AllAboardPreschoolisofferingaWinterCampinDecember.Wewillbe offeringfieldtripsthreetimesperweek.Thepriceis$50perdayor$135per week.Thispriceincludesbreakfast,lunch,andsnackunlessabaggedlunch isneededonthetrip.
1918SESantaBarbaraPlace,CapeCoral www.allaboardonline.com 239-574-5220
TheAlliancefortheArtsoffersavarietyofyouthclassesthroughthewintermonths.ClassoptionsincludeArtPlay:Music(forages8andolder), MangaandPizza(forages12-18),freeFamilyArtLabs(3rdSaturdayeach month),ZentanglefortheSeasons,Neurographica(forages13+),Can Control11AM(ages13-18),RisingArtistsExperience-MixedMedia (forages5-9).
10091McGregorBlvd.,FortMyers www.artinlee.org 239-939-2787
School’sOutCamp:ConstellationsrunsDec. 26–30.TheBigDipper,Maui’sFishhook,the EmuintheSky,theSouthernCross...Theseconstellationsandmore,lightupournightsky,fascinatinghumansforthousandsofyears.Thisweek, learnallaboutthestars,andmakesomeconstellationsofyourown!Ages:7-14•8:30am-4 pm.CNCPMembers:$200andNon-Members $225.Limitedspaceavailable.
3450OrtizAve.,FortMyers www.calusanature.org/camps 239-275-3435
Joinusforsomeactionpackedfunatour WinterBreakCamp!Trampoline,movies,crafts, games,bouncehouseandtwofullgymnastics classesaday!Regularhoursfrom9amto3pm &Extendeddayis7:30amto6pm!Wehave campdaysfollowingLeeCountySchoolDistrict schedule.Registerforcamponourwebsite! Spaceislimited.Bringalunchandsnacks!Give usacalltoday!
6360ArcWay,FortMyers www.coastelite.com 239-936-8467
SchoolBreakcampsaredesignedforstudents ingradesK-5whenschoolisout.Simple MachinescamprunsDec.22-23.Simple Machinesengineeringcampisfocusedonthesix simplemachines:wheelandaxle,wedge,lever, screw,ramp,andpulley.Camperswillengagein engineeringchallengesthatrelatetoeachsimple machine.Allactivitiesdemonstratehoweach machineappliesamechanicaladvantageto makeworkeasier.DesigningtheFuturecamp runsDec.27–30.Inthisdesignandinnovation camp,camperswilllearnhowtomanage“the problemspace”withanengineeringdesign process.Inadditiontosolvingengineeringchallenges,camperswillalsolearnsimplecomputer aideddesign(CAD)andgettoworkwith3D printersand3Dpens.Registeronline.
2350McGregorBlvd.,FortMyers www.edisonford.org 239-334-7419
FloridaRepEducationisproudtoofferawidevarietyofperformingartsclassesforthecommunity.Theseclassesaredesignedfor bothbeginnersandseriousyoungartistslookingtocontinuetohone theircraft.Classesaretaughtbyworkingtheatreprofessionalsand classsizesarecappedat20studentstomaximizeindividualattention.Classesforstudentsages8-16runforsix-weeksessions,while ourTeenProgrammingisdesignedforbusyschedulesofferingoneoffmasterclassesandevents.FloridaRep'sConservatoryprogramis designedforyoungartistswhowanttopursuetheatre.Itoffersyoung artistsanintroductiontotheprofessionalworldwithareal-life regionaltheatreexperienceprovidingacreativeoutletthatculminateswithaprofessionalofpublicperformances.
DowntownFortMyers www.floridarepeducation.org 239-219-1551
MusicWorks!isanElSistemainspiredmusiceducationinitiative thatwaslaunchedbytheGulfCoastSymphonyinAugust2015. MusicWorks!promotespositivesocialchangethroughmusic,and empowersyouthtodevelopastrongsenseofpersonalidentityand communitythroughmusicalliteracyinanefforttoempowereach childtoachievetheirfullpotential.AllstudentsinMusicWorks receiveinstrumentinstructionMondaythroughFriday,totaling7.5 hoursperweekduringtheschoolyear.Youthmusicprograms(first gradethroughhighschool)includejazzyouthensemble,youth orchestraandbeginningstrings.Afterschoolandweekendprograms areavailable(beginnertoadvancedlevels),andnewclassesstartJan. 17.Scholarshipsareavailable.
MusicandArtsCommunityCenter,13411ShireLane,FortMyers www.gulfcoastsymphony.org 239-277-1700
JoinusforourWinterBreakcampatGrowingRoomChild DevelopmentCenterofSouthwestFloridainBonitaSpringsandFort Myers.7a.m.-6p.m.is$220perweek.Anall-in-oneholidaycamp featuringsports,artsandcrafts,education,entertainment,nature and,ofcourse,friends.Tuitionisall-inclusiveandpaysforbreakfast, lunchandsnack,artsandcrafts,musicandgames.Stillaccepting newcampersatbothlocations.
25151BernwoodDrive,BonitaSprings•239-495-0045 8950GladiolusDrive,FortMyers•239-466-6646 www.growingroomchilddevelopment.com
IMAGSTEAMCampsarebringingscience,technology, engineering,art,andmathtolifeforcampers.What’s more,campersalsogettochoosetwoclubstoattend (oneinthemorningandoneintheafternoon)forspecializedactivitiesinsmallergroupsettings.IMAGSTEAM Campsarescheduledforthefirstweekofthewinter breakDec.26throughDec.30,andthesecondweek Jan.2throughJan.6.Duringthefirstweekofcamps, clubsincludeMaverick’sTopFlightClub,NewYear’s Party,EgyptianSTEMClub,andGingerbreadEngineers Club.Duringthesecondweekofcamp,clubsinclude WinterChemistryClub,WinterPhysicsandEngineering Club,WinterSnackArtists,andWinterFabLabClub.In additiontotheirclubs,campersalsoenjoythemuseum, experienceourliveanimalencounters,seescienceshows anda3Dmovie,getupclosewithsealifeinourTouch Tank,andmuchmore.
2000CranfordAve.,FortMyers www.theIMAG.org•239-243-0043
JoinusthisholidayseasonatSouthernStarzfromDec 22throughJan9th.Gymnasticcampforgirlsandadventurecampforboysisagreatwaytospendyourdaysoff school.Weopeneachdayat7:30amandcampruns until3pmwithextendeddayuntil6pm.Camperswill spendthedaydoinggymnastic,playinggamesandhaving fun.Eachdayendswithopengym.Dailyandweekly ratesavailable.Callmewithanyquestionsyoumayhave &wishingyouanAmazingDay!. 915SE14thPlace,CapeCoral www.southernstarzgymnastics.org 239-574-0034
Swimtasticswimminglessonsarededicatedtoprovidingasafeandattentiveenvironmentfocusingonteaching lifelongswimskillsforallabilitylevels!Don'tFallBack, jumpintoSwimtasticSwimSchool.Itisimportantto swimallyearlongtokeepyourswimskillsstrong.At Swimtasticweprovidegroupandprivatelessonsindoors allyearlong.Registeronlineatwww.swimtastic.com(or ourmobileapp)andwewillseeyouatthepool. 239-471-3035
JoinusforaWinterWonderland,WinterDayCampat theBonitaSpringsandFortMyersYMCAfromDec.26–Jan6th.Ages5(kindergarten)to14yearsandopenfrom 6:30amto6:30pm.We’vegotlotsoffunplannedfor break;FieldTrips,AdventuresinArt,Dance,Holiday Activities&ANewYear’sCelebration.. www.ymcaswfl.org 27200KentRoad,BonitaSprings 239-221-7560
1360RoyalPalmSquareBlvd., FortMyers 239-275-9622
Designed to fit and work together with the Dino Utensil Set. Dino footprints divide each section with specific locations for the fork, spoon, and pusher to rest when not being used to eat with. Combines fun, adventure and mealtime!
Constructive Eating www.amazon.com
Your child will love zooming around at the top speed of 8 mph, using the large rear tires for ultimate drifting action, and racing around the neighborhood with Radio Flyer’s Ultimate Go-Kart for Kids.
Kids' Electric Go-Kart www.amazon.com
The Spelly Straw brings fun to meals and parties alike. They say you can't play with your food - but nobody mentioned your drinks. This item is easy to assemble and hard to put down. With over 300,000 words to create, bring a bit of creativity to your get-together.
Spelly Straws www.amazon.com
Shoot videos with 20+ animated backgrounds or create new backgrounds from your own photos. Use the included green screen to make people or objects disappear using the invisibility trick! Take still photos or create videos on the HD video camera with a built-in microphone and a flip-up lens for selfies. Includes a rechargeable battery for up to two hours of continuous use.
KidiZoom Creator Cam www.amazon.com
Go back in time and walk with the Dinosaurs with 8 immersive VR experiences. Explore hands-on learning with your own dig-out rock. Use the included digging tools to excavate, build and display.
Dino Dig VR www.amazon.com
Flipside is an addictive, multi-player puzzle game of skill! Flip, slide & match the colors to beat the clock. Four game modes including, Speed Mode, Multiplayer Mode, Level Mode and Memory mode make challenging yourself or playing with friends a fun distraction for everyone! Play at home, on the road, or wherever you'd like! For ages 8+.
Flipslide www.amazon.com
Pick a winner with Gooey Louie - who "nose" what you'll find when you dig in and try? Watch out - if you pick the wrong gooey from Louie, his eyes will pop, his head will flip open, and his brain will fly out!
