Leigh News - Inverleigh August 2024 Edition

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"National Tree Day for schools"

Friday the 26th July was "National Tree Day for schools" and the Leigh District Landcare Group, along with Grade 5/6 students from the Inverleigh Primary School planted just under 200 native trees and shrubs at Victoria Park.

It is hoped the students can be involved with the ongoing maintenance and care of the trees planted. All Inverleigh Primary students were also provided with tube stock trees and shrubs to take home and plant.

Thank you to Inverleigh Primary school teachers and staff, Leigh District Landcare members, the Committee of Victoria Park for making available the site for planting and most importantly the students for making this event happen.

Campbell Brumby. https://treeday.planetark.org/get-involved/involved-general

The Inverleigh Progress Association

A organisation that is made up of local residents that want to contribute to making Inverleigh a great place to live What is the IPA?

What does the IPA actually do?

publishes the Leigh News monthly & local phone directory undertakes community projects ie Town Stone Entrances executing the 2023 Inverleigh Community Plan advocate for Inverleigh with government organisations meets with Council every quarter to discuss local issues maintains specific community assets ie Water Standpipe & Clock Tower

Who is on the current IPA committee?

President - Hilary Hamiliton

Vice President - Deb Morrison

Secretary - Keith Windle

Treasurer - Gwenda Smith

Leigh News editor - Peter Trevaskis

Who should be a member of the IPA?

Any local residents that want to see the Inverleigh community continue to thrive into the future!

How much does it cost to join?

Annual membership is only $10

Find us here Website: https://www.inverleigh.org.au/ipa

Community Strengthening Grants

Applica�ons open on Thursday 1 August for Golden Plains Shire Council’s Community Strengthening Grants Program 2024.

Grants of up to $10,000 are available in four categories:

•Healthy Ac�ve Living – to support recrea�on, sport, health and wellbeing projects

•Crea�ve Community – to support arts and culture projects.

•Environment and Sustainability – to support projects that improve the environment

•Community Safety – to support projects that equip communi�es to be safe

Groups must match the amount of funding sought in cash and/or through in-kind contribu�ons, such as volunteer work on the project. Applica�ons are open un�l 2pm, Monday 2 September 2024

Applicants are strongly encouraged to discuss their application with Council's Community Grants team. Please enquire as soon as possible to allow adequate time to discuss your application prior to the submission deadline.

For more informa�on and to apply for a Community Strengthening Grant, visit goldenplains.vic.gov.au, email at communitygrants@gplains.vic.gov.au or call 5220 7111.

• Yard Clean-ups

• Soil Removal

• Shed Site Cuts

• Trenching

• Post Hole Auger

• 350 & 400 Augers

• Landscape Prep Work

• Located in Inverleigh

bushfire scenario Workshops

Golden Plains Shire Council in partnership with Red Flag Leadership and Safer Together Victoria is hosting a further two community workshops in Linton and Dereel to assist residents with what to do in a bushfire scenario.

The workshops will be held on:

• Sunday 4 August from 10am to 12pm at the Linton Community Hub

• Sunday 8 September from 10am to 12pm at the Dereel Community Hall

Facilitated by Jamie Mackenzie from Red Flag Leadership, the workshops will explore the realities

faced in an emergency or disaster and how those challenged may be tackled – breaking down what’s required and developing the skills necessary to look after each other and the visitors in the town.

Participants will learn more about the importance of recovery leadership and the challenges of making decisions under stress, as well as gain tips on how to manage stress and uncertainty in an emergency.

Participants will also have the opportunity to share their knowledge with other members in the community and work together to develop a community response to emergency.

To register to attend the workshops, visit goldenplains.vic.gov.au/events or email emergencymanegement@gplains.vic.gov.au

You’re in Safe Hands With Peter Lindeman

Delivering Exceptional Results for Over 20Years

If you’re thinking of selling a Rural or Lifestyle acreage property on the Bellarine, the Greater Geelong region or beyond then think Peter Lindeman. Peter spent 20 years managing farms before jumping the fence to sell them; and over the last 23 years he’s helped over 350 vendors achieve extraordinary results, more often than not surpassing their expectations. Why not let Peter show you how he can help you achieve an outstanding result for your property.

Peter Lindeman

A Pharmacy Grows in Inverleigh

Thời điểm tốt nhất để trồng một cái cây đã là 20 năm trước. Và cơ hội tốt nhất thứ nhì là ngay bây giờ.

There’s a Vietnamese saying, ‘the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the 2nd best time is now.

Minh Nguyen and Nathan Nguyen are local household names and there’s a good chance they know yours too! It seems as if the pharmacy was here forever but the truth is, their business was a big gamble that started in the midst of COVID lockdowns. We all wondered how our little town could support such a venture and we held our breath, hoping that it would. Minh and Nathan’s patience and kindness have added a new layer of civic engagement and community care for each of us. They are one more good reason to pop into town.

Minh and Nathan’s story is part of a much larger Vietnamese-Australian one. Minh, like so many of his compatriots escaped the aftermath of war in Vietnam on an overcrowded wooden boat along the Meekong Delta. Originally from Quảng Ngãi on the River Trà Khúc, Minh and his family moved south to Ho Chi Minh city after the war. He was 18 when he made that 5 day, 945 km voyage in 1987 accompanied by his 17 year-old brother. There were 136 people crammed on a tiny craft designed to transport fruit and produce, not souls. The vessel made it to Terrengganu on the north Malaysian coast and from there, they were moved to a detention centre on Bidong Island to await their fates. (Bidong Island processed over 250,000 Vietnamese refugees in the wake of the Vietnamese war exodus from 1978

until 1990). Nathan’s own father - Minh’s brother, had already made a similar treacherous escape three years prior with his sister and another brother so it was part of their dream that Minh would unite with them in Fitzroy where they’d been granted a unit in the famous high rise, Housing Commission towers where so many new migrants found their feet on terra Australis.

Minh went on to finish his V.C.E Camberwell High and study science at Melbourne University followed by a post grad in dairy industries and yet another post grad in pharmacy. Nathan, somewhat inspired by his Uncle, decided to study at RMIT where he completed his pharmacy degree in 2016. Minh now lives in Ballarat, Nathan in Melton but each alternate their days in Inverleigh. ‘It’s a pretty nice and peaceful place to spend your day,’ says Nathan and his uncle agrees.

Minh originally opened another pharmacy in Aireys Inlet in 2007 which he has since sold but he’d had his eye on Inverleigh since 2016 and was instrumental in encouraging the renovation of the original trio of shops where they first began business in 2020. Who knows, if he hadn’t had to cut through here from Golden Plains to Surf Coast, he may never have noticed our cosy little town which is all the safer and cosier for having a pharmacy and soon….we hope…. A doctor’s surgery.

Can you translate this line in Vietnamese? I know Minh and Nathan can. They’re doing it already!

Community Emergency Hub - "Help wanted"

Following the Golden Plains Shire sponsored "Recovery to Resilience Workshops" in Inverleigh, Teesdale and Shelford, a second community meeting provided more structure to the concept of a Community Emergency Hub.

As a follow up to last month’s Emergency Plan provided in the Leigh News, the next step is to see if any Inverleigh residents would like to form a support group in the event of a disaster such as fire or flood, to provide an initial local Hub until emergency services, Council and other agencies can reach us and provide assistance.

This is to be Inverleigh driven. Our town was not isolated in October 2022 but Shelford was, so this is forward planning hoping it will never be needed.

