LUP Catalogue 2021

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Catalogue 2021

More than a year into the pandemic, Covid-19 has had a profound impact on academia. Indeed, scholars are still struggling to get accustomed to virtual teaching and Zoom meetings, and as many archives are still closed, and fieldwork abroad has become almost impossible, many have had difficulties to further their research. In light of these developments, we are focusing on a global digital presence of LUP’s titles by making more books available in electronic format. The press is therefore working closely together with major eBook platforms, including JSTOR and Project Muse. With a growing number of titles in Open Access, it seeks to ensure that its publications are ever more widely accessible. We are delighted that we are able to present an exciting list of new publications in this year’s catalogue, despite the obstacles many of our authors have encountered. It reflects the continued interest in global and colonial history, as well as in Dutch history and heritage, with titles such as De zeventiende eeuw (‘the seventeenth century’), Military Power and the Dutch Republic. War, Trade and the Balance of Power in Europe, 1648-1813, and Colonialism and Slavery: An Alternative History of the Port City of Rotterdam. Furthermore, the timely publication Inescapable Entrapments? The Civil-Military Decision Paths to Uruzgan and Helmand, which concerns the British and Dutch military decision-making process that led to the deployment of their militaries into to the Afghan provinces of Helmand and Uruzgan, has already generated much national and international interest. At the same time, new titles in the Iranian Studies series, the Debates in Islam and Society series, and the Media/Art/Politics series illustrate LUP’s persistent focus on highly relevant areas of study and public discourse. Our academic titles echo our ambition to publish high-quality peer reviewed academic works for an international community, including monographs, edited volumes, and textbooks. As you may have noticed, there is a new name at the end of this preface. Anniek Meinders, LUP’s previous publisher, has left the press for a new challenge elsewhere. As before however, Leiden University Press intends to publish scholarly work of the highest quality. Indeed, citing Anniek: ‘we remain committed to our mission of providing readers with books that offer reliable expertise, inspire and encourage informed debate.’ Saskia Gieling Publisher

ARCHAEOLOGY 17 Creating Capitals 18 Ñuu Savi: Pasado, Presente, Futuro 19 Tlamatiliztli: la sabiduria del pueblo nahua DUTCH HISTORY 1 De zeventiende eeuw 5 Colonialism and Slavery GLOBAL HISTORY 6 The Heirs of Vijayanagara 16 Images of the Indonesian War of Independence, 1945-1949 HERITAGE 7 Antilliaans erfgoed 1 en 2 ISLAM 9 Being Muslim in Indonesia IRANIAN STUDIES 10 The Rise of the Ni‘matullāhī Order 11 Losing Our Minds, Coming to Our Senses LITERARY STUDIES 12 Een regenjasje voor het aapje 13 De postkoloniale spiegel MEDIA / ART / POLITICS 8 Place: Towards a Geophilosophy of Photography MILITARY HISTORY 2 Military Power and the Dutch Republic 3 Inescapable Entrapments? 4 The Invasion of the South LEIDEN UNIVERSITY 14 Geleerde zorgen 15 Rap 73 BACKLIST HIGHLIGHTS 20 Autumntide of the Middle Ages 21 PUBLISHER AND SALES INFORMATION


Cover illustration: Irregularly wavy pleated collar (fraise à la confusion) made of linen batiste, c. 1615-c. 1635, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam.

Helmer Helmers, Geert Janssen en Judith Noorman (red.)

De zeventiende eeuw Wie ‘zeventiende eeuw’ zegt, denkt al snel aan Rembrandt, Amalia van Solms, Huygens, Van Schurman, en Spinoza, aan de VOC en aan pompeuze grachtenpanden vol weelde en schatten. De Republiek der Verenigde Nederlanden was in de zeventiende eeuw dan ook een politieke grootmacht, met wereldwijde handelsbelangen en een toonaangevend cultureel leven. Deze Nederlandse 'gouden eeuw' is vaak geroemd vanwege zijn religieuze tolerantie, artistieke creativiteit en economische innovatie. Tegelijkertijd is hij berucht vanwege betrokkenheid bij oorlogvoering, slavernij en militaire onderdrukking in Azië, Afrika en Amerika. Dit handboek biedt een rijk geïllustreerd en caleidoscopisch overzicht van dit veelbesproken tijdperk, geschreven door internationale experts. Een onmisbare gids voor iedereen die geïnteresseerd is in de mondiale geschiedenis en het dagelijks leven van de Nederlandse zeventiende eeuw. Edited and extended edition of The Cambridge Companion to the Dutch Golden Age, Cambridge University Press, 2018 Translated by Frits van der Waa

This is the best introduction to the Dutch Golden Age available in any language today. Lively and accessible, it is also wide-ranging and authoritative, drawing on the latest research to offer a host of fresh perspectives. This combination of qualities is perfect for students and general readers alike. – Benjamin J. Kaplan, University College London, over de Engelse editie.

Helmer J. Helmers is senior onderzoeker bij het KNAW Humanities Cluster. Geert H. Janssen is hoogleraar vroegmoderne geschiedenis aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Judith F.J. Noorman is universitair docent vroegmoderne kunstgeschiedenis aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Deze bundel met korte, heldere opstellen geeft ruimhartig inzicht in de 17de eeuw van de Republiek van de Verenigde Provinciën en hoe historici daar de laatste decennia mee zijn omgegaan […] Een beter houvast kan een beginneling noch een vakbeoefenaar zich moeilijk dromen. – Johan Verberckmoes, KU Leuven, over de Engelse editie.

NEDERLANDSE GESCHIEDENIS Publicatiedatum najaar 2021 NUR 680 ISBN 9789087283766 Taal Nederlands Prijs € 49.50

Formaat Hardback geïllustreerd 170 x 240 mm Omvang 448 pagina’s Omslagontwerp Geert de Koning Imprint LUP Academic



Marc van Alphen, Jan Hoffenaar, Alan Lemmers and Christiaan van der Spek

Mirjam Grandia Mantas

Military Power and the Dutch Republic

The Civil-Military Decision Paths to Uruzgan and Helmand

War, Trade and the Balance of Power in Europe, 1648-1813

Military involvement in foreign policy decisionmaking, and its role as a driving force in that process, has long been anathema to both academic and practitioner circles. Without wanting to pursue the quest for principles or ultimate predictions this study looks specifically into the role of the military in foreign policy decision-making. It does so by carefully reconstructing and comparing the sequential series of decisions of a group of British and Dutch senior civil and military decision-makers which have led to the deployment of their militaries into to Afghan provinces of Helmand and Uruzgan.

