February 2025 Family News

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EveryFebruary,astheaislesofstores fillwithheart-shapedchocolatesand vibrantbouquetsofflowers,Itakea momenttoreflectonthetruemeaningof Valentine’sDayinmylife.Forme,it’snot justaboutromanticlove;it’sabout expressinggratitudeandaffectionforall thepeoplewhoholdthedeepestplacein myheart:myparents,myfriendsand especiallymychildren.That’swhy,withoutfail,thefirstValentine’scardIwrite everyyearistothem.

Thistraditionbeganwhenmykids werelittle,almostbyaccident.Conner wasjuststartingtorecognizewords,and Karalovedanyexcusetoreceivesomethingspecial.Ihadalwaysgiventhema giftbutthoughtitwouldbesweetto writethemeachaValentine,expressing inwordshowmuchIadoredthemand howproudIwasofthelittlepeoplethey werebecoming.WhatIdidn’trealizeat thetimewashowmuchtheseletters wouldcometomeantoallofusoverthe years.


There’ssomethingpowerful aboutputtingpentopaperand writingheartfeltwords.In today’sworldoftextsandemojis,takingthetimetowritea physicalletterfeelsalmostoldfashioned—butthat’spartofthe magic.WhenIsitdownto writemyletterstoConnerand Kara,Ipourmyheartontothe page.Itellthemaboutthelittle thingsthatmademesmileover thepastyear—theway Conner’shumorcanlightupa roomorhowKara’sdetermina-

tioninspiresmedaily.Iwriteaboutthe momentsthatmademeproud,thechallengestheyovercame,andthedreamsI havefortheirfuture.

Ialsotaketheopportunitytoremind themofsomethingIhopetheyneverforget:theyarelovedunconditionally.They knowalltoowellthatlifecanbeunpredictableand,attimes,challenging,butI wantmykidstoalwaysgettangible remindersthattheyaremyforeverlove. Nomatterhowoldtheyget,nomatter wherelifetakesthem,theycanholdonto thesewordsandknowtheyhaveapiece ofmyheartwiththem.


Thistraditionhasbecomeacornerstoneofourrelationship.Asmykidshave grownolder,theirreactionstotheletters haveevolved.Whentheywereyoung, theywouldgiggleandaskmetoreadthe lettersaloud,pointingouttheirfavorite parts.Nowthatthey’reabitolder,I’ve noticedtheytaketheletterstotheir

rooms,readingthemquietlyandcarefully.Sometimes,they’llcomebacktome withahugandasimple,“Thankyou, Mom.”It’sabeautifulwaytoconnecton adeeperlevel,toremindthemthat they’reseenandvaluedasindividuals.


Valentine’sDaycansometimesfeel likeacommercializedholiday,butfor me,it’saremindertocelebratethepeoplewhotrulymatter.WhileromanticgesturesarelovelyandGalentine’sparties arefun-theloveIhaveformykidsisthe foundationofmyworld.TheyaremyforeverValentines,andwritingtheseletters ismywayofhonoringthatbond.

Ifyou’veneverwrittenalettertoyour child,Iencourageyoutotryitthis Valentine’sDay.Itdoesn’thavetobeperfectorpoetic.Justwritefromyourheart. Whetheryourchildisatoddlerora teenager,they’llcherishknowinghow deeplythey’reloved.Andwhoknows?It mightjustbecomeatraditionthat strengthensyourconnection. So,thisFebruary,whilethe worldcelebratesloveinallits forms,takeamomenttocelebrate thelovethatisunconditional, unwavering,andeternal.Write yourchildaValentine’sletter,and letthemknowtheyare—and alwayswillbe—yourforeverlove.

MandyMichelleCarter...Justa SWFLmomlivingthedream.She lovestoinspireparentstospend authentictimewithyourkidsand tochaseyourowndreams unapologetically!Foundon Instagram@mandymcarterandher familyblogatAcupful.com.



Arts Bonita

Discover the Magic! Unleash your child’s creativity this Spring with fun, educational and dynamic camp programs! Offering an exciting blend of Visual Arts, Theatre & Dance classes for kids ages 4 & up, our camps provide the perfect platform for young imaginations to soar. Block Class Schedule Ages 4+ or 3Hour Creator Labs Ages 7+ - March 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20 & 21 You may pick & choose your days and sign up on our site. We offer full & half days for both Members or NonMembers

10150 Bonita Beach Road, Bonita Springs 239-495-8989 • ArtsBonita org

The Belle Theatre

The Belle is excited to offer robust educational workshops throughout the year and can't wait to welcome you to our Family Our spring break camp is a fun way to spend time with friends, build confidence and have a blast with a one-week, fast-paced fun production. 101 Dalmations Kids will be March 17 - 21 Summer camp registration opens Feb 1 and fills fast Check out our website more information and to register today 2708 Santa Barbara Blvd. #135, Cape Coral 239-323-5533 • TheBelleTheatre com

Coast Elite Gymnastics

Join us for Spring Break And Summer Camp at Coast Elite Gymnastics for ages 5 – 12 Our camp is action packed with gymnastics classes, arts and crafts, the bounce house, movie time, and much more! Regular hours are 9 a m -3 p m Extended hours are 7:30 a m – 6 p m Call or email info@coastelite com for more details Register online through our parent portal! 6360 Arc Way, Fort Myers 239-936-8467 • CoastElite.com

FGCU Aquatics Center

FGCU is excited for our swim lessons this spring Starting at 6 months all the way to older adults, we have group swim lessons for you. These will be twice a week for three weeks. Class numbers are small never going above six participants to one instructor Private lessons may be available upon request working with your schedule. We also provide American Red Cross Lifeguard courses once a month for those looking to be certified Check our website for more

Florida Gulf Coast University • recstore fgcu edu

Florida Repertory Theatre

Florida Rep Education is taking applications for summer musical intensives and camp mini-stars Summer musical intensives (ages 8 - 18) include Frozen Jr June 9 - 20, Annie Jr June 23July 3, Wizard of Oz youth edition July 7 - 18 and Peter Pan Jr. July 21 - Aug 1 Camp mini-stars (ages 5-7) include Summer Wonderland June 9 - 20, Big City Lights June 23 - July 3, Nature is All Around Us July 7 - 18 and Lost Boys & Brave Girls July 21 - Aug 1

Downtown Fort Myers 239-219-1551 • FloridaRepEducation org

Fort Myers Tennis

Join Fort Myers Tennis for the best summer ever! Summer Break Tennis Camp includes daily high quality tennis instruction, swimming, match play, pizza party fridays and so much more! Camp t shirts and equipment included Monday-Friday 8 am12:30 pm at the Fort Myers Racquet Club Have fun, make friends & learn a skill for life at Fort Myers Tennis 1700 Matthew Drive, Fort Myers 239-653-7773 • FortMyersTennis com

Fort Myers Theatre

Disney’s Winnie the Poo Kids Spring Break Camp is March 1721 for pre-K through 6th grade. Registration is also open for summer camps: The Sound of Music youth edition June 16 - 27, High School Musical 2 Jr June 30 - July 11, The Little Mermaid Jr July 14 - 25 and Looking Good Robin Hood July 26 - Aug 8 16120 San Carlos Blvd #5, Fort Myers

239-323-6570 • FMTcamp.com

Innovation Preparatory Academy

The 2025-2026 school year will be an exciting time for our current and prospective families as we experience the growing greatness around academic excellence, career and college readiness and our newest WISH (Wellness Innovation Science Health) model Students are provided innovative hands-on experiences through PLTW modules and will dive into science and health through our newest community partnerships! We are proud to highlight our academic acceleration pathways beginning in third grade along with our growing sports and afterschool enrichment programs! Attend one of our upcoming information sessions Feb. 6, 11 and 19 at 5:30 p.m. or book a tour today to learn more 6851 Lancer Ave , Fort Myers 239-768-9375 • SixMileCharter org

Southern Starz

Flip into Southern Starz Gymnastics for spring break 2025! We will be offering Spring Break Camp March 14 -21 for boys and girls ages 4-14 The day will start with gymnastics, trampoline time, bars and ropes, and the rock wall, after lunch its games, arts and crafts, and open gym We open at 7:30 a m and offer extended care until 6 p m daily and weekly rates as well as sibling discounts are available 915 SE 14th Place, Cape Coral 239-574-0034 • SouthernStarzGymnastics.org


UltimateNinjasAcademyhasbeenworkinghard, andisexcitedtoopensooninFortMyers!Weoffer programsthathelpchildrenbuildstrength,confidence,andobstacleskills.Ourclasses,openplaysessions,andbirthdaypartypackagesaredesignedfor kidsages10monthsto10years.Signupnowforour FoundersSpecial:just$100permonthforthefirst3 months!Thislimited-timeofferisavailabletothefirst 100members.Followusonsocialmediaforupdates. 9281CollegeParkway,FortMyers UltimateNinjas.com/academy


TheYMCAofSWFloridahasservedasaleadingnonprofitcommittedtostrengtheningcommunityforover 54years.Wehaveanenormousvarietyofactivities forkidsofallagesandinterests,frombasketball,to rockclimbing,chessclubtodanceclass,andeverythinginbetween.TheYistheplacewhereanykid cancometocultivatetheskillsandrelationshipsthat leadtopositivebehaviors,betterhealth,andlifelong success—andhavefundoingit.Weprideourselves onmeetingtheneedsofalldifferenttypesoffamilies, sonomatterwhatyourbackground,yourfinancial situation,oryourschedule,there’saplaceforyour kidsattheY.

