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Madison Haussy



Anna Stonehocker

You & Your Agenda


Francesca Maria Reffo Day After Elections



On the Grotesquery of Mental Illness


Matthieu Tetart

Et quand Sciences Po entre dans le stade...


Amr El Saber

Thoughts of an MDL-er


Berke Alikasifoglu



Elias Forneris

Non, Fillon n’est pas « Trump-sur-Seine »


Benjamin Music

You are the next Obama!


Sebastian Torero

Lessons on November 9th



A Poem about the Weather





Credit: Anthony Quintano As always, this issue of Le Zadig will seek to answer many of these political questions facing our generation at this time. However, other sections of this issue will reflect on more personal resolutions, and more local reflections.

As the end of this tumultuous year is approaching, we wanted to give the campus an opportunity to both reflect on the past year and look forward to the future. Selecting the theme resolution, we hoped to inspire students to write about their hopes and wishes for the year to come, as well as moments in their own lives where they have shown resolve.

When you kick back and watch the clock flash 12:00 AM (or 0:00 depending on which side of the pond you are living), we hope you will take the time to reflect on the events that have passed and the year that is to come, as the authors in this issue have done.

The past year was certainly an eventful one, and we would be remiss to say that it was not without its tests and trials. The election in the United States, primaries in France, and the referendums in the UK and Italy sent shockwaves across campus and around the world. Regardless of how students feel about the results of these votes, we feel we must all ask ourselves how we are going to proceed.

Many of us will go home, embrace our families, spend unhealthily long amounts of time sleeping and watching Netflix. This winter break will be our little respite from the cramming and stress-eating of the first semester. But come Winter School, we will all be here, ready to take on Menton again full-force. 2



Credit: Headstuff

My New Year’s resolution this January is to unequivocally examine privilege, my own and that of my communities. Privilege is taking or possessing some-

conception as it causes us to assume that

thing that is not yours, that you did not

those around us share the same privi-

work to achieve. Fundamentally, privi-

lege. Unfortunately for the majority of

lege is the warm, loving, secure home

the global population, this assumption is

you were, or were not, born into. To be

a gross misperception of society.

privileged implies being surrounded by

Like many others in my Boulder, CO,

other privileged individuals. Privilege

and Sciences Po communities who global-

shapes our prejudices and misconcep-

ism has been good to, my privileged

tions of the world, and is in itself a mis3

worldview impeded me from grasping

ing that we are the root of our society’s

the reality of the recent U.S. election. As

problems would imply our need to take

a Franco-American from an

decisive action. Instead, it is easier to

economically-booming part of the

rail against the “real” elites, the top “one

United States studying abroad at a pres-

percent,” and like cute Facebook memes

tigious university, I could not fathom the

about “Birdie Sanders.”

devastating effects the new global organi-

If I chose to ignore the realities of the ma-

zation of society has had on the majority

jority of my society, I also chose to ig-

of the population., I knew the horrifying

nore their concrete manifestations in the

“Here it is important to discuss the corollary of privilege: entitlement. Trump is just another example of the destructive sexual harassment and rape culture, rooted in entitlement, present in the U.S and Western society in general”

statistics concerning inequality in the

political, or anti-political, sphere. I as-

United States. I knew that since the

sumed that my liberal, feminist, progres-

1970s, inequality has increased in every

sive ideologies were shared by the rest of

state and that, from 2009 to 2013, the

the U.S. population. Unfortunately for

top one percent of the U.S. population ac-

me, and for the rest of the global elites

crued at least half of all income growth

who have dreamed up an image of the

in twenty-four U.S. states.1 But, sitting

U.S. in their own likeness, the other

by the warm wood-burning fire in my

Americans have made their voices heard.

ecologically-friendly bamboo-floored liv-

Their voices may not be uniform, but

ing room, my privilege impeded me from

they have unified behind a man who, de-

truly understanding how these facts

spite his numerous other flaws, has to an

translate into reality. Not only did my

extent managed to see past his own privi-

privilege impede me from grasping the

lege to gauge the anger of ordinary

daily realities of the majority of the popu-

Americans toward his class.

lation, it incentivized me and my privi-

What is most shocking about Trump’s

leged counterparts to not to understand,

election to myself and most of the other

but to ignore these realities. Understand-

women I know is his overt, crass, repre4

sentation of misogyny in the United

ity, believe they are entitled to what is

States. Here it is important to discuss

not theirs - a woman’s body, which is

the corollary of privilege: entitlement.

hers and hers alone.

Trump is just another example of the de-

Trump’s attitude toward women, the en-

structive sexual harassment and rape cul-

titlement he feels toward women’s bod-

ture, rooted in entitlement, present in

ies, highlights the paradox of his elec-

the U.S and Western society in general (I

tion. Donald Trump may be an expres-

am not particularly qualified to discuss

sion of anger at the privileged establish-

these trends elsewhere, though they un-

ment, but his own privilege and perni-

doubtedly exist). Rape culture and the in-

cious entitlement will, I strongly believe,

cessant groping, whistling, catcalling,

prevent him from solving the fundamen-

etc., stem from entitlement, the entitle-

tal problems faced by our global, deeply

ment to a woman’s body and attention

divided society. As part of the global,

that certain men seem to feel. When a

privileged elite, it is not in Trump’s inter-

man reaches out to forcibly grab a

ests to alter the broken system that cre-

woman on a train, in a bus, in a line to

ated his power. So, as the New Year ap-

buy movie tickets, in his home, he takes

proaches, I resolve to examine my own

something that is not his. When men like

privilege and the role it played in bring-

Trump use their wealth and power to co-

ing Donald Trump and his like to power.

erce women, they abuse their privilege to

I hope that you may be inclined to do the

take what is not theirs. These men, who I


hope and believe constitute a loud minor1

Sommeiller, Price, and Ellis Wazeter. “Income inequality in the U.S. by state, metropolitan area, and county.” Economic Policy

Institute (2016).

Credit: Global Citizen 5



Credits: Sarah Stonehocker

When do you feel clear about what you're doing? How often do you feel a moment reduced to what you can accomplish in it, a day evaluated by the number of items crossed from that evergrowing to-do list in your agenda? And who sets the agenda? Resolve comes in many forms, but I

in a highly coveted position. Â But what

think the deepest is found in the people

motivates you?

who set their own agenda; they have a

Seeking external affirmation threatens

special kind of strength.

to hollow the sincerity of our intent. A

We can resolve to do many things. Our

life ruled by others' standards robs us of

successes may be a function of pure ef-

the hardest and most beautiful choices:

fort, of privilege, of chance. Maybe you

What do we really value learning? How

resolved to stay at the top of your class

to we want to spend our time? What mat-

and found yourself admitted to a well-

ters? Now especially, during these initia-

reputed institution. Maybe you'll keep

tory years of 'adulthood' and quasi-

up the effort and find yourself employed

independence, we are scavenging a path for ourselves. We search in the wreckage 6

and richness of this absurd, globalized

what damage will be caused in the mean-

world. Our generation, more than any be-


fore, is subject to a million voices telling

Technology advances, media diversifies

us which way to turn, with a lack of still-

forms of creation and expression. Sys-

ness in which to reflect upon them and

tems for doing and making grow, while

make our choices our own. Continuously

traditions offering moral structures and

plugging in to social networks creates

introspective practices shrink to the pe-

"mental noise" which pervades all the

riphery of the public sphere, in the name

spaces in our day; spaces already infre-

of secularity.

quent due to the bursting schedules we make for ourselves in order to be as 'pro-

There is more and more room to do,

ductive' as we can. As a result, quietude

gain, and grow and less and less room to,

in a pure form becomes rare, along with

in the quiet of our own hearts, ask why.

solitary reflection.

