LUP Catalogue 2018

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Catalogue 2018

Johan Huizinga, one of the founders of cultural history, was Professor of History at Leiden University from 1915 until 1942. His famous work Herfsttij der Middeleeuwen will celebrate its centenary next year and his historical approach and style have influenced many historians. Our publishing house aims to build on his legacy through a strong list of history books. Realm between Empires by Wim Klooster and Gert Oostindie presents a fresh look at the history of the eighteenth-century Dutch Atlantic. That celebrity culture is not a recent phenomenon shows Rick Honings' book on literary celebrity in the Netherlands of the nineteenth century. In his Islam, Humanity and the Indonesian Identity Ahmad Syafii Maarif emphasizes the importance of reflecting on history for understanding contemporary issues. Through this English translation the viewpoints of one of Indonesia’s most prominent intellectuals is made available to a wider public. The Operations of the Navy in the Dutch East Indies and the Bay of Bengal, translated from Japanese, provides English readership with an important historical source on the Japanese Navy’s military campaign in Indonesia during the Second World War. Our LUP imprint reflects our ambition to publish high-quality peerreviewed academic works in a range of book formats, including monographs, trade books for the general reader, edited volumes and textbooks. Within our Leiden Publications imprint we publish books with a strong connection to Leiden and its university and aimed at a broader audience. Worldwide dissemination and availability remain at the heart of our publishing values, as well as working closely with our authors, strong design and high editorial standards. Leiden University Press continues to be closely connected to the University of Leiden, one of Europe’s leading international research universities. We are delighted to present our 2018 books in this catalogue. Anniek Meinders Publisher

ARCHAEOLOGY 12 Time, History and Ritual in a K’iche’ Community 13 Spatial Patterns in Landscape Archaeology 14 Tiempo, Paisaje y Lineas de Vida en la Arqueología de Ñuu Savi ARCHITECTURE 16 Proportional Systems in the History of Architecture ASIAN STUDIES 3 Islam, Humanity and the Indonesian Identity 5 The Operations of the Dutch East Indies and the Bay of Bengal 17 China and the Barbarians HISTORY 5 The Operations of the Dutch East Indies and the Bay of Bengal 6 Realm between Empires 7 Tussen honger en zwaard 8 The Bastion of Liberty 9 In Praise of Ambiguity 10/11 Herfsttij der Middeleeuwen 18 Vernacular Manuscript Culture 1000-1500 LAW 4 Real Legal Certainty and its Relevance LITERARY STUDIES 1 Star Authors in the Age of Romanticism 19 My Mother’s Mother’s Mother MIDDLE EASTERN & ISLAMIC STUDIES 2 Principles for Progress 3 Islam, Humanity and the Indonesian Identity PSYCHOLOGY 15 The E-Primer 21 PUBLISHER AND SALES INFORMATION

Cover illustration: View of the sea battle between the Dutch and the French at Tobago in 1676. Engraving by Romeyn de Hooge, 1677. 2

Rick Honings

Star Authors in the Age of Romanticism Literary Celebrity in the Netherlands Although there has always been a fascination for famous people, the invention of modern celebrity culture goes back to the nineteenth century. During Romanticism the position of the author changed, but also that of the public with the phenomenon of the fan and associated fandom coming into existence. In Star Authors in the Age of Romanticism Dutch literary celebrity culture is analysed and embedded in the international discourse on this subject. Internationally, scholarly attention has over the last years been given to literary celebrity. This book supplies the Dutch dynamic to the international discourse on the development of literary celebrity by focusing on five famous Dutch authors from the nineteenth century: Willem Bilderdijk, Hendrik Tollens, Nicolaas Beets, François HaverSchmidt (alias Piet Paaltjens) and Eduard Douwes Dekker (better known as Multatuli). Translated from Dutch by Annemarié van Niekerk.


Rick Honings is an assistant professor of Dutch studies at the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society.

Publication date July 2018 NUR 620 ISBN 978 90 8728 308 7 e-PDF 978 94 0060 322 6 e-PUB 978 94 0060 323 3 Language English Price € 39.50 £ 34.50 $ 39.50 Format Paperback illustrated 156 x 234 mm Page extent 284 pages Cover design Geert de Koning Imprint LUP Academic



Sen McGlinn (ed.)

Essays on Religion and Modernity by Abdu'l-Bahā

This book presents three of the works of Abduʾl-Bahā, son of the founder of the Bahāʾi n The Secret of Divine Civilization (1875) Abduʾl-Bahā supports the administrative Faith,ofdealing with social andmainly political issues. nd broader social reforms Mirzā Hosayn Khān, but looks for organic reform

his book presents three of the works of Abduʾl-Bahā, son of the founder of the Bahāʾi aith, dealing with social and political issues.

Principles for Progress

Principles for Progress


hrough the efforts of Iranian intellectuals to waken and educate the masses. In this work, Abduʾl-Bahā gives virtuous and progressive Islamic clerics a leading role among these ntellectuals, indeed most of his appeals are directed specifically to them. A Traveller’s Narrative (1889/90) is an authoritative statement of the broad lines of Bahā’i social and olitical thinking. The Art of Governance (1892/93) was written as Iran entered a preevolutionary phase, and ideas that we recognise today as the precursors of political slam were spreading. It sets out the principles underlying the ideal relationship between eligion and politics and between the government and the people.

In addition to presenting the first parallel text translations of these works, the Persian texts incorporate notes on variants in the early published sources. An introduction outlines the intellectual and political landscape from which Abduʾl-Bahā wrote, and in which his expected readers lived.

Sen McGlinn

In The Secret of Divine Civilization (1875) Abduʾl-Bahā supports the administrative and broader social reforms of Mirzā Hosayn Khān, but looks mainly for organic reform through the n addition to presenting the first parallel text translations of these works, the Persian exts incorporate notes on variants in the early published sources. An introduction efforts of Iranian intellectuals to waken and utlines the intellectual and political landscape from which Abduʾl-Bahā wrote, and in which his expected readers lived.the masses. In this work, Abduʾl-Bahā educate en McGlinn is an independent scholar who and translates in the fields of Bahai gives virtuous andwrites progressive Islamic clerics a tudies, Iranian studies and Islamic studies. leading role among these intellectuals, indeed most of his appeals are directed specifically to them. A Traveller’s Narrative (1889/90) is an authoritative statement of the broad lines of Bahā’i social and political thinking. The Art of Governance (1892/93) was written as Iran entered a pre-revolutionary phase, and ideas that we recognise today as the precursors of political Islam were spreading. It sets out the principles underlying the ideal relationship between religion and politics and between the government and the people.


Sen McGlinn is an independent scholar who writes and translates in the fields of Bahai studies, Iranian studies and Islamic studies.


