3.2.1. Introduction to Fake News Type Objectives
Duration Group size Materials Description
Debriefing & Reflection Learning outcomes
Presentation, discussion, group activity - Familiarising participants with the concepts of media literacy & fake news; - Raising awareness about fake news; - Highlighting the need of combating fake news; - Peaking an interest into discovering more about media literacy. 30min 15-20 participants Laptop, video-projector & prepared presentation about fake news. Short presentation of the objectives. The presentation can contain a wide variety of subjects related to fake news: what is fake news, where does it come from, the impact of fake news on people, ways to spot fake news and so on. The facilitators start addressing the participants some general questions about the subject of the training in order to boost their interest in the topic. To make the presentation more interactive, the facilitators can use a Kahoot quiz - a series of questions with two to four multiple-choice answers to choose from. Facilitators can create their own quizzes on fake news, duplicate and edit others or simply play Kahoots created by other users. What did you think about the presented information? Was the information useful? Digital competence: Motivate participants to discuss further on fake news. Use of different digital tools. Learning to learn: Using different learning patterns can raise the participants attention as to how they can better understand and absorb information. The debriefing supports individual and collective learning process;
Additional comments Resources
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Social and civic competences: Acquiring information about fake news, their impact and the ways to protect oneself from them. Communication between the participation should be encouraged to create short debates on the subject. - kahoot.it - mindtools.com - INFO on fake news - prattlibrary.org - additional resources about fake news - BBC Examples. One fake news/one real about the same topic. Understanding language. https://www.bbc.com/news/technology46905475 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmUC4m6w1wo Fake footage