To me, resolve is just this: asking your-

“An extreme lack of reflection paired with hyperactive growth paints a dystopian picture: The human race drugged on instant gratification, continuously looking for its next hit.”

This not only malnourishes our own

self why. And living by the answers. It's

sense of everyday meaning, but, on a

'setting the agenda' you live by. It's living

larger scale, is dangerous. Freedom with-

from your heart, not just in the moment

out conscience can lead to dark places.

when the clock strikes twelve on December 31st through a drunken, euphoric

Thoughtless consumption brings envi-

countdown or kiss. I mean living from

ronmental wreckage. Superficial media

your heart in the sense of believing in

spreads misunderstanding. If I may be

what you do and doing what you believe.

imaginative, an extreme lack of reflection paired with hyperactive growth

This process cannot be divorced from

paints a dystopian picture: The human

systems of education. The alleged space

race drugged on instant gratification,

for disciplined, critical thought should al-

continuously looking for its next hit...

low us to ask ourselves why. What does

Sounds kind of fun, but who's to say

resolve look like at Sciences Po? 7

Sciences Po is a name we like to live un-

curiosity, and zeal, become paler,

der, in many ways. It represents some-

marked with lines of exhaustion and

thing: high standards, rigorous academ-

stress. "I'm busy", "I'm tired", "I don't

ics, successful graduates, international,

have time", are phrases we hear too of-

interdisciplinary... [insert connotations

ten. No time to relax, to pick up a book

here]. We are rightfully grateful for a seri-

outside of mandatory readings, to hear

ous education, and the doors it may

each other's' stories like in those first

open to us in the future.

conversations that sparked our friendships.

“To me, resolve is just this: asking yourself why. And living by the answers. It's 'setting the agenda' you live by.”

But I think the danger of success, here

Amidst the barrage of deadlines and asso-

and wherever we land next, is the blind-

ciations, applications and evaluations,

ness it might create in us. We study in a

what's our aim? What are we living for?

reputable institution, but all too often be-

And who? It is all too easy to forget the

come the passive functionaries of its de-

bigger picture, to lose our sense of pur-

mands. My hope is that, through our

pose in the pursuit of meeting criteria.

own resolve, we can counter this.

Resolve is remembering our purpose. I

It has been deeply disheartening to see

see this as crucial in today's noisy world,

people around me (not excluding myself)

and our generation facing it.

shrink under academic pressure into hol-

For me at Sciences Po, it's a reminder to

“We study in a reputable institution, but all too often become the passive functionaries of its demands. My hope is that, through our own resolve, we can counter this.”

low shells of themselves; those faces

truly wonder, when the parentage of cur-

once animated with an essential vivacity,

riculums might numb us from thinking 8

for ourselves. To stay human; taking

And remembering to keep things in per-

with a grain of sand the mechanisms of

spective overall might simply encourage

grades and rankings in favor of what we

us to relax now and then, read a poem,

are actually learning.

or make a new friend. After all, what is the value of our education if it's manifes-

After all, remembering the bigger pic-

tation in us is little other than a slow and

ture is not only useful on the individual

pervasive mechanization of our lives?

level, but as a way to build a more consid-

Surely we are driven by more than a

erate community. Just like on the larger

panic against the clock to tick things off

scale of environmental carelessness or

the to-do list.

harmful media, lack of reflection can degrade the whole. At Sciences Po, a pause

My proposal for the New Year is that we

to reflect can curb habitual reactions, in

'set our own agenda'. This is my under-

situations where they may otherwise cre-

standing of the deepest resolve. That we

ate harm. Â It can remind us to look after

take the time to reflect, to discern what

one another when it's all too easy to get

we're living for, and to live by the re-

caught up in our own busy routine.

solves we set.

Credit: Sarah Stonehocker 9




On the Grotesquery of Mental Illness ANONYMOUS

Credit: Sarah Stonehocker

There is nothing glamorous about mental illness. It hasn't much to do with the brilliant, tortured mind of an intellectual or an artist. It’s banality at its utmost point; it’s wallowing into your own mediocrity and losing the ability to love. You can only need, something or some-

off of anything that makes you feel the ti-

one, you do not love anymore, you no

niest of sparks, much like a predator hov-

longer love what you've done beforehand

ering over a rotting carcass.

or people from your life; you can only

Illness is losing so much weight that you

latch onto what makes the suffering de-

feel your bones protruding your own

crease, anything that numbs out the

comfort, it’s waking up 5 times a night

pain. And it feels like things won’t

desperate for the sleeping pills your doc-

change. You are stuck in a vicious cycle

tors took off you, it’s crying, sobbing, los-

of misery and desperation, you’re not liv-

ing and harming yourself. There isn’t

ing anymore, you are basically surviving 11

beauty in what I have to discuss. The

passion. The non-ill, occasionally-sad,

hardest part of mental illness is finding

will gladly throw their meditation and

hope in the ugly, and it’s possible,

self-help bullshit at your face, but only a

“Sometimes even the people that love you the most, the ones that loved your demons, will let go of you, because of how truly unsightly you become.”

through effort and much strain. Some-

few will truly understand the harsh proc-

times even the people that love you the

ess it is to go through and overcome men-

most, the ones that loved your demons,

tal illness. Only a handful will honestly

will let go of you, because of how truly

offer their support.

unsightly you become. Not everyone will experience illness, but

I am not one to call for love and compas-

a good majority of us have or will. And

sion towards the ill, or deliver you an in-

nothing hurts more, evidently, than

spirational discourse on how I overcame

chronic pain. According to the World

my illness. I am here to simply shed

Health Organization, “27% of the adult

light, as objectively as possible, on a mat-

population [in European Union (EU)

ter that only a few seem to truly care

“The non-ill, occasionally-sad, will gladly throw their meditation and self-help bullshit at your face, but only a few will truly understand the harsh process it is to go through and overcome mental illness. Only a handful will honestly offer their support.”

countries, Iceland, Norway and Switzer-

about or even acknowledge. Do as you

land] (here defined as aged 18–65) had

want and do as you wish- no one will

experienced at least one of a series of

judge you whatsoever, least of them, me.

mental disorders in the past year.” Men-

But what I would advise you to do is seek

tal illness, though we like to consider our-

help when you are in need of it, even

selves an open-minded sphere of intellec-

when you want it the least, because this

tuals (which I am not denying), is still

could potentially save you from harmful

very much a taboo and people lack com-

consequences. Do not be ashamed of 12

yourself, nor of how you feel. Let go of

do not let your issues develop into an ill-

your ego and learn to forgive care for

ness, even it takes years to happen. Give

yourself and keep trying, because giving

yourself time to heal before you are bro-

up is not an option. For the love of god,


“Do not be ashamed of yourself, nor of how you feel. Let go of your ego and learn to forgive and care for yourself and keep trying, because giving up is not an option.�

Credit: Sarah Stonehocker



Et quand Sciences Po entre dans le stade… PAR MATTHIEU TETART

Pris entre les études, les entrainements sportifs, musicaux ou théâtraux, les réunions associatives, les événements organisés, leur vie sociale et personnelle et les rares moments qui s’offrent à eux pour réfléchir au sens de la vie, les sciencepistes néo mentonnais semblent ne pas avoir une minute à perdre. Pourtant, ils étaient une petite vingtaine

chère Marine, tante d’une Marion si ap-

d’irréductibles à s’être rendue au stade

préciée dans la région d’Estrosi, sont

en ce mardi 22 novembre, peut-être

donc assez fous pour aller voir un sport

poussés par le vent frais de ces débuts de

populaire. Ces fils à papa, issus d’une

soirées automnales. Mais que faisaient

« usine à formatage intellectuel »

donc des étudiants de Sciences Po dans

comme on peut le lire ici et là, s’étaient

un stade de football ? Ces « fils de bour-

donc rendus dans cette cathédrale à ciel

geois » comme aime à les appeler notre

ouvert qu’est le Stade Louis II à l’heure 14

où le football est religion. « L’opium du

polémique. Empêché de participer au

peuple », moyen d’aliénation collective,

« Grand Oral » par des étudiants venus

de « colonisation de la vie quotidienne »

manifester leur opposition à un parti ex-

selon les mots du sociologue Jean-Marie

acerbant la différence et les peurs, il ne

“Ces fils à papa, issus d’une « usine à formatage intellectuel » comme on peut le lire ici et là, s’étaient donc rendus dans cette cathédrale à ciel ouvert qu’est le Stade Louis II à l’heure où le football est religion.”

Brohm, les avaient donc eux aussi ren-

s’est pas fait prier pour les taxer « d’exci-

dus dépendants. Religion, drogue, foot-

tés » voulant empêcher sa « venue à Sci-

ball autant de moyens de détourner les

ences Po et la démocratie ». Après une

masses des véritables enjeux politiques.

première mi-temps sans but mais plutôt

A la solitude et l’ennui, le football

joueuse, le sujet est évoqué. Beaucoup

répond par le spectacle et la diversion so-

semblent en accord avec les mots de Ben-

ciale. « L’opium des peuples » au temps

jamin Duhamel, l’étudiant à l’origine de

des régimes autoritaires serait-il devenu

l’évènement : « vouloir combattre le

“« L’opium des peuples » au temps des régimes autoritaires serait-il devenu la drogue dure des démocraties ?”

la drogue dure des démocraties ? Tou-

Front National en les bâillonnant en en

jours est-il que sur le terrain Hugo Llo-

les empêchant de parler est absurde ».

ris, gardien français de Tottenham,

Sur le groupe Facebook de l’Institution,

arrêtait un penalty de Falcao obtenu

cette tendance est aussi majoritaire. Les

après seulement 10 minutes de jeu.

étudiants de Sciences Po ne seraient donc pas tous complètement décon-

Plus tôt dans la journée, la venue rue

nectés de la réalité ? A côté de nous, une

Saint-Guillaume du vice-président fron-

petite centaine de supporters ultras chan-

tiste Florian Philippot avait fait

tent à un intervalle régulier leur amour 15

pour le club. Guidés par trois supporters

faire plaisir à leur professeur de micro-

plus motivés que les autres, ils sont ve-

économie, ils veulent observer les réali-

nus au stade « pas pour regarder le

tés du Soccereconomics ou des travaux

match mais pour chanter ». Ils sont

du géopolitologue Pascal Boniface

peut-être de ceux qui combinent la féroc-

qu’elle évoquait lors de son premier

ité et la tendresse des loups pour repren-

cours de l’année, le dernier pour un

“Le « supporteur fanatique », homme paradoxal, combine selon cette vision cruauté à l’encontre de l’adversaire et douceur à l’égard des siens.”

dre la pensée de Konrad Lorenz. Le

grand nombre d’entre eux. A la 48ème

« supporteur fanatique », homme para-

minute de jeu, les écharpes rouges et

doxal, combine selon cette vision cru-

blanches se lèvent dans les tribunes pour

auté à l’encontre de l’adversaire et

célébrer l’ouverture du score de Sidibé à

douceur à l’égard des siens. L’autre par-

la suite d’un superbe mouvement collec-

tie du stade est remplie de spectateurs ve-

tif. Le club de la principauté mène 1 à 0

nus d’avantage pour assister à un specta-

face au club des quartiers nord de Lon-

cle que pour crier leur espoir.

dres connu pour sa rivalité avec son voisin Arsenal.

Mais que fait donc cette petite élite arrogante et bien-pensante, habituée à parti-

S’ils ne sont pas là pour faire de l’écono-

ciper à des « dîners mondains » selon

mie, peut-être est-ce alors pour faire de

les dires du chroniqueur Matthieu Buge,

la sociologie, l’une de ces cinq matières

à côté de gens qu’ils sont censés mépris-

fondamentales des sciences sociales étu-

er ? Serait-ce parce qu’au fond « le foot-

diées dans leur si brillante institution. Le

ball est un sport de gentlemen pratiqué

stade Louis II de Monaco est en réalité

par des voyous » comme le suppose le

un lieu complexe et paradoxal. Son archi-

film Invictus ? Comme si cette jeunesse

tecture ouverte sur le ciel enlève toute

dédaigneuse aimait déjà apprécier et re-

résonnance aux maigres chants des sup-

garder au plus près l’ampleur de sa domi-

porters. Comme si ici, le football n’était

nation sur le monde. Cela semble farfelu.

pas comme ailleurs. Comme si ici, il n’y

Peut-être alors, est-ce parce que, voulant

avait pas de réelle ferveur derrière cette 16

équipe parce que, pour beaucoup des

du nom de ce prince qui participa entre

gens présents au stade, le football n’est

autres au financement du Troisième

qu’un divertissement comme un autre.

Reich, pouvait laisser éclater sa joie.

Comme si ici, il n’était pas la seule

L’exceptionnel match d’Hugo Lloris (9

source des joies et des peines. Dans ce

arrêts) et sa parade d’un autre monde

paradis fiscal, le football n’est pas un des

sur une reprise du Polonais Glik (68e)

seuls éléments qui permettent une éva-

n’empêchera pas les Monégasques de se

sion de la morosité quotidienne. Il est un

qualifier pour les huitièmes de finale de

loisir comme un autre, pas une passion

la plus prestigieuse des compétions inter-

qui se vit au quotidien. Quatre minutes

clubs. A une autre époque, Henry de

plus tard, sur un penalty de Kane, les

Montherlant lui aurait sans doute

Spurs égalisent (52e) contre le cours de

consacré un poème : « Garde-but,


garde-but, ça valait le coup quand tu fai-

Au sein de l’arène, où à l’époque de l’Em-

sais la culbute » pouvait-on lire dans son

pire romain les gladiateurs s’entre-

œuvre Les Emotions solitaires paru peu

tuaient, les nobles valeurs de

après 1920. Autour de son trio Mendy-

l’olympisme grec de l’effort pour l’effort

Fabinho-Bernardo Silva, Monaco s’est as-

semblent s’en être allées. La démocratie,

suré de finir premier du groupe E,

figure paternelle mais divertissante,

garantissant ainsi une autre soirée foot-

détourne de la pensée selon le sens que

ballistique à nos étudiants mentonnais.

donnait Pascal au mot divertissement.

