Leigh news december 16

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Leigh News December 2016 Volume 42 Number 11

An Inverleigh Progress Association Publication

ISSN 0313-8453


The Inverleigh Public Hall Committee along with Inverleigh Progress Association


Invites Inverleigh & District Communities to Australia Day 2017 “Meet & Greet” Breakfast At the Public Hall from 8am Thursday January 26th

Inverleigh Historical Society Display  Jumping Castle Photo competition & exhibition “Our Town Through Your Eyes” 

 

A gold coin donation appreciated to help cover costs.


Community members: when you are going to burn please log your burn by ringing Burn Notification on 1800 668 511

Leigh News-Inverleigh

2 Community Calendar

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WHAT’S ON: 12th December: 12th December: 15th December: 22th December: 26th January: 26th February:

Inverleigh Carols (Page 4) Roots Culture Festival (Page 21) Paint the Inverleigh Skate Park (Page 26) Teesdale Twilight Market (Page 4) Australia Day Breakfast at Inverleigh Hall. Shelford Duck Race (Page 27)

Leigh News © 2013, Inverleigh Progress Association Inc. The Leigh News is published monthly (except January) by the Inverleigh Progress Association Incorporated, and is distributed free in the townships of Inverleigh, Teesdale, Bannockburn and Shelford, and the surrounding districts. Letters, comments, suggestions, articles, and reports from readers are welcome whether or not intended for publication. The Leigh News is prepared and assembled by the Editor and printed using environmentally friendly materials and distributed by volunteer workers. Circulation:


Peter’s Editorial Seasons Greeting to you all. Have a very Merry Christmas and a Safe and Prosperous New Year. I must take this opportunity to thank all of those who contribute so much to this Newsletter throughout the year. To Faye Thomas, my very capable assistant whose expertise I value and call on for all the difficult stuff, To Ross and Carol Wilson and Mora Leach who contribute the Rainfall figures regularly. Members of the Historical Society who provide their monthly contributions to the Calendar Article. The Progress Association Members who make it all possible. The regular contibutors with their Gardening, Kindergarten, School Report etc. making such interesting reading. The CFA who keep us informed with fire tips etc. and the Drivers Roster. Constable Chris Reynolds for his Police updates. Groups such as Landcare, the various Sporting Clubs. You are all very much appreciated.

Editorial and Advertising Items submitted for inclusion in the Leigh News should be clearly marked “For inclusion in the (month) Leigh News” and in by the 25th day of each month. Advertisements should be marked with the size of advert required and the number of editions in which it is to be displayed. To the advertisers who support Advertisements or Editorial the Leigh News and provide for the costs to contributions should be clearly cover printing etc. addressed to:

“Leigh News”, PO Box 247, Inverleigh, Victoria 3321 or


And to all of the Community Members who contribute News, Articles, Notices etc. It all goes to keeping our lovely Communities informed and up to Date.


Including 10% GST Single Column Double Column 1/2 Page Full Page

$15 $20 $25 $30 $40 $75

60 mm X 88 mm 60 mm x 133 mm 125 mm X 88 mm 125 mm x 133 mm 190 mm X 133 mm 190 mm X 269 mm

Thanks for a Great Year

Leigh News

DEADLINES 25th of each month

Editorial & Advertising Contributions from the community are welcome and encouraged Deadlines MUST be kept or no guarantee of inclusion. send to



Contributions to the Leigh News are published with the permission of various bodies and representatives who supply the information, photos advertisements and crosswords. None of this information should be used by any other publication without first requesting permission of the supplier of this information. Using material without seeking permission is plagiarism and carries penalties.

The views or ideas expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editorial committee or of the Inverleigh Progress Association. While we try to check the integrity, the publication of advertisements is not an endorsement of the advertiser’s product or quality of workmanship.

In the case of odd size adverts, sizes are calculated in column cms. 1 col. is 60mm wide x 269mm long. For further information about advertising and cost in the Leigh News: contact Peter Trevaskis on 0407 100 791 or leighnews@bigpond.com Professional ad design tailored to your needs at competitive pricing Please forward accounts and payments to: Tony Waayers, Leigh News, PO Box 247, Inverleigh 3321. Phone: 5265 1610 Committee Members: Hilary Hamilton (President) Luanne Thornton (Secretary) Tony Waayers (Treasurer) Peter Trevaskis (Editor) Faye Thomas (Assistant)

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leigh news


INVERLEIGH PUBLIC HALL AND MECHANICS’ INSTITUTE’S 150th BIRTHDAY CONCERT Congratulations to everyone involved in organising the Inverleigh Public Hall and Mechanics’ Institute’s 150th Birthday Concert. The event celebrated 150 years of volunteer work to create the wonderful hall complex the community enjoys today. The Inverleigh Public Hall Committee was ably assisted by so many people who donated their time and talent – from the MC, musician and comedian, Rohan Windle, sound technician John Quick and all the performers, to the supper team and set up and pack up crews. It was a true case of people, young and old, pitching in and helping out, with everyone having a great time. Following the performances, Hall Committee President, Bruce McDonald, was joined on stage by current members of the committee. Bruce explained the nature of the hall as a community asset. He presented the official Mechanics Institute Plaque, which was specially made to mark this occasion. It will be mounted outside at the entry to the original bluestone Mechanics Institute building. Bruce introduced Betty Wishart and Stuart Peel, past members of the Hall Committee, both with family members who have also served on the Hall Committee. Betty and Stuart were assisted in unwrapping the Hall’s birthday present by Cooper and Roan Towne, sons of Hall Committee member, Geoff Towne. Inside was one of a pair of bench seats to be placed in the hall front garden. Stuart complimented the performers. He told the audience that the many extensions and improvements to the hall have been possible only because of the contribution of many hours of volunteer work and fund raising by the community. In keeping with the multi-generational theme, Casey and Hayley Cook, daughters and granddaughters of Hall Committee members, Vonnie and Denise Cook, brought on a birthday cake and lit the candles. Rohan, son of Hall Committee Secretary, Christine Windle, led community singing of ‘Happy Birthday, dear Haall’. The evening ended with a delicious country supper, similar to those that would have been enjoyed at many an event since the first committee called for public subscriptions to build a Mechanics Institute in Inverleigh and held its opening concert on Tuesday 27th March, 1866.

4 Elections

Rainfall for Inverleigh 2016 Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov

29.5mm 11.0 mm 25.5mm 11.0 mm 73.5 mm 53.0 mm 87.0 mm 48.0 mm 101.0 mm 84.5 mm 16.0 mm

YTD 540.0 mm

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Rainfall for Shelford 2016 Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov

29.6mm 17.8 mm 22.6 mm 8.7 mm 61.6 mm 50.4 mm 97.4 mm 35.4 mm 94.6 mm 96.2 mm 9.5mm


525.6 mm

Attention Everyone Who Loves To Take a Photo

Photo Competition and Exhibition ‘Our Town Through Your Eyes’ An exhibition of the photos of Inverleigh and District entered in the competition will be displayed at the Australia Day Breakfast 2017 at the Inverleigh Public Hall

Sections :

Adult & Under 18

Categories: Places (Last 12 months) Places (Before 2016) People

Prizes for each category in each section To enter: send your photo, name, section, category & photo details to Katrina Robson, katmck12@bigpond.com, or call her on 0400 527 352.

Inverleigh Historical Society

Thanks to Ross Wilson of Shelfordand also to Mora Leach of Inverleigh for supplying the figures each month

Teesdale Community Events Presents

TEESDALE TWILIGHT MARKET December 22ND 4:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Turtle Bend Reserve, Teesdale


MIK MAKS and other entertainers. Sponsors

Stockdale and Leggo, Teesdale General Store, Inverleigh Leigh Valley Lions.

FIREWORKS sponsored by Pike Transport.

INVERLEIGH CHRISTMAS CAROLS MONDAY 12TH DECEMBER 2016 AT 7 P.M. INVERLEIGH PUBLIC HALL Featuring: Guest Artist Children’s Choir Children’s Orchestra Community Carol Singing Admission Free Supper Afterwards All members of the Community invited to attend.

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leigh news



A very big thank you goes to the Bendigo Bank Bannockburn and District Connected Communities for its generous grant to the Inverleigh Public Hall for reverse cycle air conditioners for the supper room. The many users of the hall will find it much more comfortable. Pictured holding the cheque are play group members, Ada and Thomas, with (L – R) Hall Committee Secretary, Christine Windle, Hall Committee Treasurer, Anne-Maree Tarbett, Bannockburn Bendigo Bank Manager, Shaun Ridgeway, Hall Committee President, Bruce McDonald, Senior Citizens Club members Mary and Jim Simpson and Secretary, Joy Gray, and board member of the Bendigo Bank Bannockburn and District Community Enterprise, Bill Hughes. In front are Hall Committee member, Anna Shaw and James (playgroup member).

learn laugh love

INVERLEIGH A relaxed and friendly playgroup for children aged 0 to 5 years Toys, climbing frames, a weekly craft activity & an excursion each term

WHERE: Inverleigh Public Hall 75 High St, Inverleigh WHEN: Wednesday 9.15 - 11.15 COST: $3 a family per session and a piece of fruit to share Phone: 0415 503 869

Feel free to turn up, enjoy a cup of coffee and a slice of cake and join in the fun !

6 Community

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SHELFORD PRIMARY SCHOOL 150TH CELEBRATIONS On Saturday 12th November we celebrated our school’s 150th birthday!!! It was a wonderful occasion bringing the whole school community together. From 8am parents, staff, and other community members arrived to set up marquees, historical displays, food stalls, afternoon tea and kid’s activities… there was so much to do!! Luckily the weather was on our side!! Over 250 people came to help us celebrate, as the sun came out, people began to arrive, registering their details with Carol Wilson and Barbra Meek at the gate. Past and present students together, catching up and reminiscing such as Graeme Mowat studied at Shelford PS in 1930, Sybil Gillett (Simpson) in 1937, and Norm Stone in 1948, plus many more…. Visitors came from far and wide, some travelling from as far as Mt Gambier, and Emerald, QLD. We have received lots of emails and messages after the event to commend us for our efforts and to share with us the happy memories they were able to make on the day. We would like to thank all the parents, families and community members who helped to make the day such a great success. Plus, a special thank you to the Golden Plains Shire Gem of an idea grant for their contribution to the day. THANK YOU!!

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leigh news



At 11am on the 11th Day of the 11th Month, again many locals gathered at the Inverleigh Monuments to remember those who gave all in various wars, paying the ultimate sacrifice. The crowd was filled with children from the local primary school, along with veterans and families, remembering this significant day. R.S.L. President Mal Johns shared with the children the significance of the day. LEST WE FORGET.

