AlliancefortheArtswillbehostingits SummerBreakArtsCampthisyearbeginningJune19.RegistrationopensMarch3, andisopentoanystudentwhocompleted firstthroughseventhgrade.SummerBreak ArtsCampwillbebrokenupintothree two-weeksessions:June19-30,July1021andJuly24–Aug.4.Nocampsession willbeheldovertheFourthofJulyholiday. Therewillbedifferentartistseachdayof thetwo-weeksessionwithagalleryshow ofthecamper’sartattheendofthetwo weeks.TheAllianceispartneringwith BroadwayPalmtohostaMusicalTheatre IntensiveCampwithoneweeksessions heldattheBroadwayPalm:June12-16: Footloose(Ages11+),July10-14:Little MermaidJunior(Ages7-10),July17-21: LittleMermaid(Ages11+),July24-28: SeasonPassJuniors(Ages7-10),July31–Aug.4:SeasonPass(Ages11+).Regular camphoursare9a.m.-4p.m.Beforeand after-careareavailable8-9a.m.and4-5 p.m.foranextra$10perchild.Pricingis $420persessionformembersand$504 fornonmembers.Siblingdiscountsare available,aswellasscholarshipoptions.
10091McGregorBlvd.,FortMyers www.artinlee.org•239-939-2787
Monday-Friday 8:30a.m.-4:30p.m.
Performances: July13-16
TheLaboratoryTheaterofFloridatakesa"wholeactor"approachtoacting. Usingavarietyoftheatergames,workshops,andhands-ontechniques, studentslearnphysicaltheater,stagecombat,voicemodulation,blocking, stagecraft,andscenestudy.Studentsalsoparticipateinsetdesign,lighting elements,lightingdesign,costuming,stagemakeup,stagemanagement, theateretiquette,andbestpractices.Thecampculminatesinaprofessional productionofSheKillsMonsters:YoungAdventurersEdition byQuiNguyen,whichplaysforfourperformancesJuly13-16.
SummerCampincludesfreemealsandfieldtrips areoffered.Thecamptuitionis$50perdayor $147fortheweek.Thisisthepriceforschoolage childrenonly.Thereisaregistrationfeeof$120. Whenenrollingandpayingtheregistrationthe childrencancomeanyschooloffday,spring break,Christmasbreak,andsummer.Signup nowtoensureaspot!
1918SESantaBarbaraPlace,CapeCoral (NearMidpointBridgeAccess) 239-574-5220or239-574-2904
Joinusforafun-filledsummercamp.Afunfilled experiencethatincludescreativedrama,artsand crafts,music,sportsandmuchmore.Allofthe developmentallyappropriateactivitieshavebeen plannedforourcampersaroundweeklythemes. Therearealsowaterplayactivitiesaswellasin housevisitorsthatmakeeachdayspecial.Learningandreadinessskilldevelopmentcontinueduringoursummerlongadventuresthatenhance whatyourchildhasalreadylearned.
Brown Academy offers a new adventure each and every day for children ages 2 to 10! Exciting activities include arts and crafts, sing-a-longs, sports, cooking activities and picnics. Each week your child will participate in an in-house field trip enjoying special events such as puppet shows, magic shows, wild life exhibits, bounce houses and pony rides. As part of our commitment in keeping your child safe, every day the children will have a scheduled time in the pool for water safety instruction. For children ages 11 to 15, we offer a special Counselor in Training Program.
12211 Towne Lake Dr., Fort Myers
Join us this summer at Calusa Nature Center and Planetarium for Summer Camp! We will be hosting nearly 10 weeks of awesome programming for your rising 1st though 8th grader. Topics include Outdoor Survival, Plant Detectives, Astronomy, and more. Availabilities are open now! For an affordable price of $175 per week for members, and $200 per week for non-members, we will teach your child all about nature, space, and more. Visit our website at www.calusanature.org for more information on registering.
3450 Ortiz Ave., Fort Myers
Summer camps run June 5 – Aug. 9. The Centers welcome kids ages 4-18 to our innovative summer program features classes in painting, sculpture, pottery, drawing, glass, and mosaics; plus, courses in singing, dancing, acting, and audition techniques; write and perform a play; build your own instruments; take ballet, tap, and jazz dance classes and more! Pick your favorites, mix and match courses to create your own dynamic schedule. Supervised Before, Lunchtime & After Care are available. Registration and more information is available online.
Performing Arts Center, 10150 Bonita Beach Road, Bonita Springs www.artcenterbonita.org
Check out the fun at Coast Elite Gymnastics Academy during our fun themed weeks, including ninja week, space week, superhero week, and more! Join us this summer for an action-packed good time! Trampoline, movies, crafts, gymnastics, bounce house and more! We have weekly, and daily programs available. Other programs featured this month are back handspring bootcamp, classes and teams for all ages, birthday parties, and new parent and child classes for 2 &under! Call for a free trial in our tiny tots program for ages 3-4!
6360 Arc Way, Fort Myers
CulturalParkTheatreisexcitedaboutSummerCamp 2023.Staffedbyaward-winningcounselors,camperswill becoachedintheskillsneededtoact,singanddance,as wellaslearningaboutsetdesignandcreation,acquiring orcreatingpropsandlightingandsounddesign.Joinus for1,2orall3sessionsofSummerCamp2023–registrationisopennow–callustoregisteryour7-14yearold today.SessionsincludeTheSpongebobMusicalJune19July1,WillyWonkaJr.July3-July15andAladdinJr.July 17-July29.Tuitionforeachtwo-weeksessionis$330. 528CulturalParkBlvd.,CapeCoral www.culturalparktheater.com
Readytofindyourspotlightintheperformingarts?Sing, Dance,andActwithusthisSummerandlearntheskills ofamusicaltheatreperformer!
Weeklongcampsavailableforcampersages4-14starting June12th.Eachweekendsinashowcaseforfamiliesand friends!Visitonlineformoredetails. 15250S.TamiamiTrail, #119-120,FortMyers curtaincallstudios.com
EdisonSailingCenterwelcomeschildrenages8-13.We offersailingprogramsinweeklysessionstaughtbycertifiedUSSailinginstructorsandexperiencededucators. Studentsgainindependenceandexperiencebeingableto sailhis/herownboatbyweek’send.Studentsages10and oldermayregisterforpowerboattrainingandlearnto safelyoperateapowerboat.Forinformationvisit www.edisonsailingcenter.orgforcall239-454-5114 edisonsailing.reynolds@gmail.com
EachweekisanewAdventure!Wewillbeexploringmanyvarietyofhandsonactivities:Cooking, Sports,Arts&Crafts,Stem,Literacyandsomuch more!ComeExperiencefunandadventureatEducare!Formoreinformation,call239-992-3424.
EducareBonitaSprings, 10220WTerrySt,BonitaSprings educarebonita@yahoo.com
Playerswillbegroupedbyskilllevelatwhichpoint highrepetitiontrainingwillguideoursessions.Our emphasisisonmaintainingafastpacedandchallengingenvironmentthatwillfosterskilldevelopmentandplayergrowth.Coacheswillcoverall phasesofthegameduring“daycamps”andpositionalspecific/skillspecificopportunitieswillbe presentedwithinoursingledaysessions.Come trainlikeanEagle!Registernowonourwebsite: www.fgcuvolleyballcamps.com
FloridaRepEducationwilloffersummerintensivesforages9–18 includeOnceonThisIslandJr.June12-23,ElfthemusicalJr. June26-July7,MeanGirlsJr.July10-21andFindingNemoJr. July24-Aug.4.Tuitionis$440forSummerIntensives.Registration isopen.Visitonlineformoreinfoorcall.
BeattheheatthissummerandjoinFortMyersTennisforindoor tenniscamp!Thishalfdaycampwillincludeonehourofsmall grouptennisinstructionandhoursoffun-outofthesun,inour air-conditionedindoorspaceattheFortMyersSkatium.Campers willhaveaccesstolotsofothersports,games,arts&crafts,fitness instructionandmoreeachday.Ages5+(AdvancedJuniorsCamp availableforexperiencedplayers!) www.fortmyerstennis.com
FullS.T.E.A.M.Ahead WhenSchool'sOut,WeAreinSession! OurSummerCampsofferatrulyoriginalhitechenrichmentprogramforkidsage5-14. Weeklycampsprovideascienceandtechnologytreatthatkidslove!Halfdayandfullday campoptionsareavailablewithdozensof campstochoosefromintwolocations,Naples andFtMyers.Formoreinformation,please visitwww.fullsteamaheadFL.com 239-689-3602
Awholesummeroftheatricalfunawaitsyou.Oursummer campsincludeDisney’sBeautyandTheBeastJune12-23; TheDescendantsthemusicalJune26-July7;Disney’sThe LittleMermaidJuly10-21;andShrekthemusicalJr.July24 -Aug.10.Beforeandaftercareavailable.Theyalsooffer DisneyWinniethePoohKidsonSaturdayafternoonsfrom May6-July29(ages5-12)andBroadwayBeginners weeklyfromJune12-Aug.4(ages4-7).
16120SanCarlosBlvd#5,FortMyers www.FMTcamp.com•239-347-9987
GulfCoastMusicSchooloffersSuzukiandtraditional privatelessonsandgroupclassesforviolin,viola,cello, andpianoforbeginningthroughadvancedlevel,ages4104.Since1988,wehaveofferedyearroundclasses,excitingperformanceopportunities,andafunsummer program.ThisyearourSummerStringCampisJuly1014,2023.Callusat239-994-8628formoreinfo. www.gulfcoastmusic.org
TheGulfCoastSymphonywilloffersixweeksofsummer campattheMusic&ArtsCommunityCenter(onthe campusoftheUnitarianUniversalistCongregation).
