Idecidedtodoalittlepoolhopping duringarecentstayatUniversal Orlando.Youreadthatcorrectly-hotel poolhoppingisallowedatthesebeautifulhotels.Universalencouragesguests atPremier,PreferredandPrimeValue resortstovisiteachother’spools. Planningafewdaysaspooldays,you canmakethemostofyourpriceyhotel roomwhenvisitingOrlandotheme parks.
StayingatSapphireFallsandwantto tryoutthelazyriveratCabanaBay BeachResort?Noproblem-yourfamily canpoolhop.
DoyouwanttospendadaylounginginluxuryatPortofinoBayResort, butareyoustayingatAventuraHotel? Yep,youcanpoolhop.
Ihighlyrecommendusingthebeautifulwalkingpathstotheresortsfrom theparksbecausebustransportation directlyfromonehoteltoanotherisnot offered.Justmakesuretotakeyour roomkeycardsothatyoucanpresent itattheconciergedeskofthehotelyou arevisitingbecauseyouwillneeditto getavisitoramenitycardthatgivesyou poolaccess.Otherwise,youwillnotbe admitted.
Mykidslovedgettingtoexperience fivepools.Andthesehotelpoolsare
notbasic;theyarelarge,themedand haveuniquewaterfeatures.Thetropical oasiswithatwo-sidedzero-entry lagoon-stylepoolatSapphireFallswas ourfirstpoolthenightwearrived.After alongdayatUniversalthemeparks, floatingdownthelazyriveratCabana Baywithapoolsidemoviewastheperfectendtoahot,busyday.Wedida mid-daycool-offatLoewsRoyalPacific Resort’sBaliSeainteractivewaterplay areabeforereturningtothehotelfora nap.Andthedaywecheckedout,we spentthemorningatPortofinoBay Resort,whereweenjoyedpoolside lunchinthecomfybeachchairsbefore endingourUniversalvacationwitha poolsidepartyattheHardRockHotel.
UniversalOrlandoiscurrentlyofferingagreatFloridaresidentdealon themeparkticketsthissummer(buy oneday,twoparktickets,gettwodays free),whichwetookadvantageof.Still, itwouldhavebeenamemorabletrip withjustourpool-hoppingadventure.
MandyMichelleCarter...Justa SWFLmomlivingthedream.Sheloves toinspireparentstospendauthentic timewithyourkidsandtochaseyour owndreamsunapologetically!Foundon Instagram@mandymcarterandherfamilyblogatAcupful.com.
AlliancefortheArtswillbehostingits SummerBreakArtsCampthisyearbeginningJune19.RegistrationopensMarch3, andisopentoanystudentwhocompleted firstthroughseventhgrade.SummerBreak ArtsCampwillbebrokenupintothree two-weeksessions:June19-30,July1021andJuly24–Aug.4.Nocampsession willbeheldovertheFourthofJulyholiday. Therewillbedifferentartistseachdayof thetwo-weeksessionwithagalleryshow ofthecamper’sartattheendofthetwo weeks.TheAllianceispartneringwith BroadwayPalmtohostaMusicalTheatre IntensiveCampwithoneweeksessions heldattheBroadwayPalm:June12-16: Footloose(Ages11+),July10-14:Little MermaidJunior(Ages7-10),July17-21: LittleMermaid(Ages11+),July24-28: SeasonPassJuniors(Ages7-10),July31–Aug.4:SeasonPass(Ages11+).Regular camphoursare9a.m.-4p.m.Beforeand after-careareavailable8-9a.m.and4-5 p.m.foranextra$10perchild.Pricingis $420persessionformembersand$504 fornonmembers.Siblingdiscountsare available,aswellasscholarshipoptions.
10091McGregorBlvd.,FortMyers www.artinlee.org•239-939-2787
Joinusforafun-filledsummercamp.Afunfilledexperiencethatincludescreativedrama,artsandcrafts,music,sportsandmuchmore. Allofthedevelopmentallyappropriateactivitieshavebeenplannedfor ourcampersaroundweeklythemes.Therearealsowaterplayactivities aswellasinhousevisitorsthatmakeeachdayspecial.Learningand readinessskilldevelopmentcontinueduringoursummerlongadventuresthatenhancewhatyourchildhasalreadylearned.
BrownAcademyoffersanewadventureeachandeverydayforchildrenages2to10!Excitingactivitiesincludeartsandcrafts,sing-alongs,sports,cookingactivitiesandpicnics.Eachweekyourchildwill participateinanin-housefieldtripenjoyingspecialeventssuchas puppetshows,magicshows,wildlifeexhibits,bouncehousesand ponyrides.Aspartofourcommitmentinkeepingyourchildsafe, everydaythechildrenwillhaveascheduledtimeinthepoolforwater safetyinstruction.Forchildrenages11to15,weofferaspecialCounselorinTrainingProgram.
JoinusthissummeratCalusaNatureCenterandPlanetarium forSummerCamp!Wewillbehostingnearly10weeksof awesomeprogrammingforyourrising1stthough8thgrader. TopicsincludeOutdoorSurvival,PlantDetectives,Astronomy, andmore.Availabilitiesareopennow!Foranaffordableprice of$175perweekformembers,and$200perweekfornonmembers,wewillteachyourchildallaboutnature,space, andmore.Visitourwebsiteatwww.calusanature.orgformore informationonregistering.
SummercampsrunJune5–Aug.9.TheCenterswelcomekids ages4-18toourinnovativesummerprogramfeaturingclasses inpainting,sculpture,pottery,drawing,glass,andmosaics; plus,coursesinsinging,dancing,acting,andauditiontechniques;writeandperformaplay;buildyourowninstruments; takeballet,tap,andjazzdanceclassesandmore!Pickyour favorites,mixandmatchcoursestocreateyourowndynamic schedule.SupervisedBefore,Lunchtime&AfterCareareavailable.Registrationandmoreinformationisavailableonline.
PerformingArtsCenter, 10150BonitaBeachRoad,BonitaSprings www.artcenterbonita.org
CheckoutthefunatCoastEliteGymnasticsAcademyduringourfunthemedweeks,includingninjaweek,space week,superheroweek,andmore!Joinusthissummerfor anaction-packedgoodtime!Trampoline,movies,crafts, gymnastics,bouncehouseandmore!Wehaveweekly,and dailyprogramsavailable.Otherprogramsfeaturedthis montharebackhandspringbootcamp,classesandteams forallages,birthdayparties,andnewparentandchild classesfor2&under!Callforafreetrialinourtinytotsprogramforages3-4!
6360ArcWay,FortMyers www.coastelite.com239-936-8467
Readytofindyourspotlightintheperformingarts?Sing, Dance,andActwithusthisSummerandlearntheskillsof amusicaltheatreperformer! Weeklongcampsavailableforcampersages4-14starting June12th.Eachweekendsinashowcaseforfamiliesand friends!Visitonlineformoredetails.
15250S.TamiamiTrail, #119-120,FortMyers curtaincallstudios.com
EdisonSailingCenterwelcomeschildrenages8-13. Weoffersailingprogramsinweeklysessionstaught bycertifiedUSSailinginstructorsandexperienced educators.Studentsgainindependenceandexperiencebeingabletosailhis/herownboatbyweek’s end.Studentsages10andoldermayregisterfor powerboattrainingandlearntosafelyoperatea powerboat.Forinformationvisit www.edisonsailingcenter.org orcall239-454-5114
EachweekisanewAdventure!Wewillbeexploringmanyvarietyofhandsonactivities:Cooking, Sports,Arts&Crafts,STEM,Literacyandsomuch more!ComeExperiencefunandadventureatEducare!Formoreinformation,call239-992-3424.
EducareBonitaSprings, 10220WTerrySt,BonitaSprings
BeattheheatthissummerandjoinFortMyersTennisforindoortenniscamp!Thishalfdaycampwill includeonehourofsmallgrouptennisinstruction andhoursoffun-outofthesun,inourair-conditionedindoorspaceattheFortMyersSkatium.
Camperswillhaveaccesstolotsofothersports, games,arts&crafts,fitnessinstructionandmore eachday.Ages5+(AdvancedJuniorsCampavailableforexperiencedplayers!)
OurSummerCampsofferatrulyoriginalhi-techenrichmentprogramforkidsage5-14.Weeklycampsprovidea scienceandtechnologytreatthatkidslove!Halfdayand fulldaycampoptionsareavailablewithdozensofcamps tochoosefromintwolocations,NaplesandFortMyers. Pleasevisitwww.fullsteamaheadFL.comformoreinformation.239-689-3602
GulfCoastMusicSchooloffersSuzukiandtraditionalprivatelessons andgroupclassesforviolin,viola,cello,andpianoforbeginning throughadvancedlevel,ages4-104.Since1988,wehaveoffered yearroundclasses,excitingperformanceopportunities,andafun summerprogram.ThisyearourSummerStringCampisJuly10-14, 2023.Callusat239-994-8628formoreinfo.
SignupnowforsummergymnasticscampsatGymnasticWorld. CamprunsJune7-Aug.9forages5to12.Campdayis7:30a.m.-3 p.m.($60perday).Aftercareisavailable3-6p.m.($15perday). Snacksareincluded,butcampersmustbringalunch.Threefullgymnasticsclassesthroughouttheday.$25registrationfeefornon-members.Foraftercare,youmustbeenrolledinthegymnasticscampday. Spaceislimited,sosignupwhilespotsarestillavailable.
15989Old41Road,FortMyers 239-482-4440
Readytobeinspired?TheIMAGHistory&ScienceCenterispresentingitsSTEAMCamps(Science,Technology,Engineering,Art,and Math)fromJune12toAug.9forstudentsin1stthrough8thgrades. SpecialthemesincludeJuniorAstronauts,CritterKeepers,STEAM Olympics,andRoboticsEngineerssparkingcampers’imaginationsas scientists,designers,engineers,andartists.Forcampreservations, visittheIMAG.orgorcall239-243-0043.