Du moins à tous ceux qui, en quête des

N’en déplaise au jeune combattant Tho-

frissons que procure un match à élimina-

mas Lemar, sorti sur blessure en fin de

tion directe de Ligue des Champions, se

match (80e), son but ne changera pas le

rendront au stade. Peut-être qu’au fond,

cours de l’histoire. 39 secondes seule-

les étudiants de Sciences Po ne sont pas

ment après le penalty londonien, les

tous des petits prétentieux déconnectés

Monégasques ont pourtant réussi à re-

de la réalité. Peut-être aussi, qu’au fond,

prendre l’avantage laissant hagarde la

le football est un moyen de partage et de

centaine de supporters anglais, qui


croyait peut-être célébrer un match nul à

Et peut-être surtout qu’au fond, le BDS a

l’extérieur. Purgatoire des passions, ca-

géré pour – vous - avoir des places à ce

nalisateur d’émotions, le Stade Louis II,

prix-là… 17


Thoughts of an MDL-er BY AMR EL SABER

Credit: Flavio Edoardo Restelli Disclaimer: This article is in no way targeted towards specific people. Nor does it address particular events. I will not talk about the ΜΔΛ page or any other issues regarding Menton Plus. This piece is not meant to tackle the problem itself, but rather how it was handled and how this shows what seems to be a fundamental difficulty on campus. I will try to describe how this issue makes me feel about Sciences Po’s policy regarding communication between students and the administration. The following is of course personal and does not reflect anything but my opinion; I do not claim to represent any of the inhabitants of Menton Plus. This is not meant to attack anybody, but hopefully to suggest a way of improving Sciences Po’s relationship with its student body. Lastly, I try –and fail sometimes- to be funny and have a casual style so that you do not die of boredom while reading. This does not indicate that I take the subject lightly or that I make fun of the issues I am discussing. 18

Sciences Po is primarily known for its

this diversity, there has to be a climate

academic teachings, but it does not only

that encourages us instead of restraining

consist of learning about linear regres-

us. Over the course of this article, I will

sion, a seemingly endless succession of

try to explain why to me this does not

Mahdis or everyone’s favorite “le consti-

seem to be the case anymore.

tutionnalisme transformiste brésilien”.

Even though I just said that I would not

Menton offers something much more

dive into any particular events, I could

valuable than that; its most important as-

not stop myself from starting this piece

set is its diverse student body. We have

by talking about what ΜΔΛ really meant

a chance to be friends with brilliant,

to some of us. I figured that since I am

unique people who all have impressive

relating a personal impression, I cannot

“The Menton campus clearly serves the purpose of solving the problems that the Middle East faces today. However, at this point I cannot see how we are supposed to do that if this is how our interaction with the school is going to be, whether it is just for a semester, or up to five years.”

cultural and personal backgrounds. Not

avoid this. On a positive note: all the

only do we get to immerse ourselves into

sleepless nights you guys spent asking

other cultures, we also get to know peo-

yourselves who these weird kids were

ple whose worldviews are completely dif-

and what they were doing have finally

ferent. Instead of insisting on our differ-

found an end. Yes… we are weird kids.

ences, we somehow find a way to coexist

Yes… we actually wrote down a constitu-

and to cherish our diversity. Menton

tion and held an election. Yes… I wore a

Plus is an example of this bizarre mix. I

cardboard box for the Halloween party

would have never thought that I would

(GO BÖXMAN). Now that this is out of

see an American and a Palestinian share

the way, we can move on to more serious

a room. Even more surprising is the fact

things. Initially, ΜΔΛ was never meant

that the American flag that hangs in the

to be more than a joke. It was a way of

very same room has not yet been

avoiding being too serious which I feel

burned. However, in order to profit from

like is a mistake a lot of people here in 19

Menton- including myself- often times

to the topic, I think that there was a glim-

make. ΜΔΛ was a way of avoiding poli-

mer of that in ΜΔΛ. We all got to know

tics and Mentonese drama to relax,

each other better and eventually created

make fun of ourselves and make people

a friendly environment which helped us


keep our sanity in spite of the daily nuisances such as disappearing food and

Everyone knows that Menton Plus is not

endless mountains of dirty dishes.

an ideal place to live in. Again, I am not accusing anybody because that is not the

For certain reasons the administration

point of this article. Even if everything

decided to shut down our page. I am not

were ideal at Menton Plus, that does not

going to retrace the details of what hap-

change the fact that when eighteen boys

pened because it is not really relevant to

live in one house and share one kitchen,

the subject and because it is not really

there are bound to be problems. Amidst

necessary thanks to our most efficient lo-

all these problems, ΜΔΛ really brought

cal rumour mill. I am not denouncing

some positive energy into Menton Plus. I

their decision; I understand why they

think that when you have a group of peo-

deemed it necessary and it is not in my

ple spending a lot of time together in a

place to do so anyways. Furthermore, no-

very harsh environment, it really brings

body is shedding any tears about a Face-

them closer and creates something spe-

book page that barely had an audience.

cial. I spent the twelve years of my educa-

It is about much more than that. What

tion prior to Sciences Po at a catholic

frustrates me is that the school did not

school in Egypt and as much as I love my

hear us, let alone stand up for us. We felt

school, I have to admit that it was disci-

like we did not get a chance to speak up

plined and strict. The amazing thing

for ourselves, to explain how we saw

though is that sharing this more or less

things. This really struck me. You see,

unique experience that spans over a dec-

one of the reasons I left Egypt is that I

ade of your life creates bonds that are

felt like I would not be able to express

quite honestly indescribable. It does not

myself. I left because of censorship, and

only concern friends; even when I meet a

now I feel like we have been victims of it.

complete stranger and he turns out to be

Sciences Po is supposed to form free

from my school, we share some type of

minds who might be the political and eco-

mutual understanding. Now to get back

nomic leaders of tomorrow. The Menton 20

campus clearly serves the purpose of

Even though this has been made very

solving the problems that the Middle

clear by this incident, I have had this im-

East faces today. However, at this point I

pression for a long time. With each is-

cannot see how we are supposed to do

sue, the administration distances itself

that if this is how our interaction with

from the students and takes decisions

the school is going to be, whether it is

without listening to the student body.

just for a semester, or up to five years. I

The ΜΔΛ page, just like the Flags in the

find myself disappointed and doubting if

Student space, is precisely an example of

I truly belong at this establishment. I

this attitude. I feel like both of them are

wanted to go to Sciences Po for so long

misunderstandings that escalated very

and now I am just not that certain any-

quickly, despite the fact that they could

more. If this is how problems and misun-

have been easily resolved in a more inclu-

derstandings are dealt with, I am not cer-

sive way.

tain that this where I should be.

To summarize, I feel like the current way

I understand that Sciences Po is con-

of dealing with misunderstandings and

cerned about maintaining its image. I

problems related to student life alienates

am in no way implying that they should

students and makes them feel like their

not be. Maintaining a good reputation is

voices are not heard. As this really struck

crucial, but it is only one half of the is-

my motivation about being at Sciences

sue. I feel like the school is not as wor-

Po, I can see it doing the same to other

ried about its image towards the stu-

people. That is why I hope that sharing

dents as it is about how others see it.

this contributes to solving this issue.

