12. New projects every month. Registration not required. 239-479-4636 Family News

Free Kids Crafts Miromar Outlets, Estero 10 a.m. to noon in WINK Playland Every Wednesday! Fun activities for kids, toddlers to 12. 239-948-3766 Reading Has Gone to the Dogs Johann Fust Community Library 1040 W. 10th St., Boca Grande 3 p.m. Wednesdays, April 4, 11 Come read to Smokie the Therapy Dog. She's a great listener. 239-479-4636 After School Crew: All About the Earth Lakes Regional Library 15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers 4 p.m. April 4, 11, 18, 25 Weekly stories and activities spotlighting Earth. For grades K - 5. 239-479-4636

Thu - 5 Baby Rhyme Time Cape Coral Lee County Public Library 921 S.W. 39th Ter., Cape Coral 10 a.m. April 5, 12, 19, 26 East County Regional Library 881 Gunnery Rd., Lehigh Acres 10 a.m. April 5, 12, 19, 26 During this special storytime, you and your baby will learn new nursery rhymes and fingerplays, interact with puppets, sing, read books and dance. First come, first served. 239-479-4636 Aladdin Jr Sanibel Community House 2173 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel April 5 – 8 Join us for the production of Disney's Aladdin Jr! This unique theater in the round offers a fun way to have you become part of the show! Watch as the action unfolds around you and a character might even sit next to you! Don't miss the magic as Aladdin and Jasmine fly on their carpet in a "Whole New World." Limited seating. Tickets available at SanibelTickets.com. 239-738-3525 Woodpeckers Lovers Key State Park 8700 Estero Blvd., Fort Myers Beach 10 a.m. Join one of our Park Naturalists for an interesting introduction to several of Florida’s native woodpeckers. You’ll explore some of the prime birding areas of Lovers Key State Park. Feel free to bring your own binoculars or camera. We also have a limited number of binoculars available. Reservations are required. 239463-4588. Regular Entrance Fees Apply Teen Thursday: Book Exchange Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library 3095 Blount St., Fort Myers 3 p.m., April 5, 12, 19, 26 Bring a book to gift to another and leave with a new-to-you book, then talk about your favorite books, do book-themed crafts and eat snacks. 239-479-4636 Bubblemania Fort Myers Regional Library 2450 First St., Fort Myers 10 a.m. Location: North Cornog Plaza Go nuts over these soapy spheres and dance to some favorite kids’ tunes. For all ages. 239-479-4636

Family News

Fri - 6 Discover the ‘Pinta’ and the ‘Nina’ Fishermen’s Village, 1200 West Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda April 6 – 16 On Friday, April 6, the ‘Pinta’ and the ‘Nina’, replicas of Columbus’ Ships, will open in Punta Gorda. While in port, the general public is invited to visit the ships for a walk-aboard, self-guided tour. Admission charges are $8.50 for adults, $7.50 for seniors, and $6.50 for students 5 – 16. Children 4 and under are Free. The ships are open every day from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. No reservations necessary. Both ships tour together as a new and enhanced ‘sailing museum’ for the purpose of educating the public and school children on the ‘caravel’, a Portuguese ship used by Columbus and many early explorers to discover the world. Before him, the Old World and the New remained separate and distinct continents and ever since their fates have been bound together for better or for worse. 787-672-2152 Stars On Ice Germain Arena 11000 Everblades Pkwy, Estero 7:30 p.m. There’s nothing like seeing Stars on Ice in the Olympic season! The best of the U.S. will be coming to you direct from the 2018 Winter Games in Pyeongchang, South Korea to skate together – live in an all-new Stars on Ice show! 239-948-7825 Cape Coral Youth's Got Talent Grand Show Wm. Bill Austen Youth Center 315 SW 2nd Ave., Cape Coral 6 - 10 p.m. Contestants will be showcasing their talents and Sheena Brook from the Voice will be our special celebrity judge. Please come out and enjoy the show! $5 for public admission. Call 239-2423954 for more details. Game Night at the Youth Center Wm. Bill Austen Youth Center 315 SW 2nd Ave., Cape Coral 6:15 - 10 p.m. Every Friday night, participants in grades 2-8 can enjoy playing the latest video games plus a fun night of activities including arts and crafts, dancing, air hockey and laser tag. The cost is just $10 per person including pizza and prizes will b given out weekly. 239-242-3650

Sat - 7 An Afternoon at the Movies Cape Coral Lee County Public Library 921 S.W. 39th Ter., Cape Coral 1 p.m. In celebration of Earth Day on April 22, enjoy this eye-opening experience of our planet and its many wonders and wondrous animals. Rated G. 239-479-4636 Grandparents Breakfast Chick-fil-A Cypress Lake 13610 S. Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers 8:30 - 10 a.m. Grandparents can come in and enjoy breakfast and a fun craft with their grandchildren. Spend the morning enjoying special time with your favorite little people! 239-433-9030 April 2018 - 45

Things to do Saturday, April 7 continued Kids Fishing Bass Pro Shops 10040 Gulf Center Dr., Ft. Myers 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Join us the 1st Saturday of every month for our FREE Kid's Fishing event! We supply the rods, reels, bait, and knowledge, just bring your sense of adventure. To participate, simply meet us at the lake behind the store. 239-461-7800 Home Depot Kids Workshop: Window Birdhouse Home Depot, Various locations 9 a.m. - noon Encourage a love for nature and ornithology in our hands-on workshop where you and your child can build a window birdhouse. Your young birdwatcher can observe birds’ behaviors like building a nest and watching eggs hatch without the need for expensive equipment. Once your birdhouse is built, your child can decorate it with paint and stickers. FREE hands-on workshops designed for children ages 5 - 12 offered the 1st Saturday of every month. All kids get to keep their craft and receive a FREE Kids Apron, commemorative pin & certificate of achievement. workshops.homedepot.com Science Saturday IMAG History and Science Center 2000 Cranford Ave, Fort Myers 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Science Saturday occurs on the 1st Saturday of every month. Interactive experiences above and beyond IMAG’s 60+ exhibits are stationed throughout the center. These activities are included in the price of admission. 239-243-0043 2018 Cape Coral Touch a Truck Lafayette Street, Cape Coral 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. This is a family friendly event where kids of all ages can explore and ask questions about their favorite vehicles such as a Fire truck, Grapple truck, Car carrier, Excavator, Dump truck, and Swamp Buggy just to name a few. All participants will receive a passport, and can visit the designated locations for a chance to win a prize. Also, entertainment, & local vendors. Parent supervision is required. Admission is free and all donations support the EHL Fragile X Foundation. EHLFragileX@gmail.com Celebrate Bonita Riverside Park, 10450 Reynolds St., Bonita Springs 4 - 9 p.m. Live entertainment, children’s activities and more. www.cityofbonitasprings.org 46 - April 2018

“Tails & Tailgating” Kids Fishing Tournament and Chili Cook-Off Noon - 7 p.m. MarineMax Fort Myers 14030 McGregor Blvd, Fort Myers The cost to participate in the Kids Fishing Tournament is $25 per angler and registration includes a trophy for all of the participants and entrance into the after party where the kids are allowed to announce what kind of fish they caught. 239-332-3624

Super Fun Saturday Northwest Regional Library 519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral 10 a.m. Come play with us at the library. Activities change monthly and vary from dancing, storytelling, art projects and more. Fun for the whole family. Registration not required. 239-479-4636

Kids Club: Spring Kite Michaels 13741 S Tamiami Trl., Fort Myers 239-215-1730 8018 Mediterranean Dr., Estero 239-949-4299 10 a.m. - noon They craft, you shop! Kids 6 & up can enjoy making a spring kite. $5.