TheMusicFoundationofSouthwestFloridaishappy toannouncesomenewandexcitingSummerArts Camps.StartingJune12andrunningthroughJuly23, therewillbeapproximately12differentcampsoffered inallareasofinstrumentalandvocalmusic,including Piano,GuitaraswellasVisualArts,DanceandCulinaryArtsthisyear!Thecampsaredesignedforstudents8-15yearsold.Campsrunfrom9amuntil3 pmwithafinalprogrameachFridayafternoon.Costis $125perweek,whichincludesbreakfast,lunchanda T-shirt.Scholarshipsareavailable!Thecampswilltake placeatHarnsMarshMiddleSchoolinLehighAcres. 239-275-0057
TheSidney&BerneDavisArtCenterispleasedtoannounce2023’sCreatEDsummercampsforamazing learning,performance,andexhibitionexperiencesfor aspiringyoungSouthwestFloridavisualartists,rock musicians,andstringplayers!ArtCampdatesareJune 12-June16forages6-8.TheweekofJune26-30, ArtCampwillbeofferedtostudentsages9-12+.Two Stringscampsforviolin,viola,celloandbassstudents ages9-17willbeheldJuly17-21andJuly24-28. DuringJuly10-14,ArtCampforstudents12-15+will beopen.BuildingtheBandCampwillbeheldJune 19-23.Thecampsrunfrom9a.m.-4p.m.Monday throughFriday.
FlipintoSouthernStarzGymnasticsforsummercamp. WewillbeofferingSummerCampforboysandgirlsages
5-14–June7–Aug.9.Thedaywillstartwithgymnastics, trampolinetime,barsandropes,andtherockwall,after lunchitsgames,artsandcrafts,andopengym.Weopenat
7:30a.m.andofferextendedcareuntil6p.m.dailyand weeklyratesaswellassiblingdiscountsareavailable.
SummerSwimlessons!–SwimtasticSwimSchoolsserves allofSWFlorida,CapeCoral,FortMyersandNaples.We haveindoorgroup,semi-private,andprivatelessons(30 mins).Waves(pre-swimteamprep1hour).Adultlessons areavailable&AdaptiveAquaticsforswimmerswithspecialneeds.Ourprofessionalteachersuseuniqueteaching methodstohelpinfantsthroughadultslearntoswim.We offereasyregistration,flexibleclasstimes,smallclass sizes,professional,lovingteachers,andindoorpools!Experiencethedifference,where"SmartFishSwimin Schools."
LetWonderGardensbeyourfamily’ssummeroasis,close tohome!Themomentyouwalkthroughthefrontgate, thetropicalgardens,waterfalls,parrots,flamingoes,and tortoisesbeckonyoutostay,slowdown,breathedeeply, andenjoythehistoricparadise.Familieswilldiscover WildWonderfeedingencounters,weeklyhabitatchats, andpop-upinteractivetables.Groupsandorganizations canbookguidedexperiencesandanimalmeet&greets. VisitWondergardens.orgforasummerofWonder!
SummerMeansMoreattheY!AtourYMCAcamps,kids becomestronger,smarterandtheylearnhowcapablethey are–allwhilehavingfun!Campersages4-15experience everythingtheYoffers,fromtraditionaldaycampgames andcraftstoactivepursuitslikesportsandswimming.Also offeringaTeenCampinbothlocationsandavarietyof specialtycampssuchasSports,Dance,STEM,Nature, Travel&more!Campratevarypercamp,financialaidis available.
Pop-ZoLO is an itty bitty world of fun! Now with translucent sticks and wide eyes! Pop together any combination of Pop-ZoLO pieces to create mini-creatures.
Meet the first Barbie doll with Down syndrome! Meaningful symbols are incorporated throughout her outfit, like butterflies - which are a symbol of Down syndrome -and the blue and yellow color palette, which represents Down syndrome awareness.
Barbie Fashionistas Down Syndrome With Leg Braces
With a working steering wheel and horn, plus durable quiet-ride wheels suitable for indoor and outdoor play, there's no limit to where your child's imagination will take them. The Cozy Pumper has weatherproof buttons and sounds that stimulate interaction.
Little Tikes Cozy Ice Cream Ride-On Truck & Pumper
Lick-a-bubble was created so that kids of all ages can experiment with different beverages to generate safe lickable bubbles. Simply add your favorite beverage to the red fill line.
Lick-a-Bubble Edible Bubbles
Warmies Hugs are a super cute microwavable duo that are gently scented with French lavender.
Warmies Hugs - Koala
Connect the poles, set the speed, and start hopping or tossing to the music. Perfect for ages 4 to 6 years.
Learn important chemistry concepts and math lessons as you cook up your own lip-smacking lollipops in red cherry or blue raspberry!
Lollipop Lab
Time for tea! Flip a challenge card and race the other players' relay-style to stack a tower of matching teacups on your saucer –without tipping or tumbling! The first player or team to complete their tower and ring the teapot bell wins! For ages 3 plus.
StoryPhones is an independent device offering screen-free entertainment that doesn't need to connect to any other device for playback. It's able to store and play audio content at any time. An entertaining way to boost creativity and decrease screen time.
Summer Reading Kickoff Dance Party
Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral
Thursday, June 1 • 11 a.m.
Shake your sillies out and celebrate the start of summer reading. Get ready to twist and shout at this special dance party for preschoolers. All participants receive a free book, while supplies last. For ages 2-5. 239-479-4636
Family Play and Social Hour
Bonita Springs Public Library
10560 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs
Friday, June 2 • 10:30 a.m.
Meet other parents and caregivers during this social hour program for families that supports early literacy development through free play with other children, toys and music. For babies and children through age 5 and their caregivers. 239-479-4636
Mussel Man's Schools Out Celebration
Hammond Stadium
14100 6 Mile Cypress Pkwy, Fort Myers
Friday, June 2 • 7 p.m.
It's our schools out celebration and all kids 16 and under get free tickets! Offer valid at box office only. Kids 16 & under. After each Friday game the Mussels will light up the sky with the best fireworks show in SW Florida! Also, all kids will get a free ticket to SunSplash! Mussels vs. St. Lucie Mets. www.milb.com
Indoor Movie Night
Gateway Trinity Lutheran Church
11381 Gateway Blvd, Fort Myers
Friday, June 2 • 7:30 p.m.
Join us INSIDE and avoid the summer storms! Join us in the Welcome Center for a FREE family dance party and movie on the big screen! Bring your own blankets and chairs for a more comfortable viewing. Free popcorn and lemonade! 239-561-1188
Disney's The Little Mermaid Jr Tortuga Preserve Elementary
33981, 1711 Gunnery Rd N, Lehigh Acres
Friday, June 2 • 7:30 p.m. 239-693-5023
Free Fridays at the Park Rotary Park
5505 Rose Garden Rd, Cape Coral
Friday, June 2 • 10 a.m. - noon
Meet out front of the Butterfly House at 10am every Friday to join Captain Redfoot for his morning walk at Rotary Park. Catch the butterfly house tour after at 10:30 a.m. No need to RSVP, just stop by. For more information, call Rotary Park at 239-549-4606.
Kids Fishing Event Bass Pro Shops
10040 Gulf Center Dr, Fort Myers
Saturday, June 3 • 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Come out to Bass Pro Shops the first Saturday of every month and fish on the back lake (catch and release)! Earn your First Fish Award if this is your first time fishing with us! 239-461-7800
Birthday Club
Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral
Saturday, June 3 • 2 p.m.
Is it your child's birthday month? Come celebrate it with us at our monthly birthday bash. All supplies and light refreshments provided. For ages 1-5. Registration for birthday child required. Registration begins May 13 and is guaranteed only until the start of the program. 239-479-4636
In-Store Kids Workshops - Putting Green
Home Depot - Local Home Depot locations
Saturday, June 3 • 9 a.m. to noon
Time to pull out your apron! Kids Workshops are back in-store. Join us on the first Saturday of every month for this fun, free event. HomeDepot.com/Workshops.
Nature Explorers: Invasive Species
Calusa Nature Center and Planetarium
3450 Ortiz Avenue, Fort Myers
Saturday, June 3 • 9 a.m.
Is that supposed to be there? What does invasive mean? Learn all about Florida's invasive plants and animals! Our programs are designed to take place almost entirely outside, where children will have lots of fresh air and space to spread out!
Ages: 5 - 11. $10. 239-275-3435
Barnes & Noble Marketplace SC
13751 Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers
Saturday, June 3 • 11 a.m.
Join us as we read stories to your little ones! 239-437-0654
Summer Reading Program Kickoff Party for South County Regional Library
Estero Recreation Center,
9200 Corkscrew Palms Blvd.
Saturday, June 3 • 10 a.m.
Start the summer with your library as we celebrate with games, fun, food trucks and your favorite tunes. All ages can sign up for the Summer Reading Program and children and teens, through age 18, will receive a free book. No registration required. 239-479-4636
Live! Science Shows
Miromar Outlets
10801 Corkscrew Rd, Estero
Saturday, June 3 • 1:30 p.m.
Every Saturday & Sunday starting at 1:30 p.m. Located at STEMLAB, near WINK Playland, suite 192. Lessons on chemistry, aerodynamics, fire experiments and more! www.miromaroutlets.com
Free Family ArtLab - Fringe Festival Special Alliance for the Arts
10091 McGregor Blvd., Fort Myers
June 3-4 • 10 a.m. - noon
Drop in for free, hands-on family fun from 10 a.m. to noon. Explore something new like art making, gallery activities, games and more Recommended for ages five and older, but all ages and abilities are encouraged to participate. 239-939-2787
Young Eagles Rally & Pancake Breakfast
EAA Chapter 66 House at Page Field
5200 Captain Channing Page Dr., Fort Myers
Sunday, June 4 • 8 a.m.
The Young Eagles program is designed to introduce youth, ages 1117 to general aviation. The Young Eagles first flight program is free of charge thanks to the generosity of our pilots and ground crew. The minimum age to fly is 11 years old. A parent or legal guardian must be present to sign the waiver and be on-site during the flight. Children younger than 11 may participate in the instruction class and walk around the aircraft but they cannot fly. A pancake breakfast for $6 per person. Questions, email youngeagles66@gmail.com.
Summer Reading Kickoff Party
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Monday, June 5 • Noon
Everyone is invited to join us in celebrating the beginning of this year's All Together Now Summer Reading Program. Attendees can sign up for the READsquared summer reading challenge and enjoy a bike rodeo, games and prizes and an Escape Room. Children and teens through age 18 will receive a free book. 239-479-4636
Chess Anyone?
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Mondays, June 5, 12, 19, 26 • 2 p.m.
Rise to the chess challenge and join the fun. Chess enthusiasts of all ages are welcome. Bring your own chess set or use one of ours. 239-479-4636
Chess at the Library
Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral
Tuesday, June 6 • 5:30 p.m.
Enjoy chess at the library in a casual environment. Chessboards will be provided, but you can also bring your own. People of all ages & skill levels are invited. 239-479-4636
Summer Reading Kickoff Party
Cape Coral Lee County Public Library
921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral
Thursday, June 8 • 2 p.m.
