Selah Yearbook 2009-10

Page 113

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I in Uganda, Africa along with several students from our school. The team spent most of their time working with the orphaned children wh o live there She shared her experience and emotions through this article.

Ugandan rebels in the quest fornew recruitsabduct children and forcethem to kill and terrorizetheirown people, even theirown family. Death is the consequence fornoncooperation. As an American,I have never experienced scenarios like these orwitnessed horrorsofthisseverity, butinj my sixweek tripto Uganda I met plenty ofpeople who have. I talked tochildren who have spent theirentirelivesrunning from livingnightmares, mothers who expended every breath, \ even tothe last, ina hopeful search fortheirchild and young children only hoping tosurviveanother night. Years of war and terrorhave leftUganda inafragilestate Its peopleexist in fearand hope forchange.

May 19,2009,found me sittingalone inthe Newark airport, en routeto Uganda.As I satthere, my mind replayed the eventsthatled up to my second tripto Africa God provided thefinances inmiraculous ways and meeting my teammates was divinely random At thispoint,I had no idea what the next sixweeks were to look like, save that I was travelingto Northern Uganda with a group ofpeople I barely knew I have tried to remember thefirst few hours afterthe flight, but it allseems a blur, dwarfed by the actual eventsthattook place during my time inUganda.Afterarriving at Entebbe Airportand having a bag lostinthe shuffleofflights, we were picked up and driven toour hotelforthe night. The following day we traveled a few hours north toGulu, where we spent most ofour sixweeks. I looked out thevan window as it jolted along each unsuccessfully navigated pothole There was alot totake in.

VillageofHope [VOH]was the organization we partnered with. They currently work in fourofthe150 plusInternal Displacement Camps [IDP] thatexistinnorthern Uganda This program has over 400 war affected children initscare.On a regular basisthey check up on the children and provide them with food,clothing, funds forschool,counseling and the love ofJesus Christ Our group served asthe hands and feetofthe rministry, helping the people ofGulu and the orphans inany wa y w e could, (continued on page 7)

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(continued from page 4) We spent a lot oftime in the IDP camps with thechildren Walking into these camps,children ranjoyfullytoward us smiling and reaching for our hands. They held our hands sotightlythatit seemed asif thethought and fearoflettinggo was unbearable It took afew moments for the realizationtohit The hands you were holding had alsoheld guns and committed unimaginable horrorsand havoc no child or human should witness Having theopportunity tolearnfrom thosesmall hands and lives, laden withso many nightmares, was one ofthegreatest privileges I have everhad

On one occasion, we got the chance to visit thechildren'swing ofa localhospital Allof the patientswere being treated forMalaria, adisease thatkills more people than AIDS in Uganda. When we walked in tothe first room,I staggered atthesightofbeds crammed with three to four people, sickchildren lyingon the hard floorand mothers holding theirchildren hoping by some miracletheirchild would be healed.

It was hard tosee these children and notdisplay some type ofemotion.I somehow managed to focus on thetaskathand and began tocrawl over people to pray foras many ofthem as I could We were limited toabout an hour As we began toleave, people begged ustocome pray fortheirsick loved ones Once through those doors my heart flooded with all ofthe emotions that I had been holding back and overflowed into tears

Time spent with thechildren ofthe VOH safe house often ended in worship.Listening tothe children sing "I willno more suffer,"in praise and worship was heart-wrenching. It was impossible to not be overwhelmed.

"The lastnightwe were inUganda,we spent the nightatthe safehouse with thechildren worshipping our Lord,"Josh Swartz, junior and fellow team member,said. "I felt chills as I watched these little children, who a yearbefore were in a ruthlessarmy killingpeople and destroying lives, raisethesame hands thatheld guns and machetes inpraisetoour Lord They have so much baggage and hurt, yetthey cast it all asideand praiseour great God with all theyhave."

It was all these moments and more thathelped ussee God moving inUganda and inus We stayed inhuts, got caught in an unforgettablehail storm on the Nilewith hippos, ategoat, planted pineapple, danced traditionalAfricandances, learned Acholi [thecommon language], made beads out ofrecycled paper,rode Boda-Bodas and walked mileson dirtroads We pumped water forourselves and forothers, introduced the nativesto'Finding Nemo,'worshipped under the most beautiful nightskies, played games,looked out forpoisonous caterpillarsand gave out hundreds ofBibles, shirtsand toothbrushes.

Most importantly, we saw tonsofpeople come toChrist. Leaving Uganda was one ofthe hardest things I have done inmy life. My heart now straddles two continents Thisexperience was meant forus toteach others, but in turn we were taught so much more Although fearand war still linger, hope is on the horizon and will continueto grow inUganda. Story and photographs by Amanda Crawford.

A Mother Tmsts God Through It AM

/"If,gold .is'purest when tried, by -fire, then'my'mother;is.farpurer than• ',-thermest precious of gold," spoke'Taylor•Thompson as he' began' toy-read to"those presentat th,e Chancellor's dinner during,the'October .Family-. . Weekend The tribute to tilled Through-it AIJ" was submitted as part ofthe outstanding parent essayveohtestand was awarded firstplace.; ; , ''Taylori.•a.'junior'Bibiicai studies major, .Was just three years.'bld when "; his father,''Joseph Thompson,.-was -shot and. killed-,while oii.t.for, a;wa'lk,oh' April-4.1992. His tragic death left Theresa Thompson- without ahusbandand their seven children Without a-father: A 1974' alumni and pastor in.'EastonyPA-, Joseph did not know'the-murderer yet.his-death'-beca-me-the' .Quttet'Of;.rag.e,.for;ah an.gfy man with a-gun '•

In'Stead-of/bO.cofriing angry, Taylor recalled seeing, his mother turn to .GOG,',-'-''^ '-• ,! '•• ' _,;..' • V ', ' .>-','"• .-';"-' ;\ ' V'.''-;'-'.-••'' ''".-! ".-' •• ' "My-mo%j._did/not become ,a'hardened person -fromvheV-past,-but-she ' : became incn*djfefy strong." he-said ""lathe tough times, she completely • depended on-God, which' showed that she deeply loved-Him -. *-...

-Without le'ttihg-.grief get th!©---.l?estof her- 'The-fesa was ab'le-to.l-eadthe' murderer's brother to the Lord the day afterthe.funerahhte'in turn'ledhis . -. owh'phildren, mpther,sister/.ahd'a'uht to the Lord:' .-'

•••"1. tried to do'mypart, and.trusted'God.'to keep His'Word and do His part,as their Father,":-Mrs,Thompson Said, "AII-,s-even;'-o-f-"my children are "• committ-eO;-se-rvingPelieyershOday.".'.. • ••• -, • '!.'•• !

'pe-spit'e growing ipyw-i-thout ,a -father, Taylor .believed -'the situation helped Strengthen,the.'family.'-. -••'.-,- •'.. '•..-. • ',' '• "' !'" : •

•;"Growing up she helped'us understand theseriousness' of what .'h.a-ppen'ed,.P'iit she "also-displayed, the importance'of.-God'.thfpugh this". incrden.t,'"h.e' said "Our wholeTamily stayed strong-;and-t'h£vd.gvil gotto no-One.". -;.-'.' ,,..,,'••''-',:'-; - -,.'.. ,.:V,;---..'." v '' : -

Fo,l'lowing,,thefrm.oth'e''-example,;the.-thO'mpSon.'';Chitdreh.d9irhmitted '• ' theirfivestoservin^ln ministry J'essea-ttain.ed.ajob wO'rking-iA/i'th'techhical •productions at.Our school;doing lights and -sound foe convocation and-' r-i, Campus Church Taylor-the youngest enrolled as a-s'tudent ahd served'-'•! as-the bass player for!'Crimson'.RloOd.. -': ! '.' .:..' "!•;'..' ' ;; ,>••' .-..;' : - -...','

•"I, know that I!would-not be the person'that'.i- am-tPda^.lf'jt'wasn't fory •••• the way my mother.has raised m eand the-valuable lessons she taught.' me,'". Taylor Thompson,said. .He-'a'dcre'dJ "Many people!'haye;-''.b.e'en won-bo'!' Christ from-hertestimony through the years,,and as-hard TS t,o"telf it IS a blessing to S,ee.thfe-fruit>that"C0"mes,! Story by Dawe1k^aJ:p^rt!'a:rid


.StepfiSik'&'Heverly. photo'g'r&phs by01iv^riSherret , '-v •• - '".-••'


Several weeks into her missionstripduring thesummer of2008, seniorChristinePettitfound herself in totalshock asshe walked down thestreet ata red light districtinThailand. Barely clad women were everywhere,walking the streets, sittingatthe barsor on stage dancing forthe men The feelingof darkness overwhelmed her.

"It was like the brighteststripat Las Vegas,but everywhere I looked I just felt darkness as I saw what was happening," Christinesaid.

Her group entered ajB -go bara the sadness she feltbegan to overw her Women inskimpy outfitswere dancing, every one oftheirfaces blank emotion buttheireyes portrayingtheir unhappiness.The women's only form of identification was a number on a button they wore.Likean item on chose which number they war-' - foi the night.

Further inthe bar, therewas a young Thai girlnamed Wan thatstood i >u1 toChristine "She cau& --•;because she was cloaB Christinesaid "Ilater founi oul thatsh< was 16-years-old, fjfl h- . and haJbnly worked inthe sexbaj: fora month."

•bf the Pit Wan Kristine her

Christine'sgroup* m bar $24 forWan's free-i'•" said she was 16, but a cordii she looked much young* Her family used tobe wel > father was caught sellingdru< K*a crimein Thailand that received seveiHpunishment. (continued on page 193)

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On January 12th, a magnitude 7.0 earthquake hitHaitidestroying homes, bUSineSSeS and iiVeS Following theearthguake, there were numerous aftershocks and thecountry struggledto survive. Senior Dustin Allman wasable togo toHaiti inFebruary with an organization called New Directions International (NDI) Feb 3: I'vehad thistriptoHaitiplanned since September. InJanuary theorganization I was going with,New Directions International (NDI)began tofinalizethedetails, but I wasn't able to attend thelastmeeting on January 11 Theearthquake hit on January 12.Plans changed.There were 13ofussettogo. Now therearejustfive Myheart immediately burned with compassion forthepeople.Myurgency togo intensified and myfaithingoing never became so real Our plans since that fatalday have changed fourtofivetimes.Today I gotthecallsaying we'd be leavingfive days earlierthan planned Guess I'll miss theSuper Bowl for the first time inmylife and it doesn't reallybother metoo much.

Feb 7th: I could trymybest todescribe myfirst 10hours in Haitiand it would notdo justicetowhat I experienced.When we landed, there was no onetounload ourluggage andsupplies

The entire97 passengers were incontrol oftaking everything offtheplane We had acouple ofguys get inthebottom of the plane and weproceeded tocreate an assembly line. One swift motion followed by another, wepassed medical suppliesand suitcases tothedesignated groups.When all ofourstuffwas unloaded,weheaded out,walking through theairport passing all thecracked walls, shattered glassand pieces"of concrete scattered on theground Serge Elvarus, oneofthecontacts in HaitiforNDI,wasthere topick usup.It was quite confusing.There were about fiveothers begging tocarry ourthings fortips So many jobs were lost, and men crowded theairport lookingfor any means ofmoney W etraveled toourhotel only tofindout thatthey had lostourreservations.Our rooms were occupiedby NBC's news crew They made adjustments and told uswecould sleep on thefloorupstairs intherestaurant, (continuedonpage is)

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(continued from page 12) After we put our things away,we went to visitan orphanage NDI supports It was destroyed likethe majority of Haiti,and those who lived there were sleeping intents It was an all-girlsorphanage and I went over to speak to some,asking their names,"Como u rele?"After breaking the ice, they immediately gravitated toward us and were all smiles This interaction alone had already made thetrip worth it They loved rubbing my beard and my hair Apparently,they're not used to the hairof a white person NBC had a satelliteand we were able to catch most of the Super Bowl at the hotel. It paled incomparison to the magnitude of everything around me. I am not here to watch a Super Bowl.I will now retireto my mat,with my sweatshirt as my pillow, no blanket, outside, on the floor. I do not even consider thisas "roughing it" after what I've seen on the firstday. Feb 8th: I'vefound that time is all relative in Haiti.Most people simply wake up when they wake up and spend theirday on a quest forfood. So my time was relativeas well.I don't know when I went to sleep;I only know that I stared at the lizardscrawling on the ceiling above my head until I fellasleep.Inthe morning I was able to experience Haitian coffee and warm sugar directly from the sugar cane fields. Then,we spent the firstfive hours negotiating with warehouses trying to haggle these places forfood We finally found a place that would sellus 100 bags ofrice, 50 bags of beans and 50 bags of vegetableoil The bags of riceweighed 60 pounds each and the bags of beans weighed 100 pounds each Three of us loaded and unloaded them from a truck by one of the pastor's brothers We paid $4,500. It is enough to feed the entire village, 573 families or roughly 5,500 people,but it will only lastfiveto sixdays. Elvarus has connections from the churches all the way to the "Haitian underworld" and has been quite helpfulin knowing the right people and judging reasonable prices Anyone can be bought here It is a mirror oftheircorrupt government for so many years We also took a tripto the Red Cross We saw representatives from the United Kingdom, Turkey, Germany and many others They might be able to help us distribute more food They are very organized Most villagesdo not need clothes They need food and medical supplies On our stop to the girls' orphanage we handed outSkittles They flocked to us and got back inlinefor more I have yet to mention the tent cities The AFCA villagewas all tented and makes up probably 90% of the villages I write thisto you staring at about 50 to 60 tents directly infront of me I spent my offtime playing balland hanging out with the kids across the street from the hotel My dad would think I was very liberal ingiving them my video camera to film for me, but I honestly don't mind Joseph Williams, our leader and President of NDI is friends with the personal aid sent by Bill Clinton to Haiti. We have an e-mail and phone callinto him,and hopefully he'llbe able to help us feed more hungry people The destruction here is terrifying and very real The pictures and footage on television and the internet isno scam and not over-dramatized. I am at a lossfor words trying to accurately describe it So with that,I Willnow retireto bed (continued on page 190)


An hour intomy fall break, my boyfriend gota phone call from his Army squad leader. We were driving to visit my brother and his family. My boyfriend sounded sturdy on the phone, but the expression on his face was one I had never seen before. Not one of apprehension, he is the strongest person I know, but one of fear of the unknown. "Emergency deployment" is notsomething anyone who has loved ones inthemilitary wants tohear, especially when only three months notice is given Personally,I felttorn and stared outthewindow formost ofthetrip I wanted him tostay forselfish reasons; some being that ourrelationship was still young and I felt the Army was stealing him from me On the other hand, I knew he would be over there doing what he loves.How selfish of me would it be tomake him stay when he is so unselfish ingiving hislife toserve others? He did nottalkabout it for weeks afterthat initial phone call. Then reality hitwith thetraining, the immunizations and thefamily preparedness meeting,which I could not sit through with dryeyes.If only there was such a thing as Deployment 101, buteveryone copes differently Some girlswere making theirguys marry them, some couples were getting pregnant on purpose sothey would make more money, but I wanted none ofthat.I wanted him togo and come back inone piece, sothen ourfuture could continue where we leftoff. I know I willhave tohelp him feelsafeagain when he comes back,butthat is just me doing my civilianduty.

Since that phone call, we hug tighter, laugh more and worry less. I know that he is safer inIraq within God's willthan he is inAmerica outside ofGod's will. When he returns ina year, thepride I willhave formy Soldier will far outweigh a mere year spent apart.After all, what is one year compared toeternity? StorybyDanielle Talbert.photographs by Jordan Crossingham and Joel Coleman, (for more on soldiers see page 193)

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8 22 StudentJessewon
lot haschanged and expandedin thepastyearon our campus
Student Amanda Crawfordsharedabout herexperienceofher missionstriptoUganda
an essaycontestabouthis extraordinarymother A
Freedom 4/24 was startedbysenior ChristinePettit to help stopsexual exploitation inThailand
anoldgrey van tosharethe message 38 Snowflex Mountain isthe firstofitskind in theUnitedStates Manydifferent aspectsof transportationhelp takeuswhere we need togo : ifliPI hasovercome many i to live life toitsfullest The BlueCouchis away forstudents andoth abouthow • 'idped 102
StudentDaniel Johnston has used






E TO WHIC H I A M CALLED . student life rx


The Nursing department, located on the secondfloor ofDeMoss, receivedadditions including a media room, mother/baby and pediatric room and a critical care center.

"1thinkthe expansion is necessary, becausenursing studentsare expanding and more space is needed tp practice," Beverly Diaz, sophomore nursing major,sain more on n


consisted of lightcolored walls,a fireplace and Dr Al Barnck's animal trophies

The first floor served as a rentalshop forskisand snowboards

The second flooroffered a cafe and comfortable seating

"Obviously the Snowflex isgreatfor students and the public,but we thought the lodge and the deck would be greatforthe studentsto hangout and relax,"Alan Askew,Project Manager, said (For more on Snowflex see page 38.)


Takingfull advantageof the fallsemester readingday andamidthe Christmascheer ofthe cafe,Cory Fritz,junior psychology majorstudies for anaviation final.JudyTomlin, seniorEnglish majorresearches contenttora paperon"Gone Withthe Wind" for her Civil War literatureclass. Thebookstore offeredawide varietyofbooks, magazines,music, anduniversity apparel Having aStarbuckson campuswasthe highlightofthe semesterfor some students "Ithas mademy lifealot easierbyhaving aStarbuckson campus,"Natasha Bayes,junior,said.

"I am extremely happytohavea freshcupofcoffee atmyfingertips walkingintoclass."


Drama/Theatre majorsrejoicedafterhearingofplans for anew theatrelocatedintheNorthCampustower. The planincluded700 additionalseats. Planshad alsobeen discussedtoadd asceneshop,storage room, blackboxtheatre, officesand alobby "Ithinkit isabouttime,"SarahSeaman, senior theatremajor,said "Thelargerspaceprovided bythenew theaterwill open doorsfor new experiences,technologyand opportunitiesto make ourtheaterdepartmentexpand evengreater."


TheVisual Cpmmunication

Anewbookstoregreetedstudentsandvisitorsalikeintimeforthestartofa newschoolyear.Thespaciousandopenfloorplansofthetwo-storybuilding allowedforefficiencyandlargerretailspace.Thefirstfloorhousedacademic booksandthesecondfloorofferedtraditionalBarnes&Noblemerchandise.a fullservice cafe and an outdoor patio

"Iwas soexcited togetback toschool and seethe enormous bookstore," Catie Aletter, junior said "Ithink this hasmade our campus a much better place duetothefact that we have a much larger selection ofbooks and accessories."

"It hasbeen helpful inbetween classes tobe able togo to the new bookstore and gethomework done," Dana Chepulis, senior, said "The book storeis agreat study andsocialenvironment."

Artsprogram receivedrenovationstotheir classrooms. A sculpturestudio was addedto enablestudents towork with materialssuch asmetal, clay, plasterand wood Also, an artgallery was createdto displaystudent's projectsand houseart shows hosted bythe program "Therenovations add muchneededspace, enablingusto provideacontextforartistic expressionand accommodate continuing curriculumdevelopment,"Todd Smith,VCAR Director,said, "It hasbeenahuge blessinghaving thenew labs open,"Autumn Miller,senior, said "Asa VCAR majorwe were alwayslimitedto space, and now we haveplenty pfroom which isreallygoingto helpuswithour productivityand helpourprogram prosper."

(For more on art see page 68.)

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sports facilities receive an upgrade

^^ir Athletics Department consisted of 18 NCAA Division Iathletic teams,composed of players who strived to be the best Various alumni witnessed our teams'achievements over the years and gave donations forconstruction and upgrades forthis season.

The soccer and track and field programs received a donation from Richard and Karin Osborne.Theplans forthe new Osborne Stadium included stadium seating,press boxes,atwostory operations center and a scoreboard

"The most important thing being added for me asatrack athlete is thelocker room," Geren Woodbridge, sophomore, said "Being a multiple event athlete requires about eight pairs ofspecialty shoes,which means carrying around onebig bag weighing over 20 pounds everywhere I go."

Sophomore soccer player Katie Albright said, "I love when our families and friends come tocheer uson, but they have always hadtositinthe grass Iam excited thatthe people who are out there supporting uswillnow have the nice stands tosupport them."

Tennis players were excited about the new courts being builtalong Regents Parkway.

"After being without courts fora year,Idon't think anyone can imagine how great it willbefor ustowalk outonto the new courts and know that they belong tous," Jordan Jenkins, junior tennis player, said "Every team needs a home."

Thefootballstadiumreceivednewturfandascoreboardthisseason.ln addition,Jerry FalwellJr.unveiledplansinthebeginningoftheschoolyear toupgradethestadium.Thenewconstructionplansaddedatotalofl8,000 moreseats,a pressboxand amodernfour-storyglassand bricktower.

Falwell also mentioned upgrades forthe Vines Center, including a 3,000-seat balcony and a column and brick facadeto create a larger facility for convocation and sportsevents

These improvements set thestandards high for athletic facilities


GlenThomas' generous donationled to theconstruction of the Thomas IndoorSoccer Center. The centerconsisted of twoturffields surrounded byclearwalls and bleachers for spectators, betweenthe twofields The centeroffered aplaying field for intramural teamson campus, aswell as the youth and adultleagues in theCentral Virginiaarea


Thespacepreviouslyoccupied bythebookstore wasconverted intoabrand new office for the Career Center Thenew facilityofferedacomputerlab, resourcelibraryand aconferenceroom "Ithink thatrelocatingtheCareerCenterto thefirst floorof Demoss providescloseraccessfrom thebusstop and mainentrance, which makes itmore convenient and easierto find." Ronnie Brady, senior,said.

"The goal from thebeginning hasbeen tohave a successful NCAA Division Iathletic program, academic excellence ina wide variety of disciplines, world-class programs and facilities and even world-class recreation,"Falwell said (For more athletics coverage see the sports section starting on page 102)

"It's awesome to haveaplace to go play when itis raining. It's aquality facilitythat ismade very professionally. It's agreatplace to beabletogo kickaround and enjoyplaying soccerwith yourfriends," Matthew Bryant, junior, said


TheLaHaye StudentUnionexpanded overthe summer and added new dumbbells, mirrors, a sound system,spinbikes, treadmills, ellipticals, row machines, stairsteppers, punching bagsand a new aerobicsroom. "Theexpansionisverybeneficial to thecampus,aswe now havemore to offerinorderto provideanelitefitnessexperiencetpthegrowingstudentbody," Sarah Blair, seniorand Assistant Manager ofFitness, said

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Campus Pastor Johnnie Moore and graduate Andrea Marcilio exchanged wedding vows on June20, 2009.The wedding took place in Lynchburg, Virginia at the West Manor "Iheard all these people tell me how wonderful marriage was, andit hasbeen, even beyond my greatest expectations I really enjoy it," Moore said.

Students received an announcement atthe beginning ofthe summer that school would be delayed a week longer than expected Chancellor JerryFalwell, Jr.made the announcement "We decided to allow one extra week this summer forstudents to work,earn a little extra money in this tough economy and gain a little more on-the-job experience,"he said.

An unprecedented number of students planned tolive on campus duringthe fall semester. The Housing Department decided toadda third person to the B-room on East Campus "We actually looked at it[the B-room on East Campus] with allthefurniture inside before we made a decision We concluded that it would work," Betty Saunders,Director of Housing,said, (for more on the housing crisis see page 32)

Honduran Presidential Crisis

Honduran president Manuel Zelaya attempted to remove the banon re-election thissummer The military removed Zelaya from office, threatened him ifhe returned and exiled him to Costa Rica


Edward Kennedy

Edward "Teddy"Kennedy,brotherofRobert and John F. Kennedy, diedon Wednesday, August26,2009. The late Dr. Jerry Falwell, Sr. formed afriendshipwith Kennedy.

AccordingtotheLibertyJournal; ChancellorJerry Falwell, Jr. said, "I hopethatourgenerationcan learnfrom therelationshipbetween my fatherand SenatorKennedy Both ofthesemen understoodthat theycoulddisagreewithoutbeingdisagreeable."

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InSeptember,Zelaya returned to Honduras and sought refuge with Brazilian Embassy located there.He remained untouched due to countrytreaties

August 29th, the first Snowflex slope inNorth America opened on Liberty Mountain.

Pro-riders from theU.S. and the U.K performed for thestudents.

"The university has done a great job," Bryan Evans, General Manager of Snowflex, said He added, "It's more than what we expected, it's better." (tor more on snowflex see page 38)

A day of ruined surprises and rushed planning ended with a romantic evening and a picture perfect proposal. On June 24th, David McKinney proposed toRachelMacy atWest Manor Shesaid yes McKinney's planwastoproposeonJune28th. He had reservedaplaneand wasgoingtoflywithMacy toVirginiaBeach.Macy accidentlysaw ane-mailtoherbestfriendfrom McKinney,explainingwhen theproposalwould takeplace

David McKinney

A co-workerofMacy'sinformed McKinney thatsheknew abouttheproposalonJune28th,sohemade alastminutedecisionto proposeonthatveryday Withthehelpofsome friends, McKinney tookMacy toaromanticdinneratShoemakersand thenheaded over toWest Manorwhere he proposed.

"We neverthoughtwe would dateoranything,"Macyshared Sheadded, "TheLordjustbroughtustogether."

Thecouplesetadateand exchanged theirwedding vowsin Lynchburg on December12th.

"It'ssoworthwaitingforGod toorchestratewho you'regoingtobewith Racheland Iarecalledtobewitheachother It iswhat God hasforme."McKinneysaid.

Government Health Reform healthcar e

Controversy emerged over how toappropriately respond tothe issuessurrounding thecostsand distribution ofhealth care inAmerica Leading theway forreform, President Obama committed himselftoworking with Congress topassthecomprehensive health reform The bill was passed onMarch 21,2010 The day after, Liberty Counsel filedalawsuitonbehalfoftheschool againstthebill, claming itwas unconstitutional. Stepstaken to reform healthcareinclude:

•Instituting Temporary ProvisionstoMake Health Care Coverage More Affordablefor Americans WhoHave LostTheirJobs

•Increasing Health Care Coverage forChildren

•Computerizing America's Health Records inFiveYears

•Developing andDisseminating Information onEffectiveMedical Interventions

•Investing inPrevention and Wellness

Information obtained from http://www. (for more on the government health reform, see page 166)


The National Civil Wa r Chaplains Museu m finished its relocation next to Doc's Diner on Campu s East during the spring semester

The museu m featured man y items including original Soldiers' uniforms, wa x statues, murals of war scenes and other accessories from the war.

According to the museum' s

website their mission wa s to, "educate the public about the role of chaplains, priests, rabbis and religious organizations in the Civil War

The museu m also promoted the study of moral teachings during the Wa r and hoped to sho w the influence of religion on the lives of political and military personnel.

% Well-Known People Pass O n

June 25: KingofPopMichaelJackson diedattheageof 50and actressand model Farrah Fawcettdied at theageof 62

July 17: TelevisionjournalistWalterCronkitediedattheageof92

September 14: ActorPatrickSwayze diedattheageof 57.

December 17: CincinnatiBengals' wide receiverChrisHenrydied at the ageof26.

December 20: ActressBrittanyMurphy diedattheageof32

In the spring, theschool offered a new Masters ofScience in Sports Management The 36-hour degree program consisted of21 hours ofcore classesand nine hours ofspecialization inOutdoor Recreation Management or SportsAdministration. According tothe homepage,"Coursesoffer students an interdisciplinary approach to management,providing intensivestudy in social and ethical issues, faithand ministryintegration, legalissues, economics,marketing organization and administration and research strategies."

Snowstorms in Lynchburg

Lynchburg was graced with 12.5inchesofsnow during the end offall semester finals. The storm was classified asa Category three Snowstorm and was the most snow inLynchburg since January1996.

According totheNational Weather Service Forecast Office, "It was the most significantsnowfallever formany locationsduring the month ofDecember, and came one week before Christmas, which resulted ina "whiteChristmas" for manyfolks.

Lynchburg was also hit by two more storms. 12 inches of snow hit the cityon January 30th, and fivemore fell on February5th

A pieceoftheBerlinWallwasdisplayedintheGrand LobbyofDeMoss for aweekin November in light of the 20th anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall The word "Liberty" was written on the piece by an unknown Berliner seeking freedom. The piece of rubble was attained by Dr Bruce Bell, dean of the School of Business, on a school trip to Europe in May 2009
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TheNationalCivilChaplainsMuseum moved toanew locationnexttoDoc'sDiner from its old location in DeMoss. At the grand opening Dr. Kenny Rowlette, director of the National Civil War Research Center, said, "Students will be next door to an institution which will not only have top-notch exhibits, but they will also have access to archives an artifacts which will help them with their scholarly research."
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StudentsboardedbusesorfoundothermeansoftransportationtovoteinLynchburg's localelection. "TuesdayNovember3, markedthebeginningofa newerafor[ourschool]," ChancellorJerryFalwell,Jr saidduringconvocation "Sinceitsfoundingin1971, [our]dorm studentshavenotbeenpermittedtovotein localelections,whiledormstudentsinother universitiesacrosstheUnitedStatesandacrossthestateofVirginiahavebeenallowedtovote."

LUPDarrestedDr ErgunCanerasajokeduringthesecondannualTurkeyBowl StudentsandfacultyfromtheSchoolofLawandtheSeminaryfacedoffagainsteach otherinordertoraisemoneyfora localcharity Theyraisedmorethat$1,500

O n November 3, classes were cancelled so students could vote for the next representativeof the 23rd District, which included the area of Lynchburg Republican T Scott Garrett faced off against democratic Shannon Valentine forthe seat inthe House of Delegates,Garrett won by 210 votes and over 2,000 students participated thatday

"As I greeted our students at the pollson Tuesday I knew I was witnessing history inthe making," Chancellor Jerry Falwell, Jr said during Friday convocation,three days after Election Day "My father dreamed ofthe day when [our]students would be treated as first-classcitizens inthiscommunity and now that day has finallyarrived."

On May 4th, students also voted for Lynchburg's city council positions Junior Brent Robertson ran forone of the open seats.

Earthquake in Haiti

According to the U.S. Geological Survey's website,Haitiwas hitby a magnitude 7.0 earthquake at 4:53 p.m.on January12.

Following the earthquake,there have been numerous aftershocks,including a 5.9 aftershock on the 20th Doctors,food,water and volunteers rushed to Haitito help According to Haitian government figures relayed by the European Commission,the death tollis estimated to 200,000 people,250,000 injured and 2 million people left homeless, (read one students personal account on page 12)

A picture ofour school traveled into space aboard the Space Shuttle Atlantis in November NASA astronaut and Lynchburg native,Leland Melvin, took the picture fora ridealong with a patch from the School of Aeronautics,according to Mitzi Bible inher articleon the our school's News and Events homepage

"The School ofAeronautics is honored that Leland chose our patch to takeinto space," Dave Young,School ofAeronautics' dean,said at the time ofthe launch "He is a wonderful example to our students of what can be achieved through faith and hard work.'

How has anunusual experience presented anopportunityto witness?

"My freshman yearI had the opportunity towitnessto a studentfrom Texas A&M thatall began fromjoininga Facebook group thatopposed Hillary Clinton He contacted me onlineto question my beliefsand opposition. Through the interaction I 'as able to shareabout Christianity Thestudent toldme he was impressed to talktoa Christian who knew what theybelieved and wasable tosupportand expresstheir views."

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ho grey van rolled onto campu s every morning. It wa s decked with neon-blue under glow lights, rally lights overtop, and two 15-inch subs tha. fed into a 1,200 watt car amp . Its surface wa s emblazoned with hundreds of signatures, Bible verses, shout-outs and one-liners.

Owner Dc Johnstone e van had hand-written oought the 1976 Dodge B200, for inscriptions on itssurface; some ZCC\C\ f^^r- - P\-»™..:u : _ i _ , i $500 from a Danville resident lasl year Johnstone transformed it into the centerpiece and icon ofa new evangelical ministry he callec "GreyVangelism."

"We use the van to draw neool

:aujse it's a van that's got music blasting out pf,it lights underneat and about_6,000 signatures," Johnstone said

of which read "Always reflect Jesus," "Free Candy" and "I'm eating a hotdog."

"So many people come up and aSk ifthey can sign it,orwe'll ask/Do you want to sign the van 7' Johnstone said "90 percent of the time that leads to them asking,'What's this for?,' and that opens up a door for us to start a conversation,'"Johnstone said "Ifitleads intoa

gospel presentation,that's great If itdoesn't,itstill plants a seed that Christians aren't people that are huddled intheir church shunning the outside world."

Johnstone shared how GreyVangelisum served two purposes ItHelped build relationships yvith non-believers inorder to share the gospel, and it encouraged Christians to witness dayTto-day,with whatever method God presented.


With a slick $200 Scorpion cuestick, junior Andrew Supernaw became a regularface atthe Tilley, practicing poolatleast an hour every day. "When you getticked off,youtake itoutonthe [game]," Supernaw said. Considered apool house pro, Supernaw learned how tocontrolthe cue balland make wide angleshots by watching advanced playerswho came to the Tilley occasionally. When he got totheirlevel, hepassed on his knowledge toother studentswho were newat thegame. "I teachgirlsa lot, because theyhold thecuestick wrong," Supernaw said.

SeniorJonahGuelzopursuedhisdreamtobecome asound designerformotionpicturesbystartingwithlocalindependent films.Hehelpedwithamovietitled, "FromAbove,theGirls andHerMother."

filminmy makeshiftstudiointhebasement"Guelzosaid. Jonahalsodidaround85percentofthesoundworkinthe remakeof"Pilgrim'sProgress"andhelpedruntheaudioforan independentfilmcalled"GoodbyetoMuffy."

"Irecreatedeveryfootstep,glassclink,doorslam,interiorand exteriorambientnoiseandre-recordedallthedialogueinthe

Beingafull-timestudentwastypicallyenoughto keepmostpeoplebusy, butnotforjuniorAndrew Harperwho volunteeredhistimeatthe Lyn-DanHeightsVolunteerFireDepartment in CampbellCounty, Harper,a criminaljustice major,alwayscarried apagerforemergency situationswherehis commitmentanddedicationsometimesrequired

Peoplearesurprised whenthey hearMelindaZosh,juniorandVicePresident oftheStudentGovernmentAssociation[SGA], decidedtopursueajournalismmajor "Becauseofmyinvolvementinstudent government, peopleautomaticallyassume thatI amagovernmentorprelawmajor," Zoshsaid "Theyaresosurprisedwhenthey findoutthat Iamajournalismmajor."

AccordingtoZosh, beinginSGA taughther theveryimportantskill ofnetworking."Being involvedinSGA hashelpedmebuildupmy networkingskillswhichallowedme gettwo internshipsin D.C andthisskillwascrucial tomyacceptanceattwotopcompetitive journalisminternships,"Zoshsaid

respondingtothecalleveninthemiddleofclass. Harpersaidheenjoyedbeingavolunteerfireman becausehe"getstohelppeoplewhentheyare havingtheworstdayoftheirlives."

Heappliedforthepositiononcehearrivedat schoolanddedicatedover200hoursoftrainingto helping others.

ScottTaylorrekindledalosthighschoolpassionforlongdistancerunningafter joiningDr David Horton'sadvanced runningclass Hisenjoymentspurredhim toenteravarietyofdistanceracestopreparefortheultimatechallengeof Grindstone,thehardest100milereastoftheMississippibecauseoftherocky narrowtrail upanddown the mountains.

TotrainforGrindstone,Taylorranbetween80-90milesaweekfromMayto September.Thisprepared notonlyhislegs,buthismetabolism,stomachand endocrinesystemtotheuniquestressesofultra running DuringGrindstonehefacedpureexhaustion,cramped muscles, dehydration, hallucination, minimallightingfromaheadlampandsteepandslipperyterrain, "I amcompletelydependentonGod toprovidetheenergyandendurancetofinish Talyorsaid "IstartandendeveryraceonmykneesprayingtoGodthat Hewillbe glorifiedin myactions."

Taylorfinishedtheultramarathonin31 hoursand 55minutes,whichplacedhim43 outofthe83total runners.

ANDREW HARPER (volunteerfirefighter) MEUNDAZ0SH(WSG7i) SCOTT TAYLOR (ultramarathonrunner)


PATTEN (studioartist)

JuniorAmanda Pattencapturedfirstplace intheArtExpoheldatthe TilleyStudentCenter Herartpiecewasanoilpaintingbasedoffa nationalgeographicphotoofawoman fromtheMiddle East. "I havebeenpaintingmy wholelife," Pattensaid "Throughhigh schoolI painteddowntownwithalotoflocalartists,soIgotalotof

DEVINCOOGAN (leadguitaristforExodus)

DisappointmentfilledjuniorDevinCoogan'sheartafterhearing allthetryouttimeslotsfortheband"Exodus"werefilled Hehad almostgivenuphopeuntiloneoftheslotsopenedup. Afterthetryout,Cooganheardbackfromthedirectorofthe ministryteam,Scott Bulman. "Heaskedme ifI wouldliketojoin


AlthoughPattendecidedtopursueanenglishmajor,shepaintedin her freetime. "I feel likepaintingismoreofastressrelieverforme thana professionalthing," Pattensaid

Exodusand ifIwouldliketoplayleadguitar,"Coogansaid. CoogantouredwithExodusonweekendsandworkedontheband's new album"RunningtoYou"duringtheweek. "Thisalbum isgoing tobeunlikeanyotherChristianalbum,"Coogansaid


Watching and learningfrom theleadership on hishall, junior Payden Ludwick decidedto integratehis studiesinto hallleadership himself. Apastoral leadership major, Ludwick was able to practicehis guidanceskills beforeever steppinginto a church. After becoming a SLD, he continued togain inspiration from the leadership team.

"It'sjustso awesome to see them [the hallleaders] do their work on the frontlines," Ludwick said. "Ithas inspired me togo deeper and gofarther intomy own studiesso thatIcan pour back to them what they pouringinto othe

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three roommate s sharing on e territory 7.052

• on-campus students gave the Housing Officean intricatechallenge tosolvethisyear. With every room filled, there were still students without ahousing assignment The Housing Officecollaborated and decided toadd a third person tothe "B"Rooms on Campus East

Students received an e-mailconcerning the Housing Office'sdecision, and voiced theirinitial concerns

"Itwas shocking,"Lindsay Winokurzew,senior, said. "Iwas wondering where the other bed and desk were going to go."

Housing anticipated the students' qualms and worked out furnituredetailsbefore thedecision was made

"We actually went and setup amodel room with allthe furnituretripled,"DirectorofHousing Betty Saunders said, "We looked atitand made sure itwould work,and concluded that itwould."

Having three people in a bedroom is something you would expect on Main Campus not East," Danielle Douglas said.

Students expressed otherconcerns.

"Having three people ina bedroom issomething you would expect on Main Campus not East,"DanielleDouglas, senior, said.

The Housing Office discounted the dorm feeforstudents who were scheduled to liveinthe newly packed "B"room

"The discount was about $617 dollars, which isroughly the difference between what they pay forthesemester forEast compared to Main Campus,"Saunders said.

Despitean initial negative outlook, students were optimistic about thesituation.

"The situation islivableforrightnow,"Douglas said "We'll see how the restofthesemester goes."

"Idon't mind the housing situation, because therearethree people who pitch infortoiletpaper and soap,"Mahalia Dailey, senior, said "We alsoget a discount I cannot be mad aboutthat."

According toSaunders,the Housing Office plannedon redistributing students before spring semester toopen beds around campus toaccommodate everyone ascomfortably as possible "Who knows,they might end up wanting tostay together because they likeit," Saunderssaid.


"Itwasabitoverwhelming Itisa reallybigcampus butatthesame timeyouoftenrunintothesame people,whichhelpsgiveitasmall atmosphere." -Megan Gillis,FR

"TheonlythingthatI wasafraid ofwas my mom cryinginfront ofmy peersbecausethese guysweregoingtobemy new friends."-Drew Canning, FR

"My initial reactionwasthis is bigand youdon'treally knowhow tomakefriends, itjustkindofhappens."

-Diamond Allen, FR

"I wassoexcited. Istartedskippingupstairsand I almoststartedcrying,that'show happy I was,I wascompletelyshocked when Isaw my room becauseIthought it wasgoingtobesomesmallcubbyhole. My mom and I werejumpingupand down becauseI wassoexcitedtobehereand moving in I was latertoldthatmy excitement had thewholehall pumped up.Itwassofuntomove in.'-Danette Pelt,FR

"I wasoverwhelmed becauseitwas prettybig. Iwent toboardingschoolin KenyasoI wasusedtodorm life. Itwaschallengingtorealizethatdespiteallthe opportunitiestogetinvolved, Iwasgoingtohaveto practicetimemanagement.'-Rebekah Chapman,FR

"I came from a really small charter "It was really exciting and very schoolsoithasbeenoverwhelming, busy Youcouldfeel theanticipation I usedtoknoweveryoneand now I aspeoplewerepreparingforthe am tryingtomeetnew people." beginningoftheupcomingschool

-ClaytonKnight,FR year." -JoannaKelley,FR


SeniorClaytonWoamack andjuniorNathanAmir i waitfortheircoffeetobrewas roommate GrantMaginnis,senior,snapsaphoto Theirroom wasareflectionofwho theywere,and what lifemeantforthoseondorm 22-2 Thetee-shirtfrom LitCucci'sPizza,theirfavoriteofthelocal pizzajoints,hungondislpayfromthenewlyre-fixturedclosetspaceand acollectionofsoda bottlesspecificallySundrop,VanillaCokeandJonesRootbeerbottleslinedtheshelfabovethe doorway.Some studentsdidnotliketheideaoflivingwithothers,butmosteventuallylearnedto loveit."I didn'treallylikesharingmy room withpeople,butmy roommate'swerecool,"ToyaFox. sophmore,said "Itwasnicetohavesomeonetotalktoand praywith."

and watch"SchoolofRock"intheirdorm Groupactivities onthehallshelpedstudentsgettoknow eachotherand havefunintheprocess. "I likethefactthatyourroommate couldbecomeyourgood oldfriendsafteronlyayearof livingtogether."AaronLassiter,senior,said SeniorClayton Woamack performsasongforhishall-matesjunior

NathanAmiriand freshmen Danny Botta,Timothy Vernon and Cameron Park Studentshaveachoicetoliveonofoff campus,and seniorJoshuaSerranochosetoliveoffcampus. "Thebad thingaboutlivingoffisthatthereareonlythree expensivemealoptionson campustochoosefrom,"Serrano said "Thegood thingisthatthereistheflexibilityofnot havingtowork yourlifearoundthekidsinyourdorm."

FreshmanChristianRutherford,juniorJustinClark,senior Ben Haseltlneand seminarystudentLanceGreenrelax

Van Halterentakeshistimetopaintawellknown Canadian phraseontherock Enjoyingschooltraditionswasagreatway forstudentstobondand meetnew people "Ourschoolhasa positiveatmospherewheretherearesincereandpassionate students,"EstherRoy,senior,said, "I lovetheopportunities thatareavailableforus,andthenew and interestingpeople I meeteveryday." SymonsandVanHalterenhastilypaint overDorm 8'swelladvertisedsignature. Studentsin thedormswereabletoformmany longlastingfriendships withpeopleontheirhall.'l lovehavingthegirlscomingto me withtheirproblemsand gettingtoknow them ona deeperlevel,"AlyssaMartin,senior,said Van Halterensits backtoadmirethemapleleafasthegirlscontinuetheir work. ThereweremanystudentsfromCanadaoncampus, andtheywerepleasedtoexpresstheirfeelingsabouttheir home country. "I loveCanada,"DavePoore,senior,said, •


SeniorMattVan Halteren,sophomore BeckaSymons and freshman KristinRippyexpresstheir creativityby paintingthe'Spirit Rock.'Studentsenjoyed hanging outwithfriendsonand offcampus when theirschoolday wasfinished."Classtimeisgreatand I reallyliketheteachers,butthesocial interactionthatyou havewithpeopleand thefriendshipsthatyou buildaredefinitelymy favorite part,"SarahAustin,junior,said

video games, hair-braiding and practical jokes

uses filled and sidewalks crowded as students traveled back totheir dorms atthe end ofthe day.Men and women separated as they entered theirdwellings.The activitiesand lifestyles which took place behind closed doors revealed many idiosyncrasies forguys and girls.

Lifeon the residence hallsforguys consisted ofcompetitions infront ofa television screen or physicalchallenges

Freshman Darren Roberts said, "My favorite thing to do atthe dorm is play Madden, because Ican beat everyone at it,"

"Guys liketo play video games and get into physical contests,whether it be wrestling or whoever can do the most push-ups and pullups," Joseph Purvis, senior, said Girlsopted forother traditions "We loveto trade clothes,braid hair, paint nailsand share jewelry," Leighanne Harper,freshman, said. "College is likeliving ina huge department store with millionsof choices."

Preparation time inthe morning for convocation,shared another difference between thegenders

"When I'm taking my time,it takes an hour," Sarah Walker, freshman,said "That's how long it takes my roommate [aswell]." For the guys,sophomore Garrett Chamber said, "I'll wake up at9:50 a.m. and make it intimefor convocation at10:00a.m.."

Despite theirdiverse characteristics, girlsand guys shared one thing incommon- the need for humor

"My roommate and Ifilled 300 Dixie cups with water and covered the entirefloor ofa girl's dorm room, so when they walked in, they had to individually empty each one before getting inside,"Meghan Gillis, senior, said.

"One time we got baby powder and put it at the bottom ofthe door,hooked up a vacuum cleaner,reversed it, and blew baby powderall over the guys'dorm room," Robert Heverly, junior, said

According tosenior Megan Colussy,students on campus bonded together "The differences and similaritieshelp some sort of community form between everyone who livesinthe dorms, regardless of gender,"Colussy said.

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FreshmenEimy Bonilla,PreciousOkerekeandArielaFajardoraceup thestepstotheirnexteventofatriathlonduringtheLaHayeLUser competition Therewere38peoplewho appliedtocompeteinLaHaye LUser, but12contestantswerechosenaccordingtotheirenthusiasmand informationprovided, "I wanted achallenge,achancetoworkoutwith otherpeopleand tolosesomeweight,"EimyBonilla,freshman,said "The competitionhasalsohelpedme realizethatyou needtogetinshapeand how importantthatisinyourlife." TheLaHayeLUsercompetitorshit thetreadmillsasthejudgeskeeptrackoftheirprogress. Alongwith workoutcompetitions,thecompetitorsweretaughtthebasicsofdieting and whatfoodsaregoodforthem "My team hasreallyknockeddowntheir diets,and theyshow thattheyunderstandwhatisnutritiousandwhat's not,"JohnLaRue,seniorand personaltrainer,said "Theirdrivehadjust been incredible I hadonepersonlosetenpoundsinaweek."


making a difference through healthy competition

In a world where appearance meant everything, people had gone toextremes Men and women had turned tostarving themselves, steroid abuse and many other heinous methods to achieve "perfect"bodies LaHaye Student Union decided tohelp by creating a competition called LaHaye LUser.

"The best fit forthe competition seemed to be an event similartothe television show,The Biggest Loser,'"Ben Cook, Student Centers Associate DirectorofFitness, said "We have modified the contest from the show,but the same ideas come from it."

LaHaye Student Union advertised the competition through flyers, signsand posters and information on their website Students received the message and responded

"We had about 38 applications, and we chose 12 lucky contestants."Emilee Chambers,Fitness Manager for LaHaye Student Union, said

The 12contestants participated intraining twice a week with LaHaye student trainers, nutritional lessons and competitions every Saturday During the competitions, the contestants listened toguest speakers, held group discussions on how to stay healthy and faced offin cardiovascular activity. Inkeeping with the show, every week there wereeliminations.

"Eliminationsare based on each individual's percentage ofweight lossand votes from the contestants,"SarahBlair, Assistant Manager ofFitness, said "The bottom three orfour contestants, according to weight loss, are indanger of getting kicked out ofthe competition It is up tothe votes, who will beleaving."

The winner received a fivehundred dollar prize package that consisted offreepersonal training sessions at LaHaye Student Union and an assortment ofgiftcards to places like Dick's Sporting Goods, Cinemark Movies 10. Wal-Mart, iTunes and Subway.

To the trainers, competitors and managers,LaHaye LUser was not about the competition "We want it to be a lifestylechange, notjusta competition,"Chambers said "We want thisto be something they benefit from, even if they don't win."

Through thiscompetition

What isyour inspiration and motivation?

Theversesin I Corinthians9:24-27

aremy motivation

Also, I have gained way toomuch weight aftermy senioryear ofhighschoolfootball and I wish togetback

intogreatshape and stay fit. What areyou most excited about?

I can'twaitto lose weight and look thinner

How much time and dedication do you plan on putting towardsthis competition?

I will giveasmuch as

I need toand still go theextrathreemiles

I alsohave my hall behind me tokeep

me going, M23-2

-Stephen Fenlason, FR,Red Team, trainer

What are you most excited about?

I am excitedtohavea new look.

How much time and dedication do you plan on putting towardsthis competition?

What is your inspiration and motivation?

What do you hope togetoutofthis competition?

I hope toloseweight, learnhow towork out betterand how tobe healthy.

I am planning on dedicating about two hoursevery day forthenextthree months.

Jonathan Abbasi,FR Green Team, trainer Philip Justice

What do you hope togetoutofthis competition?

I reallyhopejusttobe abletotake whatever I learnduringthe competition and useit in my life continuously, to stay healthyforall of my days

My biggest motivation would probably be thatI havenever been healthy I alsowanted toshow my friends and familythatI could do thisand thatI can doanything if I have theheartfor it.

What areyou most nervous about?

I am nervousfor the Saturday morning competitions and

then theeliminations I don'twant my team toloseand oneofus hastobe eliminated. I want tomake it all theway through the competition,and hopefullyevenwin.

LaHaye Student Union chose to make a difference inpeople's lives "The best thing that LaHaye LUser has brought is theabilityto motivate people tolose weight in a healthy way,"Cook said to uo

I n lessthan a year, construction transformed the "Bald Spof'on the mountain intoa European styled skislope.This new addition presented . a place forstudents and the publictotube, ski and snowboard year-round.

The Snowflex Center was the firstsnowless skislope inNorth America.The slopes consisted of several layersofsynthetic material coated in liquid Ina promotional video forhiscreation, inventor Bryan Thomas said, "Snowflex is not snow,we don't tryto claim that it is, but there are some advantages. One, that it is softertofall on than hard pack and another is it never needs grooming."

"Snowflex has threejumps,two box grind railsand a quarter pipe,"Nick Johnson, junior, said."Anyone thatwants to get good atterrain park,you have a second home."

Although construction ofthe slopetook longer than expected,itwas finished by the opening offall semester.

"Our originalgoal was totry and get itfinished before school let out lastspring, but itwasn't going to happen,"Alan Askew,Project Manager said "We had an unbelievable amount ofrainthatwinterthat set back theconstruction."

Despite the hold up, phase one ofSnowflex was completed before thestudents came back from summer break, with plansforthe second phase underway

The white slopes and the Barrick Falwell Lodge gave the mountain a makeover General Manager Bryan Evans said, "The university has done a great job Allofus have been working on itfora while It's more than what we expected,it's better."

"IthinkSnowflex was agreatadditiontoour school," Jason Vboys, sophomore, said. "Itrytogetupthe mountain asmuch aspossibleand hit the slopes." T


the first snowflex in north america

sReactions,workers,and a littlebit ofplaying

From yourexperienceon theslopes how does theSnowflexrate?

"It'sreallydifferent.Ilikethereal stuffbetter,butforwhatLynchburg andtheschoolhasatitsdisposalit's prettyawesome."-DanRomano,SR

"Snowflex is different because it has atotallydifferentfeel.Notonlyisit anallyearexperience,tobeskiing inthesummer butalsotheway itssetup.Who hasaskislopeon acollegecampusotherthen[our School],thatseparatesitfromall sM resorts."-GarretGriffiths,SO

What doyou thinkabout your joband theoverallresponse tothenewfacility?

"ThejobhasbeenthebestoneI haveeverhad Theenvironment isamazingbecauseeveryone workinghereisverypassionate aboutsnowboardingorskiing.I haveheardonlygood reportsfrom thepeoplethathavetrieditout andeveryonereallyseemstobe enjoyingthefacility.Some people haveevencomefrom hoursaway totryitout"-EthanAcree,SO

How do you feelabout the creationoftheSnowflex and doyou plantouseit?

"Idowanttotryit I'venever snowboardedorskiedbeforebut I definitelywanttotryitbecauseit lookslikefun." -NathanBowen,FR

"It's cool. I'm pretty excited for the opening Idon'tthinkI woulddoit allthetimebutitmightbefunto tryitoratleasthangoutthereon theweekend."-DakotaRussell,SO

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through the woods

Our Campus offered many opportunities for studentstoengage in, butsome ventured outtoexperiencetheLynchburg "city life."

Coffee shops intown presented students thedaily combination ofcaffeine,a calming atmosphere anda community toidentifywith.

The Drowsy Poet, home ofthe Milton milkshake, "isa relaxing jazzcafe that allows onetokick back andenjoy," Cody Bechtold,senior, said Senior Lindsey Ramirez said,"I liketo go totheWhite Heart Cafe,because Icango there tochillorto do homework while Idrink greatcoffee."

The section ofWards Road adjacent to the university, home toover 50 restaurants and retailshops, was considered theshop and eat hubofLynchburg. These restaurants catered tostudents by offering discounts likeTuesday's 50 cent Wing Night at Buffalo Wild Wings, Monday's College Night at Chick-fil-A orthe 10percent discount offered atplaces such asMcDonalds orSubway.

Senior Paulo Gomez said,"I love to go toBuffalo Wild Wings because the football games are on It's a great time where the guys come together,bond and eatwings."

"Igo toChick-fil-A on college night because Truett Cathy isa genius and hisfood inspires me to do great things with my life, especially when itis half off,"

Svein Stabby,junior, said

For outdoor activities, students embarked on hiking tripstolocations only miles away.They packed their gear and faced the obstacles that awaited them.

"Iliketo hike at Peaks ofOtter orDevil's Marble Yard," Brandon Bateman-Craun,junior, said."[Those hikes] are not tootricky, they've gotsome great viewsand they're good for pictures."

Students explored and engaged inactivitiesall over Lynchburg They embarked on tripsto restaurants, climbed up mountains,chilled at cofee shopsand experienced many other activitiesaround the city "Iam an offcampus-student,andalthough Lynchburg may besmall, there are many exciting things to do," Bechtold said.

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SeniorsLindsayWashabaugh,LeslieHuntandJenniferPittmansmilefora snapshotbeforejumpingintotheirraftandfloatingtheirwaydownthe Gauley Rivertowardsthe whitewaterthrillstheyhopedto experience Studentskept lifeinterestingandexcitingbothinandout ofthe citylimits.Regardingatripthat StudentActivitiesprovidedtoWashingtonD.C., MartinGranda,senior,said"I likedthe factthatStudentActivitiesprovidedthe transportationexpensesatnocost."Having successfullycompletedthe intensehiketothe top, guysfromEast19 (3& 4)and theladiesfromtheirsisterdorm East8(3& 4)enjoysnacks,candidshots,and goodfellowshipatthe summitofSharpTop Off campusactivitiesofferedstudents abreatherfromclassesandtimeawayfromthe rigorsofacademia "I likehangingout atthe park,orevengoingtoPeaksofOtter,"CatherineSmith,senior,said "Ienjoy goingoffcampusandgettingawayfromhomeworkandbusynessoncampus."Three ofthe ladiesfromEast8(3&4) posefor aphotoas the photographerworksto frameandcapturethe incredibleviewinthe background.Studentswereableto enjoythe surroundingsof Lynchburgwhetheritwasahikeoralatenightdinner "Igo offcampustoeat when the cafeteriaisclosed,usuallylatenights,"JoshBell,senior, said Studentsfloattheirraftstowardsthe shoreafterthe finalrapidofthe Gauley RivertripinWestVirginia Studentspreferringtoremaindryintheirfreetimefound alternativeadventuresofalessdaringsort."I lovetoeat ChinesefoodatKing House, especiallytheirGeneralTso'schicken,"PauravGupta,senior,said."Ialsoliketowatch movies, becauseyouseethingsthatyoucan'tdoinreal life."Brotherandsister dormmatesfromEast19 andEast8laughandjokeamongstthemselves,enjoying afewmoremomentsatthe topbeforestartingtheirdescentbackdownthe trail When not enjoyingoutdoorpastimesandbeingactive,manystudentsenjoyed comfychairs,mellowjazz,andflavorfulscentsinthevariouslocationsthatcomposed thelocalcoffeeshopscene "Iam abigfan ofthe coffeeshopsinLynchburg,the MuseandtheWhiteHartparticularly,"AbiVanKampen.sophomore,said."It'sjust reallynicetoget off campusandget aroundpeoplewhodon'tgotoour school."

