Community Development MMS Strategy

In the last issue of HF, we highlighted COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, which is one of the two key strategies of MMS. In this issue of HF, we continue to look at some Community Development projects in Cambodia and Vietnam. You may read about these Community Development projects from pages 7 to 33.
God desires for us Christians to use what we have been given to bless the communities around us. By so doing, these communities will be drawn closer to Him and praise Him.
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On page 2, Rev Derrick Lau brings to light four key features that undergird the nature of our field entities. Local churches are mobilised to pray and provide human and capital resources for an effective and wholistic Community Development engagement.
Bishop Dr Gordon Wong shares his reflection on page 48 and encourages us to develop our communities intellectually, physically, spiritually, and socially. This is a wholistic approach to healthy community development.
Hebrews 10:24
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When we use the gifts and resources God has given us to benefit others, we are actually expressing our thankfulness to Him for the abundance He has blessed us with. Moreover, Jesus Himself fulfils physical needs to present God’s love and goodness. By caring for communities, we are following Jesus’ model of ministry: we can show God’s love through our actions.
We have some urgent calls for more people to come alongside to help and serve especially in the area of community development in our various mission fields. Read about them on page 5 and respond to God’s call to serve.
Indeed, let us stir up one another to love and good works when there is an opportunity.
We hope that more churches and individuals will come forward to partner with us in developing communities, thereby paving the way to spread the Good News of salvation. Email mms@ to indicate your interest or to find out more.
We apologise for a typo error on page 13 of HF 2022 issue 1. Instead of a further S$3M for the furnishings for Little Candles School, it should be ฿3M (Thai Baht), which is about S$136,000. Thank you for your support! Email to find out how you can support the school ministry.
And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.
Country Information
PERMIT NUMBER MCI (P) 029/01/2022
Rev Derrick Lau
EDITOR Leongheng
TRANSLATORS Henry Wang, Thng Pheng Soon
2022 ISSUE 02
PHOTO CREDITS: Carol Loh, Carol Ong, Dy Sokly, Henry Yeo, Johnson Lim, Juliette Arulrajah, Leslie Lim, Loh Han Chew, Richard Lepcha, Richard Soh, Ros Samneang, Ryan Lepcha, Sot Thida, Timothy Tan
Eileen Lim, Helen Tan, Tan Poh Ling & Volunteers
DESIGNER 5stones Pte Ltd
PRINTER Print & Print Pte Ltd
Rev Derrick Lau 70 Barker Road #06-01, The Methodist Centre Singapore 309936 Tel: 6478 4818
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COVER Together, we can reach the world for Christ through community development.
g Methodist Hostel
Joy Hostel
Over the past three decades, MMS has operated on a twin-pronged mission strategy of Church Planting (CP) and Community Development (CD). In the previous issue of Harvest Force, I shared that CD is primarily a ministry developed by the professionals and laity to bless the local community whom the Lord has called us to minister. The goal is to witness the transformation of lives in fulfilling the biblical mandate of loving God and our neighbours.
This second part of my article on Community Development highlights four key features that undergird our field entities and lend them their distinctive nature:
For you have been a stronghold to the poor, a stronghold to the needy in his distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat; for the breath of the ruthless is like a storm against a wall, Isaiah 25:4
Incarnational. The overarching strategy is to present Christ as God who took on human form and dwelt among men. This theological foundation hinges on expressing Christ’s presence among people with diverse needs, and more significantly, reaching the poor and marginalised in society. Just as Jesus had compassion on the people who were lost without God, and fed them bread and fish, our CD seeks to draw people to Christ. We believe that leading people to encounter the Living Christ through acts of love and kindness is a tangible form of presenting Jesus as the Incarnate One (cf. John 1:1,14).
Impartiality. As we mobilise resources to meet the socio-economic and spiritual needs of the people, we uphold the principle of impartiality.
This suggests that a robust framework of assessment tools will be in place to ensure that the eligibility for receiving aid is fair and free from racial and religious biases. We value each person as created by God and to be intrinsic worth. We love because God first loved us (cf. 1 John 4:19).
Instructional. In developing CD, we endeavour to provide resources to meet the existential needs (such as food, water, and shelter). At the same time, we maintain that ultimately, there is a spiritual vacuum in every heart that can only be met through the grace and knowledge of Christ as Lord and Saviour. Paul reminds us, “Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.” (Colossians 1:28). And in this regard, we adopt a systematic mode of instructions for our missionaries and national leaders to get to know and understand the needs of the people and intentionally point them to Christ, their source of hope. Part of the instructional considerations is that of intentional capacity building by optimising the giftings of the recipients, equipping them with the end that they would become selfsustainable in the longer term.
Involvement. CD is community-driven, though the initial set-up is supported and funded by churches and donors. The goal is to involve the nationals within the community itself to identify solutions and take ownership of them. CD focuses on equipping and empowering local leaders, rather than creating a culture of reliance and dependence upon foreign resources. This is a common strategy among mission agencies such as YWAM and OMF.
Rev Derrick Lau 刘作丰牧师 Executive Director of MMS. He enjoys contemplative reading.Local churches are mobilised to pray and provide human and capital resources for an effective and holistic CD engagement.
发动本地教会恳切祷告,同时提供人力、金钱, 以进行有效、全方位的社区活动。
三十年来,卫理宣教会推展了植堂和社群成 长的双重宣教策略。我曾在“禾丰”撰文指出, 关于社群成长的社工应当由专业人士和信徒 联手推动,为的是祝福主所呼召我们去服事 的社群,同时在践行圣经所托爱神爱人的使 命中,去见证生命的改变。
你作了困乏人的保障、 贫穷人急难中的保障、 躲暴风雨的避难所、 避炎热的阴凉处;
因为强暴者所吹的气, 如同直吹墙壁的暴风。 以赛亚书 25:4
特别是在穷困及边缘化的社群当中。正如当 年主耶稣怜悯没有牧人的群众,给他们饼和
鱼,社工们也需要引导社群亲近上帝。我们 深信,藉着关爱与良善的行动,能引导人来 到住在我们当中的基督面前,这是让他们感 受到道成肉身的耶稣实实在在地临在的一 种方式。
在社区、经济以及精神上的需要的时候,我 们也持守公正不阿的原则。这凸显了有关社 工是依循一个稳固的评估框架,以确保受助 者是在没有种族与宗教偏见下获得帮助。我 们尊重每一个邻舍,凡人皆为上帝所造,有其 天赋价值。我们爱,因为上帝先爱我们。(约翰 一书4:19)
饮水、食物、栖身之所的同时,也当持守我们 的信念:凡人内心深处都面对着虚空,唯有认 定基督为主,从祂那里领受救恩,虚空方得 满足。保罗在歌罗西书1:28 提醒我们说,“我 们传扬他,是用各样的智慧,劝戒各人,教导
各人,为了要使各人在基督里得到完全。”有 鉴于此,我们采纳系统化的训导,好让宣教士 们和全国性的领导们,认识并领会社群的需 要,有意识地给他们指向那盼望的源头---基 督。此外,训导性工作也需要考虑到给受助 者提升能力,这涵盖优化受助者的恩赐,以 及装备、培养他们坚持到底,追求自我持续 的能耐。
确认承担:尽管在草创阶段我们的 社工是由教会和认捐者支援和资助,然而, 社群自身才是推动社工的力量。其核心目标 就是激发社区居民,参与相关解决方案的确 认、认同和承担,乃至整体的解决过程。社工 乃聚焦于装备并赋权于社群领导,而不单是 营造一种让社群仰赖外来资源的处事文化。 这也是青年使命团(YWAM--Youth With A Mission) 以及海外基督使团(OMF Overseas Missionary Fellowship) 所采行的策略。
Local churches are mobilised to pray and provide human and capital resources for an effective and holistic CD engagement. This includes the ministry of evangelism, discipleship, and social concerns, to the building of a community where the love of God is expressed and experienced in a safe, nurturing and Christ-centred environment. Part of this engagement involves contextualisation. Darrell L. Whiteman states, “Contextualization attempts to communicate the Gospel in word and deed and to establish the church in ways that make sense to people within their local cultural context, presenting Christianity in such a way that it meets people’s deepest needs and penetrates their worldview, thus allowing them to follow Christ and
remain within their own culture.” (cf. Contextualization: The Theory, the Gap, the Challenge. denuol/context.htm).