239-221-7560inBonitaSprings&Estero 239-275-9622inFortMyers YmcaSwfl.org

AnnualSouthwestFlorida ReadingFestivalMarch1

TheSouthwestFloridaReadingFestivalwillbeheldfrom10 a.m.to4p.m.Saturday,March1attheFortMyersRegionalLibrary, 2450FirstSt.

Thisfreeeventdrawsthousandsofbookloversannuallytomeet dozensofinternationallyrecognizedauthorsofbooksforadults, teensandchildren.Everychildandteeninattendancecanchoose afreebookattheevent.Ongoingentertainmentwillincludeauthor talksandbooksignings,libraryresourcedemos,youthwriting awards,crafts,foodandmerchandiseforpurchase.Festivalgoers canplantheirperfectdayusingthemobileapp“SWFLReads”to seethefullscheduleofauthors,booksigningsandmore.

“Thereisalotofvarietyinthefeaturedauthorline-up,with powerhousewriterslikeDebbieMacomberandReedFarrel Colemanthatwillbeabigdrawforattendeesthisyear,”saidfestivalcoordinatorMelissaBaker.

ManyfeaturedauthorsareparticipatingintheNameaCharacter Raffle,aspecialfestivalfundraiserwherefanscanenterfora chancetonameacharacterinanauthor’supcomingbook.More informationisavailableatthefestivalwebsite,readfest.org.

TheSouthwestFloridaReadingFestivalispresentedbytheLee CountyLibrarySystem,whichhas13branchestoserveLeeCounty residents.Formoreinformationaboutotherlibraryservicesand programsoffered,visitwww.leelibrary.netorcall239-479-4636.

FortMyersGreekFest Feb.21-23

JointhefunonFeb.21-23 atthe50thAnnualFortMyers GreekFest.

FestivalhourswillbeFriday andSaturdayfrom11a.m.to 11p.m.andSundayfrom11 a.m.to7p.m.forallofthe mouth-wateringGreekfood theGreekFestisknownfor.

TasteallthegoodiesYiayia (Grandma)usedtomake.Appetizers,sandwiches,dinners, anddesserts.Gyros,Spanakopita, Baklavaandsomuchmore.Vegetarianitemswillalsobeavailable.Stop byonFridayandcomeback-they’re openallweekendlong.

Organizersarethrilledtobring backthewonderfulmarketplace,kid zone(withcarnivalrides)andgames andamazingauthenticGreekdance groups.Theyhaveitall.

Parkingisfreeandkidsunder12 areadmittedfree.A$5adultticketallowsthree-dayadmission.


Duo.SteveTavelarisandNickMouganistogetherformtheAegeanDuo. Theyaretheleadersofthe“Aegeans”, asuccessfulGreekorchestrabasedin WesternNewYorkwithperformance andconcertexperienceinmany northeasterncities.Itsprincipalmembershavebeensingingandplayingtogethersince1980,appearingon averageabout70timesayear.

SteveandNickcreateanuanced anddiverseGreekmusicalexperience,carefullymergingtraditional musicianshipwithmoderntechnology.

AnnunciationGreekOrthodox ChurchhasbeenapartofLeeCounty formanyyearsservingover235families.Forover50years,theparishhas entertainedLeeCountywithagloriousdisplayofthesights,soundsand tastesofGreece.Familieshavebeen comingto8210CypressLakeDrive formanyreasons-Nomatterthereason,theyalwaysexperiencethe warmthandgenerositythathavebeen thehallmarksoftheGreekculture.

Thisfestivalhelpsthecommunity tofundthemultipleministriesthat serveourcommunity–fromyouth groupstophilanthropicorganizations.

Theweekendendswiththehuge cashraffle.Drawingwillbeheldon Sunday,Feb.23.Ticketsare$50each andonly1,200ticketswillbesold. Topprizeis$20,000.

Formoreinfo,topurchaseyour ticketorplaceyourto-goorder,call thechurchofficeat239-481-2099 ororderonlineat greekfestfortmyers.com.


Getreadyfor“AnAg-citing Adventure”attheSouthwest FloridaAgExpofromThursday, Feb.27toSunday,March9at theLeeCountyCivicCenter Complex,11831BayshoreRoad inNorthFortMyers.

Theeventpromisestobea family-friendlyadventurefilled withfun,learningandexcitementforallages.

Arangeofinteractiveexhibits,thrillingrides,delicious foodandanup-closelookat agriculturecelebratesthehard workanddedicationofthe community’syouth.

TheAgExpocontinuesto highlighttheworkofSouthwestFlorida’s youthinvolvedin4-H,FFAandotherprograms.Theeventwillopenwithatraditionalribboncuttingat3:30p.m.on Thursday,Feb.27.Thelivestockevents kickoffthateveningwiththepopulargoat agilityshowandwillcontinueuntilthe conclusionofthehorseawardsonSunday,March9.

Thisyear’sexpowillfeatureavariety ofactivitiesandattractions,including:

Livestockexhibitionsshowcasinglocal talentandagriculturalexpertise.

CraftingandCreativeLivingdisplaysto inspirevisitorsofallages.


Delicioussweetandsavorytreatsfrom avarietyoffoodvendors.


Thisyear'sCreativeLivingcompetition featureseightdivisions,includingthe

debutoftheSTEAM(Science, Technology,Engineering,Arts, andMathematics)andCottage Fooddivisions.

Midwayfanscanpurchasea $30megapassfortheAgExpo.It includesgateadmissionanda wristbandforunlimitedmechanicalridesononedayofyour choice.Getamegapassearly; salesendwhentheAgExpo opensat4p.m.Feb.27.The megapasscanbepurchasedonlineatwww.SWFLAgExpo.com.

Advanceticketsforgeneral gateadmissionareavailablefor purchaseat www.swflagexpo.com.General admissionis$10foradultsand$5for childrenages4to11,whilechildren3and underreceivefreeentry.Activeandretired militarypersonnelcanenjoyfreegateadmissionallday,everyday,withproper militaryID.

Foracompletescheduleofevents,specialpromotions,ticketingandparkinginformation,visitswflagexpo.comorfollow theSWFLAgExpoonFacebookat www.facebook.com/swflagexpo.

Miles the Elephant

SoapSox are soft, cuddly critters for the tub. A mesh soap pocket and built-in finger pockets make it easy for kids to suds up and clean up. www.poppyandthyme.com

LaScoota 2-in-1 Kids Kick Scooter

This 2-in-1 scooter gives your child the option to sit until they’re confident enough to scoot while standing. As your child scoots, the wheels light up in a variety of twinkling colors. www.amazon.com

Amazon Delivery Van

Special delivery! Radio Flyer’s Amazon Delivery Van inspires imaginative adventures and roleplaying fun. With thoughtful design touches inspired by a real Amazon delivery van, your child will feel like a true delivery driver when they scoot and ride around the house. www.amazon.com

Fingerlings Sweet Tweets Interactive Bird

Meet Lionel, the cutest blue bird around! Your Sweet Tweets Bird makes the cutest birdie sounds. It sings, whistles and tweets. It also records and plays secret messages. www.amazon.com

Go Go UFO Game

Get ready to blast into space with this crazy alien adventure game! Use the bouncy UFOs to abduct farm animals to bring back to your home planet! www.amazon.com

Hover Soccer Ball

Includes 2 LED soccer balls for endless indoor fun, perfect gifts for kids aged 4-8. Made with soft foam bumpers to protect furniture and walls, ensuring hours of safe play. Bright, colorful LED lights attract kids' attention and enhance playtime excitement. Encourages physical activity and coordination as kids kick, pass, and chase the hovering balls, great for solo play or friendly games with friends. www.amazon.com

Build My Ice Cream Truck

Made of 25+ parts and can be assembled by using our special 2-in-1 TOOKO screwdriver. RC van can move forward and backward. Press front of van for music. www.silverlit.com

Hey Clay - Animals

Become a professional clay artist! This vibrant clay is soft, lightweight, non-sticky, nontoxic, and stain-free - perfect for young artists taking their first step into the magical world of clay creativity. www.fatbraintoys.com


Things to do


Live! Science Shows

Miromar Outlets

10801 Corkscrew Rd, Estero

Saturday & Sunday starting at 1:30 p.m.

Lessons on chemistry, aerodynamics, fire experiments and more! Located at STEMLAB, near WINK Playland, suite 192. 239-948-3766

FREE Kids Crafts

Miromar Outlets

10801 Corkscrew Rd, Estero

Tuesdays • 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Near the WINK Playland. 239-948-3766

Saturday Storytime

Barnes & Noble - Coconut Point

8052 Mediterranean Drive, Estero Saturdays • noon 239-427-1799

Sat - 1

In-Store Kids Workshops: Valentine Candy Box

Home Depot - Local Home Depot locations

Saturday, February 1 • 9 a.m. to noon

Time to pull out your apron! First Saturday of every month for this fun, free event. www.homedepot.com/c/kids

Kids Fishing Event

Bass Pro Shops, 10040 Gulf Center Dr, Fort Myers

Saturday, February 1 • 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Come out to Bass Pro Shops the first Saturday of every month and fish on the back lake (catch and release)! Earn your First Fish Award if this is your first time fishing with us! 239-461-7800

Family Magic Show

Fort Myers Regional Library

2450 First St., Fort Myers

Saturday, February 1 • 11 a.m.

A comical upbeat magic show that will be fun for the whole family. All ages are welcome. 239-479-4636

Nature Explorers: Experiments!

