Life By Design Magazine April 2019 Edition

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“The Future Favors The Bold” PASTOR SERGIO DE LA MORA

Success takes F.A.I.T.H. page 08

Faith Plus Action page 14

Keeping Faith By Way of Self-Care

page 24

Is Your Lack of Faith Disturbing? page 26


Elite Mastermind & Coaching Program 2 LIFE BY DESIGN APRIL 2019


TABLE OF CONTENTS 04 05 06 07 08 08 09 10 10 11 12 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 26 26 27 28 30 30 31 31 32 33 34 35 36

Letter From The Editors The Stegela Success Mastery Team When we started LBD Magazine we had to have a lot of faith. A printed magazine is NOT cheap! We had to have faith in our sales team to sell enough ads to make sure we could print the magazine. We had to have faith in our writers that they would submit articles on time. We had to have faith in the skills of our editors. We had to have faith that there was even a community that needed what we were looking to create. Faith doesn’t come easy. There have been times when we thought we had to shut the magazine down. There were other times that we had issues with the venue and might have not been able to have our launch event. We had issues with the printers and almost didn’t get magazines in time for a launch event. There have been times when all of our staff have wanted to throw in the towel. For us, it comes down to remembering the impact we are making with the magazine. Remembering the vision. Remembering why we started the magazine in the first place. Faith as an entrepreneur can be hard. Our vision with Life By Design Magazine is to give people the information AND the inspiration they need to not get frustrated with business. Faith is on the inspiration side. But all inspiration needs how-to’s to make the applicable. Our goal with this edition is to inspire you to have faith in yourself and your business, especially in the tough times. We hope that this edition inspires you to keep the faith, no matter how tough it gets. One of the favorite quotes that is associated with faith is this, “If you’re going through hell, don’t stop.” Keep the faith, keep fighting. Thank you to all of the writers of this amazing edition. Thank you to our editors and staff. Thank you to our cover. And thank you to all of our readers and supporters. This wouldn’t be possible without everyone involved. You all inspire us to keep the faith, we hope to inspire you to keep the faith as well! - Casey Nicole Fox CEO & Founder of Life By Design Magazine

OUR TEAM Stephen Dela Cruz

Angela Dela Cruz

Casey Nicole Fox

Michael Bennett


CEO & Editor-In-Chief


Copy Editor

Jennifer Meim

Leandro Brandão

Jeff Rollon

Alex Macklin

Creative Director Sales Director

Do You Have Faith In Yourself? Invitation - LBD Magazine Launch & Mixer #KeepTheFAITH Invitation - MSB: The Lazy Millionaire Bootcamp Success takes F.A.I.T.H. 3 Questions for Entrepreneurs Invitation - Relentless 3 Tips to Throw a Successful Dinner Party 3 Keys To Living Your Entrepreneurial Life Faith Filled! What The Faith! Faith in Yourself Faith In Action Invitation - Women Of Worth Faith Plus Action Resolve to Know Restore Your Faith Restaurant Of The Month - Barbarella Restaurant & Bar Invitation - THRIVE & Life By Design in Vegas Entrepreneur Of The Month - Sergio De La Mora Invitation - Entrepreneur Of The Year Contest Entrepreneur Spotlight - Jason Stewart Having Faith... in the Process Gotta Have Faith Faith In The Unseen A Leap of Faith Keeping Faith By Way of Self-Care Physicians and Faith... Does it Matter? Faith: Soul’s Desire to Connect Is Your Lack of Faith Disturbing? Faith In What Cannot Be Seen Invitation - Stegela Success Mastery When Faith Isn’t Enough 3 Tips on Break Through Ideas? Plans? Execution? Faith! Is Your Faith Strong Enough If you are a ParentPreneur Movie Review - Walt Before Mickey Invitation - GET PAID TO SPEAK: A Mastermind Behind the Scene of Stegela Invitation - Y.E.S. Invitation - Success Circle Mastermind


“It’s not over ‘til you win.” LES BROWN, Jr.

Copy Editor Copy Editor


Factor” with


‘Til Death Do Us Part page 06

Mary Hang

Kristen Crooks

Anne Barrera

Dominic Cruz



Level Up By Giving Up!

Marketing Director


Events Director

Sculpting Out Your Vision page 22

No More Resolutions

page 26


page 04

Staying True To Your Word page 14

Commit to Following Through!

page 20

Are You In or Are You Out?


Get access to all of our previous editions digitally, go to!

Social Media



DO YOU HAVE FAITH IN YOURSELF? Have you ever struggled to look yourself in the eye

in the mirror? Have you ever worried that the decision you’re making won’t be the right one? Have you ever lacked belief in yourself? What is faith? It is a belief in something unseen. But what is the most unseen thing in our lives than ourselves? Our belief in ourselves is the easiest thing to lose faith in. For the longest time, I didn’t believe in myself. Even if everyone in the room told me great things about me, I couldn’t see them when I looked in the mirror. And I can bet that I’m not the only one who has been there. When I was 16 I had the opportunity to speak in my hometown church to the younger children. It was an honor I was looking forward to. However, the night before church I went out and partied. I got so drunk and high that I was still high the next day at church. I tried to speak and it made no sense. I embarrassed myself and I lost all credibility because everyone could tell I was on something. When I sobered up, I was so ashamed of my actions. Looking back I knew that I got messed up the night before because I was afraid. I was afraid to fail so I drugged myself up. Not to mention all of the other emotional reasons I tried to drown out my emotional pain with other substances. I lacked faith in myself so I made a bad call that affected my vision for my life. The older I got, my lack of faith in myself didn’t go away. I made more decisions that hurt me in many ways. My decisions put business relationships at risk, some of which even risked my own safety. All because I was focused on the immediate pain instead of the long term consequences of the decisions I was making. One day I was faced with making a decision that would greatly benefit me financially and emotionally but it would cost me. It would cost me my sanity at times and my desperate need to be in control. I would have to focus on the long term gain instead of the immediate discomforts. My choice to take over Stegela Partners Incorporated International as the COO, a company that has 10 plus corporations that each revenue 7 figures, was the best decision I ever made for my future but I had to get uncomfortable first. I had to face my demons. I had to commit to healing my trauma and working on myself on a daily basis. I had to learn how to have faith in myself. Having faith in ourselves is one of the most fundamental needs in our society today. Faith in ourselves is what


helps us to be confident in our decisions. It helps us to see things with clarity. How do you develop faith in yourself though? Here are three keys: 1. TRUST YOUR GUT. We have instincts for a reason. Now I’m far from ‘woo-woo’ but I know that there is that inner voice that tells us what to do and in our bones, we know when something is wrong. Call it the universe, I call it God, whatever you call your inner voice, we all know deep down when something is right and wrong. Trust that. 2. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. Things don’t always go the way we have planned but if we learn to take responsibility when we mess up, we will learn to mess us less. When we own up to things we don’t only build credibility with others, we build it within ourselves. 3. HAVE A VISION. Belief in yourself is hard when we are only thinking of the next move. If we can develop a vision for ourselves and our lives than we will begin to make decisions that align with that vision. We begin to trust our decisions because we know where we are headed. Having faith in ourselves begins with baby steps, like anything else. You don’t run a marathon before you ever run one mile. You don’t lift 300 lbs before lifting 10. Learning to make the right decisions and to have faith in yourself is the same way. It’s like eating an elephant (ew I know - not literally of course), it takes one bite at a time. One step at a time. One decision at a time. Here’s a bonus key to help you start building faith in yourself today: Faith is about understanding that it’s about the journey. Every decision you make shapes the rest of your life. This isn’t something to be fearful of, it’s a beautiful thing. A diamond was originally just a rock. It had to be thrown into a fire and then chiseled away the black char before it begins to sparkle. You’re a diamond in the making. Understand that the steps you take today, shape your tomorrow and that even if things don’t always go as planned, you have the opportunity to create something beautiful with your life every day. Enjoy the journey. I have faith in you, that you can have faith in yourself. Always remember, practice doesn’t make perfect. Practice makes confidence.

Casey Nicole Fox

Casey Nicole Fox is an author, speaker, podcaster, and serial entrepreneur. Casey is the CEO and Editor-In-Chief of Life By Design Entrepreneur Lifestyle Magazine, San Diego’s ONLY print entrepreneurship magazine. She has four for-purpose businesses while also being the COO of the 8 figure empire of Stegela Partners International Incorporated, the umbrella company of Stegela Success Mastery.





STEPHEN DELA CRUZ #KeepTheFAITH Believing is only half of it, you must also put into action what you believe. We see this so often in people that believe in the law of attraction. (By the way, I believe in the law of attraction…If you work for it) People are told that if you focus on the things you believe in you will find success and find those things. However, the cold harsh truth is if you believe but do not put any action behind it, you will not see results. While there is truth in what you focus on is what you will find, the science behind how this works is very telling. Your subconscious mind takes everything as if it is the truth, so if look for more money, your subconscious mind will form pathways to more money. However, you have to take action to obtain it.

Stephen Dela Cruz is a best selling author, speaker, and serial entrepreneur. He is the owner of Stegela Partners International Incorporated which consists of 10 corporations that employ more than 500 fulltime employees with yearly profits of 7 figures each, creating an 8-figure empire. After suffering a stroke, Stephen changed his direction and focus to creating “Income with Impact” and “Success with Significance.” Stegela Success Mastery was born out of this new mission, which is all about serving their fellow entrepreneurs. Stegela Success Mastery runs Stephen’s weekly podcast, bi-weekly mastermind group, live events and seminars, television show and through owning San Diego’s only printed entrepreneur magazine, Life By Design Entrepreneur Lifestyle Magazine. Today, he is the proud owner and visionary for “San Diego’s #1 business coaching and mastermind program.”