Currently, MMS is not structured for large-scale projects. We take small steps in assessing the needs of the people in the fields, and mobilise resources to equip and empower the nationals towards achieving selfsustainability in the longer term. Maybe in future, by the grace of God and with greater participation of Christian businesspeople and entrepreneurs, MMS will develop sustainability projects on a larger scale to help alleviate poverty and address issues such health, education, family life, and injustice.
我们动员本地教会恳切祷告,并提供人力与 金钱,开展行之有效且全方位的社区活动, 这包括分享福音、门徒培训、社群关怀,以建 立一个体现上帝大爱的社区,让社群能在一 个以基督为中心的氛围里获得安妥、恰当的 培育。怀德曼(Darrell L. Whiteman)在阐述 关于处境化的观念时指出:“处境化乃在以言 行见证福音的同时,致力于建立一个切应其 文化处境的教会,让基督教的价值观得以回 应社群心灵深处的需要,从而渗入、影响其世 界观,进而让社群在自身的文化处境中跟随 基督。”(cf. Contextualization: The Theory, the Gap, the Challenge. temp/denuol/context.htm).
现阶段,卫理宣教会还没有条件从事大型项 目,因此在评估社群的需要时,得从小小社工 起步,藉着动员各种资源,给有需要者装备并 赋予当有的权限,以期达到自我可持续性的 长期目标。若蒙上帝的恩典,或许不久的将来 会有基督徒商人或企业家做出较大的投入, 届时,卫理宣教会将开拓较具规模的可持续 性项目,以协助扶贫,并解决保健、教育、家庭 生活以及不公义等问题。
The fields are ready for harvesting – but there are so few labourers. In the seven countries that MMS serves, we continue to be in need of the following:
• Full-time missionaries. We are asking the Lord to send pastors, church planters, ministry workers, mentors, and teachers.
• Short-term workers who are able to spend between two weeks and six months there to help our missionaries. They would need to raise their own financial support.
• Prayer partners to pray for our ministries and missionaries.
• Speak with your pastor and ask him/her to help examine your calling to missions.
• If your church pastor and leaders affirm your calling and are prepared to support you – praise the Lord! Call MMS straight away at 64784818.
• If your church pastor and leaders affirm your calling but are unable to provide full financial support for you – call MMS anyway! Some of our missionaries are supported by the combined efforts of multiple Methodist churches, agencies, and individuals.
You can also come alongside us as Mission Partners and Volunteers (MPV) at home, to encourage and empower God’s work and workers to incarnate the love of Jesus Christ and to make a difference in the mission fields.
• English-Chinese Translator
• Photographer or Videographer
• Graphic Designer
• Web Designer
Office Assistance
• MMS Events Coordinator
• Member of Fund Raising Team
• Member of Fellowship Mailer Team
Financial Assistance
• Give towards Student Sponsorship Scheme. Please refer to page 41.
For more information about these opportunities, kindly contact us via email at Be in prayer with us as we seek God’s direction to challenge and mobilise our Methodist community to serve Christ.
g Missionaries needed (whatever talents, skills, experience, age, etc.) to empower local Cambodians especially children, youth, young adults in varied ways including disciple-making in our different ministries (COSI, COSY, Hope House, different Hostels, etc.)
g Secondary and primary school teachers to teach as well as empower teachers at the Methodist School of Cambodia especially in English, IT, Science, Mathematics, etc.
g Financial Support for more than 200 underprivileged children (about a quarter of enrolment) studying at the Methodist School of Cambodia through the SSS programme.
g Online ministries to teach, befriend and empower local Cambodians
g Prayer and financial supporters for pastors of the Methodist Church of Cambodia, whose income is below the national minimum wage.
g Trainers to conduct enrichment, leadership development, and young adult counselling courses.
g Partners to support social services, especially medical services, and community development projects.
g Outreach to tertiary students. Opportunities to form and mobilise teams to run outreach activities with tertiary (university) students located in Thailand for MMS Diaspora Ministry.
g Fulltime personnel to serve in Singapore Mission School (SMS) and develop partnerships.
g Kindergarten and Primary teachers familiar with the Singapore curriculum to teach at SMS. Teachers can opt to serve a one-year term or longer.
g Donors and sponsors for the Sophia’s Home girls who are continuing their studies in the various disciplines in the local university in Kathmandu. This enables them to complete their professional studies, be financially independent, serve their communities and MCN, and be a blessing to many.
g Trainers to conduct online training on Discipleship, Financial Stewardships and Spiritual Leadership.
g A missionary to serve in Nepal.
g Short-term helpers to organise programmes and activities for BB, GB, and Children’s Ministry at Rangsit and Song-Roi Phee tuition centres.
g Qualified Kindergarten and Primary levels teachers to conduct teachers’ training at Vineyard Methodist School and Little Candles School.
g Mission teams to conduct evangelistic events, community services, etc with our Methodist churches.
g Teachers to volunteer for one year to provide instruction for students in Grades 7 to 12 at the St Paul Methodist School (SPMS), or to mentor local teachers in basic curriculum design and instructional strategies for at least a month.
g Short-term missioners to provide English, Science or Mathematics tuition for Grade 10-12 students in the Sundermeier Home.
g More sponsors are needed for students enrolled at SPMS and high school residents at Sundermeier Home. Please support the MMS Student Sponsorship Scheme (SSS) for children and youth from poor families.
g Volunteers skilled in business management, supply chain, logistics, or other business expertise to offer training courses, coaching or mentoring to tertiary/ vocational students in Dunamis House.
g Stand-in “house-parents” to serve at Sundermeier Home for 1 or 2 months to relieve the current missionary couple so as to allow them to take home leave from end July to end September 2022.
g A tentmaker (with at least a Diploma in Bible and Christian Ministries) to be a pastoral assistant or a small group leader. Or a tentmaker (without theological training) to lead a small group. A business entrepreneur, social entrepreneur, qualified TEFL/TESOL teachers, or someone with a willing heart to learn and understudy at International Christian Fellowship and MMSInternational NGO.
g MMS is exploring collaborative partnerships with local Methodist churches in countries such as Indonesia and Myanmar.
g If the Lord is leading you to serve in places beyond the seven countries where MMS has some form of ministry, please get in touch with us.
Beginning in 1997 with 15 kindergarten students, the Methodist School of Cambodia (MSC) grew steadily to include primary, secondary, and high school levels so as to provide a complete non-tertiary education right from K1 through to Grade 12. The reality of the school motto, “Rise and Shine”, taken from Isaiah 60:1-3, has been reflected through its development over the years.
Over the last 25 years, MSC has had the privilege of making disciples, building character, imparting values, and fostering educational excellence. It is an affordable private school through the portals of which a total enrolment of about 15,000 students of different faiths and walks of life have passed through. Indeed, MSC is a sought-after institution of learning in Cambodia, with a national reputation for academic excellence, sports achievements, and producing students of reputable character. Many alumni have pursued an array of meaningful careers, as entrepreneurs, leaders in civil society organisations, and in the private sector, arising to shine for the Lord in the local community.
While the past two years have proved to be challenging for the students with prolonged school closures and disruptions in learning brought about by the pandemic, they have risen to the occasion. Undeterred by
Over the last 25 years, MSC has had the privilege of making disciples, building character, imparting values, and fostering educational excellence.
the challenges, lessons for students have been carried out online on a daily basis. In 2020, MSC had 100% passes for the Grade 9 national examinations and, notwithstanding that our Grade 12 students were well prepared, the government cancelled the national examinations and passed all Grade 12 students to enter tertiary education.
