Life By Design Magazine May 2019 Edition

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“Your Mindset Determines The Journey.”


The Good, The Bad, and The You. page 06

Energetic Persuasion page 17

Who do you listen to?

page 21


page 24


Elite Mastermind & Coaching Program 2 LIFE BY DESIGN MAY 2019



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Letter From The Editors The Stegela Success Mastery Team “Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another.”- Napoleon Hill Influence is a topic that is very close to my heart. I am grateful that I am hyper-aware of how much influence we have over others and ourselves. That is why we chose this theme for the May edition of Life By Design Magazine. Influence is a crucial part of all of our success. Understanding how influence affects us and also how we affect others is so important, not only to the success of our business but to our own mental state. The success or failure of our products or services is a direct reflection of how our products are perceived to others, and that is 100% determined by the influences of our target markets. If we can master the concept of influence, we can master anything in life. Our businesses, relationships, and mental states all have the power to be influenced just as we can influence others. The vision of this edition is to shed light on how you view influence. You can use your own influence on others to better the world around you by treating others with compassion, love, and respect. We choose how we influence depending on whether we want to be constructive or destructive to others. May you be a force to reckon with in this world and may your light shine bright in the hearts of others for generations to come. - Casey Nicole Fox CEO & Founder of Life By Design Magazine

OUR TEAM Stephen Dela Cruz

Angela Dela Cruz

Casey Nicole Fox

Michael Bennett

Jennifer Meim

Leandro Brandão


CEO & Editor-In-Chief Creative Director


Copy Editor Copy Editor

Jeff Rollon

Alex Macklin

Mary Hang

Kristen Crooks

Sales Director Marketing Director

Influence: The Magical Well of Life Invitation - LBD Magazine Launch & Mixer The Good, The Bad, And You. Invitation - MSB: The Lazy Millionaire Bootcamp Are you a Man of Influence? Critical Leader Shifts Invitation - Relentless 3 Sexy Key Ingredients to Become an Influencer Influencing Others As An Entrepreneur & 5 Keys Nature’s Influence You Already Have Influence Invitation - Women Of Worth “It’s not influence; it’s being genuine.” Be a Leader, Don’t be a Follower Social Media: The New Fitness Influence Entrepreneur Spotlight - Alex Macklin Energetic Persuasion Influencer Your Life Entrepreneur Of The Month - De’Anna Nunez Invitation - Entrepreneur Of The Year Contest Who Do You Listen To? Influence is Being Increase Your Influence By Taking These Steps. Guaranteed! Reducing Feelings Of Overwhelm By “Pausing and Priming” The Power and Impact of Influence Some of the Greatest Influential People of All Time Causing Greatness in Others in-FLOW-ence My Dear Influence 3 Areas to Create Positive Influence! The Sphere of Influence The Moment You Became An Influencer UNlocking Influence Como influir tu subconciente con la visualización ... The Four B’s to Success The Importance of Copy in Your Business... and Life! Somebody has to Draw a Line Movie Review - The Founder Invitation - GET PAID TO SPEAK: A Mastermind Behind the Scene of Stegela Invitation - Y.E.S. Invitation - Success Circle Mastermind


“The Future Favors The Bold” PASTOR SERGIO DE LA MORA

Copy Editor

Events Director

Success takes F.A.I.T.H. page 08

‘Til Death Do Us Part

page 04

Staying True To Your Word page 14



“It’s not over ‘til you win.” LES BROWN, Jr.

Commit to Following Through!

Anne Barrera


Dominic Cruz Social Media

page 20

Are You In or Are You Out?


Faith Plus Action page 14

Keeping Faith By Way of Self-Care

page 24

Is Your Lack of Faith Disturbing?

page 26


Get access to all of our previous editions digitally, go to! ENTREPRENEUR LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE 3


INFLUENCE: THE MAGICAL WELL OF LIFE Did you know, the Greek root of influence is ‘influere,’

which means ‘to flow into, stream, or to pour in.’ Imagine influence is like an ocean. The ocean has waves, these waves can be small and beautiful from a distance while other waves can cause massive damage to all of the lives and homes near the shore. Watching them from afar can create inspiration while the very same waves can pull you under the water.


Like waves, you will have times in your life when some influences are stronger than others. You have the ability to influence and others ability to influence you. Influence can sweep you up in its pull and drag you under its waves without you even realizing what is happening. Two examples of polar opposite sides of the same coin: Mr. Luther King Jr vs. Adolf Hitler Mr. Luther King Jr ‘had a dream’ of equality. He moved a nation and through that movement has affected how generations think. I would dare say that his movement lives on in the hearts and minds of those fighting against modern slavery and injustices around the world today. Adolf Hilter also influenced the minds and beliefs of a nation. No matter the evil and unjust things he had done to people, the fact that he convinced an entire nation to believe his warped ideas is incredible. Influence can be a great tool, one that can be used to change generations, nations, and even the world for the better... Or the worse... You have the power to choose how you will use your own influence on others and how you will allow others to influence you.


When it rains, the little water drops pool and run off into rivers, rivers feed into the ocean, and the water off of the top of the ocean evaporates into the air, creating rain clouds. Bringing it all full circle, influence starts as tiny thoughts of what to do, buy, act, etc. When we make those choices we shape how others around us make choices. Those community choices become how the entire world makes choices and then the choices of humankind as a whole influence the little decisions you will make tomorrow. Just like rain to river to ocean back to rain, influence comes full circle. Knowing that we can shape the small choices of the people closest to us, shouldn’t we choose to make choices that better everyone’s lives? If I decide today because I woke up late that I am going to cut off a car on the freeway, steal someone’s parking spot or be rude to someone in the grocery store, how will that affect the people around me? Zig Ziglar tells it best here: “A man is angry because he got a late start for the office, so he drives like a maniac and cuts off Frank. This ticks Frank off so when he gets to his office, he snaps at his assistant about a report that is late. His assistant is now upset that the person responsible for the report, Joe, is making her look bad to her boss so when she calls


Joe, she takes out her anger on him. Joe gets the report but is upset all day. He’s still upset when he gets home. His cat, who’s has nothing to do with Joe’s day, bumps the door and Joe, in his anger, ends up kicking the cat.” What if we chose to act out of love to others? To be forgiving, compassionate, loving, and want only the best for all? Sounds a little woo-woo, I know, but what if it were possible? Don’t you think we could enact change around us just by being the most loving person we can be, in the same that we would create a chain reaction of anger by lashing out at others?


Our bodies are made up of 60% water. That means that most health experts recommend the average person needs to drink eight glasses of 8oz of water per day. If we don’t drink the amount of water our bodies need, our organs aren’t able to function at their optimal levels. The human body can only go seven days without water before your organs can no longer function and you die. Just like how our bodies are made up 60% water, how we think is 100% made up of the things we surround ourselves with. Leaving out the nurture vs. nature debate for the moment, we can almost all agree that how we were raised has affected how we think about others and ourselves, for better or worse. We can also agree that how we think is also comprised of the things we currently have feeding into our lives, right? “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing - that’s why we recommend it daily.” - Zig Ziglar All podcasts, music, books, tv shows, movies, friends, lovers, parents, and co-workers have their own beliefs. Some of these align with our own and some don’t. Have you ever known someone who believed something for the longest time, started dating someone with a different view, and then suddenly they believed the same as their partner? We must be cautious of what kinds of influences we are pouring into our bodies daily because over time they do shape how we think. Listen to podcasts and audiobooks of people that challenge you for the better. Surround yourself with people who want to better themselves. Get a coach to help keep you on track. And most of all, watch the things you’re saying to yourself and about yourself. Every person has the power to influence generations, nations, and the world. We also can influence the direct actions of those closest to us. But first, we have to be aware of the influences in our own lives. You are loved, accepted, and adored. Go out there and influence for the better! I believe in you!

Casey Nicole Fox

Casey Nicole Fox is an author, speaker, podcaster, and serial entrepreneur. Casey is the CEO and Editor-In-Chief of Life By Design Entrepreneur Lifestyle Magazine, San Diego’s ONLY print entrepreneurship magazine. She has four for-purpose businesses while also being the COO of the 8 figure empire of Stegela Partners International Incorporated, the umbrella company of Stegela Success Mastery.




STEPHEN DELA CRUZ THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND YOU influencing your thinking from bad thoughts to good thoughts.

AFFIRMATIONS: The Bad: Whether intentional or not you are always affirming beliefs in your mind. This includes the bad things you say to yourself daily. It doesn’t matter if you are saying, “Well, I’m as dumb as a joke.” If you believe it or not, your subconscious doesn’t know the difference. This means all the dark jokes you make about being silly, dumb, klutzy, or even just too short, your mind will start to believe. So the sooner you stop telling yourself you are dumb, the sooner you will stop believing it. Stephen Dela Cruz is a best selling author, speaker, and serial entrepreneur. He is the owner of Stegela Partners International Incorporated which consists of 10 corporations that employ more than 500 fulltime employees with yearly profits of 7 figures each, creating an 8-figure empire. After suffering a stroke, Stephen changed his direction and focus to creating “Income with Impact” and “Success with Significance.” Stegela Success Mastery was born out of this new mission, which is all about serving their fellow entrepreneurs. Stegela Success Mastery runs Stephen’s weekly podcast, bi-weekly mastermind group, live events and seminars, television show and through owning San Diego’s only printed entrepreneur magazine, Life By Design Entrepreneur Lifestyle Magazine. Today, he is the proud owner and visionary for “San Diego’s #1 business coaching and mastermind program.”

Influence is a word that can mean many things. You have

the social media world which is filled with influencers, hypnotists with influence over the mind, and people trying to mass influence through money, power, and love. But what is influence really? Influence: the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself.


The truth is, we all have influence in one way or another, at the very least we have influence over ourselves. It is interesting to think that influence is something that we can hold over ourselves; however, you control what you say, what you think, and ultimately what you believe. Influencing your own thought is something that people have done for years, and is a key to becoming massively successful in every area of your life. When you control what you believe you control where you place your time and your energy. So here are some secrets to start

The Good: Anything you say to yourself repeatedly you will eventually believe. This includes all the good stuff. When you repeatedly say something, your brain starts to form new pathways in your mind. These pathways are where your mind will naturally go once they have become concrete, so instead of your mind automatically jumping to you being dumb, it will jump to you being a genius.

