Thestartofanewyearbrings withittheperfectopportunityto teachourkidsaboutsettinggoals andchasingtheirdreams.For manyofus,theconceptofgoalsettingfeelslikeanadultendeavor—filledwithplanners,spreadsheets,andalotofambition.But instillingthesehabitsinourchildrenearlynotonlysetsthemup forfuturesuccessbutalsogives themasenseofpurposeand accomplishmentatanyage.
Whetherit’searningaspoton thebaseballteam,improvingtheir grades,orsavingupforaspecial toy,havingacleartargethelps themstayfocusedandmotivated. Mostimportantly,achievinga goal—nomatterhowsmall— helpskidslearnthevalueofhard workanddetermination.
MakeGoal-Setting FunandApproachable
Goal-settingdoesn’thavetobe overwhelming.Hereareafew simplewaystointroducetheconcepttoyourkids:
1.StartSmall:Foryounger kids,focusonshort-term,achiev-
ablegoals.Forexample,they mightdecidetoreadonebooka weekorkeeptheirroomtidyfor amonth.Thisallowsthemto experiencesuccessquicklyand buildstheirconfidence.
2.UseaVisionBoard:Visuals canbepowerfultoolsforchildren.Spendafunafternooncuttingoutpicturesfrommagazines orfindingimagesontheinternet. Thesevisionboards,whetherdigitaloronposterboard,canserve asdailyremindersofwhatthey’re workingtoward.
3.InvolvetheWholeFamily: Makegoal-settingafamilyaffair. Duringafamilymeetingordinner,askeveryonetosharetheir goalsfortheyear.Thisnotonly encouragesaccountabilitybut alsocreatesasenseofteamwork aseveryonecheerseachotheron.
4.CreateaTracker:Write downtheirgoalsanddiscussthe thingstheycandotohelpthem achievethegoals.Reviewthem weekly.
5.TeachThemtoBeSpecific: Ratherthansettingvaguegoals like“beabetterstudent,”help kidscreatespecific,measurable objectivessuchas“complete homeworkeveryday”or “read15minuteseach night.”Thismakesiteasierto trackprogress.
bratethefactthatthey’vebeenpracticingregularly, eveniftheyhaven’tyetmasteredaparticularmove. Acknowledgingtheirhardworkfostersagrowthmindsetandhelpsthemstaymotivated.
Kidslearnbywatchingus,somakesureyou’resettinggoalsofyourownandopenlyworkingtoward them.Shareyourprogress,struggles,andvictorieswith yourchildren.Whetherit’srunningamarathon,learninganewskill,orsimplyreadingmorebooksthisyear, letyourkidsseethatyouvaluegoal-settingandthat youalsotakeitseriously.
Agreatwaytowrapgoal-settingintoyourfamily’s routineistosetacollectivegoalfortheyear.
Whileachievingagoalis rewarding,thejourneyisjust asimportant.Praiseyour kidsfortheireffort,persistence,anddedicationalong theway.Celebratesmall winstokeeptheirmomentumgoingandremindthem thatprogressisworthrecognizing.
Forinstance,ifyour child’sgoalistoimprove theirbasketballskills,cele-
Maybeit’splanningabigfamilytrip,completinga communityserviceprojecttogether,orcommittingto regularfamilygamenights.Workingtowardsomething asafamilyteachescollaborationandgiveseveryonea sharedsenseofaccomplishment.
AsJanuaryunfolds,choosetoseizetheopportunity toteachourkidsthattheNewYearisn’tjustabout makingresolutionsbutaboutsettingintentionsand takingactionablestepstogrow.
Here’stoayearofambition,growth,andfamily togetherness—onegoalatatime!
MandyMichelleCarter...JustaSWFLmomliving thedream.Shelovestoinspireparentstospend authentictimewithyourkidsandtochaseyourown dreamsunapologetically!FoundonInstagram @mandymcarterandherfamilyblogatAcupful.com.
Letyourchilddiveintoaworldofimagination,expression, anddiscoveryatArtsBonita.Discoverbrandnewandinnovativeopportunitiesforyoungcreatives.We’reofferingexciting classesdesignedtosparkimaginationsanddeveloprealworld skillsinthearts.ArtsBonitaDanceAcademyspringsessions offerjazz,ballet,tap,hiphop,lyrical,acroandmoreforages 2.5andup.StartingJan.13.Endofsessiondancerecitalwillbe heldMay3.
26100Old41Road,BonitaSprings 10150BonitaBeachRd,BonitaSprings ArtsBonita.org•239-495-8989
Ourschoolagetumblingprogram(ages5–17)takesthe cartwheels,round-off,andhandspringsofgymnasticsseriously whilealsomakingsureit'safunandenrichingexperiencefor yourchild.Ourapproachiscenteredoncreatinganenvironmentwherechildrencannotonlydeveloptheirtumblingskills butalsohavetheopportunitytoachieveandberecognizedfor theirefforts.Also,CoastEliteoffersanexhilaratingNinja Warriortrainingprogram(ages5–12)designedtochallenge participantsphysicallyandmentallywhilefosteringafunand supportiveenvironment.Thisprogramissuitableforchildren andteenagerswhoareinterestedindevelopingtheiragility, strength,balance,andobstaclecourseskills.Calltoaskabout ournewmemberspecials!
6360ArcWay,FortMyers CoastElite.com•239-936-8467
FindyourspotlightatCurtainCallStudiosinourSpring2025 seasonbeginningJanuary6!CurtainCallStudiosprovidesqualityperformingartstraininginvoice,musicaltheatre,dance,actingandpiano.Enrollonline.
Joinusthiswintertohavefun,makefriends,andlearnaskillfor lifeatFortMyersTennis!Weareacommunityofdedicatedparents,coachesandfriendswhosegoalistosupportjuniortennis developmentandbuildconnectionsrighthereinSWFL.Come seewhatallthefunisaboutatwww.fortmyerstennis.com.
FashionFirstWorkshopsoffersClassesforKids&Teens interestedinFashionDesign(Ages7&Up).Springclasses runJan.13-May21.SummercampsstartJune9andgoto Aug.8.Learnhowtodesignclothes,howtoconstuctyour design&sew,fashionbirthdayparties,privatesewinglessons,holiday&birthdayfashionsewinggiftcertificates. Fashionsewinglessonsforkids,teens,adults&GirlScouts. Registeronlineatwww.fashionfirstworkshops.comoremail usatrenee@fashionfirstworkshops.com FashionFirstWorkshopsDesignStudio 13499S.ClevelandAve#181 908-578-8561 www.fashionfirstworkshops.com
FloridaRepEducationannouncestheatre educationofferingsforhome-schooledstudentsages8to12.Theneweight-week danceandactingclassprogramsbeginJan.6 andaredesignedtobuildskills,confidence, andcreativity.Individualclassfeeis$100or registerforallthreewitha$250bundledeal. Taughtbytheatreprofessionals,theseprogramsareanexcellentopportunityforhomeschooledstudentstogainvaluabletheatre experienceinawelcomingandcreative environment.TheclassesrunonMondays, fromJan.6throughMarch3(noclassonJan. 20),atFloridaRep’sBunchRehearsalHall, locatedat2268BaySt.(cornerofHendry andBay).EachclassculminateswithaperformanceshowcaseonMarch3at7p.m. DowntownFortMyers FloridaRepEducation.org 239-219-1551
Enrollingnowforsecondsemester! GulfshoreBalletisSouthwestFlorida’spremiernon-forprofitschoolofClassicalBallet. Withaninternationallyacclaimedteaching faculty.GSBoffersstudentstheunique opportunitytostudywithprofessional instructorsofthehighestcaliber.BycombiningCuban,AmericaandRussiantechnique, GSBprovidesexcellenttrainingandversatility.WeofferclassesfromPre-BallettoPreProfessionallevels.Ages2throughadult. gulfshoreballet@gmail.com www.gsballet.org 239-590-6191
Jumpinto2025atSouthernStarz Gymnastics.Pre-SchoolFitnessandFunisfor ages1-4.Theseclassesteachbasicgymnastic skillstoenhancecoordination.Gymnasts willusesizeappropriatebalancebeams,bars, andtrampolinestoachievethisgoal.We offertwodifferentagegroupsinourpreschoolprogram,MomandMeclassesare designedforchildren1-3yearssothatthe parentcanbewiththemandofferguidance duringtheinstruction.Thefinalstepisour34oldyearagegroup,thisgroupwillfocuson gymnasticskillsaswellasbodypositionand coordination.BeginningGymnasticsisavailableforages4-15.Allofourclassesfocuson basicgymnasticskills.Gymnastsareevaluatedevery3-4months,oncetheyhavecompletedalltherequiredskillstheywillbe advancedtothenextlevel. 915SE14thPlace,CapeCoral SouthernStarzGymnastics.org 239-574-0034
StartingJanuary,UltimateNinjasAcademywilllaunchadynamiclineup ofninjaclasses&openplayforkidsaged9monthsto10years.Ourprogramsintroducelittleonestotheexcitementofconqueringobstacleswhile buildingcoordination,strength,andconfidence.Fromparent-involvedmovementclassesfortheyoungestninjastoindependent,skill-basedsessions,we havesomethingforeveryageandability.Lookingforafun,activebirthday partyidea?Ourlil'ninjapartiesfeatureexclusivegymaccess,excitingchallenges,&activitiesforallabilities.Stayinformed-bethefirsttoknowabout ourgrandopeningandgetVIPaccess!
WonderGardensinBonitaSpringsisopendaily,9a.m-4p.m.,forfamiliestoconnectwiththeamazingnativeandexoticanimalswhoreceivelongtermnurturingcareamidstthelushhistoricalbotanicalgardens.Familieswith WonderGardensorreciprocalmembershipsreceivefreeadmission,andthe firstSundayofeverymonthis"EveryonePaysKids'Price"forBonitaSprings residents.MeetandfeedourSulcatatortoisesandRainbowlorikeetsduring WildWonderEncountersheldonselectdaysat11:30a.m.orplanaguided tourforyourgroupof10ormore.
27180Old41Road,BonitaSprings wondergardens.org•239-992-2591
TheYMCAofSWFloridahasservedasaleadingnonprofitcommittedto strengtheningcommunityforover54years.TheYisagreatplacetogrowup. Wehaveanenormousvarietyofactivitiesforkidsofallagesandinterests, frombasketball,torockclimbing,chessclubtodanceclass,andeverything inbetween.TheYistheplacewhereanykidcancometocultivatetheskills andrelationshipsthatleadtopositivebehaviors,betterhealth,andlifelong success—andhavefundoingit.Weprideourselvesonmeetingtheneedsof alldifferenttypesoffamilies,sonomatterwhatyourbackground,yourfinancialsituation,oryourschedule,there’saplaceforyourkidsattheY. YmcaSwfl.org
27200KentRoad,BonitaSprings•239-221-7560 1360RoyalPalmSquareBlvd.,FtMyers•239-275-9622
SpecializinginEarlyChildhood Development,prioritizingourrelationshipswith eachfamilyinmeetingthesocial,emotional, physicalandcognitiveneedsofeachchildin ourcare.Offeringawiderangeofprogramsand schedules.7a.m.–6p.m.
12211TowneLakeDr.,FortMyers 239-332-1900 www.brownacademy.net
Familyfocusedanddevotedtoqualityearly childhoodeducation,TheChildren’sLearning CenterisanationallyaccreditedprogramoperatedbyChildCareofSouthwestFlorida.The 5,064-square-footfacilityenrollschildrenfrom infantsthroughpre-kindergarten,aswellasan after-schoolprogramforstudentsupto8years old.Ourchild-centeredclassroomsencourage learningthroughplay,helpingchildrenmake senseoftheirworld.TheChildren’sLearning Centerisopen6:30a.m.to6p.m.
