Leigh News
An Inverleigh Progress Association Publication ISSN 0313-8453
Volume 46 Number 7
27th June 2020. A very cold and foggy morning for the 1st week of our FREE MyGolf Clinics at Inverleigh Golf Club this morning, but the sun shone through for a beautiful morning. Coach Ty Lawson was thrilled with the great turn up of enthusiastic Juniors all keen and willing to learn how to play golf. There will be another Clinic next Saturday morning at 9 am, so if anyone missed out this morning, then you are very welcome to join in next week. For more details, or to register your child's name, please contact: Dianne Morgan (0409 106 559) or email at
Report on C87 Inverleigh Structure Plan Hearing (Pages 4, 5, 6 & 7)
2 Leigh News WHAT’s NOT ON Probus Lunch Inverleigh seniors IPA @ Inverleigh Hall Inverleigh Historical Society
Inverleigh Sing Sesh Knit, Knatter & That Teesdale St Johns Banno - Lunch G.P. Arts Trail Food Swaps Tai Chi-Teesdale
Inverleigh PublicTHall INGS
E E B PU(ExceptNJanuary) CELL NOTICE CA ER RTH U F L TI ALWAYS WELCOME VISITORS UNARE E month @7 :30pm on the 3rd Wednesday each D LICofM
President: Hilary Hamilton Secretary: Luanne Thornton Treasurer: Tony Waayers Leigh News Editor: Peter Trevaskis
CWA Meetings-Native Hut and Inverleigh All Church Meetings Red Cross Meetings
WHAT’s IS ON Golf (Inverleigh) Inverleigh Bowls (Practice)
The Progress Association has been actively working towards improving the amenity of Inverleigh for over 40 years. Of course all such organisations need volunteers and the Association is no exception. Without them nothing happens. If you have some ideas for the town you would like to achieve, you are welcome to join us and help achieve them. Some of the projects completed by the Progress Association include: The Federation Bridge which was built to commemorate the centenary of Federation in 2001. Walking Tracks were established with lots of support from the community, including fencing and tree planting. Public Toilets Progress Association members worked for many years with Council to have the old toilets removed and a new block built, which did not detract from the entrance to our town. They are used more than any other toilets in the Shire. The Clock a new clock was recently installed on the clock tower in our main street, clearly visable from the General Store across the road.
The Inverleigh Historical Society was formed in 2004. It operates under the auspices of the Inverleigh Mechanics Institute and Public Hall Committee. Our Aims are to collect and preserve items of local historic interest and to promote research and interest in local history. We welcome all donations to our collection or the opportunity to GS Nmaterial. I T E copy We are most grateful to the many people who have kept meet in the Inverleigh Public Hall C ME ED I L B L L Historical PU @ 8pm Ethe 0n the 4th Monday of each Month ICE Society in mind as they sorted through their own collecANC ER NOT C (Except December & January) RTH tions. FU L I VISITORS ARE ALWAYSUWELCOME T We undertake many interesting projects and have enjoyable N President: Katrina Robson meetings, which you are welcome to attend.
Peter’s Editorial
This edition is all about trees. We are covering them from all angles, starting with the beautiful photo on our front cover (thanks to Andrea Bolton), this months Calendar article on the trees in High Street Inverleigh, Natalie Davie’s painting of the Italian Cypress at Boobook farm (once owned by her family). Then we have an article from The Inverleigh Progress Association about the "Street trees in Inverleigh-our heritage and some history", and another article on "the Historic Heritage Cypress Trees". In fact, with this bumper edition, I need to apologise to all the word sharks for not being able to include a Crossword this month. It will be back again next month. Inverleigh Primary School Principal, Peter Kirby, has retired and the school had a special day for him last Friday. Many thanks to the Staff for providing the information and Photos on page 3, and we all wish Mr Kirby all the very best for the future. Thanks to John Bolitho too, for his informative reports from the recent hearing for the Inverleigh Structure Plan. Thanks also to the many other community residents who did their bit to fly the flag for our community at this hearing.
Leigh News 3
Peter Kirby Retires from Inverleigh Primary “I am pleased and confident that the school is in good hands and wish all who are associated with it well for future years. It is with sadness that my teaching career is drawing to a rapid conclusion but this comes to all of us eventually. After 25 years and 3 terms at Inverleigh I am delighted with where the school is at, what it stands for and the standing is has in the local and wider communities. It is a fine school with excellent staff and great kids of which everyone can be proud. I am sure it will stay that way and strong parental support will be critical in achieving this.” – Peter J. Kirby (Principal)
A message from School Council Given that Peter (Mr Kirby) is hanging up his boots, a few words of thanks on behalf of the school community are in order. So, Peter, thanks very much for your 25 years of service as our Principal. Under your leadership, Inverleigh Primary School has absolutely thrived. We are the envy of the schools of the region. Your superiors tell School Council they wish all their Schools performed as well as ours. We know that you’re not really fussed with what other schools think and certainly not with what your superiors think. However, the record stands. IPS is an outstanding school, by any measure. Thanks for fostering excellence for our children. We as a school community are very grateful for that. We will keep this note short (unlike many of your communications!) and simply say that you leave a great legacy and that we wish you all the best with what is next. You will be missed – but you leave the school in many sets of capable hands. Thanks for that too. Matthew Barnett President
Farewell Mr Kirby: We are very fortunate to have had Mr Kirby’s leadership over the past 25 years. He has established a “culture of excellence” in all areas of our school- in our classrooms, in the playground, on the sporting field and on the stage. His legacy will live on in the students and staff, both past and present, who have been fortunate enough to have been able to call him “my principal” over the years. Thank you Mr Kirby for all the time that you have dedicated to the students of Inverleigh Primary School. And thank you for always reminding us to be the best that we can be!
by John Bolitho
Structure Plans set Council’s long-term planning policy and frameworks under the Local Government Act. In Inverleigh, the elegant, 13 page, 1975 ISP was replaced by the 2005 ISP. The glossy Draft 2019 version was prepared by MESH Consultants and with token consultation with the Community. Close to 90 residents made formal written submissions to the advertised 2019 Draft ISP. The overwhelming majority opposed Council’s key growth assumptions and proposed reduction of minimum LDRZ lot size from 1ha to 0.4ha and raised concerns including rural and environmental heritage and amenity. The Council resolved to refer the Draft 2019 ISP to an independent Panel appointed by the Minister. The Panel has completed a marathon 5 day Hearing. The key participants were Council, Ramsey Developments (supported by Australia’s largest law firm and a formidable QC) and community submitters. It will provide its Report & Recommendations to GPSC in 60 days. Council has 28 days to accept the Report and Recommendations. If Council decides not to accept a Panel recommendation, it has to explain the reason. At that point, the ISP will be formally adopted and provide the planning policy framework for the next decade and beyond. The Panel Hearing - Day by Day reflections ***(see foot note) Peter Trevaskis (Leigh News Editor), suggested publishing my day to day reflections of the 5 day hearing posted on the Leigh News Facebook page for those who are not on social media or missed the posts. So here they are:. Monday 13 July 2020 C87 ISP - Panel Hearing Day 1 The 2 member Independent Panel began its hearing by Zoom. A number of residents participated remotely and one attended in Council's specially allocated room in Bannockburn. Much of the day was spent on procedural things. Council called its expert fire witness today.
