January 2018
PRESCHOOL sign-ups
Fireworks Concerts Festivals Movies Circus and more...
around the state
SCHOOL ice 2018-2019
o h C
NEW Winter Classes
for January
CONTENTS January 2018
FEATURES A year of adventures
Winter classes
Open houses
Charter & private schools
On The Cover
VPK & preschool sign-ups
Brianna Priebe, 12, daughter of Ray Priebe & Lori Priebe of Cape Coral Photo provided by Making
Creative food ideas
Gidgets & Gadgets
Special picks & events
Things to do in January
Health & Wellness
Arts & Entertainment
Party resource guide
Too Cute photos
4 - January 2018
How to reach us:
Publisher/Owner Kathy M. Kuser Editor/Owner Jamie K. Kuser
Sales/Marketing Lisa Doyle Mitchell Columnist Mandy Carter
P.O. Box 9285 Fort Myers, FL 33902 239-278-5236 e-mail us at Lee County Family News is published 12 times a year. © 2018 by KMK Publishing Inc.
Rebecca Young of Cape Coral Picked up the magazine at Chick-fil-A
Tamara Brown of Cape Coral Picked up the magazine at The Learning Tree Family News
2018 goals
Have a year full of fun and adventures By Mandy Carter
Setting New Year’s resolutions is not just for adults. Kids have things they want to accomplish too. Helping your kids set goals for the new year is a great way to get them thinking about things they can improve on like read more books or learn to play a new sport. But as a mom, I find it fun to set goals with my kids that we can work on together.
For this new year we have decided to have a fun and adventurous 2018 by exploring more of Florida’s unique attractions. Join us in setting a goal to have more family adventures in our great state. Here is a short list of unique places to consider for some 2018 family adventures: 1. Bike through the Everglades National Park: Did you know that the Everglades is the second largest national park in the country, smaller only than Yellowstone. This is practically in our backyard! 2. Visit the Kennedy Space Centre: Not only tour this 140,000 acre center but also watch a rocket launch 6 - January 2018
3. Wonder at Coral Castle: To this day nobody knows how the method of how this mysterious structure was created is still debated by scientists and architects. 4. Museum of Science and Discovery: The museum is one of the largest in Florida and is said to have the most annual visitors of any state in the U.S. 5. Camp at Wekiwa Springs State Park: Taking a dip in the icy watering hole will be fun on a hot summer day! Do you believe in, make and keep resolutions? Follow along on our family fun each month with Lee County Family News magazine and to see what attraction we checked off our New Year’s resolution list! Cheers!
Mandy Carter is a Fort Myers mother of two. She owns her own freelance marketing business, is a travel writer, speaker and mommy blogger who loves to share her passion for family travel. Follow her family adventures at and connect with her on Instagram @mandymcarter Family News
Family News
January 2018 - 7
Saddlewood Horse Club offers year round riding lessons for kids as young as 3 years to adults in the lighted and covered riding arena. Group lessons or private lessons are available. CHA certified riding instructor shows her passion for her students and horses in her unique lesson style. Lessons are one hour long on well trained schooling horses and ponies. Saddlewood Horse Club encourages horse interaction and develops not just riders but the love of horses. All ages and levels. 16111 Saddlewood Lane, Cape Coral 239-738-9300 •
Curtain Call Studios
Family Music Time
Our Music Together classes build on your child's natural enthusiasm for music and movement. We'll help you provide your child with the basic musical skills needed to enjoy school and social musical activities, and to study an instrument should he or she choose to do so. Music Together is a researchbased, developmentally appropriate music and movement program for infant, toddler, preschool, and kindergarten children with their parents, teachers, and other primary caregivers. The 10-week winter session begins Jan. 5 featuring the bells collection. 239-671-5693
Alliance for the Arts
Join the Alliance for the Arts for a range of family-friendly events throughout the year. Engage your child in youth art classes, from painting to music lessons. Register for our popular Spring and Summer Arts Camp to hone your childʼs creative abilities in theatre, music, dance and visual arts.The Alliance for the Arts offers a variety of classes for all ages and levels including drawing, painting, music, photography, mosaic, collage, and homeschool art. New classes beginning soon at the Alliance for the Arts in Fort Myers: Youth art works (ages 9+), techniques in art-homeschool (ages 8-14), drawing I & II (ages 10-17), art for young people (grades 1-3) and many more. 10091 McGregor Blvd., Fort Myers 239-939-2787 •
Florida Repertory Theatre
Florida Rep offers a wide variety of performing arts classes for the community. These classes are designed for students just being introduced in the arts, serious young artists, professionals who want to keep up with their craft and even adults who are looking for something fun and different to do! The next session of winter classes will be held Jan. 8 - Feb. 5 and includes Royal Rock Stars (ages 4 - 7), Adventures with Rapunzel (ages 4 - 7), Diners, Drive-Ins and Musicals (ages 8 12) and Sherlock Holmes and Other Mysteries (ages 8 - 12). Another set of classes will be held Feb. 26 - April 2 and includes The Wind in the Willows (ages 4 - 7), Peter Rabbit and Other Tales by Beatrix Potter (ages 4 - 7), Broadway Bootcamp (ages 8 -12) and Around the World in 80 Characters (ages 8 - 12). Florida Repertory Theatre Downtown Fort Myers • 239-332-4665 x 2020 • 8 - January 2018
Classes are ongoing throughout the school year at Curtain Call Studios in Fort Myers. Group Technique Classes: Monday: Tiny Triple Threat (Sing, Dance, Act) Ages 4-7 Tuesday: Combo Dance (Tap/Ballet/Acro) Ages 6-7 and Showstoppers! (Singing class) Ages 7-11 Wednesday: Triple Threat (Sing, Dance, Act) Ages 8-12 Thursday: Stage Acting/Scene Study (All Levels) Ages 13-18 15250 S. Tamiami Trail, suite 119-120, Fort Myers 239-208-9138
Cultural Park Theater
We offer a full range of classes for students interested in pursuits in acting, musical theater, theatrical design or technical theater. Broadway Babies (ages 3 to 7) is an introduction to musical theater through music, movement and creative play. This class is for any young child with a creative imagination. This class culminates in a production at the end of the class. Starts in January. Saturdays from 9 -10 a.m. $75 for 8 weeks. Musical Theater Class (ages 8 to 16) is Wednesdays 5:30-7:30 p.m. for 10 weeks, starts in January. A performance based class, young performers will explore Musical Theatre through theatre games, movement, and singing from songs by classic Broadway and other composers. This course will culminate in a performance on the last day of class. $95 for 10 weeks. 528 Cultural Park Blvd., Cape Coral 239-772-5862 Family News
News from our Magazine Partners
Want to be in the annual Junior Parade Feb. 11? EDISON FESTIVAL OF LIGHT FEB. 10 - 18
5 Star Stables expands programs 5 Star Stables is now offering English/Jumping by Chrain East. She started showing 'A' rated horse shows at the age of 10 in hunter/jumpers. She has been trained by some of the top show barns and trainers in the country. She takes all the skills she has learned and introduce that knowledge into her lesson program at 5 Star Stables. Chrain has shown horses all over the nation
from the Kentucky Horse Park to the Wellinton National Horse Show. She is offering lessons at 5 Star Stables from beginners to advanced riders. Come see Chrain if you... “Love to Learn, Learn to Ride and Ride to Win!� 5 Star Stables is located at1835 The Thompsons Way, Lehigh. Call them at (239) 337-7827 or visit online at
Join us for the parade for everyone. The Edison Festival of Light Junior Parade has grown into Southwest Florida's largest youth parade that involves children of all ages. It showcases the talent and creativity of area children, families, and organizations. To become a part of the Junior Parade on Sunday, Jan. 11, follow these steps as shown below: Review the Junior Parade Rules and Regulations Fill out an Junior Parade Application Form Complete the Script Form Have each participant (including walkers and float riders) fill out the Festival Indemnification Form (online or PDF version - share the form link to all participants) Complete the Festival Insurance Form This is to protect your and your organization being covered in case an accident occurs. The Edison Festival of Light and the City of Fort Myers should be listed on your insurance policy as additional insureds. The policy should be a minimum of $1 million general liability. If you do not have the insurance, you can look at options online (ACE
is one option) or obtain a rider on the Edison Festival of Light policy. The Festival Insurance Form allows you to upload the certificate of insurance listing the Edison Festival of Light and the City of Fort Myers as additional insureds or to obtain insurance from the Edison Festival of Light. Not sure about what to do with your parade entry? Contact us by filling out this Inquiry Form for assistance with floats or other specialty units. Apply online and find more info at
10 - January 2018
Family News
Family News
January 2018 - 11
SCHOOL OPEN HOUSES IN JANUARY Tours and enrollment information sessions TUE - 2 Renaissance Montessori 9:30 a.m.
TUE - 9
Gateway Charter 9 a.m. Renaissance Montessori 9:30 a.m.
Challenger Middle 5:30 p.m. Estero High 6:30 p.m. - AICE
East Lee County High 6:30 p.m.
North Fort Myers High 6:30 p.m. - Cambridge
WED - 10
Gateway Charter 9 a.m. Gulf Middle 6 p.m.
Fort Myers Middle 6 p.m. Riverdale High 6 p.m.
Fort Myers High 6:30 p.m.
THU - 11
Gateway Charter 5 p.m.
Gulf Elementary 6 p.m. - kindergarten
Bonita Springs Mid. 6 p.m. Caloosa Middle 6 p.m.
Lehigh Acres Middle 6 p.m. Dunbar High 6:30 p.m.
12 - January 2018
TUE - 16
WED - 17
Six Mile Charter 9 a.m.
Classical Christian Academy 9:30 a.m.
Gateway Charter 9 a.m. Renaissance Montessori 9:30 a.m.
Cape Coral Carter 5 p.m. Mariner Middle 5:30 p.m.
Cape Elementary 6 p.m. - kindergarten Paul Laurence Dunbar Middle 6 p.m.
Varsity Lakes Middle 6 p.m. Bonita Springs High 6 p.m. East Lee County High 6:30 p.m. - AICE
North Fort Myers High 6:30 p.m. - arts & media
Gateway Charter 9 a.m.
Gateway Charter High 5 p.m.
Oak Hammock Middle 6 p.m.
Trafalgar Middle 6 p.m.
Cypres Lake High 6 p.m.
Lehigh Senior High 6 p.m. Cape Coral High 6:30 p.m. - IB
Christian School Expo on Jan. 13 New Hope Presbyterian Church, 10051 Plantation Road, Fort Myers 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. 239-910-0602
THU - 18
Harns Marsh Middle 5:30 p.m. Lexington Middle 5:30 p.m.
Pelican Elementary 6 p.m. - kindergarten Lee Virtual 6 p.m.
Bonita Springs High 6 p.m. Mariner High 6 p.m.
MON - 22
Cypress Lake High 6:30 p.m. - Capstone
TUE - 23
Six Mile Charter 9 a.m.
North Fort Myers Academy for the Arts 6 p.m. South Fort Myers High 6 p.m.
WED - 24
Diplomat Middle 5:30 p.m. Saint Michael 6 - 8 p.m.
Cypress Lake Middle 6:15 p.m.
THU - 25
Three Oaks Middle 6 p.m. Ida S. Baker High 6 p.m.
SAT - 27
Crown of Life Christian Academy 10 a.m. - noon
MON - 29
Cape Coral Charter 9 a.m.
St. Andrew Catholic TBA
TUE - 30 Renaissance 9:30 a.m. Gateway Charter High 5 p.m.
Family News
Family News
January 2018 - 13
14 - January 2018
Family News
Family News
January 2018 - 15
SCHOOL ASSIGNMENT Lee County Student Assignment Offices
The Student Assignment offices for the Lee County School District are open 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the following locations:
Lehigh Acres Office EAST ZONE
1262 Wings Way Suite #207, Lehigh Acres, FL 33936 Phone: (239) 337-8347
Located on Beth Stacey Blvd off of Homestead Rd. in the Community Health Association Complex.
Cape Coral Office WEST ZONE
370 Santa Barbara Blvd. North, Cape Coral FL, 33993 Phone: (239) 242-2059
Located in the Cape Coral Tech just north of the intersection of Pine Island Road and Santa Barbara Blvd.
Kindergarten registration
Parents of children who will be five on or before Sept. 1 should apply for kindergarten for the 2018-2019 school year. Parents need to register their child even if they have an older child already in school – assignments are not automatic.
Open enrollment information at
Fort Myers Office SOUTH ZONE
2855 Colonial Blvd., Fort Myers, FL 33966 Phone: (239) 337-8247 Located at corner of Colonial and Metro behind McDonalds.
Lee County public school application process runs Jan. 22 to March 23 The Student Assignment Open Enrollment Period for the 2018-2019 school year will begin Jan. 22 and will run through March 23. The Open Enrollment Period is for: •Any student entering kindergarten, 6th or 9th Grade •Students who are new to the district •Currently enrolled students who would like to change schools for next school year On Feb. 2, pre-printed applications will be mailed to parents of PreK students attending Lee County Public Schools who are eligible for kindergarten for 2018-19. Applications are being mailed Jan. 19 to current fifth- and eighth-grade students who currently attend a Lee County Public School. The pre-printed applications will not be provided to new students in the district or students currently attending a charter school. If families received a pre-printed application, they are strongly encouraged to apply online via the district’s website. A unique personal identification number (PIN) is issued for each student authorized to participate in this manner. Children enrolled in a VPK program at a private daycare will not receive a pre-printed application and the parent/guardian will need to come to a Student Assignment office. Children enrolled in VPK programs operated by city or county government will not receive a pre-printed application and the 16 - January 2018
parent/guardian will need to come to a Student Assignment office. If your child is enrolled in a Lee County Public School (excluding charter schools) and you did not receive your paper application in the mail, the parent/guardian will need to come into a Student Assignment Office with a picture ID and proof of address. They are unable to provide a pin number for you over the phone.