MAYOR’S MESSAGE - December 2016 - YOUR NEW COUNCIL On behalf of the new Golden Plains Shire Council, thank you for placing your trust in us to represent you. The 2016-2020 Council includes three returning councillors and four new faces: Cr Joanne Gilbert, Cr Owen Sharkey, Cr David Evans, Cr Les Rowe, Cr Helena Kirby, Cr Nathan Hansford and myself. It is an honour and a privilege for me to once again represent and serve my community as Mayor and I look forward to the next year. You can find out more about your Councillors on our web page and in the December edition of the Gazette. HAVE YOUR SAY ON THE COUNCIL PLAN Council is working with the community to produce a new four year (2017-2021) Council Plan. The Plan will guide how Golden Plains Shire Council will deliver projects, facilities and services to make the Shire an even better place to live. You can get involved by telling us your thoughts in a survey, joining a Community Reference Group, sharing your thoughts at a listening post, providing feedback on the draft Council Plan or participating in one of three community workshops. For more detailed information or to complete the survey online, please visit www.goldenplains.vic. gov.au/consultations CELEBRATING OUR AMAZING VOLUNTEERS At the end of November we held our annual Volunteer Celebration, which is always a great opportunity for myself, my fellow Councillors and Council staff to express our gratitude for all the hard work our volunteers put in. If you would like to volunteer for Council, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator on 5220 7111. If you are interested in volunteering in a future emergency, please register your interest on HelpOut at volunteeringvictoria. org.au/emergency-volunteering.

NEW APP TO PUT PEOPLE FIRST DURING EMERGENCIES As we approach the end of the year, it is more important than ever to make sure you are prepared so you can help keep your family safe. Now, whether it’s a flood, fire, storm, earthquake, tsunami or shark sighting, Victorians can receive warnings for all emergencies through a single mobile phone app and phone number - the new ‘VicEmergency’ app and new VicEmergency Hotline (1800 226 226). These fantastic resources provide a one-stop shop for Victorians to access information about emergencies and natural disasters. You can download the free app from your mobile phone app store or at www.emv.vic.gov.au. For existing FireReady users, the new VicEmergency app is available as an update. For more information visit www.emv.vic.gov.au. FESTIVE SEASON OPENING HOURS Our Customer Service Centres will close at 1.00pm on Friday 23 December 2016 and re-open at 8.30am on Tuesday 3 January 2017. Council’s waste and recycling collection service will not experience changes over the Christmas and New Year period. Please ensure bins are placed out the evening before your ordinary scheduled collection day. The Rokewood Landfill/Transfer Station will be closed on Christmas and New Year’s Day. Please note the site will also be closed on days declared as a Total Fire Ban or Code Red Day. On behalf of myself and your new Council, I would like to wish all Golden Plains Shire residents a very merry Christmas and a happy new year. Cr Des Phelan Mayor, Golden Plains Shire Council

8 Church News

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CHRISTMAS MESSAGE FROM REV. P JACOBSON, ST. PAULS INVERLEIGH If you have ever thought that God gives no thought to the affairs of this world, you need look no further than the account of Jesus’ birth in St. Luke’s Gospel to see otherwise. You don’t automatically see the hand of God when you look at that first Christmas. But away from the stable, away in the fields where shepherds were watching their sheep, you hear God speak through his angel. There is no glory revealed in the manger. Yet on the hay lay the timeless God. God has descended from his grandeur in heaven and now lies in a manger, in a stable, because there was no room for Him in the inn. You see fear in the shepherds when they are confronted with an angel of the Lord. But there is no fear in the stable where the Lord Himself lies on the hay where the cattle lately fed. He is born a baby. He has come to be the Saviour. God has joined his people here below. He has brought peace and goodwill to the whole world. The theological term is the “incarnation”. This simply means that God became a human being. Now we call the incarnation a mystery, but it isn’t a “whodunit” type of mystery. In fact, it is precisely the opposite. God reveals to us this holy mystery and in so doing he informs us. We can now see and understand everything even though we can’t understand the mystery itself. Who can figure out how the infinite God can become a 3.5 kg baby boy? And how could it be that God could now be dependent upon a young woman to care for him, to be his mother? Yet we believe it. We rely upon it. We trust in it.

Before we knew God as the baby lying on the hay we tried to find him by speculating on his nature, by examining his universe, by trying to follow his law and so find our way to him. And all of this was futile and got us nowhere but caught up in confusion and ignorance. We couldn’t find God. If we don’t know God as God lies helpless in the manger we can’t know him at all. Because in order for you and me to know God we must first know that he has peace and goodwill in his heart toward us and we can’t know that until we see God lying in the manger. Ultimately it was all for us. “Unto you,” the angel said to the shepherds. That angel was God’s messenger also to us. What do you feel inside of yourself as you think about this? Look at your God! See him for who he is! There is God’s goodwill toward you. There is God’s peaceful intention for you. Look at the Christ Child and see your God! Look inside God’s heart. It’s revealed to us in his incarnate Son. The God who once humbled himself still comes to us in humble means that won’t frighten us away. How else could we receive him? How else could we trust in him? He means us no harm. . Next to the incarnation itself, the faith that God has gently planted in our hearts is the greatest miracle of Christmas! Our Christmas Service Times Are:Christmas Eve 8.00pm Christmas Day 9.30am We’d love to see you!

TEESDALE TOWN CLUB (Take Off Weight Naturally)

TUESDAYS 9.30 – 10.30AM & 6 – 8PM

The Ducks Are Back!


Sun 26 Feb

JAN: 52815138/0400 005270 PATTI: 52811290/0400 131465

SHELDON THE CHEMIST ROBOT More info, ticket sales, stallholders facebook.com/shelford.duck.race

More details on Page 27.



In October’s Leigh News, I incorrectly acknowledged the wrong winner of the “Naming of the Robot” competition. My apologies to Molly who came up with the Splendid Name and also to Victoria, who won the Colouring Competition. Congratulations to you both. Peter Trevaskis (Editor)

leigh news

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Bannockburn Surgery

16 High Street, Bannockburn, 3331 Tel: (03) 5281 1481 Fax: (03) 5281 1978 www.bannockburnsurgery.com.au Dr Cameron Profitt Dr Andrew Bell Dr John Henderson Dr Margaret Somerville Dr Benjamin Fry Bannockburn Surgery provides comprehensive GP services, have been practicing in the community for more than 30 years, are the largest practice in the shire, with 6 full time equivalent Doctors and have an excellent reputation. Monday, Thursday & Friday: 8.30 am – 5.30 pm Tuesday & Wednesday: 8.30 am – 7.30 pm Saturday: Emergency Session from 10.00 am (no appt required) Round the clock care is offered to our regular patients, further information regarding this service can be found by calling the surgery after hours. We are a teaching practice, Dr Rachael Roberts and Dr Hind Al-Taie are fully qualified female Doctors studying to become GPs, they will be practicing with us until February 2017. We also provide the following services: Jessica O’Shannassy- Diabetes education Peter Angelucci- Podiatry Services Q-Fever testing and vaccinations Streamline Clinics will be offered 3 days/week to enable better access to Doctors for simple repeat scripts, simple repeat referrals or flu vaccinations. The appointments in a streamline clinic will be strictly 6 minutes or less; the appointments in the Streamline Clinic will be bulk-billed to medicare. Fees are payable at the time of consultation by cash, eftpos or cheque. Bookings are available and we are accepting new patients living in the Golden Plains Shire. Every effort will be made to accommodate your preferred time and preferred doctor.

DRIVERS ROSTER If you cannot make roster please notify officer in charge or ring station 5265 1597. Officer In Charge Tanker One Tanker Two 5th December Geoff. Guinane Jamie. Cook David. Fenwick A. Melican Melissa. Maguire 12th December John. Alexander Matt. Hicks Rob MacDonald Matt. Wilson Brad. Pearce 19th December Garry. Wishart A.Shelley Noel Wilson Matt. Fry Aaron. Everett 26th December


2nd January Ross. Wilson Ewen. Peel

Graeme. Harvey

Alecia. Fry Melissa. Maguire

9th January Geoff. Morgan Andrew. Collins Colin. Holman Andrew. Melican Tracey. Cook 16th January

John. Hamilton Garry. Vidler

Dave. Fenwick Noel. Everett

Jodie. Holman


Community members: when you are going to burn please log your burn by ringing

Burn Notification on 1800 668 511

10 leigh news

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Contents: Geology of Geelong Koorie History Native Creek no.2, Woolbrook Teesdale Township School Families For King and Country Cemetery Churches From Our Own Correspondent Court Cases Mechanics Institute Hotels Water Supply Farming Bushfires

Out of Print Books on CD


Contact Dianne on 52815391

Also available from Teesdale Store

home & living

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What’s next for Golden Plains Shire?

Council is working with the community to produce a new four year (2017-2021) Council Plan. The Council Plan describes Council’s strategic objectives, ways to achieve the objectives, indicators for measuring progress and the resources required to implement the plan for at least four years. In short, it is a roadmap to how we can get to where we want to go.

Have Your Say today We want to work with the Golden Plains community to determine our strategic directions and objectives for the next four years. Community input is important to the development of the Council Plan; our community engagement process includes opportunities to:

 Tell us your thoughts in a survey (1 December – 15 January)  Join the Community Reference Group  Share your thoughts at a Listening Post: Teesdale Country Market Golden Plains Farmer’s Market Meredith Community Centre Smythesdale Country Market Twilight Market and Carols

Sunday 27 November 9am-1pm Saturday 3 December 8am-1pm Tuesday 6 December 1.30pm-4pm Saturday 17 December 9am-1pm Thursday 22 December 4pm til 8pm

Turtle Bend Teesdale VIC 3328 Cnr Milton & High St Bannockburn VIC 3331 4 Russel Street, Meredith, 3333 35A Brooke St, Smythesdale VIC 3351 Turtle Bend Teesdale VIC 3328

 Participate in one of three community workshops: •

The Well, Smythesdale, Tuesday 17 January, 6.30-8pm

Rokewood Memorial Hall, Wednesday 18 January, 6.30-8pm

Bannockburn Cultural Centre, Thursday 19 January, 6.30-8pm

 Provide feedback on the draft Council Plan To find out more or to complete the survey online, please visit www.goldenplains.vic.gov.au/consultations


12 gardening

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THROUGH THE GARDEN GATE Christine Windle, Garden Gate Nursery, Inverleigh

‘Tis the Season to be Jolly!

‘Christmas is around the corner. Oh no, just look at the garden!’ Lots of us have that reaction when we think of the festive and holiday season just ahead. Try my tips for a quick garden tidy and fix up, using some of my favourite, beautiful, hardy plants. The quick clean up and fix up 1.Mow lawns and tidy up garden edges. Do that first – big impact and it will be easier to pick up prunings. 2.Cut back dead and straggly branches, dead head roses and other plants. Water in some compost or manure before you mulch thickly with pea straw or some other organic mulch. Yes – do this on top of weeds, just squash them down and smother them. Weed only in areas you can’t mulch heavily. 3.Select hardy summer flowering plants to fill in gaps. Shrubs and low perennials need less care than annuals and will be more dry weather tough. Plant the same colour flower or foliage in several spots around the garden to create a sense of harmony. 4.Find a distinctive large pot and plant it to highlight both pot and flower colours, mulching the top. Sit it in a spot where it will grab attention, in a place where it will receive morning sun and afternoon shade or semi-shade (to help prevent drying out). This pot is saying ‘Look at me I am special.’ 5.Consider your main path and door – plant (or plant in pots) two matching plants, one on each side, that say ‘Welcome, enter, we care.’