37BarkleyCircle,FortMyers 239-267-1136 www.ccswfl.org
ChildCareofSouthwestFlorida’sTheCommunityChildren’sCenter isoneofthefewnationallyaccreditedchildcarecentersinLehigh offeringalowstaff-to-studentratio.Ourhighlytrainedteachersand staffencouragechildrentobeindependentthinkersandworktoform strongpartnershipswithparents.Ourgoalistoprovidethebestearly learningexperienceandpreparechildrenforsuccessinkindergarten andbeyond.Wecareforinfantsupto8yearsoldfrom6:30a.m.to6 p.m.,offeringfreemorningandafternoonVPKclassesfor4yearolds.. 1260WingsWay,LehighAcres 239-369-2220 www.ccswfl.org
CrownofLifeChristianAcademyisaprivate,Christianschooldedicatedtoprovidingstudentsandtheirfamilieswithacaringenvironment,whichfostersacademicexcellence,spiritualandsocialemotionalgrowth.ConvenientlylocatedoffofDanielsParkway,weoffer classesforpreschoolstartingatage2,FREE4-dayand5-dayVPK options,aswellasK-6thgrade.Wehaveabeautifulbuildingwith brandNEWplaygrounds!Caringandlovingteachersandstaffare readytowelcomeyouandyourfamily.WeacceptallStepUpfor Studentsscholarships.Calltodaytosetupatour.
5820DanielsParkway,FortMyers 239-482-7315 www.crownlifeacademy.com
TheG.WeaverHippsEarlyLearningCenterisacollaborativecommunitypartnershipbetweentheSchoolDistrictof LeeCounty,theEarlyLearningCoalition,andChildCareof SWFLtoprovidedaycareandearlychildhoodeducationin LehighAcres.ThecenterislocatedwithinG.WeaverHipps ElementarySchool,andChildCareofSWFLoperatestwo classroomswithinthecenter.Priorityenrollmentisgivento schoolstaff,thenparentsofchildrenatG.WeaverHipps Elementary,andthentothecommunity.
1200HomesteadRd.N.,LehighAcres 239-600-6314
DiscoverIvybrookAcademyEstero—EnrollmentNow Openfor2025-26!Giveyourchildthegiftofatransformative earlyeducation.AtIvybrookAcademy,ourhalf-dayprograms forages18monthsto5yearscombineReggioEmiliaand Montessoriphilosophies,fosteringcreativity,collaboration, andindividualizedlearning.Tourourbeautifulcampusand experiencehowweinspirechildrentoexplore,learn,and grow.Secureyourspottoday!
21300SouthBranchBlvd.,Suite6111,Estero 239-893-6538
JosephH.MessinaChildren’sCenter ChildCareofSouthwestFlorida’sJosephH.Messina Centerprovidesreliablechildcareforchildrenages6 weeksto8yearsold,andisopenfrom6:30a.m.to6:00 p.m.LocatednearPageField,thisuniqueandexciting nationallyaccreditedcenterofferscommunitygardensand anaturalplayscape.Teachersfacilitatelearningbyallowing childrentoplantheirexplorations,buildingearlyliteracy, language,mathandscienceskillsthroughplay.Weprovide free,nutritiousmealsandofferVPK.
4650FowlerSt.,FortMyers 239-278-1148 www.ccswfl.org
Educatingforlifehereandforeternity!Ourschoolis accreditedbybothNationalLutheranSchoolAccreditation (NLSA)andCognia.WeareaNationalBlueRibbonSchool. OurLittleSaintsEarlyLearningCenter(6weeks-3years)is aplaceforlearninganewlanguageandsocializationskills throughplayandchild-centeredactivities.OurPreK3Eighth-gradeclassroomsareChrist-centered,caring,and challenginglearningenvironmentswherelifelongfriendshipsgrowrightalongwiththechildren.
OpenHousewillbeheldJan.29from6to7:30p.m. 3595Broadway,FortMyers 239-939-1218 www.smlcs.org
MilestonesLearningCenterisaprivatepreschoollocated inEsteroFlorida.AtMLCwebelieveallchildrenlearn whenlearningisdesignedtobeexcitingandfun.Weoffer smallclasssizeof10studentstocreatethebestlearning environment.Ourdegreedteachersworktofillthedaywith handsonlearningactivitiesthatincludescience,math,art, music,andlanguagearts.Weareayear-roundprogram Monday-Friday,7amto530pm,withextendcareavailable. 19850BreckenridgeDrive,Estero www.milestones-estero.com 239-301-2962
ChildCareofSouthwestFlorida’sP.A.GeraciChildDevelopment Centerisanationallyaccreditedcenterdedicatedtoprovidingthe besteducationalprogramandasafe,lovingplaceforchildrenand theirfamilies.Weempowerchildrenbyhelpingthemdevelop,refine andexpandknowledge,skills,languageandsocialcompetence.We careforinfantsthrough8yearsofageandanEarlyHeadStart Program.Ourschool-ageprogramoffersmorningandafternooncare andfull-timecarewhenschoolisnotinsession.Familystylenutritiousmealsandsnacksareprovidedforfree.Open6:30a.m.to6 p.m.
3713CanalStreet,FortMyers 239-337-4995
Pre-registrationfor2025-2026schoolyearbeginsJan8th.Space islimitedsocontactourofficetoreserveaspotinourJr.andSr.preschoolclassesforyourchildfortheupcomingschoolyearortoget yournameputonourwaitinglist!VPKProvide.Reserveyourspot forVPK.
7401WinklerRoad,FortMyers 239-481-4040ext208
VPKthrough8thgrade.SixMile CharterAcademyinvitesyoutocome outandexperiencethegrowinggreatnessaroundacademicexcellence, careerandcollegereadinessandour newestWISH(WellnessInnovation ScienceHealth)model.Studentsare providedinnovativehands-onexperiencesthroughPLTWmodulesandwill diveintoscienceandhealththrough ournewestcommunitypartnerships! Weareproudtohighlightouracademicaccelerationpathwaysbeginninginthirdgradealongwithour growingsportsandafterschoolenrichmentprograms!Attendoneofour upcominginformationsessionsor bookatourtodaytolearnmoreabout theenhancementscomingin20252026.
6851LancerAve,FortMyers 239-768-9375
TheSchoolDistrictofLeeCountyacceptsregistrationsfor newstudentstothedistrictyearround,butitholdsastudent openenrollmentperiodfortheupcomingschoolyearoncea year.
Parentsofincomingkindergarten,6thor9thgradestudents shouldregisterduringstudentopenenrollment.
Schoolselection/studentopenenrollmentfor2025-2026is Jan.21throughFeb.28.
Theinstructionalcalendarforthe2025-26schoolyearis scheduledtobeapprovedbytheLeeCountySchoolBoardat theirJan.7meeting.
incomingkindergartenstudentsandrisingfirstthroughfifth gradestudentsJan.26toFeb.29intheFOCUSParentPortal.
ParentswithoutaFOCUSParentPortalaccountcancreate oneusingtheFocusParentPortal.Paperapplicationsareavailabletobecompletedanddroppedoffatstudentenrollment; receiptwillbeemailedtotheparentthroughtheportal.
Parentscanalsoregisterinperson.TheStudentEnrollment OfficeforTheSchoolDistrictofLeeCountyisopenMondayFridayfrom9a.m.to4p.m.Officeislocatedat2855Colonial Blvd.inFortMyers.
Parentscanalsoemail:StudentEnrollment@leeschools.net Pleaseincludechild'sfirstandlastnameinthesubjectlineof anyemailsyousend.
TheSchoolDistrictofLeeCounty StudentEnrollmentPlaninformsand guidesthenecessarycomponentsof enrollingstudentsintothepublicschools ofLeeCounty.
Theplan’sfocusonofferingparental choicereflectsabeliefintheeducational benefitsofprovidingavarietyofoptions forenhancementinastudent’slearning whilemaintainingtheDistrict’sfocuson continuousimprovementofstudent achievement.Parentalchoiceofschool selectionbecomeslimitedifapplication issubmittedaftertheOpenEnrollment windowcloses.
achievehis/herhighestpersonalpotential. TheSchoolDistrictofLeeCountyisa strongandcompetitiveschoolsystem.
•EachschoolinTheSchoolDistrictof LeeCountyprovidesequitableservicesto meettheneedsofthewholechildand eachschoolisacademically,athletically, andprogrammaticallycompetitivewith otherschooloptionsavailablewithinthe District,county,surroundingcounties, andacrosstheStateofFlorida.
•TheStudentEnrollmentPlanissubjecttoannualreview,refinement,and Boardapproval.
newstudentenrollmentsystem. Throughouttheprocess,theSDLChas beencommittedtobetteraddressingsystemissues(studentdistribution,transportation,etc.)forthebenefitofourstudents,families,andcommunity.
Beginningin2023-2024,TheSchool DistrictofLeeCountyimplementeda ProximityPlanfortheDistrictelementary students.TheStudentEnrollmentPlanfor 2024-2025focusedaroundreducingthe sizeoftheattendancezones.Also impactedwillbethetransportationsystem;busrouteswillbeshorterandthere willbeareductioninthenumberofbus routes.
CrownofLifeChristianAcademyisaprivate, Christianschooldedicatedtoprovidingstudents andtheirfamilieswithacaringenvironment, whichfostersacademicexcellence,spiritualand socialemotionalgrowth.Convenientlylocatedoff ofDanielsParkway,weofferclassesforpreschool startingatage2,FREE4-dayand5-dayVPK options,aswellasK-6thgrade.Wehavea beautifulbuildingwithbrandNEWplaygrounds! Caringandlovingteachersandstaffarereadyto welcomeyouandyourfamily.WeacceptallStepUpfor Studentsscholarships.Call todaytosetupatour.
5820DanielsParkway FortMyers 239-482-7315 www.crownlifeacademy.com
TheSchoolDistrictoffersaYoungFive program.
YoungFiveservesasabridgeto Kindergartenbyprovidingstudentstimeand supporttodevelopcoreacademicandsocial skillsunderthecareandguidanceofprofessionaleducators.
•Willturn5yearsoldbetweenMay1st andSept.1st
•Willbenefitfromanextrayearof schoolpriortoKindergarten
YoungFiveprovidesyounger studentswithastrongfoundation forschoolsuccessbyoffering:
•GuidedgrowthbyprofessionaleducatorscertifiedandexperiencedinEarly Childhood
•Alearningenvironmenttailoredto meetdevelopingacademicand/orsocial needs
•Anopportunitytostartschoolwith sameagechildren
LCSDYoungFiveprogramisbasedonthe Kindergartencurriculumwithfocusplaced onmathandliteracyinstructionandthe
developmentofsocialandmotorskills. Classroominstructionisdesignedtoprovide childrenanopportunitytolearninahandson,interactiveenvironmentthatsupports theirdevelopmentonmaintainingtherigor andhighstandardsofKindergarten.
•Addandsubtractsmallquantitiesusing concreteobjects
•Strengthenhandandmusclesthrough cutting,coloring,drawing,andpainting
•Gripwritingutensilscorrectly SocialSkills
•Participateinindividual,smallgroup, andlargegroupclassroomactivities
•Attendtoself-carebathroomhand washinganddressing Locations
ElementarySchoolswithYoungFive Program:
HowcanIenrollmychild inaYoungFiveProgram?
•Questionscanbeemailedto Young5@leeschools.net.