God is gracious and good! The Grade 9 students of 2021 far exceeded expectations with their performance in national examinations, with 62% scoring distinctions and 38%, credits. Though our Grade 12s of 2021 obtained results above national average at 80.5%, they could nonetheless have done better for some of the subjects. However, God be praised that more than 50% of the Science cohort had As and Bs for Physics and some for Chemistry despite the lack of practicals during the pandemic. MSC is also very proud of a student who was in the top 1% across the nation, scoring Grade A for the Grade 12 national examinations.
Sam Sokkunorak, the outstanding student, was a beneficiary under the MMS Student Sponsorship Scheme
(SSS). He was an active student leader in the 1st Phnom Penh Boys’ Brigade Company in MSC and served as captain of the school basketball team. Sokkunorak is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Information Technology Management in an internationally accredited university in Phnom Penh. He is a role model to his peers and juniors in MSC and has the intention to give back to the community to raise others as part of capacity building for Cambodia!
Student leadership development has always been at the core of MSC’s mission. Thus, the Boys’ Brigade and Girls’ Brigade companies are a critical part of this mission. During the pandemic, parades and camps could not be carried out and members had to be engaged via online platforms. As now Cambodia transits to an endemic COVID-19 environment, MSC’s BB and GB captains are primed to restart their weekly programmes and leadership camps. Whilst programmes will have to evolve to meet the changing needs, the purpose remains resolute to seek, serve, and follow Christ, “which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, sure and steadfast.”
As mentioned earlier, the onset of the pandemic has expedited the development of and need for incorporating education technology in schools. This has hastened the pace of equipping students and teachers with relevant Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills in order to navigate and thrive in the future economy. MSC is looking at how to further improve the computer science curriculum as the school aims to help students be future ready.
Leading the school in its next phase of development and growth will be Timothy Tan, the new Principal of the main school (G1 to G12). Timothy took over the reins of MSC from 1 May 2022 from Low Wee Teck who was at the helm of the school for four years. Timothy is an experienced educator and school leader from Singapore whom God had prepared over the years to respond to the call to missions together with his young family! The Lord will continue to do great and marvellous works in the lives of students and staff through Timothy’s leadership.
Looking back on God’s goodness this past quarter of a century, MSC envisions the future with growing expectancy,
trusting that the Lord has great things in store for the school as MSC continues to RISE and SHINE in greater measure in Cambodia in the coming years. To God be the glory!
MSC needs more sponsors for the Student Sponsorship Scheme (SSS) to help the poor and needy students at S$45 per month! To find out more about SSS and to sign up, please login to
Low Wee Teck, former Principal of Methodist School of Cambodia
I want to express my thanks for the support rendered to me by all concerned, including the extended Methodist community in Singapore, over the last four years.
The Methodist School of Cambodia (MSC) Kindergarten is a Christian kindergarten in Cambodia. As its first local principal, I strongly desire to share God’s love with the teachers, parents, and children. Our aim at the kindergarten is to share God’s Word with all the 235 children of different faiths and cultures who come to study in our school.
Our school’s motto is RISE and SHINE. To rise and shine for His glory, we focus on three main thingsEducation, Health, and Spirituality.
In the area of Education teaches English, Khmer, Math, Science, Sports, and Art & Craft. Children learn English as their second language with our experienced and good national teachers. It is a joy to see that the children very much enjoy this subject as most of them can speak with their friends very well in English. For the Khmer language, the teachers make sure that the children can read and write properly before they move to Grade 1. The children
also learn Maths and how to count in fun ways. I can see that they really enjoy doing Art & Craft activities and other subject worksheets which they
Our purpose besides being a school known for our academic excellence, is to share Christ with one and all so that they may accept Him as their personal Saviour in their lives.
The most important area is Spirituality – sharing God’s Word to the children, parents, and staff. How do we do it? Every morning, the principal and staff will have worship, devotion, and prayer together before the children arrive. We conduct a Bible lesson programme for each level. Every teacher will teach Bible lessons in their individual classes every week which are made interesting with the use of creative pictures and the planning of meaningful activities. They also teach new Christian songs whilst singing familiar ones. We can see that the children really enjoy these lessons. To reinforce the lesson, craft is done and brought home to be shared with family members. Besides teaching,
the teachers also guide the children in praying and talking to God. We lead the children to feel close with the Holy Spirit, have peace, and develop a good relationship with God. When the children feel safe and are at peace, they love coming to school every day.
Our chaplain, the assistant pastor from Toul Kork Methodist Church, comes to school to lead devotions, sing some songs, offer encouragement, share God’s Word, and pray for our teachers. Teachers are able to share with and request prayer for one another. During devotion, we see that God works in our lives and empowers us to be better persons. In addition, our teachers go through quarterly training
and skills upgrading programmes. They encourage one another through peer teaching and by creating useful children resource handbooks, the use of which has been affirmed by kindergarten community network in Phnom Penh.
Three times a year, the school conducts parents’ training that focuses on children’s mental health, parental needs, educational psychology, and God’s Word. Education is for everyone; our school does not just provide education for the children but also seeks to educate parents on how to develop and learn how to help their children through homework or housework at home. MSC Kindergarten helps to provide guidance for parents on some of these different activities.
God has blessed our kindergarten with many children who come to study with us every year. When parents choose a Christian school for their children, they want to see results, especially in their children’s good character, morals, discipline, and respectful attitudes. We thank God for looking after all of us at the school and empowering all the children to worship Him during either lessons or devotions. This is how we RISE and SHINE for our Father’s name on earth.
All in all, our purpose besides being a school known for our academic excellence, is to share Christ with one and all so that they may accept Him as their personal Saviour in their lives. I also thank God for this opportunity to serve His mission as the principal of MSC Kindergarten, which I truly believe will grow and attract more and more children in the years ahead.
Principal-Parent Meeting Staff trainingThe key goal of Prek Tual Methodist Kindergarten (PTMK) is to educate children from nursery level through to kindergarten until the child enters primary school. The school’s focus is on the growth of the child in all aspects - physical, mental, awareness, and thinking ability. Hopefully, this will translate into their actions in everyday life as they live in the broader community. Educating a child also includes sharing of the Good News of Jesus Christ not only to children but also to their parents and guardians and to society in general. All children, whether they are poor or orphans, or financially better off, are welcome to enter PTMK to receive straightforward but life-changing education.
PTMK began operations in 2008 and is situated in the compound of Prek Tual Methodist Church, next to the site of a former rubbish dump. The pastor
We make every effort to improve by bringing in more children, teaching and educating them, ministering to their parents and guardians, and fulfilling the task that the Lord has given to us.
of the church who is also PTMK’s chaplain, ministers on a regular basis to empower spiritual growth of the teachers and the children.
Currently, the kindergarten has four classes with a total enrolment of 57. All children at PTMK are cared for by six staff. The children are taught Khmer language, English, and Christian Education which includes a variety of activities, music and movement. A few months ago, a new venture of an after-school English tuition programme in the afternoons was launched for the community children and 24 children participated.
Parents and guardians of each child are also ministered to as teachers and principal make home visits or call to update them on the progress of their child, and to encourage parents to participate in their child’s learning journey. Teachers also listen to the problems or difficulties that some parents and guardians have, and find ways to help and counsel them. The kindergarten also runs programmes where the parents and guardians are invited to attend, for example during Christmas when the Good News is shared. Praise God that the parents and guardians are usually responsive and come for our programmes.