CampswillfocusonMusicalTheatre,Jazz,Orchestra andBandPerformance.Campinstructorsarefacultyat FGCUandLeeCountySchools.Dailyactivitiesinclude rehearsal,smallgrouplessons,facultyperformancesand recreationbreaks.Eachweekofcampculminatesina performanceforfamilyandfellowcampers.Breakfast andlunchareprovidedeachday.
13411ShireLane,FortMyers www.gulfcoastsymphony.org•239-277-1700
GulfshoreBalletwelcomeschildrenofallagesand levels.Thissummerwe’llbeofferingaseriesof programsgearedtoimproveclassicalballettechniqueinafunandlovingenvironment.Registrationisopen,anon-refundable$25toholdyour spot.SummerSeriesforbeginnersstartsJune5thJuly29th(8weeksession).Babyballerinas-Preballet1:Saturdays:9-9:45am.Tuition:$160.PreBallet2-Preballet3:Saturdays:9:45-10:30am. Tuition:$240.YoungballerinaLyrical:Saturdays: 10:30-11:15a.Tuition:$160.TeenBallet(beginner/intermediate)Saturdays:11:30-12:30am.Tuition:$230.Level1andlevel2:Tuesday-Thurdays 4:45-6pm.Tuition:$480.SummerSeriesforintermediatestudentsstartsJune5th-June23rd.MonWed-Fri:4:30-7:30pm.1techniqueclass(2hours), 1specialtyclass(modernjazz,point,andpilates). Tuition:$450forthethreeweeksession.Summer IntensiveforadvancedstudentsisfromJune5th–June23rd.Monday-Friday10am-2pm.3classes perday:1technique,1point,1specialtyclass Tuition:$1,350forthethree-weeksession.
5636YoungquistRd,Unit1,FortMyers 239-590-6191
SignupnowforsummergymnasticscampsatGymnasticWorld. CamprunsJune7-Aug.9forages5to12.Campdayis7:30a.m.3p.m.($60perday).Aftercareisavailable3-6p.m.($15perday). Snacksareincluded,butcampersmustbringalunch.Threefull gymnasticsclassesthroughouttheday.$25registrationfeefornonmembers.Foraftercare,youmustbeenrolledinthegymnastics campday.Spaceislimited,sosignupwhilespotsarestillavailable.
Readytobeinspired?TheIMAGHistory&ScienceCenterispresentingitsSTEAMCamps(Science,Technology,Engineering,Art, andMath)fromJune12toAug.9forstudentsin1stthrough8th grades.SpecialthemesincludeJuniorAstronauts,CritterKeepers, STEAMOlympics,andRoboticsEngineerssparkingcampers’imaginationsasscientists,designers,engineers,andartists.Forcamp reservations,visittheIMAG.orgorcall239-243-0043.
LaboratoryTheaterofFloridawillofferasummertheatercampforages11-17.Thecamp willrunJune26-July14from8:30a.m.4:30p.m.(Monday-Friday).Thestudentswill createandproducethehigh-octanecomedy SheKillsMonsters:YoungAdventurersEdition byQuiNguyen,withfourperformancesJuly 13-16.TheLaboratoryTheaterofFlorida takesa"wholeactor"approachtoacting.In additiontophysicaltheater,stagecombat, voicemodulation,blocking,stagecraft,and scenestudy,studentsalsolearnthebasicsof setdesign,lightingelements,lightingdesign, costuming,stagemakeup,stagemanagement, andtheateretiquetteandbestpractices.And, ofcourse,theatergames.Information,scholarshipapplicationsandregistrationareonline.
TheMusicFoundationofSouthwestFloridaishappytoannouncesomenewandexcitingSummerArtsCamps.Starting June12andrunningthroughJuly23,therewillbeapproximately12differentcampsofferedinallareasofinstrumental andvocalmusic,includingPiano,GuitaraswellasVisualArts, DanceandCulinaryArtsthisyear!Thecampsaredesignedfor students8-15yearsold.Campsrunfrom9amuntil3pm withafinalprogrameachFridayafternoon.Costis$125per week,whichincludesbreakfast,lunchandaT-shirt.Scholarshipsareavailable!
ThecampswilltakeplaceatHarnsMarshMiddleSchoolin LehighAcres.
Blendingchoreographedjugglingwithillusions,OutofMy Handsdeliversahigh-energyshowthatisinnovativeandinteractive.Cutting-edgelight&lasereffectswillamaze&delight allages.It’skineticartistry!Music!Magic!Memories!Creating theWOWfactorfrombeginningtoend!
The Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center is pleased to announce 2023’s CreatED summer camps for amazing learning, performance, and exhibition experiences for aspiring young Southwest Florida visual artists, rock musicians, and string players! As the arts magnet of historic downtown Fort Myers, SBDAC is excited to offer students six week-long summer camp opportunities to gain momentum, experience inspiration, and create lasting memories. Class size is limited and registration is open through June 1- register today
2301 First St , downtown Fort Myers 239-333-1933
Flip into Southern Starz Gymnastics for summer camp. We will be offering Summer Camp for boys and girls ages 5-14 –June 7 – Aug 9 The day will start with gymnastics, trampoline time, bars and ropes, and the rock wall, after lunch its games, arts and crafts, and open gym. We open at 7:30 a m and offer extended care until 6 p m daily and weekly rates as well as sibling discounts are available.
915 SE 14th Place, Cape Coral
www southernstarzgymnastics org
Summer Swim lessons!– Swimtastic Swim Schools serves all of SW Florida, Cape Coral, Fort Myers and Naples We have indoor group, semi-private, and private lessons (30 mins) Waves (pre-swim team prep 1 hour) Adult lessons are available & Adaptive Aquatics for swimmers with special needs Our professional teachers use unique teaching methods to help infants through adults learn to swim We offer easy registration, flexible class times, small class sizes, professional, loving teachers, and indoor pools! Experience the difference, where "Smart Fish Swim in Schools."
www swimtastic com
Birth-9years,Monday-Friday6:30 a.m.-6p.m.WellingtonAcademyis oneofLeecounty’slocalprovidersof qualitychildcareforchildrenages birththrough9yearsofage.WellingtonAcademyhasthreeconvenientlocationsthathavebeenserving familiessince1985.Ourprogramoffersavarietyofsummertimefunactivitiesthatincludeartsandcrafts, sports,dance,cookingclasses,scienceexperiments,games,guest speakers,&more!ComeSTEAMwith WellingtonAcademythissummer!!
(NearCapeCoralHospital) www.wellingtonacademyschools.com
SummerMeansMoreattheY!AtourYMCAcamps,kidsbecome stronger,smarterandtheylearnhowcapabletheyare–allwhilehavingfun!Campersages4-15experienceeverythingtheYoffers,from traditionaldaycampgamesandcraftstoactivepursuitslikesports andswimming.AlsoofferingaTeenCampinbothlocationsandavarietyofspecialtycampssuchasSports,Dance,STEM,Nature,Travel &more!Campratevarypercamp,financialaidisavailable.
239-221-7560inBonitaSprings&Estero 239-275-9622inFortMyers www.ymcaswfl.org
ZionLutheranDayCampK-8thGradeprovidesaphysicallyand mentallyenrichingsummerexperience.CamperswillgettoparticipateinArchery,Basketball,Soccer,Arts&Crafts,STEAM,andso muchmore.Registertodaybyvisitingwww.zionlutheranecc.orgPrice($175)ZionLutheranDayCampK-8th-Hours9-4(withdrop offfrom8-9andpickup4-5)
7401WinklerRoad,FortMyers 239-481-4040ext.208
All kinds of bugs are hiding behind colorful Easter eggs, just waiting for you to find them! (And there are lots more fun surprises, too!)
A cat with flair to spare, an Easter Bunny with a job to do, and a hilarious break from sticky-sweet Easter fare. Why should the Easter Bunny get all the love? That's what Cat would like to know....
Duck & Goose are back! They have lots of ideas about how to find the Easter Bunny, but will they succeed?
Bluey and Bingo love being creative! Get “making” with loads of egg-cellent Easter activities for the whole family.
Backhoe Loader (Front Loader and Excavator/Digger) is an exceptional toy tractor that will supply a great many hours of entertainment for your children. The fully functional backhoe digger is equipped with a stabilizer foot and safety latch and the fully functional front loader can scoop up large piles of dirt, sand or snow. The tractor is pedal-powered, and no power system is required except for your child’s endless energy!
CAT Construction Pedal Tractor
Your little rider will glow at night with the motion activated LED light-up wheels and convenient headlight. The wide front PU wheels are bright and feature noise reduction, shock absorption, and floor protection
FAO Schwarz 3-Wheel Scooter
The new '90s characters have it all: Glitter, a little grunge, and lots of girl power. Get Twin-spired by the new historical characters, Isabel and Nicki.
American Girl ‘90s Twins
Have a pretend play backyard cookout with the Step2 Fixin' Fun Outdoor Play Grill. Mini chefs will enjoy grilling burgers and hot dogs on this realistic toy grill for kids. It enhances imaginative play as kids pretend to cook up a meal for their family and friends!
Step2 Fixin' Fun Outdoor Grill
This musical instrument lets little ones play with a variety of buttons, sounds, songs, and funky features! Toddlers can easily experiment with 3 music modes – acoustic, electric, and hound dog!
Six double-sided, interactive pages feature animals from 12 habitats and environments. Kids have a natural curiosity about animals, and this book provides lots of opportunities for exploration with illustrations and photographs of animals from the desert, savanna, rain forest and more!
LeapFrog 100 Animals Book www.bjs.com
Record your very own message that plays back when motion is detected! Our Alien Spy Voice Messenger is a blast, with three bendable legs and suction cup feet. Kids can use it anywhere!
Alien Spy Voice Messenger www.mightytoy.com
Shiver me timbers! Your young swashbucklers are sure to love the KidKraft Pirate Sandboat sandbox. With a shady canopy to keep kids cool on their adventures, this sandbox offers hidden storage, seating, a spinning steering wheel, and a high-hoisted pirate flag flapping in the breeze.
