Leigh News
Volume 49 Number 9
Inverleigh's win in the Seniors has broken a 31 year drought and a win in the Reserves has capped off a great day for the town.
Inverleigh B Grade Netball also made it to the Grand Final, but were not successful on the day. Congratulations to all for doing their very best.
Read the story of Mel Quinlivian on page 3 too. I visited him at home to gather information for the inclusions in this edition. What a legend you are Mel!
An Inverleigh Progress Association Publication
inverleigh.org.au FREE
Leigh NewsInverleigh
Above: Inverleigh Seniors-Premiers 2023
Below: Inverleigh Two's-Premiers 2023 photos.by.amyrose
Above: Premiership Captains 2023. Jack Fiolet: Seniors & Adam Muir:Reserves.
Seniors Fes�val returns for a Shire wide celebra�on in October!
There is a great �metable of local events on offer across Golden Plains with opportuni�es for par�cipants to get ac�ve playing golf, par�cipate in technology and art group classes, engage with other seniors in the Shire at the Linton Men’s Shed or enjoy delicious morning teas and lunches, plus much more!
Several ac�vi�es will be delivered at no cost, while some ac�vi�es will have a low-cost par�cipa�on fee. Registra�on is required for Council run events and transport op�ons are also available.
To view the full calendar of events, visit goldenplains.vic.gov.au. For further informa�on, contact Council’s Ac�ve Ageing and Inclusion team via email at ageingandinclusion@gplains.vic.gov.au or call 5220 7111.
Michaela Settle
Member Eureka for 15 Main Road, Bakery Hill VIC 3350 michaela settle@parliament vic gov au 5331 7722 MichaelaSettleMP
MP I ' M H E R E T O H E L P P L E A S E C O N T A C T M Y O F F I C E F O R A N Y A S S I S T A N C E
Senior members of the community are encouraged to get out and about during the 2023 Victorian Seniors Fes�val with a range of events on offer for Golden Plains residents to enjoy throughout the month of October. The Victorian Seniors Fes�val is a state-wide fes�val for Victorians over 60, focusing on providing fun and good �mes.
Council is pleased to again host the Victorian Seniors Fes�val in Golden Plains and has partnered with local organisa�ons and community groups to provide a calendar of events for our local seniors, with free or low-cost events and ac�vi�es taking place across the Shire.
Pictured is Mel Quinlivian, life long resident of Inverleigh and District and past Player for the Inverleigh Football Club. Mel was awarded the privilege of doing the coin toss at this years match for the senior side. This was a great honour for Mel as he played in the 1961 winning Grand Final, kicking 2 goals on the way. Mel started his playing career for Inverleigh in 1957 and played for the club for his "entire playing life", spanning 39 years up to 1977. He was a ruck/rover, won two "best and fairest" while playing in the reserves as well as a stint as captain. He also coached the under 13's.
The penny pictured above is the same penny tossed at the 1961 Grand Final and it is only fitting that it stay with Mel now, along with the special award plaque presented to Mel by the Geelong & district Football & Netball League.
Only 4 players remain from the 1961 Grand Final, Mel Quinlivian, Jim Simpson, Peter Dickson and Des Gall. Well done to all 4 of you! It must be a great honour to have represented Inverleigh all those years ago and to see them win again in 2023........... Bring on 2024!
News 3
Pictured above: Rhys Brown, Inverleigh two's Vice Captain Lockie Perret, Captain Adam Muir and James Brackley.
Inverleigh B Grade Netball made it to the Grand Final against Thompson, unfortunately No Win!
Pictured left, Jye McEwan & Matt Haste, with the Reserves cup Premiership playing for Inverleigh Colts in 2017.
Pictured below, Jye McEwan & Matt Haste, with Premiership Medals from 2023. Well done Boys!
4 Leigh News I am here to help. Authorised by Libby Coker, Australian Labor Party, 26/500-540 Torquay Road, Armstrong Creek VIC 3217 Email Libby Coker MP@aph gov au Phone 03 5261 7683 Web libbycoker com au @LibbyCokerMP M y O f f i c e c a n a s s i s t y o u w i t h i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t F e d e r a l G o v e r n m e n t s e r v i c e s , i n c l u d i n g : Advertisement SCAN THE QR CODE TO STAY UP TO DATE C e n t r e l i n k N a t i o n a l D i s a b i l i t y I n s u r a n c e S c h e m e ( N D I S ) M e d i c a r e A u s t r a l i a n T a x a t i o n O f f i c e ( A T O ) I m m i g r a t i o n , c i t i z e n s h i p a n d c u s t o m s P a s s p o r t s P e n s i o n s , a n d M y A g e d C a r e C h i l d s u p p o r t V e t e r a n s ' A f f a i r s
Leigh News 5 C O M E & E N J O Y P I C N I C L U N C H O R P U R C H A S E L U N C H & D R I N K S O N S I T E F R O M O N E O F O U R F O O D V E N D O R S The iconic Barunah shearing shed will be in full swing with 20 stands operational on the day. S U N D A Y 8 T H O C T O B E R 2 0 2 3 1 0 A M - 5 P M B A R U N A H P L A I N S W W W B A R U N A H P L A I N S C O M A U 4 4 8 4 H A M I L T O N H W Y , H E S S E , V I C T O R I A O P E N D A Y Display by Scan here to Purchase your tickets Explore the stunning gardens of Barunah Plains! Tastings By Highlights of the day: Live Music Coffee, Food, Wine & Gin Tasting
6 Leigh News
Wednesdays Playgroup at Inverleigh Hall P12
Various INCR wildflower walk/Bird Walk P23
4th October Open Garden P26
8th October Barunah Plains Open Day P5
19th October Open Space Committee AGM P10
22nd October Inverleigh Historical Soc. Open Day P26
28th October Inverleigh Cricket Club Trivia Night P9
meet in the Inverleigh Public Hall
on the 3rd Wednesday of each month @7 :30pm (Except January) VISITORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME
President: Hilary Hamilton
Treasurer: Luanne Thornton
Leigh News Editor: Peter Trevaskis
The Progress Association has been actively working towards improving the amenity of Inverleigh for over 40 years. Of course all such organisations need volunteers and the Association is no exception. Without them nothing happens. If you have some ideas for the town you would like to achieve, you are welcome to join us and help achieve them.
Some of the projects completed by the Progress Association include:
Public Toilets Progress Association members worked for many years with Council to have new block built. They are used more than any other toilets in the Shire.
The Clock a new clock was recently installed on the clock tower in our main street.
Town Entrance Signs. IPA worked for many years to procure the 2 Entrance Signs (Hamilton Highway East and West) welcoming travellers to our town.
The Inverleigh Historical Society was formed in 2004. It operates under the auspices of the Inverleigh Mechanics Institute and Public Hall Committee.
Our Aims are to collect and preserve items of local historic interest and to promote research and interest in local history.
meet in the Inverleigh Public Hall
0n the 4th Wednesday of each Month @ 2pm
(Except December & January) VISITORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME
We welcome all donations to our collection or the opportunity to copy material. We are most grateful to the many people who have kept the Historical Society in mind as they sorted through their own collections. We undertake many interesting projects and have enjoyable meetings, which you are welcome to attend.
Peter’s Editorial
Inverleigh is still on a high after Winning the Chocolates in the Footy. A great achievement albeit 31 years in the making. Congratulations too, to Mel Quinlivian, chosen to do the Coin Toss on the day. I visited Mel to get details for the article on P3 and learned so much about his career, the winning team 31 years ago, and the passion is still there for Mel. Well done everyone.
Thanks to the Council for getting started on upgrading the street drainage between the Pub and the Servo and also for starting on preliminary layout for the Swing Bridge. Land Surveyors have been on site at the bridge site to mark out key areas for the replacement bridge. With drier weather predicted this Spring and Summer, construction should proceed without too many hold ups. There was so much news this month that I had to add more pages. This edition is the first ever with 56 pages. Enjoy the read and keep the news coming in to my computer.
Send any local news or stories to leighnews@bigpond.com regards, PeterT.
Leigh News 7
Convenor - Bronwyn Price, Secretary - Christine Windle, 0403 267 286, inverleighhistsoc@gmail.com
Inverleigh Cricket Club Season 23/24
Junior Cricket
We are full steam ahead with planning and preparation for the 23/24 cricket season. The club’s committee has been formed with Marcus Warton continuing on as president and David Peel as his vice. Nathan Pisani has remained as treasurer and Murphy Walker as secretary. We wish to thank Anna Cruden for her efforts as junior coordinator and we’d like to welcome Marc Guijt on board as our new coordinator for this season.
