Family News FREE
APRIL 2020
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Summer Camp Guide Lee County
SUMMER THEATRE CAMPS Only $300 pe 3 week r session
June 8 - June 26 Multiple session discounts Multiple family member discounts
June 29 - July 17
July 20 - August 7
for children ages 7 to 15
Sessions run 9 am - 4 pm.
CULTURAL PARK THEATER 528 Cultural Park Blvd., Cape Coral
2 - April 2020
Family News
Family News
April 2020 - 3
CONTENTS April 2020
FEATURES Fun in Garden
Online Programs
Trending Books
Creative food ideas
Gidgets & Gadgets
Camps Essentials
Summer Camps
Golden Apple teachers
Health & Wellness
Arts & Entertainment
Party resource guide
Too Cute photos
4 - April 2020
How to reach us:
Publisher/Owner Kathy M. Kuser Editor/Owner Jamie K. Kuser
Sales/Marketing Lisa Doyle Mitchell Columnist Mandy Carter
P.O. Box 9285 Fort Myers, FL 33902 239-278-5236 e-mail us at Lee County Family News is published 12 times a year. © 2020 by KMK Publishing Inc.
Lindsay Hutchings of Fort Myers Picked up the magazine at Lakes Library
Family News
While staying home, teach your kids to garden
By Mandy Carter
Kids are curious, they learn best by doing and love to play in the dirt. They will not only learn new skills while making sure that the plants get enough fertilizer, water and sun but they will develop a sense of mindfulness. Concepts learned while gardening, like composting food scraps for fertilizer or using gathered rainwater, can show kids a deep respect and responsibility for taking care of our planet. And in the age of electronics, kids need meaningful family connections. Planning a garden, planting the seeds and watching them grow give kids a sense of purpose and responsibility while teaching team building and promoting communication skills. Furthermore, a number of studies show that when children have contact with soil during activities like digging and planting, they have improved moods, better learning experiences and decreased anxiety. Most important, the self-esteem and excitement a child feels from eating a vegetable or gifting a flower that he grew himself is priceless.
Set them up for success with these tips!
Give them serious tools. Do not give your kids cheap plastic child's gardening tools. These are worse than having no tools at all because they will break and create frustration. Find good work gloves that fit a small hand. With some garden tools, like a hoe or spade, you can easily saw the handle shorter. Consider even letting them use your tools to show the importance of the work they're doing. Start from seeds. While it's a convenient shortcut with starter kits, children will learn best by seeing the growing process from beginning, the seed. The care given to sprouting seeds and nurturing the young seedling are a valuable part of the gardening experience. Cheat a little. Depending on the age of the child, you may need to help out a little 'behind the scene'. Not every garden task is pleasant or fun, and the child may not be ready at all times for all the necessary tasks. You may need to go out in the evening to pick a few slugs off the lettuce, or be the one to run out and move the sprinkler. Show off their work. Give a 'garden tours' to visitors. Take photos of their progress and send it to their grandparents. The attention you give to their work is a big motivator for them to stay involved with the entire growing process.
6 - April 2020
What To Plant ... Here are five crops perfect for a child’s garden--- relatively easy to grow, have short growing seasons and are fun to harvest.
cherry tomatoes
Growing season is 50-75 days. Plant in full sun and use seedlings rather than planting from seed. Put in a 2' stake alongside each seedling; they need to be tied loosely to stakes as they get taller. Add lots of compost. Water at ground level, trying to keep leaves dry. Can also be grown in containers.
The seeds will germinate in 7-10 days; growing season is 40-50 days. A quick and reliable crop to give the child fast results, and also a good way to interest kids in salads. Lettuce likes part shade; keep soil moist especially during the first two weeks. You can grow 'head' (space 8" apart) or 'leaf' (space 4" apart) varieties; the leaf varieties will mature sooner, about 30-35 days.
Known as a 'never-fail' crop. You can plant red or white varieties but red will mature faster. Cut seed potatoes into chunks with at least 2 'eyes' per. Plant in furrows, about 12-15" apart, with eyes pointing upward. Mound soil up around plant as it grows; harvest when plant collapses.
snow peas
A quick-growing crop, and fun for kids to eat right off the vine. They take about 10 days to germinate and mature in about 60 days. Peas prefer cool, shady locations. They should be planted about 1" apart at most. Snow peas are popular because the pod is edible.
A must for a child's garden. They will sprout in 1 week, become a small seedling in 2 weeks, and should be 2' tall in a month. In about 8 weeks, they will begin revealing hundreds of seed kernels. They will dry naturally in the late summer sun; the seeds, rich in protein and iron, can be roasted for snacks that kids can enjoy.
Mandy Carter is a mother of two. She owns her own freelance marketing business, is a travel writer, speaker and mommy blogger who loves to share her passion for family travel. Follow her family adventures at and connect with her on Instagram @mandymcarter Family News
Family News
April 2020 - 7
onlinefreebiesprojectsprograms Publisher’s top picks
Free Bible Activity Pages
Check out these word finds, mazes, connect the dots, and finish the picture. The best part of all this is that these activity pages are faith based.
Little Passports
Free Online Activities, Projects, Printables & Recipes that are fun, creative and engaging. For more than 11 years, Little Passorts have helped spark an appreciation for how people in farflung places live, how music shapes us, the amazing abilities of exotic creatures, and the “why” behind our everyday experiences—all from the comfort of our own homes. You don’t have to travel the world to experience it and you don’t have to leave the house to be inspired.
Seaworld/Busch Gardens Home Safari
While the Cincinnati Zoo is closed and kids are home from school, let us help make your children’s hiatus from school fun and educational. Join us for a Home Safari Facebook Live each day at 3pm EDT where we will highlight one of our amazing animals and include an activity you can do from home. Don’t have access to social media? No worries! All videos will be posted to this webpage and to our YouTube channel shortly after the Facebook Live ends.
Classroom Activities The parks have developed standards-aligned resources available to help families virtually explore the wild world of animals and nature. Through our distance learning resources, explore hands-on, multi-disciplinary activities, engage in a fun and creative learning environment, and discover something amazing along the way. classroom-activities 8 - April 2020
Family News
Family News
April 2020 - 9
onlinefreebiesprojectsprograms Publisher’s top picks
Scholastic Learn at Home
Free virtual learning resources for students in grades PreK Plus. Scholastic Magazines combine engaging print magazines with powerful digital resources to build knowledge, engagement and skills in every content area.
Virtual field trip to Yellowstone National Park
Ready to explore Yellowstone? You don't have to wait for your trip out here. You can start exploring now by virtually touring some of the main attractions around the park. Included with each tour is additional information about visiting in person. Virtually visit the Mud Volcano, Mammoth Hot Springs, and so much more with a digital field trip.