FORGIVE YOUR PAST: The Bad: Your past is something that may follow you around, and you may find yourself often dwelling on memories that leave you feeling stuck and lost. Living in the past will stop you from ever moving forward to the level you desire to be at. Everyone has a past, without the ability to retain these lessons we would have to learn how to reopen doors continually. But this means we often find ourselves remembering lessons that stop us from progressing. It’s time to forget that negative programming and learn to dream again for the future. The Good: The past is just that… Past. So it’s time for you to get past it. This may seem like a difficult task, but the best thing you can do is just make the next right decision for yourself. Whatever that decision is for you to move through the hurt you have gone through. It may be giving someone just a little more trust today than yesterday, it could be being vulnerable. Whatever you can do to help from your past and move to your future. You have the power to influence your thoughts, your beliefs, and the rest of your life. But if you continue to believe things about yourself that will hold you back, or keep you living in the past, you won’t find your way to your future. So take this time to make a decision, draw a line in the sand and say I will no longer allow myself to be influenced by others, but instead, I will influence myself.




CRITICAL LEADER SHIFTS If you wonder how to raise your game or take your ideas to the next level; fear not. Allow me to offer you a sneak-peek of quality skills from Steve Tobak, a writer from Inc. Magazine. When you want to outstrip your competition, these five skills are necessary to increase your influence. I refer to these as what separates the influential, from the average.

are you a MAN of


1. Leaders drown out the noise. Too many distractions in your environment will take you off track. You must filter, focus and get things done.

Jeff Rollon Jeff Rollon is a serial entrepreneur, author, business coach, and philanthropist. He enjoys helping others while living with a positive attitude and a strong entrepreneurial spirit. His passion is helping budding entrepreneurs get started and profitable within their first year in business.

35 years of life, I finally realize that it is crucial to be a man of a certain level of aggressiveness, leadership, and influence if you want to do more than merely survive; rather thrive and be able to provide. And as you know, mastering the art of influence will lead you to more sales, followers, income, family time, and must influence good habits into your overall a more satisfying lifestyle. life. If you cannot be the influencer of With that being said fellas, to be a your own habits, you cannot be an man of influence, you must first master influencer at all. influence and leadership in these You must be the influencer of your three key areas. own decisions. Have you ever met a You must be the influencer of your own guy that made every decision based home. Regardless if you are single, in a off of others instruction or opinion? relationship, or “it’s complicated,” the If you want to be an influencer, you first place you must be the influential must be decisive. You must be able to leader in your own home. Whether make decisions on your own and with you have a family in your home, live confidence. It’s good to seek counsel, with roommates, or live alone, it is but ultimately every decision in life up to you to handle your home and needs to be your own. Weigh out personal life. Being able to be a the risks and rewards, and own your person of resourcefulness and taking choices. Don’t be that guy that wants care of all of your responsibilities others to make it for him. Step up, be while still pursuing your goals and a man, and make decisions like one. dreams is what defines a leader. Being the person of confidence All in all, fellas, to be the best man you and security in your own home will can be and reach every goal in your guarantee to bring you confidence life, you must be a person of influence that attracts influence outside of your and leadership. However, for you to own home. If your foundation in your be an influential leader in the world, own home is strong, you can build you must first lead within your own home and your own life. You must first anything upon it. master influence in your world before You must be the influencer of your you can influence the world around habits. So many men out there say you. that they want success. Can you believe how many men say they want to be a leader, a person of influence, and someone that others look up to? Guys, if you wish to all those major things in their life, you must be the main influencer of your habits. You are 100 percent responsible for yourself. If you want to be successful, you must first master your influence over laziness and procrastination. You


2. Recognize the garbage. It’s not all good. In many conversations, everyone is the expert since perception is now valid until proven. Politely sift through the “garbage” and allow viewpoints to be heard then, analyze quality content before taking action. 3. Be more than an Avatar. Be branded, yet stay uniquely personable. Talk to people directly when you can. This is becoming lost in building trust and rapport. 4. Truly connect with people. Talking face to face cannot be replaced with text messages. Try to listen actively, speak and empathize with your team often. They are watching. This counts big. 5. Get Things Done! Here is the bottom line. Take responsibility for deadlines. Know your outcome and plan your results. Take action; celebrate success! These are firm leadership qualities that an entrepreneur MUST have to be the “influencer” in the room. Do you want to be the inspiration ahead of the curve? The one who is setting the pace for others to follow? You must be a force of innovative thinking. This reminds me of an intelligent leadership model from the Harvard Business Review. It mentioned that perceptive leaders work through four steps when responding to challenges; Determining Salience, Analyzing Causality, Envisioning the Decision Architecture and Achieving Resolution. In contrast, conventional thinkers seek simplicity without the push-back, thinking in linear terms and ultimately failing to form a creative or practical solution. Without the ability to influence you have decreased your ability to be relevant and succeed at your mission. Integrative leaders think in a non-linear fashion. They are confident and certain. They see the obvious, yet explore options and variables to capture the whole essence of the challenge, then formulating innovative and sustainable ways to influence outcomes. Based on the four steps (Determining Salience, Analyzing Causality, Envisioning the Decision Architecture and Achieving Resolution), leaders look beyond the obvious and integrate to reach the best results. You, as the entrepreneur must generate opportunities, create real momentum because you play full out while others play on half empty. You have to step up to “vision-level” because you influence followership from smart branding and promotion. The innate ability to dream in vivid color is yours and supported by all around you. So prepare in offseason what you want to accomplish at game time. Know that the ability to “attract the right talent” requires a leader of the confluence yet, to “make things happen” requires a leader of influence. Is that YOU? by Rashid Hill

RELENTLESS: MEN OF EXCELLENCE is where men around the world have the ability to connect, build, and change the world! By developing skills in Leadership, Responsibility, Mental Stamina, Relationships, Love, Health, Wealth, and confidence Relentless will help you master the art of self! When you join the FREE Relentless: Men of Excellence community you are saying you are ready to start impacting the lives in your community, your family, and changing the world!

MAY 3rd | JUNE 7th |Â FRIDAY 6:00-8:00PM Downtown, San Diego For more info email ENTREPRENEUR LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE 9


Influencing Others

As An Entrepreneur & 5 Keys When you think about influencing others in business, you might say that being aligned is the first step in successful efforts to influence! Are we doing things that give our customers opportunities to achieve their own goals? We might ask ourselves are they better off working with us? If not, business will be more difficult than it should be and no one will benefit or profit…


INFLUENCER Did you know that you are already

Yoichi J. Kato

aka “Chef Yum Yum” Yoichi Kato is an author, speaker, serial entrepreneur, Navy veteran. He is the co-founder of San Diego’s most popular cleaning service called Everything But Sex Cleaning Services. He is a master business networker who is always connecting people. He is also an amazing Chef who provides private chef services all over San Diego. Yoichi loves to help others and see them thrive.

an influencer? You don’t have to be on the radio, TV, or have a million followers on social media to be considered as an influencer. You are already impacting many people on a daily basis, but the problem is that you are not seen. No matter how good whatever if nobody knows are seen by, the more people will be about you no one cares about you. aware of you and your brand. Here are simple steps for you to get the recognition you deserve to be an The TWO questions I always ask influencer: during networking events to separate myself from everyone are “Who else Sexy Ingredient #1: Post Post Post should I be talking to?” and “How Did you know that the average person can I serve you?”. spends at least 40 minutes per day on social media? One of the easiest Don’t limit yourself to only attending ways to get yourself and your brand events but also host your own. By visibility is by posting on different hosting your event, you will be social media platforms on a daily perceived as an influencer, and basis. So, more you post more people you will also get the home court will see your contents. Of course, advantage and control the event the if you are going to post pictures, it’s way you want it to be. Since I’m a better to have professional quality Chef, I host Rooftop Penthouse Dinner pictures oppose to a blurry picture Parties to expose my brand. Create from your phone. Here is a ninja trick your own Facebook/Meetup Group for you. Add people who could be a and promote value-added contents. potential client as your friend so they will see your contents. Sexy Ingredient #3: Publish content Write an article, book, start a podcast Don’t limit yourself to just posting or even just posting posts on facebook. pictures, it’s a good start but take it Having your book is the new business to the next level by doing live videos! card. A book holds way more than a If you are a chef, you should do business card and people will see you Facebook live so people can see differently once you publish a book of you cooking which enables you to your own. By having your podcast engage with your audience at the and having a guest that adds value to same time from your own kitchen! not only to your community but also the guests on your shows. You can Sexy Ingredient #2: Networking write for amazing magazines like Life One of my favorite quotes is “Your by Design, have a blog, or be a guest network is your net worth.” So, here’s writer for other people’s blogs. why you should be networking. You never know who you are going These are 3 Sexy key ingredients that to meet; there is so much business cost little to no investments that you conducted on networking events. can use to become an influencer. My mentor who is a multi-millionaire still goes to networking events and meets people. The more people you


Success in business depends a lot on one’s ability to influence others to get them to do what we want! Customers should be convinced to make a purchase. Entrepreneurs need to be convinced to make a sale or build a product or whatever their goal may be in order to make that sale possible. Being an influential leader in business means you might often find yourself having to exert influence over others. Entrepreneurs succeed by getting hundreds, thousands, even millions of people to behave in desired ways in order to reach business goals. So, this means you have to influence people and in some ways change people’s behavior. I think that motivating and rewarding people to do what you want them to do is much better than trickery, force or threatening someone. Because at the end that will end up hurting your efforts and your influence! You might ask yourself if you have ever been in that situation and how it made you feel. Did that person influence you in the right way or the wrong way? How do you influence and give back to your customers, while you make a strong impact in just a few words and convince them why they are better off working with you? As an entrepreneur and an influencer, if you’re not clearly different and more desirable to work with, some entrepreneurs and some businesses will not prosper. So I believe to prosper you need to give back and serve first truly! If you do it the other way around you will probably be an afterthought! When you become clear on how to satisfy others needs and influence them in a good way, I believe you will have much more success with the alignment that will help them and you at the same time. 5 Keys That Influence A Successful Entrepreneur! 1. Communication: Creating ways to express ourselves properly no matter if the situation is good or bad at any time. 2. Creativity: Having inspiration, talent, and creativity to be able to come up with new ideas that inspire others. 3. Passion: It is necessary to feel a true passion for your projects, dreams, and ideas that we want to achieve, with the ability to establish realistic goals and make decisions. 4. Team: Having a team that understands and shares your vision and helps to execute ideas and projects. Having the determination to keep working on projects even when the working environment and the circumstances are not suitable. 5. Flexibility: Knowing how to react and adapt to changes that will occur with the environment, market, and consumers. by Sheri Hendrickson

N at u r e ’ s I n f l u e n c e

Worlds Only Fat Burning Coffee!