What is student assignment? In the School District of Lee County, an open-enrollment system exists to meet the unique needs of our community. This means parents and caregivers have a choice related to what school their child(ren) attend. Student Assignment allows you to choose from a variety of schools within the “zone” where you live. This is different than the traditional practice of students assigned to a school without parental input. The Student Assignment Office accepts school registration applications year-round. However, during each school year the district holds one early application period for the parents/guardians of students entering kindergarten, grade six and grade nine. This application period is also intended for students who are new to the district, or for students who have changed zones or sub-zones and are no longer qualified to attend the same school. Participation in this application period by students in other grade levels is optional. Family News
Family News
January 2018 - 17
Charter Schools USA is one of the oldest, largest and fastest-growing education management companies in the United States. They successfully manage high performing private and municipal schools for pre-Kindergarten through grade 12. They believe our greatest accomplishments are gaining a 95% plus satisfaction rate from parents and achieving a district “A” academic average for several years from the Department of Education. Charter Schools USA operates five schools in Lee County: three in Fort Myers, one in Bonita Springs and one in Cape Coral.
Acceleration Middle School 3365 Seminole Ave., Fort Myers 239-400-1818
Bonita Springs Charter School 25380 Bernwood Drive, Bonita Springs 239-992-6932 • grades K - 8 Cape Coral Charter School 76 Mid Cape Terrace, Cape Coral 239-995-0904 • grades K - 8
Christa McAuliffe Charter Elementary 2817 SW 3rd Lane, Cape Coral 239-283-4511 City of Palms Charter High School 2830 Winkler Ave., suite 201, Fort Myers 239-561-6611
Coronado High School 3057 Cleveland Ave., Fort Myers • 239-337-9140
DJB Technical Academy 13830 Jetport Commerce Pkway, Suite 6, Fort Myers 239-476-9100 18 - January 2018
FSW Collegiate High School 8099 College Parkway, Fort Myers • 239-432-6767 Gateway Charter Elementary School 12850 Commonwealth Drive, Fort Myers 239-768-5048 •grades K - 4 Gateway Charter High School 12770 Gateway Blvd., Fort Myers 239-768-3350 • grades 9 - 12
Gateway Charter Intermediate School 12770 Gateway Blvd., Fort Myers 239-768-3350 • grades 5 - 8 Harlem Heights Community Charter School 15570 Hagie Drive, Fort Myers • 239-482-7706 The Island School P.O. Box 1090, 135 1st St. W., Boca Grande (941) 964-8016
Island Park High School 16520 S. Tamiami Trail, suite 190, Fort Myers 239-204-5965
North Nicholas High School 428 SW Pine Island Road, Cape Coral • 239-2424230
Northern Palms Charter High School 13251 N. Cleveland Ave., North Fiort Myers 239-997-9987 Oak Creek Charter School 28011 Performance Lane, Bonita Springs 239-498-6864
Oasis Charter Elementary School 3415 Oasis Blvd., Cape Coral 239-542-1577 Oasis Charter High School 3519 Oasis Blvd., Cape Coral 239-541-1167
Oasis Charter Middle School 3507 Oasis Blvd., Cape Coral 239-945-1999
Palm Acres Charter High School 507 Sunshine Blvd. N., Lehigh Acres 239-333-3300
Six Mile Charter Academy 6851 Lancer Ave., Fort Myers 239-768-9375 • grades K - 8 •
The Unity Charter Schools in Cape Coral and Fort Myers offer small class sizes, a family environment, rigorous curriculum, free tutoring, daily fitness, enrichment programs, dress code and effective school discipline. Unity Charter Schools are tuition free public charter schools working to meet the individual needs of all students. Now Enrolling grades K-8th. New for the 2016-17 school year: new interior & exterior paint, new VCT flooring, new playground, new digital online library and effective ongoing student monitoring and resource tools. Our schools had some of the highest achievement gains in Lee district. Formerly known as Preparatory and Fitness Academies. Fort Myers - 4740 Cleveland Ave. 239-333-0766 • grades K - 8 • Cape Coral - 2107 Santa Barbara Blvd. 239-829-5134 • grades K - 8 •
Family News
Family News
January 2018 - 19
PRIVATE SCHOOLS IN LEE COUNTY A Little Piece of Me Montessori Academy 229 Del Prado Blvd. N, 3, Cape Coral 239-573-7999 Apostolic Revival Center Christian School 2100 Barden St., Fort Myers 239-332-8233 Bishop Verot Catholic High School 5598 Sunrise Drive, Fort Myers 239-274-6773
Canterbury School 8141 College Parkway, Fort Myers 239-481-4313 Cape Academy 231 Del Prado Blvd., Cape Coral 239-573-8668
Cape Coral Christian School 811 Santa Barbara Blvd., Cape Coral 239-574-3707
Crosspointe Academy 6798 Plantation Pines Blvd., Fort Myers 239-225-1502 De LaSalle Academy 6401 Techster Blvd., Fort Myers 239-245-8212
Discovery Day Academy 23601 North Commons Drive Bonita Springs 239-273-4802
Ebenezer Christian Academy 3637 Martin Luther King Blvd., Fort Myers 305-573-2867 Evangelical Christian School 8237 Beacon Blvd. S.E., Fort Myers 239-936-3319 Fort Myers Christian School 1550 Colonial Blvd., Fort Myers 239-939-4642 Good Shepherd Lutheran School 4770 Orange Grove Blvd., North Fort Myers 239-995-7711
Grace Community School 8971 Brighton Lane, Bonita Springs 239-948-7878 20 - January 2018
Classical Christian Academy
Classical Christian Academy offers families an academically rigorous and Christ-centered K-12 education option that blends the best aspects of private and home schooling. Jan 17th at 9:30 a.m. Come tour & get information on our Unique Curriculum. 7101 Bayshore Road North Fort Myers 239-543-1532
Crestwell School
Crestwell is a unique private school founded by parent educators. Crestwell believes each student has to be recognized as an important individual whose self-esteem, attitude and academic curiosity must be handled with a positive approach. All of Crestwell’s degreed teachers reinforce academic basics while challenging the academically gifted. Crestwell School – Connecting Students to Success!
1901 Park Meadows Drive, Fort Myers 481-4478 • PK - grade 8
Crown of Life Christian Academy
Crown of Life Christian Academy offers a well-rounded, Christ centered education for children as young as two years old through third grade in a spacious, clean, and safe environment. Preschool parents have the opportunity to choose a half day or full day option that works best for them and their child. The degreed teachers challenge the students with handson, enriching experiences and lessons. Call the school director (Rebecca Rixe) for any questions you may have. 5820 Daniels Parkway, Fort Myers 239-482-7315 •
Montessori School of Fort Myers
Montessori School of Fort Myers is a private secular Montessori school which is accredited by both regional and national level accreditation groups including the American Montessori Society (AMS), Association of Independent Schools of Florida (AISF) and National Council for Private School Accreditation (NCPSA). Our school is recognized as a Gold Seal Quality Care Program by the Florida Department of Children and Families and we are also members of the International Montessori Council (IMC). Founded in 1969, we serve students from 6 weeks – 6 years old (infant through kindergarten). Our campus has six classrooms with spaces for up to 92 children in our 5,000ft2 facility nestled in the Villas residential neighborhood next to Grace Brethren Church. 2151 Crystal Drive, Fort Myers 239-344-8193 • Family News
Grace Community School of Medical Lane 1688 Medical Lane, Fort Myers 239-334-3325
Gunnery Road Christian Academy 1880 Gunnery Road N., Lehigh Acres 239-694-3900 Hibernian Private School 1950 Clayton Court, Fort Myers 239-274-9600
Kid Life Academy Elementary 1200 SW 20th Ave., Cape Coral 239-283-0856 Living Word Christian School 2900 N. Tamiami Trail, North Fort Myers 239-997-7702
Maimonides Hebrew Day School 5620 Winkler Rd, Fort Myers 239-910-0293 Millenium Christian Academy 13235 Pam Beach Blvd., Fort Myers 239-694-8484 New Life Academy 3348 Edgewood Ave., Fort Myers 239-245-7578
New Testament Baptist School 2805 N.E. Pine Island Rd., Cape Coral 239-997-1020
Nicaea Academy of Cape Coral 3221 Chiquita Blvd. S, Cape Coral 239-540-9400 Peace By Piece Inc 6714 Winkler Road, Fort Myers 239-245-8301
Family News
Providence Christian School 701 Mohawk Parkway, Cape Coral 239-549-8024 Rock Christian Academy 1927 Victoria Ave., Fort Myers 239-931-3134 Sacred Heart Of Jesus Private School 109 SW 13th Terrace, Cape Coral 239-574-7096 Saint Francis Xavier 2055 Heitman St., Fort Myers 239-334-7707
Sonshine Christian Academy 12925 Palm Beach Blvd., Fort Myers 239-694-8882 Southwest Florida Christian Academy 3750 Colonial Blvd., Fort Myers 239-936-1754
Temple Christian School 18841 State Road 31, North Fort Myers 239-543-3222 Wilostar3d Academy 27499 Riverview Center Blvd., Bonita Springss 877-711-8117
Young Explorers Early Learning Center 3300 Santa Barbara Blvd., Cape Coral 239-542-6444 Private school listing & contact information courtesy of
Renaissance Montessori School
Renaissance Montessori School is an accredited private school that honors each individual as they learn and grow. Strong Montessori academics are balanced with lessons in grace and courtesy, respect, and a peace curriculum which includes lessons in cultural awareness and conflict resolution. Children are guided in developing essential social and emotional life skills. We are currently offering open enrollment so please call to attend one of our school tours. Financial assistance is available. Open house every Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. Scholarship programs available. 37 Barkley Circle, Fort Myers 275-2022 • 12 months - grade 8 •
Saint Andrew Catholic School
St. Andrew Catholic School is a vibrant, accredited Primary/Middle school and a candidate school for the International Baccalaureate PYP. We are dedicated to “Building Faith, Hearts and Minds” through Catholic traditions, academic excellence and respect for God’s earth and its cultures. Our STREAM program integrates Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Art and Math across the curriculum. Students enjoy various extra-curricular opportunities. Please contact us for your personal tour. Financial Assistance Available. 1509 SE 27th St., Cape Coral 239-772-3922 •
Saint Michael School
Saint Michael School, PK3-8th grade, educates students for life…here and for eternity! The accredited ‘Blue Ribbon’ school’s achievement ranks among the nation’s top schools. State-of-the-art curriculum & teaching blend with tested & proven approach to education. 1 to 1 computing, Accelerated Reading, math, fine arts, individual enrichment and athletic competition. Each child develops in a safe, nurturing environment of academic excellence, spiritual depth & moral integrity. Call for an admissions appointment. 3595 Broadway, Fort Myers 939-1218 • PK - grade 8 •
Summit Christian School
Summit Christian School provides a rigorous academic program in a loving and Christ-centered environment. We are a unique, caring community with an outstanding curriculum and an excellent, professional teaching staff. Summit Christian School has many scholarships available making Christian education affordable for all families. Please call today for a personal tour. 9065 Ligon Court, Fort Myers 482-7007 • grades VPK - 8 •
January 2018 - 21
All Aboard Preschool has open enrollment for all ages 4 weeks through 12 years old. We are a certified VPK Provider and our scores show it! We received 100% on our last readiness rate provided through the Dept. of Education. We offer an extended VPK program which includes FREE lunch as well as a full curriculum that provides the finest early learning experience for the children. 1918 SE Santa Barbara Pl., Cape Coral 239-574-5220
All programs are developmentally appropriate, multi-sensory, multi-dimensional, sequential, and provide for socialization. The preschool program comprises four interest areas located in three or four rooms: Language Arts, Math & Science, Arts & Writing, Motor Skills. Two, three, or five day morning or afternoon sessions. VPK Provider. 8560 Crystal Court, Fort Myers, 239-939-2255 1217 Cape Coral Pkwy W, Cape Coral, 239-945-3366 28052 Mango Drive, Bonita Springs, 239-992-3133 3528 S.W. 3rd. Ave., Cape Coral, 239-945-7001
Specializing in Early Childhood Development, prioritizing our relationships with each family in meeting the social, emotional, physical and cognitive needs of each child in our care. Offering a wide range of programs and schedules. 7 a.m. – 6 p.m. 12211 Towne Lake Dr., Fort Myers, 239-332-1900 22 - January 2018
Preschool 3 & 4 year olds, Free VPK included lunch. Full day care includes Break, Lunch and afternoon snack! The City of Cape Coral’s Creative Cubs VPK program would be delighted to care for your child and help them reach their full potential. Our staff is highly trained and the program is licensed by the Department of Children and Families. The program promotes the development of math, science, literacy and reading skills through and age appropriate curriculum and is held at the William Austen Youth Center (located behind Sun Splash). No registration fees! VPK is Free MondayThursday 8 a.m.- 12:30 pm. Wrap around care Mon - Fri 6:45 am – 6 pm available Breakfast, lunch and snack included. Limited space is available. Call to reserve your child’s spot today. Cape Coral • 239-242-3965
Creative World School Three Oaks is an Early Education School where children come to laugh and learn every day! We believe that children learn best in an inspiring environment. Our custom-built Exploratorium™ is a World of Wonder where children have hands-on experiences that help them understand the world around them. We dive into Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math – or STEAM learning – and engage in a different theme for our Inquiry Explorations each month. Come for loving infant care, engaging toddler programs, challenging preschool learning, and kindergarten readiness. We also offer CW Kid’s Club before and after school care for your School Age student. Call us to set up a tour today! Estero (Three Oaks) 19671 Cypress View Drive, Fort Myers 239-415-7845 Gateway (Coming Soon) 11961 Fairway Lakes Drive, Fort Myers 800-362-5940