LUNCH DOODLES with Mo Willems #KidsTogether
#KidsTogether is intended to serve as an additional resource for parents while providing kid-appropriate, kid-directed information through original short-form videos, interstitials, downloadable activities and social content, with elements aggregated for easy access on a central online destination. Featuring SpongeBob SquarePants, Blue’s Clues & You!, Henry Danger, Bubble Guppies and The Casagrandes. 10 - April 2020
Kennedy Center Education Artist-in-Residence at Home Mo Willems invites YOU into his studio every day for his LUNCH DOODLE. Learners worldwide can draw, doodle and explore new ways of writing by visiting Mo’s studio virtually once a day for the next few weeks. Grab some paper and pencils, pens, or crayons and join Mo to explore ways of writing and making together. education/mo-willems Family News
Family News
April 2020 - 11
onlinefreebiesprojectsprograms Publisher’s top picks
Stuck at Home Science
Explore with us while you're Stuck at Home! Each week, we'll focus on a new theme. When you're stuck at home, come here to continue your child's science learning with our easy to follow activities. This space is designed for families to explore, investigate, and learn together without ever needing to leave the house. All activities use easy to find household supplies, and are appropriate for a variety of ages.
Nickelodeon’s direct-to-consumer interactive learning service for preschoolers--will be offered for free for three months starting next week to millions of kids in need through the help of national partner organizations, including the National Head Start Association and First Book. Noggin’s free trial period will also be extended to 60 days to all new subscribers, effective at the end of the month. The ad-free educational content on Noggin currently includes over 1,000 iconic, full-length episodes, short-form videos, and hundreds of interactive learning games and ebooks featuring preschoolers’ favorite characters and more.
Free Access to Ranger Rick, Digital Magazines
Free, complimentary access to Ranger Rick online and the digital editions of its magazines during the COVID-19 shutdown of schools and daycare centers. The access will extend through June 30, 2020 and will only require an email address for access online. We want to help families stay engaged with wildlife and the natural world
12 - April 2020
Art For Kids Hub
New art lessons M-F, every week! Follow along and learn how to draw plus other fun art lessons for kids. You'll find all kinds of art lessons for kids, including how to draw for kids, even painting and origami for kids. ArtforKidsHub
Family News
Family News
April 2020 - 13
TrendingBookstoGoogle Publisher’s top picks
The Case Of The Missing Chalk Drawing
The chalks are drawing flowers on the chalkboard, but someone keeps stealing their artwork. Sergeant Blue is on the case and determined to solve the mystery
How To Catch A Mermaid
The newest title in the New York Times bestselling How to Catch series will have children and parents excited to see if these characters can actually pull off catching a mermaid!
Give Me My Book Back A hilarious story about the joy of reading, which brings people together in unexpected ways, proving that each book truly belongs to . . . the people who love it.
The Invisible String
A story that teaches of the tie that really binds. Moms (and Pops) feel the tug whenever kids give it; and kids feel the tug that comes right back: the Invisible String reaches from heart to heart. Does everybody have an Invisible String? How far does it reach, anyway? Does it ever go away? Read all about it! 14 - April 2020
Family News
Family News
April 2020 - 15
Easter Pancakes Ingredients:
Your favorite pancake recipe Cheese Sticks Blueberries Banana Strawberry
MORE KID-APPROVEDEASTERTREATS Leftover Easter Candy Bark Treats Ingredients: 1. 2. 3. 4.
1 pound white chocolate, chopped or pellets Green oil-based colouring 3 bags of Cadbury mini eggs or any leftover Easter candy Optional sprinkles
•Line cookie sheet with parchment paper or wax paper. •Cut mini eggs in half and roughly chop 7 or 8 into smaller pieces. •Melt chocolate in microwave. Heat in bursts of 20 seconds on medium-high, checking and stirring between. Once chocolate is mostly melted, stir until all remaining chocolate is melted and smooth. •Pour melted white chocolate (reserving quarter cup of chocolate) into lined pan and spread evenly with a soft spatula to about 1/4" thickness. •Immediately color the reserved chocolate to the desired shade of green. •Drizzle green chocolate over still liquid white chocolate and gently drag a chopstick through to marble the colours together. •Gently place mini egg halves in chocolate and sprinkle chopped egg pieces on top. Add optional sprinkles or other decorations. •Place in fridge for 30-60 minutes to harden. •Break up into smaller pieces for packaging.
Crockpot White Chocolate Candy Cluster
White Chocolate Easter Crockpot Candy Clusters are a simple, impressive 3-ingredient homemade Easter dessert recipe that everyone will be raving about! An easy crockpot dessert recipe that you layer in the slow cooker, stir and scoop. It is so easy it almost makes itself. Honey roasted dry roasted peanuts Vanilla-flavored candy coating (Almond Bark or CandiQuik) M&M Milk Chocolate Plain Sprinkles
Twinkie Bunnies
Mini Easter Cheesecakes
Mini Easter Cheesecakes are the tastiest and most adorable Easter treat. Not only do they look so beautiful and even a bit fancy, they’re actually simple to make. Graham Crackers, Butter, Sugar, Powdered Sugar, Cream Cheese, Vanilla, Lemon Juice, Pudding Mix, Frosting, Sprinkles, Mini Eggs Copper mats to create pastry sleeves Family News
These bunny treats are a fun alternative to Peeps marshmallow candies, and they are grab-and-go cakes kids will find irresistible. They also make cute decorations in your Easter dinner spread. Twinkies, Royal Icing Eyes (3/8 inch eyes), White Frosting, Pink Frosting, Pink Sixlets April 2020 - 17
GIDGETS, GADGETS AND GIZMOS!! Pepper Mint in The Great Treehouse Engineering Adventure Immerse yourself in a playful, imaginative world of STEM stories with pulleys, gears and other engineering gadgets. Kids start by building the large wooden treehouse that sets the stage for Pepper Mint's story. The high-quality, colorful wooden panels piece together in a few simple steps, and the final product can be used long after the fun of experimenting alongside Pepper Mint is complete. The treehouse becomes the setting for infinite adventures and storylines--limited only by one's imagination!
fine toys
Cheshire Cat Fine Toy Shop Bell Tower Shops, 13499 S. Cleveland Ave., Fort Myers
Gear up for a DIY bubble-blowing contest with this kit that lets you make over a half pound of homemade bubble gum.
DIY Bubble Gum Kit
Watch your child's amazement as he or she witnesses one of nature's wondersthe transformation of a tadpole into a frog in 6 weeks! Kids are just amazed at the natural wonders of these creatures. Deluxe Grow-A-Frog includes observation aquarium, food, gravel, Fun and Facts booklet and tadpole certificate that kids mail in to receive their tadpoles.
Fast thinking and even faster answers are the keys to the Freeze Up! challenge. Quick-who can name a fruit that begins with the letter "B", or flower that starts with a "T"? The last player left is the champion!
Deluxe Grow-A-Frog Kit
Freeze Up! Brain Game
$32.95 $29.95
These life-size mannequin doll heads have real human hair! Explore the Deep Kids can take up to 100 underwater photos at a time with the AquaShot Underwater Digital Camera. Capture cool schools of fish or friends swimming laps, because the camera is waterproof in depths of up to 10 ft
Everything needed to open a play beauty shop or prepare for a future career is right here!. My BeautyShop Pal Deluxe Set lets kids curl, twist and braid hair using dozens of styling tools and accessories
Aquashot Underwater Digital Camera
My BeautyShop Pal Deluxe Set 18 - April 2020
Family News
Now you see it, now you don't! With TOMY Hide n Squeak Eggs Sorting Toy from Educational Toys Planet, the sorting and matching fun never ends! Your baby or toddler will have a blast as she/he crack opens these adorable play eggs to reveal a different colored chicks.