Inescapable Entrapments?

In 1667, the year of the Raid on the Medway, the Dutch Republic was at the pinnacle of its might and fame. A century and a half later little of this glory remained and Napoleon wiped the country off the political map. This book provides a military explanation for the ‘miracle’ of the seventeenth century and the demise that ensued. How were the army and navy in the Dutch Republic organised and financed? What tactics were employed and how did military leaders operate? Where did the Republic’s troops come from and how was society involved? How did the tens of thousands of anonymous sailors and soldiers live, and how were they regarded by civilians?

One of the most prominent findings of this analysis is the shaping ability of military initiatives on the series of decisions and the consequent path dependent reasoning during political deliberations on the deployment of military forces: the decision of the United Kingdom and the Netherlands to deploy their troops to southern Afghanistan was based on an emergent case that largely built itself.

Published in co-operation with the Netherlands Institute of Military History (NIMH) First published as Krijgsmacht en handelsgeest. Om het machtsevenwicht in Europa (1648-1813), Boom Uitgevers, 2019 Translated by Lee Preedy and Paul Arblaster

A comprehensive study addresses the human aspect of military exploits in the Dutch Republic, where army and navy operated within a social, economic and political context. Not only is it praiseworthy for the outstanding contributions, the well-chosen illustrations, the clear maps and the design as a whole, but most particularly for the innovative perspectives.

All the authors are associated with the Netherlands Institute for Military History (NIMH) in The Hague. Marc van Alphen and Alan Lemmers are specialists in maritime history (chiefly the Early Modern era), Jan Hoffenaar is NIMH’s head of research and professor in military history at Utrecht University, while Christiaan van der Spek focuses on the Batavian-French era.

– **** Dutch broadsheet NRC Handelsblad on the Dutch edition.

An excellent account of an important episode in military history and in the development of Europe. Takes forward existing work on the war. The use of images is particularly valuable. – Jeremy Black, University of Exeter on The Eighty Years War, the first volume in this six-part series.



MILITARY HISTORY Publication date Autumn 2021 NUR 680 ISBN 9789087283650 Language English Price € 89.- £ 76.- $ 109.Format Hardback illustrated 207 x 279 mm Page extent 552 pages Cover design René van der Vooren Imprint LUP Academic

The book offers a fresh and illuminating interpretation of how, by whom and when, decisions were made in the NL and UK as they sought to take part in the NATO operation in Afghanistan. The analysis is original and shows convincingly that the practice had little relationship to the theory upon which political and military processes for the use of armed force are structured.

Lt. Col. Mirjam Grandia Mantas is Assistant Professor of International Security Studies at the Netherlands Defence Academy and a commissioned officer serving in the Royal Netherlands Army. In her military career she has been deployed on various missions to Bosnia, Afghanistan and Ethiopia.

– General Sir Rupert Smith, retired British Army Officer and author of The Utility of Force: The Art of War in the Modern World.

A very rich, empirically interesting project with significant potential to contribute to a wide range of areas of scholarship, including civil-military relations, military-political decision making, interventions and ‘peace-building’ missions, and international security more generally. It is of relevance to both academic and non-academic readers. A real strength is its comparative nature, and it will be of interest to those who study and participate in Dutch and UK foreign policy. – Julliet Kaarbo, University of Edinburgh.

MILITARY HISTORY Publication date April 2021 NUR 697 ISBN 9789087283643 epdf 9789400604087 Language English Price € 54.50 £ 47.- $ 65.Format Paperback 156 x 234 mm Page extent 294 pages Cover design Andre Klijsen Imprint LUP Academic



Willem Remmelink (ed.)

Gert Oostindie (ed.)

The Invasion of the South

Colonialism and Slavery

Army Air Force Operations, and the Invasion of Northern and Central Sumatra

An Alternative History of the Port City of Rotterdam In this book the focus uniquely lies on the colonial and slavery part of a city. Rotterdam, the second-largest Dutch city, is one of the leading European port cities. Its maritime expansion was intrinsically linked to Dutch colonialism, including slave trading and colonial slavery in the Americas, Africa and Asia. This painful history sits uneasy with the city’s contemporary profile, with its large number of ‘new Rotterdammers’ with colonial roots. The present volume provides a summary of the research that has documented this history, with chapters on the contribution of colonial trade to economic development; the city’s involvement in slavery; the role of the urban political elites; the impact on urban development and architecture; the so-called ethical impulse; colonial art and ethnographic collections; colonial and postcolonial migrations; and finally the resonance of this history in postcolonial Rotterdam.

Between 1966 and 1980, the War History Office of the National Defense College of Japan (now the Center for Military History of the National Institute for Defense Studies) published the 102-volume Senshi Sōsho (War History Series). The present book completes the trilogy of English translations of the sections in the Senshi Sōsho series on the Japanese operations against the former Dutch East Indies (Indonesia). The first volume (The Invasion of the Dutch East Indies, 2015) details the army operations, the second volume (The Operations of the Navy in the Dutch East Indies and the Bay of Bengal, 2018) the navy operations, and this third volume the army air force operations. The three volumes provide an unparalleled insight into the Japanese campaign to capture Southeast Asia and the oil fields in the Indonesian archipelago in what was at that time the largest transoceanic landing operation in the military history of the world. It was also the first time in history that air power was employed with devastating effect over such enormous distances, posing complex technical and logistical problems. As for the military details of the Japanese invasion of Southeast Asia, I gratefully used the remarkably detailed book The invasion of the Dutch East Indies (Leiden, 2015). This study was published in Tokyo as early as in 1967, and was compiled by The War History Office of the National Defense College of Japan. This exceptionally detailed source book and reconstruction was translated and annotated by Willem Remmelink. The book has provided guidance during my fieldwork in Japan and I have used it several times during interviews with witnesses, which repeatedly yielded new stories.