Senior Cricket
Once again, we are entering two senior men sides into the Bellarine Peninsula Cricket Association. After winning the premiership in A2 in 2020/21, we’ve been able to maintain our position in A1 and are hoping to improve on last season’s results. Our B2 side were runners up last year and we hope to go one better this season. David Peel and Leigh Heazlewood continue on as coaches, with Lockie Platt stepping up to assist. We welcome Mason Dickson and Campbell Bishop to the club this season, as well as having access to Peely and Nathan Pisani full time.
Our B2 side is the perfect opportunity for anyone looking to play some cricket without standing in the field for 75 overs. 60 over two day games and 40 over one day games means early finishes, perfect for dads and their sons. If this interests you we train every Thursday from 5:30 pm at the cricket club or contact David Peel on 0424715834 for more information.
As mentioned earlier, Marc Guijt has come on board as our junior coordinator for this season. We are on the look out for junior cricketers of all abilities to join our club. Marc (0476 271 972) can support you through the registration process and provide you will all the information required. We are still on the look out for volunteers to support with coaching, scoring and organisation of junior sides. If this is something you can help with please contact Marc. We will also be again running a Junior/Master Blasters program with Murphy Walker coordinating this, with support from Sam Irwin. We will provide further details on this program via our social pages.
Murphy Walker has taken on the roll of social coordinator this season. He has already signed up 30 social members and counting. Our social member program comes with many perks and only costs $100. You will get your first beverage on us every Thursday night and Saturday game day. You will also go into the weekly player and sponsor draw (drawn Thursday nights) with a chance to win $100 cash prize (1st) and a 6 pack of your choosing (2nd). Some other bonuses include meals available every Thursday at 7pm for $15, team selection and Joker Poker Thursday nights and $6 schooner happy hour every Thursday from 7pm – 8pm.
We have also locked in our first function for the season with a Trivia Night being held on Saturday October 28th 7:30 – late at the clubrooms. Entry is $10 per person, with a maximum of 8 people on a table. You can book your table now by contacting Nathan Pisani on 0413 039 460 or scanning the QR code on the attached poster.
David Peel
8 Leigh News
Leigh News 9
Below are this seasons kit for the one day cricket. Do us all proud Boys!
A castle fit for the kids UNDER CONSTRUCTION
There’s been excitement in the air at Inverleigh Playgroup as construction of a new piece of outdoor play equipment is underway during the school holidays.
This will mean farewell to the much-loved pirate ship that has been a feature of our outdoor play for many years, its declining condition making its replacement a major priority for the Inverleigh Playgroup committee this year. Thanks to a grant from the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal which is funding the works, this project is now becoming a reality. Our grant application focused on the vital role playgroup fulfils in a small community, especially in reducing social isolation of
young children and their families after COVID-19. Our playgroup promotes health and wellbeing for children through outdoor play and aims to create a strong, connected community for parents and families. A custom designed and built timber castle full of interactive features – including sensory and musical elements – will be a great asset for Inverleigh Playgroup, and a wonderful addition to the grounds of the Inverleigh Public Hall. This will also benefit many other community groups and hall users. We would like to thank The Inverleigh Public Hall Committee for their support and practical assistance, and also Inverleigh Progress Association, Inverleigh Early
Learning Centre and Golden Plains Shire Maternal & Child Health for endorsing the project and supporting our grant application.
We will kick off term 4 with a celebratory morning tea to launch the new castle and hope the kids will get a lot of enjoyment from it for many years to come.
More details on the finished structure will be featured next month, so stay tuned!
Holly Windle – President, Inverleigh Playgroup
Join us for some fun this Spring
Inverleigh Playgroup welcomes all parents, grandparents and carers with children aged 0-4. Come along and try a session!
We run a weekly play session which brings families together to learn and develop through informal play activities and social interaction. Our aim is to provide a variety of experiences, toys and activities for children to enjoy, and create an inclusive atmosphere where care givers can have a hot drink, relax and build connections that last beyond playgroup. New members are always welcome, we hope to see you at a session soon!
Please join our Facebook page to keep up to date with weekly events and special announcements!
Inverleigh Open Space Committee
Annual General Meeting
will be held on:
Thursday 19th October 2023 at 7:30pm in the Inverleigh
Public Hall
All interested member of the community are invited to attend.
When: Wednesdays during school terms
Time: 9.15 – 11.15am
Where: Inverleigh Public Hall
Cost: $5 per family
What to bring: Please bring a piece of fruit to be cut and shared, a drink bottle and a hat Tea & coffee provided
The "Inverleigh Open Space Committee" is a small community group, lead by Tony Rayner and Damian Baker.
Damian is the volunteer who keeps the grass mown on the north side of the leigh river where the river walks are located. He also updates tree planting as required.
The committee are requiring a volunteer to do a very modest amount of book-keeping, so please come along to the AGM and find out more about this vital group who do so much for our town and its beautiful surrounds.
10 Leigh News
Inverleigh Playgroup Contact: Holly Windle 0432 632 130 (President)
October 2023 Calendar
More Yellow Than Yellow
The image for the month of October in the Inverleigh Historical Society 2023 Calendar is of a canola crop. Canola flowers transform the landscape into sheets of brilliant yellow in Spring and have great appeal for the public. Some entrepreneurial farmers sell opportunities for tourists to take photos in a canola crop.
Canola was bred from rapeseed cultivars in Canada in the 1970s. The name comes from the first three letters of Canada and the ‘ola’ denotes oil. Canola is 70% self-pollinating but benefits from insect pollination, particularly from honeybees.
Rapeseed belongs to the genus ‘brassica’ and is documented as having been used as an oil seed crop as long ago as in India 4,000 years ago. In the 1950s rapeseed oil was marketed as a food product but its taste and high concentration of erucic acid were unacceptable for people and animals. The development of Canola overcame these problems. Canola is now a major food oil with the byproduct after oil extraction being used as a protein rich stock food. Some other uses of canola oil are in industrial lubricants, biodiesel, candles, lipsticks, and newspaper inks.
Being a brassica, the seeds develop in pods. It is usual to windrow the crop to prevent losses from wind rubbing the ripening pods together, causing the seeds to fall out. The process of windrowing, which happens 8 to 10 days before the pods fully ripen, involves the tops and pods being cut off and laid 10 to 20 centimetres off the ground in horizontal bundles on top of the cut stems. Ripening of the seeds can then continue without damage to the pods from winds. When ripe, the crop is picked up by the harvester.
Local farmer, Ross Peel, explained that canola came into favour in the 1970s in Inverleigh at the same time as the revolutionary change in cropping known as direct drilling. This system, along with improved boom sprayers and new herbicides, allowed for seeder machines to run only once over a paddock and eliminated the damage to soil structure that was caused by cultivating equipment. Crop rotation, utilising crops such as canola, legumes (such as fava beans and lupins), wheat and barley, is regularly practised in the district to break the cycle of weeds and enhance nutrients. The Victorian Agricultural Department claims that wheat crops are improved by 20% when planted after canola. Victoria is regularly the third highest producer of canola in Australia, after Western Australia and New South Wales.
Ross Peel commented that, driving around the district, he has observed more canola than ever before and that, at this stage, there is good height and flowering. He hopes that no frost comes to devastate the crops before harvesting. Fingers crossed that the frosts, which can occur as late as Melbourne Cup Day, miss our district this year.
Christine Windle
Leigh News 11
Photo: Naomi Schultink
Date: Monday 25 September 2023
Golden Plains Shire Council is thrilled to announce the launch of its innovative Reusable Products Rebate Program, which empowers residents to make eco-conscious choices.
Residents are now able to claim a 50% rebate up to $100 on a range of eligible reusable products.
The program has been designed to inspire environmentally friendly purchasing decisions across four essential product categories; reusable nappy products, reusable sanitary products, reusable incontinence products and reusable portable drinking containers. Eligible products must be purchased from an Australian supplier on or after Monday 25 September.
Successful applicants will enjoy a 50% rebate of the purchase price of eligible products. To ensure fairness, the following limits have been applied to each category:
• Category 1 – Reusable nappy products up to $100
• Category 2 – Reusable sanitary products up to $50
• Category 3 – Reusable incontinence products up to $50
• Category 4 – Reusable portable drinking containers up to $30
Golden Plains Shire Council Mayor Cr Brett Cunningham said the program promoted the use of environmentally friendly products within the community.
“We have observed the success of similar initiatives in other Councils and listened to our community’s requests for such a program,” Cr Cunningham said.
“We’re confident that the program will be warmly received and complement Council’s ongoing efforts to reduce landfill waste.”
For a full list of categories, terms and conditions, and information on how to apply for a rebate visit goldenplains.vic.gov.au/reusableproductsrebate
The Reusable Products Rebate Program is aligned with priority areas in Council’s Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025 including tackling climate change and its impact on health, improving mental health and preventing family violence and advancing gender equity.