TOMY Hide n Squeak Eggs
Make Worries ‘Glow’ Away! Kids learn the power of fairies (and positive thinking) with No More Worries Magical Fairy Log! As they place their hand upon it and think of their worry, the magic log glows red—then changes to green as fairies take the worry away to turn it into wishgranting dust!
No More Worries Magical Fairy Log
John Deere Tractor Is a Young Mechanic’s Dream! They’ll learn how tractors work as they pop the hood, check the oil, change a tire and take apart and fix numerous parts—then get behind the wheel, turn the key, listen to the engine and test the working headlights and horn!
Cue up their favorite movie or music videos and get ready for a great time! Includes stickers, glow-in-thedark bracelets, snack boxes, recipes, activities and cute sleep masks for 4. Ages 8+
Movie Night Maker Kit Family News
John Deere Farm & Fix Tractor
Video Star Karaoke lets young performers watch themselves in real time on TV in their own music videos! Kids can even add cool animation effects and screen frames to their music videos! Comes loaded with popular songs, with lights that flash to the beat of the music, or kids can connect a music player and sing their own songs.
Video Star Karaoke
$69.95 April 2020 - 19
The “Must-Haves” for
Publisher’s picks!
Unicorn Snot Glitter Sunscreen
Sparkly and strong. Unicorn Snot Glitter Sunscreen is a powerful, premium, water resistant SPF 30 sunscreen that makes you shimmer like a mermaid in the sun.
Garmin Vivofit Jr. Star Wars Bundle
It's swim friendly, durable and features kid-approved design, a 1+ year battery life and a free, parent-controlled mobile app. The app motivates your pint-sized powerhouses to stay on the move with rewards and a mobile adventure trail to unlock.
4 Stephen Joseph Rain Ponchos
When it rains, it pours, but with Stephen Joseph Rain Ponchos, nothing will stop your kids from having fun. The bright, fun and exciting designs add a splash of color to any rainy day
Mosquito Repellent Wrist Bands Mosquitno all-natural citronella infused wristbands effectively repels mosquitoes, flies, gnats and no-see-ums without harsh, toxic chemicals or messy, oily repellents of any kind.
20 - April 2020
Minion Antibacterial Bandages
A movie exclusive! Helps prevent infection; Minion shaped! Assorted shapes & sizes.
Summer Camp Hat 100% cotton denim fabric with embroidered “Camping Hair Don’t Care” Logo. Pattern will not fall off or fade out even after prolonged use.
Family News
Family News
April 2020 - 21
Summer Fun
Camps, Destinations, VBS, Activities & Enhancements
22 - April 2020
Family News
All Aboard Preschool
All Aboard Preschool has open enrollment for all ages 4 weeks through 12 years old. We are a certified VPK Provider and our scores show it! We offer a full curriculum that provides the finest early learning experience for all age children. STAY TUNED for SUMMER CAMP DATES. We also offer before and after school and holiday camps for school age children. 1918 SE Santa Barbara Pl., Cape Coral 239-574-5220
Alliance for the Arts
The Alliance for the Arts offers camp options including Summer Arts Camp for grades 1 – 6 and Musical Theatre Intensive Camp for grades 7 - 12. Alliance member registration is now open. Summer Arts Camps allow children to explore visual arts, theatre and dance during eight different weekly sessions for an exciting summer experience. Weeks are packed with an eclectic mix of performing activities like storytelling, improv games and stage combat or campers can choose to follow great traditional and contemporary art masters through sketching, mixed media, collage and more. Our Summer Arts Camp invites students to discover their passions and build their dream summer. 10091 McGregor Blvd. Fort Myers 239-939-2787
Bobbie Noonan
Join us this Summer. Summer Camp Program June 15 - August 7. Join us for a fun-filled summer camp for ages 12 months through 7 years of age created around all things STEAM! Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics. Our educational program consists of weekly themes, with opportunities for outdoor play and plenty of fun. Day Care Week: June 8 - 12, Summer Camp: June 15 – August 7; Day Care Week: August 10 - 14. Don’t Miss Out – Register Now! 8560 Crystal Ct, Fort Myers 239-939-2255
Family News
Brown Academy - Gateway
Brown Academy offers a new adventure each and every day for children ages 2 to 10! Exciting activities include arts and crafts, sing-alongs, sports, cooking activities and picnics. Each week your child will participate in an inhouse field trip enjoying special events such as puppet shows, magic shows, wild life exhibits, bounce houses and pony rides. As part of our commitment in keeping your child safe, every day the children will have a scheduled time in the pool for water safety instruction. For children ages 11 to 15, we offer a special Counselor in Training Program. 12211 Towne Lake Dr., Fort Myers 239-332-1900
Cape Coral Art Center
Fine Arts for Kids Camp (7 - 13 years) June 8 - July 31; M-F, 9 am - 4 pm A rewarding opportunity for children to express themselves through art and enjoy hours of productive fun as the Cape Coral Art Center presents its 21th annual full day art camp! Kids will experience creative processes and learn new techniques for fine arts and fine crafts. Exciting activities include pottery, drawing, painting, mixed media, gallery exhibiting and much more! Each week is dedicated to a unique theme with artist study and special techniques.$130/per week (discount for multichild &/or multi-week) 4533 Coronado Pkwy, Cape Coral 239-574-0802
April 2020 - 23
Cape Coral Parks & Recreation Staycation Camp
(5 years - entering 8th grade) June 8 - July 31; M-F, 6:30 am - 6 pm During this non-traveling camp, participants will enjoy weekly guest speakers, special events, themed arts and crafts, indoor and outdoor recreational activities, and Jim Jeffers Park with amenities including basketball courts, tennis courts, soccer fields, softball field and more. Breakfast and lunch will be provided daily. Parents should pack a healthy afternoon snack. $75 per week Held at Christa McAuliffe Elementary, 2817 SW 3rd Lane, Cape Coral Register through Wm. Austen Youth Center 239-242-3950
24 - April 2020
Family News
Cape Coral Parks & Recreation Summer CAMPtacular
(5 years - entering 8th grade) June 8 - August 7; M-F, 6:45am - 6pm For a summer full of energy and excitement, sign up for Cape Coral Parks and Recreation's Summer CAMPtacular! Each week is jampacked with field trips, events and activities with a different theme featured each week. Breakfast and lunch are provided on non-travel days. Parents should pack a healthy afternoon snack. $99 per week, Choice of Two Locations (*Last week of camp offered at Youth Center only) Wm. Austen Youth Center - (5 yrs-11 yrs, Elementary) 6:45 am - 6 pm Camp dates: June 8 - August 7 at 315 SW 2nd Ave, Cape Coral, 239-242-3950 Oasis Elementary, 3415 Oasis Blvd, Cape Coral (5 yrs-Entering 8th grade) 6:30am-6:00pm. Camp dates: June 8-July 31, 239-2423950 (Youth Center)
Family News
Cape Coral Parks and Recreations Eagle Skate Park Summer Camp (8 - 13 years) June 8-August 7; M-F, 7:00am3:00pm This exciting camp will include two weekly field trips, arts and crafts, group games, recreational activities, early access to the park, breakfast and lunch on non-travel days, and daily admission after 3 p.m. $99 per week 315 SW 2nd Ave., Cape Coral
April 2020 - 25
Centers for the Arts Bonita Springs