Broadway Palm Children’s Theatre, 1380 Colonial Boulevard, Fort Myers
How I Became A Pirate tells the tale of Jeremy Jacobs as he gets invited to join Braid Beard’s pirate crew, he thinks the pirate life is for him. Until he realizes that the simple things in life, like a kiss and a warm tucking in at night, are those that are most important. Set sail for a fun-filled journey as Jeremy learns that the most important things in life are worth more than buried treasure. Performances are matinees with lunch at noon and show beginning at 1 p.m. Ticket prices for the buffet and the show are only $25 for all ages. Tickets are now on sale and can be reserved by calling 239-278-4422
Tuesday, June 6 continued
Summer Reading Kickoff Party
Bonita Springs Public Library
10560 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs
Tuesday, June 6 • 5 p.m.
You're invited to a family-friendly kickoff party to celebrate Summer Reading. Get ready for an evening of crafts and activities, a dance party and special guest appearances from stilt walker and balloon artist Way Too Tall Torrie, Caring Angels therapy dogs and face painting with Krafty Kate. A free book for every child and teen will be provided while supplies last. No registration required. 239-479-4636
Down the Rabbit Hole Summer Reading Kickoff
North Fort Myers Public Library
2001 N. Tamiami Trail NE, N. Fort Myers
Tuesday, June 6 • 2 p.m.
Fall down the rabbit hole and join us for our Wonderland-inspired Summer Reading Program kickoff. This family-friendly event will include a variety of activities, crafts and a mad tea party. There will also be free books for all children and teens while supplies last. No registration required. 239-479-4636
Summer Reading Kickoff
Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library
3095 Blount St., Fort Myers
Tuesday, June 6 • Noon
Join us at the Dunbar End of School Year Block Party outside of the library to kick off Summer Reading. Children and teens through age 18 will receive a free book. 239-479-4636
Pine Island Summer Art Program
The Pine Island Public Library
10701 Russell Road, Bokeelia
Wednesdays, June 7, 14, 21, 28 • 10 a.m.
The library is excited to collaborate with the Museum of the Islands for the Pine Island Summer Art Program, designed for children and teens, ages 8-18. Attendees will learn about different painting techniques and supplies will be provided, while supplies last. Children and teens must be able to attend independently. Space is limited. Tickets are required and available only at the library. 239-479-4636
End of School All Ages Karaoke Party
Buddha LIVE
12701 McGregor Blvd, Fort Myers
Wednesday, June 7 • 6 p.m.
Come bring the family! Popcorn, candy & cookies provided. School of Rock Ft. Myers, Paint & Party Face Painting, pizza & food available next door. Sing, dance & let lose with the kids! 239-246-1246
South County Regional Library
21100 Three Oaks Parkway, Estero
Wednesday, June 7: Calm to be Kind • 10 a.m.
Wednesday, June 14: Kindness to Others • 10 a.m.
Wednesday, June 21: Kindness to Yourself • 10 a.m. For ages 4-7. University students will lead children and parents through activities, games and themed art experiences. Registration is required and is only guaranteed until the start of the program. 239-479-4636
Join us for a summer bash for all ages that celebrates reading in our community. All ages are invited to sign up for the summer reading program and other programs being offered. No registration required. Children and teens, through age 18, can get a free book, ice pops in the butterfly garden, and grab-and-go craft kits. Meet-and-greets with the book character Curious George for children and some activities in the teen zone will also be available. Adults will be able to participate by receiving the first grab-and-go kit of the summer and entering to win branch prizes over the summer. 239-479-4636
Summer Reading Program Kickoff Party
The Pine Island Public Library
10701 Russell Road, Bokeelia
Thursday, June 8 • 2 p.m.
Families can participate in a community art project, sign-up for Summer Reading to win prizes and enjoy frozen yogurt. Supplies are limited. First come, first served. 239-479-4636
Youth Theatre Presents Assassins Alliance for the Arts
10091 McGregor Blvd, Fort Myers
June 8 -10 • 7:30 p.m. & Sunday, June 11 • 2 p.m. This is not your run-of-the mill musical. A carnival sets the stage for this show looking at the lives of nine men and women who either assassinated or attempted to assassinate the President. Recommended for 11th grade students & older. This show contains themes and language that may not be suitable for all audiences. Tickets: $12-$20. 239-939-2787
Summer Reading Kickoff Party
Lakes Regional Library
15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers
Thursday, June 8 • 10 a.m. – Noon
Drop in to the Youth Services area for games, crafts, balloon art and stiltwalking by Way Too Tall Torrie and more fun to kick-start your summer vacation. For all ages. No registration is required, but space and supplies are limited. 239-479-4636
South County Regional Library
21100 Three Oaks Parkway, Estero
Friday, June 9: Bright Sides & Silver Linings • 10 a.m.
Friday, June 16: Kindness to Others • 10 a.m.
Friday, June 23: Kindness to Yourself • 10 a.m. For ages 8-11. University students will lead children and parents through activities, games and themed art experiences. Registration is required and is only guaranteed until the start of the program. 239-479-4636
Better Together - Parents’ Night Out
First Assembly of God, 4701 Summerlin Road, Fort Myers
Friday, June 9 • 6 to 8:30 p.m.
The program offers parents, grandparents and other caregivers access to a couple of hours of no-cost care for children ages infant through 17 years old. Better Together will provide backgroundchecked volunteers in addition to dinner, games and fun for children to enjoy while parents are away. To register, visit BetterTogetherUS.org or call 239-470-2733.
Read to Dogs
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Saturday, June 10 • 11 a.m.
Join us at the library for reading to dogs. The dogs are registered therapy animals who volunteer with their owner/handlers as a team to help improve the literacy skills of children. Children can read down fines or just develop a love of reading through reading to dogs. 239-479-4636
Magic with Joey Evans
Riverdale Public Library
2421 Buckingham Road, Fort Myers
Saturday, June 10 • 10 a.m.
This Master Magician is back to tickle our funny bones with magic, mystery and fun. Prepare to be amazed and inspired by his illusions, puppets and tricks. It's a show you don't want to miss. 239-479-4636
KId’s DIYer Workshop: Lawn Mower Photo Holder
Fort Myers Lowe's
14960 S. Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers
Saturday, June 10 • 10 a.m. - noon
our little landscaper’s first mower is also a great gift for Dad! This workshop will have kids building their own Riding Lawn Mower toy & photo holder - just in time for Father’s Day. 239-433-9255
Read to Dogs
North Fort Myers Public Library
2001 N. Tamiami Trail NE, N. Fort Myers
Saturday, June 10 • 2 p.m.
Join us at the library to read to dogs. The dogs are registered therapy animals who volunteer with their owner/handlers as a team to help improve the literacy skills of children. You can read down fines or just encourage a love of reading in your children with reading to dogs. 239-479-4636
SWFL SpaceCon
German American Social Club of Cape Coral
2101 SW Pine Island Rd, Cape Coral
Saturday, June 10 • 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
SWFL SpaceCon is a celebration of all aspects of Comic Book and Science-Fiction culture with a common thread uniting all fans. It’s the ultimate destination to bring together fandom and celebrities from the world of Comics, Sci-Fi, Anime, Gaming, and Cosplay for an action-packed day. SWFL SpaceCon features vendors, game demos, drop-in gaming, game tournaments, photo ops, autograph ops, panels, costume contests and non-stop entertainment. www.swflspacecon.com
Community Celebration & Summer Reading Kickoff
Riverdale Public Library
2421 Buckingham Road, Fort Myers
Saturday, June 10 • 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Celebrate the library's reopening and get ready for Summer Reading at our all-ages kickoff party. Joining us will be stilt walker and balloon artist Way Too Tall Torrie, as well as face painter Krafty Kate. Giveaways and refreshments will be provided. 239-479-4636
Regal Gulf Coast & IMAX
10028 Gulf Center Dr, Fort Myers
June 6 - 7 • 11 a.m.
Bring the family to the nearest Regal theatre for the 2023 Summer Movie Express series! Summer Movie Express tickets are just $2 featuring summer movies the whole family will enjoy. www.regmovies.com
Saturday, June 10 continued
Barnes & Noble Marketplace SC
13751 Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers
Saturday, June 10 • 11 a.m.
Join us as we read stories to your little ones! 239-437-0654
Summer Reading Kickoff Extravaganza
Fort Myers Regional Library
2450 First St., Fort Myers
Saturday, June 10 • 2 p.m.
Calling readers of all ages. Let's get together and start the summer right by signing up for the Summer Reading Program. Celebrate reading with games and activities at this allages event. Children and teens receive a free book after signing up. 239-479-4636
Build It: Legos
South County Regional Library
21100 Three Oaks Parkway, Estero
Saturday, June 10 • 2 – 3:30 p.m.
Drop in for building challenges the whole family will enjoy. All materials are provided; just bring your creativity. 239-479-4636
11th Annual Juneteenth Community Celebration
Roberto Clemente Park,
1936 Henderson Ave. in Fort Myers
Sunday, June 17 • 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
This year’s Free Juneteenth Celebration will be filled with a variety of fun and entertainment for the entire family, including stage performances, music, arts and crafts, food and refreshments. Event attendees will also have a chance to receive free information from community businesses. www.leecountyblackhistorysociety.org
GiGi and Friends
Bonita Springs Public Library
10560 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs
Monday, June 12 • 3 p.m.
GiGi and her dog, SuperZeus, celebrate their love of comedy, magic, dog tricks, singalongs and circus in this 30-minute performance packed with fun for all. Stick around after the show for giveaways and a meet and greet with SuperZeus. For ages 6-11. Registration is not required. 239-479-4636
Gigi and Friends
Cape Coral Lee County Public Library
921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral
Monday, June 12 • 11 a.m.
GiGi and her dog SuperZeus celebrate their love of comedy, magic, dog tricks, singalongs and circus in this 30-minute performance packed with fun for all. Stick around after the show for giveaways and a meet and greet with SuperZeus. Registration is required and is valid until the start of the program. Arrive 15 minutes before the start of the program. This program is for children ages 6-11 to attend independently while caregivers wait nearby in the library.
Baby Rhyme Time
Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral
Mondays, June 12, 19, 26 • 10:30 a.m. For babies up to 18 months. Babies and caregivers wiggle and giggle in a supportive environment. Space is limited. Arrive early and visit the children's desk to check in. First-come, first-served. 239-479-4636
Summer Storytime
Lakes Regional Library
15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers
Mondays, June 12, 19, 26 • 10:30 a.m. Stories, songs and rhymes for little ones and their caregivers. For children through age 5. No registration is required, but space and supplies are limited. 239-479-4636
Gigi and Friends
South County Regional Library
21100 Three Oaks Parkway, Estero
Monday, June 12 • 6 p.m.
