Selah Yearbook 2002-03

Page 84

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Jnveiled 2 Disclosed Sought 50 Unglued 76 Like resisting the urge to rush downstairs on Christmas morning . . . . . like paying no attention to the ma n behind the curtain . . . . . . like obeying the sign that says "Don't push the red button"... Yo u can't wait t o reminisce Theschoolyearhasfinallybeen survived recorde d packaged Torn up 100 & labeled I3A- 9^Z* m Revealed l IA-6
Now itjust needs to be INW W II JU>I NCCUi IU UC | ^Unwrapped
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Opening Words 7

The best part about unveiling a ne w school year is that w e imagine it could be the best year yet, and indeed it could. W e mak e resolutions about getting better grades, being a better friend, and of course, having a lot of fun! Another perk of college life is receiving packages from family and friends. The excitement increases as w e tear off each piece of tape and cut the string to see the secrets inside. The contents are precious because someon e thought of you and mad e an effort on your behalf to sho w ho w muc h they care for and appreciate you. In the sam e way, w e should approach Jesus as a marvelous gift to b e unwrapped . Th e On e wh o gave u p everything for us so that w e might have life deserves our utmost devotion and attention. At a time whe n tomorro w is unpredictable for our families, friends and country, a strong relationship with Christ is mor e important than eve r before . Ou r uncertainties also provide the perfect opportunity for Christ to unwra p us, exposing us to His peace, grace, merc y and love.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trustinthe Lordwithallthineheart;andleannot unto thine own understanding.Inall thy ways acknowledgeHimandHeshalldirectthypaths.

Liberty University began with God giving avision toone man-Jerry Falwell. Throughout theyears, God hascontinued toblessDr.Falwellwith a team ofGodly men and women who work togethertoimplement thevision, along with countless supporters who have prayed and sacrificially given to bring fruition tothevision.

With the largestfreshman class inthe history ofthe University,the 2002-03 academic yearhasundoubtedly been amemorable one Continued growth has required Liberty to pursue expansion ofcampus facilities. The acquisition of the property formerly known as Ericcson and the new residential housing offerexcitingopportunities forfuture growth.

"My visionis tobuildaworld class universityforbible-believing young peoplethatwill one day reach 25,000 studentsand train them as Champions forChrist. I see a greatenlargement inthestudent body,aswell as facilities to accommodate our growing population, "states our Founder and Chancellor."

Dr.Falwellconfidently claimsthefaithfulnessofGod,just ashe has throughout the University'sexistence.

"The whole ofthe Christian life is learning todepend on God. God will providefor usthewisdom only He can giveand alsothefinances needed tosee continued growth."

While the growing enrollment could be attributed to Dr Falwell's active rolein recruitment,he tends tothinkdifferently.

"Christ isthe central personality. W e teach everything from the Christian worldview and promote personal relationshipswith God Christ is the reason we exist and the reason we continue toseeyoung people make the commitment to grow and study at Liberty University, "Dr. Falwell explains.

One thing is certain, with God as the central focus and Dr.Falwelll following the Lord'sleading, Liberty University will continue togrow asthe vision unfolds and becomes reality.

e Barnhous e

"The whole ofthe Christian lifeis learning todepend on God. God will provide us the wisdom only He can give and also the finances needed to see continued growth."

As with pastyearsforthis young institution, the 2002-03 academic yearhasbeen one ofgrowth and excitingchanges. One constant, however, amid thechange hasbeen thecommitment ofLiberty University President, Dr.John M. Borek,Jr., to fulfillthe vision God gave Dr.Falwell almost 40 yearsago.

"My number one goal while serving as President isto assist our Chancellor and Founder inaccomplishing hisvision to build a world class universityforBible-believingyoung people."

The Universityexperienced much successduringtheyear.The new School of Law received approval from the State of Virginia and other academic programs continued toenhance theirofferings. With respectto space and technology, new facilities were acquired, and renovations to existingfacilities occurred

No less important was the employment of Godly faculty with outstandingcredentials.

"Recruiting and retaining Godly faculty,staff and students is our number one goal. Reachingthis goalwill requireinfrastructure improvements and quality enhancement inall we do,"explains Dr.Borek. "Liberty must remain diligentinits commitment to provide a nurturing environment that encourages studentsto excel."

As theundergraduate and graduate studentbody continuestogrow, Dr. Borek's goal isto have Liberty University recognized for academic excellence. Hisdesire is forthe University to become a world-class leader among institutions of higher learning,while remaining unwavering as an evangelical, Christian beacon.

Liberty'scampus will continue togrow and change,butone thing is certain, we willeagerly step intothe future with strong leadership. W e all look forward toseeing God's continuing planforLiberty University "unwrapped."

"My number one goal while serving as Presidentis to assist in thefulfillment ofDr. Falwell's vision and servingtomorrow's Godly leadersthroughquality, evangelical, Christian higher education,"
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"And hesaidtohim, "Far from it!Youshall notdie. Behold,my fatherdoesnothingeithergreat orsmallwithoutdisclosing itto me; and why should my father hidethisfrom me? Itisnotso."

Each year, students celebrate old traditions and mak e ne w ones. By uncovering our creativity, student life is enhanced and the Liberty community is embraced.

I Samuel 20:2

ScareMare isa ministry conducted by the Center for Youth Ministryfor nineeveningseach October.Itis callec a "House ofDeath"because thenumerous rooms portray scenes of death.The tour winds through the house and ends by making the person face the certainty of death through an evangelisticmessage.

Since 1972,thousands of people from Lynchburg and surroundingareashavemade theirway through the House of Death and its maze of horrors. The tour lasts approximately 20 minutes and thoroughly depicts the realityof life.

Scaremare's purpose is in acknowledgment of the Scriptures'warning that "faith without works is dead" (James 2:17)and inachievement ofthe Great Comission of world evangelization established in Matt.28:18-20. It affirms the Christian world view and offerssensible manifestation ofGod's loveforall people.

Thousands ofvolunteer hours go intotheproject. It takes 100's ofstudents to operate the house each night.


Old School ;ERTY

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A studentpops awheelie to show offforthe crowd. Loyal Libertyfansshow school spiritby dressing inall red
President, Dr.Borek is oftenfound ridinghis motorcycle around Lynchburg.JoeP showsofftheschoolsradiostation90.9the Light L'«5t ?*.; • '^A mm : _ r^-' ™ ~J B — •;jj|r £& $ $0.9flk $ II v > \\. .- = h'Wil ttmoi i
Dorm Sixboys (Brad Dialand Rob Perkins) e the game with their girls.
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vs. New School
Iross, HollyHastings, andRena Salguerotaketimetopose camera
Allie, Stacie, April and Leslie smile for the camera.

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LUJ NewGroove

A new event Student Life created this school year is Jazz Night The courtyard comes alive with white lights,decorated trees and tables set up with candles. Studentscan buy coffeeormuffins from the Drowsy Poet, who setup a refreshment stand The band

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Left and above; Diana, Lacy, & Leanne (dorm 28-2) lounge *'~eir poster-adorned "*

vCi b y desig n

Through the course of my life,I've been living in a constant war ofhate between Palestinians and Israelis. I've been through many traumatic situations,but the Lord has always been here for me M y name isShorouq Abufarha and I amfrom "Olittle town of Bethlehem." As a Palestinianwoman,I haveconsidered myselfblessed tohave grown up ina Christian environment surrounded by Christian friends and family.

When I was very young, I went to a Bible-believing school in Bethlehem. I lateraccepted JesusChristasmySaviorand Hehas been in my lifeever since Looking back to the events thatsurrounded that time, I can clearly see them as ifitwere right in front of me Infact, I remember my Mo mbeing shot rightinfrontofme.She stood infront of my brothers andIafter she saw an IsraeliJeep coming across the street. Shestarted getting usinside the house, but she was the last person to getto come in She was shot in her back,rightinfrontof us, justbecause she was aPalestinian There was no one theretosavemy Mom I knew shewas goingtodie, butGod saw thingsdifferently W e

D.O.B.:March 5, 1979

From: Taiwan

Major: Business Management

Wh y Liberty? God lead him toattend through theinformation thatwas • sentin the mailfrom the university.

Hobbies: Graphic Design, watching movies, swimming,and playingbasketball


were able to get her to ahospital where she was said to beincritical condition Thankfully,the Lord saw fit to spare my Mom's life She is alivetoday because of Him

When I was 12, my cousins and I were playing hide and seek behind our house.Unfortunately,itwas myturnto'seek'. I counted to ten, and when I opened myeyes therewas agun pointed atmy head. Icouldn't speak orbreathe All Icould do was tremble and repeat Jesus' name inmymind.I hardly remember how I ranaway from there, but I am reminded there is power inthe name ofJesus.

The miracles I have seen are countless.I have seen numerous people shot and killed asa war raged allaround my house InJuly, 2001, we leftforAmerica,only 4 hours before our home was riddled with bullets

Ipray forpeace given by the Prince ofPeace .Jesus!

Things that most people don't know : He usuallyappearstobe ashy person, but once people gettoknow him they discover how funnny he really is.

oohananit h DOB-°ctober8<1980

From: Cambodia

Major: Business M.I.S. Wh y Liberty? His sinsconvincedhim i attend Libety after students there.

Hobbies: Listeningto Khmer music, playing intramuralsoccer, and usingthecomputer

,s that most people don't know: .ike tosee more missionariescometo . inety-fivepercentofits inhabitants an Buddhist There isastrong need forevangelism in his country

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Shorouq offers help to studentsasalab assitant in Demoss Halls ILRC.

BornonApril28,1972in Houston,Texas,PatrickAndrews grew upattending church on a regularbasis.It was not untilAugust 1,1990thathe became a bom-again Christian. Whilevisiting youth camp in Dallas,he recalls the speaker discussing the importanceofhaving a personal relationshipwithJesusChrist, as opposed to simply being a "nice guy". This allowed him to realize what he had been missing inhis life.

In 1993, Patrick made the decision to attend Liberty Universityafterbeinginvitedtovisitthecollegebyhisroommate ChrisEvans, a relativeofMack Evans, member ofThomas Road BaptistChurch.As a resultofthisvisit, he decidedtoenroll as a full-time student inspring of1994.

During spring break ofhisfirst semester here,Partick's relaxingbreak and entirelife was interrupted by aterrible

car accident. Afterthe accident, he was forced to undergo years of mentaland physicaltherapyin order to sustain a full recovery. Looking back at the accident has given Patricka new appreciationforbeing alivetoday. Because ofhis triumph, Patrickwas given a full scholarship from Dr. Falwell in 1998. He acknowledges Dr. Falwell as the main reason he is atLibertytoday. After graduating from the Liberty Bilble Institute in May of 2003 he plans on majoring in speech communication at Liberty. His current interests include photography,and reading books by John Grisham and John McCarther. Every Liberty student knows who Patrick is because of his habit of wearing bright hunter's orange. He began wearingorangeinJanuaryof 1998 after purchasing his first orangeshirtfromthecommunity box of LBI.He sewed a button on the collarso he could wear a tiewith it and remain indresscode. He feels thatorangeisavibrant, eye-catching colorthatcorresponds wellwithhis outgoing personality.

Patrick 17

Students perform askiton stagebeforedoing a dance routine to aJustinTimberlake song

Caffeinated Chri/tma/ ^££ COpPdd.U.oa5A

A student practices backstage before performing for the crowd of over 2,000 students.

The host, Nic Carver, asks the audience for volunteers forhisgame where students had to name what famous movies certain lines were from.

After reminding students of the true meaning of Christmas, Matt Butterfield sings solo with his


Schoolwasfinally coming to acloseforthefallsemester. Classes were over and finals were about tobegin. W e were all exhausted and needed rest, butsleepwould mean missingChristmas Coffee house and thatwould not happen!Thisyear'scoffee house was one ofthebest.

The hostwas Nic Carver, back for his thirdcoffeehouse and the show was sold out with over 2,000 people inattendance.There were 13acts, with six videos and numerous games involving theaudience. The opening actwas an interpretation ofN'Sync and thecrowd went wild. Carver laughed at theend and reminded thecrowd thatthegroup wasn'tthe real thing Students stayed past Ia.m. hanging out with friendsand watching theirfellow students on stage.To close the show,students were given candles and sang Christmascarols.

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a Julleanna Outten

Majors: Communicationswithaspecializationin Journalism and History;I'm also inthe Honors program

Wha t is your birthday? February 7,1982

Wher e are you from? Greenwood, Delaware

Wha t hobbies d o you have? I like towriteletters, play sports, especially basketball, and dance,but only when no oneis watching

D o you have any unique talents? I can keep my nose plugged without using my hands

If you could pick on e place to eat in Lynchburg, wher e would it be? Texas Roadhouse-it hasthe best rolls!