Calusa Nature Center & Planetarium

3450 Ortiz Ave, Fort Myers

Saturday, February 1 • 9 - 11a.m.

Can we set metal on fire? Can we fill an upside down bottle with water? Can we make Ice Cream without a Freezer? What's the difference between putting Mentos in Diet Coke and putting Baking Soda in Vinegar? Let's find out! This is a drop off program for children 5- 11 years old. Admission is $10. 239-275-3435

Youth Theatre presents Marian, Or the True Tale of Robin Hood

Alliance for the Arts

10091 McGregor Blvd, Fort Myers

January 30-February 2 at 7:30 p.m. and 2 p.m.

A gender-bending, patriarchy-smashing, hilarious new take on the classic tale. Robin Hood is (and has always been) Maid Marian in disguise, and leads a motley group of Merry Men against the greedy Prince John. $15/members, $18/non-members www.artinlee.org

Game On: Teen Edition

Pine Island Public Library

10701 Russell Road, Bokeelia

Saturday, February 1 • 2 p.m.

Now’s the time to settle the score. Join in the fun and challenge your friends to a variety of board games and video games. Light snacks provided. 239-479-4636

STEM Saturday

North Fort Myers Public Library

2001 N. Tamiami Trail NE, N. Fort Myers

Saturday, February 1 • 11 a.m.

For ages 6 -11 years. Join us for a familyfriendly STEM exploration. Each month will feature a different activity based on the aspects of STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. A great opportunity for parents and kids to build, learn and play together. Space is limited. Register your child. 239-479-4636

Super Fun Saturday

Northwest Regional Library

519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral

Saturday, February 1 • 10 a.m.

Come play with us at the library. Activities change monthly and vary from dancing, storytelling, art projects and more. Fun for the whole family. 239-479-4636

Labelle Children's Entrepreneur Market

Barron Park

1559 De Soto Ave., LaBelle

Saturday, February 1 • 9 a.m.- 2 p.m.

Come out and enjoy the small town feel of a Saturday Farmer’s Market and meet our young entrepreneurs! Shop local and support small businesses, including over 50 children’s booths. They're expecting 500 patrons at this event. childrensentrepreneurmarket.com

The Sound of Music

The Belle Theatre,

2708 Santa Barbara Blvd., unit 135, Cape Coral February 1 - 9 239-323-5533. www.thebelletheatre.com

Sun - 2

Sunday Makebreak: Heart Reveal Canvas Painting

Michaels - Market Square

13741 S Tamiami Trl, Ste 1, Fort Myers

Sunday, February 2 • 2- 4 p.m.

Free! Join us in-store for the perfect project to share the love! All you need to do is purchase a canvas of your choice and Michaels will provide the rest. All ages welcome! www.michaels.com

Young Eagles Rally & Pancake Breakfast

EAA Chapter 66 House at Page Field

5200 Captain Channing Page Dr., Fort Myers

Sunday, February 2 • 8 a.m.

The Young Eagles program is designed to teach youth, ages 12-17 about general aviation. The Young Eagles first flight program is free of charge. The minimum age to fly is 12 years old. A parent or legal guardian must be present to sign the waiver and be on-site during flight. Kids younger than 12 may participate in the instruction class and walk around the aircraft but they cannot fly. A breakfast is also available for $10 per person. www.youngeaglesday.org

Mon - 3

Let's Play: Chess & More

East County Regional Library

881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres

Monday, February 3, 10, 17, 24 • 3 p.m.

Calling gaming enthusiasts of all ages. Join friends and friendly competitors alike for games of strategy, chance and fun. Bring your own game or choose from the library's collection of chess sets, card games, board games, role playing games and more. Chess instruction will be available the first Monday of each month from 3 – 4 p.m. 239-479-4636

Elf the Musical Jr | Homeschool

Fort Myers Theatre

16120 San Carlos Boulevard., Fort Myers

February 3 - 5

Buddy, a young orphan, mistakenly crawls into Santa's bag of gifts and is transported to the North Pole. The would-be elf is raised, unaware that he is actually a human until his enormous size and poor toy-making abilities cause him to face the truth. With Santa's permission, Buddy embarks on a journey to New York City to find his birth father and discover his true identity. Faced with the harsh realities that his father is on the naughty list and his half-brother doesn't even believe in Santa, Buddy is determined to win over his new family and help New York remember the true meaning of Christmas. ftmyerstheatre.com

Tue - 4


Bonita Springs Public Library

10560 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs

Tuesday, February 4 • 6 p.m.

Drop in for this special event and get creative with LEGO building challenges or free build. All materials are provided; just bring your creativity. This program is intended for ages 3-11 years. 239-479-4636

Family Storytime (Babies & Toddlers)

East County Regional Library

881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres

Tuesday, February 4, 11, 18, 25 • 10:30 a.m.

For children through age 36 months and caregivers. Wiggle and giggle with your littles during this interactive storytime that uses stories, music, movement, and rhymes to support early literacy skills. Each program offers literacy tips and strategies for parents that encourage language skills and stimulate brain development, setting the foundation for reading success. 239-479-4636

Things to do


Anime Club

Fort Myers Regional Library

2450 First St., Fort Myers

Tuesday, February 4 • 4 p.m.

For ages 12-18 years. Show us your anime style. Share your own creations and connect with others as we watch anime shows. 239-479-4636

Build-It: Robots

East County Regional Library

881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres

Tuesday, February 4 • 4 p.m.

Create a robot using engineering toys like Brain Flakes, LEGOs and more and we'll put your 3D design on display for viewing. This program is intended for children ages 5-11 years. Can't make the program? Stop by Youth Services and build with our materials anytime. We'll add your creation to our display. 239-479-4636

Anime Hour

Riverdale Public Library

2421 Buckingham Road, Fort Myers

Tuesday, February 4 • 2:30 p.m.

Enjoy an hour of anime entertainment, creative expression and lively discussions. This program is specially curated for anime enthusiasts to indulge in their passion for Japanese animation while hanging out among like-minded peers. Snacks provided and cosplay encouraged. This program is for teens ages 12-18 years. 239-479-4636

Teen Mario Kart Tournament

Bonita Springs Public Library

10560 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs

Tuesday, February 4 • 4:30 p.m.

Mario Kart is back and better than ever. Join us in the meeting room and compete to become Mario Kart champion using the Nintendo Switch system. Light snacks provided. This program is intended for ages 11-18 years. Registration is required. Your reservation is guaranteed only until the start of the program. 239-479-4636

WaterWays Science Festival

Cultural Park, 528 Cultural Park Boulevard, Cape Coral

Saturday, February 1 • 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

This free, family-friendly event will include educational activities and games that focus on the importance of our waterways. Attendees will learn about local, regional, and global water concerns. The event also features: live animals, mangrove, native plant giveaways, arts and crafts, mermaid, water laboratory tours, boating safety, food trucks, neurodivergent-friendly activities and more! www.capecoral.gov

Wed - 5

Library Teen Talk

East County Regional Library

881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres

Wednesday, February 5, 12, 19, 26 • 2 p.m.

High school teens are invited to the library for a weekly discussion about current events, everyday life, library resources and more. Teens will be encouraged to post an answer to a weekly question while socializing and making new friends. 239-479-4636

Thu - 6

Chess (teen)

Bonita Springs Public Library

10560 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs Thursday, February 6, 20 • 2 p.m.

Sharpen your mind by playing a competitive game of chess. We supply the board and all we ask you to bring is your skills. This program is for adults and teens. 239-479-4636

ArtFest Fort Myers

Downtown Fort Myers riverfront

Saturday, February 1• 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Sunday, February 2 • 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Embark on an artistic journey amidst the creations of over 200 meticulously chosen artists, savor the melodies of live entertainment, tantalize your taste buds with culinary delights, engage in immersive children's art activities, and be mesmerized by captivating live art demonstrations. www.artfestfortmyers.com

Magic Across the Houses

Cape Coral Lee County Public Library

921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral Thursday, February 6 • 3:30 p.m.

Experience the magic of Hogwarts houses. Show Gryffindor bravery, practice Hufflepuff kindness, sharpen Ravenclaw wisdom and channel Slytherin cunning at each of the themed activities. For ages 11-18 years. Snacks provided. For attendees ages 11 - 18 years to attend independently. 239-479-4636

Tech Thursdays: One-on-One Help (teen)

Pine Island Public Library

10701 Russell Road, Bokeelia

Thursday, February 6, 20, 27 • 2 p.m.

Need help with a laptop, tablet or e-reader?

Are you looking to gain basic computer skills? We can help. Bring your fully charged device and any passwords for a 15-minute, one-onone technology session. Registration is required. 239-479-4636

Teen Thursday: Bead Crafting

East County Regional Library

881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres

Thursday, February 6 • 2 p.m.

Let your imagination run wild. Craft beads into a variety of custom creations, from necklaces to bracelets, mosaics to Perler bead keychain art. We'll supply the beads; you bring the creativity. Open to ages 12- 18 years. 239-479-4636

Spanish Storytime for Little Learners

Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library

3095 Blount St., Fort Myers

Thursday, February 6, 13, 20, 27 • 10 a.m.

This engaging program is designed for kindergartners and combines interactive storytelling, catchy songs and fun activities. Children will explore colorful tales from Spanish-speaking cultures while building early literacy skills, learning basic Spanish words and phrases and fostering a love of reading. 239-479-4636

Registration Required 239-479-4636


For ages 18 - 36 months and caregivers. Toddlers and caregivers move and groove to stories, music, rhymes and activities during this interactive storytime that builds language and motor skills. Space is limited.