10 Great High Impact Hardy Perennials for Summer Gardens & Pots

Perennial snapdragon – a beautiful deep pink flowered perennial snapdragon with golden centre, which forms a dense mound, 30 cm H, 40 cm wide – flowers for months. Convolvulous mauritanicus – eye-catching ground cover with blue-violet flowers, H 15 cm, W 1 metre. Golden Origano – lovely edible plant with golden leaves - creates a beautiful contrast. Ageratum houstonianum, floss flower – long flowering plant covered in bunches of mauve flowers, H 30 cm, W 50. Salvia – gorgeous vivid crimson/cerise, H 60 cm W 50 cm. White dianthus – delicious clove perfume, strappy foliage and pure white flowers, mounds 20 cm H, 40 cm W. Nepeta mussini - cat mint - lovely low growing plant with a haze of delicate mauve flowers, W40 cm.

Polygala grandiflora nana – pea shaped purple flowers against bright green foliage – flowers 9 months, 1m X 1m, fast growing, a highlight in any garden. Gaura – dwarf dark pink – a stunner – H 40 cm, W 40 cm, upright foliage tinted with maroon, lots of intense dark pink flowers. Veronica perfoliata – digger’s speedwell – this native plant will grow under gum trees! 1m X 1m, it has spires of delicate blue/mauve flowers in spring and summer. It looks a like a ground cover, then sends out upright growth. Good luck with all your Christmas and holiday preparations. Pop in to our nursery if you would like to include some of the plants on my list, or for help with other plants for your garden. Happy gardening and best wishes for the festive season, Christine and Keith Windle.

• Nursery Wide range of hardy garden plants • 14cm pots $7 Country garden and orchard setting featuring many plants available in the nursery. Open:Thursday - Saturday, 10 - 4 “Often open at other times, ring to check.”

77 Dundas St

(Cnr Inverleigh-Winchelsea Rd & McCallum Rd, Inverleigh)

Christine and Keith Windle

Dwarf crimson daisy – compact plant, H 30 cm, W 40 cm, tough and covered in small, double crimson daisy flowers.



facebook:garden gate of inverleigh



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On Wednesday 9th November, Janine Duffy from Koala Clancy Foundation & Echidna Walkabout Tours was guest speaker at the annual celebration of the Geelong Landcare Network, held in Balliang this year. Here’s a summary of her talk… Koalas are famous for eating eucalyptus leaves, which are inedible to other creatures. It is less well known that eucalyptus leaves are also a koala’s drinking trough. Healthy koalas do not drink water from pools or rivers – they rely almost entirely on the moisture content of leaves.

these languages. It’s commonly thought that it means ‘no drink’ in that language.” (excerpt from https://www.savethekoala.com/ about-koalas/taxonomy) Immediate action to increase waterway plantings may ensure a future for local koalas. In addition, there are potential economic benefits through high-yield rural tourism. Landcare, Catchment Management Authorities and Melbourne Water are already doing a terrific job at improving and revegetating streams. But more needs to be done, and quickly. Janine says small-group, high-yield wildlife tourism is already a substantial earner and job creator for regional communities around Australia. The region west of Melbourne is perfectly suited to this style of tourism, and is already becoming internationally famous for wildlife. But this high-earning export industry relies on the existence of the iconic koalas, kangaroos, wallabies and birds that international visitors come to see.

Peter Spear, Geelong Landcare Network committee member, thanking Janine Duffy for her entertaining and enlightening talk. Studies have shown that the most important factor for koalas living in hot, dry climates is actually the moisture content of eucalyptus foliage, not which species are present. Increasingly our local area is becoming hotter and drier, and the moisture levels of eucalyptus leaves are dropping. This is already beginning to have a major impact on the future survival of koalas in our local area. Janine Duffy of the Koala Clancy Foundation believes that, in order to survive, koalas will need native eucalyptus plantings in the river valleys, drainage lines and around water bodies on private land. Already the You Yangs koala population has seen a 46% decline in 10 years. The Brisbane Ranges koala population has not recovered to the levels it was at prior to the fires in 2006. This is a tragedy, because these koala communities are virtually disease-free, and do not show a tendency to over-population, unlike some other, much-publicised koala populations in Victoria. Did you know? “The many Aboriginal tribes spoke different languages and they had different names for the Koala. Just a few of these names were: colo, koolah, boorabee, karbor, colah, kaola, burrenbong and koolewong. You can see that some of these names are a little similar to ‘Koala’. It’s thought that the common name the Koala is known by today came from a word for the Koala in one of

Clancy, a resident of You Yangs, says “Keep doing

what you’re doing landcare folks – we just need more please! Koala Clancy Foundation wants to partner with landowners, and land-improvement organisations to bring renewed promotion and publicity, regular volunteers (1020 keen pairs of hands every 2 weeks!), and potential future revenue from tourism. To learn more or express interest go to: https://koalaclancyfoundation.org.au or email: president@koalaclancyfoundation.org.au Elissa Ashton-Smith, GLN Facilitator, & Janine Duffy, Koala Clancy Foundation. Geelong Landcare Network is now on facebook and instagram! Check us out at www.facebook.com/geelonglandcarenetwork or www.instagram.com/geelonglandcare

14 advertising

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· Soil Testing · Pasture seed · Horse Dog and Poultry Feed · Penrite Oil and Grease · Century Batteries · Delivery available

(03) 5267 2351 AG SUPPLIES


15 Murrell St, Winchelsea



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As always, any investigation into the establishment of Inverleigh infrastructure is interesting and enlightening.

fill in a very moderate manner; it therefore appears that the 20 acres demanded would become exhausted in the brief space of three thousand nine hundred The following letter appeared on and six years Surely our farseeWednesday 9 November 1859 ing representatives have overTo the Editor of the Geelong shot the mark, and allowed their Advertiser zeal to overrun their discretion. Sir - May I beg the fa…………..continued vour of space for a few remarks on your report of the Cemetery Meetings recently held in Geelong, when our little township was mis-represented by two self-elected gentlemen, neither of them residents in the place, but both apparently influenced by the same exaggerated notions. To me and to others of the inhabitants the space The arguments continued of ground demanded for this for another half page concluding “City of the Dead”, viz 20 acres, with the exhortation that the bad seems to be, in the highest de- road to Geelong could be a better gree preposterous and absurd, use the funds allocated. This was which view, I think, the follow- written by Joseph Boyce, one of ing statement will justify. the local butchers, who was not The living township of Inverinitially appointed as a Trustee on leigh consists of 80 allotments 19th November 1859 but replaced of half an acre each, about one- a retiring Trustee in 1860. If only forth (quarter) of which are the comments on social media occupied; the interments in the could be so eloquent. burial ground during the last A meeting held at the five years have not exceeded 25; Inverleigh Hotel on 17 November and of these several persons 1859 elected the following Trusthave been brought a distance. ees all representatives of the four A single acre of ground would churches. John Snowden, James at this average, take years to Wood, John Herrick, Michael

Quinn, Donald Clark, James Fleming, Samuel Wilson. After much discussion it was decided to fence 10 acres of the area already in use for burials. The oldest headstone is that of Patrick Monahan who was buried 1854 but Colin Brewster in 1842 is the first known death in the settlement but it is not know where he was buried. These gates were situated on the eastern fenceline of the current area of the cemetery and with no well-formed roads these gates were approached by a track through “spewy” ground and wagons carrying the coffin often would become bogged, necessitating the carrying of the deceased some distance. The new gates and entrance dedicated to S.J. Venters were established in 1938. The old gates were damaged when a nearby tree fell on them decades ago. Trustees in 2016 are Des Guinaine, Alex (Sandy) McCallum, Roger Butcher, Bruce McDonald, Damien Baker, Anne-Maree Tarbett and loving care is given by volunteers who keep the grass mown. The Inverleigh Historical Society 2017 calendar is now available at $15 from Red Door, Garden Gate or Liz McDonald 52651270 with the front cover and January image ‘Wilsons Store at Shelford’. Regular meetings will resume on the 4th Monday in February 2017.

16 leigh news

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NOVEMBER Tuesday 29th – 2017 Prep Orientation Ball Sports – Gr. 3-6 Inverleigh Website www.shelfordps.vic.edu.au DECEMBER Friday 16th – School Concert Monday 19th – End of Year Excursion – SuperTramp and Kardinia Pool Thursday 22nd _ Turtle Bend Twilight Market – Shelford PS on stage with the Mik Maks! ENERGY BREAKTHROUGH Energy Breakthrough 2016 has come and gone, and it was a terrific experience for the children to be part of once again, competing in the billy cart section with over 60 primary schools from all over the state. It was wonderful to see the spirit of co-operation and teamwork that the children all displayed prior to and during the event. Many thanks to Emily, Leeanne, Lorann and Sue for their help with the event, and a big thank you to all the children who represented our school so well. It was great to have 2 students from Rokewood in our team, Eloise and Genevieve Kolmus. Thanks also to Royce for his help with the billy cart.


The local Bannockburn & District writing group, Golden Pens - Write Side Up, which meets every fortnight at the Bannockburn library is preparing to publish their 2nd book early next year. The first book titled “Snowflakes on the Plains” is a compilation of short stories and poetry written by seven different writers. The subjects are as varied as the authors themselves, from heartfelt “Letters to the Fallen” to a thought provoking verse about ceilings, this easy to read book is sure to strike a chord with many readers. The new edition titled “Gathering Gumleaves” will be of the same nature but better, says one of the contributing writers Wendy Spall, “We, as a group feel that our writing has matured and become a bit more sophisticated over the last 12 months and we are looking forward to the release of our 2nd edition” Published by Les Endrei of “OneWorld Publishing” there are still a few copies left of the 1st edition and if anyone would like to purchase a copy please contact Les on 52812101 or 0477 002 639. The new book will be available to the public during the Golden Plains Arts Trail in March 2017 and a stand has been made available at Lyn Dickson’s Studio in Bannockburn during this great weekend. More details will be available through the Arts Trail Brochure when it is released.




