Leigh news february 2016

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Leigh News Volume 42 Number 1 FEBRUARY 2016

ISSN 0313-8453

An Inverleigh Progress Association publication

COMING SOON Access to the

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2 Community Calendar

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FEBRUARY 2016. 16th INVERLEIGH PROGRESS ASSOCIATION @ Inverleigh Hall 7:30pm. 20th & 27th CIRCUS OZ @ THE HEART-BANNOCKBURN MARCH 2016. 5th. PROVIDORES PICNIC@THE HEART-BANNOCKBURN 19-20TH ARTS TRAIL. OPEN TILL 11TH MARCH-THE DRESSMAKER COSTUME EXHIBITION-BARWON PARK Leigh News © 2013, Inverleigh Progress Association Inc. The Leigh News is published monthly (except January) by the Inverleigh Progress Association Incorporated, and is distributed free in the townships of Inverleigh, Teesdale, Bannockburn and Shelford, and the surrounding districts. Letters, comments, suggestions, articles, and reports from readers are welcome whether or not intended for publication. The Leigh News is prepared, assembled and printed by Gardesign of Inverleigh using environmentally friendly materials and distributed by volunteer workers. Circulation:


Editorial and Advertising Items submitted for inclusion in the Leigh News should be clearly marked “For inclusion in the (month) Leigh News” and in by the 25th day of each month. Advertisements should be marked with the size of advert required and the number of editions in which it is to be displayed. Advertisements or Editorial contributions should be clearly addressed to:

“Leigh News”, PO Box 247, Inverleigh, Victoria 3321 or

Peter’s Editorial We all love Change! Not! Actually, we are all quite resistant to Change to varying degrees. Some won’t change because it has always been done that way, and others just love to try out new things. The Leigh News is embracing change, but keeping the unchanged. This month we have gone “online” for those who will benefit from this facility, but we will continue to produce our printed copy, including some colour pages, for all to read. This change is new for me too, but I enjoy the challenge and trust you will all benefit from it. Details of where to find the “Online” Editions are on the front cover. Please continue to send me your articles, photos and interesting news items from the district.

Enjoy your Leigh News!

I enjoy producing it for you.


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Editorial & Advertising


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Contributions from the community are welcome and encouraged Deadlines MUST be kept or no guarantee of inclusion. send to



Contributions to the Leigh News are published with the permission of various bodies and representatives who supply the information, photos advertisements and crosswords. None of this information should be used by any other publication without first requesting permission of the supplier of this information. Using material without seeking permission is plagiarism and carries penalties.

The views or ideas expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editorial committee or of the Inverleigh Progress Association. While we try to check the integrity, the publication of advertisements is not an endorsement of the advertiser’s product or quality of workmanship.

In the case of odd size adverts, sizes are calculated in column cms. 1 col. is 60mm wide x 269mm long. For further information about advertising and cost in the Leigh News: contact Peter Trevaskis on 0407 100 791 or leighnews@bigpond.com Professional ad design tailored to your needs at competitive pricing Please forward accounts and payments to: Tony Waayers, Leigh News, PO Box 247, Inverleigh 3321. Phone: 5265 1610 Committee Members: Hilary Hamilton (President) Luanne Thornton (Secretary) Tony Waayers (Treasurer) Peter Trevaskis (Editor) Faye Thomas (Assistant)

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1990’s Thanks to Dagmar Cations (Photographer) and Liz McDonald (Inverleigh Historical Society) for making these special photos available to the Leigh News.

4 Community

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Song of Inverleigh

1. Where the winding rivers Leigh and Barwon meet, There’s a little town I often long to see, With its houses neat, and wide and pretty street, And it goes by the name of Inverleigh.

Chorus 2. Back, back to Inverleigh, oh come with me, Pack up your troubles and happy we will be. Dear friends we’ll meet, old pals we’ll greet, In that quaint little town of Inverleigh. 3. Bonnie Inverleigh is all the world to me; How I love its sloping hills, and little town, Nestling there by night, in moonlight clear and bright, With the dews of heaven softly falling down. Chorus 4. Oft I’m dreaming of those happy days gone by; Could those past years all roll back again for me, I would build a little shack, somewhere out back, And I’d never leave again old Inverleigh. Chorus 5. You may roam the wide world over any day, And grand sights and cities fair that you may see; When returning home, we know that you will say There is no place on earth like Inverleigh.

7. All the telephones are automatic now, There’s new bridges o’er the Barwon and the Leigh, There are houses where the sheep and cattle grazed, And the kinder where the old church used to be. Chorus 8. The much loved bush is saved from the past, But now the new houses are spreading fast, People now can cross the footbridge o’er the Leigh, To think another century has passed. Chorus 9. The football club is up and running again, Five new rooms are built into the school, Computers are the norm now in this town, Emails and the net, a whole new language now. Chorus 10. Our school is not so little anymore, Mr Kirby lets them come in by the score, We have won the ball games each and every year, Causing all the schools to shed a little tear.

Chorus 11. We have iPads, google, skype and Instagram, Youtube, facebook, apps and we delete the spam, We are lucky now we have a bakery, Chorus It is perfect for our town of Inverleigh. 6.Nearly sixty years have gone since first they sang, Chorus Of this scenic little town of Inverleigh, We’ve seen drought and flood and young men gone to war, In fifty-two came electricity. Chorus Can you help with more details about the “Song of Inverleigh”, which was beautifully sung at the 150th Celebrations by the Inverleigh Primary School Students? *Verses 1 to 6 were written by E. E. Allen in 1930. *Verse 7 written and added by Mrs Coral Peel in 1988. *Verses 8 and 9 were added in 2002, but we do not know who wrote these verses. *Verses 10 and 11 were added in 2015, written by John Tantou. If you know who wrote verses 8 and 9, please call the Editor, Peter Trevaskis on 0407 100 791 or email me at leighnews@bigpond.com. Many thanks-PeterT.

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The first meeting for 2016 will be held on Tuesday 16th February at 7.30 PM in the community meeting room at the Inverleigh Public Hall. Members of the community are always welcome to attend and join our Association, which has been going for more than 40 years. Inverleigh Community Plan. This year it is time to update the Inverleigh Community Plan. Nicole Langtip, the new Community Planning Facilitator for Golden Plains Shire will guide us all through the process. This will involve consultation and a public meeting in April to update and further develop the current plan, which is available to view on the Golden Plains Shire website at: http://www.goldenplains.vic.gov.au/webdata/ resources/files/2013%20Inverleigh%20Community%20 Plan.pdf

Inverleigh & District Phone Book. As well it is nearly four years since the last publication of our local telephone book. There have been three previous editions and it is a useful resource for local people and businesses. Expressions of interest for advertisements can be placed via the Leigh News emailleighnews@bigpond.com The book will be A5 size and advertisements can be for a full, half or quarter page. Entries will be collected throughout the year with a final effort made on the day of the federal election later this year. Forms for additions, deletions and corrections will be included in editions of the Leigh News. Luanne Thornton-Secretary.

COMMUNITY MEETING IN APRIL The Inverleigh Progress Association and the Golden Plains Shire will be holding a community meeting in April to put in place a Community Plan that is to be implemented over the next three years. There is a shire grant associated with this plan. We invite all interested people to attend with ideas about what this Community Plan will contain for Inverleigh. Further information re this project in the next Leigh News.