Bonita Springs Public Library

10:30 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26

Fort Myers Regional Library

10 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 4, 11, 18, 25

Lakes Regional Library

11 a.m. Monday, Feb. 3, 10, 17, 24

Northwest Regional Library

10:30 & 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26


For ages 3 - 5. Preschoolers develop school readiness skills through books, rhymes, songs and movement. While parents wait nearby in the library building. Space is limited.

Cape Coral Lee County Public Library

10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 4, 11, 18, 25

Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library

10 a.m. Friday, Feb. 7, 21, 28

East County Regional Library

10:30 a.m. Monday, Feb. 3, 10, 17, 24

Fort Myers Regional Library

10 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26

Lakes Regional Library

11 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26

Northwest Regional Library

10:30 & 11:30 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27


For children through age 5 and caregivers. Families with young children enjoy a variety of stories, songs, rhymes and movement activities designed to promote and reinforce literacy and language development. Registration is required. Space is limited.

Bonita Springs Public Library

10:30 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27

Cape Coral Lee County Public Library

10 & 11 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26

East County Regional Library

6 p.m. Monday, Feb. 3, 10, 17, 24

10:30 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26

Lakes Regional Library

10 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26

North Fort Myers Public Library

11 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26

Northwest Regional Library

10:30 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 15

Pine Island Public Library

10:30 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27

Riverdale Branch Library

10 a.m. Friday, Feb. 7, 14, 21

Estero Recreation Center

10 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 4, 18

Things to do

Everglades Seafood Festival

102 Copeland Avenue North

Everglades City

February 7-9

Everglades City Seafood Festival will be held on February 7-9. It will include dozens of craft booths, carnival rides for kids, live music, arts & crafts, delicious seafood and much more. Headliners: Whey Jennings (Friday), Confederate Railroad (Sat) & Jack Shealy Band (Sun). www.evergladesseafoodfestival.org

Canvas & Cookies Family Painting Workshop

Cape Coral Art Center

4533 Coronado Pkwy, Cape Coral

Saturday, February 8 • 1 - 3 p.m.

Join us for a delightful and delicious experience in the Canvas & Cookies express workshop! Instructor David Nicholson will guide families in creating seasonal art with easy-to-follow painting instruction. Parents and children are invited to paint together, each with their own painting. Parents are required to stay with their child during the class. This class is for 1st through 5th gradeage children and their parent/guardian. Supplies & snacks are provided. $37. 239-574-0802

STEMtastic Day of Discovery

Caloosa Sound Convention Center

1375 Monroe St, Fort Myers

Saturday, February 8 • 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

STEMtastic Day of Discovery is an award-winning STEM event that provides an exciting atmosphere for children and families to experience Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and the Arts. edisonfestival.org

Read to the Dogs

North Fort Myers Public Library

2001 N. Tamiami Trail NE, N. Fort Myers

Saturday, February 8 • 11 a.m.

Fri - 7

PK Construction Zone

Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library

3095 Blount St., Fort Myers

Friday, February 7 • 10:30 a.m.

Construction Zone is not just a playtime activity, it's a gateway to a world where young imaginations can build, create and explore. Join us as we embark on this construction journey, laying the foundation for a love of learning and developmental growth through the joy of hands-on building experiences. For children ages 2-5 years. 239-479-4636

Parent's Night Out - Valentine

Four Freedoms Park

4818 Tarpon Ct, Cape Coral

Friday, February 7 • 6 - 9 p.m.

Participants will get to do themed crafts, games, activities, and dinner will be provided. Pre-registration required. $20. 239-574-0804

Teen Fridays

Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library

3095 Blount St., Fort Myers

February 7 • 3 p.m. – Lego Flowers

February 21 • 3 p.m. – Bracelet Making

Come to the library to talk about your favorite books, play games, make crafts and take part in other special activities. For ages 13-18 years. 239-479-4636

Student Showcase Performance

Performing Art Center, Moe Auditorium

10150 Bonita Beach RD, Bonita Springs

Friday, February 7 • 5:30 p.m.

Watch as our students take their first brave steps on stage of the classes from Improv, Theater, Musical Theater and Vocal Ensemble. You’ll witness the fun and fearlessness that happens when students put their classroom learning into action. Come support these budding performers as they share their creativity, spontaneity, and newfound confidence in celebration of the performing arts! 239-495-8989

Sat - 8

Family Build It

Cape Coral Lee County Public Library

921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral

Saturday, February 8 • 10 a.m.

For all ages. Drop in for building challenges the whole family will enjoy. No registration required. All materials are provided. 239-479-4636

Valentine's Day Coaster Craft

Pine Island Public Library

10701 Russell Road, Bokeelia

Saturday, February 8 • 2 p.m.

Decorate your own set of four Valentine's Day coasters with Diamond Art. All materials provided. Registration is required. 239-479-4636

Join us at the library to read to the dogs. The dogs are registered therapy animals who volunteer with their owner/handlers as a team to help improve the literacy skills of children. You can read down fines or just encourage a love of reading in your children with reading to the dogs. 239-479-4636

Read to Dogs

East County Regional Library

881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres

Saturday, February 8 • 11 a.m.

Practice your literacy skills with a furry friend. Children ages 6-11 years are invited to select a book to read aloud and then join our registered therapy dog and their owner/handler on the storytime carpet for gentle pets and stories. Children can use this time to develop a love of reading in relaxed atmosphere. 239-479-4636

Community Health Fair

Veterans Park and Recreation Center

55 Homestead Rd S, Lehigh Acres Saturday, February 8 • 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Meet with local healthcare and wellness professionals for a free health screening, activities, and more. 239-533-7530

Mutt Strutt

Centennial Park & Edwards & Monroe, Fort Myers Saturday, February 8 • 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Dog lovers, families, vendors and pet agencies gather for fun, food and mutt strutt! Pooches and owners in costumes or their finest bling–even a few doggie floats mixed in! We will have wiener dog races and the Pet Parade. edisonfestival.org

Game Day

Fort Myers Regional Library

2450 First St., Fort Myers

Saturday, February 8 • 2 p.m.

For ages 5 – 12 years. Now’s the time to have fun and get competitive. There will be a variety of board and interactives to choose from. Bring your game face. 239-479-4636

Sun - 9

Junior Fun Run

First Street in Downtown River District Fort Myers

Sunday, February 9 • Noon – 1 p.m.

Hundreds of young participants turn out to show their determination and pride. The Junior Fun Run is open to children in grades five and below. edisonfestival.org

Junior Parade

Downtown River District Fort Myers

Sunday, February 9 • 1:30 – 3:30 p.m.

Over 100 units including floats, marching bands, dancers, street performers, clowns and dignitaries parade their way around the Downtown River District. edisonfestival.org

Baby Rhyme Time

Bonita Springs Public Library

10560 Reynolds St., Bonita Springs

10:30 a.m. Monday, Feb. 3, 10, 17, 24

Cape Coral Lee County Public Library

921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral 10:30 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27

Fort Myers Regional Library 2450 First St., Fort Myers

10 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 6, 13, 27

Lakes Regional Library 15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers

10 a.m. Monday, Feb. 3, 10, 17, 24

North Fort Myers Public Library 2001 N. Tamiami Trail NE, N. Fort Myers

11 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27

Northwest Regional Library

519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral 10:30 a.m. Monday, Feb. 3, 10, 17, 24

For babies up to 18 months. Babies and caregivers wiggle and giggle to stories, action rhymes, and songs while building early literacy skills in a supportive environment. Space is limited. Arrive early and visit the children's desk to check in. First come, first served. 239-479-4636

Things to do

Creepy Crawly Day

Calusa Nature Center & Planetarium, Fort Myers, 3450 Ortiz Ave, Fort Myers

Saturday, February 8 • 10 a.m. – p.m.

Bats, bugs, snakes & spiders, oh my! Join us for a day of all things creepy and crawly!

Attend special talks, eat Bugs-For-Lunch, visit our guest vendors to learn about arachnids and interact with slithery snakes, watch special Planetarium shows, & make some creepy critter crafts to take home! www.calusanature.org


Junior Coronation & Awards

Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center

2301 First St, Fort Myers

Sunday, February 9 • Following the Junior Parade Participants and family members gather at the Sidney and Berne Davis Art Center for awards and the highly anticipated crowning of the Junior King and Queen. edisonfestival.org

Tue - 11

Tween Tuesdays: Fun, Friends and Creativity

Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library

3095 Blount St., Fort Myers

February 11 • 3:30 p.m. – Valentine’s Gift Crafts February 25 • 3:30 p.m. – Bracelet Making

Tween Tuesdays are packed with fun activities like crafts, games, challenges and more. Each week brings something new to spark your creativity, curiosity and imagination. It’s the perfect chance to hang out, meet new friends and enjoy some awesome activities designed for ages 9–12 years. Snacks and supplies provided. 239-479-4636

It's A Cinch

Fort Myers Regional Library

2450 First St., Fort Myers

Tuesday, February 11 • 4 p.m

For ages 11-18 years. Use the cinch book binding machine to design a drawing or memory book. All supplies will be provided. Registration is required. 239-479-4636

Valentine's Day Bash

East County Regional Library

881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres

Tuesday, February 11 • 4 p.m.