Fisher-Price introduces your toddler to guided meditation through physical prompts and breathing exercises to help them unwind during the day and before bedtime. This plush mouse is the go-to calming cuddle buddy to help your little one learn how to nama-stay relaxed.
Meditation Mouse www.amazon.com
Protect your thoughts and dreams with the Kidi Secrets Selfie Journal. Make a photo journal, write diary entries or record messages and keep them safe. Facial recognition software unlocks the journal only when it recognizes your face. A full suite of miniapps includes games, photo and video filters, music and utilities that give you a variety of activities to play.
Secrets Selfie Journal www.amazon.com
This is the story of a well-intentioned (but sometimes mischievous cat) who tries to win over Santa for Christmas. Cat wants off Santa's naughty list and makes several valiant attempts, but this “being nice” business is trickier than he thought!
Turkey needs Santa's help so he won't be eaten for Christmas dinner. Turkey is in trouble. Again. He made it through Thanksgiving without becoming a turkey dinner, but now it's almost Christmas, and guess what's on the menu? Turkey decides the only thing to do is to ask Santa for help. He sets off for the North Pole, but getting in to see Santa at Christmastime isn't as easy as Turkey expected.
Host of NBC's The Tonight Show and three-time #1 New York Timesbestselling author Jimmy Fallon returns with this sweet and spirited Christmas picture book.
“Just 5 more sleeps 'til Christmas! Can you believe it's here? I know that Santa's coming soon 'cause I've been good all year.”
Everyone who grew up celebrating Christmas remembers the excitement that built up to the most magical day of the year. But why not make the last week until Christmas more fun by counting how many sleeps until the arrival of Santa and his reindeer?
Edison and Ford Winter Estates
2350 McGregor Blvd, Fort Myers
Through January 1
Join us for the 47th Annual Holiday Nights cele bration. Holiday Nights is open nightly through January 1 for self-guided admission from 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m., and special Holiday Tradition tours are offered at 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. Enjoy ex citing new lighting displays, visits with Santa, car olers and musicians, refreshments, family science shows, and more on select evenings. Visit edisonford.org for updates 239-334-7419
Santa’s Wonderland Bass Pro Shops
10040 Gulf Center Dr, Fort Myers
Through Dec. 24
Experience the magic of Christmas at Santa’s Wonderland. Features include rustic Christmas cabins, holiday characters and live elves set amongst a dazzling backdrop of snow-covered hills and illuminated Christmas trees, amazing aquariums and wildlife displays.
The Santa’s Wonderland Christmas village of fers a Santa’s toy shop, free giveaways, writing station (write a letter to Santa), photos with Santa. Slots fill up quickly, register today! 239-461-7800
Coast Elite Gymnastics Academy
6360 Arc Way, Fort Myers
Every Tuesday and Thursday • 10:15 a.m.
Come enjoy a supervised toddler free play time! Only $5 per child.*Not offered on Holi day's or during Camp Days. 239-936-8467
Santa Claus The Musical
Broadway Palm Children’s Theatre
1380 Colonial Blvd., Fort Myers
Through December 24
Santa Claus has decided to retire, but not all the elves are thrilled about his replacement. With the help of his tech-savvy daughter, Santa’s replacement is in for the adventure of his life. Jingle jam-packed with a sleigh full of fun and original holiday tunes, Santa Claus The Musical is sure to put the entire family in the holiday spirit! 239-278-4422
Collier County Fair Grounds
751 39th Avenue N.E., Naples
Through January 1
Magic of Lights illuminates Collier County Fair Grounds this holiday season For the First Time, Collier Fairgrounds to host a dazzling drive-through holiday lights experience No vember 18, 2022 through January 1, 2023 Special “Affordable for All” Holiday Pricing –One Carload, One Price, Starting at $17. Tick ets are on sale now at Magicoflights.com/Naples
Festival of Lights
Fishermen's Village
1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda
Through December 31
Over one million lights and holiday themed decorations & visits with Santa Claus! 941-639-8721
Planet Monkman 2022 Light Display
26 NE 8th Ter, Cape Coral
Home of the 150,000 + bulb Christmas light display. We will run the show every night from 6 - 10 p.m. www.planetmonkman.com
Johnsonville Night Lights in the Garden
Naples Botanical Garden
4820 Bayshore Drive, Naples
Through December 23, 26-30 and January 1, 2023
Thousands of lights transform the Garden into a unique winter wonderland in this everchanging annual display. See plants of the tropics and subtropics in an entirely new way, enjoy musical performances, and savor special fare from the café. 239-643-7275
A Christmas Carol: The Musical
The Naples Players/Sugden Community Theatre 701 5th Ave S, Naples
Through December 18 239-434-7340
Barnes & Noble Marketplace SC
13751 Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers Saturday, December 3 • 11 a.m. Join us as we read stories to your little ones every Saturday morning! 239-437-0654
16th Annual Festival of Trees
The Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center 2301 First St., Fort Myers
December 1 - 4
Come see the beautifully decorated trees at the Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center. $2 admission or bring an unwrapped toy for the toy tree which will be donated to Golisano Children's hospital. You may win your favorite tree and all the gifts with it. Raffle tickets are $10 each or 3 for $25. Proceeds support the SBDAC and Goodwill SWFL. www.fortmyersfestivaloftrees.com
Bonita Springs Public Library
10560 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs
Thursdays, December 1, 8 • 10:30 a.m.
For children through age 5 and caregivers. Families with young children enjoy a variety of stories, songs, rhymes and movement. Arrive early and visit the chil dren's desk to check in. 239-479-4636
Cabaret - Youth Theatre Alliance for the Arts
10091 McGregor Blvd., Fort Myers
December 1-4
It’s 1929 at the Kit-Kat Club in Berlin, just as the Nazis are as cending. The Master of Cere monies at the Kit-Kat Club promises this is a place you can come to forget your troubles. The songs and choreography, as well as the story’s relevance, will cap ture your heart, creating a lasting memory. 239-939-2787
Annual Holiday Tree Lighting
Bell Tower Shops
13499 S Cleveland Ave, Fort Myers
Friday, December 2 • 6 - 8 p.m.
Santa Claus will arrive to Bell Tower at 6:30 p.m. in a South Trail Fire Department fire truck at the main entrance near Grimaldi’s and Blue Pointe. Fol lowing his arrival, the festivities will commence in Center Court with a special tree lighting cere mony and a meet-and-greet with Santa Claus. Filled with holiday cheer and decor, center court will also feature a bounce house, face painting and holiday games & ac tivities and more! Santa will also stroll through the center, stopping for free selfies with children and their families, on several week ends in December (December 4, 10, 11 and 17) and on Thursday, December 22. www.belltowerfl.com
Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall
13350 FSW Pkwy, Fort Myers
Friday, December 2 • 7:30 p.m.
Celebrate the spirit of the season with this annual holiday tradition! The Gulf Coast Symphony is joined by the Fort Myers Sym phonic Mastersingers, plus the Kellyn Celtic Arts Dance Acad emy, and, of course, Santa! Deck the Halls is your favorite South west Florida holiday tradition, perfect for the whole family! 239-481-4849
4th Annual Christmas at Farmer Mike's
Farmer Mike's U Pick 26031 Morton Ave., Bonita Springs Friday & Saturday nights • 6-9:30 p.m.
Santa will be here on event nights reading and singing to you in our 5 acre field of lights. Real snow slide, snow pit, Christmas movie, lighted hayrides, campfire and more. New this year is our animated lightshow you will find in the field of lights. Christmas trees for purchase. www.farmermikesupick.com
Annual Holiday Event
Babcock Ranch-Founders Square, 42850 Crescent Loop, Punta Gorda Saturday, December 2 • 6 - 9 p.m.
Join us in Founders Square for our annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony! Food trucks, choir, Santa and more! www.babcockranchliving.com
49th Annual 5th Avenue Christmas Walk and Tree Lighting Ceremony 5th Avenue South, Naples December 2 -3 • 5 - 10 p.m.
The biggest Christmas showcase in Naples! Enjoy the official Christmas tree lighting on 5th Avenue South in Sugden Plaza and amazing holiday experiences, including a living nativity by the First Church of the Nazarene, skat ing rink, live music, Santa Claus and dining. Two- Day Festival. www.fifthavenuesouth.com
Annie Jr
Fort Myers Theatre
16120 San Carlos Blvd, Fort Myers December 2 - 3
With equal measures of pluck and positivity, little orphan Annie charms everyone’s hearts despite a next-to-nothing start in 1930s New York City. Finding a new home and family in billionaire, Oliver Warbucks, his personal secretary, Grace Farrell, and a lovable mutt named Sandy. www.ftmyerstheatre.com
Indoor Obstacle Course
Four Freedoms Park
4818 Tarpon Ct, Cape Coral
Friday, December 2 • 1:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Children can enjoy playtime with a fun obstacle course. Pre-regis tration is required. 239-574-0804
Lego Club
Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library
3095 Blount St., Fort Myers
Friday, December 2 • 10:30 a.m.