The purpose of a Community Emergency Hub is to:

•Communicate information in and out of your community

•Solve problems using what your community has available ( until help arrives)

•Provide power to charge devices

•Provide basic needs (non-perishable food, water) and comfort

Following the format instigated by Yarra Ranges Shire, willing volunteers with a wide range of talents will be trained in the correct procedures to follow and follow up every six months. The plan suggests roles for eight people with a minimum of four to open the Hub. These roles are Hub supervisor, Information coordination, Public Information, Reception, Needs & Offers, Community Space, Communications, and Facility Maintenance. So you can see there is a role for everyone, as well as backup members to share the load.

Funding, such as for a generator and lighting, emergency packs, battery or wind up radios, and other items is available from Emergency Recovery Victoria (Australian Government and Victorian State Government) but must be in place by December this year. Because of this short timeline if you are at all interested please send your name and contact details to "inverleighhub@gmail.com" and an initial meeting can be organized. Or ring: Liz McDonald on 0417 066 433 for further information.

Zineverleigh 2024

has come and gone with a steady flow of visitors throughout the Inverleigh Public Hall, despite some times of drizzle & rain.

There was a diverse range of over thirty exhibitors as you can see from the montage of photos taken on the day, including a vintage letter press machine.

Organiser of the event, Bec Wilson was again very happy with the success of the day, and a special thanks to her son Clancy for the Photographic report on the day.

(Peter Trevaskis)

Inverleigh CFA. 100% Volunteers

The Community Hub

In last month’s article I discussed the meeting organised by the Golden Plains Shire to try and identify what level of resilience to natural disasters our community might have. It was determined that the main threats to our community were floods and fires and while very different events, the management of community safety and recovery are similar.

The Shire then indicated that a “Community Hub” could be beneficial with managing such events and will investigate what is required to set up a “Hub.” So another meeting has been held to investigate the “Hub” concept.

So what would the Hub do and be used for? And secondly how would it operate? Both relevant questions that will influence the outcome and success of the whole project.

To start with the concept of the “Hub” would be to provide a place to inform and gather information about the event, Information flow seems to be one of the biggest issues in an emergency, and a more localised information would be beneficial. It would support the current emergency services.

It would need to be established quickly as an emergency was unfolding. It could help coordinate what resources are available, an example of this would have been the sand bags during the flood. Basic resources such as food

and shelter could be obtained in the short term to help anybody who was displaced. Even an independent power supply would be good so devices could be charged and cooking and lights were assured. Possible coordination of donations could be organised by the “Hub”.

The recovery process often starts before an emergency has finished and the “Hub” would be able to help with the coordination and allocation of available resources in the early stages.

The shire have shown some foresight here as they have been involved in many emergencies over the years, and to be able to do some basic planning before an event happens will allow a much better outcome. In someways it is a bigger version of the emergency plan that was in last months issue and gets people thinking about the issues and trying to organise the right people to help and giving them a guide as to what is required.

The “Hub” would not be a place of last resort to provide safety in a disaster, it would be more of a central coordination place. Some of the challenges to make this concept work will be finding the right local people, possible venues, and support from the community and government. As a concept it certainly has merit so lets see what will evolve in the months ahead.

Ewen Peel
Inverleigh CFA.

Hello again everyone,

There is a lot to read in this months edition, starting with the national tree planting day for schools. Well done Inverleigh Primary School, supported by Leigh District Landcare Group and Victoria Park Committee. A lasting edition to our town for the years to come.


where's Maggie?

I trust you all kept the pull out centre section from last months edition as this month we announce the Community Emergency Hub. The CFA and SES will certainly be behind this important step in preparing our local communities in their preparedness for emergencies that may come in our future. Please read the article on page 8 and put your name forward to be able to assist in forming Hubs ready for any future emergencies. The youth playspace is almost ready and will be a great addition to our community. I'm not advised on the actual date yet, but as soon as it is announced, we will let you know via our facebook page and other social media. regards, PeterT.

Bowser Bean Inverleigh is not all Petrol and Gas! Come in store and explore all the scrumpious food to go!

• Sandwiches

• Wraps

• Salad Rolls

• Fruit Salad

• Spring Rolls

• Potatoe Cakes

• Dim Sim's

• Chocolate

• Drinks

• Plus more........ $3 MUFFIN MONDAYS

August 2024 Calendar -Rechabites Picnic

Who were the Rechabites?

The image came to the Historical Society undated, but a search of the Geelong Advertiser gives reports of a junior concert in 1906, election of officers in 1910 and an anniversary concert in 1915. So we can guess the early 1900’s as the date of the picnic. The Mechanics Institute supper room houses an IOR honour board with photos of 15 of their members who served in The Great War.

The Independent Order of Rechabites (IOR) are a group of organisations who have been involved with spreading the message regarding the dangers of alcohol and drug abuse for over 170 years throughout Australia. This has been achieved through the benefits offered as friendly societies being health insurance and death benefits, by education and by offering companionship and social activities to like-minded people. The IOR health fund merged with HCF in 2005.

The Victoria District of Rechabites (District No. 82) was established in the 28th January 1861 with the transfer of Star of Australia Felix Tent No. 4 of the Tasmania District (which was established in Melbourne on the 25th January 1847) and Mount Alexander Tent No. 9 of the Tasmania District (began in Castlemaine on the 26th January 1860).

These two Rechabite Tents went on to become the first Tents of the new Victorian District with the Star of Australia Felix becoming Tent No. 1 and Mount Alexander Tent being Tent No. 2. It is interesting to note that Star of Felix Tent No.1 still meets today and is the oldest surviving Rechabite Tent of any Friendly Society in Australasia.

The term ‘tent’ comes from the biblical family in ancient Israel of Rechabites who lived in tents rather than houses and abstained from drinking wine.

It is interesting to note the legacy of the temperance movement, especially in Melbourne, with the building of ‘Coffee Palaces’ in opposition to hotels providing accommodation. During the 1880s many coffee palaces were created in Melbourne, with more than 50 existing by 1888. One famous coffee palace in the city was the Grand Coffee Palace (now the Windsor Hotel). There are many newspaper articles about activities at the two Inverleigh hotels, but only three about the local “tent”.

In 2024 it is highly unlikely that any families would pile onto an open wagon for a picnic, let alone dress in their best white dresses. At least everybody is sun smart with large, brimmed hats. The History Society does not have any images of group picnics for the past 50 years and we would welcome such additions to our files. Please remember if this unknown photographer hadn’t organised this image, you would have missed the story of the Independent Order of Rechabites.

The Inverleigh Historical Society was formed in 2004. It operates under the auspices of the Inverleigh Mechanics Institute and Public Hall Committee.

Our Aims are to collect and preserve items of local historic interest and to promote research and interest in local history.

We welcome all donations to our collection or the opportunity to copy material. We are most grateful to the many people who have kept the Historical Society in mind as they sorted through their own collections. We undertake many interesting projects and have enjoyable meetings, which you are welcome to attend.

RECHABITES PICNIC Photos: I.H.S. Collection

Southern Farming Systems

Immediate Media Release as of 22-7-24

Young Agriculture Professionals Network for South West Victoria

Are you a YAP based in South West Victoria? Young Agriculture Professionals (YAP’s) Network is designed for the youngest active generation on the farm, emerging leaders in agriculture, and anyone involved or interested in the agricultural industry. It's a great opportunity to learn, network, and socialize with like-minded individuals.

