Leigh News Inverleigh

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Leigh News

An Inverleigh Progress Association Publication ISSN 0313-8453

inverleigh.org.au MARCH 2020

Volume 47 Number 2

On Tuesday the 23rd of February, the truck and the McHarry's School bus (pictured above) collided at a major intersection in Inverleigh. The bus driver received serious lower body injuries and was flown by Helicopter to hospital. More details on page 3. *Proposed Sheep Dairy on Wichelsea Rd rejected by Council. Details Page 5.

2 Leigh News WHAT'S ON? Youth Pop Up Space Wednesday's 3:30 to 6:30 P4 13 & 14 March Community Garage Sale P11 20 & 21 March Southwern Open Studios P6 & 7 10 May Inverleigh Mwechanics Institute AGM P4 29 & 30 May Book Bazaar P4


Inverleigh Public Hall

on the 3rd Wednesday of each month @7 :30pm (Except January)

VISITORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME President: Hilary Hamilton Secretary: Luanne Thornton Treasurer: Tony Waayers Leigh News Editor: Peter Trevaskis

meet in the Inverleigh Public Hall

0n the 4th Monday of each Month @ 8pm

(Except December & January) VISITORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME President: Katrina Robson

The Progress Association has been actively working towards improving the amenity of Inverleigh for over 40 years. Of course all such organisations need volunteers and the Association is no exception. Without them nothing happens. If you have some ideas for the town you would like to achieve, you are welcome to join us and help achieve them. Some of the projects completed by the Progress Association include: The Federation Bridge which was built to commemorate the centenary of Federation in 2001. Walking Tracks were established with lots of support from the community, including fencing and tree planting. Public Toilets Progress Association members worked for many years with Council to have the old toilets removed and a new block built, which did not detract from the entrance to our town. They are used more than any other toilets in the Shire. The Clock a new clock was recently installed on the clock tower in our main street, clearly visable from the General Store across the road. Town Entrance Signs. IPA worked for many years to procure the 2 Entrance Signs (Hamilton Highway East and West) welcoming travellers to our town.

The Inverleigh Historical Society was formed in 2004. It operates under the auspices of the Inverleigh Mechanics Institute and Public Hall Committee. Our Aims are to collect and preserve items of local historic interest and to promote research and interest in local history. We welcome all donations to our collection or the opportunity to copy material. We are most grateful to the many people who have kept the Historical Society in mind as they sorted through their own collections. We undertake many interesting projects and have enjoyable meetings, which you are welcome to attend.

Peter’s Editorial

Hello everyone! What an exciting month it has been. You can see from the front cover that there has been quite a few things going on in the district. To all the people that responded the Truck and Bus incident we want to say a big "Thank You" for your swervice on the day. The local and other CFA, The Bannockburn and other SES, the medical teams, the Police and the locals who may have assisted in some way. We wish Rachel from the house all the best as she comes to terms with the shock of having a B Double about to land at the foot of her bed, and to the McHarry's bus driver we also say well done to minimise what could have been much worse by your actions. May you have a quick and full recovery. To the students waiting to join the bus at the General Store, we wish you no long lasting effects from witnessing this accident. Please join me in saying thanks, for someone above looking over our town. It could have be so much worse. Till next month-Stay Safe.

Leigh News 3

At approximately 8am on Tuesday the 23rd of February, the truck pictured above and a McHarry's School bus collided at the intersection of Dundas Street (Winchelsea Rd) and the Hamilton Highway (near the Service Station) in Inverleigh. The bus driver received serious lower body injuries and was flown, by helicopter, to receive medical treatment. The truck driver was shaken but did not receive any physical injuries. The bus was intending to move from the highway to the north service rd to taken on school students and transport them to Geelong. There were no school students on the bus at the time of the accident. We wish a speedy recovery to the bus driver, the truck driver, the occupant of the house, who had just left the bedroom to go to the bathroom, and the school students who would have witnessed the incident while waiting at the Inverleigh General Store. The incident raises questions about visibility at the intersection and the need to upgrade it to cope with current day traffic conditions.

4 Leigh News

Inverleigh Public Hall High Street, Inverleigh On the last weekend of Autumn

Saturday 29th May 2021 9am—4pm

Sunday 30th May 2021 9am—4pm Book donations are welcome, please contact: Katrina 0400 527 352 - Inverleigh Tonya 0411 624 309 - Geelong

Tonya 0411 624 309 Geelong

Inverleigh Mechanics Institute Reserve Committee of Management Incorporated Notice is given of a Public Meeting

to be held on Monday May 10th 2021, at 8 pm at the Inverleigh Public Hall, 71 High St Inverleigh. The purpose of the meeting is to nominate people to serve in a volunteer capacity on the Inverleigh Public Hall Committee (Inverleigh Mechanics Institute Reserve Committee of Management Inc) for the next three-year period. The current committee’s term will expire on May 22nd, 2021. All positions will be declared open. Nominations will be accepted prior to or on the night. Nominations are welcome from any interested people who have the time to devote to taking an active part in the management of the reserve. Four meetings are held each year – on the second Monday in February, May, August and November. The committee is responsible for day to day running of the hall, financial management, maintenance and development of the facility, fund raising, and running activities to promote community connections. Being a committee member is a rewarding role and makes a valuable contribution to our community. For further information please contact:

Bruce McDonald, President, 5265 1270 bruce3321@gmail.com Christine Windle, Secretary, 0403 267 286, windlechristine@gmail.com

Leigh News 5 SURF COAST SHIRE COUNCIL REJECTS INTENSIVE SHEEP DAIRY APPLICATION IN INVERLEIGH On 23 February 2021 Surf Coast Shire Council formally rejected a Planning Application by Edilan Pty Ltd to establish what would have been the largest intensive factory farmed sheep dairy in Australia. The ambitious proposed intensive sheep dairy, utilizing more than 10,500 sheep, was to be established on land at 1440 Inverleigh Winchelsea Road, Inverleigh less than 5km from Inverleigh township. The Councillors voted to reject the application by 6 votes to 2. Council’s consideration weighed up competing agricultural innovation, economic, environmental, animal welfare, global warming and community safety considerations. The decision came after protracted community engagement and receipt of 95 formal objections by environmentalists, farmers, Inverleigh residents, the Animal Justice Party and other animal rights advocates, the EPA, Golden Plains Shire Council and other stakeholders. The Council’s Planning Department’s well constructed 52page summary of the issues, competing contentions and recommendations is well worth a careful read. https://www.surfcoast.vic.gov.au/About-us/Council/Council-Meetings/ Minutes-Agendas Surf Coast Shire Council’s decision Councillors voted 6 to 2 to adopt the Council’s Principal Statutory Planner’s formal recommendation to reject the Application on the following grounds: 1.The application failed to demonstrate how the risk to human health from the transmission of disease, particularly from Q-fever has been adequately addressed to ensure public safety. 2.The application failed to demonstrate how the risk to amenity from the emission of offensive or nuisance odours can be managed satisfactorily. 3.The proposal as submitted in this location did not provide for adequate separation distances from sensitive land uses - in particular the urban area of Inverleigh Township - to mitigate the identified risks to air quality. EPA Publication 1518 Recommended Separation Distances for Industrial Residual Air Emissions (2013) recommends a separation distance of 5000 metres from a sensitive land use to a dairy feedlot and the application fails to demonstrate that it is appropriate to reduce this distance. 4.The application failed to assess and design a system that mitigated the risk to the environment from water contamination from the discharge of liquid and solid waste onto the land and adjacent River waterways. The meticulous background papers put before Council confirm that intensive farming can be appropriate in farming zones. The recommendations above are more about the siting of this proposed intensive facility and the applicant Edilan’s failure to show that the real identified risks could be safely managed. Edilan Pty Ltd has the right to apply to VCAT for a review the Council’s decision. It is not known whether an appeal will be brought. Community and Stakeholder concerns The objections and submissions principally focussed on community safety, animal welfare and environmental concerns arising from the proposal including: •Q-Fever risks were addressed in 35 objections. Q-Fever is a zoonotic disease (animal to human transmission) caused

