Leigh news november 15

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Leigh News November 2015

Volume 42 Number 9

An Inverleigh Progress Association publication

Inverleigh Primary School 150th Anniversary Celebrations

ISSN 0313-8453

2 Community Calendar

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November 2015. 7th. Golden Plains Farmers Market. 11th Remembrance Day Service at Inverleigh Monuments. Assemble at 10:20am. 14th Shelford Community Garage Sale- Shelford Primary School 10am. 14th Carol Service Inverleigh Public Hall. 7pm 15th. Teesdale CFA Open Day. 10am to 4pm. 28th Shelford Community Trivia Night-Shelford Public Hall - 7pm. Leigh News © 2013, Inverleigh Progress Association Inc. The Leigh News is published monthly (except January) by the Inverleigh Progress Association Incorporated, and is distributed free in the townships of Inverleigh, Teesdale, Bannockburn and Shelford, and the surrounding districts. Letters, comments, suggestions, articles, and reports from readers are welcome whether or not intended for publication. The Leigh News is prepared, assembled and printed by Gardesign of Inverleigh using environmentally friendly materials and distributed by volunteer workers. Circulation:


Editorial and Advertising Items submitted for inclusion in the Leigh News should be clearly marked “For inclusion in the (month) Leigh News” and in by the 25th day of each month. Advertisements should be marked with the size of advert required and the number of editions in which it is to be displayed. Advertisements or Editorial contributions should be clearly addressed to:

“Leigh News”, PO Box 247, Inverleigh, Victoria 3321 or


Peter’s Editorial

for Inverleigh with the 150th Celebrations for the Primary School. I met many locals and others that had moved on, all of whom went to the local Primary School. Among the many previous School Students I met was Bill Field, who attended Inverleigh Primary in Prep in 1931. I’m guessing Bill would be getting up near the 90 years old mark, if not, just past it. He had many stories to tell, and I was welcomed to keep in touch with Bill for any future information about Inverleigh and district. I have now actually met a resident of the Inverleigh Gaol. Bill (somewhat proudly) told me he had spent 3 hours in the Gaol for pinching Watermelons. He, like the many others mentioned elsewhere in this newsletter, show the real Aussie Larrikanism, and it was a pleasure to meet them all. Well done Inverleigh Primary School and local Community for a wonderful Day.


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The views or ideas expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editorial committee or of the Inverleigh Progress Association. While we try to check the integrity, the publication of advertisements is not an endorsement of the advertiser’s product or quality of workmanship.

In the case of odd size adverts, sizes are calculated in column cms. 1 col. is 60mm wide x 269mm long. For further information about advertising and cost in the Leigh News: contact Peter Trevaskis on 0407 100 791 or leighnews@bigpond.com Professional ad design tailored to your needs at competitive pricing Please forward accounts and payments to: Tony Waayers, Leigh News, PO Box 247, Inverleigh 3321. Phone: 5265 1610 Committee Members: Hilary Hamilton (President) Luanne Thornton (Secretary) Tony Waayers (Treasurer) Peter Trevaskis (Editor) Faye Thomas (Assistant)

November 2015

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leigh news


INVERLEIGH PRIMARY SCHOOL 150TH CELEBRATIONS The weather was kind, people came out in droves, and a great time was had by all. This is a brief pictorial summary of the recent Celebrations at the Inverleigh Primary School, celebrating 150 Years of Service to the district.

Senior Students from the School performing “Back to Inverleigh” Certainly one of the Best, if not “The Best”, School Choirs!

Alec McFarlane (1930), Gary McFarlane (1970) and David Loone (1952)attended Prep in the years shown.

Local stallholders supported the event.

Bob Lubke, part of 5 generations of Lubke’s who have attended IPS.

Ash Field, Bill Field (1931), Val Robertson and Neil Bailey reunited again for the Celebrations.

Not only Students from bygone era’s. Plenty of Tractors and Cars on display.

Peter Kirby Headmaster, who has just completed 21years at IPS. Well Done Mr. Kirby!

Shane (Dad) Ethan and Grace are the latest of the Lubke’s to attend IPS.

Bill Field in Class of 1937.

4 Community

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Inverleigh Progress Association

Wow! What a wonderfully successful day it was in Inverleigh Sunday 1st November 2015

Many residents and visitors to Inverleigh joined together to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the Inverleigh Primary School on the site of the bluestone building opened in 1865. The weather could not have been better and everyone enjoyed catching up with friends, former classmates and students at school at the same time.

In 1988 to celebrate Australia’s Bicentennary Coral Peel put pen to paper for the next two. In 2002 more verses were added and the search is on to find the author of these. Recently John Tantou, a teacher at the school penned the last two and the students sang the whole song for us with gusto today.

There was plenty to keep people happy with detailed historical displays, including photos and reminiscences from times past. How times have changed since head teacher had the job of emptying the pans – no nightman then! There were many stalls, a display of old vehicles, and lots of music, showing the talents of current and a number of past students. The food needs were met with everything from the parents’ club Devonshire teas, the Lion’s BBQ, hot potatoes and a coffee cart. The senior students sang the verses and chorus of “Back to Inverleigh”, a town song first sung in 1930 and added to a number of times. The first 2 verses were written in 1930 by Mrs Allen, who ran the general store.

The school bell was rung at 1.30 and a roll call through the decades began. As each group gathered a photo was taken by Dagmar Cations for the record. This took quite a time as the groups were so busy catching up they were difficult to organise. To finish off a number of sports teams representing current students, past students, teachers and parents competed in tunnel ball and other team games, compared by Peter, the current head teacher. No event like this can go ahead without a team of willing workers and it was led by teachers Andrea Elliot and Krystal Clarke, School Councillors Leigh Prossor and Sam Hill, Parents’ Club members Vonnie Cook and Mandy Clingen and members of the Historical Society, Bronwyn Price and Christine Windle and our thanks go to them for organising such a successful day. Inverleigh has a wealth of talent and much of it was on display today. The celebration was not only for the school but also this town, which showed the benefits of a close knit community, which cares about its people and its heritage. We do not have many such events, but those we have had stick in the mind and today was no exception. Luanne Thornton Secretary-Inverleigh Progress Association.

November 2015

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Welcome to


Gateway to the Western District The Invereligh Progress Association is looking for an interested person or group of people that are interested in creating a “Welcome to the town of Inverleigh” sign that could be placed at both ends of our town on the Hamilton Highway. If interested please make contact with a member of the IPA or phone Tony on 5265 1610

INVERLEIGH KINDERGARTEN At the Kindergarten we have been fortunate to have part of our Garden/ Play area refurbished. Many Thanks to; • Zac Welsh from Clear Edge Landscaping. A huge thank you to Zac Welsh and his team from ClearEdge Landscaping for all their work. Many thanks to Zac for donating and installing a new lawn at the kindergarten! It has transformed the outdoor area, it is fabulous! Please remember to support the people who support our kinder. • Many thanks to Lee Stones who donated time and labour to install a new water tank - a much needed asset during this dry period • Thanks to Bryan Hart for repairing our yellow trolley. • Everyone who contributed to our Earn and Learn Drive. Across both Occasional Care and Kindergarten groups, we earned 3,300 points and have purchased some materials and equipment for Christmas activities. Additionally, everyone at our centre who ordered through Chalk and Parent Direct. We received a voucher with credit points. Karren and I will discuss suitable purchases for the centre. All those who helped ay our Working Bees over the holiday period a mighty effort. The Church was completely unpacked, all the equipment was stored in the Playroom, the Church was swept oy and cleaned, the shelving was fitted, then all the equipment was put into tubs and placed on shelving in the Church.

Phew! And all in 2 days. The garden was also weeded, soft fall was spread and repairs done. Amazing! Thanks to; • Anna Shaw • Matthew Wilson • Carolyn Stones • Melissa Neville • Eliza Walters • Kerry Johnson • Lee Stones • Bryan Hart • Megan Bell • Tom Edwards • Sara Goodman • Jo Astall • Sarah Spring • Kara Van Oosten • Bronwyn Davies • Andy McDonald • Karren Smith

Thankyou Bronwyn Davies

leigh news


Advertisers Index Accountant 17, 23, 39 Banking 10 Berries 21 Blinds 21 Builders 9 Church Notices 19 Cleaning 33 Clotheslines 31 Counselling 17, 23 Doctor & Health Services 24,26,30,32 Driver Tuition 38 Earthmoving 31 Funeral Director 16, 20 Grain 9, 25 Garden Supplies 27 Hall Hire 18 Hotel 21 Massage 29 Motor Mechanic 39 Mowers & Chainsaws 23 Nursery 15, 36 Painter & Decorator 25,30 Pet Food 36 Physiotherapy 16 Picture Framing 38 Playgroup 28 Playgrounds 36 Plumbing Services 24, 28, 36 Podiatry 32 Pharmacies 37 Politics 25, 26, 40 Real Estate 30, 38, 40 Respite Care 33 Septic Services 29 Shipping Containers 34 Smash Repairs 30 Taxi 36 Tyres 33 Vehicle Transport 30 Veterinary 12, 13

6 leigh news

printed on carbon neutral paper TEESDALE CFA Protecting Lives and Property

CFA Open Day


Join us for CFA Open Day!