Yookidoo’s Spin ‘N’ Sprinkle Water Lab is a water activity center that attaches to the tub and generates surprising water effects. No better way to enhance STEM based learning than by introducing your young “scientist” to the fundamental concepts of physics & mathematics, using the power of water.
Kids Fishing Event
Bass Pro Shops
10040 Gulf Center Dr, Fort Myers
Saturday, April 1 • 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Come out to Bass Pro Shops the first Saturday of every month from 10am to 1pm and fish on the back lake (catch and release)! Earn your First Fish Award if this is your first time fishing with us! Inspiring everyone to enjoy, love and conserve the outdoors!
Bunny Express
William "Bill" Austen Youth Center
315 SW 2nd Ave, Cape Coral
Saturday, April 1 • 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Bunny express will come to your home and bring the Easter Bunny to visit for a photo op. The Easter Bunny will bring your family a basket full of Easter Treats and crafts. Limited space available, call to register: 239-242-3950
Fossil & Gem Show
Rotary Park Environmental Center
5505 Rose Garden Rd, Cape Coral
Saturday, April 1 • 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
This is a FREE event held outside in the park. No need to RSVP. This show has something for everyone: Fossils, gems, history, shopping and fun. There will also be a Fossil hunt for children. Vendors with related items welcome. 239-549-4606
Breakfast with The Bunny
William "Bill" Austen Youth Center
315 SW 2nd Ave, Cape Coral
Saturday, April 1 • 10 a.m.
Hop you way over to the Bill Austen Youth Center for Breakfast with the Bunny! Price includes breakfast. $16 per Adult, $12 children 3+ Children 2 and under FREE (registration required) 239-242-3950
Brownies with The Bunny
Four Freedoms Park
4818 Tarpon Ct, Cape Coral
Saturday, April 1 • 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. We will be making holiday crafts, playing games, and hunting for eggs at our indoor egg patch! Then we will have brownies with Peter Cottontail. Each participant will receive a framed picture and a gift bag. This is a drop-off program for children ages 3-7, who must be self-sufficient in restroom care. 239-574-0804
Flashlight Egg Hunt
William Austen Youth Center
315 SW 2nd Ave, Cape Coral
Saturday, April 1 • 7- 9 p.m.
Bring your family, flashlights, and baskets for an evening of egg hunting in the dark! This is a night to see who can find the most eggs. There will be family crafts and activities inside. Pizza and drinks will also be included for all participants. The cost is $30/family of four, and $5 per additional person. Limited space is available. Reserve your family spot today at 239-242-3950.
4th Annual Sunshine Ace Hardware
Big Green EGGfest
Riverside Park
10450 Reynolds St, Bonita Springs
Saturday, April 1 • 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.
EGGfest is a family-friendly celebration of barbecue that includes all-you-can-eat food samplings, craft beer, grilling demonstrations and live music.
KId’s DIYer Workshop: Build a Bunny Planter
Fort Myers Lowe's
14960 S. Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers
Saturday, April 1 • 10 a.m. - noon
Celebrate spring when you bring your little builder to create a Bunny Planter. It’s a great way for kids to grow new skills and take home a fun garden project! Kids will learn basic building skills as they follow the steps to create a unique item for the garden. 239-433-9255
In-Store Kids Workshops - Poolside Birdhouse
Home Depot - Local Home Depot locations
Saturday, April 1 • 9 a.m. to noon
Time to pull out your apron! Kids Workshops are back in-store. Join us on the first Saturday of every month for this fun, free event. HomeDepot.com/Workshops.
Barnes & Noble Marketplace SC
13751 Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers
Saturday, April 1 • 11 a.m.
Join us as we read stories to your little ones every Saturday morning! 239-437-0654
Cypress Lake United Methodist Church
8570 Cypress Lake Dr, Fort Myers
Saturday, April 1 • 10 a.m. - noon
Join us for an Easter event for kids and their families! Bring your baskets for the egg hunt at 10:30 am (divided into age groups). There will also be inflatables and indoor crafts and activities. This egg-citing event is FREE and open to the entire community! 239-482-1250
Easter Jam
Citygate Ministries
1735 Jackson St, Fort Myers
Saturday, April 1 • 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Join us at Citygate for our annual Easter Jam! This is a free event that will be fun for your whole family. We will have food, bounce houses, egg hunts, giveaways, train rides and more. 239-334-7747
Annual Easter Egg Hunt
Gateway Sales & Information Center
11900 Fairway Lakes Dr, Fort Myers
Saturday, April 1 • 9 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Denny Grimes and Team is inviting you and your children ages 10 & under to join us for our Annual Easter Egg Hunt with the Easter Bunny. To register go to www.gateway411.com.
Lee County Animal Services “Flip This Kennel”
5600 Banner Drive, Fort Myers
Saturday, April 1 • 10:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Lee County Domestic Animal Services, along with various county agencies, area shelters and rescues, will decorate kennels and catteries for the “Flip This Kennel” event to highlight shelter pets in the county’s adoption center. Visitors to the shelter, can vote for their favorite flip from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday, April 1. People also can vote on the Animal Services Facebook page, Facebook.com/LeeCountyDomesticAnimalServices/ by liking the picture of a favorite kennel or cattery all day Saturday and Sunday, April 1 and 2. Winners will be posted on the Facebook page Monday, April 3. 239-533-7387
Easter Eggstravaganza
Grace Church, Cape Coral Campus
13 SE 21st Pl, Cape Coral
Saturday, April 1 • 9 - 11 a.m.
Plan for your family to join us for all kinds of Spring Fun Saturday April 1st in the Family Center parking lot. There will be food trucks, games, treats, prizes, inflatables, pictures with the Easter bunny and of course an amazing Easter Egg hunt! Candy donations being accepted in the Church office or Family Center building. 239-574-7161
Saturday, April 1 continued
Sensory-Friendly Easter Egg Hunt
Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church
4141 Deleon St, Fort Myers
Saturday, April 1 • 10 a.m.
This event is open to any family with specialneeds kids! Special accommodations will be made for physical, sensory, dietary, auditory and visual disabilities. Able-bodied siblings are welcome, too! Registration is required. Register here: https://conta.cc/3ZMP4bh
Easter Egg Hunt at Amavida Living
7650 Gladiolus Dr, Fort Myers
Saturday, April 1 • 10 - 11:30 a.m.
Get Eggs-cited for Easter! We're back with our second annual Easter Egg Hunt at Amavida Living benefitting Donate4Kidz & Family Connect! Families will visit Amavida Living to enjoy an egg hunt and quality time with our friends at Amavida. Join us Saturday, April 1st for fun and family time. Activities will include: Easter crafting, Easter egg hunt, lemonade & cookies & more. Donate here: www.paypal.com/paypalme/familyconnect
Easter Eggstravaganza
Flamingo Island Flea Market
11902 Bonita Beach Rd SE, Bonita Springs
Saturday, April 1 • 9 a.m.
Celebrate Easter with the family at Flamingo Island Flea Market! Fun for the whole family, special activities, and shopping!
•Egg hunt ages 3-6: 9 a.m.-10 a.m.
•Egg hunt ages 7-11: noon - 2 p.m.
•Easter games all day
•Coloring contest: 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
•Easter Bunny & The Lucky Duck Pond Game w/ prizes all day long. 239-948-7799
STEAM Storytime
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Saturday, April 1 • 1 p.m.
Children ages 5-11 are invited to join us for a story and activity based on the aspects of STEAM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math. This is a great opportunity for parents and kids to learn and get creative together. 239-479-4636
STEAM Saturday
North Fort Myers Public Library
2001 N. Tamiami Trail NE, N. Fort Myers
Saturday, April 1 • 1 p.m.
Join us for a family-friendly STEAM exploration. Each month will feature a different activity based on the aspects of STEAMScience, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math. This is a great opportunity for parents and kids to build, learn and play together.
City Hall Front Lawn
1015 Cultural Park Blvd., Cape Coral Saturday, April 1 • Dusk (6:30 p.m.)
Enjoy the movie "Peter Rabbit" on our giant inflatable screen and a free family night out under the stars! Sunset is approximately 7:45 p.m., but get there early for a good spot, activities, and our giveaways!
Don't forget to bring a blanket & chairs!
6:30 p.m. - Food Trucks Arrive: Sunny Days Ice Cream
6:45 p.m. - Spring Egg Hunt for children under 12
7:35 p.m. - Giveaway winners announced
7:45 p.m. - Peter Rabbit on the big screen. For more information, call 239-573-3128.
Easter Block Party
New Life Church of Bonita Springs
3971 Via Del Rey, Bonita Springs
Saturday, April 1 • 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Everything is free! Easter Egg Hunt with over 5,000 eggs! Bounce houses, food, petting zoo, pony rides, games and so much more!
Easter Festival and Block Party!
Anthem Church - Fort Myers
13545 American Colony Blvd, Fort Myers
Saturday, April 1 • 10 a.m.
Our Easter Egg hunt/block party is back and bigger than ever! Last year was such a huge hit, thanks everyone for coming out! Bounce Houses, Easter Bunny, Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Games, Prizes, Crafts, and a Huge Easter Egg hunt! As always, it's all free, we would just love to see everyone there!
3rd Annual “A Gypsy Eggstravaganza”
GypsyOutlaw & Co.,
4901 Palm Beach Blvd., Suite 440, Fort Myers
Saturday, April 1 • 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Vendors, Meet & Greet With The Easter Bunny, Bounce House, Kids Crafts, Brookes Nugget Wagon & Adult Beverages at "The Tipsy Gypsy" Inside Gypsy Outlaw.