This month our theme is faith. While I believe faith is an

important part of the process, it is not all it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. So often people say if you just believe it will happen, it will come to you, all you have to do is have faith. So you sit there believing you will be rich, and get upset when it doesn’t come. So what is the difference between you and Gary V? What makes his faith in himself different than yours? One word. ACTION Faith is important but as much as you believe that you will be successful but do not ever put any action in, there will be no results. The bible says “For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead.” - James 2:26 LBDMAGAZINE.COM 6 LIFE BY DESIGN APRIL 2019

A great example of this is actually happening in my office as I write this. A few of my team members have a goal of getting abs by October. Our creative director Jennifer Meim has said she will think her way to abs. So she focuses daily on obtaining her abs. She tells herself she will gain her abs, and every day she sees that they are appearing. While this is a good thought, she also goes to the gym more days than not and continues to eat as she pleases but makes “healthier choices” and has accountability partners. As she has faith her abs will show, she also works to obtain them. Now I would like to give you a few tips to put your faith into action to reach your goals! GET AROUND THE RIGHT PEOPLE! If you have faith that you will be a successful entrepreneur but spend your day around those that have no experience in entrepreneurship, you will find many more roadblocks. Being around those that have the same goals, or have already done what you want to do will help you find solutions to problems that come up. Think of it this way, if you want to write a book, and talk about this goal with people that have never written a book, you may hear, “writing a book is too hard” or “why would you want to do that?” But if you spend your time with someone like Jack Canfield that has written and sold millions of books, you will hear real advice that you can take ACTION upon right then. Your circle of influence will help shape who you become and how far you make it. SET YOUR INTENTIONS DAILY If you try to get from San Diego to LA, without a map, you may find yourself lost. If you put an address into your google maps and follow it, you will find yourself at your destination with ease. In the exact same way, if you know where you are going, and give yourself a map, or set your intentions, you will find yourself getting to your destination much easier. Spending as little as 30 minutes a week to set your intention can keep you on track and create a roadmap to your goals. WHEN YOU SEE AN OPPORTUNITY, TAKE IT! Seeing an opportunity can be rare, so when you see one take it! Allowing fear to stop you from reaching your goals or taking action will keep you in the same spot that you are! Don’t let opportunities pass you by any longer! This can be as small as being invited to a networking event or as big as having an investor offer you capital. Whether it’s a small or large opportunity, start saying yes to opportunities and your future!





SUCCESS TAKES F.A.I.T.H. As I coach clients to success, I tell

them, “If you want to be successful, you must first believe in yourself, be obsessed with your goals, and most of all, you must have faith!” F.A.I.T.H. is more than just a word. As you read this, you will begin to feel it in your gut that the path to success requires F.A.I.T.H.

Different experiences, viewpoints, knowledge, and perspective are key ingredients for creativity, conflict, and critical analysis. No matter if you start a nonprofit or for-profit business, you must believe you will be successful.

Jeff Rollon Jeff Rollon is a serial entrepreneur, author, business coach, and philanthropist. He enjoys helping others while living with a positive attitude and a strong entrepreneurial spirit. His passion is helping budding entrepreneurs get started and profitable within their first year in business.

How much faith do you have that your business will grow if you committed FORM A CRAZY VISION. This is a requirement for anyone that to knowing even just those few is being mentored. Having a vision names above? Faith in the results of is crucial in all aspects of life. Many networking is guaranteed to take you times when a new applicant applies to your vision. for mentorship, many times there is no clear vision of where they see their TAKE ACTION ON YOUR VISION. life. Many people just know that they As head coach of Stegela Success want to “be rich,” but nothing strong Mastery, it’s important to set the example of an action taker on my enough to be called crazy. own goals and vision as well. Our I encourage you to think outside the coaching members have faith in the box. Have faith in your crazy vision. action steps that have been advised to take to reach their vision. Become obsessed with your vision. ACCEPT THAT EVERYONE STUMBLES.

As a business coach, setting up expectations and having our members is to fail fast, learn faster. The only way to get to the next level of your journey is by having the courage to accepting challenges and failures. Then have faith that you will get back up again and continue to move forward toward your vision. I challenge you to write down every time a business transaction didn’t go through and why. Have faith that you will learn from those experiences for more successful transactions in the future.

You may have faith in your business, but remember, a vision is only as good as the action put behind it to make it a reality. HIRE A BUSINESS COACH. If someone has already achieved levels of success that you want to achieve, wouldn’t you want to learn how they did it? Wouldn’t you want to learn from their mistakes, before you make those same mistakes? It has been proven time and time again that the longer you don’t have a mentor, the more you will realize you need a coach.

My friends, you must have faith mentorship. Have faith that through mentorship, you will get results As a business coach, it is paramount quicker and with much fewer mistakes that I encourage entrepreneurs to have and wasted time. faith in networking. We introduce our coaching members to highly In closing, have faith in the process, successful individuals through our the people, and the action steps. private events. Success networking Most of all though, have faith in being with the founder of UGGS, co-creator coached. Have enough faith to admit of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, to name a that we all need coaching in business, few; have changed their lives on just as much as a professional athlete needs coaching in their sport. many levels. INTENTIONALLY MEET SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE.



Having faith in your business is not the same as having a “faith-based” business. One could be on a mission to solve the world’s biggest problems. I believe it takes a level of faith to go out and raise funds to start on your socially conscious venture to “save the world.” We know these optimists as Social Entrepreneurs. What is a Social Entrepreneur you might ask? A Social Entrepreneur is defined as a person who establishes an enterprise with the aim of solving social problems or effecting social change. That being understood, many people believe that a nonprofit is more interested in social issues versus making a profit for their work. This may be true in some situations yet, some of the most successful companies and entrepreneurs use their for-profit business to do incredible philanthropic work and helping to find ways to solve the biggest problems across the globe. Many nonprofits are faith-based. Most entrepreneurs have a high level of faith within their abilities to introduce their vision, talents, and ideas to the market to fill a void or improve upon the status quo. Either way, it takes faith to step out and defy the naysayers so that you can see your dream come to fruition. One would either have a growth mindset or a fixed mindset. So, what’s the difference? An entrepreneur with a fixed mindset will use tangible assets, established data and time-tested results to form their plan. The vision is limited and will constantly be one step behind leaders in their industry. The entrepreneur with a growth mindset focuses more on the “why” versus the “how” because the level of faith propels them to see beyond setback today for a greater success tomorrow. This type of entrepreneur is not inhibited by the news or politics, they persevere because their why is bigger than their how. If you don’t understand this level of vision, it would be prudent to revisit why you started your entrepreneurial journey. The MindShift. To understand this level of faith, you must have a “MindShift.” Your focus has to shift from outward attention to inward attention to develop the collective growth mindset. Yet, you can’t solely develop the inside without affecting outward behavior. When your level of faith determines your actions, your business will make decisions based on “we” vs. “I.” The best way to maximize your MindShift is to remove mental obstacles. But first, we must know how to recognize the catalyst of the obstacle. This becomes evident with 3 simple questions: 1) What am I focusing on? 2) What does it mean? 3) What action am I going to take? Now is your time to be real. Your time to be authentic. Now, is your time to BELIEVE. by Rashid Hill

RELENTLESS: MEN OF EXCELLENCE is where men around the world have the ability to connect, build, and change the world! By developing skills in Leadership, Responsibility, Mental Stamina, Relationships, Love, Health, Wealth, and confidence Relentless will help you master the art of self! When you join the FREE Relentless: Men of Excellence community you are saying you are ready to start impacting the lives in your community, your family, and changing the world!

APRIL 5th | MAY 3rd |Â FRIDAY 6:00-8:00PM Downtown, San Diego For more info email ENTREPRENEUR LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE 9


3 Keys To Living Your Entrepreneurial Life Faith Filled!



you know that most miracles Jesus performed were always around feasts? Jesus, his mother, and his disciples were at a party, and the Wine had run out. He told the servants to fill up the Stone Jars (2030 gal each) water, and somehow, he turned that water into Wine. What a miracle right?

First I must give thanks to my Heavenly Father God for giving me the strength with a strong heart and fearlessness in my soul during my entrepreneurial journey.

Yoichi J. Kato

aka “Chef Yum Yum” Yoichi Kato is an author, speaker, serial entrepreneur, Navy veteran. He is the co-founder of San Diego’s most popular cleaning service called Everything But Sex Cleaning Services. He is a master business networker who is always connecting people. He is also an amazing Chef who provides private chef services all over San Diego. Yoichi loves to help others and see them thrive.

you will automatically become the influencer. Turning strangers into Here are 3 reasons why you need to friends is not an easy task, but nothing throw a dinner party to have miracles brings people together like food and for your business. breaking bread with each other. Did you know the word ‘companion’ TIP #1 PLANNING & HAVING A TEAM comes from Latin and means ‘with bread’? By hosting an event, you Whenever you host an event, you will bring people together, and they should have a checklist of everything can bond. Even Jesus said, “I am the you need so you can be prepared. Bread of Life” (John 6:35). Many of us are so busy focused on the big shiny object of the event TIP #3 CREATE A SOCIAL MEDIA BUZZ that we sometimes forget the minor items. For instance, when I threw my The most significant challenge people dinner party earlier in the year, I was often have with social media is so focused on the meal itself I had content creation. By hosting your own forgotten about the napkins and had dinner party, you can say goodbye to ask a friend to get it for me at the to this challenge! So, this is what I last minute. did during my dinner party. I had my Having a team is also another key. Although I’m a great chef, I’m not the best host. I had asked my friend “Everyone’s Aunty Mary (@ everyones_auntie_mary)” to be my hostess for my dinner party since she has an amazing bubbly personality and love to chat with people and make them feel welcome and entertained. TIP #2 BUILD THE RELATIONSHIP The key to success in any business is a good relationship. Whether it’s colleagues, prospects, or customers, if you want people to buy from or work with you, you have to get people to like and trust you. During the event, you have to build a relationship with everyone. By hosting an event,


friend Marian (@xoxophotoboothsd) take pictures during the event, and Jony Cruz was taking videos of the event & testimonials from the guests after the event. This way I had plenty of content created to post on social media. As we all know engagement is the key to success on social media. If you want more people to know about you and your business, have your guests check in to the event page on Facebook, use a special hashtag for the event, i.e. #chefyumyum and have your guests use it. If you want miracles in your business, don’t forget to throw dinner parties and apply the 3 tips! Just remember if you don’t possess the ability to cook an amazing meal, outsource that task to someone who can.