CFA Open Day is a chance for you to meet your local CFA brigade members and find out more about what we do. Where: Teesdale CFA Station & Hall Area When: 10.00am – 4.00 pm What: Community Connection: Displays, Demonstrations & Information, Home Fire Safety, Summer Preparedness on your patch, Children’s Goodies, Captain Koala and more….

Proudly In Conjunction with Teesdale Pre- School, Leigh Valley Lions & Bunnings - Corio Sausage Sizzle, Fun for the Children, Tea, Coffee and Homemade Treats, Raffle

INVERLEIGH - WATER PUMP It looks like this summer could be a dryer than normal and the water pump will be in greater demand. If you are a local resident and would like to use this service please make contact with me. The annual charge is $33 key and key deposit of $20. Funds collected are used to maintain the “water pump” and projects undertaken by the Inverleigh Progress Association. I will be sending out Invoices for the 2016 year in late January. A reminder for the approximately 30 local users who still need to pay for the current year.

Tony Waayers

Phone Number 5265 1610

Come Along, Join In The Fun, Ask Questions, Gather Fire Safety Information, Something for All The Family

Support Fundraising For Teesdale Pre-School & Leigh Valley Lions Club


Golden Plains will not be applying for a variation from the State Government’s rate cap Golden Plains Shire Council would like to publically state that it will not apply for any variation from the State Government’s proposed plan to cap rate rises for the 2016-17 financial year. The Local Government Amendment (Fair Go Rates) Bill 2015 is currently before parliament. It provides substantial autonomy to the Minister for Local Government to establish the detailed features of the rate capping system. The Bill does not specifically require the imposition of a rate cap; rather it provides a legislative base to establish a cap. Much of the detail around the framework will be established by general Orders published in the Government

Gazette, so significant uncertainty remains about the shape and operation of the rate cap framework for 2016-17 and beyond. These include the financial contributions councils will be required to make towards the operation of the variations system, the actual level of the cap, and whether additional caps will be introduced by the Minister. Golden Plains Shire Council and management are currently investigating how to accommodate the rate capping in 2016-17 with minimal impact on residents. Residents will be advised of the process to provide comment and input into the 2016-17 budget later in the year.

Mayor, Cr Des Phelan said “Council will not be applying for any variation from the State Government’s proposed plan to cap rate rises for the 2016-17 financial year.” “Council is committed to ensuring we meet the State Government’s proposed rate cap in 2016-17 with minimal impact on the important services we provide. We are always looking at ways to best meet the needs of the community and increase the quality of life for Golden Plains residents.”

November 2015

leigh news

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Inverleigh and District will be in good hands in the future with these potential Volunteers for the local CFA, pictured at the Primary School 150th Celebrations.


Pictured above are Tom and Nate Wilson, the 2 newest Volunteer Members of the local CFA. Well done Boys!

INVERLEIGH CFA FIRE SEASON We have had a very dry year, and it looks as if we are in for a long, hot summer. Fire risk is already high and is likely to become worse. Grasslands are curing early. We have had the earliest ever Total Fire Ban day on October 7th, and we have seen what can happen to the north of Melbourne with fires becoming hard to control with it being so dry. It is a good idea to check fire danger ratings every day during hot weather. The CFA website has this information, and the Fire Ready App for Apple and Android mobile phones is available on the CFA website as well as from each App store. Both ABC 774 and 3AW radio stations are emergency service broadcasters. If you haven’t done so already get your property prepared and also have your Fire Plan in place. In preparing your property please use caution with mowers and slashers as it is already so dry. Please note that you should also ensure that your property can be accessed by a Fire Truck if necessary. Make sure driveways are clear enough for a wide vehicle to a height of four metres.

A couple of points on your Fire Plan – make sure that you include pets in your planning, and have some long, non-flammable clothes ready for everyone to put on in case of potential radiant heat exposure. Make sure all household members are aware of the Plan.

FIRE RESTRICTIONS The Fire Danger Period was to commence in on November 9th which means no burning off, as well as a number of other restrictions on outdoor fires and the use of machinery outdoors. Please check the CFA website for the Can I or Can’t I information sheet which covers both the Fire Danger Period and Total Fire Ban days.

INVERLEIGH BRIGADE ACTIVITIES Inverleigh Brigade members have undertaken their pre-summer training. We have already had teams and tankers allocated for strike teams on the high Fire Danger days. The local Region 7 area has been successfully trialling the new digital radio systems which have come in prior to this season. We have also welcomed a few new volunteer members over the course of the year which is a great thing to help share the load – especially if things are busy. Please feel free to drop into the fire station and have a chat if you are interested in joining. Until next time – Stay Safe.

Andrew Melican Inverleigh CFA Brigade Email:andrew.melican@members. cfa.vic.gov.au Brigade Facebook Page: Inverleigh CFA

8 leigh news

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November 2015


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Inverleigh & District Community Fundraising Event

Jenna and Jayda Foundation T h i s photo is of two beautiful sisters w h o w e r e b o r n with a genetic disease that has not been seen anywhere else worldwide. They have been through endless operations and procedures, have had DNA, skin, and Liver sent overseas to try to help find a diagnosis, but nothing anywhere. Jenna is now in full liver failure and has severely damaged kidneys. She has become so malnourished from her body no longer being able to absorb foods that she cannot walk properly. Coming from being the fastest in the class to needing help to get out of bed is heartbreaking for this nine year old. Jayda has just turned seven, and is watching everything that her big sister is going through whilst wondering how long it will be until she is in the exact same place. Both girls were in hospital in March of 2015 in adjoining rooms looking at each other. we were told there is nothing that could be done to help these girls, but that these girls would help any other child who would present with the same disease by the doctors watching and learning from them. Three months later Jenna could no longer walk properly, hundreds of lesions had grown in her liver and her skin and eyes had gone so yellow


Jamming for Jenna

that you couldn’t look at her without knowing how unwell she was. She needs constant blood products for her liver, loads of medication, and electrolytes for her kidneys. She is now being tube fed through the nose and chest to help her stay as strong as possible.

Inverleigh Sports Complex

Sunday November 29th 10.00am to 3.00pm • Live Bands Guest: Cam Henderson • Auction • Raffles • Jumping Castle • BBQ & much, much more

Raising a child is difficult. Raising a sick child is overwhelming. Raising two children with an unknown life threatening disease is unimaginably frightening.

Donations of Cash or Gift Cards can be made at the Inverleigh P.S. office.

DANIELCOOK CONSTRUCTIONS Last week Jenna spent an hour with her classmates at Inverleigh Primary School. The children gave her the most awesome and welcoming reception. To find out more or to help this family go to: h t t p : / / w w w . rc o n c i p h o t o g r a p h y . com/#!jenna-and-jayda/eaxaw An interview with the Conci family will be seen on Channel 10 ‘The Project’ in the near future.


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10 historical


The walking tracks by the Leigh River upstream from the Hamilton Highway Bridge were the initiative of the Inverleigh Progress Association in conjunction with Leigh Landcare Group and Golden Plains Shire. They met in 1998 to plan the walking tracks in the large open space area. The first task was to reclaim the area removing boxthorn, gorse and blackberries. The successful application for government grants enabled the establishment of the tracks, plantations and signs. The highlight being the construction of Federation Bridge which was opened on 10th November 2001. This suspension bridge is a vital link between residential areas north of the Leigh river and the town. From the northern end of the suspension bridge, the

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upstream track extends for 1.5 kms passing by some very old red gums in billabongs. This track eventually climbs out of the valley to Costa Drive , then to Rankin Road and Common Road. From Federation Bridge a short asphalt path leads up to a lookout with a view over the town. The downstream track from Federation Bridge follows the north bank to the Hamilton Highway with its pedestrian walkway crossing over to Lawson Park. An excellent walking track on the west bank continues downstream, passing underneath the railway bridge and eventually reaches the junction with the Barwon River. This walking track continues upstream beside the Barwon to Bell’s Bridge on the Winchelsea Road. Walkers with an interest in observing animals and birds along

the river tracks may see platypus floating on the surface of deeper pools. Small dark brown wallabies are seen occasionally. Koalas are rarely seen . The small sacred kingfisher with its green and white plumage also visits the river. We are indeed fortunate to have such pleasant riverside walking tracks.

Ross Peel, Inverleigh Historical Society.