A STORY OF CONQUEST AND ADVENTURE ISBN 978 90 8728 272 1 e-PDF 978 94 0060 277 9 e-PUB 978 94 0060 278 6 Price € 55.00 £ 47.50 $ 59.50 Published 2017



Publication date June 2018 NUR 635 ISBN 978 90 8728 307 0 e-PDF 978 94 0060 320 2 e-PUB 978 94 0060 321 9 Language English Price € 69.50 £ 59.50 $ 85 Format Paperback 156 x 234 mm Page extent 418 pages Cover design Tarek Atrissi Design Imprint LUP Academic

Ahmad Syafii Maarif

Islam, Humanity and the Indonesian Identity Reflections on History Islam exists in global history with its richly variegated cultural and social realities. When these specific cultural contexts are marginalized, Islam is reduced to an ahistorical religion without the ability to contribute to humanity. This limited understanding of Islam has been a contributing factor in many of the violent conflicts in the present day. Reflecting on Islam in Indonesia, the world’s third largest democracy, supporting the largest Muslim population, Ahmad Syafii Maarif argues for an understanding that is both faithful to Islam’s essential teachings and open to constantly changing social and cultural contexts. Building on this, he then addresses critical contemporary issues such as democracy, human rights, religious freedom, the status of women, and the future of Islam. Through this book the breadth and depth of the ideas of one of Indonesia’s foremost Muslim scholars are made accessible in English. Ahmad Syafii Maarif is professor emeritus at Yogyakarta State University and founder of the MAARIF Institute for Culture and Humanity. He was the chairman of Muhammadiyah from 1998 to 2005.

Translated from Indonesian by George A. Fowler.



ISBN 978 90 8728 238 7 e-PDF 978 94 0060 231 1 e-PUB 978 94 0060 232 8 Price € 49.50 £ 37.50 $ 59 Published 2015

Publication date July 2018 NUR 717 ISBN 978 90 8728 301 8 e-PDF 978 94 0060 308 0 e-PUB 978 94 0060 309 7 Language English

Are Islam and democracy compatible in a 21st century nation-state? This book’s unequivocal answer is yes. Its author, Ahmad Syafii Maarif, for decades Indonesia’s most distinguished Muslim thinker, develops here his most authoritative argument. His answer is at once theologically sophisticated and deeply rooted in the Indonesian experience. Indeed, as a prominent public intellectual, university professor, and leader of

Price € 34.50 £ 30 $ 39.50 Format Paperback 156 x 234 mm Page extent 288 pages Cover design Tarek Atrissi Design Imprint LUP Academic

Muhammadiyah, the country’s most influential and successful modernist Muslim organization, he has been instrumental in shaping the modern discourse. Syafii’s vision and practice merit close attention and serious consideration throughout the rest of the Muslim world, from west Africa to southern Asia. – R. William Liddle, professor emeritus of political science, Ohio State University.



Adriaan Bedner and Barbara Oomen (eds) law, governance, and development


Real Legal Certainty and its Relevance Essays in honour of Jan Michiel Otto

Bedner oomen (eds)

w, governance,

nd development

on how to build state institutions. The concept was

inst the backdrop of an ever-increasing interest in ‘legal certainty’ in policyintroduced LeidenofUniversity’s professor of Law king and academia, friends andby colleagues Jan michiel otto engage with the and cept provide a wide variety of in examples of its relevance. on case Governance Developing countriesdrawing Jan Michiel Otto, erial from all over the world, they show how real legal certainty can be undercanand be how considered a central pillar of institutions. his work. od in a bottom-upand manner it is relevant for building state y also show how the concept can gain in relevance by taking into account ors other than the state. in all, the edited volume is important reading for all Against the backdrop oftakes an ever-increasing interest om share professor otto’s interest in what it to bridge law in the books in law in action. ‘legal certainty’ in policy-making and academia, friends

and colleagues of Jan Michiel Otto engage with the

iaan Bedner is a professor of law and society in indonesia at the van vollenen institute (leiden University). he wrote hisvariety phd about concept provide a wide ofadministrative examples ofcourts its ndonesia under the supervision of Jan michiel otto and has continued to colrelevance. Drawing on case material from all over the orate with the latter for almost 20 years.

world, they show how real legal certainty can be

bara Oomen holds a chair in the sociology of human rights at Utrecht Uniunderstood in a bottom-up manner and how it is relevant sity, and teaches at University college roosevelt in middelburg. her phd arch, on traditional in south africa, was supervised prof. how otto. the for authorities building state institutions. They alsobyshow ce, she has worked on transitional justice, legal pluralism, human rights in the concept can gain in relevance by taking into account herlands and human rights cities.

actors other than the state. In all, the edited volume is important reading for all whom share professor Otto’s isBn 978 90 8728 315 5 interest in what it takes to bridge law in the books and law in action.

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real legal certaintY and its relevance essays in honour of Jan michiel otto edited by adriaan Bedner and BarBara oomen

l e i d e n p U B l i c at i o n s

11-06-18 11:00

Adriaan Bedner is a professor of Law and Society in Indonesia at the Van Vollenhoven Institute (Leiden University). Barbara Oomen holds a chair in the Sociology of Human Rights at Utrecht University, and teaches at University College Roosevelt in Middelburg.


SHARIA INCORPORATED ISBN 978 90 8728 057 4 e-PDF 978 94 0060 017 1 Price € 49.90 £ 39.90 $ 62.50 Published 2010



Publication date July 2018 NUR 820 ISBN 978 90 8728 315 5 e-PDF 978 94 0060 330 1 e-PUB 978 94 0060 331 8 Language English Price € 29.50 £ 26.50 $ 34.50 Format Paperback 156 x 234 mm Page extent 260 pages Cover design Studio Jan de Boer Imprint Leiden Publications

Willem Remmelink (ed.)

The Operations of the Navy in the Dutch East Indies and the Bay of Bengal

The Operations of the Navy in the Dutch East Indies and the Bay of Bengal

Between 1966 and 1980, the War History Office of the National Defense College of Japan (now the Center for Military History of the National Institute for Defense Studies) published the 102-volume Senshi Sōsho (War History Series). These volumes give a detailed account of the operations of the Imperial Japanese Army and Imperial Japanese Navy during the Second World War.

Compiled by The War History Office of the National Defense College of Japan

The present volume, The Operations of the Navy in the Dutch East Indies and the Bay of Bengal, volume 26 of the series, describes the Japanese Navy’s role in the campaign to gain control over the Indonesian archipelago – at that time the largest transoceanic landing operation in the military history of the world. It includes, among others, the first complete Japanese analysis of the Battle of the Java Sea, a much-debated battle that ended disastrously for the Allies and opened the way to Java for the Japanese. Historical source translated from Japanese.

The Invasion of the Dutch East Indies

Compiled by The War History Office of the National Defense College of Japan

erlands t in

Edited and translated by Willem Remmelink

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Willem Remmelink was the executive director of the Japan-Netherlands Institute in Tokyo for more than twenty-five years. He is a specialist in Japanese and Indonesian history.