Join us for a short story and Lego building activities. Legos pro vided for use during this program. 239-479-4636
Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center
2301 First St, Fort Myers
Saturday, December 3 • 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Join Santa for family fun and holiday festivities! Santa’s Block Party is an oppor tunity for kids to perform, create holiday art, color Christmas and holiday cards, decorate yummy cookies from Publix Super Market, enjoy a train ride, and write letters to Santa and our military service members! Children's Workshop $6 pay at event includes children's admission to Festival of Trees. Santa’s Block Party will be held Saturday, December 3 • 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. & Festival of Trees is open 10 a.m.- 10 p.m. | $2 admission. Memphis Motown Soul Experience will be performing on December 3 • 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. www.sbdac.com/festival-of-trees 239-333-1933
Family Storytime
Alva Community Center
21471 N. River Road, Alva Friday, December 2 • 9 • 10:30 a.m.
For children through age 5 and caregivers. Families with young children enjoy a variety of stories, songs, rhymes & movement. 239-479-4636
Kids Fishing Event
Bass Pro Shops
10040 Gulf Center Dr, Fort Myers
Saturday, December 3 • 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Come out to Bass Pro Shops the first Saturday of every month from 10am to 1pm and fish on the back lake (catch and release)! Earn your First Fish Award if this is your first time fishing with us! Inspiring everyone to enjoy, love and conserve the outdoors! 239-461-7800
Build Your Own Gingerbread House
South County Regional Library
21100 Three Oaks Pkwy, Estero Saturday, December 3 • 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Get in the holiday spirit by making your own gingerbread house. Drop in and build your own design or grab supplies to assemble at home. All supplies are provided but space is limited. 239-479-4636
Roberto Clemente Park
3265 Dr Martin Luther King JR Blvd., Fort Myers
Saturday, December 3 • 3 to 6 p.m.
With the theme “Celebrating African American Inventors at Christmas,” the free community event includes food and music, the Soul Santa Parade, community tree lighting, tours of the Williams Academy Museum with the African American inventor’s exhibit, bounce houses and more. Soul Santa & Elves Fire Truck Pa rade line up starts at 3:30 p.m., tree lighting at 6 p.m. www.leecountyblackhistorysociety.org
Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral Saturday, December 3 • 2 p.m.
Join us for a relaxing afternoon of coloring and sipping hot cocoa as we unwind from the stress of the holidays. All supplies will be pro vided, but feel free to bring your favorite color ing book along. 239-479-4636
Free Family Workshop
Visual Art Center
26100 Old 41 Road, Bonita Springs Saturday, December 3 • 10 - 11:30 a.m.
With two exhibitions in December, our gal leries double the unique and creative art expe riences you can explore with us. Enjoy a mini ‘walk about’ through the galleries. Then stop in our studios, where visiting artists help you make a fantastic artwork using fun and cre ative ideas from the exhibitions. 239-495-8989
Polar Express Pajama Party
Cape Coral Youth Center
315 SW 2nd Ave, Cape Coral Saturday, December 3 • 6 - 9 p.m.
Come and join us for a fun night of Polar Ex press! Wear your pajamas, bring your home made train car and play Polar Express activities, games, watch the Polar Express Movie and enjoy refreshments. Ages-6-11 year old. $20 per child. Pre-Register by calling 239-574-0806.
Breakfast with Santa
North Fort Myers Recreation Center
2000 N Recreation Park Way, N. Ft. Myers Saturday, December 3 • 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Join us for some holiday fun! The morning will include a continental breakfast, a holiday craft, letters to Santa and a picture with Saint Nick himself! Pre-registration is recommended. Register online at leeparks.org or call us at 239-533-7200.
Riverside Park
10450 Reynolds St, Bonita Springs December 3- January 1
The park will sparkle with holiday lights and the stroll is free. Holiday music will play throughout the park. The music will be sched uled from dusk-9 p.m. nightly unless there is an event scheduled. Holiday themed photo opportunities. www.cityofbonitasprings.org
Vendor Weekend
Southern Fresh Farms
8500 Penzance Blvd, Fort Myers December 3 - 4 • 9 a.m.- 4 p.m.
We will be having a vendor weekend. Great for Christmas gifts Santa will be here both days from 1-4 p.m. 239-768-0309
Cape Coral Lee County Public Library
921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral Saturday, December 3 • 10 a.m.
For children through age 5 and caregivers. Families with young children enjoy a variety of stories, songs, rhymes and movement. Space is limited. Arrive early and pick up a ticket at the Youth Services desk. 239-479-4636
Paradise Coast Sports Complex
3940 City Gate Boulevard N., Naples
Saturday, December 3 • 3 - 9 pm.
There will be 100 tons of snow, Great Snow ball Hunt, Santa’s South Pole, Snow Moun tains, Entertainment, Santa’s Workshop, Holiday Fun Bounce Land, a holiday maze & games. www.colliercountyparks.com.
In-Store Kids Workshops -Santa Letters Mailbox
Home Depot - Local Home Depot locations
Saturday, November 5 • 9 a.m. to noon
Time to pull out your apron! Kids Workshops are back in-store. Join us on the first Saturday of every month for this fun, free event. HomeDepot.com/Workshops.
Sherman Soccer Complex, 13260 Griffin Drive, Fort Myers
Saturday, December 3 • 6 - 10 p.m.
Fun food, music, tree lighting cer emony, chili cook off, raffles, ugly sweater competition & Santa Claus! www.gatewaydistrict.org
Old Fashioned Holiday Bazaar
Koreshan State Park, 3800 Corkscrew Rd, Estero December 3 • 8 • 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
The park will host a number of holiday-themed vendors selling a variety of fresh, local food and produce and unique arts and crafts. Get your family holiday photos at one of the decorated historic buildings or listen to holi day music played on the 1885 Steinway piano in the Art Hall. Also visits with the big guy himself, Santa! www.floridastateparks.org
Light Up Estero
Ocean Church, 22100 S. Tamiami Trail, Estero
Saturday, December 3 • 4 - 7 p.m.
Enjoy food, music, bounce house, a visit from Santa & Mrs. Claus, special holiday gift at the annual tree lighting ceremony. This is a free event hosted by The Estero Rotary Club. www.esterorotary.org
STEAM Saturday
North Fort Myers Public Library
2001 N. Tamiami Trail NE, N. Fort Myers
Saturday, December 3 • 1 p.m.
Join us for a family-friendly STEAM exploration. Each month will feature a different activity based on the aspects of STEAM: Science, Technology, Engineer ing, Art and Math. This is a great opportunity for parents and kids to build, learn and play together. 239-479-4636
Youth Fire Safety and Prevention
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres Saturday, December 3 • 2 p.m.
Firefighters with the Lehigh Acres Fire Control and Rescue District will provide a youth-appropriate presentation on fire safety and fire prevention in a fun, interactive setting. Children learn about the role firefighters play, the equip ment firefighters use in fire & res cue situations, and how they can personally be fire-wise in their homes. Includes a tour of the fire engine and a special gift for chil dren. 239-479-4636
Cape Coral Parkway, Downtown Cape Coral, Cape Coral Parkway East, Del Prado to Candia Street
Saturday, December 3 • 4 – 10 p.m.
All attractions are FREE to the pub lic, including pictures with Santa, Snow Drift Slide, Tiny Tots Train around Snowcap Square & more. www.holidayfestivalcc.com
Young Eagles Rally & Pancake Breakfast
EAA Chapter 66 House at Page Field 5200 Captain Channing Page Dr., Fort Myers
Sunday, December 4 • 8:15 a.m.
The Young Eagles program is de signed to introduce youth, ages 11-17 to general aviation. The Young Eagles first flight program is free of charge thanks to the gen erosity of our pilots and ground crew. The minimum age to fly is 11 years old. A parent or legal guardian must be present to sign the waiver and be on-site during the flight. Children younger than 11 may participate in the instruc tion class and walk around the aircraft but they cannot fly. A pan cake breakfast is also available for $6 per person. Questions, email youngeagles66@gmail.com.
Broadway Palm Children’s Theatre, 1380 Colonial Blvd., Fort Myers
Through December 24
Santa Claus has decided to retire, but not all the elves are thrilled about his replacement. With the help of his tech-savvy daughter, Santa’s replacement is in for the adventure of his life. Jingle jam-packed with a sleigh full of fun and original holiday tunes, Santa Claus The Musical is sure to put the entire family in the holiday spirit! 239-278-4422
Batman Jeopardy - teen
Cape Coral Lee County Public Library
921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral Monday, December 5 • 4:30 p.m.
If you love Batman and know all of the facts about Batman, then this program is for you. Not sure? Be in the audience and encourage your friends. No registration required. 239479-4636
Chess Anyone?
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Mondays, December 5, 12, 19 • 2 p.m.
Rise to the chess challenge and join the fun. Chess enthusiasts of all ages are welcome. Bring your own chess set or use one of ours. 239-479-4636
Edison and Ford Winter Estates 2350 McGregor Blvd, Fort Myers Tuesday, December 6 • 9 a.m.
Edison and Ford Winter Estates Emerging In ventors programs are designed for children ages 18 months to 5 years old. These sessions include opportunities to socialize with other children, educational activities, science experi ments, and exploration of the property. This program runs September through May. Ad vance registration is required. Register online at edisonford.org Edison Ford members: $10; non-members: $15. 239-334-7419
Riverside Park
10450 Reynolds St, Bonita Springs
Tuesday, December 6 • 4:30 - 8:30 p.m.
This free event includes activities that are fun for the whole family. These activities include a visit from Santa, a snow slide, snow flurries in the park, kid-friendly activities, musical and dance performances. Food & beverages will also be available for purchase. Don’t miss the tree lighting at dusk! www.cityofbonitasprings.org
South County Regional Library 21100 Three Oaks Pkwy, Estero Tuesday, December 6 • 10 a.m.