November 2015

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leigh news


MIDLAND HIGHWAY DUPLICATION A GOLDEN PLAINS PRIORITY Last week I was delighted to host the Deputy Prime Minister, Warren Truss, on a visit to Corangamite. Mr Truss, the Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development, and I met with the Mayor of the Golden Plains Shire, Cr Des Phelan, and council representatives to discuss the proposed duplication of the Midland Highway between Batesford and Bannockburn. The Golden Plains Shire is the State’s fifth fastest growing regional council with a growth rate in Bannockburn of 7.2% and overall growth rate of 2%. Public infrastructure investment is required to support this growth. I am very supportive of the need to duplicate the Midland Highway between Batesford and Bannockburn, a distance of 13 kilometres. There are many important benefits including a safer road and a better transport route for commuters, businesses and primary producers. A duplicated road will also help drive jobs growth and new investment, including in the Golden Plains Food Production Precinct to which our government is contributing $4.11m. The duplicated road would also provide benefits for residents in Teesdale, Shelford, Lethbridge, Meredith and beyond. There are 13,000 traffic movements per day along the Midland Highway and 65% of these are daily commuters. This duplication needs to happen. Infrastructure investment is vital to our region’s economic growth which is why our government is duplicating the Princes Highway, upgrading the Great Ocean Road and advocating for the construction of the East West Link to improve connectivity to Melbourne. Better passenger rail is also vital for our region which is why I have launched my campaign to duplicate the rail line between South Geelong and Waurn Ponds train stations.


pet care

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• Laminitis or Founder

• Grass Seeds

Dental Disease Spring/Summer Tips LAMINITIS OR FOUNDER

Laminitis (also termed founder) is inflammation of the laminae of the foot. Laminitis affects horses, ponies and donkeys.


• Groom your pet to remove the remains of its winter coat. • Flea Control - now the warm weather is with us fleas are on the prowl. We recommend Revolution which controls fleas, heartworm and fox mange. • Mosquitoes spread heartworm disease and are much more prevelant in warm weather. • Shed the winter kilos - Overweight pets are predisposed to serious conditions including arthritis, pancreatitis, diabetes (especially in cats) and even cardiovascular disease. • Snakes - With the arrival of spring snakes can catch animals by surprise as the warmer weather and dryer conditions put an end to their winter hibernation. • Allergies - Unlike humans whose allergy symptoms usually involve the respiratory tract, allergies in dogs and cats more often take the form of skin irritation or inflammation - a condtion called allergic dermatitis.

• It will be difficult for you to pick up one forelimb due to severe pain of the other supporting forelimb. • Overweight horses will often show a cresty neck and fat cellulite deposits on their body.

The inflammation and damage to the laminae causes extreme pain and leads to instability of the pedal bone in the hoof. In severe cases it can lead to complete separation and rotation of the pedal bone within the hoof wall. Once a horse has had an episode of laminitis, they are susceptible to future episodes. Laminitis requires a lot of management which is why prevention is so important.


• Horses and ponies grazing on lush spring pastures. • Over-feeding of grain or grain engorgement when a horse gets excessive feed .

Other causes include:

• Retained placenta in post-foaling mares. • Obesity. • Lameness which prevents weight bearing in one leg leading to laminitis in another supporting limb. • Trauma resulting from excess work in unshod horses, or from overenthusiastic hoof trimming.


• A ​ ffected horses are reluctant to move and adopt a ‘sawhorse’ stance where thay rock their weight back off the more badly affected forelimbs. • Laminitic horses will often lie down.

If you suspect your horse has laminitis, seek veterinary attention immediately. Depending on the severity of the clinical signs, our veterinarians may take X-rays of your horse’s feet to determine the degree of rotation of the pedal bone within the hoof.


The key to a successful outcome is early diagnosis and treatment. • Firstly, remove the cause. Horses which have developed laminitis as a result of over-feeding need to be removed from the food source. • Mares with retained placenta constitute a medical emergency. • Anti-inflammatories will be prescribed by our vets. • Affected horses need to be stabled in deep shavings or a sand yard. • In the early stages exercise should be avoided as it may result in further rotation of the pedal bone. • Hoof care is vital. Our vets are happy to consult with your farrier.


• Ensure your horse or pony is fed a balanced ration appropriate for their age and activity level. • Restrict access to lush pastures particularly during spring months. • Ensure your horse receives regular hoof care. • Seek veterinary attention immediately if you suspect your mare has retained placenta.

November 2015

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• Difficulty or pain on urination • Swelling and redness

Its grass seed season again! We are already seeing pets at the clinic with grass seeds in ears and paws. Grass seeds commonly migrate under the skin and burrow their way between a pet’s toes, in their ears, nostrils and their eyes often causing infection, pain and tissue damage. Locating a grass seed on a pet can be difficult, especially if it has made its way under the skin. Depending on how deep the grass seed has burrowed, your pet may require sedation for thorough examination by our vets and removal of the grass seed. Location and Symptoms:

Ears -

• Shaking the head • Rubbing their ears on the floor • Holding the head at a slightly tilted angle • Painful to touch

Nose -

• Sneezing

pet care



Prevention: •Nasal discharge (sometimes bloody) • Rubbing face on ground

Paws -

• Licking at toes • Swollen, red between toes


• Limping

Skin -

• Swollen area • Red lump with blood or pus oozing out

• Licking constantly at the site.

Eye -

• Red or inflamed eye • Discharge or excessive tear production • Rubbing at the eye

Vulva/Penis -

• Excessive licking at the site • Blood in urine

Pets that spend more time outside, especially those living on acreage or farm land are at more risk. There is no simple way to protect your pet against grass seeds but keeping their coat short especially around their feet and ears will help.Check your pets by running your fingers through their fur and check in between toes, inside ears and mouth. If you suspect your pet has a grass seed contact the clinic before a severe problem occurs. A real danger exists of grass seeds travelling through an animals system and into their internal organs after first entering through the skin. Early detection and removal is important.

Cats tend to be seasonal breeders, although they may go into heat and produce a litter at any time of the year. Typically, ‘mating season’ begins in spring time. During the increased daylight hours associated with spring and summer, a cat will go into heat every 14-21 days. We are offering 20% discount on all cat and dog desexing during the months of November and December. Desexing is a day stay procedure. Contact the clinic on 52811-221 for further information or to book your pet in for surgery.

14 leigh news

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This year marks 16 years since commencement of the restoration and development of the area of Leigh River public open space under management of this Committee and its forerunner, the Open Space Group, a subcommittee of the Inverleigh Progress Association working closely with Leigh District Landcare. Since the official opening of the first substantial section of walking track in 2001 (the Savage’s section), the length of walking tracks added and under management of the Committee has more than doubled in distance, with the completion of the Robertson’s section in 2011 and the Ruggeri section prior to that. Changes in the landscape over this time have been remarkable, mainly as a result of the substantial and ongoing tree plantings and the fantastic work undertaken by members of the Committee and wider community, but in particular Damian Baker to ensure the safety and amenability of the area for members of the public. This year, Damian has undertaken over 35 hrs of on-ground voluntary work as well, in his capacity of Secretary of the Committee, undertaken most of the liaison with Golden Plains Shire and other individuals and organisations as required to maintain and enhance the area. In addition to the open space and

walking track maintenance, Damian performs all of the maintenance of machinery and spray equipment. Investigations into the feasibility of adding additional walks on the south side of the river from Federation Bridge to the west, with the intention of adding a further river crossing at some point to enable additional walking loops was conducted with the assistance of Dale Smithyman from Golden Plains Shire. The investigations have been useful to establish the Crown Land boundaries along the river and there will be further consideration given to this idea. Some preparations were performed for additional tree planting with ripping of the areas concerned. It was initially planned to undertake planting at the same time, however given the lack of moisture and forecast rain, it was decided not to proceed with the planting at the time. Hopefully there will be sufficient rainfall next year in order to give new plantings a fighting chance. I would like to thank Allan and Joy Gray for their continued commitment to Gray’s Garden, Joyce Wither’s for her diligent account keeping, Ross Peel for his ongoing support and to former member Elizabeth Savage, who left the area recently for her long term support. Tony Rayner, Chair (Chairmans Report-Annual General Meeting held 15th October 2015).




Probus Club meets on the 1st Monday of the Month at the Community Church Hall, Moore Street, Bannockburn. If you wish to attend any of our Meetings or Outings, you are most welcome.

Contact Shirley Wild 5281-5354.

November 2015


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THROUGH THE GARDEN GATE Christine Windle, Garden Gate Nursery, Inverleigh Tips for Gardening in Dry Weather I asked a visitor to our nursery, a professional gardener, what she thought were the most important elements in helping a garden weather the non-storms of a dry summer. She said that it all comes back to the initial planting and to letting your plants tough it out a bit so that they become hardier. She also puts a lot of emphasis on saving water for the garden every time she turns on a tap – a bucket in the shower to catch the initial cold water as it runs through, collecting the water used to wash fruit and vegies in, sitting a container under the tap at hand washing time. It is amazing how much water goes ‘down the drain’, which could be tipped onto pots and gardens. Selection: We need to choose the majority of our plants from the group that are hardy to our area and which have low water requirements. These include pig face, cistus (rock rose), philadelphus, geraniums, roses, diosmas, penstemons, lavenders and many natives. Check the water requirements for natives because many originate from other parts of the country and may not necessarily suit the climate here. We can also grow plants that need a bit more water if we group them together. It would be a good idea to have them close to the house or taps so that we apply the ‘saved’ water readily or give them that extra drink. This group includes some herbs like parsley, basil and mints, and potted plants, which will need more water than the same plants growing in the ground. Succulents can make do with little water. Consider frost hardy varieties or plant them in protected spots. Sculptural in form, succulents are ideal for pots, old wheelbarrows, urns, under trees, around the steps and in dry corners. They look great in mixed groups or in swathes of a single species. One of my favourites is the taller Sedum Autumn Joy, which has a soft grey green leaf and gorgeous peachy pink flowers. Protection: Siting and protecting beds is important. Wind is as drying as sun so it is a good idea to create both wind and shade protection for exposed sites. Put in plants that will provide you with that protection in the long term, but use lattice, shade cloth, temporary fast growing plants or anything that will create a gentler microclimate now, in order to get your permanent plantings underway. Check for damper and drier spots