PTMK is grateful to have Barker Road Methodist Church (BRMC) as our partner in ministry and for the support given over the years, which has helped the kindergarten to grow to its current strength. BRMC’s support by way of staff, scholarships for needy children, and its physical presence in pre-COVID-19 times to bring encouragement for all to persevere, improve, and grow, has indeed been a great blessing!
We covet your prayers for guidance from the Lord as we make every effort to improve in bringing in more children, teaching and educating them, ministering to their parents and guardians, and fulfilling the task that the Lord has given to us. We believe God will bless the community in Prek Tual, to experience more growth and to see the next generation increase in knowledge as well as receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. So join your hearts with ours so that we may be a beacon for Jesus here at Prek Tual.
The Community Outreach Services – Immanuel Children’s Village (also known as COSI) started operations in 2001 to receive orphans and underprivileged children, to give them an opportunity to have a better life. Since then, there have been about 350 children and youth who have passed through our doors. In May 2021, amidst the pandemic, COSI celebrated its 20th anniversary. This was a testament to the amazing love and faithfulness of our God whose heart is always for the orphans and widows.
Today, COSI continues to take in orphans and underprivileged children who stay with us from ages 6 to 12, until they reach the age of 18 or have completed their Grade 9 education at which point they move on to vocational training or high school whilst staying at COSY Hostel. COSI’s objective is that each child be given an opportunity to grow physically, spiritually, emotionally, in wisdom and stature before God and man, and attain his/her highest God-given potential. We hope that they will become useful citizens of the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Kingdom of God, shining His light wherever He plants them.
Currently, due to Cambodian government policies which advocate fostering of children in families instead of institutions, there are 50 children at COSI with 14 full time staff (mainly house parents who double
We hope that these COSI children will become useful citizens of the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Kingdom of God, shining His light wherever He plants them.
up in various roles of manager, finance & admin staff, cook, etc.). Notwithstanding these policies, the government recognises that orphanages will still be needed for at least the next 10-15 years. They have given very positive feedback about COSI and send children to us to nurture and care for.
During the pandemic last year, the children and youth studied online in-house on COSI premises as government schools were closed. The local staff and missionaries provided the teaching, guidance and enrichment sessions as they oversaw the academic progress of the children and youth whilst creatively keeping them away from boredom and mischief.
Where extra-curriculum activities were concerned, computer classes were revived with the purchase of 17 new computers from donations we received. The computers not only facilitated online classes but also the
acquisition of computer literacy skills for children from Grades 4 to 9.
Spiritually, the children continued to have daily doses of vesper time altogether as well as in their family groups, weekly Bible study and prayer times, and corporate worship on Sundays.
To help the children expend energy, they were all put to work in the garden and farm, clearing the backyard, and growing beautiful flowering plants as well as edible fruits and vegetables which supplemented their daily food. Besides engaging the children constructively, these farming activities cultivated skills for those who are interested or have a flair for farming and are called to be involved in farming in the future.
Mission teams are a vital part in the life of COSI as they provide much input and learning opportunities, enlarging the worldview for the children and youth. However, the COVID-19
pandemic has prevented mission teams from coming on-site. Notwithstanding this interruption, God enabled digital missions to become the launching pad for e-missions, which equipped the staff and students through creative ways of teaching. A team of four Singaporean psychologists trained the house parents over four weeks in early 2021 on how to emotionally engage and empower youth and children. Two Singapore churches (Bedok Methodist Church and Queenstown Chinese Methodist Church) trained COSI residents on “Responsible Decision-Making”, “Healthy and Pure Boy-Girl Relationships”, and “Handling Emotions” over several sessions in the latter half of 2021.
There was a mini ‘crisis’ at COSI earlier in 2022 as 52 of the 65 residents (manager, house parents, staff, youth, and children) were progressively infected with COVID-19 in February. Despite having all safety measures in place, the children caught the virus in school. Our COSI alumni student doctor (who happened to be visiting) together with the manager and our two missionaries managed the situation wisely. They tested the affected ones, brought them food and medicines, and encouraged them. They also ensured that there were safety measures and care for the unaffected. Only one primary level boy was taken to the government treatment centre for 48 hours as he had severe difficulty breathing but was soon sent back to us to recover after he showed signs of improvement.
Reach out to the children and youth in creative and loving ways.
Root them in God’s Word as we disciple them. Raise them with godly values as we nurture them for daily life.
Release them to be godly men and women in the marketplace in the future.
Now that travel restrictions are easing, we invite you to come and play a vital part in building up the young lives at COSI. Come and be a mentor, a big brother or sister to them. Share your life experiences and help them to see that they have God-given potential and that He has a wonderful plan for their lives.
Vesper & prayer timeThe COS-Youth Hostel (COSY) was built to cater for the COSI (Community Outreach Services Immanuel Children’s Village) youth from Grades 10 to 12. Grade 9 is the highest level of the Tuan Orr Primary and Secondary Public School for the COSI children. Hence, COSY was purchased in 2010 and constructed according to the specific requirements of a youth hostel in the vicinity of a nearby high school. The maximum capacity of COSY is 40 where the boys’ and girls’ rooms are split up and accessible by separate staircases.
The COSY youth attend Antioch Methodist Church where they help in leading worship, singing and music, teaching in Sunday School, attending prayer meetings as well as conducting evangelism and outreach in the neighbouring villages especially to children and ladies.
From April to September 2021 during the pandemic, the youth were moved to COSI as the wider compound is enclosed and safer. The larger space provided them with a better and healthier environment with fresh air to exercise and, with the help of the local staff and missionaries, to do some
The COSY youths have grown in their walk with Him and experienced His bountiful care and love over the three years.
farming together with their younger counterparts in the afternoons after their online classes. This was also a time for the 27 COSY youth to grow in their digital technology knowledge and learn about “Decision Making” for their future careers. They also learnt from members of the Bedok Methodist Church WSCS about building long-term relationships and purity in marriage for life partners. Furthermore, they learnt Principles to Manage Money helmed by Toa Payoh Methodist Church and embarked on an 8-week Befriending Programme with the young adults of Queenstown Methodist Church. They held cultural exchanges with their Singapore friends, sang and played online games, and shared on personal, practical and leadership matters, - all these enabling them to broaden their thinking.
When school resumed for the Grade 12s in mid-September, they moved back to COSY and did their best to observe safety measures and requirements. However, in October, six of the Grade 11s developed COVID-19. While those infected were isolated at a nearby treatment centre, the hostel was cordoned off by the authorities. Due to the enforced quarantine, the Grade 12s were unable to return to school for their semester examinations that were to take place the following week. It was crucial for them because they needed these results to qualify for their national examinations. Thank God for answering their prayers at the most critical time! This is what Sam Srey Oun, a Grade 12 student last year, has to share:
Those of us who were in Grade 12 were very anxious. It was compulsory for us to go to school to sit for the examinations otherwise we would not be allowed to take the National Examinations. The school principal was unsympathetic and did not allow us to take the exams online. In fact, he told us that we should just repeat our Grade12 the following year. However, the grace and love of God opened the door for us as we prayed. News came that two of the school teachers were tested COVID-19 positive and the school had to be closed as a result. All examinations had to be done online! Through this incident, we saw how God helped us solve problems when we prayed. As a result of this encounter, our faith and trust in God were strengthened.
Every year, there will be a batch of graduating class students leaving COSY and, at the same time, a batch from COSI will come in to COSY to start their high school education. Ever since COSY started operations, we have seen 12 batches of COSI children graduate from the hostel.