The inaugural event Fields of Futures dinner at GMHBA stadium marks the beginning of the project aimed at uniting South West Victoria's agricultural community, fostering a supportive network that can be relied upon during both good and tough times. YAPs is supported by Southern Farming Systems, South West Node of the Victorian Drought Resilience Adoption & Innovation hub and funded by the Australian Government's Future Drought Fund. YAPs offer a network of support and aims to build a resilient community through events, publications, resources, and services. It will be a network where members can seek help, offer advice, or simply connect in what can sometimes be an isolating industry.

If that sounds like you, join us at the Fields of Futures dinner on Wednesday 14 August at GMHBA stadium in Geelong and become a YAP. The dinner will feature special guests including Geelong Cats premiership player Rhys Stanley, the inspiring Dr Elle Moyle of Pathfinder Angus and hosted by the charismatic Oli Le Lievre from Humans of Agriculture, this evening promises to be both enlightening and entertaining.

This event is a ticketed only event, free for anyone aged 18+, including partners, family, friends, or colleagues involved or interested in agriculture. Get your tickets by July 30th to secure your spot. Bus transportation will be available from multiple pickup points throughout the Western Districts, with return service provided after the event. Follow the link on the ticketing site to book your seat.

Become a YAP and book your ticket https://bit.ly/46cp25z

If you would like more information about the network contact Greta Duff, SFS M: 0428 871 900 or E: gduff@sfs.org.au

Mature Aged Citizens Information Page

Are you retired or semi-retired? Are you 60 or over?

If you are … ....then you may be interested in our group.

A social Men’s group

meeting in Bannockburn twice a month:

*Club meeting (Meal $25) in Cultural Centre

6 - 9pm Third Tuesday each Month.

*Bus Trip from Bannockburn Cultural Centre to various destinations! $10 p.p.

9am to 4:30pm

Contacts : Rod McKenzie: 0408 527 704

Murray McMillan: 0408 036 783

Keith Burton: 0409 439 831



This group has been created to bring members of the community together

Maybe you are a senior citizen looking to make some new friends? OR

You live with a disability and want more social opportunities that are close by?

Maybe you are simply living alone and wanting something different to do and a person to have a cuppa with

Meet in the Inverleigh Public Hall @ Midday on 2nd Thursday each Month for a Meeting, guest speaker and afternoon tea and 4th Thursday each month for an outing.

Exercise Classes Each Thursday from 10am till 10:30.

At the Inverleigh Public Hall. Cost $5 each Seniors Meeting at Inverleigh Hall

Thursday 8th AUGUST @ Midday

Annual General Meeting

We will have lunch together ($10 each) Cooked again by "Jenny"


Thursday 22nd AUGUST @ 9am. we will be travelling to Creswick Woollen Mills, morning tea @ Beechworth Bakery Ballarat, lunch TBC. www.creswickwool.com

Confirm your booking with Peter Trevaskis 0407 100 791 for more info contact-

President: Peter Trevaskis 0407 100 791

Treasurer: Val Robertson 5265 1492



2 To increase social connectedness and reduce

and isolation in our community

3 To reduce the risk of mental health issues developing by doing the above

What s on this month?

Thursday 13th of June, 10:30am - Wintergrational Storytime in the Library

Thursday 27th of June, 10:30am - BINGO in the Cultral Centre

If you would like to get involved or know someone who would benefit from this kind of interaction reach out for more information on 5281 4444 or email Kelly at kelly kenshole@stockdaleleggo com au

Proudly Sponsored & Supported by

Hesse Rural Health - Inverleigh Exercise Group

Hesse Rural Health will shortly expand their weekly Exercise Group which meet in the Inverleigh Public Hall on Thursday's from 10am to 10:30.

This group targets the over 60's age group and provides a wide range of challenges including: *Balance * Strength *Co-ordination etc.

Led by Jaxon and his capable assistants, the routines are conducted in a lighthearted and friendly manner. Regular assessments are also conducted to gauge the strengths and weaknesses of each individual and adjustments to routines are made to suit each individuals need.

Fellowship together over a coffee at Sonny Cafe follows. Weekly cost is $5 pp and enrolment requires your "my aged care number" & "medicare number".

Come along on a Thursday morning and check out if this routine suits your needs. You will be made very welcome by all.


White Lotus Reiki and Crystals offers an extensive range of ethically sourced, genuine crystals, lamps, crystal and gem Jewellery, books, tarot and oracle cards, smudging products, homewares, warm winter shawls, scarves and so much more.

Jane is also a Reiki and Sound Healing practitioner, offering individual appointments, and beginning in July, group Sound Healings will be on offer at the Inverleigh Public Hall. Both Reiki and Sound Healing (or Sound Bath), aim to promote positive health and wellbeing and may assist to reduce stress, anxiety, sleeplessness and improve the bodies natural healing.

Traditional Usui/Tibetan Reiki, works to unblock and realign the body's seven main energy centres, known as chakras and involves the gentle laying of hands on or above the body to facilitate the harmonious flow of energy throughout the body.

Sound Healing is delivered through sound vibration utilising crystal singing bowls, each of which is aligned and tuned to the frequency of the seven main chakras and like Reiki, facilitates the harmonious flow of energies throughout the body.

If you would like to know more or to book an appointment, you can drop into the shop for a chat or contact Jane;

Mob: 0417 143 669

Shop: 1/29 High St, Inverleigh E: Whitelotus_reiki@outlook.com

You will also find us on Whitelotus Reiki and Crystals whitelotus_reiki

0407 850 041

0407 850 041

0407 850 041


To be held at the Victoria Park Reserve, Park Street, Inverleigh on the 10th September 2024 commencing at 6.30 pm

The purpose of the meeting is to nominate no less than three (3) or more than (9) persons as the Committee of Management for the Victoria Park Inverleigh Reserve for a term of three years.

The current committee’s term will expire on the 10th September 2024.

All positions will be declared open and nominations will be accepted prior to or on the night. Nominations from women, Aboriginal people, people with disabilities, young people and people from culturally diverse backgrounds are encouraged.

Further information, nomination forms and nominee declaration forms may be obtained by contacting your local Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action office or at the meeting.

For further enquiries please contact: the Secretary Christa Jones on 0408 342 403

Inverleigh Tree Succession Plan Update

New tree planting west of Inverleigh, south side scheduled for planting this September.

Council is pleased to announce that residents can look forward to a refreshed Inverleigh Avenue with the upcoming planting of Rough-Barked Apple trees (Angophora floribunda) scheduled for this September. This initiative is part of Council's ongoing Inverleigh Tree Succession Plan, aiming to replace the deteriorating avenue.

Before the new trees arrive, some preparatory work will be done to ensure proper drainage and level ground. This crucial step will be completed after Winter. The existing Cypress trees on the western side of the avenue will be removed later this year to make way for the new plantings. The remaining tree replacements are scheduled for 2025.

Council is committed to keeping the community informed and will provide further updates as the project progresses.

Existing cypress trees west of Inverleigh, north side scheduled for removal later this year.

Damian Baker’s Legacy to Inverleigh

Damian and Robyn Baker and their children, Carmen, Melissa and Cameron, moved to Inverleigh in 1997. During their time here, Damian helped change the face of Inverleigh for the benefit of everyone by developing the river tracks. Recently Damian and Robyn moved to a smaller house in Leopold overlooking the sea to begin a new phase of their lives enjoying family, spending time with six grandchildren and travelling.