in your garden and use that knowledge to help you place plants. We have dry areas near eucalypts and at the tops of slopes and some natural drainage areas which retain more moisture. Planting techniques: Ideal planting out provides the young plant with a water reservoir and nutrient reserves while ensuring that the roots will make their way out into the ground. Sit the potted plant in water so that it soaks it up from the bottom. Dig a hole about three times as big as the pot. Fill the empty hole with water three times and let it soak through into the sub soil. This will put water down deep where you want the roots to go. If water can only be found near the surface, the plant will develop shallow roots which are very vulnerable in dry weather. Mix the dirt you took out of the hole with about 30 % organic matter. You can use compost, straw or well-rotted manure for exotic plants or compost alone for native plants. The organic matter will help retain water and will feed the plant, as it continues to rot down and improve the soil structure. Worms will come up and take the goodies further down over time, improving drainage as well. The soil in the mix creates a link to the wider soil. Tip the plant out of the pot and loosen the roots if they are a bit tight. Back fill the hole so that the plant can be placed with the planting level from the pot about 7 cm below ground level. Create a basin below ground level around the plant. If you have clay soil that might not drain so well, create a mound and then plant into that, making a basin above original ground level. Water the plant in well. Mulch the area around the plant, keeping the mulch about 7 cm away from the trunk or stem. The mulch prevents evaporation but might also prevent light rain penetrating the soil. You will need to water occasionally to help plants get established but it is best to do a deep watering now and then rather than a light watering often. A drip system will help to save water and can be used with a timer. Once the plants are growing well, the toughening up consists of encouraging deeper root growth by spacing deep waterings out until they are rarely needed. Vegie Gardens and Orchards: The same ideas of placing like water needs crops together and adding organic material to the soil can help with your vegie patch. Set up dripper systems with the ability to water deep rooted plants less often than shallow rooted ones. Consider some simple frames

that can have shade cloth thrown over them for those shocker heatwave days. Use crops to provide shade for each other, eg planting lettuce on the east side of climbing beans or corn. Site the beds so that they are sheltered from wind and receive a good amount of sun without being baked. Use mulches that will rot down in a season, such as pea straw, to prevent evaporation and feed the soil. Mulch fruit trees and citrus trees to the drip line because they have shallow feeder roots. Keep competing weeds away. An alternative system could be to set up wicking pots and beds for edibles and ornamental plants that do not have very deep root systems. Have a look at the ABC gardening show fact sheet http://www.abc. net.au/gardening/stories/s4010599.htm for the basic idea. Essentially, you create a water reservoir beneath the soil and moisture is drawn up through the soil to the roots. The plants receive a constant supply of water without becoming waterlogged and topping up of the reservoir can be done weekly or fortnightly, eliminating daily watering. Of course, a wet winter and spring are what we all want to help us with our summer gardening, but they are not prerequisites. Be clever with plant selection, siting, preparation and watering and you will be able to create a beautiful and productive garden despite the dry weather.

Happy gardening!

Christine & Keith Windle 0403 267 286

info@gardengatenursery.com.au Garden Gate of Inverleigh www.gardengate.com.au cnr Winchelsea Rd & McCallum Rd, Inverleigh

• Nursery Wide range of garden plants • 14cm pots $6 Country garden and orchard setting featuring many plants available in the nursery. November Hours 9 to 5, Wed to Sun for other times call 0403 267286

$3 $4

14 cm pots 77 Dundas St

(on the Winchelsea Rd, 500 metres south of the garage)

Christine and Keith Windle


gardengateofinverleigh@gmail.com facebook.com/gardengateofinverleigh

16 leigh news


In our previous article we discussed the basic anatomy of joints and their important role in the body. This month we continue our conversation on the topic of joints by investigating a common ailment that many people suffer from: Osteo-Arthritis. Osteoarthritis is also commonly referred to as Degenerative Joint Disease and manifests as loss of the lubricating synovial fluid, followed by wearing down of the cartilage, and finally erosion of the bone itself from dry friction. Sometimes, the entire shape of the joint can be distorted and bony growths called ‘osteophytes’ can develop along the edges of the joint. Clinical symptoms can include but are not limited to, joint sounds of ‘popping or cracking’, known as ‘crepitis’, painful swelling of the joint, pain and limitation of movement, muscular tension and pain, along with other secondary complications throughout the body due to the altered biomechanics or neurological complications resulting from the degenerative changes. Whilst it is recognized that there is no known cure for Osteo-Arthritis, Eastern systems of health care such as Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine, along with Osteopathic Medicine advocate there is still much that complementary and conservative intervention can contribute to relieve the potentially painful symptoms that accompany Osteoarthritis. Taking a pill, or a bunch of them, and just ‘putting up with it’ does not need to be the only option for you. What follows is some advice on different approaches to coping and managing osteoarthritis. For more detailed information, or to make an appointment to receive some treatment or discuss the management of your arthritis please give us a call on 0428177964 or 52672948

printed on carbon neutral paper MANAGING OSTEOARTHRITIS AT HOME: Osteoarthritis often progresses slowly, with periods when there’s little or no change. If you have mildto-moderate osteoarthritis, it is quite possible to control your symptoms with paracetamol and self management regimes which may include the following: Self Massage & Heat Therapy: Creams, salves and medicated gels can relieve mild pain when just a few joints are involved -- like in your hand or knees. Here at the Moksha Project we are producing our own home made organic massage oil blends using traditional Ayurevdic and Western Herbs and a production process that has been used for thousands of years. The benefits of heat therapy, either by application of a hot water bottle, wheat bag, hot shower or bath (with Epson salts of course) may help to ease the pain and discomfort associated with the joint in question. At times, it might even be appropriate to alternate application of ice to heat and back again in order to promote circulation and induce more rapid healing. For further advice on this please speak with your Osteopath.

Tumeric: Tumeric is an amazing golden orange spice often used in Indian cookery but known the world over for its amazing anti-inflammatory properties. It is a fantastic safe natural alternative to NSAIDS. There are a number of ways to take turmeric. You can buy it fresh and incorporate it into your cooking, you can take it in tablet or capsule form, or you can take it directly as a spice blend in you food and also as a drink. Tumeric has many applications beyond just its benefits in Arthritis. If you are interested to learn more about turmeric Dr Google will keep you busy for hours on articles preaching the amazing benefits of this wonder spice or alternatively give Haidee a call on 0428177964 to speak further. Glucosamine-chondroitin supplements: These compounds are natural substances found in joint fluid. They are thought to trigger cartilage production and reduce inflammation. The latest studies show potential in slowing the progression of knee osteoarthritis and relieving moderate-to-severe osteoarthritis pain when used for longer than 3 months. Written by Dr Haidee Benning. All rights Reserved.

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Open 6 Days. Dr Haidee Benning & Associates. 23 HESSE ST WINCHELSEA 3241. PH: 0428 177 964 or 52 672 948

November 2015

golden plains

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MESSAGE FROM THE MAYOR Mayor Newsletter Message November 2015 As we near the end of the year, I would like to address some community concerns that have been raised with Council recently. This feedback included a feeling of lack of consultation between Council and residents. Council ran a ‘Speak Up’ survey and consultation program in late 2014/ early 2015, and has since established a new online platform called ‘Have Your Say’, to make feedback on Council strategies quicker and easier for residents. Community feedback and interaction is very important in the success of Council initiatives having a positive impact of our community, and Council appreciates the time and effort residents take to do this.

Cr Des Phelan

In terms of rate capping, Council would like to categorically state that it will not apply for any variation from the State Government’s proposed plan to cap rate rises for the 2016/17 financial year. There will be opportunity for the community to provide input to the budget, and details of how residents can have their say will be communicated closer to the time. Waste disposal was also raised as an issue. Council completed a community consultation plan before making any changes, including a survey, multiple community meetings, public notices and a poster campaign. We engaged with the community about the changes, and proceeded on that basis. The new system, and therefore our residents, has produced a substantial reduction in landfill waste with an average

increase in recycling of 69 tonnes per month over the three months, and we are proud of this positive environmental impact. Continuing in the environmental theme, Golden Plains Shire residents (and business owners) have the opportunity to ‘Detox your home’ by disposing of unwanted home chemicals on Saturday 5 December from 10am4pm at the Ballarat Transfer Station, Gilles Street South, Ballarat. Find out more in the ‘Latest news’ on our website. All Golden Plains Shire Councillors, managers and staff work tirelessly for the people of Golden Plains and are proud to have such an active and committed community across the Shire. I hope you have a great month.