Movie in the Park- Jumanji Jaycee Park 4215 SE 20 Place, Cape Coral 6:30 pm The City of Cape Coral Parks and Recreation department is proud to bring you a FREE “Movie in the Park” on our giant inflatable screen. Enjoy the movie and a free family night out. Bring a blanket, chairs! Come early for a good seat and giveaways! Movie starts after sun goes down. Sunset is approximately 7:45 p.m., but get there early for a good spot, food trucks, our giveaways and a fun activity prior to the movie! 239-573-3128

Kids Club: Spring Windsock Michaels 13741 S Tamiami Trl., Fort Myers 239-215-1730 8018 Mediterranean Dr., Estero 239-949-4299 10 a.m. - noon They craft, you shop! Kids 3 to 8 can enjoy making a spring windsock. $2

Sun - 8 Giveaway Days Eagle Skate Park, Cape Coral Noon - 6 p.m. Come out to Eagle Skate Park with your skate boards, bikes, and scooters to enjoy our ramps and giveaways. We will be giving away food, skate park products, and more. Call 239-574-0490 for details.

Aviation Day Page Field, 5200 Captain Channing Page Dr., Fort Myers 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Aviation aircraft exhibits, airplane and helicopter rides, children’s activities, bounce houses, clowns and face painting and more! 239-275-1769 5th Annual Charter Authority Rally German American Club of Cape Coral, 2101 Pine Island Road S.W., Cape Coral 2 - 8 p.m. The Charter Authority Rally is a fundraising event held in support of the four (4) Cape Coral Charter Authority Schools and the Charter Authority Foundation. The event includes; Rides and Games (including rock wall, mechanical bull, bounce houses, and more!), Food Vendors, 4 Professional Bands, Entertainment from our many School Clubs, Vendor Marketplace, City of Cape Coral Special Operations Vehicles & Online Auction. Admission and parking are free for this event! Wristbands for rides and games are available for purchase in advance. www.charterauthorityrally.org

The Giving Tree Storytime 23130 Fashion Drive, Estero 239-947-8724 Barnes & Noble - Marketplace SC 13751 Tamiami Tr, Fort Myers 239-437-0654 11 a.m. Join us for Storytime and activities featuring beloved children's author Shel Silverstein's timeless classic The Giving Tree.

Taste of the Cape Four Freedoms Park 4818 Tarpon Ct., Cape Coral 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. This expanded community event celebrates both culinary arts and music. Sample an international array of great food from more than 20 local restaurants, plus a wide variety of craft beers, margaritas and wine. www.tasteofcapecoral.com

Family Movies Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library 3095 Blount St., Fort Myers April 7 • 11 a.m. & 2 p.m. After a bull with a big heart is mistaken for a dangerous beast, he is captured and torn from his home. Determined to return to his family, he rallies a misfit team on the ultimate adventure. 239-479-4636

BBQ, Bands & Brew Centennial Park, Fort Myers 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Lee BIA Builders Care, the nonprofit charitable arm of the Lee Building Industry Association (BIA) is hosting its ninth annual BBQ, Bands & Brew fundraising event Feature live music from local headlining bands, along with several local barbecue restaurants and vendors. The event will also include a barbecue competition to name the Best BBQ in Town as well as activities for children throughout the day. 239-938-0056

MAKEathon Kids Club: Frames Michaels 13741 S Tamiami Trl., Fort Myers 239-215-1730 8018 Mediterranean Dr., Estero 239-949-4299 2 - 4 p.m. Ages 3 and up. Free.

Mon - 9 Celebrate National Library Week East County Regional Library 881 Gunnery Rd., Lehigh Acres April 9 - 14 Kids can help celebrate libraries and the joy of reading by completing a fun activity sheet and entering a prize drawing. 239-479-4636 MAKEathon Kids Club: Paper Crafts Michaels 13741 S Tamiami Trl., Fort Myers 239-215-1730 8018 Mediterranean Dr., Estero 239-949-4299 4 - 6 p.m. Ages 3 - up. Free Junior STEAM Club Fort Myers Regional Library 2450 First St., Fort Myers 10 a.m. Welcome to Junior STEAM Club. Each month will feature a different STEAM related theme for children ages 3-5. Get creative with crafts and activities that feature math, science, engineering, arts and building. Registration is required. 239-479-4636 Game On Northwest Regional Library 519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral 1:30 p.m. – High School Edition 4 p.m. – Middle School Edition Now’s the time to settle the score. Join in the fun and challenge your friends to a variety of board games and video games. Light snacks provided. 239-479-4636 National Library Week Craft Northwest Regional Library 519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral April 9 - 14 Available during normal library operating hours. Celebrate National Library Week by creating your own bookmark. We will have cardstock cut to bookmark size and then it is up to you to use the materials provided to decorate a bookmark of your very own. Available while supplies last. 239-479-4636

Tue - 10 Teens Talk Riverdale Branch Library 2421 Buckingham Rd, Fort Myers 3 p.m. Teens are invited to share book and gaming reviews with other teens. Discussion encouraged. Snacks provided. 239-479-4636 Family News

Spring into Reading Captiva Memorial Library 11560 Chapin Lane, Captiva April 10 – 14 Available during normal library operating hours. Enjoy a springtime book display with activity sheets to complete. Make a bird in a nest craft. 239-479-4636 Lovers Key Fishing Clinic Lovers Key State Park 8700 Estero Blvd., Fort Myers Beach April 10 & 20 • 10 a.m. Join Park Naturalists to learn a variety of tackle and fresh bait rigs, find out the best places to drop a line, and learn about the rules and regulations that pertain to game fishing in Southwest Florida. Due to limited space, reservations are required. Call 239-463-4588. Family Night Chick-fil-A Cypress Lake 13610 S Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers 5 - 7 p.m. Family Bingo Night. Join us for Cow-ABingo and win some great prizes. 239-433-9030 MAKEathon Kids Club: Personalized Accessory Michaels 13741 S Tamiami Trl., Fort Myers 239-215-1730 8018 Mediterranean Dr., Estero 239-949-4299 4 - 6 p.m. Ages 3 - up. Free. Gopher Tortoise Day Koreshan State Park 3800 Corkscrew Blvd, Estero 10 a.m. Koreshan State Park and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) will celebrate Gopher Tortoise Day. The Gopher Tortoise Talk & Walk will be led by Park Naturalist Dr. Pamela Jones-Morton will last approximately 11.5 hours and will begin at 10AM with The Life and Times of Gopher Tortoises Talk followed by a walk through the park focusing on identifying burrows (active and inactive). 239-992-0311 Kindness Club Northwest Regional Library 519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral 4 p.m. Join us at the library to create kindness in our community. Kids can participate in fun activities designed to encourage kindness and help make the world a better place. For grades K-5. Registration begins March 13. 239-479-4636 3D Printing Pens/ Button Maker (teen) South County Regional Library 21100 Three Oaks Parkway, Estero 6:15 p.m. Use a special pen to draw a 3D picture in plastic instead of ink. You can also create your own button with our new button maker. Bring your pictures to add to your button. Drop in program. 239-479-4636 East County Anime Club East County Regional Library 881 Gunnery Rd., Lehigh Acres 4:30 p.m. Tuesdays, April 10, 24 For teens and tweens interested in anime, manga and Japanese culture. Watch anime together and make themed crafts. Program limited to grades 6-12. 239-479-4636 Family News

Wed - 11 Creative Folktales Johann Fust Community Library 1040 W. 10th St., Boca Grande 3:30 p.m. Put on your creativity and join us for a little drama. Hear a folktale and then become one of the characters as we perform our play on the spot. 239-479-4636

A Loving Christian Environment

MAKEathon Kids Club: Slime Michaels 13741 S Tamiami Trl., Fort Myers 239-215-1730 8018 Mediterranean Dr., Estero 239-949-4299 4 - 6 p.m. Ages 3 - up. Free. Free Kids Crafts Miromar Outlets, Estero 10 a.m. to noon in WINK Playland Every Wednesday! Fun activities for kids, toddlers to 12. 239-948-3766

Thur - 12 Baby Rhyme Time North Fort Myers Public Library 50 Pine Island Rd., N. Fort Myers 11 a.m. For ages 0 to 18 months. Registration requested. Space is limited. During this special storytime, you and your baby will learn new nursery rhymes and fingerplays, interact with puppets, sing, read books and dance. It is a wonderful opportunity to meet other parents and babies in the neighborhood. 239-479-4636