Member AAMT – Australian Association of Massage Therapists TUESDAYS 2PM - 9PM AT ONE BODY CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC SHOP 4/21 HESSE ST. WINCHELSEA (NEXT TO THE POST OFFICE) Health Fund Receipts Available


FASHION FROM THE 1920S AND 30S - MANY NEVER BEFORE SEEN - WILL BE DISPLAYED AS PART OF THE NATIONAL TRUST OF AUSTRALIA (VICTORIA) NIGHT LIFE EXHIBITION OPENING AT BARWON PARK MANSION EARLY JANUARY 2017. N I G H T L I F E is an exhibition that explores fashion when the sun goes down. Set in an atmosphere of exuberant play and discovery, the exhibition will be dynamic, so get ready to come and dance, said NTAV exhibition curator, Ms Elizabeth Anya-Petrivna. Night Life not only captures the spirit of this vibrant time in Victoria’s fashion history, it looks at the beauty of beaded surfaces and moderné ideas about ornament and pattern. “The fashion on show visually references the night sky, stars and planets, neon lights, fireworks, dreams and other after dark delights. All the costumes are from the Trust’s own collection of fashion and many have never been seen before.” NTAV CEO Mr Simon Ambrose said this exhibition is important because it sees the Trust collaborating with the Victorian community to recreate this time in history. “Many of the fashion pieces were made locally and we are drawing on young local talent to bring the era to life. We are working with Melbourne stylists and fashion photographers, like Domenic Coloca, Stuart Chenn, Olivia Tran and Jess Hood, who are interpreting the fashions and atmosphere of the 1920s and 30s. This is a modern take on a moderné era using techniques from high fashion,” he said. Night Life will also recreate the spirit of a 1920s and 30s dance hall where guests will get an opportunity to dress up and dance. The fashion of the period was flamboyant and the dance hall and nightclub ‘scene’ popular and lively. It was an extraordinary time for night life, said Ms Anya-Petrivna. Night Life at Barwon Park Mansion, 105 Inverleigh Road, Winchelsea will run Wednesday to Sunday from 4 January 2017 until 26 March 2017 - 11am to 4pm. Visit nightlifecostumes.com.au for further information and to book tickets.

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MITCHELL’S AG SPRAY SERVICES ‘for all your boom spray needs’ Modern Machine Experienced Owner Operator Competitive rates (from $11 / ha) Prompt service Phone 0419 331 435 SpiceTech

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Integrative Natural Medicine & Wellness Services

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Thinking of selling or looking to buy? Malcolm Condie has the experience and know-how to make your real estate dreams a reality’. “I highly recommend Malcolm. An absolute gentleman, who went above and beyond what was necessary to sell our house” - Amanda, Inverleigh

If you’re ready to take the next step, call Malcolm today

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leigh news 19

TREEHOME NURSERY Gift Vouchers available for Christmas Plants for landscape restoration, plantations, small acreage & gardens

Meals 7 days a week Live music every Sunday Comprehensive wine list Call us - 03 5265 1220 Email us - email@inverleighhotel.com.au 1 High St Inverleigh Victoria 3321 Australia inverleighhotel.com.au

Supplying indigenous & native plants for 30 years

39 Carr St, Teesdale Phone: 5281 2971 Open Fridays & Saturdays June - August & other times by appointment email: treehomenursery@bigpond.com www.treehomenursery.com.au

20 leigh news

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BETTER FLOOD PROTECTION FOR INVERLEIGH The Andrews Labor Government is supporting the Golden Plains Shire to prepare the Inverleigh flood study. The study will prepare detailed flood maps and other material to support appropriate development in the growing township and ensure the community is not exposed to increased flood risk. The local community’s recommendations for upgrading flood warning services and flood mitigation works will also be assessed. Inverleigh is located on the confluence of the Leigh and Barwon Rivers and the town is experiencing significant residential growth. Outputs from the flood study will help the community to better prepare for future floods, including through community flood response planning and education material. Member for Western Victoria, Gayle Tierney said the Andrews Government understood the Inverleigh community knows its area best, and decisions about mitigating the effects of flooding on the town are best made locally. The Andrews Government is making available $70,000 for the Golden Plains Shire to deliver the flood study, with the Corangamite Catchment Management Authority providing technical advice and input. Council is also contributing an additional $35,000.

The Victorian Floodplain Management Strategy acknowledges that flood damages and trauma can be reduced by using credible data about flood behaviour, such as flood heights, flood extents and flood probabilities. Detailed risk evaluations, in the form of flood studies, fill gaps in knowledge and help communities consider their flood management options. The Victorian Government’s contribution to the Inverleigh flood study is from the 2016 – 2017 Victorian Budget commitment to provide $25 million funding to support implementation of the Victorian Floodplain Management Strategy. Quotes attributable to Member for Western Victoria Gayle Tierney “ We’re chipping in to give Golden Plains Shire the resources they need to get this important flood study done.“ “Local knowledge is critical and I encourage Inverleigh locals to get involved and have their say about how we better protect our communities from flooding.” “Our commitment to put people first means we work with Victorians, listen and deliver policies which encourage growth that creates healthy communities with a reduced risk from flooding.”


The Andrews Labor Government is helping the State Library Victoria provide important IT services and support to kindergartens in Western Victoria The support provided by the State Library is highly valued among independently run kindergartens in Western Victoria, which often struggle to meet the IT demands of running a high-quality early childhood education. Our Government will provide $4 million over three years to secure this program into the future. The program allows the State Library to provide a range of free internet services to community-based, not-for-profit kindergarten services and cluster managers – including free internet connectivity, help desk support and face-to-face IT training. The renewed agreement runs until 2019 and also includes guidelines around privacy, cyber safety and effective ways for technology to be used in the classroom. Our Government is making Victoria the Education State – this starts with giving every child the best start in life. Quotes attributable to Member for Western Victoria, Gayle Tierney MP “We are making sure kindergarten teachers and staff can spend their time on what matters most – helping kids reach their full potential.” “This investment secures IT support for kindergartens across Western Victoria well into the future.” Quote attributable to State Library Victoria CEO Kate Torney “The State Library is grateful for the opportunity to again support the vital work of our kindergartens in early childhood education.”

THE SCARECROW PATCH WORKING STUDIO OF ARTIST ELAINE MITCHELL OPEN STUDIO Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th DECEMBER The Scarecrow Patch Studio - Thomas St. Ceres will be open on the weekend of Sat 3 and Sunday 4th Dec. 2 -4.. A selection of handmade Christmas Cards and drawings by Elaine Mitchell, will be on display and for sale.. a unique affordable Christmas gift for someone special.. Refreshments available in the afternoon... tea/ coffee and cake... During the week by appoinment 0424 037487

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golden plains


DRAFT ACCESS AND INCLUSION PLAN Golden Plains Shire Council is committed to providing equitable access to its buildings, services, communications, information and employment processes for all people. Council is seeking community views on the ‘Draft Access and Inclusion Plan’ which provides a framework to continue to support people with disabilities and work towards creating a more inclusive organisation and community. The Draft Access and Inclusion Plan is open for public exhibition from Monday 5 December 2016 to Sunday 1 January 2017. A copy of the draft plan may be inspected at the following customer service locations: Bannockburn Customer Service Centre, 2 Pope Street, Bannockburn, VIC 3331 and Linton Customer Service Centre, 68 Sussex Street, Linton, VIC 3331. Alternatively, a copy of the draft plan is available for review on the Golden Plains Shire website and can be accessed at www.goldenplains.vic.gov.au/residents/my-family/access-and-inclusion. Written submissions can be forwarded to Kim Boyd, Rural Access Worker at Golden Plains Shire Council, PO Box 111, Bannockburn 3331 or via email to enquiries@gplains.vic.gov.au. For more information, please contact: Louisa White, Community Development Manager by calling 5220 7145. ROD NICHOLLS CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER


Roots Collective presents a new FREE community music and food family festival focused on creative healthy líving, from 11am to 7pm on Sunday 12 February 2017 at Turtle Bend, Teesdale. This free event is an opportunity for different people to come together and enjoy music, art, healthy food, market stalls, sustainable fashion and interactive workshops, all in a beautiful location. Candice Feuerring, one of the key organisers of the event, says the festival will bring together people from diverse backgrounds. “This is an opportunity for people from the city and country to come together and connect with each other. People of all cultures, backgrounds, ages, faiths and abilities are invited to share in this meaningful experience”, says Candice. “Roots Culture Festival is about promoting simple líving, creative expression, community well-being and environmental sustainability – we wish to nurture and strengthen community networks and the relationships between people,” she added. The Festival will take place on Native Hut Creek, Turtle Bend with its iconic turtle’ pavilion in a natural ampitheatre and community gathering place. It will feature a host of activities including Love4Music School youth performances, Children’s Play Creative Area, DJ Zare Demus (Jamaica), conscious roots reggae band Rasta Unity, Brazilian Capoeira workshop, drumming, sustainable líving information, healthy biodynamic and orgànic food, handcrafts, local wines, beers, ciders and much more. What: Roots Culture Festival When: 11am to 7pm, Sunday 12 February 2017 Where: Turtle Bend, Shelford-Bannockburn Rd, Teesdale Roots Collective are looking for like-minded people to get involved and support the festival including stall-holders, sponsors, volunteers, local quality food producers and artists. For more information: Roots Culture Festival website Facebook

22 leigh news

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CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR ARRANGEMENTS 2016-2017 CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTRES Bannockburn and Linton Customer Service Centres Close Friday 23 December 2016 at 1.00pm and re-open on Tuesday 2 January 2017 at 8.30am. GARBAGE AND RECYCLING COLLECTION There are no changes to Council’s waste and recycling collection service over the Christmas and New Year period, so waste and recycling collections will occur as scheduled. LANDFILL The Rokewood Landfill/Transfer Station will be closed Christmas and New Year’s Day. The site will be closed on days declared as a ‘TOTAL FIRE BAN’ or ‘CODE RED’ DAYS.

EMERGENCY CONTACTS Roads & Drains: Works Superintendent Dogs & Livestock: Community Protection Officer Garbage & Recycling: Clean Away Rokewood Landfill

Ph. 5220 7111 Ph. 5220 7111 Ph. 1800 230 130 Ph. 0427 051 996

COUNCIL MEETING CYCLE 2017 At its Special Meeting on 8 November 2016, Council resolved the following dates for Council Meetings in 2017. Meetings are usually held on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 4.00pm. 24 January 28 February 28 March 26 April 23 May 27 June 25 July 22 August 26 September 24 October 8 November 28 November 19 December

Bannockburn Shire Hall Linton Customer Service Centre Bannockburn Shire Hall Linton Customer Service Centre (Wednesday) Bannockburn Shire Hall Linton Customer Service Centre Bannockburn Shire Hall Linton Customer Service Centre Bannockburn Shire Hall Linton Customer Service Centre Bannockburn Shire Hall (Special (Annual) Meeting of Council) (Wednesday) Bannockburn Shire Hall Linton Customer Service Centre (3rd Tuesday)

Councillors and staff at Golden Plains Shire Council wish residents a Merry Christmas and a happy and safe 2017.

ROD NICHOLLS, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER where opportunities grow...

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golden plains


24 noticeboard

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St Pauls Surprise Shop Inverleigh


Rally 4th Sunday of the month.

President. Nicole Linic 0403416862 Secretary. Christa Jones 0408342403 3rd & 4th December 2016 BHPC Dressage Weekend. 25th & 26th February 2017 Level 3 CDE. Visit our Facebook page by following this link: https://www.facebook.com/ groups/388813354555336/



This branch meets 1st Tuesday of the month is Craft Night 3rd Tuesday of the month is meeting night at 7.30pm at Teesdale Primary School, Mudbrick Building, cnr Main Road and Sutherland Street. Teesdale. Come and join us for fellowship, sharing of crafts that members are demonstrating. All ages welcome it is not an “oldies” group.