by infection with Coxiella Burnetii. It is found in ruminant livestock including sheep. It is highly infectious and hardy. It can survive in soil as spore like particles for more than 40 months and in wool for many months. The spores are commonly windborne dust and can infect communities up to 5km away. There was criticism that the applicant provided no evidence about current testing of its flock or whether annual testing would be sufficient to reduce the level of risk. Importantly, children under the age of 15 and pregnant women cannot be vaccinated against Q-Fever. The prevailing wind generally blows toward the Inverleigh township. •The Inverleigh Kindergarten, Primary School, sports facilities, shops and many domestic residences are located within this 5km radius. •Odours 24 submitters, including the EPA, focussed on the likely spread of noxious odours from the site given the thousands of sheep which were proposed to be intensively farmed. The EPA noted that composting of waste, bedding and straw are particularly smelly. The prevailing wind largely blows towards the township. •Environmental concerns 39 submissions, including those by adjacent farmers and Friends of the Barwon, addressed concerns about water use and environmental run off onto nearby land and into the Barwon River. •A submission by a person who had contracted Q-Fever about the effects that this disease had on his life. •Animal Welfare The Animal Justice Party and 70 other objectors raised serious concerns about animal rights and the welfare of the dairy sheep intrinsic to the dairying process. It is noteworthy that the Council’s Planner considered that animal rights issues were beyond the jurisdiction of the State planning legislation. •Global warming This was raised by 12 objectors but was said not to be relevant to current planning legislation. •A petition, signed by numerous Inverleigh residents, was also considered by the Council. Finally, and significantly, Golden Plains Shire Council’s formal submission strongly supported the concerns raised by the Inverleigh submitters. This intervention is recognised and appreciated as is the time and thoughtful input put in by Cr Clayton Whitfield. Postscript Agriculture and innovation has been critically important to Inverleigh for more than 150 years and will be even more important over the next decades. Consequently, agricultural innovation would usually have wide community endorsement. Here, the thrust of the well-researched objections was not against intensive farming in itself, but rather on community safety and environmental protection. They are well reflected in the Surf Coast Shire Council’s carefully considered reasons summarised above. The work put in by the 95 objectors, a number of whom raised specific concerns for the wider wellbeing, safety and amenity of the Inverleigh community, should be recognised and acknowledged. John Bolitho.

6 Leigh News

Leigh News 7

8 Leigh News "Falling objects can be brutal, so wear your hard hat to protect your noodle." "A spill or a slip could mean a hospital trip." "Working in a safe way means you will live to see another day." "If you mess up, don't hesitate to 'fess up."

Contact Helen Collins on 0418 340 387 for all your Interior Design & Styling needs and she will work with you to create beautiful & functional spaces

Grant Gives the Green Light to the Inverleigh Public Hall Committee Digital Education Project

Thanks to: Ross & Caroline Wilson of Shelford and Mora Leach of Inverleigh for faithfully supplying the monthly rainfall figures. Your efforts are very much appreciated.

The Inverleigh Public Hall Committee is most grateful to have received a grant which will join local contributions to purchase a 65” smart TV, a mobile stand, a wifi modem and 6 months internet use. Regular users of the hall – the Playgroup, the Senior Citizens and the Historical Society all supported the application with letters which outlined how their regular programs would be enhanced by access to the equipment. The equipment will enable the Hall Committee to set up the ‘Connect and Share’ project, an initiative that will match learners with local volunteer tutors, who will teach daily skills type digital education at the Inverleigh Public Hall. This project will allow learners to develop skills which will connect them to others, to services and to support systems. Digital skills are essential to be able to live in less isolated and disadvantaged ways, as we have all learnt over recent times with Covid19. We are looking for volunteers to help with the ‘Connect and Share Project’. A sub-committee of the Inverleigh Public Hall Committee has been set up for this purpose, and we would welcome community members who would like to join us on that sub-committee. This is a new initiative and we would really appreciate help in how to set up records and run the project well. In addition, we need volunteer tutors. If you can help with the ‘Connect and Share’ project in any way, please contact Christine Windle windlechristine@gmail.com 0403 267 286 The grant which has made all this possible was a Golden Plains Shire Covid 19 Quick Response Community — Engage, Connect & Recover grant, funded by the Victorian Government’s Community Activation & Social Isolation Initiative.

Leigh News 9

"INTRODUCING JENNA" Jenna is a Dental Prosthetist who has worked alongside multiple veteran dental prosthetist’s, with 16 years industry experience. Jenna is concerned for the well-being of all her clients. She takes special care listening to clients, paying close attention to what each client wants and needs in order feel happy with the result. Jenna is absolutely committed to providing the very best solution to every client’s problem, Jenna’s number one focus is how she can help her clients feel satisfied & smiling when they leave her clinic. Jenna is also a local resident of the Golden Plains Shire and calls home a farm situated in Inverleigh. Her hobbies include horse riding, camping, gardening, and spending time with her young son.

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10 Leigh News


Covid-19 Pandemic

The first Australian cases started in January 2020. Since March Covid-19 has dominated out lives with restrictions and cancellations and these comments are a reminder of the year that was 2020/21. As a town we lost Good Friday Children’s Hospital fundraiser; Anzac Day; Book Fair; Christmas Carols; all sporting fixtures; Australia Day Breakfast; Dachshund Derby; Shelford Duck Race; all meetings and fundraising; plus the regularity of school. As a town we gained extended neighbourhood support, new playground opened, less traffic, a pharmacy, fewer colds, several Facebook support pages including a Book exchange, and the recognition of a need for youth support in the town. A request to our members for impressions of the pandemic so far included these comments: •No masks, masks on, masks off, just keep a crumpled on in your pocket. •The highway traffic was so quiet. •No football siren. No exodus on Geelong home games. •Missed the locals talking outside the general store. •Fogged up glasses. •Children couldn't use the playgrounds. •Daily briefings on screens. Compulsory viewing. •More kids riding bikes. •I couldn't get the church vacuum to work after lockdown, raced home to bring mine to do the cleaning. It didn't work either, and then I saw we had switched the power off for the previous six months. •The conversations were nothing but Covid. Can we do this? can we do that? how many cases today? how much longer can we endure this lockdown? •Has the CHO had a shave today or is he still sporting the designer stubble? •Not much discussion about the weather or footy. •Also the added Covid kilos. •I have never seen as many ‘strangers’, people now out walking who live in Inverleigh. •The dogs of the town have been given a lot

more exercise than usual. •Losing track of days and the current restrictions. •Walking gives you a better look at what is growing in the gardens and the rain helped everything to grow. •Traffic equals much less visits to Inverleigh. •The hotel, oh so quiet? •The local policeman - was he out and about as usual detecting speedsters? •Almost one hundred years since Spanish flu one would never have thought ones art would feature face masks. •I have enjoyed a lot of lockdown, finishing pieces of works started so long ago. •Why was petrol so cheap when we had nowhere to go? •People who sewed cloth masks for friends with love and care. Words of the year - pandemic, unprecedented, isolate, quarantine, hotel quarantine, get tested, ring of steel, N95 masks, “there is no shortage of toilet paper”, sanitizer, epidemiologist, Zoom, border closures, permits, curfew, telehealth, work from home, lockdown, home schooling holidays to nowhere, QR codes, double donuts, social distancing, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, rollout. This is a random and unscientific list about the previous “eventful but uneventful” year and you may like to make your own contributions to the Historical Society. Our grateful thanks to our shops and businesses who continued to operate when allowed, and the Leigh News who refused to be silenced. Liz McDonald

Leigh News 11 2021 GARAGE SALE TRAIL…… INVERLEIGH AND SURROUNDS...... Come and introduce yourself to the beautiful towns of Inverleigh and Teesdale and join in our community garage sale trail ….