He made a number of recommendations for amendments to strengthen fire protection in the ISP, and also made some concessions about the extent of his limited examination of the Common, which may also be helpful for our longer-term protection. The Council also took everyone through their many Structure Plan documents and their summaries of responses to more than 90 written submissions from local residents and friends of Inverleigh. Further questions about the ISP were raised by the Panel which Council must answer before the hearing concludes next week. Those who watched the live streaming on YouTube will have seen the very poor IT audio in the Council's brand new building which made much of the day’s proceedings very difficult to follow. Please accept that it is difficult to be more specific at this point given the Panel's directions to participants. Those who watched on YouTube may have more latitude to comment. (Many did on the Facebook pages.) Tuesday 14 July 2020 Hearing Day 2 The Panel today heard submissions from Mr Canavan QC for the developer Ramsey, and evidence from their expert witnesses on fire, town planning, economic benefits, land capacity, waste disposal & run off and demography. Some key issues to emerge today included: 1. A submission by Ramsey that the H shaped parcel of land at 251 Hopes Plains Road which C74 zoned at 2 ha blocks – should now be at the proposed LDRZ default of 0.4 ha. 2. Ramsey strongly support Council's position on minimum 0.4ha block sizes in all Lower Density Residential Zones (LDRZ) throughout the Shire and in all future Inverleigh subdivisions, to meet anticipated demand, especially in the Common Road and Hopes Plains subdivisions. 3. Demographic evidence was heard on predicted population growth and the likely flow on from the escalating value of property in Geelong based on various scenarios. At worst, it
Leigh News 5 could increase our population in the 15-20 year life of the ISP from 1377 to 2996 He estimated that moderate growth will increase the population from 1377 to 2725 people. 4. This will create demand for 20 to 36 blocks to be released each year. This will also drive school numbers up so as to cynically “create an opportunity to support funding from the State to increase the size of the school”. Future retail options were considered in detail as driven by their assumed demand for houses. Unfortunately, no consideration of the older population numbers was made by the young expert, despite the lack of aged care options in the ISP being highlighted in the Progress Association’s submission. 5. Ramsey's bushfire expert was thorough, but came across as being academic and focussed on the policy aspects of the Structure Plan. The practical responses to a fire in the Common, for example, was to say that this was for Council, Parks Victoria and the CFA to manage outside the ISP. Both fire experts seemed to agree that the Twin Bridges will need to be upgraded before the whole Common Road subdivision can be completed, but there is much debate as to who will have to fund the subsequent significant cost. The Developer is prepared to contribute towards some of the cost, but expects Council and other agencies to fund the balance. Council's budget is stretched - as we know. 6. A lot more information was divulged about the Berthon Park development and permit conditions that had not been seen before. Whilst block sizes were said by Ramsey's witnesses to be of variable size, a closer examination shows that they actually “vary” from between 0.4 ha to about 0.47ha. Not one lot on the diagram presented was 1ha. A consequence of Council's C87 land performance measure/formula for minimum 0.4ha lot sizes, and the fire expert’s evidence, is that there may need to be potentially mandatory stand alone 10K litre fire protection water tanks and drip septic systems on each lot, as well as heritage tree protection. This could result in only small 3 bedroom house sizes on some 0.4ha sites being permitted.
7. Council proposes 2 wildlife corridors from the Common to the River. One in the middle of Growth Area 3 and the other close to the Teesdale Road. Ramsey's fire expert has concerns that these wildlife corridors may add to the bushfire risk, and stressed that protection of human life is paramount. This would reduce the viability of the Biolinks as a wildlife corridor. Wednesday 15 July 2020 Hearing Day 3 Today, Ramsey Developments concluded their expert evidence. Their expert witnesses dealt with run off, geotechnical site capacity and effluent. 1. Mr Prosser, a Civil Engineer, adopted his formal report to the Panel, essentially supporting the Council’s C87 position about drainage and run off. This witness was very effectively cross examined by one of our residents. The Panel was very complimentary of her questioning of the expert. We can all be proud of the professional way this was done and the outcome it is likely to achieve. Well done! The sad thing is that this Planning process, by its nature, leaves the ultimate drainage consequences to Council to address or, in too many instances, not address. 2. Mr Farrer gave expert evidence about effluent disposal and land use capacity. He helpfully summarised his written report and answered a range of technical questions about soil permeability, EPA and other effluent dispersal standards. Engineer Farrer also drew attention to some 'hot spots' in the old town because of flooding potential. One potential outcome of his evidence is that some of the 0.4 ha average blocks Council proposes may only have the capacity to allow a small 3 bedroom house on them. Again, any issues that may arise will have to be dealt with by Council at subdivision and permit stage. This assumes that the community or neighbours affected will have an opportunity to be heard by Council. This was sadly not the case regarding the permitting of the subdivision at Berthon Park after C75. 3. Mr Canavan QC - as expected - summed up succinctly and urged the Panel to accept all of
6 Leigh News Ramsey and the Council's positions. He stressed that no resident had called expert evidence and that Ramsay and the Council's experts should therefore be accepted. (Expert evidence does not come cheap and none of the local submitters could afford the huge $$$ outlay, especially in these perilous COVID 19 times). Mr Canavan strongly supported the certainty that Council's ISP provides to developers by mandating minimum 0.4 LDRZ block sizes across the whole of the Shire.
the context of the fire risk alone the Drone portrayal, showing the whole of the Common and surrounds from the air, was worth a thousand words! All up, you can be confident that the presentations put forward today shared most concerns fairly and logically. And with appropriate emotion about their - and the community’s commitment to Inverleigh and its environs. Well done everyone! Growth Area 6 In the afternoon expert evidence was Thursday 16 July 2020 Hearing Day 4 – led about the proposed Growth Area 6 around Community Presentations Mahers, Cemetery and Terrier Roads and the The virtual Zoom hearing continued today. Highway. The developer of those properties (not The process has been exhausting, disruptive to work Ramsey) is keen to apply for subdivision soon, and business obligations for many Community and explained how some block sizes would be departicipants. And beset by poor internet speeds for pendent on the constraints of the land, especially local submitters. the low lying land adjoining the Highway. A number of local submitters presented their The owners of this land and their expert Submissions which brought a timely relevant local were also strongly supportive of the Structure community perspective and context to the Panel Plan and the Council’s mandatory 0.4ha LDRZ process, a process that seemed more and more the- position contained in its final form lodged by oretical and academic as each day passed. HowevCouncil only on the day before the Hearing beer, it is a process which will potentially reshape the gan. future high-level planning policy for our beloved Monday 20 July 2020 Hearing day 5 – Inverleigh. conclusion & next steps There were 5 absolutely stunning presenta The Panel resumed today. They received tions by Inverleigh Residents today, putting a wide the latest revision to the ISP from the Council on range of perspectives of the Structure Plan and its Friday night. It claims to pick up a number of potential consequences, both positive and negative. matters (including errors) raised by submitters The Panel acknowledged the significant efand the expert testimony in recent days. Somefort that had been put into the preparation and the how in the latest revision of the ISP Inverleigh presentations themselves. being described as 'rural' disappeared from the Taken together, they created a very strong Strategy paragraph but this point was quickly literal picture of the importance and values of our picked up by the Panel. community going back to 1854 and the positive The Panel heard strong and well reasoned possibilities for the next 15-20 years. The level of submissions - tinged with appropriate emotion factual detail and research in each of them made from 3 members of the Inverleigh Community. it easy for the Panel to follow. They made compel These presentations covered a wide range ling viewing, some supported by exceptional Powof topics including: erPoints with graphs, local photographs and key •stormwater run off; points shown logically. •governance and Council stewardship, and One resident showed innovative Drone the Community’s lack of trust in Council; video footage of the Common, Berthon Park, the •protection of the environment, wildlife growth areas in Common Road and the town as and the Leigh & Barwon, all supported by well a whole that painted a picture of the whole of the structured scientific research and comparable C87 environment in a context not seen before. In data;
Leigh News 7
•Infrastructure funding imperatives for necessary upgrades to Twin Bridges, Hopes Plains and Common Road interfaces with the Highway; •Road safety including provision to the Panel of the traffic count data obtained by Council in the Streetscape debate, but not included in their ISP material; •Residential Aged care - or lack of it - which had not been addressed in any of the many versions of the ISP put forward by Council, despite the IPA’s written submission identifying it; •lot sizes in LDRZ and lack of meaningful variation in the proposed uniform LDRZ minimum 0.4ha lot sizes Council seems wedded to; and •calling for a better process for consultation aimed at restoring trust, stressing that the willingness for positive engagement was always on the table and still is from our end. A senior officer of the CFA, with 40 years experience, provided a strong and practical submission and presentation about Fire Risks and mitigations that will have to be taken seriously by the Panel in its recommendations. This officer patiently sat through every day of the hearing which can do our position no harm at all. He heard every word and viewed every presentation by all participants. His recommendations appear likely to produce meaningful fire safety Recommendations by the Panel. The Council, in its summing up, was somewhat defensive of its latest version of the ISP and basically stuck to its guns.
Structure Plan (ISP) and Panel experience. Particularly about the Town, its history, the Rivers, the Common and many other scientific things, including issues around water run off, fires and flooding. The combined efforts provide support to the Panel to make relevant recommendations which hopefully will support the long term future of our beloved Inverleigh. The ISP Panel experience has also provided a conceptual model for how the IPA might evolve in the near term to become more inclusive and relevant to the younger generation in our community, many of whom are just as passionate about Inverleigh as previous generations before them, and in some cases more so! This harrowing process also positively identified a potential new collaborative model empowering the Community to lobby for the values it holds dear and empower constructive & positive engagement with Council. PS. I chose not to identify the amazing Inverleigh community members and friends outside the town who have put so much into the preparation for and participation in this Hearing. Essentially because they may not want to be celebrated or perhaps even identified on social media. Anyway you know who you are and well done.