The Invasion of the Dutch East Indies Compiled by The War History Office of the National Defense College of Japan


Edited and translated by Willem Remmelink


Edited and translated by Willem Remmelink

ISBN 978 90 8728 237 0 e-PDF 978 94 0060 229 8 e-PUB 978 94 0060 230 4 Price € 79.50 £ 57.50 $ 87.50 Published 2015

MILITARY HISTORY Publication date September 2018 NUR 686 ISBN 978 90 8728 280 6 e-PDF 978 94 0060 293 9 e-PUB 978 94 0060 294 6 Language English Price € 84.50 £ 75 $ 89 Format Hardback illustrated 182 x 257 mm Page extent 784 pages Cover design Geert de Koning Imprint LUP Academic

17-05-16 12:04






Wim Klooster and Gert Oostindie

Realm between Empires

Wim Gert a fresh period of the (1680 a disti Dutch Dutch auton Th land w preten ly fad influen were i system their s Kloos mente of the West Carib and tr their g ethnic by cre weake econo mark decad Re revisio tury A muchwidely histor


The Second Dutch Atlantic, 1680-1815

Gert Oostindie’s marvelous wide-ranging history of the

Dutch Atlantic provides the definitive treatment of this vital

istory while showing also how important the Atlantic world

Wim Klooster Oostindie etherlands past its fabled ‘Golden and Age.’Gert In particular, the present a fresh look at

Dutch inofthe period following the imperial crucial the Dutchthe were to theAtlantic circulation goods, ideas,

tlantic world in their indispensable roles ascentury. traders This epoch (1680moment of theauxiliary seventeenth

owers, often trading illegally. This is a brilliant—but morea distinct and significant 1815), the authors argue, marked


era in which Dutch military power declined and Dutch

d, Head of School and Professor University colonies began of to History, chart a more autonomous path.

The loss of Brazil and New Netherland were twin blows to Dutch imperial pretensions. Yet the Dutch Atlantic er and Oostindie show why. With a detail hitherto unavailhardly faded into insignificance. Instead, the influence w the Dutch could simultaneously possess a marginal Atlantic of the Dutch remained, as they were increasingly drawn the suppliers of the essential commerce and resources for into the imperial systems of Britain, Spain, and France. rpetuation for over a century of the entangled international Inbook their and comparative tlantic world. This is asynthetic major contribution to the his- history, Klooster and Oostindie reveal the fragmented identity and interconnectedness the Dutch in three Atlantic theaters: dney Hellman Ehrman Professorof of History and Economics, alifornia, BerkeleyWest Africa, Guiana, and the insular Caribbean. They show that the colonies and trading posts were s promises not only to deepen ourin understanding of the heterogeneous their governance, religious profiles, also to challengeand our ethnic understanding of the Atlantic compositions andworld were marked by be a crucialI still creolization. prefer the reference point students control and Even asfor colonial weakened, the istory, the Atlantic world, slavery, early modern trade, and imprint of Dutch political, economic, and cultural authority would mark territories around the Atlantic Associate Professor of history, Texas A&M University for decades to come.

Atlantic world does not make sense without the Dutch, and


978-90-8728-314-8 Realm betweenISBN Empires is a powerful revisionist history of the eighteenth-century Atlantic world and provides a much-needed counterpoint to the more widely known British and French Atlantic histories.


9 789087 283148

Co-publication with Cornell University Press. For distribution in the Netherlands only. THE DUTCH MOMENT ISBN 978 90 8728 261 5 Price € 39.50 Published 2016

Wim Klooster is professor of history at Clark University. Gert Oostindie is professor of colonial and postcolonial history at the University of Leiden and director of the KITLV/Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies.

Wim Klooster and Gert Oostindie’s marvellous wide-ranging history of the eighteenth-century Dutch Atlantic provides the definitive treatment of this vital nation in Atlantic history while showing also how important the Atlantic world remained to the Netherlands past its fabled 'Golden Age.' In particular, the authors show how crucial the Dutch were to the circulation of goods, ideas, and things in the Atlantic world in their indispensable auxiliary roles as traders between Atlantic powers, often doing so illegally. This is a brilliant—but more important, a necessary—book.. – Trevor Burnard, Head of School and Professor of History, University of Melbourne.



GLOBAL HISTORY Publication date May 2018 NUR 688 ISBN 978 90 8728 314 8 Language English Price € 39.50 Format Hardback illustrated 152 x 229 mm Page extent 338 pages Cover design Scott Levine Imprint LUP Academic

Wim Klooster

Tussen honger en zwaard Nederlands Atlantische rijk in de zeventiende eeuw Dat de Nederlanders in de zeventiende eeuw in Azië aan een koloniaal rijk bouwden weet iedereen. Het is veel minder bekend dat hetzelfde ook in het Atlantische gebied gebeurde. In Tussen honger en zwaard laat Wim Klooster zien dat het Atlantische imperium van de Republiek een grote verscheidenheid aan regio’s omvatte: de Afrikaanse Goudkust, eilanden in het Caribisch gebied, een lange strook langs de Noordamerikaanse oostkust en Brazilië. Dit imperium was niet alleen het werk van Nederlanders, maar kwam tot stand met behulp van Afrikanen, Inheemsen en allerlei Europeanen. De parel in de kroon van dit imperium was Brazilië, een Portugese kolonie waarvan ongeveer de helft in Nederlandse handen viel. Daardoor gingen Nederlanders zich voor het eerst op grote schaal bezighouden met de transatlantische slavenhandel. Tegelijkertijd stelde Nederlands Brazilië joden voor het eerst in staat om in de Nieuwe Wereld hun geloof in vrijheid te belijden. Uiteindelijk ging Brazilië voor de Nederlanders verloren, mede doordat soldaten in Nederlandse dienst, gekweld door armoede, honger en ellende, weigerden de wapens op te nemen. Wim Klooster is hoogleraar geschiedenis aan Clark University in Worcester (Verenigde Staten). Hij heeft elf boeken op zijn naam staan, waaronder Realm between Empires: The Second Dutch Atlantic, 1680-1815 (samen met Gert Oostindie, 2018) en Revolutions in the Atlantic World: A Comparative History (nieuwe editie, 2018).

Vertaald uit het Engels door Caroline Meijer.

GESCHIEDENIS Publicatiedatum September 2018 NUR 688 ISBN 978 90 8728 317 9 e-PDF 978 94 0060 334 9 e-PUB 978 94 0060 335 6 Taal Nederlands Prijs € 39.50 Formaat Paperback geïllustreerd 156 x 234 mm Omvang 344 pagina’s Omslagontwerp Geert de Koning Imprint LUP General

Met The Dutch Moment heeft Wim Klooster een meesterlijk boek geschreven over de Nederlandse aanwezigheid in het zeventiende-eeuwse Atlantische gebied. Met zijn studie draagt hij op tal van niveaus bij aan diverse geschiedschrijvingen. Klooster ontdoet de imperialistische expansie van haar glorierijke imago en laat zien dat geweld, leed en bloedvergieten de kern vormden van de rijksuitbreiding. Deze gedetailleerde verhalen, geschetst tegen de achtergrond van de bredere Atlantische ontwikkelingen, maken The Dutch Moment tot een zeer aanbevelens­ waardig boek, ook voor gebruik in het onderwijs. – Bram Hoonhout, Universiteit Leiden.

Een gedegen en zeer leesbaar overzicht – Roelof van Gelder, NRC Handelsblad.



