Nithi Final Sketchbook episode 01: Portraits of the Radical Simplicity (2nd ed.)

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My retirement from the architecture profession has opened up another phase of my

In creating my sketches, I need only a suitable work desk, drawing papers and a good

life. It allows me to realize many of my lifelong dreams and to do the things which are

pen. With the aid of these three things, I am able to carry out my work for days,

dear to me. One of my most important ambitions is writing and publishing books on

sometimes as long as ten consecutive days until my work is completed.

art and architecture. Every time I see these books circulating in architecture circles it brings me satisfaction and contentment. I am proud that, as a result of my efforts, such

My passion for art expands beyond what is presented in this book. I want to also do

good books are available to readers in Thailand.

sculptures, ceramics, woodwork, oil paintings, acrylic paintings and pastel drawings. I have a strong desire to design furniture pieces which are in fact, works of art, and

After my retirement, I have tried to lead a very peaceful life. To enjoy a peaceful

created from my personal inspiration and creativity. However, everything depends very

retirement, I must free myself from all desires, anger and infatuations. I must free

much on my mood, and the environment I find myself in the future. At this stage

myself from a life filled with the daily struggle to survive in business, and the

I cannot say which direction I will be heading next.

associated complexities and stress. Today, I desire to leave my past feelings and experiences behind, and lead a simple and sufficient life. I aim to live a life which is

This book is the compilation of my later sketches and is therefore called the “Final

truly mine, and to find personal contentment and happiness. Not very long ago,

Sketch Book”. It includes the sketches created during the final phase of my work life.

I realized that such happiness does exist and can be found in one’s self. This realization

If my eyesight or my left hand does not betray me, there may be occasions for me to

lead me to do those things which are my life’s passion, such as art, sketching and

sketch in the future. Of course I will continue to be guided by my strength and feelings.

drawing whatever inspired me. I managed to free myself from the daily constraints of time and the pressure of business.


I have named this book “Episode 01 : Portraits of Radical Simplicity”. Most of the sketches depict nature, purity and sufficiency, with the aim of demonstrating to the

I now focus on that which I am most capable, “sketching”. I chose to sketch those

readers the true meaning of the word ‘simplicity’. Some of the sketches

places which really impressed me throughout my life. Such places are sketched in

demonstrate simplicity as the essence of architecture, showcasing immortal beauty,

the art of “fine lines” drawing. I am able to do my work in a peaceful atmosphere

created by world-renowned masters. When the opportunity arose, l sketched these

surrounded by the conducive environment of my studio. Temperature and humidity

impressive works and compiled them for this book.

are very important to creating “fine lines” drawings. When the humidity is high, “sharp and beautiful” lines cannot be sketched. On the other hand, when the temperature is

I keep all the original sketches with me and I plan to give all of them to a museum.

too high, the texture of the drawing paper will be affected. The work environment

I hope that these sketches will be of interest to those who enjoy such drawings and

should be peaceful and quiet, preferably surrounded by nature. This allows one to gaze

that they may be an inspiration to those who may want to undertake sketching.

outside and occasionally rest your eyesight. All this may sound conditional, but in reality, it is simply creating a “balance” around you. It is the lowest form of sufficiency,

I hope that the book “Nithi: Final Sketch Book” will be helpful to those who are

which I long for during this final phase of my work.

interested in such drawings. I would like to extend my appreciation to the publishing team who helped make this book a reality. Nithi Sthapitanonda, National Artist

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Waldoboro Maine, USA

2014 In Waldoboro, the State of Maine in the US stands the ancient architecture “Cattle Pen” dating back over 300 years ago. The “Cattle Pen” was constructed by the early British settlers during the period 1629. I was interested in sketching the “Cattle Pen” by using line drawing and in particular to depict the beauty of the local architecture which is simple and straightforward. 8

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Khae Khae Beach II Pattani, Thailand

2014 Another view of the beautiful and renowned Khae Khae Beach in Pattani. The long stretch of white sand beach and various rock formations create a natural beauty that is spectacular and unique in its own way. I had to sketch a picture of this beach.