The Baker family’s Inverleigh home was on a block overlooking the Leigh River on the Savage Estate. It was a much longed for return to country living for them, both Damian and Robyn having grown up on farms in Lismore, Victoria. The area below them and around the north side of the Leigh River was smothered with weeds and blackberries. A fallen log served as a river crossing.

Along with other locals, Damian, developed a vision for a pedestrian bridge to unite the town geographically and walking tracks so that people could enjoy one of the rare public access areas to the Leigh River. A well supported public meeting in 1999 led to the formation of the Inverleigh Open Space Committee. Many years of lobbying, grant seeking, bridge planning, mowing, weed clearing, fencing and revegetation with indigenous species has given locals and visitors the accessible and beautiful river surrounds we have today.

During Damian’s 26 years of tireless volunteer work to develop and maintain the river corridor and inspire locals to participate in the project, he contributed to liaising with the Golden Plains Shire, organisations such as Telstra for volunteer assistance, Landcare, and the Inverleigh Progress Association.

Damian also volunteered for the Inverleigh Cemetery Trust by becoming a Trustee and helping with mowing, maintaining and beautifying the cemetery.

It is no wonder that Damian was named Golden Plains Shire Senior Citizen of the Year for 2020, having been nominated by the Inverleigh Progress Association.

Damian grew up with his parents, Monica and John, and siblings Geraldine and Geoff on a fourth-generation wheat and sheep farm in Lismore. He was an outdoorsy, practical child who loved riding, competing in shows and playing football. He is a life member of the Lismore Football Club. After a short time at St Patricks College

in Camperdown, Damian attended Chanel College, Geelong, as a boarder. He left after form 5 to work on the farm with his father and later, for a short while, with his brother, Geoff. Damian and Robyn married in 1976 at the Catholic Church in Lismore, one the family had attended since its inaugural service in 1913.

Damian and Robyn were partners in businesses in Geelong where they lived until their move to Inverleigh. The family’s connection to the Catholic Church continued, with Damian writing the chapters on Inverleigh and Teesdale for the celebratory book, Parish of Meredith 1875 – 2000.

Damian and Robyn say that they were so lucky to have had wonderful neighbours, like-minded friends prepared to work for the open space vision, and friends who shared other interests such as tennis for Robyn and horse riding for Damian.

‘Seeing all ages, people with prams, everyone able to enjoy and appreciate our rivers – that is a wonderful reward for working for a community we love,’ said Damian. The Bakers will still regularly visit Inverleigh to enjoy the town, catch up with friends and to compete for the Inverleigh Bowls Club.

Contact Helen Collins on 0418 340 387 for all your Interior Design & Styling needs and she will work with you to create beautiful & functional spaces

Thanks to:

Ross & Caroline Wilson of Shelford and Mora Leach of Inverleigh for faithfully supplying the monthly rainfall figures. Your efforts are very much appreciated.

Golden Pens - Write side up

G’Day from the penners for August, the one thing I have noticed about doing this article each month is how quickly the month goes. It seems like I have just completed the article and sent it off, then it’s time for the next one to be written. Of course this is just a matter of perception, like most things in life. The writing groups perception is that everyone really enjoys our articles but if you would like to confirm, or deny, that idea then please let us know via our email. goldenpens4@gmail.com

If you have any ideas that you would like to reveal to us, please do so, we are such a friendly group of people. This month’s poem is written by John Roberts.

Cheers, Wendy.

Local trees stand tall (by John Roberts)

Oh, Granny Smith the apple of my day wherever I may be South East Australia is and has been home for 70 years

Thank-you Mother nature for each choice you made

In particular the many trees to climb in my childhood

Little blue and red from falls to be had from Boobiallas

Not like the Blue and Red gums

my axeman grandfather fell Hardwood timber and Off cuts heat for grandmother’s cooking Ah Manna for many bellies

scones buns butter and honey

Manna gum oozing to be used

long ribbons of white brown

Tea-tree fencing & cray pots

dilute rubbing of melaleuca oil

Black wattle bark & leaves

widespread tanning & eucalyptus oil

Tough furrowed Iron Barks look underneath Houses and Bridges.




Hello all,

I have had a report of a break in and theft from a caravan of one of the long term campers by the Barwon river Inverleigh. There have been some dubious characters frequenting the area recently so please be aware when in the area and report suspicious activity.

Had some recent hoon behaviour on top of the Shelford Hill on the Rokewood Shelford Road at the intersection of Cressy Shelford Road where numerous burnouts have been conducted shredding tyres. Recently a hoon has dropped the chain to the front of the Shelford cricket ground and entered the oval and done several lots on burnouts on the oval. If anyone happened to see the behaviour or have video of the offending, please let me know. There has been a lot of hoon activity in this and neighbouring areas with nearly every intersection in Teesdale having skid marks left on it.

It is a terrible look for the area, and I am sure local residents would be getting sick of it, but I cannot be every where at once and need information, photos or video of the offending to take action. If I catch offenders their cars will be impounded for a month with around a thousand-dollar tow cost and then a subsequent court case. The behaviour used to occur on back roads, but the offenders are getting bolder and currently doing it in the centre of the towns.

Someone must know who is involved. If you see people changing shredded tyres on their car or lots of mud/dirt in their wheel arches, it is pretty obvious what they have been up to.

I am still getting issues with youths opening up sections of work fencing around the new skate park/ pump course despite signs saying to keep out. A lot of people have gone to a fair bit of effort to lobby and to get funding to make the youth space but unfortunately some people are disrespecting them by breaking into the area and some have been doing burnouts on sections of it leaving black tyre circle marks everywhere. Youths have also been doing a lot of burnouts on petrol driven push bikes and e bikes on the grassed areas behind the fencing chewing it up and making it look terrible.

I am still receiving reports of youths roaming around the town late at night and on weekends and riding erratically, ‘key banging’ petrol driven bikes making sounds like fire crackers, riding dangerously in front of

traffic on the highway, riding with no lights etc.

For those parents that just let their kids roam about in the afternoon and on weekends how about you take a look around the town and check out the old Inverleigh rail station building and the damage to same, the debris thrown down next to the track including tyres large wood poles, panels from the building etc which could lead to a derailment if it wasn’t cleaned away. Also look at the large cypress tree opposite and see the collection of items/rubbish being amassed under this tree house and check out the remains of a fire lit there which smouldered in the compressed mulch underneath for two days and still had a lot of heat in it until a neighbour put it out.

Have a look down on the sporting ovals and see the burnout marks being carved into the septic tank mounds and nearby where youths have allegedly unplugged pumps to charge up their bikes causing an issue with the system there.

Check out the burnout marks on the concrete outside the netball court and the neighbouring gravel car park of the bowls club and in the gravel out the front of the police station. Maybe sit on the side of the road on a weekend in your car and watch the many youths flying around on electric scooters, petrol driven push bikes and e bikes who scream along the footpaths, service roads and on the main road in amongst traffic seemingly obsessed with doing mono’s etc and they even fly across in front of oncoming traffic. You may even see them trying to bait me into chasing them by revving the bikes nearby to where I am speaking to a motorist or filling the car up with petrol and the first sign of me moving they take off through parks etc. Recently youths sat opposite the station while I was in doing paperwork. They were gesturing and flashing their bike lights trying to get my attention until the rain came and these ‘heroes’ dispersed. Another occasion around 8.20 pm at night they were in the camping area beside the Hamilton Hwy flying along in the dark and then several did burnouts and flashed their lights at me while I was sitting opposite with the radar. Soon as I moved they took off up the track beside the river towards federation bridge. In other parts of Victoria we know of reports over recent years of people in stolen cars trying to bait Police into chasing them sometimes with tragic results, is this the type of behaviour that some of these youths are developing even though


they are just on petrol bikes, e bikes, electric scooters etc? As you can readily see on many police reality shows people in chases make poor decisions and mistakes and they often crash injuring themselves and others. I cannot believe kids out here are engaging in this behaviour at such a young age and parents either don’t care or are oblivious because they have no idea what their kids are doing!