Working together reflections The way in which so many busy people in this Community have worked together, collegiately and supportively, in recent weeks and months to provide coherent, well researched, learned and highly professional written submissions and presentations to the recent Panel Hearing demonstrates that our community can work very effectively together. New ways of using technology, harnessing the absolutely amazing experience, talents, skills and historical knowledge that so many in our community possess, has been absolutely inspirational. I had no idea there were so many mighty hidden talents in our district. Most had previously modestly kept their talents to themselves. Now they have been shared for Inverleigh’s good. I have learned so much from this Inverleigh
A Big thank you Finally, thank you to every single one of the 90+ people who put in so much effort and made such impressive written submissions to the Panel. It was so worth the effort! Thank you too to community members and the friends of Inverleigh who put so much effort, research, science, focus and appropriate emotion in addressing the Panel over the last week and for the support provided to one another. ***Note: These Hearing reflections are just that. They are those of the author alone made contemporaneously after each Hearing day concluded. They do not purport to be a transcript of complex presentations and submissions. Happy for readers to contact me if you need any more information or clarification. John Bolitho C/o
8 Leigh News
Inverleigh Trees
High Street Trees This month’s historical society calendar photo is a collage of some of the trees in the main street of Inverleigh. It was not hard to find lovely specimens to feature as there are a number of fine examples of natives and exotics on both sides of the highway. The spotted gum (Corymbia maculata) stands tall and slender, at approximately 25 mtrs, with its mottled bark and honey scented flowers. The cockatoos love this tree. The claret ash (Fraxinus x ‘raywoodii’) is one of the newer exotic tree plantings but still a feature with its pyramidal shape and rich wine-coloured leaves in the autumn. The Lawson cypress (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) an exotic compact pyramidal tree that is one of two that stand opposite Craigneish. I wonder if this was planted for William Lawson one of the earliest settlers of the town? The English oak (Quercus robur) is an exotic with beautiful shadings in the summer. The changing of the tree through the autumn then the regrowth in spring makes this a wonderful addition to the streetscape.
Photo: B.Price From Trove: Wednesday 7th June 1899 Inverleigh From our own correspondent
“Inverleigh was all astir on Saturday, when 20 of the townspeople rolled up at a working bee to erect guards in the streets. Guards were put up at the time of the Queen’s jubilee, 12 years ago, but, being too small few of the trees did well. So the Improvement Association took the matter up, and decided to make guards 4ft [1.2m] square, and 7ft [2.1m] high, to protect the tops against horses wandering about the streets. Work started at 9 a.m., and was carried on briskly till dark, with a short interval for dinner and for lunch at 3 p.m., when the ladies made it evident that they, too, were not lacking in sympathy and support so far as the adornment of the streets was concerned, for a splendid spread of rich cakes, etc., was placed before the busy bees, who, with appetites quickened with interested and pleasurable employment, showed the ladies that they valued their thoughtfulness. Mr Arthur Alderson deser ves special praise for the energetic way in which he conducted the work, as being a carpenter; much of the success of the
Leigh News 9 day lay in his hands. It is proposed to have another bee in a fortnight’s time to finish the work, after which it is confidently hoped that the trees will do well. It is interesting to note that, of the 200 trees planted in Victoria Park, Inverleigh, t wo years ago, only ten missed growing. This is a most remarkable average for a public place, with no one in particular to care for them, and after t wo very dry seasons. Too bad that hundreds of large trees have died in and around the town”. I have heard visitors to the town saying what a picturesque area this is with the mix of stately natives, the shading canopy of the exotics and especially so when the prunus trees on the nature strips are out in blossom. Having checked the Heritage Council of Victoria’s website it is mentioned that the Cupressus macrocarpa (Monterey cypress) planted at the western end of town are an avenue of honour but with ‘minimal details’. Anecdotally it is said that the Progress Association planted them in the mid 1930’s to celebrate the accession to the throne of King George VI. It is open to speculation. Submitted by Bronwyn Price.
Natalie Davie’s painting of the Italian Cypress at Boobook farm, once owned by her family.
Minh & Nathan Nguyen (Props.)
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2/29 High St, Inverleigh, VIC, 3321 Phone: (03) 5206 3405 Email:
10 Leigh News STREET TREES in INVERLEIGH – OUR HERITAGE AND SOME HISTORY As you will all have noticed as you descend into Inverleigh from Geelong, six Cypress trees have been cut down. The stumps remain at present and it is hoped they will be mulched in the near future. The street trees in Inverleigh have a long history and are very important to the amenity of the town. They are not an avenue of honour but were planted sometime after WW1. Many of them have reached their maturity, particularly the Cypress trees, which bookend the township. They have been the topic of reports and plans over many years but not much has happened. One was requested to be removed to open a space for our western town entrance. Over the years individuals and groups have planted younger trees in our public places to enhance our surroundings and add to the amenity.
Plan for the near term” A note attached. “The arborists report on tree health and safety has been received. Where to from here?” 17/10/2006
There have been 3 arborists reports to Council over the past 20 years, the first in 2006, noted above, and the most recent in 2017. The first two outlined plans for the recently removed trees, whereas the last only referred to the street trees in the main part of the township. The 2006 report numbered all the trees along the highway from the eastern end to the western. From the eastern end the trees to the south of the highway before the river were numbered from 62 to 69. 62 is a eucalyptus near the bridge over the Leigh River and the remainder are cypress. 70, 71 and 72 are on the northern side of the highway. The other day trees numbered 63,64, 66, 67, 68 and 70 were removed. Numbers 65 and 69 had been removed previously The age of the trees was approximately 80 years. Their condition was listed as fair with a useful life expectancy of 20 years. The eucalypt was listed as good and its age approximately 50. A later report in 2010 renumbered the trees. Again, the health for the cypress trees was listed as fair, as was the eucalypt. As many will also be aware a number of large branches have fallen from the cypress trees over the years, some onto the road, which have caused traffic Some background. disruption and emergency services called to remove The 2005 Inverleigh Structure Plan referred to them, sometimes in the middle of the night. the trees with a proviso to “maintain / enhance Main The Progress Association has for years suggestStreet trees – replacement planting.” Also “treatment for ed planning for the staged removal and replanting of cypress avenue – safety concerns.” our street trees and has included this in the various It then referred to the earlier 2001 Inverleigh community plans. A new community plan for InverTown Place Plan. In 2006 the Inverleigh Progress Associ- leigh is due, probably in 2021. This is an opportunity ation, in a list of items for Council action, for the community to become inrecommended that:volved. “In line with recommendations It is also time for the community made in the (2001) Town Place Plan, and to make suggestions on varieties given the deterioration in condition of cyof street trees that could be planted press avenue trees, the Association would along the highway. Most of the trees like to contribute to the development of in the town itself are planted in pairs a replacement strategy for trees along the on either side of the road and this main avenue within the township zone. could be continued. Ideally the trees Such a strategy should include should have a long life expectancy, replacement timings of conditions for so they will be a legacy for future action to occur, species and community generations to enjoy. consultation. The Association requests the Shire place this action within its Strategic Inverleigh Progress Association
Leigh News 11
with Alex
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PH: Jamie #0430 604 465 Email:
Crossword solution for July.
(I have had to hold over the Crossword for this Month as I ran out of space with so many articles. The crossword will be back next month.
Inverleigh and District
Red Cross Meeting dates for 2020. August 10th at 12noon TBC.(AGM & Lunch) October 12th at 1.30pm. TBC. (in Inverleigh Hall). December 14th at 12 noon TBC. (Xmas lunch) venue to be decided.
Secretary: Cathy Altmann 0409 024 578 Chairperson: Barb Meek 5281 3245
Megamind Review
I believe that this is one of the greatest animated films of the 2010s. Despite this film being aimed towards children, an adult audience will enjoy this film. Firstly, the characters, Megamind himself is our protagonist, but he does not see himself as a good person and has done bad things. Metro man is unlike the Superman he is parodying. He is egocentric, he walks on water imitating Christ and juggles babies to show off for the citizens of Metrocity. Hal is also a great character.. Hal shows how badly deep down, men who believe they are entitled so affection feel. Roxanne also shifts as a character, her clothes change from red, the opposite of Megamind, to purple in the second act and finally blue at the end of the film. These characters are simple enough for children to understand but complex enough for adults to empathise and find interesting. Secondly, the themes. One of the themes explored within this film is nature vs nurture. Did Megamind come from a benevolent planet and was corrupted by his criminal family? The answer is left ambiguous for a reason. Did Metroman come from a malevolent planet? The theme of love is also present within this film. Hal feels he is entitled to Roxanne’s love and Megamind finds himself falling in love with Roxanne only to be pushed away when she finds out the truth about him. Thirdly, the humour and references. The humour lands 99% of the time. This film is full of funny visual details and references to popular culture. The nods to Marlon Brando as Jor-El are very funny. Finally, the soundtrack. All of these songs are relevant with a mix of non diegetic and diegetic music. Each song serves the plot and characters well. I highly enjoyed this film. The humour and characters are great. It’s original and brings up a lot of themes relevant a decade later. I recommend this film to kids 7 and older. Today’s cool fact about Megamind is that an entire group of animators were dedicated to the movement of the capes in the film!
