Life By Design Magazine January 2019 Edition

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The“Forbes Factor” with


Level Up By Giving Up! page 06

Sculpting Out Your Vision page 22

No More Resolutions

page 26


Elite Mastermind & Coaching Program 2 LIFE BY DESIGN JANUARY 2019



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Letter From The Editors The Stegela Success Mastery Team “Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.” Joel A. Barker Being an entrepreneur isn’t an easy journey, everyone will tell you that. Many variables go into what does or does not make a successful entrepreneur. Being the Editor-in-Chief of LBD and the COO of a large corporation with multiple 7+ figure earning companies, I have met many very successful people. Something that I have seen to be universally true with all of the entrepreneurs I have met who have some kind of success in their craft is VISION. Though I am sure we have all heard it before, VISION is the driving force behind what pushes a person to their ultimate heights. The question isn’t, do you know the importance of vision. The question is, do you know how to find your vision? Many influencers talk about the importance, but few give you tangible steps to find your vision, to find your own WHY (What Hurts You). I hope is that this issue of Life By Design Magazine themed on VISION, may help you to either be inspired, reignite your vision, and/or help you find your vision. It took me a long time to find my vision, and until I did, it was hard for me to ‘want to be successful as much as I wanted to breathe’ (Eric Thomas quote). I hope that the words of the amazing entrepreneurs who have contributed to this magazine this month help inspire you with your journey. - Casey Nicole Fox

CEO & Founder of Life By Design Magazine

OUR TEAM Stephen Dela Cruz

Angela Dela Cruz

Casey Nicole Fox

Michael Bennett

Jennifer Meim

Leandro Brandão

Jeff Rollon

Kristen Crooks


CEO & Editor-In-Chief Creative Director Sales Director

Mary Hang

Marketing Director


Copy Editor Copy Editor

Events Director

3 Things I Learned In a Dirt Church First Mission Level Up By Giving Up! Invitation - Inspire Off Enjoy a Lifestyle…Entrepreneur No Gym, No Excuses Auntie Mary Fears NOTHING: Especially SALES! 3 Key Thing To Accelerate Your Business In The New Year The Value of Your Vision A Great Year Starts With YOU! ARE YOU INSANE? Acquiring New Levels of Skill Invitation - Women Of Worth (WOW) Are You Leveling Up? See Beyond The Now Life By Vision Entrepreneur Spotlight - Cornelius Simon Invitation - LBD Launch Entrepreneur Of The Month - Forbes Riley Chasing Your Convertible Ferrari Build Your Vision Network Entrepreneur Spotlight - Janine Holman Types of Visionaries Sculpting Out Your Vision Collage - Success Circle Holiday Celebration Envisioning Your Future New Year, New You? Make a Shift! The Key to Win Success What Would Your Avatar Do? No More Resolutions Invitation - MSB Fresh Start Thinking Smaller 3 Little Practices for Success Live a Better Life Vision Of The Black Sheep Invitation - SD Most Eligible Entrepreneur Book Review - Letter To Me by Mary Hang Invitation - “Letters To Me” Workshop Behind the scenes of Stegela Young Entrepreneurs Society (YES) Invitation - Mastermind



Voted San Diego’s Most Impactful Non-profit





How to Level Up Your Brand Awareness

Co-Founder of the Make-a-Wish Foundation

page 07

Life is a Series of Games page 11

Don’t Let School Get in the Way of Your Education

Dominic Cruz

page 26

Social Media

Perry & Jamie Yee

Co-FounderS of Active Valor

The Truth about your “Truth” page 08


page 10

Practical Tips to Get Over Your Fears page 23

Fear and Fulfillment page 26


Gratitude is all Attitude page 09

Being Selfishly UnSelfish page 26

Give More Value Even If It’s Free

page 31



Get access to all of our previous editions digitally, go to! ENTREPRENEUR LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE 3





Casey Nicole Fox

Casey Nicole Fox is an author, speaker, podcaster, and serial entrepreneur. Casey is the CEO and Editor-In-Chief of Life By Design Entrepreneur Lifestyle The first Mission Trip I went on was in Magazine, San Diego’s ONLY print 2015. I was terrified. I was traveling entrepreneurship magazine. She has to a third world country, where I was four for-purpose businesses while also told that I might get bed bugs from being the COO of the 8 figure empire the hotel sheets and lice from the chil- of Stegela Partners International Indren, who might try to pickpocket us corporated, the umbrella company of so nothing too flashy! I wouldn’t say I’m a ‘high maintenance’ kind of girl; Stegela Success Mastery. I do get my nails, eyelashes, and hair done but I did grow up in the south with horses, guns, knives, and dirt roads… This seemed to be a different kind of dirty though. 3. SOMETIMES WE ALL NEED JOY I decided to go on the trip because We tend to underestimate just how I felt called to change the world. I much joy can do for someone’s life. still feel that way. My first mission Giving someone joy, pouring love trip changed my life. I saw the world into their life, giving them hope - all through a different pair of eyes. I real- of these seem so small but they make ized just how ‘privileged’ I am living HUGE changes in the lives of those we touch. in the USA. My most recent mission trip was from December 5-7th in San Quintin, Baja California. We went to give toys to children who had none and to give food for a month to their families. This mission trip changed my life in a different way. 1. A NEW FIRE Going on this trip reminded me of my purpose. It reminded me of why I fight so hard to be massively successful. It reminded me of the burning passion inside of me that makes me laser focused on every aspect of my life.

You don’t have to go on a mission trip to change the life of someone in need. Smile at someone on the subway. Tell someone you like their outfit. Be kind. Be generous. Give joy. Give hope. Be the light to others. You are blessed to be a blessing. Give what you have, even if it’s just a smile, you never know if that’s the one thing someone needs to make it through the day.

2. CHANGED PERSPECTIVE I always knew I wanted to have orphanages and schools around the world, but this trip showed me how much they are needed. My perspective changed from how do I give handouts to how do I give hand-ups?





Jennifer Meim Jennifer Meim is a Graphic Designer who works with Entrepreneurs to transfer their vision into fruition. Jennifer has a natural gift of being in tuned with her clients to understand and to see their vision. For at least a decade, Jennifer have supported and worked closely with founders and CEOs to launch their ideas from table talks to tangibles. Jennifer is a self-taught designer, and continuously strive to learn especially with new technologies. Her creative soul and genuine love for people makes her one of the most approachable, dependable, and trustworthy designers in San Diego.


through sign. My grandpa never treated my auntie any differently other than normal despite her condition. He was faithful that a normal life was possible for my auntie. EXPOSURE OF HOPE - With the experience of faith comes hope! Our family saw the possibilities and we were all-in to support my auntie. One of the prerequisites of the Sign Language program that at least one of our family members learn with her. If we can learn to communicate with her, the community can learn too! An assured hope for all of us that my auntie can live just like us, normal and independent.

you thought to yourself, “I would love to do that!” Then while nodding your head you tell yourself, EXPRESSION OF LOVE - As much as giving or showing is the more obvious “someday” way to express love, what about reThat “someday” finally came for me! ceiving? Love that was received well On Dec 7-9th 2018, Ms. Fox, my- will bear fruits. Whatever intention it self, and a group of people went to may be that Americans reached out do a Mission Trip (Toy Drive) in San to our community to educate the deaf Quintin, Mexico. I’ve always wanted and mute is not as important as our to experience and physically be with family openly received the gift, the the people my heart is set to serve; the love, to change our lives. This seed kids. Being around poverty is not new that was planted is bearing the fruit of to me, in actuality, this trip reminded desires to do the same for others. me of home (I was born and grew up I wish for you to never doubt yourself in the province of Philippines). again. What you do matters and it I would love to share how my fam- truly changes lives! Let’s continue on ily was personally administered by the mission that was set before us, and our country (the military men when never forget that our truest mission is the USA used to have a Naval Base) to love our neighbors - near or far. when I was still in the Philippines. EXPERIENCE OF FAITH - My auntie is deaf and mute. In our town, there’s no educational curriculum designed for her, not until Americans introduced to us American Sign Language. My auntie learned to read, write, and speak




BY GIVING UP! top of the mountain. So you are packing up, and you add one pound for watching T.V. spending time on facebook, sleeping in, procrastinating, lying to yourself, not having intention, not keeping promises. Soon your pack is thirty pounds heavier, and you take off. The beginning of the hike you are ready, passionate and dedicated to reaching the top but as you continue to hike, your shoulders start hurting from the weight of the pack. You continue because the view from the top of this mountain is worth the discomfort. Another mile down, and new obstacles start to present themselves, the ground isn’t even anymore, there are gaps between the rocks, and you have to make small leaps to get further down the path. At this point, the pack on your back starts to feel like it’s filled with rocks dragging you down with each step you take. However, your determination does not falter.

Stephen Dela Cruz is a best selling author, speaker, and serial entrepreneur. He is the owner of Stegela Partners International Incorporated which consists of 10 corporations that employ more than 500 full-time employees with yearly profits of 7 figures each, creating an 8-figure empire. After suffering a stroke, Stephen changed his direction and focus to creating “Income with Impact” and “Success with Significance.” Stegela Success Mastery was born out of this new mission, which is all about serving their fellow entrepreneurs. Stegela Success Mastery runs Stephen’s weekly podcast, bi-weekly mastermind group, live events and seminars, television show and through owning San Diego’s only printed entrepreneur magazine, Life By Design Entrepreneur Lifestyle Magazine. Today, he is the proud owner and visionary for “San Diego’s #1 business coaching and mastermind program.”