Wha t has been your best L U memory ? Hiking tothe Bald spot on the firstday of classes my sophomore year,and beholding God's majesty as the sun rose over the mountains.

You've been pretty busy during your fours years at Liberty

Wha t have you been involved with? I've been on the Debate team, Vice PresidentofAlpha Lambda Delta, SGA Senator, a volunteer atThe Center, a group leaderforInternationalChristian Fellowship, awaitressat Applebee's,reporter and assistantnews editorforthe Champion,prayerleader, Junior ClassVice President,and member of PhiAlphaTheta. Thisyear I'm also Editorofthe Champion.

Wher e is your favorite place in Lynchburg? The Old City Cemetery

Wha t are your plans after graduation? Iwant to go on ashort term mission trip, about 1to2 months, maybe toan orphanage inHaiti. Then I'm hoping tomove toa citytowork asa reporter ata daily newspaper.

After this interview Julleanna got engaged, she will be married in Novembe r 2003. Congratulations Julles!

Name: DavidPitts

Age: 23



Major: History


Professor:Dr. Mix

FavoriteCD: Pearl Jam's"Ten"

Hobbies: Camping,biking, whitewater kyaking

Plansaftergraduation: Getmarried, work, andthen goontograd school

Philosophy orwords toliveby: "Don't eatyellowsnow."

Name: Bethany


Age: 22

Date of Birth: 9/22/80


Abilene, Texas

Major: Nursing

Favorite Professor: Dr. Soonbak Park

Favorie Lynchburg Restaurant: La


Hobbies: Interior design, cooking, camping,backpacking, painting, photography

Name: Tiffany Marie Douglas

] Age: 20

DateofBirth: J February 24, 1982

Major: Communication/ Advertising

Minor: Psych.

FavoriteAnimal: Turtle

FavoriteCD: Mercy Me

FavoriteCar: Nissan Altima 2003

FavoriteLynchburg Restaurant:

Vinny'sItalian Grill

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Brett Edwar d Barksdale

Wher e were your born?

Here inLynchburg.I have lived here allmy life.

Wha t wa s your favorite thing to d o growing up?

I would have tosay eating-1was fatwhen I waslittle.

Wh o wa s your best friend as a kid?

I didn'tknow it atthe time, but my parentswere.

Wha t is your worst childhood memory ?

Being alone. Thatwas anytime I was away from someone familiar, even forshortperiods oftime, scared me.I guess I was a "Mama

Is there any specific momen t that greatly impacted your life?

Getting saved obviously had a big impact.Butwhen I was inthe Marines was the time thatI grew closesttoGod and realized my purpose inlife (ministry).

Wha t was the hardest thing you ever had to get through?

Nothing really. I guess I have been pretty blessed. If you could take back one momen t in time and mak e things different, what momen t would that be?

Buying my new car.I should've listened to Dad. It'snot even two years old and notworth half ofwhat I paid for it.

Wha t has been the best momen t of your life thus far?

Finding Shannon- my wife.

Wha t is your favorite Lynchburg restaurant?

Chop House-1 worked thereforawhile

Wha t is your philosophy or words to live by?

"Keep your head up!"

Wha t d o you d o in your spare time?

G o tothe gym.

D o you have anything unique about you?

I was born on Christmas Day.

Wha t is your favorite musician or musical group?


Favorite food: Junk food-with lotsofsugar

Greatest inspiration: Probably the biggest is my parents.

Forthesecond timeoftheyear, students polished offtheirfavorite acts foranightof imitation and entertainment. Acts ranged from Meredith's bout forAvril Lavigne's title as queen of punk to Lee Steele's cupid dance.Perhaps most noticablewas thework put intocreating the romantic atmosphere. Couples entered through ahalway of lattice work, lights, and lace to enjoy a stage hgw^i0)>]*ig*^n»KKMiiVji^

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books bathrooms

boxinr bonding basketball boldness


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late nights crammin g laughter pillow fights play station qua d living 1 k J \ ^i^k ^r.,.. •* ^M ^ B
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This particular car is knov for it's unique horn. Peopl can't miss this guy drivinc dow n the road whe n he honk s his horn, it plays a tune.

enjoying the ride











Celebrating excellence through diversity


rThe candles were lit, the stage was set and the lights were dimmed.StudentsarrivedattheOmni Hotel in Charlottesville,VA, adorned in their best for the evening. Many had planned months inadvanced forthe Junior/Senior banquet; flowers, hair appointments, tuxedo rentalsand formal gowns were all a part ofthe preparations.

Behind the scenes,the Junior and Senior class officers alsobegan meeting inthefall tobe ready intime forthe banquet in April.

The evening offered a catered dinner,followed by a special power point presentation dedicated totheClass of2003.SGA Vice President, Brian Fraser, offered a toast to the graduating seniors, followed by words of encouragement from SGA President,Zach Gautier,and then Chancellor,Dr.Jerry Falwell.

Comedian MichaelJoinertopped offthe eveningwitha hilarious comedic and improvisational routine. The selfproclaimed "God's smart-aleck"had thecrowd of400students, staff and administration rollingwithlaughter.

The theme ofthe evening,Mosaic,"Comprised ofmany lives, encompassed by one purpose", was evolved from theideathatwe all fulfill a differentroleto make up the entirebody ofChrist. Justlike the many piecesofa mosaic, each one ofus is a smallpartthat makes upthe whole.

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Friday Night. Classes erer. TRhat are we geing te dt?

#1 - Barmes aad N«ble

jjfe - Fxiebee gelf @ Peak's Vie w Paric

#3 - M«Ties 10

#U - Wal-Mart

#5 - Dr«w»y P«et

It's Fridaynight, classes arefinished, andyou'rethanking God forthenext2daysofnoalarm clocks, noconvocation and no dress code.Butbefore you breathe thatsatisfying sigh ofrelief, your peaceful thoughts are interrupted by your roommate'svoice, "What areyougoingtodotonight?"Immediately yourmind istakenfrom hopeful tranquility tothediscouraging reality, "Ilivein Lynchburg,VA. "And youwouldn't be thefirst person toask,"What is there to do in Lynchburg?" Sowe decided toanswer that question forposterity.Amidst this quaint,old city, Liberty Students have developed acollege town with enough discounthangouts tokeep them athome herewhile keeping, at least, most ofthem out ofbankruptcy.

araes a*d Ntble

Josh Smith making a messwith books at Barnes and Noble. Everynightfinds thechairsand tables full ofstudents who seek to escape the on campus atmosphere.

Peak's View Par

Stephen Edwards slams in another eagle during his frisbee golf game. Thesport hasgained popularityin recent years, asithas made its way into many city parks,and still remains freeof cost.

Menes 10

Libertystudentsform longlines to get intowatch their favorite movie at Movies 10. Tuesdays attractanenormous crowd as students canseemoviesfor $.50.

Students always enjoy their shopping time at the 24-hour Wal-Mart acrossthestreetfrom the campus. Nearly every day the store ispacked likeit's the Christmas season.

Drewsy Peet

Always buzzing with activity, the Drowsy Poet isa popular place to enjoy friends, do schoolwork, and sip on a good cup of coffee.

NTWONE PISHEC 1ST MARRIED 4AID MANHATTAN TARTBEK NEMESIS HE RINC UHUIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIMillllltlllllllUIIIIIUIIIIII HOT CHICK BIGEAT CREEK KtDDlHC NARC DRUMUN E HARRY POTTER 2 iiiiilliiiniliMiniiyi1imMiQi»iiiimHiiunHLhiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiinHiniiiiiiiiiiuiiim»iiuiiiiiiiiiummiiiiiiiiiiiniiiii ll'ff
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mysteriousJivesoftheoppositesex. Bee co-edvisitationisstrictlyprohibitedatLiberty,Open Dorms isa chance foron-campus students to showcase their creativity, it takes place each December, beforeexams, andis an hourand a glimpse intoanotherworld. AtTOpm the guys tothe girls' dorms andareallowed tostayfor one hour. At 11 pm thegirls head overtosee how the guys live. Open Dorms brings out the best (ora least themost unique) aspectsofdorm life. pIPMI

What spectacular sights! Visitors entering Dorm 2 receive 3D glasses and candy. The hallway was litupwithChristmaslights-the 3D glasses made the lightslook like stars.



While most student s decorat e their rooms, the students above chose to relax and hang out.


The winter of2002-2003 was one ofthe worst in the history of Virginia. The winter storms that plagued the east coast caused schools all over the state to cancel.Liberty closed its doorsforthesecond timein its history, allowingstudentstodrop theirbooks andenjoy much needed free time. Students could be found using their mattresses,laundry baskets, trash bags,and lunch trays to slide downhills. Classes were cancelled for three days and delayed once.

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let it snow.

latenights, laughter, tears, movies,Walmart,roadtrips, conversation,memories...

An hour with a hand in a fire seems like eternity.Anhou spent with a good frienc seems tolast only second. The beauty ofthe Liberi community is exhibitedinth( friendshipsit fosters.

Some ofthese friendswill go ontobecome bridesmaids and groomsmen. Some will remain lifelong pen pals.Others will be forced to go their separate ways, committed to cherish the memories they made together.

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Rebel Cry, written and directed by Linda Nell Cooper, becam e the highlight of the year. The play focused on the final days of Petersburg and Richmond in the early spring of 1865. The musical wa s based on the life of Elizabeth Van Lew, a spy for the North during the Civil War. Miss. Van Le w wa s a Southener, living in Richmond. "Rebel Cry is about betrayal, honor and love," Coope r said. "It's not really a musical about North versus South. It's about a community in Richmond which had divided loyalties."


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Figarro's Wedding, a moder n adaptation of Mozart's opera, Th e Marriage of Figarro, wa s performed as an opera, but cam e across as a musical comedy. It is the story of the rediscovery of love.

lifeis a stage ...

an d all the world its players.

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"Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance."

"If you thinkyou can win,you can win. Faith is necessary to victory." - Unknown

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." - John Wooden

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"The will to win is important, but the will to prepare is vital."
- Joe Paterno
'The priceofsuccess is hard work,dedication tothe job athavd,and the determination thatwhether we win orlose, we have applied the bestofourselvesto the task athand."- Vince Lombardi
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A Kick In Th e Right Direction

Liberty University isknown for it's well-rounded individualsand many extra-curricular activities. Thisyear something new was added to our campus.Women's kickboxing is one ofthe fastestgrowing activitiesforour student body. Here isa look atthe pain and sweat the ladiesendured in order to befit.

above: Mary Short concentrates on the instructoras the kickboxing session beginr"

left: Preparing forthe ultimate workout, the ladieswarm up foralong nightof kickboxing

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Iabove: Rebecca Glassco works on hernightlyab routine.

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left: Concentrating on theround-offkick, theladiesget into the heartoftheirworkout.


above: Sarah Cousar practices her speed-bag punch during hernightly Tae-Bo workout.

above:Julie Lidbecklifts weights tobuild muscleand tone her arms.

"It's important to stay in shape and be healthy It make

"Exercise gives you endorphines and endorphines mak e

"Exercise helps m e concentrate." •

"1 like being in shape Running and Tae-Bo always mak e m e feel better."

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feel good."
• Mand i Corbett
you happy."
Johanna Rehfll 49
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Proverbs 20:27

Spirituallifeisadefininghallmarkon campus.Thisyear, searching for the truth haschanged studentsforthe restoftheirlives.

"The spirit of ma n is the lamp of the Lord, searching all his innermost parts."

Revealing God's Promises &c&ujer*i

Convocation is a meeting of the University population.It builds harmony within the Liberty neighborhood. It provides forums for the communal issues of our time and other enlightening topics of varied concern for the assistance ofstudents, faculty and staff members. Visitingspeakersfrom theprofessionalworld along with gifted staff members are showcased. Music followed by a message from our Chancellor or Presidenthelp make Convocation an inspirational and uplifting experience. Convocation serves to expand university accord,spread knowledge, and challenge students religiously, socially,ethically and rationally.

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above:Dr. Falwellalwaysgetsthecrowd going.

An d I will give them one heart, and I will put a ne w spirit within you; and I will take the stony heart out of theirflesh,and will give them an heart offlesh:That they ma y walk in m y statutes, and keep mine ordinances, and do them: and they shall be m y people, and I will be their God.

Ezekial 11:19-20 •


Sounds of Liberty.

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The power of prayer and front row seats.

Emily Borneman. Resident Director

Currently inGraduate program. Fro m Bell-air, MD.

Bor n inBaltimore, MD .

Likes canoeing, hiking, reading, and drinking coffee. Plays violinand can shoot ablack powder muzzle loading rifle. Listens to Celticand jazz music. Pretends she's a princesswhen know one is around.