Gert Oostindie is Director of the KITLV/Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies in Leiden, and Professor of Colonial and Postcolonial History at Leiden University. He has published widely on slavery, colonialism, decolonization, postcolonial migrations, and the relevance of the colonial past for contemporary society.

Willem Remmelink was the executive director of the Japan-Netherlands Institute in Tokyo for more than twenty-five years. He is a specialist in Japanese and Indonesian history.

– David van Reybrouck on The Invasion of the Dutch Indies in Revolusi (2020).

Highly recommended, and sure to be a very strong contender as one of the top new books of the year...The third and final volume of English translations of the Japanese history of the invasion of the East Indies, without which no study of that campaign is complete. Extraordinary material from those who planned and conducted operations, including an abundance of tabular data regarding air strength, losses, etc. – Bill Stone,





Publication date April 2021 NUR 686 ISBN 9789087283667 epdf 9789400604100 Language English Price € 72.50 £ 62.50 $ 87.50 Format Hardback illustrated 182 x 257 mm Page extent 518 pages Cover design Geert de Koning Imprint LUP Academic

Publication date November 2021 NUR 680 ISBN 9789087283704 epdf 9789400604223 Language English Price € 49.50 £42.- $ 60.Format Paperback illustrated 160 x 240 mm Page extent 200 pages Cover design Bart van den Tooren Imprint LUP Academic



Lennart Bes

The Heirs of Vijayanagara

Antilliaans erfgoed

Court Politics in Early Modern South India

1. Toen en nu 2. Nu en verder

– Anna Lise Seastrand, University of Minnesota.

This monograph makes a major contribution to early modern history in India and to South Indian history in particular. It takes an understudied and important subject – royal courts – during a period of pronounced historical complexity to present the reader with a remarkable analysis that will leave an enduring imprint on the field. Its sound historical method and meticulous archival research recommend it all the more. Notable is the author’s wide use of sources culled from different archives and in different languages. He allows sources with vastly different textual ecologies to be juxtaposed in the same interpretative field in order to read his sources against one another and to find a judicious way forward. – Daud Ali, University of Pennsylvania.



1 Toen en nu

Het Antilliaanse culturele erfgoed verdient het om meer aandacht te krijgen en nader te worden onderzocht. Dit tweedelige boek, geschreven door een team van Antilliaanse en Nederlandse wetenschappers, biedt een Gert Oostindie  is  directeur  van  het  Koninklijk  Instituut  staalkaart van reflecties op het voor  Taal-,  Land-  en  Volkenkunde  (KITLV-KNAW)  en  culturele hoogleraar Koloniale en postkoloniale geschiedenis aan de  erfgoed van Aruba, Bonaire en Curaçao en Universiteit Leiden. van de Antilliaanse diaspora in Nederland. Alex van Stipriaan  is  hoogleraar  Caribische  geschiedenis  Gert Oostindie is directeur van het Koninklijk Instituut In het eersteRotterdam  deel, Toen nu, Universiteit  en  als  en senior  on-wordt aan  de  Erasmus  voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (KITLV-KNAW) en derzoeker verbonden aan het KITV. onderzocht hoe in het koloniale verleden hoogleraar Koloniale en postkoloniale geschiedenis aan de werd aangekeken tegen de lokale Universiteit culturenLeiden. Alex van Stipriaan is hoogleraar Caribische geschiedenis en hoe die culturen zich langzamerhand aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam en als senior onderzoeker verbonden aan het KITV. min of meer emancipeerden. In het tweede deel, Nu en verder, staan vragen centraal Leiden University Press www.lup.nlover de uitdagingen waarvoor deze culturen zich vandaag gesteld zien, in hunlup staatkundig ambivalente situatie als deel Leiden University Press van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, de vroegere kolonisator, en gezien de grote invloed van migraties en de sterke afhankelijkheid van toerisme. Een rode draad die door beide bundels loopt is hoe opvattingen over cultureel erfgoed verbonden waren en zijn aan uitdagingen van natievorming en nation branding.

In great detail, this monograph provides both new facts and fresh insights that contest existing scholarship. By highlighting their competitive, fluid, and dynamic nature, it undermines the historiography viewing these courts as harmonic, hierarchic, and static. Far from being remote, ritualised figures, we find kings and Brahmins contesting with other courtiers for power. At the same time, by stressing continuities with the past, this study questions recent scholarship that perceives a fundamentally new form of Nayaka kingship. Thus, this research has important repercussions for the way we perceive both these kingdoms and their ‘medieval’ precursors. This is an important contribution to the study of Early Modern South India. Its comparative approach highlights what makes each court distinctive, while also showing the courts’ family resemblances as ‘heirs’ of Vijayanagara. Bes’s careful study of Dutch-language primary sources describing the customs and relationships between historical actors are critical to a fuller understanding of this period. The book’s rich bibliography situates its arguments in the historiography, while also providing paths forward for future scholars.

Het Antilliaanse culturele erfgoed verdient het om meer aandacht te krijgen en nader te worden onderzocht. Dit tweedelige boek, geschreven door een team van Antilliaanse en Nederlandse wetenschappers, biedt een staalkaart van reflecties op het culturele erfgoed van Aruba, Bonaire en Curaçao en van de Antilliaanse diaspora in Nederland. In het eerste deel, Toen en nu, wordt onderzocht hoe in het koloniale verleden werd aangekeken tegen de lokale culturen en hoe die culturen zich langzamerhand min of meer emancipeerden. In het tweede deel, Nu en Onder redactie van Gert Oostindie & Alex van Stipriaan verder, staan vragen centraal over de uitdagingen waarvoor deze culturen zich vandaag gesteld zien, in hun staatkundig ambivalente situatie als deel van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, de vroegere kolonisator, en gezien de grote invloed van migraties en de sterke afhankelijkheid van toerisme. Een rode draad die door beide bundels loopt is hoe opvattingen over cultureel erfgoed verbonden waren en zijn aan uitdagingen van natievorming en nation branding.