Gigi and her dog; SuperZeus, celebrate their love of comedy, magic, dog tricks, singalongs and circus, in this 30-minute performance packed with fun for all. Stick around after the show for giveaways and a meet and greet with SuperZeus. For ages 6-11. Registration is required and is only guaranteed until the start of the program. 239-479-4636
Bunny Yoga and Mindfulness
Cape Coral Lee County Public Library
921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral
Tuesday, June 13 • 2 p.m.
Class begins with a 10-minute vibe check where we introduce mindful breathing and check-in with our bodies and minds. Practice includes various movements, songs & chants and deep breathing, with the last 10 minutes being full relaxation. Bunnies will be free-roaming and you will be able to gently pet and interact with them. Dress for comfort. For ages 12-18. Registration is required and is valid only until the start of the program. Arrive 15 minutes early to guarantee your spot in the program. 239-479-4636
North Fort Myers Public Library
2001 N. Tamiami Trail NE, N. Fort Myers
Tuesday, June 13 • 1 p.m.
Teens are invited to join us for an afternoon movie. Bring a friend and snacks and we will provide the space and the movie. This movie is rated PG-13. For teens ages 13 to 17. No registration required. 239-479-4636
Gigi and Zeus
Fort Myers Regional Library
2450 First St., Fort Myers
Tuesday, June 13 • 2 p.m.
GiGi and her dog, SuperZeus, celebrate their love of comedy, magic, dog tricks, sing-alongs and circus, in this 30-minute performance packed with fun for all. Stick around after the show for giveaways and a meet and greet with SuperZeus. 239-479-4636
Tine: A Dragon's Story
North Fort Myers Public Library
2001 N. Tamiami Trail NE, N. Fort Myers
Tuesday, June 13 • 6 p.m.
Join us for an unforgettable fire dancing show. Come out and view the action on the outdoor plaza as a dragon descends, putting on a spectacular show and mesmerizing us while igniting our own inner fire. 239-479-4636
Adam's Animal Encounters (teen)
South County Regional Library
21100 Three Oaks Pkwy, Estero
Tuesday, June 13 • 6 p.m.
Learn more about animals living in SW Florida with wildlife biologist Adam Pottruck. This hands-on, interactive program gives an up-close perspective on wildlife management, rescue and conservation. For teens ages 12-17. Registration is required and is only guaranteed until the start of the program. 239-479-4636
All Together Now Escape Room (teen)
Riverdale Public Library
2421 Buckingham Road, Fort Myers
Tuesday, June 13 • 2 p.m.
Dr. Sinister is up to his old tricks. He plans to release anger gas causing fights to break out everywhere. If he succeeds, he'll use the distraction to take over the world. Worse, he's set up his device inside a public library and locked everyone else out. Luckily, you happened to come to the library today. Can you work “All Together Now” and put an end to his insidious plans? Teens and tweens are asked to register for this escape room experience in advance. 239-479-4636
Summer Storytime: Fire Safety Program
The Pine Island Public Library
10701 Russell Road, Bokeelia
Tuesday, June 13 • 10:30 a.m.
Our friends from the Pine Island Fire Station 1 will be visiting during storytime to share fire safety awareness. They will also show us the gear they wear to keep them safe and bring the fire truck for a visit. 239-479-4636
Family Storytime
South County Regional Library
21100 Three Oaks Pkwy, Estero
Tuesdays, June 13, 27 • 10 a.m.
Thursdays, June 15, 29 • 10 a.m.
For children through age 5 and caregivers. Families with young children enjoy a variety of stories, songs, rhymes and movement. Registration is required and guarantees your spot until the start of the program. Space is limited to 20 children. Tuesday and Thursday storytimes will be duplicate programs. Register for only one of the two days. 239-479-4636
Gigi and Friends
Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral
Tuesday, June 13 • 6:15 p.m.
GiGi and her dog; SuperZeus, celebrate their love of comedy, magic, dog tricks, sing-alongs- and circus, in this 30-minute performance packed with fun for all. Stick around after the show for giveaways and a meet and greet with SuperZeus. For ages 6-11. Registration begins June 6 and is only guaranteed until the start of the program. 239-479-4636
Gigi and Friends
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Tuesday, June 13 • 11 a.m.
GiGi and her dog; SuperZeus, celebrate their love of comedy, magic, dog tricks, sing-alongs- and circus, in this 30-minute performance packed with fun for all. Stick around after the show for giveaways and a meet and greet with SuperZeus. Registration is required and is valid until the start of the program. Arrive 15 minutes before the start of the program. This program is for children ages 6-11 to attend independently while caregivers wait nearby in the library. 239-479-4636
Tech Help: One-on-One Help (teen)
The Pine Island Public Library
10701 Russell Road, Bokeelia
Wednesdays, June 14, 28 • 3:30 p.m.
Need help with a laptop, tablet or e-reader? Are you looking to gain basic computer skills? We can help. Bring your fully charged device and any passwords for a 15-minute, one-on-one technology session. 239-479-4636
Regal Gulf Coast & IMAX
10028 Gulf Center Dr, Fort Myers
June 13 - 14 • 11 a.m.
Bring the family to the nearest Regal theatre for the 2023 Summer Movie Express series! Summer Movie Express tickets are just $2 featuring summer movies the whole family will enjoy. www.regmovies.com
Wednesday, June 14 continued
Black Light Bingo
Bonita Springs Public Library
10560 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs
Wednesday, June 14 • 4 p.m.
It's a fun spin on classic bingo. We turn the black lights on and everyone and the game will glow. For teens ages 11-17. Space is limited. Pick up a ticket at the youth services desk. 239-479-4636
Baby Play Date
Cape Coral Lee County Public Library
921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral
Wednesday, June 14 • 11 a.m.
Meet new friends and explore sensory activities that promote the development of early literacy skills through free play, games and toys. For babies up to 24 months. Dress for mess. No registration is required, but space is limited. Tickets are available 30 minutes before the start of the program. 239-479-4636
Bunny Yoga and Mindfulness (teen)
Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral
Wednesday, June 14 • 4:30 p.m.
Class begins with a 10-minute vibe check where we introduce mindful breathing and check-in with our bodies and minds. Practice includes various movements, songs/chants and deep breathing, with the last 10 minutes being full relaxation. Bunnies will be free-roaming and you will be able to gently pet and interact with them. Dress for comfort. For teens ages 12-17. Registration begins June 7 and is only guaranteed until the start of the program. 239-479-4636
Game On
Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library
3095 Blount St., Fort Myers
Wednesday, June 14 • 11:30 a.m.
Children through age 5 and their caregivers are invited to join us for fun with their friends. Expect a variety of carnival games, sand, music and more. 239-479-4636
All Together Now Escape Room (teen)
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Wednesday, June 14 • 11 a.m.
Dr. Sinister is up to his old tricks. He plans to release anger gas causing fights to break out everywhere. If he succeeds, he’ll use the distraction to take over the world. Worse, he’s set up his device inside a public library and locked everyone else out. Luckily, you happened to come to the library today. Can you work “All Together Now” and put an end to his insidious plans? Registration is required. 239-479-4636
Gigi and Friends
Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library
3095 Blount St., Fort Myers
Wednesday, June 14 • 10 a.m.
GiGi and her dog, SuperZeus, celebrate their love of comedy, magic, dog tricks, singalongs and circus, in this 30-minute performance packed with fun for all. Stick around after the show for giveaways and a meet and greet with SuperZeus. 239-479-4636
Gigi and Zeus
North Fort Myers Public Library
2001 N. Tamiami Trail NE, N. Fort Myers
Wednesday, June 14 • 1:30 p.m.
GiGi and her dog; SuperZeus, celebrate their love of comedy, magic, dog tricks, sing-alongs and circus, in this 30-minute performance packed with fun for all. Stick around after the show for giveaways and a meet and greet with SuperZeus. This program is for children. Registration is not required. 239-479-4636
Teens Paint Like the Masters on Canvas
Fort Myers Regional Library
2450 First St., Fort Myers
Wednesday, June 14 • 6 p.m.
Crazy, fun, wild, imaginative art that you create. Let's get together and paint like a pro. Examples, supplies and canvas provided. Registration is required. 239-479-4636
Teen Capturing Kindness
Lakes Regional Library
15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers
Wednesday, June 14 • 2 p.m.
Capture kindness through short-form video. Teens will write, act and direct in short-form videos themed to kindness and friendship. For ages 12-18. No registration is required, but space and supplies are limited. 239-479-4636
Thu - 15
Baby Playdate
Bonita Springs Public Library
10560 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs
Thursday, June 15 • 11 a.m.
For families with babies up to 18 months. Play with your baby and meet new friends during this special sensory play date that promotes social skills, motor skills and helps develop early literacy skills. This play date will include sensory toys, games and music to encourage a fun and bonding experience with your baby. 239-479-4636
Bubble Dance Party
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Thursday, June 15 • 11 a.m.
Families with children through age 5 are invited to dance, sing and play with bubbles. 239-479-4636
Gigi and Friends
Lakes Regional Library
15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers
Thursday, June 15 • 10 a.m.
Gigi and her dog, SuperZeus, celebrate their love of comedy, magic, dog tricks, singalongs and circus in this 30 minute performance packed with fun for all. Stick around after the show for giveaways and a meet and greet with SuperZeus. For ages 6-11. No registration is required, but space is limited. 239-479-4636
Family Storytime
Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral
Thursdays, June 15, 22, 29 • 11 a.m.
For children through age 5 and caregivers. Families with young children enjoy a variety of stories, songs, rhymes and movement. 239-479-4636
Little Explorers and Sensory Play
North Fort Myers Public Library
2001 N. Tamiami Trail NE, N. Fort Myers
Thursdays, June 15, 29 • 11 a.m.
For families with babies up to 18 months. Play with your baby and meet new friends during this special sensory play date that promotes social skills, motor skills and helps develop early literacy skills. This play date will include sensory toys, games and music to encourage a fun and bonding experience with your baby. No registration required. 239-479-4636
Gigi and Friends
Riverdale Public Library
2421 Buckingham Road, Fort Myers
Thursday, June 15 • 2 p.m.
GiGi and her dog, SuperZeus, celebrate their love of comedy, magic, dog tricks, sing-alongs and circus in this 30-minute performance packed with fun for all. Stick around after the show for giveaways and a meet and greet with SuperZeus. 239-479-4636
Adam’s Animal Encounters
The Pine Island Public Library
10701 Russell Road, Bokeelia
Thursday, June 15 • 2 p.m.