Prayer Leader RA's Name: SLD's
"For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth

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Name:Meghan Maginnis. Prayer Leader. Currently a SeniorCommunications,AD/PR major. Fro m Woodbridge, VA. Bor n Landstuhl, Germany. Likes scrapbooking,reading,spending timewith her girls. Organizes peoples' lives without them even realizing it. Listens to Christian contemporary music, especially Michael W. Smith. Lives b y "Do notfollowwhere the path amay lead ...Goinstead where there is no path and leave a trail."

-Robert Frost. Constantly looks at watch. Wishe s to have lived during the CivilWar.

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Below:Meghan Maginnis leads a small prayer groupin herdorm room. The girls canbefound laughing, sharing and worshipping togethereveryThursdaynight «ky;v-
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he beareth not the sword Romans 13:4
Left: Prayer leader, Anna Mason takes time away from school work to catchup on some much needed rest. Asa prayer leader,one can become extremely exhausted between the weekly meetings,prayer groups,spending time with girls on the hall,going to classes,doing homework and takingtimewith friends.

"Remember them who have rule over you, whc have spoken unto you the word of God;whose faith follow,considering the outcome of their conversation.


The campus pastors are a dedicated group, accessible to students, faculty and staff. They provide conversation, counseling, support and prayer. The pastors organize events for spiritualimprovementand development, including university convocations, hall Bible studies,campus church,volunteer services and yearly events,such as Spiritual Emphasis Week. Worship is at the center ofcollege life at LU. The Christiandedicationof the faculty, staff and students creates an atmosphere ofpositivepeer influence in which to study,work and live.The contributions of the campus pastors are essential to this atmosphere.

The campus pastors were pleased to welcome Dr. Rob Jackson back to theLiberty family afteratwo-year absence. Dr. Jackson is the SeniorCampus Pastor and VicePresident for SpiritualLife.

left: Dr. RobJackson Proverbs 3:5&6: "Trust inthe Lord with allthineheart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.In allthy ways acknowledge Him, and He shalldirectthypaths."


Aright:Dr Charles Hughes Psalm 19:14: "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation ofmy heart be acceptable inthy sight, O Lord, my strength,and my redeemer."

left:Pastor Dwayne Carson Philippians 4:6:"Be anxious fornothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving,letyour requests be made known unto God."

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Philippians 3:10: "That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship ofHis sufferings His resurre £ l d e con formable unto Hisdeath."

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IMany students and faculty gotup earlyto pray forthe nation during thisyear's See You atthePole. Participantsmet inthecourtyard at7 a.m.According toCampus PastorDwayne Carson, alargecrowd came together this year."I was absolutely thrilledwiththe turn out," he said.

Campus Pastor Rob Jackson agreed,"I thought itwas great.Itwas the best attendance Ihave ever seen . . . there were not only many students there but also staffand faculty and that was very encouraging," said Jackson.

After the students had been grouped off by home states, Carson explained thehistoryoftheevent and then led those attending in prayer. Carsonbelievesthatforfeiting sleep gave the students anabsolute longing for God.


Avid prayer and revitilzatic penetrated Liberty University during this year's SpiritualEmphasisWeek (SEW). Guest speakers were invited to campus for th< veryimportantdays. Thesespecial activit areplanned inorderto awaken thestude body to theirindividualspiritual needs.

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"Wha t doe s it mea n to be a Chrisj

A nightof prayer served to establish the week. Led by the Spiritual Life Department, thefocal point oftheentire eventwasstudents joininghandsinprayer and worship. SEW began with Sunday morning Campus Church. Academic convocation occured in the midst of Spiritual EmphasisWeek on Wednesday. It was meant to display both LU'sspiritual and academic side.

This SEW featured two speakers, Dr. Dave Early and Chris Williamson. The week's theme question was, "What does it mean to be a Christian at a Christian University?" Early, a Liberty University graduate and holder of the 1995 Eagle Award as Alumni of the Year,began asa pastorinVirginia whilestudyingatLU. He now speaks in churches and seminarsall overtheUnited States. Chris Williamsonis also anLUgraduatewith aBachelor's degree in Biblical Studies and a Master's in Religious Education from Liberty Baptist TheologicalSeminary.

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ian at a Christian University?"
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M Tk m Students join hands in prayers & worship.
develop < recurring personal routine of quiet time with God for
worshipping." *« - fe-v if above: Chris Williamson speaks with his whole heart. below: Dave Early poses with Dwayn e Carson. /- &, ysi^JLBSMB 3CV. , Try*!* • 7-; " • ^^^HF ^ ' Exodus leads songs of praise bef< message. ^ 1/ jt i <9i *T| Dre the -£'
encouraged that students
listening, praying,
Scripture, and

CSER: exposed HI m u


In recognition of the Scriptural admonition that "faith without works isdead" (James2:17) and in fulfillment of the Great Commission of world evangelization found in Matt. 28:18-20,the Christian Community Service component of the curriculum serves to affirm theChristianworldview and provide a practical expression of God's love for mankind.

"We atLiberty University require Christian/Community Service so that ouryoung people get an action-oriented curriculum.When you goto aChristianUniversityyou need not only to learn the information in theclassroom, but you need totake itoutto the people;outtothe neighborhoods and the communities; the hospitalsandthehomes.Christian Service for us isa part of the Liberty curriculum; a part of the action-oriented curriculum,and it shallever beapart of Liberty."

Chcis^i^v Cewwtlcfti

"Iam a student assistantfor a teacher in the Bruckner Learning Center. I get an opportunity tobe helpfulto a teacher who has been helpful to me"




Civic and community services

Communit y improvement

Alleviation of huma n suffering

Assisting the underprivileged and les fortunate

Education and development of children/adults

Educational assistance

Stewardship of the earth

below: ResnetCoordinatorDavid Hara and ResnetSpecialistJosh Batesassist DesireeGamage with network troubleshooting

"I work at the Center for Worship for my Christian/ Community Service.Ilike it because I geta chance tosee the singers live what they singon stage, they arereally good Christians and Igetto see that off stage."

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choruseswhileothersbreak outthe soda and microwave popcorn. Testimonies are shared. Requests are spoken.Hearts are intertwined, leaders ensure that every student is loved, prayed for,prayed with, and discipled. Of course, it's not all serious. What would Thursday nights be without the occasional pizza or box of Krispy Kreme donuts? All in all, prayer groups are just another example ofhow LibertyUniversityprovidestheperfect environment forfun and fellowshipwith both God and fellow men.

"For this reason we also since the day we heard it did not cease to pray foryou and ask thatyou may be filledwith the knowledge ofHiswillin all wisdom and spiritual understanding;thatyou may walkworthy ofthe Lord, fully pleasing Him,being fruitfulinevery good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with allmight, according to His glorious power, forall patience and longsuffering withjoy." Collossians 1:9-11

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Liberty singing those childrenreally


For Libertystudents,Sandra and Liza Del Cid, this d did much ofthetranslatingforthe team.

Through theirlong daysofministry, thegroupwas

Most students look forward to spring break planning lazydays by the beach and fun inthesun.

But fora group ofstudents and staff with LightMinistrT spring break was anything but a typical"vacation".

This group spent theirbreak inHonduras,ministering through music, drama and relationships. Students worked inchurches, schools and orphanages,sharing the gospel with hundreds ofpeople.

For seniorJoy George,mission tripsare not a new experience. She has spent her fouryearsat with Light Ministries and going on mission tripsevery year. But thistripwas anything but a typicalexperience. helped giveme an ideaofhow blessed we trulyare-and how,no matterwhere we are, we areunited in Christ," was more thanjust a mission trip, it was a chance togo home. The sisters arefrom Honduras abletocome away from this experience knowing they had invested theirpreciousdaysof"break"intothelives ofothers

Ifmy people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and turnfrom their wicked ways, then I willhearfrom heaven and I willhealtheir land.

1 Chronicles 7:14

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Students and citizens gathered from all overcentralVirginiain LibetyUniversity's Vines center for a nationally televised recognitionoftheNationalDay ofprayer. One ofonly three locations withthe privilege,thousands of people packed the auditorium for music, fellowship, special speakers,and of course fervent prayerforthecondition ofthenation and guidance ofits leadership. Eventslikethis powerfullyremind America thatthis isstill one nation under God.

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in a seven-message series for the Spring Semester's Spiritual Emphasis Week evangelist Larry Grays tried to teach students some life lessons. Grays began speaking Sunday morning before the superbowland spokeeverynightthroughWednesday.To end theweek, Christian artist, Clay Crosseperformed inconvocation and at campus church on Wednesday night.

"Spiritual Emphasis Week was amazing this year,"saidLeah Lopez,a seniorfrom Florida.Her sister, Bethany Lopez,alsoa senioragreed."Iwas so impressed. Itwas the best Spiritual Empahsis Week I've everbeento."

In the Secret

Regardless of all dynamic spiritual events, memorable fun times,and rigorous academic demands,many studentswould agreethatthe time they treasure most is their personal fellowship with God. Indeed those who learn to prioritize their time with the Creator and Saviour are those who leave this University most fulfilledand most directed. At any given time, on any day, devoted students can be found seeking God in a variety oflocations, both on and offCampus. The purpose ofthis school willcertainly be preserved, as long as themen and women who attendherepayclose attention toChrist.

... in the quiet of your dorm .

Blessed is the man who walks notinthecounsel ofthe ungodly, norstands in the way ofsinners, nor sitsinthe seatofscomers;buthisdelightisinthe law ofthe Lord on which he mediates dayandnight.

Psalm 1:1-2

atthe Marriott the courtyard fountain
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Hangar in the quiet place
.. by the Liberty bell . . in the prayer chapel.

Ministry Sudents Living Double Lives

The culprits of this feature live as studious college students on weekdays.Butwhen theweekend hitsornightfalls, they show theirtrue colors. Seminary Student Daniel Floyd emerges inFredericksburg asthe pastor ofa contemporary service. Brady Rose heads north on Wednesday nights-destination:Amherst BaptistChurch Youth Group tolead young people inworship and BibleStudy.PhillipKelly spends sleeplessnightsin a parsonage near LevelBaptistChurch."Double lives"however,may not be an accurate description forthese three students who involve themselves inalmost every group orevent thatthey can handle.

Rose, Kelly, and Floyd are "indemand" asfarasthe ministryfield is concerned and they aregetting acrash course inthe toolsofthe trade and how touse them.Opportunities areboundless with theirvalued experience. Theirfutureswillbe bright and hopeful.

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InterningatRiversideChurch inFt. Myers Floridaoverthe summer between hissophomore and junioryears,Brady experienced the daily routine of a youth pastor. That experience was crucialbecause he was offered thejob of full-time youth pastor at Amherst Baptist Church at the beginning ofthespringsemesterduringhisjunioryear. He speaksregularlyon weekend tripswith LightMinistriesand he has been blessed tosee hundreds ofpeople givetheir lives to the Lord. Brady exemplifies Christian leadership. As the Spriitual LifeDirector on Dorm 10,he runs weekly accountability meetings with students."The drivingforce behind being a leaderis nothingcomplicated, "Bradysaid adding, "You justhave toloveJesusand God willuseyou. God hasdefinitelyused thishumble studentinavarietyof ways. Brady gives a lot. The minsitries with which he is involved arean integralpartofhislife, buthestillfinds time togive hisbesteffortintheclassroom. Not surewhat the futureholds, Brady isjustcontentwithleavingthatinGod's hands


Between travelling to youth events for speaking engagements and leadingchurch servicestwo hoursaway, Danielstillfindstimetotakeafull loadofclassesand work for Residential Recruiting And, believe itor not, he maintainsasociallife on top ofit all Daniel hasa passion forministry Speaking about hisposition as leader ofthe ministry teams forrecruitment he said hismain goal is to "beservicetoyouth pastorsand studentministriesaround the country" In the spring of 2002, Daniel had the opportunity to be the keynote speaker ina crusade that featuredtheKatinasworship band.Thousands ofstudents were ministered toand informed about LibertyUniversity He works in a division that sends three teams out for recruitment and ministry:"Chosen," the gospel singing group;the SOAR Dunk Team, an extreme sports group; and "Orayi," themodern praiseand worship band.Daniel hashis handsfullwiththis milieuofministryoutlets, but he creditshisopportunitiesand successestoGod'sprovision.

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VThe hardest part of college life is trying to balance the academic s with the social. B y the end of each semester, students are comin g unglued.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdo m and instruction.

Distance Learning Prngram

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Clockwise Dr. Homer Massey, Mr.AlFuhr, Dr Tim Mink, Dr. Rick Rasberry, Dr. Scott Phillips, Mr. Don Love, and JeremyMink.