There is always something new and exciting for budding artists, actors, chefs, filmmakers, musicians and dancers at the Centers for the Arts in Bonita Springs. Opportunities for ages 4-18 include painting, drawing, sewing, film, pottery, cooking, engineering, dance, music, theater, science, and more! Some of our 2020 Summer Camp highlights include Music Camp, Maker Camps, Exploring the Great Artists, Fun with Glass, and Cooking with Chemistry. Our scholarships and discounts make summer fun and learning affordable for all. 10150 Bonita Beach Road, Bonita Springs 239-495-8989 26 - April 2020
Coast Elite Gymnastics Academy
Stay tuned for start dates. Programs for all ages. Check out the fun at Coast Elite Gymnastics Academy during our 11 fun themed weeks, including ninja week, space week, superhero week, and more! Join us this summer for an action-packed good time! Trampoline, movies, crafts, gymnastics, bounce house and more! We have weekly, and daily programs available. Other programs featured this month are back handspring bootcamp, classes and teams for all ages, birthday parties, and new parent and child classes for 2 & under! 6360 Arc Way, Fort Myers, 239-936-8467
Creative World School
CampTastic 2020: Summer Camp for ages 6 - 12. Looking for an incredible summer day camp? Have you heard about CampTastic? Full of zany adventures and five awesome themes, our camp is where the action is at this summer! Every day will feature something new as we explore the arts, the great outdoors, cool inventions, fun and games! We’ll go on FUNderful field trips and have action-packed special event days each week. Join all of our exciting summer adventures by saving your spot today! Stay tuned for start date. In Estero: 19671 Cypress View Drive, Fort Myers 239-415-7845 In Gateway: 11961 Fairway Lakes Drive, Fort Myers 239-208-8842 Family News
Cultural Park Theater
June 8 - Aug. 7 ages 7 to 15 Join us at Cultural Park Theater for a fun-filled summer theater camp for campers to gain hands-on experience in musical theater, acting, dance, voice and technical production. With three sessions and three musical theater productions, there is no reason to miss out on the fun. Each session culminates with a live performance on stage at Cultural Park Theater Performing Arts Center in Cape Coral. Plus, every camper performs because everyone is cast in the show. As they experience the joy of live musical theater,campers build self-confidence, engage their imaginations and learn the importance of teamwork. Three-week sessions (only $300 each) are Annie Jr. June 8 - 26, Disney’s Alice in Wonderland Jr. June 29 July 17 and Matilda Jr. July 20 - Aug. 7. Multiple session discounts and multiple family member discounts are available. 528 Cultural Park Blvd., Cape Coral 239-772-5862
Family News
Curtain Call Studios
Curtain Call Studios is thrilled to announce our new and improved Summer Triple Threat Camps & brand new Summer Teen Intensives! This summer in addition to our fun and exciting themes, we are re-structuring the age groups and transforming our studio into a mini theatre! That's right, our Summer Campers will get to perform on a stage constructed just for them! Camp includes one-on-one attention in singing/dancing/acting, training from performing arts professionals, a performance each Friday based on that week's theme, and a camp t-shirt! Half and Full day Camps available all summer for ages 4 - 18. Details online. 15250 S. Tamiami Trail #119 - 20, Fort Myers 239-208-9138
April 2020 - 27
The Dance Warehouse
Already thinking about your summer? Us too! Join us and the amazing staff of The Dance Warehouse, right here in Fort Myers in our beautiful new facility! We pride ourselves on providing excellence in Dance Education AND FUN, so whether you are a seasoned student or a newcomer, there's something for you at our studio this summer! For the best summer yet, we have our Day Camp, Intensives (featuring guest teachers Aubrey Cheek, Desiree Robbins, Lisa Winning, Kristi Davis, Edwin Navarro, and more!), Camps, and Evening Classes throughout the summer months. Whatever you're looking for, The Dance Warehouse is your one stop studio for all your summer training or fun. (Specials are in place, so sign up now and take advantage of those discounts offered for early registration!) Give us a call for more information or drop by the studio. See you soon. 10650 Metro Parkway, Fort Myers 239-275-5678 28 - April 2020
Edison and Ford Estates
Edison and Ford Winter Estates is offering several summer camps for students 6 to 12 years old. Campers are separated into two age groups (6-8 and 9-12). The camps are fun, educational, and unlike other local opportunities. Summer camp starts on June 8 and runs from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. Campers will explore the “living laboratory� of the estates while the Wild Wizards teach topics in science technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM), plus history and the natural world. Most of the camps are available for both age groups; camps for younger students are less complex. Family News
Florida Repertory Theatre
Camp Florida Rep is a theatre intensive summer camp for ages 8 - 16. Campers attend classes in music, dance, dram, and stage crafts to produce a full musical at the end of each two-week session. This in-depth involvement gives campers a true sense of ownership and pride in their work, resulting in increased confidence and creativity. This year’s Camp Florida Rep themes are Footloose (sold out), Disney Frozen Jr. June 22 - July 2, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Jr. July 6 - 16 and Peter Pan Jr. (sold out). Camp Mini-Stars (for ages 5 - 8) is treated as an introductory course for young performers who might not be ready for the bright stage lights. Mini Stars sessions are Chillin Like a Villain June 8 - 19, Frozen June 22 - July 2, Adventures in Wonderland July 6 - 17 and Underwater Adventures July 20 - 31. 2268 Bay Street, Fort Myers 239-219-1551
Family News
Fort Myers Tennis
Have the best summer ever with Fort Myers Tennis! No experience is necessary for this fun and functional camp! Each camp day will consist of warm ups, stretching, technical tennis drills, conditioning & balance work, games, cool down and a recap of what we learned that day. Questions? Give us a call or email up today - limted vacancies available! 239-653-7773
Four Freedoms Park
Preschool Summer Camps (3 - 6 years), Super Science Camps (6 - 12 years) & Martial Arts Summer Camp (6 - 12 years) June 8 - August 7; M-F, Times vary by camp Preschool camps are held in preschool classrooms and taught by certified instructors. Children will enjoy crafts, games and other activities based on that week’s theme. Preschool camps have part-day morning (9am-1:30pm) and afternoon (1:30-3:30pm) times available. Sign your child up for morning, afternoon or both! Four Freedoms Park has also partnered with Super Science & Amazing Art to offer weekly hands-on camps (9am-4pm) featuring interesting science-related themes and 2 special weeks of Martial Arts Camp with local Sensei James Kelly (9am-4pm) that will be held indoors and keep children active! Prices vary by camp. 4818 Tarpon Court, Cape Coral 239-574-0804
April 2020 - 29
30 - April 2020
Family News
G-Force Dance
Join us this summer for our five-week summer lessons schedule. We will be holding classes Monday-Thursday for five weeks starting on June 15 through July 23. Our Summer will consist of all your favorite genres including ballet, jazz, tap, hip hop, contemporary, ballroom, plus we are bringing back yoga! Our Summer 2020 class schedule will be posted on our website. 1400 Colonial Blvd, Suites 14 and 74, Fort Myers 239-288-6188