Crown of Life Christian Academy offers a wellrounded, Christ centered education for children as young as two years old through third grade in a spacious, clean, and safe environment. Free 4 year old VPK is also provided. Preschool parents have the opportunity to choose a half day or full day option that works best for them and their child. The degreed teachers challenge the students with hands- on, enriching experiences and lessons. Please feel free to call the school director (Rebecca Rixe) for any questions you may have! 5820 Daniels Parkway, Fort Myers 239-482-7315
Foundations Early Learning Center at Cape Coral 1st UMC. Preschool & full-time childcare for all children 1 yr. - age 5. FREE VPK for 4 year olds. Small ratios in bigger rooms. Lunch & snacks provided. Weekly UPLAY gym classes for children 2 and up included in tuition. Chapel weekly for all children 2 and up. Register in April for 2018/2019 school year. Monday-Friday 6:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. 4118 Coronado Parkway, Cape Coral 239-542-4051 ext. 2 Family News
Growing Room Fort Myers and Growing Room Bonita Springs opens the door to a secure, quality, fun and nurturing educational environment based on a balanced partnership with parents. We are proud to offer FREE Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) for preschool children age 4. Our VPK program runs from 9:00a.m. – 12:00p.m. Monday through Friday. We also offer a “wrap-around” program for parents who need child care beyond the FREE VPK hours. Our program focuses on reading, writing and social skills and prepares children for Kindergarten. Two convenient Locations. 25151 Bernwood Drive, Bonita Springs • 239-495-0045 8950 Gladiolus Road, Fort Myers • 239-466-6646
Enroll today for the 2018 VPK Program! Kid’s World Preschool is a leading provider of quality childcare for children 18 months through VPK. Our school is nationally accredited through NAC and Florida Gold Seal approved. If your child will be 4 years old by Sept. 1, your child is eligible for 100% FREE VPK Program. Enroll your child early to guarantee their VPK spot at our school… our classes fill up fast. We offer various VPK schedules to accommodate most family needs. Visit for more information about our programs. Open from 6:30 am-6 pm. All meals are included in tuition. Conveniently located across the street from Diplomat Elementary & Middle School. 1126 NE 16th Terrace, Cape Coral 239-573-7233
Where Children Learn while having Fun & are always the priority! We accept children age 1 year old through elementary school. We believe children learn best through a mix of free play and structured activities. Children need the opportunity to explore safely and use their imaginations. Our classrooms are set up for the purposes; to improve social skills, fine and gross motor skills, hand-eye coordination, language skills, Physical skills and more. Everything we teach is to prepare the children for their educational life! We also provide Spanish and computer classes and a safe environment. Free registration for new year!!! Two convenient locations. 4928 Park Meadow Lane, Fort Myers • 239-3621400 12330 Westlinks Drive, Fort Myers • 239-561-8866
We have been blessed to serve our community for more than 20 years! Our VPK program has been successful with high achievement scores every year; giving your child a jump start on the expectations of Kindergarten. If your child is 4 by Sept. 1 he/she is eligible for this free – fun – learning – growing environment. We will have a morning & afternoon session to choose from and also provide along with the program, nutritious meals to help your child focus on the daily tasks. Come tour the grandest. New VPK class starting Jan. 8. Enroll now! 330 W. Mariana Ave., North Fort Myers 239-656-1551
We are now accepting applications for the free VPK Program 2018/2019. Serving Lehigh for 17 years. We provide age appropriate curriculums for Infants 6 weeks of age through Preschool age 4 as well as an after school program.“ We’ll get the homework done! For students 5 to 12 years old, Before- and After-School time at Lehigh Child Care Center is fun and educational. Whether it's helping with homework, tutoring or recreation, our after-school program helps kindergarten and elementary students excel. 1491 East Point Drive, Lehigh Acres 239-369-5437
Family News
Named Best Childcare Center in Lee County 2016 (by Gulf Shore Magazine), Milestones Learning Center in Estero has it all! Our center is clean, secure and exciting to be at each day. Our program offers breakfast, lunch and snack to all students including formula for infants. The staff members are all friendly, trained, experienced professionals, many with degrees in education. Come visit our spacious classrooms and experience how our small class sizes of only 10-12 students in each room, makes a difference. Our curriculum offers fun monthly themes, which promote learning in ways that are hands on learning. We also have family events throughout the year. We are expanding our facility & enrolling all age groups now. 19850 Breckenridge Drive., Estero 239-301-2962
Preschool @ The Lamb is an Early Education School where your young child can dive into learning as they investigate and explore the world around them! We love young children and incorporate meaningful Christian teaching into our learning moments. Weekly chapel time, Bible stories, field studies, inquiry-based curriculum, and school-readiness programs are just some of the ways that we partner with you to nurture and instruct your young child. Call today to schedule a tour and see how your family can become a part of ours! 19691 Cypress View Drive, Fort Myers 239-267-2694
Renaissance Montessori School is an accredited private school that honors each individual as they learn and grow. Strong Montessori academics are balanced with lessons in grace and courtesy, respect, and a peace curriculum which includes lessons in cultural awareness and conflict resolution. Children are guided in developing essential social and emotional life skills. We are currently offering open enrollment so please call to attend one of our school tours. Financial assistance available. Open house every Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. Scholarship programs available. 37 Barkley Circle, Fort Myers • 239-275-2022
Educating for life here and for eternity! Our school is accredited by both National Lutheran School Accreditation (NLSA) and AdvancEd. We are a National Blue Ribbon School. Our Little Saints Early Learning Center (6 weeks - 3 years) is a place for learning new language and socialization skills through play and child-centered activities. Our PreK 3 and PreK 4 classrooms are fun-filled learning environments where friendships grow right along with the children as they prepare for Kindergarten. Children are encouraged to ask questions and work together to solve problems. • 3595 Broadway, Fort Myers • 239-939-1218
Summit Christian School provides a rigorous academic program in a loving and Christ-centered environment. We are a unique, caring community with an outstanding curriculum and an excellent, professional teaching staff. Summit Christian School has many scholarships available making Christian education affordable for all families. Please call today for a personal tour. 9065 Ligon Court, Fort Myers • 239-482-7007
Are you looking for a quality VPK program for your four year old? Look no further! Wellington Academy has been serving Lee County families for over 30 years. We are the providers of quality child care for children ages birth through VPK. Our schools are nationally accredited and Gold Seal approved. Voted by parents as the Best Preschool in the 2011 Parent’s Choice awards + 2015 & 2016 Best of Recipients! Our VPK program has been extremely successful in fully preparing students for Kindergarten and beyond. Wellington Academy’s Kindergarten Readiness Rates have been in the top 5% in Lee County for the last 5 years. Our VPK program offers a safe well-equipped classroom environment for your child while focusing on all of the Kindergarten readiness standards. Our schools are conveniently located near your home and work place to serve you better. Call or stop by today to reserve a spot for your child in our VPK program! Fort Myers, 5244 Ramsey Way • 239-275-8818 North Cape Coral, 1024 SE 10th St. • 239-574-8818 South Cape Coral, 4412 SE 15th Ave. • 239-549-8818
Preregistration for 2018-2019 school year begins Feb. 5. Space is limited so contact our office to reserve a spot in our Jr. and Sr. preschool classes for your child for the upcoming school year or to get your name put on our waiting list! VPK Provider & School Readiness Provider. Reserve your spot for VPK. 7401 Winkler Road, Fort Myers 239-481-4040 ext 208 January 2018 - 23
Sandwiches with Style Vegan Turkey Sandwiches Ingredients: 2 slices of gluten free bread, cut into circles 2 slices of cucumbers (for eyes) 2 small circle cutouts of non dairy cheese (for eyes) 2 peppercorns (for eyes) 1 baby carrot (for beak) Âź slice of cherry tomato (for the snood) 1 baby carrot (for the feet) 3 leaves of lettuce (for the feathers) thin slices of cucumber, cut vertically (for the feathers) For the sandwich fillings: hummus more fresh veggies slice of non dairy cheese avocado Instructions: Add what ever fillings you want in your sandwich. Place the vertical cucumber slices and lettuce leaves over the fillings and then place the other piece of gluten free bread on top. Assemble the face and feet. Eat! 24 - January 2018
Family News
Monster Sandwich
Use a cookie cutter to cut two slices of rye bread. Use a second cookie cutter to cut a piece of American cheese into a fancy shape. Layer on one piece of bread a folded piece of turkey or ham, top with cheese, a slice of pickle and second piece of bread. Use toothpicks to hold two olives on as eyes
"Mouthy" Salami and Cheese
This cute sandwich will make your kids "say cheese" at lunchtime! Gluten-free bread 2 slices provolone cheese 4 slices salami 1 small cucumber, sliced Black olives, pitted & sliced Tomatoes and Arugula (optional)
Ladybug Sandwich
This little ladybug sandwich could be great for breakfast, lunch or dinner. It’s filled, topped with fresh vegetables and fried bacon, no kids will resist its cuteness.
Family News
January 2018 - 25
TrendingBooks Publisher’s top picks
100 Fun & Easy Learning Games for Kids
Learn While You Play With These Fun, Creative Activities & Games! Turn off the TV and beat boredom blues with these clever activities that are quick and easy to set up with common household materials. The huge variety of activities means you can choose from high-energy group games full of laughter and delight, or quiet activities that kids can complete on their own.
Before You Were Mine
A little boy imagines what life was like for his new dog before he adopted him from a shelter. Maybe he had a boy who loved him, but the family had to move and couldn't keep him. Maybe he belonged to someone who didn't appreciate how mischievous puppies can be. Maybe he was treated badly, and now he can be shown all the love he's been missing. This boy wonders about all of these things, but maybe they don't matter. Because now, his dog is home. 26 - January 2018
Everything is Mama
Owl Rescue Kit
Awww! You know you can't resist the cute owlet! While wild owls are best left to the pros, this fuzzball just needs a sock drawer to nest in and dustbunnies to hunt. Comes with a mini guidebook featuring owl facts and places to fill in the details that make your owlet unique. Everything's better with a feathered friend!
Jimmy Fallon, one of the most popular entertainers and NBC's Tonight Show host, was on a mission with his first children's book to have every baby's first word be DADA. And it worked! A lot of babies' first words were DADA. However, everything after that was MAMA. So take a lighthearted look at the world from your baby's point of view as different animals try to teach their children that there are other words in addition to MAMA for familiar objects & activities. Family News
Family News
January 2018 - 27
GIDGETS, GADGETS AND GIZMOS!! Rock And Roll It Rainbow Piano
Cheshire Cat Fine Toy Shop Bell Tower Shops, 13499 S. Cleveland Ave., Fort Myers 239-482-8697
fine toys
Teach My Yoga Mat Set
Pop Bottle Science $1.99
Dig It Up! Discoveries: Fairies
Playful Chef Deluxe Cooking Kit 28 - January 2018
My Audio Pet
$29.99 Family News
Fujifilm Instax Mini 9 Instant Camera
Chalkboard T-Shirts
Personalogy Card Game
Scoop & Learn Ice Cream Cart
LOL Surprise!: Collectible Dolls My Little Night Light $17.99
Family News $9.99
January 2018 - 29
FestivalsFairs around the state
The Fellsmere Frog Leg Festival
2018 Big Swamp Smoke Off
Arcadia Winter First Friday Festival
Fellsmere City Complex, 22 South Orange St., Fellsmere January 18 - 21 Thursday & Friday, 4 p.m. to 11 p.m., Saturday, 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. and Sunday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. The Fellsmere Frog Leg Festival has been a local favorite for 26 years, and truly has something for every member of your family! Whether you’re joining us for the famous mouthwatering frog leg and gator tail dinners, just to browse the hundreds of booths for unique gifts, or wanting to listen to some great music and enjoy the fun rides - you’ll immediately know why this festival has become a success and an annual tradition for so many.
Collier County Fair Grounds 751 39th Ave. NE, Naples January 5 - 6 Friday, 5 - 8 p.m. & Saturday, 10 a.m .- 5 p.m. The two day event will include Bar-B-Que competition, people's choice award, craft beer tasting and face painting, bounces, bungee's, games for the kids and other vendors. Free admission.
Downtown Arcadia West Oak Street, Arcadia Friday, January 5 • 6 - 9 p.m. Enjoy live music, food, beverages, vendors, and a kids' zone at this family friendly event.