So often we think of leveling up as adding that new car,

your dream house, a promotion. However, is that leveling up? Or is it merely adding weight on your shoulders? Leveling up comes in many shapes and sizes, but the shape that most people forget is leveling up by giving up! Giving up isn’t something that we think of often when it comes to success, but I’m not telling you to give up on your dreams. Instead of giving up altogether, give up on those bad habits that are keeping you from success. Think of it as addition by subtraction! Think of success like a hike, if each habit in your life is a small one pound weight it seems insignificant almost like one more pound won’t hinder you from climbing to the


In success, each new level brings new challenges, new risks, and each one is harder than the last. On this hike, you reach a clearing, and it seems as though you have reached the home stretch, but there is one problem, there is a giant cliff between you and this clearing, your knees are weak from carrying the extra weight, your feet are throbbing from each step you have taken, your shoulders are almost numb they are in so much pain. But you are determined to make it to the clearing and see the view at the top; you are determined to reach success. This is when you realize, the extra weight on your back never needed to be there, if you started with a pack that wasn’t filled, with wasted time, self-doubt, and procrastination, you would have made it to this point so much quicker and this final jump to the clearing wouldn’t seem like such a task. However, now is the time! You can shed the pack off your shoulders, throw away all the extra weight and instead fill your pack with the tools that will help you reach the top faster, and prepare you for your truest form of success. Now you don’t have to quit watching T.V. all together but learning to replace habits that are adding weight to your pack, with ones that are tools for success. Instead of watching an hour of an AFV watch an hour of T.V that applies to your dream. If you want to be a baker, watch cupcake wars, chopped, cooking shows that will boost your creativity in your own business. Instead of listening to music about spending money at the club, listen to an audiobook or podcast. Use these “time fillers” in a productive way that will build your business. Here are the top five habits I see that entrepreneurs need to quit before reaching success! 1) quit caring what other people think 2) quit friends 3) quit trying to be perfect 4) quit having a pity party and take 100% responsibility 5) quit excuses and find solutions

A brand NEW game show that will inspire, motivate and challenge you to new heights!






Jeff Rollon

If you’re like me, you can agree that

the reason you became an entrepreneur is because you love the lifestyle freedom, making our own schedule, having an income that’s not capped, and just not having a boss. Many times though, we forget to live life. We forget to create our own time freedom and get stuck in the hustle. We forget to enjoy our relationships. Hell, a big perk to entrepreneurship is taking vacations, and we forget that too. In this article, you will discover if you are truly living life by design or if you are forgetting to live a little more.

Jeff Rollon is a serial entrepreneur, author, business coach, and philanthropist. He enjoys helping others while living with a positive attitude and a strong entrepreneurial spirit. His passion is helping budding entrepreneurs get started and profitable within their first year in business.

Enjoy the weather, the lifestyle, and location freedom by doing business from the beach. I personally host meetings at the park or beach. It’s a great way to “do me” while still getting to know others on a more personal level during a walk. When is the last time you took a true out-of-town vacation? Have you hustled so hard in hopes of “earning” yourself a vacation? It’s sad to say that for the past five years I did not take a vacation. That is, until March 2018 when my girlfriend and I went on our first cruise. That’s when I realized that business could still be conducted literally from anywhere.

When is the last time you took a whole day to yourself with zero business? Can you take a day to yourself without conducting any sort of business? My significant other and I have a ritual where Sundays are our day. Aside from a few exceptions, nothing gets in the way of that. We can reboot and just go out to enjoy the day and live life together. Many times we tell ourselves we will take that vacation after we make I believe that regardless if you enjoy enough money, or after we get this the day alone or with others, the main many clients. However, many times point is to get out there and enjoy your that vacation never comes or comes city a bit more and notice how much way past due. I challenge you to live brighter life feels. I encourage us all to a life on your terms and force yourself dedicate a day for true time freedom to live a life by design. and just enjoy being able to take a day off while others are working. All-in-all, while being an entrepreneur does come with a lot of responsibility, When is the last time you went to the it also comes with big perks. Take time beach? to enjoy life, time freedom, and go see With San Diego’s beautiful weather, I the world. Remember, these days all love heading to the beach during the you need is Wi-Fi and a laptop. week. It’s a great way to kill multiple birds with one stone. You can get business calls done, writing completed, and even conduct meetings, all while enjoying the weather. This is especially helpful if you want to consider yourself a digital nomad.


Completely present in the moment, I let out a deep exhale as I coat both palms of my hands in chalk. As I look up, I watch my opponent swing off the pull-up bar into a backflip and land on his feet. I turn around and see the Just Go Lift Gym in San Diego packed with people, now anxiously waiting for me to respond with my combo, my combination of calisthenics moves. I look at them with a fire in my eyes as I threw my hands up and out into the air. All of my training the past couple of months has led up to this moment. I take another breath, turn around, and grab the bar. I use my body weight to generate a high swing and do a 360 spin, and re-catch on the bar immediately followed up with a 540 to re-catch. Calisthenics is one of the fastest growing international sports around the globe, it combines bodyweight strength with acrobatic tricks. While the sport itself is gaining popularity, more so the belief that you don’t need commercial gyms with numerous machines to get a good workout in. All you need is a body and space for it to move! The concept of calisthenics progression is the same as weightlifting, but instead of adding weight, you decrease body leverage. At the very highest level of difficulty, calisthenics athletes train their body to hold gravity-defying poses with ease. But for the average person, it’s about getting better at pulling and pushing your body through space. Because calisthenics utilizes your whole body, that means you are activating muscles that may not have been activated with other types of workouts. Additionally, calisthenics will challenge you mentally, doing bodyweight workouts means you can do them anywhere, so not having a gym membership isn’t a valid excuse anymore! One of the greatest benefits with this type of workout, in my opinion, is the mental benefit. By learning to overcome barriers within your physical body, you also learn how anything you want in life is achievable. When someone learns to master a movement like a pull-up or muscle up, which at first seem impossible, they can apply similar methods of learning to anything else in life. This type of workout isn’t just for strong guys, everyone can benefit from this type of training! Imagine an adolescent girl doing her first set of ‘regular’ push-ups, or the overweight person who learns to hang from a pull-up bar for the first time since they were kids. Despite their past, the individual’s ability to overcome physical and mental stigma is very real and powerful. It’s this sort of power that people have within themselves that can have huge benefits for themselves and other people in their life. by Gavin Maxwell


“Auntie Mary” Hang

Auntie Mary Fears NOTHING: Especially SALES! Mary Hang is a published author, influencer, keynote speaker, serial entrepreneur and philanthropist. Although she wears multiple hats, her biggest and most rewarding passion is impacting the youth through Young Entrepreneur Society & her book series “Letters To Me”, which led her to receive the “Blue Ribbons Worldwide” Award.

“I HATE SALES,” is something that I

always hear from entrepreneurs. “I’m not good at sales,” is also another phrase I often hear. I truly believe that this all stems from a fear of rejection. Fear of rejection is something that we must all overcome to become a successful businessman or businesswoman. You know what the bonus is? The more you overcome your fear of rejection, the more confidence you will have for the next fear intruding thought. So, my friends, I am proud to say I am a beast when it comes to sales. I am so good at sales that I am always prospected to join sales teams everywhere I go. While of course, I may be good at sales, success at selling is not always a guarantee without this one big key.

topic, I never have to sell anyone on liking me. They see I am a genuinely good person who cares and is passionate about their success and they sell themselves on me. Come from a passionate mindset of building the relationship and just bringing smiles to others face, and you will never have to sell anyone! To give you another real-life example of how simple overcoming your fears is, let me share with you my current movement. I am so passionate about my upcoming book, “Letters to Me: Life Lessons I wish I Knew,” I share it with such enthusiasm and passion that it’s not selling. It is sharing my message and my movement that is going to impact the lives of so many teens. Because I have that type of enthusiasm and others can hear it in my voice, they sell themselves and 95 percent of people I talk to about it, want to get involved! The passion you hear in my voice when I share the movement behind “Letters to Me,” naturally gets contagious and others actually get excited as well! Can you imagine just sharing your goals and your passion with others around you? Take it a step further and imagine them begging to be apart of your movement.

When you are truly passionate about your product or service, it no longer becomes a product or service. It becomes a movement. If you have a feeling of fear every time you talk to someone about what you have to ofWhat is that one big tip you ask? It is fer, remember why you got into that business in the first place and reacticalled being PASSIONATE! vated that PASSION! If you don’t know, I am a director of Young Entrepreneur Society, and we go to high schools bringing success principles and much more to the students on a weekly basis. The best part of all is, they call me “Auntie Mary!” Because I am so passionate about this If you continue reading this, you will learn how to get over the fear of selling and actually become so successful at it, I guarantee you’re going to want to thank me!



The Value of Your Vision One of the hardest things you will ever do in business and life is saying goodbye. Whether due to an untimely death or a break-up, it’s never easy. Especially when the person you need to say goodbye to is your client.



It is now January, it is the new year,

and time for a fresh start. Oprah Winfrey said, “Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life because you become what you believe.” Here are 3 key things to help with your vision to accelerate your business in the new year. VISION BOARD Did you know that the Vision board (also known as a dream board), is a simple tool that is one of the most valuable visualization tools available to you? A vision board is a visualization tool which refers to a board of any sort used to build a collage of words and pictures that represent your goals and dreams. Many people feel that vision boards are a joke or it doesn’t work. But the truth is that the best way to achieve your goal is to visualize it. According to the popular book and movie The Secret, the law of attraction is forming your entire life experience, and it is doing that through your thoughts. When you are visualizing, you are emitting a powerful frequency out into the Universe.

Yoichi J. Kato

aka “Chef Yum Yum” Yoichi Kato is an author, speaker, serial entrepreneur, Navy veteran. He is the co-founder of San Diego’s most popular cleaning service called Everything But Sex Cleaning Services. He is a master business networker who is always connecting people. He is also an amazing Chef who provides private chef services all over San Diego. Yoichi loves to help others and see them thrive.

nation a huge credit to his 81-point game. For Kobe, he visualized everything, not only scoring but what his opponents and teammates were saying, even the feeling of touching the basketball. He said he didn’t imagine a limit to how much he could score. For you, it could be going through this mental exercise in visualizing yourself closing a deal or making a sale, working out, and achieving your fitness goals.