Whilst traveling abroad to visit my daughter in school, I experienced a surprising amount of nature in Dublin, Ireland. As much as it’s a “green” island, the city is busy, often rainy, and very dark in winter. Not one you’d think conducive to peaceful nature watching. I hadn’t expected so many natural sanctuaries, from small local parks to the richness of St. Stephen’s Green. When I decided to make the trip out to the Poolbeg Lighthouse, even the taxi driver was surprised. It’s only 10 km from the center city, but not well attended. The beauty of the Bay at this beach is unsurpassed in my experience of Dublin’s five beaches thus far. The half-hour walk out to the lighthouse, time spent watching the ships enter and leave port, and the walk back leaves time for contemplative thought and great sea views. The ability to take a few minutes, an hour, or a day to be out in nature has an impressive healing effect for mind, body, and spirit. For example, after a long day at school, my daughter was able to cross to the pitch and watch soccer or rugby played at a high level. She could go into the gym and climb the rock wall, but how much nicer to be outside and walk Trinity Dublin’s campus, the walled school at the center of the city, South of the Liffey River. It’s a great break from her studies and a wonderful place for me to get photographs. On her way home, there are multiple parks to stop in, including the plaza outside St. Patrick’s Cathedral. With new plantings for Spring, it’s cheerful abundance, and children’s playground welcomes all. It has the bonus of being religious for those who may wish to spend extra time in a Protestant Cathedral. Dublin has the unique ability to combine all aspects of life - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and financial - to allow any part of you to grow. What was my favorite find? The garden behind Dublin Castle. This expansive space contains the Garda memorial, a quiet sanctuary, the Chester Beatty Library (containing the largest collection of ancient religious texts in the world) with room to stroll, think, and soak in the beautiful central space hidden from the city proper. Dublin’s nature reminded me of just how important it is to take the time to refresh your spirit. Make a point to get outside, in the fresh air, every day. Sunshine makes it even better!

Sheri Hendrickson Global Expansion Leader

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by Gail L Clifford, MD

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term “Influencer” has become ubiquitous throughout social media as meaning someone who has many followers and is somewhat of an internet “celebrity.” But we all influence the people around us with everything we do. Every interaction you have with someone has the potential to influence their future actions. Poor interaction can influence one to make a certain decision, while good interaction influences one to make a different decision. What are you doing to make sure that your influence is not only positive but the best representation of yourself? How is your influence adding value to the lives of those around you? As our businesses and brands grow, so does our circle of influence. This growing circle of influence is something that should be valued and treated as such, not something to be taken for granted, so be sure to use your influence for good! Are you someone that your circle can trust? Are your values aligned with what you are saying? If not, and you aren’t doing the same as you say, you will lose credibility and trust, and therefore influence with your circle. Recently, Southern California had a Super Bloom of wildflowers, which was a dream come true for the many Instagrammers of the area, and the many self-proclaimed and paid Influencers of the area flocked into town to take photos frolicking and rolling in the poppies, creating enviable pictures for all to admire – near and far. Of course, who wouldn’t want to recreate these beautiful pictures which were taken only a short 2-3 hour drive away?


Becky Weeks

The first people that will have the most influence over your lives are your parents or guardians that raised you. They shape our lives, each person that they mold comes out different because each person has their perspective on the guidance they were given. Despite what type of person our parents were, a child can choose what they were influenced by the good, the bad, perhaps learning from both traits? The best case scenario is turning out well because we were influenced by a good role model rather than deciding to be the opposite of a cautionary tale.

Youth Environmental Alliance, San Diego Coordinator,

Both of my parents have a strong influence over my life; although my dad passed away in 2005, he continues to make a big impact because of the huge impact he had in life. As an influential man of color and a Christian elder, Andrew Geyer was quick to be of service to others. Throughout my life, people that were friends with my father always had nothing but good things to say about him, how he helped them in some way. Even someone I worked with who I didn’t know knew my father personally, had glowing words about the man she knew him to be.

The problem this created was that rolling in these flowers, picking them to put in your hair and behind your ear – this is not only glorifying the destruction of nature but is also killing a protected species (i.e., illegal). Those “Stay on the trail” signs are there because critters like rattlesnakes live beyond the trail, and pollinators will be disturbed when one ventures off trail.

On a secular level, my father was a park caretaker his main responsibility was the oversight of Seaside Park; he had to make sure other parks such as Washington, Ninety Acres Park, etc. were tended to as well in Bridgeport, CT. Whatever he did he always went far beyond what was expected. Although his job capacity did not require it, he started a youth program that got young men and women involved in their local parks. His local impact gained attention in the highest office of this nation, which earned him a commendation from the commander in chief of that time, President Nixon. He also influenced his nephew to move, work for Disney and eventually become a top animator.

What can we do to revel in nature without inadvertently ruining it? What can we, as people with Influence, do to encourage doing the right thing in any situation, not just nature as in this example? Show pictures of yourself with your feet planted firmly on the trail, not just an edited caption saying, “No flowers were harmed when taking this photo.” We need to not only use our influence showing ourselves doing the right thing but encourage the promotion of others who are doing the right thing, not just the best looking photos.

Because of his job, my dad was allowed to live in the only park with a zoo in Connecticut; he grabbed at the chance which resulted in surrounding his family in beauty, in a house overlooking a human-made pond that would light up spectacularly, reflecting lightning during a midnight storm. He shared this privilege resulting in many park events with our friends and family.

So please, use your influence for good. Whether you consider yourself to be an Influencer or you are speaking to one person – your actions matter and will cause a reaction. Do the right thing, whether you are going to post the photo on Instagram or not, is what matters.

by Sharon J Geyer

Many may not get to know how their role model views them, but in one of the last conversations I had with my dad (the year he died), he told me. He said that my eldest brother Stephen and I were two of the best people he knew. I was taken aback, being that he kept up his poker-face, so to speak, unwaveringly remaining in that role of parental authority. So, that has given me a lot to live up to, I’m not perfect, but if I wielded any influence, I would like it to be along with the caliber of my dad and be a good influence.

Are you a Woman in business? Join Life By Design for The Women of Worth networking mixer! Enjoy an all-woman mixer focused on uplifting women in the workplace. Women of Worth wants to bring women together so we can learn from each other, and support, local female entrepreneurs! Network with amazing women from all different industries, make valuable connections, and learn from our guest speaker!

Friday • May 17, 2019 • 10:00AM to 11:30AM Downtown San Diego Space is Limited - RSVP TODAY! Text "WOMAN" to 76626 and JOIN US




Be a Leader, Don’t be a Follower “Auntie” Mary Hang

Mary Hang is a published author, influencer, keynote speaker, serial entrepreneur and philanthropist. As a director and Auntie Mary of Although she wears multiple hats, her Young Entrepreneur Society, It feels biggest and most rewarding passion amazing to connect with our future is impacting the youth through Young leaders at the high schools. Not only is it amazing to be an influence in the Entrepreneur Society & her book San Diego community but also to be series “Letters To Me”, which led her to able to bring it back home to where it receive the “Blue Ribbons Worldwide” Award. all started felt amazing!

Interview with House of Shamrocks owner Michael Wilds

I traveled back home to not only visit my family but also to spread the influence of my book. It touched my heart to hear my nieces and nephew share with me the lessons they learned from reading my book “Letters To Me; Life Lessons I Wish I Knew.” MY BOOK!!! It feels absolutely incredible to be able to bring this kind of positive influence in their lives.

years, Michael bought and has owned Shamrocks for over 17 years and currently has 20 employees on his team. He even has plans in the very near future to expand, but we won’t give away those details. When asked about how he brings positive influence to those around him, he genuinely advised,

On my trip back to Michigan I was able to share what we do at Y.E.S with my friends and family. I even hosted a book signing at “House of Shamrocks,” located in the heart of Hazel Park. It was a magical night, and everyone left inspired and in high spirits.

“I don’t really consider it influencing, but what’s important is the way you treat the people that you meet. It’s all about encouraging customer relations, remembering your customers by name, conversing and getting to know your customers. I love to also encourage my employees and have communication between Thankfully, after an amazing event us that will benefit their success even I was able to sit down with Michael beyond work.” Wilds, the humble owner of the most popular Irish Pub, “House of Before we closed out our interview, Shamrocks” (Shamrocks) and learn Michael shared a big business tip more about him, his values, and what that has served him well, and as a has made him so successful as a bar owner, his point of view is right business owner of 20 years. on point. Once I actually got to sit down with Michael and learn about him, it was obvious that Michael is a positive influence and leader to his family, his customers, his Shamrock staff, and of course to the neighborhood.

“Don’t get caught up in the environment you created, because you’ll forget what you’re trying to still build.”

After such a great interview, it’s only fitting to leave you all a quote It was such an amazing story to learn Michael Wilds lives by: that before Michael became an entrepreneur, he spent 15 years in the “You’re not here for a long time; corporate world before eventually you’re here for a good time.” deciding he wanted more. That was the start of it all for him. Within two


Definition of Influence: 1: the power or capacity of causing an effect in indirect or intangible ways: SWAY 2: the act or power of producing an effect without apparent exertion of force or direct exercise of command b: corrupt interference with authority for personal gain 3: one that exerts influence 4: an emanation of spiritual or moral force 5: an ethereal fluid held to flow from the stars and to affect the actions I have a deep feeling about the spiritual power in our everyday lives, so that is the meaning I will explore at this time. We all have distinct personalities, and they are formed by those who exert the most influence in our lives. Our teachers, our parents, our spiritual leader help form our morals and how we relate to others. As children, we accumulate lists of heroes and famous folks we would strive to be more like. In my family, my mother was incredibly talented in many areas. One of her many slogans was “Be a leader, don’t be a follower.” Our mentors have deeply influenced many of us in the entrepreneurial world. When I was younger, my hero was Jacques Cousteau, since he helped us to understand and appreciate the depths of the ocean. Over the years some of the most profoundly influential figures in my career path have been from the thinkers from academia such as Stephen Hawkins, and many of the Nobel Peace prize winners, I have spent a fair time learning some of the wisdom of spiritual leaders such the Dalai Lama and Thich Nhat Hanh. I was deeply moved and influenced by the mindfulness movement that I gave the gift of meditation books to many of my family and friends. The drive to be compassionate in this competitive world is of deep significance to me. Some of the most influential people I think are our politicians, sports professionals, and leaders in the military. I have been blessed with many mentors and realized that each person in our midst might be the student, or our teacher or a character in the play of our lives. A few years ago, there was this website called Klout that measured your social influence. President at the time, Barack Obama, I recall had a 90. I was thrilled when my scores were in the mid-’60s. The drive to make a difference in this world is what sets entrepreneurs apart from the rest. That difference is being a person of influence for our youth. by Cynthia “Salonista” Kosciuczyk

Social Media: The New F i t n e ss I n f l u e n c e With social media platforms growing in size, it is hard not to be influenced. Everywhere you turn, there is some coverage about the newest ‘fad diet’ or some other way to “instantly get in shape with little to no effort” Many Americans want to get in shape and have a healthier lifestyle but don’t know where or how to start. Being an influencer in the fitness industry, my goal is to inspire others to reach their fitness and lifestyle goals, whether it be through training my clients or posting easy workouts or healthy recipes on my social media that my followers could utilize. I strive to give my audience the most credible information about working out. I am looking to influence people to not only understand how to attack their workouts but to use proper form and programming when doing so. As mainstream media continues to curate more and more fitness content without regulation, there has been a huge increase in the false information being passed along. Many people tend to accept this information as facts without doing the proper research or fact-checking. As an entrepreneur and trainer, it is tough at times to influence people to follow correct workout practices, especially with the media releasing many articles and new programs that promise to help you get fit instantly. Over the years I have gained more and more knowledge to overcome some of the marketing obstacles and have been focusing greatly on pushing towards creating content that will help my clients understand the proper ways of striving towards a healthy lifestyle.