Willem Otterspeer

The Bastion of Liberty A History of Leiden University Leiden University was founded as an institution that would embody a particular set of academic ethics that sought to improve society through the acquisition of knowledge. In this book, author Willem Otterspeer draws on the idea of Leiden as 'a “bastion of liberty”' and proposes that concepts such as 'equilibrium' and 'scale' are key to understanding the university as an institution, ultimately showing how universities are a form of social capital, one of Western society’s answers to the dilemma of collective action, and an instrument for preserving and restoring continuity in the world. The Bastion of Liberty offers a complete overview of the history of the University of Leiden since 1875 and therefore covers more than four centuries of the development of this nowadays internationally renowned academic institution. Revised edition.

Willem Otterspeer is professor emeritus of university history at Leiden University.


GOOD, GRATIFYING AND RENOWNED ISBN 978 90 8728 235 6 e-PDF 978 94 0060 226 7 Price € 15.00 Published 2015



Publication date November 2018 NUR 680 ISBN 9789087283193 e-PDF 9789400603387 e-PUB 9789400603394 Language English Price € 49.50 £ 44.50 $ 59.50 Format Hardback illustrated 210 x 260 mm Page extent 304 pages Cover design Suzan Beijer Imprint Leiden Publications

Willem Otterspeer

In Praise of Ambiguity Erasmus, Huizinga and the Seriousness of Play In Praise of Ambiguity presents a discourse about the seriousness of play. Erasmus and Huizinga are its main characters, their books In Praise of Folly (1511) and Homo Ludens (1938) its main subject. It treats those books as contemporaries and asks what they still have to say to us. The main theme of both books is the contrast between two attitudes of life: the conviction that each subject has two or more sides as opposed to the certainty that there is always only one side to the matter. It is relativism versus essentialism, play versus seriousness. In these times of populism and fundamentalism the relationship between play and seriousness is more significant than ever. Erasmus and Huizinga conceived a compromise as brilliant as it was paradoxical: turn seriousness into play, play into seriousness. Their solution is the life blood of literature. Literature is always paradoxical, always ‘true’ and ‘not true’ at the same time, both reality and fiction. Ambiguity is its home territory. Literature is the best answer to the purity and peremptoriness of prophets. Translated from Dutch by Vivien Collingwood.

PHILOSOPHY Publication date June 2018 NUR 612 ISBN 978 90 8728 310 0 e-PDF 978 94 0060 326 4 e-PUB 978 94 0060 327 1 Language English Price € 18.50 £ 16.50 $ 19.50 Format Paperback 135 x 210 mm Page extent 90 pages Cover design Geert de Koning Imprint Leiden Publications



Johan Huizinga

Herfsttij der Middeleeuwen Jubileumeditie Herfsttij der Middeleeuwen van Johan Huizinga verscheen voor het eerst in 1919. Honderd jaar later geniet Herfsttij terecht een onverminderde populariteit. Het boek is een van de grootste en meeslependste klassieke geschiedwerken. Zowel in binnen- als buitenland is er grote waardering voor Huizinga’s werk – niet alleen vanwege zijn inlevingsvermogen in de geschiedenis en zijn cultuurhistorische visie, maar ook omwille van zijn prachtige taalgebruik. Herfsttij is in meer dan twintig talen vertaald. In deze gebonden, rijk geïllustreerde jubileum­ uitgave van Herfsttij kan de lezer bij de tekst de kunstwerken zien die door Huizinga genoemd worden. Naast de bekende meesterwerken van Jan van Eyck, Rogier van der Weyden en tijdgenoten zijn ook de door hem gebruikte literaire werken met miniaturen uit de handschriften afgebeeld. Zoveel mogelijk van wat door Huizinga in de tekst is genoemd wordt in beeld gebracht, waardoor het boek meer dan 300 illustraties in kleur bevat. Initiator en hoofdredacteur van deze jubileum­ editie is Dr. Anton van der Lem, Huizingaspecialist en verbonden aan de Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden als conservator oude drukken. In zijn nawoord Honderd jaar Herfsttij zet hij de receptiegeschiedenis van Herfsttij uiteen. Door hem is het boek nu ook voor het eerst voorzien van een volledig uitgewerkte bibliografie.


Gebonden, rijk geïllustreerde editie met leeslint. Inclusief meer dan 300 kleurenafbeeldingen. Eerste Nederlandse editie met een volledig uitgewerkte bibliografie.

GESCHIEDENIS Publicatiedatum September 2018 NUR 680, 684 ISBN 978 90 8728 312 4 Taal Nederlands Prijs € 59.50 Formaat Hardback geïllustreerd 215 x 270 mm Omvang 592 pagina’s Omslagontwerp Suzan Beijer Imprint LUP General



Jubileumeditie die verschijnt in opmaat naar 100 jaar Herfsttij in 2019. Forthcoming in 2019: English edition with a new translation, ISBN 978 90 8728 313 1.

4.5 en 4.6 De negen helden en negen heldinnen. Miniaturen van Thomas van Saluzzo uit Le livre du chevalier errant (‘het boek van de dolende ridder’). parijs, bibliothèque nationale de france

gebleven is, bewijst het feit, dat men haar parodieerde: Molinet beproeft zijn luim aan een negental ‘preux de gourmandise’ [helden in gulzigheid]26. Nog Frans i kleedde zich af en toe ‘à l’antique’ om een der preux voor te stellen27. Deschamps heeft evenwel nog op een andere wijze dan door de aanvulling met vrouwelijke pendanten de voorstelling uitgebreid. Hij verbond die verering voor oude heldendeugd aan het heden, plaatste haar in de sfeer van het opkomende Franse militaire patriottisme, door aan de negen een tijden landgenoot als tiende preux toe te voegen: Bertrand du Guesclin28. Ook dat denkbeeld had succes: Lodewijk van Orleans liet in de grote zaal van Coucy het beeld van de dappere connétable als tiende der preux opnemen29. Het was met reden, dat Orleans de gedachtenis van Du Guesclin een bijzondere zorg wijdde; hij zelf was door de connétable ten doop gehouden, en deze had hem daarbij een zwaard in de hand gegeven. Als tiende in de rij der vrouwen verwacht men Jeanne d’Arc. Inderdaad heeft men haar in de vijftiende eeuw die rang toegedacht. Louis de Laval, stiefkleinzoon van Du Guesclin, en broeder van Jeanne d’Arcs strijdmakkers, gaf zijn kapelaan Sébastien Mamerot opdracht, een geschiedenis der negen helden


en negen heldinnen te schrijven, met Du Guesclin en Jeanne d’Arc als tienden. Doch in het in handschrift bewaarde werk van Mamerot ontbreken beide namen30, en men vindt geen teken, dat het denkbeeld, wat Jeanne d’Arc betreft, opgang heeft gemaakt. [4.7] De nationaal-militaire heldenverering, die in Frankrijk in de vijftiende eeuw opkomt, hecht zich in de eerste plaats aan de figuur van de dappere en berekenende Bretonse krijgsman. Allerlei veldoversten, die naast of tegen Jeanne hadden gestreden, nemen in de verbeelding der tijdgenoten veel groter en eervoller plaats in dan het boerenmeisje uit Domrémy. Velen spreken van haar nog zonder aandoening of verering, meer als een curiositeit. Chastellain, die zijn Bourgondische gevoelens, als het pas gaf, merkwaardig opzij wist te zetten voor een pathetisch Frans loyalisme, dicht een ‘mystère’ op de dood van Karel Vii, waarin al de aanvoerders, die in ’s konings dienst de Engelsen bestreden hebben, als een eregalerij van dapperen, een strofe zeggen, die hun daden vermeldt: Dunois, Jean de Bueil, Xaintrailles, La Hire zijn er bij, en tal van minder bekenden31. Het doet even aan als een reeks van Napoleontische generaals. Maar la Pucelle ontbreekt. De Bourgondische vorsten bewaarden in hun schatkamer een aantal hel-