South Cape Business Easter Egg Hunt & Easter Bunny Photo Booth
909 Southeast 47th Terrace, Cape Coral
Saturday, April 1 • Noon - 4 p.m. Each business will be passing out eggs filled with candy, trinkets or one of the many great treats of higher value - like gift cards to awesome local places. A limo bus will also transport children & families safely across Cape Coral Parkway from Big John's Plaza to Zak's Jewelry. This South Cape Easter Egg Hunt is a family friendly event. Also, snap a free picture with the Easter Bunny at the official photo booth!
Easter Fest & Non-Stop Egg Hunt
Springtime Farms & Adventure Park
10761 Aqua Vista Dr, North Fort Myers
April 1-2, 8-9
Celebrate spring with the Easter Bunny as he gets things hopping around the Farm! This family friendly event features all your favorite farm attractions & some new, non-stop all day egg hunts. www.springtimeplantfarm.com
ReptiDay Show
Crowne Plaza , Bell Tower Shops, Fort Myers
Saturday, April 1 • 9 a.m.- 4 p.m.
Reptile pets, supplies, feeders, cages, and merchandise and many more related products and services. www.repticon.com
Free Easter Event - A Hunt For Jesus
New Day Christian Church
19091 S Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers
Saturday, April 1 • 1 - 3 p.m.
Free Easter Event. Featuring "A Hunt For Jesus" story telling/activities. "Touch a Truck" Fire Truck. Games, giveaways for kids, cookies and drinks. 239-278-1212
Young Eagles Rally & Pancake Breakfast
EAA Chapter 66 House at Page Field
5200 Captain Channing Page Dr., Fort Myers
Sunday, April 2 • 8 a.m.
The Young Eagles program is designed to introduce youth, ages 11-17 to general aviation. The Young Eagles first flight program is free of charge thanks to the generosity of our pilots and ground crew. The minimum age to fly is 11 years old. A parent or legal guardian must be present to sign the waiver and be on-site during the flight. Children younger than 11 may participate in the instruction class and walk around the aircraft but they cannot fly. A pancake breakfast is also available for $6 per person. Questions, email youngeagles66@gmail.com.
Easter at the Barn
17501 Nalle Road, North Fort Myers
Sunday, April 2 • 1 - 3 p.m.
Egg hunt, crafts, games, bounce house, cookie, cupcake, decorating, bunnies, chicks and more! $20 per child. 2 yrs and up. For more information, text 239-222-6450
Spring Craft
Cape Coral Lee County Public Library
921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral
Monday, April 3 • 3:30 p.m.
Join us for a spring inspired arts and crafts program. There will be paint and glitter, so please dress for mess. For ages 3-6. Caregivers must accompany children for assistance with activities. Space is limited. Registration is required. 239-479-4636
Anime Club
Cape Coral Lee County Public Library
921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral
Monday, April 3 • 4:30 p.m.
For teens and tweens interested in anime, manga, Japanese culture and other pop culture genres. Watch anime with friends and make themed crafts. For ages 11-18. No registration required. All supplies provided. 239-479-4636
Chess Anyone?
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Mondays, April 3, 10, 17, 24 • 2 p.m.
Rise to the chess challenge and join the fun. Chess enthusiasts of all ages are welcome. Bring your own chess set or use one of ours. 239-479-4636
Lafayette Street between Cape Coral Pkwy and Vincennes Street
Saturday, April 1 • 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
This is a family friendly event where kids of all ages can explore and ask questions about their favorite vehicles such as Cape Coral Rescue Fire Truck, Lee County Emergency Medical Ambulance, Cape Coral Police BMW Motorcycles, and the Florida Forestry Swamp Buggy just to name a few. All participants will receive a truck passport, and can visit the designated locations for a chance to win a prize. We will also be having a stage with entertainment geared toward children of all ages, health and safety exhibitors, and local vendors and sponsors. Get a truck passport stamped & be eligible to win prizes. Admission is free. Parent supervision is required.
Tue - 4
Family Storytime (español)
Bonita Springs Public Library
10560 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs
Tuesdays, April 4, 18 • 2 p.m.
¡Acompáñenos para cuentos, canciones, y actividades en español, enfocados en la alfabetización temprana. Para niños de 0 a 5 años de edad y sus familias. 239-479-4636
DIY Resin Jewelry & Keychain (teen)
Fort Myers Regional Library
2450 First St., Fort Myers
Tuesday, April 4 • 4 p.m.
Learn how to shape, coat and cast UV Resin to make your own pendent or keychain. All supplies will be provided. Registration is required. 239-479-4636
Library Teen Talk
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Tuesdays, April 4, 11, 18, 25 • 2 p.m.
High school teens are invited to the library for a weekly discussion about current events, everyday life, library resources and more. Teens will be encouraged to post an answer to a weekly question while socializing and making new friends. 239-479-4636
Easter Toddler Eggstravaganza
Coast Elite Gymnastics
6360 Arc Way, Fort Myers
Tuesday, April 4 • 10 a.m.
Easter egg hunt, bounce house, games & open play. Ages 1 - 6. 239-936-8467
PAWS to Read with K-9 Caring Angels Therapy Dogs
Bonita Springs Public Library
10560 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs
Tuesday, April 4 • 6 p.m.
Read with a four-legged friend from K-9 Caring Angels. Dogs are the perfect reading companions because they create a relaxed, comfortable and safe environment for sharing books. For ages 5-11. Visit the children's desk at the program start time to pick up a ticket. Children will receive a 10-minute reading spot with the dogs. Additional reading time may be available depending on demand. 239-479-4636
Harry Potter Themed Trivia Experience
Millennial Brewing Co.
1811 Royal Palm Ave, Fort Myers
Thursday, April 6 • 6 – 9 p.m.
Come join the BRAND NEW Millennial Trivia Experience! A themed trivia event with Harry Potter themed decor, Harry Potter themed drinks, Harry Potter themed food truck menu, Boozy and Regular Butterbeer, Adult and Kid Friendly and House Selection and Point Totals throughout the night! Harry Potter prizes for each game winner along with 400+ FREE parking spaces! Arrive early to get a seat! Trivia interface available in inside and outside seating areas! This is the Harry Potter fans dream so don’t miss out! 239-271-2255
Lego Club
Cape Coral Lee County Public Library
921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral
Thursday, April 6 • 4 p.m.
Drop in for building challenges the whole family will enjoy. For ages 5-11. No registration required. All materials are provided. 239-479-4636
Download Drop-In
Pine Island Public Library
10701 Russell Road, Bokeelia
Thursdays, April 6, 13 • 3 p.m.
Receive personalized help downloading ebooks, movies, music and more from Overdrive/Libby and Hoopla, two of Lee County Library System’s largest online content providers. Bring your fully charged digital device for this hands-on help session. Note: Please bring any passwords you may need for downloading apps. Kindle users will also need an Amazon account and their password for accessing it. 239-479-4636
Helicopter Egg Drop
City First Church
121 Del Prado Blvd S, Cape Coral
April 7 - 9
Helicopter Egg Drop Times:
April 7& 8 @ 6:30 p.m
April 9 @ 12:30 p.m.
Visit www.cityfirst.church/easter/
Registration Required
For ages 18 - 36 months and caregivers. Toddlers and caregivers move and groove to stories, music, rhymes and activities during this interactive storytime that builds language and motor skills. Space is limited.
For ages 3 - 5. Preschoolers develop school readiness skills through books, rhymes, songs and movement. While parents wait nearby in the library building. Space is limited.
Cape Coral Lee County Public Library
11 a.m. Wednesdays, April 5, 12, 19, 26
East County Regional Library
10:30 a.m. Tuesdays, April 4, 11, 18, 25
Fort Myers Regional Library
10 & 11 a.m. Tuesdays, April 4, 11, 18, 25
Northwest Regional Library
10:45 a.m. Wednesdays, April 5, 12, 19, 26
Cape Coral Lee County Public Library
11 a.m. Tuesdays, April 4, 11, 18, 25
Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library
10 a.m. Fridays, April 7, 14, 21, 28
East County Regional Library
10:30 a.m. Thursdays, April 6, 13, 20, 27
Fort Myers Regional Library
10 a.m. Wednesdays, April 5, 12, 19, 26
Northwest Regional Library
10:45 a.m. Thursdays, April 6, 13, 20, 27
South County Regional Library
10 a.m. Thursdays, April 6, 13, 20, 27
Bonita Springs Public Library
10:30 a.m. Thursdays, April 6, 13, 20, 27
For children through age 5 and caregivers. Families with young children enjoy a variety of stories, songs, rhymes and movement activities designed to promote and reinforce literacy and language development. Registration is required. Space is limited.
Cape Coral Lee County Public Library
10 a.m. Saturday, April 1
East County Regional Library
10:30 a.m. Wednesdays, April 5, 12, 19, 26
North Fort Myers Public Library
11 a.m. Wednesdays, April 5, 12, 19, 26
Northwest Regional Library 10 a.m. Saturday, April 15
Pine Island Public Library
10:30 a.m. Tuesdays, April 4, 11, 18, 25
South County Regional Library
10 a.m. Tuesdays, April 4, 11, 18, 25
Center for Performing Arts, Hinman Auditorium, 10150 Bonita Beach Rd., Bonita Springs
Friday, April 14 • 7 p.m.
Saturday, April 15 • 2 p.m. & 7 p.m.
Sunday, April 16 • 2 p.m.
Footloose is the story of Ren McCormack, a teenage boy from Chicago. He and his mother move to the small town of Bomont. Ren finds himself at odds with most of the town, including the Reverend Bomont, who has convinced the town to outlaw dancing. With the help of the Ariel (the Reverend’s daughter) and Willard (a country boy who becomes his best friend), Ren convinces the Reverend to let the teenagers dance, and in the process helps the town to heal from a tragedy that affected them all.
Cost $17 General Admission / $23 Reserved Seating. 239-495-8989
Friday, April 7 continued
Into The Woods Jr.