When: Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th March, 2021 (subject to Covid-19 restrictions of the day). Enjoy a day out, meet the residents, browse the many items offered, grab a gift or two and then enjoy drinks, snacks or lunch in our High Street which hosts our local pub, bakery, general store and more... 8am Start 1. 119 Common Road, Inverleigh (8-1) SUN ONLY 2. 58 Gregory Drive, Inverleigh (8-1) SUN ONLY 3. 102 Gregory Drive, Inverleigh (8-1) SAT ONLY 4. 17 Frank Court, Inverleigh (8-1) SAT & SUN 5. 43 Peel Road, Inverleigh (8-1) SAT & SUN 6. 47-49 Peel Road, Inverleigh (8-12) SAT ONLY (C.W.A. on site & selling goods) 7. 49 Dundas Street, Inverleigh (8-1) SUN ONLY 8. 77 Dundas Street, Inverleigh (8-1) SAT & SUN 9. 39 Napier Street, Inverleigh (8-2) SAT & SUN 10. 127 High Street (Hamilton Hwy), Inverleigh (8-1) SAT & SUN 11. 34 Lomandra Drive, Teesdale (8-1) (15 min Drive from Inverleigh) SAT & SUN

Saturday & Sunday

Saturday Only Sunday Only

9am Start 12. 11 Fuller Road, Inverleigh (9-3) SAT & SUN 13. (8am start) 1440 Inverleigh-Winchelsea Road, Inverleigh (8-1) SAT & SUN # When attending any of the participating homes / businesses, please adhere to the following: • ensure pets are not brought into the grounds of the properties; • ensure children are supervised; • ensure you enter no other areas other than those selling wares; • if possible bring smaller denominations in cash as not everyone will have adequate change; • enter with a kind heart and positive attitude.

12 Leigh News


The Auction committee has made a decision not to continue the event after 49 years of the Annual Auction being held in Winchelsea across several venues over this time. All was in place to make the 50th Auction in 2020, but was cut short of the goal due to the Covid virus shutting down events last March. It is with much regret to have to arrive at this point, but we don’t see how we can keep it going, mostly due to dwindling number of helpers available over not only the actual weekend, but weeks leading up to and following the event. Many helpers are required over the time, taking in the BBQ . Refreshments, Cake stall, Hot donuts etc. Check in staff, receiving items for sale prior to the actual auction. The Office team who have filled a very important, busy role on the day and week following. Thank you to the Bendigo Bank for setting us up with the Eftpos machine which made a huge difference to payments on the day for purchases. Charles Stewart and Co, under the leadership of Peter McConachy and assistants, please accept our sincere thanks for your willing contribution to supply auctioneers every year in a successful manner. A job well done! To all who have assisted in any and every way, over the years, we say a sincere ThankYou. The community involvement was always appreciated. The committee will consider some alternative options later in the year to further support the Uniting Church presence in Winchelsea. Jeanette McConachy. Auction committee.

Fresh Picked Flowers from the Paddock

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Volunteer Tutors Wanted To Teach Basic Daily Digital Skills

Some members of the Inverleigh community, and not just our older members, could do with a hand when it comes to setting up online banking, using the internet to order groceries, knowing how to access their email from a different computer and using aspects of their phones, to name just a few daily skills. A new initiative, ‘Connect and Share’, is being set up by the Inverleigh Public Hall Committee, whereby people with a digital learning need will be matched with a volunteer tutor who can help them, in a session at a mutually convenient time, at the Inverleigh Public Hall. A grant has made this possible at no cost to users. If you have a couple of hours a month, understand that it can take a while to learn and remember a new skill, and want to help people in our community, then this is a great volunteer opportunity which does not require a long-term commitment. Any time you can give will be appreciated. If you can help the project team to administer this project with ideas or skills, please get in touch. For more information, please contact: Christine Windle windlechristine@gmail.com 0403 267 286.

Leigh News 13


Hello all, I was off on leave in January so you wouldn’t have seen me around on the holidays as much as in the past but I had Bannockburn members coming over to patrol and also some highway patrol units so hopefully the community still felt a good police presence. It has been reported that there were some unsavoury items discovered on several occasions in the Inverleigh primary school grounds. This is another example of youths getting up to no good in the grounds and it should not be occurring. I have previously publicised several incidents of damage etc occurring in the grounds and unfortunately it continues. Someone must be seeing the culprits and in such a small community they should be able to be identified. Please help us to stamp out this behaviour. I understand that the school is again permitting school children with accompanying parents back in the grounds out of hours. If you see any youths in the yard that shouldn’t be there please let me and the school staff know. You might not always see me around the actual township when I am working as I have to patrol a large area up the various highways and roads but thought I would let you know the traffic work I performed last year even though the roads were relatively quieter due to the COVID lockdown and restrictions. I still managed to detect offences and issued a total of 966 infringements to various drivers throughout the area.

Ex speed (Truck) less than 10 over 2 Ex speed (Truck) between 10 – 15 over 11 Ex speed (Truck) between 15 – 25 over 22 Ex speed (car) 10 – 15 over 370 Ex speed (car) 15 – 25 427 Ex speed (car) 25 – 30 (3 mth licence loss) 18 Ex speed (car) 30 – 35 (3 mth Licence loss) 14 Ex speed (car) 35 – 40 (6 mth licence loss) 11 Ex speed (car) 40 – 45 (6 mth licence loss) 3 Unregistered trailer 17 Unregistered vehicle 13 Bike helmet 1 Unlicensed driving 11 Exceed presc conc drug 1 No number plate 18 Unsafe vehicle 1 Mobile phone 1 No P plates 5 No vehicle lights 5 Fail keep left 2 Double lines 3 Overtake cut in too soon 1 Disobey signs 3 Traffic lights 2 Fail to stop (school crossing) 1 Misc 3 I also had numerous brief offenc-

es which require a court appearance for offences like driving whilst suspended/ disqualified, exceeding Prescribed concentration of alcohol and other crime offences.

Keep safe Chris

14 Leigh News

G'Day from the Golden Pens – Write Side Up writing group.

G’Day again from the penners, there is not much news about for this month, our group is happy to be back at the Bannockburn library where we feel we belong and we would like to thank the library staff for all the help they have given us over the last few months with their efforts to get us back. I’ll keep this blurb short for this month as we have a ripper poem from Bridh, titled Bush Worms, we hope you enjoy this nifty little ditty. This poem is from Bridh Hancock’s slim volume titled “Poems of a Happy Bloke” (1976 - 87) Ó Happy writing from the penners for this month.

Bush Worms

Nothing disturbs our shy bush worms Like the racket of a tractor plowing. Hurry away and in safety lay In tree roots deep below it. From the wild birds ranks you’ll get no thanks As they’re busy hoeing Into your shredded, wriggling but deaded Every little bit. Big deal about worms! What is it earns This entry here showing Them as great in the National Estate? Worms: you can’t packet or tin it! The leaves and the poo the bush worms chew Become a treasure well worth knowing. If you disagree, ask any tree’s Any osmotic root-tip: For the worm’s fruit of toil IS the soil And everything growing in it!


Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Mormonism, and Ba’hai have traditions and seasons of fasting. Fasting is meant as a spiritual discipline to grow closer to God. In the liturgical Christian traditions, such as Catholic, Anglican, Uniting Churches, the season of fasting is called Lent. In the Christian tradition Lent is the preparation time for Easter. In the history of the Church, Lent was a time of preparation for those who were to be baptised at Easter, or those who were going to be reinstated in the fellowship of the church excluded because of what Christians call sin. In time the whole church came to share with these baptismal candidates and penitents. The model Christianity has for this season of Lent is that of Jesus’, so called, temptations in the wilderness, described in the Matthew 4 of the Bible. An understanding of fasting, then, is to make space for reflection on our life as a person of faith. It doesn’t necessarily mean abstaining from food, it may be turning

off the television, or surrendering some activity we like, but giving up food also makes us conscious of all those people in the world who go hungry because they do not have food available, so it is also a time of generosity. The three considerations of Jesus in his 40 days of being on his own lead Christians to think about three questions during Lent. If God calls me his child and is pleased with me, how does God see me that I don’t see myself? If I see myself as God sees me, what do I need to do to live as God knows me to be? And, am I allowing God to be who God is and not what I want God to be? Lent is not just about abstaining from food, or a particular food. The Lenten Fast, whenever we fast, is making space in our lives to contemplate these spiritual things that hopefully lead to us contributing to a better world. The Revd Dr Timothy Smith PiC Anglican Parish of Inverleigh+Bannockburn+Mere-

Leigh News


Golden Plains Storage by Murrell Group

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16 Leigh News Welcome to our School