NEW EDITION OF THE LOCAL PHONE BOOK INVERLEIGH, WINGEEL & MURGHEBOLUC Do you wish to amend or update your current entry? Are you a new resident who wishes to be included?

Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Address: ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Home Phone: …………………………… Mobile 1: Name……………………………Number………………………….. Mobile 2: Name……………………………Number………………………….. Forward details to Leigh News Editor: leighnews@bigpond.com Do you operate a business and want to advertise in the local phone book? Send me your proposed advert or call Peter on 0407 100 791 and I’ll call or visit you.

6 leigh news

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Inverleigh’s Town Entrance

2nd Update: Dry-stone wall workshop… Interested? Otherwise need $. Thanks for the ideas and drawings so far everyone! We now have specific building guidelines from VicRoads. We have lots of great/terrible examples of existing town entrances from around Vic. Our budget of $3613 is not enough for two quality, enduring town entrance signs so…

We are looking at other possibilities of grants to fund this project. Ideas … Council small grants, educational day funding, rural community funding, Landcare funding, fundraising, Bendigo Bank. Do you have any funding ideas? Please register your interest in a Dry-stoning Wall Workshop (@ $100). You will be able to take your skills, build one at home, as well as contribute to your town’s entrance. Your name will be on a plaque on the back. (This is an idea only, just gauging interest. We need 30 people to attend at @$100/head, and bluestone/volcanic rocks donated for it to be viable). If you are interested but not physically able, you are welcome to come and supervise or encourage us on your camp-chair! Nothing finalised yet… Still happy to receive suggestions… Eliza Peel, (nee Barry) 0438351483 or elizabarry@hotmail.com (On behalf of the Inverleigh Progress Association)

Golden Plains Shire Focus Groups Report. Golden Plains Shire Council is reporting back to residents on the recent focus groups. In late November and early December 2015, Golden Plains Shire Council held three focus group sessions with 41 representatives from the community to provide an opportunity to talk to Council about community priorities for the 2016-17 Council budget. One of the objectives for Council was to actively listen to residents. Feedback from Councillors and residents after all three sessions indicated this was achieved.

Council found the sessions invaluable and, as promised, summarised the key themes we heard across the three focus group in the form of a Focus group report. The Focus Group Report is available on Council’s website: http:// www.goldenplains.vic.gov.au/ page.aspx?u=165&c=19802 The focus group input will be considered in planning for the 2016-17 Budget and Strategic Resource Plan (which is part of the Council Plan and provides an overview of Council’s proposed key actions over the next four years).

There will be more opportunities for the broader public to provide feedback on the budget; more detail can be found in the Focus Group Report. Council would like to encourage all residents to fill out the Community Engagement survey today. The survey can be found on our Have Your Say page www.goldenplainsdigital. com.au/consultations/134

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MY MESSAGE OF HOPE Each and every Christmas it plays on my mind that whilst many people are gearing up to celebrate and enjoy Christmas Day, there are many others, who have just received a cancer diagnosis, as cancer never takes a holiday, and can come to any of us on any day of the year, including Christmas. So, for those of you who are struggling to comprehend what this means for them, this article is for you. At 9.00 am on the 23rd of December, 2010, I was sitting with my shopping list in my hand, going over in my head what I needed to buy, and in what order, to prepare Christmas dinner at my home in 2 days time, after I leave this pre-arranged appointment, which I guess, should take all of 10 minutes.

As I was sitting there, I had no comprehension that over the next 5 years: I would see my daughter, 12 months from now, take out DUX of her school year. I would celebrate my daughter’s Graduation, 2 years from now, where she would achieve an ATAR score that would enable her to be accepted into Medicine. I would be celebrating my daughter being accepted into Monash University to study a Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery Degree. I would travel to Europe for the first time, for six weeks, with my daughter and I travelling extensively through Paris, Switzerland and Italy, and making lifelong friends in the process, that we would otherwise have never met. I would visit Borneo for a month, during Ramahdan, travelling into the deepest parts of the jungle, where no humans have ever set foot, where my daughter and I shared an experience afforded to very few, the sighting of pygmy elephants, some barely a metre tall, making it one of the most magical moments of my entire life. I would travel to Europe for the second time with my daughter to celebrate her 21st birthday, travelling through London, Scotland and Ireland, seeing a joy I have never seen on my daughter’s face before as she was met with a surprise visit by the direwolves from Game of Thrones, Summer and Greywind, when we travelled to Belfast in Northern Ireland. I would be writing this article, whilst busily planning my next overseas adventure with my daughter to Africa in May 2016. I would have friends that would become as close as any sisters could be, that, on this day, I hadn’t even met, nor would



by Andrea Bolton

have, but for what I am about to hear 15 minutes from now. At 9.15 a.m on the 23rd of December, 2010, as I got up from where I was sitting, as I was called into my doctor’s office, I had no comprehension that I was about to be delivered a diagnosis of aggressive breast cancer that within days would activate a process beyond my control, where over the next five years I would have a team of medical professionals behind me, fighting for my survival as their end result. I had no comprehension, as I sat there with my now forgotten Christmas shopping list crumpled in my terrified hands, that I would lose a breast and have an axillary lymphatic clearance of my right arm, that I would undergo 15 months of gruelling chemotherapy (being able to roll off the top of my tongue, drugs I then didn’t even know existed, such as epirubison, cyclophosphamide, taxotere, herceptin and tamoxifen), that I would live for nearly an entire year with no hair, not on my head, not where my eyebrows now were and not where my eyelashes now sat. I had no picture in my mind of a future that, would have me laid up for nearly a year on the couch where on my worst days, the pain was so severe there were times I couldn’t move my eyes, let alone any other part of my body for fear of losing consciousness, where on the better days, I was just so fatigued, I couldn’t even get up without assistance. I had no picture in my mind of hospitals being my second home, for treatment and 10 surgeries, the last of which was only completed six weeks ago, where time after time, I would find myself back at square one, finding ways to pick myself up again. I had no picture in my mind of what an amazing health system we have in this country, and the world class medical professionals who work tirelessly every day, saving patients every day from death. I had no picture in my mind of travelling full circle 5 years from now, looking no different from today, thanks to the many surgeries performed on me during this time, by Professor Wayne Morrison, using his world-class skills as a reconstructive plastic surgeon. As I sat in my doctor’s waiting room on that date, December 23, 2010, I had no idea that the next five years would become some of the best years of my entire life. I had no idea that it was possible that a cancer diagnosis would never have the power to overshadow the utmost joy I would experience in that time. For those of you newly diagnosed at this time of year, when everyone else seemingly has everything to celebrate, my wish for you is that I have given you hope, where you felt there may have been none. Maybe you will remember reading this 5 years from now and saying “now I get it” and that, like me, you will pay this hope forward to those in need 5 years from now, lost in a new found cancer diagnosis, whilst the world continues to celebrate yet another Christmas.