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sederT de provençaalse troubadours der twaalfde eeuw het eerst de melodie van het onbevredigd verlangen hadden aangeheven, hadden de violen van het liefdelied al hoger en hoger gezongen, totdat alleen Dante het instrument meer zuiver bespelen kon. Het was een der gewichtigste wendingen van de middeleeuwse geest geweest, toen hij voor het eerst een liefdesideaal ontwikkelde met een negatieve grondtoon. De oudheid had voorzeker ook het smachten en de smarten der liefde bezongen; maar was toch eigenlijk daar het smachten niet enkel gezien als het uitstel en de prikkel der zekere vervulling? En in het droef-eindend liefdeverhaal der oudheid was niet de verijdeling van het verlangen het stemmingsmoment, maar de wrede scheiding der reeds vereende gelieven door de dood, zoals bij Cephalus en Procris, bij Pyramus en Thisbe. De aandoening van droefheid lag er niet in de erotische onbevredigdheid, maar in het treurig lotgeval. Eerst in de hoofse minne der troubadours is de onbevredigdheid zelf hoofdzaak geworden. Er was een erotische gedachtenvorm geschapen, die vatbaar was om een overvloed van ethisch gehalte in zich op te nemen, zonder daarom ooit het verband met de natuurlijke vrouwenliefde geheel op te geven. Uit de zinnelijke liefde zelf was voortgesproten de edele vrouwendienst zonder aanspraak op vervulling. Nu werd de liefde het veld, waarop men alle esthetische en zedelijke volmaking bloeien liet. De edele minnaar naar de theorie der hoofse min wordt door zijn liefde deugdzaam en rein. Het geestelijke element neemt in die lyriek steeds meer de overhand; ten slotte is de uitwerking der liefde een staat van heilige kennis en vroomheid: la vita nuova. Toen moest een nieuwe wending komen. In de dolce stil nuovo van Dante en zijn tijdgenoten was een uiterste bereikt. Petrarca staat alweer weifelend tussen het ideaal der vergeestelijkte hoofse liefde en de nieuwe inspiratie der oudheid. En van Petrarca naar Lorenzo de’Medici neemt in Italië het minnelied de weg terug naar de natuurlijke zinnelijkheid, die ook de bewonderde antieke modellen doordrong. Het kunstig uitgewerkte systeem der hoofse min was weder prijsgegeven. In Frankrijk en de landen, die onder de ban van Frankrijks geest stonden, was de wending anders gekomen. De ontwikkeling der erotische gedachte sedert de hoogste bloei der hoofse lyriek is er minder eenvoudig. De vormen van het systeem blijven van kracht, maar vullen zich met andere geest. Daar had, nog voordat de Vita nuova de eeuwige harmonie vond van een vergeestelijkte passie, de Roman de la rose nieuwe inhoud gegoten in de vormen der hoofse min. [8.1, 8.2] Ongeveer twee eeuwen lang heeft het werk van Guillaume de Lorris en Jean Clopinel (of Chopinel)1 de Meun, begonnen vóor 1240 en vóor 1280 voltooid, niet alleen de vormen der aristocratische liefde volkomen beheerst, maar bovendien door zijn encyclopedische rijkdom aan uitweidingen op alle mogelijke gebieden de schatkamer opgeleverd, waaruit de beschaafde leken het levendste van hun geestelijke ontwikkeling putten. Het kan niet gewichtig genoeg worden geschat, dat aldus de heersende klasse van een gans tijdperk haar levenskennis en haar eruditie kreeg in het raam van een ars amandi. In geen andere tijd heeft

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13-07-18 13:04

Een buitensporigheid als de klederdracht van 1350 tot 1480 vertoont, heeft de mode van later tijden niet weer te zien gegeven, althans niet in zo algemene en langdurige vorm. Er zijn ook later extravagante modes geweest, zoals de landsknechtendracht omstreeks 1520 en het Franse adellijke kostuum van omstreeks 1660, maar die teugelloze overdrijving en overlading, die de Frans-Bourgondische dracht een eeuw lang gekenmerkt heeft, blijft zonder voorbeeld. Hier ziet men, wat de schoonheidszin dier tijden, aan zijn ongestoorde drift overgelaten, wrocht. Een enkel hofkostuum wordt overladen met honderden edele stenen. Alle afmetingen worden tot in het belachelijke geoutreerd. Het vrouwenkapsel neemt de suikerbroodvorm van de ‘hennin’ aan: het haar wordt aan de slapen en bij de inplanting op het voorhoofd verwijderd of verborgen, om de zonderling gebombeerde voorhoofden te vertonen, die als schoon golden; het decolleté is plotseling begonnen. Doch in de mannenkleding zijn de buitensporigheden nog talrijker. Hier heeft men de lange schoenpunten of ‘poulaines’, die de ridders bij Nicopolis zich moesten afsnijden, om te kunnen vluchten, de ingesnoerde middels, de ballonachtig opgepofte mouwen, die bij de schouders omhoog staan, de houppelandes, die tot op de voeten hangen, en de buizen zo kort, dat zij de billen zichtbaar laten; de hoge puntige of cilindervormige mutsen en hoeden, de kaproenen wonderlijk om het hoofd

18.9 Het kruisigingsretabel te Dijon gesloten: de schilderingen van Melchior Broederlam. Op het linkerluik: Maria Boodschap en Maria bezoekt Elisabeth. Op het rechterluik: de opdracht in de tempel en de rust op de vlucht naar Egypte. dijon, Musée des beaux-arts

18.10 Het kruisigingsretabel

geopend: het houtsnijwerk van Jacques de Baerze. In het midden de kruisiging, links de aanbidding der koningen, rechts de graflegging. dijon, Musée des beaux-arts


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18 de kunst in het leven 375

13-07-18 13:06


Paul van den Akker

Contemporary Maya Calendar Knowledge and Practices in the Highlands of Guatemala ole of cultural anthropologists and archaeo-

d knowledge related to the Mesoamerican ng to the understanding of the use and tem in the contemporary K’iche’ commuds of Guatemala. The research presented ar system, forms of synergy between the an calendar, the indigenous perception of symbolism.

g process of cultural healing and spiritual d) from colonization and oppression. This on cultural continuity and approaches the es as a possible tool for restoring breaks in ramatic events such as colonization.

