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Life-Changing Gifts from just $5! at
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2022 Catalogue
Your Gifts of Love donations help transform the lives of people like Maya
(See Maya’s Story on Pg 2)
Shop Hotline: 1800 710 710
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On the path to a full recovery thanks to you! Thank you! When Maya was 25 years old, she began to experience nose bleeds and a burning feeling in her foot. She went to an expensive private clinic in Nepal and tried different medications but nothing helped. Maya’s condition just got worse. Two years later, Maya went to India to find help. A doctor had diagnosed her with leprosy but didn’t tell her what she had! The doctor gave her medicine and referred her to a hospital near her home where she finally found out she had leprosy. She was sent home and advised to get Multi-Drug Therapy (MDT) from the government health post. Maya took the MDT treatment for 24 months. Thankfully she hasn’t developed any visible deformities or disabilities. However, a couple of years after completing MDT, Maya started showing signs of Type II Leprosy Reaction – painful, swollen wounds, blisters, and fever. She was admitted to The Leprosy Mission’s Anandaban hospital in Nepal last year and remains there to this day.
Facts about Leprosy
Due to the care and support Maya received, she feels more at home at Anandaban hospital than in her own house! Solomon, one of the hospital’s counsellors, says Maya’s case has been particularly serious – many of the doctors thought amputation might be necessary. Fortunately, Maya is now on the way to a full recovery, having undergone careful wound care and dressings. She still experiences swelling, but there is no loss of sensation. Maya’s pain is finally gone. Maya wishes that everyone would be able to recognise the early signs of leprosy so they are treated and do not suffer. When you donate a Gift of Love Leprosy Reaction Treatment, you help support people like Maya on their road to full recovery. Gifts like these change people’s lives!
Leprosy Reaction Treatment 12843
Healing from leprosy isn’t always straightforward. Around 1 in 3 leprosy patients experience a complication called “reaction”. In severe cases, it’s incredibly debilitating, requiring steroid treatments and hospital stays. Your gift helps provide treatment and food supplements. d
Stigma and discrimination exist in many countries. Fear of rejection by family and friends prevents people seeking diagnosis and treatment early on. That puts them at higher risk of nerve damage and irreversible disability. The leprosy bacteria can attack the eyes and the eyelids causing paralysis. If patients cannot close their eyes, debris and insects can easily enter and cause damage, eventually leading to permanent blindness.
What is Leprosy Reaction?
Leprosy can attack and destroy the nerves in the body, especially in the hands, feet and face resulting in loss of feeling and/or function.
Thank you for shopping to stop leprosy!
Leprosy is found all over the world – sometimes even in Australia. It is most common in places of poverty.
Acute episodes of inflammation called ‘reactions’ happen in up to half the people diagnosed with leprosy, sometime during or after MDT antibiotic treatment. Reactions cause swelling and pain in skin, nerves and eyes, and patients may need to be hospitalised for months.
Type 1 Leprosy Reaction is a milder form and can develop if there are not many leprosy bacteria present in the body.
Type 2 Leprosy Reaction or ENL can develop when high levels of leprosy bacteria are present. When ENL develops, patients experience severe pain, fever and very inflamed skin lesions.
Every 2 minutes one person is diagnosed with leprosy | Cure One Today
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Give a life-changing Gift of Love!
Hospital Laundry Service
Occupational Therapy
12647 Help someone affected by leprosy recover the use of their fingers, feet or limbs. Your gift will teach patients the right muscle exercises or how to manage aids or prosthetics.
12965 Help a person with a disability to receive Occupational Therapy so they can go about their day with increased mobility and ease. Your gift will help patients adapt to living at home, studying or working with a disability.
In hospitals, sanitary bedding and clothing for leprosy patients are essential and need regular changing. Your gift provides patients with fresh linen to help keep them comfortable, fresh and healthy during their stay.
Newborn Essentials
12966 Help a woman affected by leprosy prepare for her new baby. Bless her with a newborn kit containing clothes, towels and baby soap. Your gift will also provide micro-nutrient and food supplements. Keeping both mum and bub healthy through pregnancy and post-delivery.