Fort Myers Theatre
16120 San Carlos Boulevard, Fort Myers
April 7 - 9
The musical centers on a baker and his wife, who wish to have a child; Cinderella, who wishes to attend the King's festival; and Jack, who wishes his cow would give milk. When the baker and his wife learn that they cannot have a child because of a witch's curse, the two set off on a journey to break the curse, and wind up changed forever. www.ftmyerstheatre.com
Mighty Mussels Fireworks at the Ballpark
Hammond Stadium
14100 6 Mile Cypress Pkwy, Fort Myers
April 7 & 21
Included with the price of admission, fans can stick around to enjoy postgame fireworks shows 14 times this season. The Independence Day show on July 3 will be the biggest fireworks extravaganza in the history of Hammond Stadium. Single game tickets are on sale now at MightyMussels.com
S.T.E.A.M. for Kids
Fort Myers Regional Library
2450 First St., Fort Myers
Friday, April 7 • 3 p.m.
For ages 6-11. Meet new friends as we tackle various STEAM topics in this monthly program designed to spark dialogue and creative thinking. We will engage in science experiments, technology, building, crafting and making of all types. Registration is required. 239-479-4636
TAG 20th Reunion Concert & Silent Auction
Cypress Lake High School
6750 Panther Ln, Fort Myers
Friday, April 7 • 7 – 9 p.m.
TAG presents their annual concert and silent auction, but also celebrates 20 years as a group. Past members are being invited to join us for this event and join the current members of TAG for a specially arranged concert finale. You won't want to miss this very special event. 239-481-2233
Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library
3095 Blount St., Fort Myers
Friday, April 7 • 10:30 a.m. Soapy bubbles everywhere. Join us for an exciting morning of bubble blowing as we listen to our favorite tunes. 239-479-4636
Barnes & Noble Marketplace SC
13751 Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers
Saturday, April 8 • 11 a.m.
Join us as we read stories to your little ones every Saturday morning! 239-437-0654
Easter Egg Hunt
Lehigh Acres Church of the Nazarene 210 Lee Blvd, Lehigh Acres
Saturday, April 8 • 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Come join us for games and crafts. At noon we will start the Easter Egg Hunt! 239-369-4001
Easter Eggstravaganza
Fleamasters Fleamarket, 4135 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Fort Myers
Saturday, April 8 • 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Hunt for candy at the sellers’ booths, enjoy free face painting, coloring contest and live music. Bring your camera to pose with the Easter Bunny. 239-334-7001
Westminster Easter Event
Westminster Presbyterian Church
9065 Ligon Ct., Fort Myers
Saturday, April 8 • 9 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Join us to celebrate Easter through the gospel story, an Easter egg hunt, bounce house, face painting, games and crafts! 239-481-2125
4:23 Praise - Free Worship Event
The Springs At Riverside Park
10450 Reynolds St, Bonita Springs
Saturday, April 8 • 4 - 8 p.m.
Come celebrate the resurrection with 4:23. Praise at our free community worship event! There will be food trucks, bounce houses, slides and most importantly worship! www.423Praise.com
Spring Fest
North Fort Myers Community Park, 2000 North Recreation Park Way, North Fort Myers
Saturday, April 8 • 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Activities include music, yard games, photo booth, bounce house & food trucks. The event is free. (on the football field) For information, call 239-533-7200.
Easter EGG-stravaganza
We Rock the Spectrum Kid's Gym - Fort Myers
17640 S Tamiami Trail, Suite 309, Fort Myers
Saturday, April 8 • 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Hop on over for our Easter EGG-stravaganza party! Easter Egg Hunt at 10:10 a.m., followed by snacks, craft, open play, & one on one time with the Easter Bunny. $35 per child $20 siblings. Call to register. 239-362-3378
Easter Extravaganza
Kiwanis Club of Cape Coral, 360 Santa Barbara Blvd., S., Cape Coral
Saturday, April 8 • 10 a.m.
An adult must be present for children to participate and those attending are asked to bring their own Easter baskets. Registration 10 a.m., Hunt begins 11 a.m. (by age group) Fun games! Kids 1-10 welcome. www.capecoralkiwanis.org
Bonita Springs Public Library
10560 Reynolds St., Bonita Springs 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays, April 5, 12, 19, 26
Cape Coral Lee County Public Library
921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral 10 a.m. Thursdays, April 6, 13, 20, 27
Fort Myers Regional Library
2450 First St., Fort Myers 10 a.m. Thursdays, April 6, 13, 20, 27
North Fort Myers Public Library
2001 N. Tamiami Trail NE, N. Fort Myers 11 a.m. Thursdays, April 6, 13, 20, 27
Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral 10:30 a.m. Mondays, April 3, 10, 17, 24
For babies up to 18 months. Babies and caregivers wiggle and giggle to stories, action rhymes, and songs while building early literacy skills in a supportive environment. Space is limited. Arrive early and visit the children's desk to check in. First come, first served.
Broadway Palm Children’s Theatre
1380 Colonial Boulevard, Fort Myers
April 21 - May 19
Featuring the music of Bob Marley and based on his daughter’s children’s book of the same name, this jammin’ musical tells of a little birdy Ziggy who is afraid to leave his house. He’s worried about everything, but with the help of Dr. Bird and his feathered friends, Ziggy’s reminded that “every little thing gonna be all right.”
31 Produce & Mining Co.
18672 State Road 31, Alva
Saturday, April 8 • 10:30 a.m.
We will have local vendors & Easter Bunny!! Our annual easter egg hunt is spread out across the whole back portion of the property with over 6,000 eggs BUT this is a huge event, if your 2 minutes late you may not get any eggs. PLEASE limit your children to no more than 10 eggs, NO LARGE BASKETS..and be friendly and courteous to our staff and your fellow patrons. Petting zoo, butterfly garden and more. 239-313-8213 www.31PRODUCE.com
Plant a Butterfly Garden
South County Regional Library
21100 Three Oaks Parkway, Estero
Saturday, April 8 • 11 a.m.
Families will learn how to plant a garden that attracts butterflies and invites them to lay their eggs. Naturalist Tony Mauriello will discuss the garden design, which will include various Florida native host and nectar plants for the most common butterflies that visit SW Florida. The program will include a craft for children at the end of the lecture. Registration is required. 239-479-4636
2nd annual Pinwheels in the Park
Hammond Stadium
14100 Six Mile Cypress Pkwy, Fort Myers
Saturday, April 8 • 6 p.m.
The stadium will host a family-fun children's Easter egg hunt one hour before the game. (5 p.m.) Custom Pinwheel jerseys worn by the Mighty Mussels will be available for purchase through an online auction after the game. Tickets to the April 8 Mighty Mussels game are $15 and can be purchased here, with a portion of the proceeds benefitting the CAC. The Mighty Mussels game is at Hammond Stadium against the Dunedin Blue Jays. www.milb.com/fort-myers
Free Websites for ESL Students
Fort Myers Regional Library
2450 First St., Fort Myers
Saturday, April 8 • 11 a.m.
Read to Dogs
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Saturday, April 8 • 11 a.m.
Join us at the library for reading to dogs. The dogs are registered therapy animals who volunteer with their owner/handlers as a team to help improve the literacy skills of children. Children can read down fines or just develop a love of reading through reading to dogs. 239-479-4636
Estero Eggstravaganza
Estero Park and Recreation Center
9200 Corkscrew Palms Blvd
Saturday, April 8 • 10 a.m. - noon
Estero EGGStravaganza featuring an adaptive egg hunt will begin at 10 a.m. at Estero Recreation Center. Preregistration is required by calling the recreation center at 239-533-1470 or online at www.leeparks.org/register. The egg hunt and the opportunity to meet the Easter Bunny are for children age 12 and under. The cost is $5 per child. Bring your camera and basket. The first egg hunt begins at 10 a.m. Each group has the chance to find multiple prize egg. This is an outdoor event, weather permitting. For more information, call the Estero Recreation Center at 239-533-1470.
This seminar will feature a demonstration of the top free English as a Second Language websites to help ESL students enhance their English language learning skills. 239-479-4636
Easter Party
Gulf Coast Town Center
9903 Gulf Coast Main St, Fort Myers Saturday, April 8 • 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Hop on down to Gulf Coast Town Center for an Egg-citing Easter party! This free event is a great way to kick off the holiday weekend with the entire family and is conveniently located in front of the GCTC playground: Take photos with the Easter Bunny, get creative at the craft table, enjoy sweet treats, dance to the upbeat music in the courtyard. *Photos with the Easter Bunny in exchange for a $5 donation or canned food. Proceeds raised will be donated to Community Cooperative. 239-267-5107
Veterans Park Ultimate Egg Hunt
55 Homestead Road S., Lehigh Acres
Saturday, April 8 • 10 a.m. to 1 p.m, at the park basketball pavilion Activities include egg hunt, games, music, food truck, photo booth and more. Bring your camera and basket. The cost is $5 per child. This event is co-sponsored by Lehigh Acres Rotary Club. Advance registration is required. Register online at www.leeparks.org/register, at the Veterans Park Recreation Center or by calling 239-369-1521.
Read to Dogs
North Fort Myers Public Library
2001 N. Tamiami Trail NE, N. Fort Myers
Saturday, April 8 • 2 p.m.
Join us at the library to read to dogs. The dogs are registered therapy animals who volunteer with their owner/handlers as a team to help improve the literacy skills of children. You can read down fines or just encourage a love of reading in your children with reading to dogs. 239-479-4636
Easter Parade & Festival
The Stars Complex
2980 Edison Ave, Fort Myers
Sunday, April 9 • 3 p.m.
Fun, food, vendors, egg hunt, parade with floats, entertainment and more. www.facebook.com/dunbarfestivalcommittee
Easter Egg Hunt & Dolphin Cruise
Royal Shell Port Sanibel Marina
14341 Port Comfort Rd, Fort Myers
Sunday, April 9 • 9 - 10:30 a.m.