2 Nu en verder

This comparative study investigates court politics in four kingdoms that succeeded the south Indian Vijayanagara empire during the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries: Ikkeri, Tanjavur, Madurai, and Ramnad. Building on a unique combination of unexplored Indian texts and Dutch archival records, this research offers a captivating new analysis of political culture, power relations, and dynastic developments.

Antilliaans erfgoed Antilliaans erfgoed 1  Toen en nu Antilliaans erfgoed

Het  Antilliaanse  culturele  erfgoed  verdient  het  om  meer  aandacht  te  krijgen  en  nader  te  worden  onderzocht.  Dit  tweedelige  boek,  geschreven  door  een  team  van  Antilliaanse  en  Nederlandse  wetenschappers,  biedt  een  staalkaart  van  reflecties  op  het  culturele  erfgoed  van  Aruba,  Bonaire en Curaçao en van de Antilliaanse diaspora in Nederland. In het eerste deel, Toen en nu, wordt onderzocht  hoe in het koloniale verleden werd aangekeken tegen de  lokale  culturen  en  hoe  die  culturen  zich  langzamerhand  min  of  meer  emancipeerden.  In  het  tweede  deel,  Nu en verder,  staan  vragen  centraal  over  de  uitdagingen  waarvoor deze culturen zich vandaag gesteld zien, in hun staatkundig ambivalente situatie als deel van het Koninkrijk der  Nederlanden, de vroegere kolonisator, en gezien de grote  invloed van migraties en de sterke afhankelijkheid van toerisme. Een rode draad die door beide bundels loopt is hoe  opvattingen  over  cultureel  erfgoed  verbonden  waren  en  zijn aan uitdagingen van natievorming en nation branding.

Antilliaans erfgoed

Gert Oostindie & Alex van Stipriaan (red.)

2 Nu en verder Onder redactie van Gert Oostindie & Alex van Stipriaan

Herensha I – Toen en nu def.indd Alle pagina's

26-04-21 15:28


Herensha II – Nu en verder def.indd Alle pagina's

26-04-21 15:14

Gert Oostindie is directeur van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (KITLV-KNAW) en hoogleraar Koloniale en postkoloniale geschiedenis aan de Universiteit Leiden. Alex van Stipriaan is hoogleraar Caribische geschiedenis aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam en als senior onderzoeker verbonden aan het KITLV.

Lennart Bes is an Indologist and historian studying political culture in south India. He teaches Asian history, Dutch overseas history, and archival studies at Leiden University. He has published about early modern south Indian kingdoms and Dutch sources on South Asia. He is presently working on the courts of Malabar.

COLONIAL AND GLOBAL HISTORY THROUGH DUTCH SOURCES Publication date Summer 2021 NUR 680 ISBN 9789087283711 epdf 9789400604162 Language English Price € 69.50 £ 59.- $ 84.Format Paperback illustrated 156 x 234 mm Page extent 600 pages Cover design Geert de Koning Imprint LUP Academic





Publicatiedatum juni 2021 NUR 680 Taal Nederlands Formaat Paperback geïllustreerd 156 x 234 mm Omslagontwerp Geert de Koning Imprint LUP General

ISBN 9789087283551 epdf 9789400603943 Prijs € 29.50 Omvang 296 pagina’s

ISBN 9789087283568 epdf 9789400603967 Prijs € 29.50 Omvang 292 pagina’s

ISBN 9789087283605 Prijs € 55.-



Ali Shobeiri

Muhammad Adlin Sila

Place: Towards a Geophilosophy of Photography

Being Muslim in Indonesia

By examining photography through geography and philosophy, this book makes evident that place is not the content of a definite representation. To do this, it breaks down the participatory elements of photography into six tropes: the photographer, the camera, the photograph, the image, the spectator, and the genre. Afterwards, through a rigorous theoretical analysis of each of these themes vis-à-vis the notion of place, it shows how they manifest inactive, contingent, unlocalizable, liminal, evental, agential and exigent features. In doing so, it establishes a ‘geophilosophy of photography’, which regards place as that which resists being restricted to where it is (the photographer), to what it is (the camera), to where it goes (the photograph), to what it encloses (the photographic image), to how and when (the spectator), and to what it represents (the genre).

How Muslims in Indonesia consider their religious practices, politics and culture as Islamic is described in this volume. By examining the various ways Bima Muslims constitute their Islamic identities and agencies through rituals and festivals, this book argues that religious practice is still vigorous in present Bima. It explores the reproduction of religious meanings among various local Muslims and the differences between social groups. Islam is represented as divided between the traditionalist Muslims and the reformist Muslims, between the royal family and the ordinary Muslims, and between Muslim clerics and lay people. Consequently, there is no single picture of Islam. As Bima Muslims construe their Islam in response to their surroundings, what it means to be a Muslim is constantly being negotiated. The complexity of religious life has been a result of the duality of socio-political settings in Bima which stems from the early period of the Islamization of Bima to the present.

In this lively and highly original book, Ali Shobeiri documents the many ways in which photography is all about place. Offering acute observations on everything from the photographer to the photographic image, and from the camera to the spectator, Shobeiri sets forth all the ways, major and minor, in which photography is (in his words) ‘comprised of places.’ Proceeding from the basic premise that places are not just locations or sites but are vibrant ways of being in space and time, he demonstrates that photography presents to us the many transmogrifications of places as they are perceived, remembered, and transformed in their ‘processual, omnilocal, mutating, and lived manifestations.’ Lucidly written, this breakthrough book allows us to see that the scope and import of photography is far more extensive than we have ever imagined – and that place, the central thread of this captivating and convincing text, has been given new life through photography. The result is nothing short of the creation of a new and unique field of inquiry: ‘the geophilosophy of photography’.

Religiosity, Politics and Cultural Diversity in Bima

BEING MUSLIM IN INDONESIA Religiosity, Politics and Cultural Diversity in Bima Muhammad Adlin Sila

All in all, this is the best book on Islam in everyday life in Bima, which I know of. – Nico Kaptein, Leiden University.