Mon - Fri 9am 5pm AEST
Multi-Drug Therapy Delivery 12844 Villages and health clinics are often remote and difficult to access. Leprosy patients can struggle to access a constant supply of the cure. Your gift enables delivery of a supply of Multi-Drug Therapy to a clinic so patients can successfully complete treatment without interruption.
Shop Hotline: 1800 710 710
Aged Care for Leprosy Patients
12288 Give elderly disabled leprosy patients in Thailand the gift of living their twilight years in comfort and dignity. Your gift provides accommodation and holistic care though every stage and level of care they need.
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From rashes to relief! Nisha is recovering thanks to people like you. Thank you! Nisha started showing signs of leprosy in her early 30’s. She didn’t think much of it. This was not the first rash to have appeared on her body. Rashes and small wounds came with her line of work, as a laborer. When the rash spread across her body, Nisha showed it to a local health professional. They diagnosed her with a common skin disease and gave her an ointment.
IMPACT Your Integrated Mobilisation of People for Active Community Transformation (IMPACT) project in Nepal supports people in their recovery from leprosy, helps them obtain sustainable livelihoods and increases their inclusion in society. In addition, the IMPACT project also provides health education on water and sanitation hygiene, COVID-19 awareness, and education on gender-based violence to Self-Help Groups and their communities. The IMPACT project’s support of Self-Help Groups has resulted in many people with improved livelihoods, meaningful employment and increased inclusion in their communities. Supported by the Australian Government This project is supported by the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP). Thanks to ANCP, this project is able to help improve the wellbeing of people affected by leprosy and disability in Nepal.
Today Nisha is hopeful that her leprosy will be cured. You can help people like Nisha by donating a Gift of Love Cure Package to ensure a leprosy patient completes their treatment. The road to healing is possible because of people like you! Thank you for your compassion heart and giving nature!
For three years, Nisha believed that the wounds on her body were a common skin disease and would fade away with time. She continued working as a laborer and taking care of her four children largely on her own. Her unsupportive husband struggled with alcoholism and her in-laws didn’t care much about her either! Life was far from easy for Nisha. Adding leprosy to her list of ever-growing problems only made it worse. Nisha finally became unable to work because of the physical effects of leprosy on her body. Fortunately, thanks to people like you, volunteers showed up at her house bringing news that would change her life. Nisha could attend a mini Leprosy Elimination Camp. She was diagnosed with leprosy and gained access to medication. Nisha felt relieved! She could continue supporting her family. Now Nisha no longer fears social stigma or discrimination. While the humongous task of raising her four children remains, she is ready to tackle it with rejuvenated hope. With regular access to leprosy medicines at her local health post, Nisha feels that her future might be something to look forward to.
Cure Package
12649 Transform the life of one person affected by leprosy. Your gift is a package of healing and hope. It provides diagnosis, treatment with medicine to cure plus medical care where needed. You will have cured one person affected by leprosy and helped them through their multi-drug therapy.
Together we’re working towards a leprosy-free world!
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Water Filter
13579 Give a gift of clean water to a family without immediate access to drinkable water. A water filter can help a whole family enjoy fresh clean water and avoid the risk of stomach pains and illness.
Agostinho family - from stomach pains to clean drinkable water!
Agostinho is part of a Self-Help Group supported by The Leprosy Mission Australia in Timor Leste. He had a family member who experienced leprosy which caused many hardships for his family. Agostinho works as a fisherman, sells vegetables, buys and sells pigs, owns a small farm and grows rice. He works many jobs in order to support his family of two daughters, a son and his wife. However, clean water is a big problem in the area where they live. Agostinho and his family had to walk for 2.5 hours each day to get water from the river. Sometimes the water is unclean, causing his children to get stomachaches and become sick.
Contact Tracing
12754 Give the gift of leprosy s creening to one family member of a person diagnosed with leprosy. Contact tracing helps stop leprosy transmission. Early detection and treatment can mean patients are less likely to develop irreversible permanent disability.
Mon - Fri 9am 5pm AEST
the tank every 2 weeks free of charge. This makes sure that Agostinho, his family and everyone else in the Self Help Groups have a steady supply of clean water. The installed water tanks can provide enough water to families for cooking and drinking. Water tanks and water filters are essential for families like Agostinho’s. You can help by donating Gift of Love Water Filter to a family in need!