12 Leigh News
The Historic Heritage Cypress Trees
The recent wanton destruction of the old cypress street trees at the eastern side of Inverleigh occurred in the absence of any proper consultation with the Community. Without an appreciation of their historical and heritage significance or regard to Council own Policy 6.7 – “Maintenance of Cypress Tree Avenues in Meredith & Inverleigh”. Council’s promised Tree Replacement Strategy has been under development for more than 3 years and not a tree selected or planted. The Heritage significance. It is believed that the avenue of cypress trees leading into Inverleigh was planted to provide a long view focus on the Memorial erected in remembrance of Sgt Major Houghton who perished at desolate Utrecht in the eastern Cape in South Africa during the Boer War. This unique memorial once stood on the banks of the Leigh River before the Hamilton Highway was diverted to go over the new bridge. It was in later years moved to join with the main War Memorial by the sports ground. The original Boer War memorial and Cypress avenue is believed to have been unique in Victoria because it recognised only one fallen soldier resident. Now the remaining historical vista and avenue has gone. Forever. What is the Council’s Plan to restore the significant heritage area with sympathetic tree plantings? Polite overtures to Council to engage and discuss these and other options for maintaining or replacing other trees in High Street and the
Hamilton Highway are getting to the end of their lives - have been serially rejected. Road safety The removal of the trees has created a dangerous run off situation in a place where another very severe transport accident occurred in recent years. It is understood Council has now approached the TAC for a grant to install a barrier or other remediation. Moreover this removal has also removed Leading Constable Chris Reynolds' celebrated hideaway that has enabled him to catch so many speeding motorist over the years. The formal traffic study Council consultants performed during the Streetscape Master Plan showed that when Chris is not there speeds as high as 80kph were recorded in most hours of most days in the 7 days the traffic was monitored. For completeness here is the data:
Leigh News 13
POLICE REPORT FOR JULY 2020 Hello all, I have had a report of some motorcycle riders riding straight across the Inverleigh Teesdale Road in front of traffic while riding in the Common. The complainant stated she was very fortunate to not have collided into the riders who didn’t stop to check the traffic before crossing. Please be careful while legally riding motorcycles in the common it wasn’t too long ago we had a rider who was seriously injured. A water meter was damaged in the rear of the Inverleigh primary school grounds recently and appears to have been another case of youths getting up to no good in the grounds. I have also received a report of an assault in the school grounds recently which is being investigated. Please be aware of what your children are up to on weekends. COVID. It has been publicised in the Geelong papers recently that there were a couple of positive cases in one family from Inverleigh. Cases are occurring in various parts of Victoria and I ask that all residents take all necessary measures to avoid coming into contact with this disease. Government department DHS have COVID information posted on their web pages to assist people with prevention methods, questions in relation to travelling and restrictions and a help line to contact for further information if required. Please help to stop the spread. I recently detected a speeding motorist at 6.20 am who was travelling to work. He subsequently underwent a breath test result .164%, his licence was suspended and his car impounded. I am still astonished at some of the behaviour I come across and the risk these drivers are taking with themselves and other motorists by driving in that state. When I arrived at the station over 5 years ago I found that I was mainly rostered either for a day shift starting after 8 am and an early afternoon shift starting either 2 or 3 pm. On living in the residence and speaking to locals I discovered the issue with speeding motorists through the town. I then requested and started working a variety of hours sometimes starting at 5 or 6 am as well as doing some really late shifts sometimes starting at 6 pm and
finishing at 2 am. Over that time (as I have described in past editions) I have detected and fined a lot of motorists and I have found that I get some really high speeds especially in the early and really late hours. Currently it is nowhere near as bad as when I first started but this year alone I have fined 32 motorists exceeding the speed limit between 10 – 15 km/h, 74 for 15 – 25 km/h, 1 for 25 – 30 km/h, 2 for 35 – 40 km/h. Trucks, 3 for 10 – 15 km/h, 7 trucks for 15 – 25 km/h, 4 Unregistered vehicles, 3 with no lights, 1 unroadworthy and I caught a driver driving whilst suspended, unregistered and exceeding the speed limit who is to face court on summons. I get lots of comments from drivers who did not expect to see Police especially early in the morning and they didn’t expect to get caught then. I had one probationary driver who did a fishtail out of Common Road got up in the 80’s km/h to where I normally sit and then when intercepted went over .10% breath alcohol. He said; ‘You never see Police at this time’. He lost his licence. Current management are looking at changing my rostered hours back to what it was like when I started as they believe it may be better for community engagement. If you feel it would be good for me to continue doing some shifts in the early and late hours can you please e mail me at the police station on christopher.reynolds@police. with your comments so I can pass it on to my management for their consideration. Any examples of behaviour you have seen or experiences you have in those early and very late hours would be especially helpful. Lastly it was great to be asked to participate in the farewell motorcade for the Inverleigh primary school principal Peter KIRBY who is retiring. I have some great conversations with Peter over my time here and wish him all the best for his retirement. Keep safe Chris
14 Leigh News
If you cannot make roster, please notify the Officer-in-Carge or ring the Station 5265 1597.
CFA Roster not applicable during lockdown period.
CFA will still respond to all emergency calls. On behalf of all local residents, our thanks to all CFA Volunteers. We all appreciate you and all you do for the local community.
Inverleigh is a 100% volunteer brigade, drawn from the community for the community. Community members: When you are going to burn please log your burn by ringing
Burn Notification on 1800 668 511
CFA MESSAGE FOR THIS MONTH To state the obvious, it’s a particularly cold winter ~ and it’s not over yet! Fortunately, we have many different ways to keep warm, including varieties of room heaters and electric blankets. But no matter what means we use, there is an associated danger of fire such as a power overload, embers spilling from open fire or clothes catching fire as they dry in front of a heater. So, here’s the message,
“Smoke Alarms Save Lives”.
To maximise their ability to keep you and your family safe here are some the key points: •Only working smoke alarms save lives. •Even if hard wired to the home 240 volt power source, smoke alarms need a reliable back up power source. (Try a lithium battery) •Where the smoke alarms are placed is critical. They must be located between each bedroom area and the rest of the house. The CFA also recommends that smoke alarms are installed in every bedroom and the living area. •Smoke alarms provide the best protection when interconnected so that when any alarm activates, all smoke alarms will sound. •Smoke alarms should be tested monthly or as per the manufacturer’s guide, by pressing the test button on the alarm and wait for the test alarm to sound.
They should also be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner at least once a year to remove particles that will affect smoke alarm performance, and batteries should be replaced yearly. •Smoke alarms, including those attached to mains power, should be replaced in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications – generally after 10 years. The above points are not particularly onerous or difficult to follow, but they can make a huge difference to your circumstances if a “worst case scenario” should happen. So keep warm, but keep safe and check your smoke alarm today. Inverleigh Fire Brigade ~ A 100% Volunteer Brigade
Leigh News 15
Sales Manager & Licensed Estate Agent P 0418 521 322
Director & Licensed Estate Agent P 0411 059 001
Stockdale & Leggo Bannockburn Shop 14, 6-8 High Street, Bannockburn, VIC, 3331 P (03) 5281 4444 E
COVID 19 AND FACEMASKS With the current Pandemic and the PPE used by Medical and other professionals and now the general public as well, it is important how we handle and dispose of these items. We are encouraged to use gloves and masks, but just as important is how we dispose of them. After even a single use your Mask and Gloves may be contaminated and if it is disposed of carelessly, may be a danger to others, young and old. I have heard of such incidents recently, and local to our communities. Please be thoughtful how you dispose of PPE, particularly where children
may have access.
PeterT (Editor)
Salon Lai ‘mace Lai ‘mace
Inverleigh & Geelong West based
All Hairdressing Services Eyelash Extensions Make-up Spray Tanning Ph: Nikki - 0414 212 284
16 Leigh News First Rate Clotheslines Sales & Installations A Quality
Stockist and authorized installer. Free quotes, Repairs, Rewires, Sales & Installation Servicing Geelong and District Save Power – Install a clothesline
James Richardson:
0408 656 898
Leigh News
All General & Rural Plumbing
Agents for CLARK WATER TANKS Ross Matthews 0417 561 558
Murray Ellis 0434 600 139
18 Leigh News
36 Main Street, Winchelsea PERSONALISED SERVICE 24
Extended Hours available from February 2020
Bulk Bills patients on Pension, Health Care Card and Children
HOURS Phone 13 19 24
8 Seater maxi-cab, plus wheelchair access
Enquires and Bookings please phone
03 52 928 028 (new phone number)
P: 5267 2266||
Leigh News
SHELFORD PRIMARY SCHOOL It has been great to be back at school again. All the students have been fantastic at hand sanitising and improving their hygiene practices. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Recently we have been working on sustainability with the students to show how everyday items can be reimagined and reused. We thank our school community for bringing in fabric, ribbons, paper and lots of other interesting items that have been used to create numerous artworks. It’s fabulous to see how creative the students can be. Creative Play Our students have been hard at work at creating their own mini city. It’s comprised of many different elements. Some of which have been influenced by the time we spend in the garden. So far there are roads, tunnels, and compost and it is great to see the evolution of the building site and the teamwork of the students as the area continues to evolve. Cooking The students are really enjoying our cooking sessions. This term we have been making a variety of snacks on a Friday afternoon. So far this term we have made cookies and banana and blueberry muffins. Cooking is a great learning tool as it teaches a variety of lessons in a practical way. Skills learnt include: team work, the importance of following instructions and timing; especially if you don’t want to burn the food.