YoungFiveisthefirstyearofatwo-year Kindergartenexperience.Childrenwillgoto KindergartenaftercompletingYoungFive. Familiesandschoolswillalsoworktogether todetermineifYoungFivestudentsareready toprogressto1stgrade.
Educatingforlifehereandforeternity!Our schoolisaccreditedbybothNationalLutheran SchoolAccreditation(NLSA)andCognia. WeareaNationalBlueRibbonSchool.OurLittle SaintsEarlyLearningCenter(6weeks-3years) isaplaceforlearninganewlanguageandsocializationskillsthroughplayandchild-centered activities.OurPreK3-Eighth-gradeclassrooms areChrist-centered,caring,andchallenging learningenvironmentswherelifelongfriendships growrightalongwiththechildren.
OpenHouseonJan.29 from6to7:30p.m.
3595Broadway FortMyers 239-939-1218 www.smlcs.org
Twenty-five acclaimed and bestselling authors are coming to Lee County to talk to fans and sign books at the 26th annual Southwest Florida Reading Festival from 10 a.m. to 4 p m Saturday, March 1
The festival takes place at the Fort Myers Regional Library, 2450 First St , and brings in internationally recognized authors for adults, teens and children to celebrate the power of reading, promote literacy and library services and encourage a communitywide culture of reading for recreation and personal development
The festival is a daylong event filled with diverse and dynamic author presentations, book signings, lively activities for teens and children, the latest library technology, youth writing award presentations, food trucks and more Plus, every child and teen attending the event will receive a free book of their choosing, made possible by funding from festival sponsor Suncoast Credit Union
“Seeing all the excitement centered around reading is such a rewarding experience,” Lee County Library System director Mindi Simon said “Kids have grown up with the annual tradition of attending the Southwest Florida Reading Festival and the Lee County Library System is honored to be part of their literacy journey ”
An Evening with the Authors, the reading festival’s featured fundraiser, takes place Friday evening, Feb 28 This ticketed event gives attendees a chance to meet and mingle with the authors as part of an unforgettable dining experience at the Burroughs Home and Gardens The evening also includes a silent auction with proceeds supporting the festival and giving guests the chance to snag spring training baseball game tickets, weekend getaway hotel packages and more Tickets are available on the festival website, readfest org
This year’s impressive line-up brings in festival favorite Debbie Macomber and other stellar adult authors like Reed Farrel Coleman and Lisa Genova. Featured youth authors include Molly Idle and Renée
Ahdieh From mystery and suspense to crime thrillers, fiction, nonfiction, romance, fantasy, humor and memoirs, there will be something for every reader.
The full list of scheduled authors, list of related festival events, directions and more is available on the latest version of the festival’s mobile app “SWFL Reads,” the festival website or by calling 239-479-4636 Attendees also can sign up for the new festival e-newsletter on the website to receive monthly updates
The Southwest Florida Reading Festival is free and community-supported through generous donations, sponsorships and grants To help ensure the continuation of this amazing, annual event visit the festival website to make a secure online donation Funding is provided in part through a Florida Humanities Book Festival Grant with funds from the National Endowment for the Humanities and in partnership with Lee County Library System
Kate Hannigan loves to find interesting people from history and share them with young readers. Her titles include the historical novel “The Detective’s Assistant,” graphic novels like “The Great Chicago Fire,” and nonfiction picture book biographies like “Blips on a Screen” about the invention of video gaming
Molly Idle is the Caldecott Honor-winning creator of the picture book “Flora and the Flamingo ” Her most recent picture books are “Witch Hazel” and “I Don’t Care,” written by Julie Fogliano and coillustrated with her best friend Juana Martinez-Neal
Kate Messner is a New York Times bestselling author who has written more than 60 books for curious kids Messner writes award-winning picture books, chapter books, novels and the popular “History Smashers” series
Renée Ahdieh is the #1 New York Times and internationally bestselling author of “The Wrath & the Dawn” series, the “Flame in the Mist” series and “The Beautiful” quartet “Emilio Sloth’s Modern Manners” is her debut children’s picture book.
Kristy Boyce played her first role-playing game in high school and is now the nationally bestselling author of “Dungeons and Drama ” Other titles by Boyce include “Hot British Boyfriend” and “Hot Dutch Daydream.”
Karen M. McManus is a New York Times, USA Today and international bestselling author of young adult thrillers Her work, which has been translated into 42 languages, includes the “One of Us Is Lying” series, “Two Can Keep a Secret” and “Such Charming Liars ”
Angela Montoya has been obsessed with the magic of storytelling since she was a little girl Her debut novel, “Sinner’s Isle,” received multiple starred reviews and her newest title, “A Cruel Thirst” is scheduled to be released Dec. 17, 2024.
Ginny Myers Sain is the author of “Dark and Shallow Lies,” a New York Times bestseller Other titles of hers include “Secrets So Deep,” “One Last Breath” and “When the Bones Sing,” slated to be released in March 2025.
SixMileCharterAcademyinvitesyoutocomeout andexperiencethegrowinggreatnessaround academicexcellence,careerandcollegereadiness andournewestWISH(WellnessInnovation ScienceHealth)model.Studentsareprovided innovativehands-onexperiencesthroughPLTW modulesandwilldiveintoscienceandhealth throughournewestcommunitypartnerships!We areproudtohighlightouracademicacceleration pathwaysbeginninginthirdgradealongwithour growingsportsandafterschoolenrichment programs!Attendoneofourupcominginformation sessionsorbookatourtodayto learnmoreabouttheenhancementscomingin2025-2026.
6851LancerAve,FortMyers 239-768-9375 www.sixmilecharter.org
Bobby loves stinky food! Feed him, but watch out – you never know when he’s going to BUUUURRRRP! The player with the most points after Bobby burps wins. www.amazon.com
The original digital pet! Feed it, turn lights on/off, play with it, give it medicine, flush after it’s used the bathroom, check it’s health and discipline it! www.amazon.com
This is the ride-on fire truck with a bubble blowing cannon that assists budding firefighters in putting out imaginary blazes. Interactive elements including flashing LEDs, sound effects and a siren. Once at the scene, the mounted bubble cannon enhances the rescue mission experience. www.hammacher.com
Sculpd Home Pottery Set contains everything for 2 people to easily sculpt, paint, varnish, and finish beautiful waterproof plant pots, sculptures, vases and more. www.sculpd.com
The Pick-Up Bricks toy vacuum is the fun way for children and kids of all ages to clean up their LEGO or any small toy pieces. www.amazon.com
Explore the wonders in your own backyard and the world around you using these real binoculars with a 2.4” video screen for easy viewing. Capture and save pictures of your discoveries! 340+ amazing videos and images from the BBC that expand nature knowledge by exploring animals, insects, plants and more. Adventure game time! Run, jump and climb through five exciting environments in search of various animals from around the world! www.amazon.com
Craft, Squish and Shape! This comprehensive slime-making kit comes with 31 fun pieces. With all the essentials for craft time, what a fun and creative way to engage the imagination! www.walmart.com
Ultimate Indoor Soccer Trainer! Using advanced sensor technology to enhance your dribbling, control, and soccer skills indoors, making it the perfect tool for young athletes. www.kiwico.com
Raising Cane, a Sweet and Spicy Event
Pioneer Florida Museum and Village
15602 Pioneer Museum Road, Dade City
Raising Cane, a Sweet and Spicy Event, will be held on January 11. There will be live music, sugar cane syrup making, US sugar presentation, syrup tasting contest, vendors, food, blacksmith demonstrations, axe throwing and more. Hours: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. www.pioneerfloridamuseum.org
Florida Keys Celtic Festival
Marathon Community Park
MM49 US Hwy 1 Ocean Side, Marathon
Florida Keys Celtic Festival will be held on January 11-12. It will feature live music, Irish and Scottish dancing, highland athletics, sheepdog herding, kid’s activities, highland athletic demonstrations, Irish beers, Celtic food and more. Hours: Sat • 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. & Sun • 11a.m. - 5 p.m. www.floridakeyscelticfestival.com
2025 Manatee County Fair
Fairgrounds, 14th Avenue West, Palmetto
Manatee County Fair will be held on January 16-26. It will include entertainment, bands, livestock shows and sale, racing pigs, Jurassic Kingdom Dinosaur Show, talent competition, midway rides, cowboy camp and cowboy poetry, talent competition, competitive exhibits, vendors, fair food and more. www.manateecountyfair.com
South Florida Fair Fairgrounds
9067 Southern Blvd., West Palm Beach
South Florida Fair will be held on January 17 - February 2. This fair will feature five stages of music and entertainment, midway rides, stage shows, agriculture and livestock shows and exhibits, livestock sale, competitive exhibits, unique vendors, fair food and more. www.southfloridafair.com
2025 Brevard Renaissance Fair Melbourne Castle Park
3190 New York Ave, Melbourne
Brevard Renaissance Fair will be held on January 18-20, 25-26 & Feb. 12, 8-9, 15-16, 22-23. Step back in time to the days of brave knights and fair maidens. This family friendly fair will feature more than 100 stage shows. There will be colorful characters, music, dancing, comedy shows, pirates, entertainment, rides, games, festival food and treats, and much more. The artisans and craftspeople will be selling handcrafted wares. The 10th annual fair will be held on consecutive weekends from January 18 through February 23. Hours: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. each day. www.brevardrenaissancefair.com
Florida Manatee Festival
Downtown Crystal River
559 N Citrus Ave, Crystal River
Florida Manatee Festival will be held on January 18-19. Come listen to live music on multiple stages. Also, there will be manatee boat tours, arts and craft vendors, kids zone, delicious food trucks and much more. www.gomanateefest.com
Florida Storytelling Festival
Historic Lakeside Inn
100 Alexander Street, Mount Dora
Florida Storytelling Festival will be held on January 23-26. There will be storytelling concerts, workshops, story slams, story swaps, youthful voices and much more. www.flstory.com
Lakeland Pigfest
Sun 'n Fun Expo Campus
4175 Medulla Road, Lakeland
The annual Lakeland Pig Fest will be held on January 24-25. There will be more than 150 barbeque teams competing against each other. The fest will include great entertainment, BBQ competition, kids-q competition, good food, and more. Admission to Lakeland Pigfest is just $5 and kids 12 years and younger can enter for free. Hours: Fri • 5 - 10 p.m. & Sat • 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. www.lakelandpigfest.org
2025 Seminole Hard Rock Gasparilla Pirate Fest
Riverwalk in downtown Tampa
Gasparilla Pirate Fest will be held on January 25. It will feature the official invasion, parade, live stage entertainment, vendors, beverages, food and more. Hours: Noon - 7:30 p.m. www.gasparillapiratefest.com
Brooksville Train Show
Hernando Fairgrounds
6436 Broad Street, Brooksville
Brooksville Train Show will be held on January 25. Enjoy our train show featuring more than 70 tables of vendors selling various model trains, toys, and much more. Operating model railroad display. Food will be available. Hours: 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. www.regalrailways.com
Dade City Kumquat Festival
Downtown Dade City
Dade City Kumquat Festival will be held on January 25. It will feature great entertainment, car and truck show, kid’s corral activities, farmer’s market vendors, arts and crafts, quilt challenge, kumquat pie and products, delicious food and more. Free admission. Hours: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. www.kumquatfestival.org
Hoggetowne Winter Medieval Faire
9409 SW Archer Rd, Gainesville
The Hoggetowne Winter Medieval Faire will be held on January 25-26. For this magical weekend, a medieval village comes alive during festival season for the Annual Hoggetowne Medieval Faire. Step back in time and cheer on jousting knights, wander through the medieval marketplace where hundreds of artisans sell their wares, witness a battle on the living chess board, partake in olde world games and rides and feast on food fit for a king. Enjoy six stages of entertainment where the forgotten skills of full-flight falconry, gripping aerial acrobatics and old-world magic come to life. Jugglers, knife throwers and gypsy dancers add to the excitement as they fill the streets of Hoggetowne. Hours: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. www.hoggetownemedfaire.com
3rd Annual BBQ, Bacon & Brews Fest
Clay County Fairgrounds
2463 FL-16, Green Cove Springs
BBQ, Bacon & Brews Fest will be held on January 25 - 26. This Family Fun & Festival will feature, fall off the done BBQ, chocolate covered bacon, art & crafts, bounce houses, frisbee dog show, axe throwing tournament, live entertainment, rock painting, homemade fudge, pony rides, bacon relay, face painting, hula hoop contest, free petting farm, cutest baby contest, free inside toddler play area, sack races, train rides, corn hole, yummy treats & more! Saturday & Sunday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Admission $7, Kids 2 & Under Free. www.ClayCountyFest.Com
Charlotte County Fair
Charlotte County Fairgrounds
2333 El Jobean Road, Port Charlotte
Charlotte County Fair will be held from January 31 through February 9. There will be livestock shows and sale, arts and crafts, rides, open class exhibits, entertainment, vendors, yummy food and more. Free gate admission on Tuesday, Jan. 31. www.thecharlottecountyfair.com
A delightful and whimsical tale about learning to adapt when the unexpected happens... Finn is not like most frogs. Finn likes things clean- perfectly clean. His book is immaculate. It's amazing. It's PERFECT.