8 gardening

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THROUGH THE GARDEN GATE Christine Windle, Garden Gate Nursery, Inverleigh

Switch on to Succulents Succulents are proving their worth as house plants, in gardens and in pots because they are perfect for our dryer climate. They come in a wide range of colours and forms and are great value in a garden, providing a sculptural touch. And they flower – and what a range of gorgeous, weird and wonderful flowers they can have. I have to admit that I have come quite late to succulents, but now that I am learning more about them and am growing them myself, I am a true convert. ‘Succulent’ describes any plant with thick fleshy leaves or stems. Think of cactus, sedum, crassula, agave, pigface, aloe, echeveria, yukka, kalanchoe, aeonium and you are thinking of succulents. To see an amazing collection of succulents from around the world, visit the Geelong Botanic Gardens where they can be found in the 21st Century garden and at the far end of the gardens near the Pelargonium Collection house. Succulents have evolved water storage tissues which allow them to grow in situations too dry for most plants. In general, succulents like warmth, low humidity and well drained conditions. They thrive in direct light but can also adapt to low light, which makes them perfect for indoors or under a tree where it is too dry for other ground covers. While succulents need some moisture, allow the soil to dry out fully before watering. Give frost sensitive species some protection or plant

them in pots which can be brought up on to the verandah or moved to a sheltered spot. Don’t over-fertilise – just a little slow release fertiliser or a scattering of compost - treating succulents ‘mean’ will give you the best colour. In my garden, general neglect, other than a tidy up now and then, has kept my succulents (and me) very happy. There is a succulent for every need – ground cover, clumping, tall, draping, edging, cool colours, warm colours – but, and it is a big but, make sure that you plant them with plants that will like similar conditions. There is no point choosing drought proof plants and then causing them to rot because they get too much moisture when you water their neighbours. Raised beds will enable you to grow succulents in damper, less welldrained areas. Mass planting in contrasting groups makes a great show of foliage and flower repetition from afar and provides detailed enjoyment close up. Sedum Autumn Joy is particularly spectacular with pink blooms in late summer that age to a bronze colour, against beautiful sage green leaves. Other gorgeous sedums are the ground cover dragons’ blood – green and maroon leaves which sends up spires of bright cerise flowers in midsummer and sedum album, a low grower with masses of tiny white star flowers touched with shell pink. The latter two have been very popular with children planting fairy gardens, searching for smaller leaves and dainty flowers. Pots provide lots of scope for a collection of contrasting succulents or

for a celebration of one species. I have half barrels with succulents in pots in them laid out like patchwork quilts. Be creative with containers – kitchen ware, baskets, crates, terrariums – just remember the rule about good drainage and either make a drainage hole or be very careful not to over water. Planting taller succulents in containers bonsais them, making them smaller than similar ones in the garden. You can buy special succulent potting mixes or you can make a gritty 50/50 mix of ordinary potting mix and very coarse sand, crushed rock or gravel. Succulent roots do not take in water from direct contact but absorb moisture from the air, so you need to create a medium which will have air pockets in it. Give potted succulents a drink every week or so in summer and about once a month in winter – check if it is needed first. Once you start planting succulents, you will notice and appreciate them everywhere and your interest will grow. I am sure that you will have as much pleasure as I have with such easy care and rewarding plants. Happy gardening! Christine and Keith Windle, 0403 267 286 info@gardengatenursery.com. au Garden Gate of Inverleigh www. gardengate.com.au cnr Winchelsea Rd and McCallum Rd, Inverleigh

• Nursery Wide range of hardy garden plants • 14cm pots $7 Country garden and orchard setting featuring many plants available in the nursery. Open:Thursday - Saturday, 10 - 4 “Often open at other times, ring to check.”

77 Dundas St

(Cnr Inverleigh-Winchelsea Rd & McCallum Rd, Inverleigh)

Christine and Keith Windle



facebook:garden gate of inverleigh


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Welcome to the New Year! Christmas has come and gone again and hopefully the cardboard boxes and wrapping paper have been dealt with! I expect there was lots of excitement and hopefully not too much disappointment if your long awaited present didn’t pop up in the driveway or the batteries didn’t come with the toys. Christmas can be a bit complex. We often try to juggle competing things as we try to please those around us but I’m sure I’m not telling you something you didn’t already know. Often we try to be “all things to all people”. “All things to all people”, was a phrase used by St Paul! What he meant when he used it was that sometimes things can often never be explained in a simple, single way. Like a restaurant menu, the church needs to be able to offer different ways to meet different tastes ~ but always retaining the heart of the message that, as individuals, we are a deeply cared for, treasured, and respected people by God. Soooo, St Paul’s church has finalised the last part of a service style to meet people where they are! Radical eh!! They’ll be held whenever there’s a 5th Sunday in

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a month. The first of these services took place on January 31st. The format was much less formal than the traditional service and you don’t have to be “good” or be “clever” or even “Christian” to be part of it. There’s lots of “other ways of doing things”, so if you’d like to give it a go then come along and see how you like it. More information, can be obtained from our Vicar on 0419322385 Also, if you’d like to get some idea of what we’re about, our Vicar’s sermon is available each week (even before the congregation hears it) by subscribing to cameocc@westnet.com.au or pop along to St Paul’s to hear it on a Sunday at 9.30 am. From our church, we hope that you find exactly what you’re looking for in the coming months as you leap into a New Year. Best wishes from St Paul’s, Inverleigh Rev. Phil Jacobson.

Obituary - Charles John Morgan. 1934 to 2015. Aged 81 Years Charlie was a legend, a man of great warmth and generous spirit. He was born on 30th April 1934 in Geelong and tragically his mother died on that day. He was to live with Grandma Morgan, and Aunty Dorothy for the first 12 years of his life. In 1946 he moved back to the family farm at “Weeringal”, Inverleigh to live with his father in what is now known as Morgan’s Road. He attended Primary School at Newtown and Inverleigh, where he obtained his Merit Certificate. From 1947 he help his sick father to run the family farm. A keen sportsman, Charlie played cricket, football and Tennis. He was also involved in the local community, the Inverleigh Hall Committee, CFA, St Pauls Church Vestry and many farming related groups. In 1958 Charlie joined New Zealand Loan as a Stock and Station Agent, the beginning of a long and successful career of 55 years. While on holiday in Warburton with 3 mates, Charlie met Jill, who was also holidaying there after finishing

1st year of Nursing Training at Geelong Hospital. Jill and Charlie were married in 1960, and have 3 children, Geoffrey, Susan and Phillip. He was a proud grandfather to Scott, Rowan, Ashleigh, Joanna, Justine and Ellie. In 2008, Golden Plains Shire presented him a Certificate of Recognition for outstanding service ti rural communities, and later that year Landmark held a Luncheon for his 50 years of dedicated service to the Company. Charlie retired in 2011 but retirement didn’t last long as he was offered a position as Stock Agent for T.B.White and Sons in Ballarat. He worked there until 2013 when he was admitted into Aged Care. Charlie is remembered as a devoted Husband, father, grandfather and mate. May you Rest in Peace Charlie Morgan. It’s now time for God to take care of you, and He will.

10 leigh news

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Golden Plains Shire-


Application for a Planning Permit.