One of the aims of the book is to show how villagers have continued to maintain a large degree of local social cohesion in the performance of a variety of rituals despite the over-arching presence of a global conflict in the Islamic world between traditionalist mysticism and scripturalist rationalism. Ali Shobeiri is Assistant Professor of Visual Art Theories in the Departments of Art History and Media Studies at Leiden University. He is co-editor of Animation and Memory (2020).

– Thomas Gibson, University of Rochester.



Publication date January 2021 NUR 652 ISBN 9789087283582 epdf 9789400604001 Language English Price € 32.50 £ 29.50 $ 39.50 Format Paperback illustrated 156 x 234 mm Page extent 182 pages Cover design Ieva Verikaite Imprint LUP Academic

Publication date June 2021 NUR 717 ISBN 9789087283629 epdf 9789400604063 Language English Price € 59.50 £ 52.- $ 72.Format Paperback illustrated 156 x 234 mm Page extent 250 pages Cover design Tarek Atrissi Imprint LUP Academic

Muhammad Adlin Sila is currently working at Indonesia’s Ministry of Religious Affairs (MoRA) and is a lecturer at the State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta. His research focuses mainly on social anthropology and religious studies.

– Edward S. Casey, Stony Brook University.

Shobeiri’s notion of ‘geophilosophy’ is an important contribution to the field. Its merits are twofold: on the one hand, it thoroughly brings together three disciplines in a very organic and convincing way; on the other hand, it also offers an excellent synthesis of the existing research on ‘place’, which serves as an echo chamber to the authors and concepts that are creatively appropriated in this work. – Jan Baetens, KU Leuven.





Shi'ite Sufi Masters against Islamic Fundamentalism in 19th-Century Persia


This insightful study is an astute and sensitive portrayal of one of the world’s most important repositories of esoteric Islam, the Niʿmatullahi Sufi order. Drawing upon an impressive range of sources, many still in manuscript form, Reza Tabandeh paints a compelling and fascinating portrait of the history and spiritual traditions of this Shiʿi community of mystics.

– Oliver Scharbrodt, University of Birmingham.



By bringing sensory studies to the study of Persian literature and culture, Losing Our Minds, Coming to Our Senses: Sensory Readings of Persian Literature and Culture inaugurates a new chapter for Iranian and M. Mehdi Khorrami is Professor Emeritus of Persian Studies at New York University. studies. Thisessays, volume a diverse set of He is the author of aPersian number of monographs, andoffers book chapters on the rhetorical and aesthetic dynamics of Persian modernist writing and contemporary readings across periods, genres and forms throughout Persian prison literature. Persian literary history, demonstrating the value of Amir Moosavi is an assistant Professor in the Department of English at Rutgers UniversityNewark. His teaching, research and writing focus Persian and Arabic literatures. sensory studies asonanmodern approach to Persian cultural This book makes a significant and original contribution to the disciplines Little production, literary or otherwise. Therelated. book’s chapters scholarship exits on the topic. − Claudia Yaghoobi, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill conceptualize sensory aesthetics in the context of Persian literature and suggest ways in which studies can […] the essays offer ground-breaking studies that demonstrate how Persian sensory literature and other areas of cultural production can be understood beyond the well-worn framework beSensory used to reimagine andproposed enrich inexisting to of socio-political context. readings such as those this book approaches expand Persian literature and art beyond the confines of area studies and open the possibility literature. volume sheds light on the scope of for comparative literaryPersian studies across languages The and cultures. − Samad Alavi, University of Oslo Persianate sensoria over the long, rich history of Persian letters. In doing so, it also offers a new model for a comparative approach to the study of Persian literary works through the larger field of sensory studies.

This aptly-titled collected volume, Losing Our Minds, Coming to Our Senses: Sensory Readings in Persian Literature and Culture, marks a momentous and welcome shift away from the conventional socio-political and allegorical LEIDEN UNIVERSITY PRESS readings of Persian literature. Ranging in their focus from the Classical to modern literary and cultural production, the nine chapters, complemented with a refined introduction, chart new paths for a more nuanced appreciation of the Iranian literary and cultural traditions. Reza Tabandeh received his PhD in Islamic Studies at the University of Exeter. He is currently a researcher on Islam and Sufism at Brock University, Canada.

– Shafique Virani, University of Toronto.

A valuable and accessible work on the revival of Sufism in 19th century Iran. Tabandeh illustrates successfully the precarious efforts of Ni‘matullahi Sufis to carve out their space in the religious landscape of Iranian Twelver Shiism.

Sensory Readings of Persian Literature and Culture

By bringing sensory studies to the study of Persian literature and culture, Losing Our Minds, Coming to Our Senses: Sensory Readings of Persian Literature and Culture inaugurates a new chapter for Iranian and Persian studies. This volume offers a diverse set of readings across periods, genres and forms throughout Persian literary history, demonstrating the value of sensory studies as an approach to Persian cultural production, literary or otherwise. The book’s chapters conceptualize sensory aesthetics in the context of Persian literature and suggest ways in which sensory studies can be used to reimagine and enrich existing approaches to Persian literature. The volume sheds light on the scope of Persianate sensoria over the long, rich history of Persian letters. In doing so, it also offers a new model for a comparative approach to the study of Persian literary works through the larger field of sensory studies.

IRANIAN STUDIES SERIES Publication date June 2021 NUR 717, 718 ISBN 9789087283674 epdf 9789400604124 Language English Price € 59.50 £ 52.- $ 72.Format Paperback illustrated 156 x 234 mm Page extent 320 pages Cover design Tarek Atrissi Imprint LUP Academic

– Nasrin Rahimieh, University of California, Irvine.

Shams of Tabriz, that enigmatic master of poet Rumi, is supposed to have said of himself: ‘You will see my state if your ears turn into eyes.’ In this book we see not only the mutuality and interdependence of the mind and the senses, not just the vocal, the visual and the tactile, or the sounds and smells of our world, but an entire universe in constant acts of making and remaking of the mental and material worlds we live in. Such a collection, rare as it may be in comprehending Persian culture and its amazingly rich literature, occupies a central niche of understanding, at once unique and essential, to all that makes and unmakes us in the diverse mental and sensuous worlds we live in. – Ahmad Karimi-Hakkak, University of Maryland.