Studentsshareabouttheirfavorite offcampusexcursions

"Ihaveenjoyed a lot of the outdoorevents sponsored by StudentActivities. Every month there aredifferent tripsoffered: anything from excursionsto Washington D.C. toacanoetrip on the James Riverorawhitewaterrafting tripin West Virginia These eventsalloffer a greatway to make lasting memorieswith friendsandallow theopportunityto meet new friends with common interests."

"Ofallthewhite waterrafting trips I'vetaken, theGauleyRiver containsbyfar themost intense andexciting rapids. Itwas amazing facing theseventh most dangerousrapids intheworldand second intheUS. Student Activitiesdoesagreat jobmaking the entireweekend memorable." -

"White water rafting[onthe Lower New River] was oneof thebestevents theschool has eversponsored. I had agreat time.I especially likedthatthey incorporateda devotionalin between the rapids."-Lauren

"Ilovetogo and hang out inWyndhurst. Ithasa little bit ofeverything. A relaxingcoffee shop,good food,great viewsforanice run, andjust a wonderful atmosphere withquaint shops Nothing likethehustle and bustleof campuslife."

"I go to the Starbuck'son Timberlake Rd. with myfriends. Sometimeswe go tojusthang outand get coffee, other timeswe sit and do homework forhoursata time Itisnot busyatall,which is why we go thererather thantheone on Wards Rd The atmosphere is great."-Kristina

"Iliketogo and getaway to my friends' houses off campus We normallyjust hang out by watching movies or making dinner, anything thatis relaxing. Itisalwaysgreat togetaway from campus because thingsaren'tas crazyand itisa breakfrom the schoolroutine."

Acoupletriesamove asotherswatchand learnsalsadancingfrom aninstructor.GraduatestudentDaniel Klockwasoneofthesalsainstructorswho taughtothershow todance. Healsodecidedtobecomeaswingdance instructoraswell."Theideaforswingdancing inLynchburgstartedoutasafundraiserformissions,"Klocksaid.He added,"ThereasonI loveswingdancingthemostisthreefold,themusic,thefunand themoves."


students enjoy the dance scene

Many students and Lynchburg residents attende salsa dancing

It created an opportunity to meet people in a non-alcoholic,public dance environment

"The best part of salsa dancing was the opportunity that led me to meeting my boyfriend," Jessica Rosey, freshman,said "Iwould have to say it'sthe best place to meet others ina great environment."

Lynchburg Salsa promoted their weekly event on their facebook page. Most of the time,students

Wha t started as a salsa dance on Friday night at the Drowsy Poet, turned into a weekly event held at the dance theatre in downtow n Lynchburg.

heard about it through word of mouth.

"Iheard about it because some of my dorm mates were talking about it," Rosey said She started going and eventually met her boyfriend, PiliPilar, who had been going for a couple weeks with friends from his church.

Freshman Erica Propps enjoyed going to this event becauseit offered a clean and fun way to dance and have fun.

"It'sfun to dance and not bump and grind," Propps said "Itisa better alternative than clubbing and it issuch a good environment."

Propps did not only like the dancing but she also liked the cultural experience Itbecame a way for her to practice her Spanish with other Spanish-speaking people.

"It'sculturally different than what I'm used to,"Propps said. "Iget to practice my Spanish,dance and meet new people."

"Ilove going salsa dancing. Alotof my friends andI go andit'sfun and burnscalories I alsolovegoing tubingdown the James River in thesummer with friends." -Kryst Odegaard,SR

"Ilovegoingto thedollartheater and alsogoing toBuffaloWild Wings towatch football." -Sierra Clearwater,SO

"Ihave been learning how tosalsadance attheweekly Fridaynight salsanights downtown It's a greatplaceto go offcampus toletlooseand haveablastwith yourfriends With over100 peoplethere each night, there arealways new peopletomeet all whilelearning how todance salsa. Everyone should give it a tryat least once." -Joeseph Quinn,Graduate Student

"Thedance ministryI am a partof, Dead on Awakening (DOA),uses hiphop dance tospreadthe gospel We participate in everything from outreach eventstodance competitions. Spontaneously breakingout intodancewith them isone ofmy favorite thingsto do.

Wal-Mart, 7-11, Sheetz, IHOP, and countless parkinglots havealready tastedourbeat drivenimpulses." -Edward

"My friends and I have board game marathons, cook giganticdinners foreveryone and continue ourquestto watchevery scarymovieever made." -Jordan

"Iliketoenjoy my timeaway fromschool at 'AllFiredUp' paintingstudio inForestwhere I canpaint pottery, relax and escapethe currentstress I'mdealing with. Thenin two weeksafter theyhaveglazed my pottery, I pickitup and it lookslikea professional haspainted it." -Katie

"I haveattended Zumba classesat DanceCreations inWyndhurst. Itwas a lotof fun meeting theothergirls, learninghow to salsaand getting a greatworkout intoo Also, the MuseCoffee Company isone ofmy favorite placestogoto relax, hang out withfriendsor study Thecoffee is great, the music isalways topnotchand theambianceis stellar." -Sarah

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student sec is on their feet cheering u-. , fPPlMft'r•^^1 "season. w e have a blast doing our show in Williams Stadium' It's so; exciting to be a part of the gam e and to get the students involved in our music Whe n the band plays "Hey Baby" the students are always there singing along and the energy it creates is phenomenal."

-Derek Via, Head Dru m

gelMfry-excitecl. Pmkham , SWe is not an- • ipe'r feeling like W\n the wMeM * ?"world. Playing in front of upvv. of 18,000 pe is an amazing a feeling Gam e day is very hectic and/busy but w e kno w that we ' have, to bring our best to the field because'our goal in the end is to have a crowd on their feet cheering for us That tells us that our hard work wa s worth every second."

-Katie Marvel, JR ^S Ro W HMBSS"

y'The energy T tfyou get from 'the cheers of our students is incredible, and 1 iTiakes m e warn to do m y bffst performing."

-AmyGoins , SR ' A

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The sounds of brass,woodwind, drum and percussion instruments reverberated through the stadium After months ofpractice, theSpirit ofthe Mountain moved acrossthe field, cutting in an out offormation as they executed the intricate drill

"The band is composed ofa vast array of instrument types and people,but we are bound by a common loveforJesus and our love formusic,"Hannah Becker, sophomore,said "So, with music and Jesus as our strong hold, we jointogether."

The marching band had become a closegroup ofbrothers and sisters, according tosenior drum

major, Derek Via. "We eattogether, practice together, perform together, laugh together and crytogether," Via said "Justseeing that kind of teamwork and fellowship isenough motivation tokeep me going through everyrehearsal."

The 190 member marching band spent time together, on and off the field "The band reallystrives forunity ineverything thatwe do," Jason Baum, senior band member, said. "We spend so much time together and we areall there doing what we loveto do."

The marching band became family forjunior member Ben Mauch when he was diagnosed

with cancer.The band offered support forMauch throughout this trying time.According to Baum, they prayed forhim,sent Facebook messages and always tried tobe an encouragement

"When one ofour own goes down,there really is a senseof urgency tocome together and do anything that we can tohelp them," Baum said. "We tried togivehim as much support aspossible."

Mauch was very thankful for his bandmates help. "They were very encouraging,like a family,"he said. "I never felt alone inmy struggle with that many people all rooting for me."

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Groove Pocket'sjuniorguitaristRaymond Fuentes rocksout during hisband's rendition of"God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman." Musiciai is at this school often take the opportunity to minister to other people through their music "The thing I like most is having the ability to impact lives of students on campu s by ministering from the stage and also forming relationships that matter off the stage." Lorenzo Jackson, senior, said JuniorAmy Reviswows thecrowd withhervocalsduring a Coffeehouse performance Man y students showcased their music talents on stage through instruments or voices "The most alluring aspect of Christianity is it's music," Tina Riggs, junior, said "The music maior at our school is important because it trains young champions ho w to write and perform Christian music in a way that is appealing even in the secular world." Sophomore PeterFraedrich shreds on hisquitarduring a Campus ArtistSeries Fraedrich's band called 'The Fostered' wrote their ow n songs based on personal experiences and hoped to one clay becom e well known "I think that som e people have a deep passion for music and would love lo d o something with that for a career," Bryan Jones, junior, said "If your going to do something for [he rest of your

"Godofthe Ages"byTravis

DoucetteImpacts theChristian MusicScene

What priormusicalexperiencesdoyou have?

Iworked back inCanada asanAssistantMusicDirector atHarvestBibleChapelin Barrie,Ontario, Ialsotraveled withaband where Ico-wrotemusicwithJody Crossand receivedsome 'Covenant'awards,whichareCanada's equivalenttotheDoveAwards.

What ministryteamswereyou involved inatschool?

I wasontheministryteam "Exodus"forthreeand ahalf years. Duringthistime,we cutarecordand Iwasableto writeahandfulofsongsincluding"God oftheAges"for thealbum called"GiveLoveAway."

What inspiredyoutowrite"God oftheAges"?

Theinspirationcame afterreadingColossians1:15-18. As Pauldescribesthesupremacy ofChristinthis passage, theweightofhiswordsstirredsomething in myspirit. Theimpactoftheseversesonmy heartplantedadesire inme toexpressthetruthofGod'sWord ina congregationalsongthatwasadeclarativeresponseto who Godis.

How haveyouseenGod atworkthrough youraccomplishments?

It'sbeen nothingshortofamazing toseehow God has graciouslyallowed me toplayaroleinbuildingHis churchandencouraging Hispeople Iam convinced thatthemusicI havecomposed resonateswith people notbecauseofanything I'vewrittenbutbecauseofthe power ofGod'swrittenword Thereissomething powerfulaboutdeclaringtruthinaworldthatperpetuates falsehoodandlies

>•••£ JuniorGrantRagsdaleand seniorTodd Rukespleasethecrowd withtheirperformanceatthe TilleyStudentCenter.Rukesand Ragsdalemet eachotherthroughtheirmajorand haveperformed togetheronseveraloccasions "Igettoknowallofthemusicministrystudentshere,and we learn fromeachother," Rukessaid "Theyarethefutureofthemusicministryand industry,alongwith yourself,soit'ssmarttostartpartneringupwiththem now and tobuildrelationshipswiththem."

• ^ » va .


he Classical sounds of Mc sounds ofBrahms and Bee

Contemporary sounds of Copf

)avid Holsinger were used to dis and beauty ofmusic by the Liberty Symphony Orchestra [LSO].The orchestra provided an outlet students toshow theirlovefor music to others.

o other ensemble oncampus makes use

Iinstrumental groups ranging fromviolins, ellosand bass,towoodwinds,brass and percussion,"Dr. Armenio Suzano, director ofthe symphony orchestra, said

The LSO performed on and offcampus, where students aswellasthecommunity had the chance totake partofa passionate arrangement ofmusic. The orchestra consisted of45 student artists who practiced together afew hours per week and more on theirown time.

"It's important tocome prepared to rehearsals," Jessica Moore,seniorviolinplayer and strings section leader, said. "Knowing your partahead of time facilitatesinhaving aproductive rehearsal and makes forahappy conductor and ensemble."

e happy conductor,Dr. Armenio Suzano, W' hestra's director nergy

O,"Justin Sandling,graduate iss player said. "Hisinspiration

•iDhony help inspireother ¥ A

is selection otmusical repertoire classtoput forth moreeffort."

a was small atfirst, but over the s increased With more musicians song selections, the orchestra reputation and according to a shared dream to play at Carnegie future."

enior bassoon player Lacey Wilkerson said, "There have been more people added tothe orchestra each year which helps keep the blend of the instruments more unified insound."

The LSO not only brought together different instruments, but avaried selection ofpeople as well. Students who had chosen elementary education, criminaljustice, music or business asamajor were united due totheirloveofmusic.

"The orchestra is an amazing mix ofstudents from all across campus who areall going different directionsacademically,but come together twice a week to make beautiful music inservicetoour Lord^ and Savior as an act ofworship to Him," biga Gordon,sophomore celloplayersaid

Sophomore ChelseaWetherhillglancesdown athernotes duringaperformance forthestudents. TheSymphony Orchestra was ledbyanew directorthisyear, Dr. ArmenioSuzano."Dr. members oftheorchestra." KierslenClark,sophomore orchestra member,said "Icannotwaittodiscoverwhatsurpriseshehasup hissleevefor theremainderofmy timehere." Seniorfluteplayer

Emmie McLoughlin and senioroboe playerTiffanyHetzlein add theirsound tothe performance. Members oftheorchestra enjoyed performing asagroupratherthanasoloperformance. "A greatpartofbeing inorchestraismaking atotallydifferenlgenre offriends," RachaelChastain, freshman wind player,said Junior celloplayerJonathan Henderson entertainstheaudience along withtherestoftheWorship Orchestra Thegroupisbasedoutof Theworshiporchestra isapivotalgroup in t department becauseitexpandsthemusicalhor oncampus,"JasonOtt,sophomore


Freshman Kimberly Ray and juniorKellyWakefield createbeautifulmusic withtheirviolins. The ;tra wa s mad e up of man y talented musicians .vim a commo n IOVI cated group of muscians wh o love to play and member s take thei m for the glory of God." Jennifer Francois, senior wind player, said

Orchestra is rharartei to


Amanda Smith,SR 'soccerchick4912' Facebook Allofmy friendsandanyoneI wouldwanttocontactand networkwithhas facebook Ithas completelyreplacedinstantmessenger. Facebookandskypeareall I need.

AshtonKamphuis,FR'Chonch009' Facebook. It'snotascreepyasMySpaceand it'stargetedtocollegestudentsandadults.

JohnSeniar,SO'Slicksticks88' Facebook. Myspacehas too muchweirdstuffnow,eveniftheydohavebettermusic.

MichelleGornick, JR'reesespieces372' FacebookandtumbleI love FacebookbecauseIcankeepupwitheveryone, butI'mobsessedwithmy tumblrand Iam bloggingall thetime

LaurenLayman,SR'SouthernBreed87' Facebook. Everyoneelseisdoingitand itkeepsmy interestwithalloftheapplications.

CourtneyChappell,SR'banannasplitz32' Facebook. Itisjustgreatbecauseitallowsyoutostayincontactwithpeoplenomatterwhereyouareand allowsyoutokeepupwitheverything

"MyfavoritegroupgrowingupwasmostdefinitelyThe BackstreetBoys.AcoupleyearsagoI wenttoaKeith Urban concertand itwasprettyamazing!" -AbbyGary,FR

"I lovedcountrymusicgrowingup,especiallySugarland Oneofmy favoritememorieswasfromaDierksBentley concertwithmy popsandatonepointwhileDierkswas singinghewasout inthe audienceandthiswoman grabbed himfrombehindand pulledhimdownand madeoutwith himforasecondortwo. Itwasabsolutelyhilariousto watch." -AdairRuthThorton,SO

"MyfavoritebandsgrowingupwerePlus OneandTheSpiceGirls. My favoriteconcert memory waswithmy familywhen Isaw MichaelW.Smithatanoutsideconcert. It wasatotal blast." -LarissaMcClain,FR

"TheBackstreetBoyswasmy favoriteband when Iwasgrowingup IwenttoseeBritney Spearsformy 15th birthdayandsatinthe secondrow I wassoexcited."

-Ashley Cappell, SR

"MyfavoritesingerisGarthBrooksand I thinkthat throughouttheyearsthecontextofmusichasnotchanged muchbutithas gottenmorevulgar Itmakesmeappreciate thatwe havefamilyfriendlystationsaroundLynchburg."


"MyfavoritesonggrowingupwasJourney's numberonehit"Don'tStopBelieving." I likethe oldmusicfromBeyonce,Justin Timberlake, BritneySpearsandJayZ, but enjoythe variationoftheirnew materialas well.'' -AnthonyPamplin,SR yy~> Now That'sWhatIcallMusic!3(Hitsongsfrom98-2000)

1. "LargerthanLife" Backstreet Boys

2 "(YouDriveMe)Crazy" BritneySpears

3."I NeedtoKnow" MarcAnthony

4 "Candy" Mandy Moore

5."Blue(DaBaDee)" Eiffel65 Now That'sWhatIcallMusic!32(Hitsongsfrom2007-2009)

1. "1 Gotta Feeling"BlackEyedPeas

2. "LoveGame" LadyGaga

3 "Down" JaySeanfeaturinqLilWavne

4 "Best1 EverHad"Drake

5."Obsessed" MariahCarev

2000- Playstation2

2001- XBox

2001- Game Cube

2005- X Box 360


2006- Playstation3



5GB iPod Classic -2or4GB iPodNano 8or16GBiPodTouch




"1 usedtowatch Full Houseback when 1 wasa big Mary-Kate andAshleyfan Michellewas myfavorite character. If1 couldgoonany TVshow 1 would chooseThe AmazingRace becauseyou gettodoitwith apartner, not byyourself,so 1 mightactually haveachanceto win." -Kaitlyn Schonta,JR

"1 watched Savedbythe Bell becauseit wascleanand fun 1would wanttogoon CSI Miami."

-Heather Michaels,JR

"1watched Arthurasa kid, because1 liked theadventures. 1 watchThe Bachelornow because1want Jaketofind histruelove. 1 wouldwantto goonaworkout show, butnot theBiggest Loser.Youare forcedtolose poundsandget inshape." -Amy Halbach,FR

"1watchGrey's Anatomyand havebeen followingitsince thebeginning 1 am intrigued aboutwhat happensnext and Hikethe drama. 1would wanttobeon Oprahbefore shegoesoff-air becauseitis what1 love. Maybe1 willdo something really greatand beon Oprah." -Allison Braun.SO

"1 watched GrowingPains becauseitwas amusingand relatable 1 wouldwantto goonSurvivor. lam upfora challengeand thinkitwould befun todo."

-AliciaRobbins, FR

a lookathowtimeshavechanged inthepastdecade 050 •o o St! 1997 AOL InstantMessenger AIM 2003 Skype 2003 MySpace 71 Social Communication get connected WASYOURORIGINALAIMSCREENNAME? ALLTHEPREVIOUSANDCURRENTSOCIALNETWORKINGSITES,WHATISYOURFAVORITEANDWHY?
2004 Facebook 2006 Twitter wzws^mmm^m
L/O •—1—I C O ><-o 1 1 1
r? > _ i » > i^n
: 2000 Chicken Run X-Men Mission Impossible 2 Castaway Remember theTitans




SeniorOliverSherretservedinthe32CombatEngineerRegimentin hishome countryCanada. Hisjobincluded=explosivedemolitionswithC4, minelayingand clearing, boobytrapsetup,diggingwaterwaysand buildingbridges Sherretdecidtomoveawayfromhisengineeringserviceandpursuedanaviation majoratour school "Commercialaviationwasthemostappealingmajortome,"Sherretsaid neededamovingofficesuchasaplane, becauseIcan'tsitstillfortoolong."

live,accordingtoseniorJamesPerkins."I w thatanincredibleblessing" Perkinssaid Evi mainland, Perkinsheardpositivetestimonialsam hisdecisiontoattendourschool "Thisschoolisa long notdoubtthatcoming herewasoneofthemostimporl Perkinssaid

anamazing placeto dthere,andconsider Jf -omthe ?nced sme,butIdo nsofmylife,"

NORTH AMERICA:Michoacan,Mexico

SeniorEdixonMurillogrewupin Mexicoonlocalfoodslikeurepas ofcorundas, whicharehomemade tamales Tamalesaresteamcooked corndough withmeatinside, traditionallywrapped incornhusks "I foundoutaboutthisuniversityfrom afriendofmy mothers,who wanted me tobeinaChristianatmosphere,"

Murillosaid SOUTH AMERICA:Quito,Ecuador InhissearchforaChristianschool in thestatesthatofferedanInternational Businessmajor,seniorMartinGranda stumbledacrossourschoolina library book. Followingthecompletionofhis degree, Grandaplannedtousehis educationto impact bothhishome countryandtheworld "My hope istobecomethebestprofessional businessmanpossible, withan unchangeableChristianfaith,"Granda said "I wanttousemy faithtomake adifferenceforGod notonlyinmy countrywithmy people,butalso aroundtheworld."


Porte-De-Paix, SophomoreJanideFrais'par decidedtosend hertoacolle _ outsideoftheircountryduetothe turbulentweatherintheircity. She jrsuedaPre-Medicinedegreeatour schoolandplannedtogotomedical schoolaftergraduation Fraischose tostudyinthemdicalfieldtohelp thosein hercountry "I will goback toHaitiaftermy medicalstudiesto workasapediatrician,"Fraissaid "I wanttohelpchildrenwhoseparents don'thaveenough money tocometo ahospital and [also]thosewhoare affectedbythebadweatherinour country."

- SOUTH AMERII Valencia,Venez CarmenGraterol, senior,wokeupevery morningfreshman yearthinking, "WhatJay?"She ransition Venezuelan .wasdifficult, butchanging fromacommunity centeredcultureto an individualistic onewasthehardest adjustment.Shein fact neverwantedto come, butGod had other "It wasn't until theLordchangedall theplans I had made bymyselfthat I endec upcoming,"Graterol sustainerin every situation. It'sbeen amazingjourney v Him, and I wouldn "anything.


A:Sana'a,Republico rdingtoseniorAli Al-Hada,he ew upinthecenteroftheworld. His >mecountryborderedAfricainthe west,Asiaintheeastand hascoastline alongtheRed Sea,ArabianSea,Aden Gulfand theIndianOcean. During Al-Hada'syouthhewitnessed many unstableeconomiesand hewouldlike tousehisbusinesseconomicsdegree tohelpthosestrugglingcountries. "My passionistohelpthosein need back home,hereintheUnitedStatesorany whereelsearoundtheworldestahli.' theirown infrastructuretogrowE standontheirownfe




EstherRoy lefther

home ineastern Indiawiththegoalof becoming amedical missionarytoher country."Itisvery hardbeingaway from my family," Roysaid "Especiallybecause in Indianculture, familiesareveryclose knitand involvedin eachother'slives, soitisdefinitely hardertobeawayfor solong,especially duringChristmas."


LocatedbetweenPolandand Lithuania, Kaliningrad,themostwesternpointof Russia,washome tojuniorValenyaKlintsevich.Shereceivedanopportunitytoplay onthetennisteam and withtheanticipationofreceivingabettereducation,she decidedtoattendtheschool."Beingfarfromhome makesme moreresponsiblefor myselfand what1 do.1alsorepresentmy countryhere." Klintsevichsaid."My parents and friendsaresupporting.And 1alwaysrememberthatmany peoplefromRussia couldnotbehereformany reasons.I'mverythankfultomy parentsforgiving me thisopportunity."

i ASIA: Seoul,South Korea



Followingherinitial visittothestates and abrieftriphome,svophomore

JenniferMshamma returnedto theU.S andenrolledasastudent here.Shesaidthatherbackground intechnologywasveryhelpfulin adjusting, butadaptingtoBlackboard wasachallenge One ofthebiggest culturaldifferenceswasthelanguage asitrelatestotheculture "In Tanzania, it'sagood thingtobecalled fat(wellfed)and aninsultordisgrace ifsomeonecallsyouskinny(poor, unhealthy),"Mshamma said

Themountains, rivers,seasandsmall islandsofSouth Koreagavethe countryabeautiful naturallandscape accordingtosenior JiinChoi.Shechoseto leavehercountryand pursueagovernment majorwithafocuson international relations atthisschool."1 miss my country,butitis nottoohardbeing away from home, • hpraiKPl knnwfhp reasonGod brought me hereand Heis w jfl withme allthetime." W^Mm i 1 m **j •





Graduatestudent, SophiaLee camefrom "down under"Sydney, Australia Leeshared how the countryofferedarelaxing atmostphere,and thepeopleare friendlyand down toearth."Icame toAmericabecauseI havealways wanted tostudyabroadsinceIwas young."Leesaid "Ispecifically chosethisschool,becauseIwanted tostudycounselinginaChristian environment."

Lahore, Pakistan, locatedin EaststateofPunjabwashometo senior, Mamoona Yousaf According toYousaf, Lahoreisconsideredthe culturalcapitalofPakistanandis known foritsfood,colors, markets andarchitectureespecially mosques andfestivals.Attendingschoolinthe southwesternVirginiapresentedan entirelynew way oflifeforYousaf, who cametotheschoolforthe conservativeenvironmentand forthe Biochemistrymajorofferedhere "I struggledinitiallywiththenew foods, travellingbybusand notbeingnear my family,"Yousafsaid."Americahas made me likecheese, mushrooms and appreciatereadytogofoods, butIstill missfreshhomemade meals."


Faith challenged and strengthened Anxiety, homesickness and nervousness described a few ofthe feelingsinternational students felt asthey arrived on campus They had toadjust tothe differences ofa new culture, language and people.Most importantly, students had theirfaithchallenged and strengthened through theirtime atourschool.

Senior Maya Shrestha, former Hindu, was bornin Kathmandu, Nepal. Her parents helped her decide on a college inthe United States

"I came here because my dad thought a [Christian] atmosphere was safeand Christian people werenice," Shrestha said.

At first, Shrestha feltpressured to become a Christian by the girlson her hall. Afterattending several church services, dorm prayer groups and convocations,Shrestha had a change ofheart, and she accepted Jesus Christ during freshman year

Thisdecision caused controversy forShrestha with the people from home country,including her parents They were not very happy and they reacted strongly.

"I was a girl and I was challenging my belief, which created a problem to remain in the society I grew upin," she said Shrestha added,"My mom got sickand didn't eat because ofthisunexpected life event for me,"

Shrestha's parents have become quietabout the situation, believing that in time she will come back toher Hindu roots

Unlike Shrestha, junior Kuuku Duncan grew upin a Christian home He was born inAccra, Ghana and decided to come toour school.Although aChristian, Duncan's faith was not very strong when he first gothere,

"I struggled with my faithever since I turned 12," Duncan said "I feltlikeI had not been able tofullygive

my life to Christ, [because] I still reveled insinsometimes."

While here,Duncan became depressed,but did not know why. A friend suggested itmight be because of hisrelationship with God Surrounded by Christians who cared forhim,Duncan became aware ofwhat was missing inhis life

"I feltlike God revealed himselfto me and he broke me down," Duncan said "God was showing me that He was still watching over me,and that he used people of stronger faithto helpme."

Senior Juliana Ospina,born and raised inBogota, Columbia,became a Christian a year before she came to theStates.

"I was invited by a friend ofmine,Erika Valek, togo to herchurch,"Ospina said, "I was not sure ifI wanted to go because I was Catholic."

She decided togo, and God worked on Ospina's heart throughout the sermon "When the pastor gave the invitation, I stood from my seatwithout a doubt, and in thatmoment I asked Christtocome intomy heart and save me,"Ospina said.

Ospina's family refused toaccept her Christianity. "[My parents]believe inthe Catholic Church,and have believed thatforso many years,but it's not the truth,"Ospina said.

Coming tothisschool helped Ospina grow inherfaith and her personal relationship with God. Although her parents were not accepting ofher faith, Ospina continued toseek Jesus Christas herSavior.

"It is such a blessing to know thatthe Creator ofthe Universe loves [me]unconditionally no matters what,and that He is there with me every singleday as I tryto live life forHim,"Ospina said.

Studentsfromover75foreigncountriescelebratetheirheritageduringtheParadeofNations inconvocation.Theydressed intheircountry'sattireand many worshipped intheirown language."I lovethepartwhereinternationalstudentsgottodisplaytheirculturalcostumesand nationalpride," Ngun SuiZing,senior,said "IalsolikedsingingwiththeAmericanstudents Oursingingisapictureof heaven,wherewe willall bepraisingGod inoneaccord."


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?hool,career, love, vacation^ and c

Q:What kind ofpranks didyou pullwhile livingon campus?

Ilived athome my firstyear,butmy second year I moved into Dorm 6.I had three roommates, two from Philadelphia and one from upstate New York,I still getemails from kidson my hall reminding me ofdifferentpranks that we played on people.

One former student sent me an email recently reminding me ofa prank I pulled during hallmeeting.Back inthose days we had vinylalbums,and I had albums ofdifferentsound effects

One ofthem wasa sound effectofajetplane flying reallylow overhead Itsounded likeitwas going tocome rightthrough your house when you played it,During a hallmeeting onenight, we wired itup sothealbum would playthrough speakers in the hallway. While theRA wastalking, we played thealbum and it sounding like ajetplane was coming through thehallwayand intothedorm.

Q:When did you and yourwife meet?

Becki'sdad always watched my dad on TV during the 70's, and that is why hesent hisgirls tothiscollege I met Becki's sisterduring my college career, Shedated a good friendof mine from high school,soshe invited a largegroup ofstudents togo toherfamily'svacation home intheNorth Carolina Mountains.Becki's dad had a big logcabin and a bunch of us

went theretosnow ski I met Becki, who was13atthe time, justa little kid. Thefollowing summer,we were all invited back totheTilley'sbeach house We started talking and became friends. We remained friendsfrom a distance untilshe became a student here fouryears later By then,I was a second year law student attheUniversity ofVirginia and shewas oldenoughto legally date We dated fortwoyears and were married when I finished law school.

Q:How didthe FalwellFarm come tobe?

When Becki and I gotmarried in'87, herdad helped usbuy a farm about 30 minutes from theschool Itwas an oldfarm house that needed some work.Fixing up that farm became our hobby over thenext 20 years Ourfirst son, Trey, was bornin 1989. We thought livingon thefarm would be a great wayto raisekidsand we ended up with four wheelers and horses In 1991, we builtthelake, which took three years tofill up. Once the lakewas full, we used ittorideSea-Doos and water ski For us, thefarm was ourvacation spot aswellashome and, whenever we had freetime,we would spend itouton the farm It is sortofourescape,and itstill hasthefeelofbeing away on atrip, (continuedonpage191)

some students had a short driveorflighthome forthe holidays Senior PhilipWhite and hissister sophomore Annette White had an 18hour flightto China,where their parents had been missionaries since they were in juniorhigh

The White family originally lived insouthern Florida where Philipand Annette's fatherworked ata Baptist church The family U had met a missionary involved in an underground church who asked J Mr White to help They moved to Singapore in 1992,following God's CO calling.

"Moving toa new country was a long transition, but God had bigger X plansand a higher calling on my life," Philipsaid.

The White siblingsgrew up inSingapore and under theirfather's training learned tospeak fluent Mandarin.The White family then L^ moved to China nine yearslater

"I spent the firstweek justcrying myself tosleep,but then through * differentcircumstances and my family'ssupport,China became one of ZJ rny favorite places inthe world,"Annette said.

Their parents led Biblestudies in theirhome foryoung adults twice a week.They also got involved with an underground church.Being missionary kidswas not always easy forthe two They had doubts but they learned how great theirlife reallywas.

"I feltlikeI missed out on some other experiences ofAmericanlife, : , especially American football, but I don't regret being inChina at all,"

ij) Philipsaid

Annette said, "There are partsofme thatwonder what it would be like to have grown up inAmerica,but I've never wished that it would come true,I feelasthough being a missionary kid has given me such a unique perspective on the * world.I'veseen incredible thingsthatthose who grew upin America have never witnessed."

Philipplanned tofollow inhisparent'sfootsteps by pursuing a missions major After graduation he hoped togo to China or wherever God called him.

"I want to be a missionary because it is something that is commanded forevery Bible-believing Christian by Jesus,"hesaid. "That is something I don't take lightly, whether you are called to America,thejungles of Papua New Guinea orthe over-worked cities of China.I justhappened to likereaching out toChina and have theability tospeak tothem intheirown tongue."

Sharing the gospel without breaking the law proved to be difficult forhisparents, and Philiphoped to help them

"You can't reallyopenly advertise [thegospel]," he said. "It'sabout relationshipsand making disciples, focusing on singleindividuals You concentrate on one so they can witness to others."

Annette added,"Itis very difficultto reach people inChina,andit is a constant struggle formy parents.They put inso much time and effortand hardly reap any benefits I respect them so much and would not change anything about how orwhere I grew up."


SiblingsseniorPhilipWhiteandsophomore AnnetteWhitespend some qualitytimetogetherin thesnow TheWhitesiblingslivedinChinaforseveralyears,helpingtheirparentsspreadthegospel FreshmanGordon Personsalsogrew upoverseasinthePhilippineswherehisparentsaremissionaries "Missionarykidsmay getconfusedaboutlanguage,home,cultureand whatotherslabelasnormal, butI personallywouldn'tevergivethatup,"Personssaid "Thisworldisnotourhome,heaven is A home thatwill lastforever."

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Globetrotting initiatedjunior Kevin Manguiob's lovefor photography After visiting countries such as Guatemala,the Philippines, South Korea and Japan,Manguiob wished he could have photographed those moments His mother bought him his firstDigitalSLR camera lastChristmas that began hisobsession with photography.

"I love photography, because it enables meto show people how I see the world and everything init," Manguiob said "Wherever I traveled,I wished that I could pause time forthat specific moment Through photography, I am now able todothat and show others what I see."

Manguiob decided to pursue a finance major,and he hoped to open hisown photography business with the help ofthis degree. Since photography was not part ofhismajor,Manguiob took photographs on the weekends and while on vacations.Hisfavorite styleofshooting was popularly known as street photography

"I like to dostreet photography which involves capturing candid photos ofrandom people on the street,"Manguiob said "Itis great for mesince I liveinNew York City, and there are agreat amount of individuals inthe city. I feellikea lotofemotion emulates from thiskind of photography."

Balancing Act

Senior Jennifer Erdman was a busy student who was double majoring innursing and graphic design with aminor instudio art.Inthe pastyear, she had alsostarted aphotography business called Paper Napkin Photo and had gotten hired asan internforSabrena Deal ofS CarterStudios "Business-wise,making time forphotography has been alittle more difficult, because I'vehad to book sessions around clinicals, weekly 20-page papers,lab hours and many other school assignments," Erdman said. "It took mea little while toget balanced and to be ableto appropriately handle scheduling and editing times,but I'vegotten better."

Erdman made time tostop her hectic life and enjoy capturing moments inlife through the lensof her camera "I love being ableto capture people,notjusttheirfaces,but theiremotions and theirhearts,"Erdman said "I love being able to look atsomething likea smile from amother to her bulging tummy, aglance between acouple who's been married forforever and agroom's firstlook at hisbride, and see amoment that can be preserved and passed down forgenerations to come."

TheMusic "Seen"

Sophomore Ryan Feisterdeveloped apassion forcapturing bands intheirunique essence and showcasing the music creativity ofsound and music through photography

"I'vebeen involved inthe music scene sincethe beginning of high school, with bands or artists, and the goal is to be unique,"Feister said. "That quality can be shown from the band name, lyrics, music and graphics."

Feister decided totakes pictures ofbands forfun that were out ofthe ordinary and different He expanded hiscreativity with the pictures while editing them through Photoshop

After checking out graphics and website photos online, Feisterdiscovered hislove fordesign His goal was to design websites and graphics forbands aswell as coordinating and executing theirphotoshoots.

"I think that photographing bands is something that has no boundaries whatsoever," Feistersaid. "The more unique and interesting the picture, the better theyare."

Globally Minded

The love of photography all started in elementary school for junior Kelly Reece. A classmate of hers had done a final class project on pinhole photography and Reece was intrigued

"I thought to myself, 'I want to do something like that,'" Reece said. "From that momen t on, I decided I wanted to becom e a photographer, and as I learned more about photography, I becom e more interested in it."

After taking basic photography classes at her local community college and several more classes at Corcoran College of Art and Design, she developed a passion for catching the world through her lens

"I get inspiration from the world around me," Reece said "There is so muc h that goes on locally and internationally to catch in a photograph."

After finishing her degree, Reece hoped to have started a job in photojournalism on the mission field

"What I love about photography is the ability to tell a story visually," Reece said "People can view the world simply by looking at a picture or video, and that is something that truly interests me."

Capturing the Moment

Upon his 2007 graduation, graduate student Reggie Leonard's parents presented him with a Canon PowerShot S3 camera that would change his life After receiving the present, Leonard was so excited and he immersed himself into playing with his new gift

"Being the innate nerd that I am, I did all the research that I could about m y specific camera and about photography in general," Leonard said "When I began to see what I could do with a camera, I knew that I had found m y hobby."

Leonard cam e to our school to attain a counseling degree to help people, and his love for photography turned into a way to reach out to others as well He wanted to pursue photography on a freelance basis by offering his services to people wh o could not afford professional photography

"I really hate to see Christian ministries and artists that have horrible marketing and photography, simply because they cannot afford it," Leonard [ said, "I would love to be able to provide low-cost, professional services to individuals wh o would not otherwise be able to afford photography."

He also decided to use his camera to catch the things most people miss every day

"It's so easy to get caught up in all of our responsibilities that w e miss the I simple moment s in life," Leonard said. "Photography is a great medium to I capture these precious, comical, random, fearful and magnificent moments."

Photographing Love

Sophomore Chelsea Courtney grew up loving to draw and paint, but she did not get involved with photography until she took a class her junior year of high school

"My art teacher saw that I had an eye for photography and pushed m e to pursue the art even more," Courtney said "She still encourages m e to this day about m y work, and when I've felt like giving up, she tells m e that what I have is special." Courtney found her niche in wedding and engagement pictures She shot over 10 engagements and booked four weddings for the upcoming summer.

"What I love about doing wedding and engagements is meeting people that are in love, and being able to capture their blossoming romance," Courtney said "I always walk away from a shoot feeling an overwhelming sense of excitement."

As for the future, Courtney planned to finish up her studio art degree and continue her love of photography

"I want to continue m y pursuit with wedding and engagement photography," Courtney said. "Later in life, I hope to do something with missions using photography."

Film to Photography

Graduate student Justin Kintzel grew up loving film and video He captured creativity using a video camera and a few years ago he decided to try photography

"I sort of translated that same eye to still images when a couple of friends of mine asked m e to take pictures of them for their album," Kintzel said "I just borrowed a camera and tried it out."

Kintzel enjoyed the complexity of photography

"I thrive off the of the feeling of capturing that one shot that can't be captured in a million years," he said Kintzel planned to always take photos but he was not going to rely on it as his main source of income

"I really enoy taking photos for bands and artsists and would like to continue doing so in the future as a side job," he said Kintzel's passion drove him to utilize various forms of creativity in his life

"I've always wanted to be somebody wh o creates excellent things no matter what I'm doing to represent Christ and show creativity as a form of worship." Kintzel said "I think that is what has always driven me, and probably always will."

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wome n making a difference

Chairman Beverly LaHaye founded the nation'slargest public policy women's organization 30 yearsago called Concerned Women forAmerica [CWA] She felt that women who have conservative valuesshould have a voice in the politicsofAmerica

"The purpose ofCWA is to protect biblicaland conservative valuesand morals forall citizensand inAmerican government,"Amanda Haas, junior and President ofour chapter ofCWA,said.

A chapter ofCWA was started atour school toget young women on campus involved.There are200 members ofCWA on their Facebook fan page and severaldedicated members who came tostudent government meetings and weekly prayergroups.The group alsospent time ministering tothe girls atthe Godparent home, a local resident home forpregnant unwed girls.

One ofthe main issuesthe CWA chapter atour schoolstoodforwasthepro-lifemovement.Theyheld eventsto promote pro-lifeand even raised money fora pregnancy crisis organization inNew York

"Our goal is tosee students more aware ofwhat is going on inour nation and to be inspired toact," Haassaid

Vice President and juniorCaroline Biggs took her position afterlearning about the vision CWA stood for, a visionto promote conservative values She encouraged women toget involved and "spread conservative values inaChristfocused,prayerfuland hands-on way."

"My favoriteaspect ofCWA is being involved with other young women inmaking a difference forChrist by helping others,spreading patrioticand conservative valuesand being actively involved inmaking a differencefor causes that I careabout,"Biggssaid

Sophomore Sarah Brooks was looking fora group toget involved with and this organization's name impressed her.

"I don't thinkthere'sa woman on this campus thatwouldn't say that she is concerned forAmerica,"Brooks said. "I got involved around the week ofthe pro-lifeconference


and I am so glad that I did." Haas said, "CWA is important toChristian women becausetheycanbeshownthatnoallleading inpoliticalAmerica have to be liberal feminists. It is crucialthat America hearsand recognizes women with conservative beliefsaswell."

MacelFalwellsmilesassherecountsmany happymemoriesshesharedwithherhusband JerryFalwell A decorativereminderofthethosetimeshangsonthewallbehindher Thefirst "FirstLady"ofourschool,Macelstoodbyherhusbandthroughsometoughandjoyoustimes. "Yougainstrength,courage,andconfidencebyeveryexperienceinwhichyoureallystopto lookfearintheface,"EleanorRoosevelt,formerfirstladyoftheWhiteHouse,said.Macelgave testimonythatshegainedallthreeasshesupportedherhusbandthroughtheirlivestogether, butfurthermoreasshefacedhisdeathand thegriefthatfollowed

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daring and devoted, the lifeof macel falwell;the silent presence at Jerry Falwell Sr.'sside

r Jerry Falwellorganized theMoral Majority, began a radioministrycalled Old Time Gospel Hour and founded the Lynchburg ChristianAcademy, Thomas Road BaptistChurch and our university He was a reformerand leaderofaconservativemovementin the politicalrealm and thechurch, a partofAmerican history. During all oftheseaccomplishments he had a supporter who always believed him, aquietbutvery important individualathis side, his wifeMacelFalwell.

Mrs Falwell'sroleatour universitydid not come withan official title, but itresembled thework done ofa "FirstLady."As thefirst "FirstLady"toour school, Mrs. Falwellattended chapels, met students and saw theuniversityblossom,but herbiggest prioritywas lookingafterherhusband and family.

"I backed Jerry in everything he wanted todo;I gave him adviceand I didabsolutelyeverythingthat I thought should be done tohelp him,"shesaid. "He knew thathe could come tome foreverything and anything, and I justmade sureI was availablefor him."

As ayoung child, Mrs Falwellshowed a lovefor art, drawing picturesand painting often. "If I found any pieceofpaper,regardlessofwhat itwas like, I'dgrab itand save itso I could painton it," shesaid.

Along withart, Mrs Falwelldeveloped a lovefor the piano.During herteen yearsshe learned how to play. "We livednextdoor toa church when we were growing up, and every timethejanitors came over tocleanthechurch,I would sneak in and start to playthepiano,"shesaid. "I hadn'ttaken lessons, but I would listentothepianistsatchurch and watchtheir hands, and I started fromthat."

Mrs Falwellwas playingthepianoatherchurch thenightshe met herfuturehusband.Itwas alsothe nightDr Falwelland his friendsbecameChristians

(story continued on page 193)

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"Ithinkthemost excitingaspect ofbeingafirst ladywould be thatyougetto know so many studentsand theirdifferent backgrounds. You alsocould beliketheir "mom" away fromhome."

-Hannah Salisbury,SO "Ithinkthemost excitingthing would beall of theopportunities thatwould comewith it, liketheplaces youwouldgo, thepeopleyou would meetand theeventsyou would beapart of -Rebecca Henning,SR

"Beingunder themicroscope allofthetime would bethe mostchallenging aspect, because nothingthefirst ladydoesisever private, personal orunnoticed The mostexciting thingwould be toknow thatas firstlady,one hastheability toinfluence,for good hopefully, issuessheis passionate about."

-Professor StacyCannon, VCAR

"Ithinkthe mostexciting thingwould be knowingthat youmade a difference in students'lives."

-Brittany Fulford,FR "Itwould be difficultforme, becauseIam a journalist My husband would probablyhave totell me that everything was 'offtherecord'."

-Melinda Zosh,SR

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Studentslearnfromtheirmothersand grandmothers

Mothers and grandmothers who loved designing passed down buttons,fabrics,needles, sewing machines and a love of fashion to their daughters. These students were influenced by the generations before them to use their creativity and design clothing

Senior Michelle Otto learned how to sew from her mother "Iremember my mo m placing bricks or phone books under the pedal so my sisters and I could reach it," Otto said "Under my mom's supervision, I sewed my first garment by myself when I was eight or nine."

Otto had made dresses,skirts, pillows,quilts, wall hangings and much more. Her experience helped her land a job as a sewing lab assistant for the Family and Consumer Science Department

"Being able to sew has been such a blessing," Otto said "The best part iswhen you see the garment coming together, and it fits like it should Itisfun to watch it evolve from a piece of fabric to a garment."

Senior Hannah Swanson found inspiration for her designs from her grandmother Swanson designed three dresses for last year's fashion show from vintage material her grandmother had stored away in her closet,dating allthe way back to the 50's and 60's

"My grandmother bought me my first sewing box, my first button jar, and she later bought a carrying case for my sewing machine," Swanson said "Through all

of this and her encouragement, Iwould definitely say that she has been a huge part of my sewing passion and has given me confidence to try designing."

FACS Professor Matalie Howard received inspiration from her family as well "At the age of eight,my mo m turned me loose on the sewing machine," Howard said."Under her and my grandmother's watchful eye, Ibegan my first sewing project,a blue and white gingham checked drawstring tote-bag and matching head scarf."

That was the start of Howard's passion for design and sewing "Iloved what they created and wanted to learn to do the same," Howard said Howard's passion grew over the years Having graduated with her undergrad in1985 from our school, she retured as a professor after completing a masters from the University of North Carolina-Greensboro

These women had a passion handed down from the generations of women before them, a family tradition "Because my parents,my mo m in particular,had a love for things likecrafts and sewing,that passion and excitement was modeled and rubbed off on me," Otto said."Whenever I sew itreminds me of my mo m and it provides a connection between us even though we are thousands of miles apart."

The FACS departmentfacilitated and organized triptoNew YorkCity duringthefall semester, providingthe opportunityforstudentstobeinspired and toexperiencewhat therealfashion industrywas all about Theitinerary included:

-TourofTommy Hilfiger'soffices, showroom and clothesbysisterBetsy Hilfiger

-Martha Stewart Show

As acontestant inthe Miss America program, SeniorSarah Lee Fitzpatrick, participated in fundraising forthe Children'sMiracleNetwork Herlove ofsewing and desiretoprovide in atangibleway resulted in the development of"HelpingHandbags."

SinceAugust 2008 shehelpedraise over$1,000fortheorganization

Pursemaking inherown words:

"It all startswith thedesignofthe bag - figuringoutthemain purpose, drawing/mapping it out, deciding what featuresit willhave, etc. Then comes thefabricselectionwhich cantake anywhere from 10minutestoanhour I alsomake about 90 percentofthem from scratch(notusinga pattern), so I would estimatethatdepending on the handbag thatittakesabout 1-3hours tomake one.Once finished, I test its durability. I alsomake suretoiron it sothatit is wrinklefreeand in perfect condition I alsomake otherthings like diaperbags, aprons, camera strapslip covers, sunny cozies,etc My sister and I arealsoin theprocessofopening an EtsyShop [placetosellhandmade items] together."

-Advertisementchallengefrom fashionphotographer DorothyShi

-Working on a Lanvinbridal photoshoot

-Essence Magazineoffices

-Women's Wear Daily[WWD] fashionpublication headquarters

-Metropolitan Museum ofArt

-Boat ridetoEllis Island

-Shrek theMusical

"Thistrip was all I expected ittobe and more,"TaylorBuckley,sophomore, said "We receivedalot ofgreatadvice in termsofobtaining both internships and careersin thefashionindustryfor ourfuture."

JuniorAliciaAllenwalksthehallwayonthesecond floorofDeMossbetweenclasses.Shewasproudofthe outfitshehadeffortlesslyassembledthatday."Usually I justtrytowearbasicstuffandthenthrowinsomething crazy,"Allensaid "I'dcall iturbanchic."

Senior Jessica Alexander uses the main stacks at the libraryasherown runwaytodisplayheruniquesense offashion.Studentsatschoollefttheirownfashion statementsastheyeitherfollowedtrendsorusedtheir owncreativity."MyoutfitssaythatIcanbefashionably cute,whileexudingconfidenceandprideinmy senseof styleandfashion,"Alexandersaid "Ienjoythefreedom ofmixingcolors,incorporatingtheideasofothers,and takingrisksbystandingout."

i.SeniorKelleyWelchadjuststhecoatonthe mannequin,tryingtoputtogethertheperfectoutfit. Studentsspentagoodamountoftimeandcreative energyinshowingtheirfashion,"I loveurbanstreet styleswithlotsofcolorsandIam knowntorockNike kicks,"BekahMoye,sophomore,said "However,forday todayfashioninspirationI loveMischaBarton'sunique anddaringtakeonclothingandaccessories."

SeniorOliverSherretpracticeshisfashion photographybytakingapicture offreshmanLauren Longenecker.Thispictureresembledsomethingareader mightseeonafashionmagazine."! enjoyreadingfashion magazinesandfromtheregettingideastocompliment my style,"SherylynCrow,senior,said "Ilikethehippie grunge,laidbackstylesoI branchofffromthere."

Wrapped in her double-breasted trench coat, senior LesleyVannoy sportsadressshedesignedandcrafted herself.Studentscouldtakeclassestolearnhow tocreate theirown clothing "I'mreallythankfulformy sewingclass andIam excitedtoapplyittoreal life,"saidTaraEdwards, senior "Hopfulllyinthefuture Icanusemy creativity in thisfieldtohelpothers."

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"Van Gogh has always been an inspiration tome. AsakidI used tolook through hispaintings and triedto draw sunflowers like his Asa comic book artist my main inspiration isTiteKubo. Hisstyleisvery detailed,bold, and holds more realijfcan a

character I admire how he can portray his characters with somuch emotion thathe draws thereadersin."

-Amy Marquez, SO "My favorite artistisPaul Cezanne.'Un coinde table'is thebest painting by him because lovestill life lisartpieceis

anoilpainting ofatable and fruit, which looks realistic. It's amazing."

-Lindsay Foley, SO

"Yoji Shinkawa [Japanese artist who created artwork forthe video game series'Metal Gear Solid'] has acouple pieces thatI regularly lookat. He'sgot

a really awesome traditionally based style, using lotsof calligraphic brushes which produces powerful, imagination amd spurring artwork. Any one ofhis illustrations depicting the titular Metal Geartankis awe-inspiring tome.Itteases

theviewer as a technical drawing, and yet has impressionistic flaresofpaint and inkstrokes thatgiveit an ethereal atmosphere It pulls together themachine and theideainto one piece He doesa seriesofthese."

-Scot HalbachJR

orandstudioartmajorRachelKazinteractswithherpriorinspirationthatledtothecolorfuldigital trationpictured Kazbased her artwoi^BkPiperPoint presentationshemade forasermon about JBnatureheldatBrentwood Church "ArlMon campusaretakingthenextstepinshowing theworldtheir pinationindifferentmediumswithouthaRation,"EliannaCarazquillo,senior,said "Thattakescourage, yaseyouhavetodisplayyourmind'sportraittobejudgedbeforebeingappreciated." Attheseniorart w,LauraFeaganstandsproudlyinfrontofherwork. ThepaintingwasareplicationofVan Gogh's TerraceatNight'whichshehad done inacrylics."It'salwaysablasttomergetechniquesofthe Bfcterswithyourown creativeideas,"Feagansaid "Youcanreallybegintoappreciateothers'paintings more onceyoustartputtingdown everylayerofcolorjustliketheydid." TheartpiecetitledTuesday' proudlydisplaysseniorJaelSchultz'sartisticskills ShecreatedthisselfportraitinpencilfortheArtShow "Ithinkwe havealotoftalentatthisschoolasfarasphotography and paintinggoes,"Abby Armbruster,junior, said "Thevisualcommunication galleriesarealwaysinspiringand thephotography capturesamazingbeauty."

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Worshipmajorand sophomoreJames Bock gazesattheartworkduringanartshow. Studentswereabletodisplaytheirworksaround Lynchburg, includingourcampus "When Ilookat theartliningthehallsonNorthCampus Iam so impressedbytheartist'screativity."ErinLogan lunior said "I feellikeIcanseethebeautyof creationintheirwork,and theyhavealot oftalent."

Senior hockey player Joshua Tucker slammed his opponent against the glass, juniorfootball player Tim Smith knocked his adversary to the ground and sophomore basketball player Danika Dale fought to pulldown the rebound These athletes not only excelled intheir sport,but in their creative side as well. They chose to major and pursue a career in art

The 265 pound defensive end Tim Smith,turned heads with hischosen academic major."I likethe reactions Iget from people when Itellthem that I am a Visual Communication Art major,"Smith said."I'm such a big guy,and if you never met me you would have never thought that I was into art."

Smith was not the only sports player pursuing art. The 6-foot guard from the women's basketball team, Danika Dale,shared her artistic side "I likebeing able to be creative,"Dale said "You kind of have to do the same thing on the court Design and basketball are both an artform."

Joshua Tucker, forward on the Division Ihockey team,also developed a passion for art. According to Tucker,he was intrigued by the designs on the skateboards and surfboards he saw regularly This curiosity led him to pursue a Graphic Design major "Graphic Design is long-term for me," Tucker said "I would like to teach it either ata high school or university level, while freelancing on the side."

These sports players balanced practice,games and theirdesign homework They made it work in order to pursue what they loved.

"I got my talents from God," Smith said "Ihave been blessed to make it thisfar, and God is the source ofall of my strength."


Sixty-five cadets intheAirForce Reserve Officer Training Corp (AFROTC) woke upat 6:00 a.m two days every week fortraining. They completed 67 push-ups,58 sit-upsand ran a mile and a half. This training was only the start forAFROTC cadet's preparation to serve intheUnited States AirForce.

"Most ofourtraining helps build leadership skillsand become all around stronger people," Giovanni Cucci,sophomore AFROTC cadet, said. "AFROTC is here todevelop quality leaders fortheAir Force."

Every Tuesday,thecadets headed to the University ofVirginia, where they have a class and leadership lab. The labenabled upperclassmen topractice their leadership training by teaching the underclassmen.

"AFROTC focuses more on organizational leadership,problem-solving, and dealing with situations asa leader,"Brandon Roop,junior Cadet Captain,said."I'mresponsiblefor teaching theunderclassmen how tomarch and do drillmovements."

The summer aftertheir sophomore or junior year,cadets served four weeks in Field

AFROTC cadetspreparetoserve Training

After training, students moved upto Cadet Officer and were responsible forrunning cadet wings and training

"Field training consisted ofhand-tohand combatives,unittactics,inspections, convoy training, assault rifleand hand gun familiarization and other deployment skills," Sam Morrissey,senior cadet,said.

According to Morrissey,after graduation most cadets arecommitted tofour years of active duty and four years ofinactive duty Junior cadet,Brad Perkins shared how other careers,such aspilot navigators orairbattle managers were required toserve tenyears.

"Despite misconceptions,a very smal percentage ofAir Force officers areactually pilots,"Cucci said "Most cadets in AFROTC are aspiring tobecome intelligence officers, maintenance officers,engineers ora position working with computers."

"Overall,I have learned a lotabout myself and leadership," Roop said."This trainingwil help me tobe a part ofthearmed services and help protect ourcountry."

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AirForceR0TCcadetandalumni Daniel McCready salutesas heposesinfrontof a fourseaterCessna172 G1000usedforinstrumenttraining Manystudentsjoined the ROTC program toservetheircountryandhelp payforschool. "Thething I mostenjoyed aboutROTCis that wedon'tjust learn techniques, butwepracticethem." Annastacia Marchand,junior, said, "Getting outoftheclassroomandapplyingwhatwe've learned givescadetsa greaterandmoreenjoyable learning experience."

«jfc y Flying Higher with an Accredited Flight Attendant Degree

Theschoolbegan anew program thatallowedstudents theopportunitytoreceiveanaccreditedassociate's degreeinaviationplusthecoreskillsnecessaryfor nationalorinternationalflightattendantpositions

AccordingtotheFlightAttendantTrainingGroup (FATG) website,thisdegreegavestudentsanadvantageover otherapplicantsintheirfieldand theopportunityto continuetowardsaBachelor'sdegreethroughtheschool's onlineprogram whileworkingasaflightattendantorin anotherprofession

FATG wasanorganizationofaviationprofessionalswith yearsofaviationand flightattendingexperiencethatwere contractedbytheuniversitytoofferpracticalhands-on flightattendanttraining

AccordingtoJulieWalsh,CEO FATG,"Yourworld-class educationand flighttrainingwill prepareyouto assume responsibilityforthesafetyand comfortofpassengers and crewwhilecultivatingtheskills necessarytoface variouschallengesintheskyand in life."

withCindyCruz, FlightAttendantMajor

Why didyoudecidetopursueadegree asaFlightAttendant?

I reallyenjoytraveling,and I believethatflight attendantsarerequiredtobenicewithpeopleaboard. I alsolovetoservepeoplehowever Ican


doyouhopetousethisdegreein thefuture?

I hopetousethismajortohelpand enjoymy time whileI am travelingtoo I reallybelievethatGodis preparingme todothis.

Whatisthemostexcitingaspectofthis career?