This program is also aligned to Council’s Climate Emergency Plan 2022-2032 and Council’s Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy 2020-2023 objectives which include reducing the amount of waste we send to landfill by implementing waste management and minimisation practices that are innovative, effective and reflect best practice.
– ENDS –
Released by: Eric Braslis, CEO, Golden Plains Shire Council
Media contact: Lachlan Cowlishaw, Senior Advisor, Communication and Engagement, Golden Plains Shire Council
P. 5220 7147 │M. 0407 141 271 │E. lachlan.cowlishaw@gplains.vic.gov.au
12 Leigh News
WANTED – Coordinator for the Inverleigh Book Bazaar 2024
WANTED – Coordinator for the Inverleigh Book Bazaar 2024
We are in danger of losing the Annual Inverleigh Book Bazaar. This great community event cannot continue unless we can find a community minded person/people with a passion for books and the ability to coordinate the 2024 Inverleigh Book Bazaar in May.
The Inverleigh Public Hall Committee members will give support, guidance, links to other Book Bazaar volunteers, and practical assistance. The Book Bazaar is a fund raiser for our Hall. Please call Anne-Maree Tarbett, one of our previous Book Bazaar Coordinators and Hall Committee member, on 0417 512 240, if you think you could help out and would like to know more.
Save the Date
Leigh News 13
What’s On
•Come & enjoy a cuppa with some country hospitality and home cooked treats
•Sausage sizzle
•Browse through folders of family stories & photos (add yours to them if you’d like)
•Research historic records, admire the talents of local artists and stall holders
•Win the Oldest/Youngest competition
•Raffle prizes: local wines, wildflower book, Café voucher, Fairy Park entry,hamper etc
•Town history walk
•Lace making demonstration
•take photos, visit the public buildings still remaining from the goldrush days, pan for gold or simply enjoy walking in the footsteps of your ancestors, amidst the beauty of this wonderful little town they once called home, surrounded by the bush coming to life with wildflowers and native orchids.
peppcorn@yahoo.com Gillian Dickson (Secretary of the Back to Steiglitz Association) or ring Kathy on 0407 556 796.
14 Leigh News GRASS SLASHING GRASS SLASHING GRASS SLASHING 0407 850 041 0407 850 041 0407 850 041
Warming Up
The recent weeks have bought some much warmer days and spring is defiantly here with a lot of flowering plants, pollen, and cases of hay fever. It is also looking like it might be drier than average and this will have two effects that will shape the coming fire season. Drier conditions in the spring usually result in less growth, and then as the growing season finishes and enters the summer months the fuel loadings could be less as the amount of dry grass and burnable material is just not there. This is a good outcome from a fire safety perspective.
The next effect of a dry spring is that the fuel that is there, is drier and cured earlier than normal and therefore increasing the possible length of the fire season and intensity of a fire because of really dry burnable material. This is not ideal and could lead to a busy fire season.
So where does that leave us as residents living in a fire prone area.?
Firstly, clean up any fire risks at your property as soon as you can and get any other fire prevention work done sooner than later as if it continues to be dry, then the fire danger period and fire restrictions may come in earlier than previous years. The current predictions are for El Nino conditions, with some experts claiming it could be one of the hottest summers ever.
Even if this is not the case, the last few summers have been cooler and wetter than average and we have seen a build up of fuels in reserves and roadsides and this year, with more heat, it will present high fuel loadings and greater fire danger.
Every year is different with the growing seasons it presents and the fuel loadings we see in our surrounding environment. One thing for certain is that an average summer will present many days of high fire danger. If the current weather predictions are correct then this summer could have a lot more high fire danger days than the average.
Please be aware of the fire restriction period when it comes into effect. There will be signs put up in the town and on roadsides, it will also be advertised in the media. Once this comes into effect the use of fires is very limited. At this stage we have not been told when fire restrictions will come into effect, but if the season continues with dry and hot conditions, they will be implemented earlier than normal.
Ewen Peel. Inverleigh Rural Fire Brigade.
I have been asked by a concerned Mum to include an article relating to horse riders and cars.
I'm sure there are plenty of people in the district who can identify with this common sense approach between Riders and Drivers.
Horses can be easily spooked and young children do not always have the experience needed to cope with these situations. If you experience a situation while driving and being in close proximity to anyone riding their horse or pony, quiet and slow is the way to go. Stopping and enjoying a young boy or girl, or Mum or Dad as they quietly ride by will really make your day. "Pass Wide and Slow"
Peter Trevaskis-Editor
Leigh News 15
"Pass Wide and Slow"
Contact Helen Collins on 0418 340 387 for all your Interior Design & Styling needs and she will work with you to create beautiful & functional spaces
Golden Pens - Write side up
G’Day from the penners for the 3rd last time this year, as I always say, where has the year gone? And how has the weather been? Hot, cold, calm, windy, we have had the lot.
This month’s words come from our newest member Gail, she has only been with us this year but so far she has regaled us with stories and poems – some that have left us with tears running down our faces with laughter and others that we are left to ponder. She is an accomplished writer and we look forward each meeting to her contribution. We hope you like this one from her.
I Need You To Know
I read it in the Classifieds, then heard it on the streets
The sad demise of Mrs Rowe, my all-time favourite teacher. For six long years she counselled me, shared her sense of humour
Creatively, successfully, to make me more included.
Ejected on a daily basis for coughing, grunting, tics
My loud, resounding armpit farts always did the trick. Pretended they were accidents, beyond my self-control Excluded from the Science class, I made my way to see her.
A knowing look, she asked me to, recount the incident
She punctuated my retelling with some armpit farts!
I was shocked, to say the least, and begged her to desist And in return she claimed her farts were accidental too!
My game was up, she was no fool, she offered a solution For me to take time out, reflect; whene’er I felt the urge. She made her point, I must admit, and going from that day Behave I did and over time, I spent more time in class.
No more course disruptions made me happy and engaged
A safe, inclusive classroom meant I managed what I did. My life at school, it turned around; my approval rating soared
The afternoons were filled with play and party invitations.
Forever grateful I will be for Mrs Rowe’s compassion. Her patience, wisdom, encouragement went well beyond her role.
Successful man, that I am, I owe it all to her
The mentoring, the genesis, of my self-esteem.
Consider this my eulogy, to farewell my dear friend
Thanks to:
Ross & Caroline Wilson of Shelford and Mora Leach of Inverleigh for faithfully supplying the monthly rainfall figures. Your efforts are very much appreciated.
I know her service is this week but I will not attend. A private service I’ll observe, to grieve, recall and pray Why? Because, I have autism still, and I don’t do funerals.
16 Leigh News
Legs for Legacy Centenary Torch Relay
The Geelong leg of the Centenary Torch relay on Sunday 17th September was held with the weather being very kind to the torch bearers in providing perfect conditions, The relay covered an area of 13.5Klms through various areas of Geelong, starting at Johnstone Park and finishing at Steam Packet Gardens with the lighting of the Legacy Cauldron. The relay has now moved on to continue its journey in Victoria and Tasmania returning to the Shrine of Remembrance for the final Memorial service on the 13th October. The Legacy Organisation are very grateful for the support of the Torch Relay throughout it's epic Journey.
I wish to take this opportunity to give my personal appreciation and gratitude to the Local Community and Local Businesses for their encouragement and support as well as the sponsors for their contributions to Legacy in support of my leg of the Torch Relay it has been an amazing event to have been involved with in closing once again thank you everyone for your support and encouragement.
Mal Johns
Leigh News 17 Chris Weiler's Inverleigh & Surrounds Garden, Lawn and House Maintenance Ph: 0467 180 592 e: 4weiler10@gmail.com
Trading Hours: Friday. 10am to 2pm, Sat. 10am to 1pm, Sun. 10am to 1pm Monday to Thursday appointments can be made to open, just contact Wendy, on 0407 350 437 or enquire within the store.
Locally owned and operated by Wendy De Francesco, this shop is located at Shop 1/29 High Street, Inverleigh (next to the CFA).
Local Creations specializes in upcycled furniture and home décor, they also offer a custom furniture painting service with various styles that can be enquired in the store.
Local Creations has a range of stock and also supports small local businesses with items ranging from handmade:
-Candles -Soaps -Skin Care Products - Tote Bags
-Local Artwork- Even something for your pooch
18 Leigh News
Hello all, I received some recent court results from hearings on 6/9/23 at Geelong Magistrates court:
1. 26/11/22 2.05 pm, White Mercedes sedan travelling East on Hamilton Hwy Inverleigh vicinity of Dawber Road 20 year old male probationary driver from Melbourne 175 km/h in 100 km/h zone. Charged with speed dangerous and fail to display P plates. Result: fined $1000 licence cancelled and disqualified for 12 months ordered to do a safe driving program.