If you are interested in attending please contact Shirley 5281 5354

Lions Club of Inverleigh Leigh Valley

We are now collecting newspapers for recycling. Papers can be left at the Town Hall on Mondays or pick up can be arranged by calling David on 0429 958 769 during business hours or 5265 1102 after hours. All proceeds from the paper collection go to local projects. As this is a new initiative for our club, community help would be greatly appreciated. Any further questions can be directed to David on 0429 958 769 or dave@ grantsautodismantlers.com.au

THANK YOU, LORD, for the gift of Your love. May I be a shining example of that love to others. Amen. December specials Bric / Brac ½ price. All donations can be left at the front door. Wishing everyone a safe and Merry Christmas. Shop closed from: 17th Dec Reopen: Wednesday 11th Jan OPENING HOURS: Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday 9am – 1pm Come follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ St.PaulsSurpriseShop


Behind the CFA Building Main Road, Teesdale

FOR ALL YOUR HIRING NEEDS Hall, Meeting Room, Kitchen, Tables, Chairs & Crockery.

For bookings, phone Dale on 5281 5486 or 0428 386 724


Phone 13 11 14


Justices of the Peace Mr A. F. Helyar

10 Knowles Crt, Bannockburn Ph: 5281 1798

Mrs E. McDonald

47 High Street INVERLEIGH Ph: 5265 1270

Mr Keith Windle

50 Park Street INVERLEIGH Ph: 0429 651 298

Mr Peter Bufton

110 Savage Drive INVERLEIGH Ph: 0448 694 204


meets for rally every 2nd Sunday @10.00am Victoria Park, Park Street, Inverleigh Vic 3321 New Members always welcome for enquiries please contact

President: Nicole Rogers Mob: 0419 549 799 Secretary: Leanne Broad Mob: 0433 403 065 P O BOX 87 INVERLEIGH VIC 3321


7:30 AM – 8:45 AM Healthy Food plus a Fun Program!

*Cooking Club *Art & Craft *Outdoor Activities *Computer Club AFTER SCHOOL CARE

3:15 PM - 6:00 PM

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Anglican Church

CAN YOU HELP cut the Inverleigh Public Hall lawn? We are looking for volunteers willing to go on a roster to help keep the hall lawns neat and tidy. Tasks include mowing and neatening. This generally takes one to two hours. If you could find the time to help out once or twice a year, please contact : Geoff Towne on 0481 349 535.

38 High Street, Inverleigh Sunday Services 9.30 AM Our Christmas Service Times Are:Christmas Eve 8.00pm Christmas Day 9.30am

LEIGH PRESBYTERIAN PARISH “For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord...” (2 Corinthians 4.5)

10 Railway Street, Inverleigh


The Inverleigh Hall Committee promotes the use of the hall and develops and maintains our fabulous community asset. If you would like to become involved by serving on the committee or by initiating activities at the hall, please contact

Anne-Maree Tarbett

0417 512 240

Enrolment for children to make their sacraments will be held at the Bannockburn Cultural Centre on Wednesday February 15th at 5 p.m. Mass followed by enrolment and BBQ tea.

Teesdale 11.00 AM 1st & 3rd Sundays


Hall Hire Contact

Meredith Sunday @ 11 a.m. December 11th/ January 8th/ 22nd February 5th/19th.

10.00 AM 2nd & 4th Sundays


Inverleigh Hall

Anakie Sunday @ 11 a.m.December 4th/ 18th. January 1st/15th/29th February 12th/26th

Inverleigh 9.00 AM 1st & 3rd Sundays

Bowls available for Social or New Players

email: inverleighbowls@yahoo.com.au

Inverleigh every Sunday at 9 a.m. except 4th Sunday of the month at Bannockburn Gynasium


Shelford 10.00 AM Only 5th Sunday

for more info visit www.inverleighbowls.org


Winchelsea every Saturday at 6 p.m.

Inverleigh Shelford Teesdale

Please call Helen on 5265 1023 or 0411 046 528


St. Joseph’s Parish Meredith Mass Times for Dec/Jan/Feb

Rev’d Phil Jacobson 0419 322 385 John Thornton 5265 1256 Bruce McDonald 5265 1270

New members WELCOME for Pennant on Tuesday & Saturday (school friendly hours) Season starts September thru to March


For further information: Preaching Minister, Rev. Willem Vandenberg

PH: 0437 846 455. Session Clerk: Neil Mansfield 0405 064 976

Inverleigh Tennis Club


NEW PLAYERS WELCOME AGM is on Monday 15th July at 7:30pm in the Clubrooms.

General enquiries: Catherine Campbell 5265 1501 or 0488 651 501

Solar Power (with Batteries) Solar & Heat Pump Hot Water On-Grid & Off-Grid Domestic & Commercial energysolutions@breaze.org.au

03 4309 4027

26 leigh news

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leigh news


Meredith and District Motorcycle Club

Looking for a safe and fun place to ride your dirt bike or somewhere to take the kids to ride there’s look no further than Meredith and District Motorcycle Club or MADMCC for short. We meet the 3rd sunday of every month for our ride day (NO RACING AND NO QUADS / 4 WHEELERS)


NOW AVAILABLE 8 seater maxicab, plus wheelchair access

We have 2 tracks: 1 that is set up as a motocross track that is marshalled and we also have a smaller flat track for kids/beginners to learn to ride. St Johns is in attendance as well as a canteen. For more information please head over to our Facebook page MADMCC or call 0415 503 869.

WANTED! Volunteers to join the team behind the

Inverleigh & Districts

Sun 26th Feb

11am - 5pm

Recreation Reserve, The Parade, Shelford ( you can find us about 40km West of Geelong )

Good Friday Appeal Family Fun Day for 2017. Over the past 20 years, the Funday’s have entertained Thousands of People while raising much needed Funds

Featuring live music by

For The Royal Childrens Hospital. If you are a community minded person

Plus …

Kid’s Entertainment


Market Stalls


Coffee / Bar / Ice Cream / Food Stalls and More

5th $100

While helping Sick Children in Need

Then this is for YOU!

6th $50

And of course, the Duck Race, starting at 3.30

4th $150

Who enjoys having fun

Go On…Lend a Hand Help Save a Life

3rd $250

Duck Race Tickets $10 available online or on the day

2nd $500

1st $1000 facebook.com/shelford.duck.race

Call Daniel on 0437 072 260 Or Ian on 5281 1946


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29th Oct. Men- Stableford, Medal Day T. Lee 37pts, R. Keane 27pts, B. Gibson27pts. N.T.P. 8th C. Whitfield. Longest Drive O/65yrs D. brown. 2nd Nov. Ladies A.G.M.& Lunch Day. Men-Stableford. T. Lee 33pts, R. Keane 32pts, G. Jolly 29pts, Longest Drive S. Wemyss, O/65 yrs B. Gibson. 5th Club Presentation – Mixed Stableford. Men- G. Jolly 39pts, R/up D. Brown 34pts, R. Keane 32pts Women- G. Stevens, R/up C. Spencer 32pt c/b S. Breunjes 32pts. N.T.P. 3rd L. Evans, 8th C. Spencer 15th A. gumley. Longest Drive J. Richardson, O/65yrs T. Lee Women- J. Barras.

9th Nov. Ladies- No Details 12TH Nov. Men- Stroke R. Keane 72nett c/b T. Lee, S. Wemyss 73nett. N.T.P. 15th C. Whitfield Longest Drive O/65yrs T. Lee. 16th Nov. Stableford Oliver 31pts, D. Nicholls 30pts c/b S. Hofmaier 30pts. L. Richardson 29pts N.T.P. 3rd J. Barras, 8th S. Bruenjes 19th Nov. Men Par D. Brown +2, R. Keane +1 c/b S. Wemyss +1, N.T.P.15th R. Keane, Longest Drive S. Wemyss O/65yrs R. Keane.

23rd Nov. Ladies Wind-up Day, “Fancy Pants Day” Novelty Stableford. S. Bruenjes 21pts, R. Fatone, S. Lamb, L. Johns 17pts, L. Richardson & D. Morgan 16pts

INVERLEIGH CRICKET CLUB UPDATE Well the first third of the season has passed us by and their have been some great performances in both the senior and junior ranks! The first eleven currently sit in third spot on the ladder after winning 3 and losing 2. Tristan Lake has been a key performer with the ball. Notably taking 6 wickets against Little River. With the bat, a lot of players are still yet to really get going, but Lockie Platt and Cade Wellington have been leading the way. It has also been great to see young Jasper George adapt well to senior cricket. The second eleven are also sitting in third position after having some very one sided games go in their favour. Having not been required to make a lot of runs so far there hasn’t been many standouts with the bat. But with the ball club legend and veteran Dan Stevens has been the star along with Ryan Garrard who has stepped up to take the new ball. It is great to see some of our juniors contributing very well as well!

In the junior ranks, the under 13s continue to put in some great performances. Currently sitting in 4th finals are the real possibility. Charlie Hall, Will Stoney, Aussie Haygarth and Olly Haberfield have been some of the more consistent performers so far. Keep it up boys! Shaun’s under 11s are continuing to improve every week with the extras getting lower and lower. A focus on bowling at training has seen a massive improvement. Keep an eye out for information on our reverse raffle which will be help early in the new year. Once again please support our sponsors: Stockdale and Leggo, DR May Inspections, Overthetop Party Hire, Western Retaining Walls, Inverleigh Farm Supplies, Bannockburn Supreme Meats, Greater Scapes and Structures and Brand FX. David Peel


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Online Booking Available!

Opening Hours: Monday to Thursday: 8.15am to 8pm Friday: 8.15-6.30pm Saturday: 8.45-11am

"Our Aim is to make High-Quality Medical Services accessible

to Everyone"

Website: www.goldenplainsmc.com.au

Phone: 5281 2320

59 Geelong Road, Bannockburn

 Pathology, Dietitian, Physiotherapist, Psychology& Podiatrist services are available onsite.  Ultrasound services available onsite.  Online Appointments available via our website. (Book at your convenience!)  Accredited Yellow Fever & Q Fever provider. **** NO OUT OF POCKET FEES For ALL General GP Consultations ****

Our Doctors Dr Mina Gurgius (Male GP) He is a current examiner in the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. He is a highly qualified GP with several subspecialties. Dr Priyanthi Perera (Permanent Female GP) Dr Priyanthi has a Diploma in Child Health (university of Sydney). She also has a special interest in Women’s Health & Skin Cancer. Dr Sharmi Sureshkumar (Female GP) Dr sharmi has a thorough experience in both hospital and general practice settings, although her passion lies with general practice.