Learn more about animals living in SW Florida with wildlife biologist Adam Pottruck. This hands-on, interactive program gives an up-close perspective on wildlife management, rescue and conservation. Space is limited. A ticket is required for attendance. Tickets are available at the library. 239-479-4636
The More We Paint Together (teen)
Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library
3095 Blount St., Fort Myers
Friday, June 16 • 3 p.m.
A fun and easy way for teenagers to express their creativity and explore their artistic talents. This program offers a variety of tools and features that allow teens to create their paintings. All materials provided. Registration is required. 239-479-4636
Summertime Community Storytime
Riverdale Public Library
2421 Buckingham Road, Fort Myers
Fridays, June 16, 23, 30 • 10 a.m.
Join us for our weekly family event where we will share stories, rhymes, and activities all about our community. For children through age 5. 239-479-4636
Summer Reading Program Teen Fridays: Friendship Challenge
The Pine Island Public Library, 10701 Russell Road, Bokeelia
Friday, June 16 • 1 p.m.
Build new friendships while creating a cool brick sculpture and making friendship bracelets. Or, stop by and checkout our gaming system. 239-479-4636
Summer Movies at the Library
Fort Myers Regional Library, 2450 First St., Fort Myers
Friday, June 16 • 2 p.m.
For ages 5-13. Families are invited to sit back and enjoy a movie. Bring a blanket and some snacks and the library will provide the movie and the space. This film is rated PG. Space is limited. Arrive early and check in at the Youth Services Desk. 239-479-4636
Joshua J. Superstar Show
Bonita Springs Public Library
10560 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs
Monday, June 19 • 3 p.m.
The Joshua J. Supershow, starring Joshua J. Superstar, fuses side-splitting comedy, nailbiting circus stunts and tons of audience participation. Josh has performed for Britney Spears, the Today Show, and currently headlines for Disney Cruise Lines. For ages 6-11. 239-479-4636
Joshua J. Superstar Show
Cape Coral Lee County Public Library
Performing Arts Center, Hinman Auditorium, 10150 Bonita Beach Rd, Bonita Springs
June 16 - 18
The children are rising up. Join the revolt in this Broadway Junior adaptation of the Tony Award-winning hit! A gleefully witty ode to the anarchy of childhood and the power of imagination! This story of a girl who dreams of a better life and the children she inspires will have audiences rooting for the "revolting children" who are out to teach the grownups a lesson. Matilda has astonishing wit, intelligence... and special powers! She's unloved by her cruel parents but impresses her schoolteacher, the highly loveable Miss Honey. Matilda's school life isn't completely smooth sailing, however—the school's mean headmistress, Miss Trunchbull, hates children and just loves thinking up new punishments for those who don't abide by her rules. But Matilda has courage and cleverness in equal amounts and could be the school pupils' saving grace!
Packed with high-energy dance numbers and catchy songs, Matilda JR. is a joyous girl power romp. Children and adults alike will be thrilled and delighted by the story of the special little girl with an extraordinary imagination.
Sat - 17
Family Build It Afternoon
Cape Coral Lee County Public Library
921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral
Saturday, June 17 • 1 p.m.
Various building materials and engineering stations will be located throughout the Youth Services Room. Children of all ages will have a chance to use their imagination and engineering skills for this program. 239-479-4636
Barnes & Noble Marketplace SC
13751 Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers
Saturday, June 17 • 11 a.m.
Join us as we read stories to your little ones! 239-437-0654
Bad Art Afternoon
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Saturday, June 17 • 2 p.m.
Join us to create your own bad art. We'll provide the crafting supplies and your job is to create the tackiest, silliest artwork you can within the time limit. Prizes will be awarded for the most terrible art. All ages are welcome. Registration is required. 239-479-4636
Free Family ArtLab - Father’s Day edition
Alliance for the Arts
10091 McGregor Blvd., Fort Myers
Saturday, June 17 • 10 a.m. - noon
Make creativity part of your family routine the 3rd Saturday of each month during Family Art Lab! Drop in for free, hands-on family fun from 10 a.m. to noon. Explore something new every month like art making, gallery activities, games and more. This month we’ll be making a special gift for the Father figures in your life! Admission is free, but please register so we can have an accurate count for supplies. Recommended for ages five and older, but all ages and abilities are encouraged to participate. 239-939-2787
Pre-K Fun
Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral
Saturday, June 17 • 10 a.m.
Join us for activities, crafts and fun made just for preschoolers. Dress for mess. For children ages 2-5. 239-479-4636
921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral
Monday, June 19 • 11 p.m.
The Joshua J. Supershow, starring Joshua J. Superstar, fuses side-splitting comedy, nailbiting circus stunts and tons of audience participation. Josh has performed for Britney Spears, the Today Show, and currently headlines for Disney Cruise Lines. Don't miss this opportunity to see a living legend in action. Registration is required and is valid until the start of the program. Arrive 15 minutes before the start of the program. This program is for children ages 6-11 to attend independently while caregivers wait nearby in the library. 239-479-4636
Reading is Doggone Fun
Fort Myers Regional Library
2450 First St., Fort Myers
Monday, June 19 • 2 p.m.
For children ages 4-11. Enjoy a Monday afternoon reading to registered therapy dogs at the library. Choose to read your own story or we can provide one for you. Space is limited to the first 30 children. Please arrive early and check in at the Youth Services Desk. 239-479-4636
Camp Creatology Week - One Of A Kind
Michaels Market Square
13741 S Tamiami Trl, Ste 1, Fort Myers
Monday, June 19 • Mixed Media Banner
Wednesday, June 21 • Fold-Out Character
Friday, June 23 • Layered Foam Scene
10 a.m. - noon
Join us in-store for the first week of Camp Creatology! Dig into creative fun by making a mixed media banner, a fold-out character, and a layered foam scene. Purchase the purple “One of a Kind” kit before the first class you attend and bring it back for each camp session for the week! Age: 6+ years old. Parent or guardian must stay on premises during the event. All stores participating, visit your local Michaels on the designated days any time during the event window. Projects may take 30 minutes to an hour to complete. 239-215-1730
Joshua J. Superstar Show
South County Regional Library
21100 Three Oaks Pkwy, Estero
Monday, June 19 • 6 p.m.
The Joshua J. Supershow, starring Joshua J. Superstar, fuses sidesplitting comedy, nail-biting circus stunts and tons of audience participation. Josh has performed for Britney Spears, the Today Show, and currently headlines for Disney Cruise Lines. Don't miss this opportunity to see a living legend in action. For ages 6-11. Registration is required and only guaranteed until the start of the program. 239-479-4636
Anime Club
Cape Coral Lee County Public Library
921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral
Tuesday, June 20 • 2 p.m.
For teens and tweens interested in anime, manga, Japanese culture and other pop culture genres. Watch anime with friends and make themed crafts. Snacks will be provided. This program is for ages 12-18. Registration required. Your registration is valid only until the start of the program. Please arrive 15 minutes early to guarantee your spot in the program. 239-479-4636
Bunny Yoga and Mindfulness (teen)
North Fort Myers Public Library
2001 N. Tamiami Trail NE, N. Fort Myers
Tuesday, June 20 • 2 p.m.
Teens are invited to join us for a special yoga class. Class begins with a 10-minute vibe check where we introduce mindful breathing and check-in with our bodies and minds. Practice includes various movements, songs/chants, and deep breathing, with the last 10 minutes being full relaxation. Bunnies will be free-roaming and you will be able to gently pet and interact with them. Dress for comfort. Registration is required. 239-479-4636
Joshua J. Superstar Show
Fort Myers Regional Library
2450 First St., Fort Myers
Tuesday, June 20 • 2 p.m.
The Joshua J. Supershow, starring Joshua J. Superstar, fuses sidesplitting comedy, nail-biting circus stunts and tons of audience participation. Josh has performed for Britney Spears, the Today Show and currently headlines for Disney Cruise Lines. Don’t miss this opportunity to see a living legend in action. 239-479-4636
Kindness Club
South County Regional Library
21100 Three Oaks Parkway, Estero
Tuesday, June 20 • 2 p.m.
Join us at the library to create kindness in our community. Kids can participate in fun activities designed to encourage kindness and help make the world a better place. This program is designed for children ages 7-11. Registration is required and guarantees your spot until the start of the program. Some activities may be messy; please dress for mess. 239-479-4636
Joshua J. Superstar Show
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Tuesday, June 20 • 11 a.m.
The Joshua J. Supershow, starring Joshua J. Superstar, fuses sidesplitting comedy, nail-biting circus stunts and tons of audience participation. Josh has performed for Britney Spears, the Today Show, and currently headlines for Disney Cruise Lines. Don't miss this opportunity to see a living legend in action. Registration is required and is valid until the start of the program. Please arrive 15 minutes before the start of the program. This program is for children ages 6-11 to attend independently while caregivers wait nearby in the library. 239-479-4636
Lee Civic Center, 11831 Bayshore Rd, North Fort Myers June 16 - June 18
Friday, Noon-8 p.m. • Saturday, 9 a.m.- 8 p.m., • Sunday, 9 a.m.-7p.m.
There’s no better place to make terrific memories playing with adorable baby Dinos, excavating fossils, or even training a raptor while surrounding by behemoths like skyscraping Spinosaurus and, the King himself, Tyrannosaurus rex! Get your tickets for Fort Myers now before they go EXTINCT!
Jurassic Quest is the world’s largest, most popular Dino event with the unique and exciting experiences for the whole family. Observe our herd of life size animatronic dinosaurs including Apatosaurus, Spinosaurus, and an INCREDIBLE T-Rex! www.jurassicquest.com
Tuesday, June 20 continued
Joshua J. Superstar Show
Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral
Tuesday, June 20 • 6:15 p.m.
The Joshua J. Supershow, starring Joshua J. Superstar, fuses side-splitting comedy, nailbiting circus stunts and tons of audience participation. Josh has performed for Britney Spears, the Today Show, and currently headlines for Disney Cruise Lines. Don't miss this opportunity to see a living legend in action. For ages 6-11. Registration begins June 13 and is only guaranteed until the start of the program. 239-479-4636
Magic with Joey Evans (teen)
South County Regional Library
21100 Three Oaks Pkwy, Estero
Tuesday, June 20 • 6 p.m.
Learn magic tricks that will amaze your friends and family during this workshop featuring award-winning magician, Joey Evans. For teens ages 12-17. 239-479-4636
Community bingo (teen)
Riverdale Public Library
2421 Buckingham Road, Fort Myers
Tuesday, June 20 • 2 p.m.
Teens and tweens are invited to hang out with friends, have fun, play bingo and win prizes. Registration is required. 239-479-4636
Summer Storytime: Pet Safety Program
The Pine Island Public Library
10701 Russell Road, Bokeelia
Tuesday, June 20 • 10:30 a.m.