2. 20/5/23 9.50 am Blue Hyundai sedan travelling East Hamilton Hwy Inverleigh vicinity Fuller Road 32 year old male on international licence but residing in Australia, 153 km/h in the 100 km/h zone. Charged ex speed limit & unlicensed driving. Result : Fined $1000, licence suspended for 12 months.
I also issued some recent excessive speed infringements in Inverleigh township. Especially on Friday nights I am still finding people speeding into the town:
8/9/23 7.50 pm Holden sedan travelling West Hamilton Hwy Inverleigh 90 in 60 km/h zone
$529 fine and 3 month licence suspension.
8/9/23 8.15 pm Isuzu utility travelling West
Hamilton Hwy Inverleigh 99 in 60 km/h zone
$721 fine and 6 month licence suspension
10/9/23 9.20 pm Toyota station wagon West
Hamilton Hwy Inverleigh 90 in 60 km/h zone
$529 and 3 month suspension.
Recently recovered a stolen Ford Territory station wagon taken from the Geelong area and dumped on the River Track Inverleigh after apparently colliding with a tree at around 3 am one morning. Vehicle was towed from the
scene and some forensic analysis is occurring in relation to possible fingerprints and DNA from blood left on the vehicle. Even though the area is relatively quiet we do get some criminals coming into the area we have had a stolen caravan in the same area some time ago as well. Please be aware.
The principal of the Inverleigh Primary school has informed me that there are to be some works occurring in the school grounds and they do not want any children in the grounds over the school holidays while the works are occurring.
The last school term is upon us and before we know it will be summer time and a forecast long hot and dry period. Please look at doing your hazard reduction on your properties well in advance of the designated fire danger period for the shire which will be published in the future.
Finally, we recently lost our last border collie due to old age and mobility issues with her back legs after losing our older one 12 months earlier due to similar issues. Both our Border’s lived just beyond 15 years and loved walking around the township and on the sporting grounds opposite the station and having a walk through the river under the federation bridge. They both survived an encounter with a Brown snake at the residence back door a few years back and we were probably very fortunate they were never bitten being in such close proximity to the river here. I have great memories walking them around the town especially in the early hours of the morning.
Keep safe, Chris
Leigh News 19
Contact Peter or Dianne 5265 1757 or 0418 514 926
Estia Health Bannockburn is currently offering 2 weeks FREE respite.
Estia Health Bannockburn is a Residential Aged Care home and has availability for both respite and permanent care. Call Kelly on 0419 030 510 if you would like to have a look at our wonderful home and find out more details on Aged Care.
Call Kelly on 0419 030 510 before this offer expires (31 August) and to book your personal tour today. Current availability for both respite and permanent care.
71 McPhillips Road, Bannockburn 5281 1991.
20 Leigh News
COMPOST is now available
to arrange for pick up from Inverleigh Shelford
71 McPhillips Rd, Bannockburn 5281 1991 per
Teddy Bears’ Picnic: Intergenerational Story Time
Bannockburn Library
Calling all grandparents, carers, and seniors to a very special Story Time. We will be joined by a local kindergarten group or bring along your grandchild/ren. After teddy-themed stories and songs we will enjoy a picnic together in the Bannockburn Library courtyard
Morning tea provided - but don't forget to bring your favourite teddy bear!
Thursday 19 October 10:30am-11:30am
Build Your Digital Skills : One-on-one assistance
Bannockburn Library
Bookings essential, please phone 4201 0661.
Digital Literacy Skills: Intro to Facebook
Bannockburn Library
This is a FREE session and is proudly supported by the Victorian State Government's Digital Literacy for Seniors Program.
Thursday 12 October - 2:30pm-3:15pm
Bookings online or phone 4201 0661.
Connect and Share: Take a Trip Down Memory Lane
Bannockburn Library
Join us for a fun journey to share memories inspired by objects, songs and photos from the past.
Wednesday 25 October - 2:00pm-2:45pm
Bookings online or phone 4201 0661.
Leigh News 21 Local
News Contact Bannockburn Library Ph: 4201 0661 www.grlc.vic.gov.au
Local family business. 15 years experience in design, supply & install of ducted heating, cooling and split systems. PLUS heat pump hot water with government rebates / savings $$$ VBA Lic.104172 * ARC Lic. L136269
22 Leigh News
Inverleigh Nature Conservation Reserve
The Bushland Reserve on our doorstep
Few rural towns have easy access to local remnant bushland. West of Geelong, three townships, Bannockburn, Teesdale and Inverleigh are advantaged with bushland reserves at their doorstep. The Inverleigh Nature Conservation Reserve or Common, as it was once called, is a 1050ha 'Grassy Open Woodland' with much to offer the local or visitor at any time of the year. Declared a common in 1860, five years after the township was officially proclaimed, our pioneering fathers decided that the bushland would be kept as a source of firewood for the community plus an area where livestock could graze in times of drought. Ironically both practices have since been long banned.
So what does the Inverleigh bush have to offer the nature lover?
At any time of the year the Reserve can keep the naturalist intrigued with its unique ecosystem. Armed with binoculars endless hours can be spent watching the abundant birdlife, native wildflowers during the months of spring and early summer, numerous fungi pieces throughout winter and the tranquillity of wandering among bushland trees. Some of ancient red gums (Eucalyptus camaldulensis), still bear the markings of indigenous activity. Research has found that the stress hormone Cortisol can be reduced up to 15% when walking amongst trees compared to urban streets. That in itself is a good reason to visit the Reserve!
A Friends Group for the reserve started in the early 1990's, a time when many such groups were forming across Victoria. Since then the group has routinely carried out the ongoing clean ups of ever increasing amounts of rubbish dumped in the Reserve as well as along the Inverleigh-Teesdale road running through the reserve. The group also organizes frequent working bees to remove and prevent the spread of Boneseed
(Chrysanthemoids monlifera), an invasive noxious weed from South Africa that has become a pest species in many bushland sites. A prime example of this invasion is the You Yangs Range. To date the Friends Group has been able to keep up with the spread of Boneseed, but more volunteers from the community willing to help out would be most welcome as this work will be ongoing until new regrowth is removed before they have the chance to flower and drop seeds.
Can you help out?
Please contact Keith Windle for further information windle.keith@gmail.com and join us for these upcoming events:
•Wildflower Walk Sunday 1st October, 1.304.00
•Bird Walk Sunday 15th October 10.00-12.00 (bring binoculars if you have them but NOT essential)
•Wildflower Walk Sunday 12th November 1.304.00
All start from the Common Road entrance (adjacent to the Golf Club entrance).
Rob Beardsley
Leigh News 23
Meet in the Inverleigh Public Hall @ Midday on 2nd Thursday each Month for a Meeting, guest speaker and afternoon tea and 4th Thursday each month for an outing.
Exercise Classes Each Thursday from 10am till 10:30.. At the Inverleigh Public Hall. Cost $5 each Seniors Meeting at Inverleigh Hall
12th October @Midday
We will have lunch together ($10 each) and following, enjoy some moreindoor activities, including ten pin bowling, cards and board games.
Seniors Outing 26th October
As part of Seniors Month, we will be travelling to Camperdown by Train. Use your Free Railpass, Lunch at a local Hotel, Tour of the clocktower? Full details at October 12th Meeting. CarPool from Inverleigh Hall.
for more info contact-
President: Peter Trevaskis 0407 100 791
Secretary:Liz Platt 0423 301 519.
Treasurer: Val Robertson 5265 1492
CJ's Mini Excavator Hire
: confined space excavation
: Post Hole Auger, 300 & 400mm
: Landscape Preparation
:Trenching, 250-400-1M buckets
: Thumb grab attachment for easy green waste removal
:Solar & Electric Gate Openers
24 Leigh News
Phone: 0407 850 041 located in Inverleigh
Leigh News 25 Rokewood Bannockburn Winchelsea Beeac Acute Care * Urgent Care* Residential Aged Care* Communtiy Nursing Dietetics Physiotherapy Occupational Therapy Social Support Groups Counselling Home Care Health Promotion www.hesseruralhealth.com.au P: (03) 5267 1200 E: reception@hesse.vic.gov.au * services from Winchelsea only For more information please contact Hesse on (03) 5267 1200 or via email reception@hesse.vic.gov.au Bus Driver Outings Assistant Resident Visitor Events & Activities Assistant Group Wheelchair Walkers Appointment Escort Social Support Activities Gardening - Winchelsea Hospital Auxiliary Member Consumer Advisory Committee Marketing & Fundraising Committee Volunteers are one of Hesse’s greatest a sets, playing a vital role to enhance the quality of Hesse services & client experiences.
Volunteers Required
Fundraiser, 4th November
10:00am - 4:00pm, Bannockburn VIC
Explore four spectacular open gardens and support health and education projects in Vanuatu. Walk, bike or drive and discover each at your own pace. Indulge in a delightful Devonshire tea, marvel at the Airing of the Quilts display and have a chance to chat with Vasili from Vasili’s Garden. No dogs please. Information, event map and tickets at mjf.org.au
Tickets: pre-purchase or available at each garden.