Youth should not be roaming around in the dark on motorised bikes and scooters after 8 pm on school nights, they should be home. Parents need to take electric scooters and petrol push bikes off them totally as they cannot legally ride them. They should only permit their children to ride trail bikes in legal areas under their supervision.

I heard of a parent bragging at the pub one night about his son being one of the youths that took off on me on a trail bike a while ago and that he tells them if they see me to flee. What kind of behaviour is that instilling in the youth.

As I mentioned earlier go and have a look at the burnout marks being left on the new skate park and all the marks being left in the now mud out the back.

I have visited and spoke to quite a few parents recently about various youth’s behaviour. Many other residents inform me that the parents don’t care. I am hoping that they do care, and they may not be quite aware of what the youths are getting up to.

A while ago a credit card was taken by some youths and used around various businesses to obtain hundreds of dollars’ worth of items. The youths were identified, and they were spoken to and officially cautioned with parents present. I thought that would have been a wake-up call to a lot of parents around the town about knowing what their kids are getting up to, but it obviously wasn’t.

Some residents have been attempting to point out poor behaviour to the youths and are reporting to me that they are getting obscene gestures and offensive language directed back at them. A lot of residents know the identities of the youths and they are gaining a poor reputation in the town.

I am hoping this will be the last time I have to mention wayward youths’ behaviour, but I feel it will not be.


Hot Water Services

Water Leaks

Blocked Drains


Gutters & Downpipes

Tanks & Pumps

Mini Excavator Hire

And much more…

PHONE FRASER- 0409952253


LIC. 111439

Local Towing Operator, DAVO's TOWING can handle all your towing needs, as you can see from the attached photos.

David and Isabell are available to answer all your questions related to moving cars and machinery. Give them a call 0429 958 769


Supporting your community

When you choose to bank with Bendigo Bank, good things happen in your community.

Like our sponsorship of Inverleigh Fire Brigade

And when you belong to one of Australia’s biggest banks, good things happen with your banking too.

Feel good about who you bank with.

Find out more. Call us on 5267 3189 or search Bendigo Bank Winchelsea & District.

Community Bank Winchelsea & District

2 weeks FREE respite *

Estia Health Bannockburn. is a Residential Aged Care home with current vacancies for respite and permanent care. Call Kelly on 0419 030510 if you would like to have a look at our wonderful home – tours available most days and time.

72 Mc Phillips Rd, Bannockburn, 52811991

* Conditions apply

Inverleigh Art Group

Cooking and Gardening

At Shelford Primary School we enjoy cooking and gardening ‘School Pride’ every fortnight, keeping us well connected with our school environment and independent, respectful, kind and caring students.

Here are some photos from this term of our cooking endeavours. We made our own mini pizzas and they were yummy! Here's Maggie!


Inverleigh Seniors recently had an outing to Footscray Market. We were fortunate to follow the rain showers as we went by train. What a wide range of Fruit, Vegetables, Meat and Poultry on offer plus Some specialty foods like Oysters, Crabs, Crays etc and some exoctic items like pickled eggs, tripe etc.

A large variety of Hot drinks and delicious foods were also available, plus a range of specialty shops

Next month we are planning a trip to Creswick woolen Mills, just past Ballarat, with morning tea on the way and lunch to follow.

A very enjoyable day was had by all and we are looking forward to the next outing.

If you would like to know more about Inverleigh Seniors, come to one of our meetings. Contact details on page 14 of this issue and you can ring me on 0407 100 791 or email: inverleighseniors@gmail.com


30 Leigh News


are held in INVERLEIGH on second Saturday of the month 9:30 to 10:00 @Sonny Cafe and in BANNOCKBURN @ St. Mary MacKillop School 4th Saturday each Month



Est. 14th July 2014

This branch meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm at Teesdale Hall, Main Road Teesdale.

All ages welcome. It is not an “oldies” group. If you are interested in attending please contact: Shirley 0447 873 763

Lions Club

of Inverleigh

Leigh Valley

"Lions Club newspaper collection".

Leigh Valley Lions Club collects newspapers & magazines for recycling. Funds raised are used for both local & international Lions projects. Community members are asked to deposit their papers in "LIONS" marked wheely bins located at Inverleigh Hall & beside the Bannockburn Library in High St. Pick up of large amounts can be arranged by text or phone to Secretary John Crowe 0414 674 156.



Inverleigh’s OP Shop

Open: Mondays: 1 – 4 PM Tuesdays, Fridays & Saturdays

9 AM – 1 PM Closed School Holidays

EFTPOS and Cash

Do not accept:

Electrical Goods, Car Seats, Furniture, Bikes

Contact the Editor to promote your community activity here



For only $15 each Chain you can get your chains looking brand new 0447 516 857 or 0407 850 041 TODAY TO GET YOUR CHAINS READY FOR THE WINTER. DROP OFF OR PICKUP IS AVAILABLE

Golden Plains Baha’i Community

The Baha’i Faith upholds the oneness of God, the oneness of Religion and the oneness of mankind. Religion should unite all hearts and bring spirituality and world peace. The equality of men and women is essential to create peace.

Spiritual education for all. We have no clergy as it is up to each person to investigate truth for himself. “The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens” Baha’u’llah For more information: bahai.org or Bannockburn 52 812 102, Teesdale 52 815 143, or Ross Creek 53 420 286

Opening hours: Tuesday-Friday 10 to 4 Saturday 10 to 1

Justices of the Peace

Mr Keith Windle 77 Dundas Street INVERLEIGH Ph: 0429 651 298

Mrs E McDonald 47 High Street Inverleigh Ph: 5265 1270

Mr Peter Bufton 110 Savage Drive INVERLEIGH Ph: 0448 694 204

Mr Rod McKenzie 7 Ruxton Crt. Bannockburn Ph: 0408 527 704

Mr Stephen Gilligan SHELFORD Ph: 0409 432 933



A00041565N meets for rally every 2nd Sunday @10.00am Victoria Park, Park Street, Inverleigh Vic 3321

New Members always welcome for enquiries please contact

Pres. Narelle Bogle 0438 034 313 Sect. Claire Heazelwood 0438 449 048 P O BOX 87 INVERLEIGH VIC 3321


St. Joseph’s Catholic Parish of Meredith

Contact: Parish Priest Fr. Joseph Mob. 0404 598 558 Office: 5286 1230

Office open Wednesday & Friday 9.30am to 4.30 pm


Winchelsea - St. John the Baptist @ 5pm Sat. AUG. 3, 10, 17, 24 31,

Anakie – St. Brigid @ 9am Sun. AUG. 4, 18

Meredith – St. Joseph @ 9am Sun. AUG. 11, 25

Bannockburn – St. Mary MacKillop @ 11am Sun. AUG. 4, 11, 18, 25

Inverleigh – Sacred Heart @ 4pm Sun. AUG. 18

Weekly Bus Service provided for residents without transport to shop in Geelong! The Bus leaves the Inverleigh Hall

Every FRIDAY at 9:30 am and leaves Geelong at 2:15pm for the return trip.


