3.1.6. How Did/Do I Feel Type Objectives
Game, reflection exercise - Enable the participants to express their thoughts at the beginning of the activity and in the end of it; - Strengthen collaborations among participants for the whole activity. Duration 10-15min Group size 15-20 participants Materials Papers, pens for each participant & a box to collect the papers Description This method is better suited for a whole day or more days workshop. The facilitators gather the participants, give them the instructions and an example. Each participant is called to write on one side of a paper what his/hers expectations are in the beginning of the activity and on the other side the thoughts he/she has at the end of it. The participants have 5 minutes to write their thoughts without putting their names on the paper. The facilitators can also take part in the activity of the participants if they want to. Then, the facilitator collects the papers in a box and starts reading what each participant wrote and everyone can hear the different ideas their colleague had. Debriefing & Did you feel familiar with these thoughts? Reflection Is it an acceptable feedback? Learning Communication in a mother tongue: Improve writing skills through the capacity to express your thoughts and feelings in writing outcomes Social and civic competences: Cultivate trust and self-confidence to share your thoughts in front of the group. Learning to learn: The debriefing supports individual and collective learning process Additional comments Resources
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This method is better suited as one of the last activities of the day. The participants should be informed from the beginning of the activity that what is written in the paper will be shared among the group. -