Summer Camp Dates: Ju une 4th - July 27th Drama • Basketball • Fencing • Reading Science • Cooking • Volleyball Over 20 Camps To Choose From Pre K-3 Thru 9th Grade


The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time Cypress Lake High School 6750 Panther Lane, Fort Myers April 12 - 14 239-481-2233 Mary Poppins, The Musical North Fort Myers High School 5000 Orange Grove Blvd, Fort Myers April 12 - 15 239-995-2117 MAKEathon Kids Club: Yarn Craft Michaels 13741 S Tamiami Trl., Fort Myers 239-215-1730 8018 Mediterranean Dr., Estero 239-949-4299 4 - 6 p.m. Ages 3 - up. Free. DEAR Day Celebration Northwest Regional Library 519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. DEAR stands for Drop Everything and Read. To encourage a space for all ages, we are opening up a place in our library for you to enjoy a moment to just read. This event is for all ages. 239-479-4636 Herve Tullet Art Workshop! Lakes Regional Library 15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers 10:30 a.m. Preschoolers, explore art through fun, colorful and engaging activities. Dress for mess. For ages 2 - 5. Registration required. 239-479-4636

April 2018 - 47

Things to do

Mon - 16

Fri - 13

Dragon Eggs Cape Coral Lee County Public Library 921 S.W. 39th Ter., Cape Coral 4 p.m. Make your own dragon egg with clay, fossilized shark teeth, gems and more. Program limited to middle school and high school students. 239-479-4636

One Upon a Mattress North Fort Myers Academy for the Arts 1856 Arts Way, N. Fort Myers Apr 13 - 14 239-997-2131 Alliance for the Arts Youth Theatre - Freckleface Strawberry Alliance for the Arts 10091 McGregor Blvd, Fort Myers April 13 at 8 p.m., April 14 at 3 & April 15 at 3 p.m. Freckleface Strawberry will do anything to get rid of her freckles – from scrubbing them with soap to caking on makeup... and even wearing a ski mask to school! Will her schoolmates realize that it's her under the mask? Will Freckleface be brave enough to finally face her complexion in the mirror? With the help of her loveable schoolmates, including an amazingly talented ballerina, a cutie jock, a charming ditz and a totally kooky teacher, Freckleface learns that everyone is different – and that's what makes everyone special. 239-939-2787 MAKEathon Kids Club: Slime Michaels 13741 S Tamiami Trl., Fort Myers 239-215-1730 8018 Mediterranean Dr., Estero 239-949-4299 4 - 6 p.m. Ages 3 - up. Free.

Sat - 14 Astronomy Night Seahawk Park 030 NW 28th St, Cape Coral 8:30 - 10:30 p.m. Join the Southwest Florida Astronomical Society (SWFAS) for a fun, free, family night of night sky observation at Seahawk Park! Experts from the Society will have telescopes and viewing equipment set up and will be on hand to explain what can be seen. For more information or to RSVP, call Rotary Park at 239-549-4606. Hot Dog-Eating Contest Hammond Stadium at the CenturyLink Sports Complex, Ft. Myers 5:30 p.m. The top male and female finishers in the event will qualify for a seat at the Nathan’s Famous Fourth of July International Hot Dog Eating Contest in Coney Island, Brooklyn, on July 4th, 2018, where they will face reigning champions Joey Chestnut and Miki Sudo. To register visit www.majorleagueeating.com

48 - April 2018

Earth Day Fun! Cape Coral Lee County Public Library 921 S.W. 39th Ter., Cape Coral 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Celebrate Earth Day with STEM-related crafts and activities. All supplies provided by the library. Please register online. Space is limited to 40. For grades K-5. Please dress for mess. 239-479-4636

Fort Myers Insane Inflatable 5K JetBlue Park, 11500 Fenway South Drive, Fort Myers Saturday, April 7 • 8:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.

The Insane Inflatable 5K is a fun and dynamic obstacle course made up solely of inflatables that will challenge you, surprise you, and leave you bouncing back for more! www.InsaneInflatable5K.com

Baby Rhyme Time Northwest Regional Library 519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral 10 a.m. April 14 10:30 a.m. April 4, 11, 18, 25 For babies ages birth to 18 months. During this special storytime, you and your baby will learn new nursery rhymes and fingerplays, interact with puppets, sing, read books and dance. First come, first served. 239-479-4636

Art of the Book for Teens Northwest Regional Library 519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral 1 p.m. This program is for grades 6 and up. Learn about bookbinding, the insides of a book, and various techniques used by book artists. Use recycled materials to create your own journal that focuses on function and style. Registration required, space is limited. 239-479-4636

Bookcycling Art Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library 3095 Blount St., Fort Myers 2 p.m. Turn books into art as we repurpose old books into mobiles, shadow boxes and more. Materials will be provided. 239-479-4636

R.E.A.D. to Dogs East County Regional Library 881 Gunnery Rd., Lehigh Acres 11 a.m. R.E.A.D. companions are registered therapy animals who volunteer with their owner/handlers as a team to help improve the literacy skills of children. 239-479-4636

Pig the Star Storytime 23130 Fashion Drive, Estero 239-947-8724 Barnes & Noble - Marketplace SC 13751 Tamiami Tr, Fort Myers 239-437-0654 11 a.m. Pig does everything he can to be the star of a photo shoot. When the photographer starts to favor his friend, Pig must try everything to steal back the show! Join us for this laugh-out-loud Storytime, with activities to follow.

Tween Saturdays: Dragon Eggs East County Regional Library 881 Gunnery Rd., Lehigh Acres 2 p.m. Make your own jeweled dragon egg. All materials provided. Program limited to grades 5-8. 239-479-4636 Movie in the Park-Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead men tell no tales Riverside Park, 10450 Reynolds St, Bonita Springs Dusk www.cityofbonitasprings.org

Special Needs Storytime Lakes Regional Library 15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers 10 a.m. This storytime emphasizes books, music, and sensory experiences designed for children with special needs. The library's welcoming environment will create a positive experience for children. Each child must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver, who will be an active participant in the program. Class size is limited to 10 children, plus their parents or caregivers. For children ages 3-12 with special needs. Registration is required. 239-479-4636 Kids Club:Tissue Paper Mache Michaels 13741 S Tamiami Trl., Fort Myers 239-215-1730 8018 Mediterranean Dr., Estero 239-949-4299 10 a.m. - noon They craft, you shop! Kids can enjoy making tissue paper mache art. Free Science Saturday Miromar Outlets, Estero 11a.m.to1p.m. in WINK Playland Join Mr. Glen, his Science & Engineering team and the Sylvan Learning Center for interactive

science projects. 239-948-3766

DIY Teen Crafts: Sharpie Mugs East County Regional Library 881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh 2 p.m. Make your own DIY Sharpie coffee mugs. All materials provided by the library. Program limited to high school students. 239-479-4636 On the Table Teens: DIY Painted Feathers Northwest Regional Library 519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral April 16 – 20 Available during normal library operating hours. For teens in grades 6-12. Feathers make a great canvas. Drop by the Teen Zone and create your own painted feather to use as a decoration, bookmark or accessory. 239-479-4636 Life Sized Games Lakes Regional Library 15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers 4 p.m. Game on at the library. Join us in playing life-sized Pac Man and other games. Don't be Sorry and miss it. For grades K-5. No registration required. 239-479-4636 Baby Rhyme Time South County Regional Library 21100 Three Oaks Pkwy, Estero 10 a.m. During this special storytime, you and your baby will learn new nursery rhymes and fingerplays, interact with puppets, sing, read books & dance. An informal playtime will follow the program. Registration is required. 239-479-4636

Tue - 17 Family Night Chick-fil-A at Cypress Lake 13610 S. Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers 5 - 7 p.m. Join us for a fun Earth Day craft. 239-433-9030 Family News

Family News

April 2018 - 49

Things to do Tuesday, April 17 continued STEAM Club: Art Market Northwest Regional Library 519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral 4:30 p.m. For children in grades K-5. Join us for fun experiments and projects as we explore the world of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math). Please dress appropriately for the creative process. Registration is required. 239-479-4636