I will betraveling,and alsolearningaboutdifferent culturesbymeeting peoplefromdifferentbackgrounds

Fall Festivities

MemebersofSHRM carvepumpkins,compete inatugofwar,paintfaces,and roastmarshmallowsoverafirepitastheyparticipateintheir fall festival at PeaksViewPark Asidefromthegroupactivitiesofferedbythehuman resourceacademicgroup,studentschosethemajorbasedon a passionforhuman interaction. "I chosethismajorbecauseI reallyenjoyworkingwithpeopleandmakingsurethingsareorganizedin abusiness," Kim Johnson,junior,said "Thebestwaytoputthosetogetherisin humanresources I reallyenjoyedlearningaboutcompensationtraining [Inthefuture] I may becomeacompensationspecialistorat leastanHR generalistwhereI canworkwiththatorhelppeoplewithtraining."

Debate topic discussed this year: "ShouldtheUnitedStates Federal Governmentreducethe roleormissionsof its nuclearweaponsarsenal?"

Debaters Take a Stance

Sigma Tau

Incredible Preparation - m

Senior Stephanie Dillard shared the secrets for success of the debate team: 1

Extensive researchto predictpotential issues

tworkethic +\ forarguments / f andcounter- j mm m arguments *•

Strategy sessionswith coaches 5

Practicedebates againstother members

DeltaInternationalEnglishHonorSociety RecievesAccoladesforWriting

Students talkabout theirwriting

How was it challenging and rewarding?

SarahPorter,SR: It was rewardingto receivefeedback about mythesis.

The challenging partwas readinga ten-page paperout loud infront of strangers

KatiOverbey,SR: I hadnever been to a literaryconference;therefore, I did not reallyknow what toexpect.However, it was rewarding tohearother people's perspectivesonliterarytopicsand be abletodiscuss them

How much time did you spend on your paper?

I had atleasteightresources, and spent about a month working onthe paper,I would say that I spent atleast 30 hoursworking onthis essay. I spent many hoursinreading the novel,researching thehistorical contextand finding scholarlyarticles tosupport my research. Much time was alsospent inpreparation and writing.

What was your paper about and how did you go about choosing the topic?

My paper was entitled, "Death of a Flower:Zenobia inThe Blithedale

Romance." I wrote thispaper asa seminar paper foranEnglishclass inwhich we read "The Blithedale Romance." I chose Zenobia for a characteranalysisbecause ofher intriguing rolein thenovel

My paper was onJohn Kennedy Joole's"AConfederacy ofDunces." I illustratedhow Tooleused his novelto critiquetheAmericansocietyduringthe 1950'sand 1960's. Hischaractersand writingstronglyimplyhisdisgustwith theAmerican standard andideals.

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clubcompetes andcreatescareers

Landing an internship to recruitforcompanies such as 1 Eddie Bauer and,earning respect from Human Resource [HR]executives and professionals and having company presidents complimenting your knowledge are some of the things senior Jordan McLaughlin experienced after his team won the HR Games

"There have been countless timesthat I have had presidents of companies and HR executives tell me that I have more knowledge about the HR fieldthen they do," McLaughlin said. "While I don't have the practical piece ofthe HR fielddown,knowing that professionals areadmitting that isa greatcompliment, and without the HR competition under my belt I don'tthink that would have ever beensaid."

The SHRM chapter atour school competed inlast year's Virginia State Human Resources [HR]Games.The HR Games offered students the chance tocompete in ajeopardy stylecompetition "tomotivate and prepare students forPHR [Professional inHuman Resources] certification," according tothe SHRM website

"Last year, we won first place in stateand then won again atSouth East regionals," Jordan McLaughlin said. "We competed against teams likeUniversity ofTennessee,University ofNorth Carolina, North Carolina State, Virginia Commonwealth University, James Madison University and others, and our team won."

The team was rewarded with atripto New Orleansfor the annual National SHRM Conference & Exposition. The conference introduced team members to possible internshipsoppurtunities and expanded their networks

After gaining two championship titles, the bar was sethigh for thisyear'steam They started preparing forthe competitionearly

"Those who are interested in competing have already begun to study,"Branden Bosch, seniorand SHRM executive officer, said "They started studying about 4,000 terms in the severalareas of Human Resources."

The terms were related tohuman resource and business issues, such ascompensation,staffing, training and development, finance management,economics and employment laws

"Students practiceand drill theterms and definitionsuntileveryone has mastered the material,"Dr. Colleen McLaughlin, SHRM's advisor and coach, said. "They must master the entirebody ofknowledgefor human resource management to win."

Jordan McLaughlin said, "The competition gave me countless opportunities thatwould have otherwise been extremely hardfor me to pursue on my own.Itopened so many doors toincredible opportunities, I would have never dreamed ofhappening."

Forensics success obtains recognition

Theschool's Forensics team showcased the performancesof14 individualsata van ofcompetitionsup and down theEastCoast. Thisyearstudents selectedand performed worksofliterary merit, which wereeithera two personinterpretationof "HortonHearsaWho" oraprogram of P',! interpretation that asked the aii considertheoverarching valueof life

Otherstudentsprepared platformspeeches based on currenttopics mainlyfocusedon ..i

Somes prepai


suppor and organize me\, presenl. ig toproper oratoricalform "Inorderto preseiident needstoresearch. evaluate, ui!• i the meritofthe selectioi stance,"AndrewJi best p


Theschoolofferedacarpoolprogramthatwasavailableforallcommuter students. Studentsinneedofarideorwho werelookingtosharethecostof transportation,couldsearchtheonlinecarpoolridefinderforsomeone intheir vicinitywho was interestedacarpooling.Thecarpoolprogram providedan economicaltransportationalternativeforstudents JuniorLindseyHammer found outaboutthecarpoolsystemfroman tUPD officerwhen sheand her roommate registeredtheirvehicles "[Thecarpoolsystem] wasabigmoney saver Also,the parkingspotsaregreat.AfterbeinglatetoclassacoupletimesbecauseI couldn't findaspot, it'snicetoknow Ican pull upand haveonewaitingforme," Hammer said.SeniorDanielleTalbertagreed,"My roommatesand I usedthecarpool program becauseitischeap,wegettoparkcloseand thereisalwaysaspot."

Dr MarcusRosscruisesCandler'sMountainonhissetofwheels "Itisfunbeingabletoplayupthe nerdyprofessor'sthing,"Rosssaid,'let'sfaceit;nothingsaysdweebbetterthanascooter."Rosswasnot theonlyprofessorwho rodetoschoolinstyle,andaccordingtohim,philosophyprofessorDr MichaelJones frequentlydrovehisflashymotorcyclewithaccompanyingsidecartoschoolaswell.


Thisyeartheschool,CornerstonePropertiesandtheGreaterLynchburg TransitCompany partneredtogethertoofferstudentsadirectcommuter servicefortheapartmentcomplex.Thisserviceremainedavailableduringthe weekfrom7a.m- 7p.m "TheCornerstonetransitrouteisveryconvenient Ido nothavetodrivemyroommatetoworkat7a.m.and Icancome back at5p.m when itisbusiestand nothavetoworryabouttraffic Iamable todoworkandstudyformyexamsonthebusand alsointeractand meet new peoplethatliveinmycommunity."RachelSchultz,seniorsaid

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Dr. Marcus Ross arrived every day on campu s in his sleek black riding jacket, a full-face motorcycle helmet and on a candy red apple ride.

professor takes to the streets

Ross'means oftransportation was builtwith an engine sizeof 250 cubic centimeters,room forone to two passengers,gas mileage of 60 milestothe gallon and atop speed of74 milesper hour.Ross caught the attention ofthe crowd as he dismounted his scooter.

"He must be brave,not being surrounded by metal like the restof us," Jenny Ball, senior, said Courage was needed but Ross alsocreated some safetyrules toabideby.

"Whether you know itornot, everybody istrying to kill you If you drivewith that mentality, then you'regoing to be much safer on a scooter,"Ross said. "Watch out forolder people driving Buicksor Oldsmobiles and anything elsethat is basically a yacht with wheels Stay back,farback."

Ross and hiswifeneeded a vehiclewith low gas mileage and priced around $2,000 "Forthe money thatwe had tospend, a motorcycle orscooter was the best

•n r.l L i ft I

1 live in Florida, so1 gethomeb\ planeonlyfor Thanksgiving, winter,spring, and summer breaks. Forthe fall break 1just stayon campus Being14hours away from tome inWeston rloridais hard Juringthefall semesters."

-Natalie 3aeza,JR

Hn '&1 wl i

"Mostofthe i time1 drive, butsince1 live in Florida it doesmake it verydifficultto make it home forshorterthree and fourday weekends It takesme about , ninehoursto travelhome and about halfof thetime1 have someoneelse thatistraveling withme."

-Todd Riddick,SR

"Livingonthe Hill makes it quickand easytowalkto classes. Ittakes about15minutes tomake itto North Campus walkingfrom my dorm and about10minutes takingthetransit from Demossto NorthCampus Walking isthe easiest."

-Brittany Fulford,FR

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"[1 getaround withouta vehiclebecause] everything on campus is nearbyand my friendsare alwayswilling totake me anywhereelse that1 need."

-Danielle Kelly, JR

economical option,"Rosssaid.

"I respect his[Ross'] ability tocontinue riding hisscooter through thecold months,"Devin Quesenberry,senior, said. "It is both economical and good for theenvironment."

"It's an absolute blastto be out in the middle ofthe air," Rosssaid. "Sometimes it's really hot out and sometimes it's reallycold, but atthe end ofthe day you still get to put your feetdown tostop.Nobody else gets todothat."

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"1 will allow myself togetto class15minutes earlyin orderto sit in thesame spot."

-Bethany Davis, SO

WM H 19

"Living downtown can reallybeanissue sinceyounever know what is goingon Rt. 29, but1 usually try togivemyself 20-30minutesto getwhere 1 need tobe."

-Aadam Keeley,SR

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"1 givemyself aboutsevenor eightminutesto gettoschool If 1 getthere when classgetsout, 1 canalwaysfind a spot,andusually agood one.But ifyou don'tget thererightthen, you will usually drivearoundfor a while. One day it tookme 20 minutestofind a parkingspotand itwasawful."



s JW

"1 live in theVistas Apartments, which is rightoff ofTimberlake Road 1 typically leaveabout10 minutestoget toschool, park and gettoclass Ittakesme four tofive minutes togettothe frontofLahaye if 1 don'tgetany redlights 1 have a commuter premium parking passso1 can parkright in frontofDemoss."

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eniorChristian Rosas had big plansin life thatled him topursue an InternationalRelations major witha specialization inInternationalPoliticsand Policy, a minor in Businessand an internship in Washington D.C.Rosas attained an internshipwith the Peace Corps working with policiessuch asthe Freedom ofInformation Act [FOIA] and PrivacyAct.

As a FOIA intern, Rosas would gatherthe information a citizenrequested. As a PrivacyAct intern, he would make surethatprivateinformation like SocialSecurity Numbers orotherconfidential information was protected.

"Pretty much,Freedom ofInformation Act is about giving knowledge tothepeopleand PrivacyAct is about protecting the people,"Rosassaid.

Rosas had two weeks oftrainingand thenjumped into thejob. He job consisted ofworking on requests, doing initial background checks, searching fortheinformation, writing a review and a response letter and then giving it to his supervisortobe checked

"My internship helped me understand about the importance ofinternationalaffairsand thebenefitsofit," Rosas said. "It showed me how much the Peace Corps, a United Statesagency,hasaccomplished in thepastyears with other nations, but beyond thework itself itshowed me how this helped builda greaternation,"

Working with the Peace Corps helped tofurtherRosas' dream tohelp hishome country, Peru,Itwas therethat


following in his father's footsteps

Rosas first gained a passion forinternationalaffairs from his father, Dr. JulioRosas.Dr. Rosas was a pastorfor33 yearsand Presidentofthe National Evangelical Counsel of Peru and theChristian MissionaryAlliance.

"He has been heavilyinvolved with different religious freedom activitiesinPeru, and defended theChristian church in timesofterrorism inPeru, during the late 80's and early90's,"Christian Rosassaid.

A few yearsago, Dr Rosas founded thefirst Evangelical Christian PoliticalParty with the helpofafew other Christian leaders According toChristian Rosas, the party was named "Restauracion Nacional,"which means NationalRestoration

Growing up witha strong religiousleaderasafather, Christian Rosas developed a passionforhelpinghis country. Hisexcellencein the English language enabled Rosas tobecome atranslatorforseveral meetings between his fatherand American Congressmen.

In thefuture, Rosas wished topursuethatfieldof International Relationsby becoming an ambassador for his country

"Ialways wished tobecome a representativefigure for my country,"Rosas said "I've thought about becoming an ambassador in ordertoestablish strong international relationswith my country and otherones and tryingto work towards peace and globalization."

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Name: MelissaBetts

Hometown: Fairfax,Virginia

Yearand Major: SeniorAdvertisingand PublicRelationsMajor

Internship: HeritageFoundation

Future: Despiteherinternship, Bettsdidnotfeelacallingintopublicpolicybutratherintoathletics "I'mpretty much intothecollegiatesportsrealm,"Bettssaid."I would lovetoworkformy Redskins,becauseIlovethem. I'm prettymuch anopen bookthough,and I'llworkwhereverthejobis."

Office'smission: Accordingtotheirwebsite,HeritageFoundationwasaconservativethinktankandthe nation'smostbroadlysupported publicpolicyresearchinstitute "Heritage'smissionisbasedonkeepingfree enterprise, limitedgovernmentandtraditionalfamilyvaluesimplemented,havingmore peoplebelieveinthose valuesandjustpluggingthem inmoreareasaround WashingtontokeeptheRepublicansoutthere,"Bettssaid Job: "I helpwiththejobbanks,whichisabigpartofHeritage'swebsitethatprettymuch givesanextrahelping hand totheconservativesinthearea I helpfindjobsand putthem onalistforthatnature."

Mentor: "Heritagehasbeenreallygreatinthattheysetupamentorprogram and pairedusupwitha manager ordirectorofadepartment,"Bettssaid "Mymentorhasactuallybeen prettygreat,and hasagreatconnection forme withagood sportsPRfirm."

Experience: "I havedonefourotherinternships,andthisisprobablybyfarthebestone,"Bettssaid "Everybody iswillingtohelptheinternsgetthatexperienceand includeusineverything.We areincludedinall theeventsandtheyhelppushustheretogetthatexposureforournextstepinourlifeaftertheinternship."

Name: DanielleWhitted

Hometown: Lynchburg,Virginia

Yearand Major: SeniorCriminalJusticeMajor

Internship: TheOfficeofPoliceComplaints

Goal: ToworkwiththeFBI

Office'sPurpose: Thedepartmentinvestigatescitizencomplaintsofmisconductby anofficer,conductinginterviewswiththecomplainer,officers,andwitnesses.Theyalso takepicturesofpossibleinjuriesand locations,and thensend theirinformationofftoa reviewboard.

Job: "Theofficeisshortstaffed,sotheybasicallyhaveme doingalittlebitof everything,"Whittedsaid."Ido interviews,takephotographsofinjuriesandwrite reports Ialsohavebeenoncanvases,which isusgoingoutintothe"field"outsideof theofficeforanincident.We takephotographs,talktobusinessesorhomeownersin theneighborhood and interviewwitnesses."

Co-Workers: "I lovethefactthatIam abletoworkwithexperiencedinvestigators who areknowledgeableaboutwhattheydo,"Whittedsaid "Itisveryinterestingto listentopeoplewho havegonethroughwhatI'mgoingthrough,asfarasschool,and gaintipsand knowledgeonhow togetwhereIwanttobe."

Experience: "I lovemy internshipbecauseIam abletogethands-onexperience inwhatIwanttodoforaliving,"Whittedsaid "Thisparticularpartofthecriminal justicesystem isnotexactlywhatIwanttodo,butitgivesme aninsightintodifferent procedures IalsolovethefactthatIam abletoworkatmy own paceandspeed and includemany ofmy ideasintocertainprojectsandreports."


Hometown: Coatesville,Pennsylvania

Yearand Major: JuniorGovernment Major/MinorinStrategicIntelligence

Internship: HeworkedforCongressmanScottGarrettwho representsNew Jersey'sFifthCongressional District Future: Wieleplannedongoingintolawschool,andfromthereeithergoingintothelegalorintelligencefield. "I learnedthatalotofpeopleinD.C hadaspecificmindsetofwhatjobtheyweregoingtoend upin,anda jobopened upinafieldordepartmentthattheyneverwanted towork in,butitended upturningintoagreat career,"Wielesaid "Iwanttobeopen-minded."

Congressman: "He'sextremelyconservative,probablythemostconservativemember from New Jersey,"Wiele said "Mycongressman isalsoreallyniceand hasaverydrysenseofhumor."

Job: "Iopen mail,getitreadytoberepliedtoand putitintothecomputerloggingsystem,"Wielesaid."Ialso answerphone,givetoursandwriteletters Everyweek Ihand inareportcompiledofallthefinancialservices relatedarticlesthatI putinabigcompilationandsend outtodifferentcongressmanand mediaoutlets."

Other Events: "MyfavoriteopportunityisgettingtogototheFinancialServicesCommitteeHearings,"Wiele said."Igettositinonthemarkupoflegislationand listentothedifferenttestimonies.Lastweek Isatina testimonyfrom theU.S SecretaryoftheTreasury,TimGeithner."

Experience: "Ithinkthisinternshipwasverybeneficial."Wielesaid."Gettingtoknow whatajobclosetoyour fieldlookslikeisveryuseful Ithelpsyoupaintapictureofhow yougooutandgetajob,whattolookforina bossandwhattolookforinaco-worker.Theexperiencehasgivenme insightonwhere Ishouldbeheading."

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Studentstrytoavoidthesnowwithbackpacksand hoodsontheirwalktoclass Offcampusstudentshad troubledrivingtoschoolandevenleavingtheirhouses duetotheamoung ofsnow Lynchburgreceived "Igot snowed inoffcampusall weekend becausetheplows didnotcome by,"JamersonShaver,senior,said "Itwas relaxing,and I wasforcedtotakeadayoff."

A largeand veryImpressivesnowfortstands proudlyoutsideofDorm 4afteroneofLynchburg's snowstorms Studentswerecreativeintheiruseof thesnow, makingforts,tunnelsandevensomefun snacks "I madesnow coneswithmy roomieswiththe snow,"Nana Paik,sophomoresaid "Also, I hadfunjust runningonthesnowand writingmy nameinit."

Themen ofDorm 25-2gotcreativewiththeir snowfortbyaddingit'sown residentmadeof ducktapeandcardboard Thewomen hadfun inthesnow withcameras, moviesandangels, "Onoursnowday,Igottogetherwithtwoof my friendsand hadaphotoshootinthesnow," JessicaRankin,sophomore,said."Wehadablast makingsnowangelsand thenwentinsideand hadamoviemarathontoendtheamazingday."

SeveralstudentsstartawarastheythrowsnowateachotheronthestairsotDeMoss Snowfights,sleddingand snow prankswerecommonplacethiswinterduetotheamountofsnow Lynchburgreceived "Mydoorwasburiedwithsnow notoncebuttwicethisyear,"KatieTowns,senior RA attheLynchburgInn said "Thefirsttimeitwasmy girlsand itonlycame uptoaboutmy chest Thesecondtimeitwassomeoftheguysfrommy brotherdorm andtheyburiedmy doorfromtop tobottomand itwasalmostthreefeetthick.I had totunnelmy way outoftheroomsoIcouldgoto churchthatmorning."

*" '

StudentshittheslopesatSnowflex,hopingthatthesnow willmake therideonthetraditionallysnowlessskislopeevenbetter Some studentswho weren'tskiingorsnowboardinghad funbytubingand sleddingaroundLynchburg."Ilovesnowdaysbecausetheyletyouact like akidagain,"JamersonKarel,sophomore,said."Yougettosledoutside, gotubingbehindsomeone'struckand many otherthings.

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r BenShippssitsinthecockpitofaDramond Aircraft(DA40)owned byalumni

ShellyMontgomery Thefourseateraircraftwasusedbyaviationstudents,anditwascapable ofreachingmostnorthandsoutheast citiesaroundVirginia JuniorJenniferBrittoncreateda facebookgroupforstudentswho werefansof Shipps "Myfriendsand I metBenfreshmanyear when we decidedtomakethisgroup,"Brittonsaid."Benissuchanawesomeguywithanamazing personality. Heisaninspirationtousall,and heisdefinitelygoingtodogreatthings."

Junior Ben Shipps grew up hunting, playing video game s and competing in soccer and football just like any other kid.

\ "Inever thought my disability would I keep me from doing what I want,"Shipps ~HJ said, and ithas not. Inhis sophomore year, Shipps walked onto the football ^-J team as akicker.

"Ithought I would justgive ita try."

^2 he said

Q A business major, aviation minor and n kickerforthe football team,Shipps never considered himselfany lessable than I the next guy.

LU "Idon't picture myself as anyone y> that needs anything,"Shipps said Q "Ifanything,I use [my disability] asa PQ witnessingtool."

<r He required no special accommodations to pursue an aviation ^ minor He simply adjusted to the ^ situationjust like any other student.

"Ido what I set my mind to do, and Cd that is my advice to anyone struggling ry with any kind ofdisability,"Shipps said.

f~s "What the Lord sets on your heart,he L willhelp you do."

<f Sophomore Mike Larsson, fellow kickerand Shipps'close friend, •^ described Shipps as a hard worker.

"He hitsa great balllikeany other Q good kickerout there,"Larson said "He [ always findsa way to get things done <ry and nevercomplains."

Coach Danny Rocco also described \-_\ the gifted footballplayer

QJ "Ben isa hard working individual and I iscommitted to histeammates." Rocco yry said "He is100 percent accountable to I the program despite hislimitations Ben <C isan inspiration to histeammates and /~s theuniversity."

I| | Teammate and senior quarterback

I Chris Rocco,described Shipps asa ^ testament towhat God can do through i| | any situation

j "He's the most inspiring personI <( know,"Chris Rocco said "He strengthens I our team by merely expecting to be treated as an equal Ben doesn't want any special treatment, and he doesn't need it."


Iam leaning towardPediatrics becauseI love workingwith children,and theycanbeso fun. Itcan be suchascary environmentfor achildtocome

toahospital,and I hopethatas anurseIcould helpcomfort and healthem I knowthat whateverareaof nursingIgointo will notonlybea profession,butit will beaministry aswell. Asa nurse, Igetto bewithpeople when theyare mostvulnerable. I lovegetting I tohelppeople spirituallyaswell asphysically. I hopethatI can show thelove ofChristto

everyoneof my patientsthrough my wordsand myactions."

-Nan Nash.SR

"I am planning ongoinginto some typeof criticalcare, whichmeans I willwork inthe intensivecare units(ICU). I am sopassionate aboutworkingin thisspecificfield becauseIfeel like I have more opportunity toloveon my patients. Since

thesepatients requireso much extracare,each nurseonlyhas afewpatients, which means we canspend moretimewith eachindividual patient, getting toknow them andtheirneeds. Inaddition,the patientsand theirfamiliesare oftenveryanxiousand worried abouttheirloved one'sprognosisandthisiswhere I haveanopportunitytoshow theloveofChrist

tothem. From simplyholding someone'shand astheywalk throughthehall, alltheway to holdingpatients inmy armsas theytaketheir last breath (whichhas happenedto me thisyear)areall opportunitiesfor me toallow God toloveon His childrenthrough my knowledge andabilities."

Alumnus shares: From Nursing Program tothe Operating Room

"Iam currently workinginan operating room I lovethisarea becauseit isa completely new challengeand I canbetherefor my patientsata timewhen they cannotadvocate forthemselves.

Theschool's Nursing program taughtme to beconstantly assessingand monitoring my patientsandto bethinkingonei stepaheadof what iscurrently \ goingon. When I wasinschool, I wasableto learn firsthand how thisfieldcan be usedtoshow othersthelove ofGod through thecarefor our patients We alsolearned thatwe can be a lighttothose

aroundusonthe job I don'tknow whereI'llend up in my career, but I praytoalways useitasavenue toshowothers God'smercyand love,whether |that'sherein NorthCarolina fljfflcross the world."

< ofnursing areyou pursuing andhow doyou feelcalled tothis purpose?

JuniornursingstudentCharisCraig(notpictured)observes assophomoreSarahNovakowskicarefullychecksastudents pulse. Studentsspenthoursstudyingandpreparingforclass inordertobroadentheirknowledgeneeded forthejob. Nana Paik,sophomoreobservedthatbeinganursingmajorishard work butalsonotedthatfinishingschooliswhatkepther going Nursingstudentstrytostabilizetheinjured$12,000 mannequin intheemergency room Themannequin,which was used bycriticalcarenursingstudents,hadvitalsigns and actedlikeareal person Ittalkedandcomplainedabout pain."The[simulator]wegottoworkwithwasperfectand exactlywhatnursingmajorsneed,"NoelSagan,juniornursing major,said."Itputsusinahypotheticalsituation,whereif we messupit'snotaperson'slifeweareendangering."



Bateslistenstotheheartbeatofa$20,000electronic infant Nursingstudentslearnedhowtobalancetheirbusy schedulesofclassesandclinicals "Thebiggestchallengefor anursingmajoristimemanagement,"Annie Owusu-Duah, senior,said."I haveover200hoursofclinicaland16class creditsthissemester."

The nursing program wa s committed to placing students in the hospital setting as muc h as possible. According to Professor Frederick B. Kail, upon graduation nursing students have finished over 80 0 hours of hands-on practice.

"Some schools would not put you intheclinical situation until maybe halfway through yourjunior year,we're going to put you there as sophomores," Kathryn Miller, registered nurse and simulation lab coordinator,said in a promotional video.

The clinical hours helped nursing graduates to gain jobs inthier field. According to the department's website,"Nursing students enjoy 99 percent job placement once they graduate."

Several nursing students spent a semester serving at St Mary's Hospital in Richmond to cover their clinical hours This opportunity was called the Richmond Experience.

"Itwas an awesome opportunity to get into a bigger hospital with a wider range ofdiagnoses," Lauren Nichols,senior nursing major,said

This program allowed nursing students to complete classes inseven weeks,then proceed to Richmond's St Mary's hospital At the hospital they

worked fivedays a week inthe pediatric ward

"Working on the pediatric floorallowed me to comfort the kids and just be that playful guy they could trust,"Joe Billet, senior nursing major, said "It also helped shape my people skills through interacting with the kids' parents."

Nichols said,"Itwas a real-lifeexperience, rather than being in school during the week and doing clinicalson the weekends." She added, "We even got to help abused children and see [drug addicted] kids pullthrough."

The time spent inRichmond taught the nursing students how to work ina hospital ina life-likesituation. The knowledge and practice they received helped intheirtraining.

"Even though the classes were tough,we were taught well." Janelle Simpson, senior nursing major,said."This experience was well worthit."

1 Students Share Aboul ' ;ine Favorit

1 tryto take advantageof thelargevariety Ifit's anormal day 1 lookfor a hamburger,ifI'm tryingto class itupabit 1 will checkoutthe main dishand if1 need something safeI'll gowith asalad." -Josh Wood, SR

1like goingto thekeyhole because itis convenientand subconnection because 1just loveit.1 also like Docs[Diner] because it's likegoing to a real restaurant butgettingto usemy meal points, which is great." -Jessica Baughman, SR

"1would havet say [Founders Food Court] on north campus becauseofthe varietyoffood. Itbasicallyhas all thedifferent kindoffood on campus in one location It's onestopeating." -Andrew Patterson,SR

alfredosauce on it,then1 get a chickenpatty and cutitup and putit on thepasta. Then 1 caneven usethe bun forbread."

-Jonathan Hornickel,SR

Wm %M

"1enjoygoing totheKey Hole because its right nearmy dorm and it's always convenient when 1 want aquickbite to eat." -Alydia Miller, FR

"1 maketaco saladevery night consistingofcorn chips, lettuce meat, cheese and adollop of sourcream."

-Leighanne Harper,FR

•i| | ' ^

"Jazzmans is nicebecauseit isalwaysgood togetacaffeine pick-me-up in between classes."-Allie Aizcorbe.JR

rniently located and Doc'sis notonlycheap butithasgreat food." -Josh Christensen,SR M.

"1alwayslook forwardtothe SesameChicke from the WOK section." -Josh Fish,GS

Acoupleof studentsenjoyfoodandfellowshipovera meal at the dininghall Thiswasoneof manyvenuesoncampus wherestudentswentto hangoutwithfriendsandeat "Ilike the opportunityto hangoutwithfriendsandto socialize,"Cindy Harrison,senior,said."TheReber-ThomasDiningHallhas a greatatmosphere. Astudentstudieshis notesat atable adjacentto the saladstation Studentswerealsothankful for the smilesSodexocashiersgreetedthemwitheveryday "Ithinkthatthe peoplewhoswipeyourcardsare so nice," KatieNewhall,freshman,said "Theyare alwayssofriendly."

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Sdenf awaittheirturntoquench theirthirst

sophomore Abby Wilson headed tothe Reber-Thomas Dining Hall, otherwiseknown asthe"Rot," alone Aftergathering herfood, shescanned thetables, franticallylooking for someone she knew Disappointed, Wilson shuffled over to the nearest bar stool.

"I thought people were going to wonder why Iwas sitting by myself,so Itried to read a book," Wilson said."Then Ifigured, I don't want to read while I'm eating.So,Ipicked up the phone and called my friend."

That was the lasttime Wilson ventured to the dining hall by herself.She was not the only girlopposed to dining alone. Many girlsavoided going to the Rot unless others accompanied them.

"There's one time Iwent by myself, and it was pretty awkward," Kristen Lowe, freshman,said."Some people are definitely more uncomfortable with themselves than others. It's a selfesteem problem."

Guys had no problem going to the Rot without friends."I'm usually on the go,so going to the Rot alone doesn't bother me," Allen Ancheril,senior,said."It'snot a big deal,and there are other places to socialize besides the Rot."

Senior Julie McMillian shared her opinion of why guys and girls differed on this issue "Girls are made different than guys Guys are more isolated individuals,but girls liketo have a group of friends with them, since they are more relationally based," McMillian said.

Whether it was because of low self-esteem or relationally based psychology, most girlsavoided going anywhere without companions.

"It'skind of likewhy girlswon't go to the bathrooms by themselves," Wilson said."I don't know why, we'rejust weird like that."


1cupsinhand,thirstystudentswaitpatientlyinlinetodispensetheir beverageofchoiceatthemaindrinkstationatReber Onand offcampus studentschosedifferentmealplansaccordingtotheirneed and desirefor eatingon campus."Themealplanisconvenientand alreadypaidforwithmy housingand diningplan,"Amanda Daugherty,junior,said."Thedininghall generallyhasagood selectionoffood."

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calori e counte r Jazzman's White Chocolate Mocha Blast, grande 330 calories 11g fat PizzaHut personal pan pepperoni pizza 640 calories 29g fat 3 OtisSpunkmeyer chocolatechip cookies 378 calories 19gfat Chick-fil-A Sweet Tea 130 calories Ogfat Pizza Hut Jazzman's Macchiato,skim milk,grande 15calories Ogfat Subconnection 6" BBQ crispychicken sub on white 542 calories 23g fat Medium Chickfil-AWaffle Fries 359 calories 17.3g fat Coke from the ROT 250 calories 17.3g fat Freshens breadsticks softpretzel 350 calories 18g fat Subconnection Buffalo Chicken Salad 545 calories 488 calories 34g fat Belgium Waffle at the ROT 760 calories 39g fat 9g fat

"Thefontthat I created,called "Points",was moreofadecorativefont.The mainthingwith thefontisthat ithasno curves inany ofthe letters, numbers orsymbolsthat's why I called it Points. Havinga non-curvedfont, though, isoutof theordinary; it's unique,definitely what I was going for." -Michael Martin,JR

r"Imade afont called"Olive." I thoughtthe0 looked likean oliveand it's pimentoorpit, soIjustgotthe restofthefont togoalongwith it" -Jordan Chen,SR

"Ihave titledthefont "Cosmography." My firstpointof inspirationfor thisfontwasactuallythetexton abottleofMountainDew Live Wire.Thetextof "LiveWire"had dynamic and selectiveserifs quitesimilarto mine."-Michael Stidham,JR

During the graduation ceremonies atWhite Pine'sCollege,God spoke to Professor Edward Edman as he watched hisstudents clothedin theircaps and gowns find theirseats "I was inthe middle ofgraduation atthe college I was teaching atand God said it's time to go," Edman said. "I didn't know exactly whereI was going,but Istarted praying about it."

God revealed Hisplan forEdman inan advertisement inWorld Magazine The ad displayed our school's need forfaculty in the Communication Department

"I saw the ad, and Iresponded tothead," Edman said "I did a telephone interviewin May, did a regular interview in June andI signed my contract inJuly, rightbefore the new schoolyear."

"I'm reallyglad he came here [toour school], because Ibenefitted a lotfrom histeaching and reallife experiences,"Amy Hunt,senior, said

According toseniorJordan Dunn, Edman brought with him a huge professional background and was the most knowledgeable graphic design teacher he had studied under

"I have learned more from him than any book," Dunn said "He teaches you how to improve and defend your pieces from his real world experiences."

Edman's background included jobs withItek Graphics,Compugraphics and TypeSolutions, Inc. At these businesses,he worked and created typefaces.

He shared thatchoosing a font on a computer required little effort, but the process ofcreating those typefaces involved days,weeks or even months ofwork. Edman designed fontssuch as Caslon 76, Geometric and Wanted. He alsoworked on fonts like Times New Roman.

"You could take an old book offthe shelf, and if it was printed by ItekorCompugraphics, it was probably type that Ihave worked on at some time,"Edman said

"To say thatyou designed professionalfonts thatpeople actually use, is pretty big in the design world" Dunn said.

Trading typefaces forteaching,Edman told ofthe happiness he received from educating students

"You have to be called towhat you're doing,"Edman said "If you're not called, then you're not going to be happy.God can callyou todo a lotofthings,but I'm definitelycalledto teach,"

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Intypography,studentswere requiredtodesignandconstructan originalfont.Describetheinspiration thatledyoutocreatingyourfontfor ProfessorEdman'stypographyclass.
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Whatareyourmost wellknownorinterestingfontdesigns?

More recently, TheTrinity

Forum (Washington,D.C.)has used severalofmy original fontsfor theirquarterlyreadings I didone calledCaslon 76, which was based on thetypeused duringthe American Revolution That one was used (and credited) in"ForYou They Signed: LivesoftheSignersofthe DeclarationofIndepen-

dence"thatwas released in thebeginningof2009

Wherehaveyour fontsbeendisplayed inpublications?

When I was workingfor phototypecompaniesin the 70sand 80s, I worked on fontsthatyou probably still seein olderbookstoday. Dur-

ingthattime,I redrew Times Roman and Helveticaat least fourtimes.My company did some more work on itforthe Microsoftversioneveryone usesnow

Whichisyour favoritefont?

Ofmy own fonts, I likeCaslon 76becauseitwasfunto researchand draw

ProfessorEdward Edman critiquesstudentprojects,lendinghis opinionandinsightto his attentivestudents Edman,knownfor his successincreatingfontssuchas Caslon76andWanted,helpedhis studentsto exceedas graphicdesigners. "Hedoesn'tgivecompliments often,sowhenhedoes,youknowyoudeserveit,"RachelKaz, senior,said. "Hecantellyouthatyourworkisthe worstthinghe's everseenwitha smileandsuchcleverphrasing,thatyoualmostforgotthatyourproiect wasanepicfail." ProfessorEdman looksat aVari-Typerphotosetter diskusedfor producingheadlinetype Thisdiskwasusedfor the Championyearsago, andastudentgaveitto Edman as anappreciation present Manystudentsappreciatedthisprofessorgreatly "Throughout my yearshere,Edman hashelpedme growsignifigantlyas anartist,"Janine Gleason,senior,said."His passionfor the art isevidentbythe way he teaches,whichmakeshis classesauniqueandchallengingenvironment."



Elmer Towns

Inadditiontobeing theco-founderofthe school Dr Townshad authored130books and co-authored another30books

His best-sellingbook FastingforSpiritual Breakthrough.

1996. hassoldover 350.000copies

"Whereto begin with a man who'sfavorite pie iscake,wholoves hiswife,andloves thisschoolandthe studentshere With analmostendless supplyof knowledge aboutthebible,a surplusofstories and anecdotes,and an ear to listen whenever you need, Elmer Townsisoneman you donotwantto miss in yourtimehere," Dave Steele,junior,said.

Jean Tweedy

Captain Geo

After33yearsspent in amarine uniform, Robert F Ritchiebecame ageography professor Ritchiealways had afeelingthatGodwanted him atourschoolone way oranother Asatank commander in thedesert Ritchielosthishearing Acoupleyearslaterhefound hisplaceasaprofessor Ritchiecredited Dr Roger Schultzand Dr. David Snead.forhelping him tobecome abetterteacherand abetterperson. "Dr. David Snead hashelped mesmooth my rough edges asaprofessor." said Ritchie "He[Ritchie] is averyentertainingteacher He caresabout hisstudentsand healwaystries tomake whatever we'relearning relevant Hegivespeople nicknames We callhim Captain Geo."Tony Jennings,junior, said

English Professor's character gains respect from students

Studentsappreciatedthetransparentmoralsand blunthonesty thatleftlittletoquestionaboutthetrue feelingsofEnglishProfessorJeanTweedy Besidesherhumorous personalitystudentsappreciated herhelpfulness and authenticChristianwalk.

"Shegivestheclasssomething from Scriptureeveryday. Anotherthing I reallylike isthefactthatasa professorsheisstraightforward withtheassignmentsshe givesand even inhervalues." Brandon Milks,senior,said.

"Shefollowed theLordand becauseofthatHehasblessed her She hasagreattestimonyand afterfour semestersofbeing in herclassesI nevergettiredoflisteningtoit Mrs Tweedy issopassionateabout what sheteaches She doesagreatjobofhelping herstudentsgrab hold ofthesubjectand finditenjoyable."

W ' ProfessorMatthewsreceivednationalrecognitionbyplacingthirdonthelist oftoptenprofessorsinAmerica, Highratingsintheareasofeasiness,helpfulnessandclarity,earnedMatthewsa47 outof5inhisoverallqualityscore

Matthew'sdaughterandseniorKellieMatthewssharedinhisexcitement,"WhenDad toldmethenews,Iwasbeyondecstatic He'sworkedsohardtogettowhereheistoday, soIwasgladtoseehishardworkrecognized Fromthebeginning,Dadhasalwaysbeen aboutthestudents,andhelovestalkingtothemanytime,anywhere Hehasalways lovedteaching,andhisjoycomesthroughineveryclassheteachesandwitheach studentheencounters NodaughtercouldeverbemoreproudofherfatherthanIam."

Common ratingsconsistedofcommentssuchasthefollowing:

"Hewasoneofmyfavoriteteachers.Heiswonderful.I lovedgoingtoclass eventhoughitwasearly,healwaysleftyoulaughingandinagoodmood."

"Hereallybringslifetothebooks.Iwill neverinmy lifeforgethimactingoutwhat happenedbetweenEster,KingXerxesandHaman I learnedsomuchinhisclass."


With asuave Hungarian accent and a collectionofamusing phrases, Communications Professor Kornel Gerstner captured the attentionof hisstudents.

"Professor Gerstner's accent wasthegreatest," Isaiah Luce, junior, said "He would speak,I would respond inthesame kindofaccent and

then hewould give me afunny look back.He would also getexcited aboutcertainsubjects,and hisaccentgotheavierwhen thathappened."

SeniorAlisonYoung said, "Atthe beginning ofclass, Gerstneralways announced,'It is 45,unfortunately [concerning thetimeclassstarted].' The way hesaid itsounded sofunny due tohisaccent."

ElmerTowns' Top Five Favorite Books

Believe and Live: The Gospel ofJohn

uos, 3

Tfe Ten Largest


Praying the Lord's Prayer

Stories From the FrontPorch

C Teaching Teens

088 as P c:
m 9
Class Clown Professor Gerstner takes on a unique approach to teaching
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Dr. Gina Barker's life journeyed across the Atlantic Ocean and intoan unexpected career Barker grew upinSweden,the country that instituted the Nobel prize, stayed neutral forboth World Wars, produced the famous band called ABBA and started the furniture company known as IKEA. She met her husband EdBarker ather home church inSweden and followed him back tothe United States

According to her, the most startling difference between the United States and Sweden was theirviews on Christianity

"The percentage ofChristians inSweden is very low,"Barker said. "If you are a regular church goer and actually practice Christianity, you are seen as odd and different."

The acceptance ofChristianity was not the only thing she grew toappreciate.According to Barker the taxes inthe States are much lower than taxes inSweden

"Sweden has one ofthe highest tax rates inthe world, because they have such abig welfare system,alotof unemployment and they pay money tothe European Union,"Barker said.

When she arrived inthe States, she decided to pursue adegree atRegent University inVirginia Beach.

"When I got tothe States I thought,I have todo something, I might as well get mydegree,"Barker said. "Unknown to me,God knew that he wanted metoteach, and I needed thattraining."

After graduation and getting married,life presented Barker an opportunity fora teaching career According to her, teaching was something she never considered.Sixyears ago her husband, Dr. Ed Barker, was hired by the Psychology Department They packed their bags and leftVirginia Beach.

"My firstquestion was, 'What willI dointhe city ofLynchburg?'" Barkersaid.

After spending ayear inLynchburg,Barker applied and obtained a ob inthe Communication Department.

"I reallyfeellike the Lord put mehere fora reason,"Barker said "I lovethe students and I lovewhat I do.Mytime here has really helped me grow asaperson."

According tosenior Dana Chepulis,Barker was aprofessor who wanted the best for her students She challenged and pushed them, because she knew they could do better.

"It was very apparent that Dr Barker put forth much effortto understand and teach her students,"Chepulis said. "There is no doubt that Dr Barker cares greatly about all of us."

'*$$' Paul Reynolds

my life, butI learned alotinthatclass," Rockafellowsaid. "He taughtalot of technicalknowledge aswellastheory."

One theory Reynoldsstressedwasthe importanceofshowing truthin yourart "Expressionshould behonestand not contrived,justlikeourrelationshipwith God and each other,"Reynoldssaid He triedtosharehiswisdom about artand therealworld "We should be awareofhow themedia affects us."

He challengedstudentstodevelopa criticalmindset oftheirown,undefined


VisualCommunications Professorhas theabilitytobringarttolife ProfessorofVisual Communications PaulReynoldsdeveloped apassionfor artwhen hewas young."It was bornin me todo it [art]," Reynoldssaid Reynoldshad atalentforartand shared how it waseasy to become egocentricand selfabsorbed. "On one hand God blessed me [withtalent], but on theotherhand he had toteachme," Reynoldssaid SeniorGarret Rockafellow had ProfessorReynoldsforadrawingclass "I'vebeen drawing casuallyformostof

"Hedefinitelycared about all his studentsand tookthetimetomake sure eachonesucceeded,"Rockafellowsaid Reynoldsalsoencouraged students tobecreative "Artislookingforthe uniquenessin things,"hesaid "It'sa world you can enterinto Aworld you cancreate."

\ • • • • dr.ginabarker'sstartlingstory •••••••••

The"100%NaturalGood TimeFamilyBand"performstheirfunand upbeat songinfrontofthousandsattheVinesCenterduringCoffeehouse.Everysemester, studentslookedforwardtoseeingthetalentfromtheirpeers "ThethingImost enjoyedaboutCoffeehousewasbeingabletodosomethingfunwithmy friends,"Ro Hardy,senior,said "ItwascooltobeapartofsomethingsouniqueanddiverseandI beabletoshareinthatcreativity."

C hao s filledthe room untilsophomore Matt Mielnicki yelled, "Okay!one, two, buckle my shoe!"

Then the room filledwith a uniformed sound of piano, trumpet,drum,guitar, bass, banjo and vocals. Junior guitarist Raymond Buckner swayed back and forth, freshman piano playerKelsie Knowles'head and fingers bounced and junior backup singer Amy Revis tapped the heel of her brown boot to the beat ofthe music.So it was forthe "100%Natural Good Time Family Band" asthey titledthemselves.

The sound slowly faded as the song concluded,and asthe lastnote resonated inthe air, the band members looked up with smiles on their faces.

"Okay,let'slearn a new song,because we gotthis one down,"joked lead vocalistand banjo player Matt Mielnicki atthe end ofthe practice. There were more practices tofollow before they played at Christmas

Coffeehouse,the holiday version ofthe popular campus talent show.

Matt Mielnicki'sunfinished basement served asthe band's makeshift rehearsal space.It was a collageof pieced together carpets ofvariouscolors, a lavalamp, N'Sync poster,Christmas lightson the ceiling andwalls, Greek art; and ofcourse instruments,mics and many, many wires.It was inthisroom the "100%Natural Good Time Family Band" played and learned the song called "Chicago" forCoffeehouse.

"When I came to my firstpractice with everyone, I was amazed at how good they all sounded together and I was excited totryout [forCoffeehouse],"Allison Scales, freshman and backup vocalist, said. She added, "There were some days when we had practice at3 p.m and didn't leave untilmidnight,because we werejust sitting around talking, playing videogames or hanging Christmas lights. "

2 4 s^r-

"I was really nervous before we tried out[for Coffeehouse],because I didn'tthink we were ready," Mike Cocco, juniortrumpet player, said. "After we played it though,I knew that our audition was one of the best times that we had ever played thesong."

Junior bass player Joe Mielnicki shared the excitement they all feltupon receiving word they had made the cut to perform."I was leaping forjoy whenI heard we got a time slot inthe show," he said.

"I did not know Coffeehouse was inthe Vines Center,"Chelsea Wetherill, freshman violinplayer, said "I thought it was justa nonchalant event intheTilley. Iwas very surprised and excited when I found out it was a huge campus event that everyone goesto."

Preparation oftheirversion of"Chicago"forthe show began immediately.The band watched YouTube videos ofpast performances and started perfecting theiract. They splitthe group intothe orchestra and the band sections to make practiceeasier

Why didyou decidetotryoutforcoffeehouse?

ofthereasonswerethatwe lovemusicand wante

talentand passionwithothers We wereanew band who wastrying to getournameoutthere.We knew itwouldbesomuch fun,and aband orartistrarelygetsanopportunitytoperforminsuchalargeandwell equippedvenue.

How oftendid you practiceforthe audition?

Actually,we onlypracticedforoneandahalfhoursbeforeweauditioned. Ourfirsttimerunningthroughthesong fromstarttofinish wasthe audition itself.

How did theband selectthesong you chose?

We selectedthissong, it'sactuallyamedleyofCaroloftheBellsand 0 Come,0Come Emmanuel,becausewe felt itreallyexpressesthemeaninc ofChristmas, We wanted todosomethingoriginalthatwouldappealto many differentpeople We wanted totaketworelativelywell-knownand simplesongs,and make them amazing. Hopefullywe didit right.

Wlmt emotions did you experienceasyou prepared?

Aswe approached thenightoftheperformance, thereweredefinitely some mixedemotions:excitement,alittlebitofnervousnessandasense ofhumility.We weresoexcitedfortheopportunitytoshareourtalentand passionwiththestudents, butmostofallwe wereexcitedforachancelo glorifyGod throughthetalentsHehasgivenus.

iOthers inthe band included viola player senior Paul Mclntyre, violinistssophomore David Sherret and freshman Tim Ukwuani and fluteplayerjunior Meredith Hurt

The Friday nightevent came and the band performed toward the end ofthe show The lights came up as Matt Mielnicki started the number offwith a banjo solo Soon the trumpet joined inwith him and the restofthe instruments and voicesfollowed.

The crowd bounced and swayed with the music as they enjoyed the fun and upbeat song.As the end came, Matt Mielnicki turned to look atthe band and applauded them expressing hispride and approval of thejob welldone

"We practiced a lotwhich paid offinthe end, and I think it's given everyone a chance to get closer together,"Knowles said. "Even though I often dread practicing,I have a feeling I'm going to miss it next semester."

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Studentspeerindramatized awe,pastthecoatsintheirpretendwardrobe,atthewintry wonderland ontheotherside Although noteveryholidaycame withtheimaginary worldcalled Narnia,studentsand teacherseachhad theirown way ofcelebrating "ThethingI likemost about holidaysoncampus isgettingthechancetoseehow my friendsfrom otherplacescelebrate,ratherthan justhow my familydoesit,"ChristineLemon,senior,said

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ThemenonDorm22-2trolickintheir"snow"coveredhall createdfrommanyrollsoftoiletpaper Holidaysgavestudents theexcusetodecoratetheirroomsandgivethehallafunand invitinglook "Istartedcelebratingtheholidaysoncampusby decoratingmy room,puttingawreathonourdoor,andplanning adinnerpartyorfunctionwithmy closestfriendsoncampus," RebekahFrancesTurner,freshman,said. Facultymember Adam LancasterraiseshishandtotheLordasheimpersonatesDr. EdHindson whilegraduatestudentJustinKintzel,staging asElmerTowns,listensin AlongwithHindsonandTowns, LancasterandKintzelcausedmuchlaughterastheypretendedto beCampuspastorsJohnnieMooreandDwayneCarson "Ihave toadmitChristmasconvocationisalwaysagoodthingtogoto, especiallywhenpeopledressupandreallygetintoit,"Austin Marsh,sophomore,said AstudentdressesupasSantaClaus torChristmasConvocation. Studentswereeagertosharewhat theylovedabouttheholidaysoncampus "Myfavoriteholiday tocelebrateoncampusisThanksgivingbecauseprogressivehall dinnersarethebest,"AmandaJones,senior,said Withatacky Christmassweaterandcoolshades,juniorJordanSpicer showshislovefortheholidayasheplaysChristmassongs withtheCampusPraiseBand. Thebandwasnottheonlygroup thatmadetheholidaysfun."TheDiningHallmakesholidays oncampusspecialbymakingfestivehome-stylemealsforthe students,"AngelaDion,juniorsaid



Christmas cheer wasspread throughout campus with events such asChristmas Convocation,the Virginia Christmas Spectacular, Coffeehouse andon-campus favorite, open dorms During open dorms,students expressed their love forthe holidays by playing Christmas music,baking cookies andcreating lightdisplays in their own littlehome away from home.

students deck the halls for open dorms

Senior Laura Elliotfilled her room with lights, wrapped herdoor with paper and played Christmas music asoften aspossibleShe wanted toget a smile every time she walked intothe room at the sight andsounds of Christmas

"My roommates and I puttons oflightsall around ourbeds, and now we don't even have toturn theroom lightson anymore"Elliot said. "Wealso wrapped our door likea present and put a stringof stars around ourmirror to reflect the lightsall around the room."

Senior and Resident Assistant on Hall33-5, Katie Oldham, took decorating tothenext level. After brainstorming with some of her girls, they decided tousetheirwindows todisplay a message to the students and reach outtothose who drove on thehighway near theirbuilding

"We wrote 'Jesus Lives' on the windows facing thehighway and 'Merry Christmas'on the side facing therestofcampus," Oldham said "Our girlshad a lotoffun doing it,and it wasreally easy We gave each room theposter board andasked them tobuythelights Allthey had todo waspoke thelightsthrough theboard and keep them plugged inatall times."

The girls on 33-5 and many other students used the season as an outreach tothe community Senior nursing major Liberty Egloff baked cookies fora Christmas surprise for her patients.

"I made snowball cookies,and I gave them toall my patientson my floorat thehospital," Egloff said,"It wasa truejoy to see how such a small act could really make the difference in the livesof others."

A small present,lights inthe windows andeven asimple "Merry Christmas" helped spread theholiday joy Students seizedthe opportunity totalkabout Jesus tothose inthe community and share the story about His birth.

"Reaching out toothers is what Christmas is really about," Elliot said "It's not about the receiving but about the giving."

I/O ro

"I started celebratingthe holidaysby decorating my room I have also listened to Christmas music, which alwaysgetsyou in themood. I will celebrateby goingtoall of theeventssuch astheChristmas spectacular, Christmas coffeehouseand others Shopping isalsoamust becauseyou havetogetallof thepresentsfor yourfamilyand friends."


"I am celebrating theholidaysby decorating my dorm room with a redand green present, a four foot Christmas tree, frost, over100feet ofwhite lights and probably about50 paper snowflakes danglingfrom theceiling Also, I'll begoing caroling for opendorms."


"I watched ELF overand over whilegetting readyforfinals, Buddy the Elf nevergets old."


"We decorated ourroom with 800Christmas lights We alsohave beenplaying Christmasmusic a lot, aswell as cuttingoutpaper snowflakes to decoratethe room. We're tryingtowatch agood amount ofChristmas movies too."

-TracyJohnson, SR

"My dorm had a doordecorating contestand mine wasthe best."


t^ ProfessorBill Dewhurst and theCreativeDirectorforthe CenterforAdvanced Media Productions, EricPetersen. Theoriginalsegments were a productofathinktank and thefirst threeepisodes weretrialstosee how everything would fitand ifth production couldcontinue.

"ThepurposeofOption LU is toprovidestudentsan opportunity towork on a production and give them some real worldexperience," Dewhurstsaid

Roughly 15peopleare behind theoverallproduction rocesswho work withKelly D'ambrosiofrom theCenter forMedia Productions and sheputsall ofit together.

"Option LU hopefullywillbe a program thatwill highlight studentsatourschool and givethem entertainment HiBliliTi interested in,"Dewhurst

and broadcaststudents careersthey

Q." Why was this production started?

Option LU is for students, by students and about students It is greatpractice forstudents majoring in broadcast, such as myself, tolearn how tousethe camera,learnabout being on camera talentandediting

Q' How much time do you spend working on your segment?

Ispend about threetofivehoursevery other week preparing my scriptand shooting forit.

Q." How does this program benefit

Thisis great forstudents on campu or even prospective students baa it around school

"• ' •'" • • ••1 •;%

The "What's Your Story?"campaign from the Office of University Advancement was designed to show off our school byletting students telltheir story

"We were trying to decide how to market the school and we realized that the stories the students,faculty and stafftellabout the university sellsthe university better than anything else,"Mollie Yoder, marketing representative,said "We needed to gather those stories and give avoice to the campus community."

So the marketing team decided to create aliving room environment that could beset upallover campus, symbolized bythe blue couch,to offer a comfortable place for students to tellabout their experience These videos showed prospective students the impact ofthis university onitsstudents,such as senior T Elliot Welch and alumni Latoya Lockhart

Welch grew angry with God as hewatched people die Asa firefighter,he desperately wanted to help people, and his passion grew the more sadness he expierenced.

Welch chose to come to this university,even though he was not a Christian,so that he could learn how to help people Assoon as he arrived,he saw something different inthe students.

"The Christians onmy hall loved m e to thecross." Welch said as hetold his story from the blue couch "God radically saved me."

By being transformed and trained onthis campus, Welch prepared himself to help others inthe same way "The goal and passion of my lifeis to take the gospelto

Northern India and proclaim His name inacountry that has never heard the name of Jesus Christ before," Welch said Lockhart's lifewas changed bythisschool as well. She had gotten pregnant after finishing her firstyearof college at Virginia State University,and was losing hope of ever going to college again.

Lockhart's brother in law,aseminary student, helped lead her to get involved with the Godparent Home after finding out she was pregnant.

"Ididn't think I was going to be able to go to college after having a baby, but the ladies there [at the Godparent HomeJ really helped m e to get intothis university," Welch said during her video

She worked to balance school and raising her now four-year-old child.After achallenging four years, Lockhart walked across the stage and accepted her diploma with pride.

This campaign launched in May 2009 and since then, hundreds of people have taken part inthe campaign by telling their story and how this university has playei an key part inthat story according to Yoder. The videos,which have been made available to anyone on YouTube, have been used primarily for the recruitment of prospective students.

"Ihope that they see a littlepiece of what makes [this school] what it is," Yoder said.

ofDeMoss.The"What'sYourStory"campaign •
p I 1 ;: lilWi.l,i i 11 — I I 22 »*«i flH am* • | * : -i] "K BrettHastie 1/250atf/5.0, ISO 400 NX-


various mediums of inspiration

OliverSherret Camerainfonot available RyanFeister 1/13atf/11, ISO200 FocalLength47 mm KristianaMcElroy 1/90atf/4.0, ISO100 FocalLength70 mm L ^i§ W[ LawrenceFord PencilDrawing
I 1/40
40 0 ^J k I Focal Length 70 m m I r ~
DavePoore |i"jfl
at f/8,0, ISO
OliverSherret Camera info not
BrettHastie 1/50 at f/3.5. ISO 800 Focal Length
m m
KristianaMcElroy 1/20 at F/22, ISO 100 Focal Length
m m
Ciara Downs 1/40 at f/2.7 Focal Length
m m
ISO 160 Focal Length 50 m m
Kelly Reece
at f/3.5
ScottHalbach Yeshua, depiction of Jesus, pencil OliverSherret Camera info not available
BrettHastie 35m m film Focal length 50m m Focal Length 55
Ryan Fiester at f/5.6, ISO 20 0
m m
ISO 80 0 Focal Length 20 m
Ciara Downs
at f/3.5







Withadeterminedattitude,freshmanRoderickSpruelpushesoffthestartingblocks Spruel placed3rdinthe60 meterdashand 5thinthe200 meterdash "WhatIenjoymostaboutthetrack team istheopportunitytopushmyselfphysicallywithteammateswho areconstantlybuildingeach otherupemotionallyandspiritually," RebekahGibbs,freshmantrackmember,said.