VISION STATEMENT A personal vision statement is your GPS that guides you to the destination designed for your life. Its purpose is to help you stay focused to keep you on track with your plan. Writing a vision statement is like writing an Obituary. What would you want people to say about you and your life when you SELF-VISUALIZATION Self-visualization is a technique used pass away? Did you achieve everyby successful people including pro thing you said you were going to do? How many lives did you impact? A viathletes to visualize their desired ou tcomes to help achieve their goals. sion statement will keep you accountThe practice has even given some able and help you spur growth, instill high achievers what seem like super- emotions, enabling leadership, and powers, helping them create their offers guidance. dream lives by accomplishing one single goal or task at a time with hy- So Vision board, self-visualization, perfocus and complete confidence. and vision statement are the 3 key So, visualization is a practice also things help with your vision to accelused in sports and not just in business. erate your business in the new year. NBA legend Kobe Bryant give imagi-


As we kick off a new year take an honest look at every client and what you are investing in working with them. This isn’t just about the monetary payoff but also about growth; theirs and yours. Unsuccessful or unmotivated clients can affect your other clients, your reputation, brand, and confidence. You will need to decide if keeping the money is worth keeping the negativity which is like a death in the workplace and nothing can thrive or survive while hanging on to death. A houseplant nor a business can flourish until the branches failing to grow are pruned. While some feel if a client isn’t succeeding it’s the fault of the professional which isn’t entirely true. As the saying goes, you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t force him to drink. When you consider how many people pay for a fitness trainer but are still out of shape, it’s because they don’t follow the advice they solicited and pay for. Or that the Surgeon General has a warning label on every pack of cigarettes that they cause lung cancer and heart disease. Yet according to the Centers for Disease Control, 249 billion cigarettes were sold nationwide in 2017. We are a society full of people who do not follow advice even when backed by knowledge and experience.

Clients often forget that their success is a partnership between themselves and the professionals they hire, and the pros are in charge. When I see my hairstylist, I tell him what I want he makes his recommendations, and I let him do his thing. I don’t question every snip along the way or spend the next 6 weeks washing my hair with dish soap and expect to look like J-Lo in the end. So if a client is going rogue or not following your recommendations, it’s clear they do not respect your vision, knowledge, and time. As an entrepreneur, time is your most valuable commodity and if you are spending endless hours defending or debating your decisions, dealing with a client who is more interested in monitoring their competition’s growth versus investing into their own you have two choices, continue to evaluate or evacuate. Sit down with your client and review the recommendations you made and review the ones that weren’t followed. If your client is dismissive or doesn’t seem to care or respect your professional opinion you need to say goodbye. Any client that continues to pay for advice they don’t take or recommendations they won’t implement doesn’t truly care about the success of their own business so they certainly won’t care about yours. Remember there is value in your vision and one of the reasons you became an entrepreneur was to share that vision, be inspired, and inspire others. by Jody Taylor






If Jonathan Ingebrigtsen could have any dream it would be that people spend more time making fun and quirky memories while seeing the world around them. Life is too short to wait till tomorrow or First off you need to think about your story!! Where have you come from, live life on a some-day mentality. what brought you there, what has He comes from the structured world of made you unique and one of a kind? corporate HR and company cultural re- Then acknowledge that and focus on disgn and made the transition to a life the path ahead, what does the future that allowed him to become a Travel look like for you? For me, my end story Blogger and Real Estate professional had time and money freedom to spend serving our Veteran Community while with my family and friends and helping others achieve the same. That was my Living Full Time! end goal; I had that story created in my mind and so no matter what happened When he is not traveling around the from here on out along this journey I world or helping his clients find their know what my final destination would dream home, he loves parading around be. the house dancing to music, networking and developing others to help Second, you need to decide who you them reach their full potential, all-while want to become and declare it. Writmunching on sour-gummies of all kinds. ing a letter to your future self and talk about the accomplishments you want to achieve is paramount along with the “I can see clearly now the rain is relationships you want to form. What is gone!” Oh man!! One of my favorite your salary or income in 5 years? Who oldies ever, maybe it was the tune or are you with? Where are you? Five just the message it brought. We al- years from now you will be able to look ways hear the phrase the sun will come back and evaluate where you wanted out after the rain, but in respect to our to be and what the next five years could lives, how many people are stuck in the look like with some tweaking and adrainstorms and still seem to stay there, justments. This can also be a method of and be well, stuck? See within all of personal accountability. the things we deal with every day and in our lives, what ultimately is carry- Owning your past and realizing that it ing you to the end and reaching your is part of what makes you the unicorn goals? This was the biggest question you are is paramount to moving forthat I needed to answer for me to have ward and having an impactful change a fresh start begin to unfold for me and in your life. Having the ability to let change to start to take place in my life yourself dream again and realize what you want is possible is the next step and and it all started with VISION. declaring that possible. 2019 can and I am a daydreamer through and will be a great year, but you need to through, but sometimes I think that have some personal vision for yourself is what makes some of the strongest and ensure that you let yourself sucpeople as visionaries in business and ceed if you want. ultimately being successful. You need to be able to visualize what you want and what your goals you are trying to reach! Here are a couple of tips on establishing a new vision for 2019 for yourself and getting you closer to that ultimate goal whatever that may be. As soon as you have a vision you will no longer be stuck, and things will begin to shift, and you’ll get this fire inside you to make things happen.

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Acquiring New Levels of Skill


In school, we learn new skills so frequently, we take it for granted.


But what happens once our school years have passed? Sure, we can re-enroll to learn more things, get advanced degrees, and move forward in our careers.

INSANE? Many people think that the last night of the year will magically convert everything, like in a fairy tale, the pumpkin in the most beautiful and luxurious chariot, plans are made, goals are set and sometimes, you could even feel that sweet and sour taste in your mouth of all the broken promises to yourself. TIME IS UP!

Sylvia Chavez

“America’s Love Queen”

Let me introduce you to Sylvia Chavez, an Extraordinary Love Coach with over 15 years experience serving women all over the world. Sylvia has cracked the code for true and for ever lasting love. While counting victories and failures, She believes you can write your own some of you will go to sleep proud of love story beyond your wildest dreams yourselves and others, with a heavy without settling for anything less than heart and disappointment. That is hu- what your soul and heart truly desire. man nature. Measuring yourself by results and letting the cruelest judge of your life judge you: YOU. THE DREAM? I want you to try something different this year. You, as an entrepreneur Last and most important ask your fuknow, more than anybody else that, ture self: In 2 or 3 words what advice when things are not working; different he/she could give you? is good, new is welcome, and nothing When you open your eyes, hurry up could stop you to get different results and write as much as you can rememif you are ready to think outside the ber. You could even use a recorder or your phone to get as much informabox. tion as possible. You will receive lifeLike Einstein would say: “Insanity is changing information from your future doing the same thing over and over self. again and expecting different reNow, that you have finish, go back sults.” to the present, the now, and write all your goals and dreams for the comLet’s begin: Travel in time and imagine you are ing year. 10 years older, you MADE IT, all your dreams came true, and you are All the tips and information you got entirely happy and content with your from your future self will help you trelife. Close your eyes for a couple of mendously to start shifting right now. minutes. How old are you? What do Today is all that matters. you look like? Where do you live? Are you single or married? Kids? And lastly, let your inner judge go, let What kind of car do you drive? Be as the regrets and disappointments go, detailed as possible. Open your eyes let all the sorrows and punishments and write down everything. Keep go. It doesn’t make sense to waste adding more information. It is vital for any more time in the past. You did the the exercise that you take as long as best you could from where you were at that time. You didn’t know what you you need. know now, and you will do better After writing everything, close your from now on. Now, you know what to eyes again and look at your future do next time around. self. Take a deep look at those eyes, what do you see? How does your fu- You are the creator of your life, you ture self-feel? You can even ask him/ are strong, brave, unique and a gift her. Write down what you saw. De- to the world. You are an entrepreneur, and being an entrepreneur might not tails are a must. be easy, but it’s so worth it because Close your eyes again and ask him/ you are meant for greatness, YOU her: What would you have done dif- ARE A MIRACLE. ferently? What would you have let go of before? What was the most impor- TIME TO CREATE YOUR BEST YEAR tant decision you made to accomplish EVER! LIFE BY DESIGN JANUARY 2019 2019 12 LBDMAGAZINE.COM JANUARY

OR we can choose the path of selflearning that allows us to grow and evolve constantly.

6. A supportive family makes all the difference when striving towards your next success. Travel writing encourages you to go new places, acquire better photography skills, and submit articles to new editors and publications, despite your fear of rejection. Sound familiar? Who wants to be rejected? No one, right?

Case in point; I was accepted to medical school as a teenager, so now I have a couple decades of medical experience. It’s great. And important. And technical. And challenging. And sometimes frustrating, especially when insurance companies get involved.

And yet, if you take steps to learn the new skills, what good does it do if you don’t make the final step.

My solution? Work out daily and get the creative section of my mind in gear. And travel always helps.

Many people have amazing stories written down. They’re frequently found by their families when cleaning out closets after they’ve died. Why? Fear.

I have been screenwriting for a while, and I’ve recently started travel writing. There are astonishing similarities between all disciplines. 1. There are people both ahead of and behind you in the learning process. 2. There are varying degrees of graciousness in those around you. 3. If you don’t pursue the dream activity you’re interested in because, say, it will take two years, in two years, you’ll definitely be older, but will you have accomplished what you would have if you’d made the time to pursue your dream? 4. Fixed mindset people will tell you why you can’t succeed. 5. Growth mindset people will encourage you to try.

