4.1.5. Type Objectives
Referendum on Immigrant Rights
Simulation, debate, role-playing, group discussion - Realise the impact and ease of creation of fake news; - Reflect on unequal representation of news by the media and stakeholders with hidden agendas. Duration 1h Group size 15-20 participants Materials Printed roles, a voting box and different rooms or sufficient space so that the groups can discuss independently. Description Facilitators spend 5 minutes to explain the rules and delegate the roles. There are 4 different groups: ● Politicians in favour of X; ● Politicians against X; ● Journalists of a big TV station (with opinions based against X); ● Equal number of citizens in favour, against or neutral of X (X is the topic of the Referendum). Politicians have 10 minutes to prepare their political campaigns, the media to prepare their broadcast (one will visit the politician again and the other will take some interviews from citizens) and the citizens discuss their views based on the roles with each other (role-playing). The media then does a small report on the situation. After that, the political parties have 5 minutes each to present their points. Then there are questions from citizens. After that voting commences. Media announces the results and finishes the role-playing. Then, the participants proceed to discuss: ● How was the experience? ● How did you feel that you had to take on this extreme role? ● Who changed the vote of his persona? What made you change your opinion? ● Did the political opinions stated seem like true information? When they have discussed enough, the participants move to more open questions and motivate sharing for the conclusion. Debriefing & Why don’t we speak up? Reflection Do you understand the model? What is your take on it? Do you recognise these states of past experiences now that you were introduced to the model? Learning
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