1. COMPROMISING VALUES Anyone who has ever worked in a professional setting or their own business before knows that sometimes people do business dishonestly or unethically. Often times, a person in a lower position of power is pulled into a compromising situation by a boss and may go along with it. Christian people are going to feel uncomfortable about compromising their values, whether it is to lie for their boss or to fill out a form falsely. They will need to make some tough decisions about how to proceed in these types of situations. You don’t have to have all the answers or always know the right thing to say, you can climb the highest mountain if you want or quietly imagine that you might someday. 2. INTOLERANCE Although society as a whole has become more tolerant of others and their beliefs, religious freedom is one area that seems to be suffering, at least that is the perception and feeling of many Americans. Development means progress, growth and forward momentum. Without a bit of “construction” or “renovation”, we could never get to where we want to go. Whether it’s a thrilling place of satisfaction and fulfillment or to a place of happiness. Men and women in any profession may face some religious intolerance or the perception of it. They may even be accused that their religious beliefs infringe upon someone else’s beliefs. Some people are finding it best to keep quiet about the more controversial beliefs within the Christian faith and stick with speaking about only the positive. 3. FAITH I have had a struggle or two, but all that did was make me stronger and encouraged me to step out of the pain and create my destiny. ”When the storms of life try to overcome you with waves of fury, you have to grip the rails tightly and never give up.” Instead, you must only rise above the waves crashing all around you and step onto the dock of FREEDOM.” Living through the rough water and stormy seas of that infamous thing that is called entrepreneurship can be navigated with stern pertinacity. Tsunami Of Success as an entrepreneur can definitely test our faith and even deplete us, almost to the point of telling us in our mind to just give up. Believe in yourself and know that you have the power. You are ultimately the one in charge of your life and the only person in the world who can change it. No matter how much others are pulling for you or how much anyone else cares, you must have faith and do what needs to be done to make your present and your future everything you want and need it to be. by Sheri Hendrickson


Jennifer Meim

What The Faith!

Jennifer Meim is a Graphic Designer who works with Entrepreneurs to transfer their vision into fruition. Jennifer has a natural gift of being in tuned with her clients to understand and to see their vision. For at least a decade, Jennifer have supported and worked closely with founders and CEOs to launch their ideas from table talks to tangibles. Jennifer is a self-taught designer, and continuously strive to learn especially with new technologies. Her creative soul and genuine love for people makes her one of the most approachable, dependable, and trustworthy designers in San Diego.


trust and confidence to someone or something, this is FAITH. We talk about having faith yet we don’t trust. It’s like wanting SUCCESS but not the work. Trust is such a big word. It seems hard to find nowadays to a point where people give up having faith on anyone and frustratingly says, “What the F*ck!” Having faith in business and in life is one of the keys essential to not giving up. So how can we stay faithful against all odds? Trust MORE!!!

celebrating our wins is comparisonitis. We are exposed to so many successful people and it’s hard to not see what they have and what we don’t have. What if we compare our wins from our previous wins instead? How did our most recent win “out win” the other? When at times I feel defeated, I think about the hardest challenge, so far, that I have endured and came out victoriously. I say to myself, “I’ve gone through worse. I got this!” What is your biggest win?

TRUST YOURSELF. You cannot give what you do not have. How can you trust others if you cannot trust yourself? I have a new relationship with TRUST. Back then, trust for me was “a yes or a no” - there was no room for error. If you mess up that trust once, its over. I was in a relationship with trust where what only mattered was how it’s going to affect me. Now, I learned that trust is who I am being - the good, the bad, and the ugly. Trusting yourself more is taking responsibility of what’s happening in your life, your choices and consequences… and being okay with the results. What does trusting in yourself more look like for you?

TRUST YOUR CIRCLE. We are not meant to live life solo. When we are in doubt the easiest route to take is solitude or run off. Your circle of influence plays a big role in your life, so it’s very important to choose wisely. There’s a scriptural saying, “For when I am weak, then I am powerful” to recognize where we are lacking is the start of looking asking for help that would in turn result to solutions. Who’s in your circle?

TRUST YOUR WINS. We don’t give ourselves enough credit. We’ve gone through crap and have thrived from them! The enemy of us

May your faith be strengthen by trusting more in yourself, your wins, and your peeps! Have a faithful day!

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Faith In Action “Where does faith come from? God has allotted to each a measure of faith.” Romans 12:3


How does one increase their faith? Faith is multiplied by acts of faith.

Jony Cruz

As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead. (James 2:26) God wants you to apply his gift of faith to your hopes and dreams. Faith is part of the creative process. It motivates us to keep taking inspired action on the invisible until it becomes visible. The Chinese Bamboo Tree, for example, requires nurturing through sunshine, water, and soil. After one year of nurturing this tree, there are no visible signs of growth. After 2,3 and four years nothing? Finally, in the 5th year something miraculous happens, The Bamboo Tree grows 80 feet tall in just six weeks. This tree is like your hopes, dreams, and your business.

Billions of people around the world

attend temples, church services, and mosques to hear the message that can encourage them. Some people even give 10% of their income towards their religion or much more to causes their places of worship support. But sometimes people have so much faith in a higher power that they forget that the same high power would want them to have faith in themselves. No matter what you believe in, if it is a higher power or not, you are designed to be great, and that is a fact. You are designed to go to overcome. You are designed to leave a legacy. The same way people prioritize their faith. Sometimes you just have to treat your own self as a faith. You as a religion. For instance, your body is the temple, your own family is the church, your meditation room is your mosque. Your prayers are the list of words of affirmation to yourself that you say every morning. Again whether you believe or don’t believe in outside powers. Believe in yourself. Though that might sound cliche. I’m literally saying to treat yourself like a religion. The same way people spend time reading their religious book. Read selfdevelopment. The same way people attend church, attend a life-changing entrepreneur event. The same way people pray, affirm yourself. Continue spending time in your own personal faith, but also spend that same amount of time believing in yourself, that your own beliefs in your goals and vision are impenetrable.


If you don’t have spiritual beliefs, now you have double the time to invest indoor self, while everyone goes to church to listen to their priest or pastor, find a guru that can help you open up in different ways. While people tithe, donate your time and money towards foundations or research. At the end of the day, all these religious buildings were built by human hands, but you were built by the hands of destiny, so treat yourself as such, and have faith.

In 2014 I had a desire to create a business based on my passions. I went back to school and took many business and personal growth courses. In 2017 I introduced my community to the life enrichment program. It started with one facility, and now Bodies in Motion is in the Imperial Beach library, in over 8 assisted living facilities, integrated into hospitals, corporations, speaker, leadership events and retreats which all get their audiences moving. 50% of new companies shut their doors by or before their fifth year in business. For us, this is just the beginning. There is a powerful quote by our 26th President Theodore Roosevelt that paints an impressive picture of faith in action. “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually attempt to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” 1. Where in your life do you need to step into the ring so you can put your faith into action? 2. Which part of your business could you nurture more? Ask yourself these questions to see which areas come to your mind that you could apply more faith and action too. Have faith that it’s possible and probable to create, sustain and grow your business by multiplying your acts of faith. Connect with me to learn more about how you too can keep the faith while creating a business as unique as you are. by Nadirah Bray

Are you a Woman in business? Join Life By Design for The Women of Worth networking mixer! Enjoy an all-woman mixer focused on uplifting women in the workplace. Women of Worth wants to bring women together so we can learn from each other, and support, local female entrepreneurs! Network with amazing women from all different industries, make valuable connections, and learn from our guest speaker!

Friday • April 19, 2019 • 10:00AM to 11:30AM Downtown San Diego Space is Limited - RSVP TODAY! Text "WOMAN" to 76626 and JOIN US



Resolve to Know


When I first looked at the subject “FAITH,” the very first vision I had was of Jim Rohn and some of his philosophies. Here is one of my favorite quotes by the late and great Jim Rohn:


“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” ― Jim Rohn

Jonny Gutierrez

Have you read the book Think and

Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill? If you haven’t I recommend you read the book! Truly life changing if you want to become a wealth magnet. In Chapter 3 in the book, Napoleon Hill talks about Faith. The word faith can mean differently for others. The word can mean having faith that things will work out for you, it can also mean having faith towards a higher power to always be kept safe from anything bad from happening. What faith means to me is both believing everything will work out for me, however putting in action for things to be manifested. Remember this, faith is nothing without action. Most people can just have faith and want things given to them without doing anything. Let me tell you this, in life things won’t magically be handed to you. You have to keep putting action PLUS faith for whatever you want to be manifested. Here are 3 tips on how faith can really impact your life: 1. FACING ADVERSITY: Every human has or is going through some type of adversity. Adversity is one of the main reasons why people give up so easily. When you’re going after your dreams or working really hard on a goal, there will be breakdowns, failures, and obstacles that will make you want to quit. DON’T. Same author Napoleon Hill wrote another book called Outwitting the Devil that mainly focused on adversity. In the book, Hill interviews the devil and exposes the devil’s secrets on how people fail. Adversity steals away dreams. Overcome adversity by NEVER GIVING UP when times get hard. Adversity is supposed to happen! It’s up to you if your dreams are BIGGER than your adversity to keep the dream alive.

Born and raised in San Diego, California, Jonny is making it a mission to influence many around the world that are going through suffering by teaching on topics such as Meditation, Abundance, Mindfuless, and keeping a peace of mind. While discovering meditation back in 2013, life changed for Jonny forever. He has worked in countless marketing/sales positions that helped positioned him into Leadership and Entrepreneurship. With a background in the nightlife and finance industry, Jonny’s main goals is to connect deeply to those who need healing in their life and guidance to be a happier person.

believed in Jesus. Jesus always kept me safe during difficult situations. I’m starting to attend church more now than in my early past years. Praying every morning and every night before I go to bed. For me, I believe Jesus will keep me on the right path. Meditation always has helped me too with Faith. Just meditating for 15 minutes daily has kept my mind clear from negativity or from taking negative actions. Connect to the higher power and BELIEVE that whatever is meant to be will be.