All gardens: $30 includeing Devonshire Tea.
All gardens student price: $20
Single garden: $10
Drop in and have a look at:
Old photos and documents
School photos
Videos of recent events
Newspaper articles
Historic Mechanics Institute
Sunday 22nd October 1—4 PM
Inverleigh Public Hall
Free afternoon tea
Please bring along
Inverleigh related photos and documents for us to copy.
26 Leigh News
The Melanie Jewson Foundation Presents:
•Luxury Facials – 40 minutes
•Mini Facials – 20 minutes
•Pamper Package – 1 hour
•Makeup Services
•Gift Vouchers available
Withover 11 years in the beauty industry, I
Leigh News 27
28 Leigh News
A Survey of Platypus is currently Being conducted in Victoria. (under the auspices of the Australian Conservation Foundation)
All interested people are invited to participate (whether you have seen a platypus or not) by registering at :–
with compliments...PeterT (Editor)
White Lotus Reiki and crystals is a small business based in the picturesque township of Inverleigh Vic.
White Lotus offers Traditional Usui/Tibetan Reiki, a practice that promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety, and promotes a positive mental state through gentle touch.
Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key), is a Japanese word meaning “Universal Life Energy”, the vital, creative force that flows through everything. When used as a therapy, referred to as The Usui System of Natural Healing, it is an energy balancing technique for improving and maintaining health, based on the principle that a balanced energy system leads to a healthy mind and body.
White Lotus also offers the opportunity to purchase beautiful crystal jewellery, carved crystals and individual pieces of Mother Earth’s natural wonders, ethically sourced from around the world. There is also an array of books and homewares to choose from which can also be viewed on Facebook and Instagram.
FB: Whitelotus Reiki and crystals Instagram: whitelotus_reiki
For further information or to arrange an appointment for Reiki or to personally view crystal shop, contact Jane on 0417 143 669. or email whitelotus_reiki@outlook.com
Leigh News 29
MONTHLY FOOD SWAPS are held in INVERLEIGH on second Saturday of the month
9:30 to 10:00 @Sonny Cafe and in BANNOCKBURN @ St. Mary MacKillop School
4th Saturday each Month
Est. 14th July 2014
This branch meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm at Teesdale Hall, Main Road Teesdale
All ages welcome. It is not an “oldies” group. If you are interested in attending please contact:
Shirley 0447 873 763
Lions Club of Inverleigh
Leigh Valley
"Lions Club newspaper collection".
Leigh Valley Lions Club collects newspapers & magazines for recycling.
Funds raised are used for both local & international Lions projects. Community members are asked to deposit their papers in "LIONS" marked wheely bins located at Inverleigh Hall & beside the Bannockburn Library in High St. Pick up of large amounts can be arranged by text or phone to Secretary John Crowe 0414 674 156.
Inverleigh’s OP Shop
Mondays: 1 – 4 PM
Tuesdays, Fridays & Saturdays
9 AM – 1 PM
Closed School Holidays
EFTPOS and Cash
Do not accept: Electrical Goods, Car Seats, Furniture, Your Rubbish
Op Shop Bannockburn have relocating to St. Johns Anglican Church
11 Byron Street Bannockburn
Opening hours: Tuesday-Friday 10 to 4 Saturday 10 to 1
Justices of the Peace
Mr Keith Windle
77 Dundas Street INVERLEIGH Ph: 0429 651 298
Mrs E McDonald 47 High Street
Inverleigh Ph: 5265 1270
For only $15 each Chain you can get your chains looking brand new 0447 516 857 or 0407 850 041 TODAY TO GET YOUR CHAINS READY FOR THE WINTER. DROP OFF OR PICKUP IS AVAILABLE
Golden Plains Baha’i Community
The Baha’i Faith upholds the oneness of God, the oneness of Religion and the oneness of mankind. Religion should unite all hearts and bring spirituality and world peace. The equality of men and women is essential to create peace.
Spiritual education for all. We have no clergy as it is up to each person to investigate truth for himself. “The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens” Baha’u’llah For more information: bahai.org or Bannockburn 52 812 102, Teesdale 52 815 143, or Ross Creek 53 420 286
Mr Peter Bufton
110 Savage Drive INVERLEIGH Ph: 0448 694 204
Mr Rod McKenzie
7 Ruxton Crt.
Bannockburn Ph: 0408 527 704
Mr Stephen Gilligan SHELFORD
Ph: 0409 432 933
A00041565N meets for rally every 2nd Sunday
Victoria Park, Park Street, Inverleigh Vic 3321
New Members always welcome for enquiries please contact
Pres. Narelle Bogle 0438 034 313
Sect. Claire Heazelwood 0438 449 048
30 Leigh News
Contact the Editor to promote your community activity here leighnews@bigpond.com
St. Joseph’s Catholic Parish of Meredith
Contact Details:
Parish Priest Father Joseph mob. 0404 598 558
Office Phone: 5286 1230
Office open Wednesday & Friday 9.30am to 4.30 pm
Winchelsea - St. John the Baptist @ 6pm Sat. OCT. 7/14/21/28
Anakie – St. Brigid @ 9am Sun. OCT. 1/15/29
Meredith – St. Joseph @ 9am Sun. OCT. 8
Bannockburn – St. Mary MacKillop @ 11am Sun. OCT. 1/8/15/22/29
Inverleigh – Sacred Heart @ 4pm Sun. OCT. 15
OR FR. JOSEPH 0404 598 558
“Forwedonotpreachourselves, but ChristJesustheLord...” (2 Corinthians 4.5)
Sunday Service at Inverleigh
10 am.
For further information: Rev.SurendraWesley 0428489222
Anglican Church
Church Services each Sunday
8 am Inverleigh
10 am Bannockburn
5pm Meredith
38 High Street, Inverleigh
Rev’d Dr. Tim Smith 0412 673 152
Geoff Morgan 0408 106 559
Inverleigh and District
Red Cross
Meet monthly in Inverleigh Public Hall at 1.30pm.
June 19th.
Annual Meeting August 14th, 12 noon Lunch.
October 9th.
December 11th (Xmas lunch to be decided).
Heather Bogie President 0408 521 090.
Cathy Altmann Secretary 0409 024 578.
Inverleigh Hall Hall Hire Contact
The Inverleigh Hall Committee promotes the use of the hall and develops and maintains our fabulous community asset.
If you would like to become involved by serving on the committee or by initiating activities at the hall, please contact
Anne-Maree Tarbett
0417 512 240
Welcomes existing and new members alike.
We are so much more than just Tea and Scones ladies!
Social Meetings 7.30pm every last Wednesday of the month (except Dec/Jan).
Meet in Presbyterian Church Hall. inverleighcwa@gmail.com or Eliza Peel Ph 0438 351 483
31 Our Public Hall needs the lawns maintained. Can you join the roster to mow the lawns once or twice a year?
24 Hourtelephone counselling ANONYMOUS CONFIDENTIAL IMMEDIATE Phone 13 11 14 LIFELINE
If so, please contact: Anne-Maree Tarbett 0417 512 240 Can You Help Here? NOTICEBOARD WHO CAN I TALK TO?
Weekly Bus Service provided for residents without transport to shop in Geelong!
Bus leaves the Inverleigh
Every FRIDAY at 9:30 am and leaves Geelong at 2:15pm for the return trip.
Reasonable Rates
Narelle Bogle 0438 034 313
Tai Chi @ Teesdale Community Hall
Thursday’s 9.30am
phone: 0414 944 926
Bring a craft, learn a new craft or come for a walk, chat and cuppa.
Meets 2nd & 4th Tuesday’s , 9.30am - 1.30pm At Teesdale Community Hall
*BYO craft and lunch
*Tea & Coffee provided.
Cost $5 Joining fee. $3 per session
Contact Lesley 0400 547 157 or Shirley 0447 873 763
(Formerly Community Hall) Behind the CFA Building Main Road, Teesdale FOR ALL YOUR HIRING NEEDS
Hall, Meeting Room, Kitchen, Tables, Chairs & Crockery.
For bookings, phone Dale on 0428 386 724
Meredith And District Motor Cycle Club
We meet the 3rd Sunday of every month for our ride day (NO RACING AND NO QUADS /4 WHEELERS)
We have 2 tracks: One that is set up as a motocross track that is marshalled and we also have a smaller flat track for kids/beginners to learn to ride.
St Johns is in attendance as well as a canteen.
For more information please: head over to our Facebook page MADMCC or call 0415 503 869.
Ballarat Chooks
Pullets for Sale:
Hyline Brown Sexed and Vaccinated.