Family News
Enhancements & Destinations
Spacewalk of Cape Coral-Fort Myers Spacewalk of Cape Coral/Fort Myers is the areas newest go-to for all your inflatable needs! Whether you are looking for a bounce house or wet/dry slide we have just what you are looking for. Cleanliness is of utmost important to us and each unit is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized after each use. Our service area includes Collier, Lee, Hendry and Charlotte Counties. Check us out online at 239-249-3815
Bring your camp to Zoomers for a day of fun! School, group or organization must be tax exempt. Package includes unlimited rides, mini golf and video games. Package does not include redemption and prizes, mining or water wars. Minimum 10 children per group. One chaperone per 10 children. Height requirements apply for all rides and attractions. Groups must call ahead to reserve date. 17455 Summerlin Road, Fort Myers 239-481-ZOOM (9666)
April 2020 - 31
Gold Fish Swim School
New learn-to-swim facility splashes into Bonita Springs. A new style of swim school will open in Southwest Florida. Goldfish Swim School of Bonita Springs specializes in teaching children ages four months to 12 years how to swim. The school uses The Science of SwimPlay® – focused on guided play in a safe environment. Stay tuned for Grand Opening details and visit www.goldfishswimschool. com/bonita-springs 32 - April 2020
Gulf Coast Music School Summer String Camp July 6 - 10 for 4 year old beginners - Advanced High School and Adults Description: Violin, viola and cello students learn folk, classical and world music from accomplished local musicians and musicians from outside Southwest Florida. Our classes include music history, music theory, learning new songs, technique, rhythm, voice, working in ensembles, music and movement, and daily enrichment classes. Our students learn so much and have lots of fun during camp! We also offer an introduction to violin/cello class each morning of camp 9-10am for new beginners ages 4 and up. 13411 Shire Lane, Fort Myers 239-590-0059
Growing Room Child Development Center
When your kids think of awesome, they will think of Growing Room’s Summer Camp! Movies, Skating, Jumping Jacks, Naples Zoo, Sky Zone, Broadway Palm Theater, trips to Lakes Park and Estero Park and more! In addition, they will get to swim in the pool each week! This will be a summer your child will never forget! Tuition includes breakfast, lunch and one snack, field trips, arts & crafts, music, and games. 2020 Summer Camp dates are June 8 - Aug 6. Register now. Space is limited. 25151 Bernwood Drive, Bonita Springs 239-495-0045 8950 Gladiolus Drive, Fort Myers 239-466-6646 Family News
Family News
April 2020 - 33
IMAG History & Science Center
IMAG Summer Camp from June 8 – Aug. 7 is open for registration. When school is out, camp is in! The IMAG History & Science Center announces its new Summer Camps for rising kindergarten through 8th grade students. Camp IMAG offers a fun, exciting, educational curriculum blending Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) with History, Humanities, and Art in themed weekly sessions inspiring the imagination, encouraging a life-long love of learning. Camp IMAG is where campers become explorers, experimenters, scientists, astronauts, mechanics, moviemakers, and even superheroes and villains. 2000 Cranford Avenue, Fort Myers 239-243-0043 34 - April 2020
Kick’s School of Dance
Your kids can dance their way through summer at Kicks School of Dance! Our Musical Theater camp will develop your child’s acting, singing, and dancing abilities. Intensive Dance camps allow your child to strengthen their dance technique as they participate in daily ballet, jazz/hip hop, modern, acro, and choreography classes. Each two-week camp ends with a performance for parents. Camp hours are 9-3 for kids ages 5-16. 8750 Gladiolus Drive, Fort Myers 239-217-4917
Kid's World Preschool
Our Kid’s Club offers a fun filled summer program for children that have completed VPK thru 5th grade. Children are divided into age-appropriate groups. Each week the children jump into action, participating in fun and exciting activities, field trips and special events based on weekly themes. Only pay for the weeks you attend. No need to pack lunch or snacks… they’re included. Call to reserve your child’s spot. Stay tuned for summer camp dates. 1126 NE 16th Terrace, Cape Coral 239-573-7233 Family News
Music Foundation of Southwest Florida
The Music Foundation of Southwest Florida is happy to announce some new and exciting Summer Arts Camps. Starting June 8 and running through June 26, there will be approximately 20 different camps offered in all areas of instrumental and vocal music, including piano, guitar as well as theater, visual arts, TV Production & Film Camp, Flute Choir, Elementary Dance and Show Choir. Most of the camps are designed for middle school students with several for older elementary students and will include special master classes and exciting activities during break times. Camps run from 9 am until 4 pm with a final program each Friday afternoon. Cost is $175 per week, which includes breakfast, lunch and a Tshirt. Scholarships are available! The camps will take place at Paul Laurence Dunbar Middle School, centrally located just south of Colonial Blvd. off of Six Mile Cypress in Fort Myers. 239-275-0057
Family News
New Hope Presbyterian VBS
June 8 - 12, 9 am - noon For kids who have completed VPK4* - 5th grade. *must be 5 by 9-1-2020 Voyagers are invited on a space travel adventure to explore the limitless love and power of God! Experience Bible stories, science/crafts, games, missions, and music. $20 (includes T-shirt) Register online at before May 17 or when space is full. 10051 Plantation Road, Fort Myers 239-274-1230
North Fort Myers Academy for the Arts
Summer camp options include Performing Arts Camp, Summer Drama Camp June 8 - 26, Robotics June 8 - 12 (grades 6 - 9), Robotics June 22 -26 (grades 3 - 5), Beginning Violin June 8 12, Intermediate Violin June 15 - 19, Advanced Violin June 22 – 26, Woodwind Camp June 8 – 12, Brass Camp June 15 – 19, Drumline Camp June 22 – 26, Beginning Steel Camp June 8 – 16 and Advanced Steel Camp June 15 – 16 (grades 3 – 9). For more information and an application, visit 1856 Arts Way, North Fort Myers 239-997-2131
April 2020 - 35
SummerCamps Saddlewood Horse Club
Longest running horse Camp in Cape Coral. CHA certified Riding Instructor, Staff Trained & Certified. Fun-filled days with English, Western, vaulting - gymnastic on horseback, games on horseback and foot, daily riding in our Covered Riding Arena, horsemanship, skill building, Game Day, and so much more. Take care of your horse for an amazing week! All camps are running from 9am3pm with our traditional parent presentation on Friday with trophies! Before and after camp available (nominal fee). Fee $225 first week, $210 for each additional. Sibling discount available. $50 to reserve spot, Credit cards accepted. Stay tuned or camp dates. 16111 Saddlewood Lane, Cape Coral 239-738-9300
Rotary Park Environmental Center
Eco-Adventure Nature Camp (7 - 12 years) June 3 - August 2; M-F, 8am-5pm Children will experience tons of fun at this nature camp with plenty of indoor and outdoor activities such as hiking and exploring in the swamp, learning about the creatures that inhabit the park, and engaging in cooperative games, sports and crafts. A different nature-related theme will be featured each week. $100 per week 5505 Rose Garden Road, Cape Coral 239-549-4606