Join the Easter Bunny! Hop aboard for Easter "island style"! Cruise San Carlos Bay and along the way catch a glimpse or two of dolphins! Arrive at Picnic Island to find over thousand eggs and experience easter egg hunting like you never have before! We will provide easter pails and bottled water. www.adventureinparadiseinc.com
Easter at Gateway
Gateway Church
13241 Griffin Drive, Fort Myers
Sunday, April 9 • 9 a.m. & 10:45 a.m.
Sunday services & Easter egg hunts. 239-561-2550
S.T.E.A.M. for Tweens
Fort Myers Regional Library
2450 First St., Fort Myers
Monday, April 10 • 3:30 p.m.
For ages 10-14. Meet new friends as we tackle various STEAM topics in this monthly program designed to spark dialogue and creative thinking. This program encourages creativity and teaches fundamental skills in science. Registration is required. 239-479-4636
Anime Club
Fort Myers Regional Library
2450 First St., Fort Myers
Tuesday, April 11 • 4 p.m.
Learn how to draw enchanting Chibi creatures. This is a beginner’s class on drawing mythical beasts. All supplies will be provided. 239-479-4636
Kindness Club
Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral
Tuesday, April 11 • 4:30 p.m.
Join us at the library to create kindness in our community. Kids can participate in fun activities designed to encourage kindness and help make the world a better place. For children ages 5 to 11. Registration begins March 7 and is guaranteed only until the start of the program. 239-479-4636
Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall, 13350 FSW Pkwy, Fort Myers
Sunday, April 23 • 7 p.m.
Exceptional cirque artists —aerial flyers, acrobats, contortionists, dancers, jugglers, balancers, and strongmen — bring the magic of cirque to the concert hall set to music from some of the greatest film scores of all time.
Tuesday, April 11 continued
Middle School Game Day
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Tuesday, April 11 • 5 p.m.
Play board games, video games, card games and more at the library. Middle school teens are invited to join us for fun, games & socializing with friends after school. 239-479-4636
Chess at the Library
Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral
Tuesday, April 11 • 5:30 p.m.
Enjoy chess at the library in a casual environment. Chessboards will be provided, but you can also bring your own. People of all ages and skill levels are invited. Staff will be on hand to provide help for those getting started. 239-479-4636
Teens Go Green
South County Regional Library
21100 Three Oaks Parkway, Estero
Tuesday, April 11 • 6 p.m.
Design your own tote bag in celebration of Earth Day. For ages 12-17. Dress for mess. All supplies provided. 239-479-4636
High School Game Day
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Wednesday, April 12 • 2 p.m.
Play board games, video games, card games and more at the library. High school teens are invited to join us for fun, games, and socializing with friends after school. 239-479-4636
Art Lab
South County Regional Library
21100 Three Oaks Parkway, Estero
Wednesday, April 12 • 3:30 p.m.
Join us for creative hands-on monthly art experiences in a supportive environment. For ages 6-11. Registration is required. Dress for mess. 239-479-4636
Storytime in the Children's Garden at Lakes Park Lakes Regional Park
7330 Gladiolus Dr, Fort Myers
Thursday, April 13 • 10:30 a.m.
Please join us for a morning of books, songs, and a fun craft activity. This volunteer-led event is intended for children ages 2-5 years old held in the Children's Garden at Lakes Park. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. www.leegov.com
Les Miserables School Edition
Lehigh Senior High School
901 Gunnery Rd N, Lehigh Acres
April 13 – 15
The legendary Broadway musical has been specially adapted to meet the needs of young performers. 239-693-5353
Casting Crowns - The Healer Tour
Hertz Arena, 1000 Everblades Pkwy, Estero
Thursday, April 13 • 7 p.m.
With We are Messengers and Ben Fuller. 239-948-7825
Jungle Book Kids
Fort Myers Theatre
16120 San Carlos Boulevard., Fort Myers
April 14 - 15
Banished by the ferocious tiger, Shere Khan, a human boy named Mowgli and his panther friend, Bagheera, are on the run in the deepest parts of the jungle. On their journey, the two meet a sinister snake named Kaa, a herd of elephants and a giant bear named Baloo, who teaches them the swingin’ musical rhythms of the jungle. After surviving a dangerous encounter with a band of monkeys led by King Louie, Mowgli and Bagheera are forced to run for their lives. When Shere Khan returns, our heroes must rally their fellow animals into battle and restore peace throughout the jungle. www.ftmyerstheatre.com
Lego Club
Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library
3095 Blount St., Fort Myers
Friday, April 14 • 10:30 a.m.
Join us for a short story and Lego building activities. Lego bricks provided. Join us for creative brick building fun. 239-479-4636
Indoor Obstacle Course
Four Freedoms Park
4818 Tarpon Ct, Cape Coral
Friday, April 14 • 1:30 p.m.
Each month we will design a new course with different obstacles to make each course exciting! They will include a child-size indoor rock climbing wall and zipline, balance beam, hula hoops, balancing balls and indoor bounce house! $10. 239-574-0804
Family Craft Saturday
North Fort Myers Public Library
2001 N. Tamiami Trail NE, N. Fort Myers
Saturday, April 15 • 11 a.m.
Children and their families are invited to join us for a crafty Saturday. Dress for mess. All supplies will be provided, just bring your creativity. 239-479-4636
Barnes & Noble Marketplace SC
13751 Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers
Saturday, April 15 • 11 a.m.
Join us as we read stories to your little ones every Saturday morning! 239-437-0654
Pop-Up Books at the Library
Fort Myers Regional Library
2450 First St., Fort Myers
Saturday, April 15 • 2 p.m.
For ages up to 11. Discover the joy of three-dimensional reading. After hearing a story read aloud, families can browse our collection of pop-up books and read with their children. 239-479-4636
Save the Planet: Kids & Teens Creator Space
Pine Island Public Library
10701 Russell Road, Bokeelia
Saturday, April 15 • 2 p.m.
We are celebrating the Earth. Join in and help save the planet with these fun craft activities made from recycled materials. 239-479-4636
Free Family ArtLab
Alliance for the Arts
10091 McGregor Blvd., Fort Myers
Saturday, April 15 • 10 a.m. - Noon
Make creativity part of your family routine the 3rd Saturday of each month during Family Art Lab! Drop in for free, hands-on family fun from 10 a.m. to noon. Explore something new every month like art making, gallery activities, games and more – all inspired by artworks on view in the gallery, famous artists, national holidays and artistic traditions around the world. Recommended for ages five and older, but all ages and abilities are encouraged to participate. www.artinlee.org
2023 BBQ, Bands & Brew
Caloosa Sound Amphitheater
2101 Edwards Drive, Fort Myers
Saturday, April 15 • 101 a.m. - 6 p.m.
BBQ, beverages, bands, contests, cornhole, raffles prizes, a children’s play area, face painting, balloon art, rockwall and more! Admission is $10 per person and children 12 and under are free. Tickets can be purchased at the gate. 239-938-0056
Library Teen Talk
Cape Coral Lee County Public Library
921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral
Tuesday, April 18 • 3:30 p.m.
For ages 12-18. Socialize, snack and form new friendships at this exciting teen program. Help decorate the new books display with our teen librarian. No registration is required. All supplies provided. 239-479-4636
Birthday Club
Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral
Tuesday, April 18 • 6:15 p.m.
Is it your child's birthday month? Come celebrate it with us at our monthly birthday bash. All supplies and light refreshments provided. For ages 1-5. Registration for birthday child required. Guaranteed only until the start of the program. 239-479-4636
Hertz Arena, 11000 Everblades Pkwy, Estero
Thursday, April 27 • 7 p.m.
The Harlem Globetrotters 2023 World Tour presented by Jersey Mike’s Subs is coming with game like never before! Your favorite Globetrotter stars are bringing out their amazing basketball skills, outrageous athleticism and a non-stop LOL good time. Join the Globetrotters as they go head-to-head against the Washington Generals who will stop at nothing to try and defeat the world’s winningest team! Want exclusive, limited access to Globetrotter players? Check out our Premium Fan Experiences like the pre-game Magic Pass, warm-up Celebrity Court Pass or the Behind-The-Court Meet & Greet available in limited quantities. For the ULTIMATE Globetrotter fan experience, check out the VIP Bench Premium Tickets!
Yoga for Littles
South County Regional Library
21100 Three Oaks Parkway, Estero
Monday, April 17 • 10 a.m.
Join us for stories, songs and chants, movement and mindful breathing in a gentle interactive program. For children through age five and caregivers. No experience necessary. Wear comfortable clothing. 239-479-4636
Kindness Club
South County Regional Library
21100 Three Oaks Parkway, Estero
Monday, April 17 • 3:30 p.m.
Join us at the library to create kindness in our community. Kids can participate in fun activities designed to encourage kindness and help make the world a better place. This program is designed for children ages 7-11. Registration is required and guarantees your spot until the start of the program. Some activities may be messy; please dress for mess. 239-479-4636
Tween Art Club: Air-Dry Clay Creatures
Fort Myers Regional Library
2450 First St., Fort Myers
Tuesday, April 18 • 4 p.m.
For ages 9-12. Have you ever used air-dry clay? Now is your chance, as we will be creating mini magical creatures. All supplies will be provided. Registration is required. 239-479-4636
Poetry and Karaoke Slam
North Fort Myers Public Library
2001 N. Tamiami Trail NE, N. Fort Myers
Tuesday, April 18 • 6 p.m.
Join us for a Poetry/Karaoke Slam in honor of National Poetry Month. Bring your best poems, rants or songs to sing and by the end of the night, someone will be crowned as the Karaoke King or Queen. 239-479-4636
Tech Thursdays: One-on-One Help
Pine Island Public Library
10701 Russell Road, Bokeelia
Thursday, April 20 • 3:30 p.m.