08:30am to 4:30pm


09:00am to 1:30pm



Phone: 52811182 Mobile: 0407080909

























30 advertising

TABLE OF CONTENTS Tips to keep your pet safe and healthy this Christmas

Holidaying with pets IN OTHER NEWS We have a new face at the clinic. Vanessa is our new veterinary nurse. Vanessa has been working at GAWS for the past 5 years and we feel lucky to have someone with her passion and experience join us at the clinic.

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Tips to keep your pet safe and healthy this Christmas The holiday season is fast approaching and it is important to ensure that Christmas and New Year are a happy time for everyone, including your pets. Christmas for pets can mean a change in routine, new potentially dangerous objects around the house, more visitors and higher noise levels. Here are a few tips and recommendations to help keep your pets out of trouble this festive season.

• If you have a real tree, ensure you clean up the tree needles regularly. They can be sharp and easily get stuck in your pet’s paws or throat.

• Cover the tree water so your pet can’t drink from it. This water can contain fertiliser and bacteria that can cause gastric upset.

• Some pets are attracted to sparkly items, if this is your pet hang Christmas tree decorations up high. Round ball-like decorations may seem similar to a tennis ball to your dog.

• Don’t feed your pet any of the leftovers. Our food is often too spicy and fatty for our pets and can cause problems ranging from an upset stomach to pacreatitis.

• Do not feed your dog or cat cooked bones. They can splinter easily and damage their throat and intestines.

• NO CHOCOLATE the ingestion of chocolate by pets can result in vomiting,

diarrhoea, hyperactivity, muscle twitching and increased urination.Chocolate contains a naturally occuring stimulant called theobromine; excess consumption can kill your pet.

• Lollies and even sugar-free sweet products can contain Xylitol which is highly toxic to pets.

• Christmas plants and flowers such as poinsettias, amaryllis, mistletoe and holly are poisonous to your pets.

• Many pets experience distress and anxiety during fireworks displays and as a result try to escape. If you require information on desensitising your pet to fireworks noise contact the clinic.

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Holidaying with pets Many of us regard our animal companions as family members, and while some of them accompany us on our holidays, others will stay behind to eagerly await our return. Before you head off on holidays, ensure that your pet’s microchip registration details are up to date. Drop into the clinic and let us know you will be going away and for how long. If you are leaving your pet in the care of family or friends put together comprehensive notes about your pets diet, idiosycrasies, medications and contact details for yourself and the clinic. Catteries and Boarding Kennels are run by animal carers whose sole focus is caring for your pets. In order for you to use these facilities vaccinations need to be updated yearly. If your pets will be travelling with you the following tips will help ensure you all have a safe holiday.

• Ensure that your pet is wearing identification tags. • Pack a first aid kit for your animal. • Take your pet for a veterinary check up. • Check if your destination has any pest or health concerns for your animal • On the road take regular breaks and allow your pet to exercise, drink and relieve themselves.

• Ensure your pets have fresh cool air.



Christmas Clinic Hours

Emergency Vet Care is available 24 hours during the holiday period. Contact our vet on 0407 811 222 We are closed on all public holidays for routine consultations and will re-open at our normal times. Monday - Friday 7.30 - 6.30 Saturday 8.00 - 1pm We wish all our clients a happy and safe holiday period. We look forward to looking after your pets in 2017

32 leigh news

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Free pickup & delivery in the Colac area daily

WIDE SELE SELECTION OF NEW RIDE-ONS GET READY FOR THE COMING SPRING SEASON Packages available Trade-ins welcome Servicing all major brands & outdoor power equipment

CNR PRINCES HWY & LENNOX STREET WINCHELSEA P: 5267 2266 accounts@allaboutmowers.com.au


Need someone to TALK to? Want someone to LISTEN?

SUE’S COUNSELLING SERVICE You can make a booking by calling Sue

0419 383 207 You can expect complete confidentiality, absolute professionalism and utmost respect when attending counselling with me. Together we will work toward achieving your goal.


PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT & TAX CONSULTANT For appointment office phone 5222 4811 or Gheringhap, Bannockburn 5281 1474 (A/H)

34 leigh news

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There are many people to thank for their contribution over this past year, •The parent committee commenced the year by hosting a ‘Family Social Night’ with the Mik Maks to welcome all families across each of the programs to our service, a great time was had by all. This was followed by a celebration of 35 years of early childhood education on this site and 40 years as an early childhood service by the Inverleigh Kindergarten Inc. The parent committee demonstrated their commitment to further developing the quality of our centre by holding working bees to improve the pathways and garden beds in our outdoor space, building a pantry in the kitchen and supporting staff so we can hold termly staff meetings and the granting of additional hours to the 3 year old group for term 4. •The fundraising team has again done an amazing job, undertaking a different kind of major fundraiser this year, ‘The Inverleigh Cup’. The night was a highlight and many thanks go to the sponsors and donors who gave so generously to this night, this evening was a high point of the year, both for the funds raised and for being such a good social event for the service and the wider Inverleigh community. The efforts of the fundraising group has meant the Kindergarten has been able to purchase materials and equipment that would otherwise have been unavailable to us, this has enabled the Kindergarten to continue in a sound financial position. Thankyou for all this and more. •The parent committee works in collaboration with Golden Plains Shire, from this partnership we have seen the completion of the change table, installation of a shade sail over the sandpit through a grant, the rebuild of the carpark and the removal of the ancient peppercorn tree from the playground. •Many thanks to Heidi Preston, Cheryl Jenkins and Gady Staindl for their support and their efforts to further develop the potential of the Children’s Services Team. The provision of administrative staff by Golden Plains Children’s Services to manage fee payments, data collection, the huge undertaking of that is the enrolment process and other tasks has been a great support to the parent committee and staff. •A huge thankyou to the Committee of Management, especially our President, Anna Shaw, Kristy Hildebrandt, Michelle Darcy, Rebecca Human, Tracy Cook, John Barber, Michael Gibbs, Georgie Taylor, Jay Cook, Catherine Friend , Eliza Walters, Lauren Carr, Hayley Hinchliffe, Jade Schultz and Jo Astall. Many thanks for the time and effort you have put in and the multitude of tasks you have taken on. It has been a pleasure to work with you. •The fundraising team, many thanks for the many fundraising tasks done this year, thankyou for your commitment. •Many thanks to our general committee members who have given the monthly meetings a wide range of views, ideas and helpful support throughout the year. •Narelle Scott for organising our uniform sales. •Sian Malone, Kelly Barber & Amy Crosslands for managing the children’s library. •The parents of our Kindergarten for their assistance, friendliness and support and who have volunteered their time and energy to make the Kindergarten a successful community based facility. This includes those who do the unseen but important tasks that help make the Kindergarten run smoothly. •Karren Smith, and her team of Naomi Haintz, Andy McDonald and others for their work in the Occasional Care program. •Karren Smith & Andy McDonald for their work with the 3 year old pre-Kindergarten Group. •Caroline Desborough for her support in the M&CH program. •The Administration staff of Golden Plains Shire, Kim Roberts and others for their support and assistance, •Lorraine Gall & Raelene Fraser for keeping the Kindergarten clean and tidy each week; •Lastly but importantly Naomi Haintz for all their daily assistance and support with the Kindergarten group, All of this support helps the kindergarten to function and continue to flourish, Finally, thanks to the children who make it all worthwhile; Thank you and best wishes to all in the coming year, Bronwyn Davies.

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HEARNS MEREDITH HOTEL A Great Country Pub with Fantastic Meals & Great Service!

Open from Wed - Sun from 11am for Lunch & Dinner Meredith's’ best kept secret!! Located off the highway toward Mt Mercer Just before the railway line

What’s on this Month! Friday 2nd December - Live Music with “Lukey Luke”

With a voice as big as Everest, clean, rich and reaching for the skies, you can expect the unexpected. With a twist of Rock and plenty of Roll! Catch him if you can, Lukey kicks off at 9PM. One not to be missed!

Friday 9th December - Back by popular demand “AVALON”

Lynda, Beck and Leah bring you today’s country music! The girls energetic performance is infectious, guaranteed to get your feet tapping, and to leave you with a smile on your face.

Friday 16th December - “Music with Matty Orchard”

From subtle background music to pumped up ‘sing a long’ dancing tunes, Matty can tailor a set of songs to suit any event. With an amazing voice he delivers his no nonsense brand of campfire and beer songs!

Friday 23rd December - Xmas kickoff with “Steno & Gracie” from 9pm

Steno & Gracie are our final gig for 2016. With Steno playing his much loved acoustic Maton guitar and Gracie on his tenor saxophone these boys create an atmosphere like no other! This night will fill up quickly so bookings are definitely recommended for this one!

The Hotel will close for the Xmas period after the 23rd of December function and will re-open on Wednesday the 4th of January 2017

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your patronage for the 2016 year and look very much forward to seeing you all in 2017

51-53 Staughton Street, Meredith. For Bookings or enquiries phone: 52861311 Email: MeredithHotel@bigpond.com Your Hosts: Caz Hearn & Family