The Lee County Domestic Animal Services will join us for storytime to share their Pet Safety Program. Come and learn how to keep your furry friend safe, happy and healthy. 239-479-4636
Adam's Animals Encounters
Bonita Springs Public Library
10560 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs
Wednesday, June 21 • 4 p.m.
Learn more about animals living in Southwest Florida with wildlife biologist Adam Pottruck. This hands-on, interactive program gives an up-close perspective on wildlife management, rescue and conservation. For teens ages 11-17. Space is limited. Pick up a ticket at the youth services desk. 239-479-4636
Friends and Bubbles
Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library
3095 Blount St., Fort Myers
Wednesday, June 21 • 11:30 a.m. Soapy bubbles everywhere. Children through age 5 and their caregivers are invited to join us for an exciting morning of bubble blowing as we listen to our favorite tunes. 239-479-4636
Teen Art
Lakes Regional Library
15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers
Wednesday, June 21 • 2 p.m
Teens, tap into your creativity while exploring the connections between art and kindness. In this program teens will have the opportunity to create art using different art mediums. All skill levels are welcome. For ages 12-18. No registration is required, but space and supplies are limited. 239-479-4636
Bunny Yoga and Mindfulness (teen)
Fort Myers Regional Library
2450 First St., Fort Myers
Wednesday, June 21 • 6 p.m.
Class begins with a 10-minute vibe check where we introduce mindful breathing and check-in with our bodies and minds. Practice includes various movements, songs/chants and deep breathing, with the last 10 minutes being full relaxation. Bunnies will be free-roaming and you will be able to gently pet and interact with them. Dress for comfort. For teens ages 12-17. 239-479-4636
Preschool STEAM
Cape Coral Lee County Public Library
921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral
Wednesday, June 21 • 11 a.m.
Preschoolers and their families will have the opportunity to explore science, technology, engineering, art and math concepts through activities, stories and crafts. For ages 2-5. Dress for mess. No registration is required but space is limited. Tickets are available 30 minutes before the start of the program. 239-479-4636
Joshua J. Superstar Show
North Fort Myers Public Library
2001 N. Tamiami Trail NE, N. Fort Myers
Wednesday, June 21 • 1:30 p.m.
The Joshua J. Supershow, starring Joshua J. Superstar, fuses side-splitting comedy, nailbiting circus stunts and tons of audience participation. Josh has performed for Britney Spears, the Today Show, and currently headlines for Disney Cruise Lines. Don't miss this opportunity to see a living legend in action. This program is for children. Registration is not required. 239-479-4636
Squeegee Art (teen)
Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral
Wednesday, June 21 • 4:30 p.m.
Squeegee painting is a super fun way to make abstract art. No need for a paintbrush or any special tools for this art project. Simply drop acrylic paint onto a canvas and use a squeegee to spread it around. For teens ages 12-17. Registration begins June 14 and is only guaranteed until the start of the program. 239-479-4636
Adam's Animal Encounters (teen)
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Wednesday, June 21 • 11 a.m.
Learn more about animals living in Southwest Florida with wildlife biologist Adam Pottruck. This hands-on, interactive program gives an up-close perspective on wildlife management, rescue and conservation. 239-479-4636
Joshua J. Superstar Show
Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library
3095 Blount St., Fort Myers
Wednesday, June 21 • 10 a.m.
The Joshua J. Supershow, starring Joshua J. Superstar, fuses side-splitting comedy, nail-biting circus stunts and tons of audience participation. Josh has performed for Britney Spears, the Today Show and currently headlines for Disney Cruise Lines. Don't miss this opportunity to see a living legend in action. 239-479-4636
Preschool Play Date
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Thursday, June 22 • 11 a.m.
Children through age 5 and their caregivers are invited to this special Play Date. Meet new friends while developing early literacy skills through free play with games, toys and music. 239-479-4636
Family Fun Night
Bell Tower Shops
13499 S Cleveland Ave., Fort Myers
Thursday, June 22 • 5 - 7 p.m.
Bell Tower will be hosting a monthly Family Fun Night the 4th Thursday of the month. The theme and idea behind this event is to provide families a time to bond, have fun doing activities together and get their family rhythm going again. It will be held throughout the mall concourse beginning in center court. Adam's Animal Encounters will be exhibiting live exotic animals in their Mini Zoo display with educational and hands-on opportunities throughout the evening. In addition, there will be games, food, face painting and balloons sculptures. Sweet Dreams Cotton Candy will be on site spinning up delicious sweet treats. www.thebelltowershops.com
Preschool Summer Playdate
North Fort Myers Public Library
2001 N. Tamiami Trail NE, N. Fort Myers
Thursday, June 22 • 11 a.m.
This summer program is for families with children ages 3-5. Meet new friends while developing early literacy skills through free play with games, toys and music. No registration required. 239-479-4636
Baby Play
South County Regional Library
21100 Three Oaks Pkwy, Estero
Thursday, June 22 • 10 a.m.
Explore sensory play with your baby and make new friends in a relaxed group setting. For babies up to 18 months. Registration is required and guarantees your spot until the start of the program. Space is limited to 25 children. Standby numbers are provided at the Youth Services desk on the day of the program. 239-479-4636
IMAG History and Science Center
The Pine Island Public Library
10701 Russell Road, Bokeelia
Thursday, June 22 • 2 p.m.
Step into our lab and meet our resident mad scientists. Watch as they make crazy chemical concoctions that fizz, bubble, change color and even erupt. Recommended for grades K-6. Space is limited. A ticket is required. Tickets are only available at library. 239-479-4636
Regal Gulf Coast & IMAX
10028 Gulf Center Dr, Fort Myers
June 20 - 21 • 11 a.m.
Bring the family to the nearest Regal theatre for the 2023 Summer Movie Express series! Summer Movie Express tickets are just $2 featuring summer movies the whole family will enjoy. www.regmovies.com
Thursday, June 22 continued
Joshua J. Superstar
Lakes Regional Library
15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers
Thursday, June 22 • 10 a.m.
The Joshua J. Supershow, starring Joshua J. Superstar, fuses side-splitting comedy, nailbiting circus stunts, and tons of audience participation. Josh has performed for Britney Spears, the Today Show, and currently headlines for Disney Cruise Lines. Don't miss this opportunity to see a living legend in action. For ages 6-11. No registration is required, but space is limited. 239-479-4636
Joshua J. Superstar Show
Riverdale Public Library
2421 Buckingham Road, Fort Myers
Thursday, June 22 • 2 p.m.
The Joshua J. Supershow, starring Joshua J. Superstar, fuses side-splitting comedy, nailbiting circus stunts and tons of audience participation. Josh has performed for Britney Spears, the Today Show, and currently headlines for Disney Cruise Lines. Don't miss this opportunity to see a living legend in action. 239-479-4636
The Art of Quilling (teen)
Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library
3095 Blount St., Fort Myers
Friday, June 23 • 3 p.m.
Learn the art of paper quilling techniques and make your own unique designs. All materials will be provided. Space is limited to 25. Registration is required. 239-479-4636
Parent Night Out - Under the Sea
Four Freedoms Park
4818 Tarpon Ct, Cape Coral
Friday, June 23 • 6 - 9 p.m.
Join us for themed fun! Kids will get to do crafts, games, activities, and dinner are provided. $20. 239-574-0804
Summer Reading Program Teen Fridays: Beat Summer Boredom
The Pine Island Public Library
10701 Russell Road, Bokeelia
Friday, June 23 • 1 p.m.
Bring your friends and learn a new board game. A variety of games will be available to choose from. Like art? Rock painting will also be offered. Make one to keep and one to share. 239-479-4636
Family Build It Morning
Cape Coral Lee County Public Library
921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral
Saturday, June 24 • 10 a.m. Various building materials and engineering stations will be located throughout the Youth Services Room. Children of all ages will have a chance to use their imagination & engineering skills for this program. 239-479-4636
Barnes & Noble Marketplace SC
13751 Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers
Saturday, June 24 • 11 a.m.
Join us as we read stories to your little ones! 239-437-0654
Lego Club
Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral
Saturday, June 24 • 2 p.m.
Join us for a short story and Lego building activities. Lego bricks provided for use during this program. 239-479-4636
Paws to Read
South County Regional Library
21100 Three Oaks Pkwy, Estero
Saturday, June 24 • 11 a.m.
Practice reading with registered therapy dogs and make a furry friend. Bring your own book or we can provide one for you. For ages 5-11. Registration is required. Guaranteed until the start of the program. 239-479-4636
Family Storytime
Fort Myers Regional Library
2450 First St., Fort Myers
Saturday, June 24 • 2 p.m.
For children through age 5 and caregivers. Families with young children enjoy a variety of stories, songs, rhymes and movement. Space is limited. Arrive early and check in at the Youth Services Desk. 239-479-4636
Family Funday Sunday Water Day!
Gateway Trinity Lutheran Church
11381 Gateway Blvd, Fort Myers
Join us for our VBS celebration service at 10 a.m. and stay for all the family fun following! Special water activities out on the lawn for all ages! Be sure to bring your sunscreen and towels! 239-561-1188
Science Kids with the Reactory Factory
Bonita Springs Public Library
10560 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs
Monday, June 26 • 3 p.m.
Join DJ Dan and Dr. Reacto of Reactory Factory for a zany show full of science, music and fun. You won't believe how much science rocks. For ages 6-11. 239-479-4636
Camp Creatology Week 2: Wild One Over
Michaels Market Square
13741 S Tamiami Trl, Ste 1, Fort Myers
Monday, June 26 • Tissue Paper Suncatcher
Wednesday, June 28 • 3D Paper Collage
Friday, June 30 • Posable Paper Character
10 a.m. - noon
Join us in-store for the second week of Camp Creatology! Dig into creative fun by making a tissue paper suncatcher, a 3D paper collage, and a posable paper character. Purchase the green “Wild One” kit before the first class you attend and bring it back for each camp session for the week! Age: 6+ years old. Parent or guardian must stay on premises during the event. All stores participating, visit your local Michaels on the designated days any time during the event window. Projects may take 30 minutes to an hour to complete. 239-215-1730
Preschool Art Party
Lakes Regional Library
15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers
Monday, June 26 • 10:30 a.m.
Explore a variety of hands-on preschool art projects. Dress for mess. For babies and children through age 5. No registration is required, but space and supplies are limited. 239-479-4636
Science Kids with the Reactory Factory
Cape Coral Lee County Public Library
921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral
Monday, June 26 • 11 p.m.