Credit: Annexemj Blog



Çözüm: The Odd Tale of Gloria Pritchett & Ludwig Wittgenstein BY BERKE ALIKASIFOGLU

Credits: Alchetron

I have set myself an improbable goal for next year: My New Year resolution is to prove Ludwig Wittgenstein wrong. The first time that I’ve read Wittgen-

by a slightly deranged man on the fronts

stein’s only book published during his

of World War I to soothe himself. He

lifetime, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus

wrote this book for those “who (…) al-

(1918) (TLP), I was in my last year of

ready had the thoughts that are ex-

high school, preparing to go abroad for

pressed” in it. Come on now, Ludwig, no

my studies. At first, TLP was just a com-

one is as mad as you were to think about

plicated logic book with the goal of “set-

these stuff… I mean, the book’s first sen-

ting limits to natural science (TLP, state-

tence is “The world is all that is the case”

ment 4.113)” using philosophy, written

for God’s sake! TLP, for those who 22

haven’t got the “chance” to suffer from it,

from language, and that all ends with it.

is composed only of seven statements

While his main goal was to distinguish

bearing endless sub-statements. It is a

what is natural science and what is not

weird torture of 89 pages, one that you

by defining it in a sphere of logic/illogic,

learn to love eventually. And once you

he used language to explain this, and

grasp it, you can never let go. This, my

found out one of the most important con-

friends, is my New Year resolution: I will

clusions in the history of humanity: “The

prove you wrong, Ludwig, and I will let

limits of my language mean the limits of

go of you!

my world” (5.6).

“What are you talking about, Berke?” I

It takes Wittgenstein 68 pages to get to

hear you say. “Who is this Wittgenstein

this sentence, and since it’s a book of

dude you are talking about?” Well, it

l o g i c , e ve r y s t a t e m e n t a n d s u b -

might actually be better for you not to

statement of his are somehow in a cer-

know much about him. Wittgenstein is

tain continuity. For the sake of length, I

the friend that your parents told you to

will try to cut short on how he get here

stay away from, the one who offers you

and focus more on what does he mean.

drugs and make you feel dizzy and de-

For fans of the TV show Modern Family

pressed. Only, his drug is not physical.

out there, this single image of the lovely

His drug is his words, his 7 sentences

Sofía Vergara should be enough to see

that sum up the world. TLP is an outcry

what Wittgenstein means:

of a man who realized that all was born

Credit: ABC 23

As funny as Vergara’s character Gloria

cannot think what we cannot think; so

Pritchett is, it is also the voice of a lot of

what we cannot think we cannot say ei-

the students in our campus, and millions

ther” (5.61). Humans, who take pride in

all over the world who don’t use their

distinguishing themselves from animals

mother tongue in their daily life. Gloria’s

by the way of complex communication,

comic relief has always been her lack of

fail to actually communicate sometimes.

“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.” (5.6)

fluency in English as she makes errors

And that precisely brings me to my

that put her in a funny situation where

point: In an environment where I have

she’s either misunderstood or not under-

to speak in my second and third lan-

stood at all. Gloria’s world in the

guage all the time, I occasionally feel like

Pritchett family is limited to her capabili-

my world gets limited. Phew, feels good

ties in the English language.

to say that!

Of course, Wittgenstein didn’t have

I know that learning a new language

Mrs Pritchett in mind when he wrote

brings up countless amounts of worlds

TLP. His concept of “world” was philo-

and all, and I completely agree with that.

sophical; he simply wanted to show that

Since I started learning English and

humans needed language to translate

French –even Arabic!-, new doors have

what they mean into words, in order to

been opened up in front of me. I tasted

communicate them to others. And only

the joy of reading great classics in their

can they do that by knowing those

own languages, and listened to

words. So, the language that one is born

Pokémon’s theme song in Arabic, and

into draws the limits of one’s world. To

I’m grateful. But limitations often start

concretize things in a way that Witto

in expression, written or oral. Simply

here would have never appreciated: If

put, I can’t find my words. Again, this is

you are thinking of an object, say a book,

an oversimplification to prove a point,

but you have never known the noun, you

Wittgenstein would kill me.

cannot make it a part of your world. “We 24

So back to my çözüm, my resolution. I

ing to work in the Academie française.

will beat Wittgenstein. My philosophy

My New Year goal is to simply extend my

teacher once told me the difference be-

limits, by reading, watching and convers-

tween speaking a language, and knowing

ing more. I want to break the language

it. Knowing a language is hard, it re-

barrier, at least I will try to. We, the for-

quires you to breach the limits that you

eigners, have to see this as an opportu-

yourself had put into it –let alone its

nity and not a curse. This year, I will

natural limits. Natural limits of a lan-

jump over this barrier and widen my

guage can’t be broken if you’re not add-

world. I will be as smart in English and

ing new words to it, and no; I’m not go-

French as I am in Turkish!

“We cannot think what we cannot think; so what we cannot think we cannot say either” (5.61).

Credits: Wikipedia



Non, Fillon n’est pas « Trump-sur-Seine » PAR ELIAS FORNERIS

Credit: Ouest-France

Pour un débat politique sans caricature Depuis le premier tour François Fillon,

de décrédibiliser un homme qui a privé

maintenant sorti en tête de la primaire

la droite du duel Sarkozy-Juppé que les

de la droite à la surprise générale, est

mêmes médias nous annonçaient avec

l’homme à abattre. Lors de la semaine

autorité depuis des mois. Il est impor-

suivante, le candidat Fillon a fait l’objet

tant de ne pas tomber dans les pièges qui

d’un acharnement sans pareil sur les ré-

nous sont ainsi tendus et d’évaluer

seaux sociaux et dans les médias. Il est

l’homme et son programme et non les

difficile de ne pas y voir une volonté de

caricatures qui en sont dressées. 26

I - La Caricature

tique, apprécient la nette différence en qualité substantielle !

Envers M. Fillon, depuis quelques temps, tous les coups sont permis! Cer-

Il nous appartient d’être attentifs, tous à

tains l’appellent « Trump-sur-Seine », et

notre niveau, afin que la politique

d’autres raillent—plus modérément

française ne suive pas cette fâcheuse ten-

certes—son apparence de bon père de fa-

dance de la politique américaine, et que

mille, de « médecin généraliste », ou

les invectives et attaques personnelles

« Droopy ». Le slogan, facile mais non

sur les réseaux sociaux, dans les débats,

dénué d’humour, « Courage, Fillon »

ou par le biais de la « publicité néga-

fleurit sur les réseaux sociaux.

tive », ne viennent remplacer de vrais du-

“Comparer Fillon à Donald Trump n’a aucun sens. Seul l’effet de surprise est comparable.”