Plenty of people have great stories in their heads. Until they’re written down, who knows if they’d be worthy of publication.

If they’d taken the time to Level Up, to shine a light on a challenge they’d overcome, so others didn’t have such a difficult time... How many people could have been helped? Get out of your own way. Level Up. Turn around and help the next person. Let her stand on your shoulders and see what she can attain. Design your life to Learn, Teach, and Serve. Rinse and Repeat. You’ll be glad you did. by Gail L Clifford, MD

Are you a Woman in business? Join Life By Design for The Women of Worth networking mixer! Enjoy an all-woman mixer focused on uplifting women in the workplace. Women of Worth wants to bring women together so we can learn from each other, and support, local female entrepreneurs! Network with amazing women from all different industries, make valuable connections, and learn from our guest speaker!

Friday • February 18, 2019 • 10:00AM to 11:30AM Downtown San Diego Space is Limited - RSVP TODAY!






If you don’t know where you are going, how are you going to get there?

Arturo Antunez Arturo was born and raised in San Diego California he’s a young entrepreneur with a Mobile Car Detailing business and also helps manage a Residential and Commercial Cleaning Business. He hopes to influence others to discover and achieve their ideal lifestyle

Life is weird huh? We all go through

some weird stages in our life growing up. From each stage that we pass through we can learn something we did right and something we did wrong.

I used to think they were just saying that but now I realize what they meant. You can learn something from the smallest things in your daily life. As I started my first business in car I have made a lot of mistakes in my detailing, I realized that with every past, but I have stopped letting that day of practice you can learn somecontrol who I will become. No one thing new. is perfect, and we all make mistakes. Some people go through stages in With everything you learn as time their life in which they made some goes by the skills and knowledge, wrong decisions. Your past should you obtain ultimately lead you to a not dictate your future. new level. By learning from your misSomething I have come to appreciate over time is the start of a new day. Each day you wake up you are given another opportunity to enjoy your life and focus on making it better. Something I’ve learned in school and by my mentors is that you can always improve in any aspect of your life.

takes and actually working towards completing your goals, you can continuously improve your life and yourself as a person all it takes is a little bit of determination to become the best you!

By continually creating and meeting goals for yourself you can improve in any area that you want; whether it’s in finance, health, relationships, etc. A phrase that I have heard a lot growing up is, “Education is a lifelong process.” I used to listen to teachers say they learn from their students every day.


Nobody wants to be overweight, unhealthy, lazy or broke. These are all characteristics that creep in when we lack a vision for our life. Creating clarity in who we are and what we value allows us to turn uncertainty into probability. Probability is not a guarantee. There are no guarantees; not even of tomorrow; however, the more detailed we are with the blueprint of where we want to go and the impact that we want to have, the more our vision becomes a reality. When our vision is real to us and not just words or pictures, our discipline grows into desire and the obstacles that would otherwise defeat us, don’t stand a chance on a scale against what we are capable of. Our purpose becomes the deciding factor of our daily decisions. It’s easy to say “I want to be successful,” “I want to be fit” or “I want to have a good relationship.” Who doesn’t? But to make our vision a reality, we must first define what that looks like to identify what it will take to achieve. What do successful people do on a daily basis? What does a successful marriage or business look like? What does it feel like to be healthy and strong? Instead of scrolling on social media, and watching other people’s lives, spend time designing your own life. Assess the areas you can improve and then filter your life accordingly. Remove anything that is holding you back.

There are no magical Mondays where all of a sudden because you are motivated, hard work is easy, waking up early is fun, and junk food just doesn’t taste good. Hard work will always be hard, but it becomes rewarding when you know what you are working hard towards. Jumping out of your bed at 4am is never going to be easy (especially when it’s cold outside), but waking up with a purpose and direction outweighs the immediate, yet temporary discomfort. And let’s be real, junk food is always going to taste good, but the satisfaction is fleeting. A flower cannot grow in a box and neither can we. We must jump outside of our comfort zone and out of what we can currently see. Expand. Grow. Adapt. Clarity in our vision creates clarity in our decision. We must fail to succeed, but failing forward is key. To know which direction forward is, you have first to define where here is... What does your current life look like? How are you spending your 24 hours? How does someone with the qualities that you value spend their 24 hours? Be honest with yourself. Get clarity on who you are! Meet yourself where you’re at! And, put in the work! by Lacey Mystery Byrd


Jonny Gutierrez Born and raised in San Diego, California, Jonny is making it a mission to influence many around the world that are going through suffering by teaching on topics such as Meditation, Abundance, Mindfuless, and keeping a peace of mind. While discovering meditation back in 2013, life changed for Jonny forever. He has worked in countless marketing/sales positions that helped positioned him into Leadership and Entrepreneurship. With a background in the nightlife and finance industry, Jonny’s main goals is to connect deeply to those who need healing in their life and guidance to be a happier person.

What do you want your 2019 to

look like? Do you want to have a fantastic relationship? Do you want financial success? Do you want to travel more? Do you want to super fit lifestyle? Or do you want to finally find your true purpose in life? The good news is, only YOU can create the answers to what 2019 brings! But first, it all comes down to a vision. Without any vision, how would you know where you’re doing?

LIFE BY VISION Wasim Hajjiri is an MBA-Engineer, 3x Gold medalist, author and entrepreneur who coaches and speaks on how to accomplish your dreams and how to land your dream job how you want your whole year to be. Then, write down whatever goals you want to accomplish within a full year. Here’s the biggest tip! Now for every 4 sets of 3 months, envision how you want those 3 months to go. Remember, each set of 3 months have to tie into your vision of 2019. Most people unfortunately give up their New Year’s resolutions within a month into starting the New Year. The 12 Week Year concept allows you a reasonable period of time to make your transformation and accomplish what you need to desire. 12 Weeks can instantly bring you the results you always wanted in your life and 90 days will turn your passion and goal chasing into a lifestyle. But it all begins with a vision.

Website Email Number 619 756 0852 Facebook, Instagram, Twitter @WasimTheDreamm Linkedin Wasim Hajjiri Youtube Wasim The Dream

WWW.CRUZINSOCIALMEDIA.COM Contact to schedule a consultation for your social media.

Dig down deep within yourself and Right after I graduated high school, envision what you really want without I always had visions of a “success- any limitations. Then, go out there and ful” lifestyle like mansions, Ferraris, make your visions come true! having all the things that millionaires had. The nicest things in the world! However, as I got older, my visions started to change. Instead of visioning materialistic things, my visions shifted to how much I can grow myself and finding ways to be a contribution to the world. Vision is how you can make differences in people’s lives. The best thing I can recommend for anyone reading this is set up your whole year in 4 quarters. This makes it so much easier for you to break down a whole entire year into 4 different years. Envision




tap into the person that you want to be. But he doesn’t want to stop there! Cornelius also wants to help you build the person you want to become. Cornelius saw this need to fill by looking back at his life, and seeing where he could overcome these obstacles, and now he wants to help everyday people overcome those same obstacles. Although it has taken him from age twenty to now to find who he really is, he doesn’t want you to have to go through that same struggle. By having someone to help pull that inner you out, Cornelius believes it will come much faster and easier! With so many accomplishments, Cornelius is most proud of how he has really been able to help people! Cornelius finds that he has a knack for taking these big ideas and helping everyone understand them. This allows him to work with people to really see that they can do anything too as long as they are willing to work at it.


Simon is a motivational speaker, professional and personal development trainer, and coach! Cornelius learned so much from each transition in his life. He is the father of four kids, and a veteran of the United States Navy. This alone would give more knowledge than most people would hope to gain in their entire lifetime! However, Cornelius also spent 25 years as a software engineer, and twelve years in christian ministry! With all this knowledge that Cornelius has gained over the years, he aims to give it back to those who were just like him. Cornelius wants to share his knowledge with those who feel lost, maybe they haven’t aced high school or college, or maybe they don’t know where they are going. This is why he spends so much time speaking on stages, sharing his knowledge, and doing one on one coaching to help better the lives of those around him! Cornelius wants to help the everyday people come into their own, and really help people be the best version of themselves. Right now Cornelius is focusing on personal development coaching, to really make the changes he wants to see in the world. Whether you are a college student, young professional, or seasoned professional Cornelius wants to help you really


Cornelius is so excited to share his newest project, map success coaching. He is creating his courses that will give you the road map to personal development and success. There are so many different resources out there, but Cornelius really wanted to make these resources more accessible. This amazing online platform is perfect for the everyday person looking to gain success in their life! If you want to know more about Cornelius Simon and what he has going on make sure to reach out on: CorneliusSpeaks (on social media)

Interviewed & Written By: Kristen Crooks








Meet Forbes Riley the 2.5 Billion Dollar woman! This amazing woman has worked tirelessly to be the woman behind billions of dollars in sales! Not only is she an amazing sales woman but she also has her own studio, is a keynote speaker, and a mother of a beautiful family, Forbes grew up in Long Island, NY with loving parents and a younger sister. Her father was a inventor and a magician who gave Forbes the mindset that anything is possible! Although she did not grow up rich in wealth, their family was rich in love and respect for the family. But at eight years old, Forbes ran into a baseball bat. Since she sucked her thumb as a young child her two front teeth grew in different directions which led her to need braces. Fast food had just become big, so Forbes was overweight, at this age she had frizzy hair so she felt like she looked like this awkward little girl. As she came closer to the end of her high school career her mother explained that they had no money to send Forbes to college. She had very little extra curricular activities due to the fact she visited her father in the hospital most days after school. At this point her mother explained that there was this beauty pageant that she could enter, and possibly win the money to go to college. At sixteen the braces came off, and Forbes father’s doctor felt so bad for their family he offered to fix her nose. As Forbes entered the room with three hundred other girls, she thought: “I can do this! I can make my fathers life better!” And she did! Forbes won that beauty pageant . This was the start to her belief the if you can imagine, and believe you can do it, then you can do anything. As she went to college, she was going to become a lawyer, except one man. Even though Forbes had won this pageant she wasn’t as confident as she is today. This one professor believed in her though, and he believed in her so much that she actually changed her major, and ultimately the trajectory of her entire life. As an actress Forbes has been on many T.V. shows, but she truly shined on the Home Shopping Network which would lead to her being the “2.5 billion dollar woman” But she never really got major parts, so she had to have a second job and out of Forbes own mouth, she was not a good waitress. She went to audition for a part that she didn’t quite know what was, but as she walked in and saw a pen on a table she was given one instruction, “Sell me this pen” She looked at the camera and shared this amazing story of how her mother used to write her letters and how “a pen like this can touch someone’s heart” This is when the producer came from behind the camera grabbed her by the cheeks and said “You are going to make me a lot of money.” The main difference that Forbes understood was the benefits of that pen. As an entrepreneur Forbes gives the advice to know the benefits of your product or service, not the features. Because no one cares what your product does, but everyone cares what your product can do for them.