Golden Plains Shire have made application for a Planning Permit for Land in the Parish of Gheringhap, 1560 Hamilton Highway, Stonehaven, to use and develop the Land as a Transfer Station, Refuse Dump and Materials recycling Depot. Y ou may look at the application at the Golden Plains Shire, 2 Pope Street, Bannockburn. The responsible Authority will not decide on the application before 30 Days have lapsed from the date of the Notice, which is 09/01/2016. Any objections to this Planning Permit would therefore need to be make by 08/02/2016. Full details were published on Page 70 of the Geelong Advertiser on Saturday 16th January 2016. If you are interested or require further information, follow up with the Shire direct or by contacting them via: http://www.goldenplains.vic.gov.au/page.aspx?u=1242


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12 historical

Leigh News 2016 January Barunah Plains Shearing Team

What a well-dressed group of 42 gentlemen, five dogs and two pups, posing for this photograph in their hats and jackets. The group includes Ken(Nugget) Earl’s grandfather as a young man so the estimated date is late 1880’s or early 1890’s. Barunah Plains, west of Inverleigh, originally called Long Water Holes, was selected in the late 1830’s by the Austin family of the rabbit fame. Acquired by the Russell family in 1851 it remained in their ownership for nearly 130 years. The bluestone homestead was erected in 1866 and extended in 1886. It is listed on the national Estate Register. The twenty stand bluestone shearing shed was ‘T‘ shaped and other structures on the property included a bakery, laundry, cottages, sheds, stables, coach house and ram shed. The Geelong Advertiser in September 1890 comments “Shearing operations will be general in the Leigh district in the course of about a fortnight. It is understood that all, or nearly all, the sheds will be worked by union shearers. Stations at which preparations at which are now being made to commence work are Barunah Plains, Woolbrook,

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Golf Hill, Warrambine, Wurrook, The Meadows and Yarrima. An average clip is expected.”

In 1904 Barunah Plains famous merino flock was stated to be 50,000. Barunah Plains included Wingiel and was 51,000 acres prior to the Soldier Settlement subdivision.

Shearing time was a very busy time on the station. A lot of planning went into bringing mobs towards the woolshed by musterers accounting for sufficient feed and water depending on the season, and to get the sheep away each day. 1889 was a drought year with only four of the 100 dams on the property holding any water. This shearing team would have gradually congregated on the Bath flats near the property gateway until being signed on for the duration of shearing. The blade shearers worked piece work, 17 shilling

and 6 pence per 100 sheep shorn but had to pay for their rations.

They worked long hours, six days per week. Shearing commenced at 6am, breakfast 8am to 8.45am, dinner at noon. Recommence at 1pm, ten minute smoko at 2.45pm and 4.30pm with the finishing bell at 6pm. On Saturday they ceased at 4pm. This was a long and physically exhausting day with blades needing to be continually dressed and oiled. Two or three sets of bl.ade shears would be totally worn out each week. Meals and accommodation were of variable quality. This was a turbulent time in the shearing industry with the Australian Shearers Union being formed in Ballarat in 1886, later amalgamating with other shearing unions and then the 1891 great strikes commencing in Queensland. The resulting formation of the Australian Workers Union is credited with the creation of the Australian Labor Party. 1888 was the introduction of the first mechanical shearing machine prototypes but they we not in regular use until 1910. Source: Shears, Sheds & Strikes by James Donaldson and the Victorian Heritage database. Liz McDonald


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quality which captures the spirit of the film. It celebrates fashion and the Australian landscape. The exhibition is open from Wednesday to Sunday from 11 December 2015 to 11 March 2016 (excluding the Australia Day closure on Tuesday January 26) at Barwon Park Mansion. Visit The Dressmaker Café and choose from a range of biscuits, slices, Devonshire tea and bakehouse options such as pies, pasties, frittatas. Prices from $4.00 – $12.00. You can buy tickets online or at the door.

Hot on the heels of the release of the box office hit film, The Dressmaker starring Kate Winslet, the National Trust in association with Film Art Media proudly presents a major new exhibition featuring the movie’s stunning haute couture costumes of awardwinning designers Margot Wilson and Marion Boyce. The exhibition is open from Wednesday to Sunday from 11 December 2015 to 11 March 2016 at Barwon Park Mansion in Winchelsea. At Barwon Park Mansion, be transported to the dusty town of Dungatar in the 1950s, and experience the journey of transformation through the artful and luxurious costumes worn by Kate Winslet and the cast of The Dressmaker. The exhibition will reveal how the costumes, inspired by Parisian couture, were made and developed for the film. Visitors will be able to see the level of detail and artisanship which went into making the costumes. The exhibition will feature 50 designs by Marion Boyce as well as Tilly Dunnage’s costumes designed by Margot Wilson. The location of the exhibition and the beauty of the costumes create a wonderful incongruous and unexpected

Due to the success of the Exhibition, Volunteers are needed at Barwon Park. If you are able to assist, please contact: Trudi.Toyne@nattrust.com. au or Phone 5267 2209 or 0466 796 430.

PROBUS COMBINED PROBUS CLUB OF BANNOCKBURN INC. Probus is an association for active members of the community and for those no longer working full time to join together in clubs for a new lease of life. Join us at our monthly meeting for a light lunch and guest speaker, also a monthly outing or trip. We meet on the 1st Monday of the month at 12.30pm at: Community Church Hall , Moore Street, Bannockburn. This Months Outing: Bus trip Monday 14th March to Ballarat Begonia Festival. New members welcome.

If interested in attending, please contact Shirley 5281 5354

14 leigh news

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Noel Truswell 1951-2016.

INVERLEIGH CFA DRIVERS ROSTER Members who cannot make roster please let officer in charge know. January 25th G. Guinane

J. Cook

D. Fenwick

N. Wilson

M. Wilson

February 1st M. Guinane

G. Harvey

R. Macdonald N. Everett

A. Fry

February 8th M. Hicks

G. Vidler

N. Wilson

N. Wilson

A. Everett

February 15th G. Wishart

D. Neville

E. Peel

A. Shelley

B. Pearce

February 22ndJ. Alexander

G. Morgan

C. Holman

P. Jacobson

A. Melican

February 29th R. Wilson

A. Collins

D. Fenwick

M. Fry

J. Holman

March 7th

S. Thompson J. Hamilton

R. Macdonald N. Wilson

N. Everett

March 14th G. Harvey

M. Hicks

N. Wilson

M. Wilson

A. Fry

March 21st

G. Vidler

G. Guinane

E. Peel

A. Everett

B. Pearce

Noel passed away peacefully on Australia Day this year after a fight with cancer. Noel and his wife Joy are long term residents of Inverleigh and have lived here for 30 years. A gifted Joiner, Cabinet maker and Builder, Noel built their family home in Park Street and together he and Joy transformed an empty block into a beautiful haven here in the country. I first Met Noel at the stand pipe, collecting water for their lovely garden. He was a quiet man, gracious to all and dedicated to the love of his life, Joy and his family. We will all miss you Noel. PeterT (Editor)

Musculoskeletal Health and Wellness Offering: Osteopathy • Ayurvedic Medicine • Naturopathy • Dietary & Lifestyle Counselling • Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture • Remedial & Relaxation Massage • Exercise Physiology & Physical Rehabilitation • Group Exercise Classes & Hydrotherapy • Beauty Therapy Treating a wide variety of complaints including: Sports Injuries • Back and Neck pain • Headaches & Migraines • Chronic Pain Syndromes • Arthritis and Degenerative disorders • Paediatric complaints• Spinal Disc Injuries & rehabilitation • Peripheral joint injuries & repetitive strain disorders • Digestive Disorders & other functional disorders

Open 6 Days. Dr Haidee Benning & Associates. 23 HESSE ST WINCHELSEA 3241. PH: 0428 177 964 or 52 672 948

16 veterinary

Table of Contents *Spring Babies *Heidi’s Story *IgG Test *Treatment IN OTHER NEWS Rabbit Facts Life Span: 8-12 years

Body Weight: Males 2-5 kg Females: 2-6 kg depending on brfeed Sexual Maturity: at 4-8 months Puberty at 12 weeks, recommend separting boys and girls at 10 weeks old< Rabbit: Buck Female Rabbit: Doe Length of Pregnancy: 30-33 days

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Spring brings with it baby animals and this past season has seen a particularly high amount of babies for us at the clinic! Horses are seasonal breeders, with the horse’s birthday being celebrated on the 1st of August every year. Last year we had another successful foaling season but not without some worrying times as foals can be difficult ( you may have heard about ‘Jakarda Angel’ who featured on 7 news and Sunrise with whom we played a role in helping through her first steps of life).