He placed5thinthemen's400 meterdashand 3rdalongwithhisrelay team inthemen's4x400meterrelay "My favoriteeventisprobablythe 4x400meterrelay, becauseitwasthelasteventineverymeet,and the wholeteam would lineupalongthefinalonehundredstretchtocheer youon,"KaitlynSchonta,junior,said. SophomoresChristinaMitchell and OliviaCharnuskileapoverthehurdleintheirpath In the60 meter hurdleracetheycompeted in,Charnuskiplaced2nd and Mitchellplaced 3rd "TheonethingthatI havelearnedisthatasateam we work hardand traintorunforthename ofGod andtrytoglorifyHim withthetalentHe gaveus,"Cameron French,freshmantrackmember,said.


The beginning ofthe Flame'strack and fieldteam's season showed promising outcomes.The men's track team had been ranked in the top 25 teams inthe nation and Coach Brant Tolsma believed they had a shot offinishing inthe top ten As forthe Lady Flames,Tolsma shared how the runners stepped up tothe plateafter losing two key women due to injuries.

The season kicked offwith exceptional running by thetrack members and several new program records were set. On the men's team,juniorJacey Bailey ranhis career best 60-meter,making him the number two performer in that race forour track program's history,

"When I finished the race,I was thinking I had a good push and good competitors,"Bailey said. "I thought I ran fast, but when I saw the time I got very excited because it was a program record."

On the women's sideoftrack and field, senior Jamie Watson stood out as she broke the 800 meter conference record and was ranked number 12on the NCAA national performance list "I thank God for such a blessing,"Watson said "I have been trying togo under 2:08 since I was afreshman."

The track team competed in their individual events,but during practice time they were ableto come together as a team through biblestudies, team prayer groups and prayer before every practice.

"Track and field is more ofan individual sport,but everyone on that team has a common goal while atthisuniversity, to be champions forChrist,"Evans Kigen, juniortrack member, said. "The coaches also take time tocoordinate meetings to bring us all together."

The team's unity showed during competitions Their cheering could teammate'sraces

"We have a team oftalented people that have been blessed and have done some amazing things," Bailey said. "Even though things may not go wellatevery meet, everyone on the team stillcompetes totheirbest and givestheirall no matter what the result is."

"I haverun two other5Kraces, butthis was my favoriteoneto run. Unlikethe othertworaces, I was runningfor somethingother thanmyself I was runningfor thegirl'sname writtenon my arm.I wasn't runningtobeat my personal record I was verymotivated to runand notto stop, because I knew the name on my arm was a girl who needed tobesetfree. The leastthat I coulddo wasto runand notstop runningforthis girl."

"I chooseto participatein the "Run forTheir Lives"event because I believe in what Freedom 4/24 isdoingin Thailand When theygavethe community the opportunityto runin arace and bydoingso potentiallysave a younggirls life, I knewthat was something I wanted to beapart of. AsChristians, somethinglike sextrafficking should break ourheartsand we should takeevery opportunity we canto helpstopany kindof human traffickingand toshare Christ withthevictims ofsomethinglike this." -Parker

"I choseto runin the Run fortheir Lives racebecause it wasagreat opportunityto exerciseand participate inaministry organization atthe same time. I havea few friends who havetraveledto Thailand in the pastyeartodo missionsand theyhaveshared storiesabout workingwith girls in thesex slaveindustry It breaksmy heart, but Freedom 4/24 isaway I can beinvolved and helpright herein America."

"Beforeeveryone ran, astaff member forthe raceshowed a listofgirls' namestoall of therunnersand allowed them tochoose who theywanted to "save." When you chosethe name,they wroteiton yourarm or legs While I rantherace, thenames on everyone'sarms and legs really encouraged me tokeeprunning becauseit was foragreatcause It broughtthe cityofLynchburg and students togethertofight foraserious cause."-Katelyn

"Itwas sogreat tobeapartof the Freedom 4/24 event "Run forTheirLives." I was sosurprised and excitedto seethemasses ofpeoplethat showed upto runand support thecause. It's wonderfultosee thatFreedom 4/24 is becoming morepublicized inLynchburg and atourschool."

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SeniorSteven Oakley leapsintotheairwith hiswooden katana asseniorinstructorBrianFielding prepares himself for the blow with his kali stick Taekwondo, a club sport on campus, gave Fielding an opportunity to teach what he loves "What make s Taekwondo so exciting for m e is that it is mor e than kicking and punching, it is a wa y of life," he said. "Through proper training, you grow in strength and endurance but also in humility and respect." (for faekwondo story, seepage 172/formore on club sports, seepage 116)

FreshmanJonathanChildressgrappleswithhisopponent,lookingfortheopportunemoment topinhim down.Thatmoment came 32secondsintothematchasChildresstooktheadvantageand pinned hisopponent,comingoutwithabigwin "I waslookingatafewplacestowrestleandthis schoolwasoneofthelastplacesIhadconsidered,"Childresssaid "Iwasnotsurewhattoexpectwhen Icame down tovisitbutI lovedeverythingaboutitwhen Iwas down,"

"The team has been performing very wellthisyear,"Head Coach


Jesse Castro said. "Wewon ourfirst team championship atthe Keystone Classic hosted at Penn University."

The wrestlers struggled against the tougher competitors they played, but they looked forward to the end results.

"We wrestle top-notch competition inorder to prepare us for nationals,"Chad Porter, junior wrestler, said "Weshould reap the benefits at regionals, andour goal is to qualify all tenwrestlers."

Coach Castro, 1981 graduateand former wrestler at our school,helped

Inits fourth year ofexistence,thewrestling program continued tomake progress. For thisseason,the team's schedule consistedof a higher levelofcompetition which pushed the wrestlersto bethe best

rebuild the wrestling team. Since the fallof2006,Castro has pushed the wrestling team tobecome the best.

"Ihave the utmost respect for Coach Castro because oftheway he handles himself around the team,other coaches,hisfriends and family,"Jonathan Childress,freshman wrestler, said "He treatsall of us with respect andtohave agodly man as my coach is truly special."

physically andmentally

"Wrestling has got to be the easiest wayto make good friends," Joshua Pelletier, juniorwrestler, said."We bleed,sweat and workout multiple times a daytogether,so our bond is prettysolid."

As a result, the team came together andstrived to become betterwrestlers.

Castro also stressed the theme ofbeing a team to thewrestlers

The wrestlers found no hindrances informing friendships with each other. Through practicesand meets,they challenged each other

"I attribute all our success as a team toour coaching staff, and Ithink it is unbelievable how the wrestling program hashad such great success insuch a short period oftime since being reinstated," Frank Gayeski,senior wrestler, said withJoeyPantaelo, sophomorewrestler

0." What do you like about wrestling?

I likethe intensityand mentality oftheteam,thefactthatwe are constantly improving ourconditioning and creatinga betterpossibilityof fatiguingouropponents intosubmission.

Q' What encourages you as an athlete?

I am encouraged by self-determination aswellasencouragement from fansand family I want tobe thebestI can possiblybe becauseanything less is not usingtheabilitiesthatGod hasgiventome

0." What makes the matches fun for fans?

The intensityand thebarbaric-likeatmosphere ofthematches isdefinitely a factor It's likewatching gladiatorsintheColiseum

JuniorJosephSonbideshistimeashedecidesonhisnextmove. Wrestlersgave thierallonthemat,buttheyenjoyedformingfriendshipsoutsideofcompetition "Thebestmemoriescome fromthefriendshipsmadeand havingfunwiththeguys outsideofpracticeandcompetition."AaronKelley,seniorwrestler,said Senior FrankfeGayeski traps Campbellsville'sSethLucasonthematfloorashefigures outhisnextmove. Gayeskiwon thematchwithan8-2decisionvictory,whichhelped theteamattainanoverall 25-9victoryovertheCampbellsvilleTigers."Theseasonhas beengoingverywellforme butI'mneversatisfied,"Gayeskisaid."I need toimprove onsomethings,and I havebeenworkingveryhardtogetbettereveryday." Senior SeanKatzmakeshismovetotakedown hisopponent Despitehiseffort,Katzlost thematchagainstCampbellsville'sTommy Pretty, buttheteam still pulledoutwithan overallwin "Itdoesn'tmatterifyouarethebestwrestlerornot," Katzsaid "Allthat mattersisthehardwork,team loyaltyandthededicationyouhaveandnotonlywill youenjoyit,butyouwill make life-longfriends."

"I'ma manager, and I enjoy thesport My dad was an All-American wrestlerforour school backin the1970ssoI've gained areal passionforthe sport. I've been around most of theseguys from thestartoftheir collegewrestling careers I have had theprivilege tosee them improve both spirituallyand athletically Every timethey walk ontothe mat they impress me alittle bit more."


"Itsurprisingly isa lotmore entertaining than I ever thought itwould be It is seven minutes ofintensity between the wrestlers.The wrestlers need tohave the passiontobeat theiropponent, butalsothe disciplineto notturnit into a streetfight The issuewith theguys having tosacrifice eatingto make a specificweight classalso shows thatthissport takesa lot of self-control and stamina."

-Brittany Barclay,SR

"I liketo go towrestling matchesat school inorder toexpand my horizons It alsohelps me support the school'ssports."

-Alicia Robbins, FR

I like going to games because I liketosupport my friends who playand I think thatschoolspirit is important and it'sa great opportunity tohave fun withfriends."

-Kiersten Cummings, SO


F reshma n Travis Joseph was born and raised in Trinidad, anislandoffthecoastofSouth America. He enjoyed a tropical climate,spicy foods and soccer.

"Growingupjwasalwaysplayingsoccerwith my cousins and friends in thestreet," Joseph said."lwouldgoinsidewithmyfeetburningand bruisedbecausewe wouldoftenplaybarefoot."

using youtube as a recruiting tool

Joseph started playing soccer competively at the age of 11 Towards the end of his high school career, he began looking to play collegiately

"Ihad someone from the TV station gather allthe highlights they had of me from the games they recorded," Joseph said

He posted the compiled video on YouTube and sent a copy to men's soccer Coach Jeff Alder in Lynchburg, Virginia Alder was impressed and contacted Joseph and his family to see if he would fit into a Christian environment at our school

"Italked with Travis about his personal relationshipwithJesusChristandlearnedthatthe religiousculturehecomesfromisverysimilarto [ours]," Alder said

Josephwasaddedtothesoccerteam'sroster andheadedfortheStates.LifeinTrinidadwasvery different comparedtolifeinNorthAmericaand theclimateandfoodweredifficultforhimtoget usedto.AccordingtoJoseph.thehardestthingto work on was his English

Sophomore soccer player Andrew Jones said,"Icouldn't understand a word he said at first,"Joseph had to slow down his speech and get used to the American accent so the players and coach could understand him

Despite the challenges, everyone agreed Joseph had a great spirit and brought a new level of energy to the team

"He's a really caring guy who likes to joke around a lot and have fun," Jones said "Joseph loves soccer and has a passion and joy you can't help but seeing."

"The best play that I haveever seenperformed onthe soccer field iswhen Manchester United'sChristiano Ronaldo hadafree kick fromabout 30 yardsout He scoredin the right upper90 corneragainst Portsmouthand PremierEnglish Leagueteam duringseason play." -Kyle Chesser,SR "Beingaformer athlete, I think it isgreattogo outand support notonlymy sport(xc/track), butothersports aswell I think it isextremely importantto encourage support, and challenge [our] teammates By attendingtheir games itshows thatwe believe inourfellow teammates and aresupporters intherace God hasgraciously allowed usto runtogether."

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JuniorThadTaylorstepsintohiskick, preparingtosendapowerfuldrive down thefield Fansenjoyed watching and cheeringfortheirfavoriteplayers "My favoriteplayerisPaulGilbert,becauseheis anexcellentathleteand hereallyunderstands thetalentGod hasgivenhim wasonlygiven tobeusedforthegloryofGod asaministry tool," DayneCarraway,senior,said.

ifif Senior Heather Bowling and Radford University's sophomore Maryellen Derenda jump towardsthe ball,hopingto win possession. Duringthesecond halfofthegame, sophomore Aimee Luurtsema and juniorMaria Owen scored, leadingourteam toa2-0victory, theirseventh win "Playing on thesoccerteam wassuchagreat experience," Bethany Lam, seniorsoccer player,said."This ismy firstandlast season,sinceIam atransferstudent, butIlovedplaying DivisionIforatleast HH I oneseason."

DefenderjuniorAlyssa Andersenracestoregain possession,shielding theballfrom theOld Dominion opponents Although some players wereinjuredduringthe season,theirattitude encouraged thefans.

"JuniorCaitlynRileyismy favoritesoccerplayerof alltimes,"Tori Halvorson, freshman,said "Although shewasoutthisseason withan injury, I lovedthe enthusiasm shehad on thesidelines."

Ql What inspired you to want to help out with the women's soccer team?

"Ilovecollegesoccer, I love coaching, and I lovethe Lord There is no better place than heretobe abletouse the giftsGod has given me tohelp lead

college girlsnotonly insoccer, but also intheirrelationship with Him."

0." What do you hope you are able to bring to the girls that you will help coach?

"On oroffthefield, I hope that Iam livinga lifethatpraisesChrist First and foremost,I want thegirlstoseethat.

Sophomore JuanNinoweaveshisway down thefield,preparingtomake ashortpasstohisteammate Sophomore DarrenAmmo scoredtwogoalsinthefirsthalf,whichledtheteam toa2-0victoryover Appalachian StateUniversity.Sportplayerswereexpectedtofindaway tobalanceschoolworkandpractice. Thecoachestriedtocooperatebyhelpingtheplayers."TheCoach hassetagood scheduleforme."Joseph Travis,freshman,said "Soccergetsdoneatfour,soI havethewholeeveningfreetodomy studies."

JuniorLauraNyholtexectuesa move tothrowoffher opponent. Nyholtandseveralother teammates tookafewshotsinthefirsthalfof thegame againstOld Dominion, but theirattemptsdidnotturnintogoals Eventhough Freshman Madison Short scoredagoalinthesecond half,the OldDominion Monarchscame outwith a3-1victory."I lovesoccer,and getting towatchaDivisionIschoolplaythe sportI loveisexciting,"CalebEller, senior,said "Boththegirlsand guys teamsdidverywellthisseason,and theywereveryexcitingtowatch."

Secondly,I hope that I can bring some of my experiences from playing and things thatmy coaches have taught me.I have had some great opportunities toplayin college, semi-pro,and pro, and Iknow the Lord gave me theseexperiences to learnhow toteach others."


friendsplay Theydedicatethemselvestothe sportand I liketoencourage them through support."

"My motivation forplayingtennisincollege [was] thedesiretogetbetterand betterwhile strugglingforahigherrankformy school,and my country [Brazil]."

"I haveattended some girls' matches. I reallyenjoythem because theymotivateme topush myselfharder. I enjoythe relationshipsthegirlshavewithoneanother I neverhad ateam likethatinhighschool Tennisisdifferentfrom othersports because it'sblackand white. I canmake ashotand know immediately ifitwillgo inorout. Forexample ifashotgoesjustIon ofthebaseline, I know thatthefaceofmy racketwas probablyopened up,orI didnotsnapmy wristenough and I hitthroug theball insteadofbrushing upacrossit. I canusethatinformation tochange my nextshot."

oymaking bannersand posterswithagroupof my friends During thegame,we supportthemt cheeringthem on."

"My favoritememory was beatingGardner-Webb attheBigSouthTournament my juniorye We hadjustlosttothem two weeksearlier4-3,butwe showed resiliencybycoming backto thedoublespointand thatenergy spilledoveraswe won thematch 5-2 I will neverforgett emotionsand excitementthatI had duringthatmatch."


have pushed past many obstaclesand lettheirtalents shine thisseason Senior Chad Simpson and junior Jordr~ are two players who have attainea prestigious titlesthisseason.

Simpson was named News-Gazette of Danville Illinois' Tennis Player of the Decade. He gave allhispraise to his biggest fan. God.

"The best thing about the accomplishment was that God got the glory,"Simpson said "I wasreally blessed that God used me toget His name outinmy newspaper."

Simpson explained that his teammates and coach pushed him tobe the best, every clay atpractice The rest of the team expressed theirgratitude tohave a teammate likeSimpson

"Chad is thetype ofperson that has < positive influence on everyone around him," Louis Steyn,senior, said."He is a good example fortheother team members and we areprivileged to have ordan Jenkins von the Billie

members and we areprivileged to him on ourteam."

On thegirl'steam,junior Jordan J stood outthisseason.Shewonthe Jean King National Tennis Invitatior falland was nationally ranked this v as 124th by theIntercollegiate Tenn Association

"My father always told me that an; worth doing is worth being done w Jenkins said "Every time I step onti court I make sure that I give everytl

Jenkins'drive and determination helped her win many titlesand helped challenge her teammates aswell.This season, she was even named captain oftheteam.

"Jordan is an incredible leader both junior, said "Shenever gives up andshe keeps ourteam glued together through encouragement."

Both Simpson and Jenkins were very humble and tharfkful when they talked about theiraccomplishments Doing their best on thecourt was allthat mattered to them, thetitlesand awards were a bonus

"Ultimately I'm fulfilled because I know I'm giving tennis my all and that'sall I


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Freshmanswimteam member BethanyWakeleytakesabreathinbetweenstridesassheplowsthroughthewaterin thepoolattheLahayeStudentUnion.Themembersofthewomen'sswim team,currentlyaclubsport, practicedfervently withthehopesofachieveNCAA DivisionIstatus "I havelearnedthatbeingonaclubteam takesalotofselfdisciplineand dedication,asitisuptotheswimmerstobeateverypracticeand toworkhard," Kati Masters,junior,said "Ourteam hasa lot ofheartand we plantoachievegreatthingsevenasafirstyearteam."fsee page m for more on swimming)

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MembersoftheCrew Team preparedtotesttheirskillsonthewaterthis fallintheirfirstyearofcompetitions SinceforminginMarch, participantshavepracticedfourtimesaweekinorderto competeagainsotheruniversityclubteams MarkFurler,Men andWomen'sCrewCoach,said,"Trainingforrowingrequires manyhoursandintensetraininglikeallhigh aerobiccapacitysports."

Traininginarowingprogramwasbrokendowninto foursections.Inthefall,rowersspenttimeworkingon longdistanceracestoteachbeginnershowtoroworbuild enduranceforexperiencedrowers.Duringthewinter,rowers spendtimeinsideastheybuildstrengthandincreasethey're aerobicthresholdontheergs,rowingmachines.Springwas knownasthemostcompetitivecollegiateseason,which involvedsprintstyleracingwithrowerssidebysidedown theirrespectivelanes Finally,thesummerprovidedlighter intensityrowingfortheabilitytorecover. "Duringthefallandspringseasonswecanbefoundout atIvyHillsLakeintheeveningsandduringthewinterfound indoorsonrowingmachinesorinthegymworkingon strengthtraining,"Furlersaid.

TheSOAR dunk team reacheda new statusthisyear asa clubsport Theschool helped book shows and providedthe team withprofessional equipmenttoenhance theirperformance. Theteam spreadthe word aboutourschool and theLordasthey traveledtheeastcoast performingathalftime showsand youth events The show consistedofvarious acrobaticdunks done offofangled minitrampolines "Itcangetpretty scaryattimes, occasionallybeing upsidedown,10 feetintheairwith a metalrimquickly approachingyour body,"TuckerHill, juniorteam membersaid "But,that'swhy we do it, it'san adrenalinerush.

Initssecond year,thearcheryclub grew toa25-member team, consistingof both men and women.

Founder andjuniorBen Stallardsaid, "Startingthisyearwe aim tocompete withotherschoolsintheCollegeArchery Program,suchasPenn State,James Madison Universityand many otherschools."

Members wereadded aswellasapracticing ground fortheteam.

"Thereare360 acresoflandthatwe can hunton duringanytimeoftheseasonas wellasendlessopportunitiesforpeopleto become professionalarchers,"Stallardsaid.

The equestrian team traveled to the Serene Creek Run Riding Center in Forest, VA to ride horses. Members helped with chores that included grooming,exercising and feedingthe horses or cleaning stalls.

"I ride anwhere from one to three hours a day, and I am at thebarn at least five days a week helping takecareof the horses and the barn." Niclole Pawlowskis, senior, said.

"Altogether, I spend about 30 hours a week at the bi

Accoring to the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association, the new team was required to observe shows for their first semester.

Inthe spring they competed against schools such as Randolph College and Sweet Bn.i: well asother non-colleo riders in Virgh h ived horses foi long as I can nber and I've CM riding off and on for 8 ye.

opportunity to

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New andimprovedwerethetwowordsthatdescribed thepaintballteamthisyear

Afterplacingfifthoutof55teamsintheNCPA[National CollegiatePaintballAssociation]tournamentlastyear,the

paintballteamgrewininterestoncampus.Enthusiasm ledtheteamtodoubleinsizethisyear

Theyalsogotanewpaintballfieldwithtwoturffields andbrandnewset-upairbunkers

"Paintballisafastpacedgamethatgetsyouradrenaline pumpingforsure,"BrianDavidson,juniorsaid "This year'steamislookinggood.We areallclose,andwe have ablastnotjustonthefieldbutoffthefieldaswell."

Triathlonbecamea newclubsportoncampus whichoffered20 students the optionto competeinsport thatencompassedswimming, biking and running

Junior Blakely Harris said,"Training involvesall threesportsthroughout the week Somedaysweonly doone eventandsomedays twoevents Webikeallover andswimin Ivy Lakeandthe schoolsindoorpool Wedo mostof our runningon the trails."

Somestudentsshared thatthe additionof the triathlonteamoncampus was a determiningfactorfor choosingto attendour school.

SophomoreMichael Hetricksaid,"Iactuallycame to the schoolto doTriathlons I wasgoingto anotherschool, but[this] teamstartedsoI cameto school here,"

"When every muscle inyour body isscreaming at you, and you're noteven sure you can getoutofthe pool, you turn your head tothescoreboard and seethetime and your adrenaline starts pumping again.You just swam faster than you ever have before inyour life,"Sarah Coffey, senior,described.

Coffey had been swimming since theage oftenand she brought herpassion tothefirstwomen's swim club at ourschool

Jake Shellenberger went from being assistant swim coach atPenn State University for three years to being head coach ofourswim team.

"Iplayed baseball inhigh school with Dave Bechtold, who played here,and he had nothing butgreat thingsto say about theschool,"Shellenberger said

Freshman Bethany Wakeley shared herthoughts about Coach Shellenberger "Ourcoach isa visionary Heis driven,positive and excited,and it is contagious."

Shellenberger's vision fortheteam included joining Division I.

"Iexpect them toshow up,respect their teammates, believe inthevision and practice with a purpose. If they do that,we're eventually going to be a pretty good team," Shellenberger said.

Shellenberger enjoyed being on campus and looked forward totheseason.

"Ihave only been here three weeks,but Iabsolutely love this place and a lot ofthat isbecause ofthe students," Shellenberger said."Thestudent body is the heart and soul ofa university and they help make our school what it is."

Elevenplayersarecrucial toanygivenfootball game,becauseit'sthose men thatfighttheirway down theturf, defend theirend zoneandscore touchdowns. However, it's thealleged12thman who providedthemoraleboost and momentum needed towin. Heshouldnever beunderestimatedinhis influenceontheoutcome ofagame,forheisthe vital hingeofemotionand hypethatsweepsupoppositioncausinga home teamvictory. Withlegendaryenthusiasm,the12thmanin ourstandswasnomyth

TheAthleticdepartment launchedthe12th man competitionthisyearto

generateexcitementand support Dormsrallied togetherfortheprizeand honorofrepresenting thestudentbodyonthe field Thewinnerswere announced every game attheend ofthefourth quarter.Thewinning dorm ranoutaheadoftheteam atthefollowing home game wavinga12th man flagthatdeclaredtheir victoryasmostspirited dorm.Thisrowdy show ofschoolspiritservedto electrifytheatmosphere and torallyfanstoroot longand loudforour team.

"Itwasveryexciting towinthe12th man competition,especially in thefashionthatwe

did We tookgreatpride inwinningthat12th man flagbecausewe wereone ofonlysixstudentgroups tohavedoneso We knew we hadsacrificedalotof time,energy,and money tomake ithappen,sofor usasadorm itwassomewhatfulfillingtohave beenawardeda12th man flag. Itgaveusasenseof prideand achievement thatwe celebratedfor weeks Inaddition, itwas alsoexhilaratingtolead thefootballteam ontothe fieldand haveeveryone seewho wewere," TimothyYonts,Graduate StudentandResident Assistant,said

Inthemidstofhundredsofrain-soakedfans,sophomoreBrianBrownwaveshis dorm'sflag "Theflagwasmeanttobeanecouragementtothefootballteam,andhelp ustowinthe12thManCompetition,"Brownsaid.Theflaghad redflames,the Roman numeral"X"tosymbolizetheirdorm and"27-3"torepresenttheirsisterdorm.


/ kicking off the football season with spirit

1 1 h e first tailgate of the year kicked off as students decked out in our football tea m paraphernalia arrived for the festivities. "Food, friends and fun is wha t tailgating is all about," Da n Yowell, senior, said.

;ntsexclaimed their eagern to see the upcomin

pumped up for the game," Julia Connor,junior, said "I also enjoy playing games, the music,eating a lotof food and just spending time with yourfriends."

Inthe parking lot, several guys dashed past and iumoed for an incoming football Towards thestreet,

"My favorite part of tailgating is playing corn hole, Christoprj£|^ewer4y; freshman, said "If you get one bean bag on the board you get a point,if you get one in the hole you get three points' It's like horseshoes but better."

uack inthe parking lot, students chased aftera frisbee. Across the way, several guys rolled in their own basketball hoop. Parents smiled and laughed is they watched from thesidelines

"It'ssuch a great atmosphere,so family friendly, and it's just so much fun to see all the students."said Amy Roller, who came all the way from Roanoke to be with her two daughters.

After several hours,the time forthe football irnved Students and fans flooded Williams Stadium with a record breaking 16,112 inattendance They cheered and hollered as they witnessed the football team's 35-10 victory over the North Carolina Central Eagles.

T *



Hearts beat and palms sweat as anticipation brewed in the soulsofthose waiting forthegame to begin Then, the music started, and the team emerged.The fanserupted in joy, everyone chimingin together forone event, thefootballgame.

Senior and wide receiverFreddie Brown explained thefootballplayer's mindset before they hit the field "You have a lot ofnervous energy before going out, but you trytostay calm and keep your emotions under control,"Brown said. "Before the game we prepare, say aprayer and come out ready to roll."

As the players ran out on the field, theirparents watched in admiration Cathy Stadler, mother of junioroffensive lineman Alex Stadler, came toevery game she could "I say a prayer before every game toask thatthe boys all stayinjury-free and play tothe best oftheirability," Cathy Stadler said. "I'm so proud ofthose young men, especially my young man,number 62."

The game started asthe cheerleaders on the sidelinesshouted tothefansand football players "The game is so much better being closetothesidelines," Julianne Gaillard, seniorcheerleader, said. "I feel like we can reallycheer thefootballteam and fans on, because they can all hear us better,"

The restofthe noisecame from thefans Alumni Andrew Ostrom was one ofthefans who frequented the bleachers duringa game "I enjoy college football and it is exciting tosee our school grow and succeed," Ostrom said. "There is no otherschool in theworld thathas been able togrow and accomplish what ourschool has in such a short period of time."

Student worker TraciSimone heard the fansfrom her spot in theticketoffice "I enjoy the intensitythefansgiveand the factthat no matter who we play, theygive 100 percent,"Simone said, "If it wasn't for thecrowd,I think our football team wouldn't be as successful."

The footballgame created a unique experience forall "My favoritepart about thefootballgame would have tobe the overallatmosphere,"Gaillard said. "The students going crazy and paintingup, cheering along with usand everyone cheering the team on fora victory brings a smiletomy face."

Sophomore LarryClaiborneandseniorWillQuarlesleadthepackastheteam emerged from the tunnel Fansenjoyed coming tothegamesand rootingfortheir favoriteplayers,suchasformerrunningback RashadJennings."Jenningswasthe momst memorable playerforme ontheourfootballteam,"ChrisLehman,senior, said "Hewasanawesome player,made itintotheNFLand playedalltheyearsIhave attended thisschool." Freshman AldreakisAllenclutchesthefootballtohischest asheweavesdown thefield. Theteam beattheirrivalCoastalCarolina58-13during Homecoming Weekend."Theuniversityhasgrown somuch insolittletime,andI've seenourfootballteam continuetoimproveyearafteryear,"Jonah Guelzo,senior,said.

"I know oneday peoplewill mentionourschool'sfootballteamjustaseasilyasone would mention NotreDame "Sophomore MikeBrown headsdown thefield,gaining asmany yardsashecan Theteam pushed onthroughthegame,winning35-10 againstNorthCarolinaCentral Thefootballplayersjuggledtimespentpracticingand playinggamesand keepingupwiththeirschoolwork."IadmireMatthew Bevinsforhis highacademicstandardsand hisworkethic,"Chelsea Dawson,sophomore,said."Heis dedicatedtotheteam and staysfocused towhatneedstobeaccomplished."

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The football season started offwith ahard fought but disappointing lossagainst the West Virginia Mountaineers, 20-33.As aDivision l-AA school, theirabilitytocompete and hold theirown against West Virginia's Division l-A football team was impressive, according to Coach Rocco's post game press conference.

This game setthetone forthe restofthe season. According toquarterback and sophomore Mike Brown,"At the beginning ofthe season weneeded time to mature,but everybody is starting toget game experience and working together asateam."

The Flames losta few key veteran playersthisseason, such as quarterback Brock Smith and running back Rashad Jennings.The team was left with some pretty big shoes to fill Coach Danny Rocco shared hisfeelingsabout the quarterback position during apre-season interview."Iknew atquarterback,wewould be doing fine,"Rocco said "We had two guys that I knew could do thejob, Tommy Beecher and Mike Brown."


As forthe running back position, therewas alot of competition Freshman Aldreakis Allen showed potential Coach Rocco compared him toJennings inaweekly press conference.

"When I watch thefilm I'm astonished atthesimilarities." Rocco said. "They both have the abilityto run insidewith power, and they both have theabilitytotakethe balltothe edge."

The football squad was dominated by younger playerslike Allen "There's alot ofyouth out there inthoseskilled positions," Coach Rocco said during aFlames News Network interview "I thinkthey're reallystarting togain theirconfidence and understanding ofthe offense and theirproductivity is increasing."

"A lotofthe young guys have gotten some great experience,"Tommy Beecher,senior quarterback,said "Whi they'reyoung,they are still talented and they'regetting better,"

The team finished the season with an 8-3 record overall and 5-1 record in the Big South. They won the Big South Conference Titleforthe third consecutiveyear

^ "I thinkfrom beginning toend,it was a reallygreat season for us,"Rocco said during avideo interview "Starting up at West Virginia and playing thatleveloffootball thatwe played was very exciting, and it's a realstatement ofhow farour program has come. After that, our abilitytogo on asixgame winning streak atthetail end,which put us in aposition toshare tha conference title was a very good thing."


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Frombillboards, busdisplaysand posterstoradio and tvspots, peopleentering Lynchburg were always informed aboutgame days. Messageboards, paintedsheets, aspirit rock, posters, articulated redcupsin the fence,thunder sticksand asea offansclad in red met thosearrivingon campus. These unique attractions helped build and fosterexcitement and participation fromstudents, fansand the community on game days Discussingthe progressionof athletics, Allen Sparks, athletics marketingassistant, said "I thinkthefan base hereis phenonmenal."Average attendance atany givenfootball game reflected nearly70 percent oftheresidential studentpopulation "Attendance lastyear was blowing the competition's attendancein theconference outofthewater," Sparkssaid.

FreshmanAldreakisAllenclutchesthefootballasheplungeshimselfacrossthe goalline withthehelpofsenior teammatesBrvanMnsii"..nilDerekBishop.Allen'sfirstcollegecareertouchdownhelpedleadtheteamtovi • -, NorthCarolinaCentralUniversitywithascoreof35-10.Manytunedintohearthegame,eventhosewhowere ourcountryinIraq."I lovewatchingtheteam getbettereveryyearandcompeteagainstbetterschoolsastheygrow andgetrecognized,"MikeHancock,seniorandmemberoftheU.S.Army,said."Ihavetolistentothegamesthroughthe audiolinkontheirwebsitebecauseI'min Iraq,butIstillenjoyit."

SeveralplayersfromtheDlhockeyteamtakeakneeonthelakeatFalwell'sfarm, waitingfortheirnextdrilltobegin CoachKirkHandysurprisedtheteambyholdingpractice atthetake "OurplayersLovedit,"hesaid "Itmadeyoufeellikealittlekidagain."

^ Tobreak up theshoving, wallsmacking,ragingtempersand commotion thataretypicallyseen throughou thethreeperiodsofthehockev aame,thesynchronized skating team added some gracetotheiceduringhalf-time, , * kU „,„,*,u,dr threeminute longcompetition program orafunroutine Founder ofthe ^> team and seniorKristerRiordansaid, "Syncronizeclskating isagroupofskatersskating tomusic e ? together. They make differentformationswithfootwork tointerpretthemusic."

^ The skatersfaced an ongoing challengeofstayingin stepand keeping up withthemusicwhilemaintaining balanceon the ^ ice "We rehearseat6:30 a.m on Tuesdaysand Thursday morningstopracticeskatingand thenspend an hour and ahalf

i^n on Thursday eveningsdoing aerobics, stretchingand stepping through theprogram toprepareourroutines," Riordansaid.

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Junior and goalie Brad Wittingstall reachei hishockey career thisseason during a game against the University of Delaware With 35 saves inthe game and finishing with a 4-0 victory, Whittingstall acquired his first shutout of the season

"Towards the end ofthe game. I started to get excited, Whittingstall said "Ifelta sense oftrue accomplishment when I realized I had my firstshut-out inmy Dlcareer."

Whittingstall was thankful forthisgame,but there was a lotof hard work that led up to thismoment. He grew up inOntario Canada where he started playing hockey in firs grade.Whittingstall found hisposition inmiddle school.

"The firsttime I played goalie I actually said I willnever play itagain because I was so bad," Whittingstall said. "A couple ofyears later I tried itagain, and I played pretty well.The coach was impressed,and I ended up playing goalie the whole year."

He continued playing hockey through hishigh school career, and decided he wanted to play incollege aswell

two ofthe spring CFAWS because there was a hockey camp," Whittingstall said "Idecided I liked itdown here because I got to play hockey,and ithad a Christian atmosphere."

Hisfreshman year, Whittingstall tried out forthe Dl team,but due to the number ofseniors he started for the Dll hockey team instead Sophomore year came and he tried out again,but did not make the Dlteam. Still persevering,Whittingstall tried out forthe team his junior year and succeeded.

"Whittingstall isa very determined guy who doesn't seem to letanything get to him,"Joe Smith, sophomore Dl hockey player, said. "Situations and circumstances that may not be inhisfavor have never seemed toaffect him in any way."

Goalie Coach Mike Binnie said, "By moving up the ranks ofour hockey teams.Brad isproof that hard work truly pays off He isa hard working goalie who uses his skills and assets very well."

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Freshman BrentBoschman breaksawaywiththe puckandheadstowardthegoal Boschman scoredin thegame againstStonyBrookUniversity,whichhelped leadtheteam toa6-2victory.Manystudentscame tothegame tocheerontheirfriends."I lovewatching hockeygames becausethegamesaresointense,and oneoftheplayersisaclosefriendofmine,"Omar Adams,junior,said "LukeAitkenisafellowprayerleader onmy hall,and he'saterrificguy My hallgoestocheer himoneveryweekend." JuniorBradWhittingstall stretchingwithallhismighttostoptheincoming puck. Whittingstallhad 28savesagainstStonyBrook University,agame whichtheflameswon.TheDlteam wasnottheonlyteam doingwell,theDill team had agreatyearaswell "Iadmireallthreeofthehockey teams, butthisyearIadmiremosttheDillteamthe most,"BeccaLarson,alumnus,said "Theyaredoingan exceptionaljobintheirfirstofficialyearoftheprogram

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SeniorKyleOhman fakesouthis Clemson opponentand headstowardthebasket Despite theireffort,the team losttoClemson79-39 Fansenjoyedsupportingour team,nomatter the outcome "Sportsatour schoolare alwaysa blast,"JeffDickinson,seniorsaid. FreshmanCarter McMastersprotectsthebasketballashelooks for apassoropen lane. ESPN televisedthe game againstClemson,and8,143studentspackedthe VinesCenter "Thebasketballgamesaregreat and Ialwaysenjoygoingwithmy friends," Bryce McClowsky,sophomore,said "Gamesare much morefun when youwatchthem withyourfriends."

Freshman PatrickKonan jumpstowardtherim, gettingreadytodeliveraslamdunk. Although Konanscoredsevenpointsand hadsix rebounds againstCoastal Carolina,our team wasdefeated and lostthe game73-58 "Basketballgamesareso fullofaction,"SocheathaJim,junior,said "I really likewhen theycall differentpeopledown tothe courttoshootsome hoopsduring halftime."


"Iattend the games because I'm apretty bigsportsfan and schoolfan Also, I lovethe atmosphere, especially when we score, and I lovethemusic."


"The games are a lotoffun. The playersallhavea lot ofcharacter, and work really hard and leave it allonthecourt when theyplay My favoritepart ofthe game isovertime or whenever thescore is reallycloseand someone scores to win it The fansgetreally intoitandit's funtowatch."

-Lauren Hedrick, SO

"Ienjoythe game of basketball and havea few friendswho play on theteam My favoritepart ofthegame is the beginning ofthe game and theplayer introductions."


"A close game makes itsoexciting especiallyatthe end because you cheerfor theteam alot more,whileon theedge ofyour seator most likelystanding."

-Joseph Lovitt,SO

"My most memorable moment from a basketball game waslast yearwhen our school beat George Masonin overtime."

-Evan Huhtala,SO

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# 41 Carter McMasters,Red shirt FR FARTHESTHOMETOWN (ABIDJAN,IVORYCOAST) # 23 Patrick Konan, FR


enior basketball player Kyle Ohman reached anew levelthisseason when he was added tocollege sportswriter JeffGoodman's top 50 shooters list on According tothe article, Ohman had at leasta41shooting percentage inthe lasttwo seasons which earned him the 19th spot on the list.

"I consider it aprivilegeand I was glad that I was ableto be on that list," Ohman said. "I still have toprove it thisyear and continue toget better, but it was good tosee it."

Ohman tried out forthe team hisfreshman year.and did not make it due toan alreadyfull roster. Hestarted practicing with the team his second semester and suited uphis sophomore year, though as an underclassman he only saw about 20 minutes ofactual playing time.During his junioryear, Ohman saw more playing time under a differentcoach.

"I thought that I was good enough to play, but I reallydidn'tget the chance to prove it," Ohman said. "When Coach McKay came,I got the chance toplay."

Ohman saw another change inleadership during hissenior year when Coach Dale Layer became the new head coach.Layer and the playerson the team agreed that Ohman puta lot ofeffort intohisgame.According to them, he became such agood player through hard work, perseverance and competiveness.

"Kyle is aguy that has gotten betterevery year,"Layer said. "He'sgot ahungry spirit. He wants to prove people wrong and he'sgot an incredibly huge desire to improve and getbetter."

Sophomore basketball player, Jeremy Anderson said, "Kyle has such apassion, one ofthe most competitive guys I'veever met,but that'sgood for us.We need thatcompetitive spirit."

The team had 11 freshmen and sophomores As one ofthe only seniors, Ohman became anatural leader on the court this year

"Kyle has reallystepped up and been aleader on and offthe court," Jesse Sanders, sophomore basketball player, said. "He is aleader by example, shown by the work he puts in He'sgoing to be the guy inthe gym afterpractice getting extra work, calling acouple ofthe younger guys and seeing if they want to be inthere with him."


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After losing sixseniors, the women's basketball team started fresh with many younger playersthis season They faced the challengeto preserve the legacy of12 Big South Championship titles and 12NCAA Division I Tournament appearances Theirfocus wasto createa new face fortheteam

"We areforming our own identityand we are continuing tobuild chemistry asateam,"Brittany Campbell, freshman guard, said The lonesenior, Amber Mays, was given a huge responsibility this year. She was the oldest player, leaderofthis team and determined tomake a good impact on herteammates,

"I have a lot ofresponsibility,"Mays said. "I have to be a positive rolemodel foreverybody, and it is my job tosettheexample."

Working with each other and meshing together was the number one priority and challenge according to Mays and juniorguard Dymond Morgan.

"We have tolearn towork asateam," Morgan said "Afterlosinga lot ofupperclassmen,we must relyon the new members and learnto trusteachother."

Every practiceand every game broughtthis team closertotheirgoal "We're getting better every day, but we have not even reached our peak,"Campbell said "I believewe will reach our peak astheseason progresses."

Despite the younger players, there was hope forthe women's basketball team "I havehigh hopes forthisnew team, and I want tocontinue the legacy ofwinning champions,"Mayssaid

"Myfavorite halftime performance is definitely the SOAR dunk team."

-David Brower,JR

"I likethe little blow upanimals; theydanced withmy friend and squirtedsilly stringall over him. Itwasquite entertaining."

-Paige Hedrick,SO

"I likethe game withthe little kids puttingon thebasketball uniforms I thinkthat it's reallycuteand it bringsthe communityinto thebasketball game."



"Thisyearthe [women's] team looked reallygood. My favoritepart of thegame was how wellthey workedtogether toplayasa team Theydid anexcellentjob utilizing each others'strengths and weaknesses toplaytogether and tobeat whoeverthey playedagainst I reallyenjoy just watching theirskills."

-Liz Campbell,SR

"When I arrived 10yearsago, I was not a women's basketball fan, butthestudents heretold me thattheLady Flameswas the basketball team to watch I wenttoa coupleofgames andquickly was hooked Theirtenacious defense makes watchingthe gamesexciting."

"I go to the women's basketball games with my friends I also wearred in order toshowsupport totheteam.

A basketball game here is excitingbecause ofthestudent body and the special effects."


132 is c" 5 o |£ I


#21Amber Mays, SR


#11JelenaAntic, FR

By halftime, the Lady Flames led the gam e by 26 points "I like cheering on our team with all of the other students." Ambe r Cook, sophomore, said "Students bring energy and encouragement to the Vines." Junior Dymond Morgan looksforanopen teammate orlanetohelpwiden thelead. With encouragement from the fans and their teammates, our team wo n the gam e 73-27 against Presbyterian "During games everyone is encouraging and helping each other," Rachel McLeod junior, said "Our team has always been there for each other through the thick and thin." SeniorAmber Mayscapitalizesonamoment ofweak defenseand goes foralayup. Mays enjoyed the thrill of the game, but she admitted that winning was always a plus. "My favorite gam e was last year's Big South Championship game, because w e wo n and it was an important game," she said Sophomore Avery Warley takesasecond tofocusonthefoulshotsheisabouttomake Basketball players had to make time to concentrate on their gam e as well as their school work "Schoool is a priority, and I study a lot to stay on top of stuff," Warley said. "The coaches make sure w e can get all our school work done."

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JuniorRachel McLeod goesupfor theshot,despitethedefensiveeffortfrom thePresbyterian opponent

"I like Lacrosse becauseit isvery entertaining and intensetowatch It isdifferent than mostother sportsandit incorporatesa combination ofbasketball, soccerand hockey Anyone can play, bigor smalland it is fastpaced and I ofaction."

"I liketogo because my friends play and it'sa new team so it is funtowatch them improve go decked out in theschool's attire."

-Sam Pigsley, JR

"I played on theclubteam previouslyand I heard thatit was going Division 1. I playedlacrosse all through high schoolsoit was adream come trueforme to beabletoplay on a Dlteamin college." -Sierra Clearwater,SO

"I enjoythe teammates I haveand the relationships I'vedeveloped withthem I also appreciatethe factthatwe are abletoconnect on aspiritual level asa team, which I feel drawsuseven closertogether."

Sophomoreteamcaptain,ChloeMcintosh,standsherground,waitingforheropponenttomake amove.ThiswasthefirstseasonforthelacrosseteamtocompeteattheNCAA levelandthefirstyear forheadcoachReganDenham "Myfavoriteteammemory wouldhavetobethetimewewentoverto ourcoach'shouse," KristinCrowley,sophomore,said "Aftereatingwe hadablastplayingDanceDance Revolution Letmejusttellyou,ourteam isskilled inmorewaysthanone."

Building tradition.Laying the groundwork. Leaving a legacy That was the theme for the firstever evangelical Christian Division Ilacrosse team

"This is a very special time inthe history ofthe team," head coach Regan Denham said

Although women's lacrosse existed as a club sportfor several years,2010 marked the firstseason as an NCAA Division Isport Returning players witnessed thetransition

"Moving to Division Ihas brought lacrosse to a whole new level,"Hillary Baker,sophomore defenseman,said "Instead ofjust playing to play, it's more competitive."

Denham struggled to find enough players committed to the team, because the team was new She recruited players from other sports who understood Division I athletics

"The transition was really hard at first," Blaire Barnhart,freshman goalie who switched to lacrosse from volleyball, said,"The majority of us [had not]played before,so all of us learned the basicstogether."

J n

ESophomore midfielder Chloe Mcintosh transitioned from basketball tojoin the team "It was frustrating at the beginning because I've played basketball for12years,"Mcintosh said "You work so hard at that specific sport and then you start a new sport and you're at the bottom again."

According to Baker,Denham was very patient with the new players and helped them relate lacrosse to the sports they already understood One of the vitalcomponents for Denham was building team dynamic,being able to work together

"If you listento how a lotofthe girlsended up on thisteam,you can tellthat God has hand-picked the girlsand put thisteam together,"Baker said "We get along very well on and off[thefield]."

Although they willstriveto win, the players said they were honored to be part of the team, no matter the outcome ofthe games.

"It'sone ofthose things that,when you look back on your college experience,you'llsay, 'That's something I'm proud of,'" Barnhart said.

Sophomores HillaryBaker,KristinCrowleyand ChloeMcintoshstrechtheirlacrossestickstowardtheball, Sophomore KristenCrowleycutsaroungheropponent hopingtobeatouttheirLynchburgCollegeopponent Beforetheirfirstofficialgame,thelacrosseteam headingtowardsthesideline Thelacrosseteam hadtheir' heldascnmageagainstLynchburgcollegetopracticetheirteamwork "Itisverysatisfyingtoseethe firstvictoryagainstHoward University, winningbyonepoint amount ofimprovement ineachoneofusthisyear,"KarenYates,senior,said "I'msoproudofthem "My favoritegame wastheHoward game becausewedidn't' andgladtobeapartofthefirstWomen'sLacrosseteamofourschool'shistory." giveup,and we setthestandardfortherestoftheseason tonevergiveup, notmatterhow many goalswe'redown," LaurenSee,freshman,said.

"I gotovolleyball gamestosupportthegirls, becausethegirls aresogoodat whattheydo, and because oftherushyou getwhen there isanincredible digorspike. I feelthatasafan we areessential becausewe give them arushand desirethatonly causesthem to lovewhatthey playevenmore."

-Jeff Sundheim, SO likegoingto sharethetime withfriendswho enjoythesport, and my roleas afanistosupporttheteam bycheering them on." -Ben Tobias,SR

"Ithinkthemost importantrole asafanisto raisethelevelof intimidationfor theopponent Thishappens simplybythe noise level providedbythe massofpeople cheeringfortheir team andcheeringagainstthe opponent." -Neil Durner,SR

"Igotothe volleyballgames togivethe volleyball girls encouragement, motivationand rootforthem to dowell I have beentoldthat thegirlsappreciate, andlove seeingfriends, familymembers, and fanstocheer forthem.I have gottento reallygettoknow some ofthem."

-Grace Ju,JR

"I know the athleteslove havingarowdy crowd inthe stands.A crowd cangetintothe opposingteam's players'and coaches'heads, whichpotentially couldaffectthe outcomeofthe game.Ultimately it'sjustnicefor ourathletesto knowthatthey havefansupport, andthat we appreciateall thetimethey putintomaking thisschool's sportsthevery best."

-Jameson Beckner,Grad Student

"I gotosupport thevolleyball team because it isanenjoyable sporttowatch withmy friends I used toplayvolleyballand enjoy thegame."

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women'svolleyballplayersanswerin theirownwordsi.j

0.* What ledyou tocome hereover otherschools?

I was considering a few schools before I truly feltthe Lord pushing me to come here.Iknew that even ifI could not have volleyball,Iwould want to attend this school. I wanted to be surrounded by people who loved the Lord and grow closer to God.

0." What events led you to join our volleyballteam?

One of my greatest dreams, since I was small and started playing volleyball,was to play at a collegiate level,Division I to be precise When God led me to a Christian and Division I level school that offered me a position on their team, Iknew this was where Ibelonged.

I decided to transfer [here] because of Jeremiah 29:11 It was on my heart when Icame to visit.I knew I was at the right place when Coach introduced the team verse to me, the same [verse]on my heart. Coach recruited me at the right time,and I knew God wanted me here. -Brittany Pacella, SR

QtWhat skills, trainingordisciplineis needed tocompete atthislevel?

I would have to say that mental toughness isthe most important thing for college sports. You can have allthe talent inthe world, but if your mental game isn'tthere then you're practically useless If your mind isn't tough enough for the pressure,fatigue and everything else that comes along with being a student athlete,then you're just up a creek without a paddle and you won't love the sport you play."

0." Do you feel rewarded when you walk off the court and what makes you feelthis way?

Knowing I did my best and gave itmy all and seeing that pay off gives me a sense of satisfaction when I walk off the court. Also seeing my teammates do the same in succeeding gives me a rewarding feeling. When [our supporters] are behind us and seeing them impacted by what we do is an insane feeling It'srewarding to know that in some way we're doing something, even though it's just volleyball,for someone else -Karyl Bacon. JR

/ stronglybelieve thattheLord broughtmeto thisschool. I knewthefirst dayIvisited thatIwantedto attend[here]. Thewelcoming atmosphereof thestudents, coachesand administrative employees impressedme tremendously. I knewitwasthe rightfit.

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FreshmanshortstopJoshRichardsonlikesthepitchandswings Fansfilledupthestandsto watchourteam defeattheDelawareStateHornets8-1 intheirfirsthomeopener "I lovegoingtothe baseballgamesbecauseI lovewatchingthesport,"SarahGoss,sophomore,said."Thereisnothing betterthanagood baseballgame onabeautifulday." (for more on baseball see page 140)

Sometime s the best teams do not take home the championship trophy. In2007,the softballteam had the most individual talentand established national records, according to Head Coach Paul Wetmore, but they were not the best team the day ofthe Big South Championship tournament They went home aftertwo losses.In2008 and 2009 the team advanced tothetitle game,only tofinishrunner-up. Thisseason the team resolved towin.

"We've come insecond two years ina row, so it seems like there'sno bettertime than the present totake one home," Jenna Eatmon,juniorutilityplayer, said. "I want a Big South Championship ring, and I think we have agreat shot atthatgoal."

Inorderto reach thatgoal, theteam would haveto defeat long-time rivalsWinthrop and Radford, the teams thatwon thetitle games the pasttwoyears

"We haven't had the experience,but now we do," Coach Wetmore said "We have tofinish it now."

The coaches challenged theteam tochoose atheme. A few ofthe girlsnoticed the words "AllforOne" on the sideofa Pepsi bottle, and they thought it fit the team perfectly

"'One'represents Jesus and the team,"Katie Warrington, freshman pitcher, said "It helps remind us that we all have thesame goal."

Eatmon said, "To me,AllforOne' means putting aside everything thatwould ordinarily hold usapart and coming together asa team,asfriendsand assisters in Christ."

Thiscommon bond setthisteam apart because all the girls were playing toglorifyGod,a motivationdifferent than many other schoolsaccording toWarrington Although the girlshave had individual hardships this year, theteam has bonded because ofthose challenges and learned toovercome them together.

"Thisteam is full ofgirls who loveGod and loveeach other,"Eatmon said. "We areall focused and readyto bring home a Big South Championship."

withZaneBator, seniorfirstbaseman

Or How long have you been on the team?

Thisismy second yearattheschoolasI transferred from Wenatchee ValleyCollegeasajunior.

0." What position do youplay?

Pitcher, Firstbase,and DesignatedHitter.

Q' What'syour favorite partabout being apartofthe team?

Theclosenessofgettingtoknow eachother, friendshipsthatarebuilt, representingtheschool throughathleticsand alltheexperiencesfromit

Ql! Do you have a favorite memory?

My favoritememory would havetobeseeing Ryan Baumberger getdrug behindCody Brown for60feet, attachedacableduringspeedtraining

Q' What'syour favorite part of attending the softballgames?

My favoritepartofattendingsoftballgamesis feelingtheadrenaline.ThepassionthatI haveforthe game explodesfrom headtotoeevenwhen I am on thebleachers.

0." What makes itdifferent fromother sports?

Whiletherearemany similaritiessuchasa ball, runningand team players,softballisdifferentinthe sensethatyou constantlyhavetobeonyourtoes, readyforthenextbighit,thegroundercoming atyou orthenextpitchcoming at50 mph

Ql What's theenvironment like?

A dead crowd makes adead game Theintensity ofthegame explodesfrom thefirstplay,and the team'sconfidencerises A greatcrowd makesthe playersworkashardastheycanand thatmakesfora greatgame,whethertheywinorlose

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withCatherine Luster,freshman softballfan

SeniorShawnTeufeldeliversapitch, hopingtostrikeouthisDelaware opponent. Thebaseballandsoftball teamsstrivedtoshowChristonthefield and offthefieldthroughcommunity service Thesoftball teamdecidedto supporttwogirlsthisyearnamed Kayla and Aprilwho hadbraintumors."Ourgoal istosupportwho wecallour"sisters" and helpthem throughthistoughtime," DanielleHoward,sophomore,said "We constantlysendvideosand writeontheir webpagejustshowingalittlelove,which doesn'tsoundlikemuch,butjustletting them know thatGod isontheirsidecan help SeniorDaneBeaklerpreparesto bringtheheatagainstDelawareState Hornetsbatter. Thesoftballteamwas alsobringingtheheatthisyearasthey strivedtowinaBigSouthChampionship "We havealotmoreexperienceonthe fieldbecausewehaveateam witha lotofupperclassmen."Jenna Eatmon, juniorsoftballplayer,said."Iexpectalot outofusthisseason," Sophomore and 1stbasemanTreyWimmer divesinto thedirt,gloveextended,hopingto catchthebaseball Spendingawhole seasonwithteammates,gettingready forgames,travelingand practiceenabled playerstoformlastingrelationships.

"WhatIenjoymostaboutthesport is thelifelongfriendshipsyouaccumulate alongtheway,"KatnnaJohnson,freshman softballplayer,said."Ialsolovehaving theopportunitytomeetnewpeopleand traveltonewplaces."


"1havebeen goingtothe gamessince my freshmanyear 1 attendbecause 1 am friendswith a lotoftheguys ontheteam,and my boyfriend plays Myfavorite partofattending is probably beingoutside hangingoutwith my friendsand watchingthe guys play."

"1enjoybaseball andsupporting my friendsand boyfriend on theteam.1 like thelaid back atmosphereand hangingoutwith friendsand nice weather."


F o r four consecutive semesters straight, the Dime Pieces won the title as intramural soccer champions.The secret behind theirsuccess rested on theirfriendships

"I think a lotofus knew each other before we started to play,"Lindsey Fyre, juniorteam captain , said, "Since we were doing well, we stayed together.We were all friends outside ofthe team."

"Most ofus have been playing together foraboutsix semesters,so we have been able to really get to know each other's strengths and abilitieson the field," Alii Burley, alumni team member,said. I think that's what helped us win the past threesemesters."

Dedication also played intotheirsuccess

Intramural soccer supervisor Adam Dupere said, "They had a really good group committed to play The lastcouple years it's been the same girlscoming out so they had the advantage."

The name "Dime Piece"reflected the team's drive to be great.