For children through age 5 and caregivers. Families with young children enjoy a variety of stories, songs, rhymes and movement. Regis tration is required and guarantees your spot until the start of the program. Space is limited. 239-479-4636
A Christmas Carol
Bonita Springs Public Library 10560 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs Tuesday, December 6 • 3 p.m.
Join us for an unforgettable performance by acclaimed actor Duffy Hudson, performing the timeless holiday classic "A Christmas Carol."
During the show, Duffy will play over 30 char acters, taking the audience on a journey of love, forgiveness and redemption. Registration is required. 239-479-4636
Tuesday Edition: LEGO Mazes & Coding
Northwest Regional Library 519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral Tuesday, December 6 • 4:30 p.m.
Grab a baseplate and create an original maze. All supplies provided. For ages 5-11. Registra tion is required and is guaranteed only until the start of the program. 239-479-4636
The Christmas Carol Sing
First Presbyterian Church, 2438 Second St., downtown Fort Myers Tuesday, December 6 • 3 p.m. & 7 p.m.
The doors will open 30 minutes prior to show time. A festival of holiday music and family fun! Admission is free, although organizers re quest voluntary donations of at least two cans of non-perishable food for Sam's Community Café and Kitchen operated by Community Co operative. 239-334-2261
Teen DIY Gifts
South County Regional Library 21100 Three Oaks Pkwy, Estero Tuesday, December 6 • 6 p.m.
Join us and create cool gifts you can keep or giveaway. For ages 12-17. While supplies last. 239-479-4636
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Tuesdays, December 6, 13 • 2 p.m.
High school teens are invited to the library for a weekly discussion about current events, everyday life, library resources and more. Teens will be encouraged to post an answer to a weekly question while socializing and making new friends. 239-479-4636
North Fort Myers Academy of the Arts: The Nutcracker Barbara B Mann Performing Arts Hall
13350 FSW Parkway, Fort Myers
Wednesday, December 7 • 7 p.m.
Now back on stage in our 20th year of pro duction, North Fort Myers Academy for the Arts welcomes members of the community to enjoy our special production of Tchaikovsky’s Holiday Classic, The Nutcracker. The two-act ballet is a multi-faceted arts educational expe rience for students of all ages and arts disci plines at North Fort Myers Academy for the Arts. As an Arts Schools Network “Exemplary School”, the Academy is thrilled to celebrate the talents of our students through the arts by bringing over 200 students ages 6-14 to the stage. 239-481-4849
Family Storytime
North Fort Myers Public Library
2001 N. Tamiami Trail NE, N. Fort Myers
Wednesday, December 7 • 10:30 a.m.
For children through age 5 and caregivers. Families with young children enjoy a variety of stories, songs, rhymes and movement. 239-479-4636
Teen Holiday Craft Extravaganza
Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library
3095 Blount St., Fort Myers
Wednesday, December 7 • 3:30 p.m.
Tweens and teens in grades 6 - 12 can create a variety of different crafts, including ornaments, squishies, cards and more. Give them away as gifts or keep them for yourself. Enjoy snacks and a holiday film while you work. 239-479-4636
Cape Coral Lee County Public Library
921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral Wednesday, December 7 • 2 p.m.
Join us for an unforgettable per formance by acclaimed actor Duffy Hudson, performing the timeless holiday classic "A Christ mas Carol." During the show, Duffy will play over 30 charac ters, taking the audience on a journey of love, forgiveness and redemption. Registration is re quired. 239-479-4636
Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral Wednesday, December 7 • 2:30 p.m.
Join us in the Teen Zone, as we create unique art using the magi cal medium of Alcohol Ink. For teens ages 12-18. 239-479-4636
North Fort Myers Public Library
2001 N. Tamiami Trail NE, N. Fort Myers Wednesday, December 7 • 11 a.m.
Join us for an unforgettable per formance by acclaimed actor Duffy Hudson, performing the timeless holiday classic "A Christ mas Carol." During the show, Duffy will play over 30 charac ters, taking the audience on a journey of love, forgiveness and redemption. Space is limited. First come, first served seating. 239-479-4636
Bonita Springs Public Library
10560 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs Wednesday, December 7 • 10:30 a.m.
For babies up to 18 months. Ba bies and caregivers wiggle and giggle in a supportive environ ment. Space is limited. Arrive early and visit the children's desk to check in. 239-479-4636
Anime Club
Fort Myers Regional Library
2450 First St., Fort Myers Wednesday, Dec. 7 • 4 p.m.
Show off your anime skills by working on your own project or help us design a teen library dis play. All supplies will be pro vided. 239-479-4636
Family Storytime
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres Wednesday, December 7 • 10:30 a.m.
For children through age 5 and caregivers. Families with young children enjoy a variety of stories, songs, rhymes and movement. 239-479-4636
All Aboard: Family Holiday Train Craft
Cape Coral Lee County Public Library
921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral Thursday, December 8 • 3:30 p.m.
Make your own family holiday train. Each family will receive a kit with one engine and three cars to decorate. All painting sup plies will be provided. Registra tion by parent/caregiver name is required.Families with children 5 years of age and up. Registration is required. 239-479-4636
Holiday Tree Lighting
Cape Coral City Hall
1015 Cultural Park Blvd. Cape Coral Thursday, December 8 • 6 p.m.
The Mayor and City Council will help light the beautiful 26-foot tree, and The Grinch will make a special visit.Enjoy holiday music and live performances by stu dents from the City of Cape Coral’s Oasis Charter Schools. This free, family-friendly event will also feature, local food trucks, vendors, a visit from Santa, and the movie on the lawn! Blankets & lawn chairs are encouraged! www.capecoral.gov
Formerly the Naples - Ft. Myers Greyhound Track
28010 Race Track Rd, Bonita Springs December 16 January 1
Amusement rides ranging from high speed thrill riders for thrill seekers to tame rides for the little ones, games, food, magic show, racing pigs, petting zoo. Visit Santa through December 23, pony rides and more. www.bonitaholidayfair.com
December 8 continued
A Christmas Carol
South County Regional Library
21100 Three Oaks Pkwy, Estero Thursday, December 8 • 2 p.m.
Join us for an unforgettable performance by acclaimed actor Duffy Hudson, performing the timeless holiday classic "A Christmas Carol." During the show, Duffy will play over 30 char acters, taking the audience on a journey of love, forgiveness and redemption. Registration is required. 239-479-4636
Holiday House 2022
Langford-Kingston home 2500 First St, Fort Myers December 9 - 18
Fort Myers Woman's Community Club is thrilled to present their annual gift to the com munity; "Christmas in the Sunshine" will be hosted exclusively at the Langford-Kingston home and we are pleased to announce that admission to this year's event will be free for everyone. It is our hope that we can be a bright spot in this holiday season when so much of our community is still reeling in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian. Come celebrate with us from December 9 - 18, offering tours from 5-9 p.m. nightly. We truly look forward to hosting you and your family www.fmwcc.net
Audubon’s Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary 375 Sanctuary Road, Naples Thursday, Dec. 8 from 4 to 8 p.m.
Discover the magic of the swamp after dusk! Visitors of all ages can learn about the night time activities of wildlife including raccoons, bats, moths, owls and more. From 5 to 7 p.m. enjoy live music with Tad and the Tadpoles (bluegrass/folk music) in the visitor center, as well as bat and moth interpretive stations on the boardwalk, spotting scopes, stargazing, and holiday shopping. Admission is $8 for adults, $3 for kids 6-14, and free for members. Registration is required. www.corkscrew.audubon.org
For King + Country’s “A Drummer Boy Christmas”
Hertz Arena
11000 Everblades Parkway, Estero Thursday, December 8 • 7 p.m.
Our most elaborate, meaningful, joy-filledand of course - rhythmic tour of the year, all while celebrating the greatest news the world has ever known. We’ll be bringing holiday cheer to audiences nationwide this season, performing many Christmas classics like “Little Drummer Boy”, as well as some of your yearround favorites and more. So gather your loved ones and grab a ticket or two, and we’ll look forward to ringing in the season with you. www.hertzarena.com
Grinchmas Pajama Party
Four Freedoms Park
4818 Tarpon Court, Cape Coral
Friday, December 9 • 6 - 9 p.m.
Children are invited to join us for a fun-filled creative evening. We will be doing games and crafts. $20. 239-574-0804
Calusa Nature Center and Planetarium
3450 Ortiz Ave, Fort Myers
December 9 - 23 & 26 - 30 6 - 9 p.m.
Celebrate the most wonderful time of the year in nature’s wonderland brimming with holiday cheer! Our 1/3-mile trail will be illuminated with twinkling lights. After walking the trail, cozy up to the fire or catch our special Holi day Laser Show in the Planetarium. CNCP Members: FREE. Non-Members: Adult $10 • Child 3-12 $5. 239-275-3435
Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library 3095 Blount St., Fort Myers Friday, December 9 • 10:30 a.m.