3. PATIENCE: This one can be hard for some people. We live in a society based on instant gratification. Meaning, we want things to happen NOW. But if you want success, growth, nicer things, it’s going to have to require patience. Take the smallest good actions now, and it’ll all come together. The best things come with patience. Then you’ll appreciate something even more once you get 2. CONNECT TO THE HIGHER POWER: it. Patience and faith will conquer all What I mean by a higher power is in the end. Keep taking action, no believing in your GOD. God’s are matter how long things take. different for each religion. Growing up Catholic, my family always BY DESIGN APRIL 2019 14 LIFE LBDMAGAZINE.COM APRIL 2019

For those of you who don’t know who Jim Rohn was, Jim was a very successful businessman, a lecturer and perhaps least known, a mentor to Tony Robbins. Of course, you know Tony, one of the biggest motivational speakers on our planet. You will find as you get to know me and read more of my articles, that Jim has become a good mentor to me as well through his books and CDs. That said, that’s where I’d like to begin. How can faith help you change the things in your life that will make a difference? It starts by putting trust in yourself. To trust that you’ll make the plans that you need to live out what you’ve decided to do with your life. The results may or may not be what you expect, but that’s ok. Making the decisions and taking the actions steps to make things happen is the key. It’s the journey that makes life the best. If the outcome isn’t what you want or desire, a lesson learned is ok too, but having faith that the destination will happen is having faith. When I decided to share my thoughts when it comes to faith, I didn’t realize how difficult this topic would be to talk about without mentioning the Bible or Christianity. Well, whether you believe in Christianity or not, there is overwhelming evidence that purpose back by passion will lead to success, but I believe that the key ingredient is faith. Faith is knowing that what you envision, what you desire with indeed will happen. As an amateur of the Bible like Jim Rohn, I’d like to share another quote that has helped me over the years. He said, “Work on your gifts, they will make room for you.” Meaning work on yourself. Working on yourself is the greatest thing you can do, and I know this to be true. Every major step of my life has come from working on the gifts I have been given. Every raise, promotion, accolade or personal achievement has come from working and believing in myself. Knowing that I would get to that “next level” or place has helped and served me well. Since Jim’s been on my mind in this post, I’d like to finish by sharing a little story of his. He once talked about giving a seminar and was asking the audience about the meaning of the word “Resolve.” He went on to say that the best definition he ever heard came from a young girl. She said that “resolve is promising yourself that you will never give up.” To me, that is faith, a conviction knowing that you will succeed no matter what. by David Blackford


RESTORE Dominic Cruz


My name is Dominic Cruz and I am a Social Media Marketer, exprofessional hip-hop dancer, & a college graduate from SDSU. I was born in New Orleans, but raised in Boston, MA. I have a strong passion for serving others and their business. I was introduced to social media marketing back in 2013 and what was amazing about the experience in the beginning was I made 20 sales in one week with 1 Facebook advertisement. That experience is what led me to serving tons of business owners.


not going to like what I’m about to say. You’re probably going to stop reading this article after I’m done telling you something that you’re not going to like. But, if you’re still holding on to something that gave you a bad taste in your spirit or in general, then maybe you should restore your faith in the person that has hurt you. It’s not about getting the forgiveness, but it’s about seeking peace within yourself and your situation.

Wasim Hajjiri is an MBA-Engineer, 3x Gold medalist, author and entrepreneur who coaches and speaks on how to accomplish your dreams and how to land your dream job Website Email Number 619 756 0852

powerful. The power of understanding of yourself is seeing your values, knowing how to effectively listen and communicate with others, and loving others the way you want to be loved. Seeking yourself is a treasure that is unfortunately hidden until we have been hurt. Like they said, no pain, no gain. JUST LIVE Live like there is no tomorrow! You not only know how to forgive, but you know yourself so much more and not only do you know yourself more, you love yourself more than you ever did. But, what happens when you master those 2 keys….2 words……..YOU LIVE! Live your dreams and have no worries in the world. It’s incredible how we care so much about the little things, we forget the finer things, and that’s our damn dreams to live. Make a list of the things you want to accomplish, set a budget, and go live the things you want to achieve.

FORGIVENESS Yes, I’m telling you to go deep inside and ask yourself, how you should forgive. It’s hard, and I’m not telling you it’s a walk in the park, but how anything can help us move forward in life is by seeking forgiveness. Hate is a strong emotion, and it’s super wasteful to the human spirit, but is it really worth using your energy for hate when you can use your energy to empower someone with your story? Once you fully forgive, then it’ll be easier to forgive others who have Restore your faith in yourself and be hurt you. able to forgive because I promise you when you accomplish that, you’re SEEK THY SELF Once you have mastered the step 50% further than 97% of this world. of forgiving others, then you want to start seeking yourself. Loving yourself is one of the best things to do, but understanding yourself is extremely

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WWW.CRUZINSOCIALMEDIA.COM Contact to schedule a consultation for your social media.



In February, my monthly girls’ dinner group met at Barbarella Restaurant & Bar in

La Jolla, California. As stated on their website, Barbarella’s is “a community place to break bread and enjoy life.” They serve homemade Italian fare for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Unlike most places in La Jolla, this restaurant was not located in the trendy downtown Prospect Avenue area. It’s located in a surprisingly cute, quaint little strip area of La Jolla Shores. Just steps from the shores of the Pacific Ocean, Barbarella is complete with an expansive outdoor patio and opulent holiday decorations that allow you to enjoy the utmost fun, whimsical dining experience. My visit to Barbarella was with five girlfriends, and we sampled a plethora of dishes. First, was the Pizza Con Funghi made with wild mushrooms, Fontina, and truffle oil. Now, I personally do not eat mushrooms, but this appetizer did seem to be a crowd pleaser as every single slice was eaten. I was told it was divinely delicious with flavor. The Impossible Burger, Grilled Lamb Rack Medallions, Pasta Al Forno, and the Barbarella Chop Salad were other entrees ordered by my friends. I ordered the Risotto of the Day. The Impossible Burger was a vegan burger patty with all the traditional burger fixins. It was so authentically real and bursting with the juiciest of flavors that my girlfriend had the waiter confirm with the chef that she did, in fact, receive the vegan burger and not a beef burger. The grilled lamb medallions were highly cheered as well as being “tender and prepared to perfection.” The Pasta Al Forno was baked orecchiette pasta, gorgonzola, leek, Italian pancetta, in a light cream sauce. I tasted this one, and it was one of those mouth-watering dishes that make you stop, absorb the flavors on your tongue, and quietly groan a soft, throaty yummmm. The Barbarella Chop Salad consisted of avocado, roasted beets, celery, feta, toasted almonds, cherry tomatoes, avocado lime dressing, and romaine lettuce and was most definitely “good and fresh” as reported by my girlfriend. My Risotto of the Day was absolutely superb, but then again, I truly love risotto. It was tangy, cheesy, and spiced up like none of I’ve ever had before. I was extremely pleased – another deep, throaty yummm dish. As with any exceptional dining experience, there is naturally no shortage of raving reviews for Barbarella. Patrons reported “there is just something about the ambiance that is special,” “[we] were truly blown away,” “the food is fresh and delicious,” and “never disappointed.” Service was top notch during our visit. Other patrons have also had high praise reviews about the service stating, “[our server] was friendly, knowledgeable, and really made the evening enjoyable” and “we were extremely happy with the service.” I was quite pleasantly impressed with Barbarella. It’s touted to be a fun, quirky place for romantic date nights, sun-drenched weekend mornings, or an enjoyable place to take in a cool cocktail. They are even known to be dog-friendly on the outdoor patio. Written By: Janine Holman


& We are super excited to announce LIFE BY DESIGN MAGAZINE will be distributed at an international entrepreneurship conference in Las Vegas to over 1,500 attendees! YOU HAVE AN AMAZING OPPORTUNITY TO GET YOUR BRAND IN FRONT OF INTERNATIONAL INFLUENCERS AT


What would it do for you to get YOUR business/personal brand in the hands of influencers like Gary Vaynerchuck, Grant Cardone, Tai Lopez, Lewis Howes, Eric Tomas, Kevin Harrington, and so much more! Oh and handed out to over 1,500 entrepreneurs from around the world! We are offering two ways to invest in growing YOUR exposure with major influencers with this EXCLUSIVE & ONE-TIME publication: 1. Write a sales/content article that sells your services while providing content (we will coach you on this). Limited to 18 writers. 2. Become a featured entrepreneur with an article written about YOU as if you are an influencer next to the celebrity names! Limited to 5 features. Text THRIVE to (858) 333-1534 to reserve YOUR spot by May 1, 2019!




This month Life By Design is excited to honor an exemplary model of faith in our city, not only for his beliefs but also for his prowess in business. Sergio De La Mora is well known as the lead pastor of Cornerstone Church of San Diego, the largest Latino led church in the history of San Diego, but what is less known is the journey through entrepreneurship he has been on since he was a teenager. For the last twenty-one years, Sergio and his wife, Georgina, have built, branded, marketed, and sold the vision and mission of turning the hearts of youth and families throughout San Diego. Though their story is one of success and significance, it’s even more admirable when you know all they’ve had to overcome. From a young age Sergio understood the power of an entrepreneurial spirit. Driven by the pursuit of the American Dream, his father left a life in Mexico behind to pursue more for his family. Despite a limited educational background, his father modeled to his six children how to successfully build and manage his own landscape design company in the affluent community of Santa Barbara. All of the De La Mora children worked for the family business, but Sergio began to dream of bigger aspirations. While his father established the keys to success through a foundation of impeccable work ethic and vision, Sergio needed to conjoin his net worth and his self-worth. Growing up in a neighborhood where the expectation to join a gang was the norm, Sergio battled for identity. His first love was skateboarding and that made him a target for violence, peer pressure, and bullying. His ethnicity wanted to pave a path for him in a gang alongside his brothers and cousins, but his giftings were leading him elsewhere. By age twelve, Sergio was sponsored by two skateboard companies, yet he was unable to enjoy his newfound success. As the only Latino in the skate park, Sergio began to live a double life – gang member during the day and semi-professional skateboarder at night. He would dress and act as part of the gang amongst his peers at school, then change his clothes and sneak away to skate after school. Eventually the battle within him lost to the war around him and Sergio joined a gang. Soon after, he was stabbed in the back just inches from becoming paralyzed and everything changed. His parents forced him to stay home on Friday nights and a new love and a new business was born.