Time, History and Ritual in a K’iche’ Community

iche’ Community ge and Practices in the Highlands of Guate-


Time, History and Ritual in a K'iche' Community

This work analyses ritual practices and knowledge related to the Mesoamerican t time is an authority which directs human calendar with the aim of contributing to the the landscape on a local and regional scale. al values, and a sharedunderstanding perception of time of the use and conceptualization mmunity as it recreates and reaffirms the of thisandcalendar system in the contemporary heir shared social conventions history. al provides a tool to overcome the rupture K’iche’ of Momostenango, in the ages from generation to generationcommunity over a Highlands of Guatemala. The research D in 2018 from the Faculty of Archaeology presented here discusses the indigenous calendar system, forms of synergy between ersity (ASLU) is a series of the Faculty of 1998. The series’ aim isthe to publish research and the Highland Guatemalan Christian eiden University. It covers the fields of Near Eastern and Egyptian Archaeology, calendar, the indigenous perception of history Caribbean and Amazonian Archaeology, and Management, continuity in time-related symbolism. dies, Archaeological Heritage

Time, History and Ritual in a K’iche’ Community Contemporary Maya Calendar Knowledge and Practices in the Highlands of Guatemala

ogy of the Roman Provinces, Middle Ages

P. van den Akker


Van den Akker argues that the social role of cultural anthropologists and archaeologists is to contribute to the ongoing process of cultural healing and spiritual recovery of the peoples that suffer(ed) from colonization and oppression. This study therefore places an emphasis on cultural continuity and approaches the continuation of Maya 9 789087as 283094 calendar practices a possible tool for LUP restoring breaks in social memory, which are caused by dramatic events such as colonization. Throughout this book it is argued that time is an authority which directs human behaviour in a cyclical manner through the landscape on a local and regional scale. Time is related to morality and cultural values, and a shared perception of time contributes to the cohesion of the community as it recreates and reaffirms the identity of its members by reiterating their shared social conventions and history. Finally, the conjunction of time and ritual provides a tool to overcome the rupture caused by death and to transmit messages from generation to generation over a long span of time.



Paul van den Akker Archaeological Studies Leiden University 42 Leiden University Press

Paul van den Akker obtained his PhD in 2018 from the Faculty of Archaeology at Leiden University.

ARCHAEOLOGICAL STUDIES LEIDEN UNIVERSITY Publication date May 2018 NUR 682 ISBN 978 90 8728 309 4 e-PDF 978 94 0060 324 0 e-PUB 978 94 0060 325 7 Language English Price € 49.50 £ 43.50 $ 55 Format Paperback illustrated 210 x 274 mm Page extent 262 pages Cover design Joanne Porck Imprint LUP Academic

Anita Casarotto

Spatial Patterns in Landscape Archaeology A GIS Procedure to Study Settlement Organization in Early Roman Colonial Territories This 43th volume of the ASLU series presents a useful GIS procedure to study settlement patterns in landscape archaeology. In several Mediterranean regions archaeological sites have been mapped by fieldwalking surveys, producing large amounts of data. These legacy site-based survey data represent an important resource to study ancient settlement organization. Methodological procedures are necessary to cope with the limits of these data, and more importantly with the distortions on data patterns caused by biasing factors. This book develops and applies a GIS procedure to use legacy survey data in settlement pattern analysis. It consists of two parts. One part regards the assessment of biases that can affect the spatial patterns exhibited by survey data. The other part aims to shed light on the location preferences and settlement strategy of ancient communities underlying site patterns. In this book, a case-study shows how the method works in practice. As part of the research by the Landscapes of Early Roman Colonization project (NWO, Leiden University, KNIR) site-based datasets produced by survey projects in central-southern Italy are examined in a comparative framework to investigate settlement patterns in the early Roman colonial period (3rd century B.C.).

Anita Casarotto is an archaeologist and researcher specializing in GIS, survey methodology, pattern analysis and digital applications for cultural resource management. She obtained her PhD in 2018 from the Faculty of Archaeology at Leiden University.

ARCHAEOLOGICAL STUDIES LEIDEN UNIVERSITY Publication date September 2018 NUR 682 ISBN 978 90 8728 311 7 e-PDF 978 94 0060 328 8 e-PUB 978 94 0060 329 5 Language English Price â‚Ź 44.50 ÂŁ 39.50 $ 52 Format Paperback illustrated 210 x 274 mm Page extent 150 pages Cover design Joanne Porck Imprint LUP Academic



Liana Ivette Jiménez Osorio and Emmanuel Posselt Santoyo

Tiempo, Paisaje y Líneas de Vida en la Arqueología de Ñuu Savi La Mixteca, México This work focuses on the interpretation of the archaeological remains of the Mixtec culture in Southern Mexico on the basis of the knowledge, perceptions, economy and worldview of contemporary descendant communities. Concretely it presents extensive new archaeological and ethnographic data, which result from long-term fieldwork in the region. The present-day social life, narratives and ritual practices of the present-day Mixtec people (Ñuu Savi), for example, throw light on the important archaeological complex of Ancient Chalcatongo (Ñuu Ndaya), an extensive survey and reconstruction of which is presented here for the first time. The authors apply a new paradigm (the Great Line of Life), which seeks to decolonize the discipline in a flexible, relational, multifocal and holistic manner. This alternative archaeology is socially relevant because it combines the search for a deeper and broader scientific understanding with reinforcing the identification of contemporary Indigenous Peoples with their precolonial heritage. It is community-oriented and ethically based on respect the Indigenous Peoples’ rights, trying to contribute to a better quality of life.

ARCHAEOLOGICAL STUDIES LEIDEN UNIVERSITY Publication date November 2018 NUR 682 ISBN 978 90 8728 316 2 e-PDF 978 94 0060 332 5 e-PUB 978 94 0060 333 2 Language Spanish Price € 69.50 Format Paperback illustrated 210 x 274 mm Page extent 528 pages Cover design Joanne Porck Imprint LUP Academic



Liana Ivette Jiménez Osorio is a Mexican archaeologist; she obtained her PhD in 2018 from the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University. Her research focuses on the living heritage of the Mixtec People in Mexico, especially concerning the perception of time in relation to economic and ritual activities carried out in the landscape. Emmanuel Posselt Santoyo is a Mexican archaeologist; he obtained her PhD in 2018 from the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University. His research focuses on the cultural links between the archaeological remains in Southern Mexico and the contemporary knowledge, perceptions and traditions of the Mixtec people.

Michiel Spapé, Rinus Verdonschot, Saskia van Dantzig and Henk van Steenbergen

The E-Primer An Introduction to Creating Psychological Experiments in E-Prime® E-Prime® is the leading software suite by Psychology Software Tools for designing and running Psychology lab experiments. The E-Primer is the perfect accompanying guide: It provides all the necessary knowledge to make E-Prime accessible to everyone. You can learn the tools of Psychological science by following the E-Primer through a series of entertaining, step-by-step recipes that recreate classic experiments. The updated E-Primer expands its proven combination of simple explanations, interesting tutorials and fun exercises, and makes even the novice student quickly confident to create their dream experiment!