Bend, squish and press. Children build fine motor development, imagination and creativ ity, language, math and science skills while playing. All supplies provided. 239-479-4636
Movies in the Park: Polar Express
Riverside Park
10450 Reynolds St, Bonita Springs Friday, December 9 • dusk (approximately 6 p.m.)
This free showing features The Polar Express (2004) [PG]. Grab a blanket or a chair for the outdoor movie experience. 239-949-6262
Roberto Clemente Park
3265 Dr Martin Luther King JR Blvd., Fort Myers Friday, December 9 • 6 - 8:30 p.m.
Enjoy a screening of the hit movie Jingle Jangle as we continue to celebrate African American Inventors at Christmas. For details & directions visit: www.leecountyblackhistorysociety.org
Fort Myers Theatre
16120 San Carlos Blvd., Fort Myers
December 9 - 24
Featuring a trove of cherished songs, including “Climb Ev’ry Mountain,” “My Favorite Things,” “Do Re Mi,” “Sixteen Going on Seventeen” and the title number, The Sound of Music won the hearts of audiences worldwide, earning five Tony Awards and five Oscars. The inspirational story, based on the memoir of Maria Augusta Trapp, follows an ebullient postulate who serves as governess to the seven children of the imperious Captain von Trapp, bringing music & joy to the household. www.ftmyerstheatre.com
Cape Coral Reindeer Run 5K & Family Fun Run
Coral Oaks Golf Course
1800 NW 28th Ave., Cape Coral
Saturday, December 10 • 4 p.m.
Join us for the 1st Annual Rein deer Run 5K & Family Fun Run! This event includes a 5K run and 1.5 mile family fun run/walk on Coral Oaks Golf Course. This is a family friendly fun run so come dressed in your holiday spirit! The run will be on the cart path through the golf course, so it is a stroller/family friendly course. Walking entrants are welcome. The first 300 participants to regis ter will receive a medal. www.capereindeerrun.com
Christmas Boat Parade
Naples City Dock
880 12th Ave S, Naples
Saturday, December 10 • 6:15 - 8:30 p.m. www.miacc.org
Gulf Coast Symphony: The Nutcracker
Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall
13350 FSW Parkway • Fort Myers
Saturday, December 10 • 3 & 8 p.m. Gulfshore Ballet, with dancers from Gulfshore Ballet, and the Gulf Coast Symphony bring Tchaikovsky's holiday classic to life with new choreography by Il iana Lopez & Franklin Gamero. 239-481-4849
North Pole Storytime & Santa Visit
Fort Myers Regional Library 2450 First St., Fort Myers
Saturday, December 10 • 10 a.m.
Join us for a special holidaythemed storytime with North Pole games and pictures with Santa af terward. Pelican’s SnoBalls will be on-site treating our guests to free frozen treats. 239-479-4636
Grinchmas Christmas
William "Bill" Austen Youth Center
315 SW 2nd Ave, Cape Coral
Saturday, December 10 • 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Looking for a silly and fun way to switch up your holidays? Take videos or pictures as the Grinch –Grinchifies your front yard! We know you secretly love him. 239-574-0806
Breakfast with Santa Cantina Laredo
5200 Big Pine Way, Fort Myers
Saturday, December 10 • 9 a.m. - noon
Join us for a very special breakfast with Santa and his elves with pro ceeds benefiting Valeries House of Fort Myers. www.belltowerfl.com
Birthday Club
Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral Saturday, December 10 • 10 a.m.
Is it your child's birthday month? Come celebrate it with us at our monthly birthday bash. All sup plies and light refreshments provided. For ages 1 - 5. Registra tion for the birthday child is required and is guaranteed only until the start of the program. 239-479-4636
Breakfast with Santa
Coral Oaks Golf
1800 NW 28th Ave, Cape Coral Saturday, December 10 • 8 -10 a.m. $15 for adults $10 for children 2 years old and under free. Come join us for a morning of Breakfast and a meet and greet with Santa. Full Breakfast catered, crafts, games and a surprise from Santa for each child. Preregistration re quired. 239-574-0806
Holiday Lights on Ice!
Fort Myers Skatium
2250 Broadway Cir, Fort Myers Saturday, December 10 • 5 - 7 p.m. Come Celebrate the Holidays with the Fort Myers Skatium! You will not want to miss this Ice Show! 239-321-7510
Visit with Santa
Shell Factory
16554 North Cleveland Ave.US 41, North Ft. Myers
December 11 • 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. December 19 • 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Bring your family & friends- Get ready to talk to Santa! Make your list early! Ho Ho Ho It’s the most wonderful time of the year! www.shellfactory.com
Veterans Park Winter Wonderland
Veterans Park Recreation Center 55 Homestead Rd S., Lehigh Acres Saturday, December 10 •10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Celebrate the season with Santa at Veterans Park Recreation Cen ter. Come join us for a magical Winter Wonderland event! Chil dren can write letters to Santa, make holiday crafts, play games and use the photo booths for fam ily holiday photos. Mr. and Mrs. Clause will arrive and children can put in their wish list in person and receive a gift. Hot coco & Cookies, dancers and a tree light ing will spread the holiday cheer! Pre-registration required $5 per participant. Ages 1 – 13. Space is limited so register early! Bring your camera for those once in a life time photos. 239-369-1521
Rock The Stage 2022 The Finals
Alliance for the Arts
10091 McGregor Blvd., Fort Myers
Sunday, December 11 • 10 a.m. - 9 p.m.
The top 5 from each division will compete in the Rock the Stage Finals on December 11 at the 2nd Annual Rock The Stage Fest, a familyfun, all day event, music competition and fundraiser at Alliance for the Arts, Fort Myers. In addition to the finalists that will be perform ing are top local and national acts, vendors, food, drinks and more! 239-939-2787
Merry Grinchmas Family Craft
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres Monday, December 12 • 5 p.m.
Families with children ages 6 - 11 are invited to join us for Grinch-themed crafts, coloring and holiday fun. 239-479-4636
Middle School Homeschool Connection
Fort Myers Regional Library
2450 First St., Fort Myers Monday, December 12 • 2 p.m.
For ages 12-18. The "Hanley Foundation" will be sharing day to day strategies to help teens avoid drugs and alcohol. 239-479-4636
Christmas with the Clydesdales
Chick-fil-A Pine Island Road 1790 NE Pine Island Rd,Cape Coral Monday, December 12 & 14 • 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. Join us for our third annual Christmas with the Clydesdales Event. Enjoy a Horse & Carriage Ride, Photos with Santa Cow, and a Christmas Craft. Each ticket is $7 (per person) which in cludes a your Clydesdale Carriage Ride, a Christmas craft, hot cocoa, and a digital photo with Santa. Each guest will have a scheduled ride time on the date that is selected upon pur chase. Each attendee ages 2 and up will need a ticket to attend. Children ages 2 and under are free. Each guest will receive a scheduled ride time via email a week prior to the event. While supplies last. Horse & Carriage Ride weather permitting. www.cfacapecoral.com
Nightmare Before Christmas Celebration
North Fort Myers Public Library
2001 N. Tamiami Trail NE, N. Fort Myers
Tuesday, December 13 • 5:30 p.m.
Nightmare Before Christmas fans of all ages are invited to join us for a special holiday party. This celebration will include games, ac tivities and crafts for Christmas lovers and Hal loween lovers alike. Light refreshments will be provided while supplies last. Registration is not required, but space is limited. 239-479-4636
Hertz Arena, 11000 Everblades Pkwy., Estero Friday, December 16 • 6 p.m.
Splash along with Baby Shark and Pinkfong as they journey into the sea for the Holidays to sing and dance through some of your favorite songs in Baby Shark Live: The Christmas Show! This one-of-a-kind immersive experience will have fans of all ages dancing in the aisles as the join Baby Shark and friends for exciting adventures into the jungle and under the sea to ex plore shapes, colors, numbers and so much more! Enjoy hit songs in this dazzling kids spec tacular, including "Baby Shark", "Five Little Monkeys", "Wheels on the Bus", and "Monkey Banana Dance", as well as holiday classics such as "Jingle Bells" and more! 239-948-7825
Kindness Club
South County Regional Library 21100 Three Oaks Pkwy, Estero
Tuesday, December 13 • 3:30 p.m.
Join us at the library to create kindness in our community. Kids can participate in fun activities designed to encourage kindness and help make the world a better place. For children, ages 7-11. Registration is required. Some activities may be messy, dress for mess. 239-479-4636
Brunch with the Ice Queen
Coast Elite Gymnastics Academy 6360 Arc Way, Fort Myers
Tuesday, December 13 • 10:30 a.m.
Come have Brunch with the Ice Queen her self, Elsa! All ages up to 12 years (Members and non-members) From 10:30-11 a.m. • Fun in the Gym - including bounce house, trampo line, foam pit and more. From 11 a.m. - noon • Brunch time w/ Elsa. Register online or in person at the desk. *Pre-registration by December 9th! www.coastelite.com
Kindness Club
Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral Tuesday, December 13 • 4:30 p.m
Join us at the library to create kindness in our community. Kids can participate in fun activi ties designed to encourage kindness and help make the world a better place. For children ages 5 - 11. Registration is required and is guaranteed only until the start of the program. 239-479-4636
Family Movie Night
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres Tuesday, December 13 • 5 p.m.
Families are invited to view a special a holiday film. Bring snacks and covered drinks if desired. 239-479-4636
Toddler Little Racers
Fort Myers Regional Library
2450 First St., Fort Myers Tuesday, December 13 • 10 a.m.
For ages 18-36 months. Get ready to roll with Little Racers. Enjoy free time to play with cars, farms and city toys and socialize with other families. 239-479-4636
Winter Wonderland Storytime
Cape Coral Lee County Public Library
921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral Wednesday, December 14 • 10 a.m.