Sergio got hooked on a college radio station every Friday night, and soon the influence and impact of the local DJ began to lead him toward a destiny moment. Sergio had spent so many Friday nights visualizing himself as a DJ that when he heard they were looking for people to train, he knew the future was calling him. Because he had become so familiar with the vision of seeing himself as a DJ, it was easy to take the next step toward success. Sergio became the youngest person to get their Federal Communications Commission (FCC) license at fifteen years old. That destiny moment led to an incredibly lucrative career as the largest DJ company in Santa Barbara’s history. He was making more money that a teenager should be making at that age and enjoying an aptitude of success that many only dream of. And while he was successful and happy on the outside, he wasn’t either on the inside. He was locked in a life he didn’t ultimately want. At seventeen, Sergio had built a name for himself, played at all the big dances in the city, worked at the largest hip hop radio station in Santa Barbara County, and yet struggled silently with an addiction. It was then that God intervened, and he clearly heard God’s voice for the very first time. In a dream, he was shown a dirt road with a fork that led toward two paths. A sign showed two directions: “worldly success” and “ministry”. In that dream, God clearly told Sergio that if he signed a seven-year record contract as a disc jockey, he would have success, but he would ultimately miss his life’s purpose. That dream started Sergio on a different plan than he had envisioned for himself. It brought him to the altar of a church where he gave his life to Jesus Christ. Over the months that ensued, Sergio quit his job, sold his first company, and burned the bridges that held him to that world. Having a background in the family business of landscaping, his father offered him a portion of his inheritance. Armed with one lawnmower, one weed whacker, one truck, and just a few accounts, Sergio began to build his second business. Eventually joining forces with his two brothers, he began taking over the Santa Barbra landscaping business. Even though he started with only a portion of the company that was separate from his brothers, Sergio noticed they were all starting to bid against each other. Instead of fighting for accounts, Sergio offered to buy out his brothers, and start working together. This principle of leading toward collaboration was the secret sauce of their family business.

what he says was the most difficult thing for him to do in his life, “following God into the unknown”. It was a difficulty that has led him to come up with a new definition of success for his life and family. And that definition is inspiring thousands to do the same. If you want to learn more about Pastor Sergio De La Mora, and Cornerstone Church of San Diego: visit Or follow Cornerstone on social media: Facebook: Cornerstone Church of San Diego Instagram: CornerstoneSD Interviewed By: Stephen Dela Cruz Written By: Kristen Crooks Edited By: Leticia Ventura Photo Credit: Anne Barrera, Cover

Helped by Sergio’s expertise, the family business thrived, and he reaped the benefits of his labor. He was 28 years old and with thirty employees, two homes, it was clear that the young millionaire had found a secure footing in Santa Barbara. That’s when God called him to relocate to San Diego to plant a church. It was a defining moment for Sergio, and one he didn’t take lightly. He openly confesses he would not die a happy man if he didn’t obey God and his Pastors to plant this church. The entrepreneur in Sergio had just met the pioneer in Sergio. The decision was made and Cornerstone Church of San Diego began in 1998. Since then, it’s become one of the fastest growing churches in America and won several awards of recognition throughout San Diego, including first place in Commercial Interior Design. Although Sergio has built and sold three businesses while raising six daughters, he says the hardest thing he has ever done was build a church. He says, “As an entrepreneur, you have a product or service to sell, but as a church, you are selling the idea of a changed life.” Through each stage in his life, Sergio has continued to remain a learner and a giver. He tells aspiring entrepreneurs the same piece of advice he was given years ago, “If you want to make a change in the world, you need a big heart, and a big wallet.” In our recent interview with him, this one golden nugget of wisdom stuck out the most: “If you are struggling to charge for your business, you don’t believe in your cause enough. If you are getting burnt out and you’re having trouble continuing, you don’t have enough faith in the success of your future. Don’t look at what you are doing now, but instead look at the change you can make once you have leveled up.” After years of success in both world business and kingdom business, Sergio feels he has finally made the leap from “success to significance”, a leap that was only made possible by doing ENTREPRENEUR LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE 19


Nominations close on Saturday August 31st 2019 at 12am Midnight. Nominate your friends as frequently as daily! Our team will release who YOU nominated in the final voting round on Friday September 6th 2019.




Meet Jason Stewart, an entrepreneur of epic proportions. Jason

works in many different industries. He prides himself on Epic Fighting San Diego’s Premier MMA fight promotion. This Epic event hosts four live MMA events per year, with the last fight having twenty-two live fights making it the largest MMA bout in California history. But it’s wasn’t always like this! Jason started Epic fighting as a passion project, which led to a lot of work, with little to no return. In fact, when Jason was asked how much he was making on the fights, he often had to tell people that he lost money! The mere fact that it wasn’t profitable yet didn’t stop Jason from having faith in his company! Jason worked tirelessly to build this MMA promotion, got new sponsors, and built connections that would skyrocket this promotion. Now Epic fighting runs four events that bring in over two thousand people and live stream to over ten thousand! All this was done through faith and hard work! Jason believes so much in entrepreneurship he is teaching his children the value of sales, branding, and starting their own business. When we asked Jason his three tips on building a successful business this is what he told us! 1. Have the heart of a fighter. Don’t let the obstacles that get in your way stop you from building your dreams. Training in martial arts and business has taught Jason to get back up when he is knocked down! There will always be a hardship in your business, and in your life but don’t let that stop you from building a future that you believe in! 2. Don’t be afraid to get hit in the face: By now you’ve noticed the advice is fight themed and although we don’t mean you will literally get hit in the face (hopefully), business will hurt! You will face rejection and be put in situations that are uncomfortable or may even cause you to feel pain. However, if you want to succeed in business and in life you need to push through that. Find a point of laser focus on your goal! Just because something hurts doesn’t mean it can take you out of the fight. 3. Have a passion for your business If you don’t have a passion for your business, if you don’t believe in yourself, in your product or your service, you will find it very hard to succeed. Those that fight for a living spend hours training a day, they go through extreme physical and mental training, and have strict restrictions put on their life. If they didn’t have a passion for fighting, do you think they would succeed? So why does it makes sense that you would? Find something you are passionate about and find a way to make it into a business. If you want to learn more about Jason, or Epic fighting visit Or follow Jason on Social media

Interviewed By:Kristen Crooks Written By: Kristen Crooks




We begin every day with faith. Faith we will wake up, faith we will make it to our first meeting, faith the phone will ring with new business, faith our employees will show up, etc. Faith makes up a significant part of our existence, but oddly it’s often an uncomfortable subject because it is associated with religion.


For me when I hear the word faith, the first thing I think of is George Michael in tight faded jeans shaking his money maker and singing to me that I gotta have faith. Then I think of religion and yes precisely in that order.

Steve Meim

In the modern world, people tend to

merge dreaming with faith and they are similar. However, faith in yourself and in your abilities can carry you far in this world. Do not underestimate its power! Faith is integral to your success. Let us lay down some parameters. A carpenter builds a staircase and makes it nice and sturdy with fine materials. He finishes, paints it and leaves his creation. Someone else comes along and uses that staircase and that person has faith that the stairs in that staircase will hold them as they walk up the steps. In this regard, we use faith every day. It is just as instrumental for your success to have faith in yourself and in the process of being successful. There are principles to improving yourself and achieving success. If you follow those principles, anything you set your mind to is achievable! Remember, it takes faith in the process of following those guidelines. If you follow the guidelines and do not believe in them, then you have already defeated yourself. With the advancements in modern medicine today, we know what steps to take in order to have good health. Eat right, exercise, get enough rest, have a weekly workout regimen and avoid harmful things to your body and you will be healthy and feel great. You can apply that similar technique to all principles. We all know the principles of success and if you apply


Steve Meim has over twelve years of experience working as a professional in the video game industry and is credited with working on award-winning titles that have been enjoyed by millions of people around the world. His success in creating a career where he’s excited to work every single day has inspired him to use video games as a tool to help others to do the same. Want to find out how video games even saved his life? Find him at his link above.

them to your life with a daily routine then success will come. Similarly, apply good financial principles to your life. Don’t spend more then you bring in. With savings, investments and multiple streams of income, you will in time achieve the financial success you deserve. In all of these areas, the technique for achievement is the same. You must add one ingredient that makes it all work and that my friends are faith. Faith in the principles, faith in yourself and faith in the process. You can achieve great things when you break down success to this realization.

In the context of religion, one can define faith as confidence or trust in a particular system of belief. Religious people often think of faith as confidence based and in essence faith in business is the same. Ironically people that doubt religion view faith as a belief in something without evidence. But when you break it all down, faith creates trust, it feeds confidence and fuels motivation. Without faith in what you are doing, you have no foundation. Or as quoted in Luke 1:37, “Faith doesn’t make things easy, it makes things possible.” While faith is that intangible can that can be called on when times are tough or when things happen that are out of our control, it is also ironically the first thing we begin to lose in those same scenarios. For religious people, it’s keeping the faith that God will get you through, for spiritual people it the divine consciousness that will get you through, and for entrepreneurs, it’s the faith that you will get you through. Maybe that’s where the term “self-praise” came from. Nevertheless, as we see in the news and on all of our social media feeds daily, faith is the basis in every major topic surrounding our government leadership right now, and depending who you ask, faith has either been diminished or restored ironically by the exact same person. That being said, when you are in a leadership position or working for yourself it’s not just your faith, but it’s the faith of others, your clients and colleagues that is so vital to you making it in the long haul. You need their faith in you and what you do, because if they don’t have faith in you they don’t believe in you or what you do so they won’t stay with you because again, faith creates trust. So just remember when you have no sales, a pile of bills, it’s raining doubt, and you are finding ways to still move forward, that’s when you know you have found your true faith. Faith isn’t faith until it’s all you’re holding on to. So slip on your faded jeans and black leather jacket, shake your money maker and celebrate your faith. by Jody Taylor


Faith In The UNSEEN What is the definition of faith? According to the NWT of the Holy Scriptures, it is this: “Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld.”​—Hebrews 11:1. Much of the world is faithless whether it be in the spiritual sense or in the attempt at having faith in themselves or fellow humans. It is not tangible; no one on earth can give another faith. But, it is something that has the ability to grow like a seed within you, through meditating on the positive outcome of past negative experience. Or it can be learned, by taking note of others strong faith, seeing how it has been demonstrated in their lives and following that example. Through my own many personal experiences, I have learned to have faith because in the spiritual sense our Creator has come through so many times, too numerous to count. At times when life seemed grim, and I knew of no way out, HE always came through for me. One recurring example of having faith and knowing that things would work out, was when I needed a certain monetary amount I would always get exactly what I needed. In fact, that scenario is playing out on a business level as I write this, the exact amount of $800 has come in at the right time to take care of my LLC business tax. Other things had to be maneuvered out of the way to have the money needed, (when it came in) this materialized in a way that I did not think, nor plan. If you do not as yet have faith, do not fret or fear, all will work out, quite possibly even better than you could imagine or expect. And if you do… keep the faith! by Sharon J Geyer


Gerald Eldred “Coach G” At the age of 8, I was labeled dumb and diagnosed with a learning disability. I have literally spent my whole life making my label the inspiration behind finding purpose in my life, exercising my strength in business and fostering my love for connecting with others in my relationships as the key to the realization that I am smart. It’s about breaking down labels to bring out your own “Genius Within”.