36 - April 2020
Saint Michael School
June 1 – July 24 Pre-K 3 - 9th grade A Sensational Summer Awaits! A variety of camps are offered in academics, athletics, cooking, drama and fencing. Over 20 Camps! Extended care before and after program is offered. We believe that giving youth safe, fun, meaningful experiences is important to building character. Summer camp at St. Michael is a chance for your child to spend a part of their summer making memories, and forming lifelong friendships. 3595 Broadway, Fort Myers 239-939-1218 ext 229
Family News
Family News
April 2020 - 37
Stay tuned for start date. Elevate your summer at Sky Zone with SkyCamp! Kids have fun while staying active, with counselor-led activities like Dodgeball, SkySlam, our New Warrior Course, crafts and science experiments. With different themes each week, your kids will never be bored! It's easy and hassle-free for parents: Drop 'em off and we'll make sure they have the best experience ever. Full and half day options. Sibling discounts available. 14181 S. Tamiami Trail #140, Fort Myers 239-313-5448 38 - April 2020
Southern Starz
Flip into Southern Starz Gymnastics for summer camp. We will be offering Summer Camp for boys and girls ages 4 - 14. The day will start with gymnastics, trampoline time, bars and ropes, and the rock wall, after lunch its games, arts and crafts, and open gym. We open at 7:30 a.m. and offer extended care until 6 p.m. daily and weekly rates as well as sibling discounts are available. Stay tuned for camp dates. 915 SE 14th Place, Cape Coral 239-574-0034
Special Populations Summer Camp
(13 - 22 years) June 29 - July 31, M-F, 8 am-4:30 pm These weekly camps are offered for children of all abilities. Each day has planned out activities to include many fun trips throughout each week. Children will work on recreational skills and developing social connections all while building relationships and life experiences. $100 per week Kiwanis Building of Cape Coral, 360 Santa Barbara Blvd S, Cape Coral Family News
Splash into summer with swim lessons – Here at Swimtastic we are open 6 days a week combined at Cape Coral, Fort Myers, Bonita Springs and Naples locations. Our professional teachers use unique teaching methods to help infants through adults learn to swim. We offer easy registration, flexible class times, small class sizes, professional, loving teachers, and indoor pools! Experience the difference, where "Smart Fish Swim in Schools." 239-471-3035
Unitarian School of Wizardry
Unitarian Universalist School of Wizardry runs June 29 – July 3. Looking for a summer camp that explores character development through the lens of Harry Potter World? We offer a magical alternative to the typical summer camp classes. Come to Wizard Camp! Kids can take Potions, Charms, and Defense Against the Dark Arts -- just to name a few! Ages: 5 – 13. Hours 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. with special feast for campers & families Friday at 6 p.m. Ask for Krista or email Unitarian Universalist Church 13411 Shire Lane, Fort Myers 239-464-1333
Family News
Usa Taekwondo Center
Sutay tuned for summer camp dates Monday - Friday 7.30 - 6pm, $145 a week. Our Taekwondo Summer Camp offers martial arts instruction combined with all the exciting activities of a traditional Summer Camp. It includes field trips, constructive games, arts and crafts, kid's movies and Taekwondo training. Your child will have a blast at our Summer Camp while learning skills that will last a life time. Enroll today for a summer of Taekwondo! 6251 Commerce Park Drive, Fort Myers 239-561-9470
April 2020 - 39
Enhancements & Destinations
Chick-fil-A @ Cypress Lake
Day camps love coming to Chick-fil-A @ Cypress Lake for lunch. Discounted kids meals, Enclosed play area, a visit from the Chick-fil-A Cow! Book your field trip today. Chick-fil-A @ Cypress Lake, 13610 S. Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers 239-433-9030
The Shell Factory & Nature Park
The Shell Factory & Nature Park remains the number-one family destination in SW Florida for education, entertainment and so much more. Discovering all there is to do in the on-site store is an exciting experience that people of all ages will enjoy. This includes the largest Christmas house in the region, along with the newly renovated, state-ofthe-art game room and Hunt Brothers Pizza. With over 400 animals, including those on a petting farm and part of the “Close Encounters” exhibit, The Nature Park provides an up-close-and-personal experience with a wide variety of birds, reptiles and mammals. Grab a bite to eat at Capt’n Fishbone’s. Dogbones Café is also dog-friendly. Stop by the new Scallywags Fun Park and hop on the Soaring Eagle Zip Line for the ride of your life, play a relaxing game of Scallywags Mini Golf, ride the carousel or cruise around on the bumper boats. 2787 N. Tamiami Trail, North Fort Myers 239-995-2141 40 - April 2020
Wellington Academy
Birth - 9 years Monday - Friday 6:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Wellington Academy is one of Lee county’s local providers of quality child care for children ages birth through 9 years of age. Wellington Academy has three convenient locations that have been serving families since 1985. Our program offers a variety of summertime fun activities that include arts and crafts, sports, dance, cooking classes, science experiments, games, guest speakers, & more! Come STEAM with Wellington Academy this summer!! Fort Myers (Near Sam’s Club Plaza - 275-8818) South Cape Coral (Near CC Parkway Bridge – 549-8818) North Cape Coral (Near Cape Coral Hospital 574-8818)
Yacht Club Community Park & Pool
Jr. Marine Biology, Camp Neptune, Summer Adventure, Sports Camp & Jr Lifeguard Camps (4 - 15 years based on camp) June 10 - August 9 (select weeks only); M-F, Times vary by camp The yacht club offers a variety of full and part-day camps. Our specialty camps are perfect for children who love the water and exploring outdoors! Featured activities include marine biology, swimming, fishing and more. If your child wants an active summer, be sure to check out the Sports Camp & Summer Adventure Camp. Prices vary by camp 5819 Driftwood Pkwy, Cape Coral 239-574-0806
Summer Means More at the Y! At our YMCA camps, kids become stronger, smarter and they learn how capable they are – all while having fun! School-age campers experience everything the Y offers, from traditional day camp games and crafts to active pursuits like sports and swimming. Also offering a Teen Camp in both locations. Camp rate vary per camp, financial aid is available. 239-221-7560 in Bonita Springs 239-275-9622 in Fort Myers
Zion Lutheran Early Childhood Center
Knowing, Growing, and Going! The mission of Zion Lutheran Early Childhood Center is to help young children to know Jesus as their friend and Savior, grow in His love and grace, and go forth to share His gospel Educated, Loving and Dedicated Christian Teaching Staff. Part-time Preschool with Extended Day Options available for children ages 2 - 5 years old. Open Year Round-Monday through Friday- 7am-6pm. Fun and Exciting Summer Camps available for all ages! Reserve a spot today! Zion Lutheran Church 7401 Winkler Road, Fort Myers, 239-481-4040 ext. 208
Camp schedules are subject to change. Watch for updates online all month long.