Once she found QVC she found her home, she could talk right to people, and see the numbers right there. Now Forbes is the mother of two beautiful children, and in love with an amazing man! She is also the creator of an amazing fitness product that allows you to get fit, or get a good pump anywhere! Not only is she starting Forbes Fuel, she also created the Spion gym. She is living this amazing dream that she created through her vision. Forbes is the type of woman that charges forward, makes her own rules, and is officially done playing small. She is out to change the world and she wants to start by helping you! Life By Design had an amazing interview with Forbes, where she gave us so much advice and she would like to share that with you today!

“You are going to make me a lot of money.” One of our favorite pieces of advice is find a mentor or a coach, Forbes tells us that the ones that ask for help are often afraid of seeming dumb, or stupid but these are actually the smart people! Those who search for help, or someone that has been through it before! Smart people are the ones that know that they don’t know everything, and are open to the help from people that can lead them in the right direction. Hey if Serena Williams has a tennis coach, we basically all have permission to get a coach (or a few) in our lives! Another crowd favorite from Forbes Riley, is in life there will always be bad things that happen but it’s how you react to them that really determine the outcome! If you need motivation, there is always someone there to help you, if you only ask! The thing that Forbes want to make sure, you know “What have you Forbesed lately?” To Forbes, “Forbesing” means what have you manifested negativity! You see no one says on their deathbed that they wish they spend another day in the office, but they wish they laughed more, spent more time with their partner, or had more freedom. So spend your time “Forbesing” your future, and building your dreams! Written By: Kristen Crooks Interviewed By: Stephen Dela Cruz



BUILD YO UR VIS ION NETWOR K The network we create as an entrepreneur determines the success of our business. Typically when we meet new people, we learn a bit about them and the type of referrals they need. This works OK. Building a Vision Network is way more effective.



By spending some time to learn the vision that lights up other entrepreneurs, we are able to give them referrals that align with their vision for their life. We also are able to enroll them into activities that they will be happy to support.

CONVERTIBLE FERRARI What is something you wanted to be

when you were a kid? Was it an astronaut? A rockstar? A teacher? Or in my case, a restaurant owner? You see, we ALL had our own dreams, in fact, we NEVER stop dreaming. But, something stopped those young dreams from becoming goals; it was a lack of vision. Ever since I was a child, I have always had big goals. I wanted to own my own restaurant, be my own boss, be a great future father to my kids, impact and better people, and one of my favorites, drive down the Pacific Coast Highway with a hot blonde in the front seat of my red hardtop convertible Ferrari. Imagine a 9-year-old telling you all of that; you’d either be amazed or in shock (I know my family sure was). I have always planned my future, and I still do. Whether it be envisioning my future house, my future wife and family, or my successes. I wanted to have set goals because it would make me want to follow through with it more and more. I would see my friends change their ”favored career” around 5 times a year and I couldn’t believe it… Why wouldn’t they just stick to one thing and GET IT DONE?! I soon figured out I was the unorganized one… It was in 5th grade when my teacher contacted my mother to let her know that I had the most chaotic cubby that she has ever seen. She then proceeds to tell my mom that I was actually paying a few girls in the class to organize my desk cubby TWICE a week! See in business and in life, how you do one thing is how you do everything. So yes, my room and truck are both ALWAYS messy, but that doesn’t impact my vision for my future. Us entrepreneurs tend to let the small potholes in life prevent us from seeing the destination. How can you expect to

Leandro Brandao

Leandro is a ‘Teenpreneur’ whose passion is saltwater aquariums; which have helped him through many tough times. Leandro started an aquarium cleaning service in San Diego called, Reefalicious, as well as co-founded a clothing brand for entrepreneurs called “Enspired.” Leandro pioneered the Young Entrepreneur Society (YES) Club at his school and is now a director at multiple schools. He helps fellow students like him who have the burning desire to start their own business and pursue their passions successfully. He aspires to be the person he wished he had when he was younger.

go forward when you’re only looking at the ground? You’ll be walking blind, visionless, and on your way to taking the wrong turn. I genuinely encourage you to start asking yourself consistently ”What if?” because it will lead you to start painting a mental picture of your goals. ”What if I got this $100,000 contract with a client?” What could that do for you? Would you buy a new sports car? Would you invest that money into real estate? Would you take your family/friends on a HUGE vacation to Hawaii? I can assure you that gaining or losing clients isn’t the cure for everything. But it DEFINITELY will help you get a grip on reality and what YOU can do to change it. By having a clear-cut vision of your future, you’ll ALWAYS have that goal/ lifestyle on the horizon. Are you going to chase that vision? I sure know I am chasing mine in a red hardtop convertible Ferrari (;


To determine someone’s vision, you can begin by asking questions that will allow them to dig deeper and reveal the things that motivate them. You can tell when you’ve tapped into someone’s vision, as their eyes will open wider, light up and sparkle. Think of this as a gift to allow them to align their actions with their deepest desires to serve in this world. You will be able to serve them better if you know their vision. A vision is different from a goal. A vision can be reached from many different directions whereas a goal is specific, measurable and time-bound. For example, “I want to help underprivileged children get a better science and math education” is a vision. A goal springing out of that vision is “I want to build a school in Honduras for 30 students by the end of 2019.” After that goal is complete, I can set another goal within the same vision, and I will continue to live in my vision by setting new goals. Use this list of open-ended questions to elicit the things an entrepreneur is passionate about, the things that drive them. What do you enjoy doing? What are you passionate about? When was the first time you did that? If you had all the money in the world and had traveled everywhere, what would you do now? What really pisses you off? What did you want to be as a child? What 2 things have always been true for you? How do you feel you are a gift to this world? What do you love doing that you never get tired of? Once you see their eyes light up, you can go deeper. I can see that in you; tell me more... Why is _____________ important to you? Once you’ve written their vision in your CRM, you’ll be able to invite them to events they will be excited about. You can refer them to people who will be ideal clients for them in addition to people who will help them achieve their vision. If the vision of a referral client aligns with the vision of your entrepreneur friend, they will be more successful serving that client. For example, if you refer a new accounting client who supports a charity which aligns with the vision of your entrepreneur accountant, they will have a better working relationship. Building a Vision Network is a win-win for you and your network of entrepreneurs. by Janice Bell Ph.D.



find what life beyond awesome means to them! However, this amazing business hasn’t come without challenges. Janine started her business with a full time job, which allowed her very little time to work on her business. She also had to deal with health issues, that led to a lack of energy to build her business. Now she is faced with running her business, full time which means finding her sweet spot for in time management. Each new challenge that she faces, Janine hits head on to fix, and is building a flourishing business to share your story!

Janine is a ghost writer and speaker, teaching

those how to create their life beyond awesome! Janine spent the last twenty five years as a legal secretary, but with changes in the industry she found it really wasn’t for her anymore! This is where she started to find her passion, and her newest business. Janine focuses on legacy story writing, this means she can tell your story, so that generations from now, your story is still around. With her background in legal writing she truly enjoys writing the stories of people who have seen the world, had their own unique experiences, and want their families to remember them for generations to come. Janine speaks on stage about how to create your life beyond awesome! This need came out of seeing so many high school students being told to pick what they want to do for their entire life, without any real information. Now Janine wants to open that conversation on how to create a life built around your passions, strengths, and still be able to make money. Finding this life beyond awesome is something missing from so many adults lives, who had to make the choice to live their lives without enough information! Not only does Janine help students find their life beyond awesome, she also helps adults

As an entrepreneur, Janine has so many accomplishments, she has already wrote her book (in 27 hours), spoke on stage, and hosted her first workshop. So, if you are looking to write your book in 27 hours this is a must attend event! Janine is hosting another, “How to write your book in 27 hours” event this month! Can’t make the event? Janine is also has an online course coming out soon! This course is an amazing way to learn about writing, what it means to you, and amazing tips and tricks that Janine has for you! Janine is so excited to be hosting her events, putting out her online course, and speaking on stage at an event in San Diego! If you would like to know more about what Janine has going on make sure to get in contact with her by reaching out at. Janine Holman on social media! visit her website

Interviewed & Written By: Kristen Crooks





My passion is in human development. I started with developing young minds. I’ve worked with people ages 2-22 in just about any setting, cultural background, financial class, mental and/or People view the world in many dif- physical ability. Everyone has had one ferent ways. Ways that some of us thing in common. That thing is the need couldn’t possibly understand unless to be heard and respected. we lived in their mind’s eye. This is why we live in a world that has so I’m all about expression. I do it through many cool things, places, and ideas! music and sports. My journey is to Right now I’m typing this article on my help people unlearn of suppressing laptop. This very device started out as a just a vision and was physically their inner self. Everyone’s feelings and manifested because people made thoughts deserve to see the light of day. their vision a reality with their ability to follow through until they got their desired result. I assure you this is one of the most expert visionaries because they can Some people see things in what I call look at the world and see what IS “black and white.” As dull as that NOT there! They see the invisible and sounds these people are our world’s as you know this task is not easy by artists, designers, etc... These visionarany stretch of the imagination. These ies see the world as a kind of art form people are hardly ever surprised by they can manipulate with a stroke of an end result. If asked if they were, a brush or as a symphony. Vision isn’t in fact, surprised you may hear them necessarily just sight. As a musician, I say, “no, actually this is exactly what hear and see the world in a very difI envisioned. Maybe not with these ferent way than most, and I translate people or the exact path I took but I this onto my instruments. knew the result would look like this.” Another type of visionary is what I classify as a “positive” visionary. These people see ideas that have already been made and find ways to enhance them! These people constantly annoy us with new iOS updates and what have you. If you have a vision, this person will quickly brainstorm a way to make it better than you originally planned. They bring new light to ideas. You can make an example of The Wizard of Oz and Wicked. Wicked is another take on what we know as The Wizard of Oz; a different perspective that enhanced our way of looking at the story we were told initially!