Wasim Hajjiri is an MBA-Engineer, 3x Gold medalist, author and entrepreneur who coaches and speaks on how to accomplish your dreams and how to land your dream job Website Email Number 619 756 0852 Facebook, Instagram, Twitter @WasimTheDreamm Linkedin Wasim Hajjiri Youtube Wasim The Dream

Anyone can live a healthy lifestyle if they stay consistent with working out and don’t go crazy killing themselves in the gym. Remember to take rest and recovery serious, as well as clean eating and drinking a lot of water. Surround yourself with positive influences and be a positive influence for others around you. by Jorge Fernandez



Meet Alex Macklin, this entrepreneur is a Marine Corps veteran turned

entrepreneur and clarity coach. Alex’s journey started when he was twenty-one when he decided to join the Marine corps. Through seven years and two tours to Afghanistan, you can definitely say that Alex learned dedication, hard work, and the drive it takes to get the job done. But having all those skills started to come to a halt when his job title changed to a recruiter. At this point, Alex began to find himself depressed. The drive he once had was gone and soon after he would leave the Marine Corps. Like so many others Alex found himself having very little drive to do… well, anything. For a year Alex lived in his car not knowing or wanting anything more for his life. For one whole year, he wandered around looking for places to park his car to sleep for the night, watching T.V. on his phone, or at the library. But one day he finally decided to try again. He started going to school in San Diego and was happy… for a while. While putting on a face, he still lacked any feeling of joy, happiness, or excitement. His life started to change when he made a decision to enter a gym while his laundry was drying. Alex spoke to the owner, and for the first time in a very long time was ready to be completely coachable and do whatever he needed to. He started losing weight and eventually got his personal trainer license. But something was still missing in his life, it wasn’t until Alex went to the Landmark forum that he really saw an opportunity for growth and change in his life. Now we fast forward a year later, after devoting his life to personal development, and leadership training, Alex is living a life of enthusiasm and clarity. This led Alex to find a true passion, helping those around him get the clarity that he needed in his life! By refusing to give up, refusing to be another statistic, and letting himself live a life of unfulfilled potential, Alex found a system to provide clarity in the lives of others. Now Alex wants you to know, just keep going! Don’t give up, and once you find clarity in your life you will be able to live the life you want! If you want to get in contact with Alex, reach out on Facebook and send him a message! If you are looking for clarity in your life and your business, feel free to ask a question and let Alex help you live an empowered, free life.

Interviewed By: Jennifer Meim Written By: Kristen Crooks



E n e r g e t i c P e r s u as i o n As a ship is guided by the gusts of wind on the open seas, the sails navigate the ship to its destination as smoothly as possible. Influence in our society is very similar in this manner to the analogy. The wind represents the manner in which we receive information in society, we are the sails, and the ship guiding along the journey of life. The winds can be either a slight breeze or a hurricane depending on the conditions. We are used to seeing advertisements on Instagram, Facebook, Magazines, print articles, brochures, bus ads, etc. We are bombarded by so much information in our present day, now more than we have ever been in history, so it’s tough to decipher what is worthwhile information and what is not. Influence breaks down into who can captivate the energy of a person or people. It comes not only from the person, but the message a person has, and the charisma and energy they put into that message. Anyone can say motivational quotes to a large crowd, but how it is shown to a group has a more profound impact because of the way it makes us FEEL. Energetic motions, or “emotions” are what people thrive off. People will emotionally connect to a message or an object delivered from a person who brings energy into the message or object. This is why people in sales do much better without telling the facts and figures to convince someone to buy their product and instead concentrate on gaining the attention of the individual interested in the product or service being sold. Understanding the mindset of an individual, and tapping into that aspect of what makes them genuinely interested in what you have to say or have to sell is what influence is all about. People are only responsible for their actions and their actions alone, but the influences that surround those people are what guide them into their decision making. And what that breaks down to is what kind of energy persuades them to act in that manner. by Dr. Adam McBride

INFLUENCE Dominic Cruz My name is Dominic Cruz and I am a Social Media Marketer, exprofessional hip-hop dancer, & a college graduate from SDSU. I was born in New Orleans, but raised in Boston, MA. I have a strong passion for serving others and their business. I was introduced to social media marketing back in 2013 and what was amazing about the experience in the beginning was I made 20 sales in one week with 1 Facebook advertisement. That experience is what led me to serving tons of business owners.


your life before you influence someone else. Seriously! What you consume for your personal development will be who you become in 5 years. So many people don’t even educate themselves with personal development, and typically you see them with a poor mindset. Be careful about what you pour into your soul because it will define who you are and once it does, it will be a difficult ride to change. What Do You Listen To This is probably one of the biggest keys to influencing your life. What you listen to plays a big factor in your language, behavior, and lifestyle. So many people in this world will listen to music that is not a good influence. For example, R&B music used to be one of my favorite genres to listen to daily, but the more I listened to it, the more I was in a sad state of mind.


listened to personal development; the more my mindset became abundant. Do you see the difference in what you listen to daily? It’s a huge shift, and it will make an impact on your behavior, language, and habits. What Do You Watch Daily Same as music, this is another big key to influencing your life. If you’re watching Friends all the time at late nights, ask yourself this question, “What am I learning from this show that will benefit my life and business?” The same thing with Youtube videos, what are you choosing to watch that will benefit your life and business? Videos I like to watch are motivational videos, tips to scaling my business, and communication videos. It’s amazing how much access we have when it comes to improving our education & business. What you watch, you will become and who you will become will say so much about your influence. Everything that you watch will determine the kind of Influence you will have, and it will alter your lifestyle. It’s crazy how life works, but our brain is like a computer. We digest and store it.

You have a choice on how you want to influence people. But, influence Now here is a twist; when you people to do good just like you change your audio to audiobooks on because when you leave this earth, personal development, your mind will you will be remembered on what you begin to reprogram itself because it is chose to influence your life with from learning things that will benefit your the beginning. business and life. I remember the 1st time I listened to Les Brown. I became So how will you influence your life to hooked and decided to throw the greatness? popular music away and focus on personal development. The more I ENTREPRENEUR LIFESTYLEMAGAZINE MAGAZINE 17 17 ENTREPRENEUR LIFESTYLE



Meet De’Anna Nunez, May’s cover and your new favorite hypnotist!

De’Anna has hypnotized over 10,000 people and presented to over 500,000 audience members. She teaches practical Hypnotic strategies for peak performance through interactive keynotes and trainings and works with people one-on-one to help break through barriers that hold them back. De’Anna started in the world of hypnosis when she began dating a stage hypnotist twenty-five years ago. While this ignited her passion for the entertainment that hypnosis brings, she found herself longing for more. She knew that her vision was greater than poking fun at people on stage. Once De’Anna received clinical training in her passion, she was ready to take on the world with her own style of Hypnosis. Like many entrepreneurs she felt fear of getting on stage, marketing, or selling herself. Yet, she pressed on and booked her first on-stage performance at a small bar on a Military base. To secure the gig, she walked in portraying an air of confidence, hiding the fear of getting up there and doing her first show. As she showed the manager of the bar her professional headshots and explained how exciting and entertaining stage hypnosis was, this small, spitfire of a woman looked at De’Anna and had only one thing to say, “I’ll give you a shot, but I’m going to need some T*** and A** to get my men in here.” De’Anna chose not to be offended, took some tasteful photos that appeased her, and they plastered those posters everywhere on base. As a result, the bar was packed on a Wednesday night. After that show her career took off and she found herself touring with the United States Marine Corps all over the world, performing and uplifting the participants she had onstage. She has continued entertaining the troops for twenty years. De’Anna prides herself on keeping her presentations in line with her core values of providing positivity and confidence to every person she hypnotizes. While she is firm in those core values, she has strayed, as often entrepreneurs do for the sake of opportunity. Years ago De’Anna won the contract to perform for Knott’s Berry Farm, headlining for the largest Halloween promotion in the world called Halloween Haunt. Her audiences were filled but she found herself feeling like she needed to fit in more with the dark comedy theme of the park. She changed some of her material making it more “scary.” Instead of someone laughing at a chihuahua under their chair, there was a zombie hidden under their chair causing a much different reaction. Because of the content, she found herself getting tired of the shows. Each one drained her more and more until she realized she no longer enjoyed the work. The 303 shows for Knott’s Berry Farm taught De’Anna a valuable business lesson. Stick to your core values. When


“Hypnotic influence is the ability to affect positive change on a subconscious level.” she didn’t, she saw the light draining from her passion. On top of being a fantastic Speaker and Stage Hypnotist, De’Anna is also a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. This transformational component drives her desire to help people break through their mental blocks and wake up the best version of themselves. She has presented to sold out audiences wanting to quit smoking through the tobacco coalition, helped people lose over one hundred pounds, and changed the money mindset of entrepreneurs. This Hypnochick does it all! With De’Anna’s extensive experience through entrepreneurship, she has learned so much; the number one thing she has learned is you have to be true to yourself. De’Anna’s deepest desire is that everyone discovers the power to believe in themselves throughout their journey. Having the self-trust to be true to yourself is developed through building an internal agreement of accepting who you are and working through the parts you wish to redesign. By equipping people with the tools to work through any mental blocks, she is determined to bring people to the best version of themselves. When De’Anna speaks, performs, or works one-on-one with a client, she equips them with mindset tools so they can work through issues that come up in their day to day lives and achieve success without sacrificing their health. If De’Anna has one thing for you to take away from your interaction with her, it is that you are worth it! You have the ability to take charge of your thoughts, and your life. If you want to enjoy a blessed life, you can wake up your best self by communicating to your subconscious mind that you already are! Don’t allow your overthinking habits to control you any longer. It is time to command your mind. If you want to get in touch with De’Anna Nunez or learn her signature process of Reveal, Release and ReCode, reach out to De’Anna at: Interviewed By: Stephen Dela Cruz Written By: Kristen Crooks Photo Credit: Anne Barrera, Cover



Nominations close on Saturday August 31st 2019 at 12am Midnight. Nominate your friends as frequently as daily! Our team will release who YOU nominated in the final voting round on Friday September 6th 2019.