Essayons de raison garder. Comparer Fil-

els d’idées, où les candidats viennent con-

lon à Donald Trump n’a aucun sens. Seul

fronter leurs programmes et philoso-

l’effet de surprise est comparable. Rien

phies respectifs, tout en respectant la per-

de commun entre les deux hommes et

sonne qui leur fait face. Au vu du specta-

leur philosophie politique, si tant est que

cle auquel nous assistons depuis une se-

M.Trump en ait une. D’un côté, un

maine en France j’ai des raisons d’être in-

homme reconnu pour son sens de l’Etat,

quiet. Aux caricatures physiques - les at-

aux propos modérés et respectueux, ay-

taques sur l’apparence du candidat Fil-

ant exercé de nombreuses responsabili-

lon-, s’ajoutent les caricatures de pro-

tés publiques dont celle de Premier min-

gramme et de philosophie politique :

istre, et prônant un programme assez

ainsi on voudrait nous convaincre que

réaliste ; de l’autre un milliardaire sul-

François Fillon est islamophobe ou ho-

fureux sur bien des plans, ayant multi-

mophobe. De la même façon, il n’est pas

plié les insultes pendant sa campagne,

correct de taxer l’ex-candidat Juppé

sans aucune expérience politique, et

d’être pro-Islamiste, en l’affublant de sur-

dont on ignore toujours quel est le pro-

n o m « A l i J u p p é » .

gramme. Ceux qui, comme moi, ont

suivi les débats des deux côtés de l’Atlan-

Allons-nous encore au XXIème siècle, 27

juger un candidat à son apparence phy-

convictions religieuses. Je suis capable

sique, au fait qu’il ait trop de cheveux ou

de faire une différence entre ces convic-

pas assez de cheveux? Cela rappelle les

tions et l'intérêt général. Je considère

échanges de niveau d’école primaire en-

que l'intérêt général, ce n'est pas de rou-

tre Trump et Rubio comparant la taille

vrir ce débat». Souvenons-nous aussi

de leurs mains. Etre calme et plutôt ré-

que le 26 novembre 2014, il a fait partie

servé, ne pas faire dans la surenchère

des 27 députés UMP qui ont voté pour la

démagogique permanente, les

proposition de résolution visant à

promesses populistes, et ne pas avoir un

« réaffirmer le droit fondamental à

égo surdimensionné ne devraient pas

l’IVG ».

être des facteurs de disqualification d’un

Il en va de même pour le mariage pour

candidat. Ce sont des vertus que nous

tous. Ainsi une récente chronique poli-

devrions apprécier ! Sans vouloir acca-

tique d’Europe 1 a expliqué : “Aucun des

bler Alain Juppé, qui a souvent été un

deux candidats [Fillon et Juppé] ne

bouc émissaire pour son parti (le RPR),

compte abroger la loi ouvrant le mariage

et qui pour cela a accepté le rôle de fusi-

et l'adoption aux couples de personnes

ble pour protéger son président, recon-

de même sexe.” Fillon ne toucherait

naissons aussi que François Fillon n’a

donc ni à l’avortement, ni au mariage

pas à son passif de scandales politico-

pour tous, mais réécrirait une partie de


la loi sur l’adoption plénière des couples

II - L’imprécision

du même sexe; cependant, “les parents de même sexe pourront toujours re-

À propos du mariage pour tous et de l’a-

courir aux adoptions simples”. Je

vortement, il faut impérativement dis-

concède que c’est un des points de son

tinguer les convictions personnelles de

programme où j’aurais personnellement

M. Fillon, inspirées par une foi catho-

aimé que le candidat Fillon adopte une

lique qu’il n’a jamais essayé de cacher,

position plus progressiste.

des programmes et politiques. Interrogé à ce sujet par Le Figaro le 27 octobre der-

N’oublions pas l’essentiel : la France est

nier, Fillon a déclaré pour lever toute am-

un pays progressiste sur le plan social,

biguïté : “Jamais personne, et certaine-

héritier des Lumières, qui ne reviendra

ment pas moi, ne reviendra sur l'avorte-

pas sur les droits des femmes, le mariage

ment. Je n'ai pas à m'expliquer sur mes 28

pour tous, ou autres droits fondamen-

litique, mais aussi un aveu que son pro-

taux d’une démocratie du XXIe siècle.

pre programme n’est pas suffisamment convaincant pour l’emporter. La straté-

Le même raisonnement peut être appli-

gie de communication qui consiste à

“Ainsi, créer une mauvaise polémique autour d’un candidat pour l’éliminer, est non seulement une forme de bassesse politique, mais aussi un aveu que son propre programme n’est pas suffisamment convaincant pour l’emporter.”

qué aux accusations d’Islamophobie qui

dévaloriser l’adversaire a eu du succès

se propagent à l’encontre de M. Fillon. Si

face à Sarkozy, parce que ce dernier capi-

l’on analyse avec calme et retenue les pro-

talisait contre lui des rancœurs importan-

pos du candidat Fillion, on s’aperçoit

tes. En revanche, il s’est montré dan-

que le procès en islamophobie qui lui est

gereux d’appliquer la même politique

fait repose largement sur une déclara-

contre Fillon, qui par rapport à l’électo-

tion : avoir dit que la montée de l’inté-

rat est dans une situation beaucoup plus

grisme au sein de l’Islam est une menace


sécuritaire pour la France. C’est une évi

dence que constater ce phénomène. Nier

III - Sous estimer l’urgence de

qu’il y a un problème d’intégrisme au

réformes économiques

sein de l’Islam, et que cette religion pacifique est manipulée à des fins politiques

A part la vérité et la dignité de notre vie

par certains groupes terroristes,

publique, l’autre grande victime collaté-

relèverait de l’aveuglement au nom du

rale du barrage des attaques caricatu-

« politiquement correct ». Les actions

rales sur l’homophobie et l’islamopho-

proposées vis-à-vis de la laïcité et du ter-

bie, c’est l’économie.

rorisme par M. Juppé et M. Fillon ne di-

L’économie française est, reconnaissons-

vergent pas grandement.

le, dans une impasse et une situation con-

Ainsi, créer une mauvaise polémique aut-

sternante. Elle souffre actuellement d’un

our d’un candidat pour l’éliminer, est

taux exorbitant de chômage (10%), d’un

non seulement une forme de bassesse po-

manque de croissance (1.2% en 2015), et 29

surtout d’une rigidité institutionnelle et

Là où M. Juppé est “favorable à une

administrative qui l’empêche d’innover

hausse” des heures de travail hebdoma-

et de croître. Faisant face à une fiscalité

daires, ce qui reste assez vague, M. Fillon

et à une réglementation de plus en plus

préconise une augmentation à 39

“Nos talents fuient et la misère augmente. Difficile de ne pas voir dans cette situation la priorité numéro un. Une réforme urgente et profonde de l’économie s’impose.”

pesantes, les entrepreneurs et les jeunes

heures. Là où M. Juppé souhaite sup-

diplômés quittent le pays pour trouver

primer “200.000 à 250.000 postes de

un environnement plus hospitalier, no-

fonctionnaires”, M. Fillon souhaite en

tamment en Angleterre et aux Etats-

supprimer 500.000. Ce chiffre semble

Unis . Nos talents fuient et la misère aug-

considérable mais il ne faut pas oublier

mente. Difficile de ne pas voir dans cette

que la France a un des plus hauts taux

situation la priorité numéro un.

d’emploi dans la fonction publique de tous les pays de l’OCDE, avec 5,64 mil-

Une réforme urgente et profonde de l’é-

lions de fonctionnaires pour 66 millions

conomie s’impose. Les demi-mesures

d’habitants. A titre de comparaison, les

préconisées par M. Juppé risqueraient

États-Unis n’emploient que 3,9 millions

“Les réformes que prônent Francois Fillon sont courageuses ; il n’est pas facile de les proposer à une population d’un pays foncièrement conservateur, attaché aux avantages acquis, et hostile aux réformes.”

de ne pas suffire pour restaurer la crois-

de fonctionnaires pour « administrer »

sance et la compétitivité de la France. Il

un pays de 324 millions d’habitants .

est capital, avant de critiquer les deux

Certes, les besoins ne sont pas les

candidats et de choisir entre eux, d’avoir

mêmes, mais les proportions demeurent

lu attentivement leurs programmes en


matière d’économie.