Jeffrey Q. Nguyen

What kind of visionary do you most resemble? We all are capable of all three but usually lean toward one. Know your niche. The faster you learn it, the quicker you can grow, create, and expand your business and ideas! Be kind to yourself and those around you. Don’t give up on your happiness and success.

The last type of visionary may be the rarest of the three. These people I call “negative” visionaries. Of course, this type sounds... well, negative but


Born and raised in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Jeffrey commissioned as a US Naval Officer from the prestigious institution, the United States Naval Acad“For your loving kindness is before emy in 2012. After serving in the US my eyes, and I walk in your Truth.” – Navy for almost 6 years, Jeffrey moved on to the entrepreneurship world with Psalm 26:3 the ultimate goal of bringing the saving At the turn of the 16th Century, a message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ young man no older than 30 years to all people. old, walked through the dusty courtyards of the Opera del Duomo. He was eyeing an enormous block of marble which two sculptors had previously worked on and rejected due to its many imperfections. After cir- Now, we are not limited to only havcling the exceptional block of marble ing one vision. In fact, we are capaseveral times, a slight smile formed on ble of having many levels of visions. the young sculptor’s face. He enthusi- The highest vision I hope all will come astically accepted the challenge and to embrace is the vision that David reshortly after, he began forming with ceived from God. In Psalm 26, David, his hands what he had envisioned in being aware, wrote of and acknowlthe courtyard. After 3 years of tire- edged the unchanging, undying, eterless and passionate work, the young nal, and everlasting love of God that sculptor, Michelangelo, unveiled his was before his eyes. Not only that, masterpiece, David, which would be- but his vision caused him to be free, come the most famous sculpture the to live, to move, and to walk from vicworld has ever seen. tory to victory in his life by abiding in What is your vision? I am not talking about what you see with your eyes, but rather what you see with your heart. What is it that is in your mind that you have decided that you will walk towards? You see, Michelangelo might have seen a block of marble. Maybe he saw the rigors, trials, and difficulties he will have to overcome. But one thing is for sure though, he envisioned David. According to archives, Michelangelo’s endeavor in creating his masterpiece was no simple task. And yet, he did not give up, but walked towards and completed an extraordinary work of art out of that which others thought was imperfect.

the Truth. Nearly 1000 years after David wrote this, his vision manifested in Jesus Christ, who continues to live in the hearts of many. God’s vision is to make a perfect work of art out of you and will complete it only through Jesus Christ.







Cornelius Simon

For the past 15 years, I’ve been play-

Alex Macklin is a Certified Personal Trainer and Yoga teacher in San Diego. He specializes in building strength, mobility, flexibility and rehabilitation with his clients. His mission is to empower people to their own greatness with strength, grace and passion.

ing pool in various leagues, tournaments or bars stretching across the United States and including Afghanistan when I was in the United States Marine Corps. During that time I have won multiple championships, MVPs and the right amount of money. Pool has been my meditation, my escape, and my past time that has enabled me to create and follow through on a singular idea. That idea is a clear vision are and can ever be held to is your word or promises. of my future. Recently I heard that you have to be it before you do it. You do not have what you want but rather what you say. Before every match, I tell myself that I am going to win and as a matter of my word, I follow through on that to the best of my ability. It doesn’t matter who I play or how good they are because, in my mind, I am the victor. I have a vision of myself as already winning the match before it starts and more than two out of three matches I play, I win. Imagine whispering something that hasn’t come to pass yet into existence by merely speaking it? I have that power and guess what, so do you!

When you can create the person you are in the future as the vision of your future self and then take actions as if you were that person, miracles will naturally happen. A similar notion here is that if you’re a positive person and you walk into a room, you will naturally notice all the positive things first and vice versa. The context we create for ourselves and live in comes from the future we have created from a vision of our future self. What vision would you like to create for yourself that will create the context of the future you would like to live in? Who do you want to be?

I recently played an 8-ball game in Your future is a creation of your word. pool league a few weeks back where Speak wisely. Honor your word. I had to win five games, and my opponent had to win three. On the very first rack or game, he broke the balls and made the 8-ball in the pocket which meant that he won automatically. 1-0 him. The next rack, he won that game in two minutes. 2-0 him. He broke the third rack and this time he missed an easy shot. Even knowing I was down 2-0, I still envisioned victory because I knew I was the more skillful pool player and thrive on pressure. I stood up, and over the next 20 minutes, I won five games in a row and won the match. It was not that I was necessarily shooting better than him but rather that my actions would fulfill on the promise and word of my vision which was to win. All that you


I remember few years back, I was

in a conversation with a gentleman whom I would occasionally run into around town. Most times our interactions were brief and cordial, but this time he struck up a conversation about business and his life. It wasn’t long before the conversation turned somber, as he spoke about how business is not going as expected and how unhappy he was with his life. After several minutes of listening, nodding with understanding, he finally asked me for some advice. My natural inclination was to respond with something motivational like, “it’ll get better” or “keep at it and don’t give up.” But that didn’t feel like it would have been very helpful; surely he’s heard those “words of encouragement” many times over. As I paused further, several competing thoughts came rushing to the top of mind, but there was one thought, or word, that stood out to me the most. It was the word, “Shift”. As I calmly and confidently whispered the word, he looked at me surprised, yet with interest and intrigue. “Go on”, he said, “Shift...” “Yes”, I exclaimed. I shared with him how there was a time in my life when I was in the same state of mind. I was unhappy, unfulfilled and desperately needed something new and fresh, a change of pace, of sorts, but that didn’t come until I made a shift. Shifting helps to transform who you are, what you become and how you experience life. It ushers in a new way of thinking filled with limitless ideas and possibilities. When you shift you’re more likely to: •Realize your true potential and what you’re capable of achieving •Reconnect with your dreams and passions •Have a bigger vision and plan for your life •Focus on what really matters and remove things that are holding you back For some, however, making a shift can be challenging and overwhelming, so they give up, but for those who want to expand who they are,

aka “Mr. No Limits” From small-town city boy to world traveler to corporate success story, Cornelius has overcome the odds of being “average.” After completing his military service, Cornelius began his civilian career as a software engineer. It wasn’t long before he excelled in the corporate arena. His rise as a successful IT professional exposed him to many facets of corporate America, different corporate cultures and the dynamics of being a team player and leader. Cornelius’ passion for empowering others to pursue their dreams, follow their passion and live life without limits is seen in every speaking engagement, training seminar and coaching session he engages in.

be invigorated and experience life to the fullest, making a shift becomes desirable and imperative. Here are few things to consider to successfully make a shift: •Be committed to the journey •Be willing to get out of your comfort zone •Be open to change and to learning new things •Be willing to take risks and live in the moment •Don’t take your past into the Shift As you embark on a new year, while reflecting on the previous, maybe you’ve been asking the question, “How is this year going to be different?” or “How are you going to be different?” To that I’d say, “It’s up to you” and although you can’t predict the events of this new year with certainty, you can, however, strongly and energetically influence it, by making a shift. Are you ready to SHIFT to experience a new you in this new year?


THE KEY Gerald Eldred Coach G - from San Diego, California. At the age of 8, I was labeled dumb and diagnosed with a learning disability. I have literally spent my whole life making my label the inspiration behind finding purpose in my life, exercising my strength in business and fostering my love for connecting with others in my relationships as the key to the realization that I am smart. It’s about breaking down labels to bring out your own “Genius Within”.

Vision is important for an entrepreneur.

Because without vision there would be no entrepreneur. You have to have a vision in order to manifest things that you want to become a reality. If you’re an entrepreneur and want to create a business of some kind, you have to see it first before you can manifest it. This is why vision is so important! FIRST, you have to know exactly what you want. SECOND visualize clearly what it looks like. Paint a picture of what you want and start building from where you are now. THIRD, you need to know how to get there. You have to understand what it’s going to take to get there, the challenges that you’re going to have to go through to make that vision a reality. To achieve your vision you must be willing to do whatever it takes to make that vision into reality.

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ested and very happy with my subject matter, my videos, my excitement, and my passion. I truly believe that these steps that went through and hurdles I had to go over will help you reach your success as well. Fear is one thing that can stop you from reaching your vision. You have to get past your fear. You already have the vision. You already have the know-how. You already have everything in you. If it’s just fear stopping you from reaching your goals it is time to overcome that fear! You have to believe in yourself. If you believe in yourself it doesn’t matter if anybody else says negative things about you. Believing yourself is the true key!