Hello families and officially welcome back to the 2021 school year. A particular welcome to our new families be it in Foundation or who’ve joined us across the school. We have started the year on 219 enrolments, which is the biggest enrolment the school has ever had! Learning to Learn The year started with our ‘Learning to Learn’ program. The first 6 days of school were designed around ensuring we developed a consistent, safe, orderly and engaging learning environment for the year. Students were part of developing the routines and expectations in their class. It was fantastic to see so many parents take us up on the invite of our open classroom afternoon. Both the Junior School and Senior School were buzzing with students keen to share what they’d done. Discoveries Junior and Senior Students are taking part in ‘Discovery’ sessions which include Indonesian, Personal Learning, Digital Technologies and Inquiry. Individual subjects are taught by one teacher meaning students are able to engage with a range of teachers throughout the year. Staffing News Principal – Sam Irwin Business Manager – Sue Aitken Foundation – Natalie Fletcher Foundation– Cathy McHenry 1/2 – Roxanne Wells 1/2 – Grant Smith 1/2 – Kelsey Whyte 3/4 – Hannah Caithness 3/4 – Bradley Maskell 3/4 – Laura Clancy 5/6 – Shae Armstrong 5/6 – Jacqui Kelley Visual Art – Susan Belcher Science / SAKGP – Leah Moloney Performing Art – Lisa Clarke Learning Specialist - Rhys Lindsay Education Support – Gen Elijah Education Support – Sue O’Mealley Education Support – Karen Biscan Education Support – Chris Watts Administration – Debbie Smith OSHC Co-ordinator – Kim Barker


Beloka ‘Kelpie’ Camp Our School Leaders will have the opportunity to develop their leadership skills whilst attending the Beloka Kelpie Camp from 10-12 March. Beloka is a working farm and Kelpie stud in Gippsland. Students choose a working dog that they will be responsible for looking after over the duration of camp and will learn how to work the dogs with sheep and through an agility course. They will use the various exercises from the camp to reflect on leadership and the qualities they have as young leaders. School Council subsidised this camp and after its success, is pleased to be able to offer this year’s school leaders an opportunity to participate. The students are certainly looking forward to it! Congratulations to our 2021 School Leaders: Will, Maeva, Alicia and Cohen as well as students elected to the Environment Committee and House Captain roles. Parents’ Club Welcome to our new members and families. We look forward to an exciting year for the school and having parent volunteers back on site to continue to positively contribute to the childrens’ learning at Teesdale PS. Important Dates Wednesday 10th March – First Wednesday for Foundation Students 10-12 March – Beloka Camp (Year 6 School Leaders) Friday 19th March – Whole School Athletics Carnival Thursday 25th March – MVA Athletics Day (Year 3-6) If you would like to know more about our school, please phone us during school hours on 5281 5218 or head to our website at: www.teesdaleps.vic.edu.au or Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeesdalePrimarySchool

Leigh News 17

18 Leigh News


Did you know that our local bushland is an area of national significance? That may not be obvious as you drive between Inverleigh and Teesdale, but the Inverleigh Nature Conservation Reserve actually has a great many treasures, including some rare and endangered species. You can learn more. We invite you to attend the Annual Meeting of the Friends of Inverleigh Nature Conservation Reserve, at which our guest speaker will be Neil Anderton, who is a leading national expert on native orchids. Neil will explain various aspects of the Reserve and show his beautiful photos of some intriguing and unexpected sights. You will be amazed. The ‘business’ aspect of the meeting will be brief (less than half an hour) and the meeting will be primarily devoted to revealing to you the fascinating but little-known facts about the reserve and answering your questions. DATE: 29th APRIL 2021. PLACE: Teesdale Community Hall, 1109 Bannockburn-Shelford Road, Teesdale (just behind the CFA shed) TIME: 7.30 for the Friends Group AGM (you’re welcome to attend) or 8.00 p.m. for Neil’s talk and slide show. Please observe any Covid-19 related restrictions that are in force at that time. Further information: Keith Windle 0429651298 or Dianne Hughes 0352815391


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Leigh News




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20 Leigh News


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Leigh News


News from Inverleigh Bowls Club Once again the Inverleigh Bowls Club has been able to get back on to the green for some competition, Bare foot bowls has been able to commence and a encouraging number of participants were in attendance and a good time was had so hopefully this will be able to continue without further disruption. Pennant wise on Saturday the 20th February both division 3 and division 9 were at home and both recorded wins and also out of six rinks in play all our rinks won so well done everyone. Tuesday pennant division 4 also saw a win for Inverleigh so a good few days of competition. On Sunday 21st February our two club champions competed in the Champion of Champions event between all club champions, Faye Thomas at Geelong Cement and Danny Kelly at Drysdale. Unfortunateley they both lost their matches but they were very competive and played many good shots in what were

very tight matches against tough opponents. Well done to you both from all of us at the Inverleigh Bowls club. Another player from the club was also playing on the big stage on Sunday at Melton in the Victorian U18 competition. Our youngest bowler, Harry Coleman is aged 10yrs and he won his "three" matches and has progressed to the State Finals at Bendigo in April this was an amazing effort by such a young bowler. His parents and the club are very proud of what he has achieved so far and wish him all the best for when he plays in April. WELL DONE HARRY . Thats all for now Biased Bowler

BANNOCKBURN & DISTRICT COMBINED PROBUS CLUB Probus update for newsletter Monday 1st March AGM and general meeting.

*Site Works *Post/Pier Hole Drilling *Trenching *Shed & Tank Bases *Concreting *Truck & Dog Hire

*Property Clean up-Rural & Residential *Landscaping-Rural & Residential *Rock work's *Horse Arena's & Round Yards *Driveways & Road Construction *All Excavations works & more.....

PH: Jamie #0430 604 465 Email: jamie@allexcavations.com.au

Wednesday 10th March, Outing to Cressy Historical Society (10.30am) then to see ponies, donkeys and mule. Lunch arrangements to be advised. April meeting will be 12th April, venue to be advised. For more information please call: President: Shirley Wild 0447 873 763 Secretary: Sandra Bance 5210 7777 "bannockburnprobus@gmail.com"

22 Leigh News SHELFORD PRIMARY SCHOOL It has been a wonderful start to the school year at Shelford Primary School. We have welcomed several new students and families into our school community, and everyone seems to have settled into a great routine. Our weekly cooking program has started strong again, and the students have enjoyed cooking dishes that can be easily replicated at home. The young students and the older students work well together preparing the ingredients and cooking them, before tasting their goodies at lunchtime. Students have so far baked raspberry and white chocolate muffins, hamburgers with the lot, and mini pizzas. We have once again enjoyed having Mrs Lang and her MARC (library) van here once a fortnight. This is a wonderful resource for the students to use, and also helps enhance our learning in the classroom. Not only can the students borrow books from the library, but Mrs Lang always comes with several engaging lessons focussing on Literacy, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and Art. It has also been great to borrow and view more resources to further support the students with our focus on reading non-fiction texts in the classroom this term. We are also looking forward to implementing the Writer’s Notebook program, with staff recently attending professional development sessions with educational consultant Andrea Hillbrick. This program will allow students to generate and develop ideas that they can use in their writing, as well as build on a variety of literacy skills. We are hoping for a more settled year in 2021 and the students are looking forward to participating in sports activities, camps, and excursions again. The calendar seems to be filling up very quickly and both staff and students are enthusiastic about a great year of learning and achieving!

Leigh News



Meet in the Inverleigh Public Hall @ 1:30 on 2nd Thursday each Month for a Meeting, guest speaker and afternoon tea. 4th Thursday each month for an outing. 25th March we have a BBQ lunch and looking at model trains. for more info: Pres. PeterT 0407 100 791 Sect.Joy Gray 5265 1566 DID YOU KNOW:

COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTIONS WELCOME. Any information that you think may be of interest to the residence of Inverleigh and district. just Email leighnews@bigpond.com RECENT WORKS BY OUR SHIRE. The Golden Plains Shire has trimmed and removed dead trees that encroached the walking track on the North side of town. They have also re gravelled the access track that connects Gumtree drive to the Leigh River. Many thanks to Damian Baker for organising this work with the Shire. The Shire very promptly organised the remove of a large Pine Tree that feel into the Leigh River just south of the bridge in Inverleigh. The root ball of the tree also remove a large piece of walking track and it has also been reinstated.


are held in INVERLEIGH on December 12th January 9th February 13th March 13th 9:30 to 10:00 @Sonny Cafe and in BANNOCKBURN @ St. Mary MacKillop School 4th Saturday each Month



This branch meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm at Teesdale Hall, Main Road Teesdale. All ages welcome. It is not an “oldies” group. If you are interested in attending

please contact: Shirley 5281 5354

Lions Club of Inverleigh Leigh Valley We are now collecting newspapers for recycling. Papers can be left at the Town Hall on Mondays or pick up can be arranged by calling David on 0429 958 769 during business hours. All proceeds from the paper collection go to local projects. As this is a new initiative for our club, community help would be greatly appreciated. Any further questions can be directed to David on 0429 958 769 or davostowing@gmail.com.