We celebrated COSY’s 10th Anniversary in 2020. We continue to give thanks and praise to God for His faithful provision and protection over us all these years. The youth have grown in their walk with Him and experienced His bountiful care and love over the three years. Sok Srey San, one of the 14 Grade 12s, who graduated from COSY at the end of 2021, testifies that:
I stayed in COSY for three years when I was promoted to Grade 10 in 2019. I thank God that I passed all my exams at every level. I thank God for all those who took good care of me and for His provision in everything that I need! During the pandemic, I was studying in Grade 12 when I had to take my national examinations by the end of the
year. But all schools were closed because of the pandemic so I had to study online. It was really tough for me and I struggled. Sometimes I cried quietly because I could not understand the lessons and I was anxious over the coming exams. I started to search and learn through YouTube. I would always start with a prayer before I study, asking God to give me wisdom in order to understand the subject being taught online. My friends comforted me and said I should not be overly anxious because they felt that online learning was better than on-site learning. How I felt though is that I did not want to have examinations online, or to be given an auto-pass like the year before. I prayed to God as the examinations drew nearer. Although I was still anxious, I learnt to trust God and accept His will whether I would pass or fail. Thank God, I passed and could enrol in the University for further studies! I am now in my first year studying Banking and Finance.
We thank God for all the sponsors who have given towards their monthly support and for Foochow Methodist Church for her partnership over all these years since we started.
Come encourage and empower the youth at COSY through on-site visits, online training on life skills, marketplace English, career guidance, and different aspects of discipleship. We are looking forward to your partnership with us!
The Post COSI Integration Programme (PCOSIIP) is a programme for children and youth who had earlier resided at COSI and COSY. It aims to help them achieve their maximum potential by going on to tertiary studies or skills training.
Since its setting up in 2009, PCOSIIP has blessed and empowered 73 poor and needy children and youths. 35 have graduated with degrees in various fields, with eight graduating with vocational training, and 30 currently undergoing their degree programmes. Six of them have returned to serve at COSI and some in other MMS Cambodia ministries. The majority are serving as God’s ambassadors in various sectors in the marketplace, as teachers, engineers, lawyers, doctors, businessmen, customs officers, administrators, finance executives, accountants, managers, agriculturalists, etc.
Stringent criteria have been put in place to ensure students of good character and aptitude are selected and interviewed by a team of missionaries to participate in the programme: Good academic results throughout their high school and final Grade 12 national examinations, demonstrating consistent academic progress.
- Character and attitude while staying at COSY, in terms of their discipline in their studies, their attitude toward the missionary and staff in COSY, and their relationship with others at COSY.
- Calling, aptitude, and ambition
scholarship, I have a good future.
Each of these students are fully supported by sponsors from Singapore. Most of these sponsors have journeyed with these young adults since they were children or youth. MMS is indeed thankful to sponsors and churches who have contributed, individually and collectively, and enabled them to pursue and attain their highest academic achievement.
Presently, the sponsored amount covers the following: school fees, living expenses, books, attire (uniform), and dental and medical fees. It has been suggested that the component for living expenses be removed from the third year of their studies. This is to give the students time to get use to the rigours of academic life and living in the city. Many students in Cambodia work part time to support their own studies. MMS wants to train the young
adults under their charge to be independent and to take responsibility for their own lives.
Those who have graduated and are financially independent are giving back to COSI; they either give financially, however large or small the amounts, or mentor and teach the younger COSI kids. The Alumni Committee was formed in 2018, to organise activities for the alumni who have graduated from COSI. They meet once a month to plan for gatherings like COSI anniversary celebrations and other outreach programmes to the alumni. In May 2019, the committee also organised Run4COSI, a fund-raising event, to coincide with PCOSIIP’s 10th anniversary celebrations, to further increase the financial support for this programme.
Pov Srey Leak, 29 years old, PCOSIIP graduate, shares:
I am really happy and grateful to PCOSIIP for supporting my studies.
On 13 February 2018, four years ago, I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Communications at the Western University. I am now working as a Deputy Manager at Transform Cambodia, a Christian NGO that provides academic and spiritual education to children and youth. I love this job very much because I not only work to earn a living, but can also serve God by helping poor children in Cambodia to get an education and also know Jesus Christ. I am grateful that with the help of God through a PCOSIIP scholarship, I have a good future. Thank you.
All praise and glory be to God for each and every one of the COSI children whom God has raised through COSI, COSY, and PCOSIIP. Thankful for the help from all our sponsors and partners in ministry who have contributed to the lives of these potential leaders of the next generation in one way or another. Thank you for helping in the capacity building of the nation of Cambodia.
The Methodist Hostel was established to provide an affordable place of accommodation for poor students coming from the provinces to the city of Phnom Penh to pursue a university education. A good number of them come through COSY, while the rest come to know of our hostel facilities through the recommendation of some pastors of our sister churches. They are our harvest field, where the Gospel is shared and disciples are made. They are cultivated and prepared for service to the Church and society.
There are currently 34 students in the hostel. The hostel is headed by a manager who is in turn assisted by student leaders who oversee the wellbeing of their fellow students. This leadership structure promotes a close community where the students eat together, study together, and encourage one another to grow in the Christian faith.
These students benefit from a safe and conducive environment. This is a place where they can enjoy clean and comfortable accommodation while receiving care and concern from the hostel manager as well as from their fellow students. Besides academic pursuits, they are required to participate in the hostel’s programmes: weekly worship and devotion, group Bible study, prayer meetings, and a Bible reading programme. They are also required to attend Sunday Worship and encouraged to serve in church.
Two years ago, the hostel celebrated its 10th anniversary. Many students have passed through our doors in the course of their four-year terms in university. They are now earning their keep, having families, and best of all, many have stayed on in the faith. All this would not have been possible without the support and partnership of Aldersgate Methodist Church in Singapore, and the Lord’s blessings and direction. All praise and glory be to Him!
They are our harvest field, where the Gospel is shared and disciples are made.Evening worship and devotion time
The ministry of Hope House was birthed 15 years ago in 2007 by Sot Thida. Back then, she started a children’s ministry in the Chbbar Ampov area of Phnom Penh to counter the prevalent problem of child labour and slum/street children. The objective was to provide literacy and numeracy education to these children. The long-term goal was to enrol them into formal school. Additionally, the aim was to teach and ingrain Christian values, and promote health care and general welfare to these children and their families. Many of them come from poor and dysfunctional families. Ultimately, we hope to help them overcome poverty and experience transformation in their lives.
Various partners-in-mission from Singapore came alongside in the early days to help. Subsequently, it was officially incorporated into Community Outreach Services, which has for some years now been the NGO arm of MMS. With the support and partnership of Aldersgate Methodist Church, Hope House is currently reaching out to approximately 60 children daily!
Today, Ni Kong Sreng as well as the staff team and volunteers run Hope House. Their love and commitment for the children have helped the latter learn well, live happily, and see that there is a God-given purpose in life, which they can live out. These children no longer roam the streets aimlessly and are not stuck in the slums all their lives.
These are Hope House’s enrichment programmes:
• Conduct daily basic literacy and numeracy lessons for children.
• Encourage and recommend children to register into formal school.
• Support and follow-up on children’s progress in school.
• Provide tuition for students to cope with their studies.
• Provide a daily feeding programme.
• Conduct weekly Sunday School.
• Organise outdoor activities and football games for children.
• Hold special activities when provided by visiting teams.
Loh Han Chew MMS Missionary in Cambodia.We hope to help them overcome poverty and experience transformation in their lives.
• Pray for a social worker who understands the needs of slum ministry.
• Pray for our staff to have a better understanding of slum/street children, and thus a stronger burden to reach out to them.
• Pray for our children to be more consistent in their attendance.
• Pray for our staff to conduct even more effective follow-up with the children’s families.
• Pray for sufficient volunteers to run Sunday School.
• Pray for our plan to start an education fund for children who attend formal school.
Joy Hostel houses and reaches out to university students in Phnom Penh. It meets the needs of youth who need to leave their hometowns and provinces in order to embark on university education in the capital city of Phnom Penh where almost all the universities are located.
Besides providing accommodation and a safe place for youth to live, study, and work part-time, Joy Hostel also exists to provide Christian care and discipleship training for the residents. Our mission is to reach out to students with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to nourish them with the Word of God so that they will grow as disciples, and in turn share the Gospel with others.