Inverleigh “Forwedonotpreachourselves, but ChristJesustheLord...” (2 Corinthians 4.5)

Sunday Service at Inverleigh 10 am.


For further information: Rev.SurendraWesley 0428489222



Inverleigh Hall Hall Hire


Anglican Church

Church Services each Sunday 8 am Inverleigh 10 am Bannockburn 5pm Meredith

38 High Street, Inverleigh Rev’d Dr. Tim Smith 0412 673 152 Geoff Morgan 0408 106 559

Inverleigh and District Red Cross

Meet monthly in Inverleigh Public Hall at 1.30pm. April 8th

June 17th

August 12th AGM at 12noon October 14th December 2nd 12noon Xmas Lunch at Bowling Club

Heather Bogie President 0408 521 090.

Cathy Altmann Secretary 0409 024 578.

If so, please contact: Anne-Maree Tarbett 0417 512 240 Can You Help Here?

The Inverleigh Hall Committee promotes the use of the hall and develops and maintains our fabulous community asset.

If you would like to become involved by serving on the committee or by initiating activities at the hall, please contact

Anne-Maree Tarbett 0417 512 240


Welcomes existing and new members alike.

We are so much more than just Tea and Scones ladies!

Social Meetings 7.30pm every last Wednesday of the month (except Dec/Jan).

Meet in Presbyterian Church Hall. inverleighcwa@gmail.com or Brooke Wauchope. Ph 0431 006 761

32 Leigh News


Park Street









Reasonable Rates


Narelle Bogle 0438 034 313

Tai Chi @

Bannockburn Men's Shed Wesnesday’s 9.30 - 10.30am and Winchelsea Community House on Friday morning from 9.am. phone: 0414 944



Bring a craft, learn a new craft or come for a walk, chat and cuppa.

Meets 2nd & 4th Tuesday’s , 9.30am - 1.30pm At Teesdale Community Hall

*BYO craft and lunch

*Tea & Coffee provided.

Cost $5 Joining fee. $3 per session Contact Lesley 0400 547 157 or Shirley 0447 873 763


(Formerly Community Hall) Behind the CFA Building Main Road, Teesdale FOR ALL YOUR HIRING NEEDS

Hall, Meeting Room, Kitchen, Tables, Chairs & Crockery.

For bookings, phone Dale on 0428 386 724

Meredith And District Motor Cycle Club

We meet the 3rd Sunday of every month for our ride day (NO RACING AND NO QUADS /4 WHEELERS)

We have 2 tracks: One that is set up as a motocross track that is marshalled and we also have a smaller flat track for kids/beginners to learn to ride.

St Johns is in attendance as well as a canteen.

For more information please: head over to our Facebook page MADMCC or call 0415 503 869.

Ballarat Chooks Pullets for Sale:

Hyline Brown Sexed and Vaccinated.

Delivering to: Winchelsea (Eastern Reserve), Inverleigh (Lawsons Park), & Bannockburn (B&S Stockfoods)

Text or Ring Kelvin 0400 559 559 for delivery dates and times

"Ballarat Chooks Information Page"

Please like my page!


wish to advise the Scrap Bin is CLOSED until further Notice.



LOVE TO SING BUT THINK YOUR TERRIBLE? INVERLEIGH SING SESH IS FOR YOU? Further info: call Robyn 0408 346 222 or follow us on facebook.

Threats to the Inverleigh Nature Conservation Reserve

•Firewood removal. Despite being illegal (significant fines apply), some people have cut down old trees with hollow trunks and branches. These hollows take many decades to develop and are home to a range of birds, mammals and reptiles.

•Some people still think it is OK to take a trailer load of rubbish into the reserve and dump it there.

•Riding trail bikes and driving 4-wheel drive vehicles off the official tracks destroys vegetation. Some people think that a trail bike has thin tyres and wouldn’t do much harm, but repeated riding over the same track and deliberate spraying up of soil creates very significant damage. Trail bike riders continue venturing into previously undisturbed areas of the bush, creating new damage every year.

•Weeds such as serrated tussock, gorse, boneseed, African weed orchid and sallow wattle are found in the reserve.


The prickly Acacia (Acacia paradoxa) is spreading and taking over. Found in only 5% of the reserve 70 years ago, it is estimated to be present in about 70% now. In many affected parts the growth is so thick that it shuts out all other plants. Contractors for Parks Victoria have been mulching some areas of Acacia in recent years, mainly in the periphery of the reserve, to reduce the fire hazard. Unfortunately, Acacia is starting to grow back in some areas that were mulched several

years ago.

Leigh News 33

This Acacia grows readily from seed and does not require fire to trigger germination. Young plants can produce seeds in their second or third year of growth. These plants can live for over 50 years and can grow more than four metres high.

The Friends of Inverleigh Nature Conservation Reserve have working bees to remove weeds, including prickly Acacia. Please get in touch if you would like to help.

Please feel free to remove prickly Acacia if you find it growing near your property or while walking in the bush. But be careful – the prickles are small but very sharp.

by Keith Windle, on behalf of Friends of Inverleigh Nature Conservation Reserve windle.keith@gmail.com 0429 651 298

Mike's snake removal

Licensed 0401 732 399

(Call out fee applies)



•Dental Month 10% Discount

•Pocket Pet Desexing

•Daisy of Flipping Disc Dogz


Dr Hugh Gibson

Dr Hugh has jumped into new graduate vet life, getting involved in a caesarian on French Bulldog. He helped deliver 9 little puppies which is quite a large litter for a Frenchie.

Mum is recovered and the puppies are doing well. Congrats Dr Hugh!

Spring is just around the corner

Dental Month 10% Discount

August is Dental Month and we are offering 10% discount on bookings for dental, scale and polish procedures!

Dental disease is one of the most common medical conditions seen by veterinarians. At first dental disease may only inflame the gums, but if left untreated can affect the bone around the tooth roots leading to severe oral pain, loss of teeth.

Severe dental disease can contribute to heart, liver and kidney problems.

What are the symptoms of dental disease?

Discoloured teeth

Bad breath

Excessive drooling

Redness or bleeding gums

Pawing at the mouth

Difficulty eating

Loss of appetite

This is the perfect time to have a dental check up for your pet. If you would like to book a consult or a dental procedure during August please call the clinic on 03 5281 1221.

Pocket Pet Desexing

Did you know we desex pocket pets such as rats, rabbits, guinea pigs and ferrets?

Recently we had a little rat named Coffee Bean visit the vet clinic for a desexing procedure. Rats benefit from desexing much like cats and dogs do, by reducing aggression and decreasing the chance of developing cancers.

We made sure Coffee Bean was kept warm and comfortable before, during and after his procedure. He certainly was a little delight to have in the clinic!

With spring just around the corner knowing what to look out for can keep your pet safe.

Here are a few of our top tips.

* Be aware of harmful flowers and plants.

* Fleas, Ticks and Heartworm are always around but are more prevelant druing the warmer months.

* Check your pet for grass seeds that can become lodged into paws, ears, eyes and their coat.

* Grass allergies and allergic reactions can cause itching, hair loss, minor sniffling and sneezing.