"I came up with our team name from the song that says,'I'm looking fora dime that'stop ofthe line', but a

dime piece is also called a "perfect ten," said Burley,

The team defeated all opposition intheirpath According tosenior Rochelle Jones,there are generally 10 teams a semester,Arsenal,Panic, Viva laVida,Betty Goats,Rampage, Las Munecas,Plain White Tee's and Just 4 Kix are the names of some ofthe teams the Dime Pieces competed against "Our biggest rivalsare probably Aresenal and Just for Kix,"Fryesaid

Several intramural teams practiced outside ofthe scheduled games,but not the Dime Pieces "Our team does not hold practices,but all ofthe girlson our team are very talented,"said Jones.

The prizeforthese intramural champions has been t-shirts. They are simple shirtsofwhite,red or blue with the flames logo and the words 'Intramural Champions' on it "We lovegetting the t-shirts,"Fyresaid

"Itis fun to be on a team that is so talented and really loves to play soccer,"Jones said "Every girl on our team is passionate about soccer."

"I am excited toplay[indoor soccer] because thesoccer complex is really nice, and I want toplaytostay activeand have funwith my friends." -Nick

"I would "[I lookforward "I would liketo - • "Thishasbeen definitelyplay toplaying] trypaintball 5-my firstyear flagfootball Intramural if I canget *=•• participating becausethisis Frisbeeand thegear." | in Intramural thefirst year possibly -HankJett.SO 3 Sports I regret sincehighschool paintball ;: not getting I haven'tplayed Frisbeewill be g involvedsooner! football". veryfun." -Mike >. Basketballhas

-Antonio Zappitella.JR » beenagreat Medley,FR wayto play competitively, meet new people, andget someexercise It hasreminded me thateach member isan essentialpart oftheteam. It takesajoint effort, with everyoneusing theirown skills andabilities forasuccessful game." -Rachel Lake,SR

"I wanted to play [flag football] becauseit'sa funthingtodo getaway from work andjust hang outwith my friends Also, I lovefootball and itgives me a wayto get out thereinsome funcompetition. It'salsoexciting because we haveall been on thesame team forawhileso we workwell togetherand haveagreat team thisyear."


"I'mactually playingwith some girlson thehall and some ofthe brother dorm soit's likea brothersister dorm thing Mike playing because it'sagood way toexercise, hang outwith friends, and playa sport you like in a laid back but fun environment."KelsiFarmer,JR

"I play intramural sportsbecause I lovesoccerand itgivesmethe opportunityto playonaregular basiswithout being onthe actualwomen's team.I like playing because it givesyou the opportunity to play competitively withothergirls inastructured leagueandthe opportunityto meet othergirls who sharethe same passionfor thesportasyou do."

"I am playing soccerforthe 4thsemester. It can getsweaty, sometimes freezingand sometimes superhot, but it hasreally brought me amazingfriends! I likethat'sits chill butstill challenging." -

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FreshmanEmilySmithplants herfootand concentrateson deliveringtheperfectpass. Many formerhighschoolathletesenjoyed beingabletoparticipateinsports theyspentmany yearsperfecting and nothavetheresponsiblyand intensitythatcomewithbeingonan officialuniversityteam "Intramural sportsareanincrediblewayto findcompetitionatschool,"Jenni Blanzy,junior,said. "I playedhigh schoolathletics,and now I havean opportunitytocontinueplaying what I lovebest."

Dribblingtheballtowardshisgoal,astudentathleteattemptstooutmaneuvertheopposition. Fall semesterwas thefirstseasonthattheindoorfieldwasavailableforintramuralindoorsoccer allowingsoccerenthusiastswereabletobeattheunpredictableLynchburgweatherpatterns Theblessingofarooftoplayunderand alsothefomatofthegames played inan indoorsetting weresome oftheprasiesthatstudentsgavetothenew facility "Thesmallsizeofthefieldand 6 vs.6formatcreatessome greatfastpaced competitiveplay," Ryan McVety,junior,said.

JuniorJosiahJonesscansthe fieldlookingforoneofhis teammates duringagame of flagfootball Studentsenjoyed theopportunitytomeet new peopleand remainactive "It issomuch funtowatch and playintramuralsports,"Julie Mcmillian,senior,said. "I like watchingstudentswho may notknow eachothercome togetherand playforfun It reallyisagood way forthe campustobond." L-*-iJ

An intramuralbasketball playertakestheballdown the laneinpursuitofthenet Many studentswho played highschool sports,used intramuralsasa meanstocontinuecompeting and inastructuredsetting. "I playedbasketballin high school,"SteveBrower,senior, said "Intramuralbasketballcan becompetitiveattimes, but thegood teamsdefinitelystand outabovetherest."SeniorBen Berry'sintramural basketball teamchosetosendaspecific messagetotheiropponents inthenametheychosefor themselves "I playbasketball and my team name isVICtORY," Berrysaid "Thelowercase"T" symbolizesthecross."

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educated heal


LUO student Samueleis Moshe shared hisfirstaccount story about hiscountry Israeland how he prepared to help hispeople by seeking an education atourschool

Itwas amarvelous day with blue skiesand the sweet song of birdssinging on the Mount ofOlives A horrifying sound ofan exploding bomb shook the peaceful streets ofJerusalem below The holy places were mute while lamentations from victims were wrapped with fire, blood, body parts, glass,stones,nails, twisted metal and smoke

At the sound ofthe sirens,Israelichildren had seven seconds to put on amask and injectthemselves overtheir clothing while running to take refuge inthe bunkers. They ran with the realization thata terroristhad attacked

Among the innocent victimswas ayoung soldierfriend of mine Stillinmy memories are hiskindness and loveof God

The September 11thsyndrome happens every day in Israel, a country approximately the sizeof New Jersey There are 21 recognized Arab countries, and they have 50 times as many people as Israel, 800 times as much land and extensive oilreserves.

InIsraelitwas not uncommon to see two siblingsgoing to the same school onadifferent bus. Why? Terrorism wasso unpredictable it can occur any time Inthismanner parents avoid losing all theirchildren atonce.Parents,while leaving home, donot know if they willsee each other for dinner

I am atraditionalJewish person, and I learned about thisuniversity whilewatching CNN one day. They were covering the Liberty School of Law's defense ofthe Ten Commandments inacourthouse. I became interestedin the philosophy ofthisschool which allowed and actually required students to integratetheirfaith inGod withtheir

chosen profession, byrespecting theirown beliefs. Once I found thisschool offered apsychology and counseling degree,I applied forthe program,and have been very blessed by the curriculum's focus on how God and science work together to restore healing tothe inner being of clients

Itismy intention to work with Jewish orphan victims impacted by terrorism and clientswith post-traumatic stresssyndrome,such as individuals impacted by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, descendants ofJewish Holocaust survivors and politicaland religiousrefugees.I have been given the toolsto be an effective counselor inthe Holy Land from my studies.

On some occasions,the counselors are murdered by terrorists, and who isleft to help these children?Asa prospective counselor searching away to help thisworld, especially my people,nothing can be betterthan an education Thisschool's philosophy seems to be more realisticand practical than programs I have found inother universities

Israeltoday isfighting forits survival, threatened by the fanatic IslamicArabs and the speedy nuclear armament of Iran, Their newly elected president, MahmoudAhmadinegad,York stood atthe United Nations General Assembly's podium,claiming thatthe Jewish Holocaust was a lie,but days before swore toerase Israelfrom the map, under the silencefrom the United Nations.W e desperately need counselors to deal with the traumatic effectsof terrorism afflictingJewish families.Mygoal istooffer a freecounseling clinicwith volunteers who arewillingto work in Israel.


student Osei Kwadwo Adae

koh grew up with a passion to receive the best education.He finished

Q hisfoundational schooling inhis home land Ghana but he was not satisfied. Inpursuit of hisdream, Amoakoh attended Westminster Kingsway College inLondon and finished his two-year business and finance degree

"Right after completing my two-year degree and making preparation to enter an honors degree program,out ofthe blue a significant life changing ent manifested itself," Amoakoh aid "The British authorities decided turn down my application fora permanent residence status and ibsequently went ahead to remov e from the UK and Iwent back i Ghana."

Amoakoh was crushed and thought hishopes forattaining a higher ucation were gone In1999 God ened a door and he went to merica on a work visa Seven years laterhe got married.

"The same permanent residence status that was refused me inthe UK, God made possible inthe United States of America," Amoakoh said. Inthe summer of2007,he enrolled at our school.He expected to graduate is spring

The Word of God says where there eem to be no way,God Himself will make a way," Amoakoh said."God indeed has made a way and I know with profound certainty that He will continue to make a way for me."

yp, Thisschoolhas

^ made an impact

^ intheacademic,

ex professionaland -

^ personalgrowth

>j2 ofMariaFe

^ Gonzales-White

cf- When Hurricane

i Ike hit Houston,

2 Texas Gonzalesex White's

2 neighborhood &; lost powerfor

° severalweeks prohibitingher from working on heronline nursing classes "My nursing professors worked with me so1 didnot havetodrop mysubjects," GonzalesWhitesaid "1 didnotfeel alonebecause theschool stood behind me through tough times." Another milestonefor herwasthe spiritual revival sheexperienced whiletaking BIBL104 "The course became morethanan academicstudy butameaningful encounterwith theLord each time1 studied HisWord,"she said "1 have been equipped tobecome aneffective ChristianNurse who is notonly abletoprovide carefor my patient's physical needsbut alsotouch theirsouls."

"When 1 began thisjourneyafter an extended absence and quitting many timesbefore, it wastomake my childrenproud ofme Now it is tomake myself proud Overthe last twoyears, thingsgota littletough.In thattime1 have had adeath in my familyand come through thedissolution ofmy 35year marriage, lam gratefultothe professorsat [thisschool] fortheircare, concernand understanding duringthose rough times."

"During one semester1 was expectingto haveababy and didnothaveto takeoff, 1 was abletohave my childand continue my studiesas usual Theinteraction and support withthestaff and colleagues was amazing duringthattime and throughthe discussionboard everyonewished me blessingas 1 was having my child."

Lastspring,LUO studentBetty

Bakerlost her husband The twoofthem had been married for28yearsand were planning togo backto schooltogether. Bakerdecided tocontinuetheir plansand went toschool

"1 am now anonlinestudent, and 1 know thatGod will helpme to do well," Baker said. "1know thatGod willbe hereforme and my family, and hewill complete what Hestarted."

"What 1 love aboutthis schoolisthat theyincorporate theBibleinjust aboutevery subject, even math It not onlyexpands your knowledge withinyour major, but most ofall, your knowledgeof God." -Janeel

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Aftertaking abreakfrom schoolfor

ontheheart ofKimberly

toenroll in theonline undergraduate programto pursuea doublemajorin educationand

LUO student Myrtle Ward was 26 when she began using cocaine Her ninesiblings encouraged herdrug use, and several years later they introduced herto crack cocaine.Ward became addicted to drugs and alcohol and her life spiraled down

"I lostcustody of my fourchildren, lostcontact with my brothers and sister, lostmany jobs,lostmy husband and finally I lostmy freedom because of incarceration,"Ward said.

God caught Ward's attention in 1997, during a six-month sentence. "While incarcerated,I finallylearned that I had put God on hold when I used,"shesaid.

"I used thattime toget intoreading and studying God's Word,and He mercifully revealed His lovetome."

Ward'sjourney was farfrom over. After leaving jail, she began to driftaway from God and served two more jail sentences.

"Thank God He did not give up on me,"Ward said. "The Lord continued to pursue me through the

Holy Spiritand otherpeople."

After her third incarceration,Ward joined a Biblestudy group, changed acquaintances,locations, everydayactivities and found a Christian sponsor to hold her accountable In2006,Ward became a certified Addictions Professional.She then decided to take online classesatour school inpursuit ofa counseling degree.

"God has given me a heartfor homeless and addicted people,and that is where I intend to work,"shesaid

Ward attained ajob atthe Salvation Army as an Emergency Lodge monitor, where she was able toconduct Bible study groups,pray forPresidents and offercounseling.She also restored her relationship with her children, former employers and hersiblings. Severalof her siblings became sober as aresult

"[God]has taught me so much through these experiences,"Ward said "Ijust want to share thatwith others who aregoing through some ofthe samethings."

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over25years, God put it
religion "I love theLordand it hasonlybeen twoyearsthat I havebecomea newcreature," McComassaid "BytheGrace ofGod hehas turnedmylife around There aretimeswhen I lookatwhere my lifeonce wasandam in aweofwhere Iam now."
ExcitedathowGodhasworkedinherlife,MyrtleWardsitsatopherbike "Godhasbrought mealongway.andIlookforwardtowhatHisplansareforme inthefuture,"Wardsaid.

LUOstudentTeresaLusksmilesforthecamera left,andherthreechildrenposeforapicture below Lusksharedhow God hadplaced many situationsinherlifethatledhertoHim."Ihave hadsomany 'glorytoGod'moments,"Lusksaid



Teresa Lusk lived alife full ofhurt, abandonment and confusion,but during thattime,God was looking after Lusk and pulling her to him.Lifestarted to get hard for Lusk when she dropped out ofhigh school atthe age of14, due to apregnancy.

"Lifeduring pregnancy became anot so great adventure," Lusk said."Because Imarried mychild'sfather, myfamily gave methe freedom to livemy life. I was financially broke,hungry most of the time and my heart was hopeless."

Lusk and her husband gota divorce shortly aftertheirson was born She started working to provide for herselfand her child.Lifegot out ofcontrol as Lusk started to seek forlove inall the wrong places.

"I partied hard,and drugs and alcohol were mychoice ofentertainment," Lusk said "It was myway to numb feelings of past hurt, regret and insecurity."

At the age oftwenty,Lusk began searching forpurpose inherlife through New Age Religion

"I believed inseeking advice about my future through Tarot cards,stones and shells,"Lusk said. "It seemed to work for a little while,but after some time,Ibegan to feelhopeless and empty again."

Shortly after, Lusk remarried. Her life was still missing something,and Lusk struggled with her past,parenting and finding hope She searched for prayer online and found achurch.After conversing with the pastor, Lusk and her husband were invited to visit.

"Within amonth ofvisiting this place, we were informed ofthe greatest news we have ever been given,"Lusk said. "We learned that God lovesus and wants us to experience Hispeace and eternal life."

The Lord had even more forLusk She gave birth to two more children and started abusiness from her own home. She decided to pursue adegree through our online program

"He [the Lord]gave methe privilegeto startaministry now called, Homemakers and CEOs," Lusk said. "This is agroup that encourages women who love to be at home or have the conviction to be at home, to run theirsmall business from home."

God had aplan for Lusk all along. She was able to share her story with others and be alightinadark world.

"I know there was no way I could have done what Ihave accomplished without God,and I don't forget where the strength and ability came from," Lusk said.

Orticelli, asingle motherand LUO studentsaid, "It isafabulousand toughjourney 1 have beenin themilitaryfor 17yearsand decided toearn my degreein religion 1 have been calledto theministry."

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Faced with jugglingroles asanactive member inthe
Army,Barbara Magdalena
150 C O ^ u SE Aaron Acosta Osei Kwadwo Adae Amoakoh Alfred Adams Kwasi Adu-Gyamfi Alejandra Alvarez Kimberlee Anamier Rebecca Anderson Rochell Asbury Raquel Askew LoriAtkinson Salomon Augustin Bonnie Ayotte Mohamed Azeez Syreeta Babino Andrea Bailey MikeBaird Amanda Baker Betty Baker David Wade Bateman Deborah Battle Jeanette Bern Cindy Bernal Catherine Bodeker Michael Bowe Nina Bratcher ShirleyBratton ChrysalisBridges Tammy Briggs Daniel Brinkmann Audra Brister VanessaBritt Bridget Brown Phyllis Brown Stephanie Brown Stephanie Brown Mary Beth Browning Ada Bryant Angie Bryant Charles Buchanan-Boardman StephanieBulla Denise Burnett Deborah Burns Bethany Byrd Roger Cameron Gregory Carothers RickCarroll Brandy Carter Vaden Chandler Sarah Chappell Michael Charette Bryan Chenault Debi Chernow Robert Chester Okey Chigbu Jae Young Choi David Clanton

Christopher Clark

Tonia Clemens

Miagan Cobb

Niema Coleman

Nina Coleman


Luis Concepcion

Mark Cook

Tamara Costanzo

Laisani Cox

George Crew

Schuylar Crist

Kandy Crosby-Hastings

Kristilyn Crowley

Marcia Cuellar

Priscilla Cumberbatch


Jordan Dale

Jenelle Dancel

Calvin Davis

Don Davis

Emily Davis

Patricia Davis

Paul Davis


Jared Day

Antonio De Hoyos

Dale Deason

Ashleigh Dennis-Silas

Tina Dickerson

Shaina Dillon

Randall Dittmer

James Dodson

Elizabeth Dolan

Roy Downing

Travis Drake

Bob Drane

Lawonda Dunford

Gabriel Durand

Albert Dykstra

Dawn Eardley

Thomas Michael Easterly

Carly Ederington

Kirt Edgar

Rob Edwards Ellison

Jason Ellen


Jasper Esmalla

Kristine Esmalla

Diana Farmer Tarango

Brenda Farmer

Dale Farris

Larhonda Ferguson


Raymond Fitzpatnck

Janae Fleming

2 E Sky Florentz Sharon Fogle Elizabeth Foote Ushinna Fowler Katelyn Frailey Derrick Frazier Jacqueline Frazier Steve Frederick Esther Fredericks Edward Frimpong Heather Fulbright Debra Fuller James Geer Gary George Amy Gilason Joshua Gill Franklin Gillock Adelaide Gilmore Harley Giovanni Rose Glean Rich Goddard Fred Gomez Christopher Gould Cathy Grady Keith Green Chrissie Gribbins Jason Gribbins Lisa Grier Casey Grim Felix Guzman, Jr Delzora Hagans Teresa Halley Don Hamilton Robert Hamilton Melanie Hankins Michael Harbuck Joanna Hare John Harnett Edith Harris Hicks Aziza Harris Edward Harris Gordon Harris Quadiyyah Harris Sean Harris Charles Harvard Mike Harvey Neil Harvison Kelsey Hastings Kristy Heath Rev Marvin Hemingway Vernon Henderson Rheva Henry Jeff Henson Eladio Herrera Anthony Hicks KelliHicks

Jasson Hidalgo

Brandy Higgins

Colleon Hill

Jean Hippolyte

Alyssa Hodges

Consuello Hodges

Aidee Hoffman

Brandon Hoffman

Richard Hoover

Carroll Hopkins

Karen Huggins

Darren Hughes

Virginia Hunt


Samuel Jacobs


Christy Johnson

Jonie Johnson

Laura Lee Johnson

Laura Johnson

Rodney Johnson

Aubrie Jones

Ben Jones

Mary Jones

LaKisha Jordan

Kim Joslyn

Catherine Jourdant

Okoro Udumeze Kalu

Abdallah Kdouh

Jeff Kennedy

Jim Kessler

Antionette Ketchum

Audrey Kimbrough


Kathy Kline

Charles Knepp

Denise Knox

Elizabeth Kotter

Melody Kotter

Shantel Kuntz

Anh Lam

Raymond Landis

Myra Lane

Twana Lawler

Menda Lechiara

Avis Ledee

Rony Leger

Derek Lewis

John Lewis

Ranny Lewis

Jamie Lewis (McWade)

Anne Liconti



Janet Livingston

Lauren Lopez

154 Jei SE Jessica Lord William Lovell Marcson Lubin Sally Lukens Teresa Lusk Kevin Lynch JenniferMagill Karen Maloy Robin Manes Gene Manns, Jr Michael Marshall Nichole Marshall ChristelMartin Donald Martin Keith Massey Mitchell Maybury Joan McAllister Helen McBynum John McCaherty Christina McCloud Kimberly McComas Trisha McCreary Mercelle McCutcheon Elizabeth McDaniel Francelia McDonald David McDonnough LaDarian McGee William McMurray Ramona Meek Scott Meredith Aaron Messner Dennis Mijanovich Alma Miller Deborah Miller Lisa Miller MelanieMiller Rhonda Miller Stuart Miller Steven Milton LeslieMingo CatherineMinotti Mark Mitchell Dina Modesto Thomas Mohler Christopher Moore Michael More Laura Moser Rodney Mulhollem BettieMull-Fluker Shelby Mullen Sherri Murphy Janeel Myers Melvin Myles Nalini Nallo Eric Nash Dianne Nelson


David Norris

Dennis Norton

Amanda Nutt


Dana Olesen


Harvey Palmer

Johnnie Palmer


David Patton

Chelsea Payne

Shannon Pfeiffer

Larry Pender

Larry Penn


Cynthia Mariea Phelps-Hammonds

Sara Pickenpaugh


Jessica Pittman


Nancy Pittman


Brandon Pogue

Ty Pos

Katrina Presko

Izabia Primous

Pamela Pryfogle

Scott Quinn

Feltman Rader

Candesi Ramoodit

Barbara Rattee

Brian Reagan

Andrea Reeder

Melanie Reels

Shunie Reed

Earl Rempel

Jannell Rempel

Charmaine Respass


Rebecca Rich-Fiddler

Allison-Marie Richardson

Janice Richardson

Joseph Jose Richie III

Allen Robinson

Jerry Rogers

Mary Rollins

Sonya Rosen

Barbara Rosier

Art Ross

Karen Rowland


Kandi Sampson

Samueleis Moshe

Nakisha Sanders

Luz Santiago

n 1 "i J i

Evelyn Sarpong


Sandra Scott-Thomas

Charles Seligman




Sonja Simmons

Katrina Simmons-Beauchamp

Veornita Sims


Joe Singleton

Angela Sloan

Anrick Smith

Joe Smith

Susan Smith

Jennifer Soberal

Heide Spence

Sandra Spencer-White


Ronald Stafford

Paul Stanton

Sandra Stanton

David Steltz

Joan Stewart-Gayle Tyrus Stith

Janice Stockman

Don Straub


Roxanne Stryker


Megan Sturgill

Matthew Sullivan

Antoine Suprenor, Sr

David Tack


Joanna Telcide Bryant


Danielle Thomas

Talmadge Thomas

Barry Thompson

Claudia Thompson

Denese Thompson

Mariel Thomsen




Naoko Torisu

Brent Townsend

Heather Trehan

Ralph Tucker

Anthony Turner


Zan Turner

Casaundra Tusing

Joshua Upchurch

Valencia Utley

156 ** O 1° 3 ^ SE

Tracy Valdes

Winter Vandiver

Amy Varson

George Vaughan

Susan Vereen

Walter W Rollo

Mary Waldvogel

Brandon Walker

Myrtle Ward

Nakita Watkins-Covington

Anna Watson

Miriam Watson

Sylvester Watson

Denise Watson-Smith

Andrew Webb

Dorothy Welch

Brent Weme

Douglas Wenger

Jason Whetstone

Maria White

Joseph Whitfield

Tamera Whitney-Levesque

Andrea Williams



Stephanie Wilson


Taccarro Wilson

Sherry Windham

Chin Woon Wong

Jennifer Wood

Susan Wood


Michael Wright

Trudy Wright

Darren Wu

Rodney Wyatt

Allison Young

Christianne Young

Michael Young


John Zachariah

John Zifcak

Robert Zuniga

MEN'S TENNIS (13-10)




Old Dominion Bluefield George Mason Lynchburg Campbell Mary Washington Appalachian State Lenoir-Rhyne Richmond Averett Wmthrop Manhattanville North CarolinaCentral Rockhurst James Madison UNC Asheville Gardner-Webb Longwood Radford CoastalCarolina Presbyterian REFLECTS'09SEASON L W W W L W L W W W L W W W L W L L L L W Big South Conference Championship Gardner-Webb Radford W L (0-7) (7-0) (6-1) (7-0) (1-6) (4-2) (0-7) (7-0) (4-3) (8-1) (0-7) (7-0) (7-0) (5-2) (3-4) (4-3) (3-4) (2-5) (0-7) (6-1) (5-2) (4-1) (0-4)
West Virginia North Carolina Central Lafayette James Madison West Virginia Wesleyan Coastal Carolina Charleston Southern Presbyterian VMI Gardner-Webb Stony Brook Tied for BigSouth Conference Title
Campbellsville L W W L W W W W W W L W Brockport/Oklahoma Gold Tournament Keystone Classic Hoosier Duals Quad Match Southern Scuffle Southern Scuffle Oklahoma State Old Dominion Drexel Bucknell VMI UNC Greensboro Eastern Regional Duals Rutgers George Mason Appalachian State NCAA East Regional Championship NCAA National Championship NCAA National Championship L L L L W L W L W W (20-33) (35-10) (19-13) (10-24) (45-7) (58-13) (20-13) (55-19) (54-14) (51-28) (33-36) (25-9) 7th 1st (3-2) (2-1) 6th 16th (6-36) (6-27) (11-24) (15-30) (27-9) (15-23) (2-0) (3-39) (30-10) (25-10) 1st 55th 56th
UNC Greensboro Montana Virginia Tech EastTennessee State Howard Elon Toledo Tennessee Tech Louisville Appalachian State Duke Wake Forest Winthrop Coastal Carolina Presbyterian Radford Gardner-Webb UNC Asheville High Point Charleston Southern Radford Coastal Carolina Winthrop VCU Presbyterian UNC Asheville Gardner-Webb High Point Charleston Southern •14) Big South Conference Quarterfinal Gardner-Webb Big South Conference Semifinal Charleston Southern w L L w W L L W L W L L W W W W W L L W W W W L W L W W W W W Big South Conference Championship CoastalCarolina Delaware VCU L L L (3-0) (1-3) (0-3) (3-0) (3-0) (1-3) (0-3) (3-2) (1-3) (3-0) (2-3) (0-3) (3-2) (3-1) (3-0) (3-1) (3-2) (1-3) (1-3) (3-1) (3-1) (3-0) (3-0) (0-3) (3-0) (1-3) (3-0) (3-0) (3-2) (3-0) (3-2) (1-3) (0-3) (0-3)


MEN'S SOCCER (12-5-3)


Virginia L East Tennessee State W James Madison L Old Dominion L Navy L Valparaiso L Northern Illinois L FrancisMarion W Longwood W Charleston Southern T Coastal Carolina W Winthrop W Gardner-Webb W High Point W Radford W VMI L UNC Asheville W Presbyterian T Big South Conference Championship Winthrop L0-0 (4-5PK's) (0-5) (2-1) (0-3) (1-3) (0-1) (0-1) (1-2) (4-0) (1-0) 1-1 (20T) (3-0) 0, 20T) (1-0) (2-0) (2-0) (1-2) (1-0) (0-0. 20T) (1
Concord W Appalachian State W Rider W St Francis L Radford T Howard W Longwood W Coastal Carolina T North Carolina L Virginia T Presbyterian W Gardner-Webb L Southern Virginia W Winthrop W VMI W High Point L UNC Asheville W UNC Asheville W Big South Conference Semifinal Radford W Big South Conference Championship Winthrop L
(10-1) Old Dominion L (0-7) (2-0) James Madison W (4-3) (4-0) Richmond L (0-7) (0-1) Davidson L (2-5) (0-0, 2 OT) Campbell W (4-3) (3-0) VirginiaTech L (0-7) (2-0) Appalachian State W (6-1) (0-0, 2 OT) Averett W (9-0) (0-1) Winthrop L (2-5) (1-1.2 OT) College ofCharleston L (3-4) (1-0) Upper Iowa W (9-0) (1-2) Rockhurst W (9-0) (7-0) UNC Asheville W (5-2) (3-0) Gardner-Webb W (6-1) (2-0) North Carolina A&T W (7-0) (1-2) Longwood W (7-0) (2-1) Charleston Southern W (4-3) (1-0) Radford W (7-0) Coastal Carolina W (6-1) (2-0) Presbyterian W (6-1) Big South Conference Championship (1-2) Gardner-Webb W (4-0) Charleston Southern L (2-4)


Palmer's Toyota Fall Intercollegiate

Palmer's Toyota Fall Intercollegiate

Windon Memorial Classic

Windon Memorial Classic

Frank Landrey Invitational

Frank Landrey Invitational

ODU/Seascape Collegiate Invitational

ODU/Seascape Collegiate Invitational

Rice Intercollegiate

Rice Intercollegiate

Argonaut Invitational

Argonaut Invitational

Cleveland Golf Palmetto Intercollegiate

Cleveland Golf Palmetto Intercollegiate

First Market Bank Intercollegiate First Market Bank Intercollegiate

Stevinson Ranch Invitational

Stevinson Ranch Invitational

UMB Bank Mizzou Tiger Intercollegiate

UMB Bank Mizzou Tiger Intercollegiate Big South Conference Championship Big South Conference Championship

South Conference Championship


Cavalier Classic Cavalier Classic NCAA Regional NCAA Regional NCAA Regional 10th 8th 14th 14th 5th 7th 10th T6th T2nd 3rd Tlst 2nd 2nd 2nd 1st 1st 11th T7th 9th 9th 7th 3rd 2nd 14th 14th T55th T55th T45th
George Mason Southern Virginia Clemson Old Dominion Notre Dame Northwestern Mississippi Valley State Tennessee State Charleston Southern Coastal Carolina Kentucky Christian Shawnee State UCF Buffalo VMI Presbyterian Winthrop Gardner-Webb UNC Asheville High Point Radford VMI Winthrop Presbyterian UNC Asheville Gardner-Webb Radford High Point Coastal Carolina Charleston Southern Big South Conference Quarterfinal Winthrop ^™ L W L L L L W W W L W W L L W W L W L L W W L W L W L W L W L H^H^^IH (72-76) (89-53) (39-79) (41-73) (72-91) (53-69) (72-53) (63-60) (69-53) (58-73) (99-39) (70-45) (58-82) (64-81) (110-102) (77-67) (65-62) (68-57) (70-74) (53-81) (60-55) (91-73) (43-67) (60-57) (72-75) (69-61) (69-74) (76-67) (48-71) (74-61) (72-80) r -** U \ *^ ^*""™"~—»^^^ -i ^
BASKETBALL (27-6) Winston-Salem State UNC Greensboro Tulane Navy Lafayette James Madison Glenville State Auburn Cornell Virginia Gardner-Webb North Carolina A&T Winthrop Longwood Presbyterian UNC Asheville Charleston Southern Coastal Carolina High Point Radford North Carolina Central Gardner-Webb Winthrop Coastal Carolina Charleston Southern UNC Asheville Presbyterian Radford High Point Big South Conference Quarterfinal Radford Big South Conference Semifinal High Point W W W W W L W L W L L W W W W W W W W W W L W W W W W W W W W Big South Conference Championship Gardner-Webb NCAA 1st Round Kentucky W L (71-26) (60-42) (63-52) (55-43) (90-55) (50-60) (86-45) (64-70) (70-40) (54-63) (65-70) (57-51) (67-38) (78-55) (73-27) (82-40) (65-52) (57-38) (75-62) (63-45) (64-44) (56-59) (52-18) (57-55) (66-56) (94-66) (55-40) (66-33) (73-48) (70-52) (73-55) (68-66) (77-83)


Penn State Berks

Robert MorrisU (PA)

Robert MorrisU (PA)

Robert MorrisUniv

Robert MorrisUniv,



Davenport University
Davenport University William Patterson U William Patterson U Penn State Berks
Univ ofDelaware Univ of Delaware Oakland University Oakland University Davenport University VirginiaTech Towson University Towson University IUP IUP Stony Brook University Stony Brook University Oklahoma University Oklahoma University RutgersUniversity Oakland University Oakland University Oklahoma University Oklahoma University ACHA National Tournament Arizona StateUniversity Oklahoma University w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w L L w w W w w w w w L W W w w L w L L (7-6 OT) (6-3) (14-5) (10-1) (15-1) (14-2) (2-1) (4-1) (8-1) (8-5) (10-1) (12-2) (6-2) (7-0) (4-0) (4-1) (3-4) (3-5) (6-4) (9-0) (10-1) (12-2) (5-2) (10-0) (6-4) (7-1) (3-4 OT) (6-3) (8-2) (6-5) (4-3) (4-5 OT) (5-3) (4-7) (3-4) NON-ACHATeam North Carolina StateUniversity Christopher Newport University Kennesaw StateUniv Kennesaw StateUniv. Life University VirginiaTech University Georgetown University University ofMaryland Christopher Newport University University ofDayton University of Dayton LifeUniversity LifeUniversity LifeUniversity University ofDayton University ofDayton Kennesaw StateUniversity Kennesaw StateUniversity VirginiaTech University NCAA Regional Kentucky w w w L w w w W L T W W W w w w w L W W L (6-5) (6-1) (10-3) (2-7) (6-3) (10-5) (5-4) (7-4) (4-6) (6-6) (8-3) (8-2) (5-2) (7-3) (11-3) (7-4) (7-3) (4-5) (7-6) (4-3) (5-7) Roanoke College Radford University Virginia MilitaryInstitute Christopher Newport University Virginia MilitaryInstitute James Madison University Roanoke College Univ, ofNorth Carolina-Charlotte University of Richmond Appalachian StateUniversity Old Dominion University W w w L W L L L L L L (8-7) (9-4) (6-5) (1-10) (11-4) (2-5) (4-10) (3-5) (6-7) (3-9) (2-3)
University Towson University Stony Brook Univ Stony Brook Univ.


WOMEN'S HOCKEY (18-10-2)

Ole Miss South Alabama South Alabama Mercer James Madison North Carolina Temple Temple Temple Temple Duke William & Mary Charleston Southern Charleston Southern James Madison Fordham Lafayette High Point High Point High Point North Carolina State Presbyterian Presbyterian Presbyterian Old Dominion Longwood VMI VMI VMI L W (5-6) (5-2) W (4-3.10 inn.) W L L W W W W W W W L L W W W W W W W W W L L L W W (3-2) (2-11) (5-9) (12-2) (18-9) (11-1) (15-11) (6-3) (18-13) (5-4) (4-7) (2-13) (19-6) (12-1) (9-8) (7-3) (19-5) (17-5) (2-1) (2-1) (14-7) (1-2) (7-3) (13-6) (9-7) (4-3) WilliamS Mary George Mason UNC Asheville UNC Asheville UNC Asheville Old Dominion Winthrop Winthrop Winthrop Virginia Tech Gardner-Webb Gardner-Webb Gardner-Webb Virginia Coastal Carolina Coastal Carolina Coastal Carolina Duke Radford Radford Radford Big South Conference Champions Radford High Point Coastal Carolina Winthrop L L W L W L W W W W L W (1-2) (0-12) (9-0) (2-9) (11-4) (7-2) (8-5) (5-3) (10-5) (4-3) (9-8) (10-2) W (10-9,11inn.) L L L L W W L L hip W W L L (2-5) (7-13) (1-4) (2-7) (4-1) (9-8) (3-5) (5-7) (10-3) (20-10) (0-7) (1-6)
University ofVirginia Penn State Univ Penn State Univ Univ of Michigan Grand Valley State Univ Grand Valley State Univ Western Michigan California Univ.of Penn California Univ of Penn Robert Morris Univ Robert Morris Univ Susquehanna U-19 Lindenwood Univ. Lindenwood Univ Univ of Colorado Univ of Colorado Reston Raiders U-19 Reston Raiders U-19 Univ of Mass Univ of Mass Grand Valley State Univ Grand Valley State Univ Univ of Rhode Island Univ ofRhode Island Penn State University Penn State University Robert Morris University Robert Morris University Ohio State University Ohio State University W T W W W L W W w L L W L L W W L W L W L W W T W L W L W W (9-0) (3-3) (4-3) (7-2) (3-2) (2-6) (8-1) (10-0) (10-2) (1-4) (2-7) (5-2) (2-8) (3-5) (5-2) (4-1) (1-2) (3-0) (0-1) (4-1) (2-3) (2-1) (3-1) (4-4) (3-1) (2-3) (4-1) (2-6) (7-0) (3-1)


New Balance Big South

Outdoor Track Championship Men-lst Women-2nd

ECAC/IC4A Outdoor

Track Championship Men-2nd Women-21st

NCAA Division IEast Region

Outdoor Track Championship Men-T22nd

NCAA Division I Outdoor Track Championship Men-T40th


Virginia Tech Cross Country Relay

Big South Preview

Hagan Stone Park Classic


Big South Conference Championship

NCAA Southeast Regional Championship









Division I Cross
Championship Men:
Women: 33rd
Men: 9th
Chelanga: 1
State Northridge California Fresno State UC Davis Long Beach State Tennessee Delaware State UNC Wilmington Delaware State Middle Tennessee State Florida State Troy Middle Tennessee State Jacksonville Jacksonville Stetson Stetson FloridaAtlantic Rutgers FloridaAtlantic Bethune-Cookman Texas A&M Purdue Norfolk State Norfolk State Hampton Hampton Winthrop Winthrop Winthrop Virginia Virginia L L L L L L W W W L L L W L L W L L W L W L W W W L W L L L L L ;0-13, 5 inn.) (1-15,5 inn,) (0-2) (0-5) (2-5) (1-11, 5inn.) (6-2) (4-1) (2-0) (2-3) (3-11, 5 inn.) (0-3) (5-2) (1-2) (4-6) (1-0) (3-4) (1-4) (3-0) (5-7) (1-0) (O-l) (4-2) (4-0) (3-1) (0-2) (5-1) (1-3, 6 inn.) (5-7) (0-5) (1-2, 8 inn.) (6-7) Charleston Southern Charleston Southern Charleston Southern James Madison James Madison Gardner-Webb Gardner-Webb Gardner-Webb Virginia Tech Virginia Tech Longwood Longwood Radford Radford Presbyterian Presbyterian Presbyterian Radford UNC Greensboro UNC Greensboro Coastal Carolina Coastal Carolina Coastal Carolina Big South Conference Championsh Coastal Carolina Winthrop Radford Charleston Southern Big South Conference Championsh Radford Radford w w w L L W L L L L L W L L W W W L L L W W W P W W L W pTit W L (2-1) (4-2) (4-2) (1-4) (1-2) (5-1) (1-2) (5-6) (3-10) (3-4) (0-3) (2-1) (1-4) (2-3, 8 inn.) (3-1) (10-0) (2-1) (1-2) (1-2) (1-3) (8-1) (8-3) (11-9) (4-2) (5-1) (1-2) (3-1) e Game (5-3) (1-10 6 inn)

FreshmanSiimTuuswaits forhispartnerfreshman TristanStayttostart offthematch Thetwo tennisplayerspulleda 8-3 doublesvictoryoverXavier Ruizand Kirill Orlovfrom Averett.Overall,theteam defeatedAverett6-1.

Flamescameouton topanddefeated Presbyterian73-27

SophomoreJuan Nino fakesouthisWinthrop opponentasheheads down thefield.The soccerteam pulledout witha3-0 winagainst theWinthropEagles, duringthefall Sophomore Rachel Houseknechtplants herpoleandvaults overthebarduringa practicesession Athletestrainedforboth indoorand outdoor competition. Sophomore HillaryBaker rushesdown thefieldasher opponentbracestotryandstop her Thenewlyadded Division I Lacrosseteam heldascrimage againstLynchburg Collegeat thestartoftheirseasontoget somepractice. SeniorAmber Mays dribblesaround thePresbyterian Collegeopponent asshelooksforan open lane.TheLady

JuniorGerenWoodbridgeraces aroundthetrackashetriesto breakhisrecordfromtheday before.On theseconddayof theLibertyKickoff, Woodbridge postedhispersonalbestmarksin the60-meterdashand shotput,puttinghim inthe heptathlonlead


fell tothe Tigers 39-79

Presbyterianbefore halftime.Theteam ended thegame witha55-19win

FreshmanPatrickKonan goesupforthelay-upinthe game againsttheClemson Tigers, ESPN televisedthe match-upbetweenthe Flamesand theNo 22team inthecountry Ourteam outmatchedand
kJJii *4
SeniorJonathan Chung fromtheDivisionI hockey team skatesdown theice, lookingforanopenshot Our team pulledoffa7-6winin overtimeagainstDavenport University A minuteandfive secondsintoovertime,Chung scoredthegame winninggoal. SophomoreSirChauncey Hollowayheadsinto theend zonetoscorea touchdown Holloway's touchdownbroughtthe scoreto28-3against


students responsed to government

People spoke out in town meetings all over the countr, concerning theirviews ofthe new government healthcare package The discussion carried over intohouseholds,work environments and even ourschool

According to,the government health package planned to reduce costs, protect families, guarantee choice ofdoctors,improve patientsafety, present coverage afterjob lossand offeraffordable healthcare foreveryone

President Barack Obama believed government healthcare created the best solution to giveall American citizensstandard healthcare. "I willnot back down on the basic principlethat ifAmericans can'tfind affordable coverage, we [thegovernment]willprovide you with achoice," Obama said inhisspeech about health care.

The country seemed divided as questions were raised, and students debated the issues too.

"We've seen inhistory thatthistype of healthcare did not work,"Noel Sagan, senior, said "I would like to know,what would make it different here, and willitwork?"

Senior Aaron Rehrer said, "Ithink thatthe government should work with private healthcare companies ratherthan offering their own option."

Senior Christy Keays was adamant about her position on the health care package."Ithink thatthe government needs todraw a fineline in how they help people,"she said. "Programs like Medicaid and Medicare are good, but this whole government health care package justwon't work."

Health care reform was a confusing and scary idea tosenior nursing student Mary Bradford She questioned whether thisnew package would affectquality ofservice, worsen or improve treatments orchange hospitalcosts.

"There arejusttoo many unanswered questions forme to be comfortable with the Whole idea," Bradford said Story by Stephanie Heverly

J66^ So Il a

Jonathan Abbasi FR

Ben Abele FR

Natasha Abner SO

ChrisAcree FR

Jeremy Adams FR

Sarah Agard SO

Luke Aitken SO

AliAl-Hada SR

Corinne Alape SR

Jessica Alexander SR

Ashley Allen SR

JenniferAllen FR

Tatiana Miguel Almeida SR

BlytheAlsbrook SR

Timothy Ames Leong SO

Nathan Amiri JR

Sarah Amoss SR

Ryan Andrews SR

Ulyana Androsova SO

Benjamin Anspach JR

Courtney Aube FR

Sarah Austin JR

Karen Ayala SR

John Baines JR


Su Jung Bak GR

Amanda Baker SR



Chelsey Barber SR

Guilherme Barbosa SR

Brittany Barclay SR

Stephen Barnes SR

Ashley Barnwell SR

Harold Barnwell SR

DanielBass FR

Jake Bass FR

David Bates SR

Jessica Bates SR

Jessica Bayly SR

Aaron Beasley SR

Caleb Beasley SO

Timothy Beaumont FR

Liz Bells

Giancarlo Beltrami SR

Melinda Bendik JR

Jenna Bern SR

Benjamin Nerry SR

Nyla Best GR

ChrisBiddix SO

Brock Bilger JR

Janice Bilger SR

Chase Bishop SO

Brett Bissett SO

Sarah BlairSR

Selby Blair SR

Kyle Blanchard FR

Aubrey Blankenship GR

Noelle Blankenship JR

Victoria Blanton FR

Sarah Blanzy SR

Alexandria Bledsoe FR

Cheryl Bledsoe SR

Emily Blum SO

Kelsey Bobitz

Adam Bolick SR

Ainsley Bolig JR

Brittany Bonelli FR

Kaitlyn Boone SO

Victoria Boorum FR

Anna Boring SO

Brent Boschman FR

Marc Boucher SR

Laura Boulton SR

Jeremy Bourdon JR

Nathan Bowen FR

Brittany Boyce SR

Viola Bradley SR

Knsta Brancaleone JR

Kathryn Branch SR

168 *- o C O E Josh Brandenstein SO Allison Braun SO Diana Brayman JR Cecilia Brennan SR Rachel Bridges JR Robert Brink FR Ricky Britner FR Jennifer Britton JR Daniel Brooks SR Stephen Brower SR Alexandra Brown JR Richey Brown Lauren Bryant SR Matthew Bryant JR Steve Buchanan SR Jordan Buchhalt JR Thomas Bump FR Miriam Bundick GR Bethany Burton SR Rebekah Butcher SR Rick Butler FR Tiffany ButlerJR Darius Byrd FR James Cagle SR Nichole Calandrino SO E MichelleCallisSR Matt CamireSR Elizabeth Campbell SR AliceCampos SR Teagan Carafano SR Andrew Carlson FR Marybeth Carlson SO Sarah Carroll SR Melissa Casey Jayme Sarah CastilloFR Jung Young Cha JarretChambers SO Dave CharlesJR Anna Chekashkina FR Jordan Chen SR Dana Chepulis SR Jacob Childers SR Eunae Cho SR Eunsaem Cho
Josh Christensen SR Samantha Christians SR Rodolfo Cinel FR Coleman Clark SO Courtney Clark SR Faith Clark SR Josh Clark SR ValerieClaros FR Robert Clements SR Yesenia Cleves
Alexandria Cline FR Frederick Cloos SR Sarah Colein JR Kevin Coleman SR Roxanne Coleman SR Bethanie CollinsSR Katelyn Collins FR Rachel CollinsSR JenniferCondon
Samuel Conner
Zachary Conord
Austin Coombs
David Coomer
Clara Costa
Alison CostabileJR Rebecca Cottingham
William Crabtree SO Andrew Craig Jr FR Amanda Crawford SR Chas Creech FR Thomas Creek SR Anna Crib SR Casey Crooks SR
Cooper FR

CO Senior Dominique Vidale-Plaza had a [^ passion to reach her home ofTrinidadand <£ Tobago andthe surrounding islandswith I - the loveofGod.With the help ofseveral CO

friends, she started agroup on campus ^ called Caribbean inAction [CIA] to impact I theirhome islands. Vidale-Plaza vowed to y- bethe change she wanted tosee in the 0 world.

ry_ "I know that if I want to see achange, U I have todo it," Vidale-Plaza said. "I can't U) wait forsomeone elseto start it."

Q Senior Rendal Allen, one ofthe Z founding members ofCIA, shared that the •^ group would reach out tostudents from y^ the Caribbean,educate others aboutlife thereandcreatea ministry toreach out to ^p their islands.

yj "Although our countriesare minute on (2Qa map,our hearts are huge with aching CD forour beautiful islands, andeach student (X involved inCIAwants tosee change in <C theirisland,"Rhoda Mayers, junior CIA U founding member,said.

LU During thefall semester,CIA sponsored I food fairs, benefit concertsand fundraisers to promote awarenessand ^ raisesupport forthe Caribbean nations.

±: Vidal-Plaza sawher passion take hold I "Dominique endeavors to make a S- difference in the livesofpeople that she Uj comes incontact with,"Allen said. "She (Y sawmany ways inwhich she can better the livelihood ofpeople ofthe Caribbean region through socialservices and through thegospel ofJesusChrist."

Vidale-Plaza hadhigh hopes for her future. Sheplanned towork with women inwar zones bybuilding rape rehabilitation clinicsaround theworld.

"Dominique is asweet,intelligent girl with the same fiery passion tosee change inher island ofTrinidad andTobago, as wellasthe restofthe world," Mayers said.

Story by Mallory Banks
170 ii o IE >> £ Grace Crosby SR Shauna Crossman JR Sean Cryan FR Giovanni Cucci SO Giuseppi Cucci SO Ryan Culkin SR JuliaCummings FR Cimber Cummings SR Mark Cupp FR Joshua Cushing JR Meghan DallaVillaSR Melanie Darling JR Amanda Daughtery JR TylerDavies FR Aisha Davis FR Rachel Davis SR Timothy DavisJR Katie DeArmon Kyle DeArmon SR Elizabeth DeLeon SR Jireh Dejose FR Joe Dekreon SR Kevin Dendulk SO Joseph Dennis SR Beverly Diaz Stephanie Dicesare FR Jordan Dickens PhillipDickerson Bradley Dickson JR Joanna Dickson SR ElishaDistlerSR Lynn Dixon FR Meekna Dmaris Galyn Dobler SR Adam Docksteader JR Daniel Doll SR Andrew DollarSR Ana Rita Dommgues Shawn Doremus Helen Downie SR William Downie FR Amber Dubberke SR Jordan Dunn SR NicolleDuquette SR Daniel Durocher SR Michelle Dvorak GR JeffDyke FR Anna Echerd SR Todd Eckert SR KatieEckhoff SO Rory Eddings SO Tara Edwards SR Charisse Eggleston FR KristineEinbrod SR Elizabeth Payne SR David ElliottSR

Justina Engbretson SR

Emily Erlenbach JR

Christopher Espinosa JR

Diana Estes SO

Heather Etheridge

Elizabeth Ewing JR

Cinthia Fahle SR

David Fantin FR

WillieFatimehm SO

Clara Feitosa Costa JR

Brittany Felder SR

Robert Feldges JR

Stephen Fenlason FR

Sarah Field SR

KylieFinley SO

Natasha Firooznia FR

Sally Fletcher-

Stormi Flowers FR

Rachel Flynn SR

Lindsay Foley

Kevin Foody JR

Hannah Forshee FR

Brenton Fortenberry SR

Caleb Frailey FR

Krystal Frailey SR

Luke Fraker SR

Paul Frame FR

Bobby Francis FR

Kwame Francois SO

Kristin Freed JR

Cameron French FR

Erica FritzSR

Lyndee Fritzemeies FR


Brittany Fulford FR

Christina FuselliFR

Joy Gaines SR

Donald GalloJR

Wade Ganbos FR

Joshua Gant SR

DanielleGarcia SR

CrystalGarofalo FR

Jessica Gavin SO

FrankieGayeski SR

Rebecca George FR

Jenna Gerber SR

ScottGestrich JR

Marina Ghaly FR

Christy Gibbons SR

Meredith Gilbert FR

Megan Gillespie FR

Hye Lim Go GR

Doretha Goad SR

Douglas Godwin SR

CeciliaGonzales SO

Justin Gonzales FR


Qj How didthe program get started? The programwas started inthe fall of2006 As a freshman,I would practiceat the side ofmy dorm One day a couple ofArmy ROTC guys asked ifthey could joinme for training, which I agreed to, and we began to meet twice aweek At the same time,Dr. Falwell, Sr. was still aliveand I had heard him mention often thatweneedto have aBig, Hairy, Audacious Goal (BHAG). Hischallenge gave me the idea to pursue afull-fledged Taekwondo Program oncampus. After several years, the program became a part ofthefitness department with opportunity for continued growth.

Q & A with brian fielding, taekwondo instructor

commitment, but attendance indicated amore efficient progression rate.

Q." What types of skills were needed? For the Beginnerlevel, only the will to learn is required. The Intermediate levelon the other hand,requires completing up togreen belt leveltraining from another school orgetting cleared in the beginner level by theinstructor.

Q' How many people were involvedin the program? We started with four people including myself in 2006. In2010, we have 40people ontheroster that come atdifferent times throughout the week.

Q' How do people get involved? Allanyone needs todotoget involved is come inagood setof work out clothes and beready to learn.

Q: What kind of the time commitment was required for thoseinvolved? The program differsfrom the martialarts programs inthe U.S It is completely uptothe student how quickly they would advance As a result, there was no actual time

Or What did a typical practice looklike? A typical practicefor the group resembles thefollowing format: 10 minutes ofwarm up which consistsofvarious cardio exercises and stretching, 35 minutes ofthe actualtraining and 5minutes forcool down and announcements.The actual training can be anything from learning to punch all the way up tosword defense We offer a largevariety of training.

Q' What are your goals for this program? Mygoals forthe program would be to eventually get afacilityforit and other martial artsgroups.Atthis time, the school's Taekwondo is working with the other martial artsoncampus tounite them together and show our needs for a proper area to train

172 S m » >
Story by Sarah Johnson Photograph by Oliver Sherret

Carmen Goodier SR

ElaineGordon SR

Stephanie Grandstaff SR

Daniel Gray SR

Faith Griffin SR

Natasha Grishkowsky

Raymond Guensch SO

Amanda Guerra SR

Jung Ung Guk GR

Ruth Guthrie SO

Sarah Hacking SR

Christina Hadley JR

Enka Haemmerle SO

Laura Hagey FR

TylerHairston FR

Abigail Halpin SR

KristeiHam SR

CaitlinHamilton JR

Rachel Hammond SR

Sam Hanson FR

Bill Hardin SR

Grace Harjung JR

Andrew Harper JR

Sarah Harper FR

Samuel Harris SO

Anthony Harris FR

Blakely Harris SO

Isaac HarrisFR

Matthew HarrisSR

Paul HartJR

Brett Hastie SR

Alicia Hatfield JR

Brandi Hatfield SR

Christian Hawkins

Garrett Hawkins SR

Jordan Hawkins SO

Daniel Hayden SR

Christian Hayes FR

Heather Hayes SR

Adam Haymaker SO

Brittani Heck FR

Candace Helm SO

Erin Hentschel SO

Timothy Hepburn FR

Bethany Hernandez SO

Chris Heverly FR

Stephanie Heverly SR

Matthew Hmes SO

Nathan Hinkle SO

Sarah Hodupp SR

Grace Hody

KatieHoeft JR

Sara Hoffman SR

Courtney Hogan JR

Amie Holloway SO

Derek Homsher JR

Rachel Hook SO

Josh Hoornik FR

Emily Hoosier FR

Megan House SR

Nathan House FR

Maureen Howren FR

Tiffany Huang FR

Ben Hungerford FR

Amy Hunt SR

Michael Hunt FR

Laura Hunter JR

Meghan Hurt SO

Shalonda Hutchms FR

Jennifer IskatSR

Luke Icard SO

Carla Insinga JR

Rachel irwm SR

John Jackson III SR »

Gabnelle Jackson FR

DanielleJacobs SR

Mackenzie Jacobs SR

Pearly Jadin JR

CarisJames JR

Kalah Jansson JR

174 o e o ? u S m ChristaJefferson Joanna Jensen SR Gyeong Gil Jo GR SeiHyun Jo GR Yoon Ju Jo GR Kelsey Johnson JR KrissyJohnson SR Sarah Johnson JR Daniel Johnstone JR Samantha Jones Woodard SR Alanna Jones FR Donald Jones FR Jessica Jones JR Symphany Jones FR TravisJoseph FR Ji Hye Jun GR Guan Jung GR Jin Eun Jung GR Roxana Justiniano JR Sneata Kachhepati SR Steph Kearns SO FikerKebede FR Ben Keenan FR Douglas Kellogg SR Danielle Kelly SO Doreen Kessy SR Eun Ku Kim SR Jonathan Kintzel FR Justin Kintzel GR Andrew Kiser SR Alonzo Kitchens JR Daniel Klock SR TJ Knoche Allyshia Knowles SR Jesse Koch SR John Kunda FR Andrew Lake JR Rachel Lake SR Donovan Lam JR Amanda Lambros SO David Lange SO Aaron Lassiter SR Kametra Lassiter SR Lauren Layman SR Hyuna Lee GR Jinu Lee GR Mi Bang Lee So Yeon Lee GR So Young Lee GR Todd Lee JR Phillip Leineweber GR LuciliaLeite SO Kelly Lesley SR Spencer Leslie SO Jessica Lestardo Kelly Levesque SR Bryant Llewellyn FR Brennan Lewis SO Collin Lewis SR Scott LilySR Yilang Lim SR Timothy Lindie SO Beth Lintner SR Aimee BrielleLitzFR Meagan Llamallover Cynthia Loehr SR Jessica LoftisSR Amy Long Maureen Lovetro SO Daniel Lowery SR Jessica Lucas SR Athos Lucchini SO Luis Lucchini SR Payden Ludwick SR Aaron Lumpkin SR Zachery LutzSO James MacDonald Sabrena MacKall SR Thomas Madison FR Amanda Magee JR

o LU

Joey Waddell and his familychose tolivebyfaith when they left theirhome in Amelia, Virgina to travel over1700 mileswiththe purpose ofstarting a newlife committed toproviding a home fororphansin Zacapa,Guatemala.

"I was a little kidand it was an adventure," said sophomore Joey Waddell about histhoughts regarding the move "It was exciting butatthesame time I didn't know what to expect."

With onlyone major highway through the whole country, the80 miledrivefrom theairportinGuatemala Citytotheirnew home in Zacapa took 3 hours because oftraffic and themountainousterrain.

"We weren'twith my dad He had packed all thestuff we couldn'ttakeon theairplane intoatrailer and a 1987 suburban and drove with another missionary down to Guatemala,"Waddell said.

In addition totheirrolein the"House ofHope" orphanage, theWaddell familyalsofacilitatedshortterm missions trips

"Over thesummer we have afew different churches thatcome down and do ministry,"Waddell said

They employed thegroups thatcame with some construction and alsowith hikingtoremote areasto lead church services, playgames with the kids, build relationshipswiththepeople and sharethe gospel through drama skits and testimony.

Some oftheshort-term work they performed was medical in nature, setting up clinics fora few hoursin placeswith limitedaccessibility

"Government funded hospitalsareterrible," said Waddell "You could diein theirwaiting room and they wouldn'tnotice.

Waddell was thefirst ofhis familytolearnthe language and served astranslatorformany ofthe teams thatcame in On one occasion whiletranslating a woman came in with a machete wound toher hand. She had been in a fightwith her husband When the doctor stitched it up he didn'tbother tobend it in place before proceeding and asa resultshe was left with a deformity and a scarmaking it so she could barely move her hand. The surgeon in from the Statesfelt he could fix it.