2nd Annual Eco Friendly Adventure Day
Charlotte County Fairgrounds 2333 El Jobean Road, Port Charlotte January 26 - February 4 The fair will feature 4-H/livestock/animal shows and exhibits, bird show, magic show, derby races, art show, exhibitors, and much more. 941-629-4252
Cedar Lakes Woods and Gardens 4990 NE 180th Ave., Williston Saturday, January 6 • 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Eco-Friendly Adventure Day is an annual event at Cedar Lakes Woods & Gardens features overs 20 different natural and eco-friendly obstacles, including mud traps, log piles, hills, challenging terrain, cargo nets, and more, and a festival open to the public with discounted admission to the botanical garden, speakers, live music, kids activities, face painting, plant-based foods, eco-friendly vendors, yoga, eco-trivia, and more! You can register for the race at 941-730-4745
2018 Orange City Manatee Festival
2018 Kumquat Festival
Valentine Park, 1511 W French Ave., Orange City January 27 - 28 Saturday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Sunday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. The festival will feature continuous entertainment; arts and crafts show with more than 100 booths; music and dancing; manatee viewing, disc connected k9s; children's area featuring face painting and games; environmental conservation displays & more.
14112 8th Street Dade City Saturday, January 27 • 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. There will be more than 450 vendors featuring craft, farmers market, food and beverage. The event will feature kid's corral with a variety of activities for children of all ages; face painting; quilt show; car and truck show; live local entertainment; lots of kumquat products including the famous kumquat pie and much more. Free admission.
2018 Charlotte County Fair
30 - January 2018
2018 Manatee County Fair Manatee County Fairgrounds 1303 17th Street West, Palmetto January 11-21 There will be exciting exhibits and vendors, livestock shows and auctions, competitions, a thrillpacked midway, a variety of great entertainment, fair food and much more. The activities will include baby pageant; fair queen pageant; cheerleading competition; hay bale decorating contest; whip popping contest; arts and crafts and more.
2018 South Florida Fair South Florida Fairgrounds 9067 Southern Boulevard, West Palm Beach January 12 - 28 It'll feature 4 stages of music and entertainment, world class ice skating performances daily, agriculture and livestock shows and exhibits, 1000 exhibitors, a historic Yesteryear Village, and over 200 rides, games, and attractions. There will be first class stage shows, national concert performances, sensational midway rides, unique shopping and the best of fair food. The festivities will include tricky dog show, alligator show, racing pigs, petting zoo, pony rides, dancers and much more.
Family News
Family News
January 2018 - 31
Cirque Italia JetBlue Park, 11500 Fenway S Dr., Fort Myers Jan. 11 - 12 • 7:30 p.m., Jan. 13 • 2:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m. & 8:30 p.m., Jan. 14 • 2:30 p.m. & 5:30 p.m.
Cirque Italia, the first traveling Water Circus, with a new second unit, the Gold Unit: a luxurious experience where technology and preforming arts mixed to create a one-of-a-kind show. We have harnessed the technology of science with the innovation of man to create a show unlike any in the world. Surrounded by fountains going up, and magical rain coming down in designs and words something you will find in no other traveling show. 941-704-8572
27th Annual St. Andrew Festival
My Little Pony Extravaganza
Cracker Day Rodeo & Pee Wee Rodeo
Saint Andrew Catholic School 1509 SE 27th St., Cape Coral Jan. 11 - 14
Northwest Regional Library 519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral Tuesday, Jan. 16 • 5 p.m.
Lee County Posse 17401 Palm Creek Dr., N. Fort Myers Jan. 19 - 21
Visitors can enjoy a full carnival midway featuring rides, games, festival foods, live entertainment, raffles and a silent auction. Thursday, 6 - 10 p.m. Friday, 6 - 11 p.m. Saturday, Noon - 11 p.m. Sunday, Noon - 10 p.m. 239-772-3922 32 - January 2018
Come and let your mane down for a rainbow sparkling good time. Various stations will focus on the awesomeness that is My Little Pony. Kids will even be able to create their very own pony/unicorn/pegasus/prince(ss). We look forward to seeing you in Equestria. Registration is required. 239-479-4636
Open Rodeo will be Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m. & Sunday at 2 p.m. Pee Wee Rodeo, Jan. 20 at 4 p.m. Ages 12 and Under. Events: Barrel Racing, Pole Bending, and Hair Pin. Awards given to Top 4 in each event. All Around Buckle awarded, must enter all events. Mutton Busting prior to each performance! 239-410-3498
Family News
Family News
January 2018 - 33
Action Hero Night Chick-fil-A at Cypress Lake, 13610 S. Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers Saturday, Jan. 20 • 5 - 7 p.m.
Celebrity Action Hero appearance! Dress like an Action Hero and get a free Icedream®. 239-433-9030
Thomas A. Edison Regional Science & Inventor Fairs Alico Arena 2181 FGCU Lake Pkwy E, Fort Myers Saturday, Jan. 20 • 1:30 - 5 p.m.
2018 LatinFest Six Bends Harley-Davidson, 9501 Thunder Rd. Fort Myers Saturday, January 20 • 5 – 10 p.m. Food, fun and music! LatinFest Southwest Florida” is a celebration of Hispanic heritage combining live music, food, arts & crafts and good old fashioned family fun. Kids area with entertainment by Galacctin the Clown! Free admission. 239-418-1441
34 - January 2018
Approximately 800 students will participate in the Thomas Alva Edison Kiwanis Science and Engineering Fair and the Thomas A. Edison Festival of Light Regional Inventors Fair. Public, private and home-schooled students from Southwest Florida will be competing at the Florida Gulf Coast University Alico Arena for over thirty scholarships from local universities, colleges and other supporters. Approximately 20,000 students from Lee and Charlotte Counties will have competed earlier in local school fairs with the winners advancing to this regional competition. This is a sanctioned event of the Edison Festival of Light (EFOL).
Community Festival Cape Coral High School 2300 Santa Barbara Blvd, Cape Coral Saturday, Jan. 20 • 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Live music, over 20 food trucks from SWFL, many safety professionals from the community including CCPD SWAT Vehicles, FHP rollover vehicle, Lee Health’s texting and driving simulator, Lee County Swamp Machine, Fire Dept vehicles and much more. Bounce houses, Face painting, games and more. Free! 239-574-6766 Family News
Family News
January 2018 - 35
Celebration in the Sky Seminole Casino Hotel Immokalee, 506 South 1st Street, Immokalee Saturday, January 20 • 9 p.m.
Seminole Casino Hotel Immokalee will light up the sky with “Celebration in the Sky,” a family-friendly fireworks show! All ages are welcome and admission is free. Food and beverages will be available for purchase at the casino’s food truck and cash bar. 239-658-1313
Gumbo Fest
Shell Factory Nature Park 2787 N Tamiami Trl., N. Fort Myers Sunday, Jan. 28 • 11 a.m - 6 p.m.
Plenty of gumbo & seafood by local restaurants, live entertainment & more! Children free admission to the nature park with paid adult. Over 400 animals from alligators to a zebra! Raccoons, Coatimundis, Kinkajous and Lemurs are just a few who call the 4 1/2 acre nature park home. Meet Zack our miniature Zebu, Hampton our mini pig and our African Porcupines and play with our Dwarf Nigerian Goats! Also, Dinosaur Park, a playground, picnic area & outdoor butterfly garden. 239-995-3999 36 - January 2018
ClamJam of Southwest Florida Seafood & Music Festival 2101 Pine Island Rd, Cape Coral Jan. 27-28
Two full days of arts & craft vendors, fresh local Pine Island and Southwest Florida seafood and other great foods, live music and contests for all ages, family event offers kids games and rides. Saturday, 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. & Sunday, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. 239-443-4457
SW Florida Twins Youth Clinics Various locations in Jan. & Feb.
The clinics offer youth throughout Southwest Florida the opportunity to learn more about the games of baseball and softball. Twins instructors will use drills to teach the fundamentals of throwing, hitting and fielding at each clinic. All elementary and middle school aged boys and girls are welcome. who are accompanied by an adult. This annual event is subject to change. Please visit the website for updates. Family News
Family News
January 2018 - 37
January Things to do
Finding Neverland Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall, 13350 FSW Pkwy, Fort Myers January 9 - 14 Finding Neverland tells the incredible story behind one of the world’s most beloved characters: Peter Pan. 239-481-4849
Tue - 2
Chess Anyone? Cape Coral Lee County Public Library 921 S.W. 39th Ter., Cape Coral 5:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Jan. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Rise to the chess challenge and join in the fun. Bring a personal chess set, if desired. 239-479-4636 We Snow Like Reading Captiva Memorial Library 11560 Chapin Lane, Captiva Jan. 2 - 13 Available during normal library operating hours. There will be a picture book display featuring winter stories. Make a snowman craft. 239-479-4636 Craft Corner: Knitting and Crocheting Cape Coral Lee County Public Library 921 S.W. 39th Ter., Cape Coral 2 p.m. Tuesdays, Jan. 2, 16 2 p.m. Mondays, Jan. 8, 22, 29 A casual, self-guided group of knitters and crocheters share ideas, techniques and patterns. Attendees should bring their own projects. Basic supplies available for newcomers. 239-479-4636 Chick-fil-A at Cypress Lake Family Night 13610 S. Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers 5 - 7 p.m. Enjoy a winter craft night. 239-433-9030 38 - January 2018
Drop-In Teen Activities: New Year Thank You Cards Lakes Regional Library 15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers Jan. 2 - 31 Available during normal library operating hours. Drop in during library hours for fun activities about the New Year. 239-479-4636
Free Kids Crafts Miromar Outlets 10801 Corkscrew Rd, Estero 10 a.m. to noon in WINK Playland Kids from toddlers to 12 are invited to participate in fun activities. 239-948-3766
Bubblemania Fort Myers Regional Library 2450 First St., Fort Myers 10 a.m. Go nuts over these soapy spheres and dance to some favorite kids’ tunes. For all ages. 239-479-4636
Thu - 4
Family Storytime Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library 3095 Blount St., Fort Myers 9:30 a.m. Fridays, Jan. 12, 19, 26 Your whole family is invited to this enjoyable, all-ages storytime that encourages the development of prereading skills through songs, rhymes, fingerplays and stories. First come, first served. 239-479-4636
An Afternoon at the Movies Cape Coral Lee County Public Library 921 S.W. 39th Ter., Cape Coral 1 p.m. An outcast goes on a journey across various apps in this comedy set inside a smartphone. Rated PG. Subject to change without notice. Seating is limited, first come first served. 239-479-4636
Ants in Your Pants Dance Party Northwest Regional Library 519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral 11 a.m. Registration required. Shake your sillies out at the library. Get ready to twist and shout at this special dance party for toddlers and preschoolers. We'll boogie down to pop hits and favorite preschool tunes. For ages 2 - 5. Registration is required. 239-479-4636
Wed - 3
Sidewalk Chalk East County Regional Library 881 Gunnery Rd., Lehigh Acres 10 a.m. Decorate the library's concrete patio, listen to some tunes and play some fun chalk games. 239-479-4636
STEAM = Science! Technology! Engineering! Art! Math! East County Regional Library 881 Gunnery Rd., Lehigh Acres 11 a.m. Get creative with crafts and activities that feature math, science, engineering, arts and building. Kids can create and experiment with fun hands-on activities. 239-479-4636
Let it Snow Fort Myers Regional Library 2450 First St., Fort Myers 2 p.m. Snow in Florida? Maybe we don't get the real thing, but that doesn't mean we can't celebrate the season with stories and a wintery craft. Families with kids of all ages are welcome. 239-479-4636
Preschool Color Fun Lakes Regional Library 15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers 10:30 a.m. Preschoolers, come spend some time exploring colors through games, activities and stories. Come dressed in your favorite color and get ready to have fun. For ages 2-5. Registration required. 239-479-4636
Fri - 5
Do You Want to Build a Snowman? Cape Coral Lee County Public Library 921 S.W. 39th Ter., Cape Coral 1 p.m. Learn how to make snow and create your own snow figure. All supplies will be provided by the library. Online registration required. 239-479-4636 Fiesta Friday Pine Island Public Library 10701 Russell Road, Bokeelia 2 p.m. Celebrate the New Year during our Fiesta Friday. We will read bilingual picture books, share stories, color fun activity sheets and make a craft to take home. 239-479-4636
Sat - 6