Need help with a laptop, tablet or e-reader? Are you looking to gain basic computer skills? We can help. Bring your fully charged device and any passwords for a 15-minute, one-onone technology session. 239-479-4636
Sidewalk Chalk
Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library
3095 Blount St., Fort Myers
Friday, April 21 • 10:30 a.m.
Help decorate the library's sidewalk with colored chalk drawings. For ages 3-5. 239-479-4636
Spring Fling! Parents Night Out
Four Freedoms Park
4818 Tarpon Ct, Cape Coral
Friday, April 21 • 6 - 9 p.m.
On this night fair-style food will be served, including corn dogs, caramel apples and popcorn. We will play an array of carnival games, face painting and winning prizes!
$20. 239-574-0804
Pollination Week at Dunbar
Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library
3095 Blount St., Fort Myers
Friday, April 21 • 10 a.m.
Do you know that birds, bats, butterflies, beetles and most importantly, bees are pollinators? Join us as we play, sing, read and rhyme our way through important pollinators that start with the letter "B." 239-479-4636
Barnes & Noble Marketplace SC
13751 Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers
Saturday, April 22 • 11 a.m.
Join us as we read stories to your little ones every Saturday morning! 239-437-0654
Books with Blue: Storytime with a Police Officer
Fort Myers Regional Library
2450 First St., Fort Myers
Saturday, April 22 • 2 p.m.
Join us as we partner with the Fort Myers Police Department for an in-person, interactive storytime. Listen to a story, learn safety tips, ask questions and connect with an officer. 239-479-4636
Family Earth Day Celebration
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Saturday, April 22 • 1 p.m.
Children in grades K-5 and their caregivers are invited to a special Earth Day celebration filled with activities, crafts and more, designed to celebrate the earth and how we take care of it. 239-479-4636
Family Earth Day Activity
North Fort Myers Public Library
2001 N. Tamiami Trail NE, N. Fort Myers
Saturday, April 22 • 11 a.m.
Families are invited to join us for a special Earth Day activity. Dress for a mess, as we will be decorating pots and working with soil and seeds. All supplies will be provided. You will leave with your very own potted seedling to nurture and grow at home. 239-479-4636
Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral
Saturday, April 22 • 2 p.m.
Join us for a short story and Lego building activities. Lego bricks provided for use during this program. 239-479-4636
Build It: Lego
South County Regional Library
21100 Three Oaks Parkway, Estero
Saturday, April 22 • 2 p.m.
Drop in for building challenges the whole family will enjoy. All materials are provided; just bring your creativity. 239-479-4636
Saturday, April 22 continued
Cape Coral Culture Fest 2023
Cultural Park
528 Cultural Park Blvd, Cape Coral
Saturday, April 22 • Noon - 5 p.m.
The City of Cape Coral is proud to celebrate our diversity through live music, cultural displays, international food and more! Connect with your community during the eventful afternoon and explore the sights, sounds, and flavors of Cape Coral with performances and activities for all ages. This is a FREE event! 239-573-3128
Teen Tuesdays
Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library
3095 Blount St., Fort Myers
Tuesday, April 25 • 3:30 p.m.
Talk about your favorite books, play games and take part in other special activities. 239-479-4636
Gulf Coast Town Center 9903 Gulf Coast Main St, Fort Myers
Friday, April 28 • 5 - 7 p.m.
This event will feature: Photos with superhero characters, costume contest, superhero mask decorating, face painting and more. Don’t miss the “action” at this awesome event! www.gulfcoasttowncenter.com
North Fort Myers High School
5000 Orange Grove Blvd, North Fort Myers
Friday, April 28 • 6:30 p.m.
This children’s theatre show is based on the fun Disney movie, Descendants: The Musical and focuses on the children of famous Disney heroes and villains. The Fairy Godmother put a spell on the villains and their descendants so they were banished to the barren Isle of the Lost while the heroes and their children live on a beautiful island called Auradon. All tickets are $5 at the door or online at northfortmyerstheatre.ticketleap.com/descendants
Books and Blankets
Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral
Tuesday, April 25 • 6:15 p.m.
Join us with your blankies and pajamas for this nighttime edition of storytime. Your whole family is invited to this enjoyable, allages storytime that encourages the development of pre-reading skills through songs, rhymes, fingerplays & stories. 239-479-4636
Teen Advisory Group
Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library
3095 Blount St., Fort Myers
Tuesday, April 25 • 3 p.m.
Be the change you want to see in the world. Learn about issues that affect our community and inspire change through monthly community service projects at the library. Guest speakers, materials for the service projects and snacks provided. For teens in grades 6-12. 239-479-4636
All-Abilities Storytime for Kids
Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library
3095 Blount St., Fort Myers
Wednesday, April 26 • 3:30 p.m.
For ages 3-12 and caregivers. This storytime emphasizes books, music and sensory experiences designed for children with adaptive needs and their families. Using visual schedule boards, stories are told through multiple modalities. 239-479-4636
Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library
3095 Blount St., Fort Myers
Wednesday, April 26 • 4:30 p.m.
Craft until your heart's content in our open craft room for children ages 5-11. Use your imagination to create a masterpiece. All supplies provided. 239-479-4636
Four Freedoms Park, 4818 Tarpon Ct, Cape Coral
Saturday, April 29 • 10 a.m. - noon
When children put on a costume it gives them a sense of power, it boosts their self-esteem and promotes happiness. Put on your favorite superhero costume & join us for crafts, activities, photo ops and snack. Children must be accompanied by an adult. 239-574-0804
What the Craft? Twisted Tie-Dye
Cape Coral Lee County Public Library
921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral
Thursday, April 27 • 4 p.m.
For ages 11-18. Join us for some timeless fun, full of peaceful good vibes and bright bursts of color. No registration required. All supplies provided while they last. 239-479-4636
Family Fun Night!
Bell Tower Shops
13499 S. Cleveland Ave., Fort Myers
Thursday, April 27 • 5 - 7 p.m.
Bell Tower will be hosting a monthly Family Fun Night the 4th (or 3rd depending on holidays) Thursday of the month from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. The theme and idea behind this event is to provide families a time to bond, have fun doing activities together and get their family rhythm going again. It will be held throughout the mall concourse beginning in center court. Adam's Animal Encounters will be exhibiting live exotic animals in their Mini Zoo display with educational and hands-on opportunities throughout the evening. In addition, there will be games, food, face painting and balloons sculptures. PLUS cotton candy from SWFL's own Sweet Dreams! www.thebelltowershops.com
Spanish Time for Kids
Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library
3095 Blount St., Fort Myers
Thursday, April 27 • 3:30 p.m.
For ages 6-11. Learn how to speak basic Spanish through games, projects, songs and more. Every program introduces new vocabulary through crafts and games with an additional activity to take home. 239-479-4636
Preschool Magnatile Fun
Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library
3095 Blount St., Fort Myers
Friday, April 28 • 10:30 a.m.
Toddlers will enjoy learning the alphabet and numbers while building with magnet tiles and using their imaginations. 239-479-4636
Barnes & Noble Marketplace SC
13751 Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers
Saturday, April 29 • 11 a.m.
Join us as we read stories to your little ones every Saturday morning! 239-437-0654
Teen Manga Discussion Group
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Saturday, April 29 • 11 a.m.
Join us for this new and exciting program with plenty of opportunities to be heard and make an impact. Discuss current and favorite manga as well as new and upcoming titles. Participants can make purchase recommendations to the library and contribute ideas that will help grow the discussion group. 239-479-4636
Dunedin Highlander Park
1920 Pinehurst Rd., Dunedin
Dunedin Highland Games and Festival will be held on April 1. There will be highland trail 5k run, solo piping contest, pipe bands competition, highland dance competition, super caber toss, children’s activities, clans, music, parade of bands and clans, sheep herding demonstration, sack races, games, arts & crafts, face painting, balloon artist creations, vendors, beer tent, food and more. Hours: 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. www.dunedinhighlandgames.com
Lake County-Fairgrounds
2101 County Road 452, Eustis Lake County Fair will be held on April 6 -15. It will include 4-H/livestock shows and exhibits, talent shows, pageants, kids activities, entertainment, racing pigs, pie eating contest, cake walk, rides, hay bale contest, vendors, fair food and more. Hours: Mon - Fri, 5 - 10 p.m. & Sat and Sun 1 - 10 p.m. www.lakecofair.com
Located in Historic Downtown Sebring (Around Circle Park Drive)
Sebring Soda Fest will be April 7-8. Come over to sample more than 200 craft sodas. Additionally, there will be family fun, live music, craft beer garden, festive food trucks and more. www.sebringsodafest.com
Flagler County Fairgrounds
150 Sawgrass Road, Bunnell
Flagler County Fair and Youth Show will be held on April 10-14. It will feature 4-H/FFA shows and exhibits, livestock shows and sale, petting zoo, pony rides, competitive exhibits, live music, entertainment, fair food and much more. www.flaglercountyfair.com
Rockefeller Gardens
25 Riverside Dr, Ormond Beach
Ormond Beach Celtic Festival will be held on April 15-16. This family friendly festival will feature live music, Irish dancing, sheep herding, rugby demonstrations, celtic clans, highland games, dog parade, axe throwing, vendors of all types, draft beers, wines, celtic food and more. Hours: Sat. 10 a.m.7 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. www.ormondbeachcelticfestival.com
Wickham Park
Parkway Dr., Melbourne
Melbourne Strawberry Festival will be held on April 15-16. This festival will feature arts and crafts, petting farm, pony rides, sack race, pie eating contest, cute baby contest, hula hoop contest, rock climbing wall, corn hole, kids activates, live entertainment, delicious strawberries and strawberries themed dishes, food and much more. Admission: $6, kids 2 & under free. Hours: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. both days www.melbournefest.com
Downtown Brooksville
Brooksville Blueberry Festival will be held on April 29-30. The two day festival will feature live music, vendors shopping, blueberry treats, delicious food and more.