Family News
Golden Apple teachers in Lee County The Foundation for Lee County Public Schools hit the road on Thursday, March 12 and surprised the six recipients with the prestigious Golden Apple Teacher Award for 2020. Golden Apple sponsors, selection committee and Foundation Board members took part in shining the spotlight on the outstanding performance these profound teachers do for the education system and their students. “Once again, the six recipients of the prestigious Golden Apple Award are representatives of all the outstanding educators we have in the School District of Lee County. I can think of no more important profession than teaching. The impact of the teaching profession is felt throughout the entire community and deserves to be applauded,” said Marshall T. Bower, Esq., president and CEO of The Foundation for Lee County Public Schools. The Golden Apple recipients are chosen after going through an extensive selection process which began in September with a community-wide invitation to nominate teachers from The School District of Lee County. The six finalists were
Brittany Camp with Principal Angela Roles - Cypress Lake High
Mark Drew Ida S. Baker High
Jaclyn Baker Three Oaks Middle
Jennifer Nargi-Kida Villas Elementary
Nancy Rossi Gateway Elementary selected after completing a three-step process, which included a blind comprehensive application, observations in their classroom of their teaching style and skill, and personal interviews with the Golden Apple Selection Committee. Golden Apple Teacher Recognition Program was the first major project funded and developed by The Foundation for Lee County Public Schools, Inc. Recipients of the Golden Apple Teacher Award are normally honored at a black-tie banquet each April. This year’s banquet has been canceled and organizers are looking for an alternative way to honor the recipients. Stay tuned to the foundation’s website for updates. Visit The 2020 Golden Apple Teacher recipients:
Laurie Nelson - Gulf Middle 42 - April 2020
Jaclyn Baker – Three Oaks Middle Brittany Camp - Cypress Lake High Mark Drew – Ida S. Baker High Jennifer Nargi-Kida - Villas Elementary Laurie Nelson - Gulf Middle Nancy Rossi - Gateway Elementary Family News
Family News
April 2020 - 43
There are simple things you can do to help keep yourself and others healthy
• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing; going to the bathroom; and before eating or preparing food. • Stay home when you are sick. 44 - April 2020
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash. Family News
Family News
April 2020 - 45
New movies on digital, streaming and in theatres Onward
Trolls: World Tour
In Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway, the lovable rogue is back. Bea, Thomas, and the rabbits have created a makeshift family, but despite his best efforts, Peter can’t seem to shake his mischievous reputation. Adventuring out of the garden, Peter finds himself in a world where his mischief is appreciated, but when his family risks everything to come looking for him, Peter must figure out what kind of bunny he wants to be. On digital April 10 - rated PG
Two teenage elf brothers, Ian and Barley Lightfoot, go on an journey to discover if there is still a little magic left out there in order to spend one last day with their father, who died when they were too young to remember him. Features the voices of Chris Pratt, Tom Holland, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Octavia Spencer. Pixar Animation Studios’ all-new original feature film is directed by Dan Scanlon and produced by Kori Rae—the team behind Monsters University. . On digital now - rated PG
Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway
Frozen 2
Why was Elsa born with magical powers? The answer is calling her and threatening her kingdom. Together with Anna, Kristoff, Olaf and Sven, she'll set out on a dangerous but remarkable journey. In Frozen, Elsa feared her powers were too much for the world. In Frozen 2, she must hope they are enough. From the Academy Award-winning team—directors Jennifer Lee and Chris Buck, producer Peter Del Vecho and songwriters Kristen AndersonLopez and Robert Lopez—and featuring the voices of Idina Menzel, Kristen Bell, Jonathan Groff and Josh Gad. Now on digital - rated PG
After losing his wife seven years earlier, the eccentric Dr. John Dolittle (Robert Downey Jr.), famed doctor and veterinarian of Queen Victoria’s England, hermits himself away behind the high walls of Dolittle Manor with only his menagerie of exotic animals for company. But when the young queen (Jessie Buckley, Wild Rose) falls gravely ill, a reluctant Dolittle is forced to set sail on an epic adventure to a mythical island in search of a cure, regaining his wit and courage as he crosses old adversaries and discovers wondrous creatures. Now on digital - rated PG 46 - April 2020
Poppy and Branch discover that there are six different troll tribes scattered over six different lands. Each tribe is also devoted to six different kinds of music -funk, country, techno, classical, pop and rock. When rockers Queen Barb and King Thrash set out to destroy the other music, Poppy and Branch embark on a daring mission to unite the trolls and save the diverse melodies from becoming extinct. Coming soon to theatres - rated PG
Sonic The Hedgehog
Based on the global blockbuster videogame franchise from Sega, Sonic the Hedgehog tells the story of the world’s speediest hedgehog as he embraces his new home on Earth. In this live-action adventure comedy, Sonic and his new best friend Tom (James Marsden) team up to defend the planet from the evil genius Dr. Robotnik (Jim Carrey) and his plans for world domination. The family-friendly film also stars Tika Sumpter and Ben Schwartz as the voice of Sonic.. Now on digital - rated PG Family News
IMAG offers in home programming In an effort to bring the IMAG History & Science Center into the homes of many in Southwest Florida while the center is closed, the IMAG is currently providing IMAG@HOME online educational programming, instruction, and entertainment. Focused on STEM education (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) and local history education, IMAG@HOME is open online and free to students, parents, and kids of all ages with a broad range of programs that entertain and nurture intellectual curiosity and a desire to learn. Think of IMAG@HOME as your “daily dose of history and science” in a new, fun digital way. Presented on Facebook at: IMAGHistoryScienceCenter, IMAG@HOME is receiving wide acclaim and appreciation for programs like STEM @ Home segments, Meet the Keeper live animal encounters, Curator’s Corner history and cultural presentations, Don’t Try This at Home programs, and Science on a Sphere
Family News
shows. Some recent comments from viewers include, “Thank you so much for posting this,” by Sarah F. and “How amazing is this?!!!” Jennifer C. stated while Stefanie I. texted, “Love this!” Nicole S. also shared, “That is so neat! I need some of those (Makey Makey inventor kits) for myself and my kiddos which I homeschooled before this virus. I had my kids even watch this (program) and their jaw(s) dropped.” With IMAG@HOME, moms, dads, and kids have engaging, exciting programs that are not only educational but also fun; programs that include do-it-yourself activities; live streams and pre-recorded shows; live interactive shows, experiments, and demonstrations; and other fun things to do with kids at home. Everyone is invited to join in on the fun of IMAG@HOME programming and activities on Facebook. And while you are at it, visit the IMAG to get daily program schedules and additional information at