What if you found a giraffe in your soup, an alligator in your entreé, an elephant on the table, or even an ostrich in your dish? Enjoy this kid-friendly story complete with hairy, scary animals popping out from under the lid at a restaurant!
(Well, according to him)
This story is bursting with confetti, magic, rainbows, sparkles and fun! Ted's mom is always asking him to do boring chores - like clean up his toys and brush his teeth. Maybe if he turns his mom into a super fun unicorn, everything will be awesome!
Gert loves dirt. She rolls in it, digs in it, even tastes it. Told in rhythm and rhyme and full of fun, tongue-twisting vocabulary, Dirty Gert is a celebration of individuality and unconditional love... and, of course, of the fun of playing in the dirt.
KingCaesarProductions,LLC, announcesthethirdannualVenezia RenaissanceFaireiscomingbackto BonitaSprings.
Preparefortwoweekendsof enchantment,excitementand immersiveMedievalfunasthe VeneziaRenaissanceFairegrows biggerandbetterthaneverbefore.
Thisyear,organizerswillhost SouthwestFloridanativesalongside renownedRenaissanceFairestars fromacrossthecountry.Expectnew entertainmentacts,breathtaking shows,andawe-inspiringspectacles thatwilltransportyoutotheheart
ofagrandmedievalcelebration. TheRenaissanceFairewilltake placeSaturday,Jan.4andSunday, Jan.5from10a.mto5:30p.m.The fairewillalsobeheldSaturday,Jan. 11andSunday,Jan.12from10 a.m.to5:30p.m.
Featuresofthefaireinclude: Highenergyjousting&tournaments:Witnessthethundering powerofreal-lifebattles,thrilling jousts,andaction-packed Hollywood-worthycombat.
ExpandedMedievalMarketplace: Exploreanevenlargercollectionof artisansshowcasinghandcrafted
Allnewstageperformances:Laugh,cheerandsing alongwithfreshcomedicacts,talentedmusicalperformersanddramaticstorytelling.
InteractiveMedievalgames&livechessmatch:Test yourskillsandtakepartinanunforgettablelife-sized chessbattle—whereonlyonecanclaimcheckmate.
Enterthecastlegatesandindulgeinauthentic medievalcuisine,fromsavoryfeaststosweettreats. RelaxintheexpandedMedievalDiningHalland quenchyourthirstwithaselectionofrefreshinglibationsfitforroyalty.
TheVeneziaRenaissanceFairewillbeheldat28001 Old41Road,BonitaSprings.Ticketsareavailable onlineatveneziarenaissancefaire.com.Kidsunder3 yearsoldenterfreeofcharge.
Takeadvantageofonlinediscountsbyvisitingtheir FacebookpageVeneziaRenFaireforapromocode.
LeeCountyinvitesthe communitytogetreadyfor “AnAg-citingAdventure”at theSouthwestFloridaAg ExpoFeb.27toMarch9at theLeeCountyCivicCenter Complex,11831Bayshore Road,NorthFortMyers.This year’seventpromisestobea family-friendlyadventure filledwithfun,learningand excitementforallages.
“Thisismorethanjustan event—it’sanAg-citingAdventureforthewholefamily,” saiddirectorMackYoungof LeeCountyParks&Recreation."We’rethrilledtooffera rangeofinteractiveexhibits, thrillingrides,deliciousfood andanup-closelookatagriculturethatcelebratesthe hardworkanddedicationof ourcommunity’syouth.”
TheAgExpocontinuesto highlighttheworkofSouthwestFlorida’syouthinvolved in4-H,FFAandotherprograms.Theeventwillopen withatraditionalribbon-cuttingceremonyat3:30p.m.on Thursday,Feb.27.Thelivestockeventskickoffthat eveningwiththepopulargoat agilityshowandwillcontinue untiltheconclusionofthe horseawardsonMarch9.
Thisyear’sexpowillfeaturearangeofactivitiesand attractions,including:
•Livestockexhibitions showcasinglocaltalentand agriculturalexpertise
•Midwaythrillswithrides andattractions
•Delicioussweetandsavorytreatsfromavarietyof foodvendors
LeeCountycommissionersremaincommittedtoensuringtheAgExporemainsa belovedcommunityexperience.Countystaffwillagain manageandruntheevent, ensuringaseamlessandexcitingexperienceforallattendees.
Megapassticketsare$30 untiltheExpobegins.The megapassincludesgateadmissionandawristbandfor unlimitedmechanicalrides ononedayofyourchoice.
Advanceticketsforgeneralgateadmissionwillalso beavailableforpurchaseat www.swflagexpo.com.Generaladmissionis$10for adultsand$5forchildren ages4to11,whilechildren3 andunderreceivefreeentry. Activeandretiredmilitary personnelcanenjoyfreegate admissionallday,everyday, withpropermilitaryID.
Start simple - just slow down and realize the importance of keeping the noise out and embracing your personal peace! Let’s be honest, LIFE HAPPENS - along with its inevitable stresses, struggles and conflicts. Practicing patience in the midst of constant verbal drama is difficult but essential for your mental health. Reacting in anger only mirrors their negativity. Opinions are just that - opinions. It is time to listen more and talk less. Take a deep breathe, smile and say something kind. Walking away on a positive note is not a sign of weakness but the process of taking back control. Who knows, by example, others may be inspired to take the kinder path as well.
We know you are busy, but the benefits of outdoors and physical activity are endless! Whether it be walking, boating, biking or just exploring, the goal is to keep moving - outside. A great practice when embarking on your daily adventure is to track your progress by logging in and logging out. Try to increase your outside goals and then reward accordingly. Kids love to play games...make it a competition. Just like a video game let’s “level up!” It is time to get motivated as a family!
Looking for an activity your whole family will enjoy? Volunteering may just be the answer. One of the best ways to show children how exciting and fun it is to help others is through volunteering. The rewards are endless. Start out by making a list of various ways that you want to help others throughout the year, and then construct a plan to make it happen. From participating in charity walks, fostering a pet, toy or food drives - there are so many wonderful possibilities to help make this world a better place.
If you feed them, they will come! Food always makes it easier to spend time together as a family! So why not add another awesome element to the evening - games! Having a regular family game night can be a great tradition to help strengthen the family unit. Now for the tough part, you must convince your kids that they will have a good time without being glued to their electronics. Not an easy task! Simple rule...put the devices down or no food. Let’s escape from the stresses of life and engage as a family unit Plus, with the right game or two, it can be actually quite entertaining.
It is time to get back to basics! Turning off all devices is a clear way of saying to each other that they are a top priority. All the distractions of this world can wait. These days, we spend so much time with a screen in front of us for work and play that we have forgotten how to walk away. When was the last time you and your family spent a day unplugged? Ditch the gadgets and put into place a list of alternative activities. Cook together! Talk together! Just have fun together! As a family, it is time to hit the pause button... and look up!
Let’s be honest, evenings and the weekends are the only time you get to spend with your kids. A typical week can be filled with appointments, sports, dance, birthday parties and more. Just once, take a break and sneak away. No guilt, just fun! It’s OK! A “hooky” day just might be what you need to decompress from life’s craziness. Whether you just stay home in your pajamas, go see a movie or head to Disney, breaking the rules “together” can be so much fun!
Starting a business can bring family members closer and allow you to create something together as a unit. How many times have your heard “How can I get a job without experience?” It is never too early to build your child’s resume. A family business can create wonderful income and opportunities, along with building a special legacy for our children. Whether it be online flipping, pet care, art or a digital storefront, a family business is a terrific way to make money and spend time together.
It’s about choice. More importantly - the right choice. Despite the negative things that are happening in the world today, it is essential that we create a conscious mindset to embrace a thankful heart. Cultivating gratitude may take time and intention due to life’s challenges and setbacks but embracing compassion, kindness, forgiveness and empathy is like life changing medicine for the soul. Let us all find ways to be grateful every day so we may experience more joy and fulfillment in our individual lives. Watch out... it just may be contagious!
Have a plan and practice - OFTEN. Communication is key. Teach your children when, how, and who to contact during an emergency. Make sure you know how every family member in your household (including your pets!) would stay safe in case of a fire. For instance, pick a meeting spot a safe distance away from your home and know possible escape routes based on different fire location scenarios. (kitchen, second floor, etc.) Does your child know how to bang out a screen or simply open a window? Also, it may be great that you own a fire extinguisher but has every family member actually used one? During an emergency is not the best time to learn new skill sets. The objective is to practice, not to frighten...the more it becomes a family routine the less frightening it will become for everyone.
Studies have shown that reading together as a family helps to build a strong foundation for healthy interpersonal connections. It becomes a safe zone for family members to take a more active, present role in each others lives. It not only is a great way to spend time together and slow down throughout the day but read- ing encourages better listening skills, increased vocabulary and imagination development. One of the greatest gifts you can give to your children is your time. Read to themthey are worth it!
Live! Science Shows
Miromar Outlets
10801 Corkscrew Rd, Estero
Saturday & Sunday starting at 1:30 p.m.
Lessons on chemistry, aerodynamics, fire experiments and more! Located at STEMLAB, near WINK Playland, suite 192. 239-948-3766
FREE Kids Crafts
Miromar Outlets
10801 Corkscrew Rd, Estero Tuesdays • 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Near the WINK Playland. 239-948-3766
Saturday Storytime
Barnes & Noble - Coconut Point
8052 Mediterranean Drive, Estero Saturdays • noon 239-427-1799
Lee County Civic Center Complex, 11831 Bayshore Road, North Fort Myers
Saturday, January 4 • 9:30 a.m. - Noon
This free, family-friendly event’s first hour, from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., will be sensoryfriendly, offering a quieter and less crowded experience for individuals with sensory sensitivities. Touch-a-Truck provides children and adults with a unique opportunity to explore a wide variety of vehicles up close, including fire trucks, heavy equipment, and more. Each vehicle offers a hands-on experience and insight into its role in the community. For more information, call 239-533-1168.
STEM Saturday
North Fort Myers Public Library
2001 N. Tamiami Trail NE, N. Fort Myers
Saturday, January 4 • 11 a.m.