School Pride Days An important part of Shelford Primary is participating in School Pride Days where the students prioritise jobs that need completing around the school grounds. The students then break into small groups in order to complete these tasks whilst developing their leadership and collaborative skills. Important Dates 4 August- Curriculum Day 14 August- School Photos 7 September - Curriculum Day
20 Leigh News
2021 Foundation Enrolment Month In the hustle and bustle of remote learning we’ve landed very quickly in Term 3 and it is time to start enrolling a new cohort of foundation stuImportant Dates dents for 2021. It’s always an exciting time to be Wednesday 5th August – 2021 Prep Enrolment welcoming in younger siblings or new families to Information Session (Facebook Live) our school, and this is the same despite the current climate. If you would like to know more about our We are very keen to showcase our school to school, please phone us during school hours prospective families and as such will be hosting an on 5281 5218 or head to our website at: www. information evening on Wednesday the 5th of or Facebookhttps://www. gust from 6:00pm - 7:00pm. Your interest for this event can be registered by calling the school office to RSVP. Given current social distancing restrictions, this event will be run as a Facebook Live event, accessible through our school’s Facebook page. If you are not a user of Facebook we will email a link available of the stream that you can access without the need for a Facebook Account or Profile. However following our Facebook page is one of the ways to develop a better understanding of our school. This information evening will include a rundown of our Digital Information pack, including 'How to Enrol' information. We’ll also take families for a virtual tour through the Junior Classrooms. New Art and Science Space It’s a hive of activity around the school at the moment with building renovations in the Old School Building and the Administration Building. The Old School BuildMike Patton ing has received a bright and modern 0408 784631 make over with new flooring, fresh Made to order to suit paint and new joinery and is the new Beautifully designed home for our Art and Science classes. your garden conditions. Australian native We would also like to welgardens, drought come our new Art Teacher, Ms Susie tolerant, low Belcher to our teaching team! Ms maintenance Belcher loves sculpture and large scale papier-mâché things and is looking forward to creating some master pieces with the students!
Leigh News
INVERLEIGH TENNIS CLUB INC To book your child in for coaching or for further information please contact the Club Coach
The Inverleigh Post Office is often inundated with parcels stemming from online purchases.
It would be greatly appreciated that once you receive notification of "Parcel awaiting collection at Inverleigh Post Office" via text or email you promptly collect the item.
Nicole Mullen: 0419 670 230
Please note that all regulations issued by Tennis Victoria are being adhered to, for the safety of all players and parents. For further information regarding junior and senior tennis at the club please contact Club Tennis Coordinator
Jo Mullen: 0414 957 432 Summer Season Commencing in October
Meredith And District Motor Cycle Club We meet the 3rd Sunday of every month for our ride day
Stay well and stay safe. David, Tracey and staff
We have 2 tracks: One that is set up as a motocross track that is marshalled and we also have a smaller flat track for kids/beginners to learn to ride. St Johns is in attendance as well as a canteen.For more information please: head over to our Facebook page MADMCC or call 0415 503 869.
ST PAULS SURPRISE SHOP INVERLEIGH Sadly, the shop has closed due to the current health warnings.
are held in INVERLEIGH on the 2nd Saturday of the month 9:30 to 10:00 @Sonny Cafe and GS ERINon the in BANNOCKBURN H T A EDmonth LIC G Eof E LLthe UBSaturday P4th C N OTIC A N C R 9:30 to 10:00 HE at URT F L I Bannockburn Station Cafe NT U
This branch meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm at Teesdale Primary School, Mudbrick Building, S cnr Main Road and E Sutherland TING Street. E LIC M LLED E PUBAll ages CE OTIC N CAN welcome. R HE group. It is not “oldies” UanRT F L I T interested in attending If you UNare please contact: Shirley 5281 5354
Lions Club of Inverleigh Leigh Valley
We are now collecting newspapers for recycling. Papers can be left at the Town Hall on Mondays or pick up can be arranged by calling David on 0429 958 769 during business hours or 5265 1102 after hours. All proceeds from the paper collection go to local projects. As this is a new initiative for our club, community help would be greatly appreciated. Any further questions can be directed to David on 0429 958 769 or dave@
We thank you all for your support but, for the foreseeable future ask you to help our volunteers by not dropping donations outside the shop until we re-open. Thank you.
Justices of the Peace
Mr Keith Windle 77 Dundas Street INVERLEIGH Ph: 0429 651 298 Mrs E McDonald 47 High Street Inverleigh Ph: 5265 1270
Mr Peter Bufton 110 Savage Drive INVERLEIGH Ph: 0448 694 204 Mr Rod McKenzie 7 Ruxton Crt. Bannockburn Ph: 0408 527 704 Mr Stephen Gilligan SHELFORD Ph: 0409 432 933
TEESDALE MECHANICS INSTITUTE (Formerly Community Hall) Behind the CFA Building Main Road, Teesdale
FOR ALL YOUR HIRING NEEDS Hall, Meeting Room, Kitchen, Tables, Chairs & Crockery.
For bookings, phone Dale on 5281 5486 or 0428 386 724
Phone 13 11 14
meets for rally every 2nd Sunday @10.00am Victoria Park, Park Street, Inverleigh Vic 3321 New Members always welcome for enquiries please contact
President: Nicole Rogers Mob: 0419 549 799 Secretary: Leanne Broad Mob: 0433 403 065 P O BOX 87 INVERLEIGH VIC 3321
7:30 AM – 8:45 AM Healthy Food plus a Fun Program! *Cooking Club *Art & Craft *Outdoor Activities *Computer Club AFTER SCHOOL CARE
3:15 PM - 6:00 PM
Leigh News Can You Help Here?
Our Public Hall needs the lawns maintained.
Can you join the roster to mow the lawns once or twice a year? If so, please contact
Anne-Maree Tarbett 0417 512 240
Just use your MYKI Card.
LEIGH PRESBYTERIAN PARISH Inverleigh Shelford Teesdale
“For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord...” (2 Corinthians 4.5)
10 Railway Street, Inverleigh
COME JOIN US @ Barefoot Bowls
New members WELCOME for Pennant on Tuesday & Saturday (school friendly hours) Season starts September thru RTto March
SPO E PU CELL NOTICE NO EXPERIENCE CAN HNECESSARY ER RT Helen on Please Ucall F L I UNT1023 or 0411 046 528 5265
ICSocial orDNew Players Bowls available BLfor
for more info visit email:
Inverleigh Hall Hall Hire Contact The Inverleigh Hall Committee promotes the use of the hall and develops and maintains our fabulous community asset. If you would like to become involved by serving on the committee or by initiating activities at the hall, please contact
Anne-Maree Tarbett
0417 512 240
Weekly Bus Service
provided for residents without transport to shop in Geelong! The Bus leaves the Inverleigh Hall Every FRIDAY at 9:30 am and leaves Geelong at 2:15pm for the return trip.
VISITORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME For further information: Rev. Surendra Wesley 0428 489 222
ph: 5286 1230 mobile : 0417 319 556
28 Lawler Street Meredith 3333 Available for Pastoral Care, Baptisms, Marriages, Funerals. ES RVIC E S LIC PUB NCELLED TICE NO CA HER T R U F NTIL
Inverleigh and District Red Cross
Meeting dates for 2020.
Secretary: Cathy Altmann 0409 024 578 Chairperson: Barb Meek 5281 3245
38 High Street, Inverleigh Rev’d Dr. Tim Smith 0412 673 152 Geoff Morgan 0408 106 559 John Bolitho 0418 319 695
INVERLEIGH CWA BRANCH Welcomes existing and new members alike.
We are so much more than just Tea and Scones ladies!