HEIDI’S STORY ‘Heidi’ had a similar rough start to life as ‘Jakarda

Angel’. When she was born, she initially struggled to stand and suckle. Usually within the first few hours of life, foals wobble to their feet and stagger to Mum to have a big drink.This first drink is very important as this is colostrum rich milk which carries all of Mums’ antibodies she has made to fight diseases, viruses and infections. There is a limited window of time available for the foal to absorb these antibodies through their intestines and also a limited amount of time that Mum produces the special milk. As Heidi was finding it difficult to stand, the clock was ticking on her getting this valuable milk. Also, as time ticked by and she wasn’t suckling, Heidi was becoming dehydrated and this further reduced her energy to enable her to stand. Consequently, she was also beginning to lose her suckle reflex. Her owners tried all they could to help her, they would stand her up next to Mum’s udder and support her while she attempted to drink, they milked the mare and tried to bottle feed her but Heidi just wouldn’t accept this method. To add to the drama, Heidi had an elevated temperature, suggesting she may have already developed an infection from not having enough antibodies of her own to fight off disease.

IgG Test

Dr Wendy carried out a special test called an IgG test (Immunoglobulin G). this test is run at least 12 hours after birth. It involves sampling a small amount of the foal’s blood and running a specific ‘snap test’ which tells us the level of antibodies the foal has circulating in its blood stream (and therefore a reflection of how much colosturm the foal has received). Unfortunately, Heidi’s IgG test came back in the very low range (less than 400mg/dL) meaning she had not received adequate colostrum.

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Bella Update

Some time ago we brought you a story on Bella, a lovely Greyhound who had shattered her leg so badly she had to have an external fixator fitted. It is with great delight that we bring you an update that Bella has since had her 10 week post surgery checkup, and healing is going well. She was lucky enough to have one side of the fixator removed. This means her leg bone will start to carry more of her weight, which will hopefully continue to increase her rate of healing and she will get the contraption off her leg soon!

Treatment To rectify this Heidi was brought into the clinic and specially formulated plasma was given to her via an intravenous drip. The plasma contains all the antibodies she needs. This is a time consuming process however foals can have reactions to the plasma and go into anaphylactic shock - so it must be delivered very slowly and carefully monitored.

Dr Kylie and Heidi

The following day, Heidi returned to the clinic and the IgG test was performed again. This time the snap test revealed she had IgG levels well beyond 800mg/dL which is deemed adequate. She was also much brighter, no longer dehydrated and had figured out all about suckling from Mum to get a drink!

leigh news



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GOLF RESUTS –Nov-Dec. 2015

28th Nov. Men Stableford B. Gibson 37pts, R. Pickert 35pts, R. Keance 34pts, Longest Drive G. Hondow, O/65yrs B. Gibson. 2nd Dec. Men-Stableford G. Jolly 34pts c/b G. Hondow34pts, M. Leach 31pts N.T.P. 3rd G. Hondow. Longest Drive M. Leach O/65yrs T. Lee 5th Dec. Men-Par G. Jolly +1 c/b R. Pickert +1, G. Hondow Sq. Longest Drive O/65yrs B. Gibson. 9th Dec. Men- Par G. Jolly 7up, R. Pickert Sq, G. Belleville 3d. N.T.P. 15th G. Belleville. Longest Drive O/65yrs B. Gibson.

12th Dec. Men- Stroke B. Gibson 86-17-69, R. Keane 95-24-71, G. Jolly 95-22-73 N.T.P. 3rd I. Page, Longest Drive I. Page, O/65yrs R. Pickert. 16th Dec. Men-Stroke J. Heaney 98-35-63, r. Keane 96-24-72, B. Gibson 73-17-76 N.T.P. 3rd B. Gibson. Longest Drive O/65yrs G. Moroney. 19th Dec.-Men-No Golf- Total Fire Ban 23rd Dec-Men2nd Jan Men- Stableford. D. Mather 39pt, T. Lee 35pts, G. Jolly 34pts, N.T.P. 15th D. Mather. Longest Drive J. Nicolle, O/65yrs G. Jolly. 6th Jan Men-Stableford R. Keane 40pts, J. Heaney 39pts, T. Lee 34pts. N.T.P. 15th J. Smigowski.

INVERLEIGH BOWLS CLUB REPORT Well at last results are on the up and up, which is a credit to all members involved. We have had two wins in midweek pennant this last week and a win also in Saturday pennant. This leaves midweek division 6 in second position. It has given us some rewarding hope for some good results coming towards the end of the season. We have 6 more weeks to go, with hopes of a finals playing in midweek and Saturday finishing mid stream. We have played our club championships both men and women and it is with great enthusiasm that both Carol Joyce and Danny Kelly represent our club in the next round of district play offs in February. We start a local country challenge mid January, against Winchelsea, Geelong Cement and Bannockburn, with Winchelsea winning last year. A snippet from the past “ President John bowled the first bowl and declared the green open for the season2002/3. Maisie Griffiths won the nearest to the “stool”. A good start for the season , keep it up. The winners of the triples were Olga Prior, Isobel Wishart and Shirley Askew. Raffle winner was Eddie Ellis “

Longest Drive G. Hondow, O/65yrs T. Lee. 9th Jan. Men-Par S. wemyss +2, D. Brown Sq, J. Nicolle -2 N.T.P. 8th S. Wemyss. Longest Drive I. Page, O/65yrs R. Keane. 13th Jan. Men-No Golf Jan 16th Men- Stroke B. Gibson 86-17-69, S. Wemyss 80-10-70, R. Keane 93-22-71. N.T.P. 3rd J. Nicolle, 8th D. Mather,15th B. Gibson. Longest Drive S. Wemyss. O/65yrs R. Pickert. 20th Jan. Men-Par B. Gibson +1, T. Lee Sq, R.Pickert N.T.P. 15TH B.Gibson. Longest Drive O/65yrs T. Lee 23rd Jan Men-Stableford G. Jolly 35pts c/b T. Lee 35pts, J. Nicolle 34pts. Longest Drive S. Hondow, O/65yrs B. Gibson. 27th Jan Men- Stableford J. Heaney 44pts, T. Lee 31pts c/b G. Moroney 31pts. N.T.P. 15TH G.Moroney. Longest Drive O/65yrs R. Pickett.

Hopefully a good 6 weeks still to be played till the end of the pennant season. Helen Gaylard Vice President. Contributions to the Sports Pages is welcomed from all Sporting Clubs and Activities in the Area. Please forward articles to “leighnews@bigpond.com”, including Photos. (PeterT-Editor)

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golden plains


MESSAGE FROM THE MAYOR 2016 Australia Day Awards Council held its 2016 Australia Day Awards Ceremony on Wednesday 27 January, and I am happy to announce the award winners are: • Citizen of the Year – David Bruce • Senior Citizen of the Year – Jill Wheeler • Young Citizen of the Year – Matthew Kinnia • Community Event of the Year – Live @ Turtle Bend 2015

You can find out more information about all these deserving winners in this month’s Gazette or on our website.