Celebrate Valentine's Day at the library. Elementary and middle school students ages 6-13 years are invited to a fun-filled event of sweet activities, including cookie decorating, crafting and face painting. 239-479-4636

The History of Classical Music Told Through the Guitar

Cape Coral Lee County Public Library

921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral

Tuesday, February 11 • 2 p.m.

Join us for a grand musical journey performed by Edwin Culver, starting with an ancient melody discovered beneath Grecian ruins and cheeky folk dances from the medieval era. Discover the mind-bending complexity of the Baroque period and the heart-wrenching melodies of the Romantic era. Then, explore where music is heading next with avant-garde sounds from the world wars and new compositions by Edwin Culver. 239-479-4636

Lego Club

Pine Island Public Library

10701 Russell Road, Bokeelia

Tuesday, February 11 • 4 p.m.

Join us for a short story and Lego building activities. Legos provided for use during this program. 239-479-4636

Valentine Bag Decorating

Lakes Regional Library

15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers

Tuesday, February 11 • 6 p.m.

Come and create a special place for all of your Valentines. All supplies provided. For ages 2 – 12 years. No registration required, while supplies last. 239-479-4636

Thomas Edison's 178th Birthday Celebration

Edison and Ford Winter Estates

2350 McGregor Blvd., Fort Myers

Tuesday, February 11 • 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Celebrate Thomas Edison's 178th birthday with us! The annual tradition continues with students from the Edison Park Creative and Expressive Arts School singing, dancing and playing stringed instruments. Cake will be served. www.edisonfordwinterestates.org

Dungeons and Dragons

Riverdale Public Library

2421 Buckingham Road, Fort Myers

Tuesday, February 11 • 2 p.m.

Step into a world of adventure, strategy and fun with our D&D Guild Adventures. This program is perfect for teens ages 13-18 years who are excited to explore the imaginative realms of Dungeons & Dragons. Whether you're a veteran player or a total newcomer, this program provides a thrilling and inclusive environment to join forces, face down fantastic creatures and navigate mysterious quests as part of a dynamic adventurer's guild. 239-479-4636

Chess at the Library

Northwest Regional Library

519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral

Tuesday, February 11 • 5:30 p.m.

Enjoy chess at the library in a casual environment. Chess boards will be provided, but you can also bring your own. All ages and skill levels are invited. 239-479-4636


Northwest Regional Library

519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral Tuesday, February 11 • 6 p.m.

Join us for our STEAM monthly meet-up. During this session we will be howling at and learning about the moon. All supplies provided. Dress for dress for mess. Registration is required. 239-479-4636

Wed - 12

Kindness Club

Bonita Springs Public Library

10560 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs

Wednesday, February 12 • 4:30 p.m.

Join us at the library to create kindness in our community. Kids can participate in fun activities designed to encourage kindness and help make the world a better place. Please dress for a mess. Registration is required. Your reservation is guaranteed only until the start of the program. For ages 5 – 11 years. 239-479-4636

Crafty Creations: Where Imagination Takes Flight

Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library

3095 Blount St., Fort Myers

Wednesday, February 12, 26 • 3:30 p.m.

This program is a hands-on adventure where kids can explore their artistic talents, build self-confidence and create unique masterpieces. All materials provided. For grades K-5. 239-479-4636

Thu - 13

Pokémon Tweendom

Cape Coral Lee County Public Library

921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral

Thursday, February 13 • 4:15 p.m.

For ages 9-12 years. Battle it out in a trading card game showdown, show off your favorite Pokémon in our fan art gallery and test your knowledge with a trivia challenge. Registration is required. All supplies are provided while they last. Snacks provided. This program is intended for attendees ages 9 – 12 years to attend independently while caregivers wait nearby. Please speak with staff if caregiver assistance is needed during the program. 239-479-4636

Teen Thursday: Cooking Matters for Chefs & Kids

East County Regional Library

881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres

Thursday, February 13 • 2 p.m.

Open to teens ages 12-17 years, Cooking Matters for Teens provides a flexible hands-on lesson to develop a love for cooking and the skills to make healthy food choices. The program includes meal planning tips, activities, handouts, recipes and food sampling. Sorry parents, the sponsoring agency allows this program to be attended only by those 17 and under. Registration is required. 239-479-4636

Byte-Sized Computer Basics (teen)

Pine Island Public Library

10701 Russell Road, Bokeelia

Thursday, February 13 • 3 p.m.

Learn basic computer skills with Pine Island Library staff. This session will focus on Google, including Google Search, Gmail, Google Play and Google Drive. Computers will be provided to use as needed. Registration is required. 239-479-4636

Fri - 14

Preschool Storytime: Be My Bookentine

Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library

3095 Blount St., Fort Myers

Friday, February 14 • 10 a.m.

For ages 3 – 5 years. Children attend this program independently while parents and caregivers wait nearby. Be My Bookentine is a special storytime about kindness and sharing. 239-479-4636

Things to do

Junior Fun Run

First Street in Downtown River District Fort Myers

Sunday, February 9 • Noon – 1 p.m.

Junior Parade

Downtown River District Fort Myers

Sunday, February 9 • 1:30 – 3:30 p.m.

Junior Coronation & Awards

Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center

2301 First St, Fort Myers

Sunday, February 9 • Following the Junior Parade


Toddler Open Play Party

The District - Youth Sports and Activities

211 Hancock Bridge unit 3, Cape Coral

Friday, February 14 • 10:30 a.m. - Noon

Come join our Valentine's party! Enjoy open play, a valentine's craft and donuts provided for parents and kiddos. For ages 7 and under (unless accompanied by a sibling). $15 per child, $5 for extra siblings/children. (ex. 2 kids $20). To register, visit capecoralgems.com/classes. For those dropping in, it will be first-come first-served. 239-318-5923

Valentine's Day Party: Hearts & Hoorays

Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library

3095 Blount St., Fort Myers

Friday, February 14 • 10:30 a.m.

This fun-filled event will be packed with sweet activities, including heart-themed crafts and a love bug creation station. Kids can dance to lively tunes, participate in a Valentine's scavenger hunt and make their own Valentine's cards to share with family and friends. For ages 2-5 years. 239-479-4636

Sat - 15

Crafts on the River

Feb 15-16 •10 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Caloosa Sound Amphitheater

2101 Edwards Dr, Fort Myers

Downtown Fort Myers is transformed into a craft lovers dream with exhibitors displaying their hand-crafts during the three-day Edison Festival event. edisonfestival.org

Grand Parade of Light

Downtown River District/Edwards Dr., Fort Myers

Saturday, February 15 • 7 - 10 p.m.


Lowes Kid’s DIYer Workshop: Tool Chest

14960 S. Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers

Saturday, February 15 • 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Unleash your little one's inner craftsman at Lowe's Tool Chest kids workshop! Children will learn essential skills, organization, and creativity as they build and personalize their tool chests. Join us for a fun day of DIY and exploration, where your child can gain confidence and pride in their handiwork—perfect for future family projects and imaginative adventures! 239-433-9255

Cupid's Night Out

William "Bill" Austen Youth Center

315 SW 2nd Ave, Cape Coral Saturday, February 15 • 5 - 9 p.m.

Parents enjoy a night out on the town while kids show us their love for Valentine's day by eating pizza, enjoying sweet treats, watching a movie, and playing different games. Space is limited, call the Youth Center at 239-242-3950 to register.

2nd Annual Mid-Cape Loves SWFL Event

Mercola Market,

125 SW 3rd Pl., Cape Coral

Saturday, February 15 • 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

We will have a live performance from a local dance company, bounce houses, face painting, free crafting area, games for prizes, lawn games, character meet and greets, over 30 vendors, music, food trucks, a sensory station, fire truck walkthrough, and so much more! www.mercolamarketcc.com

FREE Family ArtLab Alliance for the Arts

10091 McGregor Blvd, Fort Myers

Saturday, February 15 • 10 a.m.- Noon

Make creativity part of your family routine the 3rd Saturday of each month during Family ArtLab! Drop in for free, hands-on family fun from 10 a.m. to noon. Explore something new every month like art making, gallery activities, games and more – all inspired by artworks on view in the gallery, famous artists, national holidays and artistic traditions around the world. This month we will be using watercolor for a project. All ages and abilities are encouraged to participate. www.artinlee.org

Kid Craft Saturday

North Fort Myers Public Library

2001 N. Tamiami Trail NE, N. Fort Myers

Saturday, February 15 • 11 a.m.

For ages 6-11 years. Children and their families are invited to join us for a morning of crafting. All supplies will be provided, just bring your creativity. Space is limited. Please register your participating child. 239-479-4636

Teen Diamond Painting

Lakes Regional Library

15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers

Saturday, February 15 • 2 p.m.

Teens, discover a new way of "painting" using adhesive gems. For ages 12-18 years. No registration is required, but space and supplies are limited. 239-479-4636

Cozy Corner Storytime

Cape Coral Lee County Public Library

921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral

Saturday, February 15 • 10:30 a.m.

For children through age 5 years with a caregiver. Join us for a relaxing storytime with stories, rhymes, movement and music. Space is limited. Tickets are available 30 minutes before the program. 239-479-4636

Grand Parade of Light

Downtown River District/Edwards Dr., Fort Myers

Saturday, February 15 • 7 - 10 p.m.

Named as the largest night parade in the Southeast, the Grand Parade is a two-hour extravaganza featuring national participants & local marching bands, floats, local government and law enforcement officials, clowns and much more. edisonfestival.org

Black Light Bingo

Pine Island Public Library

10701 Russell Road, Bokeelia

Saturday, February 15 • Noon

Get ready for a dazzling afternoon of Black Light Bingo at the Pine Island library. This isn't your ordinary bingo game; it's a vibrant twist on a classic favorite that will have you glowing with excitement. Registration is required. 239-479-4636

All-Abilities Kids Storytime

Lakes Regional Library

15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers

Saturday, February 15 • 10 a.m.