Join DJ Dan and Dr. Reacto of Reactory Factory for a zany show full of science, music and fun. You won't believe how much science rocks. Registration is required and is valid until the start of the program. Please arrive 15 minutes before the start of the program. This program is for children ages 6-11 to attend independently while caregivers wait nearby in the library. 239-479-4636
Science Kids with Reactory Factory
South County Regional Library
21100 Three Oaks Parkway, Estero
Monday, June 26 • 6 p.m.
Join DJ Dan and Dr. Reacto of Reactory Factory for a zany show full of science, music and fun. You won't believe how much science rocks. For ages 6-11. Registration is required and is only guaranteed until the start of the program. 239-479-4636
Science Kids with the Reactory Factory
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Tuesday, June 27 • 11 a.m.
Join DJ Dan and Dr. Reacto of Reactory Factory for a zany show full of science, music and fun. You won't believe how much science rocks. Registration is required and is valid until the start of the program. Arrive 15 minutes before the start of the program. This program is for children ages 6-11 to attend independently while caregivers wait nearby in the library. 239-479-4636
Tuesday, June 27 continued
Summer Storytime: Pool Safety Program
The Pine Island Public Library
10701 Russell Road, Bokeelia
Tuesday, June 27 • 10:30 a.m.
The lifeguards from the Pine Island Community Pool are joining us for a water safety program. Stories, songs, games and crafts will also be offered at this fun filled event. 239-479-4636
Teen DIY: Coasters
South County Regional Library
21100 Three Oaks Pkwy, Estero
Tuesday, June 27 • 6 p.m.
Create your own coasters with watercolor, sharpies, or collage and make new friends. For teens ages 12-17. Dress for mess. Registration is required and is only guaranteed until the start of the program. 239-479-4636
Science Kids with Reactory Factory
Fort Myers Regional Library
2450 First St., Fort Myers
Tuesday, June 27 • 2 p.m.
Join DJ Dan and Dr. Reacto of Reactory Factory for a zany show full of science, music and fun. You won't believe how much science rocks. 239-479-4636
Adam's Animal Encounters
Cape Coral Lee County Public Library
921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral
Tuesday, June 27 • 2 p.m.
Learn more about animals living in Southwest Florida with wildlife biologist Adam Pottruck. This hands-on, interactive program gives an up-close perspective on wildlife management, rescue and conservation. For ages 12-18. Registration is required and is valid only until the start of the program. Arrive 15 minutes early to guarantee your spot in the program. 239-479-4636
Science Kids with the Reactory Factory
Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral
Tuesday, June 27 • 6:15 p.m.
Join DJ Dan and Dr. Reacto of Reactory Factory for a zany show full of science, music and fun. You won't believe how much science rocks. For ages 6-11. Registration begins June 20 and is only guaranteed until the start of the program. 239-479-4636
Escape from the Library (teen)
North Fort Myers Public Library
2001 N. Tamiami Trail NE, N. Fort Myers
Tuesday, June 27 • 2 p.m.
You've been locked in the North Fort Myers Library and must work together as a team to solve various puzzles, uncover clues and crack codes to escape. Prizes will be awarded to those who can escape the library. This program is for teens. 239-479-4636
Interactive Movie
Bonita Springs Public Library
10560 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs
Wednesday, June 28 • 3 p.m
More than just a movie showing, teens participate in this special film screening. You can take part in the action with props, sound effects and a whole lot of fun or just sit back and enjoy the film. This movie is rated G. For teens ages 11-17. Space is limited. Pick up a ticket at the youth services desk. 239-479-4636
Science Kids with the Reactory Factory
North Fort Myers Public Library
2001 N. Tamiami Trail NE, N. Fort Myers
Wednesday, June 28 • 1:30 p.m.
10028 Gulf Center Dr, Fort Myers Regal Gulf Coast & IMAX June 27 - 28 • 11 a.m.
Bring the family to the nearest Regal theatre for the 2023 Summer Movie Express series! Summer Movie Express tickets are just $2 featuring summer movies the whole family will enjoy. www.regmovies.com
Children are invited to join DJ Dan and Dr. Reacto of Reactory Factory for a zany show full of science, music & fun. You won't believe how much science rocks. 239-479-4636
Ants in Your Pants Dance Party
Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library
3095 Blount St., Fort Myers
Wednesday, June 28 • 11:30 a.m.
Shake your sillies out at the library. Get ready to twist and shout at this special dance party. We’ll boogie down to pop hits and favorite preschool tunes. For ages 2-5. 239-479-4636
Community Helper Storytime: Estero Fire Rescue
South County Regional Library
21100 Three Oaks Pkwy, Estero
Wednesday, June 28 • 10:30 a.m.
Meet our hometown heroes and tour a fire truck. The Estero Fire and Rescue Department will join us for this special event featuring stories, an equipment show and tell and safety tips. For children through age 5 and a caregiver. Registration is required only guaranteed until the start of the program. 239-479-4636
Science Kids with the Reactory Factory
Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library
3095 Blount St., Fort Myers
Wednesday, June 28 • 10 a.m.
Join DJ Dan and Dr. Reacto of Reactory Factory for a zany show full of science, music and fun. You won't believe how much science rocks. 239-479-4636
Interactive Movie (teen)
Riverdale Public Library
2421 Buckingham Road, Fort Myers
Tuesday, June 27 • 2 p.m.
Teens and tweens are invited to join in on the fun during this interactive movie showing. If you've ever wanted to bust out in song during a movie now is the time for it. Singing, dancing, playing and eating are all encouraged during this movie. Registration is required. 239-479-4636
Summertime Storytime
Cape Coral Lee County Public Library
921 S.W. 39th Terrace, Cape Coral
Wednesday, June 28 • 11 a.m.
Join us for our weekly family event where we will share stories, music, movement, rhymes and activities. For babies and children through age 5. No registration is required but space is limited. Tickets are available 30 minutes before the start of the program. 239-479-4636
The World is Your Oyster (teen)
Fort Myers Regional Library
2450 First St., Fort Myers
Wednesday, June 28 • 6 p.m.
If you care about the environment and water quality, you won't want to miss this hands-on workshop with Sanibel Sea School. Participants will handle and measure live oysters with a caliper, learn more about the biology and importance of oysters and build an oyster garden during this interactive program for teens. Space is limited to 25 teens
Adam’s Animal Encounters (teen)
Northwest Regional Library
519 Chiquita Blvd. N., Cape Coral
Wednesday, June 28 • 4:30 p.m.
Learn more about animals living in Southwest Florida with wildlife biologist Adam Pottruck. This hands-on, interactive program gives an up-close perspective on wildlife management, rescue and conservation. For teens ages 12-17. Registration begins June 21 and is only guaranteed until the start of the program. 239-479-4636
Bunny Yoga and Mindfulness (teen)
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Wednesday, June 28 • 11 a.m.
Class begins with a 10-minute vibe check where we introduce mindful breathing and check-in with our bodies and minds. Practice includes various movements, songs/chants and deep breathing, with the last 10 minutes being full relaxation. Bunnies will be free-roaming and you will be able to gently pet and interact with them. Dress for comfort. 239-479-4636
Teen Bath Bombs and Shower Steamers
Lakes Regional Library
15290 Bass Road, Fort Myers
Wednesday, June 28 • 2 p.m.
Teens, be kind to yourself with fizzy, fun self-care. Teens will make their own bath bombs and shower steamers from scratch. For ages 12-18. No registration is required, but space and supplies are limited. 239-479-4636
Preschool Playdate
Bonita Springs Public Library
10560 Reynolds Street, Bonita Springs
Thursday, June 29 • 11 a.m.
This summer program is for families with children ages 2-5. Meet new friends while developing early literacy skills through free play with games, toys & music. 239-479-4636
Science Kids Fest
Lakes Regional Library, 15290 Bass Rd, Fort Myers
Thursday, June 29 • 10 a.m.
Join DJ Dan and Dr. Reacto of Reactory Factory for a zany show full of science, music, and fun. You won't believe how much science rocks. For ages 6-11. No registration is required, but space is limited. 239-479-4636
Fort Myers Theatre
16120 San Carlos Blvd, Fort Myers
June 29 - July 3
Based on the popular Disney Channel Original Movies, Disney’s Descendants: The Musical is a brand-new musical comedy featuring the beloved characters and hit songs from the films! ftmyerstheatre.com
Adam's Animal Encounters
Riverdale Public Library
2421 Buckingham Road, Fort Myers
Thursday, June 29 • 2 p.m.
Learn more about animals living in Southwest Florida with wildlife biologist Adam Pottruck. This hands-on, interactive program gives an up-close perspective on wildlife management, rescue and conservation. 239-479-4636
Community Helper Storytime
East County Regional Library
881 Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
Thursday, June 29 • 11 a.m.
For children through age 5 and their caregivers. Firefighters with the Lehigh Acres Fire Control and Rescue District will read a few of their favorite adventure stories during this special storytime event. Children will be able to meet a firefighter in full bunker gear and explore the fire engine. The firefighters will also have a special gift for each child in attendance. 239-479-4636
Science Kids with the Reactory Factory
The Pine Island Public Library
10701 Russell Road, Bokeelia
Thursday, June 29 • 2 p.m.
Join DJ Dan and Dr. Reacto of Reactory Factory for a zany show full of science, music and fun. You won't believe how much science rocks. Space is limited. A ticket is required. Tickets are only available at Pine Island Public Library. 239-479-4636
All Together Black Light Dance/Karaoke Party (teen) Dunbar Jupiter Hammon Public Library
3095 Blount St., Fort Myers
Friday, June 30 • 3 p.m.
Join us for a 60-minute nonstop dance party under the black lights. Learn some fun dances, sing-along and play a few games with plenty of opportunities for guests to socialize and show off their neon outfits and accessories under the black lights. Get your face painted too. Registration is required. 239-479-4636
Summer Reading Program Teen Fridays: Let the Games Begin
The Pine Island Public Library
10701 Russell Road, Bokeelia
Friday, June 30 • 1 p.m.
Video gaming will be on hand along with a selection of board games, card games and a beading craft. 239-479-4636
for Updates & Cancellations
www.facebook.com/ LeeCountyFamilyNews
A trio of monsters shake and shimmy whatever they’ve got in this rhyming tale about the different parts of the body. Sandra Boynton’s whimsical and hilarious take on another toddler-friendly concept is sure to be read again and again.
In this very silly story with a sly message, told in hilarious dialogue between a feisty young frog and his heard-itall-before father.
This modern-day classic follows 14 lovable rocks (and one wise little ladybug) on a heartwarming and hilarious journey.