GS ETIN E M D LIC PUB NCELLE OTICE CA ER N RTH U F IL UNT or Melissa Rutherford 0419 256 014
Services Available Acute Hospital Urgent Care Residential Aged Care Dementia Specific Care Home Care Packages Physiotherapy Dietician District Nursing Diabetes Education Occupational Therapy Planned Activity Groups Community Health Groups Palliative & Continence Care Podiatry Maternal Child Health
5267 1200
Servicing Winchelsea, Bannockburn, Beeac, Moriac, Rokewood, Teesdale & districts *Not all services available in all areas
Residential Aged Care, Respite & Home Care Packages
7 Days A Week Noah Azzopardi Septic Tank Pumping
Hesse Rural Health Winchelsea For further information or to book a tour please call (03) 5267 1200
*Home Care covering Winchelsea, Beeac, Bannockburn and extended rural areas
Tai Chi @
Teesdale Community ES RVIC E S LICHall PUB NCELLED TICE NO Thursday’s CA HER T R U IL F9.30am UNT phone: 0414 944 926
Leigh News
PUB S TING E E LIC M ELLED C CAN HER RT For more information please call: IL FU T N U President: Shirley Wild 0447 873 763 Secretary: Sandra Bance 5210 7777 ""
A warm welcome awaits you. For Information & Bookings, please contact: Pres: Peter Trevaskis 0407 100 791 Secretary: Joy Gray 5265 1566
Inverleigh Playgroup The Inverleigh Playgroup is a weekly community play session for children 0 - 4 years. The GS group is run by volunteers RINincorporates Eand H T A freeplay. a range of activities The playC Gand D UBLI NCELLE OTICE P group has a large selection of age appropriA N C HER T R ate toys for the to play with each FU IL children UNT week. When: Every wednesday of the school terms from Feb 5th 2019 Time: 9:30 am till 11:30am Where: Inverleigh Public Hall, Hamilton Highway.
Now including:
ALL TYPES OF RUBBISH & RECYCLABLE METALS COLLECTED! including CARS & FARM CLEAN UPS Free Scrap Bins also available Call Simon on 0410 400 305 operating 7 days a week
2, 3, 4 & 6 Cubic Metre Bins
available & can carry multiple bins.
26 Leigh News Take Off Weight Naturally BANNOCKBURN (Teesdale TOWN Club)
St. John’s Anglican Church Hall 11 Byron Street, Bannockburn Jan: 5281 5138 / 0400 005 270 Patti: 5281 1290 / 0400 131 465
L Solar Power (with Batteries) Solar & Heat Pump Hot Water On-Grid & Off-Grid Domestic & Commercial
03 4309 4027
Leigh News
• Digital antenna installation • 3G & 4G cellular antennas • Wi-Fi access points • Satellite installation • Audio/visual installation
Repaint and new work specialists. Seniors discounts. Free quotes.
Everything you need connected in a modern home!
Justin Brearley 0412 076 672
MUSHROOM COMPOST is now available Contact Peter or Dianne 5265 1757 or 0418 514 926 to arrange for pick up from Inverleigh Shelford Road INVERLEIGH
$3 per Bag or $40 per M3
St. John’s Anglican Church Bannockburn ES RVIC E S LIC PUB NCELLED TICE O CA ER N H T FUR NTIL
First Wednesday of each Month @ 12:30pm. Come along, bring a friend... Contact Gillian on 0408 408 403
GP Arts Inc are disappointed to announce that
The Golden Plains Community Arts trail for 2020 has been postponed, due to the current health concerns.
Bring a craft, learn a new craft or come for a walk, chat and cuppa.
ICES Meets 2nd & 4th Tuesday’s , RV E S C I L D - 1.30pm B E PU9.30am CELL NOTICE At Teesdale Hall CANCommunity HER T R U F lunch *Tea & Cof*BYO craft ILand UNT fee provided. Cost $5 Joining fee. $3 per session
Contact Lesley 0400 547 157 or Pat 0417 339 161
28 Leigh News
IN OTHER NEWS •Dental Health •Dental Exam ALSO OF INTEREST
Dental Month
During August we are offering discounts on all pet dental procedures. August is the perfect time to organise a dental health check for your pet. Contact the clinic on 52811 221 to book an appointment.
Hills T/D Diet
Dental Health August is dental health month!
When considering dental health, it is important to remember that not only dogs and cats are affected. Animals such as guinea pigs, rabbits and horses should have regular dental checks. Dental disease is caused by the accumulation of plaque. Plaque irritates the gums at the tooth-gum interface, and the bacteria it contains multiplies in the groove around each tooth. The bacteria causes further inflamation and eventual destruction of the periodontal ligament which is responsable for anchoring the tooth in its socket. The bacteria associated with dental disease can spread through the blood stream and cause damage to internal tissues and organs. Dental disease has been linked to numerous health problems in pets, including kidney, liver and heart disease. 80% of dogs and 75% of cats over the age of three years have some form of dental disease. It can be difficult to tell if your pet has a toothache. Animals have a tendency to not show pain and at home it can be difficult to examine your pet's teeth, especially the big molars at the back.
We have listed a few of the common signs that may indicate something is wrong with your pets teeth and gums.
Leigh News 29
Bad breath Drooling Hills T/d dental Pawing at the mouth kibble contains a unique fibre matrix. Red or bleeding gums The fibres run parallel to each other, Blood in water bowl or on chew toys and this unique fibre alignment Dropping food when eating effectively "scrubs" or "squeeges" the Discolouration or build up of plaque tooth, reducing the accumulation of Swelling under the eye plaque. If your pet is showing any of these signs we recommend you make an appointment with one of our veterinarians for a Greenies dental health check. Plaque and Tartar build up in a dogs mouth. Swollen eye due to a tooth root abcess.
Greenies dental chews help control plaque and tartar build up by mechanical abrasion, There chewy texture allows the teeth to sink in for maximum tooth contact causing a mechanical scraping and scrubbing of the tooth surface.
Dental Exam
When you bring your pet in for a dental exam our vets will be checking your pets mouth for odour, red, swollen or bleeding gums. Discoloured, broken or missing teeth. These are all things we can check when you pet is awake. A dental treatment will involve a general anaesthetic. Its then, our vets can check your pets mouth for periodontal pockets around the teeth. X-rays can be done, which are vital to diagnosing peridontal disease below the gum line. Our veterinarians can then perform extractions, if required, scale and polish your pets teeth Bannockburn Veterinary Clinic 24 Hour Care 7 Days a Week
Clinic Hours: Monday - Friday 7.30am – 6.30pm Saturday 8.00am – 1.00pm OUR SERVICES
Telephone: 03 52811 221 OUR VETS v Dr. Peter Bond v Dr. Kelly Bond v v v
Dr. Kylie Flanagan Dr. George Johnstone Dr. Peter Richardson
After Hours: 0407 811 222 We recognise animals large and small are part of your family and our team is committed to providing the best health care available every hour of everyday
1759 Midland Highway, Bannockburn.
ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü
Annual Health Checks Full Surgical Facilities Digital X-Ray Ultrasound Equine Facility Large Animal Home Visits In Clinic Bloods Dentistry
30 Leigh News
SEKA POWELL Residential Sales
With over 18 years in real estate, Seka Powell’s experience, energy, and ethics are vital ingredients in a winning recipe that consistently achieves the best possible results for her clients.
Seka is passionate about looking after people and as such she has built a solid and loyal community of vendors and purchasers who seek her out whenever they need to buy or sell property, or indeed if they just need some genuine and friendly expert advice. Through her work and attitude, Seka has made many friends from all walks of life. Her clients consistently testify to the quality of Seka’s knowledge and her dedication to open, regular communication, both of which help her clients make informed decisions about what are often the largest investments they will ever make. Her integrity and comprehensive service is a point of difference in the field and her ability to listen, understand and problem solve ultimately delivers outstanding results based on her clients’ wants and needs. Seka over the years has been involved in many charity events, including raising tens of thousands of dollars for adolescent mental health. To discuss the sale of your property, call Seka today! t. 03 5224 2204 m. 0409 235 245 e.
Leigh News 31
Ken McDonald Ken McDonald YOUR LOCAL AGENT Before you list your property with an agent, ask yourself: • How well does your agent know the area? • Does your agent live locally? This agent does! A LOCAL, SELLING LOCALLY Ken has had an active eight years in the Real Estate industry, with many satisfied clients in and around this area. Ken has previously worked in roles within the grain and agricultural industry, for 20 years working locally and further afield. Ken believes that the path to long term personal satisfaction, within the Real Estate industry, includes honesty and ethics, the ability to negotiate therefore getting the best possible outcome for vendors and purchasers alike. This has resulted in many loyal clients returning to Ken for the sale of their most valuable investment and enthusiastic testimonials from his numerous happy clients as well as referrals to their friends and family.
Contact: Ken McDonald 0418 524 150 | 03 5229 8017
Thanks to Ross & Caroline Wilson of Shelford and also to Mora Leach of Inverleigh for faithfully supplying the monthly rainfall figures.
32 Leigh News
08:30am to 4:30pm
09:00am to 1:30pm
Phone: 52811182 Mobile: 0407080909
Leigh News
16 High Street Bannockburn VIC 3331 Tel: 03 5281 1481 Fax: 03 5281 1978 Dr Cameron Profitt Dr Margaret Somerville Dr Andrew Bell Dr Samantha Buchholz Dr John Henderson Dr Carolyn Grigg Dr Benjamin Fry Dr Rupali Jain COVID 19 During these times our practice opening hours vary significantly. Please phone the clinic or book online for all available appointments. Bannockburn Surgery is a fully accredited medical practice that provides comprehensive GP services and has been practising in the community for more than 30 years. Bannockburn Surgery is the largest practice in the shire. We are an accredited teaching practice, training future GPs. Our current Registrar doctor is Dr Veronica Stubbs We also offer the following services Diabetes Education: Jessica O’Shannassy Precise Podiatry: Peter Angelucci Speech Pathology – Ceri Webb Q fever (Testing & Vaccines) Yellow fever (Vaccine) New patients welcome
34 Leigh News
Nick Tarbett
Check with Robyn or on Facebook for more details on of online sessions.
