District Governor 60B, Errol Lee, MJF rrl_lee@yahoo.com
DISTRICT GOVERNOR’S MESSAGE My fellow Lions and our Leos,
e have completed the first 4 weeks on our journey. It has been an exciting one for me as your District Governor, trying to put things in place …dotting the I’s and crossing the t’s. In the process I have had to make
personnel adjustments, issue a few changes of dates, times and venues and amend some plans and timelines. Already I have learned that within our ranks are team players who work for the common good and lone wolves who instinctively want to do their own thing. Diversity is alive and well. During this first month I have attended one funeral and sent a message to another which I was unable to attend. I have welcomed 4 new lions to our fold and trust that the ratio will be maintained for the rest of my tenure. That way we will gain two new members for every one that we lose and hopefully show a net increase of at least 130 lions in district 60B this year. Speaking of membership, Lions International has mandated that we form at least one new club this year….preferably in the first quarter of the year. International President Bob Corlew is of the view that special interest clubs can be formed and tailored to meet the needs of communities or groups that find it difficult to assimilate into existing clubs. Give it some thought and let me have your feedback. He is also encouraging us to consider forming branch clubs….operating as an arm of the existing club but with its own structure. In my capacity as District Governor I have attended two Zone meetings thus far and wish to publicly commend both Chairpersons for conducting well-organized and effective meetings. On both occasions I lamented the small attendance and urged clubs to be more proactive in mobilising members to attend these advisory meetings.
I gave the analogy that in show business, if you have the best artistes
performing free and don’t advertise the show, no one will attend.
Our first Cabinet meeting will be on August 14 at 1.00 p.m. at the Jamaica Pegasus hotel in Kingston. Lions in Regions 1 and 4 who reside in Jamaica, will be in attendance and there is an open invitation to Lions from the Cayman Islands, Regions 2 and Region 3 to attend. The meeting will be live on “Go-toMeeting” and Lions who are not in Jamaica will be able to participate via this medium. We will be sending out the login information to all clubs. The Cabinet meeting will be preceded by the first Council meeting at the same venue and we anticipate a great day of fellowship as we carry on the business of the multiple district in a scaled-down but highly efficient and professional manner. I look forward to your participation whether in person or online and encourage all Lions to make a special effort to experience the “new look” First Cabinet meeting on August 14 as we administer the business of Serving Humanity with Love and Unity.
DISTRICT GOVERNOR’S CORE AREAS District Governor 60B, Lion Errol Lee, MJF, took the oath of office when he
June of 2016.
DG Errol, his wife Lorna and International President Chancellor Bob Corlew and his wife Dianne
attended the 99th annual Convention of Lions International in Fukuoka, Japan in
KEEP IN TOUCH WITH THE DISTRICT IN REAL TIME Lion Wendy La Barrie, Chairperson – Information Technology, is encouraging all Lions to fully utilize our website http://www.sub-district60b.org and also check us out on our Sub District FACEBOOK page.
WORLDWIDE WEEK OF SERVICE FOR YOUTH August 8 – 14, 2016 District 60B Lions are being encouraged to join Lions around the world for a special Worldwide Week of Service dedicated to mentoring, empowering and engaging youth through community service. This international event is designed to inspire the next generation of volunteers and help Lions International reach their Centennial Service Challenge goal of serving 100+ million people. Host a project that engages youth in your community. From sponsoring a Peace Poster contest, to organizing a new Leo Club or inviting youth to serve alongside you in a hands-on project, there are countless ways to impact youth in your community and around the globe.
Here are 25 Youth Project ideas from Lions International (Click on PDF).
Youth Service Challenge.pdf
Plan your project - Host a service project that benefits youth in your community during the week of August 8-14. 2. Promote your project - Publicize your project to showcase your club and the power of service. Consider inviting members of your community or another local service club to serve with you. 3. Report your project - Report your service on the MyLCI Service Activity Report to help us reach our Centennial Service Challenge goal. Be sure to include the project date. Celebrate Your Service Share photos of your project on social media so everyone can see what a difference you're making in your community. Use the hashtag #Lions100, and Lions International will share your images on the LCI Facebook page!
LIONS CLUB OF ANGUILLA; AHEAD OF THE CURVE As part of the Lions Week of Service For Youth, the Anguilla Lions Club hosted a youth forum on July 2, 2016 entitled “Being a Responsible Youth.” A group of young athletes, ages 7 - 16 were the beneficiaries of the event, among others.