Cr Des Phelan

Community Grants applications are now open Does your community organisation have a fantastic idea that would benefit your community? Applications for Council’s Community Grants Program 2016/17 open on 1 February 2016. These grants enable community groups to further meet the needs of the wider community in a partnership with Council. Applications can be submitted online goldenplainsdigital.com.au or a hard copy form can be provided on request. Have you completed our Community Engagement Survey? Council would like to hear more about your priorities for Community Engagement in Golden Plains, which will be used to feed into the development of a new Community Engagement Strategy for 2016-2020. I would like to encourage you to have your say today – you can fill out the survey online at goldenplainsdigital.

com.au/consultations, or fill out the printed form which will be included with the February edition of the Golden Plains Gazette. Keep an eye out for our redeveloped website It is very important to Council that residents have access to Council information and resources and to that end, Council is redeveloping its corporate website to provide a more customer–focused, contemporary digital service to our community. The updated site will run alongside

the existing site for a period of time, and Council would greatly appreciate any feedback on the new site – keep an eye out for it. Cr Des Phelan Mayor, Golden Plains

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Winchelsea: 22 Willis Street

Postal: P.O. Box 40, Winchelsea Vic 3241 Tel: (03) 5267 2673 Fax: (03) 5267 2465 Email: winch@surftax.com.au Certified Practicing Accountants


We are pleased to announce that we will now be consulting from: Corio Bay Health Group 9 High St, Bannockburn Appointments are available with a Registered Psychologist, Please phone: 5229 9055

20 noticeboard

TEESDALE COUNTRY MARKET Hand made, Home Grown, Vintage Teesdale Community Hall Teesdale Sunday 24th January 9-1pm Sunday 28th February 9-1pm Sunday 24th April 9-1pm Sunday 22nd May 9 -1pm CHILDRENS ACTIVITY TABLE DELICIOUS FOOD COFFEE VAN Stallholders contact; Geoff 0407 835 731 or 52815 354 www.teesdalecommunityevents@gmail.com

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St Pauls Surprise Shop Inverleigh For the month of February clothing PINK and GREEN tickets will be ½ price, so come on in and grab some awesome bargains. Closed School Holidays except SATURDAY Your local church needs what you don’t need, anything from clothing, furniture, bric-a-brac and sellable items. All donations can be left at the shop door or during opening hours. OPENING HOURS: Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday 9am – 1pm Come follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/St.PaulsSurpriseShop


Behind the CFA Building Main Road, Teesdale

FOR ALL YOUR HIRING NEEDS Hall, Meeting Room, Kitchen, Tables, Chairs & Crockery.

For bookings, phone Dale on 5281 5486 or 0428 386 724

Lions Club of Inverleigh Leigh Valley

We are now collecting newspapers for recycling. Papers can be left at the Town Hall on Mondays or pick up can be arranged by calling David on 0429 958 769 during business hours or 5265 1102 after hours. All proceeds from the paper collection go to local projects. As this is a new initiative for our club, community help would be greatly appreciated. Any further questions can be directed to David on 0429 958 769 or dave@ grantsautodismantlers.com.au


Phone 13 11 14


Justices of the Peace

Mr A. F. Helyar

10 Knowles Crt, Bannockburn Ph: 5281 1798

Mrs E. McDonald

47 High Street INVERLEIGH Ph: 5265 1270

Mr K. Windle

50 Park Street INVERLEIGH Ph: 0429 651 298


meets for rally every 2nd Sunday @10.00am Victoria Park, Park Street, Inverleigh Vic 3321 New Members always welcome for enquiries please contact

President: Nicole Rogers Mob: 0419 549 799 Secretary: Leanne Broad Mob: 0433 403 065 P O BOX 87 INVERLEIGH VIC 3321


7:30 AM – 8:45 AM Healthy Food plus a Fun Program!

*Cooking Club *Art & Craft *Outdoor Activities *Computer Club AFTER SCHOOL CARE

3:15 PM - 6:00 PM

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Inverleigh Shelford Teesdale

cut the Inverleigh Public Hall lawn? We are looking for volunteers willing to go on a roster to help keep the hall lawns neat and tidy. Tasks include mowing and neatening. This generally takes one to two hours. If you could find the time to help out once or twice a year, please contact Keith Windle on 0429 651 298 or send a message on windle.keith@gmail.com

“For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord...” (2 Corinthians 4.5) SUNDAY SERVICES

Inverleigh 9.00 AM 1st & 3rd Sundays

10.00 AM 2nd & 4th Sundays Teesdale 11.00 AM 1st & 3rd Sundays Shelford 10.00 AM Only 5th Sunday


For further information: Preaching Minister, Rev. Willem Vandenberg

PH: 0437 846 455.

Session Clerk: Alan Helyar Ph: 5281 1798

Anglican Church

38 High Street, Inverleigh 10 Railway Street, Inverleigh

COME JOIN US New members WELCOME for Pennant on Tuesday & Saturday (school friendly hours) Season starts September thru to March

Bowls available for Social or New Players NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY

Please call Helen on 5265 1023 or 0411 046 528 for more info visit www.inverleighbowls.org email: inverleighbowls@yahoo.com.au

Inverleigh Hall Hall Hire Contact The Inverleigh Hall Committee promotes the use of the hall and develops and maintains our fabulous community asset. If you would like to become involved by serving on the committee or by initiating activities at the hall, please contact

Anne-Maree Tarbett

0417 512 240

Sunday Service 9:30 Holy Communion Christmas Eve Service 8 pm Christmas Day Service 9:30 am Rev’d Phil Jacobson 0419 322 385 John Thornton 5265 1256 Bruce McDonald 5265 1270

Inverleigh Tennis Club NEW PLAYERS WELCOME We are always keen to hear of anyone interested in playing tennis.

General enquiries: Catherine Campbell 5265 1501 Cam Parke 5265 1145


Mass times for February/ March 2016 Winchelsea every Saturday @ 6 p.m. Inverleigh(Bannockburn) every Sunday @ 9 a.m. Anakie Sunday @ 11 a.m. February 7th/21st March 6th/ 20th/ 27th (Easter Sunday) Meredith Sunday @ 11 a.m. February 14th/28th March 13th/ 26th ( Easter Saturday) Ash Wednesday Mass and Ashes Wednesday February 10th Meredith 11 a.m.; Winchelsea 5 p.m.; Inverleigh(Bannockburn) 7 p.m. Mass at Bannockburn Aged Care Facility 2nd Friday of the month @ 11 a.m. Family Mass 1st Sunday of the month @ 9 a.m. at Inverleigh(Bannockburn) Enrolment for the Sacraments of 1st Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation will take place on Wednesday February 17th at Bannockburn cultural centre at 5.30 p.m. followed by a sausage sizzle. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER 2016 This special day celebrated in hundreds of countries throughout the world will take place in Meredith on Friday March 4 th at 2p.m. at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Lawler Street Meredith.followed by afternoon tea. Please bring a small plate of afternoon tea. This year’s service focuses on the people of Cuba particularly those suffering from domestic violence. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FRIDAY MARCH 4TH at 2P.M.@ ST. JOSEPH’S LAWLER ST.