36 leigh news

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I was recently offered access to the following Rainfall Figures from John and Luanne Thornton from their Property at Lullote, on Common Road, Inveleigh. With the variations in Rainfall over my short time here in Inveleigh, I found it most interesting, and John and Luanne have approved me including their figures in this issue. JAN FEB MAR APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC TOTAL 2016 29.5 11 25.5 10 77 56 85 43.5 99 92 528.50 2016 2015 67 24.5 16.5 23 37 27.5 36 27.5 35.5 17.5 19.5 14 345.50 2015 2014 19.5 0 39 65.5 22.5 62 25 45 24 12.5 48 45.5 408.50 2014 2013 0 34 8.5 8 43.5 114 45 61 58.5 59.5 32.5 28 492.50 2013 2012 17 41.5 24 40.5 35 88 34.5 53.5 51 36 40 34.5 495.50 2012 2011 117.5 61.5 17 32.5 38.5 36 45 17.5 24 73.5 78 21 562.00 2011 2010 15 35.5 58 60.5 31 42.5 26 76 53 103 86 29.5 616.00 2010 2009 0 1.5 26.5 35.5 14.5 32.5 41 67 55 22 101.5 37.5 434.50 2009 2008 23 25.5 22.5 10 44.5 22 53.5 42 28.5 14.5 32 68.5 386.50 2008 2007 41.5 9 24 29 46.5 40.5 84 38 36.5 27.5 92 58.5 527.00 2007 2006 31 20 6.5 41 44 11.5 35 32 46.5 8 20.5 4 300.00 2006 2005 24 122 7 17.5 6.5 34.5 40 66.5 40.5 91.5 27.5 27.5 505.00 2005 2004 37.5 24.5 23 25.5 29 48.5 36.5 50 55 32.5 64 58.5 484.50 2004 2003 25.5 15.5 12.5 40 16.5 21.5 65 68.5 50.5 97.5 22.5 28.5 464.00 2003 2002 14 62.5 4.5 23.5 34 61.5 67.5 40 60.5 34 37.5 12 451.50 2002 2001 15.5 21 43.5 145 15 47.5 18 72.5 30.5 59.5 60 40 568.00 2001 2000 22.5 16 5.5 33.5 53 19.5 36 26.5 86 96.5 34 14.5 443.50 2000 1999 40.5 65 36.5 7.5 47.5 41 27 62 23.5 37.5 17.5 42.5 448.00 1999 1998 47 33.5 2 56 28.5 45.5 44.5 30.5 38.5 68 43 38.5 475.50 1998 1997 45 6 12 10 72 39 26.5 31.5 71 63 49 0 425.00 1997 1996 32.5 51.5 41 35 10 49.5 75.5 70 78 28.5 24 27.5 523.00 1996 1995 127.5 7.5 51.5 88 49 68 39.5 40 40.5 64.5 80.5 36 692.50 1995 1994 29.5 70 7.5 11.5 29.5 32.5 21.5 44.5 44.5 53.5 56.5 28 429.00 1994 1993 102.5 67.5 19 3 11.5 35.5 49.5 43.5 91 69 47.5 68.5 608.00 1993 1992 15 13 45.5 56 42 60.5 33 74 89.5 89.5 73.5 94 685.50 1992 1991 103.5 8 28 18 16 110.5 32 62.5 80.5 21 33 70.5 583.50 1991 1990 9 133 17.5 41 22.5 35.5 64.5 38.5 57.5 76.5 31.5 27 554.00 1990 1989 46 59.5 75.5 81.5 66 52.5 74.5 55 63 95.5 24 16.5 709.50 1989 1988 66.5 10 23.5 9.5 49 54.5 41 67 41.5 33.5 82 75 553.00 1988 1987 109.5 58 28 17 100 44 43.5 29 42.5 49.5 44.5 69.5 635.00 1987 1986 14.5 6.5 9 61 30 26 58 33.5 46 114.5 11 74 484.00 1986 1985 6 5.5 36 91.5 35.5 48.5 50 47 14 55.5 46.5 118.5 554.50 1985 1984 42 14 64.5 38.25 14 12.25 52.25 50.5 95.75 33.5 28.5 39.5 485.00 1984 1983 10 9 70 36.5 85 40.25 42.25 44.75 97.75 87.25 42.5 3.75 569.00 1983 1982 26 0 42.5 20.5 36.25 22 17.25 12.25 36.75 21 5.5 32 272.00 1982 1981 56.5 24.25 47.25 15 65.25 46.25 48.5 68.75 21.25 87.5 70 23.5 574.00 1981 1980 33.75 1.25 12.5 57.25 34 31.25 30.25 42 50.5 93 23.5 46.75 456.00 1980 1979 32.25 16.75 9.25 18.25 49 26.25 26 67.75 64.75 52.25 40.5 17 420.00 1979 1978 27 10.75 31.5 34.5 62.5 79 75.25 75.5 66.25 41.25 170.5 127.75 801.75 1978 1977 29.5 35.75 35.5 10 104.25 89.5 51.75 31 45 20 37.5 9.75 499.50 1977 1976 3.5 33.25 12 6.5 10.5 36.25 11.25 51.5 119.75 74.5 43 47.5 449.50 1976 1975 11 1.75 66.75 11.25 33 29 60.25 85.75 78.75 116.75 33.75 19.75 547.75 1975 1974 69.25 18.5 95.25 71.5 75.75 20 78.25 82.5 55.5 64.5 17.75 35.25 684.00 1974 1973 54.75 173.75 41 33.25 69.5 63.25 36.25 54.25 48.25 83 54 27.75 739.00 1973 1972 65 89.5 57 41.5 21 26.75 32.25 23.75 21.75 34.75 34.25 0 447.50 1972 1971 70 74.25 19 56.25 45.5 41.25 14.75 23.5 54.5 70 79 79.75 627.75 1971 1970 114 0 49.25 62.5 55.5 28.25 38.25 85.75 46.75 45.5 93.25 78.75 697.75 1970

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1969 23.25 60.75 26.5 29.5 60.25 16.25 53.75 54.5 56.25 13.5 42 31 467.50 1969 1968 13.25 11.5 17 69.25 74.25 50.5 34.5 65.75 21 67.5 54 28 506.50 1968 1967 18.25 0 5.75 13.75 23.5 13.75 24 70.5 23 4.75 15.5 41.75 254.50 1967 1966 19.25 34.75 64 37.5 19.75 26 48.5 74.5 47.5 65.75 23.75 81.75 543.00 1966 1965 12.5 0 10.25 48.75 37.25 24.75 58.25 56.75 36.5 5.5 64.5 34.25 389.25 1965 1964 6.75 103.5 24 90.25 34.75 34.25 87.5 54 67.5 79.25 56.75 53.75 692.25 1964 1963 81.25 20.75 17 7 117.25 29.75 46.25 32 55.25 15 4.75 13.25 439.50 1963 1962 26.25 24.25 19.75 20.75 56 44.5 33 43 73.25 73 9.75 21 444.50 1962 1961 0 22 31.75 52.5 22 38 34.5 30.75 19.25 36.5 23.25 27 337.50 1961 1960 9.25 64 6.75 102 53.5 27.5 80.25 51 46.25 26.25 80.25 11 558.00 1960 1959 13 52.5 75.5 26.25 16.25 28.75 19.75 53.75 67.25 90.5 66.75 84.25 594.50 1959 1958 1 39.75 9.75 13.75 68.5 14.25 62.25 64.25 53.25 61.5 32.75 28.25 449.25 1958 1957 1 21.5 29.5 28.25 39 32.25 32 50 36.25 51.75 30.75 69 421.25 1957 1956 20 0.5 27.75 49.75 51 43.25 80 60.5 51.25 48.25 34 48.25 514.50 1956 1955 6.25 108 38 23.5 50 72.5 41.25 78.75 49.75 51 36.75 41 596.75 1955 1954 25.75 12 15.5 67.5 17.25 29 23.75 41 30.75 61.25 92 43 458.75 1954 1953 8 5.25 1.75 35.5 19.5 32 46.5 69.75 76 48.25 61.25 20 423.75 1953 1952 22.5 29.75 20.75 48.25 77.75 118.25 36 41.75 63 74.75 97.75 37.75 668.25 1952 1951 14.75 98.75 5 85.5 69.25 60.75 69.5 129.75 25 68.75 33.5 31.75 692.25 1951 1950 1.5 104.5 57 76.5 44 21.5 39 44 108.5 31.25 32.75 29.5 590.00 1950 1949 12.75 79.75 104.25 6.75 37.75 23.75 32.75 25.5 45.75 154.5 93.25 14.25 631.00 1949 1948 36.75 16 2.5 55 92.75 33.25 33.75 27.75 36.25 81.5 39.5 35 490.00 1948 1947 5.5 71 76.75 34 19.75 69.75 74.5 47.5 54.25 75 73.5 70.75 672.25 1947 1946 104.75 89.25 59.25 26.75 28.5 52 44.75 37 40 34.5 22.25 85.75 624.75 1946 1945 27.5 23.25 0 4.5 45.5 36 59 66.75 35 49.5 57 12 416.00 1945 1944 22.5 6.25 10.25 40.25 46.25 15.75 24.5 3.75 24.75 45 20.5 26 285.75 1944 1943 57.25 33 28 52.75 8 76.5 51 63.5 72.5 16 25.5 12.5 496.50 1943 1942 11.75 49.75 30 27.75 57.25 19 81.5 92.25 53.5 29.5 30.25 0 482.50 1942 1941 42.5 16 56.25 56.5 16 60.25 48.75 62.5 66 33.25 49.25 37.25 544.50 1941 1940 45.5 20 17.25 43 12.5 21.25 25 20 40.75 10.25 68.75 36 360.25 1940 1939 2.75 53 4.75 57.5 51.25 68.75 18.75 124.75 54.5 82.25 85.25 9.75 613.25 1939 1938 34.5 43.5 15 18.75 17.75 77.5 39.75 18.75 14.75 15.75 33 11.25 340.25 1938 1937 54.25 17.5 29.25 14.25 51.75 5 27.75 13.25 59.25 63.5 11 58.75 405.50 1937 1936 16.75 9.75 70.25 28.25 34.25 34 91.75 71.25 32.75 48 21.75 32 490.75 1936 1935 15.25 30.25 30 79 16.5 27 39.75 70 39.5 38.25 32 11.75 429.25 1935 1934 20.75 28.75 8.5 97 2 15.75 45.75 36.25 60.25 95.5 122.75 7.75 541.00 1934 1933 7.5 1 17 36.5 69 8.25 28.75 4.25 43.25 24.5 73.25 99.5 412.75 1933 1932 0 59.5 106.25 62.25 23.25 54.25 36 52.75 40.25 48.75 8.75 44.75 536.75 1932 1931 2.25 13.25 64.5 37 64 61.5 63 31.25 37.75 15 65 13.5 468.00 1931 1930 0 58.75 8.75 34.75 44 35.75 42.75 65 56 67.25 39.25 74.25 526.50 1930 1929 26.75 59.25 21.5 58.5 18 49.5 34.5 41 33.5 44.25 50 55 491.75 1929 1928 58.5 151.5 81.5 23.25 45.25 28 16 19.5 48.25 87.75 19.5 12 591.00 1928 1927 11.5 17 26.5 14.25 57 16 73 50.75 18 23.5 27.5 34 369.00 1927 Ave 32.00 37.60 31.35 39.72 41.86 41.63 45.02 50.74 50.81 54.21 47.13 38.94 510.05 High 127.5 173.75 106.25 145 117.25 118.25 91.75 129.75 119.75 154.5 170.5 127.75 801.75 est. Low 0 0 0 3 2 5 11.25 3.75 14 4.75 4.75 0 254.50 est.

38 leigh news

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INVERLEIGH SENIORS INC. Inverleigh Seniors is a group of who meet together twice a Month for friendship,support, activities and outings.