M. Mehdi Khorrami and Amir Moosavi (eds)

Reza Tabandeh

How were the Ni‘matullāhī masters successful in reviving Ni‘matullāhī Sufism in Shi‘ite Persia? This book investigates the revival of the Ni‘matullāhī Sufi order after the death of the last Indian Ni‘matullāhī master, Riḍā ‘Alī Shāh (d. 1214/1799) in the Deccan. After the fall of Safavids, the revival movement of Ni‘matullāhī order began with the arrival in Persia of the enthusiastic Indian Sufi master, Ma‘ṣūm ‘Alī Shāh, during the last quarter of the eighteenth century. Later, at the beginning of the nineteenth century, Persian masters of the Ni‘matullāhī Order were able to solidify the order’s place in the mystical and theological milieu of Persia. Ma‘ṣūm ‘Alī Shāh and his disciples soon spread their mystical and ecstatic beliefs all over Persia. They succeeded in converting a large mass of Persians to Sufi teachings, despite the opposition and persecution they faced from Shi‘ite clerics, who were politically and socially the most influential class in Persia. The book demonstrates that Ḥusayn ‘Alī Shāh, Majdhūb ‘Alī Shāh, and Mast ‘Alī Shāh were able to consolidate the social and theological role of the Ni‘matullāhī order by reinterpreting and articulating classical Sufi teachings in the light of Persian Shi‘ite mystical theology.

Losing Our Minds, Coming to Our Senses

Losing Our Minds, Coming to Our Senses

The Rise of the Ni‘matullāhī Order

M. Mehdi Khorrami and Amir Moosavi (eds) The Rise of the Ni‘matullāhī Order


Reza Tabandeh

M. Mehdi Khorrami is Professor Emeritus of Persian Studies at New York University. Amir Moosavi is an assistant professor in the Department of English at Rutgers University-Newark.

IRANIAN STUDIES SERIES Publication date July 2021 NUR 635 ISBN 9789087283681 epdf 9789400604148 Language English Price € 59.50 £ 52.- $ 72.Format Paperback illustrated 156 x 234 mm Page extent 280 pages Cover design Tarek Atrissi Imprint LUP Academic



Wim Boot en Henk Akkermans (red.)

Een regenjasje voor het aapje Een integrale vertaling van Bashō’s Sarumino Dit boek is een integrale vertaling in het Nederlands van de bundel Sarumino. Zij omvat niet alleen de gedichten van Bashō zelf, maar ook die van zijn vele discipelen, en niet alleen de haiku, maar ook de kettinggedichten (renga) en het prozastuk over Bashō's tijdelijke verblijf Genjūan. De vertaling is voorzien van een uitgebreide annotatie en voor- en nawoorden. Wim Boot is emeritus-hoogleraar Talen en Culturen van Japan en Korea aan de universiteit van Leiden. Zijn specialismen zijn de intellectuele geschiedenis van de Edo-periode (1600-1867) en literaire theorie uit dezelfde periode. Henk Akkermans is bedrijfskundige en Japanoloog. Hij is hoogleraar aan de Universiteit van Tilburg. Zijn Japanologische specialismen zijn de hedendaagse Japanse economie en klassieke haiku en renga.

Rick Honings, Coen van ’t Veer en Jacqueline Bel (red.)

De postkoloniale spiegel De Nederlands-Indische Letteren herlezen Het Nederlandse koloniale verleden in Indonesië heeft grote invloed gehad op de literatuur. In De postkoloniale spiegel. De Indische letteren herlezen wordt in 26 hoofdstukken de ‘canon’ van de Nederlands-Indische literatuur voor het eerst systematisch vanuit een postkoloniaal perspectief gelezen, van Multatuli’s Max Havelaar (1860) – de eerste Indische roman – tot en met Lichter dan ik (2019) van Dido Michielsen. Na een introductie waarin wordt ingegaan op het leven van de auteur en zijn of haar relatie met Nederlands-Indië of Indonesië, worden telkens een of meer romans kritisch geanalyseerd. Naast beroemde auteurs als Louis Couperus, E. du Perron en Marion Bloem komen ook minder bekende schrijvers aan de orde. Terugkerende aandachtspunten zijn de representatie van de ongelijke koloniale machtsverhoudingen en de Europese strategieën waarmee de ‘ander’ werd gemarginaliseerd. De postkoloniale spiegel geeft niet alleen een vernieuwend overzicht van meer dan 160 jaar Indische literatuurgeschiedenis, maar is tegelijkertijd bedoeld als een zelfkritisch onderzoek naar hoe de Nederlandse letterkunde omgaat met het koloniale verleden. Dit boek komt als geroepen. Het grote gebied van de Indische Letteren wordt hier coherent en consequent op postkoloniale leest geschoeid. Als uitgangspunt voor een standaardwerk bevestigt het een belangrijke ontwikkeling in theorie en letterenstudie. – Maaike Meijer, Universiteit van Maastricht.

De postkoloniale spiegel sluit aan bij de maatschappelijk discussie die vraagt om het herijken van de koloniale geschiedenis. Hier ligt de spiegel aan diggelen. – Henriëtte Louwerse, University of Sheffield.

LITERATUURGESCHIEDENIS Publicatiedatum najaar 2021 NUR 622 ISBN 9789087283780 epdf 9789400604285 Taal Nederlands Prijs € 59.50 Formaat Paperback 156 x 234 mm Omvang 366 pagina's Omslagontwerp Andre Klijsen Imprint LUP Academic



LITERATUURWETENSCHAP Publicatiedatum oktober 2021 NUR 617, 680 ISBN 9789087283735 Taal Nederlands Prijs € 49.50 Formaat Hardback geïllustreerd 170 x 240 mm Omvang 554 pagina’s Omslagontwerp Andre Klijsen Imprint LUP Academic

De postkoloniale spiegel © Peter van Dongen. Rick Honings is Scaliger-hoogleraar en verbonden aan het Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS). Zijn onderzoek richt zich op de negentiende-eeuwse en Nederlands-Indische literatuur. Hij is hoofdredacteur van Indische Letteren. Coen van ’t Veer is verbonden aan het Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS). Hij schreef meerdere boeken en artikelen over Nederlands-Indische literatuur. Hij is redacteur van Indische Letteren. Jacqueline Bel is hoogleraar moderne Nederlandse letterkunde (Multatuli-leerstoel) aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Haar onderzoek richt zich in het bijzonder op de literatuur van het fin de siècle, de vroege twintigste eeuw en de (post)koloniale literatuur. Ze is redacteur van Indische Letteren.