For ages 3-12 years and caregivers. This storytime emphasizes books, music and sensory experiences designed for children with adaptive needs and their families. Using visual schedule boards, stories are told through multiple modalities. This creates a positive storytime experience in a quieter environment with reduced sensory stimuli. Class size is limited to 10 children, plus their parents or caregivers. 239-479-4636

Mon - 17

Interactive Movie Afternoon

Bonita Springs Public Library

10560 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs

Monday, February 17 • 3:30 p.m.

Experience the fun of an interactive movie where you don't just watch the film, you join in. Shouting out lines and other silliness is encouraged. Instructions and supplies are provided. Rated PG. For ages 5-11 years. Registration is required. Your reservation is guaranteed only until the start of the program. 239-479-4636

Meta Quest 2 VR

Fort Myers Regional Library

2450 First St., Fort Myers

Monday, February 17 • 3 p.m.

For ages 13-18 years. The Quest 2 headset provides an opportunity for teens to escape. Climb a mountain, slash the beats or create your own world by engaging in 23 different VR apps. Registration is required. 239-479-4636

Reading Festival: Creation Stations

Northwest Regional Library

519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral

Monday, February 17 • 1 – 3 p.m.

In preparation for the 26th annual Southwest Florida Reading Festival, we will be highlighting authors Kate Hannigan, Molly Idle and Kate Messner with writing and craft stations around the Youth Services area. All supplies provided. 239-479-4636

Tue - 18

Family Tabletop Game Night

Bonita Springs Public Library

10560 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs

Tuesday, February 18 • 5 p.m.

Now is the time to settle the score. Challenge your friends and family to a variety of tabletop games including chess, Candy Land and Uno. All ages and skill levels are invited. 239-479-4636

Youth Author Visit and Art Lesson

East County Regional Library

881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres

Tuesday, February 18 • 4 p.m.

Join artist and author Carolyn Gora as she presents her book "The Almost True Story of the Birds of Paradise." After the story, participants will receive a short art lesson. Supplies will be provided. Copies of Ms. Gora's books will be available for purchase. This program is open to patrons in grades K-5. This event is part of the 26th annual Southwest Florida Reading Festival, to be held Saturday, March 1. For more information about the festival and its featured authors, visit ReadFest.org. 239-479-4636

Things to do

50th Annual Greek Fest

Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, 8210 Cypress Lake Drive, Fort Myers

Friday & Saturday • February 21 & 22 from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. and Sunday, February 23 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Tastes like all the goodies Yiayia (Grandma) used to make! Appetizers, Sandwiches, Dinners, and many Desserts! Vegetarian Items available. Gyros, Spanakopita, Baklava and so much more. Stop by on Friday and come back - we’re open all weekend long! We are thrilled to bring back our wonderful marketplace, kid zone, carnival rides & games and amazing authentic Greek dance groups. Free parking - Kids under 12 Free - $5 Adult ticket allows 3-day admission. For more information, to purchase your ticket or place your To-Go order, call 239-481-2099. Order online at www.greekfestfortmyers.com

Wed - 19

Teen Resist Art

Northwest Regional Library

519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral

Wednesday, February 19 • 2:15 p.m.

Unleash your creativity, using just watercolors and tape to create your own fun, colorful masterpiece. All supplies provided while they last. For, teens, ages 12-18 years. 239-479-4636

Thu - 20

Cape Kids Art Club

Cape Coral Lee County Public Library

921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral

Thursday, February 20 • 4 p.m.

Kids ages 5-11 years will explore the works of famous artists through hands-on projects and creative activities. This session will highlight Van Gogh's Starry Night, inspiring young minds to unleash their creativity and express themselves through art. Dress for mess. Registration required. Your registration is only guaranteed until the start of the program. All materials provided. 239-479-4636

Help Me Grow: Books, Balls and Blocks

Fort Myers Regional Library

2450 First St., Fort Myers

Thursday, February 20 • 10:30 a.m.

For families with children through age 5 years. Children will participate in games and activities while parents complete a screening to ensure that their children are developmentally on track. Parents will also be provided with resources for activities they can do at home with their children. In partnership with Healthy Start of SWFL/Help Me Grow. 239-479-4636

Teen Thursday: Minute to Win It East County Regional Library

881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres

Thursday, February 20 • 2 p.m.

Can your team outwork, outthink and outplay your opponents? Find out in our Minute to Win It challenge. Each team of four will complete in epic challenges until one team emerges victorious. The winning team will receive bragging rights and the coveted Oreo cookie prize. Gather your friends to form a team or make new ones at the event. Earn points for each event based on where your team finishes. Bring your own snacks to enjoy between rounds. 239-479-4636

Pre-K Class: Innovators Unleased:

The Legacy of Edison and Ford Edison and Ford Winter Estates

2350 McGregor Blvd., Ft. Myers

Thursday, February 20 • 10 a.m.

In this dynamic class, children will discover the groundbreaking inventions of Thomas Edison and Henry Ford through museum visits and hands-on activities. Participants will replicate these innovations, fostering creativity, problemsolving, and an understanding of the impact of inventions. These classes are for children aged 18 months to 5 years old. Register online at edisonford.org.

Fri - 21

Celtic Music Performance

Bonita Springs Public Library

10560 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs

Friday, February 21 • 2 p.m.

From fast, high-energy jigs and reels to captivating airs, ballads, upbeat songs and sea shanties, Emily Ann Thompson and her husband Kelly Thompson take the audience on a musical and educational journey through the Celtic lands. 239-479-4636

Fort Myers Pro Rodeo

Lee County Posse Arena

17401 Palm Creek Drive in North Fort Myers

February 21 - 23

The Friday and Saturday performances start at 7 p.m. and the Sunday performance starts at 2 p.m. The gates open at 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and the gates open at noon on Sunday. Featuring bull riding, bronc riding, steer wrestling, roping, barrel racing and more.


Playdough Playtime

Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library

3095 Blount St., Fort Myers

Friday, February 21 • 10:30 a.m.

Get ready for a hands-on, squishy good time.

Burrowing Owl Festival

Rotary Park Environmental Center 5505 Rose Garden Rd., Cape Coral Saturday, February 22 • 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Join Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife (CCFW) for a fun-filled day as we celebrate the 23rd Annual Burrowing Owl Festival Wildlife and Environmental Expo, a community event dedicated to Cape Coral’s iconic bird—the burrowing owl! This exciting festival promises to be an unforgettable experience for wildlife lovers, families, and everyone who cares about preserving our natural world. 239-549-4606

This fun and creative program invites kids to explore the world of playdough through sensory play, imagination and colorful creations. We'll provide the playdough and tools and kids can roll, shape and sculpt their way to endless fun. For ages 2-5 years. 239-479-4636

Sat - 22

Celtic Music Performance

Fort Myers Regional Library

2450 First St., Fort Myers

Saturday, February 22 • 2 p.m.

From fast, high-energy jigs and reels to captivating airs, ballads, upbeat songs and sea shanties, Emily Ann Thompson and her husband Kelly Thompson take the audience on a musical and educational journey through the Celtic lands. 239-479-4636

Mario Kart Tournament

Riverdale Public Library

2421 Buckingham Road, Fort Myers

Saturday, February 22 • 11 a.m.

Get ready to partake in fun and friendly Mario Kart races, where you can show off your gaming skills and enjoy some friendly competition. Whether you're a seasoned racer or a newcomer, this tournament is designed to be fun for all levels. This program is intended for ages 6-11 years. 239-479-4636

Strawberry Festival

Refresh Church, 1521 Commerce Creek Blvd, Cape Coral

Saturday, February 22 • 4 - 7 p.m.

Get ready for a sweet time at Refresh Church! We’ll have a strawberry shortcake bar, pony rides, tasty food (hot dogs, hamburgers, and popcorn), fun Bounce Houses, and a Kids Area run by Refresh Kids—complete with face painting and crafts! 239-770-2510

Storytime Fun for Everyone

Pine Island Public Library

10701 Russell Road, Bokeelia

Saturday, February 22 • 11 a.m.

Join us for this special Storytime celebrating favorite children and teen authors presenting at the Southwest Florida Reading Festival. Enjoy stories and readings from the authors books, family games and crafts. This event is part of the 26th annual Southwest Florida Reading Festival, to be held Saturday, March 1. For more information about the festival and its featured authors, visit ReadFest.org. 239-479-4636

Kids Day - A Time of Imagination and Fun!

Miromar Outlets

10801 Corkscrew Rd, Estero

Saturday, February 22 • 10 a.m. - Noon

Come join us for face painting, crafts, pizza and ice cream at the WINK Playland! Toddlers to 12-year-olds can participate in fun activities and other goodies. While supplies last. 239-948-3766


Northwest Regional Library

519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral

Saturday, February 22 • 1 p.m.

Drop in for building challenges the whole family will enjoy. For all ages. All materials are provided. 239-479-4636

Tue - 25

Books and Blankets

Bonita Springs Public Library

10560 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs

Tuesday, February 25 • 6 p.m.