"Withina couple weeks ofthis surgery it was starting tohealand now she can open and closeher hand all the way,"Waddell said. "You can tell thatmade adifference."

Story by Brett Hastie/ Photograph submitted
176 ** O c o u ° 3 "> w> > E Grant Maginnis SR Sean Maguire FR Paul Malhotra FR Stephen Malkemes FR Burhan Mama SR Kendra Mann SR Dionne Manos SO Carla Maples FR Carolyn Marcelo JR Leanna Marcy SO Victoria Marroquin KylieMarsh SR MelanieMartin Zach Martin JR Amanda Martinez FR Kelly Marvel JR Rachel Mason FR Caleb Mast SR Brittany Matheson SO David Matthews FR Will Matthews FR Albert Mavunga SR Elizabeth Mayhew SR Angela McAllester FR Addison McCarty JR Amanda McConnell JR Chad MCroskey FR Kristiana McElroy Brittany McFadden FR Kelly McGinley JR ElyseMclntrye Abigail McKay SR Karisjoy McKenzie SR John McLarnon Amy McLaughlin FR Taylor McLennan SR David McMahon FR Austin McNair SO Abigail McNiel FR Joshua McNiel SR Benjamin McQuigg SR HilariMcsherry SR Laura Meadows SR Jordan Mechling SR Ashley Meckley SR Amanda Medlin Dennys Medrano SR Heidi Medlin SR Justin Melvin SR Emily Mercado SR Garrett Messmaker SR Vanessa Metelus JR James Michael SO Lauren MilesSR Alexander Miller SO Bethany MillerSR

Ebony Millner SR

Daniel MillsSR

Erica Mini FR

Ashley Misenheimer SR

James Mitchell FR

Katherine Mitchell SR

LizMonroe SR

Bridget Montour FR

Jessica Moore SO

Jessica Moore SR

Meredith Moore SO

Molly Morgan SR

Rachel Morgan

David-Bryce Morris SO

DanielleMorrison SO

Mike Morrison

Chelsea Mullin SO

Justin Murdock SR

Thomas Meyers FR

Matt Nabinger SR

Amit Nagrani JR

Brock Nardozzi

Roger Nauss SR

IanNavde SO

Cassie Neal SR

EricNelson FR

Enka Nelson SR

Eduardo Neto SR

Jonathon Nickerson JR

Anna Nicotra SO

David Nicotra JR

Sierra Neimann

Bryan Noble SR

Ryan Noble SR

TylerNohe SR

Deborah Norman FR

Sarah Novakowski SO

DialNwobodo FR

John O'Brien SR

Christi O'Neal

Melissa O'NealJR

Joshua Odell SO

Rachele OlivieSR

MichelleOrange SO

Kathleen Ostrom SR

Michelle Otto SR

TaylorOverhultz JR

Mark Padden SR

Warrick Palmer SR

JenniferPantoia FR

Stephanie Pantoia SR

SeiJun Park GR

Sungmin Park

Andi Parker JR

Brittany Parker

Andrew Parsons SR

Weighing only 150 pounds hissenior year inhigh school,sophomore Brandon Knight stayed back foranother year offootball training. "I wasn't highly recruited so the [head coach]figured I wasn't ready to play college football yet,"Knightsaid.

The additional year gave Knight another year of experience on the Liberty Christian Academy (LCA) football team and more time in the weight room

To further prepare forcollege football, Knight asked sophomore football players Chris Rocco and Chris McAlister forsome work-out tips. He also continued liftingweights with the LCA team during the summer

Last season, the Saturday before the firstgame, Knight tried out forcorner defense "I was nervous, and there were about 70 people thatcame out," hesaid

From there, the guys broke up intopositions, leaving Knight with about 15-20 people to compete with. Two days aftertryouts,Knight's dream of playing college football came trueafter he received an e-mail tocome fill out the paperwork. With his dream came aprice Knight was red-shirted hisfirst year playing forthe Flames This meant he would practice with the team, but not play, which gave him an extra year of eligibility.

"I admire Brandon forthe amount of hard work he puts intofootball, even though he doesn't get the playing time he desires,"Stephen Brower,friend and senior, said.

Balancing school work forhisIndustrial Engineering major and football practice fivetimes a week was another challenge he faced Hissocial life began to diminish, but hisfriendsfound ways to still hang out,

"When we go out toeat or hang out or whatever, we work around Brandon's schedule so he can come with us,"Brower said

Overall, Knight was pleased that his perseverance and hard work paid off He accomplished hisgoal and was ableto play the sport he loved forthe team he dreamed to be a part of

"I lovethe environment ofthe team,and I lovethe spiritual lessons they tieintothe game offootball causing you to grow inall the facetsof life," Knight said, Sfory by Christine Avery Castillo/Photograph by Dave Poore

178 in B 0) TJ 3 V) n n r >,b Q

Andrew Patterson SR

Kaytelynn Patz SO

Yamilee Paultre SR

Nicole Pawlowskis SR

Jown Peaks FR

Ana Peavy SR

Caleb Peavy SR

Christine Pedroza SR

Rachel Pentoney SR

David Perdue SR

James Perkins SR

Aislynn Perpete SR

OliviaPeters FR

Jordan Peters FR

Brittany Petnllo FR

Roberta Pecanha SO

Ria PhilpottJR


David PickleSR

Emily Pierce

David Pikarsky

Heath PinerJR

Scott PintoJR

Tameka Pittman JR

Jessica Pixley SR

AlliePlumback FR

Nathan Poorbaugh SR

David Poore SR

Kelsey Portraz SR

Baidya Prasanna

Kendra Price FR

Bryceton Proctor GR

Ben Pruette FR

Braxton PruittFR

Hayley Putnam SR

Tim PylesJR

Devin Quesenberry SR

Lmdsey Ramirez SR

James RatcliffSR

Emily Raush FR

Joel Ready GR

Tim Rebert

Kelly Reece JR

Sarah Reichert SR

Allen Rendal

Nate Revell SR

Eric Reynolds JR

Josh Reynolds SO

Fernanda Rezende GR

Amanda Riley SR

Megan Ringi

Kristen Riordan SR

Benjamin RitterFR

Stephanie Rivera SO

Calvin Grant Robinson

Kelly Robinson FR

Christopher Rocco SR

Garrett Rockafellow SR

Lauren Rockafellow SR

Akintayo Rockson

Dele Rockson FR

Nara Rodngues JR

Rachel Roget FR

Lydia RollinsFR

Megan Rollins SO

Dan Romano SR

Megan Roper

Brent Rose SR

Shenice Ross FR

Lauren Roth GR

Zech Rowe JR

Esther Roy SR

Summer Rumble FR

Buddy Rushing JR

Jacob Russo SR

Rachel Russo SR

Kyle Rutland FR

Sean Rutledge FR

Ho Young Ryu SR


180 a c 01 •o 3 w n o r < i >,b Hannah Salisbury SO Dieuseul Saint-Ange SR Sarah Samson SR Anthony Sanchez SO Donald Sanders SO Alexander Santaniello SR Anderson Santos JR LuizSantos Gayle Saxon SR Nathan Saxon SR Sarahann Schallmo SR Bryan Schellenger FR John Schlaudt SR Rachel Schultz SR Matt Sciola SO Catherine ScottJR Christopher Scott JR Grace Scott SR Melinda Scott SR DeliaSeaton GR Rachel Secrist SR Shanna Sharber SR Chandler Sharpe SR Grace Shaw JR Sarah Sheldon FR Kathenne Shepard FR OliverSherrett SR David Sherrett SO Lanisa Shetterly JR Han Na Shin GR Hyun Suk Shin GR Hyun U Shin GR Ben ShippsJR Jennifer Shippy FR Richard Shive SR Mindy Shull Wilhelm Silcox FR Mandy Silver FR Sandra SilviaFR TraciSimone JR Anthony Simonetti FR Chad Simpson SR Melanie Sims SO PatrickSims SR Savannah Sims SR Sushanne SinclairSR Jacob Siner FR Diedre Singleton
Jacob Singleton JR Amanda Smith SR Camille Smith SR Crimson Smith
Devon Smith FR Jessica Smith Joe Smith SO Sharayah Smith
Zachary Smith SR KellySnyder
Matt Soule
Sarah Spalholz
Joshua Spence
KyleSpilleSR Aimee SpitzerJR Michelle Stanley
Albany Stephens
Glenn Stepp
Cody Steuart
Esther Stine SO MattStinger Emily Stoepker
Sadie Stokes
Craig Storrs,
Nicole Strain Ronald Streeter Kenneth Strickland
Katrina Strom
Catherine Stuart
Elizabeth Stump FR BonnieStyer
Stewart JR


campin g out to get it

It started with a desire, a passion for our football team Graduate studentand ResidentAssistant [RA] Tim Yonts and hismen on Campus East25-1and 2 were discussing theupcoming James Madison University [JMU]game.They decided they wanted tocamp out by thestadium in ordertogetgood seats

Yontscontacted theStudent Conduct Officetosee if his dorm could camp outfor thegame They led him toDirectorofAthletics, JeffBarber.Barber received thee-mailfrom Yonts and immediately had an idea he called, "Roccotown." Hisideawas tocreateanathletic culturesimilar toPenn State's"Paternoville" or Duke's "Krzyzewskiville."

"It's thesame concept, butwe want totake it and make it ourown,"AllenSparks, sports marketing graduate assistant, said "We want toprovide an avenue forourdiehard fanstocome outand support our team by campingout."

Yonts and severalotherstudentsfrom his hall camped out neartheStudent Gate Entrance They watched moviesand played Xbox all nightand tailgated all morning The AthleticsDepartment supported "Roccotown" immensely.Along with having first spot in line for thegame,thecampers were fed, givenelectricity and met some new people.

"Sodexho showed up thefirst week and brought them breakfast, and even Coach Rocco showed up with donuts one week,"Sparkssaid

"I definitelyenjoyed it, and it was an awesome experience,"Evan Sebastian, senior, said. "It made me feellike a real fancamping out, and going all out was greatjust for theexperience,"

Freshman Keegan Bradford said, "It's something that allowsustoshow school spirit, shake up the routineof ourweek a little bit and justhave a lot of fun."

Campus East25-1and 2started theevent, and continued camping outforevery home game,four more afterJMU.The ideaspread and severalother dorms showed up toexperience "Roccotown."

"We reallyappreciated East25-1and 2thinking about "Roccotown"and being proactive, contacting us and starting what I hope tobe agreattraditionhere," Barbe r said Story by Stephanie Heverly

<M O c o 1? u Jordan SurrattJR Adam Sutton SR Amy Sutton SR Josh Swartz JR Joanna Tacaraya SR Heather TainterJR DanielleTalbert SR JenniferTankard SR Bethany Tanner SR Joseph Tantimoni Ben Taylor SR JoelTaylor SR Justin Taylor SO Joseph Terenyi SR Isaac Terry SR Chelsea Thompson SO Daniel Thompson SR TaylorThompson JR Matt Thorpe SO Josiah Tillett SO CarrieTollie SR Alex Tompkins JR Edward Tookes SO Jaime Torales GR Giovanna Tranchesi SR Adam Troyer FR Denise Troyer SO Ashley Tucker SR Christy Tucker SR Neal Tuley SR Bryan Tuning JR William Tuning JR TylerTurner SR Tim Ukwuani FR Megan Unger SR Megan Vanderpool SR Brad Van Hyning SO Kathryn Vassar FR Rachel Verghese FR JulieVickers SO Matthew Visnovsky FR Jason Vooys SO Wesley Vorberger SR Tara waddell SR Tommy Wagner FR KellyWakefield JR Jonathan Wakeley SR Bjorn Waldron SO Brianna Walker SR FinleyWalker SR Rachel Walten FR Nathan Walton SO AliciaWamsley SR David Ward SR Gary Wardlaw SR Lindsay Washabaugh SR

NicoleWashington JR

Jonathan Webster SR

Lauren Webster SR

Zach Weeks JR

Myranda Weir SR

Zach Wells SO

Jerry Wendricks SR

Aaron Weston SR

Kara Wheeler FR

Marianne Wheeler JR

Aaron White SR

PhilipWhite SR

Marcus Wiersma FR

Rick Wiersma SR

Brittany Wilbanks SR

ErinWillard SR

Andrew Willhite SO


Jacob Williams SR

Jonathan Williams FR

Joshua Williams SR

Katelyn Williams FR

Kathryn Williams

Mark Williams

Michael Williams FR

Michael WilliamsJR

HollieWilson SR

NeilWindsor SR

Michael Winger GR

Heather Winn SR

Christopher Wong SR

WillieWoodard,Jr SR

Geren Woodbridge SR

Jonathan Woods SR

Joe Woodward FR

Michael Wrape SR

Joseph Wright SO


Hyun Yoo GR

Hee Ju Yoon GR

Meredith Young FR

Kathryn Youngblood FR

Dan Yowell SR

Sarah Zachary SR

Laura Zaloom SR

LizZeitler SO

David Zenon SR

Luke Ziegenhorn JR

Kevin Zimmerman SR

Anne Zimmermann SO

Benjamin Zook JR

COFFEE LOVERS Wes Halland DianeAndres SPORTS TRAINING (front) Amirah Muhammad,KaraFox,DanielleThompson,Anna Hooten,SusieHamilton, Dana Woodard,Jonathan Sallee, Essence,SaraSullivan (back) AnwarSmith, BriannaMello,NicoleEscamilla, Mary-Ashtin Nichols,Anne Laborde, BrittanyKyper, BrianneKilbourne(FacultySponsor) INTHE HALLWAY OF DEMOSS names unavailable FRIENDS LindseyLaFevers, HeatherKidd
NATIONS UNITED CLUB (front) MikhaAgustine, KimberlyYau, EmiliaGranda, BethRobi, MaresaJ. McDow- c-LABHANGOUT FRIENDS KatieLigutleand NicoletteKerns ell, PanidaKongpetch, ManelKhamal (back) PoHang Hui,AliAl-Hada,VladimirJosifov,JohnMarkides, AnatolDrobot, DanielMenzies,JaeshilKim, RynoPrinsloo

re I die I wan t to..."



TrythetallSnowFlex slope









Megan Miceli,JR

PlaybaseballinYankee Stadium




FloatintheDead Sea

KariEllingsen, SO




ArguebeforetheSupreme Court

CreateWendrix Enterprises,Inc.


Compete inatriathlon


Celebratenew year'sineverysingletimezone








Marrymy bestfriend

DavinaStatile, SR

Traveltoall50statesandseven continents

Own apoliticalcommunications firm


Own ahugeyachtand liveonit

Obtainsome levelofinfluence


Own abeachhouseinCalifornia




ASIAN GROUP:G3LCOMMUNITY: SeoungMm TerryPark,AndyKim, SungJin Kim, DongJun Chung,HyekyungYun, LandonDong-HeeLee CONCERNED WOMEN FORAMERICA SarahBrooks,DevonKarst,Sparky, AmandaHaas,andCarolineBiggs FRIENDS KatelynOldham,HopeVolger EXODUS (front) CaleighMayerlen,SaraDrolshagen,JacobAllen, (back) JacobClayton,Todd Rukes,JoshSorber,JordanTate, Deven Coogan CAMPUS PRAISE BAND CharlesWright,JordanSpicer,SarahKinas,TylerSorie, David McKinney,BrandonSharp,JustinKintzel, Zech Rowe FRIENDS Megan Hurley, LaurenSutton, ChristinaCoffman m THEATRE BUDDIES EliseSchempp,JasonLewis, MicahPick,AndrewEllis NEW ACQUAINTANCES SarahTorres,SarahSpalholz


Skill s fo r savin g live s an d soul s

Joshua Vagueiro, freshman and pre-med student, posted flyers around campus alertingstudentsto takeadvantage ofCPR and First Aid certification classeshe was providing The knowledge obtained in thecourseswould equip studentswith life saving skills necessary tohelpthem recognize symptoms and treatstrangers, friendsor loved ones,remain calm during an emergency oreven gaina competitive advantage in obtaining a job.

Vagueiro'spassion formedicine developed as a young child. Reading kid'shuman body books, watching medical shows on televisionand lying on his grandfather'sstomach tolisten tohisheartbeat and breathing were experiences thatbegan to instill Vagueiro'scuriosityand interestin medicine.

"IbelieveGod kept putting medicine on my heart," Vagueiro said. Afterhis grandfather died ofa massive heartattack, "Iknew thatmedicine was my calling."

Pursuing hispassion, Vagueiro became an instructorfortheAmerican HeartAssociation, an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)inNew Jersey and Virginiaand completed a second certification atCentralVirginiaCommunity Collegeasan EMTEnhanced.Additionalvolunteertime in ambulances and hospitalsamong doctors, nursesand patients gave him theexperience he needed toteach CPR and First Aid

Looking tothefuture, Vagueiroanticipated attending medical schooltobecome an emergency room physicianall in an effort tocreateaChristian healthcaresystem Eventually, he would like to attain a shipand convert itintoafloating hospitalthat could providefreemedical attentiontothe most impoverished nationsand disasterstricken areas.

Following thecallin James 2:14-17, which asks believerstoputtheir faithintoaction, Vagueiro wanted his futuretobe a livingtestimony of these verses.

"Ihave a heartforhurting people, their spiritual need first and then theirphysical needs,"Vagueiro said "Ihope touse my knowledge training and experiencetodo impossiblethingsforGod.I say impossible because in reality, nothing ispossible without God."

FRIENDS MauriceDaly,SarahBrooks VIDEOLABCIRCLE(front) MatthewCastellano,TimLavendar, (back) SteveSmith,LawrenceFord,Paul Watson,ElizabethEwing
STUDENTSWITHDR.YANG namesunavailable

*1 !

i 1

INf^s: J If"^^""^^^^^^ 7 T r

INTRAMURAL FRIENDS MikeMishler,TaylorKirk, KyleKing FRIENDS Juan Nino, PanasheNhekairo, KristenSwope, Andrew Overbey
-;• snuff
AVIATION (front) BryanLockhart,John lazzi, Matthew Stoker,AaronAlvis,ChristianTraxler,JeffreySchlaudt (front) JoshTate,JeffreyWietholter, Kyl Dillon, LanceWelch, KevinLang, MelanieEvans,JoshStadtlander,AustinWright
CLASSTIME names unavailable FRIENDS (bottom) Abby Rollins, KatieJohnson SHRM EXECUTIVETEAM names unavailable 4* ANIMATION CLASSMATES KellyReece, Mark Mijares MUSIC MAJORS JessicaMoutoux,JoshuaHubler,Jason Irizarry,Andrew Parfitt,AaronCrotts


dealing with an epidemic

The scare ofthe swine flutroubled people all over America Theviruscirculated into many locations, including the cityofLynchburg.

The firstdayofschool,Dr Richard Lane,fulltime physician atCentra Health, sawa student thathad already attended classand was infected withthe virus. Emails were sent and urgent announcements made warning thestudent body ofthe virus Lane was encouraged bythe measures taken toprotect thestudents

According toLane,students who were infected with theviruswere sent toisolation rooms forthreeto fourdays.Also, the school added more hand sanitizer dispensers and stressed theneed forgood hygiene

"Due tothe changing nature ofthe influenza virus, it always has thepossibility ofbecoming avirulentstrain like the1918Spanish flustrain. It helps if everyone takes it seriously,"Dr Alan Gillen, biology professor, said

Inthebeginning ofSeptember there were,"reported to be24cases ofthe Swine Flu on campus," Lane said A survey heconducted showed, "1600 to1700students were at high riskforgetting theH1N1 virus, another name forswine flu."

The swine fluvaccination wasmade available to children, pregnant women, people with healthrisks, health care workers oranyone inconstant contact with younger children inOctober.By December,thevaccine was being offered to all

According totheCenter forDisease Controland Prevention's [CDC] website, by December there were an estimated 246,000 hospitalizations and 11,160 deaths due totheH1N1virus

"Good hygiene and prevention practices generally reduce therisk. If everyone takes theprecautions that the CDC recommends,then it is likelythat we willbe at low riskfora localepidemic," Gillensaid. He also added, "Finally, we need to trustGod forHis protection;Heis the Grea t Physician."


"Thenumber onethingistowash yourhands.Thereisscientificresearch thatshowsthatwashing handscutsdown onthespread ofsickness Number two isgetrest.Yourbody needstimetorejuvenateand build up itsdefenses Thethirdthingiseatingrightand gettingexercise Allthree seem simple,butwhen puttogethertheygiveyourbody thebestchance itsgot.''

"Idrinklotsofwatereachdaytohelpkeepmy system cleanandeliminateallunnecessary bacteria I'mafirmbelieverinhand washing,but I'mnotbigon puttinghand sanitizeroneverysecond ofthehour.Too much hand sanitizingcanleadtoan immunity towardshandsanitizer, whichcouldthenleadtoillness." -KaitlynBoone,SO

"I make sure to wash my hands often, and drinkplentyofwaterand orangejuice I try togetagood night'ssleepand eatabalanced diet."
-Anna Goldsmith,SO

(continued from page 15)

Feb 9th: "I am often caused towish thattherewere some way to bring modern Christiansintoadeeper spirituallife painlessly by short easy lessons; but such wishes arevain No shortcut exists"- A.W Tozer, The DivineConquest

At theairport, thereare hundreds ofpalletscontaining food, water, medical suppliesand othergoods such asshoes These things are being shipped here, but little distribution is accomplished bythe Haitian people. There is not much organization by the peopleof Haiti; therefore, it has been very beneficialtobe "American."With the proper negotiating, haggling and documentation,we can get supplies An organization called "Hope forHaiti" gave usabout $4,000 offood today tostorein ourwarehouse So many of these palletsaregoing towaste because thereeitheraren'tenough white people, orthe Haitian people don'thave the resourcesorthe documentation proving they areworking foran organization tohand outfood

I wish I could writemuch more tonight, but if given thechoice between sleeping and describing the horrificstench ofdeath the most eloquent way...I choose sleeping The smellofdead bodiescan wait I'm notin the mood

Feb 10th: We got theday started meeting with someofficials and coordinators oftheUnited Nations [U.N.] Something may get accomplished long-term butshort-term, I'm notso sure Otherthan going totheU.N compound base, today was notthrilling There's too much delegating and planning and nota lot ofaction, I don't know how we keep getting intothese places, but usually we tell them we are important and thatwe aredistributing food With the little Spanish I know,I was abletogetusthrough a U.N based feeding facilityguarded by troopsfrom ElSalvador It helpstobe awhite American, and I mean thatinnicestway possible We did a lot of driving today We do a lot ofthatinHaiti It takestwo hourstoget somewhere 30 milesaway We visited and brought food toa home forchildrenwith AIDS We gave them money tobuy afridge The home smelled worse thanthe odor ofthousands dead Knowing thatthese kidswould diesoon broke my heart I tried totake it all in and didn'twant toleave Most ofthekidsattheorphanage we visitedearlierin theweek were happy and joyful, loving theexperience asmuch as I was The kidsat the AIDS home reflected a lot ofsadness and brokenness That was tough tosee You knew theirfate, and they knew theirfate I'm justglad I gottospend some time with them

I stopped writing going intothelastdays,primarily because atthe end oftheday,I was tootiredtopick up a pen and tooemotionally exhausted todescribe anything So now a couple ofweeks later, I am sittingdown toreflecton my experience there Inmany ways,it has been good forme asfarasmy relationshipwith Christand its growth, yet I'vefound myselfmuch more apathetic towards thecurrent institutionofthechurch

£ H f^mU^^f D ATION


In many ways I feel changed. Every structure was affected and every person I saw knew someone taken by thecatastrophe We were on a plane with a group going to Haiti They all had matching t-shirts thatread, "Haitiearthquake relief team"and they weretaking picturesand being goofballsthewhole plane ride At theend of our trip, we were leaving Haition thesame plane with them,and they looked defeated They weren't smiling, they weren't talkingand they weren't wearing theirshirts I talked toan officerfrom theAirForce thatday who told me many people were coming toHaitiposingas relief workers,butthey were reallytheretojust"seewhat'sgoing on." I do notthinkthey were prepared forwhat they were about to see, smelland hear The bodies have been cleaned up but Haitihas only scratched thesurface ofcleaning up and restoring itself Voodoo and spiritism have been prevalent in the historyof Haiti. Now,Voodoo is on thedecline Many people areconvertingto Christianity because so many Christiansaretheones doing thesimple thingslike feeding and tending totheirneeds The day we left, the President ofHaiti, Rene Garcia Preval, had actually declaredthat weekend a National Day ofFasting and Prayer When we left, the echoes ofpraiseand prayer were ringing throughout thecity. There were church serviceson every streetcornerand people dressedin their"best,"which most times was not much at all

I was hanging out with a kidacrossthe streetrightbeforeweleft who called me David Beckham [avery graciouscomparison thatI do notdeserve] and he asked formy shirt I asked him why and hesaid he needed a niceshirtso he could go tochurch,I wanted totake it off forhim rightthen and thereand would have if I could have given all the kidsone,but I was outnumbered Instead I gave them my coffee and toldthem toshare Each oftheten kidstook one sipof coffee before passing it around tothe next, I couldn't believeit I filled all theirwater bottles [they had picked them up from atrash pile] with theGatorade I had remaining inmy own bottleand left forthe airport I wanted toturn back I know what John 4:13 means now,"Everyone who drinksthiswater willbe thirstyagain."I saw physicalthirst and spiritualthirstin theireyes

Afterhearing the Haitian people singing hymns,reading phrases writtenon broken walls, abandoned facilities and homes and listening tohow they spoke about theircountry and theirGod,this song shows theirspirit in so many ways:

I am inpain, I am despaired

My tearsdo not stop my hunger

My words do notcease my thirst

Your works will nottakeback what I have lostbutthroughthis deepest possible pain...

God Is enough

He is my refuge

He is my comfort, he is my joy

He is my rock, He is my hope

I willbe restored

Story and photographs by Dustin Allman

I I 1 :J8r.i w # v•3 u i l* • • ** / )-

(continued from page 56)

Q:What other outdoor activitiesdoyoulike todo?

We enjoy playing tennis, skiing and sledding.I bought new sleds forthe kidsthisyear I ordered them from Amazon and they arrived just intime forthe snow They are the type ofsleds that have skis on the bottom and can be stopped by skidding sideways If they work as advertised,maybe they can be used on Snowflex

Q:Where elsedoyouliketovacation with the family?

Most ofour vacations have been to the North Carolina Mountains near Boone,That is, by far,our favorite place togo Becki's Dad still has the big log cabin next to the New River there The road was formerly a railroad and isflatforten miles next to the river, so it is a great place to ridebikes, go canoeing,tubing,kayaking orjustto relax We drive down several times a year for long weekends

When the kidswere smaller, we would vacation inour small motor home For years, all ofour vacations were spent atdifferent campgrounds within a few hours of Lynchburg with a group of neighbors The grand finaleof camping tripsforus occurred when we drove out West in2002, 5.000 miles inthree weeks We visited everything from Mt Rushmore toYellowstone and drove through Utah and Colorado We also visited Glacier National Park That was our lastmotor home vacation because we covered so many milesin such a short amount oftime Itwas a greattripbut itburned us out ofcamping We justsaid, "That's it,"and we parked the motor home Itisstill sitting inthe garage today Inrecent years our vacations have been more traditional and we stay inhotels like everyone else

Q:What doyouliketowatch onTV?

We watch a lotof CSI, even the reruns I don't pay attention while I'm watching TV because I'm always thinking about work or answering e-mails,I can watch the same CSI episode 10or 15times, and I still see something I haven't seen before

We also watch TV on some great seating Becki swore she would never letme buy these seats called love sacks, because they are so huge and ugly,but I convinced her to give them a chance They are likea big bean bag,big enough to sit5 people While they are unsightly inthe living room I can't imagine there could be a more comfortable way for the whole family to watch a DVD on the big screen

Q:Doyouplay Beatles Rock Band [BRB]with your family?

My kids play, not me I have no musical ability

My 20-year-old son Trey isa student and doesn't liveat home, but he isa guitar player and does very well on BRB when he comes by the house

My 16-year-old son Wesley isan expert drummer and gets 100%for hisdrum performances even on the expert setting My wifeBecki, who has never sung anywhere except when the congregation sings inchurch,gets 100% on BRB forher singing Even my 9-year-old daughter Caroline gets high scores on the guitar and drums I tried the guitar once and the drums,but my scores were lessthan 70%, even on the easy setting That iswhy I try not to clap on beat inConvocation

Q:Where is your favoriteplacetoeat?

IlikeCracker Barrel mainly because ofthe Coca-Cola cake It'sa double chocolate fudge cake,and it'sso richyou can only eat about a halfa piece I liketheir breakfast food and country vegetables too Another favorite forour family isa littlerestaurant called Carol's Place They have breakfast all day,nothing fancy, justgood food I also love Waterstone and I get a pizza with all the different toppings

Q:What is the best partabout your job here?

Ilovejust watching allthe exciting growth and to see all the things what were justdreams actually becoming reality I was general counsel here during the tough years inthe 80s and 90s, when we fought to make payroll many weeks,just trying to survivefinancially. Now,to see the school prospering and growing beyond anyone's wildest imaginations isevidence thatthe struggles of those early years were worthwhile As thrilled as I am tosee thisschoolfulfilling the vision of itsfounders,itismore rewarding to interact with the students and watch them grow spiritually and professionally Our students really do livetheirfaith You can see theirChristian commitment inthe way they help those inneed,the way they treat other and intheirwork ethic To me,the achievements and lifestyles ofour students and graduates are the real proof that our schoolis fulfilling itsmission of training champions forChrist

Theyoung women dashacrosstheroom toseniorChristinePettitduringagame attheirChristmasparty TheMasterofCeremoniesannounced thatwhoeverguessed first,who wasthe daughterofSherriePettit,won aprize Withthemoney Freedom 4/24 raised,380prostitutesspentanightaway from thebarsand attended oneoftwoChristmasparties, "Itwasso awesome toseethemissionofFreedom 4/24come alivethroughtheseChristmasparties," Pettitsaid."We gottoseethesewomen behonored,valuedand loved,even ifitwasforjustonenight. Itwasan unforgettableexperienceandthecoolestpartisthatGod isstillworking inthelivesofthewomen who attended theseparties."

(continued from page 10) "Everything her family hadwastaken away," Christinesaid "Wanhadtwoyounger siblingsand she feltprostitutionwas the only waytosupport them Hermother hadbegun to prostitute herself, and soon afterWanjoinedher."

Christinewasableto share the gospel with Wan andtell her how she could have anew life away from prostitution Thegroup she wasworking withcalled "Beginnings"could provide her with education,health care andanew place to live

That young Thai girlandthe many women Christinesawsparked anidea ofawayto help these girls After returning back tothe United States, Christine started anorganization with the help ofher fatherSteve Pettitandfriend, alumni JoeWalston Thename Freedom 4/24stemmed from the idea that$24 bought a prostitutefreedom for24hours

"Our mission istoraiselarge-scale awareness ofsexually exploited women, inorder to move people toaction and support these organizations thatare in the trenches, working dayafterdaywith thispopulation ofgirls," Christinesaid

With the ideaofFreedom 4/24inthe works,Christine struggled tofind a way toshare hervision After hearing about hisdaughter's passion, Steve Pettite, theLifeDevelopment Pastor and overseer ofthe "Nations Program"at Brentwood Church,decided to help He wanted toget the church involved

"Brentwood served asa launch padforFreedom 4/24,andthroughthe church our organization got out rightaway,"Christinesaid "Alotofthe support initiallycame from Brentwood,butnow we arealsogetting support fromour school andfrom differentchurches and it'sreallytaken offin Lynchburg as a whole."

Christineand her team created unique ways toraiseawareness about sexual exploitation through clothing, stickersandaWebsite

"Ihelped coordinate the Web sitedesign, federal paperwork,t-shirt design, and took the initiativetotake Christine'sdream of helping thegirlsinThailand and made it intoa business opportunity thatcould actually happen," Walston said

The idea spread rapidly According toSteve Pettit, oneout ofevery fivecars inLynchburg has aFreedom 4/24stickeron it Christine shared how people in Dubai donated and how other universitiesacrossAmerica planned toorganize theirown chapters ofFreedom 4/24aswell Freedom 4/24teamed up with the ministry team "Beginnings"toassistwith gaining sexually exploited women theirfreedom Themoney raised by Freedom 4/24 wasused by"Beginnings"tobuythe women's freedom andaswell as items necessary forthe girls tostarta new life

During Christmas break, ateam went toThailand It wasChristine'sfirst time back since2008.With the money Freedom 4/24hadraised since herlast visit, over 300girlsspent a nightaway from the bars Alloftheirfees were paid for and they were abletoattend aChristmas party thrown bythe ministry team The girls were ableto relax, smileandeven laugh asthey enjoyed a night off "We paid forthe girls to have a nightoffreedom and hear the gospel onone ofthe fewnightsthey get offayear," Christinesaid

Christinesawmore than justa prostitute livinginsinwhen shesawthese girls Shesawthevalue thatthese girlsheld andthispassion drove hertostart thework that helped freemany ofthem from bondage

"These beautiful, gentle and kind girlshave destinies immersed inpoverty, low self-worth andunfathomable pain," Christinesaid "With thesuccess ofFreedom 4/24,I want to, insome way,provide away out ofthis lifestyle foras many girls as possible Story by Kendra Mann and Stephanie Heverly photographs courtesy Daryl Calfee


(continued from page 65) "The nightthey came overtothechurch, itwasabsolutely crowded," she said "The onlychairsthatwere left weretwo chairsupin thefrontrowwhere they sat Jerry and his friend, Jim, took specialnoticeof my friend andI whowere playing the piano."

Needlesstosay, Dr. FalwellandJimspent more timeatParkAvenue BaptistChurch.They took turnstaking Mrs. Falwellhome from school. Eventually, Dr. Falwellleft togotoschool, but he wrote toMrs Falwell often

"When hecame back home,thefirst thing he did wascome tomyhouse andpick meupto go outthatnight,"shesaid.

Before becoming thefirst "FirstLady"of our school, theyoung Mrs. Falwellwasawoman who loved road trips, caught theattentionof more than oneguyandeventually stole the heartofDr Falwell

According to Mrs Falwell, she andDr Falwell went together forafewyears. Then Dr. Falwell fell forheranddecided togiveheraring. Mrs. Falwellwaspreviouslyengaged,andsentthe ring back to herformer beau, andacceptedDr.

(another view onsoldiers from page 16) O n September 11th, 2001, the world wa s glued to their televisions as four airplanes, hijacked by terrorists, crashed into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania. Thousands of people were killed and man y more injured. The nation wa s left wounde d and hurting It wa s this momen t that stirred the hearts of man y Americans to stand and fight for out protection and for those wh o lost their lives

Senior Charles Cash wa s at school whe n 9/11 happened After seeing and hearing what happened, Cash felt called to defend and protect his country That very day, he signed the papers and joined the Marines

"9/11 wa s our generation's Pearl Harbor," Cash said. "I thought it wa s m y calling [to enlist]."

Cash wa s not the only student wh o enlisted due to a sense of duty Senior Josh Marenco joined the National Guard for the sam e reason.

"This country has done so muc h for us, and they ask so little in return," Marenco said "Ho w can you not give back? Ho w can you not serve?"

Marenco and Cash were deployed overseas with man y other me n and women . They left behind friends, family and their comfortable life to risk their lives for our country These soldiers faced danger and heartache frequently

"It's so real whe n someon e shoots at you," Cash said "I don't even kno w this person and they're trying to kill me . It's scary. You don't really worry about yourself. You worry about your buddies."

Sophomor e Wayn e Cofer, wh o fought in Iraq in 200 5 and 2008, lost a fellow friend from high school wh o also wa s deployed with him The loss of his friend caused Cofer to withdraw whe n he cam e back to the States

"I wa s really secluded emotionally and didn't like being around a lot of people," Coffer said "I tried to keep a close group of friends and stuck with them I didn't really want to mak e ne w friends. I wa s under the impression that if I becam e friends with someon e else, I would take the risk of losing them again."

Marenco's unit served as a convoy escort O n every mission, they faced the danger of getting hit by a Improvised Explosive Devices [IED], which were mines placed across northern Iraq to protect the country during the war with Iran

"Our unit wa s extremely lucky, and you could see God's hand at work," Marenco said

Falwell's proposal From there she became a wife and mother of three kids.

This was our first, 'First Lady.' She knew ho w to have fun and where her devotions lie Above all other qualities, Mrs Falwell was a woma n of the Lord She never knew ho w muc h the Lord had in store for her and Dr Falwell, but she trusted God.

It was during an afternoon car ride that the Lord showed Mrs. Falwell another chapter in life he had in store for her and her husband. She was sitting in the passenger seat whe n Dr. Falwell told his family the news; he wanted to

start a college

"There's no reason wh y w e didn't get hit more Guys before us were getting hit and guys behind us were getting hit There's no reason wh y I would have gotten off this easy Every mission w e would pray before w e would go If there wasn't a chaplain, they would be like, 'Hey Josh you go to Liberty com e pray for us,'"

After they had served their term, soldiers boarded planes and headed back to their family and friends

"[Coming back home ] wa s pretty amazing, starting with the momen t I stepped off the plane at Cam p Shelby," Marenco said "I remembe r being so relieved."

After experiencing man y intense situations and seeing what they saw, coming back to the States becam e a challenge for most soldiers. It wa s a relief to be hom e and out of danger, but it wa s also hard to adjust to

"I almost killed m y family trying to dodge anything in the road," Marenco said, wh o wa s left paranoid from the lED's in Iraq McDonald bags, sticks in the road and people would scare him Cofer said, "Coming back is always weird because people don't understand the difficulties you face. You see things most people won't ever see or experience in their life."

These students cam e back and shared ho w the war had given them a different perspective on life Their outlook wa s changed due to their experiences

"It mad e m y faith stronger," Cash said "I questioned m y faith for a while, the things I did and the things I saw mad e m e question it Through m y ow n study and God's work in m y life it becam e strong. It's one of the strongest things about m e now."

Marenco said, "I've always been taught that me n are not flawless and are desperately wicked. I got to see this first hand, ho w people are wicked." H e added, "It mad e m e a little mor e cynical, but at the sam e time I've seen ho w Go d has been faithful in m y life I kno w without a shadow of a doubt, Go d wa s looking out for us."

Although there were challenges for students overseas the blessing of fighting for ones country mad e it worth it

"I'm proud to fight for m y country, and I feel like I'm a part of history, Marenco said "At times it can be hard, but in the big picture every day I get to serve is a privilege."

StorybyKendra Mann, photographs byJoel Coleman

"My first reaction was, That's the dumbest thing you've ever thought about and nobody is going to go to your school,'" she said "And little Jeannie was in the back seat and she said, "Daddy, I'll go to your school."

Mrs Falwell saw firsthand ho w Go d worked in creating our college Everything Dr Falwell said the Lord would do, he did Whe n money seemed scarce and the university struggled, God provided Even the dream of reaching 50,000 students at our school became a reality During convocation this spring semester,

Mrs Falwell was present when Jerry Falwell, Jr announced ho w the school had reached his father's goal of 50,000 students Her smile and shining eyes showed ho w proud she was of her husband and the school

"Well I was sort of skeptical when Jerry told m e his ideas for the college because I thought it was impossible to do what he wanted to do," she said "Eventually I would find that everything Jerry said he was going to do actually did com e true Anything he put his mind to he got done."

Story by Stephanie Heverly photograph by Dave Poore, artwork by Kathleen Ostrom
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Q «=^ J -v Congratulations i /6 ale SO pruilU UI all Lild.1 /v U iidvc cn^uin^i-ionca 4.11 your life. We wish you the best in your future endeavors.
A CATHERIN E ECHER D i **#v **^fc I S B I 1
AND MOM Christopher Won g We love you! Mom Danny ancULuntieLaura

cTrotn the day you were born we both knew that you were a blessing jjrom §od. St s been a pleasure watching you PO ^rom baby to beautiful yoww woman. Tve are so very proud 0/ you.

"J rust in the o^pro with all -your head o^ean notonyourown unoerstanoinp; ZJII all yourwaysacknowleope "Jxirn cA:nd iKe will direct your paths.

"Y\ith. much love, cMom 4 Mad


You are our pride and joy!It'shardto believe that soon youwilljoin usin the world ofnursing Youtruly have a heart forChrist,andthat shinesthroughin your careforyour patients W eare soexcited toseewhat the Lord has instoreforyou!

& */ )

"Those w"haf live in the shelter of the Most High shall abide in the shado w of the Almighty, an d I will say of the Lord; H e is m y refuge, an d m y fortress; M y Go d in Him I will trust...

H e

call o n m e an d I will answer him: I will b e with him in time of trouble; I will deliver him an d honor him." Psalm 91:1-2,15

A Gwcuwe Clngeiique (Uape * > ! 4038 Wards Road, Lynchburg, VA 24502 east of Hwy 460 & Hwy 29 Intersection Phone: (434) 237-4395 • Fax: (434) 237-6370 1 mt.i 1 life an • &. close 1 |'Eye hat *pf man, -19 1 f «
are so blessed tosee whaf Jesus has done inyour d will continue todo asyou put your trust inhim.Stay toJesus!Hehas great plansfor you.W eloveyou!
Christian andGrandma Peggy hnotseen, norearheard, neither haveentered into the heart thethings which Godhathorepared forthem that love him."| ^.^^^ ^ /v -^-^-jr"**^ [1 Cor. 2:9 ] 1 -. KT IB SiTIT #4 ^rnMA rassxssssr , !o „„n M V0,.~«*'«»-" *m&

•sweet aisid petite, ^tve-iziove-ed with the elite bleated avvd sincere Wllll^ to le^d a listed mr y^^veofallachlevet^ i^deaaorUQtorenckth ell g^ s

"...a w/ov^av^ that feartth the.Lord, she shall be prfllsed. VovVbssiso W e Love you ! Mom, , Cflitpfac-e, ^rfli/wTUi^om.; «i^d Pa d

1i 2%l*eiA,p('OU.£lLj blessed ypw- Y ou - ^ turn, have cov^tivvutd to' bea blessingto others, so happy to becalled your Mom.!

anna, God's graciousgift- how true to yourname you are! Yourwillingness j tolive and serveJesus Christ

^ wholeheartedly,plus yourlove and \ cqrefor othersbrings"no greater joy"We aresovery PROUD of YOU!!! ALWAYS remember thatyou aresurrounded byHISprovision- live| ' it outDAILY!! Romans8:28-31

(Allourlovewithprayer, Mom and Dad





'^Congratulations asyou takethis nextstepintothe man God has called you to be. I thank the Lord for giving

•, me such a caring, compassionate and Godly son. Your • choice to follow Jesus has job as a parent easy—Thank you! I am so excited to see the next step (yGod has planned for you in your journey! I love you, Mom

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your ow n understanding, in all vour ways acknowledge mm , and He will make jrour paths straight."

.Proverbs 35-6






,. r



* * / % I .*T* • ! ^C ;


David Mar% ZCHOH ,

A s you achieve this greatmoment and lookforward tograduation, we've been blessed with a sonwhose achievements havejust begun.YourtimeatLibertyhas molded you more than we asparentscould everdo.We onlyprovided theframe butyou painted the portrait. You were taughtkindnessand showed compassion. You were shown fairness and learned tobe righteous You made mistakesand had thecharacter to face them, and then had the integritytocorrectthem. Above all elseyou received love and learned how tolovein return We thank God for blessingus withthechance to rejoice in yoursuccess. We thank God for His favorin allowing us towitnessa significanttime as this, knowing many don't. We thank God and continuetoaskHim for yourprotection asyou move toward many more great moments.We thank God for you, David, ourbeloved. Love, Mom, Dad,andJustin.

^m w J
^H • w ss of 2010" Tlwmas M. Q X .^fcyhf>f2010-
to en as: •u w v, X ^ LU o o u J_J 3 5 3 >- * o o 3 S H u 2 £ « ui 25 s s ; (A U Lift U O U I/) It < •i

Dearest Anna, Itissuchajoy and anhonortobeyourfamily!We areallso veryproud ofyou andall that God has taught youaboutlife and ministryatLiberty! Youhavegrown somuch andwe cancertainlysee Christ increasing as Anna isdecreasing (John3:30). Youare truly aGodly young woman andwe canonlyimaginethe incredible plans the Lordhasforyourlife!

With allour love, Dad, Mom,Laura, Stephenand Leah

"You are our letter written in our hearts known and read by allmen..." 2Cor.3:2-6

' 'M ! . ( y^ ' iyy'i a, i^i^cc^ v c irvi+i van Culkin ***• «**y gg, ca n d o a|| thjngs throughChristwho strengthensme.JS Philippians ^T ' W e Love You! Dad,Mom, and Sean
-> lys*^** CsmgxatulatianA! S^feSStoZ <ymi
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Learn: Nothing can beat working with and leading a successful team Being EIC has taught m e ho w to integrate both concept and application in addition to a whole heap of life lessons in leadership and in the detail and organization necessary to coordinate a publication. I enjoy implementing consistency via small design elements. Obvious queues are great but it's the eye for detail that plans to have various levels of meaning and application.

To read something for the 100th time and still find deeper meaning in a work to m e is exciting Relate: Life happens Wave s rise high and the struggle to keep your eyes on Jesus become s a battle of will Howeve r knowing that all of the trials of this life are not accidental and that there is in fact a purpose bigger than myself and life's situations serves as m y motivation to tread with anticipation of God's work Quote: "Yeah, w e have an XI you can probably squeeze."-Jordan

Learn: Being a part of the Selah yearbook staff has given m e the mos t real world experience throughout m y college years I have learned wha t it is like to wor k in an ongoing publication that has real deadlines It is so different than a class project and has prepared m e for a possible career at a publication

Relate: Go d has formed m e since before I wa s brought into this world H e led m e to our school with certain expectations, goals, interests an d plans Through being here, Go d has been showing m e and allowing m e to follow m y interests to pursue a career in photography and design.

Quote. "W e are comm a sluts! I mea n w e are...we use the m all the time!"- Carrie "IF": If I could think of a question to write for this...I would b e happy

"IF": If it wa s possible to send a shout out in this paragraph I would send it to: m y family in Jersey Love you guys! We've definitely learned to "ski with our knees bent" and I would not have missed being a part of that :) / This year's staff....your "A" gam e wa s AWESOM E and we've got the product to prove it!!!!

Yo u all will b e missed.. 3 Th e Worcester crewcounting dow n the days! Boston beware..

Lindsay Washabaugh Managing Editor

Learn: After spending tw o years as Managing Editor, I have been equipped with necessary skills that are vital to mos t real world work environments, such as teamwork, cooperation and effective communication I have seen ho w important it is to b e able to share ideas and as a group discuss and collaborate in order to develop the best ideas or solutions Th e skills I acquired from this experience will enable m e to kno w ho w to better relate and adapt in future realworld work settings

Learn: A s a designer and as a person, I have found that it is very important to have confidence in myself, m y work, and everything that I do I must believe in what I do, or no on e else will either I have always lived a life that is full of hard work, and I a m not know n to b e a quitter I have been reassured through this year that these qualities are going to b e valuable in helping m e reach m y goals in life.

Relate:" Forme d for a purpose" is a loaded concept that defines m e in so man y ways I believe with all m y heart that there is a purpose for m y life that no on e else on this earth can fulfill. I have been formed to inspire and to b e inspired, to create and to enjoy the created, to b e filled with joy and to share that joy I could write a 10 pag e paper o n ho w this concept defines m e but I will spare us both. :)

Quote: Me : "...Blizzarding.

Brett: "Blizzardine, what is that?"

Me : "It's whe n it is snowing and the wind is blowing so hard you can't see Like that act of a blizzard."

Brett: "What ? That is NO T a word.'

Me : "If you've ever been to Nebraska it is.' "IF": If I could d o anything tomorro w I would set u p a free lemonad e stand

Learn: Writing Captions wa s on e of the hardest things I've had to d o in all m y writing years but through the experience of being on the yearbook I wa s able to overcom e som e of m y fear of trying ne w things

Relate: I wa s able to mold m y writing even mor e by reaching out past m y boundaries of writing stories M y passion for writing helped m e take challenges I thought I would not b e able to do.

Quote: "You're sick again?" -B H :)

"IF": If I could accomplish something within the next tw o years I would get over m y fears of succeeding I would write full time for a fashion magazine or National Geographic Magazine and enjoy it I would love to study photography or get m y masters

Re/ate: I have seen Go d ope n doors whe n it appeared impossible This past summe r H e provided an opportunity for m e to d o an internship, only after it felt like the paperwork would never get completed on time Through the waiting process, Go d provided everything at exactly the right time After completing the internship, I wa s offered a full time position It is truly evident that Go d provided this opportunity for a reason and I a m so excited to follow in His path and see exactly wha t H e has in store

Quote: "Look guys w e just got a tree from Herff Jones in the mail! An d whe n w e finish proofs w e can even g o plant it." -Brett "IF": If I could ask Go d on e question I would ask him exactly ho w H e cam e to be

Learn: Being part of the Selah Staff wa s mor e than being part of a production team, it wa s being part of a group of friends wh o challenged and pushed me I learned ho w muc h I hated writing captions, that headlines are mor e of Kathleen's thing and ho w golf can b e a slightly overused and memorize d caption Fro m playing the Office Trivia Gam e o n Rachel's last day to getting the sweetest posters, pins and pens from Herff Jones, working on this staff never had a boring day

Relate: It wa s such a privilege to b e the copy editor for this book I got teary eyed whe n I worked o n the story about sexually exploited wome n in Thailand or read about the pain and heartache soldiers experienced overseas I laughed during the interview with Dr Marcus Ross about his sweet ride and with the 100 % Natural Goo d Tim e Family Band, during their practice. It's these kinds of moment s that remind m e wh y I love writing. It's being able to hear people's stories and capture the m in word s to sho w the rest of the world.

Quote: "You kno w you wan t one Bu y a yearbook," - Herff Jones sticker

"IF": If I could visit any country in the world, I would g o to either Japan or Italy. They are both a hug e part of m y background and they both have amazing food!

o o £ U


Faculty Advisor

Learn: I've learned that no tw o years in the world of yearbook are ever the same This year has been no exception That keeps things ne w and fresh - and sometimes challenging - but I love seeing the evolution from year to year.

Jordan Mechling

Business Manager

Learn: Never underestimate the powe r of a team Utilize every member , an d you will truly succeed ffe/afe:When I started this year, I wa s in a completely different place in life than wher e H e has brought me Go d truly broke dow n m y expectations for the year and ho w I thought life would play out Wher e I stand is no w a bigger and better starting point for the next leg of m y journey

Relate: I relate to this year's them e because I a m continually being shaped and formed by each experience and opportunity. M y purpose is to train and equip students to develop their God-given abilities as they prepare for His will in their lives

Quote: "Here's your can say this and quote it!!!" -Kathleen

"IF": If I could wear on e thing with m y outfit every single day, wha t would it be? A sparkling crystal studded tiara would certainly compliment any outfit

Mahalia Dailey

Design Intern

Learn: A s part of the yearbook staff, I got the chance to work alongside people from entirely different backgrounds with equally diverse talents, and witness ho w every person supplemented the boo k with their unique talents,

Relate: I just love trying out ne w things An d the yearbook advertising section is a place that gives m e the creative liberty to d o so

Quote: I can't remembe r any quotes off the top of m y head But I've got this awesom e memor y of on e night where m e and Rachel stayed late at the office and stumbled across a bunch of old art supplies in on e of the desks! W e spent the whole evening decorating dor m 17 and its surrounding sidewalks with crazy chalk drawings. Unfortunately, it rained later that night and no on e ever knew!

"IF": If you could push a button and blow u p anybod y in the world, wh o would it be? Miley Cyrus

Jessica Alexander

Office Manager

Learn: Nothing compare s to hands on team work that is produced by the yearbook atmosphere On e learns ho w to fully accomplish set tasks on their own , while still lending a supportive hand to others Relate: "Form," the molding in which Go d shapes you into the being H e wants for greater goo d of his kingdom; there is nothing like it Being the Office Manage r of such a prestigious yearbook has been the first stepping stone o n m y road to experience with the aspiration of opening/owning m y ow n business

Quote: "She is the proverbial puppet master." -Jordan (in reference to Carrie)

"IF": If you could pick just on e movie to quote for the rest of your life, wha t would it be? A Christmas Story

Jason Ott

Project Manager

Learn: Being a part of the 2010 edition of Selah has taught m e a lot about teamwor k and dedication, but the importance of communication has been what I've learned about the most

Relate: I have tried to incorporate this year's concept, Form, into the entire aspect of sales and marketing I believe that consistency and regularity in that field develop a familiarity with the students so they recognize wha t w e are offering them, a boo k or their lives at our school That purpose, providing these cataloged memorie s to the students, is m y driving inspiration

Quote: "Wha t the heck is a perdio?!?!" - Brett/Jason

"IF": If I could be in 8 places at once, where would I be? 8 different locations o n campu s for Sales Friday events!

Nicole Pawlowskis

Portrait Coordinator

Learn: Don't procrastinate.. I've pulled man y all-nighters in m y time with Selah! O n a mor e serious note, I learned so muc h about wha t goe s into creating a large scale publication Fro m concepts, to gathering content to designing pages, I wa s able to gain valuable experience in the design field.

Relate: M y tw o biggest passions are photography and horses I hop e to combin e the tw o someda y by becoming an equine sports photographer I'd like to have a studio and take traditional portraits as well as ow n a small horse farm and offer riding programs to inner city children and children with disabilities like autism and ADHD Horseback riding is really therapeutic, and I'd love to share m y passion with those wh o otherwise might never get to experience it.

Quote: Mahalia: There wa s a gu y with Jesus tattooed on his head..

Quote: "Herff Jones is the shh...BOMB!" - Momm a T "IF": If I had any supernatural ability, it would be to read the minds of the individuals that send emails to Yearbook because sometimes I truly d o not understand their mindsets with the questions/responses given

Me : I think I've seen him before.. Wa s it in Helvetica?

Mahalia: ...YEAH!

"IF": If I could have any car that I wanted it would definitely b e a 1969 Camar o SS, black or dark blue with white racing stripes.. No w that's a nice car!

212 S o c 5 > £E

._'i by function,is both a noun I) and a verb

Inacause and effect relationship,form the • • • " nlways the resultof a forming action voiume J>6of Liberty University's yearbook, Selah, celebrates thedue'' four-letter word.

Form as predicate describes the forces God uses to mold us,events and moments both ordinary and monumental Form as subject celebrates the newfound purpose hewn by thoseforces

Within these covers,the concept does not conform to the stories, nor do the stories bend to the concept.The concept was mined from the stories, and the storieswere borne from the concept.Transforming and effusive. Infinite yet purposeful Building our book's outline and experiencing the storiestold by our classmates so intimately provided us with yet another discovery.Form has two meanings,and those meanings give us purpose Thus,what starts as asimple, teasing,hopeful statement on the frontcover develops intoacomplete sentence, ther a mission statement,by the closing. Experiencing these stories, seeing what God has done,gives us purpose.