Photosnot available: Mr. Alain MaasheMengueme and Mr. Wayne Patton


IntheDistance Learning Program (DLP)thegoal is simple: toprovide studentswith qualityinstruction thathelpsreach individualacademic andcareergoals. Instruction is provided tothestudentonvideotapesand onlinesoastudentcan work through thecourse athis or herown pace.Libertyalsoprovidesthelatestin hightech advances in theform ofextensiveonlineservicesforDistance Learning Program students. An exceptional amount ofstudents have earned theirdegreesthrough DLP. Asacompletely accredited organization, Liberty's DLP is aplacewhere lives arechanged onedegree atatime, in thecomfort oftheir homes,byhelpingstudents attain theiracademic and career goals.

"DLP has grown a great bit and has graduates around the world."
"Want to get ahead but can't stay for the summer ? Take DL P classes."
"In the military? Wan t a degree? DL P is accredited and can help you attain your degree."

Dr.H.L. Wilmington is thefounder and Dean ofthe Liberty Bible Institute. Hiswife,Sue, is Co-founder of the LBIwhere they both teach courses. Dr. "Wilmington teaches Old Testament Survey aswell * as, Theology Survey. Mrs. Willmington teachesfour levels of ChristianWomanhood.They haveoneson, -Dr. Matthew Wilmington, who now lives inGeorgia Rafter also being a professor atLiberty. AtLiberty BibleInstitute (LBI) each oftheseteaching programs includes 60 credit hours. The program canbe .finished in two years and offers a wonderful [alternative tostudentswho choose not to pursuea 'four yeardegree.

Afterfinishingthetwo-yearpastoralinstructionand in-serviceteaching at LBI,thestudent will be completely trained, both Biblicallyand practically,in the areas of pastoral ministry.A substantial number of LBIgraduatesareservingtheLord in new careersaftergraduatingfrom LBI. During aportfolioprocedure up to48 credithourscan becredited from LBI toLiberty University,which isa great opportunity for LBI graduateswho intend towork toward aBachelor'sdegree.

Mr.Rick Buck is Associate Dean of Liberty Bible Institute. Heteaches Hermeneutics I andII, Homiletics I and II, andthe study ofthe book of Hebrews.

"Study to sho w thyself approved, unto God, a workma n that needeth not be ashamed.99 - II Timothy 2:15

Life on the Cutting Edge


Department: Communications.

Interests: Beingadad and bringingmy3 and 5 yearold daughtersgolfing.

Favorite Liberty Memory: The overall impression I have hadof students'politeness and values is what I enjoy most,especially in comparison tothestudents I taught at UVA. Liberty definitely has well-mannered, focused young peoplewho haveastrongconvictionto do the right thing.

Why Liberty? Mosteveryoneis hereforamoral reason and all seem tohave like values.


Major: Communications

Hometown: Glenmoore, PA

Advice forfuture COM S students: Read,read, read.

Who inspired youtopursue your major? My English teacher Carliss Phillipsandmy Mo m who always believed inme andencouraged me.


Major: Communications

Hometown: LostCreek,W V

What areyour primary activites? Spending alot of timein theMac lab,doingprojectsandpresentations, studyingand memorizing tonsof information. Where do yousee yourself in 10years? Working for theAmerican Diabetes Association inPublic Relations.




Department: English

What didyou do over thesummer? M y husband and I always go toOuter Banks for a few daystorelaxand enjoytheocean.Besides goingtothebeach we alsoco-authored astudy guidefor Progeny Press, aChristianpublishing company thatmarkets study guides for good literaturewith aChristianfocus.

Favorite Liberty memory? Hearing alumni talkingabouthow theyused thebooks I taught inmyclass within theirown classroom.


Major: English

Where doyou seeyourselfin 10 years? Attending law school. Then building afamily and careerwhether asa judge,apolitician, lawyer, or inministry. Advice for English students: Love by doing,leadby serving, liveby dying.


Major: English

What areyour primary activities? I actuallydo nothing butsit inmy room,read boring old books, write papers,and think hard.I am boring, and sois every other English major atany college.

Where do you seeyour selfinten years? Directing theater atahigh school or university and teaching English classes there.

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Deptartment: Nursing

Favorite hobbies: Snow skiing,hiking, and photography. Favorite Liberty memory? I donothave one specificdateorevent. Myfavorite timeofyear is graduation. It is excitingtoseethe spiritua and professional growth in thegraduate nurses, it is rewarding.


Major: Nursing

Hometown: Charlotte,NC

Where doyou seeyourselfin10years? Married tomy fiance, Greg, and servingtheLord in anAfricantown or village

Advice forfuture Nursing students: Keep priorities in order: God,people, schoolwork.IfGod is notfirstthen nursing is notasfulfilling or awesome.


Major: Nursing

Hometown: Newaygo, Ml

SWhat is yourfavoritepartabout Nursing? The great friendsI made and thefacultyandstaff. Where do you seeyourself in 10 years? Married, working asamedical missionary toone ofthepoorest countries,andhelping the sick to become physically and spirituallyhealed.

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Recipes for Successful Families


Department: FACS

Favorite hobbies: Reading (especially books not related to school),flower gardening,and ridingherbike, yes, she is a leather chick.

Favorite Liberty memory ? Gettingtospeakin convocation lastyear.Veryfewwomen getthe opportunity, so it was a great honor.


Major: FACS

Hometown : Barrington, NJ

Wha t are your primary activites? Working with fabrics, helpingoutand goingtofashionshows,and making differentclothingdesigns.

Wher e d o you see yourself in 10 years? Owning my own bridalshop.


Major: FACS

Hometown : Cartersville, GA

Wha t are your primary activites? SinceI am general inFACS, I have classesdealingwith all FACS areas such asclothing, food, andnutrition.

Wher e do you see yourself in 10 years? I will marry my fianceand work as missionaries


Composing Life's Symphonies


Department: Fine Arts

Favorite Liberty Memory : Thisfall theLiberty University Band went to a NewYork Giants game and performed. It was wonderful weekend inNew YorkCity.

Wh y Liberty? The Lord hasgivenme amission with the band program.I have much todo to fulfillthis mission. Ourgoals include some prettyfantasticeventsand accomplishments.


Major: Music Education

Hometown : Gretna, VA

Wha t d o you like about your major? I can praise theLordwith my saxophone and increasemy ability for Him.

Advice for future Music students? Itis nothow much naturalabilityyou have thatmatters but how hardyou work todevelopthetalents God gaveyou.


Major: Music Education

Hometown : Greenville, SC

Advice for future music students? Practice a lot, work hard, and don'tskip class.

Wher e do you see yourself in 10 years? Teaching high schoolbandpractice.



Deptartment: Athletics

What didyou do over thesummer? I got married on June 1st toJua Robinson. W e honeymooned in Aruba and spentthe rest of thesummer fixing up ourhome and preparing forseminaryforJua, and teachingand.working forme. Why Liberty? Knowing that this is whereGod has us inthisseason oflife, I loveworkingin this setting where Iam able to teach and impactfutureChristianLeaders.


Major: Sports Management

Hometown: Northeast, M D

What are your primary activities? Getting field experience, facilitymanagements, and internships. Advice forSports Management students: Be sureto make contacts. Also, talkand gettoknow people.


Major: ExerciseScience

Hometown: Bahamas

What doenjoy most about you major? Being ableto manage my own gymand watch people lose weight. AdviceforfutureExerciseSciencestudents? Itisa good fieldtogo into. You can seetheprogressofyour clients and thatis very rewarding.

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Understanding oor Humanity


Department: Psychology

Favorite Liberty Memory : Havingstudentsvisit my home and expressthecomfortoffeeling a senseoffamily.

Hobbies: Classicalmusic, and beinga mother and grandmother


Major: Psychology

Hometown : Modesto,CA

Wher e d o you see yourself in 10 years? Doingsocial work, working with teens,orbeing in the mission field

Advice for future Psychology students? Getinvolved inareasofyour field so it is easierto getajob.


Major: Psychology

Hometown : Forest, VA

Wh o or what inspired you to pursue Psychology? My own dysfunctionalchildhood.

Wha t advice do you have for future Psychology students? Find placestoapplyyourselfin your field right away (evenasa freshman).



nts, TL EDUC

Deptartment: Education

Hobbies:I make baskets. At Christmas time I make costumes for my 15grandchildren for ourfamilyplay.

Favorite Liberty memory? Graduations. My husband and I gettoseeourstudents graduate.


Major: Elementary Education

Hometown: Madison Heights, VA

Who inspired you topursueyour major? The children. I want toteach togive children the opportunity to do anything they want to do. To fill their minds with information thatwillhelp them inthejobsthey choose, butalso intheirown lives.


Major: Elementary Education

s* •*

Advice for future Education students? Do whatyou love andlove what you do.W e have no greater gift than that of children.Learn something neweveryday because your students will ask you something new everyday.Finally, you have been calledtothisfield fora purpose and you willbeblessed beyond beliefby the lives you impact.

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Department: Math

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Favoritememory while atLiberty: The honor ofgivingayoung Chinese woman away in an American stylewedding. Why Liberty? The Lord directed my stepsto LibertyUniversity. I continuetoteachatLiberty because theLord hasnotindicated that I should leave. I alsothoroughly enjoyteaching mathematics.


Major: Math

What is your favorite part about being amath major?

The challenge!It is atough major, butit is very fulfilling. What areyourprimary activities? Doing my homework and studying for tests.


Major: Math

What doenjoy most about your major? Notwriting papers.

Advice forfuture Math students? Grading papersand working inthe math help center has been agreatway forme to keep upwith pastmaterial.

II " i

Programming Student Circuitry


Department: Computer Science

Favorite Liberty Memory : Seeingthefirstgroup ofstudentsthatI had for fouryears graduate. Wh y Liberty? The opportunity toprepare young peopleto live and make aliving in away that I wanted someone to influence my own children, when theywere this age.


Major: Computer Science

Wha t d o you like about your major? Small classes, easy to getto know the computer science majors, and it is reallyfun gettingto know how computers work.

Wh o or wha t inspired yo u to pursue this field? Justspending many hours playing around with my own computer and tryingtofix all ofits problems.



Major: Computer Science

Hometown : Ocean City, NJ

Wh o or what inspired you to pursue your field? The dream that one day I will beable to create 3-D animationorvideogamesthathaveChristian values instilledin them for thekids to watch andplay.



Major : History

Wher e d o yo u see yourself in 1 0 years? Married with a Ph.D. in Japanese History working on a second Doctorate inThird Reich History. Advic e for future History students? Find your favorite part of history and live,breath,eat,sleep thattime period and culture, so when you do write about it, it willbe hard forpeople to criticizeyou.


Wher e do you see yourself in 10 years? Attending Kansas StateUniversityafter graduation toreceivea Master's in History. Hopefully having the opportunity tobe a professorincollege.And ofcoursemarriedwithno more than 10kids!

Wha t advice do you have for future students in History? TakeDr. Blassforanyclassyou can, because hehas been my favoriteprofessorthroughout my yearsat Liberty.


Themsel RELG


Deptartment: Religion

What makes you want to beatLiberty? I am hereat Libertybecause God wants mehere. I had many opportunitiestogo elsewhere, and each time I think ofanother school. I realize thatthey do not have the quality of students thatLibertyhas.

What do you loveabout Liberty? What I love aboutLibertyarethestudents. I feel thatwhen Iteach them, my influence is going tobe extended through their lifeastheservethe Lord around theworld.


Major:M. DIV

What is your favorite part about being inthe M.DIV?

Depth oftheknowledge oftheBiblefrom which we learn.

What advicedo you haveforfuturestudentsinthefield ofM. DIV? You must relyonGodtoshape you. Who inspired you to pursue aM.DIV? God! II ' I i


Hometown: Birmingham, Alabama

What is your favorite partofbeing aReligion major?

Our professorsarereallyawesome, and I likeall ofthem. Who inspired youtopursue your major? If there is any one person who encouraged me inmy majorit would havetobeAmanda Arruda. I was strugglingwith my classes because I was agirl. Amanda, also aBible major,assured me that being a girldoesn't mean you can'tbeaReligion major.




Deptartment: Business

Hometown: Florida

What makes you want to behere atLiberty?

I thinkthatiswhatGod wanted meto do; over my careersomany thingshappened overtime and fittogether for me tobe here. I didn't know 20 years ago,but those experiences fit together and I see it allnow. What is your favorite or memorable experiencesinceyou'vebeen hereatLiberty? There have been many memorable experiences, too numerous tosay.


Major: Business Finance

Hometown: Florida

Where doyou seeyourselfintenyears? I see myselfat a business company working myway tothetop!

AdviceforfutureBusinessstudents: Choose your major rightaway and stickwith it and work hard at it.