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We are pleased to announce that we will now be consulting from: Corio Bay Health Group 9 High St, Bannockburn Appointments are available with a Registered Psychologist, Please phone: 5229 9055

18 noticeboard

Inverleigh Victoria Park

No Gas Bottles No tyres No Batteries No Wire Please put scrap in bin

others use the park too To Book the Park-call

To Book Park phone Carol Perrett Narelle Bogle 0401 1615265 470 1734

Shelford Community

Garage Sale Sat 14th Nov from 8am till 1pm Shelford Primary School (it’s on the main road) Plus: Coffee Van Sausage Sizzle Face Painting

Homemade Cake Stall Bacon-n-Egg Sandwiches Free Jumping Castle

Come along, have fun and find some bargains

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For the month of November clothing BLUE tickets will be ½ price, so come on in and grab some awesome bargains. Closed School Holidays except SATURDAY Your local church needs what you don’t need. Anything from clothing, furniture, bric-a-brac and sellable items. Any donations can be left at the shop door if out of opening hours. OPENING HOURS: Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday 9am – 1pm Come follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/St.Pauls SurpriseShop


Behind the CFA Building Main Road, Teesdale

FOR ALL YOUR HIRING NEEDS Hall, Meeting Room, Kitchen, Tables, Chairs & Crockery.

If you have items you can donate, please call the Shelford Primary School on 52813291

For bookings, phone Dale on 5281 5486 or 0428 386 724

Are you up for a challenge ?


Shelford Trivia Night General knowledge trivia quiz, plus all the usual fun and games

Sat 28th Nov … from 7.00pm Shelford Community Hall (it’s on the main road)

BYO drinks and nibbles (hot food platters for sale)

$10 per person Table bookings of 8 to 10 people For bookings & enquiries call Beck on 0417519116 Please RSVP by Wed 25th Nov

24 Hour telephone counselling ANONYMOUS CONFIDENTIAL IMMEDIATE

Phone 13 11 14


Justices of the Peace

Mr A. F. Helyar

10 Knowles Crt, Bannockburn Ph: 5281 1798

Mrs A. Cotsell

“Athelstone” MURGHEBOLUC Ph: 5265 1569

Mrs E. McDonald

47 High Street INVERLEIGH Ph: 5265 1270

Mr K. Windle

Park Street INVERLEIGH Ph: 0429 651 298


meets for rally every 2nd Sunday @10.00am Victoria Park, Park Street, Inverleigh Vic 3321 New Members always welcome for enquiries please contact

President: Nicole Rogers Mob: 0419 549 799 Secretary: Leanne Broad Mob: 0433 403 065 P O BOX 87 INVERLEIGH VIC 3321


7:30 AM – 8:45 AM Healthy Food plus a Fun Program!

*Cooking Club *Art & Craft *Outdoor Activities *Computer Club AFTER SCHOOL CARE

3:15 PM - 6:00 PM

November 2015

CAN YOU HELP cut the Inverleigh Public Hall lawn? We are looking for volunteers willing to go on a roster to help keep the hall lawns neat and tidy. Tasks include mowing and neatening. This generally takes one to two hours. If you could find the time to help out once or twice a year, please contact Keith Windle on 04296512a8 or send a message on windle.keith@gmail.com


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Inverleigh Shelford Teesdale

Est. 14th JULY 2014

This is a new branch of CWA, we meet the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm at Teesdale Primary School, cnr Main Road & Sutherland Street, Teesdale. New members are most welcome, come and join us for fellowship, and sharing of crafts that members are demonstrating. If you are interested in attending please contact Shirley 52815354


“For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord...” (2 Crinthians 4.5) SUNDAY SERVICES

Inverleigh 9.00 AM 1st & 3rd Sundays

10.00 AM 2nd & 4th Sundays Teesdale 11.00 AM 1st & 3rd Sundays Shelford 10.00 AM Only 5th Sunday


For further information: Preaching Minister, Rev. Willem Vandenberg

PH: 5281 5103

10 Railway Street, Inverleigh

COME JOIN US New members WELCOME for Pennant on Tuesday & Saturday (school friendly hours) Season starts September thru to March

Bowls available for Social or New Players NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY

Please call Helen on 5265 1023 or 0411 046 528 for more info visit www.inverleighbowls.org email: inverleighbowls@yahoo.com.au

Want to make a difference in Inverleigh? The Inverleigh Hall Committee promotes the use of the hall and develops and maintains our fabulous community asset. If you would like to become involved by serving on the committee or by initiating activities at the hall, please contact Bruce McDonald 52651270

Lions Club of Inverleigh Leigh Valley We are now collecting newspapers for recycling. Papers can be left at the Town Hall on Mondays or pick up can be arranged by calling David on 0429 958 769 during business hours or 5265 1102 after hours. All proceeds from the paper collection go to local projects. As this is a new initiative for our club, community help would be greatly appreciated. Any further questions can be directed to David on 0429 958 769 or dave@ grantsautodismantlers.com.au

Inverleigh Tennis Club NEW PLAYERS WELCOME We are always keen to hear of anyone interested in playing tennis.

General enquiries: Catherine Campbell 5265 1501 Cam Parke 5265 1145

Session Clerk: Alan Helyar Ph: 5281 1798

Anglican Church

38 High Street, Inverleigh

Sunday Services 9.30 Holy Communion Rev’d Phil Jacobson 0419 322 385 John Thornton 5265 1256 Bruce McDonald 5265 1270

ST. JOSEPH’S CATHOLIC PARISH MASS TIMES FOR JULY/AUGUST Winchelsea every Saturday @ 6 pm Bannockburn/Inverleigh every Sunday @ 9 am at Inverleigh Anakie Sunday July 6th/20th @11 am Sunday August 3rd/17th/31st @ 11 am Meredith Sunday July 13th/27th @ 11 am Sunday August 10th/24th @ 11 am Mass at Bannockburn Aged Care 1st Friday of each month @ 11 a.m. Saturday July 12th Annual Healing Mass @ 11 a.m. Meredith Holy Hour beforehand @ 10 a.m. Followed by luncheon at 12 noon. Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals, pastoral care. Father Herman 52861230


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Remembrance Day Service at Inverleigh Monuments

INVERLEIGH CFA DRIVERS ROSTER Members who cannot make roster please let

Assembly is at 10.20am on Remembrance day at the Inverleigh Monuments for laying of floral tributes followed by a service and the Last Post, Silent Tribute and Rouse at 11.00am. All members of the community and Community Organisations are invited to attend and lay floral tributes if they wish to. Students from Lethbridge , Teesdale, Shelford, Bannockburn and Inverleigh primary schools will be in attendance.

officer in charge know. November 2nd G. Vidler

D. Neville

N. Wilson

N. Wilson

J. Holman

November 9th G. Wishart

A. Collins

E. Peel

B. Pearce

A. Everett

November 16th J. Alexander M. Guinane C. Holman

A. Melican

T. Cook

November 23rd R. Wilson

J. Hamilton

D. Fenwick

P. Jacobson

N. Wilson

November 30th G. Guinane J. Cook R. Macdonald M. Fry

M. Wilson

December 7th M. Hicks

G. Vidler

N. Wilson

N. Wilson

A. Fry

December 14th G. Harvey

A. Collins

E. Peel

N. Everett

J. Holman

December 21st D. Neville

G. Wishart

C. Holman

A. Everett

B. Pearce

December 28th G. Morgan J. Alexander D. Fenwick

A. Shelly

A. Melican

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November 2015


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Now Trading on Spring/Summer Hours Mon. Wed. Thurs. Fri. & Sat. 9:30 to 4:30 Sunday 9:00 to 4:30 (Mini Golf Same Hours as Above) CLOSED TUESDAY

Country Breakfast Sat. & Sun. 9:30 to 11:30

We have a Range of House Made Berry Pies to take home or order for your next Special Occasion.

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Contact Danielle for Enquires & Bookings ph: 5281 5449


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22 leigh news

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MYTH BUSTERS Residents weren’t asked about the new waste system and it isn’t working

Council will be raising rates by over 7.5% pa every year for the next 5 years

Fact #1: Council asked for feedback before acting. Council consulted with the community via:  An online survey  Community noticeboards  Multiple community forums  Public notices in the Geelong Advertiser and Ballarat Courier, and  A poster campaign in community centres.

Fact: Council will comply with the State Government rate capping framework.  Council is committed to meet the State Government rate cap, expected to be 3.05% in 2016‐17.  Council will not apply for any variation under the rate capping framework for the 2016/17 financial year.  For more information, visit www.vlga.org.au and search ‘rate capping’.

Fact #2: the new system is working.  There has been an average increase in recycling of 55 tonnes per month over the first three months.  Many residents have provided positive feedback about the new service.

Fact #3: Golden Plains isn’t the only shire with fortnightly collection.  Wodonga, Glenorchy, Pyrenees (apart from Beaufort and Avoca), and Moorabool and Surf Coast (rural areas) shires have successful fortnightly collection.

Fact #4: what about the smell of nappies?  In a test conducted at the Family Services Centre in Bannockburn, 150 nappies (in nappy bags) per day were put in a bin over a two week period including a 37 degree day. Many people were asked but no one could smell anything. 

Fact #5: help is available.  Council has created a dedicated waste and recycling website to help – visit letsgetitsorted.com.au for more information.