The forum had the buy in of three 3
Government Departments namely Sports and Education, Social Development and the Health Authority. Some 50 participants including parents, coaches and athletes were treated to three riveting topics; Living Healthy lifestyles, Substance misuse and the Effects of Bullying. Click on the PDF below to read more.
PEACE POSTER Each year Lions Clubs around the world proudly sponsor The Lions International Peace Poster Contest, in schools and youth groups This Art Contest for children encourages young people worldwide to visually and artistically depict their vision of peace, as well as expressing in words what peace means. The theme for the 2016-2017 Peace Poster Contest is, “A Celebration of Peace.’’ The Peace Poster Chair, Lion Dionne John and her Associate Chair, Lion Thora Palmer are inviting Lions clubs interested in sponsoring the Lions International Peace Poster Contest to order a Peace Poster Contest kit (PPK-1) from the Club Supplies Sales Department at International Headquarters. The cost of the kit is US$11.95 plus shipping, handling and applicable taxes. October 1st, is the deadline to purchase kits from the Clubs Supplies Sales Department at Lions Headquarters. The deadline to submit sponsored entries to the District Peace Poster Committee is November 15th, 2016. Students ages 11, 12, or 13 on November 15 are eligible to participate. Each poster will be judged on originality, artistic merit and expression of the theme. The first place winner will receive an award of US$5000 and a trip to a special ceremony. In addition, there will be 23 merit winners who will each receive a cash award of USD$500, and a certificate of achievement. International poster judging will take place February 1, 2017.
For more information you can also contact Peace Poster Chair Lion Dionne John liondionne31@gmail.com/784-5936096 or Associate Chair Lion Thora Richards-Palmer ricpalm20@yahoo.com /
Additional information can be obtained through the link: http://members.lionsclubs.org/EN/serve/contests/peace-poster-contest/
EVENTS Zone 3A The Lions and Leos of Zone 3A attended church as a united group on Jul 3, 2016 to commence our centennial lionisitic year 2016-2017. The service was held at the Anglican Church of the Resurrection where nearly 100 Lions and Leos shared in worship and fellowship. There was representation from every Club in the Zone and the senior officers of the District were in attendance including Lion Region Chairperson, Lion Leroi Hinds. Zone Chairperson, Lion Shonda Forde, made a presentation to Father Michael Squires to assist in its social welfare programs. She also gave an overview of the Centennial Service Challenge and our core activities.
Lions and Leos of Zone 3A also held a workshop on Saturday July 9, 2016. There were approximately 61 Lions and Leos attending the workshop. The purpose was to sensitize Lions and Leos of key information to assist in their overall administrative efficiency of the Clubs. Presentations were made by the 1st Vice District Governor, Lion Sherwin Greenidge MJF, Region Chairperson, Lion Leroi Hinds and others such as Leo Cy Francis MJF, Lion Nicola Callender MJF (President, Bridgetown Lions Club) and Rawle Gibson (Zone Secretary). Topics included: Protocol How
to Conduct a Successful Leo/Lion Meeting
Report The
Role of the Leo Club Advisor
Immediate Past President, Lion Indra Skeete of the St. Michael Lions Club who summarized the views of most Lions and Leos who benefited from the workshop, she said "It was indeed a very interesting and educational session, 5 years as a Lion, who held many positions in my Club but it was the first time I was exposed to such an interactive and educational workshop.
I am sure that it was an eye opener for all the new Lions to truly learn the dos and don'ts of Lionism, although our main goal is to serve but it is our attitude and aptitude that create a good atmosphere to serve in love.”
CLICK HERE To view photos from the Church Service and
LEOS CELEBRATE 39TH ANNUAL CONVENTION Leos of 60B gathering for their annual convention in Montego Bay, Jamaica in July 2016. The Leos enjoyed workshops, a community project – painting of the Hatfield Basic School and a dinner. CLICK HERE to view photos from the event.
CLUB GROWTH Congratulations to Zone 1A for adding 4 new members to the Lions family. The following clubs inducted new members: Lucea Lions Club – 3 new members Falmouth Lions Club – 1 new member
MILESTONES PASSING OF LION WRENFORD MARTIN District Governor, Errol Lee extended heartfelt condolences to the Lions Club of Spanish Town and the family of Lion Wrenford Martin, who passed away earlier this month. Lion Errol said that Lion Wrenford will always be remembered for his sterling contribution to the advancement of the movement and his commitment to his Lions Club through good times and bad.