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Taking action is the key; you could have the vision, the goal, and the insight; you can read all the books, talk to other people, but if you are just sitting at home. Forget it! You must take the action step. So, I had to look for somebody who could teach me how to be a successful speaker and make my vision into reality. Since I took action on my goals, they are becoming a reality. Action is the most important part because, without it, your vision will never ever come true. So what areas of your life could you be taking more action?


What I want in the first place is to become a speaker, so I set a goal to get on a TED stage. Then I visualize myself being on a TED Talks stage. I got first to step. Now, how am I going to do this? So I had to reach out to other people that have already done it. I hired a mentor to show me how to achieve my goal. I sent out over 108 applications across the U.S. and beyond. And I had a lot of “No’s”. There will be failures in this journey but you can’t get discouraged. But finally, last night, I got the response I had been waiting for. They are inter-




NO MORE RESOLUTIONS I don’t diet anymore, I don’t make resolutions, and I don’t wait till Monday morning, January 1st, or any other time to do anything. If I decide to do anything, I do it then. I make a goal on a Tuesday and start it on Wednesday. I am done making resolutions, and I urge you to be done, also.


AVATAR DO? Rommel is an Electrical Engineer turned Lifestyle Entrepreneur. Current VP of the Young Entrepreneur Society and Executive Producer at Project Evo.

No, I am not talking about the movie Avatar. I’m referring to your character avatar, your perfect customer. As a podcaster, this was one of the first steps I learned when trying to develop the perfect listener. But this concept doesn’t just work in podcasting, it works in every type of business or situation when you need to make a decision. As a business owner, you are bound to run into a situation where you will be creating brand new products or services for your customer.

His goal is continuous growth. Not just for himself, but for those around him. He believes in giving people permission to be themselves, so that they can access their unique genius and carve their own path in life.

Next is where does your avatar hang out and find their sources of information? Do they go to conferences, read a particular magazine, visit blogs, etc. The idea is to find out what they are attracted to so that it is easier for you to target them when advertising your Have you ever wondered if those product. ideas will stick? Whenever you are debating on rolling out a new feature What is the demographic of your avin your product, or change some of atar? What is their age, sex, marital the copywriting in your website, think status, location, occupation, level of about how your avatar will react to education, etc.? For fitness, your avait, and you will find the answer. This tar demographic could be a single process will help you get clarity on male, age 24, located in San Diego, whether or not your product or ser- just graduated out of college and had an entry level marketing job downvice is worth moving forward with. town. This part of the exercise will reThe avatar is that perfect listener to ally bring your avatar to life. your podcast or perfect customer to your product. It dives into their age, Finally, what are the challenges and income, gender, interests, pain points, objections that your avatar is facing when reaching their goal? Going etc. Here’s what to include: back to the fitness example, my avatar What are the goals and values of may have a challenge of having conyour avatar? When thinking about sistency in the programs that they’ve your own product or service, what is used in the past. The programs can the end goal in mind for the custom- be boring and not interesting enough. er? For example, if I were to create An objection can be that they would a product on fitness, the goal of my need a gym to gain muscle, which is avatar could be to lose weight or gain incorrect! muscle from using my product. Some of the values that avatar may be com- Once you build out this avatar, what mitted to are the consistency in using you will achieve is more clarity in the the product or personal development. decisions you make in your business.


See, we should know by now: Resolutions don’t stick. Waiting till Monday morning to start is absurd. Whether it’s your diet, to start your marathon training, or whatever imaginary goal you know if you are honest with yourself, that you will never achieve. You won’t do it if you are waiting for a moment that you think is right. But you will achieve it if you start looking at your goals differently. I’m extremely competitive and mostly competitive with myself. I play mental games with myself to achieve goals. For example, last Monday afternoon I decided that I needed to stop making excuses about my weight and decided right then to stop eating so much sugar. So rather than waiting until the following Monday, I gave myself a challenge. I asked myself, “How long can I go without dessert or soda (my two biggest culprits)?” I am not on a diet. I didn’t wait till some elusive day to begin. I began my challenge THAT DAY. I challenged myself to see how many days I can go without it, so the minute that I break my “fast from sugar” my time has stopped, and I have to start the clock again. Honestly, I build these challenges for bragging rights. I want to be able to say, “Do you know that I went six months without sugar last year?” But I believe that having bragging rights is a better way to approach a diet than feeling as though I’m missing out on life because I can’t eat dessert. I’m on day 6, and things are looking up. I’m feeling good. I don’t feel like I’m sacrificing anything, and I feel as though I can go many more days, weeks and even months without it. Resolutions are goal killers. Make your goal and begin now. Decide to write your book, turn the TV off, open your laptop and bust out five pages… NOW. Then begin to build it into your routine. Create for yourself your own mental game or competition and achieve your goals NOW. by Jessica L. Moody

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3 Little Practices for Success In January of 2018, I wrote about thinking bigger to create bigger results. I declare 2019 the year to think smaller. Say what? Yes. Smaller!

around and wait for the next thing. I create it.

I am a natural born visionary. Maybe you are too. Here’s the thing. Not everyone can think bigger and create results. In fact, I’ve discovered that thinking smaller can often lead to success faster, and ultimately inspire the habits and mindset needed for long-term sustainability.

Let’s deal with shiny object syndrome first.

Thinking smaller doesn’t mean you have to give up on your big goals and dreams. Quite the opposite, actually.

It’s been proven multiple times over that we are actually more productive when we do less.

Here are three think smaller tools that will help you to succeed more in 2019. Break it Down Just like the bridge of a 90’s pop song, when you break it down, you may actually experience new clarity and momentum! Recently, I took on one of the biggest challenges (and mental barriers) of my life. Network marketing! There is a lot to learn. From the product side to the business strategy, the network marketing industry has a steep learning curve. I learned very early on to focus only on the tasks and information that were directly relevant to me. It started with learning how to invite someone to hear about it, and how to edify my colleagues. At every step of the way, I committed to learning and knowing exactly what I needed to know to generate success. The result? I started earning a residual income in month four – all because I was able to break it down! How can you break down an idea or project you’re working on to empower yourself with less overwhelm and more success potential? FOCUS Robert Kiyosaki says, “FOCUS! Follow One Course Until Successful.” Do you? Being a high achiever myself, I’m not one to sit


The danger is that I’ve been known to start multiple projects, seeing only a small percentage of completion. The other danger is that people may become confused about what you’re even doing.

If you start something, you should, as Kiyosaki suggests, follow that course until successful, or in my own experience, until you see that you cannot create success on that course.

I’ve also observed that the world’s most successful people pick a lane and stay in it. “But Davide, many successful people have multiple ventures.” I’m so glad you asked! Yes, they do. AND they are all related to their one focus or course, if you will, which is intrinsically tied to who they are. Whether it be radical innovation for positive global impact (Elon Musk), or laughter and kindness (Ellen DeGeneres), successful people know who they are, and everything they do aligns with who they are and what they believe. What do you believe? Are your projects aligned with your values? If they are, you’ll start to find less and less people questioning your choices – just like I’ve found since I embarked on the journey of network marketing as a complement to my personal offerings. The Next Most Powerful Step Having worked with high school students for many years, I learned a very important lesson. Excitement and intention do not always produce results. Even today, when I work with speaking clients who have very exciting ideas they want to pitch to TEDx and global stages, the idea is rarely enough to inspire action all the way through to completion. In his description of the composing process, Grammy-winning composer Eric Whitacre talks about the initial excitement which is always followed by the work (and pain) of actually de-

veloping an idea into a viable piece worthy of being performed for an audience. He notes that the excitement only returns when the end is in sight. So, how do you get through the potentially long, challenging, (and sometimes tedious) development phase? The most effective tool I’ve used is simply asking the question, “what is my next most powerful step?” When the answer is I don’t know, the next question to ask yourself is, “if I did know, what would the answer be?” In other words, constraint breeds creativity. When push comes to shove, if you are always focused on the next most powerful step, you will find yourself moving forward without being overly concerned with the big picture result. You can cross-check your results at every step of the way which will, in turn, inform your next most powerful step. A discussion on installing new practices that become habits would be incomplete without a mention of accountability. It’s essential and is usually the single factor lacking for many entrepreneurs and visionaries. When it comes to breaking it down, focus, and determining your next most powerful step, ask yourself: By when will you begin to break down your big goals, focus on your one course, and determine your next most powerful step? By when will you assess your progress and make adjustments that will get you closer to realizing your goals? What will get in your way of staying in your lane? How will you overcome your obstacles? And, if you don’t know the answer, what would the answer be if you did know? 2019 is a year for Being UNapologetic about who you are, what you believe, and achieving your goals, dreams, and visions! Ready? Set... Go! by Davide Di Giorgio

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With the arrival of the new year, res-

olutions are in the hearts and minds of many, as we all strive for better lives. We set a handful of goals, and many will see those goals as another ambitious start to the year, that fade into another year gone by without coming into fruition. What if you could change your life starting now? Take a moment with me. Think about this: What makes something remarkable? Whether it’s a company, a brand, or a human, there is one thing that sets the standouts apart from the rest. This thing is the scope of their vision. Consider the people and brands that are the most memorable. It is probably relatively easy for you to put into words the concepts that are part of their visions. When you develop your vision, you can take your own life to a better place. Vision is the heartbeat of your being. I truly believe that people who have average or below average lives have weak visions. We all know people who have no life vision at all. These people tend to have a relatively negative outlook. While some will think that the negative outlook is the reason they have no vision, I believe the opposite. I believe the lack of life vision is the reason they feel so negatively. A strong vision will move a person through resistance. We will all face resistance in our lives, no exceptions. Those who constantly need motivation are driven by a feeling, which, by definition is temporary. However, those who have vision rarely need motivation because they are driven by something with permanence. Ruby is a fulfillment coach working with clients, especially entrepreneurs, to get the most out of their lives. She launched her first business in college and has been passionate about business ownership ever since. Today, Ruby is a member of Stegela Success Mastery and is connected to a large network of business owners and entrepreneurs. Her major passions include long term work/life balance, health, and fitness. She’s currently working on a women’s empowerment project. So be on the lookout for this rising star!