Slam Poetry! Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library 3095 Blount St., Fort Myers 3 p.m. Set the microphone on fire and knock your opponents out with your words. Whatever your style, write out loud. 239-479-4636

Little Mermaid Jr Cultural Park Theater 528 Cultural Park Blvd, Cape Coral April 17 - 18 • 6:30 p.m. This classic tale about Ariel and friends is brought to life with all the beautiful music many have grown up singing along with. Students ages 8-15 bring this tale to the stage. 239-220-9527 Earth Week at the Library Captiva Memorial Library 11560 Chapin Lane, Captiva April 17 – 21 Available during normal library operating hours. See a nonfiction book display about saving our planet. Complete activity sheets and plant seeds in an ice cream cone. 239-479-4636 Teen Poetry Slam East County Regional Library 881 Gunnery Rd., Lehigh Acres 2 p.m. Join us for our inaugural teen competition for poetry, rap, monologues and dramatic performances, hosted by local poet and author Jill Jennings. Present your original poetry or spoken word piece in front of other participants and a panel of judges. Prizes presented for first-, second- and third-place performances. If you need help preparing for the contest, please consider attending one of the Writers’ Workshops offered each month. 239-479-4636 Holocaust Remembrance: The Tale of a Survivor East County Regional Library 881 Gunnery Rd., Lehigh Acres 6 p.m. This hour-long event will begin with a Holocaust survivor's tale and end with the opportunity to ask questions. This event is open to people of all ages. Registration is encouraged, but not required. 239-479-4636

Wed - 18 Moms Appreciation Day Miromar Outlets, Estero 10 a.m. - noon in WINK Playland Moms receive a coupon for a free drink and treat from le macaron french pastries when they bring their kids to free kids crafts. 239-948-3766 50 - April 2018

Disney On Ice: Reach For The Stars Germain Arena, 11000 Everblades Parkway, Estero April 13 - 15

Mickey and his pals set the stage for a star-studded talent extravaganza! www.ticketmaster.com

Tween Art Club Fort Myers Regional Library 2450 First St., Fort Myers 5 p.m. Tweens, this is your chance to show off your skills. Each month Ms. Kathleen will teach a few skills in different areas of art. Your work can be placed on display in the teen room. 239-479-4636 Free Kids Crafts Miromar Outlets, Estero 10 a.m. to noon in WINK Playland Every Wednesday! Fun activities for kids, toddlers to 12. 239-948-3766

Sister Act Island Coast High School 2125 De Navarra Pkwy, Cape Coral April 19 - 21 • 7 p.m. 239-458-0362 Preschool Earth Day Crafts Lakes Regional Library 15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers 10 a.m. - Noon Celebrate our amazing planet. Drop in to create special Earth Day crafts. For ages 2 - 5. No registration required. 239-479-4636

Thu - 19

Emerging Inventors Early Learning Classes: Edison Chemistry Edison & Ford Winter Estates 2350 McGregor Blvd., Fort Myers 9:30 - 11 a.m. Learn about mixtures and solutions, experimenting with slime, polymers and colorful "exploding milk. “Designed for children and their parents or other adult caretakers, Emerging Inventors programs include story and music time, socializing with others, educational activities, science experiments, and exploration of the homes, gardens, and museum. Bringing snacks or lunch is encouraged! Ages 1-5. 239-334-7419

Baby Rhyme Time Fort Myers Regional Library 2450 First St., Fort Myers 10 a.m. Thursdays, April 19, 26 During this special storytime, you and your baby will learn new nursery rhymes and fingerplays, interact with puppets, sing, read books and dance. First come, first served. 239-479-4636

Cookie with a Cop Event Chick-Fil-A at Cypress Lake 13610 S. Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers 6 - 7:30 p.m. Join us for partnering with the Lee County Sheriffs Office. Come in and meet Officers, decorate a cookie, and participate in some fun activities. 239-433-9030

Family Fort Night Lakes Regional Library 15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers 6 p.m. Join the Lakes Regional Library garden gnomes for another Family Fort Night Extravaganza. Travel to an English garden where we will build our forts among a lush flower garden. For ages 2 - 12. Registration required. 239-479-4636

Fri - 20 Alliance for the Arts Youth Theatre-Spamalot School Edition Alliance for the Arts 10091 McGregor Blvd, Fort Myers Performances are April 20 at 8 p.m., April 21 at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. and April 22 at 3 p.m. England 932 A.D. A Kingdom divided. To the West the AngloSaxons, to the East the French. Above nothing but Celts and some people from Scotland. In Gwynned, Powys, and Dyfed Plague. In the kingdoms of Wessex, Sussex, Essex and Kent Plague. Legend tells us of an extraordinary leader, who arose from the chaos, to unite a troubled kingdom. A man with a vision who gathered Knights together in a Holy Quest. This man was Arthur, King of the Britons. For this was England! 239-939-2787 Dancing Classroom Block Party Miromar Outlets, Estero 6 to 8 p.m. Between Ford’s Garage and Naples Flatbread. Celebrate a good cause with live entertainment, dancing, drinks and appetizers. 239-948-3766

Sat - 21 Fort Myers Foodie Fest Lee County Civic Center 11831 Bayshore Rd, N. Ft Myers 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. Live bands, restaurants, food trucks, monitored kid play area. www.fortmyersfoodiefest.com

Horse Interaction Day Saddlewood Horse Club, 16111 Saddlewood Ln., Cape Coral 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Come out to a fun-filled day this month for our Horse Interaction Day! Kids from 2 - 15 will be able to enjoy pony/horse riding, brush horses, pet, feed horses, hop in the bounce house, munch lunch, and have a blast with the live horse painting! $20/child, lunch and all activities included, TREAT bag for every reg. child. Please pre-register by phone or online to reserve your spot - limited spots. . Pre-pay by credit card. 239-738-9300 Dunbar's Taste of Cultures Clemente Park 1936 Henderson Ave., Fort Myers 4 - 9 p.m. Free Admission for this Community Family Event...Bring the Kids and Your Lawnchairs!!! Food Trucks, Chefs, and Cooks of ALL Cultures Will Gather Together to Enjoy an Evening with Live Music, Wonderful Food, Bounce Houses, Networking Opportunities, and Much More!!! Touch-a-Truck’ Pediatric Dentistry of Florida, 8016 Summerlin Lakes Dr, Fort Myers 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Touch-a-Truck is a hands-on experience where children will be able to learn about their favorite trucks and vehicles, plus interact with those who drive them. Additional activities include train rides by Old Fashioned Amusements, face painting by Faces by Joelle, Uastar Photo Booth, Painting with a Twist kids art projects, food trucks and more! Featured vehicles will include emergency service, law enforcement, military, public service & commercial businesses. 239-482-2722 History Saturday IMAG History and Science Center 2000 Cranford Ave, Fort Myers 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Interactive experiences above and beyond IMAG’s 60+ exhibits are stationed throughout the center. These activities are included in the price of admission. 239-243-0043 Family Yoga with Kathryn Miromar Outlets, Estero 10 a.m. in WINK Playland A FREE 45-minute beginners’ yoga class for families with toddlers to tweens. Bring your own mat. 239-948-3766 Family News