Mieke van Baarsel

Dorrit van Dalen

Geleerde zorgen

Rap 73

Twee eeuwen academische geneeskunde in Leiden

Verhalen van het Leidse Academiegebouw

In dit rijk geïllustreerd werk beschrijft Van Baarsel de geschiedenis van de Leidse medische faculteit. Begin 19de eeuw stond de Leidse medische faculteit er slecht voor. Hoogleraren gaven nog colleges in het Latijn en haalden hun inspiratie uit de geschriften van grote voorgangers als Boerhaave. Bloedzuigers hadden een voorname plaats in het behandelarsenaal.

Het Academiegebouw is het hart van de Universiteit Leiden. In dit boek horen we het in elke ruimte kloppen. Soms krachtig, als het gaat over de Verlichting of verdediging van vrijheid, over helden in de wetenschap of de stencilmachines waarmee studenten in 1969 hun ‘aktie’ voor democratisering aanslingerden. Voor andere verhalen legde Dorrit van Dalen haar oor tegen de muren van het gebouw: kleine verhalen over de tekeningen op de trap, een pedel met de slappe lach, de klokkenzolder als uitkijkpost in de Tweede Wereldoorlog, over Leidse liefde voor decorum die met grillen wordt gekruid.

Maar door de grote epidemieën – cholera, tuberculose – en vooral door buitenlands voorbeeld veranderde dat. Gedreven artsen en onderzoekers zochten aansluiting bij internationale ontwikkelingen in de wetenschap. Ook ijverden ze voor een echt academisch ziekenhuis. De geneeskunde transformeerde en explodeerde, en daarmee ook de ziekenhuizen en de verpleegpraktijk. De rijksoverheid klaagde over de ‘tonnen gouds’, die dat kostte. Leiden nam een eigen plaats in tussen de academische centra. Met een armenziekenhuis dat uitsluitend voor het onderwijs was bedoeld, maar waar hoogleraren als betrokken artsen toch zoveel mogelijk patiënten toelieten. Met nieuwbouwdrama’s, maar ook met eminente artsen en onderzoekers als Rosenstein, Einthoven, Zaaijer, Van Rood en Van der Eb.

Geleerde zorgen Mieke van Baarsel

Leiden Publications

Twee eeuwen academische geneeskunde in Leiden L E I DE N PUBL IC AT IONS

Dorrit van Dalen studeerde en promoveerde aan de Universiteit Leiden. Bij Leiden University Press verscheen eerder van haar hand Gum Arabic. The Golden Tears of the Acacia Tree (2019). Mieke van Baarsel is historica bij het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum.

UNIVERSITEITSGESCHIEDENIS UNIVERSITEITSGESCHIEDENIS Publicatiedatum najaar 2021 NUR 680 ISBN 9789087283698 Taal Nederlands Prijs € 49.50 Formaat Hardback geïllustreerd 227 x 290 mm Omvang 448 pagina’s Omslagontwerp Friedemann Vervoort Imprint Leiden Publications



Publicatiedatum februari 2021 NUR 680 ISBN 9789087283599 epdf 9789400604025 Taal Nederlands Prijs € 22,50 Formaat Paperback geïllustreerd 135 x 210 mm Omvang 184 pagina’s Omslagontwerp Andre Klijsen Imprint Leiden Publications



Images of the Indonesian War of Independence, 1945-1949 / Perang Kemerdekaan Indonesia dalam Gambar / Beelden van de Indonesische onafhankelijkheidsoorlog, 1945-1949

Four years of protracted negotiations and bitter warfare passed between the declaration of Indonesian independence on 17 August, 1945, and the official transfer of sovereignty on 27 December, 1949. Whereas the newly proclaimed Republic of Indonesia rejected the colonial regime and hence any attempt at ‘recolonization’ by the Dutch after the Japanese occupation (1942-1945), the Dutch framed their return to the archipelago as a mission to restore ‘order and peace’. These wildly contrasting perspectives were visualized in propaganda posters, eiden publications pamphlets and all kinds of printed materials. Many of these materials, alongside photographs and oral history collections, ended up in the collections of the KITLV and eventually the Leiden University Libraries. This trilingual (English, Dutch and Indonesian) catalogue accompanies a digital exhibition of some fifty unique items. The selection made demonstrates the sharply contrasting perspectives on the legitimacy of the Republic and Dutch colonialism, and also offers first-hand testimonies of a bitter war with a huge imbalance of casualties.

Images of the Indonesian War of Independence • Perang Kemerdekaan Indonesia dalam Gambar • Beelden van de Indonesische onafhankelijkheidsoorlog • 1945•1949

Sander van der Horst, Linde Lammers, Melle van Maanen, Gert Oostindie and Anda Zara

Aris Politopoulos

Images of the Indonesian War of Independence Perang Kemerdekaan Indonesia dalam Gambar beelden van de indonesische onafhankelijkheidsoorlog


Creating Capitals The Rationale, Construction, and Function of the Imperial Capitals of Assyria The creation of new capital cities are watershed moments in the lives of ancient empires. Assyria, arguably the most successful imperial state of the ancient Near East, repeatedly engaged in capital creation. Capital creation denotes the development of a monumental capital, either in a new location or through the profound transformation of a pre-existing settlement. This volume focusses on the rationale, construction, and function of the imperial capitals of Assyria: Kār-Tukultī-Ninurta, Kalḫu, Dur-Šarrukēn, and Nineveh. By exploring three key questions – why was a capital created, how was a capital created, and what were the functions of the capital – this study presents a comparative analysis of these four urban centers and presents a new perspective on their creation, as well as an innovative framework for the study of capital creation from antiquity to today.

leiden publications

MA students Sander van der Horst, Linde Lammers and Melle van Maanen compiled the inventory of all relevant special collections, prepared the ultimate selection and wrote the accompanying texts. Gert Oostindie (director of KITLV and Professor of Colonial and Postcolonial Studies at Leiden University) and Anda Zara (lecturer in History at the Yogyakarta State University) contributed the introductions to the catalogue.