The water tanks have positively impacted Agostinho’s life, saving him from having to walk so far for water that may or may not be clean to use. With his extra time, he can now be with The Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) his family or earn more money to support them! project funded by The Leprosy Mission Australia Agostinho said: “The clean water has reduced and the Australian government, provided illnesses and since they can now access the Agostinho with a water filter so he and his family water tank, my children have not gotten can filter the river water for everyday use. stomachaches anymore.” Plus, 11 water tanks were provided to each of the 11 Self-Help Groups in Ocesse, Timor Leste. Now Agostinho and his family can access clean water only 2 minutes’ walk from their home! CBR spoke with the government water and sanitation department who now comes to refill
Shop Hotline: 1800 710 710
Your Gifts of Love help make sure people can access essential supplies. www.leprosymission.org.au
You will receive a card as a keepsake for yourself or for the friend/family member you have purchased the gift on behalf of.
Choose and purchase your Gift of Love.
If the area of need for your Gift of Love becomes funded, your gift will go where it’s needed most.
Your gift goes to support people affected by leprosy overseas.
For Birthdays, Anniversaries, Christmas or any other special occasion, celebrate by giving your friends and family a life changing ‘Gift of Love’ on their behalf!
When you buy a Gift of Love through The Leprosy Mission Australia, you will receive a gift card for the item donated. You can keep it or pass on to someone else to show that you have given it on their behalf. The cards do not mention the price of your gift.
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
$5.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $25.00 $25.00 $30.00 $40.00 $45.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $60.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $150.00 $150.00 $200.00 $200.00 $250.00 $250.00 $335.00 $350.00 $432.00 $445.00 $500.00 $800.00 $1,000.00 GIFTS OF LOVE TOTAL CURE PACKAGE DONATION
*A $10 international postage will be charged if you wish to send a Gift of Love card to overseas.
I do not need gift cards
Contact Tracing Pair of Chickens Pair of Sunglasses Soap Hospital Laundry Service Protective Shoes Physiotherapy Emergency Response Training Counselling Walking Aids Occupational Therapy Student Uniforms Pair of Glasses Self Care Pack Farmers Tool Box Children Scholarship Goat Water Filter Newborn Essentials Beekeeper Starter Kit Wheelchair Vocational Training Eye Surgery Multi-Drug Therapy Delivery Prosthetic Limb University Scholarship Healthcare Worker Training Leprosy Reaction Treatment Buffalo Reconstructive Surgery Student Accommodation and Food Kiosk Business Start Up Cure Package Aged Care for Leprosy Patients Health and Hygiene Education for School Community Toilet Block Healthcare Centre Renovation
12754 11284 11288 11574 12846 11286 12647 12971 11573 12622 12965 12289 13326 12623 12651 11289 11287 13579 12966 12970 11292 11295 12291 12844 12624 12845 12841 12843 11296 12652 12290 12967 12649 12288 12896 12842 12897
Please send gift cards*
Give a life-changing gift!
YES! I would like to place a Gift of Love order
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Donations $2 or more are tax deductible
The Leprosy Mission Australia Reply Paid 93058 Geelong North Vic 3215
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Or call: 1800 710 710
You will receive a lovely Gift Card to send to family and friends
Gifts of Love® is a registered trademark of The Leprosy Mission Australia and may not be used by any means or in any form whatsoever without written permission.
When you buy a Gift of Love, you are making a tax-deductible donation to an actual TLMA project. The dollar value listed for each gift is an estimation of how much this part of the project costs. Your donation funds this part, along with other vital activities of that project. If we can’t use the money for the specific item you buy, it will go to an associated program. Countries that benefit from your Gift of Love are projects that you support in Timor Leste, Papua New Guinea, India, Nigeria, Thailand and Nepal.
We will keep you informed about the impact of your support, other news of our work and other opportunities to help people affected by leprosy, which may be of interest to you. If you do not wish to receive this information, please contact us on 1800 710 710.
You also have the option to purchase a Gift of Love for someone in need as a recurring subscription, such as a monthly or quarterly basis!* This can be cancelled at anytime on your account. *Website only
When you shop online at our website, you have the option to send a gift e-card in an email or you can print your own card and give it to someone you love!