En travaillant plus longtemps et en prenant sa retraite plus tard, en déléguant 30

moins à l’administration et en se repo-

c'est le contraire d'un conservateur ».

sant davantage sur le privé, en réduisant

Des deux candidats, c’est M. Juppé qui

les charges qui pèsent sur l’entreprise et

semblait plutôt être le conservateur--

l’innovation, nous pourrions ramener la

celui qui préconise un statu quo confort-

Ainsi qu’il le dit lui-même : « Je veux tout changer, c'est le contraire d'un conservateur ».

confiance et dynamiser notre économie,

able et une réticence aux réformes trop

et espérer retrouver un peu de notre


compétitivité perdue

Cette primaire était importante car elle a

Les réformes que prônent Francois Fil-

très possiblement désigné notre pro-

lon sont courageuses ; il n’est pas facile

chain président. J’ai le plus grand re-

de les proposer à une population d’un

spect pour Alain Juppé mais il me sem-

pays foncièrement conservateur, attaché

ble qu’avoir fait le choix du candidat le

aux avantages acquis, et hostile aux réfor-

plus conservateur, le moins à même de

mes. Dès lors il est facile d’essayer de le

changer le pays en profondeur, causerait

discréditer en l’accusant de « Thatchéris-

une grande déception au sein de la popu-

me ». Ne rien faire ou préconiser des

lation au vu des résultats ; et cette décep-

« réformettes » serait une solution de fa-

tion pourrait préparer le terrain pour la

cilité pour qui voudrait avant tout être

victoire d’un candidat plus populiste lors

élu. Reconnaissons donc à M. Fillon un

de la prochaine élection présidentielle …

certain courage.

D’autant plus que François Fillon se positionne actuellement comme le meilleur

François Fillon et Alain Juppé sou-

candidat pour battre Marine Le Pen.

haitent tous deux 85 à 100 milliards d'eu

ros d'économies sur la dépense publique

Critiquons les candidats sans les carica-

en 5 ans, notamment. Ils diffèrent essen-

turer. Osons enfin la réforme libérale en

tiellement sur l’ampleur des réformes

France, seule politique que nous n’ayons

conseillées. François Fillon semble viser

pas encore véritablement essayée, sacri-

très haut; le qualifier de candidat « con-

fions un peu de notre confort, et l’audace

servateur » n’est pas juste. Ainsi qu’il le

nous récompensera.

dit lui-même : « Je veux tout changer, 31


You are the next Obama! BY BENJAMIN MUSIC

Credit: The Independent Voter Network

In the aftermath of the US election, Liberals and Democrats throughout the US felt anger and hopelessness. However, Americans are not alone. Europeans and many others around the globe crumbled in front of their television screens, putting their heads into the sand in fear of the next four years. A shockwave has put half of the US popu-

companied by a disillusioned youth, who

lation into a mental coma while using its

after eight years of liberal and progres-

democratic right of freedom of expres-

sive leadership, are trying to find their

sion for the organization of antagonistic

place in a darkening world. Their melan-

protests, hoping it was an antidote to a

choly towards the leaving president, Ba-

lethal disease in its last stage. The “I-

rack Obama, has made them forget their

don’t-give-you-my-country” fights are ac-

opportunities, responsibilities and obliga32

tions. Melancholy can easily be trans-

ferent. Looking at militarized Myanmar,

formed into inspiration, and Obama can

corrupted South Africa or the populist

and should symbolize a role model for fu-

US, there is the valid argument that their

ture political movements. His achieve-

idea has been too unachievable or too ab-

ments shouldn’t only be hailed, but en-

stract. Yet, it is necessary to see the par-

courage political action to help a West-

tial success of their leadership.

“Melancholy can easily be transformed into inspiration, and Obama can and should symbolize a role model for future political movements.”

ern world which has started to lose its en-

They came to power in times when hope

tire core of existence.

and change were needed the most. Their message was more necessary than ever

Instead of resorting to violence, waving

and their powerful speeches have

a white flag, or praying to God to en-

marked generations beyond their na-

lighten the new president-elect, new

tional boundaries. Now, the new Ameri-

doors have opened to our young genera-

can president-elect has shown us the

tion to progress. Let's not forget what

weakness of western societies in many

the last decade has taught us: that rais-

ways that don’t correspond to the ideol-

ing our voices in condemnation of the

ogy of our great leaders in the past. He

bad is easy but not as effective and pow-

spoke to an alienated part of society,

erful as planting the seeds of hope.

which felt left behind; he showed us that

Looking back at historical leaders, from

values are not merely enough, but need

Aung San Suu Kyi to Nelson Mandela to

to be carried by the right person in order

Barack Obama, we can find a common

to reach all people; he showed us how

ground in their positive rhetoric. Sur-

his lying, revolutionary rhetoric can’t be

rounded by a society that disenfran-

beaten with logical reasoning only. But

chised and discriminated vast parts of

most importantly, he, and all other popu-

the population, they came out to be a

list leaders in the West, have shown us

voice for change. Their idea was to create

how the liberal left has no powerful

unity among their people, to give them


hope, to show them how life could be dif33

There is no voice carrying modesty, sin-

One of the biggest issues for Hillary Clin-

cerity, goodwill or genuineness. There is

ton was not her qualification or exper-

no figure to rally behind. There is no fig-

tise, but her inability to spark a fire

ure to take us out of these troubles. No

among the people. Learn from her mis-

fighter, no champion. There is no figure

takes and combine her message with a

to symbolize hope and encourage society

character of hope. Being part of Sciences

to overcome the challenges to achieving

Po comes with responsibilities; you were

unity and representing the values inher-

selected from a pool of thousands of ap-

ently important to every one of us, be it

plicants, and many of you have the finan-

right or left. There is no figure who puts

cial and social capabilities to study for

his personal ambitions behind the com-

many years to broaden your knowledge

mon well-being.

and your horizons. You are the generation that millions of people are waiting

But you shouldn’t wait! It is time now to

for right now. If you are unhappy that

be this voice yourself. As Michelle

people lose their emotions and collapse

Obama said: “When they go low, we go

into despair for the future trajectory of

high”, but there is no “they”, there is now

their country, then grab these people by

only a “we”, and you should be the voice

the scruff of their neck and pull them up

for us. A major reason for the shift to the

again. Don’t join them and let your emo-

right in the Western world is a lack of

tions blind your modesty and sincerity.

leadership that can connect with the peo-

“ Sincerity, modesty, and goodwill will always triumph over racism, xenophobia, and discrimination, but we need a leader to carry these messages.”

ple, that can listen to the people, that

Don’t degrade the other side, be their

can leave its palace and put itself in the

voice. You are part of this society, thus

shoes of the people. Sincerity, modesty,

you are in the same way responsible for

and goodwill will always triumph over ra-

improving it.

cism, xenophobia, and discrimination,

Leadership is one of the most difficult

but we need a leader to carry these mes-

skills in the world. No one at Sciences Po


has perfected it and no one expects you 34

to beat Marine Le Pen during the next

When you go out there, don’t forget to

elections. Yet, the realization that your

bring your honesty. Our technological ad-

leadership can raise you to an immortal

vances promote a strong awareness

status next to Aung San Suu Kyi, Man-

amongst people of all social classes, and

dela or Obama is the first step working

empty promises as well as bullshit are no

towards a long, exhausting, but powerful

longer accepted. Populist and nationalist

vocation. Change takes time, and al-

leaders will fail with their radical rheto-

though people will rally behind you to

ric and inability to deliver nostalgia in a

push forward your dreams, there will be

changing world, and eventually experi-

opposition. But as many people in the

ence the same faith as the “establish-

past have done, it is now on us to unite

ment�. People will look for alternatives,

society and to take the next steps to-

and then your presence will be required


for the creation of a new legacy.