Join us for a winter-themed storytime. We'll read books, sing songs and rhymes and dance. For ages 2-5 with a caregiver. Get a ticket at the Youth Services Desk. 239-479-4636
Tween Art Club
Fort Myers Regional Library 2450 First St., Fort Myers Wednesday, Dec. 14 • 4 p.m.
For ages 9-12. Have you ever created Dragon Eggs? Now is your chance to use your imagina tion and artistic skills. All supplies will be pro vided. Registration is required. 239-479-4636
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Wednesday, December 14 • 10:30 a.m.
Families with children through age 5 are invited to join us for a special morning of dancing and bubble blowing as we listen to our favorite tunes. Dressing up in holiday apparel or costume is encouraged. 239-479-4636
Pre-K Full STEAM Ahead
Fort Myers Regional Library
2450 First St., Fort Myers
Wednesday, December 14 • 10 a.m.
For ages 3-5. Preschoolers and their families will have the opportunity to explore science, technology, engineering, art and math concepts through activities, stories and crafts. 239-479-4636
Grinchmas Zen Crafting
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Thursday, December 15 • 2 p.m.
High school teens are invited to join us for calming holiday and Grinch-themed crafts or coloring. 239-479-4636
Milk & Cookies with Santa
31 Produce & Mining Co.
18672 St Rd 31, Alva
Thursday, December 15 • 4 - 7 p.m.
Free meet & greet with santa (bring your own camera for pictures) complimentary milk, cookies and candy cane. Must be in line before 7! Produce stand is open 9-5:30 p.m. Dinner is served from 4-8:30 p.m. 239-313-8213
Fort Myers Regional Library
2450 First St., Fort Myers
Thursday, December 15 • 10 a.m.
Join us for a jamming good time as we read books inspired by music. Children will have the opportunity to play with kid-sized instruments as they learn about different musical sounds. 239-479-4636
Four Freedoms Park
4818 Tarpon Ct, Cape Coral
Thursday, December 15 • 10 a.m.
Children will enjoy finger plays, singing, a craft and a story with Mrs. Claus! Parent must attend with child. Be sure to bring your camera. $15. 239-574-0804
Keep Calm & Craft On - teen
North Fort Myers Public Library
2001 N. Tamiami Trail NE, N. Fort Myers
Thursday, December 15 • 3 p.m
Join us for a fun hour of coloring, crafting and chatting. This social hour will include refreshments and an easy craft. You may also bring your own crafting supplies. Registration not required, but space is lim ited. 239-479-4636
Ants in Your Pants Dance Party
Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library
3095 Blount St., Fort Myers
Friday, December 16 • 10:30 a.m.
Shake your sillies out at the library. Get ready to twist and shout at this special dance party. We’ll boogie down to pop hits and favorite pre school tunes. For ages 2 - 5. 239-479-4636
Alliance for the Arts
10091 McGregor Blvd., Fort Myers Sunday, December 18 • 6 & 8 p.m.
Join us for Nightmare Before Christmas and Krampus. Children under 8 get in free. 239-939-2787
Friday, December 16 continued
Four Freedoms
4818 Tarpon Ct, Cape Coral
Friday, December 16 • 2 - 8 p.m.
Come and join us for a relaxing and fun evening with the entire family. We'll have food trucks and retail vendors. Bring your blanket or chairs and enjoy the beautiful sunset at Bimini Basin. Call us at Four Freedoms Park to reserve your spot. 239-574-0804
Saturday Night Before Christmas Eve
Punta Gorda Boat Parade
Saturday, December 17 • 6 p.m.
Parade is within Punta Gorda Isles along the 4.5 mile route. www.puntagordaboatparade.com
Rotary Park Environmental Center
5505 Rose Garden Rd, Cape Coral
Saturday, December 17 • 11 a.m. - noon
Enjoy treats, tea sandwiches, punch, and lemonade in the butterfly garden. Feel free to wear fairy or butterfly wings. Registration is re quired at least one week in advance & there are a limited number of spaces. 239-549-4606
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Saturday, December 17 • 1 p.m.
Families are invited to watch a fun, holiday, animated movie. Bring snacks and covered drinks if desired. 239-479-4636
North Fort Myers Public Library
2001 N. Tamiami Trail NE, N. Fort Myers
Saturday, December 17 • 1 p.m.
Children and their families are invited to join us for a crafty Saturday. All supplies will be provided, just bring your creativity. 239-479-4636
Free Family ArtLab
Alliance for the Arts
10091 McGregor Blvd., Fort Myers Saturday, December 17 • 10 a.m – Noon
Drop in for free, hands-on family fun. Explore something new every month like art making, gallery activities, games and more – all in spired by artworks on view in the gallery. Rec ommended for ages five and older, but all ages and abilities are encouraged. Family Art Labs are free and open to the public, but a $10 sug gested family donation keeps programming af fordable and accessible. 239-939-2787
Shell Factory and Nature Center Fundraiser
Shell Factory and Nature Center 16554 North Cleveland Ave., North Fort Myers Saturday, December 17 • 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Admission includes a free carousel ride, mini golf, free voucher for future Nature Park admis sion, games and prizes for kids, animal en counters and more. 239-995-2141
Family Storytime
Northwest Regional Library 519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral Saturday, December 17 • 10 a.m.
For children through age 5 and caregivers. Fami lies with young children enjoy a variety of sto ries, songs, rhymes & movement. 239-479-4636
Jolly Holiday Ornament workshop
Fort Myers Lowe's 14960 S. Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers
Saturday, December 17 • 9 a.m. - noon
Calling all little builders! Kids will love this holi day DIY-U workshop where they’ll learn to build a handmade wreath ornament that also makes a one-of-a-kind keepsake. 239-433-9255
Fort Myers Regional Library 2450 First St., Fort Myers Saturday, December 17 • 2 p.m.
For ages 5-11. Have fun and meet new friends during this exciting BINGO event. Match numbers in a row to win small prizes. 239-479-4636
Free Outdoor
Grace Church Family Center
13 SE 21st Place, Cape Coral
Saturday, December 17 • 5:30 p.m.
Family pictures with "The Grinch!" There will also be family games and contests for all ages as well as concessions available for purchase. Bring your own lawn chair or blanket to sit on and join us for some fun! www.egracechurch.com
Christmas Caroling and Parade Gateway Church 13241 Griffin Dr, Fort Myers Sunday, December 18 • 5:30 p.m.
We'll be spreading Christmas cheer & the love of Jesus as we parade around neighborhoods in the Gateway community and sing Christmas carols! Open to everyone! 239-561-2550
Pancake Breakfast with Santa Shell Factory 16554 North Cleveland Ave, US 41, N. Fort Myers Sunday, December 18 • 9 - 11 a.m.
Save the Date!! Reservations required. 239-995-2141 ext 110. www.shellfactory.com
Decorate Christmas Cookies Edison and Ford Winter Estates 2350 McGregor Blvd, Fort Myers December 19, 20, 21, 22 • 6 - 8 p.m.
Decorate cookies, drink cocoa and see the Holiday Nights lights! This new event provides families with a night out to see the lights and still get the cookies made! 239-334-7419
East County Regional Library 881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
December 19 - 20 • High School: 2 p.m. and Middle School: 5 p.m.
Play board games, video games, card games and more at the library. Teens are invited to join us for fun, games and socializing with friends after school. 239-479-4636
Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral
Wednesday, December 21 • 2:30 p.m. Join us for a special movie screen ing. Light snacks will be provided. For ages 12-18. No registration re quired. 239-479-4636
Presentation: The Star of Bethlehem
Calusa Nature Center and Planetarium 3450 Ortiz Ave, Fort Myers
Wednesday, December 21 • 7 p.m. What is the Star of Bethlehem? Is it real? Can we tell what hap pened and when it occurred? We will show and discuss what the Magi were looking for, when they were looking, and what they might have seen over 2000 years ago. Travel back in time with us to see the sky that the Magi saw and what Herod’s astrologers could not find. $10 per person. 239-275-3435
Family Fun Night
Bell Tower Shops 13499 S Cleveland Ave, Fort Myers
Thursday, December 22 • 6 - 8 p.m. Join us as Santa Strolls through our Family Fun Night. We will have music and dance instructions creating a fun dance party. Mini Zoo display with educational and hands-on opportunities throughout the evening. Magical mini horses Misty & Majick for photo ops & meet & greets. In addition, there will be games, food, face painting & balloons sculptures. www.belltowerfl.com
Barnes & Noble Marketplace SC 13751 Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers Saturday, December 24 • 11 a.m.
Join us as we read stories to your little ones every Saturday morning! 239-437-0654
Books and Blankets
Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral
Tuesday, December 27 • 6:15 p.m.
Join us with your blankies & paja mas for this nighttime edition of storytime. The whole family is in vited to this enjoyable storytime that encourages the development of pre-reading skills through songs, rhymes, fingerplays and stories. 239-479-4636
Noon Year's Eve Celebration
Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral
Thursday, December 29 • 11:30 a.m.
We're celebrating the end of 2022 at this family friendly day time bash. Join us for fun, music and dancing. At 11:59, we will ring in the hour with balloons, noise and fun! All ages welcome. No registration required. 239-479-4636
Barbara B Mann Performing Arts Hall
13350 FSW Parkway, Fort Myers December 30 - 31
As lights dim and the music swells, audiences will have vi sions of sugarplums dancing in their heads as a fantastical cast of holiday storybook characters come to life. Featuring an en semble of aerial circus acts, sleight-of-hand jugglers, fun-lov ing skippers, breath-catching ac robatics & more. 239-481-4849
New Year’s Eve Fireworks
City of Naples Pier Saturday, December 31 • 7:30 p.m.