Join us with your blankies and pajamas for this nighttime edition of storytime. Your whole family is invited to this enjoyable, all-ages storytime that encourages the development of pre-reading skills through songs, rhymes, fingerplays and stories. 239-479-4636

Things to do


Beginner Beading Class

Fort Myers Regional Library

2450 First St., Fort Myers

Tuesday, February 25 • 4 p.m.

For ages 12-18 years. Learn how to create your own stackable memory wire bracelet. There will be a wide variety of decorative glass and alphabet beads for you to choose from. All supplies are provided. Registration is required. 239-479-4636

Middle School Game Day

East County Regional Library

881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres

Tuesday, February 25 • 4 p.m.

Game on, middle schoolers. We'll have a selection of board games, video games, card games and more on hand to play at the library. Challenge each other to friendly competitions or relax and catch up over a game of your choosing. You can bring your own games to play too. Participants are welcome to bring their own food and covered drinks to enjoy during the event. This event is open to middle school-age kids in grades 6-8. 239-479-4636

Books and Blankets

Northwest Regional Library

519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral Tuesday, February 25 • 6:15 p.m. Join us with your blankies and pajamas for this nighttime edition of storytime. Your whole family is invited to this enjoyable, all-ages storytime that encourages the development of pre-reading skills through songs, rhymes, fingerplays and stories. 239-479-4636

SWFL Ag Expo

Lee County Civic Center Complex 11831 Bayshore Rd, North Fort Myers

February 27- March 9

Enjoy carnival rides, fun, food, crafts, livestock show and sale, exhibits, entertainment, petting zoo and more. www.swflagexpo.com

Wed - 26

Creative Kids: Beginner Art Club

William "Bill" Austen Youth Center

315 SW 2nd Avenue, Cape Coral

Wednesday, February 26 • 5 p.m.

Let your child explore their creativity in this fun and educational beginner art club with Instructor Kain! Over the course of a month, young artists will learn the elements and principles of art while working on exciting projects. Perfect for enhancing art techniques and creating masterpieces to take home. 239-242-3950

Thu - 27

Teen Thursday: High School Game Day

East County Regional Library

881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres

Thursday, February 27 • 2 p.m.

Game on, high schoolers. We'll have a selection of board games, video games, card games and more to play at the library. Challenge each other to friendly competitions or relax and catch up over a game of your choosing. You can also bring your own games to play and food and covered drinks to enjoy. For teens in grades 9-12. 239-479-4636

Family Fun Night Bell Tower Shops

3499 S Cleveland Ave, Fort Myers

Thursday, February 27 • 5 - 7 p.m.

Adam's Animal Encounters will be exhibiting live exotic animals in their Mini Zoo display with educational and hands-on opportunities throughout the evening. Inflatable axe throwing, cotton candy, face painting, balloon artists, bounce house. In addition, there will be a variety of vendors throughout the shopping center! belltowerfl.com

Homeschool Hangout: Cardboard Cars

Riverdale Public Library

2421 Buckingham Road, Fort Myers

Thursday, February 27 • 1 p.m.

Help the library create cardboard cars for our upcoming pre-school program: Storytime at the Drive In. 239-479-4636

Preschool Seuss-tacular

Lakes Regional Library

15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers

Thursday, February 27 • 10:30 a.m.

Celebrate Dr. Seuss's birthday with games, crafts and activities. For ages 2-5 years. No registration required, but space and supplies are limited. 239-479-4636

Fri - 28

Playtime Kids

Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library

3095 Blount St., Fort Myers

Friday, February 28 • 10:30 a.m.

Playtime is designed to provide a nurturing environment where toddlers and caregivers can bond, explore and discover together through engaging activities specifically crafted for their developmental stage. For ages 2-5 years. 239-479-4636

Night Hike

Calusa Nature Center & Planetarium

3450 Ortiz Ave, Fort Myers

Friday, February 28 • 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.

Watch the sky for bats, listen for owls, and search the night sky for constellations. Through a series of hands-on activities, you will learn how animals use their senses to thrive in the darkness. This walk starts just after sunset so please wear close-toed shoes and be prepared for rain and mosquitoes. These night hikes are an awesome educational experience with minimal flashlight use, while wonderful for most ages, it may not be appropriate for very young children. 239-275-3435

Star Party

Rotary Park Environmental Center

5505 Rose Garden Rd, Cape Coral

Friday, February 28 • 7 - 10 p.m.

Join the Southwest Florida Astronomical Society for a fun, free evening of night sky observation! Take a look through several telescopes and talk to the experts from the society about what can be seen. This is fantastic fun for people of all ages! 239-549-4606


Publisher’s top picks

Always More Love is a heartwarming story and fun, interactive experience for families to read and share together, because the love for those special ones in your life only expands more and more each day. In this sweet, rhyming love book for kids, just tap, press, shake, touch, or flip the picture book and then turn the page to find out the many ways love grows!

An inspiration for an annual magical day of all things YES! No matter how silly the request, there is one day a year when kids always receive a positive response: Can I have pizza for breakfast? YES! Can we have a food fight? YES! Can I stay up really late? YES!

A heart-warming and joyful tale of parental love and a child's boundless energy and enthusiasm for life.

A poetic, universal, and joyful celebration of how we feel about the most beloved people in our lives -- we love them BY HEART!


Whetherithappensat4or14months (botharenormal),therearesomenew thingsyouwilladdtoyourday,and somecommonpitfallstobeawareof. Thenewest recommendations fromthe AmericanDental Association (ADA)include beginningto brushteethfrom thetimetheteeth firstcomein. Useasofttoothbrushandtoothpaste.Thetoothpasteshouldcontainfluoridebutuseonlyarice-grainsizedsmearoftoothpaste.Babiescannotspitanyout,sothistinyamountis safetoswallow.Yourgoalistogivethe

lastfeedingoftheday,brushteeth,and havenothingmoretoeatordrinkuntil morningbesideswater.Onceyou’ve masteredthisbedtimebrushingroutine, addinbrushinginthemorningforextra credit.

Inadditiontofluorideinthetoothpaste,thereshouldbefluorideindrinkingwater,andalsoatopicalfluoride treatmentappliedatyourchild’spediatricianordentistevery3-6months.Most localcommunitiesprovideasafeand effectivedoseoffluorideinthecity water.Ifyouhavewellwater,preferbottledwater,orliveinanareawithout fluoridatedwater,talktoyourchild’s pediatricianaboutsupplementingfluoride.

Finally,watchoutforalltheenticing productsatthegrocerystorethatcan contributetocavitiesandtoothdecay. Didyouknowthatanysugarydrink, evendiluted100%fruitjuice,cancause

cavities?Unlessyourinfantisbeing treatedforconstipation,theyshouldnot drinkanyjuicebeforeoneyearold.

Evenafterageone,juiceisnotneededforgoodhealth.Someparentswonderifyoungchildrenneedmultivitamins. Althoughtheytastegoodandareeasyto administer,bewaryofgummyvitamins. Allgummyorstickyfoodscancause cavities.Gummyvitaminsalsocontain littleornoiron,sotheyarenothelpful forthemostcommonvitamindeficiencies.Asalways,askyourpediatrician aboutanyrecommendations.

Yourchild’spediatricianisreadyto partnerwithyousothatthosebabyteeth arejustashealthywhenthetoothfairy comesastheywerewhenbabygottheir firsttooth.

KimberlyNicholson,M.D.,iswith Physicians’PrimaryCareofSouthwest Florida)withofficesthroughoutLee County.www.ppcswfl.com


LeeCountyParks& Recreationwillhostafree CommunityHealthFairfrom 10a.m.to1p.m.,Saturday, Feb.8atVeteransPark RecreationCenter,55 HomesteadRoadSouth, LehighAcres.

Participantscanmeetlocal healthcareandwellnessprofessionals,participateinfree healthscreenings,engagein activities,andmore.


providerswillbepresentto provideinformationand healthservicesonvarious issuessuchascholesterol, bloodpressure,hearing,diabetes,dermatology,behavioral health,dental,militarysupport,andmore.Freechilddiapers,foodandhaircutswillbe offered.

Formoreinformation aboutthisevent,contactthe VeteransParkRecreation Centerat239-533-7530.

Craftingcustomsmilesin SWFloridafornearly30years

AtGulfCoast Orthodontics,Drs. MichèleLaboda, RosalieBrao,andBibi TejeraSummeyare orthodonticspecialists whogenuinelycare abouteachsmilethey touch.

Foralmost30years, theirpracticehasspecializedincreating confident,beautiful smileswithbracesand Invisalignforkids, teensandadults. Combiningcutting-edge technologywithcaring, skilledhands,theyprovidea personalizedapproachfor everypatient.Experience modernorthodonticcare deliveredwiththewarmthand expertiseyoursmiledeserves.

Drs.RosalieBrao,MichèleLaboda andBibiTejeraSummey

Formoreinformation,call 239-561-2258orvisitonline atgulfcoastortho.com

GulfCoastOrthodontics hasthreelocationsin SouthwestFlorida: 14361MetropolisAve.,#1, inFortMyers 21740STamiamiTrail, #116,inEstero 8845FoundersSquare Drive,Suite110,inNaples

Freeautismscreenings foryoungchildrenFeb.21

GolisanoChildren’sHospital ofSouthwestFlorida,inpartnershipwithRonaldMcDonald HouseCharitiesofSouthwest Florida,offersafreemonthly autismspectrumdisorder screeningfortoddlers18 monthstofiveyearsofage.

Thenextscreeningwillbe heldonFeb.21from9a.m.-2

p.m.atthePediatricSpecialist Office,15901BassRoad,Suite 102,FortMyers.