For ages 6 -11 years. Join us for a familyfriendly STEM exploration. Each month will feature a different activity based on the aspects of STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. This is a great opportunity for parents and kids to build, learn and play together. Space is limited. Register your participating child. 239-479-4636
3rd Annual Venezia Renaissance Faire
Next to Bonita Springs Poker Room
28001 Old 41 Rd., Bonita Springs, January 4 - 5 & 11 - 12
Mingle with our vibrant cast of characters as they roam the crowd, ready to chat, pose for photos, and entertain guests of all ages. Knights, Wenches, and more await your questions, stories, and selfies! Witness our gallant Knights clash in epic duels, experience the jousting tournament and intense ground combat. Two weekends filled with epic tournaments, mouthwatering feasts and unforgettable family fun! veneziarenaissancefaire.com
Lowes Kid’s DIYer Workshop: Construction Hat 14960 S. Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers
Saturday, January 4 • 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Lowe's is kicking off the New Year with a FREE kids' construction hat and collectible badge. Round up the family to learn about what's coming for DIY-U Kids Workshops. Children will love building, creating, and earning badges--it’s a hands-on adventure your mini-builder won’t want to miss!
Super Fun Saturday
Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral
Saturday, January 4 • 10 a.m.
Come play with us at the library. Activities change monthly and vary from dancing, storytelling, art projects and more. Fun for the whole family. 239-479-4636
In-Store Kids Workshops: Piggy Bank
Home Depot - Local Home Depot locations
Saturday, January 4 • 9 a.m. to noon
Time to pull out your apron! First Saturday of every month for this fun, free event. www.homedepot.com/c/kids
Kids Fishing Event
Bass Pro Shops, 10040 Gulf Center Dr, Fort Myers
Saturday, January 4 • 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Come out to Bass Pro Shops the first Saturday of every month and fish on the back lake (catch and release)! Earn your First Fish Award if this is your first time fishing with us! 239-461-7800
Nature Explorers: Experiments
Calusa Nature Center and Planetarium
3450 Ortiz Ave, Fort Myers
Saturday, January 4 • 9 - 11 a.m.
Nature Explorers is a drop off program for children 5 to 11 years old that occurs on the first Saturday of the month from 9 am to 11 am. On January 4th we will be doing experiments. What happens to Sodium and water when no chloride is present? Can we make an egg float? Can we make rain clouds? Can we put an egg in a soda bottle without breaking it? Can we make a substance that is both a solid and a liquid? Come by and find out! Admission is $10 per child. www.calusanature.org
Young Eagles Rally & Pancake Breakfast
EAA Chapter 66 House at Page Field
5200 Captain Channing Page Dr., Fort Myers
Sunday, January 5 • 8 a.m.
The Young Eagles program is designed to teach youth, ages 11-17 about general aviation. The Young Eagles first flight program is free of charge. The minimum age to fly is 11 years old. A parent or legal guardian must be present to sign the waiver and be on-site during flight. Kids younger than 11 may participate in the instruction class and walk around the aircraft but they cannot fly. A breakfast is also available for $6 per person. www.youngeaglesday.org
Family Funday at Backyard Social
16371 Corporate Commerce Way, Fort Myers
Sunday, January 5 • 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Free bounce house + slide, craft station, sno cones and cotton candy. live music on the lawn and more. backyardsocial.com
Let's Play: Chess & More
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Monday, January 6, 13, 27 • 3 p.m.
Calling gaming enthusiasts of all ages. Join friends and friendly competitors alike for games of strategy, chance and fun. Bring your own game or choose from the library's collection of chess sets, card games, board games, role playing games and more. Chess instruction will be available the first Monday of each month from 3-4 p.m. 239-479-4636
New Year's Bubble Dance Party
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Monday, January 6 • 6 p.m.
Wednesday, January 8 • 10:30 a.m.
Celebrate the New Year at the library. Families with children through age 5 years are invited to dance, sing and play with bubbles. Dress up is always encouraged, but not required. 239-479-4636
Family Tabletop Game Night
Bonita Springs Public Library
10560 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs
Tuesday, January 7 • 5 p.m.
Now is the time to settle the score. Challenge your friends and family to a variety of tabletop games including chess, Candy Land and Uno. All ages and skill levels are invited. 239-479-4636
Anime Hour
Riverdale Public Library
2421 Buckingham Road, Fort Myers
Tuesday, January 7 • 2:30 p.m.
Enjoy an hour of anime entertainment, creative expression and lively discussions. This program is specially curated for anime enthusiasts to indulge in their passion for Japanese animation while hanging out among like-minded peers. Snacks provided and cosplay encouraged. For teens ages 12-18 years 239-479-4636
Anime Club
Fort Myers Regional Library
2450 First St., Fort Myers
Tuesday, January 7 • 4 p.m.
For ages 12-18 years. Show us your anime style. Share your creations and connect with others. Create your own art using 3D pens. All supplies will be provided. Registration is required. 239-479-4636
Family Game Night
North Fort Myers Public Library
2001 N. Tamiami Trail NE, N. Fort Myers
Tuesday, January 7 • 5 p.m.
Join us for a nostalgic evening of classic board games and card games at the library. Challenge your loved ones to timeless favorites like Monopoly, Candy Land or Clue. Enjoy a relaxed atmosphere and connect with other families in our community. 239-479-4636
Build-It: Origami
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Tuesday, January 7 • 3 p.m.
Presenter Sari Fujimaru will walk you through how to transform ordinary origami paper into a shapeshifting fox, a Shrek-like goblin, or another supernatural creature of your choice. You can take home what your make or contribute your 3D design to our monthly Build-It display in the library's lobby. This program is intended for children ages 6-11 years. Can't make the event? Stop by Youth Services and build with our materials anytime on your own. We'll add your creation to our display. 239-479-4636
Toddler Full STEAM Ahead
Fort Myers Regional Library
2450 First St., Fort Myers
Tuesday, January 7 • 10 a.m.
For children ages 18-36 months and caregivers. Toddlers will have the opportunity to explore science, technology, engineering, art and math concepts through activities, stories and crafts. Registration is required and guarantees your spot until the start of the program. 239-479-4636
Library Teen Talk
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Tuesday, January 7 • 2 p.m.
Wednesday, January 8, 15, 22, 29 • 2 p.m.
Thursday, January 9 • 2 p.m.
High school teens are invited to the library for a discussion about current events, everyday life, library resources and more. Teens will be encouraged to post an answer to a weekly question while socializing and making new friends. 239-479-4636
Build-It: Origami
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Tuesday, January 7 • 4:30 p.m.
Did you know that astronauts, deep sea explorers and police squads use origami technology in their work? The designs you can sculpt out of paper are endless. Join presenter Sari Fujimaru as she shares the ancient art form of origami then work to transform your origami paper into fun and unique creations. You can take home what you make or contribute your design to our monthly Build-It display in the library's lobby. This program for middle school students ages 11-13 years. 239-479-4636
Seminole Casino Hotel Immokalee, 506 South 1st Street
Saturday, January 4 • 9 p.m.
Celebration in the Sky is the largest land-based fireworks show in Southwest Florida. A traditional outdoor Zambelli Fireworks production is a complete sensory experience unlike anything else! The fireworks display will be choreographed to lights and a custom soundtrack. Violinist Timothee Lovelock, who is nationally recognized for his one-of-a-kind violin and DJ shows, will perform before the fireworks show. For more information, call toll-free 800-218-0007
Pre-K Picasso
Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral
Tuesday, January 7 • 6 p.m.
Thursday, January 9 • 10:30 a.m.
Let's get silly and make some art at this inspired program that dives into all things Picasso. All supplies provided. Registration is required. 239-479-4636
Tiny Tots Pour Painting Fun
Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library
3095 Blount St., Fort Myers
Wednesday, January 8 • 10:30 a.m.
Experience the wonderful world of art at a pour painting program designed especially for tiny tots. This hands-on activity encourages sensory exploration, creativity and imaginative play in a safe and supportive environment. For ages 3-5 years. 239-479-4636
Pre-K Full STEAM Ahead
Fort Myers Regional Library
2450 First St., Fort Myers
Wednesday, January 8 • 10 a.m.
For ages 3-5 years. Preschoolers will have the opportunity to explore science, technology, engineering, art and math concepts through activities, stories and crafts. Registration is required and guarantees your spot until the start of the program. 239-479-4636
Bonita Springs Public Library
10560 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs
Thursday, January 9, 23 • 2 p.m.
Sharpen your mind by playing a competitive game of chess. We supply the board and all we ask you to bring is your skills. This program is for adults and teens. 239-479-4636
Read to the Dogs
Bonita Springs Public Library
10560 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs
Thursday, January 9 • 3:30 p.m.
Join us at the library for reading to dogs. The dogs are registered therapy animals who volunteer with their owner/handlers as a team to help improve the literacy skills of children. Children can read down fines or just develop a love of reading through reading to dogs. Please visit the Youth desk to pick up a ticket upon arrival to receive a time slot. 239-479-4636
Eleanor Roosevelt: The First Lady of The World (teen) Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral
Thursday, January 9 • 2 p.m.
Eleanor Roosevelt is performed by actor Sheryl Faye, who has brought stories of historical women to life uniquely and memorably for over a decade. Eleanor is remembered as a politician, a diplomat, an activist and humanitarian. Registration is required. 239-479-4636
Registration Required 239-479-4636
For ages 18 - 36 months and caregivers. Toddlers and caregivers move and groove to stories, music, rhymes and activities during this interactive storytime that builds language and motor skills. Space is limited.
Bonita Springs Public Library
10:30 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 22, 29
Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library
10 a.m. Friday, Jan. 10
Fort Myers Regional Library
10 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 21, 28
Lakes Regional Library
11 a.m. Monday, Jan. 27
Northwest Regional Library
10:30 & 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 22, 29
For ages 3 - 5. Preschoolers develop school readiness skills through books, rhymes, songs and movement. While parents wait nearby in the library building. Space is limited.
Cape Coral Lee County Public Library
10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 21, 28
Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library
10 a.m. Friday, Jan. 17, 24, 31
East County Regional Library
10:30 a.m. Monday, Jan. 27
Fort Myers Regional Library
10 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 22, 29
Lakes Regional Library
11 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 22, 29
Northwest Regional Library
10:30 & 11:30 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 23, 30
For children through age 5 and caregivers. Families with young children enjoy a variety of stories, songs, rhymes and movement activities designed to promote and reinforce literacy and language development. Registration is required. Space is limited.
Bonita Springs Public Library
10:30 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 23, 30
Cape Coral Lee County Public Library
10 & 11 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 22, 29
East County Regional Library
10:30 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 22, 29
6 p.m. Monday, Jan. 27
Lakes Regional Library
10 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 22, 29
North Fort Myers Public Library
11 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 22, 29
Northwest Regional Library
10:30 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 18
Pine Island Public Library
10:30 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 16, 23, 30
Riverdale Branch Library
10 a.m. Friday, Jan. 17, 24, 31
Estero Recreation Center
10 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 7, 21
Hertz Arena, 11000 Everblades Pkwy, Estero Thursday, January 9 • 7 p.m.
You’ll see all the amazing basketball spins, slams, and dunks that you’ve come to expect at every Globetrotters game, PLUS new trials as players face-off to see who can pull off astonishing trick shots and more! See your favorite Globetrotter stars and their renowned rivals, the Washington Generals, LIVE as they challenge themselves and each other to new moves, new shots, and new innovations! Every Harlem Globetrotters game serves up unprecedented fan interaction opportunities before, during and after the game so you can meet your favorite players! 239-948-7825
Sensory Baby Play
Cape Coral Lee County Public Library
921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral
Thursday, January 9 • 10:30 a.m.