Who Do You Listen To? influence is

If I told you, I could show you how to have everything that you’ve ever dreamed of or wanted, would you listen? Probably not, unless you knew me or knew my history. So what if you knew I had made billions of dollars by creating a brand that had changed the world? Like Steve Jobs of Apple or Bill Gates of Microsoft, I bet you’d listen to me then. Influence is like that; people tend to listen to others if they know that what they’re reading, hearing or learning is from someone that has either done what they want to do or know that the source of information is from someone they trust. So how do you build this trust? What if I told you that in the past eight years, I co-founded one company with my father, manufactured and sold over ten thousand items for this company and recently founded my own company to sell a product I invented, would you listen to me now? If so, I have a few items to share with you. I have been on a journey since my father called me in 2011 asking me if I wanted to help find a company to sell a product he invented. Since then, I have had an unquenchable thirst for learning all I can to be successful and to live out my purpose. I can tell you that I now know what I am doing, and I am striving every day to achieve what I have been put on this planet to do. I am a creator, a businessman and I’m working even harder to share my knowledge with others, which is why you’re reading this right now. So my question to you is, what do you want to do this year? Do you have any goals for 2019? I can help you. If you have an idea for a business or a product idea, I can help you. If you have or have had thoughts of a business idea, but thought, no, someone is already doing that, well let me tell you the world is an abundant place, and I am pretty sure your idea may be what the world needs. I can help you create a plan or point you to the resources that will help you achieve your dreams. Remember, dreams are just dreams unless you write them down and create a plan for its achievement, then it’s a goal and goals are achievable. If you need help, I can help you with that too. Think I’m kidding? I recently decided to act on a dream. I created a non-profit organization which will help serve others who are like-minded and are looking for ways to better themselves. It’s called the Summit Master Mind and the details for this group can be found at We will be meeting once a month on a summit somewhere here in Southern California. The first event is on 4/20/2019. For information on this or if you have any questions, please feel free to reach me at Use the Subject title LBD. by David Blackford

Jennifer Meim Jennifer Meim is a Graphic Designer who works with Entrepreneurs to transfer their vision into fruition. Jennifer has a natural gift of being in tuned with her clients to understand and to see their vision. For at least a decade, Jennifer have supported and worked closely with founders and CEOs to launch their ideas from table talks to tangibles. Jennifer is a self-taught designer, and continuously strive to learn especially with new technologies. Her creative soul and genuine love for people makes her one of the most approachable, dependable, and trustworthy designers in San Diego.


you personally witness a random act of kindness? Were you like many, including me, that was also moved by it and wanted to do the same? ...that my friend is a cause and effect of INFLUENCE! ... Influence is not always loud and obvious. Influence is in the everyday word we say, decisions we make, and the actions we take. You are Influence! If you and I are influence, doesn’t it make sense that we must show up every day as the best version of ourselves? Here are the areas that if we become open to improve and progress in will contribute to your best self:


You make mistakes!” and it’s this voice that prevents us from reaching out to offer our solutions. What if we start every relationship with an open heart? Being able to understand and empathize with their situation. Would it be worth it to care first to influence someone’s life to be better? Yes, it is! OPEN TO GREATNESS Before the word “branding” became popular in the marketing space, being “YOU” was your brand. Oprah explained it well that your “Excellence” is your brand. It is very difficult to argue with someone’s work that is the utmost quality. Focusing on the little details and going above and beyond will go a long way! People will see you.

OPEN MINDEDNESS One of my fears i still need to overcome is skydiving. The only reason I’m ok to do it is that i know You matter! You are influencing that the parachute is there for me to people either positively or negatively. safely land. Just like our minds, it is May you choose wisely my friend. only ready to receive when it is open. Be open to ask when you don’t know. Be open to observing others to get to know them. Be encouraged to make mistakes and be open to learning from them. OPEN HEARTEDNESS “Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care.” Sometimes there’s a voice in our head that says “You are not the expert!




BY “PAUSING AND PRIMING ” We’ve all been there. We are working on something, and we’re not sure where to go next. We get overwhelmed and start to judge ourselves, “This is too hard,” “I have no talent.” At it’s worst, this can produce so much tension that we avoid doing the things we need to do to make forward progress, as they become associated with overwhelm and negative beliefs. This issue can become intensified by cultural stereotypes of the ‘tortured artist’ or ‘burning out entrepreneur’ who is always bashing their head against the wall in service of their mission.


INFLUENCE By Taking These Steps.

GUARANTEED! Google’s online dictionary defines influence in this way: the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something.

I prefer the view Spider-Man took, with great power comes great responsibility! If you have the ability to influence, you have great power and the responsibility to affect others in a positive way!

Steve Meim

Steve Meim has over twelve years of experience working as a professional in the video game industry and is credited with working on award-winning titles that have been enjoyed by millions of people around the world. His success in creating a career where he’s excited to work every single day has inspired him to use video games as a tool to help others to do the same. Want to find out how video games even saved his life? Find him at his link above.

and integrity, they’ll know they can This is what it should be about in life. trust you. Trust comes from being conI believe influence is the power to sistent in who you are and consistent create actions that help and improve in your message and letting time seal that assurance. individuals. To influence effectively, you need to do three things. The first thing you need to do is get people to know you. You must get yourself out there, so people know your name and your personality. So when they hear your name, they can put a face to the name. Be yourself; be genuine. There’s an old saying, “It’s not what you know, but who you know,” then I add, “and who knows you.”

Be who you are and the best you can be and then follow the steps above to influence in a positive way. Before you know it, you will be affecting the people around you, your workplace and becoming a mentor to people who need you the most.

So how are you guaranteed this will increase your influence? Catch me on social media and allow me to be moved by your amazing story. You have a life full of new lessons and successes, and it would be an honor Secondly, get people to like you. Mo- for me to follow along and be your tivate people with reasons to like you. student. Do things for them that add value to their life, so they understand you’re not just a taker, but you’re a giver as well. Bring value to their lives; make yourself valuable to them. Avoid being a parasite. Do what you can to give back and give to others and do so with authentic compassion. And last, but not least is get people to trust you. If they know you’re a person who backs up your word with action


PAUSING I finally realized years ago that I’m often better off “pausing and priming.” First, I pause whatever it is that I’m working on and stop myself before I get to the point of being overwhelmed. I take a breath, slow down, and calm myself. PRIMING Secondly, I “prime” my subconscious by defining very specifically what I am trying to accomplish next and the exact point where I am stuck. For instance, “I need a rhyme for this word that accomplishes such and such.” or “I need to figure out how to phrase something in this email to promote myself better.” Again l find it vital to be as specific as possible. This mindset creates the intention in my subconscious to figure out the next step, as opposed to pausing with nothing but a bad feeling that would make restarting harder. Eventually (and sometimes this will be months later) the answer will either suddenly pop into my head at random times or when I start to work on it again. AFTER PRIMING I either: 1) attempt to start again now that I have clearly defined the sense of what I need to accomplish next or, 2) move on to something else where the specific path forward is more clear or, only if all else fails, 3) take a break from what I’m doing to clear my head and let my subconscious start to work on it. GETTING MORE DONE I’m not being lazy as I usually keep working. I’m adding time and energy to my work because my subconscious is working during my “down time.” It’s even working on one thing when I’m working on something else! Sometime I’ll be writing one song and a line for another song I’m working on pops into my head. Of course, sometimes you have a deadline you can’t get around, and it can often be helpful to give yourself a period to increase your focus. But life can be so much happier if you can balance that with a desire to reduce unnecessary stress. My music students usually enjoy the idea of respecting that forward movement doesn’t always happen on a timetable. Music, like most professions, requires the development of many skills, and working on several during the same time frame can create a synergy where all the skills develop faster. So give yourself a break by pausing and priming. You’ll get more done and be much happier. by HappyRon Hill


T h e P ow e r a n d I mpac t o f I n f l u e n c e The Power of Influence When I think of the meaning of influence… I associate it with being an intentional act that can have unintentional secondary gain. A life coach, for example, has been working with an entrepreneur’s leadership style to improve morale, but it has also produced increased net worth. I think it means to instill changes within the individual—internally and externally as well as at the conscious and unconscious level. That same entrepreneur made internal shifts from self-doubt to increased confidence, and thereby influenced her procrastinating tendencies to take greater initiation in her business action plan. I believe it will result in growth and prosperity in hopes of experiencing happiness and a deep sense of accomplishment even in the face of adversity. Source of My Influence My source of influence stems from a series of events where I never felt understood by those who I thought would rally around me. Much of my childhood was mocked or ignored, for being different in my ethnicity, having a language barrier, or just being different in who I was. That pain—as tiny or silly as it may have been—was felt at my core. For it to be mocked and to be misunderstood was the source of change in spearheading my profession in becoming a clinical psychologist, driven to understand how people operate in the world. I wanted to understand others like the way I wanted to be understood. The power of influence for me has manifested in the form of understanding their pain, their joy, their wants and desires, and their need to feel visible and to feel that they matter. Know Your Gift and Others Will Benefit The act of feeling understood, to be made visible in the way that it matters is in and of itself an influencing catalyst for positive change. I have a contractor— who has been working in my house for some time. His main line of work involves painting homes, but I have discovered is that he is gifted in the original design of homes both in structure and in aesthetics of it. He can see how specific color palettes with different use of materials enhances one other. He is a collection of a contractor, a painter, and a designer of homes, correctly to beautify one’s personal living space. This was the untapped talent that he kept at bay. Eventually, his gift was validated and made visible which he felt at his core. Having the ability to make him feel visible in the area that most mattered to him empowered him to market his business that much more confidently. He is now more apt to receive feedback from me to enhance employee work productivity and morale among his crew members. I have grown to appreciate my gift in making others feel visible, which is my way of influencing others, their behaviors, and their mindset—this is the power of influence. by Callie J. Oneese, Ph.D.

Gerald Eldred “Coach G” At the age of 8, I was labeled dumb and diagnosed with a learning disability. I have literally spent my whole life making my label the inspiration behind finding purpose in my life, exercising my strength in business and fostering my love for connecting with others in my relationships as the key to the realization that I am smart. It’s about breaking down labels to bring out your own “Genius Within”.