Hometown: Pennsylvania

Where doyou see yourself inten years? In 10yearsI hope to have tried my hand at at least a few differentjob opportunities before settlingdown with an employer.Iwant to getagood feelfordifferentaspects ofthe field. AdviceforfutureBusinessstudents. I'vealwayslikedworking with numbers. When I got to college,I started looking int m differentways ofdoing that. I'mproof thatyou don't have todecide onamajor rightaway inorder tostayontrack.


Discoverinu Future Leaders


Department: Government

D o you have a favorite or memorabl e experience at LU? Well, probably themost memorable experience would bein1985when PresidentGeorge Bush,while President,came and spokeatcommencement in May. Wha t make s you want to be here? I came herein the firstplace because I wanted to teach students how Christ relatesto learning and I still want to do thateven after 18 years. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for that.


Major: Government/ Pre-Law

Hometown : Charleston, SC

Advice for future Governmen t students? 18credits ofupper levelgovernment classes-in one semester-is horrible!

Wh o inspired yo u to pursue your major? Politics justseemed like fun. It looks likeagreatcareer and one that I'd really enjoy all-around. Well, Elizabeth Dole definitely influenced me.


Major: Government

Hometown : VirginiaBeach, VA

Advice for future Government students? The most importantadvice I havetoofferis togetyour name out. Meet candidates by volunteering,and getto know politiciansasoftenas possible. Wher e do you see yourself in 10 years? I seemyself asachaplain inthe Navy, orpossibly apolitician in thestateofVirginia.

•••^•••• i ••^•••• i 93

Barn to Fly

Clearing Clouded Minds


What makes you want to be here? I had several offers to go and coach atother institutions making more money.What makes me remain at Liberty isthe mission ofour debate team. While I could coach atanother university and be a Christian debate coach and perhaps influence my students Icould notcoach a Christian Debate team that had its primary focustofurtherandglorifytheKingdom ofGod along sideour competitivegoals.


What is your favorite part about debate? Debate is agreatactivityfordevelopingcritical thinking skills and it is extremely educational. Advice forfuture Debaters? Work hard, speak quickly, and kick some positions that you're not winning andgoforthe ones you are winning.


Participates in: Aviation

What isyourfavoritepartaboutaviation? Theexcitement offlying and I'm alwaysamazed by God's creation below me.

Where do you see yourself in 10years? I seemyself workingwith acommercial airline.




eptartment: Biology/Chemistry

at makes you want to be here at Liberty? ~d brought me here. I believe my purpose .being here is toteach thestudents I come contactwith and tobe aChristian example


Major: Biology

Hometown: Raleigh,NC

What areyour primary activities? Mostly studying and being in the lab.

Advice for Biology students: Don't kill yourself to get good grades. Love what you're doing and learn it because it fascinates you.


Major: Biology

What do enjoy most about youmajor? Since there to are sofewpeople majoring in biology,I ahve formed ~ , very close bonds and friendships with allof my l classmates.

r • '^6 thisopportunity to learn andbecome what you have *•?' v alwaysdreamed ofbecoming.

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Teaching English as a Second Language

The first TESL Institute, under the direction of Dr. Hainlan,was conducted inthe summer of 2002. Many studentsarefindingthis profession booming asthe demand to learn English increases. "So ... we learned toteach English toour classmates, using video and other media,"says Herm Stickle. Itis amazing how specificateacherhastobe when tryingto explain grammar rules.

Several of the students that participated had been overseastosuch countriesasCambodia, China and Guatemala.



Associate professor of English, is an active participant in what he calls, "commemorating history."Rowlette joined the eleventh Virginia Company G. Lynchburg Home Guard in1989, agroup thatparticipatesin Civil War reenacting. The originalunit, which foughtin the CivilWar,was involved inthe BattlesofGettysburg, Manassas and thesurrenderatAppomattox.Because there aren'tas many Northern re-enactors,Rowlette occasionally dons the blue tofight forthe 45thNew York unit, which originiallywas composed ofGerman immigrants Rowlette participates insixto eight reenactmentsayearand theyincludedemonstrations forthepublic, ladies'teas, period balls, Sunday church services and,ofcourse,a battle.

A love of history and the factthatreenacting is agreatfamily activitydrew Rowlette totheevents. HisdaughtersDelanieand Karen participatewithhim. If the Civil Warwere being fought today, Rowlette saysthathewould fightfortheNorth. However, could he travelback intime,Rowlette saysinthe 1860's he would have fought forthe South. ,

It runs inthe family. Kenny Rowlette and hisdaugher, LU graduate Delanie Rowlette,pose with a fellow CivilWar reenactor.

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I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept trie Taitn* ? TIMOTHY A-7 2 TIMOTHY 4:7



,.,.. ,~ m .Wm

Aaron Deberry


"It has not been an easyroad, butalothas been accomplished. We areayoungteam."

e Burgess

n proud of the i.You havetowork rd,then the game come together."

"There were a lotof highsand lows, butwe nevergaveup."
Jerry I 7, k
"It was a experience team."
learning for Rashad Barkely :%wk;<
"This year we worked really hard, but came up short. Next year we'llworkharder."
"Havingthebestrecord doesnotmake youthe best, it is how you played that counts."
Marcell Howard
3ther we win or doesn't matter. It >w the game is d."

Great Expectations, Me t and Gained

LInthe game offootball, challenges are not a foreign concept. The game consistently batters its teams,not only inthe obvious physical element, but in its rigorous mental demands aswell. Obstacles such as injuries, ineligibilities and lossofmorale can be the most damaging to a team. LU's football team faced many obstacles thisyear and met them allmagnificently.

The Big South Conference welcomed football to it's line-up of sports thisyear and Liberty played an integral part inthishistoric addition. The 2-9 Flames played nationally ranked teams such as Appalachian State and Eastern Kentucky and though both resulted in losses, the players see thisas a positive experience.

"Whether we win or lose doesn't matter,it's how the game is played," said offensive lineman JackieBurgess.

"It'sa learning experience forthe whole team," said defensive lineman Rashaq Barkley. "We expect bigger and better things inthe years to come."

ocoooo o o


its alway s an about the fan s

| -x


Band members march in the Homecoming Parade.

Marching Band presents "Riverdance" to students.



The nineteen members oftheColor Guard poseforagroup picture.

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\%si "' Sri!® tl 9 The "Spirit of the n* Mountain" presents their finest at the Lynchburg Classic Competition. Guard membersstand J tall on thesidewalk as thpywait for theband.
I members rushto ; up equipment get ontheroad as head back home i the New York Marching Band made up of more one hundred and .irty members this


Sounding Off, On e Step at a Time

The Marching Band "Spiritofthe Mountain" hadan awesome year with agreat show, great members andan exciting tripto New York. The theme was "Not Superficial." This exemplified the members abilitytohandle problems and situations,alike. A Christ-like attitudewas exhibited by all the members which made theyear a rewarding one.

"God has trulyblessed the band program overthe past few years and I can'twaittosee the band grow, not onlyin membership, but also through God,"said Andrew Marks, head Field Commander.


Partner stunts are spectacular to watch, but require hoursof work andprecision to execute.

"Go Big Blue!"

Pumping upmany fans atfootball games with crowds reaching upto 8000people.

The cheerleaders work together as a 'ift team, astheyshowoff i their skills for the 1 crowd.

Thesquad puttogetf new stunts for the homecoming game, which required hours of practice.

"hirdyearcheerleader \ hows herschool spirit stunting with senior BobbyWalker.

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i-^J Cheerleading

Great Expectations, Met and Gained1^

Dedicated, enthusiastic, encouraging and hardworking areseveral words thatdescribe the2002-2003 Liberty UniversityCheerleading squad, which consistsof10menand 18 women Thecheerleaders are head coached byLindsey Morrison (1st season), and seniorBobby Walker lead this years' squad ascaptain. These spirit leaderscheer on the Flames athome and away footbal games, men's and women's basketball and special events such asMidnight Madness andthe annual campus block party. The creative stuntsand tumbling from our cheerleaders are anadrenaline booster for all the fans.Thecheerleaders begin their hardworking season in early August as they prepare forcheerleading camp,and they end inlateMarch afterthe NCAA Division 1 championships. The year-round dedication and disciplineall comes together asthe squad competes at variouscompetitions Congratualtions Cheerleadersforajobwell done. Cheer on!

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e get things done.



(Assistant Coach)-
"We've had our seniorsstep up and show leadership and it was a good learning experience for all ournewrecruits. We arestill a young team and we know we havea longway togo but there is no doubt in our mind we will be one of the top competitiveschoolsin the BigSouth."
Ada m Godwin (Soph.) - "We'regoingtoturn this program

Pavel Cancura (Junior) - "We won all thegameswe expected toand I had agood freshmanyear."

Mike Susi (Senior) - "Thank God forthetalentedthree Trinis' (Trinidad.) I alsowould like tothankthewonderful coaching staff that worked hard all season."

Brian Chidester - "Thisseason had it's ups and downs butwe reallycame togetherfortheBig South tournament."

Matt Morris (Freshman) - "Coming from England, it was adifferentball game butI worked hardtogether withtheteam and won thegames we expected to. But it's definitelybeen alearningexperience."

Aramando Corrales (Senior) - "in thepastwe had a lot ofindividualtalentsbutstruggled asateam.Now, playingasa team we arewinning more games than Brian Monka (Soph.) - "We played good together as a team and won all thegames we expected to, butour biggestgoalis towintheBig Southtournament."

Ups, Downs, Twists, & Turnarounds.

A Power Game

Below:Junior Sarah Fosterdribblesthe balldown thefieldasfast as shecan asa Colorado Collegedefender comes up rightbehind her.

A QuickShot

Left:With ascore of 0-0,Senior Sarah Davis challengesthe opponentsasshe quicklypreparestopasstheball downfield togave the Flamesafastbreak.

Freshman Wisdom

Liz Rudolf, Freshman, fights for the ball as fellow teammates prepare to assistthe move downfield. Rudolfquotes, "Teamwork is important towinning thegame, we havetocommunicate on and offthe fieldsothatwe canwork togetherthebestwe can."

' * *J H-^ H Wm

i A Tea m Player

Left: Veteran Sarah Gantner on |defense,fightsfor possessionofthe Iball asLizRudolf assists her in an !efforttosecure avictory. "Sarah is a very dynamic player Sheplays where she is needed, " Said i,teammate Katie Woodrow.


Exercised Passion

Exercising their passion of the sport,the women kick in gear for awinning season.Thelady Flames showed theirdetermination throughoutthe 2002 season. From starttofinishLibertyworkedtheir heartsouttoearnrespectfrom opposing teams. With a winning record intheBigSouth Conference, the Flames have many players tothank.

The roster featured several leading students. However, the biggest surprise was freshman Liz Rudolf from Rutherfordton North Carolina. James Price, thehead coach fortheFlames says,"It'sheart like Liz that will take a team from onelevel to the next." Taking on the offense was Katie Woodrow, Jenny Davis, Sarah Foster, and Liz Rudolf who combined forover ten goals. On the defensive end, SarahGantner and SarahDavisworked well together topush the ballup thefield.

After anexciting season andmany promising achievements in2002,theLady Flameswill continue tobuild theirteam.They played theirbest and this will giveeven more hope totheLady Flamesfor next season.

V ***** *
Keeping the focus.


on o
.^all2002-2003 signing classhas been rated asthe 53rd in the country by Hoop Scoop, a recruiting service out of Louisv Kentucky.

The Flamesreceivedanupsetfrom Radford in the semifinals with a final score of 55-52. Randy Dunton was very pleasewith the turnaround his returntoLibertyhad enabled.



The 2002-2003school year includedanexceptional performance by the Lady Flames.Led by young stars Katie Feenstra and CrystalTharp, the women'sbasketballteamwon their7th straight conferencechampionship before falling to Vanderbiltin the first round of the m famed NCAA tournament. Faithful, Coach Carey Green was named Coach ¥* of the Year.

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Feenstra, a ** Sophomore center was appointed**!* first teamAllstate. This was an excitingyear forthe women and their fans. Students were given the opportunity to attend theconference championship game for free as President Borek bought all of themtickets. 117

The Lady Flames entered the 2002 Big South Conference Volleyball Championship asthefourth seed. The ladiesswept thetop-seeded in thefirst semifinal game. That marked thefifth time insix years Liberty has advanced tothe title game.

3ump, Bump. |

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Ho w High, Ho w Far, Ho w Fast?

LibertyUniversityTrackandFieldisbusymakinganationalnameforthemselves. Danielle McNaney is the 2003 Big South Outdoor CoWomen's Outstanding Track Performer asshe helped Liberty pick up its10th straight conference championship. Liberty edged Coastal Carolina inboth the men's and women's fieldto capture the title.

f»fc hfr 121

Take M e Outtothe Ball Game

The Liberty baseball team opened the 2003 season looking to rebuild after losing seven position startersand 83 percentof theteam's offense. The team scheduled 56 games togain much needed experience "It is important tobe gellingand all on the same page and have everything going by the end of the season, "says Coach Matt Oyer.