Faith means you never quit on your

dreams, your goals and the pursuit of your main purpose in life. When you have faith in your dreams’ goals and your main purpose in life, you don’t let anything get in your way. Faith can help you overcome every obstacle in the way of your success. I love quotes and thought I would share 10 of my favorite faith quotes. 1. “Keep the faith. The most amazing things in life tend to happen right at the moment you’re about to give up.” Anonymous 2. “Faith. It’s all about believing. You don’t know how it will happen. But you know it will.” Anonymous 3. “Your faith can move mountains, and your doubt can create them.” -Anonymous 4. “Your hardest times lead to the greatest moment of your life. Keep the faith. It will be worth it in the end.” Anonymous 5. “Faith. It does not make things easy, it makes them possible.” Anonymous

9. “Fear looks; faith jumps.” Wigglesworth


10. “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” Martin Luther King Jr. I know I said 10 favorite quotes but here is a bonus one: “Let your faith be bigger than your fear.” Anonymous My parents always installed in me to have faith in all that I do. Things happen for a reason and work out for the best in the end. I know this can be hard to believe or do during tough times, but that’s when the real faith comes in. When things are the darkest “Faith is seeing light with your heart when all your eyes see is darkness”. The definition of faith is the complete trust or confidence in someone or something. Do you have faith in yourself, your abilities, skills, and talents? I believe that to be successful in anything in life you need to have faith in yourself and a higher power which I call GOD. So, take a leap of faith and take that first step and you will always be able to see the next step.

6. “We walk by faith, not by sight.” Anonymous 7. “Surrender to what is. Let go of what was. Have faith in what will be.” Sonia Ricotli 8. “When you have faith in yourself you don’t need others to believe in you.” Anonymous



Physicians and Faith ... DOES IT MATTER? “Dear God, let me be the doctor this patient needs this day.” Before I enter a patient’s room, I do a quick self-check: brain clear and open? Belly full enough? Bladder empty enough? Then the prayer.

Keeping Faith By Way of



in yourself. Have faith in your abilities. Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers, you cannot be successful or happy.” Norman Vincent Peale Faith is not belief in what you see. Faith is hope despite what you cannot see.

It helps me stay grounded and be present for that patient at that time so I can give her the best care medicine can offer.

Janine Holman Janine Holman is a freelance writer, photographer, and travel blogger founder of Life Beyond Awesome – a site of travel journeys for adventurers, foodies, and lovers of luxurious things. Her stories cover both local and international travel and focus on diving into cultures and communities and the people who make them thrive. Most of all Janine enjoys sharing her life’s adventures and showing others how they too can design a Life Beyond Awesome.

My faith prevents burn out through the difficult days of heavy patient loads, frequent disruptive phone calls and patient-upsetting insurance requirements. The patient’s faith, their trust in my concern for each one of them as an individual, in my willingness to work tirelessly to diagnose and treat properly, in my ability to put them first during our time together, and in my commitment to medical excellence, is critical to their health care. The stronger their faith in me, the more likely they are to follow the regimen I prescribe once they discharge. Over the years, I’ve learned one of the best ways to establish their faith quickly is to identify my goals for my patient’s hospitalization. Making the best choices to cover all aspects of their medical care: physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and financially. When I acknowledge all aspects of their life that are important to them, they are more likely to share their concerns and divulge information they may not have shared freely previously. Family involvement allows for the support network to be involved. Their faith, in me, in God or whatever entity they choose, and in each other builds the bridge to better health.

To have true faith, you have to work at it. You have to control your thoughts continually and your words to ensure Yes, I do enjoy spa days and that your faith in what has yet to come pampering treatments and time to remains unshakeable. myself. But my ultimate favorite way to get away from it all is to experience Being an entrepreneur is quite taxing adventures - mini, one-day road trips. on any one individual. We often work These short trips are a great way to beyond our own measures, put in get away and experience something long hours, and are pulled in many new or visit a favorite place. directions all at the same time. It’s a demand for our mental and emotional Being in Southern California, there is well-being; as well as our physical most certainly no shortage of mini, and spiritual health. one-day road trips.

Whilst preparing for an expected death, faith becomes actively discussed in non-Christian facilities. Whenever possible, the patient’s preferences have been clearly delineated, the family comes together in some (sometimes unholy) truce and, in most cases, acceptance and peace come forth in this difficult time.

To become a successful entrepreneur, you must keep your faith high. Obstacle after obstacle after obstacle is consistently thrown our way. We are taxed beyond our wildest dreams. If you are not careful, doubt will seep in and take over your faith in what has yet to come.

When I was pregnant, I asked friends for advice. One of the best suggestions? “When you go into labor, say a prayer for your maternity nurse. The instant you deliver, she becomes your baby’s nurse. You want her to be having a blessed day.”

The single most effective way I keep my faith intact is to put a great deal of attention on taking care of myself. By making self-care a priority, I am able to keep myself replenished and guarded for any obstacles or attacks that come my way.

There are drives through the beach towns up Pacific Coast Highway, drives to mountain towns, drives down into Mexico, visits to monuments you haven’t seen before, visits to spectacular gardens and parks – the list literally goes on and on. With the moderate weather in Southern California, the options are truly limitless.

By taking the time to get away, spend time outdoors, and seeing and experience the area we live in, you refresh your soul, illuminate your spirit, and allow your light to shine brightly again. By consistently renewing your At this point most people start thinking mind, body, and spirit, you are easily of self-care as taking time to meditate, able to keep your eye on the prize giving yourself an afternoon off, and have your faith in your efforts or giving yourself a treat like a spa and in yourself remain high. day. My favorite number one way to disconnect from the daily grinds of entrepreneurship is entirely different than any of these.


Though a physician may not reveal the heartbreak of a patient’s death, I have yet to meet one that isn’t challenged with the loss surrounding death. Even if it’s not a medical failure if there was nothing else that should or could have been done, the sense of inadequacy can make us challenge what we know and why we do what we do. In the end, faith, family, and friends get us through. So, faith is important on both sides. Whether it’s God, the doctor/patient relationship, or (preferably) a combination, both the patient and the physician must have faith for the best overall outcome on any given day, in any given encounter.

Say a prayer for your doctor. Have faith. It matters. by Gail L Clifford, MD

FAITH: Soul’s Desire to Connect

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I have traveled far and wide. I have looked here and there. I have been on a lifelong journey to have a greater connection to spirit. Faith in a higher power has been the unifying force in my life. I have delved into many of the religious paths, only to find that strong faith in a higher purpose is what they have in common. From the religious ceremonies of my Catholic youth to feeling the inner peace of meditation, faith has been there for me through my many moves, career paths, relationships, and hardships. When life has been difficult, I think right away I must pray harder. If it gets tougher then it means I must unite with others in prayer. Sometimes it gets harder; still, I reach out to my many friends of many paths and ask to join me in prayer.

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Early in my life, I understood the joy of sacred connection. I have lit candles, chanted, raised my voice in song in many languages to find my connection to the divine. This is what makes me the happiest. In our daily life, there isn’t much time left in the day to reflect on our faith. Making a commitment to set time aside for our spiritual wealth is a challenge. Creating a sacred space is the soul’s deepest desire and one I highly encourage. Strong faith will take you to places you have only dreamed. In closing, I would love to share with you a poem I wrote about this quest. Let your faith lead the way. Sacred Space .I find that quiet place, in the center of my soul. Where the flowers bloom. That no harm can touch. The light shines brightly there.

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Candles are burning, incense slowly waifs through the air. Currents of beautiful emotions. Lovely thoughts, fabulous ideas, music from heaven. Listen closely to the elusive melodies, each note exultation. Feeling the tender sweetness. My heart stands still for a brief instant. The surprise felt when joy, happiness, safety, faith, and love beyond compare enters my sacred space and decides to stay.

by Cynthia “Salonista” Kosciuczyk



F a i t h I n W h at C a n n ot B e S e e n


OF FAITH DISTURBING? “Don’t try to frighten us with your

sorcerer’s ways, Lord Vader. Your sad devotion to that ancient religion has not helped you conjure up the stolen data tapes or given you clairvoyance enough to find the Rebels’ hidden fortress….” “I find your lack of faith disturbing.” That is a line from the Star Wars franchise, episode IV, A New Hope. In this scene, one of the Commanders of the Galactic Empire questions Darth Vader’s faith and abilities. He tries to make him look bad in front of the rest of the Generals and Commanders, and even goes as far as to try to attack his beliefs. From there we get that iconic line. “I find your lack of faith disturbing.” How have you experienced a disturbing lack of faith? Has it been from your parents? Siblings? Spouse? Or maybe even from yourself? You and I both know entrepreneurship is no walk through the galaxy. It gets a lot harder when those around us laugh, ridicule and even mock our plans and our beliefs.