Things to do Saturday, April 21 continued Junior Ranger Program Koreshan State Historic Site 3800 Corkscrew Road, Estero 10 a.m. Come in for a fun learning experience and become a Junior Ranger! Discover and learn about plants, animals, and other secrets of the park. Meet in the picnic area at 10 a.m. Ideal for children ages 6-12. Parental presence required. 239-992-0311 Kids Archery Instruction Bass Pro Shops 10040 Gulf Center Dr., Ft. Myers 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. The 3rd Saturday of every month we open our Archery Range to our youngest enthusiasts. We provide 1-on-1 instruction and assistance, no experience necessary. Range time may vary based on the number of attendees. 239-461-7800 Colors of the Rainbow Miromar Design Center 4 p.m. Finalists from the Dancing Classrooms Exhibitions at Miromar Outlets compete in this culminating event. 239-948-3766 Kids Club: Earth Day Crafts Michaels 13741 S Tamiami Trl., Fort Myers 239-215-1730 8018 Mediterranean Dr., Estero 239-949-4299 10 a.m. - noon They craft, you shop! Kids can enjoy making an Earth Day craft. $2 - 5. Recycle It: Celebrate Earth Day! Riverdale Branch Library 2421 Buckingham Rd., Fort Myers 11 a.m. Make and take a recycled craft item. 239-479-4636 Green is Great! Earth Day Storytime South County Regional Library 21100 Three Oaks Pkwy, Estero 10 a.m. Join us for stories and a craft celebrating the environment, for ages 3-6. All children attending must be registered. 239-479-4636 Here We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth Storytime 23130 Fashion Drive, Estero 239-947-8724 Barnes & Noble - Marketplace SC 13751 Tamiami Tr, Fort Myers 239-437-0654 11 a.m. Filled with gentle humor and insight, Oliver Jeffers' New York Times bestselling Here We Are is a poignant celebration of life on Earth. Join us for Storytime, with activities to follow. 52 - April 2018

Library Storytimes • 239-479-4636

Game Night for Teens Fort Myers Regional Library 2450 First St., Fort Myers 5 p.m. Play Super Mario, NHL, Sonic, FIFA, Madden and many others. 239-479-4636

Tue - 24



Preschoolers (ages 3 to 5) attend this storytime independently while parents wait nearby in the library building.

Children 2 years old and their caregivers participate in song, fingerplays and short stories.

South County Regional Library, Estero 10 a.m. Wednesdays, April 4, 11, 18, 25

South County Regional Library, Estero 10 a.m. Thursdays, April 5, 12, 19, 26

Lakes Regional Library, Fort Myers 11 a.m. Wednesdays, April 4, 11, 18, 25

Lakes Regional Library, Fort Myers 11 a.m. Mondays, April 2, 9, 16, 23

Cape Coral-Lee County Public Library 11 a.m. Tuesdays, April 3, 10, 17, 24

East County Regional Library, Lehigh 10 a.m. Wednesdays, April 4, 11, 18, 25

Northwest Regional Library 10:15 & 11:15 a.m. Thursdays, April 5, 12, 19, 26

Northwest Regional Library 10:15 & 11:15 a.m. Mondays, April 2, 9, 16, 23

East County Regional Library, Lehigh 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays, April 4, 11, 18, 25

Cape Coral-Lee County Public Library 10 a.m. Wednesdays, April 4, 11, 18, 25

Fort Myers Regional Library 10 a.m. Wednesdays, April 4, 11, 18, 25

Fort Myers Regional Library 10 a.m. Tuesdays, April 3, 10, 17, 24

Family For the whole family! Bonita Springs Public Library North Fort Myers Public Library 11:30 a.m. Wednesdays, April 4, 11, 18, 25 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays, April 4, 11, 18, 25 Cape Coral-Lee County Library 10 a.m. Tuesdays, April 3, 10, 17, 24

Northwest Regional Library 10 a.m. Saturday, April 28

Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library 9:30 a.m. Fridays, April 6, 13, 20, 27

Pine Island Public Library 11 a.m. Tuesdays, April 3, 10, 17, 24

East County Regional Library 110:30 a.m. Thursdays, April 5, 12, 19, 26

Riverdale Branch Library 10 a.m. Fridays, April 6, 13, 20, 27

Lakes Regional Library 10 a.m. Wednesdays, April 4, 11, 18, 25

South County Regional Library 10 a.m. Tuesdays, April 3, 10, 17, 24

Registration Required

Lego Club Northwest Regional Library 519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral 2 p.m. Join us for a short story and Lego building activities. Legos provided for use during this program. 239-479-4636

hand to share information. There will also be a large children’s craft area (wrist band required), entertainment and more! FREE ADMISSION. $5 wrist bands will be available to purchase for children’s craft area. 239-574-0806

Sun - 22

Earth Day Festival Calusa Nature Center & Planetarium 3450 Ortiz Ave, Fort Myers 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Bring the entire family to Calusa Nature Center & Planetarium to the annual Earth Day Festival to learn about easy green practices, enjoy music, activities and

“SEAS” THE DAY-An Earth Day Event! Cape Coral Yacht Club, 5819 Driftwood Pkwy. 1 – 4 p.m. Join us to celebrate the 48th Anniversary of Earth Day! Local environmental groups will be on

games, craft stations, and food. Learn about building a clean, healthy, sustainable world for generations to come.


Mon - 23 Family Storytime: Money Smart Fort Myers Regional Library 2450 First St., Fort Myers 10 a.m. Learn to count money and make a bank from recycled material. Registration is required. 239-479-4636

Stranger Things Party Cape Coral Lee County Public Library 921 S.W. 39th Ter., Cape Coral 4 p.m. Share your love of Stranger Things at our fandom party. We will have crafts and other activities and plenty of time to chat about your favorite TV show. Program limited to middle school and high school students. 239-479-4636 Family Night Chick-fil-A at Cypress Lake 13610 S. Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers 5 - 7 p.m. Kids will enjoy making their own sundae with yummy toppings and coloring with the Chick-Fil-A Cow. 239-433-9030 Claymation: Grade 3-5 Edition Lakes Regional Library 15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers 4 p.m. Create your own character and bring it to life with stop-motion animation. No prior experience necessary. For grades 3 - 5. Registration begins April 3. 239-479-4636 Sports and Games! Captiva Memorial Library 11560 Chapin Lane, Captiva April 24 – 28 Available during normal library operating hours. A book display with sports and game books. Make a pop bottle ball game to take home. 239-479-4636

Wed - 25 Free Kids Crafts Miromar Outlets, Estero 10 a.m. to noon in WINK Playland Every Wednesday! Fun activities for kids, toddlers to 12. 239-948-3766

Thu - 26 Annual Art Festival Pinewoods Elementary School 11900 Stoneybrook Golf Dr, Estero 5 - 7 p.m. Pinewoods Elementary first annual school wide art festival. Every student shall have a masterpiece of their own framed and on display. Sales of frames are available on the night. A great opportunity to see all of our amazing budding artists. 239-947-7500 Family News

Family News

April 2018 - 53

Things to do Thursday, April 26 continued Adam Strongin Kids Fishing Tournament Cape Coral Yacht Club 5819 Driftwood Pkwy, Cape Coral 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Tournament will be held at the Cape Coral Yacht Club, and is open to kids of all ages. There will be prizes awarded for biggest fish, smallest fish, most fish in two different age categories (1) Eight and Under (2) Nine and up. All proceeds go to the Adam Strongin Scholarship Fund for Eco-Adventure Nature Camp at Rotary Park. 239-549-4606

Monopoly & More North Fort Myers Public Library 50 Pine Island Rd., N. Fort Myers 3:30 p.m. Celebrate Money Smart Week. Children and teens can have fun and test their money smarts with board games like Monopoly, Monopoly Deal and Life. 239-479-4636 Lego Kids Lakes Regional Library 15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers 4 p.m. Explore engineering and math with Lego bricks. All materials supplied. For grades K - 5. Space is limited. Registration begins April 5. 239-479-4636

Fri - 27 Teen Friday Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library 3095 Blount St., Fort Myers 2 p.m. If it's Friday, there is something going on at the library just for teens. 239-479-4636 Teen Advisory Group Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library 3095 Blount St., Fort Myers 4 p.m. Calling all teens: Do you have ideas to help improve the library for teen patrons? If so, join our own Teen Advisory Group. We need your input, so don't be shy. 239-479-4636 Smoke on the Water Barbecue Competition & Music Festival Fort Myers River Basin, 1320 Hendry Street April 27 • 6 - 10 p.m. & April 28 • 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. Browse local retail vendors, enjoy delicious barbecue, listen to great bands, and watch the young ones have a blast in the Kids Zone! General admission is free. 239-333-1933

