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Jesse Castro said. "Wewon ourfirst team championship atthe Keystone Classic hosted at Penn University."

The wrestlers struggled against the tougher competitors they played, but they looked forward to the end results.

"We wrestle top-notch competition inorder to prepare us for nationals,"Chad Porter, junior wrestler, said "Weshould reap the benefits at regionals, andour goal is to qualify all tenwrestlers."

Coach Castro, 1981 graduateand former wrestler at our school,helped

Inits fourth year ofexistence,thewrestling program continued tomake progress. For thisseason,the team's schedule consistedof a higher levelofcompetition which pushed the wrestlersto bethe best rebuild the wrestling team. Since the fallof2006,Castro has pushed the wrestling team tobecome the best. physically andmentally

"Ihave the utmost respect for Coach Castro because oftheway he handles himself around the team,other coaches,hisfriends and family,"Jonathan Childress,freshman wrestler, said "He treatsall of us with respect andtohave agodly man as my coach is truly special."

"Wrestling has got to be the easiest wayto make good friends," Joshua Pelletier, juniorwrestler, said."We bleed,sweat and workout multiple times a daytogether,so our bond is prettysolid."

As a result, the team came together andstrived to become betterwrestlers.

Castro also stressed the theme ofbeing a team to thewrestlers

The wrestlers found no hindrances informing friendships with each other. Through practicesand meets,they challenged each other

"I attribute all our success as a team toour coaching staff, and Ithink it is unbelievable how the wrestling program hashad such great success insuch a short period oftime since being reinstated," Frank Gayeski,senior wrestler, said withJoeyPantaelo, sophomorewrestler

0." What do you like about wrestling?

I likethe intensityand mentality oftheteam,thefactthatwe are constantly improving ourconditioning and creatinga betterpossibilityof fatiguingouropponents intosubmission.

Q' What encourages you as an athlete?

I am encouraged by self-determination aswellasencouragement from fansand family I want tobe thebestI can possiblybe becauseanything less is not usingtheabilitiesthatGod hasgiventome

0." What makes the matches fun for fans?

The intensityand thebarbaric-likeatmosphere ofthematches isdefinitely a factor It's likewatching gladiatorsintheColiseum

JuniorJosephSonbideshistimeashedecidesonhisnextmove. Wrestlersgave thierallonthemat,buttheyenjoyedformingfriendshipsoutsideofcompetition "Thebestmemoriescome fromthefriendshipsmadeand havingfunwiththeguys outsideofpracticeandcompetition."AaronKelley,seniorwrestler,said Senior FrankfeGayeski traps Campbellsville'sSethLucasonthematfloorashefigures outhisnextmove. Gayeskiwon thematchwithan8-2decisionvictory,whichhelped theteamattainanoverall 25-9victoryovertheCampbellsvilleTigers."Theseasonhas beengoingverywellforme butI'mneversatisfied,"Gayeskisaid."I need toimprove onsomethings,and I havebeenworkingveryhardtogetbettereveryday." Senior SeanKatzmakeshismovetotakedown hisopponent Despitehiseffort,Katzlost thematchagainstCampbellsville'sTommy Pretty, buttheteam still pulledoutwithan overallwin "Itdoesn'tmatterifyouarethebestwrestlerornot," Katzsaid "Allthat mattersisthehardwork,team loyaltyandthededicationyouhaveandnotonlywill youenjoyit,butyouwill make life-longfriends."

"I'ma manager, and I enjoy thesport My dad was an All-American wrestlerforour school backin the1970ssoI've gained areal passionforthe sport. I've been around most of theseguys from thestartoftheir collegewrestling careers I have had theprivilege tosee them improve both spirituallyand athletically Every timethey walk ontothe mat they impress me alittle bit more."



"Itsurprisingly isa lotmore entertaining than I ever thought itwould be It is seven minutes ofintensity between the wrestlers.The wrestlers need tohave the passiontobeat theiropponent, butalsothe disciplineto notturnit into a streetfight The issuewith theguys having tosacrifice eatingto make a specificweight classalso shows thatthissport takesa lot of self-control and stamina."

-Brittany Barclay,SR

"I liketo go towrestling matchesat school inorder toexpand my horizons It alsohelps me support the school'ssports."

-Alicia Robbins, FR

I like going to games because I liketosupport my friends who playand I think thatschoolspirit is important and it'sa great opportunity tohave fun withfriends."

-Kiersten Cummings, SO

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