1 M*M

\1 ffll 123

For the Love of the Gam e

Liberty girlsfinished third-seeded and headed to the 2003 Big South Softball Championship Tournament atWinthrop Universityin RockHill, SC.The girls won 5 and lost6 games this season.


Liberty'sGolf team, forthefirsttime inthehistory of the program, receivedabidto compete in the2003 NCAA Men's Division 1Golf Regional. With a trip toAuburn Alabama, theteam competed foraspot at the NCAA Finals. The team hasfinishedone of its most successful regular season having won three tournaments and in itslastsix, did not place lower thanfourth

My Way is the Fairwayi



The Flames (17-5-1) finished with consecutive 17+ win seasons. The team finishedwithfourpointsin their pool, placingthem second,and tying with Indiana,Colorado and Central Michigan in points which assured them one ofthetopseven spotsin thefinal national rankings. Head coach Kirk Handy was very happy with the year,"Iam very excited abouthow we performed here and I thinkwe took a bigstep forward inthe growth ofthe program."

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vmrn 130
'i l»4?f? ^. ILg^r' , TEAMS' TENNIS

N o Love ...

The men's year ends with an 11-11 record overall and best 4-3 inBig South Conference regular season play.The Lady Flamessecond seasonas anNCAA DivisionI program endswith a3-13 overallrecord. SeniorBrooke Garman was named the the BigSouth's All-Academic team for the second year inarow.

H H s .•r* *fK * 131
Forasinonebodywe have many members,and all the members do not have the same function, so we, though many,are one body inChrist,and individually members oneto another."
ROMAN S 12:4-5

igma Tau Delta

A. Alley, K. Blount, L Christoph,

E. Drylie, L. Gentala,

A. Langlais, A. McAllister,

R. Patrick, J. Samuelson,

J. Short, A. Bennett,

J. Cherneski, J. Cook , P. Faust,

A. Jordan, D. Lawrence,

S. Parks, C. Seal, A. Wiley

Students: Seth Dimond,Andrew Felker, Ron Forch,Hope Holloway, Cori Murphy,Elizabeth Starkey

Faculty: Dr. David Dinsmore, Dr. Lloyd

Matthes,Dr.Honore Mavinga,Dr. Terry Metzgar, Joshua Moon,John Partridge, Dr.Sandra Rumore,Dr.Evangelos

Skoumbourdis,Kathy Spradlin, Dr. Glyn Wooldridge

Left - Right: Jared Yeoman , Brian Fraser, David Hara, Zach Gautier, Jeremy Samek , David Klinedinst, Holly Smith, Sarah Speer

Spanish Club

Joshua Peterson-Rosario, Melissa Gutierrez, Marilyn Carrasco, Sarah Ortiz-Rivera, Aaron Medino, Sandra delCid, LizadelCid, MarioSaravia, CarlyMason,Liz Moreno, Marisol Quintero, JamesTrevillian, Miriam Peterson, AlissaLim, StevenRussell

King's Players

Katie Blount, Josh Bryant, Josh

Dollahan,Micah Houck, Andy

Huff, J. Hicks, Libbi Lumpkin, Elizabeth Madison,Robin C.

Nickerson,Eric Rasberry,Tom

Rocheleau, Josh Sutton,Tasha


Campus Missions Fellowship

Middle Row t-R: Andy Cameron, Matt Hamilton, Justin Bubik, Ashley Weaver, Amy Cannetongo

Front Row t-R: Elizabeth Byrd, Stephanie Dean, Ashley Thorp,Angelina Guerra

Back Row t-R: ClintBauman,JoshWildasin, Landon Fowler, KrisBonta, Vanessa Thompson, Matthew Rougeux,PaulWarrick

Front:Matt Ernsperger, Jewell Hunbert,Heather Tucker, Jeff Foster

ight Singers

Nathan Lawemson, Josh Ducan, T.K. Yates, LeeSteele, D.J. Corkey

Stephen Ankerich, Johnathen Willis

^ Front Row: David McKinney, Rebekah McCord,WhitneyBaker, Meredith Andrews,David Carey

Back: Jamie Hall, Macayla Kirkendall, Adam Austin, Jana Allen, TravisWright

Row 2: Jeremy Gove,Jason cobb, Kevin Smith,Nate Sheasby,Tim Hayes, Dusty McCollum, William Rickenbach

Row 3: Eric Lockwood, Jobin Abraham, JeffLenington,Andrew Rickenbach, Tab Hall, Kevin Schoolfield, Josh Carter, Chuck Friese, Dr.Kerr

—j I
-SB • MUT ICE am • our mSmmm. tfe 138

Liberty Champion

Mrs. Debbie huff, Elaine pecore, Julleanna Outten, Mariel Williams, Rhiannon

Berry, We s Rickards, Robbie Adams , Ben Eppard, Am y

Jordan, John Fisher, Christine Koech (

Chamber Singers

Row 3:Jacob Swanson,ChristopherGoodlet, John McCann,JerryIsland, David Diamond, Joshua Philpot, Matthew Gibson,NealPhillips

Row 2: Ashley Weaver, Holly Sydner, Jennifer Pruett, David Forbes, Sean Purdie, Rebecca Bass, Jessica Prodigalided

Row 1: Andrea Neiswanger, Angela Burton, iKimberly McGlaughlia,RachelQualgliariello, • KristenVonk,Cori Roberson, BethRiddle, Amberly Oliver, Dr. Wayne Kompelien

Ipha Lamda Delta

Row 1:Marilyn Gadomski,Dr. Pauline

Donaldson,Mandy Raborn, Rebecca

Glen,Carolyn Depp

Row 2: Katie Nicklas, Bethany Garrett, Michelle Matthews

Row 3: Danail Georgiev, Ryan

Robertson,Ryan Learning, Jennifer Bunting



Prayer and Encouragement

Sarah Hough -Team Leader

Jamie Johnson


Amber Fuller

Rachael Pick

rama Team 1

Aaron Minton -Team Leader


Deonna Benson

Wendy Cook

JulieMaier (p&e)

Mike Rogers-TeamLeader

Austin Aker

Albert Smith

Shauna Nickerson


Ben Neumann

Becky Spring

Jeff Brown

Amber Fuller (p&e)


Drama Team 2

Ada m Renstrom - Tea m Leader

Roger Littlepage

Christen Upchurch

Ricky Perry

Natalie Kale

Elizabeth Sobocinski

Jamie Oliver (p&e)

Band 2

Josh Wyatt-Tea m Leader

Fernanda DeAlmeida

Steve Dickerson

Tyler Miller

Jordan Leino

Patience Roddy

Zach Banister

Rachel Pick (p7e)


Jamie Oliver- DiscipleshipCoordinator

Sarah Hough - Prayer and Encouragement

KylieCasper- (not pictured)Women's Coordinator

Aaron Minton - Drama

Adam Renstrom - Drama

JoshWyatt- Band

Mike Rogers- Band

Kevin Rogers- AssistantDirector

Nic Bennett- Director


Joi Cannon, Abb y Merkel, Rebekah Arrendell, Jeremy

Easley, Josh Lawhorn, James Mclean, Chad King, Nathan

Gomez , Phil Gifford, Greg

Flannigan, JB Bowling

Light Int'l



George,Jessica Moore,Anna Bishop Front Row: Adam Short, Brady Rose,Brandon
LaShan Lovelace, Gavin Davis, Jonathan Jordan, Sarah Ross, Lindsay DeCicco, Stefani An n Bryant, Zachary Little, Daniel Keeton, Philip McFarland, Jeremy Tankard


Rebecca Hernandez, Melissa Woodall, John

Yoo, Pedro Mendoza, Tim Dalrymple, Matt

Shaughnessy, Ethan


Disciples for

Lew Weider - Club Sponsor,Eric O'Leary - President,Nicole NeaseVice President,Vanessa DubelleSecretary,Stephanie Hill- Treasurer, J. Hicks,K.Oostercamp, D.Scafide,A. Smith, B.Guthrie,J.DeHart, M. Brady, R.Dawson, S.Raper,A. Jensen, A. Brummit, D.Frederick,T. Cline, T. Dawson, E.Heins,R. Ruth,L. Hultz

» Y ^ K

Jonathon Torres, John Martin, Robbie Hillman,Chris Semeraro, Micah Fong, JodieJoe.

Concert Choir

m 145


"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God? You are not your own."
Chad Baldwin Blue Ridge, V A Bryan Bema n North East, M D Nathan Berrong Atlanta, G A Anna Jennine Biddison Baltimore, M D Laura Bierowski Lynchburg, VA Elias Briseno Burbank, C A Brad E. Brosius Buffalo, N Y Kimberly Brown Virginia Beach, V A Brandy Renee Brumble Houston, T X Kandis Bryant Roseburg, O R Lydia Christoph Mebane, N C Mary Lynn Clarke Lynchburg, V A Bradley Coehran Bluefield, V A Holly K. Cooke Newsoms , V A
148 Personalities
Matthew J. Coomb e Bremerton, W A

Shani Anderson

Hometown: Owings Mills, M D

Major: Communications

Advicefor future students:

"Get to know yourprofessorsfrom the beginning...theyreallyarehereto help!"

Gwy n Auker Jonathan Autry Bethany A. Badger Oakland Mills, Pa Manassas, V A Palm Bay, FL Jessica Billings Brad Blackburn Rebecca Blackley Erie, PA Fort Myers, FL Durham, N C Scott Camlin Rebekah Care Doug Carlson Florence, S C Kernersville, N C Fort Wayne, IN Am y Cooper Andrei S Cotuna David Cross Roanoke, V A Resita, Romania Ontario, Canada Ryan Cunningham Todd Daniel Colonial Heights, V A Nefty Danier Miami, FL Brooke A Davis Biloxi, M S Jud Davis Sugar Valley, G A Sara R. Edson Benton, PA Mary Elmore Goos e Creek, S C Amand a Farley Gainesville, V A Abimbola Fayomi Nigeria Heidi C. Fleming Chartersville, G A Bethany Garrelt Springfield, M O Luke Gehtala Tucson, A Z Laura Gibson Laurel Hill, N C Kevin Giedd Williamsburg, V A Joel Glovier Greensburg, PA Linley Harrison Texas Ben Hastings Owasso , O K Jana M Hastings Springfield, N H Mark Heil Dallas, T X
150 Personalities
Brenda Hershey PA

Vince Miriello

Hometown: Lewstown,PA

Major: Business Marketing

Most treasured memory at Liberty: "Meeting my futurewife, Sara Barker."Advice tofuture students: "Look to God, thinkBIG, keepfocused, stay cool."

Monica Delice Lynchburg, V A Ronald Forch San Diego, C A Kameela Douglas Atlanta, G A Ryan Eddy Binghamton, N Y John Foster Pensacola, FL Desiree Gamag e Nobleboro, M E Flyin Brian Hughes Wilkes-Barre, PA Jennie Jacobs Houston, T X Carl Jones Philadelphia, PA J. Carlos Lagares Bronx, N Y Lynn Lassinger Dale City, V A Mary Beth Lawrence Lost Creek, W V Jason Leverett Lynchburg, V A Greg Lineberger Charlotte, N C Edgard Luz Brazil Rachel Lyndon Vienna, V A Megha n Maginnis Woodbridge, V A Nanu Marfo Alexandria Daniel Martin Sweet Valley, PA Atnena Mastroianni Holyoke, M A Melissa McGuinness Southold, N Y Jason Medaug h Franklin, O H Michael Meiners Gardner, M A
152 Personalities
Katherine Meister Clare, Ml

Shayna Bess


Hometown:North Port,FL

Accomplishments whileat Liberty: "Ihavemarried off6friendsinthe past threeyearsatLU...always abridesmaid, nevera bride!"

Christine Koech Makuru, Kenya Ada m Steven Koop Wheaton, IL Jeremiah A. Krieger Newaygo, Ml Faith Linsangan Belleville, NJ Bethany Lopez Ft Lauderdale, FL Thad Luxton Rochelle, IL Christy Merriam Friendship, N Y Misty Messner Glenmoore, PA Marianne Mim s Nashville, T N Andrea Oosterman Orange Park, FL Autumn Page Charlotte, N C Bryan Palmer Clinton, N Y Rebecca Parsons Hopewell Jet, Ny Claudia P. Perez Brounsville, T X Came o Ray Orlando, FL Laura Revell Shannon MaLia Rhoades Derek D. Robertson Branden Robinson Chesterfield, V A Mililani, HI Meadville, PA Stafford, V A Courtenay Scott Lynchburg, V A Jonathan Skakelton Hancock, N Y Nicholas Shell Fort Payne, A L Jennifer A. Seegers Lynchburg, V A
15 4 Personalities
Justin Smallwood Springfield, VA

Branden Robinson

Major: Business Marketing

Hometown: Stafford, VA

Advicetofuture students:

iC "Don'ttakeLibertyUniversity for granted."