Further info: call Robyn 0408 346 222 or follow us on facebook.
wish to advise the Scrap Bin is still CLOSED at present due to Covid 19. We will advise when this service is to reopen. Committee of Management Victoria Park Inverleigh.
0403 640 880 Specialising in all aspects of electrical services
Golf Results for July 2020 27th June Men- Par, 2nd Rd Robin Scott Trophy. Ian Page +4, S. Wemyss +1, A. Joyce -1. N.T.P. 3rd R. Lymer. Longest Drive D. Walker, O/65yrs T. Lee. 1st July Ladies-Stroke, P/E Medal Day L. Richardson 93-16-77 c/b D. Nicholls 9316-77, I Oliver 107-27-78 c/b S. Bruenjes 95-17-78. N.T.P. 8th S. Bruenjes. Putting R. Erwin 23putts. Medal Winner L. Richardson. 4th July Men- Medal Day Stableford. D. Brown 34pts, c/b S. Wemyss, 34pts, T. Lee 30pts. N.T.P. 3rd & 15th S. Wemyss. Longest Drive I. Page.
8th July Ladies-3rd Rd. Robin Scott Trophy-Par L. Richardson -5, D. Morgan -6, I. Oliver -8 c/b G. Stevens -8 11th July Men15th July- Ladies, Stableford I. Oliver 35pts, S. Bruenjes 31 c/b G. Stevens 31, D. Nicholls 28pts N.T.P. 8th L. Richardson & I. Oliver, 15th D. Morgan. 18th July Men- 3rd Rd. Robin Scott Trophy- Par. A.Smith +1 c/b R. Lymer +1, D. Walker -2. Longest Drive S. Wemyss, O/65yrs T. Lee 22nd July Ladies-Stroke S. Bruenjes 93-18-75, D. Nicholls 96-16-81, G. Stevens 115-34-81, I. Oliver 111-29-82 D. Nicholls 24 putts.
Leigh News
FROM THE MAYOR’S DESK – AUGUST 2020 Recent news of the increase of COVID-19 cases in Melbourne, as well as a small number in Golden Plains Shire, are a reminder that we are not through this pandemic yet, and that we all need to remain vigilant in our health and hygiene practices. It’s great to see many of our fellow residents taking this challenge seriously, and I strongly encourage everyone to continue their good work in helping prevent the spread of this virus. We are now fairly used to practicing physically distancing of 1.5m from each other, frequently washing hands with warm water and soap, and proper cough and sneeze etiquette. More recently, the Victorian Government has recommended us regional Victorians wear face masks in public when we cannot physically distance in a location, such as when we visit the supermarket or travel on public transport into Geelong or Ballarat. While it may be hard to get your hands on a washable cloth face mask at the moment, the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services has some great resources on its website on how to make your own at home. Visit to watch the video or download a guide. Most importantly, if you are feeling unwell, and particularly if you have COVID-19 symptoms, please get tested. This is not only about protecting your own health, but also that of your family, friends and neighbours. Remember, if you get a test, you then must remain at home until you get a negative result. If you are unsure where to get tested, or are looking for more COVID-19 information, please visit or call the COVID-19 hotline on 1800 675 398. While many Council services, such as the Rokewood waste transfer station, Bannockburn and Mobile Library services, and our Smythesdale and Bannockburn Customer Service Centres have resumed face-to-face visits, please remember to follow the restrictions and health and hygiene practices as requested by staff members. You can find the latest updates on Council’s services at Finally, as the 2016-2020 Council term comes to a close, I’d like to acknowledge what a great honour and privilege it has been to serve as the Mayor of Golden Plains Shire over the past two years. I wish everyone who takes the big step to put up their hand for the next Council term all the very best and a reminder to make sure you vote by postal ballot in the local government election in October. Mayor Cr Owen Sharkey
COUNCIL CANDIDATE TRAINING There are a number of upcoming information and training sessions for prospective council candidates in Golden Plains Shire prior to October’s Local Government Elections. MAV Stand for Council Online Information Session 10am to 12pm, Tuesday 11 August - online VLGA Training Session – Smythesdale 4 to 5.30pm, Tuesday 1 September – 19 Heales Street VLGA Training Session – Bannockburn 4 to 5.30pm, Thursday 3 September – 2 Pope Street Attendance at a session is optional, however it is strongly encouraged that prospective candidates attend one of the events. To find out more and to register, visit
COUNCIL MEETINGS 2020 While Council Meetings are currently closed to the public until at least 2 November 2020 in accordance with the Victorian Government's COVID-19 directives, the meetings are available to view online via the livestream. The remaining meetings for 2020 are: • • • • • •
Tuesday, 28 July 2020 Tuesday, 25 August 2020 Monday, 21 September 2020 Tuesday, 17 November 2020 (Mayoral Election) Tuesday, 24 November 2020 Tuesday, 15 December 2020
The location of the Council Meetings in November and December, and the possibility of public attendance, is to be confirmed. For meeting agendas and links to the livestream, visit
36 Leigh News
Dispute Resolution & Litigation Debt Collection Property Law Wills & Estates Powers of Attorney Business Law Family Law By appointment only
22 Willis Street, Winchelsea ph. 5221 8777 Geelong • Corio • Winchelsea • Ocean Grove
Leigh News 37
38 Leigh News
Matthew Carr Painter & Decorator
Interior, Exterior, Repaints and Wallpapering Fully qualified Quality workmanship
0438 559 635 8 McCallum Rd Inverleigh
Your taxation specialist! •Accountants • Business Advice • Superannuation • Taxation Services • Financial Planning • Audit Services
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Leigh News
Danny’s Firewood & Tree Ser vices
*Sugar Gum Firewood. 4.5 mtr Trailer or 8 mtr Truck......... "delivered" *Tree Removal and Clean Up *Paddock Clean Up *Telehandler with Elevated Work Platform & Log Grab *13 tonne excavator, *small kubota tractor with grab *13 mtr cherry picker. *Firewood Processor, Wood Splitter & Saw Bench Contact: Danny Busbridge 0438 355 383
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GO HARD CONCRETING specializing in all forms of concreting for free Quotes contact
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40 Leigh News
CANDIDATE TRAINING IN GOLDEN PLAINS SHIRE There are a number of upcoming information and training sessions for prospective council candidates in Golden Plains Shire prior to October’s Local Government Elections. The Victorian Local Government Association (VLGA) will hold two free candidate training sessions in Golden Plains Shire. The training sessions are designed to increase understanding of councils and the role of councilors, and will cover both the basics of local government and election candidacy. The two sessions were originally planned to be held in May, however were rescheduled due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The sessions in Golden Plains Shire will now be held in: Smythesdale 4 to 5.30pm, Tuesday 1 September, 2020 The Well, 19 Heales Street, Smythesdale Bannockburn 4 to 5.30pm, Thursday 3 September, 2020 Golden Plains Civic Centre, 2 Pope Street, Bannockburn Attendance at a session is optional, however it is recommended and strongly encouraged that prospective candidates attend one of the events. Interested residents can register for one of the training sessions at The sessions will also enable prospective candidates to be better prepared for the online mandatory training that will be administered by Local Government Victoria. Under the Victorian Government’s new Local Government Act 2020, all candidates are required to undertake the mandatory training from Local Government Victoria within the last four years prior to nomination. The Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) will hold a separate Stand for Council Information Session online on Tuesday 11 August, 2020, from 10am to 12pm. Council will share more information and details on how to participate in this session closer to the date. In the 2020 Local Government Elections, Golden Plains residents will elect seven Councillors to represent the entire Shire for the 2020-2024 term. The Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) will open nominations on 17 September 2020, with nominations closing at 12pm, 22 September 2020, at which point Council will enter the Election Period. Elections will take place by postal ballot from 6 October to 23 October, 2020. Residents seeking more information on the election process and to check their enrolment should visit
– ENDS – Released by: Eric Braslis, CEO, Golden Plains Shire Council Media contact: Susan Talpey, Coordinator Communications, Engagement and Advocacy, Golden Plains Shire Council P. 5220 7147 │M. 0421 923 399 │E. Golden Plains Shire Council News Hub │ Have Your Say projects │ Community events calendar
Leigh News Leigh News © 2013,
Inverleigh Progress Association Inc.