Order online: www.leprosymission.org.au
Choose your Gifts of Love from the Catalogue. Place your order by completing the Order Form included
These gifts will delight your family and friends, while curing, caring for and restoring lives of people in poverty who are affected by leprosy.
It’s really easy to order Gifts of Love...
The Leprosy Mission Australia ABN 52 354 004 543 Privacy Statement — Your personal details will be stored on our secure database and will not be passed onto a third party. See www.leprosymission.org.au. If the area of need becomes funded, your gift will go where it’s needed most.
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You can support self-care training for people like Isah! 30
Isah, who lives in Nigeria, was only 15 years old when he noticed a swelling in his right leg. The swelling kept increasing along with pain in the leg. Isah went to a herbal clinic, but nothing they gave him seemed to help. Because of the growing pain, Isah could no longer farm and had to rely on his friends and family just to survive. As if that wasn’t hard enough, Isah experienced stigma by members of his community - even by his own family!
his community for a while and Isah’s condition started to deteriorate. But thankfully the project team you support in Zamfara are working to assist all the patients in the area to access the treatments they so desperately need. This will make the pain from his ulcers more bearable. Isah is grateful for the support he received through The Leprosy Mission Nigeria. He said, “I am showing my appreciation to TLM Nigeria for giving me a second chance at life and putting a smile on my face, even though I am still battling my condition.”
Finally, Isah met a community health worker. With the advice from the health worker, Isah went to an integrated leprosy clinic where leprosy and other neglected tropical diseases are treated. Thanks to the support of people like you, he started treatment there with assistance from The Leprosy Mission Nigeria.
So that Isah can return to farming and earning a dignified income, he urgently needs minor surgery, ulcer care training and counselling too.
Isah received ulcer care management and became a member of a self-care group in his community. He learned how to take care of himself and manage his deformities.
A Gift of Love Self-Care Pack can help people like Isah manage their pain. You can change someone’s life by donating a Gift of Love!
Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there was no medication available to him in
Self Care Package
12623 A daily self-care routine is a must for people managing the effects of leprosy. You can provide a pack of necessities to cleanse and protect them each and every day.
You can help people like Isah by supporting The Leprosy Mission projects in Nigeria and donating Gifts of Love.
Thank you for your generosity!
11573 People affected by leprosy often face discrimination and stigma. Counselling helps them to overcome their feelings of rejection. This is provided through the hospitals we support in India and projects in Nepal.
Your shopping gives hope, healing and dignity to someone with leprosy!
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Give a life-changing Gift of Love!
Farmer’s Tool Box
Beekeeper Starter Kit
Your gift will help realise the dream of a trade for a person affected by leprosy. This gift includes all the tools they need to start working and earning, along with essential training.
12967 What a joy to enable a family affected by leprosy or disability to open a small kiosk, with all the supplies and training they need. The small space is ideal for people whose mobility has been affected. And the social outlet provides increased community participation.
Pair of Chickens
Mon - Fri 9am 5pm AEST
Kiosk Business Start-Up
12970 Cultivating bees produces honey for nutrition, which can also be sold for income. Bees are also vital for pollination of flowers, forests and crops. Help a person affected by leprosy or disability, and their wider community, benefit from bees by providing beehive essentials. What a sweet gift!
This gift will help set up a poultry business. Eggs provide a family with extra protein, vitamins and minerals in their diet. Any surplus can be sold in the market creating a regular income.
One goat provides much needed milk and cheese for a family. With two or more goats and training in animal husbandry, a family can have a sustainable income.
Shop Hotline: 1800 710 710
11296 Your gift of a buffalo is a great asset for subsistence farmers. It can do the hard work of tilling the ground for crops and can provide transport as well as milk and cheese. That’s labour, food, transport and extra income for a family.
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Give a life-changing Gift of Love!
Student Uniforms
11289 Schools often turn away children from leprosy affected families. The Leprosy Mission works hard to open school doors. Leprosy makes life in poverty difficult. Families cannot usually afford school materials. But your Gifts of Love help them afford a uniform, books and pens.
11292 This ‘Gift of Love’ allows a person with a disability to be mobile, so they can go out to school or work and socialise. This independence and selfreliance is priceless!