Celebrate the new year by view ing a fabulous display of fire works off the City of Naples beaches. 239-213-7120
Downtown Countdown
Downtown Fort Myers
December 31 • 6 p.m. - 12:30 a.m. Help us ring in the New Year Downtown Fort Myers style! We have an exceptional evening planned including five stages with various musical perform ances to help us celebrate the last day of 2022. Ball-drop & fireworks at midnight! www.myriverdistrict.com
New Year's Eve Celebration/ Fireworks Display
Fishermen's Village
1200 W Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda Saturday, December 31 • 6 p.m.
Family friendly fun activities to in clude: photo booth, tattoos & face painting, fun hair glitter, Tarot Card Readings, live music and dancing featuring The Shane Duncan Band, then, at midnight, NYE Fireworks Display! 941-639-8721
EdisonandFordWinterEstateskickedoffthe 47thannualHolidayNightscelebrationNov.25 withatreelightingceremony.
Thisyear'sthemeis"HolidaysontheRiverfront"andincorporateswaterandnauticalelements.HolidayNightswillrunnightlythrough Jan.1,exceptChristmasEveandChristmasnight. GuidedHolidayTraditionTourswillbeofferedat 6and7p.m.everynightexceptopeningnightor visitorscanchoosetomeanderattheirownpace onaself-guidedtour.Inside-the-Homestourswill beofferedonNov.30,andDec.7,14and21at 6:30p.m.foraspecialup-closelookatthehomes'decoratedinteriors.
Severalnewlightdisplaysarebeinginstalledthisyear.When visitorsentertheriversideoftheproperty,theywillwalkthrough anewlightedtunnel.Thiswillsetthestageandleadgueststo thenewfountaintreewithanimatedlights.Thetreethatwillbe usedforthetreelightingceremonyisalsonewandincorporates animatedlightschoreographedwithmusic.
Thefamily-orientedeventincludestheChildren'sTreeTrail, whichfeaturesdozensoftreesdecoratedwithhandmadeornamentsfromLeeCountyschoolchildren.SantaandMrs.Claus willbevisitingonSundayeveningsfrom6to8p.m.through Dec.18.The"WildWizard"(Edison'snickname)willconduct scienceexperimentsonTuesdaynightsat6p.m.throughDec. 20.
Therewillalsobemusiconseveralnights.Strollingcarolers willsingonDec.7and16,theFortMyersSymphonicMastersingerswillperformonDecember14,andatenorsaxophone
playerwillperformDec.16-23.Anantiquecircuscar(aCalliope)withabuilt-inpipeorganwillbeplayedfrom6-8p.m. onDec.5.
Curatorswillbeonhandtoanswerquestionsaboutthecar, whichisamodified1914ModelTFord.
GuestscanshopmultiplevendorboothsduringthenewHolidayMarketonDec.11from4-9p.m.TheMuseumStoreand GardenShoppewillbeopenuntil9p.m.everynightofHoliday Nightsandwillbestockedwithuniquegiftitemsforthathardto-buy-forlovedone.RefreshmentswillbeavailableforpurchaseonFriday,SaturdayandSundayeveningsandDec.19-23 andDec.26and27.
HolidayNightsticketsforadultsare$20,teens(13-19)are $10,children(6-12)are$2,andEdisonFordmembersgetin free.GuidedHolidayTraditionToursare$30foradults,teensare $25,children$18,and$10forEdisonFordmembers.Inside-theHomesHolidayToursare$50.LeeCountyresidentswithidentificationwillreceive$5offHolidayNightsadmissiononSunday nights.Topurchasetickets,visitwww.edisonford.org.
Celebratetheholidaysandhelp feedthehungrybysingingatthe31st AnnualChristmasCarolSingsponsoredbyFirstPresbyterianChurch andtheGallowayFamilyofDealerships.
TheChristmasCarolSingwillbe Tuesday,Dec.6atFirstPresbyterian Church,2438SecondSt.indowntownFortMyers,betweenLeeStreet andRoyalPalmAvenue.Admission isfree,althoughorganizersrequest voluntarydonationsofatleasttwo cansofnon-perishablefoodforSam’s CommunityCaféandKitchenoperatedbyCommunityCooperative,and avoluntarycashdonation,ifyou can.
Becauseoftheoverwhelming popularityoftheevent,twosing-
alongsareplannedat3p.m.and7 p.m.Thedoorswillopen30minutes priortoshowtime.
Cashdonationsareespecially neededbecauseCommunityCooperativecanbuyfivetimesasmuchfoodfor thesameamountofmoneythatresidentsspendatlocalgrocerystores.
TheChristmasCarolSingisafestival ofholidaymusicandfamilyfun.This year’s90-minuteperformancewillfeaturetheFirstPresbyterianChurchChoir, soloistsandotherspecialguestssinging favoriteholidaycarolswithaudience sing-a-longs.
ThereisastrongrumorthatSanta Clauswillbemakingasurprisevisitfor the“childreninallofus.”
Formoreinfo,call239-334-2261or visitonlineatwww.fpcfortmyers.org.
JointheGulfCoastSymphonyonFriday, Dec.2forDecktheHallsattheBarbaraB. MannPerformingArtsHallatFSW.Celebrate thespiritoftheseasonwiththisannualholidaytradition.
TheGulfCoastSymphonyisjoinedbythe FortMyersSymphonicMastersingers,Mark SandersplustheKellynCelticArtsDance Academy,and,ofcourse,Santa.
Thefestivesoundsoftheseasonring throughtheBarbaraBMannPerformingArts HallastheGulfCoastSymphonypresents yourmostfavoritesymphonicpopsholiday medleys.FromLeroyAnderson’sendearing SleighRide,amedleyofmusicfromChristmasmovieclassics,totheMannheimSteamrollerSilentNight,andmuch,muchmore.
DecktheHallsisyourfavoriteSouthwest Floridaholidaytradition,perfectforthewhole family.Theholidayeventbeginsat7p.m. Ticketsrangefor$39to$69.
Forticketsandinfo,calltheboxofficeat 239-481-4849orvisitonlineatwww.gulfcoastsymphony.orgorwww.bbmannpah.com
JointheGulfCoastSymphonyonSaturday,Dec.10 forTheNutcrackerattheBarbaraB.MannPerforming ArtsHallatFSW.
Thisholidayseason,jointhesymphonyasthelights dim,themusicsoars,snowflakesswirl,flowersdance, andalittlegirldreamsaboutawholenewworld.
TheGulfshoreBallet,principalguestartistsfrom MiamiCityBalletKatiaCarranzaandLuizSilva,andthe GulfCoastSymphonypresenttheTchaikovskyholiday classicinagloriousproductionwithnewchoreography byIlianaLopez&FranklinGamero.Thistwo-actballetis basedonaholidaystorybyE.T.A.Hoffmannthatcenters onafamily’sChristmasEvecelebration.Itisagreatintroductiontoclassicalmusicanddancefortheentirefamily.
TheNutcrackerwillbeperformedDec.10at3p.m. and8p.m.Ticketsrangefrom$45to$69andareavailablebycalling239-481-4849orvisitingonlineat www.bbmannpah.com.TheBarbaraB.MannPerforming ArtsHallislocatedat13350FSWParkwayinFortMyers.
TheShellFactoryandNatureParkinNorthFortMyerswill holditsBuildaHomeFundraiseronSaturday,Dec.17tohelp rebuildthenaturepark.
BringtheentirefamilyforupcloseencounterswithHootie andsomeofherfriends.Variousgamesandprizesforkidsare scheduled.
Admissionis$10foradultsand$5forkids12andunder. Admissionincludesfreecarouselrides,freeminigolf,voucher forfreefutureadmissiontothenaturepark.
Celebratethemostwonderfultimeoftheyearinnature’s wonderlandbrimmingwithholidaycheer.
TheCalusaNatureCenterandPlanetariumwillholdits HolidayLightsandLasershowsonselectdatesDec.9–30.
The1/3-miletrailwillbeilluminatedwithtwinkling lights.Afterwalkingthetrail,cozyuptothefireorcatch thespecialHolidayLaserShowinthePlanetarium.The HolidayLightsHikeisfrom6to9p.m.Ticketsarefreefor CNCPmembers,andnon-memberpricesare$10foradult, $5forchildrenages3-12.Add-onaHolidayLaserShowat 6,7or8p.m.foranadditional$10peradultand$5per child.EventdatesareDec.9–11,16–18,21-24and26 –30.Visitwww.calusanature.orgforcompletedetailsor call239-275-3435.
CalusaNatureCenterislocatedat3450OrtizAve.in FortMyers.
ShellFactoryandNatureParkislocatedat16554N. ClevelandAve.inNorthFortMyers.VisittheirFacebookpageor websiteatwww.shellfactory.comorcall239-995-2141for moredetails.