Too much Council expenditure is on staff benefits Fact: 37% of operating expenditure goes toward total staff costs. This is expected for a service delivery organisation.  Employee costs includes compulsory superannuation and work cover.  The majority of staff are involved in areas like the outdoor works team, child care and aged care  Providing services to and for the community is a key role of local government.  The ‘staff benefits’ total includes staff funded by grants and fees paid by service users e.g. staff from the Family Services Centre.  Geelong, Ballarat and Moorabool councils were all around 40% for last year. PRODUCED BY GOLDEN PLAINS COUNCIL ON 29 OCTOBER 2015 ALL DATA WAS CORRECT AT TIME OF PUBLISHING

$7 million will be spent on a Customer Service Centre redevelopment Fact: this facility is not going ahead during the life of this Council.  To meet the needs of a growing population, a Customer Service Centre redevelopment was proposed in Council’s Strategic Resource Plan 2015‐19. At a workshop in September, Council resolved not to proceed with it at this time.  However, Council will be required to update the current Pope Street facility.

Council is footing the bill for the Bannockburn Heart

Fact: Bannockburn Heart will be approximately 77% funded by State and Federal grants and the remainder by Council and Community In‐Kind works.  Council is in the process of applying for multiple State and Federal Government grants for the majority of the Bannockburn Heart precinct.  If Council is successful in this, further community consultation will occur to develop designs.  Council has facilitated the development of the Bannockburn Heart to provide a civic centre and active recreation infrastructure to benefit the community.

Council makes money out of the new waste system Fact: the waste charge in your rates is based on cost recovery  The waste charge to residents is affected by the cost of rubbish going to landfill, less the income from recyclables  The less rubbish that goes to landfill, the easier it will be to keep the waste charge at a reasonable level.



November 2015

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INVERLEIGH PUBLIC HALL RAFFLE RESULTS-RAFFLE HELD SATURDAY 31ST NOVEMBER 1st: Jenny Walker 2nd: Sue Holmes 3rd: Robert Donohue 4th: Sandy Gibson

Thank you to the local businesses for their generous donation of vouchers for the prizes: High Eight Home & Living; Inverleigh General Store, Inverleigh Farm Supplies; Garden Gate Nursery; Red Door Cafe. Thanks also to everyone for supporting the raffle, a profit of $350 was made.


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PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT & TAX CONSULTANT For appointment office phone 5222 4811 or Gheringhap, Bannockburn 5281 1474 (A/H)

24 leigh news

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Lic. 42937


Enqs: Jenny Stuart 0427447416

Teesdale Country Markets Hand made, Home Grown, Vintage Teesdale Community Hall Teesdale

4th Sunday of the month 9am – 1pm 2015-2016 dates

Sunday 25th October Sunday 22nd November Tuesday 22nd December Twilight Market, Christmas Carols and Fireworks sponsored by Pike Transport 4-8pm At Turtlebend Reserve Sunday 24th January Sunday 28th February Sunday 27th March (Easter Sunday) CHILDRENS ACTIVITY TABLE DELICIOUS FOOD COFFEE VAN Stall holders contact: Kellie 0434 900 816 Geoff 0407 835 731 www.teesdalecommunityevents@gmail.com

November 2015

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Dear Editor , I wish to congratulate Richard Riordan on his election victory and wish him every success as the new member for Polwarth. I also congratulate all candidates for the manner in which the campaign was conducted. This in my view is the type of political campaign the public appreciate and one in which the respective media who have provided fair and balanced coverage focussed on the issues and candidate responses should also be congratulated. A personal highlight was the historic running of the “Dave Train”. I encourage all festival and show organisers and other interested community groups interested in other demonstrations of the opportunity to have increased shuttles to contact the Heritage Railway Association and look to hire the DERM themselves. This campaign has enabled a sharp focus on better roads, more rail, regional development, integrated land use planning and protection of acquirers from Coal Seam Gas. This is the election mandate for Richard and I know he has the determination and drive to see these issues addressed as the new member for Polwarth. I sincerely wish him all the best in tackling these important but challenging issues. May the memories of the “Dave Train” pulling into Colac be my legacy to remind him of the possibilities that can be achieved with vision, determination and a bit of fun and I urge him to seriously consider the utilisation of a Polwarth Roads Taskforce type body to ensure that community engagement is provided directly to all three levels of government and to VicRoads. All the best Richard, congratulations and thank you everybody.



David O’Brien




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26 leigh news

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Opening Hours: Monday to Thursday 8.15am to 8pm Friday 8.15-6.30pm Saturday 8.45-11am

"Our Aim is to make High-Quality Medical Services accessible to Everyone" www.goldenplainsmc.com.au 59 Geelong Road, Bannockburn Phone: 5281 2320 Our Doctors Dr Mina Gurgius (Male GP) Dr Gurgius is the principal doctor. He is a current examiner in the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. He is highly qualified GP with several subspecialties.

Dr Priyanthi Perera (Permanent Female GP) Dr Priyanthi has a Diploma in Child Health (university of Sydney). She also has a special interest in Women’s Health & skin cancer.



I would like to clarify a couple misleading statements by Sarah Henderson regarding Labor’s stance on the China Free Trade Agreement. Firstly, at no stage has the Labor Party or myself opposed the China Free Trade Agreement. We simply wanted to get improvements so that when Chinese or any other international companies invest in Australia, local people still have the first opportunity on jobs that flow from this. Whilst there has be a lot of claims made about the China Free Trade Agreement, the following words are an exact quote from point 6 of the Memorandum of Understanding on the China Free Trade Agreement. “There will be no requirement for labour market testing to enter into an IFA.” The “IFA” is the agreement between the Australian Government and the investing company. f

 Dorevitch Pathology is onsite Monday to Friday 9am-1pm. Dorevitch Bulk-Bills all testing.  Allied Health Services: Podiatry & Physiotherapy are available onsite.  Visiting Cardiologist onsite. We are pleased to have Dr Chaudhary join our practice in order to provide our patients with cardiology services.  We offer Online Appointments, whereby you are able to make an appointment via our website anytime. It’s Simple, Secure & Quick!

****We Bulk-Bill (no out of pocket fees) ALL General GP Consultations for ALL our Patients****

To be precise, this clause refers to large $150 million plus projects, and it allowed Chinese investors to bring in teams of Chinese workers that would take local jobs and undermine Australian wages and conditions, with absolutely no local labor market testing at all. This is what Labor was opposed to. After all of the fuss, Labor representatives have finally been allowed to sit down with the Federal government and negotiate new provisions that put in place better protections for Australia job and Australian workers. That is something that should naturally have happened much earlier on. I would make one final point. The idea put by senior federal government ministers during the debate on the China Free Trade Agreement that our trade negotiators go out and do a deal that cannot be reviewed by the Australian parliament in any way, and that our parliament is only there to rubber stamp it, is plain crazy in my opinion. The Australian parliament must always be given the time and the power to review - and if necessary amend - trade agreements. We should never surrender that right, and I will never support that if I am elected to the Australian parliament.

Libby Coker Labor candidate for Corangamite www.libbycoker.com.au

November 2015


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08:30am to 4:30pm


09:00am to 1:30pm



Phone: 52811182 Mobile: 0407080909

























Geelong Landcare Network update

Where do the koalas live?

Help improve our knowledge of koalas and where they are located in Victoria by taking part in the Great Victorian Koala Count on Saturday 7 November. All Victorian citizens are being invited to participate in this event by taking a walk on Sat 7th Nov to look for koalas and reporting whether you see any or not. An app is available for reporting koala numbers via your smart phone. Or there is a survey form you can fill out. To participate, you need to first register online at www.delwp.vic. gov.au/koala-count where you’ll also find tips about spotting koalas and other information.

Serrated Tussock – crunch time Serrated Tussock has started forming seed heads and it’s now urgent to get out and spot spray

or chip or at least slash the Serrated Tussock to prevent the seed heads from maturing and being spread by the wind. Remember, one plant of Serrated Tussock may produce about 100,000 seeds. Please get in touch if you have any uncertainty about identifying Serrated Tussock or if you’re not sure what to do about it.

bandicoots and re-introducing locally extinct species at a nature sanctuary in North Head, Sydney. Arrive at 5.30pm for a walk in the winery before the event. Supper and drinks will be provided. RSVP essential to Elissa on 0438 525 502. (Location details etc will be provided on receiving RSVPs.)

Get in touch If you’re interested in information

Geelong Landcare Network celebration

We are holding our annual end-ofyear celebration on 11th November at a local winery in Sutherlands Creek. All are welcome. Guest speaker Dr Jennifer Anson, Wildlife Ecologist will share her experiences looking after an endangered population of long-nosed

about landcare issues or activities, please get in touch. There is a landcare stall at the Bannockburn Farmers Market each month - drop in and say hello. Elissa Ashton-Smith, Facilitator, Geelong Landcare Network 23 High St, Inverleigh, 3321 Ph 0438 525 502 Email: geelonglandcarenetwork@ gmail.com

28 leigh news

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learn laugh love


These are our deserving Australia Day Award winners from January this year!

Do you know someone who has made an extraordinary contribution to our community or to a community event? Make someone's day via the 2016 Golden Plains Australia Day Awards.