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Inverleigh Walking Group Inverleigh Walking Group meet each Thursday at 10am at “The Red Door” for a walk around Inverleigh. Starting on February 11th

Falls Protection Exercises.

There will be an exercise group Meeting at 10am at the Presbyterian Church Hall If you would like to be a part of this group Contact Hesse Community Health Nurse Brooke Greig or Physio Michael Troup On 5267 1200

Phone: 5221 4788 www.tuckers.com.au




To provide short-term care in residential aged care services for people who are in temporary need of care and who intend to return to the community. Residential respite care may be used on a planned or emergency basis to help with carer stress, illness, holidays, or the unavailability of the carer for any reason.

ACCESS TO RESIDENTIAL RESPITE CARE Before entry to the service, an Aged Care Assessment Team should assess a person as needing the respite care.


Each person is entitled to 63 days per financial year. If you are a DVA client you are entitled to four of these weeks to be fully funded by DVA.


The Commonwealth government has regulated a daily fee. . This includes accommodation, meals, and activities.


For further information regarding respite and bookings, please contact: Belinda Horsley Director of Nursing P 5340 1100


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Now Trading on Spring/Summer Hours Mon. Wed. Thurs. Fri. & Sat. 9:30 to 4:30 Sunday 9:00 to 4:30 (Mini Golf Same Hours as Above) CLOSED TUESDAY

Country Breakfast Sat. & Sun. 9:30 to 11:30 STRAWBERRIES & BOYSENBERRIES AVAILABLE. We have a Range of House Made Berry Pies to take home or order for your next Special Occasion.

Small Pies (serve 2-3) $12 Large Family Pies (Serve 6) $23 WINDMILL MINI-GOLF Specials-School Holidays and beyond in Mini Golf. Family Package-2 Adults & 2 Children under 16 = $30 1 Round of Mini Golf, Croquet & Quiots = $12 per head for ALL 3

Contact Danielle for Enquires & Bookings ph: 5281 5449 Did you enjoy the scones at the Australia Day Breakfast? These lovely girls (plus some other helpers from the local Scouts )made the scones on site.

Meals all day, 7 days a week Live music every Sunday Comprehensive wine list Call us - 03 5265 1220 Email us - email@inverleighhotel.com.au 1 High St Inverleigh Victoria 3321 Australia inverleighhotel.com.au

I love scones, and I loved my Grandma’s Scones and I love my Wifes Date Scones, and tkese scones were among the best I have ever tasted. PeterT (Editor)

24 leigh news

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BIG BARWON WALK: 16th - 20th MARCH 2016 Stage 3: Inverleigh to Fyansford

We are all part of the Barwon River Catchment and yet few of us have an opportunity to truly connect to this significant river. A river which provides Geelong and the region with fresh water, has been instrumental in defining our landscape, and is the life blood of many native flora and fauna. You are invited to be part of this fabulous event, walk as much or as liDle as you like!

Wed 16th 1 hour walk. Easy walk, launch of the event, free BBQ, welcome ceremony. Thur 17th 8 hour walk. Most interesting but challenging day! High fitness level needed. Fri 18th 6 ½ hours. Including a 2 ½ hr canoeing segment, camp at Pollocksford bridge. Sat 19th 6 hour walk. Enjoy the Barwon valley , camping on local farm. Sun 20th 3 ½ hours. Half day walk finishing off with a lunch at the Fyansford Pub.

To express your interest and receive more information, please contact: Kaye Rodden 0438 317 499 or the Upper Barwon Landcare Office 52362401

*Please note: As most walking will be on private property numbers will be strictly limited. We appreciate the support of the original custodians and local landholders and will show respect and care at all times. (Thanks to Renee Marsh, Editor of Deans Marsh “The Croaker” Newspaper for this notice).

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Need someone to TALK to? Want someone to LISTEN?

SUE’S COUNSELLING SERVICE You can make a booking by calling Sue

0419 383 207 You can expect complete confidentiality, absolute professionalism and utmost respect when attending counselling with me. Together we will work toward achieving your goal.


PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT & TAX CONSULTANT For appointment office phone 5222 4811 or Gheringhap, Bannockburn 5281 1474 (A/H)

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Bridgestone Service Centre

5281 1666 60 Holder Rd, Bannockburn Still locally owned and operated by Shane & Danielle Maquire

Tyres Wheels Batteries Puncture Repairs Wheel alignments Tyre Safety Inspections Mechanical Services Lic. 42937



Member AAMT – Australian Association of Massage Therapists TUESDAYS 2PM - 9PM AT ONE BODY CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC SHOP 4/21 HESSE ST. WINCHELSEA (NEXT TO THE POST OFFICE) Health Fund Receipts Available


SEPTIC TANK PUMPING No after hours surcharge

26 leigh news

0427 304 959 AH: 5281 7215

Gerald DUPE

Septic Tank Pumping

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West Vic Grain Services help achieve the best net return per tonne. WVGS saves you time so you can get on with farming:  Ascertaining the Best Indicative Daily Grain Prices  Providing you with Comprehensive Daily & Weekly Grain Market Reports  Securing all trades with contract & completing any required paperwork If you are interested in enhancing your bottom line - GO TO: www.westvicgrainservices.com.au OR CALL US on 0428640555

28 leigh news

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2nd NEW Female GP starting Early February!

Opening Hours: Monday to Thursday: 8.15am to 8pm Friday: 8.15-6.30pm Saturday: 8.45-11am

"Our Aim is to make High-Quality Medical Services accessible

to Everyone"

www.goldenplainsmc.com.au 59 Geelong Road, Bannockburn Our Doctors

Phone: 5281 2320

Dr Mina Gurgius (Male GP) He is a current examiner in the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. He is highly qualified GP with several subspecialties. Dr Priyanthi Perera (Permanent Female GP) Dr Priyanthi has a Diploma in Child Health (university of Sydney). She also has a special interest in Women’s Health &

****2nd New Female GP starting early February*** Skin Cancer.

 Dorevitch Pathology is onsite Monday to Friday  Allied Health Services: Podiatry, Physiotherapy & Dietician are available onsite.  Visiting Cardiologist onsite. We are pleased to have Dr Chaudhary join our practice in order to provide our patients with cardiology services.  Online Appointments available via our website **** NO OUT OF POCKET FEES For ALL General GP Consultations ****

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08:30am to 4:30pm


09:00am to 1:30pm



Phone: 52811182 Mobile: 0407080909

























30 leigh news

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learn laugh love

INVERLEIGH A relaxed and friendly playgroup for children aged 0 to 5 years Toys, climbing frames, a weekly craft activity & an excursion each term

WHERE: Inverleigh Public Hall 75 High St, Inverleigh WHEN: Wednesday 9.15 - 11.15 COST: $3 a family per session and a piece of fruit to share Phone: 0415 503 869 Feel free to turn up, enjoy a cup of coffee and a slice of cake



All General & Rural Plumbing


Agents for CLARK WATER TANKS Ross Matthews 0417 561 558

Murray Ellis 0434 600 139

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Sun 28th Feb



11am - 5pm

Recreation Reserve, The Parade, Shelford ( you can find us about 40km West of Geelong )