Central Florida Zoo & Botanical Gardens, 3755 W Seminole Blvd, Sanford
Event runs now until Jan. 15. The Central Florida Zoo & Botanical Gardens has been transformed into a dazzling evening experience featuring more than 30 larger-than-life illumi nated sculptures depicting animals, plants, and traditional Chinese elements. In addition to the hand-made LED lit lanterns, festival attendees will get to enjoy local food and beverage op tions, live music, and authentic artisan crafts from 6 to 10 p.m. www.centralfloridazoo.org
Florida Railroad Museum
12210 83rd St E, Parrish
The train express will be held December 1-21. Join us onboard for a 30 minute ride from Par rish, FL to the North Pole. Upon arrival, every one will detrain at our special North Pole station where Santa awaits to visit with every child along with entertainment, activities, camp fires and all the hot chocolate and cookies you care to eat. 941-776-0906
Downtown Area, 418 Howard Street West
Live Oak Christmas on the Square will be held on December1-3. The family friendly festival will feature Christmas tree lighting, kids 1 mile fun run, jingle bell fun run and walk, live bands, bounce houses, car show, Santa land, agricul ture exhibit, arts and crafts vendors, food ven dors, Annual Christmas Parade of Lights and more. www.visitsuwannee.com
Peace River Botanical & Sculpture Gardens
5827 Riverside Drive, Punta Gorda
Gardens Aglow will be held on December 5-23. Acres of gardens decorated with thousands of lights makes the perfect family holiday outing. This is a walk-through holiday experience that is stroller and wheelchair accessible. Designed to be fun and safe for all! Festival hours are 6 to 9 p.m. 941-621-8299
Pinellas Park Holiday in the Park England Brothers Park 5010 Dave McKay Way, Pinellas Park
Pinellas Park Holiday in the Parkl will be held on December 2-3 from 6 –10 p.m. This com munity-wide family event will feature entertain ment, children’s games, hayrides, children’s train ride, photos with Santa, delicious food and more. 49th Annual Pinellas Park Christmas Pa rade takes place Dec. 10 at 6 p.m. www.pinellas-park.com
Paradise Coast Sports Complex 3940 City Gate Boulevard N., Naples
The Naples Snow Fest will be held on Decem ber 3 from 3-9 pm. There will be 100 tons of snow, Great Snowball Hunt, Santa’s South Pole, Snow Mountains, Entertainment, Santa’s Work shop, Holiday Fun Bounce Land, a holiday maze & games. www.colliercountyparks.com 239-252-4180
Fort King National Historic Landmark 3925 E Fort King St, Ocala
The Festival at Fort King will be held on Decem ber 3-4. It will include kids’ game area, bird hike, Fort King trail tours, historic combat demos, time-period vendors, rag rugs, time-pe riod vendors, cast iron cooking, food and drinks and more. Hours: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. www.ocalafl.org
2022 Cocoa Beach Winterfest Minutemen Cswy and Orlando Ave
Cocoa Beach Winterfest will be held on De cember 3. This festival will feature free pictures with Santa, Christmas parade, stilt walkers, live band, food trucks, local artisan, vendors and much more. Hours: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. www.cocoabeachmainstreet.org
Country Christmas at the Farm Hunsader Farms, 5500 C.R. 675, Bradenton
The Country Christmas will be held December 10 -11, 16-18, 22-23 from 6-10 p.m. Over 300,000 lights, hayrides kiddie train rides, pic tures with Santa, campfires, live music, Christ mas village, petting zoo, pony rides, snow tubing, s'mores station. Christmas movies on big screen and more. www.hunsaderfarms.com
Bradenton Old Florida Christmas Manatee Village Historical Park
1404 Manatee Ave E
Event will be held on December 10. Come cel ebrate the old-fashioned holiday traditions at this fun-family festival. This event will feature local art and craft vendors, musical perform ances, food vendors, victorian and pioneer decor, free make-and-take crafts and more. Hours: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. 941-749-7165
Okeechobee Main Street Christmas Festival Flager Park
55 SE 3rd Ave, Okeechobee
Okeechobee Main Street Christmas Festival will be held on December 10. It will feature music, kid’s activities, arts and crafts, lighted night pa rade (6 p.m.), food and more. Hours: 10 a.m.8 p.m. www.okeechobeemainstreet.org
2021 Havana Winter Festival Havana Havana Main Street
Havana Winter Festival will be held on Decem ber 10. There will be music, petting zoo, trolley rides, hay rides, parade, arts andcrafts, food vendors, and lot of snow. Hours: 10 a.m.4 p.m. www.havanamainstreet.com
It’sthattimeoftheyearagainwhen webegintothinkaboutgivinggiftsto thelovedonesinourlives,andforparents,grandparents,andothergrownupswhohave kidsintheirlives theywanttobuy forthequestion “isitasafetoy?” canbeatricky onetodecipher!
Luckily,the American Academyof Pediatrics (Aap.org)hasa fewthingsto keepinmindto buytheperfecttoyforyourperfectlittle someone!
•Lookforwarninglabels-labelsgive importantinformationabouthowtouse thetoysafelyandcorrectly.Besurean adultdemonstratesproperuseofthe
•ThinkBIG.Picktoysthataretoo bigforyourkiddotoputintheirmouth topreventchokinghazards-especially forkidsyoungerthanthreeyearsof age.
•TheAAPrecommendsyouavoid toysthatshootobjectsintotheair.The riskofeyeinjuries(flashbackstothe timelessChristmasmovie?)orchoking onsmallpartsisgreater.
•Loudtoys?Howloudistooloud? Therearesometoysthatcouldcause hearinglossduetotheloudnessofthe toysoperatingsystem.
•Choosesoftandstuffedtoysthat arewellmade.Ensurethereareno looseseamsorlimbsthatmaydetach andbecomeachokinghazard,avoid toyswithbeanorpellet-likeinnards thatifspilledcouldbecomechoking hazards
•Plastictoysshouldbesturdyand withoutsharpedges
•Hobbykitsorchemistrysets shouldbereservedforkiddos12years ofageandolderduetothesafetyrecommendationsregardingmixingof chemicalsandfiresafety
•Electrictoysshouldbe“UL approved”pertheAAP,alsoreminder tokeepaneyeoutforbatteries-button batteriesareespeciallyharmfulto youngchildrenifswallowed
•Avoidcribtoysthataresoftor hanginsidethecrib.Remember,creatingasafesleepenvironmentiscrucial fordecreasingtheriskofSIDS.Soft blankets,toysorobjectsthatdangle woulddecreasethesafetyofthesleep space.
Enjoyyourfamilytimeandbesafe thisholidayseason!
SaraJoFoleyisanAdvanced PracticeRegisteredNursewith Physicians’PrimaryCareofSouthwest Florida)withofficesthroughoutLee County.www.ppcswfl.com
GolisanoChildren’s HospitalofSouthwestFlorida, inpartnershipwithRonald McDonaldHouseCharities® ofSouthwestFlorida,offersa freemonthlyautismspectrum disorderscreeningfortoddlers 18monthstofiveyearsof age.
Thenextscreeningwillbe heldonDec.9from9a.m.to 2p.m.atthePediatric SpecialistOffice,15901Bass Road,Suite102,FortMyers.
Itisestimatedthatonein every44childrenisdiagnosedwithsomeformof AutismSpectrumDisorder, makingitmorecommonthan childhoodcancer,juvenile diabetesandpediatricAIDS combined.
projectstressthatanearly diagnosiscanmakeavastdifferencefortoddlersandtheir families.Theysayearlyintensivebehavioralintervention canmakeanimmensedifferencenotjustinthedevelopmentofthechild,butintheir familiesaswell.
TheASDscreeningisconductedbytheGolisano Children’sHospitalof SouthwestFlorida.The screeningsareadministered byanAdvancedPractice RegisteredNurse,whohas extensivetrainingandexperienceintypicalchilddevelopmentanddevelopmentaldisorders.
Aphysicianreferralisnot required.Toschedulea screening,call239-343-6838.
CapeCoralHospitalmade LeapfrogandMoney’slistas oneoftheBestHospitalsfor MaternityCareinthecountry.
TheMoneyGroup,adigital platformthatwasoriginally foundedasaprintmagazine, partneredwithLeapfrogtocreatethislistand,using Leapfrog'sdata,facilitieswere selectedthatconsistentlydeliveredthesafest,highest-quality maternitycare.TheLeapfrog Groupisanationalnonprofit organizationfocusedonquality andsafetyinhealthcareinthe UnitedStates.
ThelistshowedthatCape CoralHospitalhasacesarean sectionrateof13.8%,whichis well-belowthenationalbenchmarkforacesareansectionat 23.6%.Thehospital’sratewas at31.9%in2019.Bringingit downbyalmost20pointswas theresultofcollaborationand teamworkacrossavarietyof departments.
Thisissignificantbecause therearelesscomplications withvaginalbirthsandhavinga cesareansectioncanleadto complicationswiththenext pregnancy.
Tobeincludedinthelist, eligiblehospitalshadtocarry an‘A’or‘B’lettergradeonthe spring2022LeapfrogHospital Surveyandmeetcriteriaspecifictoprovidingmaternitycare. Theseincluded:
•Havinglessthan5%of deliveriesbefore39weeksfor nomedicalreason
•Acesareanbirthbenchmarklowerthanthenational benchmarkof23.6%
•Anepisiotomybenchmark lessthan5%
•Beingatleast90%compliantinprovidingDVTprophylaxistowomenandpreventing bloodclotsforwomenundergoingacesareansection
•Andscreeningforbilirubin inmorethan90%ofnewborns
“Thehospitalsafetygrade andmaternitylistdistinction showthatCapeCoralHospital isoneofthebestresourcesin thecommunityforwomen’s healthcareandwe’revery proudofthat.Weworkhardto makesureourpatientsreceive thebestpossiblecarehere,” saidCherrieMorris,M.D.,chief physicianandoperationsexecutiveatCapeCoralHospital.