AAbbasi,Jonathan 37,167

Abele,Ben 167

Abner,Natasha 167

Abortion 62

About Business 47

AcademicGroups 72

Accra, Ghana 54,147

Acosta,Aaron 150

Acree,Chris 167

Acree,Ethan 39

Adams,Alfred 150

Adams,Jeremy 167

Adams,Omar 127

AddictionsProfessional 148

Adu-Gyamfi,Kwasi 150

AdvertisingandPublic Relations77


Africa 4

Agard,Sarah 167

Agustine,Mikha 184

AIDS 190

Air Force190

Air Force ROTC 70

Aitken, Luke 127, 167

Aizcorbe, Allie 84

Alape, Corinne 167

Alape,Corrinne 197

Albright, Katie 23

Aletter, Catie 22

Alexander, Jessica 67, 167, 212, 213

Al-Hada, Ali 53, 167, 184

Allen, Aldreakis 120,122,123

Allen, Alicia 67,142

Allen, Ashley 167

Allen, Diamond 32

Allen, Jacob 186

Allen, Jennifer 167

Allen, Rendal 169

Allman,Dustin 190

Almeida, Tatiana Miguel 167

Alsbrook,Blythe 167

AlumniRelations 206

Alvarez Alejandra 150

Alvis, Aaron 188

American Heart Association 187

Amiri,Nathan 33, 167

Ammo, Darren 111

Amoakoh,Osei Kwadwo Adae 147, 150 Amoss, Sarah 167

Anamier,Kimberlee 150

Anchenl,Allen 85

Anchorage,Alaska 52

Andersen, Alyssa 111

Anderson,Jeremy 131

Anderson,Rebecca 150

Andres,Diane 184

Andrews,Ryan 167

Androsova,Ulyana 167

Anspach,Benjamin 167

Antic, Jelena 133

AOL Instant Messenger 50


Armbruster,Abby 68

Armstrong,Laura 111

Army 16

Arsenal 142

Art Gallery 22,96,98,100


Asbury,Rochell 150

AsianGroup: G3LCommunity 185

Askew Alan 22, 38

Askew,Raquel 150

Associate Director of Fitness37

Athletics Department 23,118,181

214 10 o

Atkinson,Lori 150

Aube, Courtney 167

Augustin,Salomon 150

Austin,Sarah 35, 167


Aviation 71,80,81

Ayala, Karen 167

Ayotte Bonnie 150

Azeez,Mohamed 150

Best, Nyla 167

Betts,Melissa 77

BettyGoats 142

Bevins, Matthew 120

Bible,Mitzi 27

Biddix,Chris 167

Biggs,Caroline 63, 185

BigSouth 121,122,132,133,140

Bilger,Brock 130.167

Bilger, Janice 41,167, 238

Billie Jean King Ntl TennisInvitational 113

Binnie,Mike 125

Bishop,Chase 167

Bishop, Derek 123

Bissett,Brett 167

BlackEyed Peas 50

Britt, Vanessa 150

Brochu Gabrielle 238

Brooks,Daniel 168

Brooks,Sarah 63,185,187

Brower,David 132

Brower, Stephen 143 168,178

Brown,Alexandra 168

Brown,Brian 119

Brown,Bridget 150

Brown,Eddie 189

Brown,Freddie 120

Browning,Mary Beth 150

Brown,Mike 120,122

Brown,Phyllis 150

Brown,Richey 168

Brown,Stephanie 150

Carson, Dwayne 93

Carter,Brandy 150

Casey, Melissa 168

Cash,Charles 193

Castaway 51

Castellano,Matthew 187

Castillo, Jayme Sarah 168

Castro,Jesse 109

Cathy,Truett 41

Centerfor DiseaseControl and Prevention 189

CenterforMedia Productions 94

Centerfor Worship Department 48

Cezanne, Paul 68

Cha, Jung Young 168

Chamber, Garrett 35

Babino,Syreeta 150

BackstreetBoys 50

Bacon,Karyl 137

Baeza,Natalie 75

Bailey, Andrea 150

Bailey, Jacey 104,105

Baines, John 167

Baines, Katie 167

Baird, Mike 150

Baker, Amanda 150 167

Baker Betty 146, 150

Baker,Hillary 135,164

Bak, Su Jung 167

Ball, Jenny 75,167

Ball, Ryan 167

Barber, Chelsey 167

Barber, Jeff 181

Barbosa, Guilherme 167

Barclay, Brittany 109,167

Barker, Dr Gina 89

Barker, Ed 89

Barnes & Noble 22

Barnes,Stephen 167

Barnhart, Blaire 135

Barnwell, Ashley 167

Barnwell,Harold 167

Barrick, Dr AI 22

BarrickFalwellLodge 38

Baseball 117,138,140,162

Basketball 69,130,131,132,13,142,160

Bass,Daniel 167

Bass,Jake 167

Bateman-Craun, Brandon 41

Bateman, David Wade 150

Bates, David 167

Bates Jessica 167

Bator Zane 140

Battle Deborah 150

Baughman, Jessica 84

Baum, Jason 45

Bayes, Natasha 22

Bayly,Jessica 167

B&C Sports,Inc 208

Beakler,Dane 141

Beasley,Aaron 167

Beasley,Caleb 167

BeatlesRock Band 191

Beaumont, Timothy 167

Bechtold,Cody 41

Bechtold, Dave 117

Becker, Hannah 45

Beckner,Jameson 136

Beecher,Tommy 121, 122


Bell,Dr Bruce 26

Bell Josh 41

Bells Liz 167

Beltrami,Giancarlo 167, 206

Bendik, Melmda 167

Bendle, Rebekah 127

BerlinWall 26

Bernal,Cindy 150

Bern,Jeanette 150

Bern,Jenna 167

Berry,Ben 143

Blair, Sarah 23,37,167

Blair, Selby 167

Blanchard, Kyle 167

Blankenship,Aubrey 167

Blankenship,Noelle 167

Blanton,Victoria 167

Blanzy,Jenni 143

Blanzy,Sarah 43,167

Bledsoe,Alexandria 167

Bledsoe,Cheryl 167


BlueCouch 94 73

Blum, Emily 167

Bobitz, Kelsey 167

Bock,James 69

Bodeker,Catherine 150

Boggs, Courtney 137

Bogota, Colombia 54

Bolick,Adam 167

Bolig, Ainsley 167

Bonelli,Brittany 167

Bonilla,Eimy 36

Booker,Christopher 39

Boone, Kaitlyn 167,189

Boone, North Carolina 191

Boorum, Victoria 167

Boring,Anna 167

Bosch, Branden 73

Boschman, Brent 127, 167

Botta,Danny 33

Boucher, Marc 167

Boulton,Laura 167

Bourdon, Jeremy 167

Bowe, Michael 150

Bowen, Nathan 39, 167

Bowers,Jocelyn 105

Bowers, Katelyn 105

Bowers, Whitney 105

Bowling, Heather 111

Boyce, Brittany 167

Bradford,Keegan 181

Bradford,Mary 166

Bradley,Viola 167

Brady,Ronnie 23

Brancaleone,Krista 167

Branch,Kathryn 167

Brandenstein,Josh 168

Bratcher,Nina 150

Bratton,Shirley 150

Braun,Allison 41,50, 168

Brayman Diana 168

BrazilianEmbassy 24

Brennan,Cecilia 168

Brentwood Church 68

Bridge, Jessica 142

Bridges, Chrysalis 150

Bridges, Rachel 168

Briggs, Tammy 150

Brinkmann,Daniel 150

Brink, Robert 168

Brister, Audra 150

Britner, Ricky 168

Britney Spears 50

Britton. Jennifer 81, 168

Bryant, Ada 150

Bryant, Angie 150

Bryant, Joanna Telcide 156

Bryant,Lauren 168

Bryant, Matthew 23 168

Buchanan-Boardman,Charles 150

Buchanan, Steve 168

Buchhalt, Jordan 168

Buckley, Taylor 67,238

Buckner, Raymond 90

Buffalo Wild Wings 41

Bulla, Stephanie 150

Bullock, Kristina 41

Bulman,Scott 31

Bump,Thomas 168

Bunch,Brittany 99

Bundick,Miriam 168

Burley, Alii 142

Burnett, Denise 150

Burns,Deborah 150

Burton,Bethany 168

Business 76,81

Butcher,Rebekah 168

Butler,Rick 168

Butler, Tiffany 168

Byrd, Bethany 150

Byrd, Darius 168

Chambers, Emilee 37

Chambers, Jarret 168

Chandler,Vaden 150

Chapman, Rebekah 32

Chappell,Courtney 50

Chappell,Sarah 150

Charette,Michael 150

Charles,Dave 168

Charnuski,Olivia 104

Chastain,Rachael 48

Chekashkina,Anna 168

Chenault, Bryan 150

Chen, Jordan 86, 168

Chepulis,Dana 22,89, 168

Chernow, Debi 150

Chesser,Kyle 110

Chester,Robert 150

Chicago, Illinois 90, 91

Chicken Run 51

Chick-fil-A 41,85

Chigbu, Okey 150

Childers,Jacob 168

Children'sMiracleNetwork 67

Childress,Jonathan 108, 109

China 58, 59

Cho, Eunae 168

Cho, Eunsaem 168

Choi, Jae Young 150

Choi, Jim 53

Christensen, Josh 84,168

Christians, Samantha 168

ChristmasConvocation 93

Christmason Campus 92

Chung, Dong Jun 185

cCagle,James 168

Calandrino,Nichole 168

Callis E Michelle 168

Cameron, Roger 150

Camire, Matt 168

Campbell, Brittany 132

Campbell Elizabeth 168

Campbell Liz 132

Campos, Alice 127,168

Campus Bookstore 22

Campus PraiseBand 93,186

Campus Serve31

Canada 52, 125

Caner Dr Ergun 27

Canning,Drew 32

Cannon, Stacy 65

Cappell,Ashley 50

Carafano,Teagan 168

Carazquillo,Elianna 68

CareerCenter 23

Caribbean in Action169

Carlson,Andrew 168

Carlson,Marybeth 168

Carnegie Hall 48

Carol's Place 191

Carothers,Gregory 150

CarpoolProgram 74

Carraway, Dayne 47, 111

Carroll,Rick 150

Carroll,Sarah 168

Chung,Jonathan 165

Cinel Rodolfo 168

Cinemark Movies 10 37

Claiborne,Larry 120

Clanton,David 150

Clark,Christopher 151

Clark,Coleman 168

Clark,Courtney 168

Clark,Faith 168

Clark,Josh 168

Clark,Justin 33

Clark Kiersten 48

Claros,Valerie 168

\Clayton,Jacob 186

Clearwater,Sierra 43

Clemens,Tonia 151

Clements, Robert 168

Cleves,Yesenia 168

Cline Alexandria 168

Clinton,President Bill 15

Cloos,Frederick 168

ClubSports 107,116

Coatesville,Pennsylvania 77

Cobb, Miagan 151

Cocco, Mike 91

Cofer,Wayne 193

Coffeehouse 46,90,91,93

Coffey,Sarah 117

SPECIFICS: Finding 2009 triptoNew York inspired me WVBI

Cayenne linen book cloth, a special order fabric, wrapped to160-point binders board and debossed with a handmade fashioning of the verbal concept,gave usthecoffee table look we wanted toachieve The emblematic opposites:Custom mixed paints of burnt orange and pewter supplied tone-ontone and contrasting appeal respectively; a lyrical representation ofthe letterforms offset by a geometric shape embodied thetwosides of the concept

The front lid'spolygon reappears indifferent instances tocontain copy,captions and guiding blocks ofcolor while therestrained useof the custom cursive typeface strikesbalance.

Spine copy resembles interior pagefolios, and the circular S-logo on thespine is the inaugural appearance ofSelah's trademark, and willappear on each volume hereafter

Coffman, Christina 186

Colein, Sarah 168

Coleman, Kevin 168

Coleman, Niema 151

Coleman, Nina 151

Coleman, Roxanne 168

Collins, Bethanie 168

Collins, Elsie 151

Collins, Katelyn 168

Collins, Rachel 168

Colussy, Megan 35

Communication Department 86

CompassCare 62

Conception, Luis 151

Concerned Women for America 62,63,185

Condon, Jennifer 168

Conner, Samuel 168

Connor, Julia 119

Conord, Zachary 168

Considder, Chris 168

Continued Stories 190,192

Convocation 55

Coogan, Devin 31,186

Cook, Ambe r 133

Cook, Ben 37

Cook, Mark 151

Coombs , Austin 168

Coomer, David 168

Cooper, Ethan 168

Cope, Nick 142

Cortes, Chris 168

Costabile, Alison 168

Costa, Clara Feitosa 168,171

Costanzo, Tamara 151

Cottingham, Rebecca 168

Counseling 61

Courtney, Chelsea 61

Covenant Awards 47

Cox, Laisani 151

Crabtree, William 168

Cracker Barrel 191

Craig, Chans 83

Craig Jr., Andrew 168

Crawford, Amand a 168

Creech, Chas 168

Creek, Thomas 168,203

Crew, George 151

Crew Team 116

Cribb, Anna 168, 204, 238

Criminal Justice 77

Crist, Schuylar 151

Cronkite Walter 26

Crooks, Casey 168

Crosby, Grace 170

Crosby-Hastings, Kandy 151

Cross Country 163

Cross, Jody 47

Crossman, Shauna 94,170.185

Crotts, Aaron 188

Crowley, Kristilyn 151

Crutchfield, Daniel 185

Crutchfield, Katie 43

Cruz, Cindy 71

Cryan, Sean 170

Cucci, Giovanni 70, 170

Cucci, Giuseppi 170

Cuellar, Marcia 151

Culkin, Ryan 170,204

Cumberbatch, Priscilla 151

Cummings, Cimber 170

Cummings, Julia 170

Cummings, Kiersten 109

Cupp, Mark 170

Current Events 24,26

Cushing, Joshua 170

Cuttita, Christine 151


DDailey,Mahalia 32,212, 213

Daily Grind 34

Dale,Danika 69

Dale,Jordan 151

Daly,Maurice 187

D'Ambrosio, Kelly 94, 185

Dancel,Jenelle 151

Dancing 42

Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania 53

Darling, Melanie 170

Daugherty,Amanda 85, 170

Davidson,Brian 117

Davies,Tyler 170

Davis, Aisha 170

Davis,Bethany 75

Davis, Calvin 151


Davis,Emily 151

Davis,Michael 51

Davis,Patricia 151

Davis,Paul 151


Davis,Rachel 170

Davis,Timothy 170

Dawson,Chelsea 120

Day, Jared 151

Deal,Sabrena 60

Dearfield,Nathan 30

DeArmon, Katie 170

DeArmon, Kyle 170

Deason,Dale 151

DebateTeam 72

Decades 50

Dejose,Jireh 170

Dekreon,Joe 170

DeLeon,Elizabeth 170

De losReyes,Edward 43

Dembowiak, Preston 129

DeMoss 22,23,26,51,95,237

Dendulk,Kevin 170

Denham, Regan 135

Dennis,Joseph 170

Dennis-Silas, Ashleigh 151

Deployment 16

Derenda,Maryellen 111

Devil's MarbleYard41

Dewhurst,Bill 94,185

Diaz,Beverly 22, 170

Dicesare, Stephanie 170

Dickens, Jordan 170

Dickerson,Phillip 170

Dickerson,Tina 151

Dickinson, Jeff 130

Dickson,Bradley 170

Dickson,Joanna 170

Dick'sSporting Goods 37

Dillard, Stephanie 72

Dillon, Kyle 188

Dillon, Shaina 151

DimePieces 142


Dion,Angela 93

Disc Golf 128

DiscoveryChannel 39

Distler, Elisha 170

Dittmer,Randall 151

Dixon,Lynn 170


Dmaris Meekna 170

Dobler, Galyn 170

Docksteader, Adam 170

Doc's Diner 26

Dodson, James 151

Dolan Elizabeth 151

Dollar, Andrew 170

Doll Daniel 170

Domingues Ana Rita 170

Domino's Pizza 205

Doremus,Shawn 170

Doucette, Travis 47

Douglas,Danielle 32

Dove Awards 47

Downie, Helen 170

Downie, William 170

Downing, Roy 151

Downs, Ciara 100, 101

Drake,Travis 151

Drama 22

Drane,Bob 151

Drobot,Anatol 184

Drolshagen,Sara 186

Drowsy Poet 41,43

Dubberke,Amber 170

Duncan,Kuuku 54

Dunford,Lawonda 151

Dunn,Jordan 86,170

Dupere,Adam 142

Duquette,Nicolle 170

Durand,Gabriel 151

Durner, Neil 136

Durocher,Daniel 170

Dvorak,Michelle 170

Dyke,Jeff 170

Dykstra, Albert 151

EssenceMagazine 67

Estes,Diana 171

Etheridge,Heather 171

EvangelicalChristianPoliticalParty 76

Evans,Bryan 25,38

Evans,Melanie 188

Ewing,Elizabeth 171, 187

Exodus 31,47

Fowler,Ushinna 152

Fox, Kara 184 131

Fox Toya 33

Fraednch, Peter 46

Frailey, Caleb 171

Frailey, Katelyn 152

Frailey,Krystal 171

Frais, Janide 52

Fraker,Luke 171

Frame, Paul 171

Francis,Bobby 171

Francois,Jennifer 49

Francois,Kwame 171

Frazier,Derrick 152

Facebook 50

FFahle,Cinthia 171

Fairfax,Virginia 77

Fajardo,Ariela 36

Falwell,Becki 56,62

Falwell,Dr., Jerry 24,27,47 65, 192 237

FalwellFarm 124

Falwell Jr., Jerry 23,56,62

Falwell,Macel 64, 65, 192

Familyand ConsumerScience Department 67

FamilyWeekend 8

Fantin,David 171

Farmer, Brenda 151

Farmer, Kelsi 142

Farris Dale 151

Fashion 66

Fatimehin,Willie 171

Fawcett,Farrah 26

FBI 77

Feagan, Laura 68

Eardley, Dawn 151

Earthquake in Haiti 27

Easterly, Thomas Michael 151

Eatmon,Jenna 140,141

Echerd, Anna 170,195

Eckert Todd 170

Eckhoff, Katie 170

Eddie Bauer 73

Eddings,Rory 170

Edenngton,Carly 151

Edgar,Kirt 151

Edman,Edward 86, 87

Edwards,Jessica 126

Edwards,Tara 170

Eggleston, Charisse 170

Egloff, Liberty 93

Eiffel 65 50

Einbrod, Kristine 170

Ellen,Jason 151

Eller, Caleb 111

Ellingsen,Kari 185

Elliot, Laura 93

Elliott, David 170

Elliott, Laura 237, 238

Ellis, Andrew 186

Ellis Island 67

Ellison,Rob Edwards 151

Ellis, Tyrone 151

El Salvador 190

Emergency Deployment 16

Emergency Lodge monitor 148

Emergency MedicalTechnician187

Engbretson,Justina 171

English 72

Equestrian Team 117

Erdman, Jennifer 60

Erlenbach, Emily 171

Escamilla,Nicole 184

Esmalla,Jasper 151

Esmalla,Kristine 151

Espinosa,Christopher 171

ESPN 130,131

Essence 184

Feister,Ryan 60,98

Felder,Brittany 171

Feldges,Robert 171

Fielding,Brian 107, 172

Fenlason,Stephen 37, 171

Ferguson,Larhonda 151

Ferrill, Tassie 151

Fick,Hannah 113

Field,Sarah 171

Fiester Ryan 101

Finance 60

Financial Services Committee Hearings 77

Fine ArtsEnsemble 48

Finley,Kylie 171

Firooznia,Natasha 171

First Lady 192

Fish, Josh 84

Fitzpatrick,Raymond 151

Fitzpatrick,Sarah Lee 67

FlagFootball 142,143

Fleming,Janae 151

Fletcher, Sally 171

Flight Attendant 71

Florentz,Sky 152 Florida 58

Flowers,Stormi 171

Flynn,Rachel 171

Flynn,Tyler 189

Fogle,Sharon 152

Foley,Lindsay 68,171

Foody, Kevin 171

Football 23,69,81,118,119,120,121,122, 142,158

Foote, Elizabeth 152

Ford,Lawrence 98,185, 187


Forest,Virginia 117

Formed 6

Forshee, Hannah 171

Fortenberry,Brenton 171

Foster,Allison 83

Fowler,Jill 239

Frazier,Jacqueline 152

Fredericks,Esther 152

Frederick,Steve 152

Freed,Kristin 171

Freedom 4/24 10,11,105,192

Freedom ofInformationAct 76

Freeman, Chenoa 198

French,Cameron 104,171

Freshens 85


Frimpong, Edward 152


Fritz, Cory 22

Fritzemeies,Lyndee 171

Fritz,Erica 171

Fritzinger, April 171

Fuentes,Raymond 46

Fulbright,Heather 152

Fulford,Brittany 65,75 171

Fuller Debra 152

Furler Mark 116

Fuselli, Christina 171

Fyre,Lindsey 142

GGaillard,Julianne 120


Gallo,Donald 171

Game Cube 50

Ganbos,Wade 171

Gant,Joshua 171

Garcia, Danielle 171

Garofalo, Crystal 171

Garrett, Congressman Scott 27,77

Gary, Abby 50

Gauley River 41

Gavin, Jessica 171

Gayeski, Frankie 109,171

Gayeski,Rank 109

Geer, James 152

Geithner, Tim 77

George,Gary 152

George,Rebecca 171

Gerber, Jenna 171

Gerstner, Kornel 88

Gestrich, Scott 171

Getting off Campus 40

Ghaly,Marina 171

Gibbons,Christy 171

Gibbs, Rebekah 104

Gilason,Amy 152

Gilbert,Meredith 171

Gilbert,Paul 111,128

Gillen,Dr Alan 189

The volume wasproduced at 190-line screen on a Komori SuperPerfector 10 color press at Herff Jones'Charlotte,NC, printingfacility

Steve Kent served asthe school's consultant

To strike a bold contrast with the cover, Beckett Concept "Sea Mist"special order cover stock (from a swatch book thathad lived insomeone's garage foryears)served as endsheets,and hosted a pattern created by art director Kathleen Ostrom (over aninehour period)inwhich each of the endpoints of onecharacter matched up tothoseof another If youlook closely on both front and back endsheets,youwillfind the word "form" woven into the pattern This pattern tookthe conceptual statement from the cover to a more abstract level, and reappeared insubtle incarnations throughout the book Interior pages were printed inprocess color on80#

premium matte coated stock containing 10-percent post consumer waste.

Gillespie, Megan 171

Gillis, Megan 32 (3iIIis Meghan 35,239

Gill, Joshua 152

Gillock, Franklin 152

Gilmore, Adelaide 152

Gilmore,Liz 189

Giovanni,Harley 152

GiveLove Away 47

Glacier National Park 191

Glean,Rose 152

Gleason, Janine 87


Goad,Doretha 171

Goddard,Rich 152

God ofthe Ages 47

Godparent Home 63,95

God Rest Ye MerryGentleman 46

Godwin,Douglas 171

Go, Hye Lim 171

Goins Amy 44

Goldsmith, Anna 189

Golf 128,129,160

Gomez, Fred 152

Gomez,Paulo 41

Gonzales,Cecilia 171

Gonzales, Justin 171

Gonzales-White,Maria Fe 146

Goodier, Carmen 173

Goodman,Jeff 131

Gordon,Abigail 48

Gordon,Elaine 173

Gornick Michelle 50

Gould Christopher 152

Government Healthcare 166

Government HealthReform 25

Grady,Cathy 152

Granda,Emilia 184

Granda,Martin 52

Grandstaff, Stephanie 173

GraphicDesign 60,69

Graterol, Carmen 52

Gray, Daniel 173

Gray, Jamaal 37

Greater LynchburgTransit Company 74

Green,Keith 152

Green,Lance 33

Gregor, Christina 93

GreyVangelism 28,29

Gribbins. Chrissie 152

Gribbins, Jason 152

Grier, Lisa 152

Griffin, Faith 173

Griffiths, Garret 39

Grim,Casey 152

Grindstone 30

Grishkowsky,Natasha 173

GroovePocket 46

GroupReference 186,188

Guatemala City, Guatemala 175

Guelzo, Jonah 30,120

Guensch,Raymond 173

Guerra, Amanda 173

Guida,Stephanie Lee 196

Guk, Jung Ung 173

Gupta,Paurav 41

Guthrie, Ruth 173

Guzman Jr., Felix 152

H1N1 189

Haas,Amanda 62,63,185

Hacking,Sarah 173

Hadley, Christina 173

Haemmerle,Erika 173

• 218 f o 0) o 3 u -O en F > E

Hagans Delzora 152

Hagey Laura 173

Hahn, Laura 132

Hairston,Tyler 173

Haiti 12, 13,14,15, 27, 52,190

Halbach Amy 50

Halbach,Scot 68,101

Haldeman,Ann 62

Halley,Teresa 152

Hall, Wes 184

Halpin, Abigail 173

Halvorson, Tori 111

Hamilton, Caitlin 173

Hamilton,Don 152

Hamilton, Robert 152

Hamilton Susie 184

Ham, Kristel 173

Hammer, Lindsey 74

Hammond Rachel 173

Hancock,Mike 123

Handy,Kirk 124

Hankins,Melanie 152

Hanson,Sam 173

Harbuck,Michael 152

Hardin, Bill 173

Hardy, Rob 90

Hare, Joanna 152

Harjung, Grace 173

Harnett, John 152

Harper, Andrew 30,173

Harper, Leighanne 35, 84

Harper, Sarah 173

Harris, Anthony 173

Harris, Aziza 152

Harris Blakely 117, 173

Harris, Edward 152

Harris, Gordon 152

Harris, Isaac 173

Harris, Matthew 173

Harris, Matthew Lee 196

Harrison, Cindy 84

Harrison, Erica 238

Harris, Quadiyyah 152

Harris, Samuel 173

Harris Sean 152

Hart, Paul 173

Harvard,Charles 152

Harvey, Jordan 43

Harvey,Mike 152

Harvison, Neil 152

Haseltine, Ben 33

Haseman,Kelly 137

Hastie, Brett 96,99, 100 101,173,210, 211

Hastings,Kelsey 152

Hatfield, Alicia 173

Hatfield, Brandi 173

Hawkins,Christian 173

Hawkins,Garrett 173,185

Hawkins,Jordan 173

Hayden Daniel 173

Hayes,Christian 173

Hayes,Heather 173

Haymaker,Adam 173 166

Heath,Kristy 152

Heck, Brittani 173

Hedrick,Lauren 130

Hedrick,Paige 132

Helm, Candace 173

Helping Handbags 67

Hemingway, Rev Marvin 152

Henderson, Jonathan 48

Henderson, Vernon 152

Henning, Rebecca 65

Henry,Chris 26

Henry,Rheva 152

Henson,Jeff 152

Hentschel,Erin 173

Hepburn, Timothy 173

HeritageFoundation 77

Hernandez, Bethany 173

Herrera,Eladio 152

Hetrick,Michael 117

Hetzlein,Tiffany 48

Heverling,Kelly 82

Heverly,Christopher 119, 173

Heverly,Robert 35

Heverly,Stephanie 173,210, 211

Hicks,Anthony 152

Hicks,Edith Harris 152

Hicks,Kelli 152

Hidalgo,Jasson 153

Higgins,Brandy 153

Hilfiger, Betsy 67

Hill, Colleon 153

Hill, Tucker 116

Hindson,Dr Ed 93

Hines,Matthew 173

Hinkle,Nathan 173

Hippolyte,Jean 153

Hockey 124,125,126,127

Hockey, Men'sDivisionI69,124 125,126,127,161

Hockey,Men'sDivisionII 125,161

Hockey, Men'sDivisionIII 161

Hockey, Women's 127,162

Hodges, Alyssa 153

Hodges, Consuello 153

Hodupp, Sarah 173

Hody, Grace 173

Hoeft,Katie 173

Hoffman, Aidee 153

Hoffman, Brandon 153

Hoffman, Sara 173

Hogan,Courtney 173

Holloway,Amie 173

Holloway,SirChauncey 165

Holy Land 146

Holsinger,David 48

Homan, Matthew 47

Homecoming 120

Homemakers and CEOs 149

Homsher, Derek 173

Honduras 24

Hook, Rachel 173

Hoornik,Josh 173

Hoosier,Emily 173

Hooten,Anna 184

Hoover,Richard 153

Hope forHaiti190

Hopkins,Carroll 153

Hornickel, Jonathan 84

Horton,Dr.David 30

House, Megan 173

House, Nathan 173

House ofDelegates 27

House ofHope 175

Houseknecht, Rachel 164

Housing Crisis32

Housing Department 24

Housing Office 32

Houston, Texas 146

Howard Danielle 141

Howard, Matalie 67

Howren, Maureen 173

Hoyos Antonio De 151

Huang,Tiffany 173

Hubler,Joshua 188

Huggins, Karen 153

Hughes, Darren 153

Huhtala,Evan 130

Hui.Po Hang 184

Human Resources 72,73

Humble Tip 47

Hungerford, Ben 173

Hunt,Amy 86.173

Hunt, Leslie 41

Hunt, Michael 173

Hunt,Virginia 153

Hunter,Laura 173

Hurley,Megan 186

Hurt,Meghan 173

Hurt,Meredith 91

Hutchins,Shalonda 173

Hyning, Brad Van 182

Johnson, Kim 72

Johnson, Krissy 174

Johnson, Laura 153

Johnson, Laura Lee 153

Johnson, Nick 38

Johnson, Rodney 153

Johnson,Sarah 174

Johnson,Tracy 93

Johnstone,Daniel 29.174

Jones Alanna 174

Jones Amanda 93

Jones,Andrew 73,110

Jones Aubne 153

Jones Ben 153

Ilazzi, John 188

Icard,Luke 173

llloh, Iweanya 153

India 53,95


IndustrialEngineering 178

Insinga, Carla 173

IntercollegiateHorse Show Association117


InternalDisplacement Camps 4

InternationalPolitics and Policy 76

International Relations 76

InternationalStudents 52,54

Intramural Basketball143

IntramuralChampions 164

Intramural Frisbee142

IntramuralSoccer 142,143

IntramuralSports 142,143

iPodClassic 50

iPod Nano 50

iPodTouch 50

Iraq 16,123

Irizarry, Jason 188

Iron Man 51

Irwin,Rachel 173

Iskat, Jennifer 173

Israel 146


IvyLake 116,117

Jones,Bryan 46

Jones,Donald 174

Jones,Jessica 174

Jones,Josiah 143

Jones,Mary 153

Jones,Rochelle 142

Jones,Symphany 174

Jones Woodard, Samantha 174

Jordan,LaKisha 153

Jo,SeiHyun 174

Joseph,Travis 110, 111, 174

Josifov,Vladimir 184

Joslyn,Kim 153

Jourdant,Catherine 153

Jo,Yoon Ju 174

Ju Grace 136

Jung,Guan 174

Jung,JinEun 174

Jun, Ji Hye 174

Just4 Kix142

Justice,Philip 36,37

Justiniano,Roxana 174

JJackson,Gabrielle 173

Jackson III, John 173

Jackson, Lorenzo 46

Jackson, Michael 26


Jacobs, Danielle 173

Jacobs,Mackenzie 173

Jacobsma, Claire 137

Jacobs,Samuel 153

Jadin,Pearly 173

James, Caris 173

Jansson,Kalah 173

Jay Sean 50

Jazzman's 85

Jefferson,Christa 174

Jenkins,Jordan 23, 113

Jennings,Rashad 120. 122

Jennings,Tony 88

Jensen,Joanna 174,199

Jersey Mike's 194

Jerusalem 146

Jett,Hank 142

Jo,Gyeong Gil 174

Johnson, Brittani 153

Johnson,Christy 153

Johnson,Jonie 153

Johnson,Katie 188

Johnson,Katnna 141

Johnson, Kelsey 174

KKachhepati, Sneata 174

Kaliningrad,Russia 53

Kalu, Okoro Udumeze 153

Kamphuis,Ashton 50

Karel, Jamerson 79, 239

Karlsson, Robert 129

Karst, Devon 62,185

Kathmandu,Nepal 54

Katz, Sean 109

Kaz, Rachel 68.87

Kdouh,Abdallah 153

Kearns,Steph 174

Keays,Christy 166

Kebede,Fiker 174

Keeley, Aadam 75

Keenan,Ben 174

Kelley, Aaron 109

Kelley, Joanna 32

Kellogg,Douglas 174

Kelly, Danielle 75,174

Kennedy,Edward 24

Kennedy,Jeff 153

Kennedy John F 24,72

Kerns,Nicolette 184

Kessler, Jim 153

Kessy, Doreen 174

Ketchum,Antionette 153

Khamal,Manel 184

Kidd, Heather 184

Kigen,Evans 105

Kilbourne, Brianne 184

Kim, Andy 185

Kimbrough,Audrey 153

Kim, Eun Ku 174

Kim, Jaeshil 184

Kim,Sung Jin 185

Kinas Sarah 186

Kinchen, John 48

King, Clayton 25

King House 41

King,Kyle 188

Kinglocke,Indira 153

Kingof Pop 26

Kintzel, Jonathan 174

Kintzel, Justin 61, 93, 174,186

Kirk, Taylor 188

Kiser, Andrew 174

Kitchens, Alonzo 174

Kline, Kathy 153

Klintsevich, Valeriya 53

Klock,Daniel 174

Knepp,Charles 153

Knight, Brandon 178

Knight, Clayton 32

Knoche,TJ 174

Knowles, Allyshia 174

Knowles,Kelsie 90

Knox,Denise 153

Koch,Jesse 174

Kolkata,India 53

Konan,Patrick 130,165

Kongpetch,Panida 184

Kotter, Elizabeth 153

Kotter, Melody 153

Kunda,John 174

Kuntz Shantel 153

Kyper,Brittany 184

LLaborde, Anne 184

Lacrosse 134

LadyGaga 50

LaFevers,Lindsey 184

LaHaye,Beverly 63

LaHayeLUser 36,37

LaHaye StudentUnion 23,37,114

Lahore,Pakistan 53

Lake, Andrew 174

Lake,Rachel 142, 174

Lam, Anh 153

Lam, Bethany 111

Lambros,Amanda 174

Lam,Donovan 174

Lancaster, Adam 93

Landis,Raymond 153

Lane,Dr Richard 189

Lane,Myra 153

Lange,David 174

Lang,Kevin 188

Lanvin Bridal 67

Larson, Becca 127

Larsson,Mike 81

LaRue,John 36

Las Munecas 142

Lassite, Kametra 174

Lassiter, Aaron 174

Lavendar, Tim 187

Lawler, Twana 153

Layer, Dale 131

Layman,Lauren 50,174

Lechiara, Menda 153

Ledee,Avis 153

Lee,Hyuna 174

Lee,Jeana 82

Lee, Jinu 174

Lee,Landon Dong-Hee 185

Lee,Mi Bang 174

Lee,Sophia 53

Lee,So Yeon 174

Lee,So Young 174

Lee,Todd 174

Leger, Rony 153

Lehman,Chris 120


Leineweber,Phillip 174

Leite Lucilia 174

Lemke, David 112

Lemmi,Giancarlo 112

Lemon,Christine 92

Leonard,Karen 37

Leonard,Reggie 61

Leong,Timothy Ames 167

Lesley.Kelly 174

Leslie, Spencer 174

Lestardo,Jessica 174

Levesque,Kelly 174

Lewis,Brennan 174

Lewis,Collin 174

Lewis,Derek 153

Lewis,Jason 47,186

Lewis,John 153

Lewis (McWade), Jamie 153

Lewis,Ranny 153

Liberty Catering 209

LibertyChristianAcademy 178 120

Liberty Journal 24

LibertyMountain 25

Liberty Symphony Orchestra 48

Liconti, Anne 153

Ligutle, Katie 184

LilWayne 50

Lily, Scott 174

Lim,Yilang 174

Lindblad,Jenifer 153

Lindie, Timothy 174

Lintner, Beth 174

Little, David 153

Litz, Aimee Brielle 174

Livingston, Janet 153

Llamallover,Meagan 174

Llewellyn,Bryant 174

LocalElections 27

Lockhart,Bryan 188

Lockhart,Latoya 95

Loehr,Cynthia 174

Loftis, Jessica 174

Logan, Erin 69

London, England 147

Long,Amy 174

Long,Emily 237

Lopez,Lauren 153

Lord,Jessica 154

Lost 51

Lovell, William 154

Lovetro,Maureen 174

Lovitt, Joseph 130

Lowe, Kristen 85

Lowery,Daniel 174

Lowry,Courtney 112

Lubin,Marcson 154

Lucas,Jessica 174

Lucas,Seth 109

Lucchini, Athos 174

Lucchini,Luis 174

Luce,Isaiah 88

Ludwick,Payden 31, 174

LU in Space 27

Lukens,Sally 154

Lumpkin,Aaron 174

LUO Stories 146,148

LUO Students 150-157


Lusk,Teresa 149,154

Luster, Catherine 140

Lutz,Zachery 174

Luurtsema,Aimee 111

Lynchburg ChristianAcademy 65

Lynchburg Salsa 43

Lynchburg, Virginia 27,77,123,128

Lynch,Kevin 154

Lyn-Dan HeightsVolunteer Fire

Department 30

Lyster Dr Robert 132

MacDonald James 174

MacKall,Sabrena 174

Macy,Rachel 25

Madison,Thomas 174

Magee, Amanda 174

Magill, Jennifer 154

Maginnis,Grant 33,176

Maguire,Sean 176

Mahood, Justin 185

Malhotra,Paul 176

Malkemes, Stephen 176

Maloy,Karen 154

Mama, Burhan 176

Mandy Moore 50

Manes, Robin 154

Manguiob, Kevin 60, 99

Mann, Kendra 176

Manns Jr., Gene 154

Manor, Erica 137

Manos, Dionne 176

Maples,Carla 176

Marc Anthony 50

Marcelo Carolyn 176

Marchand, Annastacia 70

Marching Band 44,121

Marcilio, Andrea 24

Marcy,Leanna 176

Marenco,Josh 193

Mariah Carey 50

Markides,John 184

Marquez,Amy 68

Marroquin,Victoria 176

Marsengill,Samantha 75

Marshall,Michael 154

Marshall,Nichole 154

Marsh,Austin 93

Marsh, Kylie 176

MarthaStewartShow 67

Martin,Alyssa 34

Martin,Christel 154

Martin,Donald 154

Martinez Amanda 176

Martin,Melanie 176

Martin Michael 86

Martin,Zach 176

Marvel,Kelly 132,176

Mason, Rachel 176

Massey,Ethan 95

Massey,Keith 154

Mast,Caleb 176

Masters,Kati 114

Masters of Science in SportsManagement 26

Matheson,Brittany 176

Mattar,Mary 28

Matthews,David 176

Matthews,Will 176

Mauch, Ben 45

Maurice,Katelyn 185

Mavunga,Albert 176

Maybury, Mitchell 154

Mayerlen,Caleigh 186

Mayers,Rhoda 169

Mayhew, Elizabeth 176

Mays,Amber 132,133,164

McAhster,Chris 178

McAllester,Angela 176

McAllister, Joan 154

McBynum, Helen 154

McCaherty,John 154

McCarty,Addison 176

McCarty,Chelaine 137

McClam, Larissa 50

McCloud Christina 154

McClowsky, Bryce 130

McComas Kimberly 154

McConnell,Amanda 176

McCready, Daniel 70

McCreary,Trisha 154

McCutcheon, Mercelle 154

McDaniel,Elizabeth 154

McDonald, Francelia 154

McDonald Josh 238

McDonalds 41

McDonnough, David 154

McDowell (Gordon), Brooke 236

McDowell,Maresa J. 184

McElroy,Kristiana 98,100 176

McFadden,Brittany 176

McGaha, Jonas 37

McGee, LaDarian 154

McGinley,Kelly 176

Mcintosh,Chloe 134,135

Mclntrye,Elyse 176

Mclntyre,Paul 91

McKay,Abigail 176

McKay,Dominique 236

McKay,Ritchie 131

McKenzie,Karisjoy 176

McKinney,David 25,186

McLarnon,John 176

McLaughlin Amy 176

McLaughlin Dr Colleen 73

McLaughlin,Jordan 73

McLennan,Taylor 75,176

McLeod, Rachel 133

McLoughlin,Emmie 48

McMahon, David 176

McMasters,Carter 130

McMillian, Julie 85 143

McMurray,William 154

McNair,Austin 176

McNiel,Abigail 176

McNiel,Joshua 176

McQuigg. Benjamin 176

MCroskey,Chad 176

Mcsherry,Hilari 176

McVety, Ryan 143

Meadows, Laura 176

Mechling,Jordan 176 212 213

Meckley,Ashley 176

Medicaid 166

Medicare 166

Medley,Antonio 142

Medlin,Amanda 176

Medlin,Heidi 176

Medrano, Dennys 176

Meek, Ramona 154

Mello,Brianna 184

Melnichuk,Rachelle 134

Melvin,Justin 176

Melvin Leland 27

Menzies,Daniel 184

Mercado, Emily 176

Meredith,Scott 154

Messmaker,Garrett 176

Messner,Aaron 154

Metelus,Vanessa 176

MetropolitanMuseum of Art 67

Meyers,Thomas 177

Miceli, Megan 185

Michael,James 176

Michaels Heather 50

Michoacan, Mexico 52

Microsoft 87

Mielnicki, Joe 91

Mielnicki, Matt 90,91

Mihehc,Matt 62

Mijanovich,Dennis 154

Mijares,Mark 188

Miles,Lauren 41.176

Military 16

Milks,Brandon 88

Miller, Alexander 176

Miller Alma 154

Miller Alydia 84

Miller, Autumn 22

Miller, Bethany 176

Miller, Deborah 154

Miller, Lisa 154

Miller, Melanie 154

Miller, Rhonda 154

Miller, Stuart 154,156

Millner, Ebony 177

Mills, Daniel 177

Milton,Steven 154

Mingo, Leslie 154

Mini,Erica 177

Minotti,Catherine 154

Misenheimer,Ashley 177

Mishler,Mike 188

Missionaries 58, 59

MissionImpossible2 51

Missions 58

Mitchell Christina 104

Mitchell, James 177

Mitchell, Katherine 177

Mitchell,Mark 154

Modesto,Dina 154

Mohler,Thomas 154

Monroe, Liz 177

Montgomery Shelly 81

Montour,Bridget 177

Moore,Christopher 154

Moore,Jessica 48,177

Moore,Johnnie 24, 93

Moore, Meredith 177

Moore,Tyrone 62

More, Michael 154

Morgan, Dymond 132,133

Morgan,Molly 110, 177,237

Morgan, Rachel 177

Morris,David-Bryce 177

Morrison,Danielle 177

Morrison,Mike 177

Morrissey,Sam 70

Moser Laura 154

Moshe, Samueleis 147,155

Mosier,Bryan 123

Mount of Olives 146

Moutoux,Jessica 188


Mshamma, Jennifer 53

Mt Rushmore 191

Muhammad, Amirah 184

Mulhollem, Rodney 154

Mull,Brian 128

Mullen,Shelby 154

Mull-Fluker, Bettie 154

Mullin, Chelsea 177

Murdock,Justin 177

Murfreesboro, Tennessee 128

Murillo,Edixon 52

Murphy,Brittany 26

Murphy,Sherri 154

Music 4,46

Myers,Janeel 147,154

Myles,Melvin 154

MySpace 50

Nabmger, Matt 177

Nagrani,Amit 177

Nallo Nalini 154

Nardozzi,Brock 177


Nash,Eric 154

Nash,Nan 82

NationalCivil War ChaplainsMuseum 26

NationalCivil War Research Center 26

NationsUnitedClub 184

Nauss, Roger 177

Navde, Ian 177

NBC News 13

Neal, Cassie 177

Neimann, Sierra 177

Nelson, Dianne 154

Nelson, Eric 177

Nelson, Erika 177

Nerry, Benjamin 167

Neto, Eduardo 177

New AgeReligion 149

New Construction 22

New DirectionsInternational15

Newhall, Katie 8 4

Ne w Jersey 77

Ne w Orleans, Louisiana 73

News-GazetteofDanvilleIllinois 113

Ne w York City, Ne w York 60

NFL 120

Nhekairo, Panashe 188

Nichols, Mary-Ashtin 184

Nickell, Kris 121

Nickerson, Joel 185

Nickerson, Jonathon 177

Nicotra, Ann a 177

Nicotra, David 177

Nino, Juan 111,188

Nixon, Misti 155

Noble, Bryan 177

Noble, Ryan 177

Nohe, Tyler 177

Norman , Deborah 177

Norris, David 155

Norton, Dennis 155

Novakowski, Sarah 83, 177

Nursing 22,60,82,83

Nutt, Amand a 155

Nwobodo , Diai 177

Nyholt, Laura 111

oOakley, Steven 107

Oates, Brandon 4 4

Obama , President Barack 25, 166

O'Brien, John 177

Odegaard, Kryst 4 3

Odell, Joshua 177


OfficeofPoliceComplaints 77

OfficeofUniversityAdvancement 95

Ohman , Kyle 130,131

Okereke, Precious 36

Oldham, Katelyn 186

Oldham, Katie 93

OldTimeGospelHour 65

Olesen, Dana 155

Olive Garden 197

Olivie, Rachele 177

Olson, Devon 237

O'Neal, Christi 177

O'Neal, Melissa 177

O'Neal, Robert 155

Ontario,Canada 125

Open Dorms 93

OptionLU 94,185

Orange, Michelle 177

Orticelli, Barbara 155

Osborne, Richard and Karin 23

Osborne Stadium 23

Ospina, Juliana 54

222 C O en .s > E NationalCollegiatePaintballAssociation 117 NationalSHRM Conference&Exposition

Ostrom,Andrew 120

Ostrom,Kathleen 51, 177 210, 211

Ott,Jason 48,212 213

Otto Michelle 67,177

Outstanding ParentEssay 8

Overbey,Andrew 188

Overbey,Kati 72

Overhultz,Taylor 177

Owen, Maria 111

Owusu-Duah, Annie 83

Pettit,Steve 192

Pfeiffer, Shannon 155

Phelps-Hammonds,Cynthia Mariea 155

Philpott,Ria 179

Photojournalism 61

PhotoScene 60

Picanco,Fabricio 179

Pickenpaugh,Sara 155

Pickle David 179

Pick,Micah 186

Piennette,Karli 155

Pierce,Emily 179

Pikarsky,David 179

Piner,Heath 179

Pinkham, David 44

Pinto,Scott 179

Ramirez Lindsey 41, 179

Ramoodit,Candesi 155

Rampage 142

Rankin,Jessica 78

Ratcliff, James 179

Rattee,Barbara 155

Raush,Emily 179

Ray,Kimberly 49

Ready,Joel 179

Reagan Brian 155

Reber-Thomas DiningHall 84,85

Rebert,Tim 179

Red Cross 15

Reece Kelly 61,101,179,188

Reeder,Andrea 155

Reed,Shunie 155

Reels,Melanie 155

Rehrer,Aaron 166

PPacella, Brittany 137

Padden,Mark 177

Paik, Nana 78, 83

Paintball 117,142,164

Palmer,Harvey 155

Palmer,Johnnie 155

Palmer, Warrick 177

Pamplin,Anthony 50

Panic 142

Pantaelo, Joey 109

Pantoja, Jennifer 177

Pantoia,Stephanie 177

PaperNapkin Photo 60

Papua New Guinea 58

Paradeof Nations 55

Parfitt, Andrew 188

Park AvenueBaptistChurch 192

Park, Cameron 33

Parker, Andi 177

Parker,Brittany 177

Parker, Travis 155

Park,SeiJun 177

Park, Seoung Min Terry 185

Park, Sungmin 177

Parsons,Andrew 177

Patten, Amanda 31

Patterson,Andrew 84,179

Patton,David 155

Patz,Kaytelynn 179

Paultre, Yamilee 179

Pawlowskis,Nicole 117, 179,212, 213

Payne,Chelsea 155

Payne,Corbin 189

Payne,Elizabeth 170

PeaceCorps 76

PeaceMakers 31

Peaks,Jown 179

Peaksof Otter 41

Peaks ViewPark 72,128

Peavy Ana 179

Peavy,Caleb 179

Pecanha,Roberta 179

Pedroza,Christine 179

Pelletier, Joshua 109

Pender,Larry 155

Pendley,Nick 142

Penn,Larry 155

Pennsylvania 77

Pentoney,Rachel 179

Perdue,David 179

Perkins,Brad 70

Perkins, James 52,179

Perkins,Paul 155

Perpete,Aislynn 179

Persons,Gordon 59

Persson,Erica 62

Peru 76

Petersen,Eric 94

Peters,Jordan 179

Peters,Olivia 179

Peterson, Jeremy 189

Petnllo,Brittany 179

Pettit Christine 11 41,192

Pettit Sherrie 192

Pittman,Jennifer 41

Pittman,Jessica 155

Pittman,Liz 155

Pittman,Nancy 155

Pittman,Tameka 179

Pitts, Sharon 155

Pixley, Jessica 179

Pizza Hut 85

Plain WhiteTee's142

Playstation2 50

Playstation 3 50

Plumback,Allie 179

Pogue, Brandon 155

Poorbaugh,Nathan 179

Poore,Dave 34 100,179,210, 211

Porte-De-Paix, Haiti 52

Porter, Chad 109

Porter,Sarah 72

Portraz,Kelsey 179

Pos, Ty 155

Potecha,Jamie 91

Prasanna,Baidya 179

Presko,Katrina 155

Pretty, Tommy 109

Price,Kendra 179

Primous, Izabia 155

Prinsloo,Ryno 184

PrivacyAct 76

Proctor,Bryceton 179

Professor Edman 87

Professors 88

Pro-Life 63

Propps,Erica 43

Pruette,Ben 179

Pruitt,Braxton 179

Pryfogle,Pamela 155

Purvis,Jacob 128

Purvis Joseph 35

Putnam, Hayley 179

Pyles,Tim 179

Reichert,Sarah 179

Remember the Titans51

Rempel, Earl 155

Rempel,Jannell 155

Rendal,Allen 179

Respass,Charmaine 155

Revell,Nate 179

Revis,Amy 46, 90

Reynolds,Eric 179

Reynolds,Josh 179

Reynolds,Paul 89

Rezende,Fernanda 179

Ribeiro,Jairo 155

Richardson,Allison-Marie 155

Richardson,Janice 155

Richardson,Josh 139

Rich-Fiddler,Rebecca 155

Richie III Joseph Jose 155

Rickwald,Jackie 237

Rickwald,Julianna 238

Riddick,Todd 75

Riggs,Tina 46

Riley, Amanda 179

Riley, Caitlyn 111

Ringi,Megan 179

Riordan,Kristen 124,179,238

Rippy,Kristin 35

Riso,Rafael 112

Ritchie,Robert F 88

Ritter, Benjamin 179

Rivera, Candace 82

Rivera,Candice 196

Rivera,Stephanie 179

Roanoke,Virginia 119

Robbms, Alicia 50,109

Roberts,Adriane 238

Roberts,Darren 35

Robi,Beth 184. 239

Robinson,Allen 155

Robinson Calvin Grant 179

Robinson,Kelly 179

Rocco Christopher 81,178, 179

Rocco,Coach Danny 81, 122, 181

Roccotown 181

Rockafellow,Garret 89

Rockafellow,Garrett 179

Rockafellow,Lauren 179

Rockson,Akintayo 179

Rood Courtney 141

Roop, Brandon 70

Roper Megan 179

Rosas,Christian 76

Rosas Dr Julio 76

Rose Brent 179

Rosen,Sonya 155

Rosey,Jessica 43

Rosier,Barbara 155

Ross,Art 155

Ross,Dr Marcus 75

Ross,Shenice 179


Roth,Lauren 179

Rowe, Zech 179 186

Rowland, Karen 155

Rowlette Dr Kenny 26

Roy Esther 34 53,179

Rukes,Todd 47.186

Rumble, Summer 179

Run for TheirLives 105

Running to You 31

Rushing,Buddy 31, 179

Russo,Jacob 179

Russo,Rachel 179


Rutland,Kyle 179

Rutledge,Sean 179

Ryser,Kristin 155

Ryu,Ho Young 179


sSagaard,Julie 179

Sagan, Noel 83,166

Salisbury,Hannah 65

Saint-Ange,Dieuseul 180

Salisbury,Hannah 93,180

Sallee,Jonathan 184

SalvationArmy 148

Sampson, Kandi 155

Samson Sarah 180

Sana'a,Republic of Yemen 53

Sanchez,Anthony 180

Sanders Donald 180

Sanders,Jesse 62,131

Sanders,Kirstyn 137

Sanders,Nakisha 155

Sandling,Justin 48

Santaniello, Alexander 180

Santiago,Luz E 149,155

Santos,Anderson 180

Santos,Luiz 180

Sarpong,Evelyn 156

Saunders Betty 24, 32

Saxon,Gayle 180

Saxon, Nathan 180

Scales,Allison 90

S Carter Studios 60

Schaefer,Stephens 238

Schallmo,Sarahann 180

Schellenger,Bryan 180

QQuarles,Will 120

Quesenberry, Devin 75.179

Quesenberry,Stuart 36

Quinn,Joeseph 43

Quinn,Scott 155

Quito, Ecuador 52

Rockson,Dele 179

Rodrigues,Nara 179

Rogers,Amber 141

Rogers,Jake 189

Rogers,Jerry 155

Roget, Rachel 179

Roland,Alexander 197

Roller, Amy 119

Rollins, Abby 188

Rollins, Lydia 179

Rollins Mary 155

Rollins,Megan 179

Rollo Walter W 157

Schempp, Elise 186

Schlaudt Jeffrey 188

Schlaudt,John 180, 204

Schonta,Kaitlyn 50, 104

Schoolof Aeronautics 27

SchoolofLaw 27

Schultz,Dr Roger 88

Schultz.Jael 68

Schultz,Rachel 74,180, 204

Sciola Matt 180

Scott Catherine 180

Scott Christopher 180

Scott.Grace 180

RRader,Feltman 155

Ragsdale Grant 47

Rai,Janna Barber 62

Romano, Dan 39.128,179

Ronaldo,Christiano 110

Scott,Jeff 156

Scott,Melinda 180

Scott-Thomas,Sandra 156

Scripko,Nicki 136,137

Seaman, Sarah 22

Seaton.Delia 180

Sebastian,Evan 181

Secrist Rachel 180

Seligman,Charles 156

Seminary 27

Seniar, John 50

Seoul,South Korea 53

September 11th 193

SereneCreekRun RidingCenter 117

Serrano,Joshua 33

Sharber,Shanna 180

Sharp,Brandon 186

Sharpe,Chandler 180

Shaver,Jamerson 78

Shaw,Grace 180

Sheldon,Sarah 180

Shellenberger,Jacob 117

Shepard,Katherine 180

Sherpa,Tshering 82

Sherret,David 91,180

Sherret,Oliver 52,67,98,100,101.180

Shetterly,Lanisa 180

Shi,Dorothy 67

Shin,Han Na 180

Shin,Hyun Suk 180

Shin,Hyun U 180

Shipps,Ben 81,180

Shippy,Jennifer 180

Shive,Richard 180

Short,Madison 111

Shrestha,Maya 54, 82

Societyfor Human ResourceManagement72,73

Shull,Mindy 180

Siete,Jennifer 156

Sigfried,Elisha 156

Sigma TauDeltaInternationalEnglishHonorSociety 72

Sigstad,Philip 156

Silcox, Wilhelm 180

Silver, Mandy 180

Silvia, Sandra 180

Simmons-Beauchamp, Katrina 156

Simmons, Sonja 156

Simone Traci 120,180

Simonetti,Anthony 180

Simpson,Chad 112,113,180

Sims, Melanie 180

Sims, Patrick 180

Sims,Savannah 180

Sims,Veornita 156

Sinclair, Adrian 156

Sinclair, Sushanne 180

Siner, Jacob 180

Singapore, Asia 58

Singleton,Diedre 180

Singleton.Jacob 128,180

Singleton, Joe 156 Skype 50

Sloan,Angela 156

Smith,Aaron 93

Smith,Amanda 50, 180

Smith,Anrick 156

Smith,Anwar 184

Smith,Brock 122

Smith,Camille 180

Smith,Catherine 41

Smith,Crimson 180

Smith,Devon 180

Smith,Emily 143

Smith,Jessica 180

Smith,Joe 125,156,180

Smith,Patti 127

Smith Sharayah 180

Smith,Steve 187

Smith,Susan 156

Smith,Tim 69

Smith,Todd 22

Smith,Zachary 180


Snead, Dr David 88

Snow Days 78

Snowflex 22,25,38,79,191

Snowflex Center 38

Snowstorms in Lynchburg 26

Snyder,Kelly 180

Snyder,Sterling 50

SOAR 116,132

Soberal,Jennifer 156

Soccer 23,110,142

Soccer, Men's 128,159

Soccer, Women's 159

Socheatha Jim 130

Sodexho 84,181

Softball 140,163


Son,Joseph 109

Sorber,Josh 186

Sorie, Tyler 186

Soule,Matt 180

Seoul,South Korea 53,60

Sowers Zachary 44


Spalholz Sarah 180,186

Sparks,Allen 123, 181

Sparky 185

Spence,Heide 156

Spence,Joshua 180

Spencer,Parker 105

Spencer-White, Sandra 147, 156

Spicer, Jordan 93, 186

Spille, Kyle 180, 199

Spirit of theMountain 45

SpiritRock 35

SpiritualEmphasisWeek 25

Spitzer,Aimee 180

SportsReference 158,162,164

Sports Training 184

Spruel,Roderick 104

Squire,Crystal 156

Stabby,Svein 41

Stadler,Alex 120

Stadler, Cathy 120

Stadtlander,Josh 188

Stafford,Ronald 156

Stainback,Benjamin 128

Stallard,Ben 116

Stanaway, Kayleigh 238

Stanley Michelle 180

Stanton,Paul 156

Stanton,Sandra 156

Starbucks 22

Statile, Davina 185

Stayt, Tristan 112, 164, 130

Steele Dave 88

Stein, Ben 236

Steltz,David 156

Stephens,Albany 180

Stepp,Glenn 180

Steuart,Cody 180

Stewart-Gayle,Joan 156

Stewart,Laura 180

Steyn,Louis 113

Stidham Michael 86

Stine Esther 180

Stinger,Matt 180

Stith, Tyrus 156

Stockman,Janice 156

Stoepker,Emily 112, 136 180

Stoker,Matthew 188

Stokes,Sadie 180

Storrs Jr., Craig 180

Strain,Nicole 180

Strategic Intelligence 77

Straub Don 156

Streeter,Ronald 180

Strickland Kenneth 180

Strole,Kelsey 156

Strom, Katrina 180

Stryker,Roxanne 156

Stuart,Catherine 180

Student Activities41

StudentConduct Office 181

Student Government Association 30

Student Life Shorts 30

Students 166,168,170,172,174,176,178, 180,182

StudioArt 60

Stump, Elizabeth 180

Sturgill, Megan 156

Styer,Bonnie 180

Sub Connection 85

Subway 37.41

Sullivan,Matthew 156

Sullivan,Sara 184

Sundheim Jeff 136

Supernaw, Andrew 30

Suprenor Sr„ Antoine 156

Surratt, Jordan 182

Sutton,Adam 182

Sutton,Amy 182

Sutton,Lauren 186

Suzano,Dr Armenio 48

Swanson, Hannah 67,238

Swanson, Shane 128

Swartz,Josh 7,182

Swayze, Patrick 26

Swimming 114,117

Swine Flu189

Swope, Kristen 188

Sydney, Australia 53

Symons, Becka 35

Synchronized SkatingTeam 124,164

Thomas, Lauren Danielle 156

Thomas Road BaptistChurch 65

Thomas, Talmadge 156

Thompson, Barry 156

Thompson, Chelsea 182

Thompson, Claudia 156

Thompson, Daniel 182

Thompson, Danielle 184

Thompson, Denese 156

Thompson Joseph 8

Thompson, Taylor 8, 182

Thompson, Theresa 8

Thomsen, Mariel 156

Thorensen,Kris 156

Thorpe Matt 182

Thorton,Adair Ruth 50

Tillett, Josiah 182

Tillett, Rebecca 156

Tilley Student Center 30,31,47,91

Tilstra, Seth 156

Tobias,Ben 136

Tollie, Carrie 182

Tolsma,Brant 105

Tomlin,Judy 22

Tommy Hilfiger 67

Tompkins,Alex 182

Tookes,Edward 182

Torales, Jaime 182

Torisu,Naoko 156

Toronto, Canada 52

Torres,Sarah 186

Touched By AnAngel 51

Towns Dr Elmer 88,93

Townsend, Brent 156

Towns Katie 79

Tozer, A.W 190

Trackand Field 23,104,105,163

Tranchesi,Giovanna 182

Transportation 74

Travis, Joseph 111

Traxler, Christian 188

Trehan,Heather 156


TTacaraya,Joanna 182

Tack,David 156

Taekwondo 106,107,172


Tainter,Heather 182

Talbert,Danielle 74,182

Talley, Melinda 156

Tankard,Jennifer 182

Tankard Perry 47

Tanner,Bethany 182

Tantimoni,Joseph 182

Tarango Diana Farmer 151

Tate,Jordan 186

Tate,Josh 188

Taylor,Ben 182

Taylor, Joel 182

Taylor, Justin 182

Taylor,Scott 30

Taylor Thad 111

Tennis 23,112

Tennis, Men's158

Tennis, Women's 159

Terenyi.Joseph 182

Terry,Isaac 182

Teufel,Shawn 141

Thailand 11

Thanksgiving 93

The Bachelor51

The BiggestLoser 37

The Fostered 46

The Muse 41


TheSimpsons 51

TheThesis Ambassador 47

Thomas. Bryan 38

Thomas Glen 23

Thomas IndoorSoccerCenter 23

Trinidad and Tobago 169

Troyer, Adam 182

Troyer,Denise 182

Tucker,Ashley 182

Tucker,Christy 182

Tucker,Joshua 69

Tucker,Ralph 156

Tuley,Neal 182, 238

Tuning Bryan 182

Tuning William 182

Turkey Bowl 27

Turner,Anthony 156

Turner,Patricia 156

Turner,Rebekah Frances 93

Turner,Tyler 182

Turner,Zan 156

Tusing,Casaundra 156


Tweedy Jean 88

Twilight: NewMoon 51

Twitter 50

Typography Professor 86

U.S GeologicalSurvey 27

U.S Secretary of theTreasury 77

Utley,Valencia 156

VVagueiro,Joshua 187

Valdes,Tracy 157

Valek Erika 54

Valencia, Venezuela 52

Valentine,Shannon 27

Vanderpool, Megan 182

Vandiver,Winter 157

Van Gogh 68

Van Halteren,Matt 35

Van Kampen, Abi 41

Vannoy, Lesley 67

Varson,Amy 157

Vassar,Kathryn 182

Vaughan, George 157

Vereen,Susan 157

Verghese, Rachel 182

Vernon,Timothy 33

Via,Derek 44, 45

Vickers,Julie 182

Vidale-Plaza,Dominique 169

VillageofHope 4

Villa, Meghan Dalla 170

VinesCenter 23,90,91,130,133

VirginiaChristmasSpectacular 93

VirginiaStateHuman Resources [HR]