Delivering to: Winchelsea (Eastern Reserve), Inverleigh (Lawsons Park), & Bannockburn (B&S Stockfoods)
Text or Ring Kelvin 0400 559 559 for delivery dates and times
"Ballarat Chooks Information Page" Please like my page!
VICTORIA PARK wish to advise the Scrap Bin is CLOSED until further Notice.
LOVE TO SING BUT THINK YOUR TERRIBLE? INVERLEIGH SING SESH IS FOR YOU? Further info: call Robyn 0408 346 222 or follow us on facebook.
32 Leigh News
Your Community Advert could go
5/14 High Street Bannockburn.
Phone: 4217 3810
We are open:
Tuesday's 9am to 7:30pm
Wednesday 9am to 5pm
Friday's 9am to 4pm
Appointments for ALL Childrens needs are available during the School Holidays.
Tuesday's 9am to 7:30pm
Friday's 9am to 4pm
Winter Sports are approaching too. Make an appointment now for Mouth Guards
Creating bright smiles for the whole family
Leigh News 33 •Accountants • Business Advice • Superannuation • Taxation Services • Financial Planning • Audit Services Surfcoast: 13 Pearl Street Postal: P.O. Box 178, Torquay Vic 3228 Tel: (03) 5261 2262 Fax: (03) 5261 6639 Email: admin@surftax.com.au
22 Willis Street Postal: P.O. Box 40, Winchelsea 3241 Tel: (03) 5267 2673 Fax: (03) 5267 2465 Email: winch@surftax.com.au STS ACCOUNTING GROUP Surfcoast Taxation Services Pty Ltd Certified Practicing Accountants Your taxation specialist! Lic. 42937 Matthew Carr Painter & Decorator Interior, Exterior, Repaints and Wallpapering Fully qualified Quality workmanship 0438 559 635 8 McCallum Rd Inverleigh General & Children's Dentistry Implant & Cosmetic Dentistry Dentures - new, repairs & relines
34 Leigh News D.I.A. ACCREDITED
LMike's snake removal Licensed 0401 732 399 (Call out fee applies)
Leigh News 35 Paul Corcoran 0416 491 546 Paul O Grady 0414 932 018 57 Rankin Road, Inverleigh. Instagram @paulsbricklayinggeelong Email: paulsbricklayinggeelong@gmail.com Local Towing Operator, DAVO's TOWING can handle all your towing needs, as you can see from the attached photos. David and Isabell are available to answer all your questions related to moving cars and machinery. Give them a call 0429 958 769
•Spring Babies
•Breed Of The MonthJack Russell Terrier
Funny Cat Jokes
Why did the cats ask for a drum set? They wanted to make some mewsic!
Halloween in Australia has become more popular in recent years with it previously being a more American tradition. It’s important to remember while we enjoy various chocolates, lollies and other treats as part of the festivities, they can be poisonous for our four legged friends.
It is important to keep treats away from your dog. Chocolate is highly poisonous and can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, increased thirst, excessive urination, increased heart rate or even seizures. In some cases it can be fatal.
There is a chemical in chocolate called Theobromine which causes the toxicity. The more bitter the chocolate the higher the theobromine content.
Treatment is usually to induce vomiting to reduce the amount of theobromine absorbed into your dog’s body. Depending on the level of poisoning, IV fluids may be needed to flush out the toxins from your dog’s system.
If you believe your dog has ingested chocolate please contact the clinic on 03 5281 1221 or if out of hours contact your nearest Emergency clinic
Spring Babies
What's a cat's favorite TV show? Claw and Order.
How did the mum cat know she was pregnant? Her test was pawsitive.
What normally happens when cats go on a first date? They hiss.
What's a cat's favorite cereal? Mice Bubbles.
During Spring and Summer, baby birds are the most common patient at Wildlife Centres. Many baby birds however do not need rescuing and would be better cared for by their parents.
A fledgling is a young bird that has grown enough to acquire its initial flight feathers and is preparing to leave the nest and fend for itself.
Fledglings can appear to be orphaned when in fact they are just learning to fly.
Taking these birds into captivity deprives them of the opportunity to learn the skills they will need to survive in the wild.
Unless the bird is injured, it is essential to leave them with their parents. If you are concerned the bird is orphaned, give the bird plenty of space, keep pets away and watch from a distance to see if the parents are visiting the fledgling.
36 Leigh News
What colour do kittens love the most? Purrrple.
Farwell Dr Rithvik
Breed Of The Month - Jack Russell Terrier
The Jack Russell Terrier is a true working terrier and was originally bred over 200 years ago in England. They were specifically bred to hunt foxes and this trait is still seen in them today.
Whilst they are very affectionate, charming and clever they can also be a handful to train and manage. Jack Russell’s need plenty of exercise and consistent training or they could exhibit unwanted behaviours such as digging, chewing or barking.
The breed has a compact, muscular body. Typically they are a happy, energetic dog with a strong desire to work. Jack Russell Terriers can make good watchdogs as they are very alert.
Despite being quite energetic they make great companions. They will be your friend for life and are very loyal to their families. They also make excellent candidates for obedience and agility training. Jack Russell Terrier Facts:
• Origin: England
We recently farwelled Dr Rithvik Suresh who has made the move to Melbourne to work for Canterbury Veterinary Clinic.
We will miss seeing Dr Rithvik's friendly face here at Bannockburn Vet Clinic and wish him all the best in his future endeavours.
• Size: 30cm -35cm tall at the shoulder
• Weight: 2-10kgs
• Lifespan: 13-16 years
• Coat: Smooth, broken or rough
• Temperament: Energetic, playful, intelligent, stubborn
• Exercise needs: High
• Training: Needs early socialization and training
• Grooming: Moderate
• Health concerns: Hereditary deafness, eye problems, luxating patellas
• Digging Instinct: Jack Russell Terriers have a strong natural instinct to dig, which stems from their history as working dogs.
Leigh News 37
38 Leigh News
Surfcoast Taxis
inc Winchelsea & Bannockburn Taxis
Our fleet of vehicles are growing to all late models and we are now covering an extended area including: Winchelsea, Colac, Bannockburn, Inverleigh, Great Ocean Road and Geelong.
We have a fleet of 10 seater Maxi Vans, all with Capacity to carry wheelchairs.
Surfcoast Taxis Pty. Ltd.
All Bookings: 0408 325 992
Fax: 5267 2699
Email: bannotaxis@gmail.com
(Admin or Stan 0429 672 888)
66A Batson Street, Winchelsea, 3241.
NDIS provide number 4050001044
NDIS provide number 4050001048
The machine pictured above is a "Gestetner" and the Leigh News would have been printed on a similar machine. Pages would have then been collated, folded and stapled. Today each issue is printed by a large photocopier, A3 paper is input at one end and stapled completed magazines are delivered at the other end.
At its September Meeting, Golden Plains Shire Council adopted the updated Election Period Policy
According to section 69 of the Local Government Act 2020, Council is mandated to adopt an Election Period policy. The updated policy reflects the dates of the upcoming 2024 election and incorporates minor adjustments to align with the Local Government Act 2020 and enhance overall governance.
The Golden Plains Shire community actively participated in a public consultation process by sharing their thoughts and suggestions on the proposed changes from 25 August 2023 to 22 September 2023.
Golden Plains Shire Council Mayor Cr Brett Cunningham said the adopted Election Period policy provides clear guidance and governance regarding the Council election process.
Date: Wednesday 27 August 2023
“This important policy outlines the procedures and guidelines for Council operations during election periods, ensuring Council can continue to conduct business throughout this period in a fair, transparent and equitable manner,” Cr Cunningham said.
At its September Meeting, Golden Plains Shire Council adopted the updated Election Period Policy
“Community input on Council policies is vitally important, and we thank those who made a submission for helping us ensure we have a comprehensive and inclusive Election Period policy that truly represents the interests of our community.”
According to section 69 of the Local Government Act 2020, Council is mandated to adopt an Election Period policy. The updated policy reflects the dates of the upcoming 2024 election and incorporates minor adjustments to align with the Local Government Act 2020 and enhance overall governance.
A copy of the updated Election Period Policy can be accessed online at goldenplains.vic.gov.au/consultations and at Council's Customer Hubs located at 2 Pope Street, Bannockburn, and The Well, 19 Heales Street, Smythesdale.
The Golden Plains Shire community actively participated in a public consultation process by sharing their thoughts and suggestions on the proposed changes from 25 August 2023 to 22 September 2023.
Golden Plains Shire Council Mayor Cr Brett Cunningham said the adopted Election Period policy provides clear guidance and governance regarding the Council election process.
“This important policy outlines the procedures and guidelines for Council operations during election periods, ensuring Council can continue to conduct business throughout this period in a fair, transparent and equitable manner,” Cr Cunningham said.