Marti Neely Franklin, O H Huong T Nguyen Hanoi, Vietnam Marisol Quintero Miami, FL John C. Randolph Gastonia, N C B.J. Speer Orlando, FL Melissa Joy Steinmetz Richmond, V A

Congrats Class of

Samuel Verghese Glendora, NJ Kristen Vonk Fuquay-Varina, N C Bobby Walker Kent Walker Sharita L. Washington West Chester, PA Virginia Beach, V A Virginia Beach, VA Joshua Wiedenroth Christie Ra e Goodman - Mariel Williams Swampscott, M A Williams Burnsville, N C Timothy Wilson Richmond, V A Kristen Wolf Medina, O H

Andrew Beauchamp

Major: Biblical Studies

Hometown: Chestertown, M D

Mosttreasuredmemory while atLU: "The dayI made RA!"

Heather M Tucker Gladys, V A Nicole Tucker Fredericksburg, V A Samuel A Vargas Providence, Rl Ashley Joy Weaver Friedens, PA Russell Welch Halifax, V A Brandon Wetzel Newtown, PA
Travis Wright Warner Robins, G A
.^mxmm\. • Eta- ./..-----^ w sIK-:-:: 4* •JF^ , J
Jae Ah m Andong City, Korea Mega n Balmer Tarpan Springs, FL Jon Banke Charlotte, N C Gary Barlow Florence, NJ Daniel R. Barnard Bethany Barnett Eagle River, A K Matthew Battle Virginia Beach, V A Lauren Beaton Lynchburg, V A Richard Belizaire Ft Lauderdale, FL Jennifer Belk Austin, T X
158 Personalities
Erin Bell Stanton, V A

diJk Camie Poplaski

Major: Communications

Hometown: Winterport, M E

Why didyou chooseyourmajor?

"Ireally feel God wants touseme through my writing, either in anewspaperor magazine."

Elizabeth Albright Maso n City, Iowa Ambe r Algen Cleveland, O H Jon Allen Fayetteville, N C Jon Armstrong Annapolis, M D Holly Arnesen Princeton, NJ Kelly Azevedo Pittsburg, C A Daniella Baroni Potomac, M D Jonathan Bartlett Centreville, V A Derek Bartlow Nampa , ID Ruth Beltran Houston, T X Rachel Bendzlowicz Holland, P A Jen Bisson Groton, V T


Jess Black Jacksonville, N C Melissa Blackstone Presque Isle, M E Michelle Blackwell Temple Hills, M D Joe Blaze Philadelphia, PA Jessamy Bleth McDonaugh, G A Onika Brown Orlando, FL Sara Brumble Houston, T X Am y Buhi Prince George, Va Jennifer L Bunting Indols, IN Alicia Burkert Concord, N C Nelson Gonzalez Caceres Paraguay Mayra Calzada Coventry, Rl Shannon Campbell Manassas, V A Pavel Cancura Gloucester, Ontario
160 Personalities
Joshua Carl Westerville, O H

Angela Jones

Major: Elementary Education

Hometown: Chatham,VA

What do you like bestaboutLiberty?

"Ilovethepeople and theprofessorsespeciallyin my major."

Andrew Borland Kevin J. Boyd Laura Branstetter Lynchburg, V A Luray, V A Crawfordsville, IN Jason Brown Jeff Brown Megha n A. Brown Loves Park, IL Brown Mills, NJ Bedford, V A Leo Burkhardt Jonathan Burklo David M. Byrd Bedford, V A Tampa , FL Dedham , M A Marilyn Carrasco Travita Carter Elizabeth Cayer Santa Cruz, Bolivia Maryland Whitefield, M E Jennifer Cullins Mineral, V A Tatianna Cunningham Greenfield, O H Laura Currey Bernhards Bay, N Y Danny Daku m Nigeria Sarah Dans Modesto, C A ;••••'• m^Jiiilh Larry L Davis Lesley Davidson Ne w Carlisle, O H Susan Davidson Landrum, S C Kristie Day Smyrna, N Y
162 Personalities
Kimberly Deichert Gibbsboro, NJ

Jennifer Beaton

Major: Nursing and Missions

Hometown: Annapolis, M D

Where do you feel God calling you?

"Overseas servingasanurse onthe mission field."

Brian Chidester Jodi Chronister Christopher R Clemans Fairfax, V A Harrisburg, PA Hurricane, W V Maitlin Crandall Tim Creed Charise Crum p Mary Esther, FL Stafford, V A Hollywood, FL Daniel Darnell Gavin Davis Jenny Davis Concord, N C Modesto, C A Liz DeLeon Heather Deweber Jessica Dexter Kyle, T X Memphis, T N Upper Marlboro, M D
...... en
Samantha Edwards Greensboro, Nc Laura Egle David Emc h Gahanna, O H Evan Falat Stockton, C A Meghan Fatkin Abbotsford, BC, Canada Sheila Marie Flynn Severna Park, M D Micah Fong Alhambra, C A Cody Fontaine Evington, V A Kimberly Ann e Forch Lynchburg, V A Sarah Foster Greensboro, N C Chuck Friese Chambersburg, PA Isaiah M. Garrett Lynchburg, V A Rebekah Garrett Lynchburg, V A
6 4 Personalities
Christine Gibson Mentor, O H Joel M. Gibson Brights Grove, Ontario

Nancy Hughes

Major: Family and Consumer Sciences

Hometown: Moosehead Lake, M E

Where doyou seeyourselfinthe future?

"Working for social servicesormaybe even a crisis pregnancycenter."

Deborah Ma e Duryea Bremerton, W A Deborah Easter Raleigh, N C Rebekah Edwards Graham, N C AJ Bade Femi Maryland Markus Ferguson Lynchburg, V A Justin Field Indiana Benjamin Fraser Brooklyn Park, M N Brian Fraser Downingtown, PA Erin Freeman Brampton, Ontario Ada m Godwin Hereford, England Nathan Gome z Fort Worth, T X Leslie-Ann Gowdie Lary Gram a Brosov, Romania Herbert Gray Nicholas Gray Decatar, Ml
Katie Guitierrez San Francisco, C A Amand a Gutwein Rensselaer, IN Justin Hall Douglassville, PA R. David Hamman d Virginia Beach, V A Jennifer Hanuschik Robyn Harris Nokesville, V A Steven Gregorin Little Falls, N Y Pete Hall Andover, O H Sarah R Harrison Sandy Spring, M D Kelly Helmick Cumberland, M D Erik Donavan Henkel Waynesboro, V A Virginia Henslee Maryville, T N
166 Personalities
Jose E Hernandez I Amissville, V A

Jessica Bolstridge

Major: Psychology

Hometown: Purcellville, VA

What is yourgoalfor the future?

"Pursuing acareerin counseling."

Jean-Wesner Guilloux David Guinn Denecia Gumb s Haiti Ne w Smyrna Bch, FL Anguilla Becky Ha m Winterville, N C Jacob Hicks Austin Hinkson Jason Hite North Carolina Cary, N C Alexandria, VA Lindsey Hoban Rachel Van Hofwegen Christien Hoggard Andrea Hoke Pennsylvania Riverside, C A Richmond, V A Union W V
E. Rachel Hubbard Sleepy Hollow, N Y Jack Huey Charleston, S C Kathryn Huff Forest, V A Janelle Hughes Aliquippa, PA Christi Holloway Richmond, V A Michael Hunt Chesapeake, VA Melody Infinger Pensacola, FL Jilene Jackson Manassas, V A Jessica Johnson Herndon, V A Jolvita Johnson Westmore, LA Lisa Johnson Rising Sun, M D Jonathan Jordan Smithfield, V A Grace Kang Kenya, Africa Jame s Kang Korea Dennis Kelly Hampton, V A
16 8 Personalities
Phillip Kelley Kansas City, K S

Gavin Davis

Major: Business Marketing

Hometown: Danville, VA

Most memorable experience at LU: "Block party my freshman year and the MISO Banquet."

Ada m Holmes Kevin M. Holt Deanna Horner Mechanicsville, M D Evington, V A Tyrone, PA Ashley Hurst Ifeoma Anulika llo Ifetayo Isoke Imanchinello Winston-Salem, N C Nigeria, Africa Blackstone, V A Marliesa Johnson Nathaniel Johnson Kamirah Jones Lynchburg, V A Green Bay, Wi Irvington, NJ Angelo Kent Lyndsay King Patricia Kirschner Woodbridge, V A Mississauga, Ontario Southern Shores, N C Matthew Laskey Conyers, G A Phillip Laurent Springfield, IL Ronald N. Lawrence Jr. Manassas, V A Salena Lawson Colleyville, T X Kenneth Leatch Woodbridge, V A Charissa Lewis Denver, C O Roger Littlepage Grand Rapids, Ml Chi Ming Lo Taiwan Crystal Marie Lockhart Lynchburg, V A
170 Personalities
Lanford Long Houston, T X Cynthia Krummrey Munith, Ml Nan a Ku m Dumfries, V A
Patricia Y. Massiah Major: Business Government/Pre-Law/ Religion How long have you been at Liberty? "Fouryears"...and still going!
Maura Lacy Frederick, M D Scott LaPeer Ocala, FL Elizabeth Larson Charlotte, N C Lance Larson Roanoke, V A Amand a Losoya Markham, T X William Lo w Clinton, M D Joshua Lowe Alexandria, V A Eric Lundy Sparta, G A Jennifer Lundy Statesville, N C R Paul Lundy I Chambersburg, PA
Paul Lyn Miami, FL
Rebekah Marcuccio Brockport, N Y Rima Margeviciute Klaipeda, Lithuania Roberto Marquez Port of Spain, Trinidad Aleena Matthew Philadelphia, PA Chris Lyons Virginia Beach, VA Natalie Mayer Ft. Myers, FL Kristen McCan n Lynchburg, V A Tahicia McCaskill Amand a McCo y De s Moines, IA Andrew Martin Beverly, O H Eboni McCoy Baltimore, M D Meredith L McLain Hatfield, PA Rebecca McLaughlin Laughlintown, PA
172 Personalities
Tyranne McMillan Machree' McTamne y Thoma s Nathaniel Meiners Bronx, N Y Manahawkin, NJ Massachusetts

Christina Wad e

Most memorable experience at LU: "Having lunch in Charlottesville ata Brazillianrestaurantwith friends; the TESL Communication and our fearlessleader, Dr. Mueller."

Advice forfuture students: "Encourage often...criticize when necessary."