When you think of the word influence

or influential what comes to mind. Has anyone been an Influence in your life? Who do consider to be a great influencer? What is an influential person? Someone that has an impact on or shapes how people act or how things occur. A person who convinces others to listen and do what he or she suggests is an example of an influential person. Theses’ are my top Influential people of all time. Mahatma Gandhi – He promoted nonviolence during World War II, he was a political and spiritual leader during India’s’ struggle with Great Britain; an advocate of civil disobedience. He was a big part of the campaigns of Indian Independence Movement. “An eye for eye only makes the whole world blind” – Gandhi Martin Luther King Jr. – Was an American Baptist Minister, activist, humanitarian, and leader in the AfricanAmerican Civil Right Movement. Promoted equality between all people and things. “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” “Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed” – Martin Luther King Jr. Muhammad Ali – (Jan 17th, 1942 – June 3rd ,2016) was an American former professional boxer. He was arguably the greatest heavyweight boxer in the history of the sport. He was a champion in the ring, a champion to his religion, a champion to his race and a champion to mankind. He stood up for what he believed in. “I am the greatest,

SOME OF THE GREATEST INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE OF ALL TIME I said that even before I knew I was” Muhammed Ali -so influential to me! There are a few more on my list before I get to in my opinion the most influential person of all time. Michael Jordan – Probably the greatest basketball player of all time. The greatest sportsman of all time! Owns a billiondollar brand and still is probably the greatest spokesperson for Nike. Jordan was influential in basketball, sports and business. “I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life, and that is why I succeed” – Jordan Bill Gates – William Henry “Bill” Gates III is an American business magnate, entrepreneur, philanthropist, investor, and programmer. He is best known as the principal founder of Microsoft Corporation. “It’s fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heal the lesson of failure” – Bill Gates And in close the one person that tops my list as the most influential person of all time is: Jesus Christ – My Lord and Savior. He has been influencing people for over 2000 years. Jesus was definitely the most influential person of all time, and probably the most controversial person as well. Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem. He was born to Mary, as the bible says, “she was found with a child of the Holy Ghost” (Matthew 1:18). He was both Man and God (John 20:28). According to the bible, he is God alone (Deuteronomy 6:4). Jesus died on the cross for the world and gave us the pathway to salvation. “For what shall it profit a man, if he gains the whole world, and suffer the loss of his soul?” – Jesus That was my list of the most influential people, Who’s on your list? I hope to be an influence in someone’s life and I’m working toward that every day.



Causing GREATNESS in Others

in-FLOW-ence You hear people talking about being in the “FLOW” a lot. It’s one of those words... Where you know EXACTLY what someone means by it... And yet NOT know exactly what they mean by it at the same time. So let’s go ahead and talk about it!! Below are five ways to better understand the “FLOW” in your life.

Alexander Macklin

Alex Macklin is a Certified Personal Trainer and Yoga teacher in San thing I think of is having an ability to cause another person to transform an Diego. He specializes in building area of their life which isn’t working strength, mobility, flexibility and or isn’t working as well as they would rehabilitation with his clients. His like and creating both the access and mission is to empower people to their ability to do so that they didn’t have own greatness with strength, grace and before. passion.

When I think of influence, the first

When influence occurs, it is something heard or seen which creates a powerful context to live by which touches, moves or inspires you to action in taking on your life and making a difference for yourself. When you’re listening to a speaker or video, it’s the powerful context you’re after in what you hear. You get connected to that context on a level so deep that it penetrates any concern, constraint or justification that would normally leave you paralyzed to act. With a powerful context behind you, action will naturally flow.

Even more intriguing is that the part of the brain that is activated when you’re giving advice or helping someone out is the reward center of the brain and feels really good. Coming from that, it’s very easy to see why most people prefer to give advice to others and tell them what to do because it’s natural and feels good.

I invite you to think that the most effective way to truly influence people and make a difference with them is one thing and one thing alone and Consider that context drives your that is by sharing your life with them thoughts, feelings, and emotions, exactly the way it is and exactly the which directly drive your actions way it is not. and ultimately results. Once you discover that context and you create For example, if I want to influence it as a place to come from, results someone to become coachable in are inevitable, and performance Stegela as an access for them to skyrockets. For example, if I asked achieve high-performance results you to do something you said you in their business, I would share with would never do like skydiving, you them vividly a time when I started would probably say no. The context at being coachable and began listening this time could be fear of the unknown to exactly what Stephen said and the or maybe falling. If I then said that I amazing results that were produced would give you a million dollars to go when I shut my mouth and followed skydiving and you needed the money, his instructions precisely. you would probably go skydiving! Why jump? Context of money! Alter The reason why is because, in sharing the context and alter your life! your life, people get to see their lives inside of your life, and when you Some people believe that a very create a space of safety and love, effective way to influence people people connect with you and you is through telling them what to do allow them to be touched, moved and and how to think. I recently heard inspired by what you say which can that Neuroscience has proved that alter their context of life. the area of your brain that gets lit up when you’re receiving advice or Influence to empower! being told to do something, especially when it’s not warranted or unsolicited, activates the punishment area of your brain and causes pain.


1. Flowing in the right direction. Many times we can be floating instead of flowing. There’s nothing worse than climbing to the top of the ladder, to find out it’s been leaning against the wrong wall. What is your mission statement? Are you flowing in that direction? 2. Flowing in distinct patterns. Success leaves clues. So walking in the flow and having influence with that flow... involves having distinct patterns. You must allow yourself to make room for significant opportunities. You will not have room though when your life is filled with wounded paradigms and makeshift materials. Find out what it takes to build your dream castle. It will be distinct. 3. Flowing influence. You don’t want to be the best song that no one has ever heard. Now that you made sure you are flowing in the right direction, you’ve found the right materials to build your dream castle, and you want to make sure it’s reaching it’s highest potential. Find out who you need to reach out to, to bring everything to life. You’d be surprised to hear who or what was done in the background that made celebrities known, the way we know them today. 4. What flow consistency consists of. The flow consistency comes from abundance. The ability to think right, hear right, and walk right. The flow consistency doesn’t have to be extremely hard, but it does take work. It takes change. Change from within. 5. You deserve the flow! Many times we live our life down the “beaten down path” because we didn’t know we deserve our unique one! We wouldn’t have any of the greats without their unique paths they flowed on. You can’t compare yourself to what hasn’t been done yet. You can only compare yourself to the progress you’ve been making each day against the last. So GO AHEAD and make some in-FLOW-ence in your life and the life around you. We all deserve to see it. by Marc Beatty


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Are you

Tired of trying to be healthy but you are eating food that tastes like cardboard? Of course you are!!!

In such a time in which we pay so much attention to social media Influencers, we tend to forget about who in our daily life is a real influencer. As entrepreneurs, we are always looking for inspiration, and we tend to look for it on the outside. We forget to look inside to see what has influenced us to become who we are. Let me tell you a story of how I was influenced by one of the most influential persons in my life, my mother. My mother was the woman who was always in service of her community. She was a true leader. Her lack of higher education didn’t stop her from doing all the great things she did for unprivileged people. She was the kind of woman who got something in her mind and went for it. Without knowing it, she was an influencer who brought people together to create a better community. My mother has been my dearest influence in who I am today. When I look at my life now, and I see all that I have traveled in this journey of life, I see how my inner and outside transformation started after my mother passed away. My mother was my world, and I had the pleasure to take care of her in the last years of her life. As a diabetic patient, my mother suffered many illness complications from multiple strokes to renal failure. Her last three years on this planet were not easy, but her journey became mine and without noticing she became my most significant influence in life. At 21 years of age, I lost my mother. She was 60 years old. I did the math, 39 years apart. What did I want my life to be? I didn’t want to go through the same pain she went through. I took action. My inner journey started, and the outside transformation followed. Although losing my mother was painful, it was that same pain that pushed me all along to create a healthier lifestyle in body, mind, and spirit. As a Holistic Health Practitioner with a background in Organizational Leadership, it is my time to influence women to create a healthier lifestyle. My mission is to empower women with natural wellness. When I influence one woman, she influences her family and a family can influence a community to create a better life in this world. We are all influencers.

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by Catalina Andrade




all have influence. Whether we think so or not, each day we influence ourselves, our environment and those around us. These influences can be either negative or positive. It is very important to be mindful of this fact. This is because the kind of influence you put out will affect the way others see and feel about you. Are you influencing others positively or negatively? Are of one who helps others find solutions to problems or do you only complain and highlight the problem? Do you encourage and uplift those around you to new and better heights or do you rain on the parades of others? Every day we have the opportunity to impact the world around us. Whether it be in big ways or small ways every one of us has the opportunity to be influential. These three areas of influence into account in your daily routine to increase your positive influence substantially: 1. Jim Rohn stated that your mind is like a “mental factory.” What is being developed daily inside your factory? If positivity, success, and abundance are being produced inside, it will be delivered outside, guaranteed! This will affect your influence. So stand guard to the gates of your mental factory! Your mindset is the first thing that determines your influence! Strengthen it with good building material such as books, podcasts, and people!


James Adalberto Nelson James Adalberto Nelson is a Marine Veteran and known as the Chain Breaker Speaker. After joining a mastermind with no business, no business idea and no vision for himself, he was finally able to break the chains that held him back and define his life and purpose. Now he helps others break their chains so that they can live the life they are meant to live as the person they are meant to become

area of their life? Always be working on improving your skill sets. This will increase your influence substantially. 3. This area must increase for both your mindset and skill set to come together and be truly influential. The area is your network! Your network is where your influence happens! They are your family, friends, coworkers, business partners and employees. It is those who look to you for answers because your mindset and skills are impacting and influencing them. To build a network of influence you have to show up! And show up every day! Give yourself, your mindset, and your skill set to others so they can also benefit and grow! We have a duty and responsibility to be successful, but on your way to your success bring others along with you.