“Community input on Council policies is vitally important, and we thank those who made a submission for helping us ensure we have a comprehensive and inclusive Election Period policy that truly represents the interests of our community.”
A copy of the updated Election Period Policy can be accessed online at goldenplains.vic.gov.au/consultations and at Council's Customer Hubs located at 2 Pope Street, Bannockburn, and The Well, 19 Heales Street, Smythesdale.
Released by: Eric Braslis, CEO, Golden Plains Shire Council
Media contact: Lisa Baldock, Coordinator Communications & Engagement, Golden Plains Shire Council P. 5220 7199 │M. 0448 235 807 │E. lisa.baldock@@gplains.vic.gov.au
Engagement, Golden Plains Shire Council
Leigh News 39
– ENDS –
Hearts of Gold Fundraiser
Saturday May 25 2024 @ Barwon Park Mansion
More details on our Facebook Page Leigh News - Inverleigh
Date: Tuesday 19 September
Council is excited to announce an upcoming opportunity for parents of children aged 0 to 5 years to participate in the enriching 'Circle of Security' parenting program series.
Beginning in October, this eight-week relationship-based program is designed to empower parents with valuable insights and skills to enhance their parenting journey.
Golden Plains Shire Mayor Cr Mayor Brett Cunningham expressed his unreserved support for the initiative.
"As a parent myself, I understand the challenges that come with raising children,” Cr Cunningham said.
“The 'Circle of Security' program is a wonderful initiative which will equip parents with the tools they need to better understand their child's emotional needs, foster emotional management, and nurture self-esteem. I encourage all eligible parents and guardians in the Shire to take advantage of this valuable opportunity."
Delivered by trusted community partner Ballarat CatholicCare, the program is internationally recognised and based on evidence-based strategies derived from attachment theory.
The ‘Circle of Security’ parenting program is offered free of charge to participants, and the eight weekly sessions will be hosted at the Bannockburn Family Services Building, commencing on Thursday 12 October 2023, from 12:45 to 2:45pm.
"It's heartening to see our community benefit from such a comprehensive program, made possible through the support of Ballarat CatholicCare and the Crime Prevention Project. The program aligns with our commitment to building safer communities and nurturing the wellbeing of our youngest residents,” Cr Cunningham said
To register for the program, parents are encouraged to reach out to Andrea Clarke at Ballarat CatholicCare via email at andrea.clarke@catholiccarevic.org.au or by calling 1300 303 988. Registration is now open and will close at 5pm on Thursday 5 October, 2023.
For additional information, Council's Health, Wellbeing, and Youth team can be contacted by calling 03 5220 7199 or via email at enquiries@gplains.vic.gov.au
The Circle of Security parenting program was funded by the Victorian Government’s Building Safer Communities Program.
– ENDS –
Released by: Eric Braslis, CEO, Golden Plains Shire Council
Media contact: Lachlan Cowlishaw, Senior Advisor Communications & Engagement, Golden Plains Shire Council
P. 5220 7199 │M. 0407 141 271 │E. lachlan.cowlishaw@@gplains.vic.gov.au
40 Leigh News
Leigh News 41
42 Leigh News
Leigh News 43 Contact Details: Scott Moreland 5281 0345 8 Davies Street Bannockburn Opening hours Weekends 9am til 2pm Tuesday & Wednesday by appointment Weekdays 8am til 5pm
Our highly trained and compassionate vets and nurses understand how important your pet is to you and work with you to care for your pet, providing skilled diagnostics, treatment and recovery plans alongside preventative health management.
Services *Sugar Gum Firewood. 4.5 mtr Trailer or 8 mtr Truck. "Delivered" *Tree Removal and Clean Up *Paddock Clean Up *Telehandler with Elevated Work Platform & Log Grab *13 tonne excavator, *small kubota tractor with grab *13 mtr cherry picker. *Firewood Processor, Wood Splitter & Saw Bench. Contact: Danny Busbridge 0438 355 383 44 Leigh News GOLDEN PLAINS 03 5281 2226 ® BEST MATES
Life Vet’s
12 MILTON STREET BANNOCKBURN furlifevet.com.au/goldenplains goldenplains@furlifevet.com.au
to Friday 8.00
– 6.00
8.30 am
Danny’s Firewood & Tree
is Fur
preventative and protective healthcare program designed to keep your pet healthier and happier for longer.
pm Saturday
Supporting your community
When you choose to bank with Bendigo Bank, good things happen in your community.
Like our sponsorship of Inverleigh Fire Brigade
And when you belong to one of Australia’s biggest banks, good things happen with your banking too.
Feel good about who you bank with.
Find out more. Call us on 5267 3189 or search Bendigo Bank Winchelsea & District.
Bannockburn Surgery is a fully accredited medical practice that provides comprehensive GP services and have been practising within the community for more than 30 years. Bannockburn Surgery is the largest practice within the shire.
We are an accredited teaching practice – training medical students, nursing students and future GPs.
We also offer the following services:
Diabetes Education
Q Fever (Testing & Vaccines)
Yellow Fever (Vaccine)
16 High Street, Bannockburn VIC 3331
Tel: (03) 5281 1481
Online bookings available
Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited ABN 11 068 049 178, AFSL/Australian Credit Licence 237879 A1389134, OUT_25159800, 18/08/2022
Community Bank Winchelsea & District
Leigh News 45
Dr Benjamin Fry
Dr John Henderson
Dr Cameron Profitt
Dr Veronica Donahoe Dr Rupali Jain
Dr Edward Carson
Dr Rebecca Tidd Dr Mohana Govardhanan
46 Leigh News MOULES PLUS HIRE New to Winchelsea Phone Stephen on 0439 007 483. moulesplushire@gmail.com. 28 High St, Inverleigh Vic 3321 Opening Hours: 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday 8am to 12pm Saturday. Phone: 5265 1648
Directory of Clubs, Services and Organisations
Below is a directory for clubs, organisations and services operating in Inverleigh, Teedale, Shelford and surrounding areas. If you are interested in obtaining further information about an organisation, please feel free to ring and have a chat with them. Any club or organisation who wishes to be listed, please forward details to us and we will include your listing. We would also appreciate being kept up to date with contact details.
Anglican Church Inverleigh (St Pauls) 38 High Street, Inverleigh
services: please check Leigh News for current times
contact: Rev. Dr Tim Smith
Ph: 5265 1284 / 0412 673 152
Friends of Inverleigh Nature Conservation Reserve. President: Keith Windle, Phone 0429 651 298 windle.keith@gmail.com
Geelong & District Carriage Drivers
Christa Jones 0408 342 403 gdcd.secretary@gmail.com
Inverleigh Bowls Club
Pres. Adrian Hurring 0418 593 849
Sec. Jenny Peel 0418 301 939
Inverleigh Cemetery Trust
Chairman: Bruce McDonald 0408 567 979
Sextant: Alex (Sandy) McCallum 0408 378 752
Secretary: Tonya Allen. 0411 624 309 inverleighcemetery@gmail.com
Inverleigh Cricket Club
Pres: Marcus Warton ph. 0400 199 309
Inverleigh CWA
Eliza Peel 0438 351 483 Inverleighcwa@gmail.com
Inverleigh Football/Netball Club
President: David Haste 0425 810 983
Inverleigh-Leigh Valley Lions Club Keith Robson 0408 270 107 inverleigh.lions@gmail.com
Inverleigh Golf & Disc Golf Club
President: Greg Erwin 0408 651 744 Email: golf3321@bigpond.com
Inverleigh Historical Society
Christine Windle 0403 267 286
Liz McDonald 0417 066 433
Inverleigh Playgroup
President: Anna K. 0415 588 454
Secretary: Holly W. 0432 632 130
Inverleigh Progress Assoc.
President:Hilary Hamilton 5265 1384
Inverleigh Riding Club
Leighdale Equestrian Centre
Mark Mummery - 0437 807 675 or Melinda Spiller 0413 648 012
Inverleigh RSL Sub-Branch
President: Deema Johnston 5281 1106
Inverleigh Tennis Club
Shane Lubcke 0410 483 690
Leigh District Landcare Group
Sec: Sharon MacDonald 0448 582 348 shazmullen@hotmail.com
Leigh District Adult Riding Club
President: Narelle Bogle 0438 034 313
Secretary: Claire Heazelwood 0438 449 048
Victoria Park Reserve Bookings, Narelle Bogle 0438 034 313
Murgheboluc Recreation Reserve.
Fiona Inglis. 0421 679 770
Shelford Cricket Club
Robert Rice (Pres) 0459 491 698
Shelford Progress Association
Sec: Glenn Jeffery 0413 317 779
CWA Native Hut Branch
Shirley Wild Ph: 0447 873 763
Leighdale Equestrian Centre
Mark Mummery - 0437 807 675
or Melinda Spiller 0413 648 012
Leighdale Pony Club Inc.