James Adalberto Nelson James Adalberto Nelson is a Marine Veteran and known as the Chain Breaker Speaker. After joining a mastermind with no business, no business idea and no vision for himself, he was finally able to break the chains that held him back and define his life and purpose. Now he helps others break their chains so that they can live the life they are meant to live as the person they are meant to become

2. Surround Yourself with LikeMinded People – We all need support sometimes. Find a support group of people in your same field or industry, these like-minded people will have faith in you when the pressure is on, and you are feeling your own faith slipping and can offer valuable assistance and advice in times of need. 3. Trust in Yourself – Before anyone else can see it you must see it first! When you walk by faith and not by sight, you will not care about the initial setbacks or the initial failures because you already know and see the outcome!

So how do YOU keep the faith and Now that you have these three steps, does your lack of faith still disturb stay true to your goals and dreams? you? Will you walk by faith and not 1. Have a clear vision for yourself – It by sight no matter how difficult the does not matter where others see you road gets? or how others see you. What matters is how you see yourself. Where do You were made for something great! YOU want to go? Who do YOU want We believe in you! I believe in you! to be? Figure that out and go after Believe in yourself and have faith! it with all your heart and all your strength. This will help you ignore and block out those who do not see what you see.


Believing in what cannot be seen, Do you know if you will wake up tomorrow? Do you know if you will laugh or run, or be cancer free? People grind every day believing in something that is going to happen that may never happen. People go to school in hopes of a grand career, prestige, fame and even riches. Athletes practice endlessly in hopes of becoming the next all-star. The fact of the matter is everyone looking to be more than their current existence has faith that whatever direction they go in will lead them to that success. They don’t know if that perfect scenario will occur, but their faith that their hard work will pay off is what keeps them going. Although people have never seen God, and the only tangible truth to God’s existence is the writings of other people, people believe without question that God is watching over them. People have faith that God is watching over them, protecting them and guiding their journey through life, Many people have felt spiritual comfort during their weakest times. They had also heard whispers that they say guided them when they had no direction. They believe without question that God was orchestrating their lives. This is faith. Knowing without seeing and believing in the unknown, People are born with no direction but believe the direction they walk in, will lead them down a good path, Each waking moment is a day filled with unknown, Will the day be filled with laughter or sadness, success or failure? Being in a bad mood can make you feel like that day is going to be bad, but then it turns out to be good. Sometimes being in a good mood will have you thinking the day is going to be awesome, but then everything goes wrong, Since the day is unknown, why not go through it believing that millions of great adventures are ahead of you. by Bernice Jackson


Thought Leaders Zone “JUST HAVE FAITH.”




At some point in your life, you’ve likely been given this or similar advice. When things are tough, and you can’t seem to see the light at the end of the tunnel, friends, family, and even mentors step in to give us a boost. Let’s face it, being on the receiving end of that advice doesn’t always feel very comforting. I remember in 2011 after my house burned down (a story for another time) there was an endless stream of very well-meaning, loving people who wanted to find some way to comfort me. Perhaps the most unusual realization I had during the aftermath was how most people would share a personal story to try to console me. I assure you, the last thing I wanted to hear about was about your aunt’s house that had a kitchen fire when you were a kid. Even less effective was the, “everything will be OK” and “everything happens for a reason” comments. Now, don’t get me wrong. Going through this experience actually had me realize my own shortcomings when I had a friend who was suffering the loss of a loved one or experiencing any kind of tragedy. In my own situation, at the end of the day, I would be left alone to deal with the insurance, rebuilding my home and my life, and figuring out every minute detail that you might take for granted when you haven’t experienced losing all your physical possessions. Imagine. You find yourself at the grocery store buying chicken breasts for dinner. Yet, you have nothing, and you realize while standing in line at the checkout that you’re going to need a pan, olive oil, seasoning, a fork and knife, a plate… Overwhelming. So, what can you do when faith isn’t enough? Borrow Someone Else’s Belief Isolation, especially during difficult times, sucks. Not only that, there have been many studies that have shown isolation to impact self-esteem negatively, increases risk of depression, social anxiety, and even dementia, and it has been shown to increase blood pressure and vulnerability to infection. What if, instead of isolating yourself, you chose to surround yourself (as much as is appropriate for you) with people who believe in you, unconditionally. Not people who want to comfort, console, or take care of you. The people who make you feel good about yourself. The ones who love your company, even when you’re having a bad day, week, or month. When you position yourself to be in good company and higher vibration, you give yourself a chance to vibrate higher, too. When you’re out camping, and it gets cold, you get close to the fire. When your own faith or belief runs out, get close to that fire of faith and belief, and feel its loving warmth and support. Identify Where You Are At Cause And Effect It may sound ridiculous, but I was absolutely acting at cause in the immediate aftermath of my fire. In fact, as I watched the house burn down, I realized that I had


manifested the situation. (No, I did not burn my own house down, but I did spend the six months leading up to the fire imagining what life would look like if I could start over.) If instead of taking ownership, I was blaming everyone else for my situation, I would be living in effect. Put another way, when you are in a situation where your faith is being tested in any way, do you talk about yourself and your part in the situation, or do you find yourself talking about the roles others have played? Are you taking on the role of victim or are you taking responsibility and being part of the solution? In my article “Fool Or Foe” in the April 2018 issue, I wrote about a situation where I ultimately realized that because I was the biggest problem, I could also become the solution. Where in your life are you defaulting to blame, shame, and guilt? When you get into a ditch, do you keep digging? When you are at cause, you are empowered to look for solutions and forward momentum. Consider your favorite successful person. Can you see how they have built their success (and maintained it) by being at cause? With practice, you’ll build more awareness so that you’ll be able to recognize and shift into cause. When In Doubt, Focus Out Once you are at cause, what would become possible when you shift your focus outward – being at cause for others? If I’ve learned anything in my 43 years, it’s that we are all connected and we benefit most when we honor and nurture that connection. Numerous studies have shown people who help others, volunteer and get involved in their communities, have increased self-esteem, lower stress, feel less anxious and isolated, and have a more enriched sense of purpose. Instead of commiserating on your unfortunate circumstance, remember your vision in life, what you want to create for others and the world. If you don’t have a vision or mission, take the time to create one. It doesn’t have to be grand. Giving yourself a purposedriven mission can instantly restore your ability to put things into perspective and to realize that someone is waiting for a blessing that only you can deliver. Having unwavering faith is a beautiful goal to work towards. When your human-ness shows up, and your faith is tested, borrowing someone else’s belief, recognizing where you are at cause, and choosing to be on-purpose in some area of life, (whether it be through your business, personal relationships, or even your dream legacy project) can give you the support to restore your faith in others and yourself. by Davide Di Giorgio

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Ideas? Plans? Execution? Faith! What is faith? Faith is the belief that the unknown will turn out great. As an entrepreneur, you need to have faith. Period! You heard that it is all about big ideas and execution, but without faith, which horse are you even betting on? You have to have faith that your big idea is working.





Alan Leung Hi my name is Alan, I’m an experienced iPhone technician. I have been selling and repairing iPhones, laptops and all forms of electronics for five years. I started Mobilezilla with the intention of helping as many people and animals as I can, so ten percent of all proceeds going toward red cross and different animal shelters.

you ever wanted to quit because things got hard, things aren’t going the way you had envisioned or because you’re just tired of everything? It’s only natural, and it happens to all of us whether we are introverts or not. Below are three things I remind myself when I’m starting to waiver, and it helps keep my faith going.

The last thing I do is review my goals and why I made the goal in the first place. What would it mean to complete this task and get closer to that goal? How would it affect your life or the ones around you once you’ve achieved your goal? This exercise allows me to keep the main thing the main thing. It allows me to see the big picture as I put the blinders on and continue to work.

The first thing I do is to examine my progress. I look at where I started, and what I have learned along the way. I see the skills I’ve picked up since the beginning, and the things I’m now capable of. I celebrate the small victories as they are pieces of the puzzle fitting in together. It can be daunting to only look at the macro view which is why it is essential to look at the micro wins as well. Keep the belief and know that each little step will get you closer to your goal.

These are the three routines I practice when I notice I’m feeling overwhelmed or running low on fumes. I revisit my wins, I get consulted from mentors, and I revisit my goal and my why. It’s a very powerful exercise and rejuvenates me to keep pushing forward. Through these routines, I’ve seen countless times where through work and faith, I reached what I was aiming for. I hope these tips will help you do the same for you.

The second thing I do is connect with my tribe. I’m lucky to be surrounded by talented individuals who are more successful than me. They are able to help me see things in a new light and to give a new perspective. It is crucial to have people who you can run ideas and struggles to regardless of what goal you have. Sometimes when you are so busy staring at the problem you aren’t able to see the solution yourself. It only takes a reminder or a conversation to spot it at times.