Every person nominated will be formally acknowledged – not just the winners. Nominating is quick, easy! Nominations close: Monday 16 November. Enquiries: Emma Bourke (Administration and Events Officer)P: 5220 7286 E: emma.bourke@gplains.vic.gov.au W. www.goldenplains.vic.gov.au

A relaxed and friendly playgroup for children aged 0 to 5 years Toys, climbing frames, a weekly craft activity & an excursion each term

WHERE: Inverleigh Public Hall 75 High St, Inverleigh WHEN: Wednesday 9.15 - 11.15 COST: $3 a family per session and a piece of fruit to share Phone: 0415 503 869 Feel free to turn up, enjoy a cup of coffee and a slice of cake



All General & Rural Plumbing


Agents for CLARK WATER TANKS Ross Matthews 0417 561 558

Murray Ellis 0434 600 139




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Pam adopts a holistic approach to her treatment techniques. Her passion is to assist the body with its self-healing capabilities. All treatments are tailored to suit individual needs. Pam has worked in the health industry for 30years and nine years ago started her practice. Remedial Massage uses several techniques to locate and repair damage to muscles, tendons and ligaments . Key benefits of massage include reduced muscle tension, improved circulation, stimulation of the lymphatic system, increased joint mobility and flexibility and reduced anxiety and depression. Pam specialises in the areas of Deep Tissue and Trigger Points, Pregnancy ,Relaxation massage, Facial and Head massages, Lymphatic Drainage and Reflexology foot massage. Pam is planning to study Oncology Massage and will look forward to introduce these techniques into the practice.

Pam is registered with AAMT (Australian Association of Massage Therapists Ltd), also Registered with all major Health Funds( receipts available for Health Rebates). Pam is available locations:

at the following

Murray Street Allied Health 398 Murray St, COLAC.



Member AAMT – Australian Association of Massage Therapists TUESDAYS 2PM - 9PM AT ONE BODY CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC SHOP 4/21 HESSE ST. WINCHELSEA (NEXT TO THE POST OFFICE) Health Fund Receipts Available




Pam has commenced Massage -TUESDAYS 2PM - 9PM (earlier times can be arranged if needed) At: DR Emily McDonald ONE BODY CHIROPRACTIC PRACTICE 21 Hesse Street WINCHELSEA. (NEXT TO THE POST OFFICE) For Appointments CONTACT PAM ON 0407 483 561


30 leigh news

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Services Available Acute Hospital Residential Aged Care Dementia Specific Care Urgent Care Physiotherapy Dietician District Nursing Diabetes Education Occupational Therapy Planned Activity Groups Community Health Groups Palliative & Continence Care Podiatry Maternal Child Health Nurse

Any Time, Anywhere! Competitive Rates Cars, Light Commercial & Shipping Containers

5222 2872 Fax 5229 1059

12 Gravel Pits Rd. South Geelong

Matthew Carr Painter & Decorator

5267 1200

8—12 Gosney Street, Winchelsea

Rainfall for Inverleigh Aug. Sept. Oct

19.0mm 35.5mm 13.5 mm

YTD 310.0mm

Rainfall for Shelford July Aug. Sept. Oct. YTD

26.4mm 29.4mm 36.4 mm 7.0 mm 282.6mm

Interior, Exterior, Repaints and Wallpapering Fully qualified Quality workmanship

0438559635 8 McCallum Rd Inverleigh

November 2015

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ph 03 5243 8433 fax 0352444598

Spray Painting Panel Beating Towing Arranged All Work Gauranteed Fast & Friendly Service Locally Owned & Operated Business Authorised Repairer for all Insurance Companies

First Rate Clotheslines Sales & Installations A Quality

Stockist and authorized installer. Free quotes, Repairs, Rewires, Sales & Installation Servicing Geelong and District Save Power – Install a clothesline

James Richardson:

0408 656 898




32 sport

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26th Sept. Men 2nd Rd. Spring CupStableford R. Keane 34pts, R. Pickert 33ptd, T. Lee 32pts. Longest Drive O/65yrs G. Belleville. Playoff for Spring Cup Between R. Keane & T. Lee. 10th Oct. Ladies- Local Tournament- Stroke L. Johns 77, R. Fatone 78,S. Holmes 79 c/b D. Nicholls. Best Gross D. Nicholls 90 N.T.P. 8th L. Johns 15th L. Richardson. Stephen Gray Trophy- L. Johns 30th Sept- Ladies-1st Rd.ChampionshipsStroke I.Oliver 99-31-68,D. Morgan 94-22-72, L. Richardson 91-18-73 c/b S. Lamb 109-36-73 N.T.P. 8th & 15th S. Holmes, Putting I. Oliver & D. Nichols 21putts Men- Par T. Lee 2up,M. Lynch 1up c/b R. Keane 1up Longest Drive M. Lynch O/65yrs T. Lee 3rd Oct. Men-2Man Ambrose D. Brown & D. Mather 68nett, T. Lee R. Pickert 68 ¼ N.T.P. 3rd D. Mather. Longest Drive O/65yrs T. Lee 7th Oct. Ladies-2nd Rd. Championships Stroke

R. Fatone 88-17-71, S. Holmes 85-12-73 c/b V. Renick 109-36-73, c/b R. Erwin 107-34-73 N.T.P. 3rd S. Lamb, 8th D. Nicholls, 15th R. Fatone. Spring Cup Winner L. Richardson 218 R.Fatone &R. Erwin 224. Men- Multiple Stableford. G. Belleville & T. Lee 63pts, G. Jolly & J. Heaney 59pts, R. Keane & M. Lynch 5 6pts. Longest Drive O/65yrs g. Belleville. 10th Oct- Men Stableford R. Keane 42pts, D. Mather 38pts, D. Brown 37pts. N.T.P. 15th J. Nicolle. Longest Drive S. Wemyss, O/65yrs R. Pickert. 14th Oct. Ladies- 3rd Rd. ChampionshipsStroke R. Erwin 99-33-66, S. Holmes 87-12-75, L. Richardson 94-18-76, s. Hofmaier 108-31-77 N.T.P. 8th D. Nicholls, Putting R. Erwin 22. Inverleigh Ladies Champion S. Holmes 259, R/ up D. Nicholls 269 A.Grade Agg. S. Holmes 223, L. Richardson 227 B.Grade Agg. R. Erwin 213, S. Lamb 223. Men- stableford G. Belleville 36pts, R. Keane 35pts, G. Jolly 32pts.

Longest Drive M. Leach, O/65yrs G. Belleville. N.T.P. 15th S. Hondow. 17th Oct. Men-Par G. Belleville +3, G. Jolly Sq, J. Nicolle -2, N.T.P. 3rd R. Pickert, Birdie Hole D. Mather Longest Drive J. Nicolle, O/65yrs T. Lee. 21st Oct. Ladies-Mixed Ambrose B. Keane,A. Lynch, I. Oliver 873-11 ½-61 ½ G. Jolly, L. Richardson G. Stevens 76-14.2,61. N.T.P. 3rd L. Richardson, & R. Nardi 8th B. Gibson, 15th S. Holmes 24th Oct. Men-Stroke R. Keane 94-24-70 c/b J. Nicolle 83-13-70, D. Mather 88-17-71 N.T.P. 15th D. Mather, Longest Drive J. Jenkinson, O/65yrs B. Gibson.





Bannockburn Foot Clinic



Experienced Manipulative and Sports Physiotherapists Peter Biskup & Geoff Delaney


Melanie West, Remedial Masseur

Clinical Pilates

Excellent for your core, posture and back pain.

19 High Street, Bannockburn Phone: 52 811 016

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Ph: 5215 9180 9 High Street Bannockburn






November 2015


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The Leigh News-Sports Report Page

As Editor, I would like to develop a Sports Page in the Leigh News, for all local Sporting Clubs to be able to report on or advertise forth coming Events. If you are part of a Sporting Club in the Inverleigh, Teesdale and Shelford area, I would welcome your articles each month. Feel free to include a photo or two, and keep your article to about 100 words. Remember that one photo is equal to a thousand words, and I’m sure that many local folk would love to hear and see what is going on the World of Sport in our District. Forward articled to: leighnews@bigpond.com Peter Trevaskis-Editor. Bridgestone Service Centre

5281 1666 60 Holder Rd, Bannockburn Still locally owned and operated by Shane & Danielle Maquire

Tyres Wheels Batteries Puncture Repairs Wheel alignments Tyre Safety Inspections Mechanical Services




To provide short-term care in residential aged care services for people who are in temporary need of care and who intend to return to the community. Residential respite care may be used on a planned or emergency basis to help with carer stress, illness, holidays, or the unavailability of the carer for any reason.

ACCESS TO RESIDENTIAL RESPITE CARE Before entry to the service, an Aged Care Assessment Team should assess a person as needing the respite care.


Each person is entitled to 63 days per financial year. If you are a DVA client you are entitled to four of these weeks to be fully funded by DVA.


The Commonwealth government has regulated a daily fee. . This includes accommodation, meals, and activities.