Featuring: * Learn the basic and advanced features of E-Studio's flexible user interface. * 15 step-by-step tutorials let you replicate classic experiments from all Psychology fields. * Learn to write custom code in E-Basic without having any previous experience in programming. * Second edition completely revised for E-Prime 3. * Based on 10+ years of teaching E-Prime to undergraduates, postgraduates, and colleagues. * Used by Psychology Software Tools to train their own staff! Revised edition - updated for E-Prime 3.

Michiel Spapé is senior researcher at the University of Helsinki, Finland. Rinus Verdonschot is an assistant professor and works in Japan. Saskia van Dantzig works as a senior scientist at Philips Research. Henk van Steenbergen works as an assistant professor at Leiden University, Netherlands.

PSYCHOLOGY Publication date December 2018 NUR 770, 980 ISBN 978 90 8728 320 9 e-PDF 978 94 0060 336 3 e-PUB 978 94 0060 337 0 Language English Price € 29.50 £ 25 $ 34.50 Format Paperback illustrated 156 x 234 mm Page extent 208 pages Cover design Merel van Meurs Imprint LUP Textbooks



ALSO PUBLISHED IN 2018 Matthew A. Cohen and Maarten Delbeke (eds)

Proportional Systems in the History of Architecture A Critical Reconsideration In this collection of original essays, twenty-six leading scholars reconsider the long history of proportional systems across numerous periods and places, and from diverse methodological approaches including archival exploration, advanced laser scanning, and more. Prior to the advent of modern structural engineering, architects and builders used proportional systems to imbue their works with a general condition of order that was integral to their intertwined notions of beauty and structural stability. These mostly invisible intellectual frameworks ranged from simple grids and symbolic numbers, to sly manipulations of geometry and numbers that required privileged knowledge and arithmetical calculations to access. Since the origins of architectural history, proportional systems have served as objects of belief and modes of iconographical communication. Whether they are capable of fulfilling more tangible functions remains a matter of debate today, for this ancient and diverse belief system continues to infiltrate architectural thinking in subtle and sometimes surprising ways.

ARCHITECTURE Publication date November 2018 NUR 648 ISBN 978 90 8728 277 6 e-PDF 978 94 0060 287 8 e-PUB 978 94 0060 288 5 Language English Price € 99.50 £ 95 $ 125 Format Hardback illustrated 210 x 297 mm Page extent 600 pages Cover design Suzan Beijer Imprint LUP Academic



Matthew A. Cohen is a licensed architect and Professor of Architecture at Washington State University. He publishes on the history and theory of medieval and Renaissance architecture. His book, Beyond Beauty: Reexamining Architectural Proportion through the Basilicas of San Lorenzo and Santo Spirito in Florence (Marsilio, 2013), received the 2012 James Ackerman Award in the History of Architecture. Maarten Delbeke is Chair in the History and Theory of Architecture at the Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture (gta) at the ETH in Zürich. He publishes on the history and theory of art and architecture from the early modern period up to the present and is an architecture critic, and is the founding editor of Architectural Histories.

ALSO PUBLISHED IN 2018 Hendrik Schulte Nordholt

China and the Barbarians Resisting the Western World Order Since time immemorial China regarded its culture and statecraft superior to other nations, but in the ‘Age of Humiliation’ (1839-1949), it was reduced to a semi-colony. The old empire has now regained its strength, but what drives its domestic and foreign policy? China calls itself a ‘Socialist’ country, but the appellation of philosopher Tu Weiming is more adequate: A battlefield of Socialism, Liberalism and Confucianism. The outcome of this struggle will have profound repercussions. Continuation of the present policy will only lead to more tensions: Beijing’s expansionist policies in the South China Sea and Eurasia (the ‘One Belt, One Road’ initiative) are aimed to restore the days of China’s imperial grandeur. If China choses a different political model that blends the Confucian tradition with a western style representative government, a clash with its neighbours and the United States can be avoided. China and the Barbarians offers a fascinating insight into the thinking of China’s philosophers and powerbrokers of the past and present. Interviews with eight prominent Chinese intellectuals add an authentic ring to this book. Translated from Dutch by John Eyck.

Hendrik Schulte Nordholt is a sinologist. He started working in 1981 as a government official promoting economic relations between the Netherlands and China. In 1985 Schulte Nordholt set up the first Dutch bank (AMRO) in China, but in 1992 he decided to ‘jump into the sea’ and with two partners established the technology company Hofung. Schulte Nord­holt has lived in China for twenty years, and frequently speaks and publishes on China. CHINA Publication date September 2018 NUR 692 ISBN 978 90 8728 278 3 e-PDF 978 94 0060 289 2 e-PUB 978 94 0060 290 8 Language English Price € 44.50 £ 39.50 $ 49.50 Format Hardback illustrated 156 x 234 mm Page extent 372 pages Cover design Geert de Koning Imprint Leiden Publications

Over 10.000 copies sold of the Dutch edition.

A clever and astute book that shows how the Chinese Communist Party is using classical culture to redesign society – NRC Handelsblad



ALSO PUBLISHED IN 2018 Erik Kwakkel (ed.)

Vernacular Manuscript Culture 1000-1500

Icelandic, Italian, Middle High German, and

Erik Kwakkel at Leiden University, where he directs the the Oldteaches English examples, these essays discuss research project ‘Turning over a New Leaf: Manuscriptin Innovation connectivity of books originating the same in the Twelfth-Century Renaissance’. Rosamond McKitterick is linguistic space. Professor of Medieval History at the University of Cambridge. Rodney Thomson is Emeritus Professor at the School History Given that authors, translators, andof readers and Classics at the University of Tasmania (Hobart, Australia).

Kwakkel Vernacular Manuscript Culture 1000-1500

Books before print – manuscripts – were modified continuously throughout the medieval period. Focusing on the ninth and twelfth centuries, this volume explores such material changes as well as the varying circumstances under which handwritten books were produced, used and collected. An important theme is This volume presents six essays devoted to the the relationship between the physical book and its users. Can we habits, and an preferences scribes reflect onpractices, reading practices through examinationof of the layoutmaking manuscripts in we their tongue. Despite of a text? To what extent can use native the contents of libraries to the dominance Latin medieval written culture, understand the culture ofofthe book?inThe volume explores such vernacular traditions started tothrough develop issues by focusing on a broad palette of texts and a in Europe in the eleventh century. onEurope. French, Frisian, detailed analysis of manuscripts fromFocusing all corners of

advanced vernacular written culture through the production and consumption of texts, how did the ‘An outstanding contribution to the fieldthem of medieval codicology.’ scribes who copied fit into this development? Did they have a specific approach to copying texts in native language? weHistory, observe patterns in s t e v e ntheir vanderputten, Professor ofCan Medieval Ghent University. how manuscripts in the same vernacular presented their contents? To address such questions the essays ‘These essays do indeed “turn over a new leaf” in the development taken material features of manuscripts, both of the history of the book.’ palaeographical and codicological, as a point of marco mostert, Professor of Medieval Literacy, Utrecht University. departure. Leiden University Press

I S B N 978-90-8728-155-7

Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Book Culture Vernacular Manuscript Culture 1000-1500 Edited by Erik Kwakkel Leiden University Press


Erik Kwakkel is historian of the medieval book and professor at the University of British Columbia. Kwakkel is a member of the Comité International de Paléographie Latine. He actively promotes the premodern book on his blog and through Twitter.