NOTICEBOARD ST PAULS SURPRISE SHOP INVERLEIGH During March all Pink clothing Tickets will be $1, so come on in and grab some awesome bargains. Closed School Holidays All donations can be left at the shop door or during opening hours. OPENING HOURS: Monday 1-4pm , Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 9am – 1pm Come follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/St.PaulsSurprise Shop The volunteers, who operate this shop welcome and thank you for your donations, which help many in the community by providing clothes and other goods at very reasonable prices. It has been disappointing recently to receive some goods, particularly large plastic childrens’ toys with wheels and clothes, which are not in a condition to sell. They have to be disposed of by the volunteers, sometimes at considerable cost. A reminder that electrical goods cannot be donated as the shop cannot sell them. So, please look carefully at your goods before donating them to us and if they are not in good condition dispose of them yourself. Thank you. Op Shop Volunteers

Golden Plains Baha’i Community

The Baha’i Faith upholds the oneness of God, the oneness of Religion and the oneness of mankind. Religion should unite all hearts and bring spirituality and world peace. The equality of men and women is essential to create peace. Spiritual education for all. We have no clergy as it is up to each person to investigate truth for himself. “The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens” Baha’u’llah For more information: bahai.org or Bannockburn 52 812 102, Teesdale 52 815 143, or Ross Creek 53 420 286

Justices of the Peace

Mr Keith Windle 77 Dundas Street INVERLEIGH Ph: 0429 651 298 Mrs E McDonald 47 High Street Inverleigh Ph: 5265 1270

Mr Peter Bufton 110 Savage Drive INVERLEIGH Ph: 0448 694 204 Mr Rod McKenzie 7 Ruxton Crt. Bannockburn Ph: 0408 527 704 Mr Stephen Gilligan SHELFORD Ph: 0409 432 933


meets for rally every 2nd Sunday @10.00am Victoria Park, Park Street, Inverleigh Vic 3321 New Members always welcome for enquiries please contact

President: Nicole Rogers Mob: 0419 549 799 Secretary: Leanne Broad Mob: 0433 403 065 P O BOX 87 INVERLEIGH VIC 3321


7:30 AM – 8:45 AM Healthy Food plus a Fun Program! *Cooking Club *Art & Craft *Outdoor Activities *Computer Club AFTER SCHOOL CARE

3:15 PM - 6:00 PM


ph: 5286 1230 mobile : 0417 319 556 28 Lawler Street Meredith 3333

parishofmeredith@bigpond.com Mass Times

Bookings not required for Mass. Proper Hand/Cough hygiene, Masks and 1.5 m distancing required. Masses at St. Joseph’s Live Streamed Tue. 9am St. Mary MacKillop Church, Bannockburn Wed. 11am St. Joseph’s, Meredith Thu. 9am St. Mary MacKillop Church, Bannockburn with School Fri. 11am St. Joseph’s, Meredith Sat. 6pm St. John the Baptist, Winchelsea Sun. 9am St. Mary MacKillop, Bannockburn Sun. 7/3 and 21/3, 11am St. Brigid's, Annakie Sun. 14/3 and 28/3, 11am St. Joseph’s , Meredith Easter Ceremonies: Thu. 1/4 Holy Thursday Mass of the Last Supper, Winchelsea 7pm Fri. 2/4 Ecumenical Stations of the Cross, Meredith 10am Good Friday Celebration of the Passion, Bannockburn 3pm Sat. 3/4 Easter Vigil, Saturday, Meredith 8pm Sun. 4/4 Easter Sunday Winchelsea 8am, Bannockburn 9.30am, Anakie 11am Other Sacraments: • Reconciliation, Anointing, Baptisms, Matrimony, Funerals call: 5286 1230 for details. • Sacramental program (Reconciliation, Eucharist, Confirmation) will be operating. Call the office for details/ timing/ enrolment.

Weekly Bus Service

provided for residents without transport to shop in Geelong! The Bus leaves the Inverleigh Hall

Every FRIDAY at 9:30 am and leaves Geelong at 2:15pm for the return trip. Just use your MYKI Card.

Can You Help Here?

Our Public Hall needs the lawns maintained.

Can you join the roster to mow the lawns once or twice a year? If so, please contact:

Anne-Maree Tarbett 0417 512 240

LEIGH PRESBYTERIAN PARISH Inverleigh Shelford Teesdale

“For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord...” (2 Corinthians 4.5)

Sunday Service at Inverleigh 10 am. VISITORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME For further information: Rev. Surendra Wesley 0428 489 222

Inverleigh Seniors A warm welcome awaits you. For Information & Bookings, please contact:

Pres: Peter Trevaskis 0407 100 791 Secretary: Joy Gray 5265 1566 11th February 1:30pm Meet at Inverleigh Hall. BYO Afternoon Tea 25th February 11:30am Carpool from Inverleigh Hall for Outing

Leigh News


Anglican Church Inverleigh Church Services each Sunday 9am Inverleigh 11am Bannockburn 5pm Meredith 38 High Street, Inverleigh Rev’d Dr. Tim Smith 0412 673 152 Geoff Morgan 0408 106 559 John Bolitho 0418 319 695

10 Railway Street, Inverleigh


Barefoot Bowls on 2nd and 4th Bowls available for Social or New Players Thursday NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY during Daylight Savings Please call Helen on New members WELCOME for Pennant on Tuesday & Saturday (school friendly hours) Season starts September thru to March

5265 1023 or 0411 046 528 for more info visit www.inverleighbowls.org

email: inverleighbowls@yahoo.com.au

Inverleigh Hall Hall Hire Contact The Inverleigh Hall Committee promotes the use of the hall and develops and maintains our fabulous community asset. If you would like to become involved by serving on the committee or by initiating activities at the hall, please contact

Anne-Maree Tarbett

0417 512 240

INVERLEIGH CWA BRANCH Welcomes existing and new members alike.

We are so much more than just Tea and Scones ladies! Contact Brooke for details of meeting times once restrictions ease. inverleighcwa@gmail.com or Brooke Wauchope Ph 0431 006 761

26 Leigh News WHO CAN I TALK TO? 24 Hour telephone counselling ANONYMOUS CONFIDENTIAL IMMEDIATE

Phone 13 11 14



Tai Chi @

Teesdale Community Hall Thursday’s 9.30am phone: 0414 944 926

NOTICEBOARD Inverleigh and District

Red Cross

Red Cross is able to begin meeting again in Inverleigh Public Hall at 1.30pm. The dates for the year are as follows : February 8th. April 12. June 21. August 9 at 12 noon for AGM, October 11. December 13. (Xmas Lunch to be decided.)

Sec Cathy Altmann 0409 024 578 President &Chairperson: Barb Meek 0409 050 046


Inverleigh Red Cross Red Cross will be calling on

Friday 19th March

in front of the Bakery from 9am to 11.30am. Contact numbers: Barb Meek 0409 050 046 or Cathy Altmann 0409 024 578. Meredith And District Motor Cycle Club

Bring a craft, learn a new craft or come for a walk, chat and cuppa.

We meet the 3rd Sunday of every month for our ride day

Meets 2nd & 4th Tuesday’s , 9.30am - 1.30pm At Teesdale Community Hall

We have 2 tracks: One that is set up as a motocross track that is marshalled and we also have a smaller flat track for kids/ beginners to learn to ride.

*BYO craft and lunch *Tea & Coffee provided. Cost $5 Joining fee. $3 per session Contact Lesley 0400 547 157 or Pat 0417 339 161

TEESDALE MECHANICS INSTITUTE (Formerly Community Hall) Behind the CFA Building Main Road, Teesdale

FOR ALL YOUR HIRING NEEDS Hall, Meeting Room, Kitchen, Tables, Chairs & Crockery.