Credit: White House



Lessons on November 9th BY SEBASTIAN TORERO

Credit: Top Right News Waking up today, the sun still rose. The

xenophobia, of anger and fear, of shouts

apocalypse hadn’t come, the world order

cried out and ears too high to listen to

hadn’t collapsed, the planet was still turn-

them. This election year all came crashing

ing. Yet it felt like it was spinning in a

down to this oddly spinning Earth, one real-

rather peculiar way on its axis. In one way,

ity sitting in the pit of my stomach.

it was turning far too quickly. A day I was

He won. Donald Trump is the

not prepared for had come, a day I’d never

president-elect of the United States.

expected, and it seemed as if time was approaching with unnatural haste, forcing

There are millions of Americans who can-

upon me the weight of the previous night’s

not believe what has happened. We cannot

events. And at the same time, it felt as if

fathom putting our faith in this man. We

our globe’s revolution was somehow going

cannot understand his appeal. We cannot

backwards. All I could think of was a year

comprehend how those who support him

gone by, a year of slander and satire and

don’t see that he is but a glittering statue

sanctimonious preaching, of hatred and

upon crumbling clay feet, a skyscraper with 36

no foundation. His ideas are nothing but

The second is that there is a large segment

fallacy and fantasy, this is clear from any

of the United States that many of us on my

examination whatsoever. His cry of making

side, the progressives, simply did not

America great is the cruelest joke of all.

know. There will be a Republican senate, a

Nothing he stands for will make America

Republican house, and a populist alt-right

great. Nothing he has promised to do will

president. There is a part of America

make America great.

deeply disenchanted and frustrated with the direction our country has taken in the

And yet, he will be president. As I write

past eight years. Barack Obama said there

this, Hillary Clinton in fact stands poised to

were no red states or blue states, only this

win the popular vote, but Donald Trump

country, only the United States. And now

will handily defeat her in the electoral col-

we know, it is absolutely affirmed, this was

lege, making cries of a rigged election al-

wrong. America is a nation deeply divided.

most ironic, if it weren’t so heartbreaking.

We may not be red and blue states; this is a

He will be president. And though it is hard

country in the throes of dealignment, rea-

now, all that gives me solace is thinking

lignment, and partisan affiliation seems

about the lessons we can learn, we must try

cheap. But today, there are those cheering

to learn, from this result.

and those weeping, and the chasm between

The first must be learned by my side, the

the two is wide and deep, and in these early

progressives of the United States. It is a les-

hours following this election, seemingly

son in loss. Through the past two elections,


around half the country felt the way we do

The third is that our political system is bro-

today. The only elections I can recall viv-

ken. Donald Trump winning the presi-

idly are the elections of Barack Obama,

dency should not have been the rude awak-

memories steeped in hope and victory. For

ening to make America realize this. But to-

people my age, this is our first experience

day, over 50 million citizens declared with

with utter political tragedy. Every election

their ballot that they were angry. That

season, this is the fate of half the country.

things weren’t working. That as the forces

For now, it is our turn. We must contend

of globalization and interconnected world

with this emotion, with that haze over our

were supposedly bringing the world for-

minds whispering that the nightmares that

ward, they were being left behind. That the

we never for a second entertained are now

politicians weren’t hearing them, that their

the truth of America. This pain, it is our

problems weren’t being understood. For

turn to bear it.

them, the system was broken. And for 37

those who voted for Clinton, not because of

people gave power to a man who is not

a loyalty to her and her policies but simply

good, who is not decent, who is not moral.

to oppose Trump, for them the system is

People like me must realize that this elec-

broken too. Because America cannot put

tion is a sign, a signal that things need to

up feasible third-party candidates, because

change. Fundamental, basic elements of

last night the country was forced to choose

this country need to be repaired. We need

between two of the least popular candi-

to find a way to work with those who dis-

dates of all time.

agree with us, we must work to build a bridge across the chasm that divides Amer-

And the fourth is this, the fourth is the

ica today. A strong one, a sturdy one, one

most important. This campaign season was

we can stand on.

defined by divisiveness and animosity. There was no search for common ground,

This is the responsibility of winners and los-

no civility, no chance that this night would

ers alike. If anything, I hope from this elec-

end without half of us feeling immense

tion that the people of the United States do

pain. This election ripped at the fabric of

not vilify one another, do not attack one an-

our country again and again, tearing with

other or hate one another. This seems al-

greedy hands, shredding our common iden-

most impossible in this moment, and it just

tity to scrounge the votes to win. And now

might be. But remember that this is what

we are here, some joyous, some terrified,

America signed up for when democracy be-

all Americans. This country is still one

came the law of the land. And ours is a

country, it is still our country, and we share

messy democracy, one where it appears

it. Undoubtedly, there are different visions

that the candidate who received the popu-

of this country. The man who will swear to

lar vote will not win the election. But this is

uphold the Constitution in January has ex-

our democracy. It is clear that something

pressed a future for America and a set of

has to be altered, that something has to

values for America that are utterly and to-

give. But for now, I am tired, my head is

tally different from mine. But he will be my

full of nonsense, and I want to shake off

president. For those on my side, for those

the dirt I feel caked in after such a grue-

in pain, the great lesson from this moment

some election. There is no pride in me for

should be that somehow, enough Ameri-

my country today. Only the future will tell

cans felt abandoned enough to entrust Don-

if I will feel that pride again.

ald Trump with the leadership of the free world. Not all these people are deplorable. Many of them are good people. But these 38


A Poem about the Weather ANONYMOUS

Today Autumn came. In the morning, more fiery than ever. Soft orange hues embalmed everything in a haze So that it became lost In the intoxication The gradation The holiness Of fall. The sun stretched out his tired arms And yawned onto the ocean Setting it on fire. The palm trees never looked so stationary. Awe struck by how fast change came. How quickly It wiped out summer And turned the browning leaf. How suddenly It quieted the homes, Lulling them into a deep sleep.

It is warning us. Be ready For the never ending. For crystallized nights That freeze thoughts into blocks of ice. Anticipate… Stagnation.

But for now, Trip Fall into it Let yourself go insane Berke Alikaşifoğlu Ryan Zohar Zeynep Aksoy Sebastián Torero Camille Azzam Sara Elbanna

Zélie Ducret Kryštof Selucký Omar Kamel Anna Stonehocker Kaz Tomozawa Elias Forneris

Because you will need to wait for eternity To feel what fall brings again.


Cover Photo: Elias Forneris Back Cover Photo: Sarah Stonehocker

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