The Florida Gulf Coast Police K-9 Competition Sun Splash Family Waterpark 400 Santa Barbara, Cape Coral 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Police K-9 Obstacle Course, Hardest Hitting Dog Competition, Fastest Dog Competition, K-9 & SWAT Demo and Display, Child ID Program, Vendor Expo, Chili Cookoff and more! 239-573-3096 What Do You Do With a Chance? Storytime 23130 Fashion Drive, Estero 239-947-8724 Barnes & Noble - Marketplace SC 13751 Tamiami Tr, Fort Myers 239-437-0654 11 a.m. The final book in the award-winning What Do You Do With …? picture book series by bestselling author Kobi Yamada and illustrator Mae Besom, What Do You Do With a Chance? inspires kids of all ages to find the courage to go for the opportunities that come their way Kids Club: Snowman Canvas Michaels 13741 S Tamiami Trl., Fort Myers 239-215-1730 8018 Mediterranean Dr., Estero 239-949-4299 10 a.m. - noon They make, you shop! Kids 3 and up and can enjoy making a Snowman art on canvas. All supplies provided. Parent or guardian must remain on the premises. $2. Family News
Home Depot Kids Workshop: Wooden Block Calendar Home Depot, Various locations 9 a.m. - noon Get organized for 2018 in our hands-on Workshop where you and your child can assemble a wooden block calendar to kick off the new year. Useful year-round, the block calendar is perfect for a tabletop display. Once the calendar construction is complete, your child can decorate it with paint and stickers. FREE hands-on workshops designed for children ages 5 - 12 offered the 1st Saturday of every month. All kids get to keep their craft and receive a FREE Kids Apron, commemorative pin & certificate of achievement. Super Fun Saturday Northwest Regional Library 519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral 10 a.m. Come play with us at the library. Activities change monthly and vary from dancing, storytelling, art projects and more. Fun for the whole family. 239-479-4636 Gateway Community Fishing Challenge Pond beside Gateway Commons Pool 11301 Gateway Blvd, Fort Myers 7 a.m. Bring your tackle box and pole and Let’s have fun and fish! Participants must register prior to January 3. Register at the Gateway District Office. Registration Fee $7 for 1st child $5 each additional. Prizes awarded! Heroes and Hounds Sun Splash Waterpark, 400 Santa Barbara Blvd., Cape Coral 11a.m.- 5 p.m. Live music, food and beverage trucks, K-9 demonstrations, carnival style games, and raffle prizes will all be part of the event. Free. Science Saturday at the IMAG History and Science Center 2000 Cranford Ave, Fort Myers 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Science Saturday occurs on the 1st Saturday of every month. Interactive experiences above and beyond IMAG’s 60+ exhibits are stationed throughout the center from 11a.m. – 2p.m. These activities are included in the price of admission. 239-243-0043 Winter Carnival Good Shepherd Lutheran School 4770 Orange Grove Blvd., N. Fort Myers 5:30 p.m. Rides, food, games and more! Entertainment: The Alex Lopez Xpress & Maiden Cane. 239-995-7711 EAA 66 Young Eagle Rally and Pancake Breakfast Page Field Airport Ft. Myers Captain Channing Page Dr, Fort Myers 8 - 10 a.m. Kids 11-17 come explore aviation with us. We will be giving a mini aviation lesson followed by a flight in a general aviation aircraft. When the flight is over you will get a participation certificate, flight log book, and a code to go online and take ground school. It is the ground school you need to become a pilot. The YE rally is free. The all you can eat pancake breakfast is $6. Message via our Facebook page if you are interested in attending. (
Family News
Mon - 8
Junior STEAM Club Fort Myers Regional Library 2450 First St., Fort Myers 10 a.m. Welcome to Junior STEAM Club. Each month will feature a different STEAM related theme for children ages 3-5. Get creative with crafts and activities that feature math, science, engineering, arts and building. Registration is required. 239-479-4636 Toddler Tales Northwest Regional Library 519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral 10:15 a.m. & 11:15 a.m. Jan. 8, 22, 29 For ages 18-36 months. This interactive and active time for toddlers and their caregiver is designed to advance prereading and social skills. Space is limited to 15 children per class. Children must be registered for each class individually. 239-479-4636 Toddler Tales Lakes Regional Library 15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers 11 a.m. Mondays, Jan. 8, 22, 29 For ages 18 to 36 months. Please pick up a Storytime Ticket at the Youth Services desk the morning of the program. This interactive and active time for toddlers and their caregiver is designed to advance prereading and social skills. 239-479-4636 Storytime Lakes Regional Library 15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers Baby Rhyme Time 10 a.m. Mondays, Jan. 8, 22, 29 For babies up to 18 months. Please pick up a Storytime Ticket at the Youth Services desk the morning of the program. Space is limited During this special storytime, you and your baby will learn new nursery rhymes and fingerplays, interact with puppets, sing, read books and dance. 239-479-4636 On the Table Teens: Make a Mini Hat Northwest Regional Library 519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral Jan. 8 – 13 Available during normal library operating hours. Stop by the teen zone to make a mini hat. Supplies for a variety of hat designs will be available so you'll be all set for National Hat Day Jan. 15. 239-479-4636 Music Together South County Regional Library 21100 Three Oaks Pkwy, Estero 9:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. A highly interactive musical experience designed for young children and their caregivers, presented by Family Music Time. Please register. 239-479-4636 Kidspace on the Table Craft: Creative Hands Northwest Regional Library 519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral Jan. 8 – 20 Available during normal library operating hours. Celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day by creating a hand for our mural. All supplies are provided while they last. 239-479-4636
Tue - 9
Chick-fil-A at Cypress Lake Family Night - Cow-A-Bingo 13610 S Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers 5 - 7 p.m. Join us for a fun night of bingo and great prizes! 239-433-9030 January 2018 - 39
Things to do Tuesday, January 9 continued Teen Book Discussion: “The Boys Who Challenged Hitler: KnudPetersen and the Churchill Club” South County Regional Library 21100 Three Oaks Pkwy, Estero 6:30 p.m. At the outset of World War II, Denmark did not resist German occupation. Deeply ashamed of his nation's leaders, 15-year-old Knud Pedersen resolved with his brother and a handful of schoolmates to take action against the Nazis if the adults would not. A National Book Award Winner. Sign up for the book discussion at the Youth Services desk and receive your free book. Quantity is limited. Light refreshments served. 239-479-4636
An Afternoon at the Movies January 4
Family Fort Night Lakes Regional Library 15290 Bass Rd, Fort Myers 6 p.m. Join Ozzie the Polar Bear and Alexander the Penguin at a family fort night extravaganza. Transported to Antarctica, we build our forts in the ice and snow. For ages 2 - 12. Registration required. 239-479-4636 North Fort Myers Glow Night! N. Fort Myers Recreation Center 2000 North Recreation Park 6 p.m. The South of 64 Series presented by Latitude 64 will be rolling into town to add a little extra light to glow night! A BONUS Dri Fit t shirt will be included with your normal glow entry and special CTPs. 239-533-7200 Toddler Tales Fort Myers Regional Library 2450 First St., Fort Myers 10a.m. Tuesdays, Jan. 9,16,23,30 This interactive and active time for toddlers and their caregiver is designed to advance prereading and social skills. First come, first served. 239-479-4636 Lovers Key Fishing Clinic Lovers Key State Park 8700 Estero Blvd., Ft. Myers Beach 10 a.m. Join Park Naturalists to learn a variety of tackle and fresh bait rigs, find out the best places to drop a line, and learn about the rules and regulations that pertain to game fishing in Southwest Florida. Due to limited space, reservations are required. 239-463-4588 40 - January 2018
Coding Club Lakes Regional Library 15290 Bass Rd, Fort Myers 4 p.m. Jan. 9 Come discover all things computer coding with fun activities and technology. All materials will be supplied. For grades 3 - 5. Registration required. 239-479-4636
Preschool Storytime Cape Coral Lee County Public Library 921 S.W. 39th Ter., Cape Coral 11 a.m. Tuesdays, Jan. 9,16, 23, 30 Your preschooler will continue to build relationships with other kids, books and the library in a storytime designed specifically for them. First come, first served. 239-479-4636 Family Storytime Cape Coral Lee County Public Library 921 S.W. 39th Ter., Cape Coral & South County Regional Library 21100 Three Oaks Pkwy, Estero 10 a.m. Tuesdays, Jan. 9,16,23,30 Your whole family is invited to this enjoyable, all-ages storytime that encourages the development of prereading skills through songs, rhymes, fingerplays and stories. Registration is required. 239-479-4636 East County Anime Club East County Regional Library 881 Gunnery Rd., Lehigh Acres 4:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Jan. 9, 23 For teens and tweens interested in anime, manga and Japanese culture. We watch anime together and make themed crafts. Program limited to grades 6-12. Maximum attendees 25. 239-479-4636
Family Story Time Pine Island Public Library 10701 Russell Road, Bokeelia 11 a.m. Tuesdays, Jan. 9, 16, 23, 30 Your whole family is invited to this enjoyable, all-ages storytime that encourages the development of prereading skills through songs, rhymes, fingerplays and stories. An age appropriate craft or activity will be provided following the storytime. First come, first served. 239-479-4636
Homeschool Connections: Middle East Cape Coral Lee County Public Library 921 S.W. 39th Ter., Cape Coral 11:30 a.m. Share a book, play a game from another country and learn about all the resources your library has to offer. Registration is requested. For children ages 5 -12. 239-479-4636 Preschool Storytime Fort Myers Regional Library 2450 First St., Fort Myers and South County Regional Library 21100 Three Oaks Pkwy, Estero 10 a.m. Wed., Jan. 10, 17, 24, 31 Your preschooler will continue to build relationships with other kids, books and the library in a storytime designed specifically for them. First come, first served. 239-479-4636
Kindness Club Northwest Regional Library 519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral 4:30 p.m. Join us at the library to create kindness in our community. Kids in grades 3 – 5 can participate in fun activities designed to encourage kindness. Registration required. 239-479-4636
Free Kids Crafts Miromar Outlets 10801 Corkscrew Rd, Estero 10 a.m. to noon in WINK Playland Kids from toddlers to 12 are invited to participate in fun activities. 239-948-3766 Baby Rhyme Time Northwest Regional Library 519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays, Jan. 10, 17, 24, 31 & 10 a.m. Sat., Jan. 13 For babies ages birth to 18 months. During this special storytime, you and your baby will learn new nursery rhymes and fingerplays, interact with puppets, sing, read books and dance. First come, first served. 239-479-4636 Preschool Storytime Lakes Regional Library 15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers 11 a.m., Jan. 10, 17, 24, 31 For ages 3 - 5. Pick up a Storytime Ticket at the Youth Services desk the morning of the program. Space is limited. Your preschooler will continue to build relationships with other kids, books, and the library in a storytime designed specifically for them. First come, first served. 239479-4636
Wed - 10
After School Crew: All About America Lakes Regional Library 15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers 4 p.m., Jan. 10, 17, 24, 31 Weekly stories and activities featuring American history and geography. For grades K-5. 239-479-4636 Toddler Tales East County Regional Library 881 Gunnery Rd., Lehigh Acres and Cape Coral Lee County Public Library 921 S.W. 39th Ter., Cape Coral 10 a.m., Jan. 10, 17, 24, 31 This interactive and active time for toddlers and their caregiver is designed to advance prereading and social skills. First come, first served. 239-479-4636 Preschool Storytime East County Regional Library 881 Gunnery Rd., Lehigh Acres 10:30 a.m., Jan. 10, 17, 24, 31 Your preschooler will continue to build relationships with other kids, books and the library in a storytime designed specifically for them. First come, first served. 239-479-4636
Paddington 2 Opens in area theaters Friday, January 12 Family Storytime Lakes Regional Library 15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers 10 a.m., Jan. 10, 17, 24, 31 For kids up to age five. Pick up a Storytime Ticket at the Youth Services desk the morning of the program. Space is limited. Your whole family is invited to this enjoyable, all-ages storytime that encourages the development of prereading skills through songs, rhymes, fingerplays and stories. First come, first served. 239-479-4636
Paddington Storytime at Barnes & Noble Saturday, January 13 Family Storytime North Fort Myers Public Library 50 Pine Island Rd., N. Fort Myers 10:30 a.m., Jan. 10, 17, 24, 31 Your whole family is invited to this enjoyable, all-ages storytime that encourages the development of prereading skills through songs, rhymes, fingerplays and stories. First come, first served. 239-479-4636 Family News
Thu - 11