TheASDscreeningisconductedbytheGolisano Children’sHospitalof SouthwestFlorida.

Aphysicianreferralisnot required.Toscheduleascreening,call239-343-6838.

FestivalsFairs AroundTheState

2025 Farm Fest

Pioneer Florida Museum and Village

15602 Pioneer Museum Rd, Dade City

Dade City Farm Fest and Quilt Show will be held on February 1. It will feature entertainment, draft horse pulls, quilt show, model trains, Pasco Sheriff’s Mounted Posse, unique vendors, scrumptious food and more.

Hours: 10 a.m.-4 p.m. www.pioneerfloridamuseum.org

2025 South Florida Garlic Festival

Wellington Amphitheater

12100 Forest Hill Blvd., Wellington

South Florida Garlic Festival will be held on February 1-2. It will host a group of art and craft vendors selling unique treasures and one-of-a-kind creations. There will be live music and entertainment, children s amusement area, delicious garlic dishes, and more.

Hours: Sat 11 a.m.-9 p.m., Sun 11 a.m.-6 p.m. garlicfestfl.com

2025 Orlando Family Fest

Dezerland Park

5250 International Drive, Orlando Orlando Family Fest will be held on February 1. This festival will feature great entertainment, kid s products and services, fun and educational presentations, kid s characters, creative stations, vendors, family activities, interactive activities, prizes, food and more. Free admission and parking. Hours: Noon-6 p.m. dezerlandpark.com

Brevard Mid-Winter Renaissance Fair

Castle Park

3190 New York Ave, Melbourne

Brevard Mid-Winter Renaissance Fair will be held on February 1-2, 8-9, 15-16 & 22-23. Step back in time to the days of brave knights and fair maidens. This family friendly fair will feature more than 100 stage shows. There will be colorful characters, music, dancing, comedy shows, pirates, entertainment, rides, games, festival food and treats, and much more. The artisans and craftspeople will be selling handcrafted wares.

Hours: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. www.brevardrenaissancefair.com

Florida State Fair

Florida State Fairgrounds

4800 U.S. Highway 301 North, Tampa

Florida State Fair will be held on February 6 -17. It will include great entertainment, live bands, 4-H/FFA shows & exhibits, pig races, demolition derby, petting zoo, pony rides, camel rides, giraffes, dog shows, Jurassic Kingdom, foam zone, fireworks, contests, vendors, food & more. www.floridastatefair.com

Highlands County Fair

County Fairgrounds

781 Magnolia Ave, Sebring

Highlands County Fair will be held on February 7-15. The multi day fair will include music, rides, livestock shows and sale, competitive exhibits, arts and crafts, vendors, food and more. www.hcfair.net

Everglades City Seafood Festival

102 Copeland Avenue North

Everglades City

Everglades City Seafood Festival will be held on February 7-9. It will include dozens of craft booths, carnival rides for kids, live music, arts & Crafts, delicious seafood and much more. Event Headliner: Whey Jennings (Friday), Confederate Railroad (Sat) & Jack Shealy Band (Sun). www.evergladesseafoodfestival.org

Hendry County Fair

710 S Francisco St., Clewiston

Hendry County Fair will be held on February 7-16. It will include high wire thrill show, steer and hog show, pageants, carnival rides and games, competitive exhibits and more. www.hendrycountyfair.com

Marco Island Strawberry Festival

Wesley United Methodist Church

350 S. Barfield Dr., Marco Island

Marco Island Strawberry Festival will be held on February 13-14. It will host a diverse group of arts and crafts vendors displaying and selling a wide variety of wares. You will find wearable art, furniture, floral, handmade soaps, traditional and fine art, candles, jewelry and more. It will also include fresh strawberries, entertainment, rides and games. Food available. Hours: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. www.kraftfairs.com/wumc.html

Martin County Fair

Martin County Fairgrounds

2616 SE Dixie Hwy., Stuart

Martin County Fair will be held on February 14-27. There will be entertainment, live music, kids show, livestock shows and sale, competitive exhibits, pageants, home arts and crafts, games, AG activities, carnival rides, fair food & more. Headliner: Phil Vassar. www.martincountyfair.com

2025 Steinhatchee Fiddler Crab Festival

Steinhatchee Community Center

1013 Riverside Dr., Steinhatchee

Steinhatchee Fiddler Crab Festival will be held on February 14-16. This festival will feature food, arts and crafts, entertainment, cook-offs, fiddler crab races, parade and more. Hours: 11 a.m.-5 p.m. daily. www.steinhatcheechamber.com

Olustee Battle Festival

Downtown Lake City

173 NE Hernando Avenue, Lake City

Olustee Battle Festival will be held on February 14-15. The two-day festival will feature entertainment, arts and crafts vendors and food. In addition, there will be children’s area featuring train rides, face painting, bounce houses and much more. Hours: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. both days. www.olusteefestival.com

Osceola County Fair

Osceola Heritage Park

1911 Kissimmee Valley Lane, Kissimmee

Osceola County Fair will be held on February 14-23. It will include carnival rides, livestock shows and sale, market animal shows and auction, community creative arts, kid’s pet show, dog show, truck and tractor pulls, hay bale decorating contest, recycled art contest, pageant, vendors, food & more. www.osceolacountyfair.com

Hardee County Fair

Civic Center

770 Rec Complex Drive, Wauchula

Hardee County Fair will be held on February 15-22. It will include entertainment, livestock shows and sale, swine showmanship, breeding and heifer show, rabbit showmanship, grooming contest, pageants, midway, exhibits and rides, food & more. www.hardeecountyfair.org

Pensacola Chocolate and Cheese Fest

Community Maritime Park

301 W Main St., Pensacola

Pensacola Chocolate and Cheese Fest will be held on February 16. It will include live entertainment, cheese and chocolate sampling tent, beers, wine vendors, chocolate martini’s, contests, bounce house for kids, food trucks, and more. Hours: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. pensacolaflorida.com

2025 Pasco County Fair

Pasco County Fairgrounds

36722 State Road 52, Dade City Pasco County Fair will be held on February 17-23. This fair will feature 4-H/livestock shows and exhibits, pageants, parade, midway entertainment, carnival, local vendors, kids activities, fair food and more. www.pascocountyfair.com

Mermaids and Pirates and Seafood Event

Flagler County Fairgrounds

150 Sawgrass Rd., Bunnell

The Mermaids and Pirates and Seafood, Oh My Event will be held on February 22. It will host a group of vendors and makers selling their nautical items, mermaids and pirate themed items, one of a kind finds and much more. There will be music and food trucks. Hours: 10 a.m.3:30 p.m. www.visitflagler.com

LaBelle Swamp Cabbage Festival

Barron Park

8 Park Ave., LaBelle

The Swamp Cabbage Festival will be held on February 22-23. There will be music, food, and lots of activities. It will feature a car show, rodeo, fishing tournament, parade and more. Hours: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. both days. www.labelleswampcabbagefestival.org

Tampa Bay Kids Expo

WestShore Plaza Mall

250 Westshore Plaza, Tampa

Tampa Bay Kids Expo will be held on February 22. Learn about family-friendly services, resources, and fun summer camps. Also enjoy free activities for kids. Hours: 10 p.m.-3 p.m. fun4tampakids.com

Pine Castle Pioneer Days

Cypress Grove Park

290 West Holden Avenue, Orlando

Pine Castle Pioneer Days will be held on February 22-23. The family friendly festival will showcase living history of the area through various demonstrations. There will also be a variety of vendors displaying and selling their wares. Hours: Sat 9 a.m.-5 p.m. & Sun 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. www.pinecastlepioneerdays.org

2025 The Villages Strawberry Festival

Brownwood Paddock Square

2705 W Torch Lake Drive, The Villages

The Strawberry Festival will be held on February 22-23. This event will feature carnival games, market vendors, clowns, face painting, stilt walkers, live music, food trucks & more. Hours: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. (Sat) & 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. (Sun) Free. www.thevillagesentertainment.com

2025 Florida Strawberry Festival


303 BerryFest Place, Plant City

Florida Strawberry Festival will be held on February 27 - March 9. This festival will feature midway entertainment, donut eating contest, baby contest, youth plant sale, grand parade, dairy show, swine show, lamb jumping contest, dairy costume ball, swine & dairy exhibit, steer exhibit, spaghetti eating contest, racing pigs, demos, youth plant show exhibit, beef breed showmanship, strawberry shortcake, concerts, baby parade, vendors, delicious food & more. www.flstrawberryfestival.com

2025 Central Florida Fair

Central Florida Fairgrounds

4603 W Colonial Dr., Orlando

Central Florida Fair will be held on February 27 - March 9. This fair will feature midway entertainment, live music and entertainment, rides and games, animal shows and sale, stem competitions and events, culinary competitions, fair food and much more. www.centralfloridafair.com

Sumter County Fair

Sumter County Fair Grounds

7620 Florida 471, Bushnell

Sumter County Fair will be held on February 28 - March 9. This fair will feature livestock shows and sale, barn animals, competitive events and exhibits, carnival midway rides, midway games, live entertainment, concerts, strolling entertainers, delicious food and more. www.sumterfair.net

2025 Saint Lucie County Fair

St. Lucie County Fairgrounds

15601 Midway Rd., Fort Pierce

St. Lucie County Fair will be held on February 28 - March 9. This fair will feature livestock shows and sale, demo derby, PRCA rodeo, midway rides, contests, entertainment, vendors, kid’s activities, fair food and much more. www.stluciecountyfair.org

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