A cute and silly story about learning to adapt when the unexpected happens. Finn is not like most frogs. Finn likes things clean-perfectly clean. His book is immaculate. It’s amazing. It’s PERFECT. When an oopy, goopy mess starts creeping its way onto his pages. Finn is determined to fix it. But not all messes can be fixed. Can Finn learn to live with the fact that his book will never be the same?
TheLeeCountyLibrary Systempresentsitsannual SummerReadingProgram forallagesJune1through Aug.1.
Thisyear’sthemeis“All TogetherNow”andfeatures freelibraryprogramsandan all-agesreadingandkindness challenge.Everychildand teenvisitingthelibraryalso willbeofferedafree,new bookwhilesupplieslast.
Thegoaloftheannual summerreadingprogramis tonurtureandgrowalifelongloveofreadingand learning,andthisyear’s themeaddsanemphasison kindnessandcommunity.
Forstudents,theprogram canhelppreventsummer learninglossthattypically happensaftertheschoolyear ends.
“Thisyear’sfeatured eventsaredesignedtospark curiosityandlearning throughfunandengaging performances,”saidMelissa Baker,managerofprogrammingandcommunityoutreachfortheLibrarySystem.
Specialeventsarehappeninginlibrarybranchesall summer.Highlightsinclude livetheaterperformances, artworkshops,puppets andmagicshows,sciencepresentations, bunnyyogaanda comedystuntshowby asuperstarperformer. Allprogramsarefree tothepublicbutmay requireadvanced registration duetolimitedspace.
Thecompletescheduleof libraryprogramscanbe foundatleelibrary.net/events.
Programparticipantscan choosetocompletechallengesonlineoronpaperin oneoffouragecategories:5 andunder,Kids,Teensand Adults.Theonlinereading challengeisavailable throughtheREADsquared apporwebsite.Foranyone whowantsafullyoffline experience,paper-based KindnessBingoisavailable atallLeeCountyLibrary Systemlocations.Anyone whocompleteseitherthe readingchallengeorthe KindnessBingowillbeeligiblefortheend-of-summer prizebasketdrawingsfilled withage-appropriatebooks andgiveaways.
Tofindoutmoreabout theLeeCountyLibrary System’sAllTogetherNow SummerReadingProgram, visitleelibrary.net/summer.
TheLeeCountyLibrary System,foundedin1964, has13branchestoserveLee Countyresidents.Formore informationaboutlibrary servicesandprograms offered,call239-479-4636.
ByDr.AngelaD’Alessandro, Pediatrics,Physicians’PrimaryCare Sunburnisacommonskininjury thatcanoccurwhenskinisexposed totoomuchultravioletradiationfrom thesun.
UVradiation candamagethe DNAandskin cells,causing inflammation andpain. Sunburncan alsoleadtoprematureaging, wrinkles,and skincancer. Childrenare especiallyatriskforsunburnbecause theirskinisthinnerandmoredelicate thanadultskin.
Therearestepsyoucantaketo preventsunburninchildren.First, keepchildrenoutofthesunduring thehottestpartoftheday,usually from10a.m.to4p.m.Applysunscreenthirtyminutesbeforegoing
outsidewithanSPFof50orhigherto allexposedskin,includingtheface, neck,ears,hands,andfeet.Reapply sunscreeneverytwohoursormoreif yourchildisswimmingorsweating. Wearprotectiveclothing,suchasa hat,sunglasses,andlongsleeveshirts andpants.
“Rashguard”shirtscomeinfun colorsandstylesandhavebuilt-in UPF(UltravioletProtectionFactor). Protectbabieswithbrimmedhatsand lightweightclothingthatcoversthe armsandlegs.Keepinfantscool, hydrated,andoutofdirectsunlight. Currently,theFDAandtheAmerican AcademyofPediatricsdonotrecommendsunscreenforchildrenunder6 monthsofage.Lastly,whileoutdoors, seekshadeundertrees,umbrellas,or otherstructures,especiallyifspendinglongperiodsoutdoors.
Ifyourchilddoesgetsunburnt, youcanhelptorelievethepainand inflammation.Applyacool,wet clothtothesunburnareaandconsidergivingyourchildover-the-counter
painrelievers,suchasibuprofenor acetaminophen.Keepyourchild hydratedbydrinkingplentyoffluids before,during,andafteranoutingin thesun.Aloeandothermoisturizers helpwithskinirritation,aresoothing, andcanpreventdryness.(Aloecan begrowninapotonyourporch).If yourchild’ssunburnissevere,orif theyhaveanyblisters,youshouldsee adoctor.Theymayneedtoprescribe antibioticstopreventinfectionor advancedcareforblisteredskin.
Sunburnisapreventableinjury.A sunburncanoccurinaslittleas11 minutesinourareaduringpeak hours.Bytakingthenecessaryprecautions,youcanhelpprotectyour childfromtheharmfuleffectsofthe sunwhileenjoyingtheSouthwest Floridaoutdoorlifestyleandallthat ourbeachsidecommunityhasto offer.
Dr.AngelaD’Alessandroiswith Physicians’PrimaryCareofSouthwest Florida)withofficesthroughoutLee County.www.ppcswfl.com
GolisanoChildren’s HospitalofSouthwest Florida,inpartnershipwith RonaldMcDonaldHouse CharitiesofSouthwest Florida,offersafreemonthly autismspectrumdisorder screeningfortoddlers18 monthstofiveyearsofage.
Thenextscreeningwill beheldonJune2from9 a.m.to2p.m.atthe PediatricSpecialistOffice, 15901BassRoad,Suite102, FortMyers.
Itisestimatedthatonein every44childrenisdiag-
nosedwithsomeformof AutismSpectrumDisorder, makingitmorecommon thanchildhoodcancer,juvenilediabetesandpediatric AIDScombined.
ThescreeningsareadministeredbyanAdvanced PracticeRegisteredNurse, whohasextensivetraining andexperienceintypical childdevelopmentand developmentaldisorders.
Aphysicianreferralisnot required.
Toscheduleascreening, call239-343-6838.
SouthwestFloridanative CarissaTartagliaisaccepting newpatientsatWellness withPurposewhereshe offerspersonalizedpediatric care.
Locatedat 9351Corkscrew Road,suite101 inEstero, Wellnesswith Purposeisa
“DirectPrimary Care”or“DPC” healthcare model.
“Thismeans thatweprovide caredirectlytofamiliesfor affordableflatfees,and avoiddealingwithinsurance (themiddleman).Weoffer affordablemonthlymemberships(pricesvarybasedon patientage),aswellasservicesfornon-membersat affordableself-payrates.
DPCallowspatientsdirect 24/7accesstotheprovider incaseofurgentoremergent situations.Thereisnocall center,noextendedwaitto beseen,noinsurancekickback.Wealsoacceptunvaccinatedpatientsandfamilies
whodecidetodeliverat homeorinabirthcenter,” saysTartaglia.
Shehas16yearsofexperienceworkingin healthcare.Her firstjobwasata localbirthcenter asamidwife assistant.Sheis alsoatrained doula.Tartaglia wentontopursuehermaster’s innursingat Drexel University,where shereceivedher degreeasapediatricnursepractitionerin 2017.Additionally,shecompletedamaster’sinnursing atUniversityofCincinnati, whereshereceivedher degreeasafamilynurse practitionerin2023.
“Iampassionateabout wellnessandfindingbalance betweentraditionaland holisticmedicine.Ifeelthere isaquicklygrowingneedin SWFLspecificallyforpersonalizedfamilycare,”sheadds.
Frank Brown Park
16200 Panama City Beach Pkwy
Panama City Beach
Gulf Coast Jam will be held on June 1-4. Come over to enjoy fantastic music by talented artists. In addition, there will be a variety of vendors selling crafts, food and more. www.gulfcoastjam.com
23 SE 2nd Avenue, Chiefland Chiefland Watermelon Festival will be held on Saturday, June 3. Free fresh sliced watermelon, live entertainment, plus numerous craft and food vendors to fill your day. The parade will begin promptly at 11 a.m. Festival parking for a $3 fee. Hours: 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. www.chieflandwomansclub.org
Expo Center at the South Florida Fairgrounds
9067 Southern Blvd., West Palm Beach
Dessert Wars will be held on Saturday, June 3. Take part in a celebration of the “foodie” lifestyle, featuring dessert vendors vying for the title of Dessert Champion. The family friendly event features a wide array of desserts ranging from cupcakes, cookies, ice cream and doughnuts. This is your chance to sample over 50 local dessert vendors that you might not know about. Whether you prefer cookies, ice cream or donuts, our vendors sample their best and compete to be Dessert Wars Champion! Hours: 3 - 7 p.m. www.dessert-wars.com
McKee Botanical Garden
350 US Highway 1, Vero Beach
Water Lily Celebration will be held on Saturday, June 17. It features one of the biggest outdoor displays of water lilies in the US, with lilies blooming in lagoons, streams and around waterfalls on paths that wind through the jungly property festooned with orchids. McKee’s collection of waterlilies includes more than 80 varieties with more than 300 potted and 100 free-range plants, including night-blooming and day-blooming varieties. The Children’s Garden is a delight for all ages. Adults will wish they were kids who can clamber down the rope-mesh slide from the pirate ship and splash in the fountains. Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. www. mckeegarden.org
Cypress Park
925 George Engram Boulevard, Daytona Beach
Daytona Beach Juneteenth Festival will be held on June 17th. This event will include live musical entertainment, over 100 food vendors, merchandise, interactive activity booths, children’s games, educational activities, dancing, and an annual pound cake contest. Hours: 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. www.juneteenthdaytona.com
Lopez Inc. Hall
7177 58th Street North, Pinellas Park
Pinellas Park Train Show will be held on June 24. You will find toys, collectibles, model trains, RC control products, baseball/trading cards, comic books, star wars figures, coins, crafts and more. Food will be available. Hours: 9 a.m.-2 p.m. 727-244-134
Key West
Key Lime Festival will be held June 30-July 4. Come hungry to the Key Lime Festival because it's overflowing with delicious lime-flavored treats, and you won't want to miss a single one. This festival, which happens in Key West, exudes the eccentric spirit of the island itself. From the Key Lime Cocktail Sip & Stroll to the hilarious Key Lime Pie Drop, you'll find plenty of unusual experiences to fill the entire weekend. Come with friends or bring the family; the Key Lime Festival is fun for everyone. Plus, when you're not celebrating the birthplace of the Key lime pie, you can enjoy gorgeous beaches and sparkling water. Highlights: Mini Key Lime Pie Class, Key Lime Scavenger Hunt & Key Lime Pie Eating Championship. www.keylimefestival.com