For bookings, phone Dale on 5281 5486 or 0428 386 724


St Johns is in attendance as well as a canteen. For more information please: head over to our Facebook page MADMCC or call 0415 503 869.

VICTORIA PARK wish to advise

the Scrap Bin is CLOSED at present due to Covid 19.



Further info: call Robyn 0408 346 222 or follow us on facebook.

Leigh News


Matthew Carr Painter & Decorator

Interior, Exterior, Repaints and Wallpapering Fully qualified Quality workmanship

0438 559 635 8 McCallum Rd Inverleigh

Your taxation specialist!

Lic. 42937

•Accountants • Business Advice • Superannuation • Taxation Services • Financial Planning • Audit Services



Surfcoast Taxation Services Pty Ltd

Surfcoast: 13 Pearl Street

Postal: P.O. Box 178, Torquay Vic 3228 Tel: (03) 5261 2262 Fax: (03) 5261 6639 Email: admin@surftax.com.au

Winchelsea: 22 Willis Street

Postal: P.O. Box 40, Winchelsea 3241 Tel: (03) 5267 2673 Fax: (03) 5267 2465 Email: winch@surftax.com.au Certified Practicing Accountants

28 Leigh News Nick Tarbett ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR

0403 640 880 ndtelectricalservices@gmail.com Specialising in all aspects of electrical services


Solar Power (with Batteries) Solar & Heat Pump Hot Water On-Grid & Off-Grid Domestic & Commercial





03 4309 4027


Leigh News


Local Towing Operator, DAVO's TOWING can handle all your towing needs, as you can see from the attached photos. David and Isabell are available to answer all your questions related to moving cars and machinery.

Give them a call

0429 958 769

Paul Corcoran 0416 491 546 Paul O Grady 0414 932 018

57 Rankin Road, Inverleigh. Instagram @paulsbricklayinggeelong Email: paulsbricklayinggeelong@gmail.com

MUSHROOM COMPOST is now available Contact Peter or Dianne 5265 1757 or 0418 514 926 to arrange for pick up from Inverleigh Shelford Road INVERLEIGH


NOW AVAILABLE 8 Seater maxi-cab, plus wheelchair access

$4 per Bag or $50 per M3

30 Leigh News

TABLE OF CONTENTS •Bringing your pet in for surgery IN OTHER NEWS Welcome Amanda and Jemma

We are very happy to have two new faces at the clinic. Receptionist Jemma, who is amazing at helping you with appointments, pet care questions and offering you and your pets a warm welcome. Amanda is a Certificate IV Veterinary Nurse. Amanda worked for many years at Geelong Animal Welfare. She is compassionate and caring. Her dream is to start her own welfare organisation for elderly dogs. All your pets are guaranteed excellent nursing care and big cuddles from her!

Almost every pet receives an anaesthetic at least once in its lifetime. Whether as a puppy or kitten being desexed or later in life due to an injury or illness. Although we are using the best and safest techniques, drugs and equipment, any type of surgery (whether animal or human) poses some risks. However, these risks are significantly minimised with proper planning, monitoring and aftercare.

Preparing your pet for surgery: Bath your dog a couple of days prior to surgery, this decreases the amount of bacteria on the skin and reduces the risk of post-op infection. Your dog and cat should be fasted for 10-12 hours prior to surgery. Water should still be made available. It is important that dogs and cats have an empty stomach because under anaethesia they lose the ability to swallow. Rabbits and Guinea pigs should never be fasted. They can't vomit, so there's little risk of inhaling food. What happens on admission to hospital: Our vets will check your pets heart, lungs and circulatory system.

Leigh News 31 Dr Kate

Here is another one of the Bannockburn Vet Clinic Team Dr. Kate Richards with her beautiful dog. Marley loves her cuddles!

Frank loves his cuddles too! Manchego

We recommend pre-anaesthetic blood testing in all patients.It is especially important once they reach middle age. This checks the function of your pets organs, such as the ability of the liver and kidneys to metabolize and filter anaesethetic drugs from the body. Once your pets physical exam is complete a mild sedative is given, also known as a pre-med. When your pet is taken to surgery an iv catheter is placed into a vein in the front leg. General anaesthesia is begun by giving a short acting anaesthetic agent via the iv catheter. As soon as the patient loses consciousness, a soft plastic tube (ET tube) is inserted into the windpipe and is connected to an anaesthetic machine. Anaesthetic machines and monitoring in a veterinary hospital is similar to that found in any human hospital. Our surgery nurse will monitor the anaesthetic through out the entire procedure. Your pet will be attached to a Pulse Oximeter to monitor oxygen levels. A Heart Rate Monitor that measures the number of heartbeats per minute. A Blood Pressure Monitor measures the systolic (when the heart contracts or pumps) and diastolic (when the heart relaxes and refills) blood pressure. When surgery is finished, the anaesthetic gas is turned off while the oxygen is still running to ensure proper oxygenation prior to moving into recovery Our Vets and nurses monitor your pet before, during and after surgery. Discharge from hospital and aftercare: Our nurses or vets will contact you when your pet is out of surgery and advise when they can be discharged. All of your pet's medications and aftercare instructions will be reviewed with you when your pet is picked up. With todays anaesthetics, your pet should be almost completely normal by the time of discharge. We offer 24 hour care for your pets and can be contacted at anytime if you have any concerns.

Frances's cat Manchego looking very chilled !!

24 Hour Care 7 days a week Clinic Hours: Monday - Friday 7.30am – 6.30pm Saturday 8.00am – 1.00pm Telephone: 03 52811 221 After Hours: 0407 811 222

OUR VETS v v v v v v

Dr. Peter Bond Dr. Kelly Bond Dr. Kylie Flanagan Dr. George Johnstone Dr. Peter Richardson Dr. Kate Richards

We recognise animals large and small are part of your family and our team is committed to providing the best health care available every hour of everyday

OUR SERVICES ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü

Annual Health Checks Surgical Facilities Digital X-Ray Equine Facility Large Animal Home Visits Dentistry AQIS Pathology

32 Leigh News


Leigh News 33

Ken McDonald Ken McDonald YOUR LOCAL AGENT Before you list your property with an agent, ask yourself: • How well does your agent know the area? • Does your agent live locally? This agent does! A LOCAL, SELLING LOCALLY Ken has had an active eight years in the Real Estate industry, with many satisfied clients in and around this area. Ken has previously worked in roles within the grain and agricultural industry, for 20 years working locally and further afield. Ken believes that the path to long term personal satisfaction, within the Real Estate industry, includes honesty and ethics, the ability to negotiate therefore getting the best possible outcome for vendors and purchasers alike. This has resulted in many loyal clients returning to Ken for the sale of their most valuable investment and enthusiastic testimonials from his numerous happy clients as well as referrals to their friends and family.

Contact: Ken McDonald 0418 524 150 | 03 5229 8017

34 Leigh News First Rate Clotheslines Sales & Installations A Quality

Stockist and authorized installer. Free quotes, Repairs, Rewires, Sales & Installation Servicing Geelong and District Save Power – Install a clothesline

James Richardson:

0408 656 898


Leigh News 35



08:30am to 4:30pm


09:00am to 1:30pm



Phone: 52811182 Mobile: 0407080909
























36 Leigh News


PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT & TAX CONSULTANT For appointment office phone

5222 4811

or Gheringhap, Bannockburn 5281 1474 (A/H)

GO HARD CONCRETING specializing in all forms of concreting for free Quotes contact

Ray Sarcevic Mobile: 0418 524 661

Danny’s Firewood & Tree Ser vices *Sugar Gum Firewood. 4.5 mtr Trailer or 8 mtr Truck......... "delivered" *Tree Removal and Clean Up *Paddock Clean Up *Telehandler with Elevated Work Platform & Log Grab *13 tonne excavator, *small kubota tractor with grab *13 mtr cherry picker. *Firewood Processor, Wood Splitter & Saw Bench Contact: Danny Busbridge 0438 355 383

Leigh News 37

Our new Complete Home Loan… …takes care of you completely. Great rates and 100% offset make the Complete Home Loan one of our most exciting home loans yet! So whether you’re buying your first or next home, refinancing or investing, the Complete Home Loan has you covered. Chat to a home loan specialist today, phone Community Bank Winchelsea on 03 5267 3189 or search Bendigo Bank home loans.