Start the new year off by immersing your little one into a sensory-filled experience at the library. We will have a variety of stations to match each of the five senses. Dress for mess. All supplies provided while they last. For babies up to 18 months and a caregiver. No registration required. Tickets are available 30 minutes before the start of program. 239-479-4636
Fort Myers Regional Library
2450 First St., Fort Myers
Thursday, January 9 • 10 a.m.
Soapy bubbles everywhere. Join us for an exciting morning of bubble blowing as we listen to our favorite tunes. 239-479-4636
Teen Bunny Yoga and Mindfulness
Cape Coral Lee County Public Library
921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral
Thursday, January 9 • 4 p.m.
Begin the new year with a bunny yoga session for teens and preteens ages 11-18 years. Includes various movements, songs/chants and deep breathing, with the last 10 minutes of relaxation. Bunnies will be free-roaming and you will be able to pet and interact with them. Snacks provided. 239-479-4636
Preschool Playdate: Winter Fun
Pine Island Public Library
10701 Russell Road, Bokeelia
Thursday, January 9 • 10:30 a.m.
Preschoolers, ages 2-5 years, will meet up with old friends and new while they enjoy a fun winter themed playdate. Join us for stories, songs, games, crafts and activities that celebrate the cooler season. 239-479-4636
Tiny Tots Kitchen Adventure
Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library
3095 Blount St., Fort Myers
Friday, January 10 • 10:30 a.m.
In this engaging and interactive play environment, toddlers will embark on a culinary journey filled with fun activities, imaginative play and opportunities to learn about different foods. For ages 2-5 years. 239-479-4636
Teen Fridays
Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library
3095 Blount St., Fort Myers
Friday, January 10, 24 • 3 p.m.
Come to the library to talk about your favorite books, play games, make crafts and take part in other special activities. For teens ages 13-18 years. 239-479-4636
Dinosaur Party
Riverdale Public Library
2421 Buckingham Road, Fort Myers
Friday, January 10 • 10 a.m.
Join us for an hour of dinosaur festivities. Come celebrate the love of all things dinosaur with themed crafts, music, activities and games. Dinosaur costumes are encouraged. 239-479-4636
Family Build It
Cape Coral Lee County Public Library
921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral
Saturday, January 11 • 10 a.m. - Noon
For all ages. Drop in for building challenges the whole family will enjoy. No registration required. All materials are provided. 239-479-4636
Read to the Dogs
North Fort Myers Public Library
2001 N. Tamiami Trail NE, N. Fort Myers
Saturday, January 11 • 11 a.m.
Join us at the library to read to the dogs. The dogs are registered therapy animals who volunteer with their owner/handlers as a team to help improve the literacy skills of children. 239-479-4636
Amelia Earhart: Pioneer in Aviation
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Saturday, January 11 • 2 p.m.
Amelia Earhart is performed by actor Sheryl Faye, who has been bringing stories of historical women to life uniquely and memorably for over a decade. Amelia follows her dreams with an indomitable spirit and her inspiring story reinforces the importance of family, respect for the individuality of others and the pursuit of budding inspirations. Registration is required. 239-479-4636
Read to Dogs
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Saturday, January 11 • 11 a.m.
Practice your literacy skills with a furry friend. Children ages 6-11 years are invited to select a book to read aloud and then join our registered therapy dog and their owner/handler on the storytime carpet for gentle pets and stories. 239-479-4636
Steam for Tweens: UFO Drone Race
Fort Myers Regional Library
2450 First St., Fort Myers
Monday, January 13 • 4 p.m.
For ages 9-12 years. Fly your UFO drone in a race of fun using the drone’s tiny sensors. This is a beginner’s program. The drones moving propellers are fully contained inside the unit. Registration is required. 239-479-4636
Help Me Grow: Books, Balls and Blocks
Bonita Springs Public Library
10560 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs Monday, January 13 • 11 a.m.
For families with children through age 5 years. Children will participate in games and activities while parents complete a screening to ensure that their children are developmentally on track. Parents will also be provided with resources for activities they can do at home with their children. In partnership with Healthy Start of SWFL/Help Me Grow. 239-479-4636
Eleanor Roosevelt: The First Lady of The World (teen)
Bonita Springs Public Library
10560 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs Monday, January 13 • 2 p.m.
Eleanor Roosevelt is performed by actor Sheryl Faye, who has brought stories of historical women to life uniquely and memorably for over a decade. Eleanor is remembered as a politician, a diplomat, an activist and humanitarian. Registration is required. 239-479-4636
Bonita Springs Public Library 10560 Reynolds St., Bonita Springs 10:30 a.m. Monday, Jan. 27
Cape Coral Lee County Public Library 921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral 10:30 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 23, 30
Fort Myers Regional Library 2450 First St., Fort Myers 10 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 16
Lakes Regional Library 15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers
10 a.m. Monday, Jan. 27
North Fort Myers Public Library 2001 N. Tamiami Trail NE, N. Fort Myers
11 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 23, 30
Northwest Regional Library 519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral 10:30 a.m. Monday, Jan. 27
For babies up to 18 months. Babies and caregivers wiggle and giggle to stories, action rhymes, and songs while building early literacy skills in a supportive environment. Space is limited. Arrive early and visit the children's desk to check in. First come, first served. 239-479-4636
JetBlue Park, 11500 Fenway South Drive, Fort Myers
January 10 - 13
Dive into a circus adventure like no other! Magic, acrobats, aerialists and comedy collide under our big top with a unique water stage. The high-energy acts swing from ropes, flip over trapezes, and zip by on BMX bikes and roller skates—pushing the boundaries of human ability.
An unforgettable show for all ages awaits! cirqueitalia.com/Water-Circus-Gold
Kindness Club
Bonita Springs Public Library
10560 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs
Tuesday, January 14 • 5 p.m.
Join us at the library to create kindness in our community. Kids can participate in fun activities designed to encourage kindness and help make the world a better place. Please dress for a mess. Registration is required. Your reservation is guaranteed only until the start of the program. For children ages 5-11 years. 239-479-4636
Chess at the Library
Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral
Tuesday, January 14 • 5:30 p.m.
Enjoy chess at the library in a casual environment. Chess boards will be provided, but you can also bring your own. People of all ages and skill levels are invited. 239-479-4636
Teen Crafternoon: Penguin Crafts
Bonita Springs Public Library
10560 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs
Tuesday, January 14 • 5:30 p.m.
Teen Crafternoon is back. Join us and make some penguin themed crafts. This program is intended for teens ages 11-18 years and registration is required. 239-479-4636
Tween Tuesdays
Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library
3095 Blount St., Fort Myers
Tuesday, January 14, 28 • 3:30 p.m.
Come to the library to talk about your favorite books, play games, makes crafts and take part in other special activities. This month's program features quilling. For tweens ages 9-12 years. 239-479-4636
Little Sparks, Big Lessons: Fire Safety at the Library
North Fort Myers Public Library
2001 N. Tamiami Trail NE, N. Fort Myers
Tuesday, January 14 • 4 p.m.
Meet our hometown heroes and tour a fire truck. The North Fort Myers Fire Department will join us for this special event featuring a lesson on fire prevention and safety tips. For children ages 5 years and up. 239-479-4636
Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral
Tuesday, January 14 • 6 p.m.
Join us for a STEAM monthly meet-up. During this session we will be coding CoDrones using a beginner block-based method. No experience required. Registration is required. 239-479-4636
Lego Club
Pine Island Public Library
10701 Russell Road, Bokeelia
Tuesday, January 14 • 4 p.m.
Join us for a short story and Lego building activities. Legos provided for use during this program. 239-479-4636
Crafty Creations: Where Imagination Takes Flight
Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library
3095 Blount St., Fort Myers
Wednesday, January 15, 29 • 4:30 p.m.
This program is a hands-on adventure where kids can explore their artistic talents, build selfconfidence and create unique masterpieces. All materials provided. For ages 7-11 years. 239-479-4636
Goodwill/Northwest Regional Library Job Fair (teen)
Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral
Wednesday, January 15 • 1 – 4 p.m.
Visit the job fair, meet employers and learn about opportunities. This event is free and open to the public. No registration is required. 239-479-4636
Sensory Playdate: Winter
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Wednesday, January 15 • 10:30 a.m.
It's time for a winter-themed sensory playdate. We'll have an assortment of sensory toys, activities and music to encourage a fun bonding experience for families and for children to make new friends. For ages 2-5 years. 239-479-4636
Preschool Playdough Playdate
Fort Myers Regional Library
2450 First St., Fort Myers
Wednesday, January 15 • 10 a.m.
For children ages 3-5 years. Let your child's imagination flow as we pull out all the tools to have some playdough fun. Preschoolers will enjoy this wonderful sensory experience that encourages creativity, socialization and fine motor skills. Registration is required and guarantees your spot until the start of the program. 239-479-4636
Teddy Bear Picnic Storytime
Bonita Springs Public Library
10560 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs
Thursday, January 16 • 10:30 a.m.
Bring your teddy along for this special storytime. Featuring bear-themed songs and stories, we will end with a craft and "picnic." This program is intended for ages 2-5 years and registration is required. 239-479-4636
Putt-Putt Dragon Quest
Cape Coral Lee County Public Library
921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral
Thursday, January 16 • 10 – 11:30 a.m.
Join us for a magical adventure where little ones can navigate nine whimsical dragon-themed holes. This fun-filled program encourages early motor skills and imaginative play as toddlers embark on a fantastical golfing journey. For ages 2-5 years. This is a drop-in event with no registration, but space and supplies are limited. 239-479-4636
Teen Thursday: High School Movie
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Thursday, January 16 • 2 p.m.
High school teens are invited to sit back and enjoy a movie together. Bring your friends and some snacks, including drinks with covers. Teens will vote on which of four movies will be shown at the start of the program. Movie ratings range from G to PG-13. 239-479-4636
Amelia Earhart: Pioneer in Aviation
Cape Coral Lee County Public Library
921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral
Thursday, January 16 • 11 a.m.
Amelia Earhart is performed by actor Sheryl Faye, who has been bringing stories of historical women to life uniquely and memorably for over a decade. Even as a child, Amelia Earhart’s fearless, adventuresome spirit is evident by hair-raising rides on her homemade rollercoaster and her fascination with the wonder of a new “flying machine” she learns about on a family vacation. Registration is required. 239-479-4636
Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library
3095 Blount St., Fort Myers
Friday, January 17 • 10:30 a.m.
This interactive program invites young children to explore their imagination and develop fine motor skills through the world of Lego. With large, toddler-friendly blocks, kids can build, stack and play while learning basic concepts of shapes, colors and problem-solving. For ages 2-5 years. 239-479-4636
Parents Night Out
William "Bill" Austen Youth Center
315 SW 2nd Ave, Cape Coral
Friday, January 17 • 6 - 9 p.m.
Looking for a way to give kids a fun and exciting night while also giving yourself a well-deserved break? We are offering a parent's night out with activities and games that will keep your kids entertained and engaged. Pizza and a snack are provided. Ages 3-5. All children must be potty trained. $20. 239-242-3950
Family Movie
Fort Myers Regional Library
2450 First St., Fort Myers
Saturday, January 18 • 2 p.m.
For ages 5-13 years. Families are invited to sit back and enjoy a Migration. Bring a blanket and some snacks. This film is rated PG. Space is limited to 25 attendees. Please arrive early and check in at the Youth desk. 239-479-4636
Jr. Ranger Day
Lovers Key State Park
8700 Estero Boulevard Fort Myers Beach
Saturday, January 18 • 10 a.m.