Sat - 28 Board Up & Game On Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library 3095 Blount St., Fort Myers 2 p.m. Get your game on, enjoy some snacks and make some new friends in the teen department. We’ll have lots of board, card and video games available for free play. 239-479-4636 Hook Kids On Fishing Fishermen’s Village 1200 West Retta Esplanade Punta Gorda 10 a.m. - Noon Kids ages 6 to 16, are welcome along with their parents. The first 80 kids registered may receive a free rod and reel. Hook Kids on Fishing programs teach casting, fishing safety, knot tying, the tackle box, catch and release tactics, fishing habitat and conservation; and are taught by professional guides and knowledgeable anglers. Registration is mandatory by calling Ralph Allen Kingfisher Fleet at 941-639-2628. 54 - April 2018

Mon - 30 Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day! Broadway Palm Children’s Theater Royal Palm Square, 1380 Colonial Blvd, Fort Myers April 20 - May 18

In this delightful adaptation of her popular book, Judith Viorst sets the book to music and brings it to life on stage! 239-278-4422 VIVA CAPE CORAL! Festival Lafayette and Vincennes in Cape Coral 5 - 10 p.m. This event is free and open to the public. Viva Cape Coral!” is Southwest Florida’s largest and best attended Hispanic event combining live music, food, arts & crafts and family fun. The event celebrates all countries, cultures and people. There will be a kid’s area with rides & entertainment. www.hispanicchamberflorida.org Celebrate Day of the Book, Day of the Child Riverdale Branch Library 2421 Buckingham Rd, Fort Myers 2 p.m. Celebrate día with a cultural craft and activity for the family. 239-479-4636 Kids Day Miromar Outlets, Estero 10 a.m. to noon in WINK Playland Kids from toddlers to 12 will receive a free slice of pizza from Luna Pizza, a free kids’ cone from Dairy Queen/Orange Julius and a special offer to Mr. Pretzels; while supplies last. 239-948-3766 Teen Movies Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library 3095 Blount St., Fort Myers 3 p.m. A superhero is imprisoned on the other side of the universe and finds himself in a race against time to stop the destruction of his home-world at the hands of an all-powerful new threat. 239-479-4636 Money Smart Week: Blingo Bingo East County Regional Library 881 Gunnery Rd., Lehigh Acres 11 a.m. Kids can participate in Money Smart Week by playing a money-themed game of Bingo and making their own piggy bank. 239-479-4636

Kids Club: Spring Showers Art Michaels 13741 S Tamiami Trl., Fort Myers 239-215-1730 8018 Mediterranean Dr., Estero 239-949-4299 10 a.m. - noon They craft, you shop! Kids can enjoy making Spring Showers art. $2 - $5. Out of This World Day Wm. Bill Austen Youth Center 315 SW 2nd Ave., Cape Coral 5 - 7:30 p.m. Participants ages 8-14 will enjoy an out of this world mission with space snacks, games, and trivia. $12 per participant and Guardians are not required to stay. 239-242-3950 Scientist, Scientist, Who Do You See? Storytime 23130 Fashion Drive, Estero 239-947-8724 Barnes & Noble - Marketplace SC 13751 Tamiami Tr, Fort Myers 239-437-0654 11 a.m. Full of rhyming fun, Scientist, Scientist, Who Do You See? Features appearances by some of the world's greatest scientists. Young readers will enjoy learning about scientists and how they changed the world.

Sun - 29 Fun at the Fair Unity of Fort Myers 11120 Ranchette Rd., Ft Myers 11 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Food, live music, games, arts & crafts, bounce house, silent auction, 50/50 raffle, face painting and more! 239-278-1511

El Día de los Niños/El Día de los Libros “Children’s Day/Book Day” East County Regional Library 881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres Noon Join us for a bilingual (Spanish/English) storytime program in honor of Children’s Day, Book Day. 239-479-4636 Celebrate Día Northwest Regional Library 519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral 11 a.m. El Día de los niños/El Día de los libros (Children's Day/Book Day), commonly known as Día, is a celebration every day of children, families and reading that culminates on April 30. The celebration emphasizes the importance of literacy for children of all linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Join us for this special storytime that includes bilingual story sharing, crafts and music. Registration requested. 239-479-4636 Star Wars Day Celebration Cape Coral Lee County Public Library 921 S.W. 39th Ter., Cape Coral 4 p.m. May the Fourth Be With You. Get ready for Star Wars Day with LED lightsaber cards and other activities. Program limited to middle school and high school students. 239-479-4636 Wii and Board Games East County Regional Library 881 Gunnery Rd., Lehigh Acres 2 p.m. A variety of Nintendo Wii games and board games are available in this drop-in program. First come, first served. Program limited to high school students. Maximum attendees 25. 239-479-4636 STEAM Club Fort Myers Regional Library 2450 First St., Fort Myers 5 p.m. Welcome to STEAM Club. Let’s get creative. Each month will feature a different STEAM related theme for children in grades K-5. Registration is required. 239-479-4636

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Family News

April 2018 - 55

Since Sanibel Public Libraryʼs Reading for Others program began in 2011, young readers have earned more than 6,000 books for Golisano Childrenʼs Hospital of Southwest Florida.

Kids build a better world with books

By Clayton Luz, Lee Health Kids who joined Sanibel Public Library’s Reading for Others program earned while they learned last summer. More than 200 children from babies to teens read to score books for their home libraries and for pediatric patients at Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida. In 2017, the Sanibel Public Library Foundation donated 1,818 books to the children’s hospital. The Summer Reading Program encourages kids to read during their summer break from school. Studies show that reading during the summer helps students maintain and improve upon what they learned during the school year, says Maureen B. Tesoro, community outreach coordinator for Sanibel Public Library. “Summer reading helps prevent the ‘summer slide’, which is the loss of words, or the loss of gains the kids have made during the previous school year,” Tesoro 56 - April 2018

“Our children enjoy reading in the hospital, and it provides a timely distraction from their disease.” Pediatrician Alex Daneshmand

explains. ”The program also fosters a love of learning while enabling children to build their home libraries and help the children’s hospital. Local readers, as well as visiting readers from all over the world, participated.” The 2017 theme was “Build a Better World.” “This is an excellent program to give children a little normalcy while they are hospitalized,” said pediatrician Alex Daneshmand, D.O., acute care medical officer in charge of quality and safety at Golisano Children’s Hospital. “Our children enjoy reading in the hospital and it provides a timely distraction from their disease. We need new books every year because worn copies are discarded, and books given to children staying at the hospital aren’t returned as a precaution against spreading illnesses.” Since the Sanibel program started in 2011, young readers have earned more than 6,000 books for the children’s hospital. Family News

Hospital offering free parenting workshops April sessions focus on parenting the exceptional child

Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida offers free specialized group parenting classes to help teach parents how to focus on their strengths, use effective discipline strategies and set appropriate expectations for their children. The Lee Health Healthy Life Centers are hosting the eight-week workshops focused on parenting the exceptional child. Exceptional children have special needs, including developmental disabilities, special health care needs or emotional disturbances. The workshops meet for eight Sundays starting April 8 from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the Healthy Life Center at the Wellness Center Cape Coral (609 SE 13th Court, Cape Coral). There also will be workshops held for eight Tuesdays beginning April 10 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Healthy Life Center - Coconut Point (23190 Fashion Drive, Suite 105, Estero).

Family News

The Partners in Parenting workshops feature lessons focused on positive discipline from the Nurturing Parenting Program, authored by Stephen J. Bavolek, Ph.D. The workshops help parents: • Manage their child’s behavior without spanking or shouting • Learn effective communication skills • Establish nurturing routines for meal times, bath times, bedtimes, chores and homework • Understand the exceptional child’s effect on typical siblings • Gain a sense of personal power and feel good about themselves • Enjoy their families and have fun together Free child care is available during the workshops. For more information or to register to participate, call 239-3436468 or email Richard.Keelan@LeeHealth.org.