The ministry was started by Lucy Yeo of Foochow Methodist Church in 2008. It began with a few young people as a home away from home. To date, more than 120 youths have passed through the portals of Joy Hostel and have heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our goal is to reach 150 students by 2025, nurturing them throughout their four-year stay at Joy Hostel as disciples of God and cultivating them as servant leaders in their spheres of influence.
Currently, there are 33 youths under our care. 19 of them are believers and the rest have yet to make a commitment to the Lord. Despite this, we are thankful that God is continually working in the hearts of these young men and women. Recently, we experienced a great joy as five of them have shown openness to Jesus and have come to know Him as Saviour!
Our mission is to reach out to students with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to nourish them with the Word of God.Special visit from Foochow Methodist Church team. Students meeting online with Pastor Hongly and the Foochow Methodist Church team. Thursday night discipleship training using MATHETES book.
Just like everywhere else, the hostel has also had its fair share of students who caught the COVID-19 bug and had to be quarantined and cared for during the height of the pandemic but have since recovered. The pre-believing students saw God’s hand in terms of His providence and care, and became more receptive towards the Gospel.
During the pandemic, studies had to be done online. Similarly, the hostel’s daily evening devotions were also done online for students who had to return home to the provinces at the urging of their families who feared for the COVID19 situation in Phnom Penh. Studying online was sometimes frustrating as the internet connection was unstable, affecting the delivery and effectiveness of school lessons and devotions.
However, the students persisted as they could see the strong commitment of the hostel leadership team. Foochow Methodist Church, a long-time strong and faithful partner of this ministry, also rendered help in many ways. They continued to meet on Zoom with the students regularly in order to encourage them. They helped with the food costs when prices increased. And they provided scholarships for students who were not able to support themselves financially for university studies.
Most of the students, who went back home when the COVID-19 situation was at its peak, have since returned to the hostel and are resuming their daily lives.
When I was in Grade 9, there were always conflicts at home, which led to my parents’ divorce. I had never stopped praying to God for my family and I trusted God to answer my prayers. For three years, not only did I pray by myself, I also shared with my friends and pastor to ask them to pray with me. When I was in Grade 12, my parents reconciled and came back together again. This was the greatest blessing for me in 2021! God answered my prayers after three long years of praying and trusting in Him. I am grateful to God for answering my prayers. I will not stray away from God. I want to always trust God in prayer and have a close relationship with Him.
Maiya has never heard about Jesus before staying at Joy Hostel in 2018. At first, she did not really understand what the Christians were doing, such as worshipping with songs, Bible reading, small group Bible study, or big group devotion meetings at the hostel or church. In the second year, she slowly started to link about 20% of the Bible with another scripture that she was taught to believe from childhood. Over time, Maiya gained more and more knowledge and was able to understand more and more of the Good News of Christ through the various spiritual programmes in the hostel and church.
Maiya was attracted to the idea of salvation, which was different from her childhood faith. She discovered that Jesus could save her from her sin if she believed and put her faith in Him. Although Maiya believed, she was not ready to pray to receive Christ yet.
In 2021, Maiya went through many good and bad new experiences. She will always remember July 2021 to be a turning point in her life. She went to the hospital for a PCR test and later received a call from the hospital informing her that she was COVID-19 positive. Upon hearing the news, she broke down and cried. She was so afraid; the fear of the disease and the fear of being rejected by people around her weighed heavily on her mind. It was at this lowest point in her life that she experienced God being by her side. She could feel that God, who made everything, did not abandon her. God healed her from COVID-19 and she was soon well.
Since putting her faith in Jesus, Maiya’s life has changed. She thinks more positively about everything that happens to her and everyone around her. Her faith is growing day by day. Now she is able to share the gospel with others, especially during outreach programmes. She can sing, and recite Bible verses and The Lord’s Prayer from memory. She is also able to lead others during daily devotions.
• Pray for the good health for all the students. Pray for wisdom for their studies.
• Pray that the students who are pre-believers will open their hearts to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.
• Pray that the students who are already believers will stand strong in faith in the Lord, amidst worldly influences and pressure from their peers.
• Pray for the renovation of a new hostel and premises. Pray that it will go smoothly and be completed by the third quarter of 2022.
MMS through MMS FNGO in Vietnam, our social concerns arm in Vietnam, is contributing to the betterment of lives in disadvantaged communities not only during normal times but also during any crisis where our assistance may be required. MMS reaches out to the communities in Vietnam in practical ways. Here’s a photo collage of our social outreach activities and programmes. We hope to be a channel of blessings to the various communities. Email to find out how you may contribute towards these efforts.
He worships at Pentecost
He enjoys his time with his four grandsons.
It is a great privilege to be a part of our ministry in Nepal during this critical phase of the development of the Methodist Church in Nepal (MCN). Over the last three years, the emphasis has been on preparing our national leaders, encouraging and leading them, as we empower them with greater responsibilities. One key aspect of our ministry is developing our youth in MCN as part of our leadership development, “Building Capacities” for the future! It is encouraging to witness the enthusiasm of our youth in leadership and ministry. God is raising up a younger generation to get in there and gather in the harvest – to reach out to the nation of Nepal!
On the penultimate day of my recent visit to Nepal in March 2022, I had the privilege of speaking to the youth through an online Youth Fellowship Service. It was a divine appointment with these 100 youths from our MCN churches
and preaching points. The message for them was clear; there will be challenges in the real world and it is important for them to be prepared and equipped to manage these challenges in a manner that will be pleasing to God. They need not feel daunted by these challenges for they will not be alone. They are not of the world whilst being in the real world.
“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Romans 12:1-2
The youth in MCN are slowly but surely finding themselves in the real world. They have left their comfort zones. Some of them, having
Our youth represent the future of our ministry in Nepal.
completed their basic education, are pursuing tertiary courses in the universities, whilst others have taken up jobs to help with the financial responsibilities for their families. They find themselves in the presence of friends and colleagues who are pre-believers, who may not have the good values, habits, and beliefs that they have. Our youth will have to cope with the social pressures that they have never experienced before. These include “free and easy” lifestyles and influences propagated by the social media that they are increasingly exposed to; desiring to be socially accepted according to the new social norms and craving for wealth and success to the extent of compromising their Christian values that they have been imbued with.
MCN has a responsibility to guide our youth to “flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.” (2 Timothy 2:22) We need to walk with them, to encourage, to strengthen the foundation that we have built in them since their childhood days, and not to condemn them or condone their behaviour whenever they make wrong decisions. We need to
intercede for them with our prayers to help see them through the challenges of being in a real world, and to be guided by spiritual truths. We need to be kind and understanding and to reassure them that when they feel down and out, they are not alone, and they can turn to our leaders and to the scriptures for assurance. They need to realise that even as youth, God has a plan for each of them. Our youth leaders must note the words from 1 Timothy 4:12, “Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.”
As we support and pray for our youth, we can also learn from them. They lead by their exemplary lives - to be the face of Jesus - in their homes and the community where there are prebelievers. They are the special gifts from our loving Father. The spiritual legacy for our families and our church belongs to them. As leaders and parents, we have an important role to play. We need to take cognizance of their potential and to prepare and equip them for their roles as the next generation of leaders of MCN. They need the support and encouragement of their church leaders.
There is a positive and encouraging trend amongst the youth, not only in Nepal but also in the other MMS mission fields. They are receptive and hungry for the Word and are keen and enthusiastic to serve the Lord. The youth meet together regularly for prayer and worship in their local churches and as a community of young believers at the Annual MCN Youth Seminars. Their Youth Fellowship Meetings are characterised by fervent worship and prayer, worshipping in spirit and in truth. They are the core of the worship teams in our churches. There is so much passion and love for Christ as they praise, worship, and pray!