Aris Politopoulos is an archaeologist whose research focuses on ancient Near Eastern empires, the development of cities, and the study of play in the past. He is a lecturer of Near Eastern Archaeology at the Faculty of Archaeology (Leiden University) and a post-doctoral researcher for the Past-at-Play Lab in the Leiden University Centre for Arts in Society.



Publication date Autumn 2021 NUR 644 ISBN 9789087283797 epdf 9789400604216 Language English/ Indonesian/Dutch Price € 29.50 Format Paperback illustrated 190 x 250 mm Page extent 150 pages Cover design Andre Klijsen Imprint Leiden Publications

Publication date December 2020 NUR 682 ISBN 9789087283520 epdf 9789400603882 Language English Price € 46.- £ 41.50 $ 54.50 Format Paperback illustrated 210 x 273 mm Page extent 182 pages Cover design Joanne Porck Imprint LUP Academic





Omar Aguilar Sánchez

Osiris Sinuhé González Romero

Ñuu Savi: Pasado, Presente, Futuro

Tlamatiliztli: la sabiduria del pueblo nahua

Descolonización, Continuidad Cultural y Reapropiación de los Códices Mixtecos en el Pueblo de la Lluvia

Filosofia intercultural y derecho a la tierra (Mexico) This book provides a systematic analysis of the wisdom coined by Nahua people of Mexico, based on historical sources and archaeological evidence, as well as on the knowledge developed by contemporary indigenous communities and the contributions of indigenous scholars. The author demonstrates how the cognitive structures embedded in indigenous languages are useful in the development of an intercultural epistemology.

This study focuses on the Ñuu Savi (Mixtec) pictorial manuscripts (codices). By studying the historical-cultural heritage of Mixtec People, as well as the re-integration of cultural memory and cultural continuity, linking the past and the present through the Mixtec language (or Sahan Savi), this study aims to understand the cultural values of the Mixtec People.

Omar Aguilar Sánchez studied archeology at the National School of Anthropology and History of Mexico and obtained his PhD at the Faculty of Archaeology and Humanities, Leiden University. During the last decade, his research has focused on the historical-cultural heritage of the Ñuu Savi, in particular the Mixtec codices.

Osiris Sinuhé González Romero obtained his PhD at the Faculty of Archaeology, Heritage of Indigenous Peoples, Leiden University. He was awarded the Coimbra Group Scholarship for Young Professors and Researchers from Latin American Universities in 2015.



Publication date December 2020 NUR 682 ISBN 9789087283612 epdf 9789400604049 Language Spanish Price € 51.Format Paperback illustrated 210 x 273 mm Page extent 284 pages Cover design Joanne Porck Imprint LUP Academic

Publication date June 2021 NUR 682 ISBN 9789087283742 epdf 9789400604209 Language Spanish Price € 46.Format Paperback illustrated 210 x 273 mm Page extent 236 pages Cover design Joanne Porck Imprint LUP Academic








Johan Huizinga

Autumntide of the Middle Ages Johan Huizinga was the most renowned Dutch historian of the twentieth century, and his work ranged from medieval art to mechanization in modern America. His influential book Autumntide of the Middle Ages is still considered one of the most perceptive and influential analyses of the late medieval period. Its wide-ranging discussion of the ritual, formalism, and spirituality of medieval society makes it a classic study of life, culture, and thought in fourteenth and fifteenth century France and the Low Countries. One of the great merits of Webb’s new translation is that, for the first time, English readers get to encounter this lyrical Huizinga in all his splendor. […] Webb’s new translation is the first English rendition of Autumntide that comes equipped with a scholarly apparatus, as well as a plethora of high-quality image reproductions of the various artworks, sites, and objects relevant to Huizinga’s text. [...] these images alone make this latest translation of Huizinga’s masterpiece a must-have. Indeed, one might be tempted to call it a coffee-table book were it not for the sparkling prose of its author (and translator), which vies with the gorgeous images adorning its every page.




ISBN 9789087283544 epdf 9789400603929 Price € 49.50 £ 44.50 $ 59.50 Published 2020

ISBN 9789087283377 epdf 9789400603608 Price € 39.50 £ 35.00 $ 42.50 Published 2019

ISBN 9789087283438 epdf 9789400603745 Price € 49.50 £ 44.50 $ 56.Published 2020


– Birger Vanwesenbeeck, Los Angeles Review of Books.

Leiden University Press Rapenburg 73 2311 GJ Leiden The Netherlands +31 71 527 14 51

The translator has captured the poetic qualities of Huizinga’s authorial voice without sacrificing the readability of the text. (…) The result is a version of the text that captures Huizinga’s original voice better than either of the two previous English editions. […] The edition is gorgeous – solidly bound with thick paper, and with high-quality illustrations of most, if not all, the works of art Huizinga mentions in his text, plus others. At the same time, the edition has been produced to a high scholarly standard. It includes all of Huizinga’s original prefaces, notes, timeline, and a reconstructed bibliography of works cited by the author.

Publisher Saskia Gieling Publishing Assistant Romy Uijen

– Benjamin Kaplan, the low countries.

Highly recommended. All levels. – Choice. The translator, Diane Webb, won a prize in 2005 for her translations of other Dutch writings. She deserves another for this one. Having ‘conscientiously’ (her word) averted her gaze from earlier English translations, she has made her own terms with, on one hand, shifting conventions in English, and, on the other, with idiosyncrasies in Huizinga’s prose (he can change tenses four times in one sentence). She gives poetry both in its original languages and in English translation. With few exceptions, a reader forgets that this is a translation at all. – Alexander Murray, Times Literary Supplement. 20


HISTORY Publication date Spring 2020 NUR 680, 684 ISBN 978 90 8728 313 1 Language English Price € 62.50 £55 $ 69.50 Format Hardback, illustrated 215 x 270 mm Page extent 592 pages Cover design Suzan Beijer Imprint LUP General

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