Pres: Tom McCann 5265 1169
Sec: Sue Moran 0437 914 454
Teesdale Branch Liberal Party
Charlie Hartup 5281 5222
Teesdale Cricket Club
Alister Woods. 0439 395 456
Teesdale Pre School
Mandy Bartlett. 5281 5488
Teesdale Sporting Complex
Mrs Kay Hower. 5281 5389
Teesdale Tennis Club
Mrs Judy Evans. 5281 5328
Teesdale Community Hall
Dale Smithyman 5281 5486
Working Sheepdog Club
Glenn Agnew 0427 325 905
Bannockburn & District Men's Shed
Syd McConachy (Pres)
Geoff Wild (Sect) 0407 835 731
-S E S
Emergency 000
Windstorm and Flood 132 500
Controller: Nathan Hansford Mob: 0409 811 138
Ring 000
5222 2233 or 13 11 14 B’burn Surgery 5281 1481 B’burn Vet 5281 1221
Taxi 0408 325 992
Water 1300 656 007 Power Failure 13 24 12
If you would like your Club or Service included in this directory, or if you need to update any details above, please contact the Editor.
Leigh News 47
Geelong Hospital Accident & Emergency 5226 7564 Golden Plains Equine Vets
Golden Plains Medical Centre
Wildlife Rescue
Women’s Domestic Violence Crisis Service
Shire Ranger
0437 467 097
5281 2320
0500 540 000
1800 015 188
5220 7111
Advertisers Index Accountant 33 Air Conditioning 21 Art School 48 Banking 45 Bricklaying 35 Cartage 27 Cafe & Store 20 CCTV & Alarms 49 Chain Saw Sharpening 30 Chemist 49,54 Chooks 32 Church Notices 31 Compost 20 Crushed Rock 41 CWA 31 Data Cabling 49 Dental 33 Doctor & Health Serv. 24,25,45 Dog Grooming 24 Driver Tuition 34 Earthmoving 42 Electrician 34,38 Excavation 22,24,42 Facials 27 Firewood 44 Food Swaps 30 Funeral Director 18 Grain 17 Gardening 17,43 Garden Supplies 43 Hall Hire 29 Health Services 20,25 Home & Living 51 Home Care Staff Training 53 Interior Design 16 Justice of the Peace 30 Legal Services 44 Local Creations 18 Motor Mechanic 46 Mowers 35 NBN Setup 49 OSHC 26 Painter & Decorator 33,42 Playgroup 10 Plumbing Services 33 Pool Safety Barrier Inspections 43 Quarry 41 Rainfall 16 Real Est. 51,52,53,55,56 Reiki & Crystals 29 Snake Catcher 34 Stock Food 46 Taxi 38 Tax Returns 33 Towing 35 Tree Services 44 Tyres 14 Veterinary 36,37,44 Wool Buyer 25
2 October to 18 December
$250 x 10-week course, $30 casual session
3 October to 12 December
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4 October to 6 December
$550 x 10-week course
5 October to 7 December
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$25 per session
* All materials included. All classes suitable for all levels of ability.
Email: Hinterlandartschool@gmail.com
Phone: 0493 479 447
Hinterland Art School Winchelsea acknowledges the support of DEVELOP: 2022 Arts Development Seed Fund
48 Leigh News
Leigh News 49
Leigh News © 2013, Inverleigh Progress Association Inc.
The Leigh News is published monthly (except January) by the Inverleigh Progress Association Incorporated, and is distributed free in the townships of Inverleigh, Teesdale, Bannockburn and Shelford, and the surrounding districts. Letters, comments, suggestions, articles, and reports from readers are welcome whether or not intended for publication.
The Leigh News is prepared and assembled by the Editor and printed using environmentally friendly materials and distributed by volunteer workers.
Circulation: 750.
Editorial and Advertising
Items submitted for inclusion in the Leigh News should be clearly marked “For inclusion in the (month) Leigh News” and in by the 25th day of each month
Advertisements should be marked with the size of advert required and the number of editions in which it is to be displayed.
Advertisements or Editorial contributions should be clearly addressed to:
“Leigh News”, PO Box 247, Inverleigh, Victoria 3321 or leighnews@bigpond.com
Contributions to the Leigh News are published with the permission of various bodies and representatives who supply the information, photos advertisements and crosswords. None of this information should be used by any other publication without first requesting permission of the supplier of this information. Using material without seeking permission is plagiarism and carries penalties.
The views or ideas expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editorial committee or of the Inverleigh Progress Association.
While we try to check the integrity, the publication of advertisements is not an endorsement of the advertiser’s product or quality of workmanship.
For further information about advertising and costs in the Leigh News: contact Peter Trevaskis on 0407 100 791 or leighnews@bigpond.com Please forward accounts and payments to: Tony Waayers, Leigh News, inverleighpa@yahoo.com.au PO Box 247, Inverleigh 3321. Phone: 0418 489 486 Committee Members: Hilary Hamilton (President) 0418 348 110. Tony Waayers (Treasurer) 0418 489 486. Peter Trevaskis (Editor) 0407 100 791.
Leigh News
Leigh News 51
If you’re thinking of selling a Rural or Lifestyle acreage property on the Bellarine, the Barwon or beyond then think Peter Lindeman. Peter spent 20 years managing farms before jumping the fence to sell them; and over the last 20 years he’s helped clients achieve extraordinary results, more often than not surpassing their expectations. Why not let Peter show you how he can help you achieve an outstanding result for your property.
Seller review
ThesaleofKelownawasquick,painlessandbrilliantlyhandledbyPeterLindeman, fromEldersGeelong,andwecan’tthankhimenough.Petercamehighlyrecommended, byafriend,andhecertainlyliveduptohisimpressivereputation.He’ssuchalovely chap.Easytochatwith.Hasyearsofexperience.Andgenuinelycaresabouthisclients andbuyers.Plusheturnedaloadofheritagequinces,fromourorchard,intothemost deliciousjellyandpaste.Istherenoendtotheman’stalents!Ifyouthinkyoucan’tuse anAgentfromoutoftown,thinkagain.Wedid.Andwecouldn’tbehappier.Eldersare veryluckytohavethisGeelongTeam!
Buyer review
PeterLindemanwasanabsolutegentlemanthroughoutthenegotiation’sforaproperty IrecentlypurchasedintheWesternDistrict.Itwasadifficultfewdaystogetthrough butPeterwaskindcaringandhonest!Whatmorecanyouaskforfromtheagentwhen purchasingsomethingthatmeanssomuchtoyou.I’dliketotakethisopportunityto thankyousincerelyPeterforhelpingmeachievemydreamofowningthispropertythat IhavelovedandheldsodeartomesinceIwasasmallboy:-)
Seller review
Peterwasouragentforafarmsale.Wehadengagedhimwithothertransaction, andaswiththeothershedidnotdisappoint.Hegaveusallhehadtogetusagreat result.Havingbeeninalargenumberofpropertytransactionsovertheyearsheis unquestionablythebestagentwehavehad. Wecouldn’trecommendhimhighlyenough.
Buyer review
Wereallycouldn’tsayenoughabouthowprofessional/helpfulPeterLindemanwas duringandafteroursearchforapropertyinVictoria.Wewereveryparticularwhatwe wantedandwhere;locationiskey!PeterListenedtowhatwewantedneverwastedour timeshowinguspropertiesthatdidn’tfitourneeds.Trickynegotiation,butthanksto Peteritallturnedoutverywell.
52 Leigh News
P: 0418 525 609 E: peter.lindeman@elders.com.au SOLD You’re in Safe Hands
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With Peter
Leigh News 53
Our opening hours (7 days) will be:
- Monday to Friday: 8:30am - 6:30pm
- Saturday: 9:00am - 2:00pm
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* Other Products & Services
- Loyalty Program
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* Infants & children’s gifts
- MooGoo products
- Natio
- Nude by Nature
- Sukin Organic Products
54 Leigh News
us on Facebook and be kept up to date
in the New Bannockburn Shopping Centre.
The team you can trust for your real estate needs... Servicing Inverleigh and Western Victoria. Malcolm Condie 0407 034 410 An independent agency specialising in quality residential and rural lifestyle property. Leigh News 55 the walk for mental health OCTOBER 2021 Join us for Join us to walk, run or roll 40km, 60km, 100km, 150km, or a distance that suits you, for the 1 in 5 Australians who experience symptoms of mental illness every year Together, we can show them they are not alone. Funds raised will help Black Dog Institute put groundbreaking new mental health treatment , education and digital services into the hands of the people who need them most. Help create better mental health for all.
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October is Mental Health Month Scan
56 Leigh News
Aerial view of Inverleigh looking West. Photo by James Patterson.