STUDIES IN MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE BOOK CULTURE Publication date January 2018 NUR 613, 615 ISBN 978 90 8728 302 5 e-PDF 978 94 0060 310 3 e-PUB 978 94 0060 311 0 Language English Price € 39.50 £ 34.95 $ 45 Format Paperback illustrated 144 x 190 mm Page extent 272 pages Cover design Merel van Meurs Imprint LUP Academic



FORTHCOMING IN 2019 Pieta van Beek and Annemarié van Niekerk

My Mother’s Mother’s Mother South African Women’s Writing from 17th Century Dutch to Contemporary Afrikaans For the first time more than seventy South African women’s voices, from 1652 until today, are collected and published in one volume. Initially we hear their voices in Dutch, then in different varieties of Afrikaans, bearing witness to the fascinating development of a new language. We share the joys and sorrows of these women; their entertaining, sometimes gruesome stories. The printing press arrived late at the Cape, and when it finally did, it took another century before the first publications by women came rolling from the press, initially with the strong influence of the Bible clearly audible. Gradually, as women started to receive a better education, a literature of world stature came into being in Afrikaans. Through the eyes of these women we can see the tumultuous history of South Africa passing by, from colonisation up to democracy. This book is crucial for researchers of language development and (historical) texts by women. It is also indispensable for everyone interested in world literature and its development – and in particular in South Africa. Sluit aan op het thema van de Boekenweek 2019.

LITERARY STUDIES Publication date Spring 2019 NUR 622, 635 ISBN 978 90 8728 318 6 Language English Price € 49.50 £ 44.50 $ 57.50 Format Paperback illustrated 160 x 240 mm Page extent 640 pages Cover design Antoinette Hanekuyk, Topica Imprint LUP General

Portrait of Eva Krotoa by Marlene Dumas. Krotoa (ca. 1641-1674) is the first South African woman presented in this book. Pieta van Beek is a researcher at the Universities of Utrecht and Stellenbosch and her publications are predominantly on the polyglot seventeenth-century learned woman Anna Maria van Schurman, who was the first female university student. Her book Brieven van overzee: Ida Gerhardt nabij is about her friendship and correspondence with the poet Ida Gerhardt. With Dineke Ehlers she co-authored the textbook Oranje boven: Nederlands voor Zuid-Afrika. Annemarié van Niekerk was for many years a university lecturer and literary critic in South Africa before moving to the Netherlands. She has published numerous articles on Women’s Literature, Gender Studies and Literary History and has compiled various anthologies of African and South African women’s writing. Currently she is book reviewer for the Dutch newspaper Trouw and writes a column for the Belgian sociocultural magazine Streven.



PRIZEWINNING BOOKS Marjan Afsharian and Russell Harris (eds)

Alexander Reeuwijk (ed.)

A Journal of Three Months’ Walk in Persia in 1884 by Captain John Compton Pyne

Voyage of Discovery

In 1884 an obscure British soldier, having finished his tour of duty in India, decided to make a detour on his trip home in order to spend three months crossing Persia unaccompanied except for the local muleteers. Among his accoutrements he packed a small leatherbound sketchbook in which he not only wrote a journal but in which he also added accomplished and charming water-colour illustrations. The authors’ introduction contextualises this trip made in 1884 against the background of Persianate influence in British culture, and the general cultural background of late Victorian Britain is presented as the subliminal driver behind a young man’s desire to explore, and illustrate, an already discovered country – Persia.

In September 2017, Leiden University opened the Asian Library to house its world renowned and extensive Asian collections. This includes the largest collection on Indonesia worldwide and some of the foremost collections on South and Southeast Asia, China, Japan, and Korea. Voyage of Discovery contains more than twenty essays by academics, curators, and authors on their experiences with the Leiden collections. Richly illustrated and showcasing twenty-five treasures from the Asian Library, such as unique manuscripts and rare maps, this book offers a beautiful look inside the Asian Library. MGIP Book Award 2018: Golden Award in History category.

MGIP Book Award 2017: Silver Award in History category.



Published 2017 NUR 692 ISBN 978 90 8728 262 2 e-PDF 978 94 0060 259 5 e-PUB 978 94 0060 260 1 Language English Price € 54.50 £ 46.50 $ 59.50 Format Paperback illustrated 234 x 156 mm Page extent 320 pages Cover design Tarek Atrissi Design Imprint LUP Academic

Published 2017 NUR 682 ISBN 978 90 8728 274 5 e-PDF 978 94 0060 281 6 e-PUB 978 94 0060 282 3 Language English Price € 59.50 £ 49.50 $ 62.50 Format Hardback illustrated 227 x 290 mm Page extent 340 pages Cover design Bart van den Tooren Imprint Leiden Publications




Erik-Jan Zürcher (ed.)

Masked Warriors

Jihad and Islam in World War I

The Battle Stage of the Samurai

Studies on the Ottoman Jihad on the Centenary of Snouck Hurgronje’s “Holy War Made in Germany” DEBATES ON ISLAM AND SOCIETY Published 2016 Language English NUR 686 ISBN 978 90 8728 239 4 e-PDF 978 94 0060 233 5 e-PUB 978 94 0060 234 2 Price € 49.50 £ 37.50 $ 59 Page extent 352 pages

ASIAN STUDIES Published 2017 Language English NUR 644 ISBN 978 90 8728 290 5 Price € 34.50 £ 32.50 $ 42.50 Page extent 256 pages

PUBLISHER AND SALES INFORMATION Leiden University Press Rapenburg 73 2311 GJ Leiden The Netherlands +31 71 527 14 51 Publisher Anniek Meinders +31 6 216 892 51 Publishing Assistant Romy Uijen Marketing & Sales Amber de Groot

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Erik Kwakkel teaches at Leiden University, where he directs the research project ‘Turning over a New Leaf: Manuscript Innovation in the Twelfth-Century Renaissance’. Rosamond McKitterick is Professor of Medieval History at the University of Cambridge. Rodney Thomson is Emeritus Professor at the School of History and Classics at the University of Tasmania (Hobart, Australia). ‘An outstanding contribution to the field of medieval codicology.’

Kwakkel Vernacular Manuscript Culture 1000-

Books before print – manuscripts – were modified continuously throughout the medieval period. Focusing on the ninth and twelfth centuries, this volume explores such material changes as well as the varying circumstances under which handwritten books were produced, used and collected. An important theme is the relationship between the physical book and its users. Can we reflect on reading practices through an examination of the layout of a text? To what extent can we use the contents of libraries to understand the culture of the book? The volume explores such issues by focusing on a broad palette of texts and through a detailed analysis of manuscripts from all corners of Europe.

Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Book Culture Vernacular Manuscript Culture 1000-1500 Edited by Erik Kwakkel Leiden University Press

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