Join park staff for a Junior Ranger educational program and accompanying activity. Participants will be eligible for Junior Ranger passport stamps with the successful completion of each component. Reservations required. 239-707-6328
Infants, One’s and Two’s
Edison Mall, 4125 Cleveland Ave, Fort Myers
January 15 - 20
Embark on an extraordinary journey with Jr. The Clown in "Jr’s Big Adventure" at GARDEN BROS. NUCLEAR CIRCUS this year! Witness a groundbreaking, fully immersive virtual reality experience where Jr. travels the World to explore various Circus performing artists. Be a part of the excitement at the Largest Circus on Earth, featuring the world's smallest person at just 23 inches tall, awe-inspiring human cannonball, 7 Man-team in the Globe of Death and a spectacle like never before, all under the World's Largest Big Top Arena. Arrive at least one hour early to enjoy all the fun and excitement. Remember to come hungry to savor all the Circus treats available! There is a large variety of delicious fair foods to the giant Circus midway with the World's Largest inflatable slides, face painting, bouncy houses, pony rides, and more! There's something for everyone in the family, so don't miss out on this unforgettable experience. Come Early and meet the Circus Stars and get your face painted like a superhero, ride the Monster Slide or play on a moon bounce, eat Cotton Candy, Popcorn, Funnel Cakes, Sno Cones and More! This ALL NEW SHOW is going to fill the Big Top Arena with over 60 performers from around the world in 5 RINGS.
All-Abilities Kids Storytime
Lakes Regional Library
15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers
Saturday, January 18 • 10 a.m.
For ages 3-12 years and caregivers. This storytime emphasizes books, music and sensory experiences designed for children with adaptive needs and their families. Using visual schedule boards, stories are told through multiple modalities. This creates a positive storytime experience in a quieter environment with reduced sensory stimuli. Class size is limited. 239-479-4636
Kid Craft Saturday
North Fort Myers Public Library
2001 N. Tamiami Trail NE, N. Fort Myers
Saturday, January 18 • 11 a.m.
For ages 6-11 years. Children and their families are invited to join us for a morning of crafting. All supplies will be provided, just bring your creativity. Space is limited. Please register your participating child. 239-479-4636
Teen Popcorn Flavor Taste Test
Lakes Regional Library
15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers
Saturday, January 18 • 2 p.m.
Teens, test your taste buds with tantalizing popcorn flavors at this fun, engaging program. For ages 12-18 years. No registration is required, but space and supplies are limited. 239-479-4636
Family ArtLab Alliance for the Arts
10091 McGregor Blvd., Fort Myers
Saturday, January 18 • 10 a.m. - noon
Drop in for free, hands-on family fun! Explore something new every month like art making, gallery activities, games and more – all inspired by artworks on view in the gallery, famous artists, national holidays and artistic traditions around the world. This month ArtLab will be held outdoors on the Amphitheatre stage, due to the nude exhibit in the main building. The project this month is creating mixed media collage self portraits. All ages and abilities are encouraged to participate. 239-939-2787
Lowes Kid’s DIYer Workshop: Toy Snowplow
14960 S. Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers
Saturday, January 18 • 10 a.m.- 1 p.m.
Embrace winter with our Snowplow kids' workshop! Mini-builders get hands-on experience constructing their wooden snowplow, with adjustable parts and vibrant designs perfect for winter tasks. 239-433-9255
SWFL Anime-Fest Winter 2025
Embassy Suites by Hilton
10450 Corkscrew Commons Dr, Estero
Sunday, January 19 • 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Fun for the whole family and kids free! Voice Actors, vendors, panels, contests and more! www.swflanimefest.com
- 21
Books and Blankets
Bonita Springs Public Library
10560 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs Tuesday, January 21 • 6 p.m.
Join us with your blankies and pajamas for this nighttime edition of storytime. Your whole family is invited to this enjoyable, all-ages storytime that encourages the development of pre-reading skills through songs, rhymes, fingerplays and stories. 239-479-4636
Middle School Vision Boards
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Tuesday, January 21 • 4 p.m.
Trying to manifest a great year? Create a vision board to bring your New Year's goals, dreams and aspirations into reality. If you want to bring anything specific to add to your board like photos, quotes and stickers, please do so. All other supplies will be provided. For grades 6-8. 239-479-4636
Teen Tech 3D Pens
Fort Myers Regional Library
2450 First St., Fort Myers
Tuesday, January 21 • 4 p.m.
For ages 11-18 years. Teens will have fun creating various artistic designs using 3D pens. We will use several different pen colors to make 3D projects for teens to take home. All supplies will be provided. Registration is required. 239-479-4636
Family Storytime (Babies & Toddlers)
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Tuesday, January 21, 28 • 10:30 a.m.
For children ages through age 36 months and caregivers. Wiggle and giggle with your littles during this interactive storytime that uses stories, music, movement and rhymes to support early literacy skills. Each program offers literacy tips, setting the foundation for reading success. 239-479-4636
Elementary Vision Boards
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Tuesday, January 21 • 3:30 p.m.
Trying to manifest a great year? Create a vision board to bring your New Year's goals, dreams and aspirations into reality. If you want to bring anything specific to add to your board like photos, quotes or stickers, please do so. All other supplies will be provided. For kids in grades K-5. 239-479-4636
Dog Man Party
Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral
Tuesday, January 21 • 6 p.m.
Have fun playing games, doing crafts and making buttons. All supplies provided while they last. 239-479-4636
Teen Thursday: Shell Craft East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Thursday, January 23 • 2 p.m.
Create an ex-shell-ent masterpiece. Use our shell supply to design a unique, one-of-a-kind hanging shell craft to spruce up your space at home or, bring along something you own that you want to accessorize. Open to teens in grades 9-12. 239-479-4636
Family Fun Night
Bell Tower Shops, Daniels Parkway & US 41
Thursday, January 23 • 5 - 7 p.m.
Bell Tower will be hosting a monthly family fun night! Adam's Animal Encounters will be exhibiting live exotic animals in their mini zoo display with educational and hands-on opportunities throughout the evening, inflatable archery, face painting, balloon artists, a bounce house and cotton candy. In addition, there will be games, food, face painting and balloons sculptures! belltowerfl.com
Pre-K – Enchanted Garden Explorers: Cultivating Curiosity
Edison and Ford Winter Estates
2350 McGregor Blvd., Fort Myers
Thursday, January 23 • 10 a.m.
Children will be able to have fun with other kids while learning something cool and fun in a unique environment. In this session, we are going on an enchanting garden adventure with a scavenger hunt and exciting hands-on activities with fascinating botanicals. With a dedicated space and sandbox for cow pots, children will nurture their green thumbs while learning about plants and the environment. Edison Ford members: $15; non-members: $20. Register at edisonford.org.
Help Me Grow: Books, Balls and Blocks
Lakes Regional Library
15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers
Thursday, January 23 • 10:30 a.m.
For families with children through age 5 years. Children will participate in games and activities while parents complete a screening to ensure that their children are developmentally on track. Parents will also be provided with resources for activities they can do at home with their children. In partnership with Healthy Start of SWFL/Help Me Grow. 239-479-4636
Watercolor Painting Adventure
Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library
3095 Blount St., Fort Myers
Friday, January 24 • 10:30 a.m.
Join us for a delightful session where little artists can unleash their imagination and explore the magic of watercolor painting in a fun and supportive environment. For ages 2-5 years. 239-479-4636
Caloosahatchee Celtic Festival
Caloosa Sound Amphitheater
2101 Edwards Dr, Fort Myers
January 24 - 25
The Caloosahatchee Celtic Festival is back for the 21st edition! Featuring performances Albannach, Screaming Orphans, Ally the Piper along with special guests West of Galway, Cage O'Hanlon, and much more! There will be dance, music, heritage and lots of fun. Tickets are on sale now. www.cityftmyers.com/celtic
Parent's Night Out - Frozen
Four Freedoms Park
4818 Tarpon Ct, Cape Coral
Friday, January 24 • 6 - 9 p.m.
Participants will get to do themed crafts, games, activities, and dinner will be provided. Pre-registration required. $20. 239-574-0804
Saint Michael Lutheran School and Church, 3595 Broadway, Fort Myers Saturday, January 25 • 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
TOUCH-A-TRUCK transforms Saint Michael’s campus into a hands-on interactive experience that allows kids to get up close with vehicles of all kinds. The event gives truck-obsessed children a chance to turn their imagination into reality. Kids can honk horns, open doors, climb into the driver’s seat, and learn from community leaders and vehicle operators. Attendees will see construction equipment, fire trucks and police vehicles, a Coast Guard boat, bucket trucks, dump trucks, farm equipment, delivery trucks, commercial lawnmowers, side-by-sides, ATVs, and everyone’s favorite, a helicopter (weather permitting). Saint Michael’s gymnasium offers even more kids activities including bounce houses, family-friendly vendors, vehicle-related arts and crafts projects, face painting, and more. For more information about Saint Michael Lutheran School, visit www.smlcs.org or call 239-939-1218.
Wonderland Party
Rotary Park Environmental Center
5505 Rose Garden Rd, Cape Coral
Friday, January 24 • 5:30 p.m.
Children will enjoy cookies, juice, and other treats while sitting outside under lights for a memorable night. Wear your favorite wonderland costume. Registration is required in advance as there are limited spaces available. $20. 239-549-4606
Lego Club
Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral
Saturday, January 25 • 1 p.m.
Drop in for building challenges the whole family will enjoy. For all ages and all materials are provided. 239-479-4636
PiratePalooza in the Park
Riverside Park
10450 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs
Saturday, January 25• 1 - 9 p.m.
Ahoy there! Riverside Park has been overtaken by partying pirates, and ye be invited to join the crew at the PiratePalooza in the Park! The music will be loud, the food & drinks will be flowing, and the festivities will rage all day long. The park be ours now, and we’re calling all landlubbers to dress in their pirate best, dance to live music, and seek out hidden treasures. Arrr ye ready? www.eventbrite.com/e/piratepalooza
Kids Day
Miromar Outlets
10801 Corkscrew Rd., Estero
Saturday, January 25 • 10 a.m. - Noon
Come join us for face painting, crafts, pizza and ice cream at the WINK Playland! Toddlers to 12-year-olds can participate in fun activities and other goodies. While supplies last. 239-467-4130
Reading is "Doggone Fun"
Pine Island Public Library
10701 Russell Road, Bokeelia
Saturday, January 25 • 1 p.m.
Enjoy a Saturday afternoon reading to registered therapy dogs at the library. Read your own story or we can provide one for you. You and your family will spend quality time reading to these furry friends in small groups. Families will be given access in ten-minute intervals, so plan to enjoy the library while you wait. 239-479-4636
Super Smash Bros Tournament
Bonita Springs Public Library
10560 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs
Tuesday, January 28 • 5:30 p.m.
For ages 7-11 years. Get ready to battle it out on the big screen at our Super Smash Bros. Show off your skills on our Nintendo Switch and have a blast in a friendly competition to earn fun prizes. Registration is required and is guaranteed only until the start of the program. Registration is required. 239-479-4636
Middle School Game Day
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Tuesday, January 28 • 4 p.m.
Game on, middle schoolers. We'll have a selection of board games, video games, card games and more to play at the library. Challenge each other to friendly competitions or relax and catch up over a game of your choosing. You can also bring your own games to play and food and covered drinks to enjoy. This event is open to middle school-aged kids in grades 6-8. 239-479-4636
Taiko: Japanese Drumming
North Fort Myers Public Library
2001 N. Tamiami Trail NE, N. Fort Myers
Tuesday, January 28 • 2 p.m.