Baby Rhyme Time Cape Coral Lee County Public Library 921 S.W. 39th Ter., Cape Coral and East County Regional Library 881 Gunnery Rd., Lehigh Acres 10 a.m. Thursdays, Jan. 11,18,25 During this special storytime, you and your baby will learn new nursery rhymes and fingerplays, interact with puppets, sing, read books and dance. First come, first served. 239-479-4636 Cirque Italia JetBlue Park 11500 Fenway S Dr, Fort Myers Jan. 11 - 7:30 p.m. Jan. 12 - 7:30 p.m. Jan. 13 - 2:30, 5:30 & 8:30 p.m. Jan. 14 - 2:30 p.m. & 5:30 p.m. Under the stunning White & Blue Big Top Tent. Cirque Italia, the first traveling Water Circus, with a new second unit, the Gold Unit: a luxurious experience where technology and preforming arts mixed to create a one-of-a-kind show. 941-704-8572 2018 Miss Cape Coral Legacy US & Global United States Pageant St. Andrew Festival, Cape Coral 7 p.m. Envy Pageant Productions Inc.,/Envy Models and Talent announces the 2018 Miss Cape Coral Legacy US & Global United States pageant! This is a fun and family friendly pageant for girls of ALL ages from babies thru Seniors. Entry fee starts at $30 and goes up to $90. 239-822-4661 Preschool Storytime Northwest Regional Library 519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral 10:15 a.m. & 11:15 a.m., Jan. 11, 18, 25 Your preschooler will continue to build relationships with other kids, books and the library in a storytime designed specifically for them. Space is limited to 15 children per class. Children must be registered for each class individually. 239-479-4636 Annual St. Andrew Festival Saint Andrew Catholic School 1509 SE 27th St, Cape Coral Jan. 11 - 14 Food, rides, games and raffles. 239-772-3922 Clay Play Lakes Regional Library 15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers 10:30 a.m. Preschoolers, join us at the library to explore rolling, stamping and building with clay. Dress for mess. For ages 2 - 5. Registration required. 239-479-4636 Family Storytime East County Regional Library 881 Gunnery Rd., Lehigh Acres 10:30 a.m., Jan. 11, 18, 25 Your whole family is invited to this enjoyable, all-ages storytime that encourages the development of prereading skills through songs, rhymes, fingerplays and stories. First come, first served. 239-479-4636 Toddler Tales South County Regional Library 21100 Three Oaks Pkwy, Estero 10 a.m. Thursdays, Jan. 11, 18, 25 For toddlers ages 18-36 months. This interactive and active time for toddlers and their caregiver is designed to advance prereading and social skills. Registration is required. 239-479-4636 Family News
Fri - 12
Family Storytime Riverdale Branch Library 2421 Buckingham Rd., Fort Myers 10 a.m. Fridays, Jan. 12, 19, 26 Your whole family is invited to this enjoyable, all-ages storytime that encourages the development of prereading skills through songs, rhymes, fingerplays and stories. First come, first served. 239-479-4636 Walk on the Wild Side Lovers Key State Park 8700 Estero Blvd., Ft. Myers Beach 10 a.m. Take a mile-long guided hike along our Black Island Trail with a Park Ranger to learn about the fascinating vegetation and wildlife that reside in this maritime hammock. Due to limited space, reservations are required. 239-463-4588
Sat - 13
R.E.A.D. to Dogs East County Regional Library 881 Gunnery Rd., Lehigh Acres 11 a.m. R.E.A.D. companions are registered therapy animals who volunteer with their owner/handlers as a team to help improve the literacy skills of children. 239-479-4636 Christian School Expo New Hope Presbyterian 10051 Plantation Rd., Fort Myers 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Join us for a free event where you can meet faculty and staff from local Christian schools in the Southwest Florida area! 239-910-0603 Cape Bazaar Jaycee Park 4215 SE 20th Pl, Cape Cora 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Vendors, crafters, face painting, food, live music & more! A fun family day at the park. Free public admission. Live entertainment by MFYF band, Barbara Rea & Emily Stevenson. Moana will be there from 11-3 and available to take photos with the kids! Feel free to invite family and friends to come check out the Cape Bazaar! Free public admission! Kids Club: Snowman Page Marker Michaels 13741 S Tamiami Trl., Fort Myers 239-215-1730 8018 Mediterranean Dr., Estero 239-949-4299 10 a.m. - noon They make, you shop! Kids 3 and up and can enjoy making a Snowman Page Marker. All supplies provided. Parent or guardian must remain on the premises. $2. Casting call: Youth Theatre Auditions: Spamalot & Freckleface Strawberry Lee County Alliance for the Arts 10091 McGregor Blvd., Fort Myers January 13-14 • 9 a.m. to noon 239-939-2787 National Anthem Auditions Miromar Outlets, Estero 1 to 3 p.m. near Bloomingdale’s The Outlet Store Compete to sing The National Anthem at a 2018 Minnesota Twins Spring Training game. 239-948-3766
January 2018 - 41
Things to do Saturday, January 13 continued Free Kids Crafts Miromar Outlets 10801 Corkscrew Rd, Estero 10 a.m. to noon in WINK Playland Kids from toddlers to 12 are invited to participate in fun activities. 239-948-3766
Paddington Storytime 23130 Fashion Drive, Estero 239-947-8724 Barnes & Noble - Marketplace SC 13751 Tamiami Tr, Fort Myers 239-437-0654 11 a.m. Over 50 years ago, a small bear set out on the adventure of a lifetime. Since then, Paddington has charmed readers around the world with his earnest good intentions and humorous misadventures. Join us for Storytime featuring this beloved classic, in theaters now. Science Saturday Miromar Outlets, Estero 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in WINK Playland Join Mr. Glen and his Science & Engineering team and the Sylvan Learning Center for interactive science projects. 239-948-3766 Rock Painting Wm. Bill Austen Youth Center 315 SW 2nd Ave., Cape Coral 1 - 3 p.m. We will be hosting a rock painting event for ages 8-14. Your child can bring their creativity for a chance to join the newest craze in rock painting. This event is $5 per participants and guardians are not required to stay. Supplies are included. 239-242-3950 Read to a Friend at the library Riverdale Branch Library 2421 Buckingham Rd., Fort Myers 1 p.m. Saturdays, Jan. 13, 27 School-age children can read a story aloud. Good listeners provided by the library. 239-479-4636 Special Needs Storytime Lakes Regional Library 15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers 10 a.m. Books, music and sensory experiences for children ages 3 – 12 with special needs and their families. Registration required. 239-479-4636 Truck Pulls Lee County Posse, 17401 Palm Creek Dr, N. Fort Myers We’re coming back to the Lee Co Posse Arena to kick off 2018! The best family truck pull entertainment in SWFL. Will start pulling at 6 p.m., weigh in at 4 p.m. 239-340-4020
Sun - 14
Butterfly Talk Calusa Nature Center and Planetarium 3450 Ortiz Ave, Fort Myers 11 a.m. Join us in the new Butterfly Garden at Calusa Nature Center for a fun, informative talk about butterflies! You will learn all about the butterfly life cycle, which species are native to Florida, and how we all can protect butterflies and their habitat. 239-275-3435 42 - January 2018
Family Storytime Bonita Springs Public Library 26876 Pine Ave., Bonita Springs 11:30 a.m., Jan. 17, 24, 31 Your whole family is invited to this enjoyable, all-ages storytime that encourages the development of prereading skills through songs, rhymes, fingerplays and stories. Space is limited. 239-479-4636
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone™ in Concert featuring the Southwest Florida Symphony Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall, 13350 FSW Pkwy, Fort Myers Saturday, January 20 • 1:30 p.m. & 7:30 p.m.
The Harry Potter™ film series is one of those once-in-a-lifetime cultural phenomena that continues to delight millions of fans around the world. The concert will feature Southwest Florida Symphony performing every note from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone™. Audiences will be able to relive the magic of the film in high-definition on a giant screen while hearing the orchestra perform John Williams’ unforgettable score. 239-481-4849 Giveaway Days Eagle Skate Park 315 SW 2nd Ave, Cape Coral Noon 239-573-0206 New Year's Bike Contest Eagle Skate Park 315 SW 2nd Ave, Cape Coral 2 p.m. 239-573-0206
Tue - 16
Welcome Back Scavenger Hunt Bonita Springs Public Library 26876 Pine Ave., Bonita Springs Jan. 16 – 20 Available during normal library operating hours. Stop by the teen and children's areas to locate a variety of different pictures, phrases and quotes about the city of Bonita Springs and your local library. If you find them all, you win a prize. 239-479-4636 My Little Pony Extravaganza Northwest Regional Library 519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral 5 p.m. Come and let your mane down for a rainbow sparkling good time. Various stations will focus on the awesomeness that is My Little Pony. Kids will even be able to create their very own pony/unicorn/pegasus/prince(ss). We look forward to seeing you in Equestria. Registration is required. 239-479-4636
DIY Teen Crafts East County Regional Library 881 Gunnery Rd., Lehigh Acres 2 p.m. Start the New Year on the right note by giving back to the community. Help make no-sew fleece blankets to donate to Project Linus, which will give them to local children in need. Program limited to high school students. Maximum attendees 10. 239-479-4636 Snow and Ice Captiva Memorial Library 11560 Chapin Lane, Captiva Jan. 16 - 31 Available during normal library operating hours. Drop-in and explore winter weather. There will be a nonfiction book display on snow and ice and fun science experiments. 239-479-4636 We Snow Like Reading Captiva Memorial Library 11560 Chapin Lane, Captiva Jan. 16 - Jan. 31 Available during normal library operating hours. A picture book display featuring winter stories will be available. Make a paper mitten craft. 239-479-4636 Chick-fil-A at Cypress Lake Family Night - Action Hero Masks 13610 s Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers 5 - 7 p.m. We are getting ready for Action Hero Night. Make your own Action Hero Mask. 239-433-9030
Wed - 17
Baby Rhyme Time Bonita Springs Public Library 26876 Pine Ave., Bonita Springs 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays, Jan. 17, 24, 31 During this special storytime, you and your baby will learn new nursery rhymes and fingerplays, interact with puppets, sing, read books and dance. Space is limited. 239-479-4636 Moms Appreciation Day Miromar Outlets 10801 Corkscrew Rd, Estero 10 a.m. to noon in WINK Playland Moms receive a coupon for a free drink and treat from le macaron french pastries when you bring your kids to FREE Kids Crafts. 239-948-3766 Storytime In The Garden: Worms Lakes Park, Fort Myers 10 a.m. Stories, nature walks, and activities for the little ones. Monthly on the third Wednesday, 10 a.m. Topics are subject to change. Teen Anime Drawing Fan Club Fort Myers Regional Library 2450 First St., Fort Myers 5 p.m. Anime Drawing fans share what they have created, discover content and connect with other fans. Colored pencils, pens and paper supplies are provided. 239-479-4636
Thu - 18
Baby Rhyme Time Fort Myers Regional Library 2450 First St., Fort Myers 10 a.m. Thursdays, Jan. 18, 25 During this special storytime, you and your baby will learn new nursery rhymes and fingerplays, interact with puppets, sing, read books and dance. First come, first served. 239-479-4636 Beach Walk and Estuary Tour Lovers Key State Park 8700 Estero Blvd., Ft. Myers Beach 10 a.m. Take a leisurely one-mile walk over the estuary and along the beach with a Park Naturalist to discover what kind of natural treasures wash up on the shores of Lovers Key State Park. Learn about seashells, crustaceans, starfish and other creatures that can be found in our waters. Come prepared to get wet. Due to limited space, reservations are required. 239-463-4588 Preschool Lego Storytime Lakes Regional Library 15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers 10:30 a.m. Calling all preschoolers and caregivers - get ready to read, build and play at the library. This program will combine storytelling, music, and building with Lego Duplo bricks for a fun experience. For ages 2 to 5. Registration required. 239-479-4636 Emerging Inventors Early Learning Class - Phonograph Music Fun Edison & Ford Winter Estates 2350 McGregor Blvd., Fort Myers 9:30 p.m. Explore the world of music by learning notes through song, crafting simple instruments, and studying historic phonographs. Designed for children and their parents or other adult caretakers, Emerging Inventors programs include story and music time, socializing with others, educational activities, science experiments, and exploration of the homes, gardens, and museum. Bringing snacks or lunch is encouraged! Ages 1-5. 239-334-7419 Family News
Family News
January 2018 - 43
Things to do Katie Adams presents "The Peacock's Gift" South County Regional Library 21100 Three Oaks Pkwy, Estero 11 a.m. This show features puppets, shadow puppets, storytelling and more. When the Peacock Fairy arrives in midsummer, all the peacocks compete to win her favor and receive magic powers. All except for the littlest peacock, he decides to take a different path. Recommended for ages 3 and up. 239-479-4636
Fri - 19
Family Movie Night and Food Truck Rally Cypress Lake United Methodist Church 8570 Cypress Lake Dr., Fort Myers 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. Enjoy a delicious dinner and a free family-friendly feature outdoors on the lawn. Food available for purchase. 239-482-1250 26th Annual Daddy/Daughter Date Night Cape Coral Yacht Club, 5819 Driftwood Pkwy, Cape Coral 6 - 9 p.m. This enchanting evening for girls (4+ yrs) and their dads includes music, dancing, door prizes, catered hot & cold appetizers plus other refreshments, and even a special photo taken by a professional photographer to capture the memory! The cost is $50 per couple for Cape Coral residents ($60 for non-residents) and $15 per additional girl resident ($18 per nonres). Be sure to register early by calling Four Freedoms Park at 239-574-0804.