Lisa Mab e Walnut Cove, N C Kevin P. Maha n Gingellville, Ml Stephanie Major Phoenixville, PA Nina Matone Greensburg, PA Steven Maurice Brooklyn, N Y Chelsey M Mayer Bennington, V A Ryan M McCo y Des Moines, IA Jennie McDonald Panam a City, FL Erin McKeow n Glendale, A Z Josh Merry Silverdale, W A Sarah Metherd Urbana, O H Janell Migeot Mission Viejo, C A Heather Murray Pensacola, FL Kelly Murray Derwood, M D Derek Murrell Billerica, M A Lisa Nagle Evesett, PA Patrick Giovanni Nally Pomfret, M D Dane Nelson Luck, Wl Katherine Newcome r Colonial Heights, V A Jame s N G Galena, O H Chinye Odogw u Nigeria
174 Personalities
Heather Offutt Clearwater, FL Abiola Ogumdar e Cheverly, M D Christina Olson Carnation, W A Shingo Ota Tokyo, Japan Ryan Otter Shingle Springs, C A Ismael Ouattara Abidsan, Ivory Coast Daniel Parker SouthBend, IN Kimberly Posey maryville, T N Robert L Pradd Chicago, IL Melanie Pridgen Philadelphia, PA Theresa Passamani Salinas, C A Kimberly Grace Priola Prescott, A Z Kabin Rajkarnikar Lynchburg, V A Darnell Ranger Stratford.CT Ambe r Reed Ne w Carrolton, M D
17 6 Personalities
Derrick Arthur Reinke Smithfield, V A Samantha Pelletier Wells, M E Emily Pereira Black Mountain, N C Vicente "tito" Perez Ponce, Puerto Rico Stacey Lyn Phillips Mentor, O H Eddie Pittz Goffstown, N H Justin Plimpton Jonathan Pruett Clermont, F L J m Purkey Ne w Freedom, PA Tara Radford Stuarts Draft, V A Maggie Richards Charlottesville, V A Sarah Richmond Arvada, C O Beth Ridenoure Sheridan, C A
Aimee Riley Black Mountain, N C Darryl Roberts Trincity, Trinidad Ryan Robertson Brampton, Ontario, Canad a Pete Ro c Willingboro, NJ
Sonia Rodriguez Fairfax, V A Lauren Nicole Rose Hollywood, FL Emily Roselle Huntington Sta., N Y Nolan Ross Raleigh, N C Rebecca Rudnick Tinley Park, IL Liz Rudolph Rutherfordton, N C Amand a Sample Rocky Mount, N C Daphnee Sanon Frederica, D E Mega n Sargeant Lynchburg, V A Robert Saville Chris Saylor Centreville, V A Grace Schultz Mendora, V A Ingrid Sciscoe Stone Mountain, G A Robert Sever Fort Lauderdale, FL
178 Personalities
Season Shelly Painter, V A Am y Shelton Altavista, V A A Lynette Rose Manassas, V A Brady N Rose Amherst, V A Daniel Rose "Nurtured" Riverside, C A Patricia A. Ruhland Wailuku, HI K.J Sabotchick Elysburg, PA Jeremy Sallee Columbus, IN David Scafide Nicole Schmalfeldt Glory Schmoyer Montgomery Village, M D Sha w AFB , S C Doylestown, PA Jennifer Shumaker Megha n Shupe Cherise Sillaman Mechanicsville, V A Hampton, V A Millersville, M D Michael Simmon s II Tuscalusa, A L Ben Sisk South Bend, IN Amand a R. Sittig Norfolk, V A Ashley Smith Riverview, FL Lauren Spencer Ne w Caney, T X Paul Thrush Summerville, PA Daw n Thurmbuchler Raleigh, N C Adrean Thurman Tatiana Tkachuk Galesburg, Ml Diana Todd Upper Marlboro, M D Katrina Lynne Trefzger Potomac Falls, V A Tamara Trent Union, W V Michael Tuley San Antonio, T X Heather Turlington Hampton, V A
180 Personalities
Rachel Vanover Garner, N C Adrian F. Varon Crofton, M D Amand a Vaughan Colonial Heights, VA Allen West Centreville, V A Gary Westfall Winston-Salem, N C Pennie White Cincinnati, O H Jason Whitehurst Ne w Bern, N C Keisha Whitfield Remington, V A Andrea Winkler Hickory, N C Kristi Wollbrink Quincy, Illinois
182 Personalities
Jennifer Carin Woodel Clarissa C Wright Maryland Jamie Wyckoff Greenville, Ml

Jen Marsh

Hometown: Maryland

Major: Business Marketing/Psychology

Most treasuredmemory atLiberty: "My senioryearpolicyclass withDr. George."

Advice to future students: "At alltimes, let God'slife be evident in

Betsy Walker East Moline, IL Jennifer Walker Charleston, W V Tyshawn Walker Kristen Web b Vienna, V A Kevin Richard Walter Weinz II Snellville, G A
Ambe r Wenge r Wooster, O H Benjamin "BJ" Williams Portsmouth, V A Ijeania Williams Miami, FL Jonathan B Williams Alexandria, V A Brent Yarger Atlantic, IA Celina Yorba Orange, C A Ambe r Young Cochabamba , Bolivia

CD ro

dip & Ibi

Samuel Young John Zdon Philadelphia, PA Lauren Zealand Chicago, IL Sharon A. Zip Perry, FL Larry Beamer Bedford, V A Daniel Davis Turnersville, NJ Rev. Peter R. Francois Seminary-Pastoral Counseling Yohan Jung Seminary-Th.M. Yvette Kennedy DL P Student Tim Straub DL P Student Dwayn e Shepherd LBI- Pastoral JuneTherrien Sheperd DL P Student
184 Personalities
Heungjik Kim Seminary-Th.M


ru to

Do n Alban Jr. English Connie Allison Digital Information Service Center Carrie Barnhouse Student Affairs
W David Beck Philosophy Dr Bruce K Bell Business and Government Russ File Mark W . Foreman ILRC Philosophy and Theology Diane Garber Dr John George Wilbur Groat ILRC Business and Government College of General Studies Theresa Hansrote Student Affairs Harvey D Hartman Religion Kenneth Paul Heinz Aviation David Hill Field Operations
186 Personalities
Mark Hine Student Affairs

Haoyung Chien

AssociateDean of ResidenceLife

years. I stayed because God put Godly friends in my life tohelpme grow spiritually."

Ed Boiling Information Services Jame s A. Borland Theology Jon W . Brady Career Center
How longhaveyou been atLiberty?
Carl C Curtis English Dr Do n Fanning Missions Sharon B. Hahnlen English and Modern Languages Craig Hinkson Philosophy and Theology Bernice Hotaling DIS C Brad Hovis Recruitment

ru w

Deborah Huff Communications Darrell Hyatt Development Services Jeremy P Jones Information Services Sarah Jones Student Affairs Beverly Lowry Psychology Linda Tancordo Jenny Tibbs Nancy A Torrence ILRC Programming Services Business and Government
188 Personalities
Dorothy Wagner Verdie L. Waldron English and Modern Business and Government Languages

Dave Young

Title: VicePresidentfor Finance and Administration

What didyou do beforeyou cameto Liberty? "I was aBrigadierGeneralin the United States AirForce, servingasa Wing Commander in Louisiana."

What hasbeen themost memorable experiencefor youwhile at Liberty?

"Being apartof acontinuing march toward excellence and improving service to our students."

Dr. Gen e Mastin Counseling Michelle Matthews Student Affairs
J. • ;:'..'-•.-:-.'':mi
Jame s Price Sports Karen Swallow Prior English Fred Spearin ILRC Dr. Jame s Stevens Religion Gordon Wilson Biology Robert Lyster Communications

WILike a child on Christmas morning, the excitement of opening a gift is muc h like the anticipation of discovering our own self. Each day brings new experiences that help to unwrap who w e are and all that w e will become. MgtMlgMPJMMWgl

"So w e fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen; for what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."

o w picture this..

Onc e or twice a week, a group < students meet to put together a book packed full of memories frozen in time. So muc h work has to be done, pictures to be taken, layouts to finish, deadlin to meet! This is Yearbook!

'• S i / / ->• 192

A big part of yearbook is flipping through the hundreds of pictures w e take every year to find the very best takes.

advisor Herm Stickle

organizes the page umbers on the board

Above: Rachael Johnson finishes up a role of film.

Left: Jake Belve stands by the "You know that yearbook is your life when..." poster.

~~ }f

Our second semester staff had the feat of putting together the final yearbook product They were a group of hard-workers!

fl«ed with joy (or Our hearts are fiHeo h ° ou . We love you so ve V ^dareS H°G P o°dWeVsVOU.Vou're Work', and God a suchablessmgtoMo m and Family Thank you forbringing so much joy into my life. Iam so proudof you! May God blessyou and guide yourpath asyou continuetoserveHim.(Phil. 3:14) Love, Mom 196

Dear Kristen,

W e are so proud of you. Remember , "For 1 can do everything with the help of Christ wh o gives m e the strength 1 need."

Dad, Barb, Matt

daughter. Bless ner in Your love of her life.


i * • A ,W^ ' ^ flj r ' 1 ' ~m i y 1 ^m 4M M ,^m mOT m\ ^ ^& ^m ^^^ ^ ^^ k ^^^ A JB n^^i^^^H immmm £/&(M(/PanaelQ/retc/ifca
lotpeutw, ex
Than k yoiJ God , for the joy of having Gretchka as our lovely and keep 1 for the rest 197
mom and Dad

We areso proud of you. Cod hasblessed us with -you and Godwill continue blessing you as you continue walking in Hisfoot steps Keep onfulfilling your dreams.

tfum W l G¥ M allourlewe, lorn, Da< C«»gratul&ti«B9 Lindsey and Bill
both done so well and we are sovery proud of you! May God blessyou as you pursue your-goals Mam a and Papa Adam, Always live by Proverbs 3:5-6. Your make us proud each day! Congratulation
are extremely
accomplishments. We LoveYou, Jid&m mid' Q/Jad Sweetheart We areveryproudof you. God bless you. mo m & Dcid 198
proud ofyour


Our prayers are that you will always seek to follow His direction and will for your life. It has been so muc h fun watching you grow through each phase of your life.

Congratulations on finishing well!

W e are proud of you, Dad, Mo m & Heather

Pu\>r J.ric(\>,

We are veryproud of you and your accomplishments. May GOD use you tobring honorand gloryto Himalone.

We are so proud of you and love you somuch!

Dad & Worn


W e are so proud of you

All our love, Mom,Dad and Jeff

(\* ^

gratulations! Ron Forch

We areso proud ofyou andyour accomplishments. You havebrought somuch joy to our lives.

May God alwayskeepyou in His care. All ourLove, Mom, Dad and Kim

W e are so i proud of you U/CIA
finally mad e it! me, mom DcicJ

Iam soveryproud of your accompllishments Continue todelightin theLord and he will giveyou what you desire.

From thefirstdayof Nursery Schooltoyour have been ourjoyand blessing. May God bless you asHe guidesyour future. Love,

Congratulations Mo m & Da6! Sraallwood •in a l d Marl Matt & We aresoproud of youand thankfultoGod for all thatyou are. CWb hvepeu.... more, Mom & Dad EricaLynn,Remember you have come this farby faith! Love, The Fidler'sFour Congratulations • • * • • * Kevin, You're God's Mighty Man ofValor. Love, Your Family
.Jsfr&awd? my, ffoc/i^ cfrdfmys t€^>^^^^ta^ic€> ef^y&zt/" * y.j «• teg? <f J>&ft>fa.i??frn-//
^ 1 ,rs£J*I> ^ ^^^™ 1 iT^" v ^ H i «!l''iry' ^ H 205

CUs oP too^b

Congratulations to all Graduates and ma y Go d bless your future

6ra5uation 2003

Thank you for supporting the 2003 Selah Yearbook EXPRESS' 5600SeminoleAvenue Lynchburg,VA 24502 Phone: 434,237J771 Fax:434.239.0659 2505Wards Rd, Lynchburg.VA 24502 434.237,4157

It hasbeen ayearofchange. W e leaveherewith more than we had when we came.A lot lessmoney perhaps, but morelove, more passion,more knowledge,more Wisdom, more Truth. W e came with ourselves, but aswe laiddown,we werelifted up. As we bowed we were raisedtofindthatlife is necessarily what we dreamed it would be is much better. We leave committed to press on, looking back only to smile atthe memories thatwere planted here. It is difficultto let go. On the edge of vacant dreams, tomorrow isnot as certain as yesterday.However,ofthisone thingwe can be sure: As we turnthepage tothe nextchapter ofour individualepics, each stage of lifewill offer something new to engage our hearts, something greaterto graspourinterests, and attheend ofevery new daywe willfall asleepembracingsome place,someperson, something thatonce againwe won'twant tolet go.Forthose ofuswho are Christ'stheend isalwaysthebeginning. Sorejoice classof2003.Rejoiceall you who continue your educationat Liberty University. One day God willbringyou toan eternity where all faithwillturn tovictory, all hope willbe reality, and all ofthethingswe never wanted toleavewillretreatinto the shadow oftheone Life, theone Person, theone Place wewill never have tolet go. Then notoniy our lives butall life will b completely unwrapped .

The End.


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Articles inside

Pu\>r J.ric(\>,

pages 203-210

o w picture this..

pages 196-202

CCISR Exercised Passion

page 117


pages 114-117

i-^J Cheerleading

pages 113-114


pages 111-112


pages 106-108


pages 101-105


page 99

Clearing Clouded Minds

page 98

Discoverinu Future Leaders

pages 97-98


page 96

Themsel RELG

page 95

Programming Student Circuitry

pages 93-94

jWIH s»

page 92

nts, TL EDUC

pages 91-92

Composing Life's Symphonies

pages 88-89

Recipes for Successful Families

page 87


pages 85-86

Life on the Cutting Edge

page 84

Distance Learning Prngram

pages 82-83

radv ose H h

page 79

Ministry Sudents Living Double Lives

page 78

unwrappm evival

pages 74-77

^^LfiMZ&ty. --fte^c&Ajra^

pages 70-73

CSER: exposed HI m u

pages 66-69

'>CLX~L&*&( &A\£t&&L unfoldin g t h el

pages 64-65

Se e Ym\ <3 ^ e £w e

pages 62-64

£jz^i6fznfc ^CCltV&i Ljs&d&cssfaty

pages 59-61

Revealing God's Promises &c&ujer*i

pages 56-58

II llrJH L ^

pages 38-45


pages 34-37

Brett Edwar d Barksdale

pages 25-30


page 23


pages 20-23

vCi b y desig n

pages 19-20
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