Les Nouvelles Esthetiques Spa Magazine #81 2021

Page 40

spa therapies

Detoxifying Beauty Treatments It may seem like good looking, healthy skin is all about what you put into it — moisturisers, serums and the like. Of course, products like these can certainly go a long way in this regard. But it’s also important to think about what you take out of your skin too.

helps support another one of your body’s natural detoxification processes—circulation. Lymphatic Massge

Body Wraps

Your lymphatic system is a network of organs, nodes, ducts and vessels that move clear fluid from tissues to the bloodstream, in part, to detoxify the body. “Think of it as your body’s natural waste disposal,” explains Barton. Lymphatic massage is specifically geared to help this system function properly by opening up blocks in Lymphatic massage is specifically geared to help this system function properly by opening up the blockages.

When perusing your favorite spa’s menu of services, consider these detoxifying options:

Your body has several ways it detoxifies itself naturally, and sweating is an important one. Body wraps can encourage this process while nourishing the skin. For example, a technician may place seaweed on your skin; wrap you in a hot, wet sheet and then cocoon you in a warm, dry blanket. The bundling raises your internal body temperature to encourage the purging of toxins, which also makes the skin more prime to take in the antioxidants from this nutrient-rich “ocean grass.” Body wraps can come in many varieties, all designed with these end goals in mind.

Sea Salt Scrubs

Mud or Clay Treatments

Sauna and Steam

Dead skin essentially blocks cell turnover and regeneration. It also traps in environmental toxins that can further contribute to dry, dull skin. In this detoxifying treatment, the grittiness of the sea salt sloughs off superficial skin—and the impurities in it— to cleanse and rejuvenate. After removing dead skin at the surface, the salt’s nourishing properties give the added bonus of remineralizing the skin, improving its hydration and overall health.

The thought of covering your body in what’s essentially dirt may seem counterintuitive when you’re looking to cleanse your skin. As mud and clay dry, however, they detoxify the skin by pulling impurities out, which later get rinsed away.

When you’re done with your detoxifying beauty treatment, it’s worth spending some time in the spa’s sauna or steam room. Remember that sweating it out helps your body flush out toxins. But if you switch between these hot rooms and cold environments, like a dip pool, you can also increase circulation

“Your skin is your largest organ and it ‘breathes’ in pollutants and chemicals from your environment every day,” says Jordan Barton, a spa manager at Canyon Ranch in Lenox. “You may make an effort to reduce the toxins in your diet to stay healthy. Detoxifying beauty treatments are designed in a similar spirit—to help rid your skin of substances that can hinder it from looking and feeling its best.”

Sugar Scrubs These detoxify the skin the same way sea salt scrubs


do. What makes these treatments extra sweet, however, is the fact that sugar contains natural alph% hydroxy acids, which help cells regenerate properly.

Dry Brushing This service may be offered individually, as an addon or as part of another treatment. Like scrubs, it helps detoxify skin by removing dead skin cells that harbor impurities. The motion also helps stimulate circulation, which increases blood flow and, therefore,

Les Nouvelles Esthetiques no’81

While it’s not a beauty treatment per se, you may notice less skin puffiness and inflammation as a result. It can also bring greater body-wide benefits, like improved energy.

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Articles inside

Innovate, Invigorate & Elevate your Spa

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Getting Grounded: How Dirt Makes You Happy

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Why Crystal Therapy?

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Japan’s remarkable resilience in the face of COVID-19 highlights its ancient wellness roots By Global Wellness Summit

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The Wellness Questionn.ire With Beauty Guru, Bobbi Brown

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The Benefits of Having Your Own Niche

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Regenerative Travel: Lofty Ideal to More Action

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Three Best Practices For Running A Successful Spa

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7 Strategies To Diversify Revenue Streams In Your Spa

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The 7 Principles of Humanocracy

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How to Infuse Energy Work into Your Life and Career

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New Celebrity Wellness-Centered Cruises

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The Cold Hard Facts About Cryotherapy

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5 Spas That Soothe With CBD

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The Music Industry’s Wellness Pivot

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An Essential Guide to Tea And Health

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15 Hot Springs Around the World

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Detoxifying Beauty Treatments

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Alkalinity: The Concept That Defines Healthy Nutrition

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Medical Spa Laundry Safety by HDW

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Getting Grounded: How Dirt Makes You Happy

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Japan’s resilience with Ancient Wellness Roots

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The Longest-Living People in the World

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Why Crystal Therapy by The Soul Khaya?

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Being Mindful without Meditating

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Questionaire With Beauty Guru Bobbi Brown

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The Return To Traditional Medicine

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Theranaka Signature Massage

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Treating Lip Care Like Skin Care

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Good Microbes for your Skin by Esse

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