We meet 2nd and 4th Thursday’s of the Month 2nd Thursday’s MEETING and ACTIVITIES. 1.30pm at the Inverleigh Hall. 4th Thursday’s LUNCH DAY. We meet at the Inverleigh Hall at 11.30am from where we go to our chosen venue for Lunch. UPCOMING OUTING’S 8th December. Christmas Lunch Lunch at the Inverleigh Public Hall @ 12:30. All welcome

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40 leigh news

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THE COMBINED PROBUS CLUB OF BANNOCKBURN INC Probus Christmas Luncheon 5th Dec at Royal Hotel Meredith. Contact Elaine 5281 1168

Services Available Acute Hospital Residential Aged Care Dementia Specific Care Urgent Care Physiotherapy Dietician District Nursing Diabetes Education Occupational Therapy Planned Activity Groups Community Health Groups Palliative & Continence Care Podiatry Maternal Child Health Nurse

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0438559635 8 McCallum Rd Inverleigh

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First Rate Clotheslines Sales & Installations A Quality

Stockist and authorized installer. Free quotes, Repairs, Rewires, Sales & Installation Servicing Geelong and District

Save Power – Install a clothesline

James Richardson:

0408 656 898




42 Teesdale

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TEESDALE PRIMARY SCHOOL Hello everyone The end of the year is fast approaching, but we still have a very full schedule to fit in before school finishes on Tuesday 20th December. The Prep -2 classes are having a Celebration Excursion on Thursday December 8th to Geelong Waterfront and also a BBQ and Games evening on Wednesday 14th December. Teesdale PS Senior 3-6 students will be participating in a variety of ball sports at the Inverleigh Oval – Cross Chase, Tunnel Ball, Corner Spry and Captain Ball. The sports day will begin at Inverleigh PS at 10:00 a.m. and finish at 12 noon. Students will also have a BBQ sausage at Inverleigh before returning to Teesdale. Orientation Day for our new students coming to Teesdale PS in 2017 will be held on Tuesday 6th December. We invite new students to join the classroom activities and give them a chance to view the new school surroundings and make new friends. Parents will meet with our staff for a short information session and tour of the school facilities. We are looking forward to welcoming our new students and their families and hope that they have a smooth transition into our school in 2017. Please feel free to contact the school on 5281 5218 during school hours if you require any further information regarding enrolment. Enrol now for 2017 If you would like to know more about our school, please phone us during school hours on 5281 5218 or head to our website at: www.teesdaleps.vic.edu.au. Don’t forget to read our newsletters online at our website, or on the Parent Portal on Sentral. Printed copies can still be obtained from the school office or at the Teesdale General Store. Year 6 Graduation The end of the year concludes with our Year 6 Graduation celebration to be held in the Teesdale Hall on Thursday 15th December. We hope that our graduating students and their families have a night to remember and we wish the students all the best for the future. School Staffing and Planning 2017 We continue the process of finalising staffing for 2017. Ms Caitlin Longmire has decided to not take up her offered position at Teesdale and has accepted a role at Torquay. As a consequence, we have appointed Mr. Andy Loke to the 12 month Graduate vacancy. Andy will be teaching a 3/4 class. Andy has been teaching for 4 years, most recently at Doncaster PS. We have also appointed Mr. Luke Thwaites to our teaching team for next year. Luke will be teaching a 5/6 class. Luke has been teaching for 9 years, most recently at Templestowe Valley PS. We are looking forward to the contribution they will both make to our staff team. Our class sizes for next year will be approximately 22 students per class. Prep: Meg Andrews, Year 1/2: Lilian Pitaro and Helen Bathgate, 3/4: Roxanne Wells and Andy Loke, 5/6: Kate Wojcik and Luke Thwaites. Specialist roles: Merron Southall - Science and Literacy support, Melissa O’Toole – Art and Literacy support, Peta Haberfield – 5/6 classroom (one day per week) and Physical Education/Sport, Jacqui Kelley - 1/2 classroom (one day per week, term 2-4) Pam Breheny – 1/2 classroom (one day per week, term 1), Kate Wojcik – Indonesian (one 3 day per fortnight Y3-6). We are planning to ensure that there are extra staff, as listed, to support our Literacy program in Y1-4. Education Support roles: Sue Aitken – Business Manager, Chris Watts – Integration Aide and Before School Care Program Assistant, Sue O’Mealley – Integration Aide, Deb Smith – After school Care Program Assistant, Mel Linguey – OSHC Co-ordinator.

Our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program will continue in 2017. School Council At our final School Council meeting for 2016, School Council discussed many of the achievements of our whole school this year. I would like to highlight some of the achievements that we have, as a team, completed this year to improve the teaching and learning environment: 1.Implementation of “Learning Intentions” and “Success Criteria” in all classrooms 2.New Report format 3.Achieved eSmart national status 4.Leading Teacher appointment to lead our Teaching and Learning teams 5.Upgrade of the Mudbrick building 6.New sandpit completed 7.Introduction of the Mudbrick Café monthly opening We are certainly committed to processes to support our continuous improvement in the many facets of school life. We are also strategically planning many new initiatives in 2017. Important Dates Please mark these important dates in your calendar: Last day of school for this year is Tuesday 20th December and students finish early at 1:15 p.m. Teachers resume school on Monday 30th January, 2017 and this is a State-wide Student Free Day. All students start school on Tuesday 31st January, 2017. Prep students do not attend school on a Wednesday until after the Labour Day weekend in March. Wednesday 25th January, 2017 is Book Pack Collection Day at school for A-L families Friday 27th January, 2017 is Book Pack Collection Day at school for M-Z families Parents and Friends Association (PFA) have worked tirelessly this year and organised many fun events. The recent Muffin and Milk Day was a great success. We would like to thank our PFA team for their dedicated volunteer efforts. The students enjoyed the lunch day catering, yummy recess snacks, sports day refreshments, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day stalls, the Bunnings BBQ sausage sizzle and the social Higheight Fundraiser at Inverleigh. Thank you for the wonderful work you do for the Teesdale PS community. Connect with PFA on Facebook: Teesdale Primary School PFA: https://www.facebook.com/ groups/355011767931490/ As this is the last newsletter of the year, Teesdale Primary School would like to acknowledge the fantastic team effort there has been from our whole school community in 2016. The students for their hard work, the staff for their dedication, the parents and volunteers for the amazing support they have given our school. The staff and students would like to wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas holiday break and look forward to seeing you return safe and well in 2017.

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Last Months Mystery Object’s?



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Item 1 was correctly identified by Mrs Cambria Parkinson from Shelford. It is a “pricker” used to clear the fine aperture in a kero primus cooker or lamp. The fine needle like spike goes into the hole where the fuel passes up to the element. Cambria did a lot of cooking on one of these primus stoves. A half gallon of Kero cost 18 cents to fill, and that lasted a whole week. Thanks so much for correctly identifying the object and explaining how it worked.

Item 2 was a paint bottle for painting fine lines. Before laminex became an affordable item, many bathrooms and kitchens were lined with a masonite or burnie board product, which was painted. it had “grout lines” pressed into the surface during manufacture, and after repainting your tiled wall, this paint bottle with its roller applicator was used to paint in the lines in a different colour to look like a tiled surface, usually on a wall. It was a bit fiddly, but the effect was quite pleasing for the time.

46 advertising

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Junior Staff Person 15 – 17 years old to work as part of a team during school holidays & weekends. Training provided. Apply with resume in person to Summer Sensations Café & Mini Golf, 1440 Bannockburn-Shelford Rd. Teesdale any day except Tuesday.


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John Crowe: jcrowe@transotway.com.au 03 52223099

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Directory of Clubs, Services and Organisations Below is a directory for clubs, organisations and services operating in Inverleigh, Teedale, Shelford and surrounding areas. If you are interested in obtaining further information about an organisation, please feel free to ring and have a chat with them. Any club or organisation who wishes to be listed, please forward details to us and we will include your listing. We would also appreciate being kept up to date with contact details



Bellarine Harness for Pleasure Club Pat, Phone 5264 5235

Shelford Cricket Club Andrew Clarke 0439634891 Mark Hampshire 0409428931

Inverleigh Bowls Club Pres. Des Joyce 0419 295 966 Sec. Peter Trevaskis 0407 100 791

Shelford Progress Association Pres: Marilyn Biddle 5281 3284 Sec: Gail Rose 5281 3368

Inverleigh Cemetery Trust Des Guinane. 0409 224 811


Inverleigh Cricket Club Pres:Marcus Warton ph. 0400 199 309 Inverleigh-Leigh Valley Lions Club Bill Hughes 5281 5391 inverleigh.lions@gmail.com Inverleigh Playgroup Nicole White 5281 2184 Sandrine Erwin 5281 1972 Inverleigh Riding Club Leighdale Equestrian Centre Suzanne Mowat. 5265 1302 Inverleigh RSL Sub-Branch Pres. Malcom Johns. 5281 5253 Leigh District Landcare Group Sec: Maxine Campbell 5265 1210 Leigh District Riding Club Leesa Phone 5265 1024 Victoria Park Reserve Bookings, Narelle Bogle Ph: 0438 034 313

Before and After School Care from 7.30am to 8.45am. 3.15pm to 6pm Teesdale Primary. 5281 5218 CWA Native Hut Branch Shirley Wild Ph: 5281 5354

Windstorm and Flood 132 500 Controller: Nathan Hansford Mob: 0409 811 138

EMERGENCY Police, Ambulance, Fire, SES

Ring 000

LifeLine 5222 2233 or 13 11 14 B’burn Surgery 5281 1481 B’burn Vet 5281 1221

Leighdale Equestrian Centre Robyn Grixti Ph 5281 5290 or Melinda Spiller 0413 648 012

B’burn Taxi 5281 1777

Leighdale Pony Club Inc. Pres: Tom McCann 5265 1169 Sec: Sue Moran 0437 914 454

Power Failure 13 24 12

Teesdale Branch Liberal Party Charlie Hartup 5281 5222 Teesdale Cricket Club Alister Woods. 0439 395 456 Teesdale Pre School Mandy Bartlett. 5281 5488

Barwon Water 1300 656 007

Geelong Hospital Accident & Emergency 5226 7564 Golden Plains Equine Vets 0437 467 097 Golden Plains Medical Centre 5281 2320 Wildlife Rescue 0500 540 000

Teesdale Sporting Complex Mrs Kay Hower. 5281 5389

Women’s Domestic Violence Crisis Service 1800 015 188

Teesdale Tennis Club Mrs Judy Evans. 5281 5328

Shire Ranger 5220 7111

Teesdale Community Hall Dale Smithyman 5281 5486

MURGHEBOLUC AREA. Teesdale TOWN Club Murgheboluc Recreation Reserve. Fiona Inglis. 0421 679 770

SES Emergency 000

(Take off Weight Naturally) Jan Pope Ph: 5281 51387 Working Sheepdog Club Glenn Agnew 0427 325 905



Advertisers Index Accountant 33, 38, 46 Ag Spraying 17 Banking 159 Berries 19,43 Blinds 33 Church Notices 25 Chiropractic 5 Cleaning 43 Clotheslines 41 Computers 17 Counselling 33 Doctor & Health Services 9,29,40 Driver Tuition 44 Electrician 43 Earthmoving 41 Equine 32 Farmers Market 36, Funeral Director 14, 44 Grain 14 Garden Services 43 Garden Supplies 29 Hotels 19,35 Hall Hire 25 Home & Living 10 Hot Water 25 Justice of the Peace 24 Massage 16 Motor Mechanic 45 Mowers & Chainsaws 33 Nursery 12, 19 OSHC 24 Painter & Decorator 39,40 Physiotherapy 18,45 Playgroup 5 Probus 40 Psychology 18 Plumbing Services 38, 46 Rainfall 4,36,37 Real Estate 18,40,48 Seniors 35 Septic Services 44 Shipping Containers 18 Smash Repairs 41 Sport 28 Taxi 27 Travel 46 Tyres 39 Vehicle Transport 40 Veterinary 30, 31 Yoga 32

If you would like your Club or Service included in this directory, or if you need to update any details above, please contact the Editor.


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