Sat - 20
Tween Saturdays East County Regional Library 881 Gunnery Rd., Lehigh Acres 2 p.m. Robots are taking over the library. Test out some Ozobots and Sphero robots and play around with coding. For grades 5-8. Maximum attendees 10. 239-479-4636 Cracker Day Rodeo and Pee Wee Rodeo Lee County Posse 17401 Palm Creek Dr, N. Fort Myers 4 p.m. Pee Wee Rodeo. Ages 12 and Under. Events: Barrel Racing, Pole Bending, and Hair Pin. Awards given to Top 4 in each event. All Around Buckle awarded, must enter all events. $25 Entry Fee per Event. 239-410-3498 Action Hero Night 13610 S. Tamiami Trail Fort Myers 5 - 7 p.m. Celebrity Action Hero appearance! Dress like an Action Hero and get a free Icedream®. 239-433-9030 Kids Club: Pony Bead Snowflakes Michaels 13741 S Tamiami Trl., Fort Myers 239-215-1730 8018 Mediterranean Dr., Estero 239-949-4299 10 a.m. - noon They make, you shop! Kids 3 and up and can enjoy making snowflakes with chenille stems and pony beads. All supplies provided. Parent or guardian must remain on the premises.$2. 44 - January 2018
Mon - 22 The Lion King Jr. North Fort Myers Academy for the Arts, 1856 Arts Way, North Fort Myers Friday, Jan. 19 • 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
The African savannah comes to life with Simba and Nala, Pumbaa and Timon, Mufasa and Scar, and more unforgettable characters as they journey from Pride Rock to the jungle and back again in this inspiring, coming-of-age story. This vibrant tale has captivated worldwide audiences. With awesome music and extraordinary talent, this is a show not to be missed. 239-997-2131
Bacon Jam Centennial Park 2000 W First St, Fort Myers 11:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. At Bacon Jam, you’ll find a variety of creative bacon-based dishes from local restaurants and food trucks. Live music from talented local bands will be playing on our main stage all day. Proceeds will benefit Caleb’s Crusade, a local organization which serves families affected by childhood cancer. You! Storytime 23130 Fashion Drive, Estero 239-947-8724 Barnes & Noble - Marketplace SC 13751 Tamiami Tr, Fort Myers 239-437-0654 11 a.m. A life full of adventure first requires big dreams, and big dreams need big encouragement. From worldrenowned author and artist Sandra Magsamen comes the new book You!, offering inspiration and hope to readers of all ages. Activities to follow. Junior Ranger Programs Koreshan State Historic Site 3800 Corkscrew Road, Estero 10 a.m. Come in for a fun learning experience and become a Junior Ranger! Discover and learn about plants, animals, and other secrets of the park. Meet in the picnic area at 10 a.m. Ideal for children ages 6-12. Parental presence required. 239-992-0311
Family Yoga With Kathryn Miromar Outlets 10801 Corkscrew Rd, Estero 10 a.m. in WINK Playland A FREE 45-minute beginners’ yoga class, for families with toddlers to tweens. Bring your own mat. 239-948-3766 Community Festival Cape Coral High School 2300 Santa Barbara, Cape Coral 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Live music, over 20 food trucks from SWFL, many safety professionals from the community including CCPD SWAT Vehicles, FHP rollover vehicle, Lee Health’s texting and driving simulator, Lee County Swamp Machine, Fire Dept vehicles and much more. Bounce houses, Face painting, games and more. Free! 239-574-6766 Celebration in the Sky Seminole Casino Hotel Immokalee 506 South 1st Street, Immokalee 9 p.m. Free fireworks show. 239-658-1313 2018 Latinfest Six Bends Harley-Davidson, 9501 Thunder Rd. Fort Myers 5 – 10 p.m. Food, fun and music! Kids area and more! Free admission. 239-418-1441 Thomas A. Edison Regional Science & Inventor Fairs Alico Arena 2181 Fgcu Lake Pkwy E, Ft. Myers 1:30 - 5 p.m.
History Saturday at the IMAG History and Science Center 2000 Cranford Ave, Fort Myers 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Every month on the third Saturday we have History Saturday! Interactive activities occur in designated stations throughout the center between 11 a.m. & 2 p.m. and are included with admission. 239-243-0043 Lego Club Northwest Regional Library 519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral 2 p.m. Join us for a short story and Legobased games and activities. Children can also build and share a Lego creation. Legos provided. 239-479-4636 Tour De Cape 5K and Family Ride Cape Harbour, Cape Coral Check-in: 6:30 a.m. - 7:45 a.m. Race Time: 8 a.m. The 5K run/walk is designed for advanced and novice runners. A continental breakfast will be available for participants. Mini Tour (Kids Ride) Kids Ride - 3 mile ride Check-in: 9 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Safety & Helmet Check: 10:45 a.m. Ride Time: 11 a.m. Join us Saturday morning and register your kids for the Kids Bicycle Ride. Kids will receive a T-shirt and a hot dog lunch. The course is designed to be safe and flat and well supported by the Cape Coral Police Department. Great family start to a healthy new year. For more information call 239-573-3128.
Game Night for Teens Fort Myers Regional Library 2450 First St., Fort Myers 5 p.m. Play Super Mario, NHL, Sonic, FIFA, Madden and many others. 239-479-4636 Hunt for Happiness Week: Scavenger Hunt Northwest Regional Library 519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral Jan. 22 – 27 Available during normal library operating hours. Celebrate National Hunt for Happiness Week in the Teen Zone by hunting for 20 happy memes. From Doge to Irmagard, these funny memes are sure to make even Grumpy Cat smile. Locate all 20 to find happiness (and win a prize). 239-479-4636 Baby Rhyme Time South County Regional Library 21100 Three Oaks Pkwy, Estero 10 a.m. During this special storytime, you and your baby will learn new nursery rhymes and fingerplays, interact with puppets, sing, read books and dance. Registration is required. 239-479-4636
Tue - 23
Fold, Pull and Pop Lakes Regional Library 15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers 4 p.m. Calling all paper engineers. Have you ever wondered how a popup book works? Join us for a sneak peek into the world of movable books, and learn simple pop-up techniques to take home. For kindergarteners to fifth-graders. Registration begins Jan. 2. 239-479-4636 Chick-fil-A at Cypress Lake Family Night - Jewelry Fun 13610 S Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers 5 - 7 p.m. Fun with beads! Make your own bracelets, necklaces, key chains and more! 239-433-9030
Family News
Family News
January 2018 - 45
Things to do
Wed - 24
Mon - 29
Tween Art Club Fort Myers Regional Library 2450 First St., Fort Myers 5 p.m. Tweens, this is your chance to show off your skills. Each month Ms. Kathleen will teach a few skills in different areas of art. Your work can be placed on display in the teen room. 239-479-4636
Wii and Board Games East County Regional Library 881 Gunnery Rd., Lehigh Acres 2 p.m. A variety of Nintendo Wii games and board games are available in this drop-in program. First come, first served. Program limited to high school students. Maximum attendees 25. 239-479-4636
Free Kids Crafts Miromar Outlets 10801 Corkscrew Rd, Estero 10 a.m. to noon in WINK Playland Kids from toddlers to 12 are invited to participate in fun activities. 239-948-3766
STEAM Club Fort Myers Regional Library 2450 First St., Fort Myers 5 p.m. Welcome to STEAM Club. Each month will feature a different STEAM related theme for children in grades K-5. Registration is required. 239-479-4636
Thu - 25
Homeschool Exploration: Architecture Lakes Regional Library 15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers 10 a.m. Homeschoolers, take a journey through the exciting world of architecture. Learn a little history, explore strange builds, and participate in design challenges to entertain and educate the whole family. For ages five and up. Registration begins Jan. 4. 239-479-4636 Baby Rhyme Time North Fort Myers Public Library 50 Pine Island Rd., N. Fort Myers 11 a.m. During this special storytime, you and your baby will learn new nursery rhymes and fingerplays, interact with puppets, sing, read books and dance. Registration is requested. 239-479-4636
Fri - 26
15th Annual Caloosahatchee Celtic Festival Centennial Park, Fort Myers Jan 26 - 27 Continuous music from national and international touring artists! British car show and a Labyrinth. Celtic food, merchandise & jewelry for sale. Family friendly. Bring lawn chairs or blankets for best seating. Friday: 5 -10 p.m., Saturday: Noon10 p.m. 941-625-8544 Annual Ghost Walks Koreshan State Historic Site 3800 Corkscrew Road, Estero 6:45 - 9:45 p.m. The history of the Koreshan Settlement comes to life as historical interpreters in period costumes portray its founding 100 years ago. Enjoy a nighttime ghost walk in an atmosphere of moonlight and candlelit pathways. As you walk past and view old historic buildings, you will experience Koreshans telling their own story and enjoy treats make from Koreshan recipes at the restored Bakery. 239-992-0311 46 - January 2018
Garden Brothers Circus
Germain Arena, 11000 Everblades Pkwy, Estero January 26 -27
The Garden Brothers Circus returns to Germain Arena for two thrilling shows on Friday, January 26 at 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., then for three more shows on Saturday, January 27 at 1:30 p.m., 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. 239-948-7825 Sea Turtle Program Lovers Key State Park 8700 Estero Blvd., Ft. Myers Beach 10 a.m. Join a Park Ranger to learn about the fascinating life-cycle and journeys of the marine turtles that visit Lovers Key each summer. Learn about their nesting behavior and find out what you can do to help protect them. Due to limited space, reservations are required. 239-463-4588
Sat - 27
Horse Interaction Day Saddlewood Horse Club, 16111 Saddlewood Ln., Cape Coral 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Come out to a fun-filled day this month for our Horse Interaction Day! Kids from 2 - 15 will be able to enjoy pony/horse riding, brush horses, pet, feed horses, hop in the bounce house, munch lunch, and have a blast with the live horse painting! $20/child, lunch and all activities included, TREAT bag for every reg. child. Please pre-register by phone or online to reserve your spot - limited spots. Pre-pay by credit card. 239-738-9300 Kids Club: Personalized Frames Michaels 13741 S Tamiami Trl., Fort Myers 239-215-1730 8018 Mediterranean Dr., Estero 239-949-4299 10 a.m. - noon They make, you shop! Kids 3 and up and can enjoy making snowflakes with chenille stems and pony beads. All supplies provided. Parent or guardian must remain on the premises.$2.
Family Storytime Northwest Regional Library 519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral 10 a.m. Your whole family is invited to this enjoyable, all-ages storytime that encourages the development of prereading skills through songs, rhymes, fingerplays and stories. First come, first served. 239-479-4636 Mixed Media Art Class Northwest Regional Library 519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral 2 p.m. Give yourself permission to play. This mixed media art class will explore and combine a variety of media to create unique works of art. Open to teens and adults. 239-479-4636 Poolside Campfire Yacht Club Community Pool, 5819 Driftwood Pkwy, Cap Coral 6 - 9 p.m. Join us for poolside for an evening of smores, hot chocolate, storytelling and games. $5 for adults & $3 for children 12 & under. 239-242-3816 Fancy Nancy: Oodles of Kittens Storytime 23130 Fashion Drive, Estero 239-947-8724 Barnes & Noble - Marketplace SC 13751 Tamiami Tr, Fort Myers 239-437-0654 11 a.m. Fancy Nancy returns in a story about felines, canines, and making new four-legged friends! Nancy's new kitten meets her posh pup, Frenchy. Will her two pets ever get along? Will Nancy be able to love them both the same? Find out at Storytime, with activities to follow.
Kids Day Miromar Outlets 10801 Corkscrew Rd, Estero 10 a.m. to noon in WINK Playland Kids from toddlers to twelve are invited to participate in fun activities. Kids will receive a free slice of pizza from Luna Pizza, a free kids’ cone from Dairy Queen/Orange Julius, and a special offer to Mr. Pretzels, while supplies last. 239-948-3766 ClamJam of Southwest Florida Seafood & Music Festival Festival in Cape Coral, Florida 2101 Pine Island Rd, Cape Coral Jan. 27 - 28 Two full days of arts & craft vendors, fresh local Pine Island and Southwest Florida seafood and other great foods, live music and contests for all ages, family event offers kids games and rides. Saturday, 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. & Sunday, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. 239-443-4457
Sun - 28
The 2nd Annual SWFL Veg Fest Riverside Park, Bonita Springs 10 a.m. Kids yoga, cooking demos, special guests, worm composting, hula hoop & cupcake eating contest kids craft zone and fit lab will be open all day, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Gumbo Fest Shell Factory Nature Park 2787 N Tamiami Trl., N. Fort Myers 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Plenty of gumbo & seafood by local restaurants, live entertainment and more! Children free admission to the nature park with paid adult. 239-995-3999
Tue - 30
DIY Teen Crafts East County Regional Library 881 Gunnery Rd., Lehigh Acres 2 p.m. 3D Printing pens are coming to the library. Use a high-tech pen to draw a 3D picture in plastic instead of ink. Program limited to high school students. 239-479-4636 Wonders of Weather Lakes Regional Library 15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers 4 p.m. Join Ms. Frizzle, Liz and local meteorologist Rob Duns from NBC-2 as they discover the wonders of weather. Let’s get out there and explore and don’t forget seatbelts, everyone. For grades K-5. Registration begins Jan. 9. 239-479-4636 Chick-fil-A at Cypress Lake Family Night-Make Your Own Sundae 13610 S Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers 5 - 7 p.m. Kids make your own sundaes just the way you like it! Lots of yummy toppings and coloring with the cow! 239-433-9030
Wed - 31
Free Kids Crafts Miromar Outlets 10801 Corkscrew Rd, Estero 10 a.m. to noon in WINK Playland Kids from toddlers to 12 are invited to participate in fun activities. 239-948-3766 Drug House Odyssey Lee Civic Center 11831 Bayshore Rd, N. Fort Myers 5 - 7 p.m. Join us for this real-life depiction about the dangers of underage drinking and drinking and driving – this walk through play is a great opportunity to talk to your kids about making good choices. 239-543-8368
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Family News
January 2018 - 47
Cold vs. flu Know where to go when your family needs medical care
By Kate Lynch, Lee Health
You can help reduce emergency department overcrowding and be seen quicker by visiting a primary care physician or walk-in clinic for a non-emergency. It’s important to seek the right level of medical care based on the severity of your illness or injury. This will save you time and money, as well as open up resources for patients with true, life-threatening emergencies. “Convenient Care is helpful for individuals who don’t have a primary care physician, and it’s a great alternative to using the emergency department for nonlife-threatening medical issues—especially during season,” explains Kris Fay, chief administrative officer of Lee Physician Group. “It gives the community immediate access to quality, hospital-affiliated health care provided by our trusted Lee Physician Group physicians and skilled nurses.” Do you think you have a common cold or the flu? You should visit your primary care physician or closest Convenient Care for treatment. Symptoms of a cold include: • Runny nose • Nasal congestion • Sneezing • Sore throat • Cough • Headache The flu can have similar symptoms to a cold, but may also include fever, muscle aches, fatigue, vomiting, and diarrhea. You
48 - January 2018
should visit the emergency department when you or a loved one is experiencing: • Severe or life-threatening issues • Trouble breathing • Symptoms of a heart attack or stroke • Broken bones – if bone is visible • Minor emergencies – if you do not have access to a doctor or walk-in clinic Need help finding a doctor? Call 239-481-4111 or visit for more information.