Join us for an exciting and artful experience as Tampa Taiko brings the thunderous sound of the mighty Taiko drums in a unique and distinctive performance. 239-479-4636
Books and Blankets
Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral
Tuesday, January 28 • 6:15 p.m.
Join us with your blankies and pajamas for this nighttime edition of storytime. Your whole family is invited to this enjoyable, all-ages storytime that encourages the development of pre-reading skills through songs, rhymes, fingerplays and stories. 239-479-4636
Squid Games (teen)
Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral
Wednesday, January 29 • 4:15 p.m.
Play in a series of high stakes playground games for teens, based off the hit Netflix series “Squid Game.” 239-479-4636
Cape Coral Lee County Public Library
921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral
Thursday, January 30 • 4 p.m.
Be ready for fun experiments and projects as we explore the world of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math). This month's theme is Amazing Architecture. For ages 5-11 years. Dress for mess. All materials provided. Your registration is only guaranteed until the start of the program. Registration is required. 239-479-4636
Homeschool Hangout: Game on Riverdale Public Library
2421 Buckingham Road, Fort Myers
Thursday, January 30 • 1 p.m.
Join in the fun and challenge your friends to a variety of board games and video games. Light snacks provided. 239-479-4636
Arts Bonita Youth Theater - The Boy From Block 66
Performing Arts Center
10150 Bonita Beach Rd., Bonita Springs
January 30 - February 2
The Boy from Block 66 follows the true story of Moshe Kessler, a 14year-old Holocaust survivor. In January 1945, after surviving Auschwitz and a brutal death march, Moshe arrives at Buchenwald concentration camp, where he is assigned to Kinder Block 66. There, a secret resistance effort seeks to protect the children of Block 66, defying the Nazis’ plans to dismantle the camp. Moshe’s story is one of courage, resilience and survival against unimaginable adversity. 239-495-8989
Sensory Snow Experience
Lakes Regional Library
15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers
Thursday, January 30 • 4 p.m.
Join us for snow much fun. For children 6-11 years. No registration is required, but space and supplies are limited. 239-479-4636
Alliance Youth Theatre Presents
Marian, Or the True Tale of Robin Hood Alliance for the Arts
10091 McGregor Blvd., Fort Myers
January 30 - February 2 • 7:30 p.m. & 2 p.m
A gender-bending, patriarchy-smashing, hilarious new take on the classic tale. Robin Hood is (and has always been) Maid Marian in disguise, and leads a motley group of Merry Men (few of whom are actually men) against the greedy Prince John. As the poor get poorer and the rich get richer, who will stand for the vulnerable if not Robin? What is the cost of revealing your true self in a time of trouble? *This show contains themes that may not be suitable for all families. Recommended for Ages 14-18. 239-939-2787
Teen Thursday: High School Game Day
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Thursday, January 30 • 2 p.m.
Game on, high schoolers. We'll have a selection of board games, video games, card games and more to play at the library. Challenge each other to friendly competitions or relax and catch up over a game of your choosing. You can also bring your own games to play and food and covered drinks to enjoy. This event is open to high school-aged teens in grades 9-12. 239-479-4636
Fri - 31
Playtime Kids
Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library
3095 Blount St., Fort Myers
Friday, January 31 • 10:30 a.m.
Playtime is designed to provide a nurturing environment where toddlers and caregivers can bond, explore and discover together through engaging activities specifically crafted for their developmental stage. For ages 2-5 years. 239-479-4636
Charlotte County Fair
2333 El Jobean Rd, Port Charlotte
January 31 - February 9
It's that time again, for the great Charlotte County Get-Together. Join us for all the great fair food, 4H animals, exciting rides and fun entertainment. Check out all entertainment, animal judging and gate times & prices, plus our ride specials at www.thecharlottecountyfair.com
Physicians’PrimaryCareof SouthwestFloridaannouncesthe openingofanewmedicalfacilityin Estero,locatedat10200ArcosAve., Suite101.
TheEsteroPediatricsofficeofficiallyopeneditsdoorsOct.21,followed bytheopeningoftheEsteroAdult MedicineofficeonOct.22inthe samelocation.Thisnewlocationwill enhanceaccesstohigh-qualityhealthcareservicesforchildrenandadultsin theEsteroareaandsurroundingcommunitiesprovidingcompassionate carethrougheverystageoflife.
ThenewEsteroPediatricsoffice willprovidecomprehensivemedical careforchildren,fromnewbornsto adolescents,continuingthetrusted pediatricservicesPhysicians’Primary
CareisknownforacrossSouthwest Florida.OurAdultMedicineoffice willofferawiderangeofservicestailoredtothehealthneedsofadults, focusingonpreventivecareand chronicdiseasemanagement.
Aspartofthisexpansion,thePPC PediatricSouthFortMyerslocation (18070S.TamiamiTrail,unit108,Fort Myers)willbeclosingtoconsolidate servicesatthenewEsterolocation.
"Weareexcitedtobringthisnew facilitytoEstero,offeringtop-tiermedicalservicestobothchildrenand adultsinourcommunity,"saidJon Burdzy,managingphysician."Our goalhasalwaysbeenandcontinuesto betoprovidecomprehensiveand compassionatehealthcareforall.”
committedtodeliveringexceptional careacrossallitslocations,backedby ateamofexperiencedmedicalprofessionalsdedicatedtothehealthand well-beingoftheirpatients.
Physicians’PrimaryCareof SouthwestFlorida,aphysician-owned andoperatedmedicalpractice,was formedin1996bymanylong-practicinglocalphysicians.
PPChasgrowntobecomethe largestindependentprimarycarepracticeinSouthwestFlorida.Theirprimarycarespecialtiesincludeadult medicine,internalmedicine,and pediatrics.
Officesareconvenientlylocatedin FortMyers,CapeCoral,LehighAcres andEstero.Formoreinformation,visit www.ppcswfl.com.
GolisanoChildren’s HospitalofSouthwest Florida,inpartnershipwith RonaldMcDonaldHouse CharitiesofSouthwest Florida,offersafreemonthly autismspectrumdisorder screeningfortoddlers18 monthstofiveyearsofage.
Thenextscreeningwillbe heldonJan.10from9a.m.2p.m.atthePediatric SpecialistOffice,15901Bass Road,Suite102,FortMyers.
Itisestimatedthatonein every44childrenisdiagnosedwithsomeformof AutismSpectrumDisorder, makingitmorecommon thanchildhoodcancer,juvenilediabetesandpediatric AIDScombined.
Medicalconsultantsfor theprojectstressthatan
earlydiagnosiscanmakea vastdifferencefortoddlers andtheirfamilies.Theysay earlyintensivebehavioral interventioncanmakean immensedifferencenotjust inthedevelopmentofthe child,butintheirfamiliesas well.
TheASDscreeningisconductedbytheGolisano Children’sHospitalof SouthwestFlorida.The screeningsareadministered byanAdvancedPractice RegisteredNurse,whohas extensivetrainingandexperienceintypicalchilddevelopmentanddevelopmental disorders.
Aphysicianreferralisnot required.
Toscheduleascreening, call239-343-6838.
LeeHealthhas receiveda$10 milliongiftfrom visionaryentrepreneur,philanthropistanddedicatedhealthcare advocate,B. Thomas“Tom” Golisano,tosupportGolisano Children’s Hospitaland pediatricservices inSouthwestFlorida.Thisgenerousinvestmentwilladvance innovativeprograms,enhance patientcareandensureaccess toexceptionalpediatrichealthcareforfamiliesintheregion.
erfulexampleofhowourcommunitycomestogetherto ensurechildrenreceivethe caretheyneed,closeto home.”
“TomGolisano’sgenerous giftempowersustoexpand andenhancepediatriccarein waysthattrulymakeadifference,”saidChrisSimoneau, chiefdevelopment,marketing andcommunicationofficer. “Unrestrictedgiftslikethisare rareandprovidetheflexibility tomeettheevolvingneedsofa growingpopulation.It’sapow-
Mr.Golisanoisthelargest donortoLeeHealth,andthis $10millioncontributionissecondonlytohishistoric$20 milliongiftin2012,which helpedfundtheconstructionof GolisanoChildren’sHospital. Withinayearofhisinitialgift, thecommunitymatchedhis donation,enablingthe2017 openingoftheseven-story, now135-bedfacility.
WheyJenningsisscheduledtohit thestageonFriday,Feb.7
LEFT:ConfederateRailroadwillperform Saturday,Feb.8attheSeafoodFestival.
TheEvergladesSeafoodFestival,presentedbytheFlorida StoneCrabbersAssociation,issettocommenceFriday,Feb.7 at4:30p.m.,justoutsideEvergladesCityHallat102Copeland Ave.North.Thefestwillconcludeat6p.m.Feb.9.
No.1videoaswell."ElvisandAndy"and"SummerinDixie" wouldfurtherestablishtheRailroadasoneofthemostversatile actsinthebusiness.Theyhavehad18chartedhitsandfive millionalbumssold.
MadepossiblethroughgeneroussupportfromtheNaples, MarcoIsland,EvergladesConventionandVisitorsBureau(CVB) andlocalsponsors,thefestivalwill includelivemusic,creativeworksby localartisans,anarrayofseafood,avarietyofbeveragesandcarnivalrides.The completeentertainmentscheduleisforthcoming.
Thisyear’smusicheadlinerisConfederateRailroad. ConfederateRailroadfirstrolledontothenationalcountry musicsceneintheearly90swith itsuniquestyleandsound.Headed byfounderandfrontmanDanny Shirley,theformerbackupbandfor bothDavidAllanCoeandJohnny Paycheckgottheirbigbreakby signingwithAtlanticRecords.The firstsinglefromtheirdebutalbum was"SheTookItLikeAMan."It wenttoNo.26,apreviewofwhat wastocome.Thenexttwosingles, "JesusandMama"and"Queenof Memphis"wenttothetopofthe charts.Threemorehugehitsfollowed,"TrashyWomen,""When YouLeaveThatWayYouCanNever GoBack"and"SheNeverCried." "Trashy"wouldleadtoaGrammy nominationandbecometheirsignaturesong.Thatalbumwithsix hitsandnearlythreemillionsales broughtConfederatetheAcademy ofCountryMusic'sBestNew GroupAwardin1993aswellas numerousnominationsfromthe CountryMusicAssociationandthe BritishCountryMusicFoundation. Thesecondalbum,Notorious, producedoneofthegroup'smost popularsongs"DaddyNeverWas theCadillacKind"whichbecamea
10:30a.m.JonPrestige NoonPickleMoney
Eachyear,tensofthousandsofvisitors convergeonEvergladesCitytopartakein threedaysoffestivitiestobenefitthe community.Proceedsfromthe2024festivalaidedstate-widehurricanerecovery efforts,thoughrestorationisongoing. Financialassistancewasalsoextendedto theEvergladesCitySchool,OurDaily BreadFoodPantryandotherlocalorganizations.
Thefestival'shoursareasfollows: Friday,Feb.7:4:30-10p.m. Saturday,Feb.8:10a.m.-10p.m. Sunday,Feb.9:10a.m.-6p.m.
Attendeescangainadmissionon Fridayeveningbymakingacannedfood donation.SaturdayandSunday’sadult admissionwillbea$10minimumcash donation.
Beverageandcarnivalrideticketswill beavailableforpurchasewithcash (only),andATMswillbeavailableonsite. Formoreinformation,visitonlineat evergladesseafoodfestival.org