Games 73

Visnovsky,Matthew 182

VisualCommunication Arts 22,69

Vivala Vida 142

Volger,Hope 186

Volkswagen,Terry 200

Volleyball 136,137,158

Vooys Jason 38 182

Vorberger,Wesley 182

Uganda 4,7

uUkwuani Tim 91,182

Unger Megan 182

United Nations190

United StatesAirForce 70

United StatesFederalGovernment 72

UP 51

Upchurch,Joshua 156

U.S Army 123

wWaddell, Joey 175

Waddell, Tara 182

Wagner Tommy 182

Wakefield,Kelly 49,182

Wakeley,Bethany 114, 117

Wakeley, Jonathan 182

Waldron,Bjorn 182

Waldvogel,Mary 157

Walker,Brandon 157

Walker,Brianna 182

Walker, Finley 128,182

Walker, Sarah 35

Walker, Theresa 82

Wal-Mart 37

Walsh, Julie 71

Walten,Rachel 182

Walton,Nathan 182

Wamsley Alicia 182

Ward David 182

Wardlaw Gary 182

Ward,Myrtle 148,157

Wards Road 41

Warley,Avery 133

Warrington Katie 140

Washabaugh Lindsay 41.182,210, 211

Washington, D.C 30,76, 77, 87

Washington, Nicole 183

Washington Redskins 77

WashingtonSemester 76

Waterstone 191

Watkins-Covington,Nakita 157

Watson,Anna 157

Watson,Jamie 105

Watson,Miriam 157

Watson,Paul 187

Watson-Smith,Denise 157

Watson,Sylvester 157

Watters,Christ 129

Webb, Andrew 157

Webb,Taylor 62

Webster, Jonathan 183

Webster,Lauren 183

Weeks,Zach 183

Weingartner,Maggie 112

Weir,Myranda 183

Welch,Dorothy 157

Welch,Kelley 67

Welch,Lance 188

Welch,T. Elliot 95

Wells, Zach 183

Weme, Brent 157

Wendricks, Jerry 183, 185

Wenger,Douglas 157

We Remain 91

Weston,Aaron 183

Wetherill, Chelsea 48, 91

Wetmore,Paul 140

Wheeler,Kara 183

Wheeler, Marianne 183

Whetstone, Jason 157

Whitaker, Ashton 109

White, Aaron 183, 199

White, Annette 58, 59

White Hart 41

White,Maria 157

White Philip 58, 59, 183

Whitfield, Joseph 157

Whitney-Levesque,Tamera 157

Whitted Danielle 77

Whittingstall, Brad 125.127

Who Wants To BeA Millionaire 51

Wieland,Rita 105

Wiele Kaleb Vander 77

Wiersma,Marcus 183

Wiersma,Rick 183

Wietholter, Jeffrey 188

Wii 50

Wilbanks,Brittany 183

Wilkerson, Lacey 48

Willard, Erin 183

Willhite, Andrew 183

Williams, Andrea 157

Williams, Christina 157

Williams, Jacob 183

Williams, Jonathan 183

Williams, Joshua 183

Williams, Katelyn 183

Williams Kathryn 183

Williams, Mark 183

Williams, Michael 183

Williams, Sheila 157

Williams Stadium 44,119,237

William Steven 183

Wilson, Abby 85, 93

Wilson,Hollie 183

Wilson Holly 199

Wilson, Stephanie 157

Wilson, Susie 157

Wilson, Taccarro 157

Wimmer,Trey 141

Win-A-DatewiththeFalwell'sFundraiser 62

Windham, Sherry 157

Windsor,Neil 183

Winger,Michael 183

Winn,Heather 183

Winokurzew,Lindsay 32

Wittingstall, Brad 125

Woamack, Clayton 33

Women's Wear Daily 67


Wong,Chin Woon 157

Wong, Christopher 183,195

Woodard, Dana 184

Woodard Jr., Willie 183

Woodbridge,Geren 23,165, 183

Wood, Jennifer 157

Wood, Josh 84

Woods Jonathan 183

Woodson,Grace 238

Wood, Susan 157

Woodward,Joe 183

WorshipOrchestra 48

Wrape,Michael 183

Wrestling 108,109,158

Wright, Austin 188

Wright,Charles 186

Wright,Christine 157

Wright,Joseph 183

Wright,Michael 157

Wright, Trudy 157

Wu, Darren 157

Wyatt,Rodney 157

XBox 50

X Box360 50

X-Men 51

YYau,Kimberly 184

Yoder,Mollie 95

YojiShinkawa 68

Yonts, Tim 181

Yonts, Timothy 118

Yoo,Bong Hyun 183

Yoon,Hee Ju 183

Young,Alison 88

Young,Allison 157

Youngblood,Kathryn 183

Young,Christianne 157

Young,Dave 27

Young,Meredith 183

Young,Michael 157

Young,Niki 157

Yousaf,Mamoona 53

Yowell,Dan 119,183

Yun,Hyekyung 185

zZacapa, Guatemala 175

Zachariah, John 157

Zachary,Sarah 183

Zaloom,Laura 183

Zappitella Mike 142

Zeitler, Liz 183

Zelaya Manuel 24

Zenon,David 183 201

Ziegenhorn Luke 183

Zifcak, John 157

Zimmerman,Kevin 183

Zimmermann,Anne 183

Zing,Ngun Sui 55

Zook Benjamin 183

Zosh,Melinda 30,65

Zuniga,Robert 157

Special Thanks To: Steve Kent forproviding creativeinspiration and guidance aswellasyour investment intoour program /students who shared theirfirsthand accounts ofministry and life experiences You communicated Form betterthan any ofuscould have otherwise/ Mark Plylerand theHerffJones production crew /Ann and Paul- for creative insightduring Form'sconceptual development /Sabrena CarterDeal - for your eagerness tohelpwith photo submissions/ Momma T - for your comedic relief and your Betty Crocker baking abilities! / Kathleen'sneon pink post-itnotes/ Rachel Shultz- forleaving us Justkidding Seriously though we missyou and were sad toseeyou go.Can we buy a granolabar? / Jordan Dunn - foryour printing abilities and Prada purchases Surf'sup! / The mouse ("awww Jeremy"-Mr Ott) and toMr Poore forcleaning up the mess /Chewy granola bars- forbeing a reliablefood source during crunch times/Barney'sNew York - Your 7thfloorbook section served asthe initial inspirationforourcover/marker boards - you helped keep usorganized, clarified, and ready foraction/ Quirky grad lists /the running quote board thathelped us laugh and recallgood times/Grotta Azzurra Restaurant, LittleItaly, NYC - forbecoming a Selah staff tradition/ Barnes and Noble & StarbucksCafe - forlattes, lunchesand forworking with us in our photo week promotions/episodesoftheoffice, NCIS, and Modern Family - you kept us laughing....ifonly toourselves/ Panera - forcinnamon crunch bagels with hazelnut cream cheese/Tazo teas- justbecause/ HelloKittyand purpleeverything - You know who you are/yerd Flair, bobble head pens, and atreeall courtesy ofHerffJones/ Brett'scouch / 35mm film/ fixed canon lenses/celebrity sightingsinNYC - you brought the kidout insome ofus....andthecrazy talkin others/the ideaofbrand new officechairsand tables- you allowed ustodream /Jess's freshand fly wardrobe/Lindsay's organizational genius/ Nicole- formultipleepisodes ofmelodrama that kept usasking formore /Carrie'sgoodie bags/The YaffaCafe/Delta Airlines /all Good-willand thriftstoresthatprovided uswithridiculous and laughable holiday sweaters/twinklelightnecklaces/ Ledo('s) pizza - thanks forthefreemedium!/Jordan'sscarfsupplier/Mahalia -for the "spare pot"/ All of the above helped to make this year and this publication possible.

LastName, FirstName

Abildness, Timothy

Abraham, Steven

Ackley, Melissa

Acree, Elizabeth

Adams, Cameron

Adams, Felicia

Adams, Kelsey

Adams, Terry

Ahier, Kylie

Ahn, Ye Rae

Alape, Corinne

Albury, John

Aldridge, Michael

Alexander, Jessica

Al-Hada, AN

AH, Ezra

Allen, Ashley

Allen, Derek

Allen, Jacob

Allen-Cervantes, Korrin

Alsbrook, Blythe

Alvey, Dominic

Amoss, Sarah

Ampah , Emmanuel

Ancheril, Allen

Anderson, Nia

Andres, Diane

Andrews, James

Andrews, Madison

Anspach, Benjamin

Anthony, Brooke

Anwyll, Rebekah

Appleton, Annestacia

Arce, Mary Grace

Armstrong, Daniel

Ascencio, Rebecca

Asfour, David

Ashmead, Amand a

Aubrey, David

Aucott, Christine

Ayala, Karen

Ayendi, Ukong-lkwen

Azu, Marcia

Backman, Jesse

Baker, Amand a

Baker, Leslie

Baker, Sabrina

Ball, Cecily

Ball, Jennifer

Barber, Alicia

Barber, Chelsey

Barbosa, Guilherme

Barclay, Brittany

Barker, Rachel

Barks, Kelly

Barnard, Katherine

Barner, Bethany

Barnett, Jonathan

Barney, Allison

Barney, Crissy

Barnish, Julie

Barnwell, Ashley

Barnwell, Lloyd

Baroch, Matthew

Barr, Amand a Barr, Shannon

Barylski, Alexandra

Bates, David

Bates, Jessica

Batson, Anna

Battle, Brittany

Battle, Donnie

Baughman, Jessica

Baxter, Dean

Bayly, Jessica

Beasley, Aaron

Beaton, Thomas

Beck, Ashley

Becknell, Jessica

Beckwith, Lacey

Beer, Garrett

Bell, Joshua

Benson, Sarah

Berg, Jenna

Berkland, Joshua

Bernal, Ryan

Bernhardt, Samuel

Berry, Benjamin

Betts, Melissa

Bickerstaff-Borden, Kristin

Biggs, Brittany

Bilger, Janice

Billet, Jesse

Billett, Joseph

Bilton, Matthew

Bindu, Tafadzwa

Birdsall, Lauren

Bishop, Lewis

Bissell, Sarah

Blackburn, Bradley

Blackburn, Ryan

Blackstone, Rachel

Blades, Shelley

Blaine, Joshua

Blankenship, Noelle

Blankenship, Timothy

Blanzy, Sarah

Bledsoe, Julia

Blizzard, Gary

Blosser, Ada m

Blunt, Emily

Blusher, Katherine

Boafo, Amm a

Boice, Stephen

Boiling, Brittany

Booth, Sarah

Boquist, Patricia

Boris, Kevin

Bortz, Molly

Bosch, Branden

Boswell, Sharmanay

Botzenhart, Lindsay

Boucher, Marc

Bower, Lindsay

Bowers, Whitney

Bowie, Michell

Bowlds, Samone

Bowling, Heather

Bowman , Andrew

Bowman , Jessica

Boyce, Brittany

Boyd, Am y

Bradley, Ada m

Brantley, Nicholas

Bream, Alexandria

Brennan, Cecilia

Brewer, Bethany

Bridwell, Lindsey

Bringham, Danielle

Brinkley, Erin

Bristow, Daniel

Broadwater, April

Brodin, Amand a

Brooks, Anastasia

Brooks, Elbert

Brotzman, Philip

Brower, Stephen

Brown, Amand a

Brown, Danai

Brown, Eddie

Brown, Justin

Brown, Kendall

Brown, Michael

Brown, Stephanie

Browning, Janet

Bruns, Jackie

Brush, Meridith

Bryan, Rachel

Bryant, Lauren

Bu, Sukey

Buchanan, Briana

Bull, Natesha

Bullock, Jonathan

Burks, Tiffany

Burroughs, Wesley

Burrows, Shalie

Burruss, Alexander

Burton, Bethany

Bussiere, James

Butler, Nia

Bwondara, Shelton

Byers, Jesse

Byers, Mary

Caldwell, Anna

Callis, Elizabeth

Caminiti, Christiana

Camire, Matthew

228 a ° o U < o o

Campanella, Brittni

Campbell, Elizabeth

Campbell, Lutesha

Campbell, Tiffany


Cappell, Ashley

Captari, Dorel

Carbee, Joseph

Carlson, Nicole

Carraway, Dayne

Carroll, Sarah

Carter, Eric

Carter, Javan

Carwile, Morgan Case, Aaron

Cash, Charles

Cerny, Axel

Chambers, Anita

Chapman, Joanna

Chapman, Mandy

Chappell, Courtney

Chappell, Sarah

Charles, Brunell

Cheek, Wesley

Cheers, Robert

Chen, Jordan

Chesser, Kyle

Chesson, Blair

Chestnut, Rachel

Cheung, Jonathan

Chilcote, Laura

Childers, Jacob

Chin, Tze Khian

Chiumento, Geoffrey Cho, Eunsaem

Christensen, Joshua

Christian, Shirlon

Chung, Dong Jun

Claar, Jeffrey

Clark, Courtney

Clark, Faith

Clark, Kristina

Clark, Philip

Claudio, Andres

Clay, Justen

Cleves, Yesenia

Clifton, Cassandra

Clingenpeel, Annemarie

Clingenpeel, David

Clinton, Carrie

Clum, Mathew

Coffey, Sarah

Colbert, Giselle

Cole, Wesley

Coleman, Kevin

Coleman, Lauren

Coleman, Rebecca

Collins, Hope

Collins, Jessica

Collins, Rachel

Colon, Maria Conboy, Christopher Conner, Zebulun Cook, Colleen Cooley, Jacob

Coombs, Janai Coomer, David Cooper, Michael Cope, Nicholas Corbin, Kallie Corbin, Stephanie Cornell, Katie Corson, Joel Coss, Brian Covert, Joshua Cramer, Erica Crandall, Catherine

Crane, William Crawford, Alyssa

Crawford, Amand a Creek, Thomas Crews, Jennifer

Crews, Jennifer

Crews, Mary Cribb, Anna

Crisp, Brandon

Critcher, Adina Crockett, Brianna

Crosby, Grace Crossman, Shauna Cruickshank, Kasey

Crump, Stacy Crutchfield, Katherine

Culkin, Charles Culp, David

Culpepper, Kelsie

Cummings, Cimberly

Cupit, Christy

Curll, Brett

Current, Jonathan Cvach, Lisa

Cyphers, Jaclyn

Cypress, Chaun Cyrus, Kelly

Dace, Justin

Daggett, Sarah

Dalla Villa, Meghan

Dalton, Brittany

Dalton, River

Daly, Thomas

D'Amico, Danielle

Dantas, Talita

Daves, Melanie Davis, Austin

Davis, John

Davis, Rebekah

Dawson, Robert Deaton, Christopher Dechent, Sidney

Deerman, Jonathan Defosse, Emily Deilus, Michael Deitt, David DeLange, Jeremy Delay, Jordan Delfino, Rachel Dellinger, Erin Delp, Joshua Demarco, Krista Dennis, Joseph Denton, Am y DePugh, Natalie DeQuoy, Michelle DiCaro, Leah

DiCesare, Michael Dick, Emily Dickson, Jeffrey Dickson, JoAnna Dieter, Emily DiGia, Brian Dillard, Stephanie Dobler, Galyn Dodgson, Kyle Doll, Daniel

Dollar, Andrew

Dollar-Crawford, Rhianna

Donawho, Amand a Donnelly, Kelly Dooling, Christine Dotson, Kimberly Douglas, Danielle Downie, Helen

Drinkard, Nichole Dubberke, Ambe r Dubie, David Dudley, Travis Duff, Jazzmin Duff, Megan Dufft, Audrey Dugan, Colin Dunay, Stephanie Dunbar, Brittany

Dunham, Rache

Dunn, Jordan

Duquette, Nicolle

Durner, Neil

Durocher, Daniel

Earl, Shae

Easterbrook, Chelsea

Eaton, Kathryn

Echerd, Anna

Eckert, Daniel

Eckert Todd

Edmonds, Joshua

Edwards, Jessica

Edwards, Melissa

Edwards, Nathan

Edwards, Tara

Eggleston, Charles

Ehrig, Stacie

Einbrod, Kristine

Elliott, David

Elliott, Laura

Ellis, Ryan

Ellsworth, Lauren

Elmore, Evan

Eng, Regina

Engebretson, Justina

Engstrom, Kelsey

Ephraim, Kristen

Ericsson, Jonathan

Eriksen, Tiffany

Ervin, Cassandra

Eskridge, Ashley

Esparra, Jose

Espinoza, Kristy

Estruch, Michelle

Everson, Katie

Faber, Patricia

Facchiano, Joseph

Faidley, Laura

Farrokh, Tanya

Farrow, Shafaa

Feagan, Laura

Felton, Christina

Felton, Colby

Few, Quintin

Fickter, Kettie

Fico, Shaunna

Field, Daniel

Field, Mary

Fielding, Brian

Fierro, Danielle

Figueredo, Daniel

Finch, Eric

Fink, Sheridan

Finkhousen, Aaron

Fitzgerald, Jacqueline

Fitzpatrick, Sarah

Fleury, Veronica

Flint, Ryan

Flowers, Britney

Flynn, Rachel

Fortin, Chelsey

Fortner, Amand a

Foss, Joanna

Foster, Matthew

Foust, Cameron

Fowler, Emily

Fox, Sarah

Foxwell, David

Frable, Tyler

Frailey, Krystal

Frame, Nancy

Frangos, Alexis

Frazee, Molly

Freeman, Chenoa

Freeman, Saquoia

Freitas, Kimberly

French, Kathleen

French, Parker

Friddle, Collins

Friddle, Rebecca

Fritz, Erica

Frye, Christie

Fulcher, Justin

Furman, Sarah

Fusco, Natalie

Galloway, Gregory

Gant, Joshua

Garrett, Ross

Geddes, Matthew

George, Nicholas

Gibbons, Christy

Gierer, Ava

Giles, Naomi

Gillespie, William

Gilmore, Elizabeth

Gimson, Michelle

Giuliano, Gregory

Glass, Anthony

Gleason, Janine

Goad, Doretha

Godsil, John

Godwin, Douglas

Goodale, Jo Ellen

Goodier, Carmen

Gordon, Elaine

Gottier, Ryan

Gould, Evan

Gould, Kendra

Graham, Haylie

Graham, Joshua

Grajcar, Hollie

Grandstaff, Stephanie

Gravitte, Laura

Gray, Danie

Gray, Jamaal

Gray, Joshua

Green, Juliana

Green, Taunee

Gregor, Joshua

Gregory, Matthew

Greise, David

Gresh, Amand a

Gribbin, Julie

Grimes, Amand a

Griswold, Micah

Groff, Dwayne

Grubb, Wesley

Grubbs, Joshua

Guelzo, Jonah

Guenther, Jeffrey

Guerra, Amand a

Guetterman, Karisa

Gunter, Kelsea

Guzman, Juan


Hagler, Laura

Hale, Ashley Haley, Ejaye

Hall, Wesley Halls, Kenda Halpin, Abigail Ham, Kenneth Ham, Kristel

Hamilton, Nicole Hamilton, Susan Hamlin, Brittany Hamlin, Melissa Hammack, Carolyn Hammond , Rachel Hammons , Stephanie Hampton, Courtney Hancock, Emily Handon, Benjamin Hardin, Bill Hardy, Robert Harlow, David Harpool, Rachel Harr, Amelia Harris, Mathew Harrison, Amand a Harrison, Amand a Harrison, Cynthia Hart, Michael Hartman, Matthew Hartman, Rachael Hartman, Timothy Haseltine, Benjamin Hasselbeck, Joel Hasson, Ambe r Hastie, Brett Hatfield, Brandi Haug, Danielle Hawks, Rhonda Hayden, Daniel Hayes, Heather Heckman, Colby Hedrick, Mary Heinrich, Erica Helmick, Kristen Helms, John Helton, Richard Hendricks, Jeffrey Henning, Rebecca Henry, Mark Hernalsteen, Victoria Heroux, Angela

Heverly, Stephanie Hewitt, Rob Hewlett, Aaron Hight, Lindsey Hill, Aaron Hill, Jennifer Hilles, Jessica Hinkley, Alicia

Hoagland, Edwin Hockensmith, Matthew Hodel, Holly Hodges, Benjamin Hodupp, Sarah Hoff, Jenna

Hoffmann, Sara Hogan, Jenna Holland, Rachel Hollinger, Errol Holmes, Jennifer Holt, Katelyn Holt, Mylina

Hood-Ingle, Lauren Hopkins, Madeline Hoppe, Peter Horn, Corey Home , Jonathan House, Megan Houston, Travis

Houtz, Ryan

Hovis, Haley

Howell, Leo Howerton, Brian Huddleston, Alex

Hudson, Heather

Huff, Rebecca

Hughes, Stephanie

Humphries, Danielle Hundley, Nathaniel

Hunt, Am y Hunt, Emily Hunt, Leslie Hunter, Carmen Hursky, Nicholas

Hylton, Joshua Hypes, Shaun

lazzi, John

Inabnit, Jared

Innocenti, Sydney Iraggi, Anna

Irwin, Danielle

Isaac, Carrie Iskat, Jennifer Israel, Dustin Issler, Laura

Jackson, John

Jacobs, Danielle Jakes, Alicia James, Andrew James, Samantha

Jarman, Anthony

Jenkins, Sade

Jensen, Joanna

Jensen, Jonathan

Jensen, Kyle

Jensen, Steve

Jeremias, Justin Jerry, Kristina

Jimenez, Phillip

Joe, Jonte

Johns, Robert

Johnson, Casey

Johnson, Elijah

Johnson, Holly

Johnson, Jesse

Johnson, Krissy

Johnson, Kriston

Johnson, Rachael

Johnson, Ryan

Johnson, Tracy

Jones, Abbey

Jones, Alanna

Jones, Amand a

Jones, Britney

Jones, Evan

Jones, Jonathan

Jones, Kevin

Jones, Markie

Jones, Rachel

Jones, Rebecca

Jordan, Andrew

Jordan, Heather

Josephs, Jonathan

Julien, Careynard

Justice, Philip

Justis, Shannon

Kachhepati, Sneata

Kahmoreei, Jason

Kane, Nicole

Katz, Sean

Kaz, Rachel

Kearns, Andrew

Keaton, Jennifer

Keimig, Eli

Kellogg, Carissa

Kellogg, Doug

Kelly, Nathaniel

Kelly, Samantha

Kelshall, Natasha

Kennedy, Grace

Kerr, Jessica

Kessler, Bethany

Kessy, Doreen

Kiewit, Anna

Kilcrease, Thomas

Kim, Eun

Kim, Eun Ku

Kim, James


Kim, Sung Jin

Kimmey, James

King, Kyle

King, Matthew

Kingsley, Kelly

Kinzie, Tia

Kisoso, Josiah

Kling, James

Klinger, Am y

Klinger, Matthew

Knight, Michael

Knightly, Scott

Knowles, Allyshia

Kobischen, Jason

Koch, Jesse

Koester, Benjamin

Kolody, Amand a

Kortyna, Douglas

Kramer, Kavin

Kuckhahn, Mikaela

Kumar, Sunayna

Kurtz, Katrina

LaFevers, Lindsey

Lake, Rachel

LaLuna, Kristen

Lam, Bethany

Lance, Mark

Land, Amand a

Land, Jennifer

Landis, Spencer

Lanford, Kalie

Lang, Julian

Langford, Torri

Langley, Lauren

Lassiter, Kametra

Latham, Charles

Law, Andrew

Layman, Lauren

Leach, Megan

Leake, Jesse

Leaptrott, Elizabeth

Leary, Jessica

Lebel, Kelsey

Lee A e Ji

Lee, Dong Hee

Lee, Mi Bang

Lee, Seongmin

Leiva, Leonardo

Leivonen, Michelle

Lesley, Holly

Lesley, Kelly

Levesque, Kelly

Lewis, Collin

Lewis, Drew

Lewis, Lindsey

Liberto, Nicholas

LiDrazzah, Julian

Lidwin, Daniel

Lim, Yilang

Lindstrom, Ashley

Lintner, Beth

Linton, Sarah

Lippold, Alexandria

Lisko, Derek

Lockridge, Charles

Lockstampfor, Michael

Loehr, Cynthia

Loflin, Brittnee

Logan, Andrew

Long, Ada m

Long, Stephanie

Lopez, Rosanna

LoSasso, Jordan

Louie, Kerrie

Lovdal, Michael

Lovelace, Cortney

Lovett, Johannah

Lowe, Megan

Lowery, Daniel

Loyd, Mackenzie

Lu, Yang

Lucchini, Luis Alberto

Luetters, Rebekah

Lum, Katherine

Lumpkin, Aaron

Lundy, Jessica

Lutchmansingh, David

MacDonald, Scott

Macy, Rachel

Maczuga, Caitlin

Madero, Andrew

Maharg, Nathan

Mahorsky, Jason

Mahr, Daniel

Majors, Katie

Malchuk, Lawrence

Mama , Burhan

Mandara, Daniel

Mandell, Christopher

Maples, Emily

Marenco, Joshua

Marino, Michael

Marks, Ashley

Marple, Jonathan

Marsh, Alexander

Marsh, Jordan

Marsh, Kylie

Marsh, Zachary

Marshall, Helen

Marston, Brandon

Martin, Aaron

Martin, Alyssa

Martin, Anna

Martin, Christel

Martin, Felicia

Martinez, Daniel Mast, Caleb

Mateiciuc, Alexandra

Mathes, Mallary

Mattar, Mary

Matthews, Alexander

Matthews, Boniquea

Mavunga, Albert

Maxwell, Christopher

Mayer, Aimee

Mayhew, Elizabeth

Mays, Corey McBride, Rebecca

McCarty. Taylor

McColley, Nicholas McCoy, Corey McCready, David McCutcheon, Bridget McDonald, Christopher McDonald, Sarah McElroy, Jenna McElroy, Kristiana McGavisk, Daniel McGee, James McGovern, Samuel McGowan, David McGowen, Kylie

McKay, Abigail

McKenzie, Kara McKenzie, KarisJoy McKinney, Amand a McLeod, Rebekah McMillian, Julia McNair, Christopher McNiel, Joshua McQuigg, Benjamin McSherry, Hilari

Meadows, Laura Mechling, Jordan Meckley, Ashley Medlin, Amand a Medrano, Dennys

Melin, Heidi

Mellott, Daniel Meng, Aaron Mercado, Emily Merritt, Andrea

Messer, Christie

Messing, Alyssa Messmaker, Garrett Meyer, Joshua Mickler, Roseanne Mihelic, Matthew Mikels, Joanna

Miles, Matthew

Millard, Mary Elizabeth

Miller, Bethany

Miller, Christie Miller, Daniel Miller, Dustin

Miller, Nathan

Miller, Stefannie

Millner, Ebony

Mills, Daniel

Minsker, Ashley

Miranda, Ashley

Misenheimer, Ashley

Mitchell, Eric

Mitchell, Jesse

Mitchell, Justin

Mitchell, Katherine

Mohn, Jessica

Monroe, Elizabeth

Montgomery, William

Moore, Garrett

Moore, Jessica

Morales, Gisselle

Morawiec, Emily

Moreno, Justine

Moreno, Kristine

Moreno, Manuel

Morrett, Audrey

Morris, Christopher

Morris, Jason

Morris, Suzanne

Morrison, Ada m

Morton, Shannon

Mosier, Bryan

Motsenbocker, Jessica

Motture, Rachel

Moubray, Robert

Mucher, Jessica



Mullis, Brittney

Munkhgerel, Erdenechimeg

Musa, Collin

Musselman, Jessica

Mustian, Thomas

Mutisya, Maureen

Myers, Karis

Naff, Alena

Nagle, Lisa

Napieralski, Danielle

Naylor, Kedric

Neal, Cassie

Negron, Kenneth

Negroni, Melanie

Nelson, Alaina

Nelson, Erika

Nelson, Joel

Nelson, Joshua

Nest, Lauren

Nest, Sheldon

Nettekoven, Christina

Nguyen, Benjamin

Nichols, Lauren

Nickerson, Andrew

Nickles, Melissa

Nielsen, Jessica

Niemi, Sara

Nix, Katie

Noble, Joshua

Noble, Ryan

Noonan, Ashley

North, Dwayne

Northey, Katie

Nowottnick, Mary

Nwankwo. Lucy

Nyborg, Erika

O'Dell, Aaron

O'Donnell, Kyle

Ofori, Betina

Olivier, Rachele

Olsen, Isaac

Olson, Devin

Ornstein, Michael

Ortu, Peter

Orvek, Jared

Osborne, Andre w

Ostrom, Kathleen

Otto. Michelle

Overbey, Kathryn

Owus u Duah, Annie

Pace, Collins

Pagano, Michael

Painter, Stephanie

Pakay, Micah

Palmer, Jacqueline

Palmer, Jacqueline

Palmer, Kathryn

Palmer, Warrick

Palumbo, Jordan

Park, Jeffrey

Park, Sungmin

Parker, David

Parra, Carl

Parsons, Andre w

Partridge, Michael

Partridge, Rachel

Patterson, Andre w

Patterson, Heather

Paul, Courtney

Payne, Elizabeth

Payton, Sarah

Pead, Dustin

Peavy, An a

Peavy, Caleb

Peele, Lori

Pendley, Nicholas

Perdue, David

Perkinson, Erica

Perpete, Aislinn

Perry, Jesse

Peters, Stephen

Petersen, Joshua

Peterson, David

Peterson, Lindsey

Phelps, Jonathan

Philippon, Emilee

Phillips, Aaron

Phillips, Kenneth

Phillips, Mark

Phillips, Rebekah

Picanco, Fabricio

Pickle, David

Pierce, Andrea

Pierce, Briana

Pierce, David

Pierce, Jonathan

Pierre-Louis, Germain

Pincince, Lindsey

Pinelli, Michael

Pinkham, David

Piper, Heather

Pippin, Lyndsey

Pittman, Jennifer Pittman, Tamek a Pixley, Jessica

Pixomatis, Michael Plott, Maria

Pogue, Corinne Polarek, Janet Pollock, Russell

Poorbaugh, Nathan Poore, David

Porter, Christopher Porter, Craig Porter, Latasha

Powell, Clayton Powers, Rebekuh Prewitt, David Prins, Kirsten Prusak, Thoma s Purdy, Michelle Purvis, Jacob Pyle, Sarah

Quaranta, Anthony Quick, Ann a

Radtke, Heila Rainford, Donald Rainner, Shakera

Rakes, April Ramos , Fabiana Ratliff, Joshua Ready, Joel Rector, Ashleigh Reed, Christy Reed, Mega n Reeder, John Reginaldi, Constance Rehrer, Aaron Reichart, Sarah Reyes, Juan

Reynolds, Margaret Rhoades, Sandra Rhodes, Stephanie Rider, Jena Rider, Melissa Rider, Rose Ridge, Ann a Riedmiller, Brandon Riley, Amand a Riordan, Kristen Riss, Claire

Ritch, Samantha Ritter, Jame s

Rivera, Candice

Robbie, Matthew Roberson, Jana

Robert, Corey

Robertson, Kara Robertson, Ryan

Robinson, Calvin

Robinson, Carme n

Robinson, Elisabeth

Robinson, Michael Robinson, William Rocco, Jennifer Rockafellow, Garrett Rodriguez, Felisa Roeber, Danielle Roeber, Jared Rogers, Ambe r Rogers, Brittany Rogers, Eugen e Rogers, Jessica Rogers, Matthew Roh, Kay Rohrer, Laura Rommel , Molly Rosas, Christian Rose, Brent Rose, Dava Rose, Lacie Rouse, Ellen

Roy, Esther Roy, Justin

Rozeboom , Leisa

Rukes, Todd

Runions, Amand a Ruppert, Sarah

Russell, Nathaniel

Russo, Jacob

Ryu, H o young

Sabella, Meghan

Sage, Lauren

Samarakone, Denise

Samson , Sarah

Sanders, Kirstyn

Sands, Christopher

Santaniello, Alexander

Santos, Sarah

Sattler, Emm a Saulton, Stephen

Savini, Justin

Sawyer, Lindsey

Sayre, Heidi

Scarberry, Ryan

Schallmo, Sarahann

Scheese, Olivia

Schlaudt, John

Schneider, Jessica

Schoen, Daw n

Schreiner, Rachel

Schroeder, Erin

Schuessler, Natalie

Schultz, Jael

Schultz, Lisa Marie

Schultz, Rachel

Schultz, Samuel

Schwartz, Chelsea

Scott, Grace

Scott, Justin

Scott, Lindsey

Scott, Melinda

Seaman , Daniel

Sebastian, Evan

Seetaram, Heather

Sellers, Todd

Semenyna , David

Serafini, Kristin

Setliff, Andre w

Sette, Mark

Setzer, Jeffery

Sevey, Andre w

Sexton, Laura

Sexton, Lindsey

Sexton, Nathan

Sexton, Rebecca

Sgandurra, Bethany

Shamakian, Sabrina

Shaner, Brittney

Sharber, Shanna

Sharkey, Christina

Sharpe, Joseph

Shearer, Benjamin

Shelton, Margaret

Shepherd, Samantha

Sherman, Jennifer

Shifflett, Christina

Shin, Ayoun g

Shin, Ki Hye

Shive, Richard

Showalter, Kaitlynne

Shull David

Shull, Shauna

Shultz, Caleb

Sievers, Alyson

Sigmon, Michael

Simpson, Cory

Simpson, Janelle

Sims, Jason

Sims, Patrick

Sims, Savannah

Sinopoli, MaryElizabeth

Sitoula, Priti

Skidmore, Ashley

Skinner, Jeremiah

Slusher, Ashley

Smallwood, Seth

Smith, Aaron

Smith, Amand a

Smith, Anthony

Smith, Brock

Smith, Camille

Smith, Carrie

Smith, Catherine

Smith, Christian

Smith, Debra

Smith, Dosii

Smith, Jeffery

Smith, Jessica

Smith, Joshua

Smith, Julianna

Smith, Matthew

Smith, Patricia

Smith, Phillip

Smith, Sharayah

Smith, Shaun

Smith, Summe r

Smith Timothy

Smith, Zachary

Snyder, Jennifer

Snyder, Kelly

Snyder, Sterling

Somuah, Simon

Sones, Kristin

Spalholz, Sarah

Spangler, Kimberly

Spille, Kyle

Spivey, Kailey

Spoon, Angela

Sprague, Maria

St John, Tara

Stamey, Rodger

Staples, Anthony

Staples, Crystal

Starchia, Thomas

Statile, Davina

Staton, Nathaniel

Steed, Christopher

Steele, Sarah

Steppe, Charles

Sterling, Kimberly

Stevens, Candace

Stevens, Kristina

Stevens, Michelle

Stillwagon, Julia

Stimson, Tony

Stiteler, Tracie

Stoepker, Emily

Stogbuchner, Brigitte

Stoltzfus, Clayton

Storey, Fain

Stowell, Natalie

Street, Emily

Street, Warren

Stroud, Aaron

Stroud, Justin

Stultz, Alison

Sullivan, Amand a

Sullivan, Sara

Sumner, Stephen

Sutton, Am y

Svendsen, Jenny

Swain, Matthew

Swann, Swannicia

Swanner, Vanessa

Swanson, Shane

Swearingen Angela

Swenson, Kyle



Sydnor, Nicolas

Syvertson, Mark

Szymanik, Joshua

Tacaraya, Joanna

Talbert, Danielle

Talib, A'lsha

Tancordo, James

Tankard, Jennifer

Tapken, Jennifer

Tartick, Ashley

Tate, Merrill

Taylor, Kristin

Taylor, Krystal

Tencher, Brittany

Tenpas, Kristina

Terenyi, Joseph

Tettenburn, Esther

Theart, Emmanuel

Thibault, Katie

Thomas, Christopher

Thomas, Kathryn

Thomas, Kristi

Thomas, Steven

Thompson, Alyson

Thompson, Courtney

Thomsen, Melissa

Thorp, Andrew

Thurman, Amand a

Thurman, Chad

Thurman, Natalie

Tidd, Michelle

Tilford, Brian

Tipton, Jessica

Tobias, Bennett

Todd, Sarah

Todd, Tiffany

Toews, Madelyn

Tolley, Carrie

Tomlin, Judith

Toogood, Matthew

Torman, Raphaela

Torrence, Timothy

Trail, Benjamin

Tranchesi, Giovanna

Tropeano, Angela

Trowbridge, Andrew

Trowbridge, Jalie

Tubbs, Danielle

Tuck, Brittany

Tucker, Ashley

Tucker, Christina

Tucker, Christy

Tucker, Joshua

Tucker, Kaitlin

Tuley, Raymond

Tulisov, Pavel

Tulloch, Thomas

Turner, Tyler

Unger Megan

Van Althuis Kyle

Vandzura, Hope

Vargas, Fermin

Varndell, Ashlea

Varrasse, Holly

Vas, Donald

Vassell, Oronde

Vaughan, Danielle

Veak, Hannah Vercher, Amand a Verlander, James Viet, Karin

Vieth, Amand a Villar, de Almeida Tatiana Viner, Alyssa Visbeen, Ada m Visneski, Paige Vorisek, Rachel

Vought, Emm a

Waddell, Tara

Waggaman , Katie

Wagner, Brittany

Wagner, Phillip

Wakefield, Am y

Walker, Brianna

Walker, Christen

Walker, Joshua

Walker, Theresa

Wallace, Justin

Walls, Joseph

Walsh, Jessica

Walter, Jeffrey

Walters, Jason

Walters, Rachael

Waltman, Joshua

Wamsley, Alicia

Ward, David

Ward, Michael

Wardlaw, Gary

Warner, Jessica

Warner, Kate

Washabaugh, Lindsay

Washburn, Natasha

Waters, Abigail

Waters, Ethan

Watkins, Kierra

Watson, Brittany

Waugh, Tanja

Weaver, Joshua

Webster, Jonathan

Webster, Lauren

Webster, Robert

Weimer, Thomas

Weir, Myranda

Welch, Am y

Welch, Lance

Wellman, Kristen

Wellons, Whitney

Wendland, Jaimie

Werner, John

West, Courtney

Westcott, Bryan

Westfall, Daniel

Wheaton, Mary

Wheeler, Dana

Wheeler, Rachel

Wheeler, Savannah

Whitcomb, Elijah

White, Aaron

White, Christopher

White, Gabrielle

White Jeremy

White, Philip

White, Randall

White, Robert

Whitted, Danielle

Wicks, Anthony

Wiggs, Tiffany

Wilbanks, Brittany

Wilgus, Melissa

Wilkins, Cameron

Willard, Erin

Willett Sarah

Williams, Jacob

Williams, Katrina

Williford, William

Wilson, April

Wilson, Hollie

Wilson, Lauren

Wilson, Sarah

Windsor, Neil

Winn, Heather

Winter, Justin

Winter, Loren

Witkowski, Nathan

Wolfe, Mackenzie

Womack , Clayton

Wong , Christopher

Wood , Amiee

Wood , Debra

Wood , Joshua

Wood , William

Woodcock, Steven

Woodson, Grace

Woody, Alexander

Wooldridge, Lauren

Wortham, Kiera

Wurzburg, Kalea

Yates, Alicia

Yates, Karen

Yau, Kimberly

You, HyaeLee

Young, Alison

Young, Amand a

Young, Ashley

Yowell, Daniel

Yun, Hyekyung

Yurkowski, Kristen

Zachary, Sarah

Zaloom, Laura

Zambanini, Kayla

Zentz, Jared

Ziegler, Keilah

Zimmer, Kellee

Zimmerman, Kevin

Zinecker, Lauren

Zuniga-Arana, Maria

Zupan, Katherine


A s the class of 2010 gathered for the commencemen t ceremony, students reflected on the life of the late Dr. Jerry Falwell and the brief time they were priviiedged to have spent with him as his last class.

trealizehow much Iappreciatedhim untilhe wasgone.Hespokeeverythinghesaidwithsuch seriousnessand passion;youcouldtellwhen hespoke inconvocationand inpersonwithyou. Heloved studentssomuch and wantedsomuch forthemto livelivesforGod,thatiswhy healwaysspokeofbeing championsforChristbecausehewaspassionate aboutit. Hewasalwaysgivingstudentsrides,and one thingthattrulyamazed me washewould remember theirnames.I'veheardseveralaccountsofhimbriefly meetingwithstudentsandstillrememberingtheir nameslater. He lovedtohavefunwithstudentsaswell anddemonstratedthisbyfrequentlyalmostrunning overthem inhisSuburban. Healmostnailed me twice. Hewasdefinitelyaman ofhuge passion, which encouragesme somuch,especiallymy freshmanyear when hewasstill heretotrulyknow whatthingsinlife areworthliving."


Acrowdof3,390graduatesand23,000friendsandfamilypackWilliamsStadiumduringthe 2009commencementcerermony.Thiswasthelargest-evergraduatingclasswith6,350graduates representingtheresidentialandonlinedegreeprograms

"Oneofmy favoritequotesis afamousonefrom Dr Falwell thatI heardhim say many times;'Nothingofeternal significancecanhappenapart fromprayer'Thisimpacted my lifeasafreshman,and it is impactingme now asasenior. When I walkaroundcampus, I am dailyremindedthat Libertywasfoundedon much prayer,and avisionforthe Lord'sworkthatwas beyond belief.Thischallengesme to batheeverypartofmy lifein prayerand torememberthat my God isabletodofarmore thanIcouldeverimagine."

-HilaryHicks, SR

"I had theprivilegeofhearingJerryspeak "Jerrypulledupin atconvoeveryWednesday my freshman his bigblackvehicle year. Mostofhismessagesinspiredme onedaywhen I was topursuethedreamsthatGod hasgiven walkingbySchilling me,tousemy giftstohelpothersand of Hesaw me on my course, bringglorytoGod However,one phoneand asked storyI heardabouthim afterhisdeathhad ifIwastalkingto anevengreaterimpacton me Someone my boyfriend I told had learnedatJerry'sfuneralthathehad him itwasjustmy beenvaledictorianofhisclass, buthenever dad I loved how braggedaboutit. What hedidbragabout, personablehewas. however,washow many soulshehad won He wentstraightto forChrist.Jerryisaremindertousallthat thedetails instead we shouldkeepourthoughtsonthethings ofjustsaying hello ofourFather,and notthethingsofthis He reallycared." world."



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Students who have walked under the columns of DeMoss, sprinted acrossthe turfatWilliams Stadium or satthrough convocation inthe Vines Center knew thattheir presence was the resultofa visionthat was dreamt long before any of them were even born. The dreamer,Dr. Jerry Falwell, Sr., had petitioned God inprayer to establish aChristian universitythat was unlikeany other.

For 36 years,Dr Falwell watched thiscollege grow and become the school God shared with him.Three years afterhis death,Dr Falwell continued to have an enduring influence on the livesofhis students.

"I think I miss hispresence the most,"Devon Olson, senior, said. "Hisbooming voice and crazy anticsaround campus were two thingsyou took forgranted;apart ofthisuniversitywe thought that would never go away.Wealsogot tosee that he was justanother human being when he stepped down from the podium and joked around with all ofus."

Most students recalled Dr.Falwell'sconcrete faithand his dedication tothe Lord.Everyone knew that he spent time with God inprayerand devotions every morning,and he regularly read "My Utmost forHisHighest."

"Dr.Falwell'sfaithwas the stuffof legends," LauraElliott, senior, said. "I got to see it inreal life when I came to this school, and I am so grateful for that."

On May 15, 2007,Dr Jerry Falwell, Sr went to be with Lord Students on or offcampus were shocked when they heard the news

"My friendscame to my room and told mehe died,"Emily Long,graduate student,said "I thought they were joking It was one ofthose surreal moments that I feltlikecouldn't be

possible,but it was acompletereality."

The day before he died,Dr Falwell drove up tothe monogram to spend some time with students.SeniorSterling Snyder happened to be driving up tothe monogram witha friend when Dr.Falwell drove by.

"He justrolled down the window and started talking to us," Snyder said. "There are not many Christians inthe world that are 100% real. That is the reason I admired Jerry so much. He was neverhypocritical."

Exactly threeyears afterhisdeath,seniorswillwalk across the platform and receive theirdiplomas on May 15th.For those who have spent theirwhole collegecareer here, they were able to spend at leastone year with Dr.Falwell. These students are the lastclassto laugh athis jokes, shake hishand andto personally witness hiscompassion and loveforthis university

"Dr.Falwellcared about each student personally and theirrelationship with the Lord,"Molly Morgan,graduate student,said. "Hisengaging character and compassion for lives to be dedicated,strengthened and moved by Christ were irreplaceable qualitiesthat everyone who knew him will remember."

Even though Dr. Jerry Falwell, Sr.'spresence would no longer be seen on campus,the storiestold by students,professors and hisfamily showed othersthe type of man Dr.Falwell was and the amazing life he led

Senior Jackie Rickwald said, "Dr. Jerry Falwell lefthislegacy upon every person who heard or spoke to him, and even more those who didn'tget achance to hear Dr.Falwellare impacted because ofthe amazing life helived."

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"God has used this school to shape m e in man y ways Since I've been here m y faith has been shaped because of the challenges that m y professors give m e in m y religion classes. They give m e challenges to find the passion that Go d has given m e and to pursue it It is easier to d o this whe n you see that the professors themselves are following the passions that Go d has given them I have been shaped relationally because I have me t som e of the most amazing people here Som e of the people I have met have becom e m y closest friends and have remained really closetom e throughout m y three years here and will continuetobe close to m e for the rest of m y life I have been shaped academically because I have been challengedtoonly get better in the things that I write and d o better o n the tests that I take All the ways that Go d has used to stretch m e while I have been here have also helped to form m e into the person that I a m today."

schooltoor froman immature highschoolstude and transformec intoa matureChristian woman."-Julianna

"IfI coulddoitallover again,thenI wouldchoose thisschooleverysingletime becauseofthe impactithas hadonmeintellectuallyand spirituallyas well."

"God revealed to m e the purpose for m y life whe n I took the time to sit dow n and contemplate how to utilize m y skills to mak e a difference in the world. After communicating with m y loved ones and praying I came to the realization that all I can do is prayerfully mov e forward, hope for the best and deal with what comes. I a m getting married this spring and a m going to law school in the fall to become an International Huma n Rights Lawyer." -Grace

"Iam very blessed because God allowed meto beborn in acountry and time where I was taught about Him from infancy Ihave been learning about what my purpose means forme foras long as I can remember,andI know I willkeep learning about it until Idie I justwant to be an instrument ofGod's grace toas many people as I can Ihave arealdesireto let women know thatthey were created inaspecial, unique way and that the differentgender rolesdescribed inthe Biblecan help them better understand who Godisand how they can have adeep relationshipwith Him -Laura

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"Thisschool was thebestchoice I could make when Idecided I wanted togo toaChristian college Itreally isthe most excitingcampus onearth." -Josh McDonald,SO

"Ifeel,aswith anyone,that God gaveme specificgiftsand abilitiestouse for His glory.As anadvertising/ publicrelations majorI believe thatmypurpose isto makea differenceinthe communications world by conducting myselfina Christ-like manner. I have cometorealize thismainlyby prayer, but also byseekingwise counciland askingothers toprayforme."

"God hasacurious way ofrevealing Hispurposefor my life gradually; itisalmostlike watching an artist without knowing theoutcomeof the masterpiece

untiltheend. Iknew that I enjoyed people, but itwasn'tuntil coming toschool where I was placed inaseaofthem thatHerevealed His specific

purpose forme to enterthefield of public relations

A major isonly a portion ofthe equation; however, my senioryear He finallygave me relief in

knowing that I needed towork withchildren's ministryfroman organizational standpoint." -

"Ibelieve that my purpose inlifeis tohelp people physically inthemedical field Asa kidgrowing upIalways had aninterest in medical things When my grandmother started getting sick I would help take care ofher, and itjust came naturally and itfeltright.Iwant tobecome a physician's assistantand help people in medical need. Later onthroughout my career,I would love to usemy medical skillsoverseas inthird world countries onmissionstrips, helping tosave livesaswell asserve God."

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"Ibelievethat God iscallingme to beobedientto servehis people inmanydifferent capacities. He givesmenew passionseach and everydayas I patientlywait for whathehas instorefor my life." -Gabrielle

"TheLordhas givenmea passionfor people,for traveland for justiceforthe oppressed I haverecentlyfelt theLordleading me to pursuea lifeofservicein seekingjustice andfreedomfor children,girls andwomenwho areinslavery. I feelcalledtobe thehandsand feetofChristto thosepeople."

"Goingtoschool herereally put thingsin perspective. Theeducation I receivedhere willguideme through my entirelifeafter college."

"God has formed meto beatestimony of His loveand faithfulnessto everyoneI meet Ultimately, I wanttofulfill God'splanfor my life Weall haveaspecific purpose. Each daywewakeup, serve,comfort and lovethose aroundus and sharethe light ofChrist. I do notknow infull detail whatGod hasinstorefor me, butI cannot waittofind out, simplybyliving onedayata time."

"Iwasa huge skepticofgoing toaChristian college, butafter experiencing ayearanda halfofthis school; I have nowrealized thattheplanall alongwas for God to lead me exactlywhere I neededto be."

"I feel likeGod hascalledmeto thepurposeof mission living. It'snothingout ofthe ordinary. It'sjustliving withthepurpose and intentionof lovingGod and lovingothersin everydaylife. I trulybelievethat itcoulddefine ourgeneration IthinkIamstill justbeginning to realizethe substantial purposeGod has for mylife Itis revealed littleby littleeveryday and theonly thingI haveto doisrespond. Daybydayit'sa choicetolisten andfollow."

"I absolutelylove thisschooland Iamconstantly inawewhenwe havepraiseand worshipduring convocation andchurch, becauseIamso thankfulwecan worshipGodthe waywedo ata university. Iam notherejustfor aneducation, but todevelop andgrow spirituallywith Godandhaving encouraging peoplearound me constantlyis awesome."

238 go

"I feel like God iscalling me to somehow in someway minister and tend to the needs of children inthird world countries I think the Lord has given me a love for kids and a love for people and he wants me to use that giftto do his work I definitely feel hiscallingis to dedicate my life to him and to commit my life and career to help, counsel and work with hurt children But for right now, the Lord is calling me to be here to study so that I can finally put to work His calling for the future I am really excited about what the Lord has instore forme."

"Idon'tknow ifIcan say asto what or when Iexactly realized God'sspecific purpose for my life, butI know He has specificplans for me. Ialso know thatthe more Iseek the Lord the more Irealize His plans for my life. The Lordpromises inPsalms 9:8 thatHe will notforsake those who seekHim. The harderIfollow afterChrist and obey the Lordto my utmost the more Irealize Hisspecific purpose for my life." -Jill Fowler, JR

"I plan on becoming a radio DJ ortalkshow host when I get out ofcollege God has formed me by giving me great mentors and leaders hereat this school along with allowing me get involved more inmy spirituallife. My religiousside has grown the most here I am going todouble major in elementary education and child development.I reallyhave a passionfor kidsand helping parents who don't reallyknow how toproperly handle kids. I want to be an expert on thisand be a pre-school director after teaching elementary school fora few years I want to be incharge ofall th^ curriculum and what is going on and measure all psychological aspectsof each child and parent." -Jamerson

"God has called m e to share the gospel with people wh o have yet to hear. Unreached and unengaged people groups all around the world burden m y heart and I hope I will be a vessel God uses in those parts of the world one day. I also know God

has m e here right now, so m y purpose lies in the relationships I can be making with the people of this community. I believe Gods purpose for m y life is revealed through His Word and the command s He gives to us in the Scriptures."

-Beth Robi, SO


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Articles inside


pages 238-244, 246-247


pages 214-215


pages 200-203


pages 193-200


pages 191-192

educated heal

pages 150-153

sizzle™ pits

pages 141-148


pages 136-140


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pages 127-134


pages 124-126


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pages 114-123


page 113


pages 108-113


pages 97-100


pages 93-97


pages 89-92


pages 87-88


pages 79-80

clubcompetes andcreatescareers

pages 77-78

Fall Festivities

page 76


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pages 71-73


pages 67-70


pages 64-66


pages 58-63


pages 52-53


pages 47-51


pages 45-46


pages 41-42


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pages 8-16
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