Autism screening for young children Jan. 19 in Estero
Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida, in partnership with Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southwest Florida, offers a free monthly autism spectrum disorder screening for toddlers 18 months to five years of age. The next screening on the Ronald McDonald Care Mobile will be held on Jan. 19 from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Healthy Life Center at Coconut Point, 23190 Fashion Drive, Estero. It is estimated that one in every 68 children is diagnosed with some form of Autism Spectrum Disorder, making it more common than childhood cancer, juvenile diabetes and pediatric AIDS combined. Medical consultants for the project stress that an early diagnosis can make a vast difference for toddlers and their families. They say early intensive behavioral intervention can make an immense difference not just in the development of the child, but in their families as well. The ASD screening is conducted by the Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida. A physician referral is not required. To schedule a screening, call 239-343-6838.
Family health day Jan. 13 in Cape Coral
A free family health day is set for Saturday, Jan. 13 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the office of Dr. Jennifer Brandon, Chiropractic for Kids & Adults, 3316 Chiquita Blvd. South in Cape Coral. The day’s highlights include free discussions with health experts, door prizes, healthy food samples, free gym memberships and other healthy items. Call 239-800-5197 for more details. Family News
Family News
January 2018 - 49
Movies on the big screen
Paddington 2
Story finds Paddington happily settled with the Brown family in Windsor Gardens, where he has become a popular member of the community, spreading joy and marmalade wherever he goes. While searching for the perfect present for his beloved Aunt Lucy’s hundredth birthday, Paddington spots a unique pop-up book in Mr. Gruber’s antique shop, and embarks upon a series of odd jobs to buy it. But when the book is stolen, it’s up to Paddington and the Browns to unmask the thief. Opens Jan. 12 - rated PG
Mary & The Witch’s Flower The story centers on an ordinary young girl named Mary, who discovers a flower that grants magical powers, but only for one night. As she is whisked into an exciting new world beyond belief, she must learn to stay true to herself. Opens Jan. 19 - rated PG
Arctic Justice Thunder Squad A rag-tag group of inexperienced heroes combining to thwart the evil Doc Walrus, voiced by John Cleese, and save the Arctic. Opens Jan. 26 - not yet rated
Sophia Rice
Youth art winners from Estero show
The 20th bi-annual Estero Fine Art Show was held Nov. 18 & 19 at Gulf Coast Town Center. As part of its commitment to bring art education into the community, a youth art competition for grades K-8 or ages 5-13 is integrated into the art fair. Sophia Rice, 10, (painting) won $100 and Best of Youth Art. She is a student at Rayma C. Page Elementary. Three $50 Youth Art Awards of Excellence went to Kayley Collins, 13, (clay) of Gateway Charter Middle School; Mallie Jacoby, 9, (mixed media) of Gulf Elementary; and Zachary Smith, 14, (drawing) of North Fort Myers Academy of the Arts. The next Estero Fine Art Show will be Jan. 6 & 7 at Gulf Coast Town Center. The Youth Art Competition is for grades K-8 or ages 5-13. To apply, visit online at
ArtFest Fort Myers Feb. 3 - 4
Monster Family The Wishbone family is far from happy. With a struggling bookshop, an overworked husband, and two misunderstood teenagers, Emma is at her wit’s end trying to be the perfect mom. After dragging her family to a costume party on Halloween night, they are cursed by an evil witch and transformed into a Vampire, a Mummy, a Werewolf and Frankenstein’s monster. Opens Feb. 9 - rated PG 50 - January 2018
ArtFest Fort Myers is scheduled for Feb. 3 and 4 in downtown Fort Myers. Bring the entire family to this fun, free outdoor fine art festival. Take time to enjoy the talented high school artists’ work at the Art Under 20 Exhibit and Competition and prepare to be astonished as the students create large street paintings in the Chalk Block. The Publix Art Yard and Youth Stage are full of opportunities for children of all ages to create a masterpiece of their very own, while enjoying a variety of great performances. For more information, visit Family News
Cultural Park Theater
in Theater Arts
We offer a full range of classes for students interested in pursuits in acting, musical theater, theatrical design or technical theater.
Broadway Babies (ages 3 - 7) Saturdays for 8 weeks - $75
Musical Theater (ages 7 - 16) $95 for 10 weeks
Broadway Song & Dance (10 & up) $75 for 10 weeks
Technical Theater (16 & up) $75 for 10 weeks
Adult Acting
Enroll soon. Classes begin the second week of January.
Mondays for 8 weeks - $75
528 Cultural Park Blvd., Cape Coral
Celebrating 55 years of community theatre in Cape Coral!
Family News
January 2018 - 51
AR Workshop Cape Coral Host a private party with your friends, co-workers or neighbors. Book a birthday party, girls night out, bachelorette party, corporate party, fundraisers (we love helping raise funds for schools, charities, etc!), or team outing. Choose from a variety of projects for your group and pick your own date and time that works for your group’s schedule. Can’t meet our minimum? Inquire about reserving a table at a workshop on our calendar for your friends! 231 Del Prado Blvd. S., Cape Coral 239-829-5800
Chick-fil-A Cypress Lake Packages starting at $6.50 per child. Includes: 4 count kids meal with an ice dream, visit and pictures with the Cow, balloons and goody bags with a mini moo, indoor play area and party attendant 13610 S. Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers 239-433-9030
Coast Elite Gymnastics
Enjoy a 1 1/2 or 2 hour party of fun and exciting play at the gym Saturday or Sunday. 12,000 sq. feet of air-conditioned playspace becomes your child's personal birthday playground as they explore places to hang, swing, climb, jump and roll. Our parties feature a bounce house with slide, 30ft. long trampoline and a foam block pit for jumping and "swimming!” 239-936-8467
Dance Warehouse
Dance ’til you drop at your next party! Dressup your inner diva in our dance costumes and shoes, then shine like a star on our decorated 6,000 sq. ft. dance floor! We provide tables, tablecloths, food platters, beverages, snacks, and some decorations. You do not need to be a member of our dance family to host a party. Call now to reserve your special day! 239-275-5678
Family Music Time
A birthday party with Family Music Time, including 15 minute meet and greet, 45 minutes of guided musical play followed by 45 minutes for presents and cake. 440-2510002, or email to learn more about having an unforgettable birthday celebration with Family Music Time! Birthday parties at our studio are appropriate for children ages 1-6. Costs: Non-Music Together Families - $175. Music Together Families - $150. 52 - January 2018
Five Star Stables
We have several different birthday party options that we offer for your special day. Package 1 is "Simply Horses.” It's a 2hour package filled with fun. We always start with safety, take a tour and meet the horses. The birthday child will get to pick their horse for the party. Package 2 is "Next Hoof Up.” This is an exciting 3-hour party with horse games and riding on the trails. Package 3 is "Best in Show.” A 5hour unforgettable birthday! Horsin' around game, crazy craft time, and best of all take a trail ride through the forest. Working up an appetite? No problem, you get hot dogs and hamburgers. Don't stop now, let's cool off in the sprinklers or roast some smores over the fire. Prices vary, depending on number of riders. 1835 The Thompsons Way, Lehigh Acres 239-337-7827
At GameTime, we host and cater the perfect Birthday Party for ALL ages. Birthday Packages include food/beverage, decorations and game play. Celebrate together, then take the party to our Mega Arcade to play fun games that everyone will enjoy and win great prizes. We offer the most fun and entertainment under one roof and our Team will make certain your event is most memorable! GameTime is the best place to have a Birthday Party at any age! Customize your Party Package and simply book online. Just visit online and click "Party" to get started or call for more information. 11037 Gulf Center Drive, Fort Myers, The Gulf Coast Towne Center 239-204-5964
GiGi’s Party Ranch
Enjoy an outdoor beautiful scenery ranch while celebrating your child's birthday, quinceanera, sweet 16s, baptism, graduation, the sky's the limit. Our packages include 4 hours of outdoor space with tables, chairs and electricity. Call for pricing and details. Available upon request: for just $150 - unlimited kids - you get 2 hours of pony rides (which include 2 ponies, 2 handlers, and safety helmets). Want something indoors? Ask about our enclosed tents. GiGi's Party Ranch is set up for that perfect outdoor photo shoot. Whether taking that 1st birthday photo shoot portrait, Sweet 16s, or any other special occasion. Photography permitted throughout our entire ranch grounds for the day. Call to reserve. Fees apply. 11751 Shawnee Road, Fort Myers 305-298-9184 (English) or 786 317-0810 (Spanish)
Family News
IMAG History & Science Center Give your child the birthday bash of their dreams with full access to the IMAG exhibits, animal shows, 3D movie, private party room, and premium pull-apart cake. Best part of all, leave the decorating and clean up to us, and enjoy the party. Complete packages starting at $185. 2000 Cranford Avenue, Fort Myers 239-243-0043
Milestones Learning Center
We offer parties for children ages 3-9 years old. Our birthday package: (for 9 children plus the birthday boy/girl). Three hours of celebration which includes: A decorated party room which includes 10 latex balloons, 10 invitation cards, a crown for the birthday person, a take home craft of your choice, 2 organized games, 2 trained staff to direct activities and coordinating the event, use of outdoor play yard exclusive to your party, 2 large pizzas (cheese or pepperoni) and 24 juice boxes or mini waters. 19850 Breckenridge Drive, Estero 239-301-2962
Saddlewood Horse Club
Riding and feeding horses and lots of fun. Covered table area! All events are rain or shine thanks to our covered riding arena. Complementary customized invitations for your convenience. You enjoy and we horsely take care of the rest. More than a birthday party - we create childhood memories. Flat rate $150-unlimited kids, 2 hours of horsey fun including Mini lesson on lead pony or horses for 1 hour, 2 ponies/horses and two handler (equestrian loaner helmets provided) Party room connected and overlooking the covered arena. Feeding of horses - just bring carrots. Paint a Pony $25 flat rate, Snuggle Bunnies $25, professional bounce house $50. Extra pony/horse with handler 1 hour for $75, Extra 30 minutes in covered table area for $25. E-mail us at 239-738-9300
The Shell Factory & Nature Park
For a great Birthday Party experience visit SW Florida's No. 1 Birthday Party Destination. Featuring The Fun Park, with Mini Golf, Bumper Boats, Water Wars, and much more. Ride The Soaring Eagle Zip Line followed by a visit to The Nature Park and get up close and personal with over 450 unique animals. Top off your day with fun at the newly expanded Video Arcade. Located in The Retail Store The Arcade has 30 of the newest games around and is adjacent to The Safari Cafe where your group can grab a snack or just relax with your favorite beverages. Remember The Retail Store is pet friendly so your four legged friend can also come to the party. For further info, call and ask for Sammy. 2787 N. Tamiami Trail, North Fort Myers 239-995-2141 Family News
Southern Starz
Have your next party at Southern Starz! You supply the cake and we’ll supply the fun! Have fun jumping on our trampolines, swinging on the bars and playing in the foam pit. Separate room for your cake or snack! 239-574-0034
Sylvan Learning Center
Is your child wild about LEGO? Call now to throw him/her a LEGO Robotics Birthday Party! Sylvan Learning has everything you need to throw a fun and educational party where your child and up to 11 friends can learn how to build LEGO robots and code them to jump, dodge, quack, chomp, sing, and much more. $199 covers 1½ hour use of all the materials, decorations, and LEGO themed party favor for each guest. $279 covers 1 ½ hour use of all the materials, decorations, LEGO themed party favor for each guest, pizza, drinks, and special LEGO themed cake. Call to book your party. Locations at Fort Myers, Estero or Cape Coral. 239-275-1130
William “Bill” Austen Youth Center The Youth Center offers party packages starting at just $199. Choose from Basic Party, Sweet 16, Prom/Graduation party, Sports Banquets, Character party, Laser Tag party. Some parties include D.J., pizza, drinks, party assistance and more. Call today and ask about our Character parties. 315 SW 2nd Ave., Cape Coral 239-242-3950
Zoomers Family Amusement Park Let’s Celebrate! From Birthday parties to corporate events, we can bring fun to your next party plans!! Let us help you design a day that your group will remember. Zoom on the go kart tracks, spin around on the Tilt-A-whirl and the Z-force, get splashed on the bumper boats or the Hippo Slide, play in the latest and more excited video game and much more. We have something for everyone. So grab the family, bring your friend, invite your coworker and come to have fun with us. Come in or call us today. 17455 Summerlin Road, Fort Myers 239-481-ZOOM (9666)
Advertise your service in our party guide. 239-278-5236 or
January 2018 - 53
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Keagan - 7
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We are accepting photos for our FEBRUARY “TOO CUTE!” section Please label the back of your photograph with your child’s name and age. Please understand that the photos will not be returned. DEADLINE JAN. 15, 2018
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Family News
Globetrotter Hot Shot, Jailee - 10, Alayah - 8
Nataje - 3
Family News
January 2018 - 55