Have faith in your ideas. At the beginning of every new startup, a lot of things rely on faith. After all, most likely you are doing something that has never been done before. There is no implemented handbook that you can just follow step by step and succeed. You have to find the way yourself. You don’t know if your product will sell, if people like your idea, or will buy your services. However, you had that idea for a reason. Believe in it! You have to have faith that what you are doing is meaningful and brings value. You have had to have the faith that your plan works. If you don’t have that faith, why did you even start? Have faith in yourself. It is not just your idea that you have to have faith in. You need to have faith in yourself. Simply put; you have to believe that you are the right person for the job. You have to be convinced that you have what it takes to succeed. You have to trust yourself that you can master any challenges or problems that will come up. You have to believe that you have all the required skills or can learn them. You have to faith that your actions are making a difference and that whatever you produce is of value to your customers. Have faith in others. In most cases, you are not alone on your journey though and are working with a team. You already succeeded because you trusted yourself choosing a team set up for success. But life and especially business are getting hectic sometimes. You need to remind yourself constantly that you have full faith in your team. They have all the right skills. They know where to go and what to do next. They do the necessary steps to bring the business forward. You brought them on for a reason. You cannot scale if you do not trust your team. If you do not have the faith that they can do what is needed, you will fail. Faith is like a muscle. Have you ever had one of those “Wow! Amazing how this worked out!” moments? Get used to it! Your faith is like a muscle. The more you use it, the bigger it gets. Ideas are important, plans are crucial, and execution is key. However, the outcome of completely new situations cannot be predicted for sure. Use previous experiences from such situations. Your mind is already trained. It believes you will make the right decisions. Have faith in yourself, your idea and your team, and you will see better results and have more success. by Malte Niebelschuetz


Is YOUR Faith Strong Enough Strong faith is one of the most important attributes to have as an entrepreneur. Faith by definition is the complete trust or confidence that something is going to work out. We are told and taught to have faith at a very young age, really starting from the time we started to learn to walk. As an entrepreneur, your ability, your strength, your ability to overcome, problem solve is most important. Your faith comes from a place that many entrepreneurs are not even aware of because it comes from life experiences from as far back as our childhood. As entrepreneurs, we have to have a very strong faith, not only in our ability but in our strength to endure the challenges that we will inevitably have to face. Through faith, we recall those experiences subconsciously when we need to, and as entrepreneurs, those experiences translate into fundamental faith, in the ability to overcome and succeed in the journey of starting a business. As entrepreneurs, after doing the needed research and the site analysis, demographics, and cost analysis we make a decision to jump, on faith and believe in our ability to be successful. The most important of all the research to be sure that your chosen product or service is not saturated in the area you have chosen to open it. As an entrepreneur, the people you have around you are essential to success, i.e.,( managers, employees, necessary equipment). In entrepreneurship, your foundational faith we have in the people we bring in as team members is one of the most important attributes to have. Faith, is yours strong enough to be a successful entrepreneur? That is the question if the answer is yes welcome. by Darryl K. Horton



Sylvia Chavez

“America’s Love Queen” Let me introduce you to Sylvia Chavez, an Extraordinary Love Coach with over 15 years experience serving women all over the world. Sylvia has cracked the code for true and for ever lasting love. She believes you can write your own love story beyond your wildest dreams without settling for anything less than what your soul and heart truly desire.

Hi my friend, today I want to share the

story of Emma, one of my clients. Of course, the name has been changed to preserve her identity. Emma is a Single Mom of 2 beautiful girls and an Entrepreneur. She is amazing and beautiful, strong and powerful but….like many of you, she did not believe in herself that much. She woke up many days feeling overwhelmed, responsible and upset because no matter what she did, her dream seems to be too far to be reached. As time went by, she started being in hustle mode all day. She desperately needed things to happen already. Emma needed the money and the freedom because she believed that by reaching her goal she would have more time to enjoy with her loved girls. For two years she sacrificed her family time working too hard. She would put her most serious face to say: “No time for playing girls, I HAVE TO WORK, we will have time in the future, I am doing all this FOR YOU,” over and over again. Does it sound familiar? Maybe painfully familiar. Maybe it is not your case but believe me when I say that it’s the path of many new entrepreneurs! Like Emma, many new and not so new entrepreneurs that are also parents, feel the heavy weight of providing for their kids. Like many of us, they want to be able to give them everything including a good education, traveling, and all the material things they need.

care for your happiness, your love and affection, and for your presence and time. They might ask you for things today including the latest video game, the newest iPhone or the best computer. But believe me, when time goes by, they will treasure the moments you spent together like the laughs, the hugs, the “feeling loved and secure” with mom or dad, or both. They will remember the long talks, the walks, and when you teach them to ride a bike or drive a car for the first time. Your kids will mimic you, so if you are strict and unhappy, they will learn from you to be serious and unhappy. If you don’t have time for them because you need to work all the time, they will probably do the same when they grow up. To build a future, you are missing the present, and that my friend, will never return. Time is the only commodity that we can never get back again. The first school day, being a chaperone at the field trip, taking a day off on a weekday to take your child to a movie or a fire on the beach are all precious moments that will remain in your kid’s memories, forever. And please my friend, above all don’t you ever, ever tell your kid you are doing this for them, don’t put such a burden on their shoulders. Raise happy, joyful and loved adults, by being one. Emma learned how to do it, and the most amazing thing happened. While shifting to joyful and believing mode, her business thrived and she outreached her goals. Now, she has time for her girls, she laughs a lot, she jumps out of bed every morning to a new adventure, and for sure, she is raising loved and happy kids by being a loved and happy adult. “To finish the moment, to find the journey’s end in every step of the road, to live the greatest number of good hours is wisdom.” (Emerson)

As a mom of 5 and an entrepreneur, I’ve been there and I know how it feels. As a coach, I learned that your kids only ENTREPRENEURLBDMAGAZINE.COM LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE 31 31

MOVIE REVIEW Walt Before Mickey 2015 | PG | Biography, Drama Based on the book “Walt Before Mickey” covers the early years of Walt Disney’s career. Starring: Thomas Ian Nicholas

I enjoyed watching this biography especially because it was in movie format instead of it being the typical, boring documentary. One of the best examples of a lasting BRAND is Walt Disney! He built an empire that still exist to this day - talk about legacy. All started with Walt recognizing his natural talent, desire, and what he was passionate about - drawing and theater. Our foundation and upbringing truly affects how we see the world. Walt acknowledges and gives his father credit for the values and principles that had helped him to be the person he is. I love this quote from his dad, “There’s no substitution for hard work.” Sometimes we get caught up on finding the “smart” or “right” way of doing things that we forget that “hard work” may just be the answer. The power of relationship played a big role in Walt’s success, from building a team and getting funds for his projects. I admire that he puts himself last to make sure others are well. His experiences reminds us that with the failures and setbacks is where we realize our strengths and weaknesses. Throughout the movie you can see how all these points below existed and how it played out in Walt’s failures and successes: • • • • •

Internal Gift Team Building Vision & Finance Ultimate Failures Trust & Loyalty

Walt gave props to all the adversities and failures because it was these what made him stronger/tougher/better. I would love to see more of these movies/documentaries that show the beginnings before the successes. Watch this movie to see Walt in action and how we thrived in the midst of failures and success. Enjoy!

by Jennifer Meim

What is your favorite movie? I’ll watch and do a review on it! Text me at 619-663-5154






March was a packed month for the Stegela Family! We spent time focused on sales, growth, and women! Don’t miss out on any events we have coming up! Text SUCCESS to 766-26 to get updates on all of our events! The Success Circle: This month we had a focus on sales! With three full mastermind sessions in March, we got the opportunity to dive deep into practice, application, and sales theory! We also had an amazing guest speaker at our Success Circle mastermind who was Pastor Sergio De la Mora. While so many people look at him as just a pastor, he grew both his businesses and church through branding, marketing, and sales! If you want an invite to our exclusive mastermind event, visit the Stegela booth today! Or reach out to Kristen Crooks | Relentless: Relentless Men of Excellence is San Diego’s newest men’s group focused on business and personal growth. This amazing event is held the first Friday of every month and is ran by Veteran and serial entrepreneur Jeff Rollon. March was Relentless Men of Excellence’s first meeting and was a massive success. Going through business skills and how you can grow your business, through networking and personal development, was this month’s theme. If you want more information on this community of men, reach out to Jeff Rollon | W.O.W Women of Worth is San Diego’s women’s community focused on business and personal development. Our goal at W.O.W. is to give the women of San Diego a voice and to create a network of amazing women. This month we got to focus on how women can help women, and how we can work to build a community of strong women in San Diego! With this small intimate meeting, we had the opportunity to have every woman participate in the Hot Seat, and coach them on how they can reach their goals. This month, our very own Jennifer Meim spoke, and helped share her story of how powerful women help her step into her own power every day! If you want to join this amazing community of women text WOMAN to 766-26 today! Get Paid to Speak: A Mastermind Do you want to be a paid speaker? This is the community for you! March was a crazy month where Stephen Dela Cruz taught our paid speaker mastermind practical action steps to becoming a paid speaker. Speaking on stage can help you build brand authority, so why not get paid while being seen as the expert in your field? If you want to learn how to get paid to speak on stages, build brand authority, and be seen as the expert in your field, reach out to Kristen Crooks | Every month Stegela puts on events to help you get further in your business, and build your network! Don’t miss any events by texting SUCCESS to 766-26 Today! by Kristen Crooks Events Director



OUR VISION: Our vision is to have Y.E.S. in every high school across the United States. Meet The Team Of YES Meet the team dedicated to providing mentorship and personal development in the lives of high school students: Jeff Rollon | President | a serial entrepreneur, author, business coach, and philanthropist. He enjoys helping others while living with a positive attitude and a strong entrepreneurial spirit. Jeff is a part of YES because when he looks back he realizes he was always an entrepreneur, but didn’t have the guidance to turn that mindset into a more positive direction, which is why he is now that person for others.

Mary Hang | Vice President | a published author, influencer, keynote speaker, serial entrepreneur and philanthropist. Although she wears multiple hats, her biggest and most rewarding passion is impacting the youth through Young Entrepreneur Society & her book series "Letters To Me", which led her to receive the "Blue Ribbons Worldwide" Award.

YES stand for Young Entrepreneur Society. We are a California Nonprofit 501 (c)(3) that serves high schools on a weekly basis. Every week our team of volunteers hosts school clubs during their lunch break to bring them FREE lunch & activities, and videos around the spirit of entrepreneurship (leadership, team building, critical thinking, communication, sense of community, mindset and personal development, etc). WHY Y.E.S.? Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death in teens between 13 and 18. Depression and anxiety are the number 1 and 2 mental illnesses suffered among students in high school. 1 out of 6 teens have seriously considered suicide. 1 out of 12 have attempted suicide. 78% of students have started drinking alcohol. 42.5% of students have used drugs. Of that, 25% have used hard drugs such as cocaine, LSD, and Ecstasy. 50% of students have been bullied online. Every 26 seconds a student drops out of high school.

Dominic Cruz | Director | the founder/CEO of CruzIN Social Media and a former professional hip-hop dancer. He has a strong passion for helping business owners just like you grow revenue via social media. He was raised in the city of Boston, MA and born in New Orleans, LA.

We believe this is due to lack of purpose and lack of vision. Our team comes in every week to bring the spirit of entrepreneurship to give hope and vision for their future.



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