Autism screening for young children April 13 in Fort Myers In the United States, it is estimated that one in every 68 children is diagnosed with some form of Autism Spectrum Disorder, making it more common than childhood cancer, juvenile diabetes and pediatric AIDS combined. April is National Autism Awareness Month which aims to make the public more aware about this widespread disability and the issues which arise in the autism community. Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida, in partnership with Ronald McDonald House Charities® of Southwest Florida, offers a free monthly autism spectrum disorder screening for toddlers 18 months to five years of age. The next screening on the Ronald McDonald Care Mobile will be held on April 13 from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Sanctuary Outpatient Center, 8960 Colonial Center Drive, Fort Myers. Medical consultants for the project stress that an early diagnosis can make a vast difference for toddlers and their families. They say early intensive behavioral intervention can make an immense difference not just in the development of the child, but in their families as well. The ASD screening is conducted by the Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida. The screenings are administered by an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner, who has extensive training and experience in typical child development and developmental disorders. A physician referral is not required. To schedule a screening, call 239-343-6838.

April 2018 - 57


Movies on the big screen Sherlock Gnomes After a string of garden gnome disappearances in London, Gnomeo & Juliet look to legendary detective Sherlock Gnomes to solve the case of their missing friends and family. Now playing - rated PG

Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero is an upcoming computer-animated feature film based on the incredible true story of America’s most decorated dog. After being rescued off the streets by a young Soldier on the eve of America’s entry in World War I, Stubby is given a home, a family, and the chance to embark on the adventure that would define a century. Opens April 13 - rated PG

Taste of the Cape

Spend your Sunday afternoon at the 5th Annual Taste of the Cape on April 8 from 11 a.m. - 7 p.m., presented by the Gunterberg Charitable Foundation. This popular event includes great food from Cape Coral restaurants, musical performances and juried arts and crafts with works for sale by local artisans. The Gulf Coast Symphony will perform at 5:30 p.m., and local bands will take the stage from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. Admission to the day’s activities is free, and food and drink prices range from $3 to $8. Taste of the Cape runs from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Four Freedoms Park in Cape Coral. For more information, visit www.tasteofcapecoral.com or call 239-277-1700.

BBQ, Bands & Brew

Lee BIA Builders Care, the nonprofit charitable arm of the Lee Building Industry Association (BIA) is hosting its ninth annual BBQ, Bands & Brew fundraising event from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday, April 8 at Centennial Park in Fort Myers. The fundraiser is open to the public and will feature live music. The event will also include a barbecue competition to name the Best BBQ in Town as well as activities for children throughout the day. Admission is $10 per person and children ages 12 and under are free. Tickets for BBQ, Bands & Brew can be reserved by calling 239-9380056 or may be purchased at the gate. For more information, visit www.leebuilderscare.com.

Smoke on the Water Duck Duck Goose In Duck Duck Goose, a high-flying bachelor goose named Peng (voiced by Jim Gaffigan) is injured in flight and finds himself saddled with two adorably hilarious and demanding ducklings (voiced by Zendaya and Lance Lim), on a long journey south that will turn this scrappy threesome into a family. Opens April 20 - not yet rated

58 - April 2018

Great music and delicious barbecue return to the Fort Myers Centennial Park this April at the fifth annual Smoke on the Water Barbecue Competition and Music Festival. Experience the best barbecue and music festival in Southwest Florida on Friday, April 27 from 6 to 10 p.m., and Saturday, April 28 from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. at the Fort Myers River Basin. Entry to Smoke on the Water Barbecue Competition and Music Festival is absolutely free. Plus, families will love the fun-filled Kid Zone. Visit www.sbdac.com or call 239 333 1933 for more info. The Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center is located at 2301 First St. in downtown Fort Myers River District. Family News

Darci Lynne at Mann Hall May 5 Ventriloquist & singer is one of the youngest contestants to ever win America’s Got Talent

Ventriloquist Darci Lynne brings her breathtaking, one of kind, family friendly show to the Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall in Fort Myers on May 5. Darci and her cast of characters kicked off their 2018 national tour in Atlanta and will continue onto Nashville, Cleveland, Indianapolis and Orlando to name a few. Darci won the hearts of America with her undeniable talent and America’s Got Talent win. The multitalented 13year-old and her friends Petunia, the divaesque rabbit, Oscar, the shy and soulful mouse and Edna, the brash old woman, sold out their first headlining show in just six minutes. To accommodate the overwhelming demand, new tour cities are being added. Tickets are on

sale now, for more information visit www.darcilynne.com. Growing up in Oklahoma, Darci has always been close to her family and relies on their support and encouragement. In her younger years, Darci participated in talent-based pageants to overcome her shyness. She was soon introduced to the art of ventriloquism and decided to try it out for herself. Her hard work, grit and discipline developed from her early days of gymnastics where she practiced thirty hours a week. After only having her first puppet for two weeks, Darci began performing in talent shows in her home state and beyond. She was determined to audition for her first talent show, ultimately leading her to audition for the biggest talent show on television. Darci’s opening act is the extraordinary family band, Pelican 212. The band consists of brothers and sisters that honed their skills performing on the sidewalks of Nashville, New Orleans and Pensacola. The group features 12-year-old trumpet playing identical twins Max and Kolbe, along with siblings Angelle, Marie, Giovanni, Mollie and their oldest sister Katie, who taught many of her younger siblings how to play their instruments. Tickets are $31.41 to $52.61. For tickets, call 239481-4849 or visit www.bbmannpah.com

Cirque du Soleil ice show in July Cirque du Soleil is coming to Germain Arena in Estero with a brand-new arena creation. Cirque du Soleil’s Crystal explores the artistic limits of ice for the first time in the company’s 34-year history. This unique production pushes boundaries of performance by combining stunning skating and acrobatic feats that defy the imagination. Crystal will perform in Estero for six performances July 12 through July 15. In Crystal, gymnasts and skaters perform acrobatics on the ice and in the air, seamlessly combining multiple disciplines for a world class audience experience. Synchronized skating, freestyles figures, and extreme skating are featured alongside traditional circus disciplines such as swinging trapeze, aerial traps and hand to hand. The result is an adrenaline-packed show for the whole family that pushes the boundaries and surpasses all expectations! Tickets for Crystal are available now online exclusively to Cirque Club members . Cirque Club membership is free and benefits includes access to advance tickets, special offers and exclusive behind-the-scenes information. To join, visit www.cirqueclub.com. Presale tickets for Estero performances of Crystal will be available starting March 2 at 10 a.m. Family News

PBR returns to Germain Arena this summer

The Professional Bull Riding Pro Touring Division returns to Germain Arena in Estero July 27 and 28 at 8 p.m. The rules are simple. Place a wiry 150-pound cowboy on the back of a hulking, snorting temperamental 2,000 pound bull and see if he can ride the beast for an eternal eight seconds...with one hand strapped to the bull's massive backside. Tickets range from $15 to $77 and are on sale now. For more details, visit www.germainarena.com or call 239-948-7825. April 2018 - 59

AR Workshop Cape Coral Host a private party with your friends, co-workers or neighbors. Book a birthday party, girls night out, bachelorette party, corporate party, fundraisers (we love helping raise funds for schools, charities, etc!), or team outing. Choose from a variety of projects for your group and pick your own date and time that works for your group’s schedule. Can’t meet our minimum? Inquire about reserving a table at a workshop on our calendar for your friends! 231 Del Prado Blvd. S., Cape Coral www.arworkshop.com/capecoral 239-829-5800

Chick-fil-A Cypress Lake Packages starting at $6.50 per child. Includes: 4 count kids meal with an ice dream, visit and pictures with the Cow, balloons and goody bags with a mini moo, indoor play area and party attendant 13610 S. Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers 239-433-9030

Coast Elite Gymnastics

Enjoy a 1 1/2 or 2 hour party of fun and exciting play at the gym Saturday or Sunday. 12,000 sq. feet of air-conditioned playspace becomes your child's personal birthday playground as they explore places to hang, swing, climb, jump and roll. Our parties feature a bounce house with slide, 30ft. long trampoline and a foam block pit for jumping and "swimming!” www.Coastelite.com 239-936-8467