Our youth represent the future of our ministry in Nepal. They will grow in strength and spiritual maturity and as they choose the path of righteousness, they have His promise to hold on to.
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11, NIV
Early morning prayer walk.
He is also the Personnel & Missionary Care Executive. He worships at Hope Church Singapore. He has a twin brother that he sometimes switches places with.
The work in Thailand began in December 1992 with a visit by the then Council on Missions Chairman, Rev Dr Clarence Lim, Rev Khoo Cheng Hoot, Mr Lim Chong Heng, and Mrs Pearlie Lim. This is recorded in the Thai Provisional Book of Discipline.
In March 2005, the Wesley Methodist Church in Thailand (WMCT) was formally instituted by the Methodist Church in Singapore, the founding Conference and Bishop Dr Robert Solomon was its presiding Bishop. WMCT was later renamed as the Mettakij Christian Association (MCA).
On 15 March 2022, after enduring two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, MCA pastors, leaders, and members gathered together physically at Shineforth Methodist Church, Chiang
Mai, for the First Session of the Mission Conference. By God’s grace, the restrictions were also relaxed and a delegation from Singapore was also present at the meeting.
The day began with a service, where Bishop Dr Gordon Wong shared a message on Contentment from Philippian 4:11-13 and encouraged the church to continue to rejoice in the Lord whether in lack or in abundance. A time for Holy Communion followed after and the service was concluded with a declaration of the opening of the 1st Session of the Mission Conference.
“On arriving there, they gathered the church together and reported all that God had done through them…” Acts 14:27a (NIV)
Various reports were made by the ministries.
Various reports were given. We were very much encouraged by the good news of their faith and love, by the perseverance of the church despite unprecedented challenges from the pandemic, and by the growth and even new preaching points being planted and new leaders being raised up. Prayer and thanksgiving were made after each report. Indeed, it was also an opportunity for the churches to be involved with one another, through prayer, and the sharing of burdens and resources. MCA now has a total of 17 churches, 10 preaching points, 2 schools, 2 nurseries, and 2 hostels.
At the closing service, we, together with various partner churches online
and onsite, witnessed the ordination of new Deacons, Deacons-elect, new Elders, and Elders-elect. There are now 19 Elders and 4 Deacons in MCA.
We also saw the retirement of three of our pastors as well as Sungwan Yeo Tuk, the principal of Vineyard Methodist School (VMS). We give thanks to God for their long years of faithful service to the church and school.
We returned from the conference with much joy and thanksgiving, with a renewed hope and focus to see MCA progress to becoming a Provisional Annual Conference (PAC). The harvest is indeed plentiful, but the workers are few.
We are grateful for the faithful and longstanding support of our partner churches, and we continue to welcome more churches to partner with us in this work.
To God be the Glory!
Pray for MCA as we move toward PAC in 2025. We need all our churches to have fully functioning LCEC and a team of lay leaders.
Pray for all our churches to be able to cover at least 60% of their yearly budget for programmes and operating costs (excluding salaries).
Pray that we will be able to plant three urban churches by 2025.
Pray for Nantika Makmai, the new Principal of VMS, to be able to lead the school well.
We returned from the conference with much joy and thanksgiving, with a renewed hope and focus to see MCA progress to becoming a Provisional Annual Conference.MCA appointment holders.
Aldersgate Methodist Church invites you to partner with us to raise funds to build a permanent home for St Paul Methodist School (SPMS) in Timor-Leste.
80 hostelites Why
be there? 2 classroom blocks (12 classrooms),
1 admin block (Principal’s office; Admin, Staff & Meeting rooms; Science Labs) 1 canteen cum multipurpose hall (capacity for 700pax; full kitchen)
MMS has a permit to function as a Foreign Non-Government Organisation (FNGO) - MMS (VN) - in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), Vietnam. MMS (VN) aims to provide a platform for the alleviation of poverty, uplifting of livelihoods, and the nurture and development of human-resource in the community. Towards this goal, MMS (VN) had participated in selected social concerns, humanitarian, and community development projects and activities provided by governmental social agencies.
The present key projects are the Sunlight Boys’ Shelter and Sunrise Girls’ Shelter under the Women Charity Association (WOCA) offering care and shelter for impoverished and disadvantaged boys and girls respectively. Donating to needy families during Lunar New Year and Mid-Autumn Festival is our annual contribution.
The establishment of MMS (VN) FNGO requires the appointment of a Singaporean representative who is domiciled in HCMC. The current Singaporean representative is due for retirement and a replacement is urgently required. The representative’s appointment is an honorary role where he/ she is expected to attend the yearly functions and be part of the team to build rapport with government agencies.
MMS (VN) is helmed by the MMS VN Country Director but assisted by the MMS
VN representative. The MMS VN representative can be a tentmaker or businessperson residing in HCMC.
In addition, due to the increasing opportunities, there is an urgent need for a Singaporean to oversee existing projects and also the development of new programmes. This role is best fulfilled in a fulltime capacity by a missionary assisting in the ministry of the International Christian Fellowship (ICF) which is a Singapore expat church. The suitable candidate, to be supported by Methodist churches, will be sent out by MMS.
If you sense that there is a member who is suitable or interested to serve in the role of MMS (VN) representative or to serve full-time as the MMS Missionary to VN, please call Col (Ret) Quek Koh Eng at 97517131 or email to koheng. for more details.
MMS (VN) aims to provide a platform for the alleviation of poverty, uplifting of livelihoods, and the nurture and development of human resources in the community.MMS receiving a plaque of appreciation with other NGOs at the Women’s Charity Association (WOCA) 30th Anniversary celebration in 2019. MMS has been partnering WOCA for about 15 years.
We warmly welcome latest Associate Missionary, Timothy Tan, who is appointed as our new Principal of the Methodist School of Cambodia with effect from 1 April 2022. He and his wife, Cindy, are from Faith Community Baptist Church. They have moved to Cambodia with their children, Isaiah and Elizabeth.
Greetings from Phnom Pehn! We are the Tan family. I am Timothy and I brew my own coffee. Starting every morning with a whole lot of Jesus and a cup of coffee makes the day right.
Together with my wife and two children (11 and 9), we are an ordinary Singaporean family who worships an extraordinary God. We love our chai tow kueh (fried carrot cake) and Korean Fried Chicken. In our spare time, we enjoy a good laugh over board games and chilling out with a movie night at the comfort of our home. As we journeyed to Cambodia, we have learnt as a family to LAUGH (Live Adventurously Under God’s Hand). Moving forth as a family, we look forward to this Cambodian adventure to know God and to make Him known.
Dear Lord, we thank you for sending Timothy and his family to Cambodia. May they be powerful witnesses for you wherever they are. We pray for Your protection and for good health for the family. Please help them to settle down fast. We ask for Your grace and favour as they serve You. We also pray for wisdom and strength as Timothy takes on the role of a principal. May there be great synergy and unity among the school staff. May they continue to be a great blessing to the students and their families. Amen.
“Education is a road out of chronic poverty” nothing but a nice-sounding catchphrase to me… until I witnessed the miracle at Pelita Permai (PP), Surabaya, Indonesia.
12 years ago, when we brought our Sunday School children on a mission exposure trip to Surabaya, we were connected to two outstanding Indonesian ladies whom we have affectionally called Ibus (mother in Bahasa Indonesia) ever since. They have been more than mothers to us, as well as to a whole village of children. This short account of how two women’s love for Jesus and their faith have inspired many to become believers of Jesus and ignited the transformation of a village of slum dwellers in the area of Tubangan, Surabaya.
Ibu Liana Christanty befriended three children who had no idea of their ages and could neither read nor write. She invited them into her home for breakfast and was intrigued that they were busy putting aside part of their breakfast. Upon enquiry, she was both startled and moved that the three were setting aside the food for their siblings who had never tasted “such foods”. Ibu Liana was amazed that there could be such poverty right under her nose. She promptly started regular sessions for the neighbourhood kids to come into her place for breakfast, which led to small impromptu lessons on reading and writing.
