Radvilė MORKŪNAITĖ-MIKULĖNIENĖ Europos Parlamento narė TO: President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Volodymyr Rybak Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Vitaliy Zakharchenko 19 February, 2014 APPEAL Olympic peace in the shade of violence
Dear Mr President Yanukovych, Dear Mr Speaker of Verhovna Rada, Dear Mr Minister of Internal Affairs,
The horrific events of last night in Euromaidan are appalling and shocking. I urge you to stop violence, to stop killings. For God's sake, stop attacking your own peaceful people. Listen to them, don't hide yourself. Help your country to escape the system of violence and turmoil, and don't let any more deaths happen. I support freedom in Ukraine!!
Radvilė Morkūnaitė-Mikulėnienė Member of the European Parliament Chair of Youth Community (Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrats)
info@morkunaite.lt - www.morkūnaitė.lt Trakų g. 7 – 15, 01132 Vilnius, tel.: +370 5 231 3211, +370 5 240 3377, fax.: +370 5 278 48 72