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The Village of Shirakawa-gō II Japan

2014 Several of the houses in Shirakawa-go village feature unique steeply pitched thatched roofs and are the only examples of their kind in Japan. The construction and use of weirs for natural water management can still be seen in this village.


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Xishuangbanna China



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A province in the southern part of China, Xishuangbanna is one place which has always impressed me. It has long been known that Xishuangbanna is like a sister to many of the northern provinces of Thailand. Centuries ago, people travelled back and forth between the two areas, resulting in a close resemblance in art and culture. This is apparent in the architecture, local attire, food, as well as in the Buddhist religion. During my visit, I was given a warm welcome simply because I come from Thailand. Local people invited me into their homes, and entertained me with food and local delicacies. The taste of these local dishes are similar to the food of northern Thailand.

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Le Corbusier’s Chapel at Ronchamp II France



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Falling Water House Pennsylvania, USA



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The Falling Water House of Kaufmann Residence was built in 1935 when Frank Lloyd Wright was 67 years old. This house is currently situated in rural southeastern Pennsylvania approximately 43 miles southwest of Pittsburgh. This house was built partially suspended over a waterfall on Bear Run Creek, in the Laurel Highlands of the Allegheny Mountains. This architecture is an example of Frank Lloyd Wright’s outstanding design that I will always admire. It gave me great pleasure to sketch this picture.

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Philip Johnson’s Glass House Connecticut, USA

2014 The Glass House was built during the late 1940’s and completed in 1949 by Philip Johnson. It was built atop a dramatic hill, on a rolling 49-acres estate in New Canaan, Connecticut. He distilled the principles of Modernism into a residence of radical simplicity. I was very impressed with this architectural piece after visiting the home some 40 years ago. Today, irrespective of the passage of time, the building still stands grand and modern.

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Contemporary Art Museum for the Foundation Louis Vuitton Paris, France



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Frank Gehry was a prominent Canadian architect and during his lifetime, he created many notable designs. Some of which I had the opportunity to visit in Bilbao, Spain and in Los Angeles, in the United States of America. When he was given the opportunity to design the new Contemporary Art Museum for the Foundation Louis Vuitton, in France, I was instantly impressed and considered this to be his greatest achievement ever. This is the most romantic architecture of that generation, the beauty of which compelled me to sketch the building.

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Maha Chulalongkorn Building Bangkok, Thailand

2015 Chulalongkorn University celebrates its 100 years anniversary in 2017. Maha Chulalongkorn Building was designed in 1921 by the British architect Edward Healey in collaboration with an Italian engineer Emilio Giovanni Gollo. I sketched this picture to commemorate this important occasion. 55

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Lanna Architecture Ornament Chiang Mai, Thailand

2015 I did a sketch of a door of one of the temples in Chiang Mai and that sketch was used as the front cover of the book “Architecture of Lanna” published in 2016. The architectural design of this temple door reflects the diverse cultures of the different ethnic groups of the northern parts of Thailand, as narrated in this book. 66

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Lom Stave Church

Gudbrandsdal District, Lom, Norway

2006 The architectural components of the church resemble the architectural components which we find in Thailand. In particular there is an interesting resemblance to the architecture of the northern part of Thailand. For example, in both regions you’ll find double-roofing, the use of wood as an important building component, as well as the use of elaborate roof decorations. 70

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Kathmandu Durbar Square Nepal

2015 A major earthquake took place in Kathmandu in 1934 destroying many buildings around the vicinity of Dubar Square. After several years of renovation, the area was restored to its original condition and subsequently, in 1979, the Unesco declared Dubar Square as oneof the world’s heritage site. In 2015, another major earthquake took place in Kathmandu incurring heavy casualties and destruction. Once again, many buildings in Dubar Square were destroyed beyond recognition. This is a sketch, which I did from a picture I took of the area several years back, it is a reminder of the architectural beauty which once glorified the square. It is my hope that the square will be returned to its original state within the not too distant future.

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