April 2020 - 47
Party Guide Chick-fil-A Cypress Lake
Packages starting at $6.50 per child. Includes: 4 count kids meal with an ice dream, visit and pictures with the Cow, balloons and goody bags with a mini moo, indoor play area and party attendant 13610 S. Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers 239-433-9030
Coast Elite Gymnastics
Enjoy a 1 1/2 or 2 hour party of fun and exciting play at the gym Saturday or Sunday. 12,000 sq. feet of air-conditioned playspace becomes your child's personal birthday playground as they explore places to hang, swing, climb, jump and roll. Our parties feature a bounce house with slide, 30ft. long trampoline and a foam block pit for jumping and "swimming!� 6360 Arc Way, Fort Myers 239-936-8467
Dance Warehouse
Dance ’til you drop at your next party! Dress-up your inner diva in our dance costumes and shoes, then shine like a star on our decorated 6,000 sq. ft. dance floor! We provide tables, tablecloths, food platters, beverages, snacks, and some decorations. You do not need to be a member of our dance family to host a party. Call now to reserve your special day! 10650 Metro Parkway #201, Fort Myers 239-275-5678
IMAG History & Science Center
Whether you choose from our Outer Space Theme, Dino Discovery, or Under the Sea festivities, we are sure it will be a birthday party your child will never forget! Parties include full hands-on access to our science and history exhibits, including an interactive virtual-reality experience. Enjoy our animal shows, 3D movie, pizza for all birthday guests, and a private birthday party room! We will set the party up and leave the post-party cleaning to us. Birthday package rates begin at $265, and include admission passes for all guests to come back and explore the museum another day. Contact Sara Turner at or call. 2000 Cranford Avenue, Fort Myers 239-243-0043 ext 216 48 - April 2020
Family News
Many facilities are temporarily closed. Please call ahead or check their websites. Hertz Arena
Lace up your skates for some cool birthday fun. We offer birthday parties on Friday, Saturday and Sunday during our public skate hours. Our package includes a private party room, admission, skate rental, food, drinks, and a free skating pass for each child. Group Skating Discounts Mon. – Fri. 12:151:45pm and Sat.-Sun. 1:00-2:30pm. Learn to Skate Lessons are offered Tues. – Sat. for ages 4 and up. Call Cari Tyler for more information. 11000 Everblades Pkwy., Estero 239-948-7825 ext.1308
Out of My Hands Juggling & Illusions
Blending choreographed juggling with illusions, Out of My Hands delivers a high-energy show that is innovative and interactive. Cutting-edge light & laser effects will amaze & delight all ages. It’s kinetic artistry! Music! Magic! Memories! Creating the WOW factor from beginning to end! 239-560-1671
Family News
April 2020 - 49
Party Guide Saddlewood Horse Club
Riding and feeding horses and lots of fun. Stunning new party room. Covered table area! All events are rain or shine thanks to our covered riding arena. Complementary customized invitations for your convenience. You enjoy and we horsely take care of the rest. More than a birthday party - we create childhood memories. Flat rate $150 - unlimited kids, 2 hours of horsey fun including Mini lesson on lead pony or horses for 1 hour, 2 ponies/horses and two handler (equestrian loaner helmets provided) Party room connected and overlooking the covered arena. Feeding of horses - just bring carrots. Paint a Pony $30 flat rate, Snuggle Bunnies $30, professional bounce house $60. Extra pony/horse with handler 1 hour for $80, Extra 30 minutes in covered table area for $30. E-mail us at 239-738-9300
The Shell Factory & Nature Park
For a great Birthday Party experience visit SW Florida's No. 1 Birthday Party Destination. Featuring The Fun Park, with Mini Golf, Bumper Boats, Water Wars, and much more. Ride The Soaring Eagle Zip Line followed by a visit to The Nature Park and get up close and personal with over 450 unique animals. Top off your day with fun at the newly expanded Video Arcade. Located in The Retail Store The Arcade has 30 of the newest games around and is adjacent to The Safari Cafe where your group can grab a snack or just relax with your favorite beverages. Remember The Retail Store is pet friendly so your four legged friend can also come to the party. For further info, call and ask for Sammy. 2787 N. Tamiami Trail, North Fort Myers 239-995-2141
Sky Zone Indoor Trampoline Park
Throw your child the best party ever at Sky Zone! Your kids and their friends will experience the WOW of jumping, flying and flipping on our wall-to-wall trampoline courts. Give your child the best gift of all – pure joy! Throwing a great party can get complicated, but Sky Zone makes it easy. Just bring the kids and we do the rest. Party packages include 90 minutes of jump time, sky socks, party room, party host, unlimited soft drinks, set up, clean up and more! 14181 S. Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers • 239-313-5448
SpaceWalk Inflatables
Spacewalk of Cape Coral/Fort Myers is the area’s newest go-to for all your inflatable needs! Whether you are looking for a bounce house or wet/dry slide, we have just what you are looking for. Cleanliness is of utmost important to us and each unit is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized after each use. Our service area includes Collier, Lee, Hendry and Charlotte Counties. Check us out at 239-249-3815 50 - April 2020
Family News
Many facilities are temporarily closed. Please call ahead or check their websites. Southern Starz
Have your next party at Southern Starz! You supply the cake and we’ll supply the fun! Have fun jumping on our trampolines, swinging on the bars and playing in the foam pit. Separate room for your cake or snack! 239-574-0034
SPINZ Skating & Entertainment
Offering the best Birthday Parties in Southwest Florida! Brand new, state of the art skating and entertainment facility with extended arcade, LED light show and more on our new skate floor! Our birthday packages offer an unforgettable experience including roller skating, arcade games, dancing, delicious food and more! Call us to book your next birthday party! 239-482-7789 2095 Andrea Lane, Fort Myers
William “Bill” Austen Youth Center
The Youth Center offers party packages starting at just $199. Choose from Basic Party, Sweet 16, Prom/Graduation party, Sports Banquets, Character party, Laser Tag party. Some parties include D.J., pizza, drinks, party assistance and more. Call today and ask about our Character parties. 315 SW 2nd Ave., Cape Coral 239-242-3950
Let’s celebrate! From birthday parties to corporate events, we can bring fun to your next group outing! Zoom on the go-kart tracks, spin around on the Z-force, get splashed on the bumper boats, stop by Sidetracked Bar & Grille for a delicious snack, and much more. We have something for everyone! So grab the family, bring your friend, invite your coworker, and come have fun with us. Stop in or call us today. 17455 Summerlin Road, Fort Myers 239-481-ZOOM (9666)
To advertise your party services in Lee Family News (30,000 print & online readers) call Lisa at 239-851-4729 or email
Family News
April 2020 - 51
TooCute Lorenzo 3 1/2 months
Vivian - 2
Stephan - 7
52 - April 2020
Family News
Lucas - 2
Family News • P.O. Box 9285 • Fort Myers • FL • 33902
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April 2020 - 53