These lessons soon became a small kindergarten serving 13 children, and quickly swelled in numbers as parents soon saw the possibility of a better future for their children. These children grew up in a rubbish collection dump, helping their parents to scavenge for recyclables to eke out a living on the streets of Surabaya. It was not easy to convince them or their parents to skip work to study and waste the mornings away. The free education and the hope of a future out of the abject poverty were the driving force that convinced some parents to allow their children the mornings off to attend Ibu Liana’s makeshift kindergarten.
Ibu Liana and her good friend, Ibu Monica, set up a foundation for the purpose of this ministry in the slums. They rented shophouses to school the children and the ever-expanding classes. After a few shifts of addresses, the foundation was blessed with a rent-free, sprawling and unused property belonging to a
Richard Soh Friend of Pelita Permai. worships at Faith Methodist ChurchA generation of children has been bestowed upon and has stepped out of the shadow of poverty.
close friend. The school took root in 2014 and the nomadic lives of the children pursuing education enjoyed a much-needed reprieve. With some form of stability, the school was able to formalise the curriculum to meet national standards, which ensured that the students were able to progress into primary school levels and later to high school levels. Through donations from local and overseas believers, the school even gave out scholarships to outstanding students to pursue a high school education. Many were accorded scholarships and a generation of children has been bestowed upon and has stepped out of the shadow of poverty. (For more information, visit how/funding/child-scholarship)
By 2019, the school had a formal education plan catering to ages 4-12 years old, providing a few generations of slum children with an education and a hope out of poverty. Many who had walked through these humble but hallowed corridors of PP have returned in gratitude to help in the activities such as sports or food distribution to the villagers. The PP Street Soccer boys even finished as National Champions in 2018.
The tide has also begun to turn within the community. Many rubbish collectors began to upscale their skills and started selling crafts, merchandise, or groceries. Within that span of 10 years when the ladies’ ministry was active, the slum of Tubangan began to bear the signs and fruit of prosperity and of God’s blessings and grace. More permanent dwellings and houses began sprouting up and little shops began to line the potholed streets, a transformation that would have been beyond the wildest expectations of any social programme at the time.
When the COVID-19 era descended, the staff of PP did not give up on their mission and the children. They simply took the lessons online. Undeterred by the lack of infrastructure and resources, the staff and teachers of PP prepared the students for the national examinations via zoom lessons and kept in touch with them digitally.
Throughout these tough years, PP has stuck to its mission and purpose of providing wholistic
education and a hope to these slum children. Although the village elders and some segments of the community are still resistant to the gospel, the fruit of PP’s labour is undeniably God’s amazing grace working in their midst. Testimony after testimony of changed lives have borne witness to God’s transformational blessings upon this community.
The current strength of PP includes a lean team of teachers for the kindergarten classes all the way to the primary 6 level. Some hold multiple roles to cover the unceasing demands of looking into the welfare of the children under their charge.
Since being involved in the work from 2010, I have seen the struggles and joys of PP. The work on the ground is both heart-wrenching and heart-warming, all twisted inseparably into a struggle which often threatens to overwhelm. The dedication and selfless works of the workers on ground zero and the smiles and joy of the children experienced by their charges, are the antidote to that weariness. Indeed, the harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few. My family, my small group, and my friends have made yearly trips to Surabaya to be part of this incredible journey. Pelita Permai means “little lights” in Bahasa. We have witnessed illiterate, abused, and abandoned children blossoming into confident happy ones. Not only has this little light of PP given them an education and friends but also, most importantly, the knowledge of the gospel and a hope and a future in their hearts.
This is a new segment to connect with our children and engage them in missions. We hope that our parents and teachers will find the materials useful. If you have other helpful resources to share, please let us know.
Here are six ways to teach our kids to have a heart for the world.
While this may freak some of you out (invite people to stay in our house and see it the way we actually live?!), this is a really hands-on way for kids to learn about missions and live out the act of caring for missionaries in a practical way. Who cares if your bathroom is as dingy as mine? Missionaries are the easiest house guests because your imperfect house is usually a step-up from their current living conditions! And besides, dinner conversation will always be an adventure! (Disclaimer: Please follow the latest guidelines from the government for COVID-19.)
Most missionaries carry “prayer cards” with them at all times. Just ask a missionary for one and they’ll pull one out faster than you can blink! Keeping these cards on your refrigerator is a little reminder that there are real people in other countries that we need to actively pray for.
If your kids help you make dinner, pray for your “refrigerator missionaries” while you are cooking together!
We have such an incredibly connected world these days, don’t we? Thanks to technology, we can now video chat with people all around the world. Why not set up a video chat “date” with one of your missionaries once a month? Your whole family can get involved and be an encouragement to missionaries who are far away from their home, families, and churches. Our family enjoys video chatting on occasion with missionaries we support and this has helped our “refrigerator missionaries” come to life right before our kids’ eyes.
No, not mission trips. I’m talking about smaller, little day trips or overnight trips! We travel on a shoe-string budget quite regularly because the impact of traveling even just an hour or two down the road really and truly has opened our kids up to a bigger world view. Take your kids to new areas, different cities, other countries! It seriously does broaden their scope and helps them realize there is more to life than just their own little worlds.
Stop at rest stops or tourist information centres and get your kids free paper maps. Our digital world has made these almost obsolete, but my kids LOVE them, and it helps them see the “bigger picture.”
Our church makes copies of our missionaries’ newsletters and puts them on our “wall of missions” for church attendees to take with them. If your church does something similar, have your kids pick up new newsletters to bring home and read together. Or, if you receive email newsletters, print them off for your kids to read, as well!
Mission trips are some of the most life-changing trips you can take. Our goal is to take our kids on at least one mission trip before they grow up. We certainly won’t be able to afford to take them all at the same time, but we hope to send them one at a time with a parent at some point. Practical tip: If an out-of-the country missions trip just isn’t something you can swing, look for in-country mission trips. We sent our 11-year-old on an in-country kids mission trip last year with lots of other kids and children’s pastors. He saved up money, sent out support letters to family members, and mowed lawns to raise his money, and it totally rocked his world!
These are a few tips that I hope you find practical, as well as, EASY to do! If you are intentional about keeping the world in the forefront of your kids’ minds, you will reap great benefits… it helps them be less selfish, reminds them that there’s more to life than just their own little worlds, and shows them that a life of missions is important!
In the previous issue of Harvest Force, I suggested that the one book Ezra-Nehemiah in the Older Testament indicates the importance of developing the Mind, Spirit & Body for any community. One might also have used the terms Intellectual, Spiritual and Physical development. This wholistic vision of healthy community development can also be seen in the Newer Testament’s summary description of the early church community in Acts 2:42-47.
His dad turns 100 this year!
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favour of all the people. (NIV)
The development of the Mind or Intellect is described in their devotion or commitment to “the apostles’ teaching” (v 42). The attention to the community’s and (since a community is always made up of individuals) the individual’s Spiritual or emotional development may be seen in their devotion to communal worship in “the breaking of bread and prayer” (v 42). The importance of Physical or material needs is indicated in the way the community “had everything in common”, sharing their “property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.” (v 44-45) The word “community” itself speaks to the Social aspects of our lives, and this is seen in the way the early church placed importance on “fellowship” (v 42), meeting and eating together (v 46) in both temple and homes, and “enjoying the favour of all the people” (v 47).
The last phrase “enjoying the favour of all the people” reminds me of the description of our Lord Jesus when he was a child on earth. His development as a child is also described as wholistic: And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.
(Luke 2:52, NIV)
Jesus grew in wisdom (Intellectual), in stature (Physical), and in favour with God (Spiritual) and man (Social).
May we develop our communities wholistically as well. Amen.