Contact the clinic on 03 5281 1221 if you require more information or would like to book a consultation regarding any of the above with one of our vets. That lip curl cats make after sniffing something is called the flehmen response. They use their tongue to trap the pheromones above the roof of their mouth to process them.

Daisy of Flipping Disc Dogz

We are so pleased to have been sent a personally signed copy of their debut book from Daisy of Flipping Disc Dogz fame!!

You may have seen them on Australia's Got Talent, and the tribe are now part of a circus act in Queensland.

We love they thought of us to send us a copy- you can read it in our waiting room!

Clinic Hours: Monday - Friday 7.30am – 6.30pm Saturday 8.00am – 1.00pm

Telephone: 03 52811 221


ü Dr. Peter Bond

ü Dr. Kylie Flanagan

ü Dr. Kelly Bond

ü Dr. Keeley Hunter

ü Dr. Hugh Gibson

ü Dr. Charlie Sinclair

We recognise animals large and small are part of your family and our team is committed to providing the best health care available

1759 Midland Highway, Bannockburn



Our fleet of vehicles are growing to all late models and we are now covering an extended area including: Winchelsea, Colac, Bannockburn, Inverleigh, Great Ocean Road and Geelong.

We have a fleet of 10 seater Maxi Vans, all with Capacity to carry wheelchairs.

Surfcoast Taxis Pty. Ltd.

All Bookings: 0408 325 992

Fax: 5267 2699

Email: bannotaxis@gmail.com

(Admin or Stan 0429 672 888)

66A Batson Street, Winchelsea, 3241. NDIS provider number 4050001044

Come and join us for some fun!

Inverleigh Playgroup welcomes all parents, grandparents and carers with children aged 0-4. Come along and try a session!

We run a weekly play session which brings families together to learn and develop through informal play activities and social interaction.

Our aim is to provide a variety of experiences, toys and activities for children to enjoy, and create an inclusive atmosphere where care givers can have a hot drink, relax and build connections that last beyond playgroup.

New members are always welcome, we hope to see you at a session soon!

Please join our Facebook page to keep up to date with weekly events and special announcements!

When: Wednesdays during school terms

Time: 9.15 – 11.15am

Where: Inverleigh Public Hall

Cost: $5 per family

What to bring: Please bring a piece of fruit to be cut and shared, a drink bottle and a hat

Tea & coffee provided


Six monthly check-ups with your local dentist is a gauranteed way to ensure your smile stays brilliant and your teeth remain healthy with preventitive fluride treatments, dental sealants and early detection of of cavities and gum disease.


Book now online at: www.goldenplainsdentalservices.com or call us on (03)4217 381

Conveniently located in the centre of Banockburn: 5/14 High St, Bannockburn, Vic 3331

Opening hours Weekends 9am til 2pm Tuesday & Wednesday by appointment Weekdays 8am til 5pm


Danny’s Firewood & Tree Services

Directory of Clubs, Services and Organisations

Below is a directory for clubs, organisations and services operating in Inverleigh, Teedale, Shelford and surrounding areas. If you are interested in obtaining further information about an organisation, please feel free to ring and have a chat with them. Any club or organisation who wishes to be listed, please forward details to us and we will include your listing. We would also appreciate being kept up to date with contact details.


Anglican Church Inverleigh (St Pauls) 38 High Street, Inverleigh services: please check Leigh News for current times

contact: Rev. Dr Tim Smith Ph: 5265 1284 / 0412 673 152

Friends of Inverleigh Nature Conservation Reserve.

President: Keith Windle, 0429 651 298 windle.keith@gmail.com

Geelong & District

Carriage Drivers

Christa Jones 0408 342 403 gdcd.secretary@gmail.com

Inverleigh Bowls Club

Pres. Adrian Hurring 0418 593 849

Sec. Jenny Peel 0418 301 939

Inverleigh Cemetery Trust

Chairman: Bruce McDonald 0408 567 970

Sextant: Alex (Sandy) McCallum 0408 378 752

Secretary: Tonya Allen. 0411 624 309 inverleighcemetery@gmail.com

Inverleigh Cricket Club

Pres: Marcus Warton ph. 0400 199 309

Inverleigh CWA

Brooke Wauchope 0431 006 761. Inverleighcwa@gmail.com

Inverleigh Football/Netball Club

President: David Haste 0425 810 983

Inverleigh-Leigh Valley Lions Club

Keith Robson 0408 270 107 inverleigh.lions@gmail.com

Inverleigh Golf & Disc Golf Club

President: Greg Erwin 0408 651 744 Email: golf3321@bigpond.com

Inverleigh Historical Society

Christine Windle 0403 267 286

Liz McDonald 0417 066 433

Inverleigh Playgroup

President: Holly Windle. 0432 632 130

Inverleigh Progress Assoc.

President:Hilary Hamilton 5265 1384

Inverleigh Riding Club

Leighdale Equestrian Centre

Mark Mummery - 0437 807 675 or Melinda Spiller 0413 648 012

Inverleigh RSL Sub-Branch

President: Deema Johnston 5281 1106

Inverleigh Tennis Club

Shane Lubcke 0410 483 690

Leigh District Landcare Group

Pres: Campbell Brumby 0419 889 757

Sec: Louise Blersch

Leigh District Adult Riding Club

President: Narelle Bogle 0438 034 313

Secretary: Claire Heazelwood 0438 449 048

Victoria Park Reserve Bookings, Narelle Bogle 0438 034 313


Murgheboluc Recreation Reserve. 0459 042 910 - committee member booking site - spacetoco email - murgheboluc.hall@outlook.com


Shelford Cricket Club

Robert Rice (Pres) 0459 491 698

Shelford Progress Association Sec: Glenn Jeffery 0413 317 779


CWA Native Hut Branch

Shirley Wild Ph: 0447 873 763

Leighdale Equestrian Centre

Mark Mummery - 0437 807 675 or Melinda Spiller 0413 648 012

Leighdale Pony Club Inc. Pres: Tom McCann 5265 1169 Sec: Sue Moran 0437 914 454

Teesdale Branch Liberal Party Charlie Hartup 5281 5222

Teesdale Cricket Club Alister Woods. 0439 395 456

Teesdale Pre School

Mandy Bartlett. 5281 5488

Teesdale Sporting Complex Mrs Kay Hower. 5281 5389

Teesdale Tennis Club Mrs Judy Evans. 5281 5328

Teesdale Community Hall Dale Smithyman 5281 5486

Working Sheepdog Club Glenn Agnew 0427 325 905


Bannockburn & District Men's Shed Syd McConachy (Pres) Geoff Wild (Sect) 0407 835 731

-S E S

Emergency 000

Windstorm and Flood 132 500




LifeLine 5222 2233 or 13 11 14

B’burn Surgery 5281 1481

B’burn Vet 5281 1221

Surfcoast Taxi 0408 325 992

Barwon Water 1300 656 007

Power Failure 13 24 12

Geelong Hospital Accident & Emergency 5226 7564

Golden Plains Equine Vets 0437 467 097

Golden Plains Medical Centre 5281 2320

Wildlife Rescue 0500 540 000

Women’s Domestic Violence Crisis Service 1800 015 188

Shire Ranger 5220 7111

If you would like your Club or Service included in this directory, or if you need to update any details above, please contact the Editor. leighnews@bigpond.com

28 High St, Inverleigh Vic 3321

Opening Hours: 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday 8am to 12pm Saturday. Phone: 5265 1648


Leigh News © 2013, Inverleigh Progress Association Inc.