bendigobank.com.au Terms and conditions, fees, charges and lending criteria apply. All information including interest rate is current as at 7 September 2020 and may be subject to change. Full details available on application. Credit provided by Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited ABN 11 068 049 178 Australian Credit Licence 237879. A1419239 OUT_1497386, 10/09/2020

16 High Street Bannockburn VIC 3331 Tel: 03 5281 1481 Fax: 03 5281 1978 www.bannockburnsurgery.com.au Dr Cameron Profitt Dr Margaret Somerville Dr Andrew Bell Dr Samantha Buchholz Dr John Henderson Dr Carolyn Grigg Dr Benjamin Fry Dr Rupali Jain COVID 19 During these times our practice opening hours vary significantly. Please phone the clinic or book online for all available appointments. Bannockburn Surgery is a fully accredited medical practice that provides comprehensive GP services and has been practising in the community for more than 30 years. Bannockburn Surgery is the largest practice in the shire. We are an accredited teaching practice, training future GPs. Our current Registrar doctor is Dr Veronica Stubbs We also offer the following services Diabetes Education: Jessica O’Shannassy Precise Podiatry: Peter Angelucci Speech Pathology – Ceri Webb Q fever (Testing & Vaccines) Yellow fever (Vaccine) New patients welcome

38 Leigh News


COUNCIL SEEKING PUBLIC HOLIDAY FEEDBACK At last night’s meeting, Council resolved to seek community feedback on whether Golden Plains Shire should observe the Melbourne Cup Public Holiday or an alternative local holiday for the next four years. In Victoria, Melbourne Cup Day is observed as a public holiday unless an alternate local holiday has been arranged by a non-metro council. In previous years, Council has requested part-shire arrangements as an alternative to Melbourne Cup Day, with the north of the Shire observing Ballarat Show Day in November and the south of the Shire observing Geelong Show Day in October. This was informed by community consultation undertaken in 2011 that the community wished to observe a relevant Show Day. In 2020, both the Ballarat and Geelong Show Days were cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, initiating a discussion around reverting the holiday for all parts of the Shire to Melbourne Cup Day. Golden Plains Shire still observed these days, due to insufficient time for community consultation and a Council resolution to change the dates. In recent years there has been a steady of decline in councils observing an alternate public holiday to Melbourne Cup Day, with only seven of Victoria’s 79 councils not marking the first Tuesday in November last year. Local community members and businesses are now invited to have their say on the future of the spring public holiday arrangements for Golden Plains Shire. Submissions are open until 5pm, Sunday 18 April, 2021. Options for consideration include continuing part-shire observation of Geelong and Ballarat Show Days, requesting an alternative local holiday, or observing the Melbourne Cup Holiday in all parts of the Shire. Submissions can be provided by: •

Completing an online form at goldenplains.vic.gov.au/consultations

Emailing enquiries@gplains.vic.gov.au

Mail to the Chief Executive Officer, Golden Plains Shire Council, PO Box 111, Bannockburn, VIC 3331 marked 'Urgent - submission'

Golden Plains Shire Mayor Cr Helena Kirby encouraged all local residents and businesses to share their preference on which public holiday Golden Plains Shire should observe in spring. “Together with last year’s cancellations, the majority of our fellow regional councils are now observing Melbourne Cup Day, and as 10 years have passed since consultation was undertaken, we are considering whether change is required to our spring public holiday arrangements. “Golden Plains is a geographically large Shire, with many of our residents connected through work or education to Ballarat or Geelong, and we want to make sure that our spring public holiday, whether it be Melbourne Cup Day or another local or regional day, best represents the interests of our local residents and businesses. “I know there are some passionate views around these events and days, and I hope many community members take this chance to share their public holiday preference with us over the next two months.” Following the close of submissions, Council will review the feedback received and is anticipated to make a final decision on the spring public holiday at the June Council Meeting.

– ENDS –

Released by: Eric Braslis, CEO, Golden Plains Shire Council Media contact: Susan Talpey, Coordinator Communications, Engagement and Advocacy, Golden Plains Shire Council P. 5220 7147 │M. 0421 923 399 │E. susan.talpey@gplains.vic.gov.au

Leigh News


Dispute Resolution & Litigation Debt Collection Property Law Wills & Estates Powers of Attorney Business Law Family Law By appointment only

22 Willis Street, Winchelsea ph. 5221 8777

www.wightons.com.au Geelong • Corio • Winchelsea • Ocean Grove

40 Leigh News

Bannockburn Pharmacy Opening Hours

Monday – Friday: 8:30am – 6:30pm Saturday: 8:30am – 1:00pm Sunday & Public Holidays: Closed

6 High Street Bannockburn VIC 3331 Ph: (03) 5281 1519 Fax: (03) 5281 1450 Email: bannockburn.pharmacy@nunet.com.au Owners: Scott Wilkes & Damian Bennett

Pharmacy Features

* Professional - Vaccination Clinic - Free Blood Pressure Testing - Diabetes Australia (NDSS) Agency - Home Medicine Reviews - Webster-paks - Free Prescription filing service - Free Prescription reminder service (medAdvisor) - Extensive range of Vitamins & Supplements - Medela Breastpump Hire - Hiring of crutches - Weight Loss products - Ear & Nose piercing - FREE Home Delivery Service to: o Bannockburn o Teesdale/Shelford o Inverleigh o Lethbridge o Batesford

- afterpay available - Roogenic Tea stockist - Passport Photos (Aust. & International)

* Other Products & Services - Loyalty Program * FREE to join * 5 cents for every $1 spent on non-prescription products is added to your loyalty (no expiry) * 20% Discount off gifts ALL YEAR - Baby Club * FREE to join * $5 bonus when joining * 10 cents for every $1 spent on mother & child products is added to your loyalty (no expiry * 20% Discount off gifts ALL YEAR - Extensive GIFTS to choose from, including: * Glasshouse & Circa Home * Handbags & Wallets * Jewellery * Robert Gordon * Fragrances * Aromatherapy & Wellbeing * Infants & children’s gifts

- MooGoo products - Natio - Nude by Nature - Sukin Organic Products

Follow us on Facebook and be kept up to date www.facebook.com/bannockburnpharmacy

Leigh News 41 Services Available

7 Days A Week Noah Azzopardi Septic Tank Pumping


Residential Aged Care, Respite & Home Care Packages

Hesse Rural Health Winchelsea For further information or to book a tour please call (03) 5267 1200

*Home Care covering Winchelsea, Beeac, Bannockburn and extended rural areas

Acute Hospital Urgent Care Residential Aged Care Dementia Specific Care Home Care Packages Physiotherapy Dietician District Nursing Diabetes Education Occupational Therapy Planned Activity Groups Community Health Groups Palliative & Continence Care Podiatry Maternal Child Health

5267 1200

Servicing Winchelsea, Bannockburn, Beeac, Moriac, Rokewood, Teesdale & districts *Not all services available in all areas

42 Leigh News An independent agency specialising in quality residential and rural lifestyle property. The team you can trust for your real estate needs... Servicing Inverleigh and Western Victoria. Malcolm Condie 0407 034 410 Simon Horne 0488 440 303 3/29 High Street Inverleigh, Victoria 3321


Leigh News 43


*Fresh Fish now available *Smallgoods- handmade on the premises. Click & Collect

Shop 2, 11/9 Burns St, Bannockburn.

Phone: 5281 2283

Spit Roast Oven Hire Available

go to our website: goldenplainssuprememeats.com.au

Open: Mon - Fri 8am - 6pm Saturday 8am - 2:30pm




Sales Manager & Licensed Estate Agent P 0418 521 322

Director & Licensed Estate Agent P 0411 059 001

Stockdale & Leggo Bannockburn Shop 14, 6-8 High Street, Bannockburn, VIC, 3331 P (03) 5281 4444 E bannockburn@stockdaleleggo.com.au

44 Leigh News




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Leigh News



46 Leigh News Leigh News © 2013,

Leigh News - Advertising Costs from 1st January 2020

Inverleigh Progress Association Inc.