In summary, being influential is about constantly improving yourself. Your mental factory produces positivity, abundance, and success. Your skill sets are constantly improving which the constant improvement of these 2. The next thing to focus on is your two areas increases your network. skillset! What new skill have you You can now pour into your network learned and worked on in the last and become a positive influential year? What are you known for? What individual! have you mastered that you can use to influence others positively? What can you teach others that can positively influence them and help them in some



Influence means day to day shared human interactions whereby change occurs. It is the molecules that are so minuscule that it can’t be seen; yet, it has the power to change one’s mood like pheromones that can either attract or repulse another human being. Guiding words are another form of influence which is mostly experienced as a child: how your parents disciplined you, how you responded to that discipline, and how these cumulative factors impacted your decision on how to discipline your child(ren). Influence, to me, means absorbing and practicing an intentional act of receiving and responding. For example, I still can remember hearing the disappointment in my father’s voice when he talked about his career aspiration of being a physician and how those dreams would never be realized because of the socioeconomic and racial barriers he faced. Even though my father was a Vietnam Veteran, he did not have access to professional role models, financial means, or a network of legacies for admissions. In essence, discriminatory practices of admissions into professional graduate schools influenced his decision not to proceed with his dreams, which in turn, fueled my career aspirations of becoming a first generation physician. Though I was the first in my family to earn a medical degree, I still followed in my father’s footsteps as we both earned a bachelor’s degree in biology and served in the military. The contemporary converging influences of yesterday and today continuously impacts who I am. My morals, values, and faith-based core that stemmed from life experiences nurtured my spirituality! My spiritual belief is the only continuous influence more significant than my parental influence. It provides me a lens to process my thoughts, guide my decisions and ultimately impacts my everyday intentional choices. As recently as two months ago, I decided to end my fabulous job as a corporate clinician where I felt stuck because too many others had control over the actions and results I implemented. Desiring not to answer directly to anyone with an endless feeling of being unfulfilled no matter how much I performed was the “last straw” for me to ‘step out on faith’ and begin my entrepreneurial journey. The decision to allow the things I hear, the things I see, and the things I think are quietly filtered through my spiritual being which subsequently drives how I influence others. My gift is to believe in others as my father believed in me at both the global and spiritual level. One of my many life mantras is “What is done for me, and I wish to do unto others.” As simple as greeting each person with a smile and with intentional eye contact, I connect with them at the spiritual level where I often receive an intimate, engaging response that empowers both of us. Ultimately many of the day to day actions I deliberately carryout results in an inspiration to others, an influence to change and develop their current situation. by Dr. Heather F. Lewis, MD, MPH

The Moment You Became An Influencer What is an influencer, and what does that mean. We start learning about influence at a very young age, as young as high school when for one reason or another we broke into groups we could easily relate to. Unbeknownst to us at the time, we gravitated to groups and people we related better with. Yes, we were being influenced at a very young age, whether someone or something that that group of people stood for or believed, that was the beginning of influence or an influencer shaping our lives. As we grow up, even when we don’t realize it, many of our decisions are based on people, groups or situations that have had an influence on us. When you make the decision to become an entrepreneur, you have also made a decision to be an influencer, because, from the moment you make the decision family, friends, customers, employees, and associates will be aware of your words and actions. Before I made the decision to become an entrepreneur, I was a manager, i.e., an influencer which I had to grow into and grasp the power and influence that position carried with it. The most valuable advice I was given when I became a manager was everyone is going to look to you for guidance and leadership, and “your job will be much easier if your employees and associates feel like they want to work for you, rather then feeling like they have to work for you.” The difference in becoming an influencer is really understanding that people follow you and or listen to you, because they want to and don’t have to. As an entrepreneur, you will influence your customers, employees, friends, family, and associates not only with a product or service that is needed but because they all know like and trust you.

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Are you an entrepreneur, are you an influencer? YES by Darryl K. Horton

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Thought Leaders Zone The point is, you cannot expect people to engage with and follow you if you don’t give them a reason to do so...consistently.

UNLOCKING INFLUENCE What will it take to gain the following and traction you need to have the influence that will allow you to share your message and mission with the world? Influence that will allow you to create positive impact and transformation for others. Influence that will give you the ability to move audiences into action with your words. Influence that will empower others to become visionary leaders themselves. This has been my personal journey and obsession for the last twenty-seven years. Here’s what I’ve learned along the way that will help you to become the influential speaker and visionary leader I know you are meant to be: FOLLOW INFLUENCERS WHO ENCOURAGE YOU TO HAVE INFLUENCE Throughout history, there have been leaders, gurus, and influencers who gain global attention for the movements they’ve created. Some are focused on building what I call vertical influence. This is where the main leader becomes (and remains) the most powerful influencer. From Julius Caesar to Adolph Hitler and countless others in between, there are thousands of examples of leaders who claimed influence and used it to propel their own agenda and platform. One of the ways to identify a vertical influencer is to ask yourself if they encourage you to think the way they think, share their ideas, and promote their agenda. There is a lot to learn from leaders who rise to the top of a vertical influence platform. From the way they share their personal story and ideas, to how they interact (or limit their interaction) with their followers, these influencers depend on you to keep them relevant. At some point, however, you may want to remember your own desire for creating good in the world, which may require you to take a step away from these kinds of leaders so that you can build your own platform.


With most vertical influencers, however, it’s all or nothing – you either support their mission and message unequivocally, or you will not be considered part of the tribe. The good news is there is another kind of influencer that you can align yourself with. Leaders who create horizontal influence are those who have a message, mission, and platform, and they also encourage their followers to build their own influence. Jesus, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, Brené Brown, Simon Sinek – these are all examples of influencers who have created platforms which extend far beyond themselves. The mission of a horizontal influencer is not to become the focus, rather, to use their influence to empower you to make a difference for yourself and others. This is my personal obsession, and the heart behind my book and the Being UNapologetic brand and movement. As a horizontal influencer, I want to stand with you, on even ground, as we rise together, in parallel to create exponential, unprecedented positive transformation for the world. Find leaders, mentors, teachers, and influencers who take a stand for and with you. Time is too short to spend a lifetime being a follower. Someone is waiting for you to deliver your message! COMMIT TO CONSISTENCY Vincent Van Gogh said, “great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” Consider the number of brushstrokes that went into a single painting. Now, imagine if Van Gogh was inconsistent, and only completed a brushstroke every few days. The world would have been robbed of his gifts, simply because of his inconsistency. How consistent are you with telling everyone you know about what you are up to? I’m not talking about telling strangers or the new people you meet. I’m talking about the people who are already a part of your life – your family, friends, and colleagues. How often do you remind them what you’re up to? How often do you share your vision with them, and what you believe is possible for them? Do you do it once per year? Have you ever done it?

How many times did Henry Ford have to tell the team of engineers he charged to develop and deliver the first ever single-cast V8 engine block to keep trying? It took the team over one year to finally come up with the design. With Ford’s consistent determination, success became a reality. Are you committed to what you believe? What’s stopping you from sharing what you are up to consistently? Success is waiting for you. CONNECT WHO YOU ARE TO YOUR WHY Some might say, we live in a purpose-obsessed time. Many are looking for their purpose and for the one thing that will fulfill their destiny. Some gurus will teach you that finding your why will unlock your potential and allow you to have influence over others. They are only partly correct. The real secret to being influential actually comes from who you are (and who you’ve always been). How do you demonstrate who you are? Through story. Now, let me be very clear. We are currently experiencing an epidemic of (mediocre at best) storytelling. Nobody actually cares about your story. Think about your story as a bridge between you and those who you will influence. When you share your vision, mission, message, and miracle through stories, people are moved. But remember, it’s actually not about the story. The story is simply the method of delivery. The story allows for your listener to create their own conclusions, to feel, and to be empowered. In fact, one global research body discovered that every great leader from the time of Julius Caesar to the present day possessed the ability to share their own story in a way that connected with others, and as a result, allowed them to have influence. So, who are you? Who have you always been? Why are you who are you? Start sharing this through story – your own and the stories of others – consistently, and you will undoubtedly build your influence.

by Davide Di Giorgio

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The Four B’s to Success The best influence is yourself, and I was lucky enough to learn about an approach called Core Four from Russ Perry, founder of Design Pickle, that changed my life.


Core Four is a part of Garrett White’s Warrior Way which was created to improve all four areas in life: Body, Being, Balance, and Business, by empowering the voice inside of you, leading to new levels of personal clarity and confidence. Both of these things, in turn, generate considerable returns in the business world.





EXITOSA Posiblemente lo que a unas personas

Brian Wilson Brian is a philanthropist, dreamer, and serial entrepreneur. He has started more than 5 companies and made investments for different projects. He is internationally known as a high impact young entrepreneur with high business potential.

nada ni nadie te detendrá para les sirve, a otras no. En la mayoría de cumplir tus sueños. los casos, la gran diferencia entre una persona exitosa y una que no lo Estas son algunas maneras de es, es como visualiza la manera de visualizarte como una persona realizarse en su vida. Un buen modo exitosa. Debes tener hambre de de empezar, sería visualizando tu día éxito, tener enfoque y determinación lleno de éxito, cumpliendo con todas para cumplir tus metas. Tu eres tu fan tus metas diarias. Haciendo esto, numero uno, así que siempre tienes comenzarás a influir tu subconsciente, que ser positivo respeto a todo lo haciéndole ver que si es posible ser que haces. Te invito a que le quites el poder a personas tóxicas que influyen una persona de éxito. en ti, conquista tu vida influyendo con También funciona, tomarte una foto éxito a tu subconsciente. como si ya lo hubieses logrado. Mirando esa foto todos los días, harás que tu subconsciente acepte que tu eres esa persona realizada. Como la frase célebre de Walt Disney “Si lo puedes soñar, lo puedes lograr”. Si logras entender que lo único que te separa del éxito es tu subconciente, ya ganaste, porque de ahora en adelante solo te enfocaras en influir tu subconsciente para que este desbloquee la sección de tu mente que se llama “éxito”. Tu subconsciente nace con una mentalidad negativa y conservadora, de ahí provienen todas tus inseguridades. Está en tus manos el convertirte en un experto en influir y controlarlo. No importa lo que la gente diga o crea de ti, mientras tu influyas en tu subconsciente con afirmaciones positivas y de éxito,


Let’s move on to what the Core Four are and the different practices you can do to work on them daily! Focusing on and practicing the Core Four will lead to a ripple effect that improves every single inch of your life. #1 Body When it comes to body, it’s pretty obvious - get some movement and proper nutrition. Each day, you should be sweating for at least 30 minutes. Drink a green smoothie every morning to check off all of your essential vitamins and nutrients. #2 Being Improving your being is easier than it sounds! Each day, practice meditation for as long or as short as you feel necessary. I started from 3 mins to 15 mins per day using a free app called InsightTimer. Then journal what you were thinking of during your meditation. The most important thing is to take a few moments every day for reflection and introspection. This will do wonders for a positive outlook on life. #3 Balance Balance means family and other relationships. I make daily “deposits” into the hearts of my loved ones by leaving a note in my children’s lunch box, sending a thoughtful text to my husband, or calling my parents. Not only do I feel their appreciation but I also receive lots of love and support when I need it. #4 Business When it comes to business, it is all about discovering and declaring something new each day through articles, news, and books. Audiobooks have helped me sneak in reading a book a week, something I never could do before. Next, teach what you learned to a colleague, friend or your family to ground your knowledge in the subject. Remember, you are in charge of your destiny and success! You have everything you need inside of you, and more often than not, our inside voice will provide us with the most efficient way of achieving our personal and business goals. Big-time success isn’t so much about getting lucky but listening to this voice and taking daily steps to improve the Core Four. If you aren’t happy with something, a certain relationship or how your professional life is going - start working! I truly believe in the Warrior Way and what it can do for you too. After all, the Warrior Way is what’s been helping me create Beviva! by Sylvia Tam