PASSING OF LION CHANTAL SCHAMINEE-RINGELING MJF Following the announcement by the St Maarten Lions Club, that Lion Chantal SchamineeRingeling, MJF had passed away, District Governor, Lion Errol Lee released the following statement of condolence:
The entire Lions family of District 60b has experienced a great sense of loss and bereavement with the passing of Lion Chantal. Such a vivacious and ebullient member of the tightly knit band of devoted Lions serving in St Maarten taken from us at a time when we would have anticipated many more years of service. I could not have conceived when I saw her a year ago that today we would be saying a last sad farewell to our past Region Chairperson. Indeed she is gone too soon.
Those of us who mourn her passing can establish an everlasting monument to this great Lion by emulating as best we can her commitment to service, her genuine love for the less fortunate and her willingness to go that extra mile. We would also be well served if we could learn from her shortened time with us how to make the most of what God has given us in time, labour and means. Indeed, the uncertainties of life tell us that we should do all we can to fulfill our mission here on earth because we know not what tomorrow brings.
Let us not mourn as those without hope but in the true and certain knowledge that she is gone on to higher service, to be with the one who created us all. Her immediate family can take comfort in the fact that hers was a life well lived and that she will live on in the hearts of those whom she served. Like you, we will miss Lion Chantal: her hearty laughter, the way she lit up a room; her zest for life and her boundless energy. Rest eternal grant to her O Lord, and may light perpetual shine upon her.
Cabinet Meeting Zone 4C Meeting
Mid-Year Conference Click on PDF below to complete Registration Form
August 14, 2016 Oct 15, 2016
Jamaica Pegasus TBA
Nov 913, 2016
Hilton Rosehall Resort & Spa,
Early Bird Registration Deadline ONLINE
August 31, 2016
Montego Bay, Jamaica
Lion Judy King tubs100@hotmail.com/Lion Joan Meade joanameade@aol.com
REGISTRATION Form For MD60 Mid Year Conference 2016.pdf
Calendar of Events From Lions International:
August 2016 Membership Focus: Students and Leo Lions Engaging Our Youth Centennial Service Challenge
August 8-14: Worldwide Week of Service for Youth August 9-11: New Directors Orientation (Oak Brook, Illinois, USA) August 12-14: LCIF Board of Trustees Meeting (Oak Brook, Illinois, USA) August 15: Executive Committee Meeting (Oak Brook, Illinois, USA) August 15: Leo Club Program Advisory Panel nominations due August 15: Leo Club Excellence Award applications due August 31: Deadline for the Club and District Team Excellence Awards
September 2016 Membership Focus: Students and Leo Lions
September 2-4: ANZI Forum (Jogja, Yogyakarta, Indonesia) September 8: International Literacy Day September 15-17: USA/Canada Forum (Omaha, Nebraska, USA) September 17-19: Advanced Lions Leadership Institute - Constitutional Area VII: Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, & Islands of the Pacific Ocean (Sydney, Austrlia) September 24-26: Emerging Lions Leadership Institute - Constitutional Area VI: India, South Asia, Africa, the Middle East (Kolkata, India)
Contact Details For The District’s Region & Zone Chairpersons Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Zone 1A Zone 1B Zone 2A Zone 2B Zone 2C Zone 3A Zone 3B Zone 3C Zone 4A Zone 4B Zone 4C
Chairman Jacquline Foster Chairman Claudio Buncamper Chairman Leroi Hinds Chairman Cynthia Peart Chairman Anthony Copeland Chairman Bernice Hylton Chairman Beverly Smith Chairman Ernie Hodge-Carty Chairman Dwayne Seaman Chairman Shonda Forde Chairman Placide Lascaris Chairman Monica Glasgow Chairman Elve Passley Chairman Desmon Brown Chairman Deborah Ebanks
foster.jacquline@yahoo.com cbuncamper@gmail.com whitepearls102@yahoo.com cynthiadp1949@gmail.com anthonycopeland57@gmail.com bernihly@hotmail.com beverlysmith945@yahoo.com erniehodgecarty@gmail.com peros_00@hotmail.com shondaforde@hotmail.com lascarisplacide100@hotmail.com monicaglasgow93@hotmail.com elvepass@gmail.com desmonabrown@gmail.com MJF debbi_do@yahoo.com
Public Relations Contact Details: Chairperson Associate Associate Associate
Norma McField Janet Ferguson Carolyn Brown Anthony Branch
NormaMcField@gmail.com FJanet10@yahoo.com ceebee@vitelcom.net Anthony_Branch@sagicor.com
to have information, articles, pictures and videos about your signature projects, included in the district newsletter click on the link below to upload details to the pr dropbox folder http://tinyurl.com/Submit-Items-To-Dropbox