Dance Warehouse

Dance ’til you drop at your next party! Dressup your inner diva in our dance costumes and shoes, then shine like a star on our decorated 6,000 sq. ft. dance floor! We provide tables, tablecloths, food platters, beverages, snacks, and some decorations. You do not need to be a member of our dance family to host a party. Call now to reserve your special day! 239-275-5678

Family Music Time

A birthday party with Family Music Time, including 15 minute meet and greet, 45 minutes of guided musical play followed by 45 minutes for presents and cake. 440-2510002, or email janey@familymusictime.com to learn more about having an unforgettable birthday celebration with Family Music Time! Birthday parties at our studio are appropriate for children ages 1-6. Costs: Non-Music Together Families - $175. Music Together Families - $150. www.familymusictime.com 60 - April 2018

Five Star Stables

We have several different birthday party options that we offer for your special day. Package 1 is "Simply Horses.” It's a 2-hour package filled with fun. We always start with safety, take a tour and meet the horses. The birthday child will get to pick their horse for the party. Package 2 is "Next Hoof Up.” This is an exciting 3-hour party with horse games and riding on the trails. Package 3 is "Best in Show.” A 5hour unforgettable birthday! Horsin' around game, crazy craft time, and best of all take a trail ride through the forest. Working up an appetite? No problem, you get hot dogs and hamburgers. Don't stop now, let's cool off in the sprinklers or roast some smores over the fire. Prices vary, depending on number of riders. 1835 The Thompsons Way, Lehigh Acres 239-337-7827 www.stableandtack.com

Germain Arena

Lace up your skates and beat the heat for some cool birthday fun. We offer birthday parties on Friday, Saturday and Sunday during our public skating sessions. Our package includes a private party room, admission, skate rental, food, drinks, and a free skating pass for each child. Group Skating Discounts Monday – Friday Noon - 1:30 p.m. and Saturday - Sunday 1 - 2:30 p.m. Call Cari Tyler for more info. 11000 Everblades Pkwy., Estero 239-948-7825 ext.1308 www.SkateEverblades.com

GiGi’s Party Ranch

Enjoy an outdoor beautiful scenery ranch while celebrating your child's birthday, quinceanera, sweet 16s, baptism, graduation, the sky's the limit. Our packages include 4 hours of outdoor space with tables, chairs and electricity. Call for pricing and details. Available upon request: for just $150 - unlimited kids - you get 2 hours of pony rides (which include 2 ponies, 2 handlers, and safety helmets). Want something indoors? Ask about our enclosed tents. GiGi's Party Ranch is set up for that perfect outdoor photo shoot. Whether taking that 1st birthday photo shoot portrait, Sweet 16s, or any other special occasion. Photography permitted throughout our entire ranch grounds for the day. Call to reserve. Fees apply. 11751 Shawnee Road, Fort Myers 305-298-9184 (English) or 786 317-0810 (Spanish) Family News

IMAG History & Science Center

Whether you choose from our Outer Space Theme, Dino Discovery, or Under the Sea festivities, we are sure it will be a birthday party your child will never forget! Parties include full hands-on access to our science and history exhibits, including an interactive virtual-reality experience. Enjoy our animal shows, 3D movie, pizza for all birthday guests, and a private birthday party room! We will set the party up and leave the post-party cleaning to us. Birthday package rates begin at $265, and include admission passes for all guests to come back and explore the museum another day. Contact Sara Turner at sara@theIMAG.org or call. 2000 Cranford Avenue, Fort Myers 239-243-0043 ext 216 www.theimag.org

Milestones Learning Center

We offer parties for children ages 3-9 years old. Our birthday package: (for 9 children plus the birthday boy/girl). Three hours of celebration which includes: A decorated party room which includes 10 latex balloons, 10 invitation cards, a crown for the birthday person, a take home craft of your choice, 2 organized games, 2 trained staff to direct activities and coordinating the event, use of outdoor play yard exclusive to your party, 2 large pizzas (cheese or pepperoni) and 24 juice boxes or mini waters. 19850 Breckenridge Drive, Estero 239-301-2962

Saddlewood Horse Club

Riding and feeding horses and lots of fun. Covered table area! All events are rain or shine thanks to our covered riding arena. Complementary customized invitations for your convenience. You enjoy and we horsely take care of the rest. More than a birthday party - we create childhood memories. Flat rate $150-unlimited kids, 2 hours of horsey fun including Mini lesson on lead pony or horses for 1 hour, 2 ponies/horses and two handler (equestrian loaner helmets provided) Party room connected and overlooking the covered arena. Feeding of horses - just bring carrots. Paint a Pony $25 flat rate, Snuggle Bunnies $25, professional bounce house $50. Extra pony/horse with handler 1 hour for $75, Extra 30 minutes in covered table area for $25. E-mail us at info@CapeHorses.com www.CapeHorses.com 239-738-9300

The Shell Factory & Nature Park

For a great Birthday Party experience visit SW Florida's No. 1 Birthday Party Destination. Featuring The Fun Park, with Mini Golf, Bumper Boats, Water Wars, and much more. Ride The Soaring Eagle Zip Line followed by a visit to The Nature Park and get up close and personal with over 450 unique animals. Top off your day with fun at the newly expanded Video Arcade. Located in The Retail Store The Arcade has 30 of the newest games around and is adjacent to The Safari Cafe where your group can grab a snack or just relax with your favorite beverages. Remember The Retail Store is pet friendly so your four legged friend can also come to the party. For further info, call and ask for Sammy. 2787 N. Tamiami Trail, North Fort Myers 239-995-2141 www.shellfactory.com Family News

Southern Starz

Have your next party at Southern Starz! You supply the cake and we’ll supply the fun! Have fun jumping on our trampolines, swinging on the bars and playing in the foam pit. Separate room for your cake or snack! www.southernstarzgymnastics.org 239-574-0034

Sylvan Learning Center

Is your child wild about LEGO? Call now to throw him/her a LEGO Robotics Birthday Party! Sylvan Learning has everything you need to throw a fun and educational party where your child and up to 11 friends can learn how to build LEGO robots and code them to jump, dodge, quack, chomp, sing, and much more. $199 covers 1½ hour use of all the materials, decorations, and LEGO themed party favor for each guest. $279 covers 1 ½ hour use of all the materials, decorations, LEGO themed party favor for each guest, pizza, drinks, and special LEGO themed cake. Call to book your party. Locations at Fort Myers, Estero or Cape Coral. 239-228-8854

William “Bill” Austen Youth Center The Youth Center offers party packages starting at just $199. Choose from Basic Party, Sweet 16, Prom/Graduation party, Sports Banquets, Character party, Laser Tag party. Some parties include D.J., pizza, drinks, party assistance and more. Call today and ask about our Character parties. 315 SW 2nd Ave., Cape Coral 239-242-3950

Zoomers Family Amusement Park Let’s Celebrate! From Birthday parties to corporate events, we can bring fun to your next party plans!! Let us help you design a day that your group will remember. Zoom on the go kart tracks, spin around on the Tilt-A-whirl and the Z-force, get splashed on the bumper boats or the Hippo Slide, play in the latest and more excited video game and much more. We have something for everyone. So grab the family, bring your friend, invite your coworker and come to have fun with us. Come in or call us today. 17455 Summerlin Road, Fort Myers 239-481-ZOOM (9666) www.zoomersamusementpark.com

Advertise your service in our party guide. 239-278-5236 or leefamilynews@earthlink.net

April 2018 - 61

TooCute Bella 4 months

Emily 8 months

Grace - 1

Zaria - 6

Benjamin - 2


Lee County Family News • P.O. Box 9285 • Fort Myers • FL • 33902

or email at LeeFamilyNews@earthlink.net

We are accepting photos for our MAY “TOO CUTE!” section

Please label the back of your photograph with your child’s name and age. Please understand that the photos will not be returned. DEADLINE APRIL 15, 2018

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______________________________________________________ PLEASE SUBMIT ONLY ONE PHOTO PER 90 DAYS.

62 - April 2018

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Nicholas - 2 weeks

Selah - 14 months

Family News

April 2018 - 63

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