The Importance of Copy in Your Business... and Life! How many times have heard (or asked) “What book are you currently reading?” Reading is an essential part of growing our businesses and an even greater part of our own growth. How that translates into business is by asking “what is being read about me?” Living in a social media frenzied world, there has been no greater time to ensure what is in print true. “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” is not true anymore. We live in a ‘what happens in life shows up in print on a post on Facebook and is considered true no matter if it is or not’ life right now. It’s OK, so take a minute and breathe… Look at about what has been written about your business and see if it aligns well with the image you want to be known for. Copy is essential for the growth of any business. If corporate America spends billions on marketing and advertising each year, how much more should we as entrepreneurs be acutely aware of what goes to print, since we are our own personal brand. It comes down to influence. How are we influencing others to show up in our world? How we influence, our audience is a reflection of how we influence ourselves. I remember 20 years ago a person could have a ‘work personality’ and a ‘life personality’ however what we have come to learn (and have really known all along) is that they are one and the same. That personal development is also professional development, and the quicker we mirror them together, the quicker we fall into that path we should be on, the quicker we begin to live authentic lives. That brings us to the importance of having and using copy (which is really a fancy way of saying the written word) in our business to portray to our ideal audience who we are and why we are the solution to their problems. In fact, right now as you read this, you are thinking ‘Who is this Steven? What is he about?’ Which subconsciously calls you to read on, then to google me, then to check out my social media profiles in hopes that what you find is synergy across the realm. We all do it. It is how we determine who we work with. Here are seven tips for writing brilliant content that will position you to be an influencer. 1. Promise and Deliver 2. Use numbers and lists 3. Utilize “trigger” words 4. Teach something 5. Write like a real person talks 6. Don’t be too clever (but have fun) 7. Ask for an action The bottom line in copy is to be consistent – concise – congruent. Ask yourself, how am I showing up in print? When you create (or work with someone who helps you create) content, using these seven tips will position your brand for growth; and growth leads to more fulfillment. by Steven Leapley

Sylvia Chavez

“America’s Love Queen”


Let me introduce you to Sylvia Chavez, an Extraordinary Love Coach with over 15 years experience serving women all over the world. Sylvia has cracked the code for true and for ever lasting love. She believes you can write your own love story beyond your wildest dreams without settling for anything less than what your soul and heart truly desire.

Have you ever heard the statement: “Somebody has to draw a line!”

is right for you, you can create your new reality and the real you, based on who you truly are and believe.

Have you ever thought that, that somebody could be you? What Draw the line means you will not believe anymore what others say would you like to draw a line on? about you, you will not accept others Draw the line means this is it! From are treating you like an object, or now on, things will change, and we somebody less than them, or unworthy will do, act or react in a different way, of respect and appreciation. and maybe starting from NOW we will not allow some things to keep Draw the line means you will not take as law what your parents taught you, happening. For most entrepreneurs, like you what religion says is right or wrong; and me, the decision of becoming what some societal rules say is independent happened after politically correct. experiencing some trauma or being discriminated, maybe abused, Draw the line is when after 3 or 4 bullied, treated like a nobody, going generations of sexual abuse in a thru pain and suffering. Many of you, family, one day, one woman decides found those challenges, the fire that that enough is enough and changes ignited your passion for changing this the course of the next generations to world so nobody else, has to go thru come. what you did. When you draw a line, you start The best motivational speakers writing a new chapter of your life; you like Jenny Blake, Mr. Les Brown, become the creator of your reality declared mentally retarded while and your world. This new chapter in grade school or Nick Vujicic, who will open a new window of endless was born with no arms and no legs, possibilities, endless outcomes, and have inspired millions of people to new beginnings — a new reality draw a line. Each one of them were where you take that step into your committed to challenge the world greatness. and stand up for what they believed Now it is your time, decide how will asking us to do the same. you draw a line. Draw the line means you recognize, once for all, that it doesn’t have to be “I raise my voice—not so I can shout, but so that those without a voice can the way others decide for you. be heard...we cannot succeed when Draw the line means you don’t have half of us are held back.” ―Malala to put up with “that” anymore, you Yousafzai can decide what is wrong and what


MOVIE REVIEW The Founder 2016 | PG-13 | Biography, Drama The story of Ray Kroc, a salesman who turned two brothers’ innovative fast food eatery, McDonald’s, into the biggest restaurant business in the world, with a combination of ambition, persistence, and ruthlessness. Starring: Michael Keaton

SUCH AN UNDERRATED MOVIE! The Founder is probably one of the best movies you can watch as an entrepreneur. The movie is about Ray Kroc, the founder of The McDonald’s Corporation, and how he went from being a milkshake machine salesman to a fast food millionaire genius! This movie truly depicts the real-life struggles and wins as an entrepreneur. It is also a reminder for entrepreneurs to NOT ignore opportunities when you see one. One day, Ray Kroc was called to deliver an outrageous order of 8 milkshake machines all the way in California. The crazy part is he actually drove out to California from Illinois to see who ordered 8 milkshake machines and it was the McDonald brothers. Right when Ray arrived, he saw a line similar to the ones we see at In-N-Out Burger and tried out the food. He was amazed at the system, the food, the flow of how everything was going and in fact, he was so amazed that he sold the McDonald brothers on franchising the fast food restaurant. The McDonald brothers turned him down multiple times on franchising it, but one thing Ray sold them the most on, was doing it for America. Just imagine you were in a position of selling a big franchise corporation because you wanted them to do it for their country. You never know if it’s the opportunity of a lifetime and that is one of the things that this movie teaches you, to have a vision for your life and business. This movie is one of the most brilliant movies out there. Giving us so many valuable lessons in regards to communication, negotiating, sales, systems, family, dealing with enemies, life and much more. Bravo to Michael Keaton for an amazing acting job and showing the real road of entrepreneurship.

by Dominic Cruz

What is your favorite movie? I’ll watch and do a review on it! Text me at 619-663-5154






Magazine Launch: April had an amazing Launch with Pastor Sergio De La Mora as the cover. This Month’s theme was Faith, and we couldn’t have asked for a better cover! Pastor Sergio gave an amazing speech at our mixer about keeping faith in your life, and in your business! Life BY Design’s monthly launches are a great place to network with an entrepreneur just like you! So don’t miss your next chance to come out and enjoy the Life By Design community. Relentless: Welcome to your new San Diego men’s group. This group is led by Jeff Rollon a serial entrepreneur, that focuses on passing on his business savvy. Relentless was fouled to help build a community of men to lead and build businesses that impact the world. If you are looking for a new community of men that come together to grow themselves and their businesses, Relentless is the place for you. To learn more about Relentless: Men of Excellence, reach out to Jeff Rollon | W.O.W: If you are a woman looking for a community of uplifting business-savvy women, this is the place for you! DOn’t wait any longer to find your tribe! Learn and grow with women that want to make an impact in not only your life but their entire community. This month we had the amazing De’Anna Nunez speaking. We learned real ways to change our physiology, and find the way we want to be perceived. This event is a perfect place to grow and build connections that could change your life. To learn more about Paid Speakers Mastermind reach out to Kristen Crooks | If you want to join this amazing community of women text WOMAN to 766-26 today! Get Paid to Speak: A Mastermind You are a speaker! That’s right whether you are on stages or not, let’s be honest you have a story, and you can share it to impact lives. So why not get paid to do that? At Paid Speakers Mastermind, you will learn the tips and tricks to getting paid speaking gigs, that will build your brand, create authority and make an impact in your community! To learn more about Paid Speakers Mastermind reach out to Kristen Crooks | kristen@ Success Circle: You are invited to the Stegela Success Mastery Success Circle. This monthly Mastermind is the place to connect with entrepreneurs that are focused on building their brand and impacting others. Learn from a Multimillionaire and gain insight on how to build your own passive income business! Seats are limited at this event, so don’t miss your chance to find your tribe, build your business, and create a legacy that lasts beyond yourself. Every month Stegela puts on events to help you get further in your business, and build your network! Don’t miss any events by texting SUCCESS to 766-26 Today! by Kristen Crooks Events Director LBDMAGAZINE.COM 342019 34 LIFE BY DESIGN MAY


OUR VISION: Our vision is to have Y.E.S. in every high school across the United States. Meet The Team Of YES Meet the team dedicated to providing mentorship and personal development in the lives of high school students: Jeff Rollon | President | a serial entrepreneur, author, business coach, and philanthropist. He enjoys helping others while living with a positive attitude and a strong entrepreneurial spirit. Jeff is a part of YES because when he looks back he realizes he was always an entrepreneur, but didn’t have the guidance to turn that mindset into a more positive direction, which is why he is now that person for others.

Mary Hang | Vice President | a published author, influencer, keynote speaker, serial entrepreneur and philanthropist. Although she wears multiple hats, her biggest and most rewarding passion is impacting the youth through Young Entrepreneur Society & her book series "Letters To Me", which led her to receive the "Blue Ribbons Worldwide" Award.

YES stand for Young Entrepreneur Society. We are a California Nonprofit 501 (c)(3) that serves high schools on a weekly basis. Every week our team of volunteers hosts school clubs during their lunch break to bring them FREE lunch & activities, and videos around the spirit of entrepreneurship (leadership, team building, critical thinking, communication, sense of community, mindset and personal development, etc). WHY Y.E.S.? Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death in teens between 13 and 18. Depression and anxiety are the number 1 and 2 mental illnesses suffered among students in high school. 1 out of 6 teens have seriously considered suicide. 1 out of 12 have attempted suicide. 78% of students have started drinking alcohol. 42.5% of students have used drugs. Of that, 25% have used hard drugs such as cocaine, LSD, and Ecstasy. 50% of students have been bullied online. Every 26 seconds a student drops out of high school.

Dominic Cruz | Director | the founder/CEO of CruzIN Social Media and a former professional hip-hop dancer. He has a strong passion for helping business owners just like you grow revenue via social media. He was raised in the city of Boston, MA and born in New Orleans, LA.

We believe this is due to lack of purpose and lack of vision. Our team comes in every week to bring the spirit of entrepreneurship to give hope and vision for their future.



"Stegela Success Mastery, San Diego’s #1 success coaching and mastermind program!"

"Within 7 days after taking action based on Stephen's advice, money that I didn't believe was possible began to pour in... I couldn't believe it!"



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