1 minute read
Life on the Cutting Edge
Professor Bruce Kirk
Department: Communications.
Interests: Beingadad and bringingmy3 and 5 yearold daughtersgolfing.
Favorite Liberty Memory: The overall impression I have hadof students'politeness and values is what I enjoy most,especially in comparison tothestudents I taught at UVA. Liberty definitely has well-mannered, focused young peoplewho haveastrongconvictionto do the right thing.
Why Liberty? Mosteveryoneis hereforamoral reason and all seem tohave like values.
Senior Mistymessner
Major: Communications
Hometown: Glenmoore, PA
Advice forfuture COM S students: Read,read, read.
Who inspired youtopursue your major? My English teacher Carliss Phillipsandmy Mo m who always believed inme andencouraged me.
Senior Mary Beth Lawrence
Major: Communications
Hometown: LostCreek,W V
What areyour primary activites? Spending alot of timein theMac lab,doingprojectsandpresentations, studyingand memorizing tonsof information. Where do yousee yourself in 10years? Working for theAmerican Diabetes Association inPublic Relations.