Leigh News - Advertising Costs from 1st January 2020
The Leigh News is published monthly (except January) by the Inverleigh Progress Association Incorporated, and is distributed free in the townships of Inverleigh, Teesdale, Bannockburn and Shelford, and the surrounding districts. Letters, comments, suggestions, articles, and reports from readers are welcome whether or not intended for publication. The Leigh News is prepared and assembled by the Editor and printed using environmentally friendly materials and distributed by volunteer workers. Circulation:
1/9 PAGE
$17.50 85 64
1/4 PAGE
Editorial and Advertising Items submitted for inclusion in the Leigh News should be clearly marked “For inclusion in the (month) Leigh News” and in by the 25th day of each month. Advertisements should be marked with the size of advert required and the number of editions in which it is to be displayed.
Advertisements or Editorial contributions should be clearly addressed to: “Leigh News”, PO Box 247, Inverleigh, Victoria 3321 or
Contributions to the Leigh News are published with the permission of various bodies and representatives who supply the information, photos advertisements and crosswords. None of this information should be used by any other publication without first requesting permission of the supplier of this information. Using material without seeking permission is plagiarism and carries penalties.
The views or ideas expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editorial committee or of the Inverleigh Progress Association. While we try to check the integrity, the publication of advertisements is not an endorsement of the advertiser’s product or quality of workmanship.
$35.00 197
Contact: The Editor (Peter Trevaskis) 0407 100 791 Deadline is 25th each month (except NO January issue) Limited printed Colour is available (contact Editor) ALL electronic copies are in Full Colour
HALF A4 PAGE $47.00. (COLOUR $88.00)
$85.00. (COLOUR $160.00)
For further information about advertising and cost in the Leigh News: contact Peter Trevaskis on 0407 100 791 or Professional ad design tailored to your needs at competitive pricing Please forward accounts and payments to: Tony Waayers, Leigh News, PO Box 247, Inverleigh 3321. Phone: 5265 1610 Committee Members: Hilary Hamilton (President) Luanne Thornton (Secretary) Phone 5265 1256, Tony Waayers (Treasurer), Peter Trevaskis (Editor), Faye Thomas (Assistant Editor)
42 Leigh News An independent agency specialising in quality residential and rural lifestyle property. The team you can trust for your real estate needs... Servicing Inverleigh and Western Victoria. Malcolm Condie 0407 034 410 Simon Horne 0488 440 303 3/29 High Street Inverleigh, Victoria 3321
M: 0417 365 607 E:
M: 0419 764 940 E:
Licensed Estate Agent | Auctioneer
P: 5281 4500 W: Country Plaza, Shop 11/6 High St, Bannockburn VIC 3331
Director | Sales
We put you first
Leigh News 43 Directory of Clubs, Services and Organisations Below is a directory for clubs, organisations and services operating in Inverleigh, Teedale, Shelford and surrounding areas. If you are interested in obtaining further information about an organisation, please feel free to ring and have a chat with them. Any club or organisation who wishes to be listed, please forward details to us and we will include your listing. We would also appreciate being kept up to date with contact details
INVERLEIGH AREA Geelong & District Carriage Drivers Christa Jones 0408 342 403 Inverleigh Bowls Club Pres. Adrian Hurring 0418 593 849 Sec. Suzy Coleman 0431 080 977 Inverleigh Cemetery Trust Des Guinane. 0409 224 811 Inverleigh Cricket Club Pres: Marcus Warton ph. 0400 199 309 Inverleigh CWA Melissa Rutherford 0419 256 014 Inverleigh-Leigh Valley Lions Club Bill Hughes 5281 5391 Inverleigh Golf Club President: Greg Erwin & Jeremy Richardson Secretary: Dianne Morgan Phone: 5265 1575
Leigh District Landcare Group Sec: Maxine Campbell 5265 1210
Teesdale TOWN Club (Take off Weight Naturally) Jan Pope Ph: 5281 5138
Leigh District Riding Club Leesa Phone 5265 1024
Working Sheepdog Club Glenn Agnew 0427 325 905
Victoria Park Reserve Bookings, Denise Cook ph. 0419 103 196
SES Emergency 000
MURGHEBOLUC AREA. Murgheboluc Recreation Reserve. Fiona Inglis. 0421 679 770 SHELFORD AREA Shelford Cricket Club William Green (Pres) 0416 575 367 Andrew Clarke (VPres) 0439 634 891 Shelford Progress Association Pres: Heather Stone 5281 3241 Sec: Glenn Jeffery 0413 317 779 TEESDALE AREA
Windstorm and Flood 132 500 Controller: Nathan Hansford Mob: 0409 811 138
EMERGENCY Police, Ambulance, Fire, SES
Ring 000
LifeLine 5222 2233 or 13 11 14 B’burn Surgery 5281 1481
Before and After School Care from 7.30am to 8.45am. - 3.15pm to 6pm Teesdale Primary. 5281 5218 CWA Native Hut Branch Shirley Wild Ph: 5281 5354
B’burn Vet 5281 1221 B’burn Taxi 5281 1777 Barwon Water 1300 656 007 Power Failure 13 24 12
Inverleigh Historical Society Katrina Robson 0400 527 352 Liz McDonald 5265 1270
Leighdale Equestrian Centre Robyn Grixti Ph 5281 5290 or Melinda Spiller 0413 648 012
Inverleigh Playgroup President: Suzy 0431 080 977 Secretary: Deb 0428 794 500
Leighdale Pony Club Inc. Pres: Tom McCann 5265 1169 Sec: Sue Moran 0437 914 454
Inverleigh Progress Assoc. President:Hilary Hamilton 5265 1384 Secretary: Luanne Thornton 5265 1256
Teesdale Branch Liberal Party Charlie Hartup 5281 5222
Golden Plains Medical Centre 5281 2320
Teesdale Cricket Club Alister Woods. 0439 395 456
Wildlife Rescue 0500 540 000
Inverleigh Riding Club Leighdale Equestrian Centre Melinda Spiller 0413 648 012
Teesdale Pre School Mandy Bartlett. 5281 5488
Women’s Domestic Violence Crisis Service 1800 015 188
Teesdale Sporting Complex Mrs Kay Hower. 5281 5389
Shire Ranger 5220 7111
Inverleigh RSL Sub-Branch Pres. Malcom Johns. 5281 5253 Inverleigh Tennis Club Shane Lubcke 0410 483 690
Teesdale Tennis Club Mrs Judy Evans. 5281 5328 Teesdale Community Hall Dale Smithyman 5281 5486
Geelong Hospital Accident & Emergency 5226 7564 Golden Plains Equine Vets 0437 467 097
If you would like your Club or Service included in this directory, or if you need to update any details above, please contact the Editor.
Advertisers Index Accountant 39 Antennas 27 Banking 33 Beauty Salon 15 Builder 37 Cartage 26 Cafe 32 CCTV & Alarms 37 CFA Roster 14 Chemist 9,44 Church Notices 23 Clotheslines 16 Compost 27 Concreting 37 CWA 23 Data Cabling 37 Doctor & Health Serv. 18,24,33 Driver Tuition 26 Earthmoving 16 Electrician 27,34 Equine 21 Excavation 11 Firewood 39 Food Swaps 22 Funeral Director 17 Grain 31 Garden Supplies 32 Hall Hire 23 Hot Water 26 Justice of the Peace 22 Legal Services 36 Motor Mechanic 36 Mowers 18 NBN Setup 37 OSHC 22 Painter & Decorator 16,25,38 Playgroup 25 Plumbing Services 17,24,27,36,38 Probus 25 Rainfall 31 Real Est. 15,30,42 Skip Bin Hire 25 Seniors 25 Septic Services 24 Taxi 18 Tax Returns 38 Tree Services 39 Tyres 39 Veterinary 28,29 Wicking Beds 29 Wool Buyers & Brokers 38
44 Leigh News
Bannockburn Pharmacy Opening Hours
Monday – Friday: 8:30am – 6:30pm Saturday: 8:30am – 1:00pm Sunday & Public Holidays: Closed
6 High Street Bannockburn VIC 3331 Ph: (03) 5281 1519 Fax: (03) 5281 1450 Email: Owners: Scott Wilkes & Damian Bennett
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- afterpay available - Roogenic Tea stockist - Passport Photos (Aust. & International)
* Other Products & Services
- Loyalty Program * FREE to join * 5 cents for every $1 spent on non-prescription products is added to your loyalty (no expiry) * 20% Discount off gifts ALL YEAR - Baby Club * FREE to join * $5 bonus when joining * 10 cents for every $1 spent on mother & child products is added to your loyalty (no expiry * 20% Discount off gifts ALL YEAR - Extensive GIFTS to choose from, including: * Glasshouse & Circa Home * Handbags & Wallets * Jewellery * Robert Gordon * Fragrances * Aromatherapy & Wellbeing * Infants & children’s gifts
- MooGoo products - Natio - Nude by Nature - Sukin Organic Products
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