For further information regarding respite and bookings, please contact: Belinda Horsley Director of Nursing P 5340 1100

34 shelford

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SHELFORD PRIMARY SCHOOL CALENDAR NOVEMBER Wednesday 4th – 6.30pm – School Council Wednesday 11th – Remembrance Day Service Inverleigh – Grades 3-6 Saturday 14th – Garage Sale 16th – 18th – Grade 4 Camp 19th – 21st – Energy Breakthrough Maryborough Friday 20th – Energy Breakthrough Pupil Free day DECEMBER Friday 4th – Pupil Free day – Report writing Friday 11TH – School Concert ENERGY BREAKTHROUGH Work continues apace on our Energy Breakthrough entry for this year. David has come up with an interesting new steering system thanks to some fantastic collaborative work between himself

Responsibility Care & Compassion

and some of our senior students. The children were able to hit the tools last week, using saws, hammers, drills and a pipe cutter to continue with the construction of the billy cart. Work on the billy cart is now complete, and the testing and practise stage of the process

TREE PLANTING AT BICKLEIGH We recently attended a tree planting activity as part of the National Tree Day program. All students took part in planting trees at Gus and Louisa Jane’s property. Local species were used and in future the trees will provide valuable habitat for wildlife and protection from soil erosion.

had begun. We have 3 weeks until the race at Maryborough on the 19th, 20th and 21st of this month.

FOR LEASE OR SALE PH: 0400 672 090

November 2015


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THANK YOU AND FAREWELL: From Helen Weston – Acting Principal

I wanted to take this opportunity to pass on my thanks to the Teesdale Primary School community for the welcome l received when l first arrived here and the continued support l have experienced over the last six weeks. My time here has been incredibly rewarding and one that l am very happy to have shared with the students, staff and parents. I have had the privilege of working with a wonderful staff who keep our students in their hearts and minds at all times. We have engaged in some exciting work together and l wish them all the best as they continue their learning in these areas. The students have been an absolute joy, demonstrating qualities that align to the school values. Each time l entered a learning space l was welcomed with happy faces and joyful greetings. I encourage all students to keep working hard at being the best they can be at all times. I have encouraged partnerships with Bellaire Primary School and know that to further develop the teaching and learning programs of Teesdale Primary School there are staff here that will communicate and work together with staff at Bellaire. I am heading back to Bellaire Primary School where I am the Assistant Principal, a role that l love and am very passionate about. It is very important to me that the community know that l did not apply for the Principal position and understand that l did not for personal reasons that are in no way related to the school and its community. I wish all members of this lively community the best and look forward to continuing partnerships that have been built. Thank you again Teesdale Primary School for the privilege of being a part of this community.

CYBERSAFETY AT TEESDALE PS: On Monday this week we were very lucky to have had Greg Gebhart (Senior Education Trainer from the Office of the Children’s eSafety Commissioner) come to Teesdale and deliver important information to our students, teachers and parents. Each session was extremely informative and left us all thinking about our own online behaviour and certainly what we need to do in order to keep our children safe. We had an amazing turn out of parents which was wonderful to see. During this presentation we were given the website address of eSafety which l encourage all parents to visit and familiarise themselves with. It is full of information in the form of short videos and fact sheets. Please go to www.esafety.gov.au

TEESDALE PS IS A SUNSMART SCHOOL: It’s the start of spring and the start of September, so it’s time for five SunSmart things to remember: 1. Slip on sun protective clothing 2. Slop on DPD 30 or higher sunscreen 3. Slap on a wide brimmed hat 4. Seek shade 5. Slide on some wrap-around sunglasses For more information visit: www.sunsmart.com.au During the last two weeks of the term, students participated in an intense swimming

sports tops, scarves, caps and beanies. A total of $186.00 was raised to donate to the Fight Cancer Foundation. Well done everyone and thank you Miss Andrews for organised the day!

HAVE YOU ENROLLED YOUR CHILD FOR 2016? We would welcome completed enrolment forms returned as soon as possible as it helps us to predict 2016 enrolments more accurately. If you know of any prospective parents who have not accessed this information, please direct them to the school. For more information or to collect an Enrolment Pack, contact the school on 5281 5218 or head to our website: www. teesdaleps.vic.edu.au • Did you see Flat Stanley swimming at the pool?


• Don’t forget your sponsorship for the Walkathon!

It is my pleasure to announce and welcome Mr Grant Rau as the newly appointed Principal of Teesdale Primary School. Grant attended our school assembly on Thursday afternoon to meet the staff and students. I wish Grant all the best and know that he will enjoy working with the students, staff and parents of this school.

• Welcome Mr Grant Rau as our new principal! • It’s not okay to be away, unless it’s SCHOOL HOLIDAYS!

TEACHING AND LEARNING NEWS: On Wednesday 9th September we were very fortunate to have Literacy Consultant Julie Bennett here for the day, working with teachers on developing a whole school literacy plan and introducing Writers Notebook. Julie began the day by visiting classrooms and experiencing Writing and how teachers and students engage with and through writing. She then worked with staff on creating a whole school plan for literacy which will help focus the work over the next few years, finishing the day with the whole staff, work shopping with them the Writers Notebook Strategy that all staff are going to engage their students with.

To celebrate the end of the term Teesdale registered for FOOTY COLOURS DAY. It was a very colourful day with students and staff wearing their favourite

program at the Geelong Aquatic Centre. It was amazing to see how well the children’s water skills improved over the program. A special thank you to our parent helpers who assisted at the pool and to Miss Lowe for co-ordinating the program so it ran very smoothly. Thank you also to our parents for organising Savoury Pancake Lunch Day and the Father’s Day Stall. We look forward to the Walkathon around Teesdale Township on Friday 23rd October. Children have all received their forms to ask friends and family for sponsorship over the school holidays.

36 advertising

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Gerald DUPE

Septic Tank Pumping

www.treehomenursery.com.au Call Steve or Lina

5281 5254 39 Carr Street, Teesdale

‘open by appointment until June 2016 when we open Fridays and Saturdays’

Growing Indigenous & native plants for over 25 years

November 2015

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38 advertising

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Careys Picture Framing Gallery Shop 13 Pakington Arcade, 129 Pakington Street Geelong West, 3321

Ph 03 5222 4549 Professional Framing


GIFTS: Matted Prints Framed Prints Mirrors Bendigo Pottery For your entire framing needs come and talk to us.

Tues to Fri 9.30am to 5.00pm. Sat 9.30am to 12.00 Noon

www.careyspictureframing.com.au (Parking off Clarence Street)


November 2015


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Neil Crowe Registered Electrical Contractor (M) 0409 935 668

• New Homes •

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Renovations Additions Installations & Maintenance

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Commercial Rural Underground Power Air Conditioning Insurance Work

nacroweelectrics@bigpond.com Fax: 03 5281 5057 PO Box 4 Teesdale Victoria 3328


Providing superior value, service and experience to help you get the fullest out of your business! • Bookkeeping, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable & Account Reconciliation • Credit Control & Debt Recovery • Payroll, PAYG, Superannuation, Workcover, Payroll tax • BAS lodgement & ATO reporting • Month/Financial Year end journal entries • Financial Statements – Profit & Loss and Balance Sheets • Monthly/Quarterly/Annual Budgets • Cashflow Budgets/Statements • Job/Project Costing • Quality assurance, customized company policies/procedures • Accreditation application process • Assisted Website Development • Human Resource Management • Extensive experience in primary production & construction CPA qualified. Registered BAS Agent. 10+ years’ experience. Phone Nicole: 0400 333 327 Email: allstylebusiness@bigpond.com

Tom Hotchin Servicing all makes and models


Weekend work only Very competitive prices Phone anytime for a booking All work carried out by a qualified motor mechanic

0409 168 323

ABN: 72 048 546 030

40 leigh news

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Seka Powell 0409 235 245

Julie Kaye 0411 059 001

Dean Wilson 0418 521 322

Kellie Dines 0401 492 994

Proudly sponsoring Inverleigh Cricket Cluband Inverleigh Fun Run (part of Leigh Fest)

stockdaleleggo.com.au/bannockburn Stockdale & Leggo Bannockburn 4 High St Bannockburn 3331 ADVERTISEMENT

Sarah HENDERSON mp Federal Member for Corangamite

Rolling out NBN across the region • 65,000 premises across Corangamite now on NBN rollout. • Fixed wireless NBN construction starts in Inverleigh in first quarter of 2017. • With our government’s strong focus on innovation and the digital economy, this vital communications infrastructure will open up a whole new world of opportunities.

Free trade deals vital for farmers • Our free trade agreements with China (ChAFTA), Korea and Japan – along with the Trans Pacific Partnership – will deliver incredible opportunities for our farmers, small businesses and exporters. • Under ChAFTA, tariffs on beef, dairy, wine, lamb and seafood as well as our resources and services will over time drop to zero, generating thousands of new jobs. With Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull inspecting NBN construction on a recent visit to Corangamite

• With ChAFTA passing the House of Representatives with bipartisan support, it’s clear that Australian jobs under this trade deal come first.

Delivering for Corangamite SarahHendersonMP


T: 03 5243 1444 E: sarah.henderson.MP@aph.gov.au


Authorised by Sarah Henderson, 3A/195 Colac Rd Waurn Ponds Vic 3216

November 2015

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