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University Scholarship
12845 Students affected by leprosy and disability can struggle to continue their education. Your gift enables a young person affected by leprosy to go to university, by contributing towards their fees, books and stationery.
Children’s Scholarship
12289 Enable a student affected by leprosy to attend and participate in activities at a Vocational Training Centre by providing a uniform. Properly clothed, they can fit in with other students. You give the gift of belonging.
Vocational Training
11295 Assist a young person affected by leprosy to train in a practical vocation that will empower them with financial independence.
Student Accommodation & Food
12290 Support a young student by giving the gift of food and accommodation. Away from their family, and not yet earning income, your gift is vital so they can graduate.
Every 2 minutes one person is diagnosed with leprosy | Cure One Today
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Pair of Sunglasses
Protective Shoes
11286 Leprosy can lead to a loss of feeling in the feet, and cause permanent damage. Your gift will provide shoes to protect vulnerable feet.
Imagine if your eyes could never fully close. Tiny specks of dust and dirt could cause infection, irritation and blindness. That can happen when leprosy damages the eye’s nerve endings. Sunglasses are a simple but effective way to protect eyes and save sight.
Prosthetic Limb
12624 Transform the lives of those who have lost limbs by providing lifelike prosthetics. Give them the gift of increased agility and independence to help them walk again.
Eye Surgery
Community Toilet Block
Healthcare Centre Renovation
12291 Give the priceless gift of sight with eye surgery for a leprosy patient. Leprosy-damaged nerves in and around eyes can lead to blindness. Your gift will help restore their vision so they can see a brighter future!
12842 Many communities don’t have toilets. Poor sanitation leads to sickness and disease. In particular it can affect babies and young children. Your gift can provide many people with a healthier lifestyle. It can lead to increased school attendance and improved work opportunities.
Healthcare clinics in Nigeria often run without basic facilities. No toilets, proper electrical wiring or secure roofing. Chairs, desks and shelving for medication are also desperately required. Your gift provides the essentials to operate and also access ramps for people affected by leprosy and disability.
Mon - Fri 9am 5pm AEST
Shop Hotline: 1800 710 710
www.leprosymission.org.au 11
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Give a life changing gift of love!
11574 Providing soap is essential for the skin care and prevention of infection for people affected by leprosy. Soap improves hygiene and helps reduce the incidence of preventable diseases in poor communities.
Walking Aids
Pair of Glasses
Support the load of those disabled by leprosy by providing a walking stick, cane or crutch. Your gift of safety and stability helps them back on their feet.
Your Gift of Love gives the gift of clear vision to a person affected by leprosy or disability. Prescription glasses will improve their sight and, also help protect eyes from damage.
Reconstructive Surgery
12652 Make your gift of Reconstructive Surgery today and help provide the cure and care for someone affected by leprosy, like Krishna.
It’s really easy to order Gifts of Love! Choose your Gifts of Love from the Catalogue.
Place your order by completing the Order Form included.
Detach and return the completed form to: The Leprosy Mission Australia Reply Paid 93058 Geelong North Vic 3215
Now available as E-Cards! Phone: 1800 710 710
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The Leprosy Mission Australia ABN 52 354 004 543 (TLMA) is a member of the Australian Council for International Development and is a signatory to the ACFID Code of Conduct. The Code requires members to meet high standards of corporate governance, public accountability, and financial management. TLMA is committed to full adherence to the ACFID Code of Conduct. More information about the ACFID Code of Conduct may be obtained from The Leprosy Mission Australia website: www.leprosymission.org.au or ACFID’s website: www.acfid.asn.au. The Leprosy Mission Australia is an international organisation that works in partnership with governments, public health officials, non-government organisations, the World Health Organisation, churches, Christian partners and others to achieve its vision of a world without leprosy. The Leprosy Mission is the oldest and largest leprosy-focused organisation in the world today. Gifts of Love® is a registered trademark of The Leprosy Mission Australia and may not be used by any means or in any form whatsoever without written permission.
Online: leprosymission.org.au
The Modern Slavery Act
The Leprosy Mission Australia is committed to adhering to the standards of the Modern Slavery Act and have provided a voluntary statement as part of the Act. We undertake action to mitigate the risks of modern slavery in its supply chain.