The Leigh News is published monthly (except January) by the Inverleigh Progress Association Incorporated, and is distributed free in the townships of Inverleigh, Teesdale, Bannockburn and Shelford, and the surrounding districts. Letters, comments, suggestions, articles, and reports from readers are welcome whether or not intended for publication. The Leigh News is prepared and assembled by the Editor and printed using environmentally friendly materials and distributed by volunteer workers. Circulation:

1/9 PAGE


$17.50 85 64

1/4 PAGE







Editorial and Advertising Items submitted for inclusion in the Leigh News should be clearly marked “For inclusion in the (month) Leigh News” and in by the 25th day of each month. Advertisements should be marked with the size of advert required and the number of editions in which it is to be displayed.

Advertisements or Editorial contributions should be clearly addressed to: “Leigh News”, PO Box 247, Inverleigh, Victoria 3321 or

$29.00 130




Contributions to the Leigh News are published with the permission of various bodies and representatives who supply the information, photos advertisements and crosswords. None of this information should be used by any other publication without first requesting permission of the supplier of this information. Using material without seeking permission is plagiarism and carries penalties.





Contact: The Editor (Peter Trevaskis) 0407 100 791 leighnews@bigpond.com www.inverleigh.org.au Deadline is 25th each month (except NO January issue) Limited printed Colour is available (contact Editor) ALL electronic copies are in Full Colour



HALF A4 PAGE $47.00. (COLOUR $88.00)




$85.00. (COLOUR $160.00)



The views or ideas expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editorial committee or of the Inverleigh Progress Association. While we try to check the integrity, the publication of advertisements is not an endorsement of the advertiser’s product or quality of workmanship.

For further information about advertising and cost in the Leigh News: contact Peter Trevaskis on 0407 100 791 or leighnews@bigpond.com Professional ad design tailored to your needs at competitive pricing Please forward accounts and payments to: Tony Waayers, Leigh News, PO Box 247, Inverleigh 3321. Phone: 5265 1610 Committee Members: Hilary Hamilton (President) Luanne Thornton (Secretary) Phone 5265 1256, Tony Waayers (Treasurer), Peter Trevaskis (Editor), Faye Thomas (Assistant Editor)



Invoices have been sent to all key holders by post or email. The annual fee is $44 for 2021. This should be paid before the 31st March 2021 this being the end of the IPA financial year 2020-2021. A late fee of $7.00 will be charged for late payment. When payment is made by direct debit please make sure the invoice number is quoted. A list of key holders and payments will be placed on the notice board inside the pump shed. Enjoy the new facilities. Tony Waayers Treasurer IPA

Leigh News Directory of Clubs, Services and Organisations Below is a directory for clubs, organisations and services operating in Inverleigh, Teedale, Shelford and surrounding areas. If you are interested in obtaining further information about an organisation, please feel free to ring and have a chat with them. Any club or organisation who wishes to be listed, please forward details to us and we will include your listing. We would also appreciate being kept up to date with contact details

INVERLEIGH AREA Geelong & District Carriage Drivers Christa Jones 0408 342 403 gdcd.secretary@gmail.com Inverleigh Bowls Club Pres. Adrian Hurring 0418 593 849 Sec. Suzy Coleman 0431 080 977 Inverleigh Cemetery Trust Des Guinane. 0409 224 811 Inverleigh Cricket Club Pres: Marcus Warton ph. 0400 199 309 Inverleigh CWA Melissa Rutherford 0419 256 014 Inverleighcwa@gmail.com Inverleigh-Leigh Valley Lions Club Bill Hughes 5281 5391 inverleigh.lions@gmail.com Inverleigh Golf Club President: Greg Erwin & Jeremy Richardson Secretary: Dianne Morgan Phone: 5265 1575 Inverleigh Historical Society Katrina Robson 0400 527 352 Liz McDonald 5265 1270 Inverleigh Playgroup President: Suzy 0431 080 977 Secretary: Deb 0428 794 500 Inverleigh Progress Assoc. President:Hilary Hamilton 5265 1384 Secretary: Luanne Thornton 5265 1256 Inverleigh Riding Club Leighdale Equestrian Centre Mark Mummery - 0437 807 675 or Melinda Spiller 0413 648 012 Inverleigh RSL Sub-Branch Pres. Malcom Johns. 5281 5253 Inverleigh Tennis Club Shane Lubcke 0410 483 690 Leigh District Landcare Group Sec: Maxine Campbell 5265 1210 Leigh District Riding Club Leesa Phone 5265 1024 Victoria Park Reserve Bookings, Denise Cook ph. 0419 103 196

MURGHEBOLUC AREA. Murgheboluc Recreation Reserve. Fiona Inglis. 0421 679 770 SHELFORD AREA Shelford Cricket Club William Green (Pres) 0416 575 367 Andrew Clarke (VPres) 0439 634 891 Shelford Progress Association Pres: Heather Stone 5281 3241 Sec: Glenn Jeffery 0413 317 779


SES Emergency 000 Windstorm and Flood 132 500 Controller: Nathan Hansford Mob: 0409 811 138


Before and After School Care from 7.30am to 8.45am. - 3.15pm to 6pm Teesdale Primary. 5281 5218

Police, Ambulance, Fire, SES

CWA Native Hut Branch Shirley Wild Ph: 5281 5354

LifeLine 5222 2233 or 13 11 14

Leighdale Equestrian Centre Mark Mummery - 0437 807 675 or Melinda Spiller 0413 648 012 Leighdale Pony Club Inc. Pres: Tom McCann 5265 1169 Sec: Sue Moran 0437 914 454 Teesdale Branch Liberal Party Charlie Hartup 5281 5222 Teesdale Cricket Club Alister Woods. 0439 395 456 Teesdale Pre School Mandy Bartlett. 5281 5488 Teesdale Sporting Complex Mrs Kay Hower. 5281 5389 Teesdale Tennis Club Mrs Judy Evans. 5281 5328 Teesdale Community Hall Dale Smithyman 5281 5486

Ring 000

B’burn Surgery 5281 1481 B’burn Vet 5281 1221 B’burn Taxi 5281 1777 Barwon Water 1300 656 007 Power Failure 13 24 12 Geelong Hospital Accident & Emergency 5226 7564 Golden Plains Equine Vets 0437 467 097 Golden Plains Medical Centre 5281 2320 Wildlife Rescue 0500 540 000

Teesdale TOWN Club (Take off Weight Naturally) Jan Pope Ph: 5281 5138

Women’s Domestic Violence Crisis Service 1800 015 188

Working Sheepdog Club Glenn Agnew 0427 325 905

Shire Ranger 5220 7111

Advertisers Index Accountant 18,36 Ag Spraying 32 Banking 37 Berries 48 Bricklaying 29 Builder 11 Butcher 43 Cartage 23 Cafe & Store 35 CCTV & Alarms 44 Chemist 40,42 Church Notices 25 Clotheslines 34 Compost 29 Concreting 36 CWA 25 Data Cabling 44 Dental 9 Doctor & Health Serv. 18,37,41 Dog Grooming 23 Driver Tuition 28 Earthmoving 34 Electrician 22,28 Equine 41 Excavation 21 Firewood 36 Flowers 12 Food Swaps 24 Funeral Director 19 Grain 33 Garden Supplies 35 Hall Hire 25 Hot Water 28 Interior Design 8 Justice of the Peace 24 Legal Services 39 Motor Mechanic 39 Mowers 44 NBN Setup 44 OSHC 24 Painter & Decorator 27,34 Playgroup 20 Plumbing Services 19,23,27,39 Probus 27 Rainfall 8 Real Est. 33,42,43,48 Skip Bin Hire 20 Septic Services 41 Smug Rugs 33 Storage Lockers 15 Taxi 29 Tax Returns 27 Towing 29 Tree Services 36 Tyres 36 Veterinary 30,31 Wool Buyers & Brokers 43

An independent agency specialising in quality residential Bannockburn Men's Shed Syd McConachey (Pres) you would like your Club and rural Iflifestyle property. Geoff Wild (Sect) 0407 835 731 BANNOCKBURN AREA

Bannockburn Probus Club Shirley Wild (Pres) 0447 873 763 Sandra Bance (Sect) 0490 049 953

or Service included in this directory, or if you need to update any details above, please contact the Editor. leighnews@bigpond.com


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48 Leigh News


~Farm Gate Sales~

Tuesdays & Fridays 10am-4pm other times welcome by appointment. please phone ahead for fruit availability

81 Savage Drive, Inverleigh

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