Hours: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Volusia KidFest & Camp Fair
Volusia Mall
1700 W International Speedway Blvd
Daytona Beach
Volusia KidFest and Camp Fair will be held on April 15. Come explore family-friendly services and resources as well as learn about fun summer camps and programs. The activities will include face painting, photo booth, character meet and greets, balloon twisting, craft, vendors and more. Hours: 11a.m. - 4 p.m. www.eventbrite.com/e/volusia-kidfest
Deltona Tanoshi Con
Center at Deltona
1640 Dr. M.L.K. Blvd., Deltona Tanoshi Con will be held on April 22. It will have amazing artists, vendors, sci-fi, anime, horror, fantasy, comic books, food and more. There will also be a cosplay contest. Hours: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. www.facebook.com/tanoshicon
Fort Lauderdale Beach, A1A
Fort Lauderdale Air Show will be held on April 29-30. It will include thrilling aerial performances, U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds, static displays, amazing food and much more. www.fortlauderdaleairshow.com
The St. Augustine Amphitheatre
1340C A1A S, Saint Augustine
Taste of St. Augustine will be held on April 30. Taste a variety of delicious food. In addition, there will be children s area featuring face painting and arts/crafts.
Hours: 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. www.oldcity.com
Somedegreeofstress,worry,and anxietyarenormalaspartofthepreadolescentandadolescentphasesof life.Infact,it’spartofeveryphaseof life,isn’tit?
However,ifyou arenoticing thatyourchild seemsburdened bytheirworries andanxieties, orthattheir dailylife,interactions,and schoolorsocial successare beingaffected, it’stimetolook intoitalittlemoredeeply.
Agreatfirstplacetostartisavisit toyourpediatrician.Pediatriciansare accustomedtoevaluatingachild
withanxiety,andalongwiththeparentsandthechild,helpingtofigure outjusthowseveretheproblemis, andwhatmeasurescanbetakento help.
Whileyouarewaitingforthat appointment,orifyouarejustnot sureandwanttotrysomemethodsof preventionandtreatmentathome first,herearesomesuggestions.
1)Ensureadequatesleep. Insufficientsleepinchildrenandadolescentsisdirectlyrelatedtolevelsof stress,anxiety,andevendepression.
2)Decreaseandlimitscreentime. Studiesproveoverandoveragain thatthemoretimekidsspendon theirphones,computers,anddevices, especiallyonsocialmedia,themore likelytheyaretobecomestressedor developanxietyanddepression. Includedinthisrecommendationis totakethephoneoutofyourchild’s
3)Ensuredailyexercise.Exercise releasesthebody‘snaturalendorphins,whichleadstofeelinghappier ingeneral.Dailyexercisealsoleads tobetterqualitysleep.
4)Encouragedailyjournaling,an anxietyworkbook,andordailymindfulness/meditation.Therearemany anxietyworkbooksforpreteensand teensavailable,andtherearealso manymindfulnessappsthatteenagers findhelpfulevenifit’sonlyforfive minutesaday.Manyofourpatients likethe“Calm”app,whichhasvery specificsessionstargetinganxiety, confidence,anger,andgratefulnessto nameafew.
Dr.DanaCrater,iswithPhysicians’ PrimaryCareofSouthwestFlorida) withofficesthroughoutLeeCounty. www.ppcswfl.com
AfterHurricaneIan destroyedLeeCommunity Healthcare’sDunbaroffice, LeeHealthbroughtina mobileunittocontinueservingtheDunbarcommunity.
Now,LeeHealthis pleasedtoannouncethe newpermanentlocationof theDunbarMedicalOffice. Itwillbelocatedinthe buildingthatwillhousethe futuredowntownlocationof NextLevelChurchat3637 Dr.MartinLutherKingJr. Blvd.inFortMyers.
Theofficeistentatively scheduledtoopeninlate AprilorearlyMay.Untilit opens,themobileunit–whichislocatedintheparkinglotofthefuturedowntownlocationofNextLevel Church-willcontinueto seepatients,creatinga smoothtransitionforpatients intheDunbarcommunity.
Thenewlocationwillbe muchlargerthantheoriginal one,andwillinclude
expandedcare.Inaddition toadulthealthcareservices, thenewDunbarMedical Officewillalsobeableto treatchildrenandwilloffer expandedbehavioralhealth services.
ThenewDunbarMedical Officewillbelocatedjust threeblocksfromthedamagedofficeandthreenew providerswilljoinitstwo longstandingproviders,Dr. JamesBelcherandLinda Mondragon,PA.Itwillalso increasefromsixexam roomsto10,andtherewill benutritioncounselingand pharmaceuticaladvising available.
Itwillalsobeableto offertheDunbarcommunity newservices,suchasvision andhearingtestsforchildren.
LearnmoreaboutLee CommunityHealthcareat www.leehealth.org/our-services/lee-community-healthcare
GolisanoChildren’s HospitalofSouthwest Florida,inpartnershipwith RonaldMcDonaldHouse CharitiesofSouthwest Florida,offersafreemonthly autismspectrumdisorder screeningfortoddlers18 monthstofiveyearsofage.
Thenextscreeningwillbe heldonApril21from9a.m. to2p.m.atthePediatric SpecialistOffice,15901Bass Road,Suite102,FortMyers.
Itisestimatedthatonein every44childrenisdiagnosedwithsomeformof AutismSpectrumDisorder, makingitmorecommon thanchildhoodcancer,juvenilediabetesandpediatric AIDScombined.
Medicalconsultantsfor theprojectstressthatan
earlydiagnosiscanmakea vastdifferencefortoddlers andtheirfamilies.Theysay earlyintensivebehavioral interventioncanmakean immensedifferencenotjust inthedevelopmentofthe child,butintheirfamiliesas well.
TheASDscreeningis conductedbytheGolisano Children’sHospitalof SouthwestFlorida.The screeningsareadministered byanAdvancedPractice RegisteredNurse,whohas extensivetrainingandexperienceintypicalchilddevelopmentanddevelopmental disorders.
Aphysicianreferralisnot required.Toschedulea screening,call239-3436838.
TheAlliancefortheArtsnextfeatured exhibition,TheFutureofArt:StudentExhibit,willbeondisplayfromApril5-29 at10091McGregorBlvd.,FortMyers.
Thisisthe31styeartheAlliancehas partneredwiththeLeeArtsEducatorsAssociation(LAEA)todisplaystudentworkin aformalexhibit.Theshowfeaturesmore than40schoolsandhundredsofworksin avarietyofmediums.Winnerswillbeselectedinseveralcategoriesandthebestin showwillbeawarded.
Thisexhibitionwillbedividedinto two,two-weeksessions.Thefirsttwo weeksofthemonthwillbededicatedto theparticipatingelementaryandmiddle schoolsofLeeCounty.
ElementaryandMiddleSchoolopening nightwillbeheldonApril5,from5-7 p.m.Thissessionwillbeondisplayuntil April15.
LeeCountyhighschoolswillbeinthe gallerythefollowingtwoweekswiththe openingreceptionheldonApril20,5–7 p.m.Thissessionwillbeondisplayuntil April29.Thehighschoolexhibitionis sponsoredbyFloridaSouthWesternState College.
Bothreceptionsarefreeandopento thepublicandtheHighSchoolopening receptionwillfeaturepizzaprovidedby DowntownHouseofPizza(DHOP).
andCypressLakeHighSchool’sMediaArt (April20-29)
FromApril5-15,theTheatreGallery willfeatureartworkbythestudentsofDigitalLee.DigitalLeewasestablishedtocreateamorerelevant,community,and careerfocusedlearningenvironmentfor thetechnologystudentsoftheLeeCounty SchoolDistrict.
FromApril20-29,theTheatreGallery willfeatureartworkbyCypressLakeHigh
School’smediaartsstudents.Thedisplay willfeaturepiecesinmanymedia,includinggraphicdesign,videoproduction, photomanipulation,3Dmodeling,animation,anddigitalphotography.
Whilethegalleryadmissionisfree,a $5suggesteddonationkeepstheAlliance programmingaffordableandaccessible.
Formoreinformationaboutthisexhibit,visitartinlee.org/laea2023orcall 239-939-2787.
FortMyersHighSchoolInternationalBaccalaureateVisualArts Exhibition,anannualstudentartistsgroupshow,willbeondisplayinthedownstairsGrand Atriumoftheartcenter.UpstairsintheCapitalGallery, Sounds&Colorbyartist MariaCollierwillbefeatured.
OpeningnightforbothexhibitionswillbeApril7from 6-10p.m.includinglive musicunderthestarsby3HR Tourfrom7-11p.m.atSidney’sRooftopSculptureGarden.
FortMyersHighSchoolreturnsforthe2023InternationalBaccalaureateSenior VisualArtsExhibition,showcasingthecreativityof38students.
thesestudentshavecreateduniqueworksofartandexploredthe worksofhistoricalandcontemporaryartists,investigatedcritical theoriesinart,andcreatedextensivedocumentationoftheirartmakingprocessesinaseriesofsketchbookentries.
Themulti-talentedstudentsare proudtoshowcaseworksofart createdinfulfillmentoftheInternationalBaccalaureateVisualArtsrequirements.Theartworkspresented attheDavisArtCenterexplorea widerangeofvisualmediaincludingtraditionalanddigitalphotography,acrylicandoilpainting,pen andink,printmaking,fiberarts, sculpture,ceramicsandmore.
Bothartexhibitionswillbeon displaythroughApril28.TheSidney&BerneDavisArtCenterislocatedat2301FirstSt.inthe historicdowntownFortMyersRiver District.Formoreinformation,call 239-333-1933orvisitthewebsite atwww.sbdac.com