If vision is the heartbeat to your being, passion is the blood. Passion is the flow through your body that delivers life force to your being. The blood does not flow without being driven by the heartbeat, and the heartbeat is not useful without the presence of the blood. Passion is caught and is the force that will allow others to be drawn to your vision, which will feed the third aspect. The final, key piece of a strong vision is impact. Your vision can only be as great as the number of people it can reach and, furthermore, help. Think about a fad. A fad reaches a multitude of people. However, it does not last. Now think about something that reaches many people and helps them in some way. That’s something of impact. That is a thing that will last, and a thing that will be remembered.

How does one develop a strong vision? Vision comes more naturally to some than others. However, the keys to a strong vision are authenticity, passion, and impact.

When you think about your goals for this year, consider what they say about your personal vision. How can your vision be more authentic, reflect more passion, or have a greater impact? When you can answer these Authenticity in your vision means that questions, you can grow your vision, your vision aligns with who you are as reinvigorate your life, and, likely, a person. The individuality in human- stumble onto greater success and live ity is a huge part of what makes life a better life. interesting. What is important to you may not be important to everyone, and that’s okay.


Are You The Black Sheep?

Ever since I was a young boy, I always had the vision of being a Major League Baseball player. You know growing up as Dominican-American, baseball was in my DNA. Back when I was striving to be a professional baseball player, I’ll admit there was a lack of work ethic, and I was a hot head, but my vision was so powerful, there was no way I wanted to give up. Some of my family members had doubt that I was going to make it, and didn’t really believe in me. I always thought of myself as someone that was going to be really great out of my whole family. But of course, there was going to be a couple of hurdles I was going to have to make. Knowing that I was already great and never giving up on your vision no matter what it is. The vision of the black sheep is having a vision greater than yourself so ask yourself, are you the black sheep?

Dominic Cruz My name is Dominic Cruz and I am a Social Media Marketer, ex-professional hip-hop dancer, & a college graduate from SDSU. I was born in New Orleans, but raised in Boston, MA. I have a strong passion for serving others and their business. I was introduced to social media marketing back in 2013 and what was amazing about the experience in the beginning was I made 20 sales in one week with 1 Facebook advertisement. That experience is what led me to serving tons of business owners.

You don’t have connections, then find them at networking events. You can’t be a black sheep with a vision if you don’t put in the work. Don’t think about it, just do because I GUARANTEE you that the more you put in work, BIGGER THAN YOU! It is beyond difficult to be one of the the more rewards you get out. Be the very few in your family with a vision black sheep and own that vision! that is greater than yourself. But, the beauty behind it is, no one but you has achieved a high level of greatness, and you’re the one who believes, who can do it. Have you ever imagined yourself in your dream car, dream house, dream anything? Instead of thinking “realistically,” think of yourself as someone who can achieve their dream car and dream house. I took ownership of my vision and really just went full-time entrepreneur as my job and lifestyle. I didn’t care what was in my way because I knew what I wanted and what I wanted was bigger than myself. PUT IN THE WORK! If you have the vision, then you got to put in the work! It doesn’t matter how you do it, it’s just putting in the work. Many entrepreneurs think of work as a negative term because they have to use energy to do a simple task. Well, you are here reading this article, and I’m telling you to PUT IN THE WORK!


Bachelor & Bachelorette of 2019 Make sure to RSVP for the next Magazine Launch Party! The final results of this contest will be determined after the final voting round and released at our February launch party!

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Mary Hang

Letters to Me. Life Lessons I Wish I Knew by


Have you ever wished you can talk to all kinds of people and find out the best lessons in life that they have learned so you can learn it too? This collection of letters is exactly what you are looking for! I commend so much of the vision of the author to changes the lives of young adults NOW instead of later into their mature years. It all started with the question, “What would my life look like now if I knew what I know now when I was younger?” Expect to go down memory lane, to feel and relate with the authors, to be moved, and to be inspired! 45 45 45 45 45

letters in this book! different people! unique perspectives! life-lessons, at least! voices that matter!

The struggles are real, and no one is an exception from it. You’ll see from this book that there are common themes of challenges and victories, and even uncommon ways of addressing them. May you find some of your personal questions answered and your mind to be opened to new possibilities. P.S. Dearest Mamazzz, I’m so excited and so proud for who you are and what you do! I’m so happy that this lifelong project of yours is entrusted with you by HIM. May this bring you joy as much as you are bringing joy to the world. Thank you and keep on changing the world! by Jennifer Meim


“Letters To Me”

FREE Exclusive Workshop for Contributing Authors

Wednesday, 01/16/19 at 6:00pm to 8:30PM

To my dearest World Changers, Are you ready to take your impact on lives to the next level? Your letters are impacting the lives of our readers. Your messages are changing the world. Let’s continue our life changing movement together! Auntie Mary is hosting a new workshop to share with you the next steps and your benefits to being an author of “Letters to Me.” By attending this free workshop you are guaranteed to learn how to leverage your new title as an author to help you gain more influence, book more speaking engagements, bring more impact and life changes to those around you, and become a more credible resource. Yours truly,




This month at Life By Design has been a busy one! We love our events and love to share them with you! We would like to start by congratulating all of our non-profits in the November issue. But a special congrats to ’Active Valor’ for winning San Diego’s most impactful non-profit! So let’s take look behind the scenes at Stegela Success mastery! THE SUCCESS CIRCLE CHRISTMAS December is full of holiday cheer! And at Stegela Success Mastery we held an amazing Christmas party! This bonding experience had so , many fun activities including, white elephant, dessert cook-off, and some awesome gift giving. If you aren’t part of Stegela Success Mastery you are missing out on some amazing holiday parties! Stegela Success New Years! At stegela, we ended the year with a bang! This white and black Masquerade was a party for the ages. Complete with a photo booth, cash bar, and some amazing dancing we rang in the New Year Stegela style! With so many amazing memories to share this event was filled with so many laughs, tears, and some amazing networking connections! Happy New Year Life By Design family! WOMEN OF WORTH Welcome to San Diego’s Women of Worth! If you are a lady that loves building authentic connections and helping create a community of confidence this is the place for you! We got to run December’s Women of Worth focusing on leveling up, we explored women’s stories of abuse, violence, and how they worked through them. This event was focused around how quitting on toxic parts of your life can level up your business and personal life! Each and every event that we have is an amazing experience and such an uplifting group of women! Join us for Women of Worth on January 18th! AUNTIE MARY’S LETTERS TO ME BOOK LAUNCH AND BENEFIT GALA This was a momentous occasion for the Young Entrepreneur Society and Life By Design’s Marketing Director Auntie Mary! Mary Launched her book “Letters To Me: Life Lessons I Wish I Knew” This book features letters from contributing authors teaching lessons they have learned through life and wish to pass on to the youth! Auntie Mary’s passion is passing lessons of personal development, entrepreneurship, and overall life lessons to the youth. This gala was the official book launch and benefit to the Young Entrepreneur Society. Through Auntie Mary’s hard work and dedication, muchneeded funds were raised to give back to the Y.E.S program where directors and volunteers go into high schools and teach students lessons in personal development, time management, budget, and how to run a business. Knowing that not every student wants to, or has the ability to go to college right out of high school this program shows students alternate paths, and how to build the life they dream of. If you want to get involved in the Young Entrepreneur Society by donating or volunteering visit Or reach out to Everyone’s Auntie Marry or Jeff Rollon! by Kristen Crooks Events Director



OUR VISION: Our vision is to have Y.E.S. in every high school across the United States. Meet The Team Of YES Meet the team dedicated to providing mentorship and personal development in the lives of high school students: Jeff Rollon | President | a serial entrepreneur, author, business coach, and philanthropist. He enjoys helping others while living with a positive attitude and a strong entrepreneurial spirit. Jeff is a part of YES because when he looks back he realizes he was always an entrepreneur, but didn’t have the guidance to turn that mindset into a more positive direction, which is why he is now that person for others.

Mary Hang | Vice President | a published author, influencer, keynote speaker, serial entrepreneur and philanthropist. Although she wears multiple hats, her biggest and most rewarding passion is impacting the youth through Young Entrepreneur Society & her book series "Letters To Me", which led her to receive the "Blue Ribbons Worldwide" Award.

YES stand for Young Entrepreneur Society. We are a California Nonprofit 501 (c)(3) that serves high schools on a weekly basis. Every week our team of volunteers hosts school clubs during their lunch break to bring them FREE lunch & activities, and videos around the spirit of entrepreneurship (leadership, team building, critical thinking, communication, sense of community, mindset and personal development, etc). WHY Y.E.S.? Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death in teens between 13 and 18. Depression and anxiety are the number 1 and 2 mental illnesses suffered among students in high school. 1 out of 6 teens have seriously considered suicide. 1 out of 12 have attempted suicide. 78% of students have started drinking alcohol. 42.5% of students have used drugs. Of that, 25% have used hard drugs such as cocaine, LSD, and Ecstasy. 50% of students have been bullied online. Every 26 seconds a student drops out of high school.

Dominic Cruz | Director | the founder/CEO of CruzIN Social Media and a former professional hip-hop dancer. He has a strong passion for helping business owners just like you grow revenue via social media. He was raised in the city of Boston, MA and born in New Orleans, LA.

We believe this is due to lack of purpose and lack of vision. Our team comes in every week to bring the spirit of entrepreneurship to give hope and vision for their future.



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