Featuring Plus ... Live Music

Kid’s Entertainment


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and Much Much More

4th $150

And of course, the Duck Race, starting at 3.30

3rd $250

2nd $500 Duck Race Tickets $10 available online or on the day

1st $1000 facebook.com/shelford.duck.race

32 leigh news

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Services Available Acute Hospital Residential Aged Care Dementia Specific Care Urgent Care Physiotherapy Dietician District Nursing Diabetes Education Occupational Therapy Planned Activity Groups Community Health Groups Palliative & Continence Care Podiatry Maternal Child Health Nurse

Any Time, Anywhere! Competitive Rates Cars, Light Commercial & Shipping Containers

5222 2872 Fax 5229 1059

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Matthew Carr

5267 1200

8—12 Gosney Street, Winchelsea

Rainfall for Inverleigh Sept. Oct Nov Dec

35.5mm 13.0 mm 13.5 mm 12.0 mm

YTD 375.0mm

Rainfall for Shelford

Sept. 36.4 mm Oct. 7.0 mm Nov 27.2 mm Dec YTD 282.6mm

Painter & Decorator Interior, Exterior, Repaints and Wallpapering Fully qualified Quality workmanship

0438559635 8 McCallum Rd Inverleigh

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First Rate Clotheslines Sales & Installations A Quality

Stockist and authorized installer. Free quotes, Repairs, Rewires, Sales & Installation Servicing Geelong and District Save Power – Install a clothesline

James Richardson:

0408 656 898




34 leigh news

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news 35


FOR LEASE OR SALE PH: 0400 672 090

36 Teesdale

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Welcome to our School

Welcome to the 2016 school year at Teesdale Primary School. A special welcome to families who had children starting at our school for the first time. We have a number of new families in our Prep class and across the school. We have a student population of 170, about the same as last year. We also have a number of new staff joining us this year and would like to welcome Mrs Breheny Mrs Ciavarella, Mrs Daffy, Mr Leonard and Miss Longmire. We currently have a position advertised for a classroom teacher who will be our Curriculum Leader to join our team towards the end of term 1. Thank you to families for supporting the Book Pack collection days. The packs contained everything the students required to start school and it was great to see that everyone took advice on board and clearly named all the items! It was a wonderful opportunity to connect with all our families, hear their holiday news and see how much all the students had grown over the holiday break! Thank you to our PFA team who organised a cuppa and cake get together once the children had settled in their classrooms. First

2016 Calendar Leigh News - February 2016 Crested Pigeons

This delightful picture of Crested Pigeons taken by Dagmar Cations perched in Newman Street. This is an effort to introduce a local wildlife page into the calendar and if any reader has suitable images please contact the Inverleigh Historical Society. Searching my Slater’s Field Guide to Australian Birds it was not entirely clear on the correct name

of day of school is a big adventure for parents as well as children!

Welcome Family Picnic We are planning to have a “Welcoming Family Picnic” for all families on Tuesday, 23rd February at 5-7 p.m. School Council are supporting this event and a number of activities are planned.

Meeting will follow the picnic commencing at 7:00 p.m. School Council membership is a great way to support our school community. It is also a good way to learn about our school programs and meet other school members. Anyone interested in the role of a School Councillor is strongly encouraged to contact the principal, Mr Grant Rau to discuss the role and the nomination process. There are 8 meetings held during the year, on a Tuesday evening o n a monthly basis during school terms. Nominations forms are available from the school office. Nominations closed on Friday 19th February. Prep Working Bee

Please bring a picnic type tea and picnic blanket or chair. Subject to fire warnings, a free sausage sizzle is planned for the children. This is an alcohol-free event, so please bring along non-alcoholic refreshments. This is a great opportunity to meet other families, catch up with old acquaintances and members of the staff team. We are hoping all families will be able to attend. School Council

A Working Bee is planned for Sunday 28th February from 9-11 a.m. The Working Bee is for prep family members and will provide a great opportunity to both improve the school environment and meet other community members. Tasks include a general tidy up of our school grounds and garden beds. All tools will be provided. A cuppa and a chat will follow while we survey our handy work! Hope to see you there! If you would like to know more about our school, please phone us during school hours on 5281 5218 or head to our website at: www.teesdaleps.vic.edu.au • Back to school is cool!

A School Council Meeting and the Annual General • Don’t forget to come to our Welcome Family Picnic night! • A big welcome is extended to our new students and new staff!

for these, so I contacted Trevor Pescott who writes the weekly nature notes in the Geelong advertiser. He had recently written an article on this topic and then provided clarification on the use of pigeon and bronzewing. This is a copy of his information - Nov. 2015 - There was a time it was necessary to travel north of the Dividing Range to see the crested pigeon. Topknots , they were called in the Mallee, and while that seem appropriate, the true topknot pigeons are birds of northern Australia. Now they are a familiar sight around Geelong and even to the Otway foothills. The preferred, or standard, name is pigeon but bronzewing could be used. The issue goes back to the formal scientific names - the two Bronzewings belong to the genus Phaps which is derived from old Greek for pigeon. The Crested Pigeon is Ocyphaps literally swift-pigeon, then there are the Geophaps or ground-pigeons which nest on the ground...and so on. All have bronze in their wings to some degree. Some years ago the scientists agreed on the “correct” name to be used and Crested Pigeon was the name agreed upon.

We can in informal unscientific writings call the bird with any of the secondary names so long as it doesn’t create confusion. Hence Crested Pigeons must never be called by the name used by old bushmen “Topknot” for there is another bird whose formal name is that. So Crested Pigeon is the accepted name but Crested Bronzewing doesn’t create any confusion. Personally I think it would be a better name! The field guide states that it flies with a distinct whistle of wings, interspersing rapid flaps with long glides. If you watch it until it lands you will notice that it cocks its tail on alighting. They are gorgeous birds and most welcome in our landscape. Many thanks go to Trevor Pescott for his kind assistance with this article. Calendars are still available at $15 and the Historical group meet again on Monday, 22nd February, 8pm at the hall. Liz McDonald 52651270

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Sarah HENDERSON mp Corangamite Community Update

More good news on our local unemployment rate The positive trend in local unemployment figures reflects the Turnbull Coalition government’s unwavering focus on innovation and economic growth in our region. Across the Geelong Region, unemployment (on a three month rolling average) has decreased to 3.6%. While the Australian Bureau of Statistics has indicated caution is required, we are seeing

some very positive signs in the local employment market. The Australian economy has added more than 300,000 jobs in the 2015 calendar year – the best performance in terms of job creation since 2006. National figures show that employment growth of 2.5 per cent is well above the 10-year average of 1.8 per cent.

Celebrating the National Innovation and Science Agenda with Shaun Smith & Jasjeet Kaur at Geelong CSIRO’s Manufacturing Research Facility.

Entries open to Salty Lake Film Fest

I am delighted to announce the Salty Lake Film Fest in partnership with Cotton On. With $10,000 of prize money up for grabs, entries are now open to young filmmakers – from primary school to 35 years. Corangamite is an aboriginal word meaning ‘salty lake.’ This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate “Our Home, Your Story.’ At Cotton On for the Salty Lake Film Fest launch with local students and Asst. Innovation Minister Wyatt Roy.

Go to saltylakefilmfest.com.au for all the details.

Contact Sarah T: 03 5243 1444 E: sarah.henderson.mp@aph.gov.au W: www.sarahhenderson.com.au

Authorised by Sarah Henderson, 3A/195 Colac Rd Waurn Ponds Vic 3216



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