LUP Catalogue 2021

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Images of the Indonesian War of Independence, 1945-1949 / Perang Kemerdekaan Indonesia dalam Gambar / Beelden van de Indonesische onafhankelijkheidsoorlog, 1945-1949

Four years of protracted negotiations and bitter warfare passed between the declaration of Indonesian independence on 17 August, 1945, and the official transfer of sovereignty on 27 December, 1949. Whereas the newly proclaimed Republic of Indonesia rejected the colonial regime and hence any attempt at ‘recolonization’ by the Dutch after the Japanese occupation (1942-1945), the Dutch framed their return to the archipelago as a mission to restore ‘order and peace’. These wildly contrasting perspectives were visualized in propaganda posters, eiden publications pamphlets and all kinds of printed materials. Many of these materials, alongside photographs and oral history collections, ended up in the collections of the KITLV and eventually the Leiden University Libraries. This trilingual (English, Dutch and Indonesian) catalogue accompanies a digital exhibition of some fifty unique items. The selection made demonstrates the sharply contrasting perspectives on the legitimacy of the Republic and Dutch colonialism, and also offers first-hand testimonies of a bitter war with a huge imbalance of casualties.

Images of the Indonesian War of Independence • Perang Kemerdekaan Indonesia dalam Gambar • Beelden van de Indonesische onafhankelijkheidsoorlog • 1945•1949

Sander van der Horst, Linde Lammers, Melle van Maanen, Gert Oostindie and Anda Zara

Aris Politopoulos

Images of the Indonesian War of Independence Perang Kemerdekaan Indonesia dalam Gambar beelden van de indonesische onafhankelijkheidsoorlog


Creating Capitals The Rationale, Construction, and Function of the Imperial Capitals of Assyria The creation of new capital cities are watershed moments in the lives of ancient empires. Assyria, arguably the most successful imperial state of the ancient Near East, repeatedly engaged in capital creation. Capital creation denotes the development of a monumental capital, either in a new location or through the profound transformation of a pre-existing settlement. This volume focusses on the rationale, construction, and function of the imperial capitals of Assyria: Kār-Tukultī-Ninurta, Kalḫu, Dur-Šarrukēn, and Nineveh. By exploring three key questions – why was a capital created, how was a capital created, and what were the functions of the capital – this study presents a comparative analysis of these four urban centers and presents a new perspective on their creation, as well as an innovative framework for the study of capital creation from antiquity to today.

leiden publications

MA students Sander van der Horst, Linde Lammers and Melle van Maanen compiled the inventory of all relevant special collections, prepared the ultimate selection and wrote the accompanying texts. Gert Oostindie (director of KITLV and Professor of Colonial and Postcolonial Studies at Leiden University) and Anda Zara (lecturer in History at the Yogyakarta State University) contributed the introductions to the catalogue.

Aris Politopoulos is an archaeologist whose research focuses on ancient Near Eastern empires, the development of cities, and the study of play in the past. He is a lecturer of Near Eastern Archaeology at the Faculty of Archaeology (Leiden University) and a post-doctoral researcher for the Past-at-Play Lab in the Leiden University Centre for Arts in Society.



Publication date Autumn 2021 NUR 644 ISBN 9789087283797 epdf 9789400604216 Language English/ Indonesian/Dutch Price € 29.50 Format Paperback illustrated 190 x 250 mm Page extent 150 pages Cover design Andre Klijsen Imprint Leiden Publications

Publication date December 2020 NUR 682 ISBN 9789087283520 epdf 9789400603882 Language English Price € 46.- £ 41.50 $ 54.50 Format Paperback illustrated 210 x 273 mm Page extent 182 pages Cover design Joanne Porck Imprint LUP Academic





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