The Leigh News is published monthly (except January) by the Inverleigh Progress Association Incorporated, and is distributed free in the townships of Inverleigh, Teesdale, Bannockburn and Shelford, and the surrounding districts. Letters, comments, suggestions, articles, and reports from readers are welcome whether or not intended for publication.

The Leigh News is prepared and assembled by the Editor and printed using environmentally friendly materials and distributed by volunteer workers.

Circulation: 750.

Editorial and Advertising Items submitted for inclusion in the Leigh News should be clearly marked “For inclusion in the (month) Leigh News” and in by the 25th day of each month

Advertisements should be marked with the size of advert required and the number of editions in which it is to be displayed.

Advertisements or Editorial contributions should be clearly addressed to:

“Leigh News”, PO Box 247, Inverleigh, Victoria 3321 or leighnews@bigpond.com


Contributions to the Leigh News are published with the permission of various bodies and representatives who supply the information, photos advertisements and crosswords. None of this information should be used by any other publication without first requesting permission of the supplier of this information. Using material without seeking permission is plagiarism and carries penalties.

The views or ideas expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editorial committee or of the Inverleigh Progress Association.

While we try to check the integrity, the publication of advertisements is not an endorsement of the advertiser’s product or quality of workmanship.

Leigh News - Advertising Costs from 1st January 2020

Contact: The Editor (Peter Trevaskis) 0407 100 791 leighnews@bigpond.com www.inverleigh.org.au Deadline is 25th each month (except NO January issue) Limited printed Colour is available (contact Editor) ALL electronic copies are in Full Colour

For further information about advertising and costs in the Leigh News: contact Peter Trevaskis on 0407 100 791 or leighnews@bigpond.com

Please forward accounts and payments to: Tony Waayers, Leigh News, inverleighpa@yahoo.com.au PO Box 247, Inverleigh 3321. Phone: 0418 489 486


River Water




Murray McMillan is away for a period of time and during his absence Gwenda Smith will be the contact for Keys for the Stand Pipe pumps. Please phone Gwenda on 0400 296 354 after 5:30 weekdays or anytime weekends. Please call at 14 Peel Rd, Inverleigh, after making phone contact with Gwenda. She will get new clients to complete a registration form with your contact details, including name, address, phone number and email address. A key will be provided for your personal use only. Payment can be made by Cash ($69 total) or an invoice can be forwarded to your email address.


Dr Cameron Profitt

Dr John Henderson

Dr Benjamin Fry

Dr Rupali Jain

Dr Veronica Donahoe

Dr Edward Carson

Dr Rimas Liubinas

A humble beginning for Bannockburn Surgery when it first opened its doors in 1983 – small rooms located between what was the original supermarket and pharmacy.

Soon outgrowing these rooms, they moved in 1986 to 19 High Street with two consulting rooms, a small treatment room and tiny tearoom for its team members. Its current building (16 High Street) was opened in the year 2000 – a purpose-built practice complete with five consulting rooms and a sixth added in 2010.

The practice has grown from strength to strength and has a wonderfully dedicated team of Doctors, Nurses, Reception team and Practice Manager. They also have access to high-quality Allied Health services including podiatry and newly introduced acupuncture with Dr Rimas Liubinas, with plans for more services to follow.

For Bannockburn Surgery who celebrated their forty-year anniversary a few weeks ago, this was a proud milestone. The surgery welcomed back former team members: doctors, nurses, administration staff, and allied health for an evening of festivities reminiscing on the past forty-years and what the future holds for the practice.

The Directors (and Principal GPs) of Bannockburn Surgery would like to take the opportunity to say thank you to those whom have been part of their practice team, past and present. And also extends a warm thank you to patients for ongoing support in entrusting their health to the team at Bannockburn Surgery and their journey.

The surgery has a proud history and is incredibly excited for the future. Not only the future of Bannockburn Surgery, but also in continuing to support the growing community of Bannockburn and its surrounds. The surgery has grand plans and is eagerly awaiting to commence build

Bannockburn Surgery is a fully accredited medical practice that provides comprehensive GP services and have been practising within the community for 40 years. Bannockburn Surgery is the largest practice within the shire.

We are an accredited teaching practice –training medical students, nursing students and future GPs.

Dr Rebecca Tidd

Dr Bushra Akhund

Dr Abhirami Selvakumar

Dr Ernest Cheng

of their purpose-built facility to be located next door to their current premises.

It is pleased to announce that another GP Registrar will be joining the team from August, Dr Ernest Cheng, which will extend the provision of service even further. They are also very fortunate that their two current GP Registrars; Dr Bushra Akhund and Dr Abhi Selvakumar will be continuing at the practice for an additional six months.

Bannockburn Surgery doctors will be continuing to bulk-bill patients with healthcare cards and pension cards, as well as those under 16 years old.

Appointments are available daily and the doctors are welcoming new patients.

Book online via the website or contact (03) 5281 1481.


I’m proud that the Albanese Labor Government is providing vital, additional cost of living relief for everyone in Corangamite. Every single taxpayer will now get a tax cut and every single household will get $300 in energy bill relief from July.

The Government is helping Australians right now, while working to tackle inflation and deliver a Future Made in Australia. We know there’s still more to do and I’ll keep working every day to deliver for our communities.

From 1 July, the Government is delivering:

A tax cut for every Australian taxpayer;

$300 energy bill relief for every Australian household and $325 for small businesses;

A freeze on the cost of PBS medicines for every Australian;

More funding to build more homes in every part of the country.

This comes on top of a third consecutive pay rise for 2.6 million workers, backed by this Government. It builds on cost of living measures the Government has already delivered, such as cheaper childcare, fee-free TAFE, and the biggest investment ever in expanding bulk-billing.

And, as always, my office is available to provide more information about these initiatives and other government services including the NDIS and Centrelink – I look forward to hearing from you!

to help.

Located in the New Bannockburn Shopping Centre.

Opening hours:

- Monday to Friday: 8:30am - 6:00pm

- Saturday: 9:00am - 1:00pm

- Sunday’s & Public holidays = CLOSED

Pharmacy Features

* Professional

- Vaccination Clinic

(Flu, Covid, Shingles, Whooping Cough & Travel Vaccinations)

- Victorian Community Pharmacy Pilot allowing us to prescribe for:

(i) treatment of shingles

(ii) treatment of flare-up mild psoriasis (iii) resupply of select oral contraceptive pills without a prescription for women (iv) antibiotics for uncomplicated pills without a prescription for women

- Absence from work certificates

- Blood Pressure Testing

- Diabetes Australia (NDSS) Agency

- Home Medicine Reviews

- Webster-paks

- Free Prescription filing service

- Free Prescription reminder service (myTWC app & medAdvisor app)

- Extensive range of Vitamins & Supplements

- MooGoo products

- Natio

- Medela Breastpump Hire

- Hiring of crutches

- Weight Loss products

- Ear & Nose piercing

- Home Delivery Service to:

o Bannockburn

o Teesdale/Shelford

o Inverleigh

o Lethbridge

o Batesford

* Other Products & Services

- TerryWhite Chemmart Rewards PLUS Program

* FREE to join

* 20% Discount off gifts ALL YEAR

- Extensive GIFTS to choose from, including:

* Glasshouse

* Frank Green

* Handbags & Wallets

* Fragrances

* Aromatherapy & Wellbeing

- afterpay available

- Maybelline

- Designer Brands

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