Les Nouvelles South Africa Spa Magazine Issue#78 2021

Page 50

spa lifestyle

For the Love of a Dog By Belinda-Recio, Organic Spa Magazine My husband and I recently adopted a rescue puppy— - Husky-Labrador mix who had been left at a shelter in Mississippi. We named him River, but not because he came from Mississippi or because he was half Labrador (a water dog). Instead, it was because I once read about jazz musicians who used the word “river” after they got into a disgreement and then tried to make things right. One musician would ask, “River?” and if everything was good, i.e., flowing just fine, the other would answer, “River.” We named our new puppy River because he just goes with the flow and never overreacts to anything. When other dogs engage in barking frenzies, he remains quiet. When we encounter cars, bikes and other distractions on our walks, he stays calm. River also seems to like everyone he meets—equally. Although he greets us with a wagging tail, invites us to play with him and naps next to us, River’s laid back personality sometimes feels a bit aloof compared to our previous dog who expressed himself with more exuberance. So during our first few weeks with him, we found ourselves asking each other, “Do you think River loves us?” Wondering about River’s feelings inspired me to google the question “Does my dog love me?” The search produced 2,240,000,000 results. Clearly, lots of other people had asked themselves the same thing. But why would so many people question their dogs’ capacity for love when most dogs demonstrate it so enthusiastically? Was it because we humans are the insecure, needy partners in the reationship? Or do too many of us still question the emotional capacity of nonhuman animals? Until fairly recently, the scientific community denied emotions in animals, but now scientists are finally


acknowledging that animals can feel fear, pleasure, frustration and other emotions. That said, it is still too big a leap for most scientists to allow for the possibility that anim-as feel...the “L word.” However, one scientist who has openly taken th-t leap is canine behaviorist Clive Wynne, the founding director of the Canine Science Collaboratory at Arizon-State University and the author of Dog is Love: Why and How Your Dog Loves You. In his book, Wynne explains that he started studying the canine capacity for love because the prevailing theory about what makes dogs so special—cognitive abilities that enable them to understand humans better than other animals — didn’t ring true. Wynne doesn’t deny that dogs have an amazing ability to read us, but he points out that other animals have this ability, too. So Wynne began to consider that dogs have an entirely different kind of talent that sets them apart. After considerable research, he concluded that what distinguishes dogs from other animals is their extraordinary capacity to form affectionate relationships with members of other species. It wasn’t “their smarts, but their hearts” that makes dogs exceptional. Wynne describes the intensity of this canine capa-city as being, “so great that, if we saw it in one of our own kind, we would consider it quite strange—pathological even.” When discussing this unique canine ability with other scientists, Wynne uses terms like “hyper- sociability” and “exaggerated gregariousness,” but Wynne sees no reason not to call it as he sees it: love. Skeptics have long asserted that dogs behave lovingly toward humans only in order to seduce us into caring for them. However, research suggests that - dog’s capacity to love is not just wishful thinking on our part. Studies show that the reward center in

Les Nouvelles Esthetiques no’78

- dog’s brain lights up more when they see their favourite human than when they see sausages. Oxytocin, the hormone that plays - role in human love, plays - role in dog love, too. After dogs and people interact with each other affectionately, oxytocin levels go up in both species. And genetic studies show that specific genes responsible for hypersocial human behaviour also exist in dogs. Wynne believes that acknowledging the canine capacity for love is the onlyway to truly understand dogs. Even more importantly, he asserts that the way dogs are wired for love has implications for how we treat them. We need to return their love because they need to be loved as much as they need food and exercise. Dogs don’t just have an exceptional innate capacity to love, they also have an innate need to be loved. Which brings me back to River. As a rescue dog, he didn’t start out in a stable home. He was abandoned at a shelter in Mississippi, saved by a rescue organiz-tion, transported to New England, and eventually adopted by us. River missed out on having a consistent person or family to bond with during his first few months, so perhaps he’s a little aloof because he is a little unsure of whether he’ll be abandoned again. But now River is with us, and it’s our job and joy to love him. Because he is a dog, he will no doubt love us back. And as Wynne wrote, “to be loved by a dog is a great privilege, perhaps one of the finest in human life.”

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Essential Oils

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Les Nouvelles South Africa Spa Magazine Issue#78 2021

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Les Nouvelles South Africa Spa Magazine Issue#78 2021

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Les Nouvelles South Africa Spa Magazine Issue#78 2021

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Les Nouvelles South Africa Spa Magazine Issue#78 2021

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Les Nouvelles South Africa Spa Magazine Issue#78 2021

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Les Nouvelles South Africa Spa Magazine Issue#78 2021

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Les Nouvelles South Africa Spa Magazine Issue#78 2021

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Les Nouvelles South Africa Spa Magazine Issue#78 2021

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Les Nouvelles South Africa Spa Magazine Issue#78 2021

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Les Nouvelles South Africa Spa Magazine Issue#78 2021

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Les Nouvelles South Africa Spa Magazine Issue#78 2021

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Les Nouvelles South Africa Spa Magazine Issue#78 2021

pages 18-19

Les Nouvelles South Africa Spa Magazine Issue#78 2021

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Using the Herbal Essential Oils

pages 20-21

Les Nouvelles South Africa Spa Magazine Issue#78 2021

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Les Nouvelles South Africa Spa Magazine Issue#78 2021

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Les Nouvelles South Africa Spa Magazine Issue#78 2021

pages 9, 11

Les Nouvelles South Africa Spa Magazine Issue#78 2021

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Les Nouvelles South Africa Spa Magazine Issue#78 2021

page 52

For the Love of a Dog

page 50

Build Your Online Presence For A Sustainable Future By By Andrew Jacka, Chairman - Asia Pacific Spa & Wellness Coalition

page 48

By Anne Dimon is the Co-founder/President & CEO of the Wellness Tourism Association - Published in Executive

pages 46-47

By Deepak Chopra MD - Founder of The Chopra Foundation Becoming Aware That You Are the World

page 44

Les Nouvelles South Africa Spa Magazine Issue#78 2021

pages 42-43

Why We All Need to Commit to Better Sleep Habits

pages 40-41

Serene Organizing in your Spa

page 38

Tips for Improving Your Vibration

page 36

Mental Health Initiatives for Spa & Wellness By Andrew Jacka, Chairman - Asia Pacific Spa & Wellness Coalition

pages 34-35

How You Can Be A Part of the Blue Beauty Movement By Jeannie Jarnot - Founder: Beauty Heros

page 32

7 Skincare Lessons We’re Taking with Us Into 2021

page 30

Now is the Time to Refresh your Spa Business By Charlie Thompson - The Massage Company

page 28

The Amazing Effects of a Juice Detox

page 26

Circular Economy EXPLAINED

pages 24-25

Top 10 Ways to Invest in Yourself and Why It’s So Powerful

page 22

Using the Herbal Essential Oils

page 20

Reclaiming Resilience

page 16

Consumers are Making Sustainability a Growth Opportunity for our Spas

page 14

Les Nouvelles South Africa Spa Magazine Issue#78 2021

pages 12-13

How Finding Your Flow State Could Improve Productivity By Samantha Francis - Voices Wellness

page 10

What is Healing?

page 8

GWS Unveils 2021 Wellness Trends Report

pages 6-7

Les Nouvelles South Africa Spa Magazine Issue#78 2021

page 5

Light Wellness v Serious Wellness

page 4

Les Nouvelles South Africa Spa Magazine Issue#78 2021

page 5

launched in Paris in 1952

pages 1, 4, 6-8, 10, 12-14, 16, 20, 22, 24-26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40-44, 46-48, 50
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